STAR OF THE NORTH, JSIoomsbiifT, VfdnrMlay, October 17, 1SG0. 'Our local column lor week has been crowded out. Hereafter we will endeavor ?to localize at least what transpires. Thk premium for trotting at the Montour county Agricoltural Fair was awarded to a gray owned by A. H Roe, of Light Street, Columbia county. The same animal re reived a premium at the State Fair for fa.Pt walking. The Williamsport Presi cornea to ns both enlarged and improved. - This is an evi dence of itd being liberally supported. The next mark of enterprise the Press makes, should be to improve its politics. D. L Evkrhaht advertises, in our paper, Jiis Hotel Property, situate in Light Street. It can be bad upon reasonable terms. The property is a tolerably good one, and with fair and judicious management this hotel will profitably reward any person who purchases if. Ssow. We were very much surprised, on Monday morning last, to find the ground completely covered with snow. We are informed il fell to the depth ot from four to five inches uorth of this place. In this place it was not half so deep, and soon de parted, leaving our streets in a soft and wet condition. The bnckwheat crop in the northern part of oir county this season is quite good, and of excellent quality. This will be cheering news no doubt to the lovers of "buckwheat cakes.'- We have seen flour in market, but it wa probably from old grain. A due supply will soon make its appearance. Our patrons will not forget us, etc. Thb coal trade this season so far has leen very heavy. Few have the remotest idea of tfe amount of coal constantly pass ing our place, by canal ami on railroad, ex cept those whnse business calls them in the immediate neighborhood of these great thoroughfares. No true estimate can po.nsi My be given. The trade is increasing rap idly every year as the demand also increas es. We notice several itinerant gentlemen abont our town, who we are told, design piving exhibitions of different characters, rpon, or near, onr Fair Grounds, while the Fair is being held. If we mistake not there i a clause in a certain proceedings of the Society prohibiting all shows from entering or exhibiting on the Fair Grounds. This fonnds very mnch like disappointing the f entry of t-ricki and lofty tumbling. Thk Ei-vcriox is over the Republicans Iiave carried the day and "what a good effect it is already having." we imagine we ! liear whispered by a portion of the ranks of our Opposition lr'tend that portion, mind you. which have no particular claims 1 smartness. It was told us the other day that a certain individual of this place pre- tended to argue that w.iges hJ "riz'' since t the election, arid "times"' were much "'bet- ler." Weil, this may be as it is ; whether lh oIortinti Ima hnl anv lhmir Ir Io with ' ' Felling goods, is the question we would like to understand We are prepared to ay this much : our neighbor, L T. Shkp iess, who deals out goods in the Cheap Cash Store, is selling at much lower prices, and better articles, than he did Fome two or three weeks ago. Mr. Sharpless lias just returned from Philadelphia with a hand some assortment of Fall and Winter aoods, all of which he will sell cheap for cash, and do mistake ! The PaicsiDrNT of the Columbia County Agricul'.ur-i! Society Dr. John Rmset will please accept our thanks for the pre sentation of a complimentary Certificate ol Membeiihipn$;S Society We are pleased to be able to state that, under the manage ment of the present officiating officers, this Society has become one of the firm and fixed institutions of Columbia conu'y. The annual exhibition, of this agricultural en terprise, will be held on the Fair Grounds of the Society, al Bloomsbarg, commencina on Thursday next, and continue until Satur day, lasting three days. We expect, z well as our friends, a good exhibition of azrico'ltnral products, and trnst that our ex pectations may be realized. Every member should take more or less interest in these exbibition'and work diligently to have his manufactured articles or agricultural pro--duc'.s to compare favorably with, if not excel!, bis neighbors. Ample arrange ments are made to accommodate all who may attend. This will be the Fifth Annual Tair held by this Society, and after &11 is .over may il be said, that it was the crawn ing one. We find the following in a Wiliiamport paper, bearing date a few weeks since : A Remarkable Surgical Operation, for the jeUet of vesica fistula, one of the most afflicting accidents that can befal & female, And which, until recently, wa looked upon by the entire medical profession as incura ble, was performed successfully on Thurs day, by Dr. Crawford, ol this place, assisted by Dra. Logan, Rankin, Detwiler and 'Horner. The patient is doing remariably -well up to this time, and bids iair for entire recovery. Probably no snch operation has ever before beer, performed in Pennsylva nia, outside of the city of Philadelphia, and Tery rarely there. We do not desire to detract anything from ihe merits of Dr. Crawford and his assist ants, nor to diminish in the least the fame which a successful operation of so critical a ' .nature, should reflect npon them; bot we .nevertheless wih. to inform the writer of 4he above paragraph, that he is mistaken if he thinks that 'no tuck, operation h t$ ever jiefvre been performed in Pennsylvania outside pf the City of Philadelphia." ' . Drs. Strawbridge, of Danville, and J3arri- oas oI Blocmsborj, performed the same operation during the month of July last, in panville, where the disease had been of fome eight rears standing, and the paiiea.t Auditor's lYoticc. In the Orphan's Court of Columbia co. Estate rj Christian bcheil, dec d. THE Auditor appointed by the Couit to make distribution of the balance in the hands of John McGormick. Administrator, with the will annexed, of Christian Schell, deceased, amongst the heirs and legal rep resentative of the decedent, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his ap pointment on SATURDAY, the 24ih day tf November, i860, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of R. F. Clark, E-q., in Blooms burg. WELLINGTON II. ENT, Auditor. Bloomsbnrg, Oct. 17, 1860.-4w. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. WILL conduct an examination of Teach era at the lollowing times and places,viz : Scott, at Espy, Oct. 20lh: iCattawisa at Cattawissa, Oct. 22d ; Orange, at Orange ville Oct 23d ; Greenwood, at Rohrshnrg, Oct, 24th; Madison at Jerseytown, Oct 25th; Hemlock, at Ruckhorn, Ort. 20th ; Mount Pleasant. at Hutchinson, Oct. 27th; Mifflin at Mifflinville Oct. 29th; Beaver, at Mi chael's School House, Oct. 30;b ; Maine at Maineville, Oct 31st; Roaringcreek Mtdd'e School Houe, Nov. lt; Conyngham, at Cenireville Nov. 2d; Locust, at Slabtown, Nov. 3 I; Franklin, 8t Clajtons Nov. 5th ; Montour ar Deiteric k'e School House Nov. 9th, at Fowlersville Nov. 7th; Briarcreek, at Evansvilfe, Nov. 8th, Fishiugcreek, at Stillwater, Nov. 12th; Benton, at Benton, Nov. 13th: Sugarloaf ; A. Cole's School House; Nov. 14ih; Jackson, at Derr's School House, Nov. 1 5th; Pine, at Upper Sereno, Nov. 16th. At 1 o'clock p. m , of each dny. Directors are requested t o make all need ful arrangements, and to ruanilest their interest by attendance. LEWIS APPLEMAN, Co. Supt. Light Street, Oct. 17, 1860. IiealtFmdTts pleasures, OR Disease With Its Agonies: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. ROLLOWAY'SPIIili S. NERVOUS DISORDERS. What is more fearful than a breaking down ol the nervous gstem ? To t e exci table or nervou in a small degree i most distressing, for where can a remedy be found ? There is one : driuk but little wine, beer or spirits, or far belter,; lake r.n coffee, weak tea being preferable; get all the Iresh air you can ; take three or four Pill every night; eat plenty of solid, avoiding the ue of slops ; an J if these gold en rules are followed, yon will be happy in mind and strong in body, and forget you have any nerves. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS. If there is one thins more than another for which these Pills are so famous it i their purifying properties, especially their nower of cleansing the blood from all im- pun ies, and removing dangerous and sus- j pended secretions. Universally adopted as the ope giand remedy for female ompiaiins ti ev never fail, never weaken the yMem, and always bring about wtiat is required. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPETITE. These feeliriss which so sadden ns, most frequently ane from annoyances or trouh- tf ,lo,n 0ts'rncted perxnjratioo, or fro eaiiua and drinking what is fr us, ''' tti!i"rde"n2 ,he liver a,ul p'rtnrii,ch to be well. The Pills, it taken according to the printed instruction, will quickly re store a healthy anion to botti liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural con KKquetice, a i;ocd nppe'iie mid a clear head. In the East and WM Indies scaieely any other medicine is ever used for ttieee dis orders. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these oraan, whe:her they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with none or gravel, or with aches and paiiis settled in the loins over the regions ot the ki-tneya, these Pills should bo taken accor ding to ihe printed inductions directions, and the Oi.jtment should be well rubbed ioio the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost im mediate rebel when' all other means have fail-id. FOR STOMACHS OUT OF OUTER. No medicine will so effectually improve the tor.e ol the stomach a these Pdi; they remove all acidity, occasioned ei;her by or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it lo a healthy action; they are wonderfuliy efficacious in caes ol pam in fact hry never fail in culmg all disorders ol the li er andstomuch Zitour.-ry's rills are the best remedy known in the -world Jor the following diseases. Ago, Asthma, Billions Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of tha Bowels. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregnlari- ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fit, Gout, Head ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, . Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Douloureux, Uumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affection, Worms ol all kinds Weakness Irom whaever cause, CAUTIOX !! Noue are genuine unless the words '"Holloway, New York nd Lon don' are discernible as a Water-mark n every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection ol any party or pastiee coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold a: the Manufactory of Professor Holio way, 80 Maiden Lane, Neve York, and by ail respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes al 3d cents, 62 cents and SI each. EF There is considerable saving by la king the larger sizes. N.' B -Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. October, 17, i860. HIEAMC. DOWER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilocn's Carriage shop, Main St Clanks or all Kinds mm. New Fall Goods ( LARGE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. 7e have again been to the city, and re tcrned with a large stock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our stock consists of Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Willow-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &., &c. H. C. & I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsbcrg, Oct. 17, 1860. PUBLIC SAL.U. rj'HE undersigned executors of Mathew - McDowell, late of Scott township, dee'd, will ex pone to public sale al Light Street, On Saturday the 20th Day of October! next, the'following property to wit: A TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, si'uate in Orange township, containing about FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, adjoining John Achenbach, Nathan Flechenstein and others. Said land will be sold in quauties ;o suit purchasers Also, a TO J FN LOT, with the buildings and appunenances-there-to belonging, situate in the village o Light Street, frouing on Main Street, adjoining an alley, and lot of Jacob Clossen on the north, an alley on the eaM, and lar.d of Daniel Melick on .he south, containing about one third of an acre. ALSO, at the same time and place the following personal property to wit : one four horse and one three horse, one Patent Cutting Box, one Platform Scale, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. said day, when due attendance and a reasonable credit will be giver, by theo. Mcdowell, p . PETER ENT, xrs- Light Street, Od. 3, 1K60. SSicrifTs Sale - j") Y virtue ol a certain wri; ol Levari Fa I ) ci'us, to me directed, issued out ol the Court of Commoi Please, of Columbia Con my, will be exposed to public ale, at ihe Court House, in Lloomsbur, on Saturday, the 20; h day of October, I860, at two o'clock in the attnrnoon of said day, a cenain 1RACT OF- LAND, situate in Pine, late Madison township and Green wood township, beginning at a post, thence by land Lite of Eli Meridenhali, North thir ty two degees, one hundred and niriPlj -five perches :o a pot, thence Sou:h seventy-four electees Katd, forty-two and eiaht tenths durches to a post, thence by Irani Derr, aid Jonathan Laman, Snmh lort) -three and thr e-fourth decrees, West. to hundred and eleven and one tenth perches to the place of besioning, eoi'tatn ...u TWENTY FIVE AIR KS and ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN PER CHES, strict measure. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro(erty of I-aacTvler. JOHN SN YDER. Sheriff's Officb, ) Slie-ijf. Bloon.ibur2, Sep. 26, 1S60. ' j PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. F N pimuame of an order of the O pIiHn's Court of Columt ia conotv, on SATUR DAY THE 27111 DAY OFOCTOBEU next, at lOo'eiock hi the lorenoon, John G Quick, Guaidiau ot the minor children of Lewis J. Hartley. I'eceased, who wan one of the heirs of K'dini!- Barkley, late of Bloom township, io said county, deceased, will ex pose to sale, by Public Vendue, upon the premises, the undivided orn-seventh pari of A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, in Bloornsbur, bounded on the south by Alain street, on the west by West street, on the norih by an Alley, and on the east by a lot of ground belonging to ihe Heirs of John Baiion, dee'd ; being in from sixty-six fet, and in depth two hundred and fourteen leel six inches, whereon are erected a ISrick Dwelling Efiousc9 and a FRAME DWELLING, and outbuild ings Late 'he Estate ol aiJ biding Bar kley, situate in the township of Bloom and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY. Clerk. Bloomshnrg, Sep'ernber 19, 186". ALSO : At the same lime and dace, the H"irs ot the said hidings Berkley, deceas ed, will ohVr, and expose to public sale the UN DIVIDED S.'X-SEVENTHS of the above described properiy. It is a very desirable location for a private or public residence, being a lot, and convenient to the business part of town. Term and condi tions made known on the day of sale. By order of the Heir. JOHN J. BARKLEY, Adm'r. PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. FY virtue of atlthorily contained in the last Wrill and Testament of Cornelias ReinboUl, late of Columbia ountv, leoM ; the Executors of the aid Elate will expose to public sale, on the prernies, on SAT URDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1860, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said da)', the Reiil Estate of the said deceased, compris ing a tract of land containing ONE HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES, more or less, on which are erected the nec essary buildings. For the accommodation of purchasers the said tract can be divided into three parts, one TWENTY FIFE ACRES, all cleared land, with a very fine building location and excellent water. One other CONTAINING THIRTY ACRES, about twenty-five acres cleared, two fine springs thereon, and a beautiful 8'ie for the nece3ary buildings. One other CONTAINING OVER FIFTY ACRES, about seven acres limber land, whereon are erected a .og Dwelling House, Log Barn, and necessary out buildings, and an excellent Orchard of various kinds of fruit, in fine bearing condition, a stream of water running through the land, and all in a good state of cultivation. The above property lies in Locust town ship, Columbia county, adjoining Lewis Reinbold, Sampson Ellis, John , P. Levan, Peter Rhoads; Wright Hughes and others, within' one-half mile from Numedia, aod ten miles from Ashland. AIo : THIRTY ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, lying about one mile west of the above tract, which will be cold in lots to 6uil pur chasers.' - 1ST Terms and conditions made known on day of sale, by JOHN REINBOLD, LEWIS REINBOLD, SAMUEL REINBOLD, HENRY REINBOLD. y Executors. MARK THESE FACTS ! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BAD. LEGS, BAD 'BREATS, SORES Z AND ULUfcKS. I AUdescription of sores are remediable by the proper and diligent use of ihis ines timable preparation. To attempt to cure bad Ieg by plastering ih.9 edges of the wound together is a folly ; for should the skin unite, a boggy diseased condition re mains underneath to break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only rational and successful treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflama.ion in and about the wound and tc socthe the neighboring part's by rubbing in plenty ofjhe Ointment as salt, is forced into meat. PIPTHERIA, U LC E R AT E D "f; SO R E THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of'the above discasesmay be cured by well rubbing the Ointment three limes a day into the chest, throat and neck of ihe patient ; it will soon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole sys tem ere its influence can be fell in any lo cal part, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner ol the disease named, or any similar disorders'aflecting the chest and throat,willfii.d themselves relievedas by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES.; The above class of complaints will be removed by nightly fomenting the parts wi.h warm water, and thpn by most effect ually rubbing in tha Ointment. Persons suffering Iroio these direful complaints should lose not a moment in arresting their progress It should be understoodthat it is not sn.ffiieut merely to smear the Oint ment on ihe affected parts, but it rnusi'be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or three times a day, that it may be taken into the system, whence it will re move any hidden sore or wound as eirect ually a though palpable to ihe eye. There again bread end water poultices, alter rub bing in of t t.e Ointment, will do great ser vice. This h the only sure treatment for female. caie ot'eancer in the stomach, or where there may be a general bearing down. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Bl itches, as also swellings. nv.3, 'with certainly, bralielly cured if the O nt ment be used Ireely, and Pills be taken nigtii ami morning as recommended in the printed instructions. Wtien treated in any O'her way t'iey only dry up in one place to break out in anoiher ; whereas ihis Oinl mentJwill remove the humor from ihe -ys-lern, and leave the patient a vigorous and beahhy being It will require tim with the nsp'nfjheJPill-'to ensno? adaung cure. DROPSICAL "SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND SI IFF JOINTS. Although5the above complaints differ widely in their origin and nature, yet I hey all require local treatment. Many of the wor.-t cases, of such diseases, will yield in a comparatively short spiice of time wh-Mi thi Om.rrieni is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, even a( er every other meat: have laded. In all serion maladies Ihe Pills should be taken according to the di r-?ctioiisaccompanj ingjeai h box. Both the Omiment and VAJiOf be ued in tht following cine : Age. Asthma, Hiltious Compl iints, Bloiche (n ihe Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowel, Consumption, Debility, rntion, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lnmbao, Piles, Rheumati-m, Retention ot Urine, Scro(ulH,or King' Evil, rrpy, I))eniery, Erysipelas, Female lrregulari- tirV Fevers of "all k ind", Fits, Goul, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore rtiroats; Stone and Gr.ivel, Secondary syrnp'oms. Tic-Douloureux, Tumours, Ulcer, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from wha'ever cause, CAI'TIOX None are pennine mless the word "Holloway, Tew York and ILnn don," ar dtsreraible as a Water mirk in every leaf of '.he-, book of directions around each po or box : the same may be plainly seen b htaling the lefto the light. A hand some reward will be given lo any one ren dering such information as way lead io the detection of any party or? par'.ie counter feiting i tie medicines or vending the same, knowing themjo be spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holioway, 80 Maiden Lane, Nw York, and by ail respectable Druggist and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and SI each. CP There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. U Directions forthe guidance of pa tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box. '.October 10, i860. . s 4f :s .. 's '.. v v w OF SS'OSS C2CC2cSlS3 3 OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BUOWER'S o s. v. .. Vi ' Cheaper than Ever. May IP, 1S60. .-, j. f f ?. r. .' w Vi v w iw vi vsc p -. . . v. NEW ailLLINERY GOODS. B01T1T3TS. THE undersigned respectifully informs the laoies of Bloomsburg, and vicinity, that she has just returned from the City with a splendid assortment of new comprising everything commonly found in a first-class Millinery Store. Her style of Bonnets, cannot be surpassed in this section of country, and her work will favorably compare with any done this side of the cit ies. She has on hand a lot of neat and handsome bonnets, hats and caps, for little Misses, of . all styles and prices. M-lVr-BAKKLES STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 7 -sjlvw.r. . - THE undersigned would inlorm te citi zens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just received and offers lor sale one ol the most extensive assortments of COOK ING and FANCY STOVES, ever introduced into this market. The Christopher Colum bus, James Robb nnd Globe are among the first class cooking Stoves, nil of which are air-tight and gas burners. His I'arlor stoves are handsome and the assortment varied. ALSO Particular attention is paid to Tin Ware and House Spouting, upon short no tice. All Vinds of repairing will be done with neatness and despatch. CF" Country produce taken m exchange for work. PHILIP S.MOYER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 3, I860. . Notice in Partition- Real Estate t f Andrew Shoemaker, late of Mad ison townshp . deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS; The Commonwealth ol Pennsyl vania to Jacob Shoemaker, Abra ham Shoemaker, Charles Stioema j,sj ker, Catharine Shoemaker, inter married with Peter Housen, Elizabeth Shoemaker intermarried with Peter Maxel, Sarah Shoemakar intermarried with Joseph Ilendershoi, Mary Shoemaker intermarried with Samuel Shaffer,and to all the heirs and legal representative ol l'e said Andrew Shoemaker, deceased greeting: You and each of joti will lake notice that an inquest will be held to make parti tion or valuation, as ihe case may require, of the real estate of ihe above named An drew Shoemaker, deceased, situate in Madison township. Columbia County, on the premises, on Tuesday, the 20c dny of November next. between the hour oi lo o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at which time and ptace you may attend if yon think proper. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, Esquire, President of onr Orphan's Court, at Bloomsburg, the 8lh day of Sep temter, A. D. eighteen hnndr i and sixty. JOHN SNYI ER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Sept. 2fi, 1860. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVTOTICE is hereby given that leiiers ol A dniitiistralion on the Eta'e of George. Fetterman, late of Locus' lownship, Colum bia county, deceased, have teen granted by ihe Register of said county, lo Reuben Fah ringer and Jonrs Felierman, both resi ding in the township and county aforesaid. All persons having claim or demands against the estate ot the decedent are re quested to nmke them known to the Ad ministrator, and those indebted lo Ihe es tate io came forward and make payment wi;houl delav. ' R EU B F.N FA H R I NG E R , JONAS FE HERMAN. .-"TLocHst. Sept. 19. I860. Adm'rs NOTRE IN PARTITION. Real Estate of Levi Rci-el, late of Madison township, Columbia county deed . COLUMBIA THK COUNTY, SS: Common weahh of Penr,vl- L S In ania to Jevi r. Lei-ei, rvalue K. ejsel, intermarried wi'h Wil- Ji-on, Robert M. Bei-el, Henry Kent Beiel, Narrisa Y. Beiel, ar.d Su-an J. Beisel. and to all the heir- and legal 'repre sentatives of the said Levi Beisel, decease.!, greeting : You and each of )ou will lake notice that an inquest will be held to make partition or valua'iori, as l'ie cae may re quire, of I (it rea I eta e of I he above nam ed Levi Beisel, deceased, si uate in thf twp. of Madison, and county of Columbia, on the premesis, on Wednesliy, the 2st diy of November hex', between the hours ol 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o clock in the ahernnon of said day, al which time and pi tee )on may at'end if yon thii'k piojier. Wniie-s H e Honorable Warren J. Wood ward. Esq . Pre-ident of our Orphan's Court, at Bloomsburg, the R;h day of S teinber, A. D. eighteen hundred ami ixty . JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff BlnoTisbnrg, Sept. 26, 1;C0. The undersignrd will sell between lhi and the 20th of Otoober. hi entire slock ol HATS k CAPS AT COST! All Ihose in want of a Good Hat or Cap. a Ihe lowest Manufacturer's price, will please call lrnmedi ately. ALSO, A NEW STOVE, with Pipe, for Bar j Ro-m or Office. One large LOOKING GLASS. I have also, a TK DC K-WAGON, for sale, nearly new, ami of excellent work, man-ship, for either one or two hores, any body in want ol such an anicle, will please call and examine lor himself. I will sell it low for cash or short credit. ALSO, all ihose thai know themselves indebted, will please call and make pay ment and ihoe having claims will present lb-m by the lime specified. S B. AN E WALT. Bloomsburg, Sept. 22d, I860. USovcr's Urn? Store. HE undersigned has just received a fresh supply of Drills, fheraicals, Dvcstufls, ASD NOTIONS GENERALLY of the beit quality, all of which tie will sell at greatly reduced prices lor the CASH. Also on hand an Improved Fruit Jar, much superior and cheaper to anything hitherto odered in this maiket. AIo a lot of PICKLING JARS, much cheaper than hereioture. JOHN 11 MOYEU. Bloomsburg, Angnt 23, I860. tf. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, MEDICAL DE P A RTM EN T, Ninth Street, Celow Locust, rpIIE 1 Oc Ictober 8th, I860, and continue uti'il March. Examinations are conducted iaily by the Members of the Faculty. Second Course Students are lurnished with Ihe Hospital T ckel without charge. Five Cii nics (including Diseases ol Women) are held at the College every week. Fees : Matriculation, S5 ; One Full Course, SI05 ; Graduation, $30. Applications on the ben eficiary should be sent before the begin ning of the Sessioii. Adilress, LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. D., Dean. September 5, 1860. NOTICE. ALL person indebted to the undersigned lor Professional seiviees tip to April lot, 1860, are respectfully requested to call and settle, either by Note or otherwise. t r ri:,rTrp i , rv JUSTICE IO THE SOUTH. A NEW BOOK And One Destined to Create a Sensation. JCT rU 61.111 KD- THE SUNNY SOUTH OR THE Southerner at Home, Embracing Five Years' Experience of a Northern Governess, in the land of sugar, rice, tobacco and cotton. Edited by Professor J. 11. Ingraham, of Mississippi. Handsomely bound in one volume, 12 mo. 526 page. Price SI 25 Liteuiry notices from the Press throughout the Country. The Sunny South "This book is com posed of a series of letters, written in an interesting stvle of a riarra'ive, embodying the most romantic features ol social life on different kind ol ( lanrations. We can bear testimony, from onr own personal observa tion of similar rene in the South, lo their truthfulness n here depicted. They are portrayed in a vivid, interesting stle, and we would like lo see the took in tne hand of ihonmd of deceived people, who have no personal knowledge either ot Southern ers or Southern life, except what they have gained from panizan journals, or those who intentionally have written to deceive." Daily Republican, Buffalo, N. Y. The Sunny South ; This volume is in the form of letters. They give, so far a we can judge, faithful pictures of Southern lite, and are penned without prejudice. They present scenes quite difieretn from an 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,-' the pictures preren led here are qnne graphic, and we think the portraits painted are in very nearly nat ural colors.1' Boston Daily Bee. The Sunny South 'We have rarely peep ed within the covers of a more appetizing volume. Although not intended as an an swer to the foul untruths in the Uncle Tom trash of the last ten years, it nevertheless line unmercifully hurl back to their source all lies of sucli a nature, and we are glad to believ that the book will be read in thousands of northern homes. The south alfo should take to il benignantly for inde pendent of its truthfulness and integrity it is one of the livelies' and rnot entertaining books of the year.'' Times, Greensboro. N. C. The Sunny South "The enterprising pnbli-her, G. G Evans, Philadelphia, ol Gift Book notoriety, is weekly issuing new j works of interest, and spreading t hem over i the countr), and his sys'.em of transacting j business may be looked upon as an iustitu j linn, for diffusing knowledge, unequalled j by anv in the country. We cornn.eud this ; book lo all." Daily News. The Sunny South "This is a captivating ; volume, strongly illu.tratie of Southern j hie. The heart of the autho'efs is with j her theme, and she carries Ihe imeres' of j the reader along wi'h her, as she, in tier i amnsmg off-hand style, delineate the pecu liarities ol a Southern home." Press. The Sunny South ' Whatever bear? the j name pi rr.Messor iti'jrana'n is sure u hi j volve the elements of striking effect and a wide popular currency, and thi is j'ist the j ca-e with ''The Sunny South, or the South j erner at Home.'' which appears from ihe i pros ol G G. Evans, under the editorship j ot the graphic Professor. It is vivid in si)le, keenly obseivant, interesting in plot, j and in purpose and manner il obviously spr.ngs lrom a warm heart, and will be as warmly welcomed by a host of readers." The New Yorker. THE PILLAR OF FIRE, OR ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. By the Rev. J. II Ingraham, author of the 'prince ol the House of David " One volume, 12 mo., cloth, 600 pages. Price 5125. "This work is designed to sketch the He braic history during the bondage in Egypt, the Prophet Moses being the central figure, and is a free and striking history of the peri od in which the writer gathers first, lrom the Bible and then lrom profane history a vast mass ol material, which by his genius, i thrown into a fanciful narative of the nmst attractive character which carries the reader along without diminution of inter est. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Tlie Triuce of ihe House of David, t OR THKKK YKAkS IN THK IIOI.V CirV. In a series ot letters relating as if by an eye witness, all the scenes anJ wonderful incident in the lite of Jesus of Nazareth, Iron his Baptism in Jordan to his Crucifixion on Calvalry. By the Rev. J H. Ingraham, Rector of Christ Church, and of St. Thomas' Hall, Hull) Springs, Mississippi. One vol ume 12 mo., cloth, 472 pages Price SI. 25. In this work the author ha sncceeiied in the bold and daring task of presenting Ihe great leading historical prts ot scripture ir. connexion with secular history, so as to nresenl the clear and life-like picture of j those events as they might be supposed to appear to a casual observer. The descrip tions ol rites arid ceremonials, are spirited an. I comprehensive. Ihe style is highly imaginative ami attractive, and we predict that this vo unie will be as popular as the ,; Pilgrim's Progress '"' Piesbyierian and Evangelist. Copies of either of the above books, with i a handsome Uilt, woriaMrom ou cents to S100, will be sent to any person in the United Slates, upon receipt ol l 25, and 21 cents to pay postage, by addressing the publisher, Geo. G Evans, fhilade'phia. IF YOU WANT ANY BOOKS SSND TO Cfor?e G. Eiac's Lin Kouk Establishment. No. 439 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. Where all books are soldat the Publish ers' lowest prices, and you ve the advan tage oi receiving a handsomhpresent worth from oOU enis to 100 dolais with each book Send lor a comp ete classified Catalogue of Books, which will be mailed to you, (ree of expense. Order any book, that jo-i may want, remit the retail price, together with j .w the amount required lor postage, and one trial will assure yon that the best place in the country to purchase books is at the Gift Book Establishment of Geo. G. Evans. AGENTS WANTED, to whom greater inducements, such as cannot beequaileJ Dy any ottier house, are offered. Any person, in any part of the country, can be an agent simply by forming a club, sending a list of books, and remitting the amount of money required for the lame. Send lor a Catalogue, which contains all the desired information relative to agencies and the formation o clubs; and to insure prompt and honorable dealings, address all orders to the Head Quarters of George G. Evans Proprietor of the oldest and largest Gift Book Establishment in the world, per manently located at No. 439 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia. tept. 26, I860. GCOD LIQUORS. f ItHK undersigned ha opened a new Li X quor Store at Mifflinville, Colombia county, and storked it with a large and ex cellent assortment ol 5 fr C "lD CO 22 cS3 of all binds, to wliieh he invjtfs the atten tion of dealers. His Liquors are of ihe best brands, and one trial will ausfv all. A. ANDREAS. . Mifflinville, June 27, 1860. BARNARD RUPERTS FASHION A RLE TAILOR, RAYMOND S FAMILY S E W I NG MACHINE! PATENTSP MARCH 9, 1858. I'ltlCF 310 Rril. lit FSSRS. ZUPP1NGER & ROBBINS, of Bloomsburs. having purchased the fx elusive right ol ihe above valuable Impro ved Cheat Patent Sewing Machine, for ihe County of Columbia, will be hsppy li supply their friends wjth the article for the accommrdationof themselves and families. The following are some of the superior advan'ages ibis implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 10 600 tight stitches per minute. 2 Doutde thread Machines are from the more complica'ed character of Iheir mech anism invariably managed and tl readed with more or less difficult) ; iot so with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it inlwa hours, and it is threaded easier than a com mon needle. 3. One of the mmt valuable features of this Machine, is ihe smalluess and l he compactness of its mecha-iism. 4. I" can be attached to a hoard, labl or sinnd, in operating order, and removed in less than hall a m.nuie. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for any work tor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kint!s of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand capable of produ cing a seam so regular and sysiemaiic The eam so strong if well done, that the (Congest material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among ihe array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Pa'er.i, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds of work as experience has proven. There are perhaps none so realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate oe of the fam ily circle, and at such a moderate price a RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape hi seam just as he pleases, waves, leave and flowers, etc., can be represented or imi'ated. 9. It is particularly adapteu to all kind of stitchit g such as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, ristbanJB, collar-, ' etc., and all kinds of ladies' sewiri", including silks, lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc., ex cepting for men's heavy wear, this Machine is rather too libt ot construction. 10. Bui we all admit, that ihe advantage lo health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, inouced by it.e use of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all other ad vantage. ;i. This Machine fastens the eeam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unfastened or open, there is a way lor it too, thus jou can have it fastened or not, as)OU please, which is, some iines, espe cially for beginners, a very favoraDle cir cumstance. If the seam is lett unfastened, yon can draw it out in three seconds and save the thread. For tale by ihe undersigned, at their re spective residences, in Bloomsburg, who vii put the Machine in operation arid give all necessary instruction. HENRY Zf'PPINGER. DANIEL W. ROBBINS. Bloomsburg, July 11,1860. LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BUFFA LO, ALB A N Y.C L E V E LA N I ), DE TROIT AND CHICAGO. rillLADI-LPIHA COLLEGE, S. E. Comer Seventh and Chestnut S'.reets. R F F K R E N C K S j JNO. B MEYERS. H COWPERTHWAIT, j Prof. JOHN S HART. J. B. LIPPINCOTf, MORRIS L. II ALLOW FLL. COUNTING HOUSE COURSE. Ccmpnses Bok Keeping (or Mercantile Banking Railroad, and M annfacioriog ' Business wiih Peunmanstiip, Cal culation,, &.c. &(., fully qualifying the Smder.l for lcnl buiresd. Siudeuis receive individual In struction. Diplomas are aimrdrd to Graduates. S3.7.00 Pas fir Life Scholarship good in seven Col leges; -25 for partial course, r? For Catalogue and Specimens of Wri ting, Address, inclosing two stamps. nui A i a. a i lid i iu., Jolv 27. 1E59. Pniiad'a. THE I'KINCE OF WALES IS NOW CREATING QUITE A SE SAT I OX Throughout this Country. UT there is great excitement din town caused by die arrival of a new and se lect to( k of Good jni received a L T. SHAItPLESS' Ch-,,, Ca-n S ore. Hvin j i-t returned from Padatelphia wi'h a sto' k heretofore unrivaled, f-e flater himself that he can s risfv all of the beau y and a I-va-itagc of the Cash System by the, e.vceed- iiigly lu.v prices wi ll which be is able t i I oil ? 53 ensis's of i!re goods of eery variety, Si k, Plaid, Fig'd Tnibeis, Cashmere-, P.ain and fancy D-Laines &c. &c. Ladies B oi-he and li-'versnble SrtawN, Ci-ni S iawls, Coa', Cloak and Manila Cloifi, Fancy Cas-sinnere. Vesiings, Satm, L wn, Flannels, Ginghms.Cal ct es &:c. Boo s ar.d Shoes A Urge assortment ol G-iui shoe- which will be .soose l ol at the Lw es. prices, Hats and Cips, Table and flj'jr Od Cloths, Notions or every Kind, Q teenesware, Groceries, Flour and feed, &c.. ice. An examination the lock i soliei'ed a no charge is made lor an ehibnion of tfie goods. Giain ar.d all marketable pro duce taken in exchange for good. L. T. SHAFPLESS. Bloomsburg, Oct. 10, I860 Tlinvore & Store Establishmect. la fH E L'N DEKSIGNED respecifully in forms his old friends and rustomers, that i.e has purchased his brothers interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafier t e conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and o.- lers lor sa! tt.e largest and most I tensive a-sortmeni ol FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly oi hand and manufactured to order. All kind ol teuairing done, s u-ul, un short notice. Ttie patronage of ohl friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A.M. RUPERT' Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 153. tf. DAVID LOW EN BEG, C LO THIN G STORE, On Main street, two doors above ihe "Areta'. ican Hotel." ' s. C SUIVK,