STAROT ME NORTH WM. H. JACOBY, EDITOR. ULOOMSBERG, WEDNESDAY, OCTTTlTSM. Democratic Nominations. pob president JOHN C. BRECKTNRIDGE, Ul" AiiiN J oca jr. FOR VICE PRESID'ENT. -GEN'AL JOSEPH LANE, OF OREGON. " PRESIDENTIAL. ELECTORS. ELECTORS AT LARGE. Richard Tacx, George M. Keim, DISTRICT ELECTORS. 5. Fred- A. Server. 2 Wm.C. Patterson 3. Jos. Crockett, Jr. 4. J. G. Brenner. 5. G. Y. Jacoby. 6. Cnarles Kelly. 7. O. P. James. 8. David Schall. 9. 1. L. I.ightner. no. S. S. Barber. 1I.T. H. Walker. 13. Joseph Laubach. 14. J Keck now. 15. Geo. D. Jackson. 16. J. A. Ahl. 17. J. B. rDanner. 18. J. R. Craw ford. 19. H. N Lee. 20. J. B. floweli. 21. N. J. fFellerman. 22. Samuel Marshall 23. William Book. 12. S. S. Winchester. 2A.B.1l Hamlin. 25. Gaylord Church. hc Electoral Ticket. We congratulate the Democracy that the recent divisions in oar ranks in regard to rite Electoral ticket hare ceased to exist. The State Executive Committee, at its - T- 1 - . 1 T .. .meeting in Ixeaumg, repeaiuu u-c i crui u" ttions "heretofore adopted at Philadelphia and Cresson, which were obnoxious to a portion of the party, and resolved to recommend the party to tvpport the Reading Electoral Ticket, without other instructions than those of the Convention that appointed it. This is satis factory to all, and the Douglas State Com mittee have withdrawn the ticket heretofore presented by it, and recommended the Reading ticket to the bopport of their friends. We are therefore now thoroughly united - - - - i " IU na go to Dame in iavernoer in a euuu body. Pennsylvania mast, and can be car ried by the Democracy, the only true or ganization in existence ; and the only party that has stood up in this country. The Democratic Party. Founded upon the eternal principles o! truth and jussice, with the Constitution for its guide, the prosperity and perpetuity of the Union for its iim, the Democratic party basso far retained its iniegrity unspotted and its power unbroken. It is now, as it was in the days of old, the friend of civil and religious freedom, the friend of the people, the advocate of the great and simple troths which the Constitution embodies. Prejudiced against no section of our com mon country pledged to the support of no measure that does not insure equal and .exact iustice to all enlisted, not in the j cause of men but in defence of principles it will enter the coming contest with the same consciousness of the final triumph of its cause which cheered it in former strangles the consciousness that' it is the cause -of truth and" justice. 'With the Con stitution it arose, with the Constitution it lias livedand together with the Constitution it icill die. ine one cannoi survive ine other. Without the Constitution the Demo cratic party would be broken np ; without the Democratic party, the Constitution would become in a day the foot-ball of anatocism. ' The Ohio Election. From the official returns of the Ohio election, it appears that the Republican majority was 8,794. The Republicans have Jost fjro Conyessmen. As fourteen thou sand negroes were permitted to vote under a decision of the infamous Judge Brinkeroff, it will be een that the majority against the Republicans was nearly six thousand. The equality of the races is of some use to the party there, but in New York the Covtier and Enquirer pretends that the Chicago platform recognizes no such 'principle. How do the Republicans of this State regard a victor) won by negro allies The following paragraph is from the Cleveland Plaindeater : "Full blooded negroes voted in several of the wards yesterday. At the Second ward negroes as black as coal peddled' tickets. . 1 - 1 : I n. d if a INeToes nirea carnages auutaiucu " n o rneo to the polls. Negroes were every where. The refrain commencing : "Sheep's meal's too good for negroes," is an absurdity. Here on the Western re serve roast beef is hardly good enough for them. They sit at the first table, and white men are forced to lap up the crumbs at the second. That's the style here. That's what ails oa. We have met the Africans, and we are theirs f Tbc Vigilakc Committee, appointed by the late Chairmen of the Standing Commit : tee lot Colombia county, should be actively mod earnestly engaged in the support of the Democratic Electoral Ticket, formed at Reading. Every member of this Commit tee should do his duty work hard until the election in November, and show to our enemies that the Democratic party in old i Colombia is not disheartened, from oar late . defeat for Governor, nor disorganized'in the least. We have the material in thw county to give the Electoral Ticket 1000 majority, and with a little care and judicious, man . Age men t oa the part of the party leaders, and this Vigilance Committee in particular, it can be done. : See to it, at once, and a grand triumph is ours. : Gocey's Ladi's Book. This standard la dies' magazine is before us for November. 3t contains two fine engraving ?' Hail ; Colombia," and, ..'.'Come along," a highly colored fashion r plate, with the usual amount and variety of reading mailer. . The beautiful appearance of the Ladies' Book -raakfis art ornament of the drawing room, i 1(.Ha;nin- a?d oeful reading1 mat- The We need scarcely tell our reader, at this late day, that the result of the election in this State is unfavorable to the Democratic party. We frankly admit that we were never more sanguine of success and never more sadly disappointed. We thought we had made all clue "allowance for the unscru pulou activity of our opponent? their per feet organization the amount of money to be used their numerical strength, all these things we had noted , but 'it seems we omitted in our calculations an important item the one that wrought our defeat the amount of t reachery tn our own rank. We were not prepared for 'this -stab in the back. It is evident we have been slaughtered by the friends in ear own household. The straight-out Douglas faction under the lead of the arch traitor Forney has again played us fatee and for the third time given the State -into the hands of the Republicans. To the machinations of this faction we are indebted for our defeat. Their disorganiz ing efforts have once more stricken down the Democratic party and they are now re joicing with the Republicans over their hellish work. To say that we do not feel chagrined at the result would be sheer affectation, but to set down and lament over it would bo folly. Let us close up our broken columns and go to work to retrieve what we have lost- We know the quarter in which the treachery lies and we may now, in some degree i : . r. r .v. . r uaru ayamsi it. uio hub ieinucfacy of the country stand op manfully and battle it down. Let us, hereafter, told no fel lowship with traitorsor those who are coun seled or controlled by them . It is not yet too late to redeem the State if we purify onr ranks of the traitors and disorganizes who still retain a foolhoM in the party for the purpose of doing mischief. Get rid of them and the Democratic party will again roll up one of her old fashioned majorities and come out of the contest triumphant. Let us cnt off from the party every disorganizer who will not support the. regular Electoral Ticket, formed by the Democratic State Convention, and no other. VTe will then cease quarreling among ourselves and be. enabled to keep the organization of the party pnre and undivided. Democrats, be not disheartened pick yonr flints and fire again ve are beaten but not conquered. TO WORK, DEMOCRATS. All the Democracy have to do is to go to work for the Electoral Ticket as formed at Reading, and the State is certain to be kept from out the hands of our enemies. It is less than a fortnight till the Presidential battle will be fought, and it is lime for us to be preparing for the contest. Yet, in this time, much work can be accomplished, and if proper exertions are made and proper vigilence exercised to et out our voters to the polls, and to prevent the casting of frau dulent votes by the adversary, we ca"h sue ceed in giving a far more encouraging com plexion to the affairs than they received from the Gubernatorial contest. All Clubs should meet regularly, and Committees, those powerful instrumentalities, without which but little can be accomplished, sho'ld not lose a moment. Democracy is to-day the same as ever ; the defender of the people, the foe of sedi tion, the guardian of the Union ; it has giv en us all the prosperity we have as a peo ple, all the honor we have in the eyes of the world, all the wealth we now possess, and all we can ever expect ; all this has De mocracy done for us, al! this, it only, is able to do in the future ; then "what is it V but onr hermitage in time of peace, our shield in time of war, our refuge in the hour of danger, "our very present help in time of trouble' Democrats and friends of every faith and creed, think over these things. The Ktit Congress. Onr readers will remember how much difficulty the Republicans had in electing a Speaker in the present House of Repre sentatives. After a long time they suc ceeded In electing Gov. Pennington, of New Jersey, one of the most moderate of their stripe, by a bare majority. Well, according to the accounts which have reached us of the recent elections, two Democratic mem bers have been gained in Pennsylvania and three in Ohio ; total five, which, being de ducted from the Republican side and added to the Democratic, will make a difference of ten votes against the Republicans, as com pared with the present Congress. The Democrats have lost no member as yet. They might have gained three more in Pennsylvania, viz : in the 2d, 3d and 4th Congressional districts, if only the Demo crats and Bell men had co-operated. But they chose to run separate candidates, and so were both defeated. The State ot New York, which has but five members in the present Congress, including Clark, but not including Haskin and Reynolds, may easily gain half a dozen conservative members, if only the conservative men will unite on Congressmen, as they have on the electoral ticket. " Thit thev must not fail to do. We are glad to see that the National Democratic Volunteers (Breckinridge) are moving in this direction. A Good Paper tor Evert Family. All our readers may not be acquainted with one of the most valuable agricultural and family journals in thq, country, now in its nine teenth volume. We refer to the American Agriculturist, which is a large and beauti ful journal, devoted to the practical labors of the Field, Garden, and the Household It is prepared by practical men (and women j who know what they write about, and it gives a great amount of valuable in formation, neful not only to farmers, gar deners, stock-raisers, f rait growers, and those who have little village plots, but also to everv familv. We advise our readers to senJ SI to the publisher, Orange Judd, 41 Park Row, New York, and try the Agri a vear ' A' sDecimeri cop? can doubtless be had by sending to the pub nhr - Thoa subscribing: "now "for the Agricnltnral Fair. The Columbia County Agricultural, Hor ticultnral and Mechanioal Association, 'held its Fifth Annual exhibition, at this place, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. The Fair Grounds of the Society are situated, as nearly everybody in the conntr knows, close by our town. Had the managers of the Society searched the county they could not have selected a more Fairy like spot, or one better calculated to bring forward the social qualities of the citizens of the town and county. The weather during the three days of Fair was not very favorable. The first day was not a pleasant one, especially the fore noon. The last day, Saturday, it rained hard all day, thus materially interfering with the exhibition. The footrace and horse-trotting came off, on Saturday after noon, ia spite of all the rain and the bad condition, ef lite course. The display was very good in the build ings. The ladies of the town did not fear to display their handiwork. There could be seen evidences that the needle was not the only thing that was In use, the bread, pre serves, cakes and- eatables of all kinds, proved that good house keeping was part of their education, soaps clothing, flowers and indeed there was a little of every thing useful, ornamental and tasteful. The exhibition of cattle was fine, num bering, perhaps, over fifty head of Devons, Jhtrknms, and other grades. There were several very fine bullocks among the num ber. The show of sheep and hogs was also good. There were perhaps as many horses as cattle, and somo very excellent ones. The Farm 'implements were displayed to the best advantage, there being sufficient from this county to make a good show. Vegetables and fruit attracted much de served attention. The fruit was really fine, no better ever exhibited in this part of the country. There is quite an improvement in onr fruit. On the whole the exhibition was eood, and reflected much credit upon al! con cerned with it, particularly upon the mana gers who are the sonl of the enterprise, and who have given much of their time and attention to it. The good people of Columbia county un derstand the general principles of Agri cultural Fairs much better than some of her neighbors. We have heard it repeatedly stated that this was the best Fair held this season within many miles of this place. We will publish the premiums as award ed in our next. ICOMMUXICA TED. "If the poor coward who screens himself behind an alius in the last Star will write over his real name we may have a word to say to him We cannot uotice anonymous scribblers." Rtpublica n. Ma.Eniroa: I don't know whether the above stinger was intended for me or not, but I shall act as though it was. In the first place I can lose nothing by the Doctor failing to notice my communication, be cause from that gentleman's known politi cal proclivities I have reason to believe the notice would not be very complimentary. But since when has the immaculate Doctor taken such a holy horror to "anonymous scribblers V Every issue of his paper teems with communications of this nature, in which the most improbable and dis gusting lies are told ; and 1 have heard it hinted that the Doctor himself is the author of most of them. Evidently he has been touched on some sore spot, for 'tis said that "if you step on a worm it will squirm," and Palemon has not preserved his equa nimity about my communication. But to the point. 1 am not so careful of my incognito but what I can reveal it when occasion requires. As to the facts contained in my article, he has not, nor cannot deny them. There were too many witnesses present ; and some leading Republicans in this vicinity have told me in the last few days, that they would not support the Re publican nominees for Presidency and Vice Presidency were they not committed to the doctrines of negro equality, total abolition of slavery, etc. I would further advise the sapient Doctor, that he must be careful and exclude anonymous lies from his paper be fore he condemns the truths contained in other papers. Some of his former sayings and doings may be on record. Tuya Skrvidor. Greenwood, Oct. 22, I860. Vrc know many good Democrats who have been deceived into the support of Mr. Douglas, and who will readily abandon him when convinced of their error. To onr Breckinridge friends we would say meet 11 such kindly. Deal with them in a spirit of friendship reasoa calmly together, and do not quarrel among yourselves far the gratification of the Republicans. These men are your fellow Democrats and most of them, no doubt your friends at heart. They have been deceived and now prefer Douglas but they must soon see that Doug las has abandoned them abandoned every thing Democratic and they will abandon him and vote with you in November. They do not desire lo be separated from their fel low Democrats and no onkind measures, and no harsh language, should be used to estrange them from their party, or drive them, where their leaders are striving to take them, into the ranks of Black Republi canism. The defeat of the Democracy in this State should satisfy all that Douglas is the enemy of their party, and that if they do not cut loose from him another defeat will follow in November. Upwards or twelve Hundred youtg men, from twenty-eight different States, have been educated for business at the Iron City College, Pittsburgh, P., within the last three rears : and of the large, number , graduating there, not one is known to have failed in being able to satisfy bis employers, or to manage successfully the books en trusted to his care. This is the result of the settled policy of the school, to grant Diplo . ... v i, KMtaiijn9jigd Who Support Breckinridge and Lane. Ttfe following prominent and Heading men of the country have already expressed their preference and ;are supporting the National Democratic nominees Breckin ridge and Lane. It is excellent company to be in and no Democrat 'need feel asham ed of his ,t)olitical associates. Well -and - truly might Air. Breckinridge say, in his recent speech at Ashland, " I am not ashamed -of the principles upon which I stand. I am not ashamed of the reasons by which they are sustained. J am not ashamed of the friends that support me. I am not ashaiieii of the tone, bearing, and character of -out whole organization" The masses can well rally to the support of out cause when they find it sustained by these pillars of the party all of whom support Breckinridge and Lane. JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the Unied States, Hon, Lewis Cass, Secretary of State. Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the 1 reasury. Hon. Isaac Toucy, "Secretary of War ; lien. John Fioyd, Secretary of the Navy; Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior ; Hon. Joseph Holt, Post-master General ; Kx-President FranKlin Pierce, of New Hamshire ; Ex-President Tyler, of Virginia ; Hon. Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecti cut, recently Democratic candidate for Gov- Hon. Daniel S. Dickenson, Ex-Uuited States Senator, N. Y ; Governor Ellis, of North Carolina ; Ex Postmaster General Cave Johnson, of Tennessee ; Gen. Wm. O. Butler, of Kentucky, Dem ocratic candidate for the Vice Presidency, with Gen. Lewis Cass, in 1848. Hon. James Guthrie, Ex-Secretary of the Treasury, of Kentucky ; Hon. John A. Dix, Ex-United States Sen ator, of N. Y ; Hon. Caleb Cushing, Ex-Attorney Gen eral of the United States, Mass. Hon. Jefferson Davis, United States Sen ator, of Mississippi ; Hon. A. G. Brown, United, States Sena- i'tor, of Mississippi ; Hon. Milton G. Latham, United btates Senator of California ; Hon. Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, the ' little giant," who slew Know Nohingism; Hon. Robert Toombs, United Slates Sen ator of Georgia ; Hon. John Van Buren, of N. Y ; Hon. Benjamin F. Butler, Democratic candidate for Governor of Mass. Ex-Speaker James L. Orr, of South Caro lina ; Hon. William Bigler, United States Sen ator of Pennsylvania : Hon. Jesse D. Bright, United States Sen ator, of Indiana ; Hon. Henry M. Rrice, United States Sen ator, of Minnessota ; Hon. Wm W. Eaton, recently a candi date for U. S. Senator in Connecticut ; Hon. Benjamin F. Hallet, author of the Cincinnati Platform ; Hon. Ber jamin Fitzpa!rick, U. S. States Senator from Alabama, and late Douglas nominee for Vice President ; Hon. James B. Clay, of Kentucky, the son of Henry Clay ; Flecher Webster, ot aiassacnuieuo, iu . r m . . i son of Daniel Webster ; Hon. Lazarus W. Powell, U. i. renalor from Kentucky ; j Senators Benjamin and Slidell of Louisi ana ; Col Isaac H. WYight, the "War Horse" of Massachusetts ; Hon. J. R. Wortendyke, of New Jersey ; f Hon. James W. Pearce, U. S. Senator of Maryland ; Hon. James A. Bayard, U. S. Senator of Delaware : Senators Johnson and Sebastian, of Ar kansas ; Hon. A. O. P. Nicholson, U. S. Senator, of Tennessee ; Hon. Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, late Old Whig leader in that State ; Hon. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, at first claimed by the friends of Douglas ; Andrew P. Calhoun, of South Carolina, son of John C. Calhoun; Hon. John R. Thompson, U. S. Senator of New Jersey ; Ex-Governors Wood and Medill, of Ohio ; U. S Senators Green and Polk, of Mis souri ; Hon. A. D. Fitch, U. S. Senator of Ind.; Hon. Wm. M. Gwinn, U. S. Senator ot California ; Ex-Governor Runnels, of Texas ; Senator Hunter and Mason, of Virginia ; Hon. W. S. Groesbeck, of Ohio; Ex Governor Stephens, of Oregon ; Hon. Thomas B. Florence, ot Pennsyl vania ; Hon. Edward Burke, of New Hamshire ; Col. Charles G. Greene, of Massachusetts; Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, of New York ; Hon. Charles O Conor, of New York ; Governor Brown, of North Carolina ; Hon. John M. Landrum, of Louisiana ; Senators Wigfall and Hemphill, of Texas; Hon. Josiah Randall, of Pennsylvania ; Robert Tyler Esq., of Pennsylvania, 6on of Ex-President Tyler; L. O. B. Branch, M. C, of North Caro lina, formerly for Douglas ; Hon. G. W. Hughes, of Maryland ; Hon. Alfred D. Iverson, U. S. Senator, ol Georgia ; Ex-Governor Harris, of Tennessee ; Senators Yulee and Mallory, of Florida ; Hon. John B. Weller Ex-Governor, and Ex-United States Senator from California. These, together with many other promi nent Democrats throughout the whole conn- try, as well as thousands of the upright and pure of the masses, are now rallying to the support of the National Democratic candi dates. Can Democrats not rest assured that they cannot go astray by enlisting un der the same glorious banner ? Whatever may be the result of the present campaign, there will be but a single Democratic party in 1864, if the Union is not disturbed, and of the National party Fire and Thief Proof Chests. For the benefit of our business men we copy the following from the Williamsport Press g The manufacture and -sale of fire and thief proof chests has become a business of immense magnitude ; and although con fined chiefly to one leading house in Phila delphia, safes of Philadelphia manufacture are now found in every part f the country. The great amount of security realized at so trifling a cost makes it a matter 'of imme diate interest te every prudent business man. A certain degree of security an be had by insurance but the best insurance policy is imperfect where the books and papers are at the mercy of the devouring element, and this fact is so generally un derstood that no man whe makes any pre tensions to being a careful business man can afford to be without a pTObf safe, and hence the great extent of this department of manufactures. It may be objected that some 'careful prudent men' will not risk the purchase of a so called snfe which in the hour of trial must prove itself to be a cheat an imposition and fraud upon the pur chaser and the objection comes with con siderable force since irresponsible parties are engaged in the manufacture of them. Every reputable business attracts imposters and the manufacture of t-afes is not an ex- ception. Parties even from other cities have been attracted to Philadelphia by the well-earned reputation of Safes manufactured therf,and to a certain extent have brought the busi ness into discredit. But the man who purchases from a house long and well established, whose Safes have stood .the test of time, and whose integrity, commands the confidence of the business community can run no risk. And it may not be out of place here to say that Messrs. Evans & Watson are without a rival in tins uepanmem oi trade. Their sale room at No. 301, Chest nut street,, always contain a -large stock, suited in style and prices, to every demand. Their Safes have, wherever tested, added to their well earned reputation, and whatever may be said of other manufactures, certain it is that Evans & Wat.-on's Safes are what they purport to be, and he who seeks security, will not find it for a less price elsewhere. a .1 a r Gen. rosier at Home. The Hon. Henry D. Foster, late Demo cratic candidate for Governor, reached his home in Greensburg, on Wednesday la?t, and was met at the depot by an immense j crowd of his fellow citizens, with a band of I music, and escorted to his residence, where I he was welcomed by Gen. Wm. A. Stokes, ' in an eloouent and cordi;d speech. Gen. I Foster was loudly cheered and responded briefly as follows : Gkn. Stokes and My Fmends : It is im possible for me to express the deep grati tude which I feel for all your kindness. I am defeated, but, I trust, not disgraced. I come among you again to live in peace, and 1 hope to show in the future, as in the past, my allegiance to the Democratic party, anil my warm sympathy for my lriends During the whole contest just ended, I have assailed no man by word or act. I have neither said nor clone anything which I re gret, and I hope nothing tor which in friends need bhish. Firmly standing on Democratic truth, I gladly resume my place in the ranks of the party ready to tight the common enemies ot the Constitution and the country. ; AtvCIll, UCllClOi mwic?, l J General Mokes, my heartieit . k , - he tQo flaUeriHK terms in which j vou have expressed the feelings of our friends. I he Greensburg Democrat says : No language is adequate to express the enthusiasm ot our people in behalf of our great citizen and distinguished Iriend Successful or defeated, Westmoreland will ever prove true to Henry D. Foster. He returns to us without fear and without re proach the Bayard of Pennsylvania poli tics. Official Vote for Cousress. Scranton. Randall. Columbia, Montour, Luzerne, Wyoming, 1953 1052 7458 1256 1 1719 11024 2476 1134 6119 1295 11024 i Maj. for Scranton 695 Official Tote for Representatires. Kline OsterhoutSt'bridge Hard'g Columbia, Montour, Sullivan, Wyoming, ' 2634 2590 1786 1757 1152 1151 1027 1018 53S f35 376 379 1255 1254 1049 1225 5577 5530 4241 4379 Official Vote for Senator. Bound Rep Keller, Dem. Montour, 1075 1080 Columbia, 1910 2487 Northumber'd 2633 2556 Snyder, 566 6184 6123 61 6123 On the 27th ult, by Rev. Wm. Goodrich, at the German uelormed rarsonage, in Orangeville, Mr. Anhrew J. Watts to Miss Anna Matilda Iler, both of Greenwood township. Columbia county. On the 18th mst , at the residence ot the bride's father, by Rev. Wm. Goodrich, Mr. William Girton to Miss Sakaii Ann Mm.lek, both of Hemlock twp., Columbia county. On the same day, by the same, in Bioomsburg, Mr. Charles R. Hopscl, of Lock Haven, to Miss Rebecca Guardner, ol Tamaqua, Pa. Or. the 20th inst., at Jacob Good's Hotel in Orangeville, by Rev. Wm. Goodrich, Mr. George W. Miller to Miss Mart Ann Sitler, both of Briarcreek twp., Columbia county. On the 17th inst., by the Rev. R. Kelly, Mr. Michael Kesler to Miss Mary Fa use, both of Pine twp., Columbia county. Also on the 18th inst., by the same, Mr. Sanford Frable to Miss 'Sarah Kline, both of Benton twp., Columbia county. In Locust twp., this county, on the 2d inst., James Stokes, aged 68 years, 5 months and 24 days In Locust township, Columbia county, on the 18th inst., Mr. Rowland Hughes, aged 48 rears and 9 months. Tn Hemlock township, Columbia county, Peterson's Magazinr for November. Peterson's is -a magazine for everybody. The most fastidious taste can find some- t thing in it to admire, and those who are not over-difficult to please, must see the agreea ble, instructive and interesting, spread be fore them on every pago. Whc cannot find something to suit his fancy in some of the subjects filling up the pages of this number ? Whoever he may be, we pity him; Vis soul would not fill the smallest conceive able corner of the eye of a cambric rwedle. We have not space to mention the subjects and illustrations contained in this number. Terms, two dollars a year. we nave just recei veu a copy oi me ui (and Hoy1 s Magazine, published in New York for the especial interest of the young folk. It is truly an interesting little work, and is deserving of a liberal patronage. IloUvway's Ointment. The opinions of the Press. Read it. Sprains, Dislocations, &c. We take great pleasure in recommending this deservedly populaT medicine to our friends and patrons in particular and to the pub!ic at iaTge. We speak advisedly, be ing in a position to pronounce a reliable opinion Irom having used it at home, be sides the economy of the article, as we have saved within the year more than one Doctor's bill, by having the Ointment on hand. We have tried opodeldoc liniments, embrocations arvd pain extractors without end, but for the immediate cure of Sprains, dislocations, wounds, bruises, cuts, burns, scalds, blotches, pimples, and cutaneous eruptions, we have found none so speedy or eflectual as Ilolloway s Ointment. Herald. SHERIFF'S SALES BY VIRTUE of a certain writ of Levari Facias, to me inverted, i-sued out of j the Court of Common Pleas, of Columbia cooniy, will be exposed us pa bite sle, at the Court House, in Bloomnuur, on illomlay 3d day of December next at one o'clock, in the a'trnooij of said dav, the following property, to wit : A certain piece or lot of land, which were of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, owners, and K. M. Heilner, coniractor, a certain dwelling house two high, with a kitchen attached, one I half stories tiitih ; the budding is ( stories ami a about thirty-two feet by twenty eight feet, and situate upon a certain lot or piece of ground, within I tie County or Columbia, and owned by the said Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, together with the herediiements and appurtenances. Seized, taken in execut'on and to be sold as the property of the Locust Monntain Coal anil Iron Company owners, and E. M Ileilner, contractor. ALSO All that certain lot of land ituate in Centre vilie, Centre township, Columbia county, tourided and de-ciibed as follows, j to wit on the north by an alley, on the eat by a street of said Cenlreville, on the south by fat of Jacob Alensinger and on the weM by an alley, containing fifty iwo ! feel in front and one hundred and eighty j t'eet in depth, whereon is erected a one and a half s ory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ; with the appurtenances. ! Seized taken in execution and to be sold ; as the property ol Josiali B Edward. j ALSO All that certain lot of ground sit- ua'e in Greenwood town-hip, Columbia : cfHintv. bounded on the north weft by a public road, on the vt by Charles Hay- cock, and on the south by a public road leading from Miilville to kohr-burg, con- taining one hall of an Acre more or less, whereon are erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a log out house, a frame stable, a lrame wood shed and other outbuildings with the appurtenances. ALSO One other lot situate in the twp., and county aforesaid, bounded on the north west by a public road, on the north by a public road leading from Miilville to Rohrn burg, on the .eat by lot of A. T. Kester, and on the south by lanJ of Ezra Eves, containing one halt of an acre more or less, whereon is erecied a frame Cabinet Maker Stiop, and a Log Stable with the appurte nance?. Seized taken ":n execution and to be sold as the property of James Hampton. JOHN SNYDER, SherilL ShcnJJ s Ojfue, I Bioomsburg, Oct. 24. 1860. J For December Term, 1860. Bloom Evan Jones lor Uerw,ck-W,l..amu.ood.n,llor- derai i jatKson. Briarcreek William Hanman. ....... w r?: ...i.i- . M:k-i nf.,u Trti.o ridllfcllU AnciiaFi at-ncuii vie- a v c it t r i . r v. Greenwood James anhorn, Robt. Rob- u Fli.ah lemon f'.I, . . u, iy,n Green bins. Hemlock John Girton Locust Jacob Helwig. Main William Mensinger, William Bit-- tier. Montour Isaac Mowry. Ml. Pleasant Abraham Dildine. Orange--Villiarn Fisher, Samuel Zim merman. Sugarloaf Anderson Kite. Bioomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860. Tit AVE USE JlROItS. Benton Eli Meudenhdll. Briarcieek Reuben Bower, Jeremiah C Smi h. Beaver John Shuman. CattawNsa Joseph Brewch, Isaac S Monroe, Stephen Baldy, Samuel Thomas. Franklin Daniel Kohrback. Fishingcreek Peter Golder, Sam'l Crev- eling, Emandus Unangsi. G reen wood Aaron M usgrave. Hemlock John Foust, John Hartman. Locum Mark Williams, Henry Gable. Mifilin Michael Fry, Lewis Eckroat. Maine Daniel Keinbold, Jno. Kline. Montour Jacob Leiby. Joseph Mouse:. MaCieon Newton Thomas, John M. Smith. Mt. Pleasant John Wardin. Orange Jacob Good. Pine Philip Shoemaker, John F. Fow ler, Ezra Lyons, Jacob Christy. Roaringcreek Judah Cheriington. Sugarloaf John Kitchen. Scott Jacob Glasseu, Philip T. Hartman, Joseph Ldley. Bioomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860. CAME on the premise of the subscriber, in Ornnwrt townshio. CoU umbia conniy, on or about the first of August last. A BRISDLE STEER, supposed to be-about nine month old. It was not in a very thriving condition when it came to the subscriber, but at present looks tolerably good. The owner or own ers are requested 'o come forward and prove properly, pay charges and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of according . j:cusxl;s. rv F,sn,. ,ttx Sheriff's Sale. 2Y Virtue of a writ of Levari Facaso me M diieoted, issued ooi of the Court of Common Pleas of lire county of Columbia, Penn'a, will be exposed jo public sale, at the Court Houie, in Bloomborg, on Thursday SOIli oriYoTcmber IwSO, at one o'clock in the foienoon. the ri . . . ... loiiowing propenv n wii; ALLTHESES1X CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND, situate in Braver townxhip, Count v ol Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, ona of them called, '8ALBEC,' bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a pot thence by land of J as MtsNeal, north, 12 de grees west, three hundred and forty perches lo a chestnrrt oak, thence by land of Wm. Gray and Wm. Steedman, south, teveoly eight degrees went, one hundred and seven ty nine perches 3 a. post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jackson-, south, twelve degrees eaM, four hundred and ten parches to a post; thence by land of Richard Brook, north seventy Agrees east, seventy three perches to a dogwood, north, twelve de grees west, fiheen perches to a post; thenre north seventy e hl degrees east, eighty two perches to a black oak; thence by an old survey, north, twelve degrees west, twenty five pprches to a hickory, and north, thirty two degrees easi, thirty four perches to the place of beginning, containing four hundred and twelve acres and a half, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c. ANOTHER of them called 'PALMYRA, beginning at a posi, ihence by land of Kober: Gray, north, twelve degrees wet, four hundred and ten perches to a post, thenre by land of Wm. Steedman, south, seventy eight ilegrees west, one hundre l and sixty perche to a poM; thence by land of John Brady, south, twelve degrees east, four hundrei and ten perches lo a post, an. I thence by land of John Wild and Richard Brook, north, seventy eight degree pri, one hundred and sixty six parches to ih l' ace ot "beginning, containing lour hundred and one acre- and a quarter, and allowance P" ,or roa'J,,t ANOTHFR rf ih-em called STONE HALL, beginning t a po-t, thenca by land of John Bradv, north, twelve deurees west, two nun dred at:d sixty three perches to a posi,thencn by land of Charles Hall, Mnih seve-.ity eight degrees weH. two hundred and seventy one perches to a chestnut.; thence by land of dathar'me Longenberger, south, sixteen de greds and a quarter east, two hundred and ..anir sir nnrrhpii to a Slnne. aid iheiicu py and of Deborah Stewart and Thornai Brooks north, seventy eight degree east, two huriJred and loriy nine perche to place of beginning, containing tour hundred and thirty eihl acrts and a hall, and allowanue of six percent for roaJ, &.c, be the am more or less, on which is erected a sone house, and about half an acre of which cleared land There is do a vein of Stone Coal opened on this tract and a Lare Coal Breaker erected thereon. ANOTHER of them called Farmers Delight beginning at a poM, thence by land ol Win. Steedman, north, sixteen degrees and ihre quarter west, three hundred Bnd ten per ches to a Soanih oak, thence by land of William Webb, south, sever.ty four deuiees wet,rne hundred and sixty two perches to a blark oak. thence by lnd of Thcrna Say, south, sixteen degrees eai-t, twenty perch to a chestnut, thenre by land ol Cha. Hal1, sooth, eilit degrees wnd a half, ea-t, lhre hundred and sixty six perches lo a post, Ihei re by land ol John Brady, north, seven ty eight degrees eaM: one hundred & thiny perches to an ah; north, telve degree wes', eighty perches to a wite oak, mid four north, seven!) eiiiht degrees eat. MXty per- i ches to the place of beginning, rmna.iiiiig j four hundred and eisih:een ai res and allow- ol six per cent tor ro.i-. vr:. ANOTHER of them called TROY beginning at a pout, thence by laud of Jeren.iati Jark son, north, twelve degrees west, four hun dred and ten perches in a post, thence I y land of W. P. Brady, south, seventy eight degrees west eiEhty perches M a white oak, south twelve degrees eas, eighty pft'. he to an h, outh seventy eitht degrees west, one hundred and thirty perches to a post, thenre by land of John Reese, south eleven decrees east, two hundred and ixty three perches to a post, thenre by lai.d of Tl.o-. Brook, nofih seventy eight degrees east, twenty perches to a rhe.iuu: oak, south, twelve degrees ea'i, forty one perches to a Black oak, thenre by the same and land of John Wild, nqrlh seventy eight degrees eat one hundred and six perches to a blark oak. and north, seventy eiiil.i degrees east, eighty perches to the place ol beginning, containing f ur hundied and nventy nine acres and a quarter, and allowance of fix per cent, tor rad Is, ice. ANOTHER of them called "MAINE," . .1 I-.- 1 t ,1 ftf Wm t ra r i ii n t titi ai a ihj? . iiicuvc o iauu v -ll0flh'f el2'hl degrees and . half eM. three hundred and sixty two perches 1 f. u.,.1 nfThom nine percnes i . i i fifm LongenbergT, south one hundred and eightv eight perches oum "uc . i.,,,,! nf to a chestnut oak, thence ty land ot the said John Longenberger, south, seventy s.K UC Gallic anu ,l,om and a nuarter west, one imiuireii and twenty iour pnn-ur m a "--m sixteen degrre and a quarter eat, one hun dred and f'Mir perches to a rhHstnut tree, and ihenca by land of John Reese, north, seventy eight degrees east, two hundred and seventy one perches to place of begin ning, containing th'ee hundred and eih'y oneacres and three quar!s and allowance ol six per cent, lor road &c. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as ihe property of Jacob Looe in th hand ot Daniel B Loose, his adminitrtor, with notice i the Columbia Coal & Iron Com pany, terre tenants. 1 JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Bioomsburg, Oct. 24. 1860. . . r u . ... rwwt aritilFt NEW GOODS! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FATjIj and winter C23 CO CO DD bS3 & AT Jlllalilalt'S STOISE! ffHE subscriber has just returned from the -- City with another large and select as sortment of FALL AND WINTER Goods, purchased al Philadelphia, at the lnwes figure, and which he is determined to sell on as mocVraie terms a can be procud elsewhere in Bioomsburg. His stock com. prises Ladies' lire CJoods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Cc?i ir c c& CO ir l ct 3 a Hardware, Queensware, Cedarwae, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots L. Shoes, Hats and Caps, &.c , kc. In short, everything usually kept in country Stores; to which be invites the public eerterally. The highest price paid lor country prodice. S. H. MILLER. Bioomsburg, Oct. 24, 1860. HIRAM C. H0H Eli, SURGEON DF. NT 1ST, j Sav end Jesse Budd, south seventy tour de-Cattawissa-George Hughes, Adam Fed- ong hu;)t,red eihly eiht Office near Wilscn's Carriage shop, Main St Blank- of all Kinds 1