(A r en r j i IV, U. JACOSf, Proprietor. Truth and Right God and onr Countrj. Two Dollars per Annua. VOLUMIi 12. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17, I860. NUMBER 41 W1Q 1 H. 11. o 7 T - t I l s STAR DF THE NORTH PUBLISHED EVERT WED2H5SPAT BT WS. II.'JACOBY, Office oa 3Inia St., 3d Square below Market, TERMS : Two Dollars per annum if paid within six mouths from the time of snbscri tins c two dollars and fifty cents it not paid withiti the year. No subscription taken for a less period than fix Tnon'.hss tio discon tinuances permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option ol the editor. The let ms rJ advertising ctlt It aifollorts : One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, S 00 One year, . . 8 00 From the Fhilit. Evening bulletin. THE LOXG AGO. "Near a murmuring, son-kissed streamlet, Gladdening as its waters flow, Lived a maiden, lair ant! gentle, One who loved me, years ago. There's a mill upon that streamlet, . Old and time worn, brown and low, Where the dripping, slow, old mill wheel, Turned in bdetice, years ago. Where the rushing waters issr.e Madly forth the mill below. Having done their destined duty In their prison, years ao. Stamina wall of lie hen et! granite, Where the blue eyed daisies grow, Meeky looking np o. heaven ; There I rr.et her, years ago. AJany- a bl6ssom scented 'evening, Vj Ul SlllKWIg 6UII was iwn, "f h-id Kueet conversation, Near thai mill-wall. years ago. And when Winter o'er the meadows -- Spreads his dazzling robe oi suow, Vow of love still passed between us, IV arm aod heart-telt, years ago. 'nw. she sleeps beneath the valley, On ber g'.ive the violetsjyrow, But in heaven her pure soul prays for, Him who loed her, years ago. Oft Fve wandered to that hillock, In the chi.rch-ysrd. areeu and low, And'in silent, biner sorrow, Mourned my darling, jeas ago. Hov we met, and loved, and parted, None on t-arth can ever know, Jnr hov pure a:.d gentle hearteJ, Beamed that dear o:;e, f ars ago. "When I've entered ihat'.Dreid Portal, Leading from ihi vale o! wo, ll,o-e dear hands shall reach to aid me, Loved as once, long ears ago. For the Stnr. Ey Flrit Experience in School Tcachin;?. BT CARLOS. StranTe alord nay even ridiculous a? it may appear to you, yet it is nevertheless true, that I (I mean myself,) was one a school teacher. Listeu whils. I relate a fsw f my experiences, and I aver that what I divinely assert In this article is true, tuy. more than true ; it is refined truth. I had "call" to a school in the Southern part of county, known by the enphorious c?2- nomen and descripiive appellation of ' Mud Swamp " And well did it deserve the name, for in extent and depth of mud it resembled the far-famed Okeechobee. On Monday morning the 14th day of November A D 1859, you might have beheld me wend.r.g my way towards the shool house, having m company a wheelbarrow in which was de posited somo coal, an ax, and a dozen panes of plass. Traveling in this manner for two miles over a hilly conmry, d.d not much elevate my spirits. On the doer foond a life size representation of myself, cut in with a knife. I could not at the time give the artist much praise. Putting tew Jeatber hiwge on the door-boarding up places intended (or windows-chasing the chickens from the ralters-tixing a board to serve as a desk, and like employments, 'ieptme busy out il near school-time, and -yet, my eyes had not been greeted by the appearance of one scholar. Soon, however, a lean, lank son of Adam made his appear ance, and after taking a scrutinizing view .of the schoolroom, turned round and thanked roe lor my diligence, and hoped that I would attend to the fires regulirly, adding that he was to be ray teacher. My foot was raised to commence an action of ejectment, when happening to notice that lie was taller than myself I desisted, and politely informed the gentleman of my .claims to the teachership. Muttering threats of vengeance full of dire import to nyeelf, he departed. But he had a successor, whom 1 quickly sent however, to some ,6chool directors about ten miles distant. Towards noon the scholars had collected in, and a motley assemblage it was to be nre. Though they only numbered seven, yet there existed a remarkable variety, not ionly in age, color, and talent, but in books. One negro had Cobb's Spelling Book, one .little girl in A, B, C's had a Pike's Arithme tic, one boy had a Kirkham's Grammar in which he wished to commence reading, and the balance were bookless. On interro gating a bright eyed little girl as to what she could stndy, the reply was, liEec km net fuik tktfiy." I found to my sorrow ttat the PpVch language wac the prevailing one. A JUlle disheartened I asked a little boy in the corner what he would like study; when he suddenly turned round, caught op his din ner basket, and kindly proffered roe ti huge phonic ol fried musb, and some bread and molasse. ' i soon foond out that the poor ) ellow was dumb,and was sent to school so ( its to be out of the way. In two of three t Jiours I had the school arranged and fclassi- ed, and then proceeded lo4 make In long .addrer-s, stating the aJvahtagesoJcduca casion. In the meantime the younger scholars wert to sleep", whihs the negro made crooked faces at the others, thereby keeping all a tittering except myself, who considered the address as deeply affecting. Towards evening, a friendly neighbor called me out, and informed me that my competitor for the school had made an ap peaj to the inhabitants of the district. As the matter had been kept strictly quiet, and it was then near evening, had no oppor tanity of electioneering, and, therefore, pre pared to face an outraged constituency. The evening came, and with it the whole male population of the district, to whom the affair was of momentous import. I stated the objects of the meeting showed a letter from one of the Directors giving me the school and finally handed my ceitificates of examination in two counties. My com petitor bad no claim on the school had been turned out of three examinations for unfitness and declined my challenge logo before the County Superintendent and abide by his decision. Oa the vote being taken, I was unanimously installed as teacher at Mud Swamp, by the people in mass assembled. It required two or three days to get regu larly started. The school house was 12 ft by 14 in size It was built a great many years ago at the cost of $70. The sides were of slabs, inside of which a lot of tan bark had been filled ; but the inner boards rotting, the least motion scattered the bark over the floor. The roof was of a sieve character, and a tree in the swamp afforded more protection than it. The floor was composed of loose, unplaned boards, which, however, had the advantage of being so far apart that sweeping was unnecessary. Sometimes, before I got used to them, 1 would t-tep on the unsupported end of a board, and stretch my length on the floor to the infinite amusement of the scholars, and ray own disgust. I serioa-lj thought of yoking some of the younger ones to prevent their falling through and geaing lost. The stove was kept up by a rail passing under it, though extreme care bad still to be taken to prevent it from being jarred over. The pipe was rust eaten through, and whenever a fire was built in thn stove, the escaping sparks resembled lulling stars. The turkeys would sometimes alight on the chimney, and thereby throw the brick rattling down the pipe to the terror of the superstitious children, whose conscience troubled them for jnisbehavtor. We nearly froze on several occasions, on account of brick lodging in the pipe and putting out the fire. The seats were rough tlabs, with the flat sides up, and young sap.ings stuck in for legs in the shape of an X. Of course they were backless, and if I leach there again I shall have to get a small ladder for the smaller ones to ascend to their seats. As it was, I had to 'keep watching them, lest, during a state of somnolency, they should faU off the bench break their luckless heads arid I be indicted for infant-slaughter We had an abundance of ventilation, and some were obliged to tack their copy books to the boards to prevent them from beinr blown away. Alter several weeks teaching, I had managed to collect ri about twenty scholars, though five came from the neighboring dis tricts. Several ol them banded together with the no: very laudable intention of put ting me out ol the school house. This is a time honored custom among the Mud Swampiies, and every one of my preJe cessors had been poked ihrough the window or jammed into a snow bank. Though they were all larger than myself, I managed to shut one of them outside putnother under a bench, while the rest jumped out of the window. After chasing around the school house and through the swamp, I caught one of them who was slicking fast in the mud, severely punished him, and from that on I had no flagrant instance of rebellion. I have not the time nor space to relate how they nearly upset the school house plunged rae in snow-drifts, &c Nor how I fared in "boarding round," living mostly on sour kravt and shpec, while cold buckwheat cakes and molasses constituted my dinner. At come future time I may be seized with the spirit of inspiration and again jot down a few of my experiences, and then I shall dilate especially upon the advantages of walking ihrough slush and snow three miles every morning and, night, at the rate of twelve dollars per month, payable in orders on the store. Aocust 29th, 1360. Fattening Turexvs. A writer in the Germantotcn Telegraph furnishes that journal with the following statement : ,;Much has been published of late in our Agricultural journals, in relation to the alimentary properties of charcoal. It has been re peatedly asserted, that domestic fowls may be fattened on it without any other food, and that, too, in a shorter time, than on the most nutritive grains. I made an experi ment, and most say that the' result sur prised me, as I had always been rather skeptical. Four turkeys were confined in a pen, and fed on meal, boiled potatoes and oats. Four others, of the same brood, were also at the same time confined in another pen, and fed daily'on the same articles, but with one pint of finely-pulverized charcoal, mixed with theirjmeaf andjpotatoes. They aUoiaJJa plentiful supply of broken'char coal in their pen. The eight were killed on the same dayand'there was s'difference of one and a half pounds each in favor of the fowls' which had been supplied with the charcoal, they being much the fattest, and Dead Heading oa & Larre bill. Several years when dead-heading" on the railroads was a little more in the as cendant than at the present time, I was traveling on the Michigan Central Road, in company with a lady friend. We took our seals in the cars one fine morning in the month of May, when the birds were sing ing sweetly, and every thing denoted pros perity aud happiness. Our train consisted of, two baggage and our well-filled passenger-coaches. We had not long been occu pants of the car, before a well-known per sonage, who had lately been in the employ of Joe Pentland's circus company, made his appearance. I soon fell in conversation with him, and learned that the circus busi ness had been unusually poor that season. He said he was homeward bound, intend ing to establish himself in a more profitable occupation. I also learned that he was out of funds, and unable to pay bis way home. I offered to see him home, as I had plenty of "spondulics but he would not avail himself of my offer, until he would find out how he would succeed in his own under taking. I resolved to wail patiently untd the conductor should make his appearance Slowly the train began to move and soon we found everything flying bj us with a velocity 1 had never witnessed in all my railroading. I had been fixing my eyes on things without, but was now gradually turn ing them on the individual who sat before me for the conductor was then in our car, and fast approaching us. 1 saw the circus man began to grow un easy, and the conductor soon reached him, and asked for his ticket. All eyes were now turned upon these two persons, and everything save the rumbling of the car was silent. The circus man began to move un easily, and asked the conductor how much his fare would be. The genius of the rail road company told him seventy-five cents. The clown of the circus said : 'I have no change nothing but a very Urge Bill, which I am afraid you could not break ; and, as you wish such a small amount, I guess you may as well give up all idea of changing it, aud let me ride free." Now, I who had witneed all that had transpired, concluded that the clown of the cir.-us was trying to dead-head his way by talking. But the officer of the railroad com pany thought differently. He swore that he could change any bill that might be pro duced ; and, to confirm, what he said, brought out a hundred of fives, tens and twenties But the clown of the circus also swore that he could not change his bill. Everybody in onr car was now up and gathered around the pair. The conductor seeing how things were working, and think ing that the man had neither a bill nor money, proposed the following : That if he (the conductor) could not change the bill, the circus man should ride free, and have five dollars in cash thrown in. This pleased the fellow; for he had evi dently been waiting for such a proposition ; and suddenly out from his own pocket came a roll of papr; and, giving it a sudden jerk, be produced an enormous showbill (what some people would call "of family size") about six feet long, and half as many wide. The conductor was astounded. And such a roar of langhter as shook the car, was never heard before. The conductor, caught in his own trap, gave the clown the five dollars and vanished. It is needless to say that the circus-man rode free, and received the congratulations of his fellow-passengers. About a month after the "above occur rence, I received a le'.ter from our dead header, slating that he had established him self in the well paying business of a dentist, and over the door of his shop a sign reads thus : "Teeth extracted reel" Pons Hearts. I think we must all ad mit there is nothing so beautiful as a pure heart a heart through which. Jesus has gone as be went through the courts) of the templ at Jerusalem driving ihence every thing that offended all hatred, all malice, all jealousy, all envy, all uncleanness a heart whose thoughts are pure, whose de sires are pure, whose affections are pure, whose motives are pure, whose purposes are pure, whose principles are pure, a heart that is the house of the immaculate Spirit of the infinite and eternal God ! O, there is nothing beneath the sky so attract ive, so beautiful, 60 desirable, so glorious as a pure heart ? If not, if candor and con science constrain us to answer in the nega tive, let us aek another question would we have pure hearts 1 Are we groaning after conformity to God? Are we hungering and thursting alter righteousness ? One Ahead. A couple of girls put a bull frog into thejhired man's bed to see if they couldn't make "him talk. Dave threw it out the window and never said a word. Soon after he put a half bushel of chestnut burs into the girl's bed. About the time he thought their bodies would make the least shadow, Dave went to the door and rat tled the latch furiously. Oat went the can dle and in wentltbegirls, but they didn't stick, though the burs did. Calling to them to be qniet, he said helonly wanted to know if they'd seen anything of that pesky ball frog. He'd give two dollars to find it A Wisconsin paper, describing 'a'farm which the advertiser want to sell adds : "The snrrooding country U. the most Vioini'ifnl ihAfind'of nature ever rr The Thriftless Farmer. The Ihriftless.farmer provides no shelter for. his cattle during the inclemency of the winter, but permits them to stand shivering j iy mts siue oi tne lence, or to He in the i snow, as best suits them. He throws their fodder on the ground, or in the mud, and not unfrer-uently the high way, by which a large portion of it, and all the manure is naisted. He grazes his meadows in fall and spring; by which they are gradually exhausted and finally ruined. His fences are old and poor, just such as to let his neighbor's cattle break into his fields, and teach his own to be unruly aud spoil his crops. He neglects to keep the manure from aronitd the sills of his barn if he has one by which it is prematurely rotted, and his barn destroyed. He tills or skims over the surface of his land until it is exhausted, but never thiuks it worth while to manure or clover it. For at first, he has no time, and for the last, he is not able. He has a place for nothing, and nothing in its place. He constantly wants a hoe or rake, or a hammer, or an augur, but knows not where to find them, and thus loses much time. He loiters away days and evenings, when he should be repairing his utensils, or im proving his mind by reading useful books or newspapers. He spends much time in town, at the cor ner of the streets, or in the "rum holes," complaining of the hard times, and goes home in the evening "pretty well tore." He has no 6hed for his fire-wood ; con sequently his wife is out of humor, and his meals out of season. He plants a few fruit trees, and his cattle forthwith destroy them. He "ha no lack in raising fruit." One half of what little he raises is destroy ed by his own or his neighbor's cattle. His plow, harrow and ether implements lie all winter in the field where last used ; and jnst as he is getting in a hurry, the next season, his plow breaks, because it was not housed and properly careJ for. Somebody's hogs break in and destroy his garden, because he has not stopped a hole in the fence that he had been intend ing to 6lop for a week. He is often in a great hurry, but will stop and talk as long as he can find any one to talk with. He has, of course, but little money, and when he must raise some to pay his taxes, etc., he raises it at a great sacrifice in some way or other.by paying an enormous shave, or by selling his scanty crops when prices are low. He is a year behind, instead of being a year ahead of his business and always will be When he pays adebt, it is at the end of an execution : consequently his credit is at a low ebb. He buys entirely on credit, and merchants and all others with whom het'deals rhurtj. him twice or thrice the profit they chaw prompt tpaymasters, and are 'unwilling "to 6ell him goods at-arty cost. He has to beg arid promise, and promise and beg, to get them on any terms. The merchants dread to see his wife come into their stores, and the poor woman feels depressed aud de graded. The smoke begins to come out of his chimney late of a winter's morning, while his cattle are suffering for their morning's feed. Manure lies in heaps in his stable, his horses are rough and uncurried, and his harness trod under their feet. His bars and gates are broken, his build ings unpainled, and the boards and shin gles falling off he has no time to replace them the glass is out of the windows, and the holes stopped np with rags and old hats. He is a great borrower of thrifty farmer's implements, but never returns the borrow ed article, and when it is seat for it can't be found. He in a person of great sloven, and never attends public worship : or if he does oc casionally do so, he comes sneaking in when service is half over. He neglects his acounts, and when his neighbor calls to settle with him he has something else to attend to: Take him all in all, he is a poor farmer, a poor husband, a poor father, a poor neigh bor, and a poor Christain. Manners. Young folks should be man nerly but how to be,is the question. Many good boys and girls feel that they cannot behave to suit themselves in the presence of company. They are awkward, clownish, rough. They feel timid, bashful, and self distrustful, the moment they are addressed by a stranger, or appear in company. There is but one way to get over this feel ing, and acquire easy and graceful manners, that is, to do the best they can all the time at home, as well as abroad. Good manners are not learned so ranch as acquired by habit. They grow upon us by use. We mast be courteous, agreeable, civil, kind, gentlemanly, and womanly at home, and then it will become a kind of second na ture evreywhere. A coarse, rough manner at home, begets a habit of roughness which we cannot lay off if we try, when we go among strangers. The most agreeable per sons we have ever known in company, are those that are most agreeable at home. 1oe Maroaites and Drnses. They are a sect of the Romish Church, composed of the followers of John Maron, ho ned some peculiar views respecting the nature of Christ. Although his doctrine was denounced by the Pope, his followers have joined the church of Rome and are sub ject to the Pope. They have been the most hostile opposers of evangelical truth, that our missionaries have encountered in Tur key. Such are the people who are called Syrian Christians. The following account of the Druses, which we extract from the Philadelphia Christian Observer, will be read with interest : WHO ARE THE DR08E9 The Druses are an offshoot of the Moham medans, and, like the Maronites, they derive their name from a religious imposter, "El Druse." None of these indicate a difference of race. Three hundred years after John Maron had preached his philosophy among the peasantry of Lebanon, one of the pre tended descendants of Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed, ruled Egypt and Syria. El Hakim was one of those strange men who occasionally appear in the world, and being half fool, half knave, succeeded in inducing the ignorant to believe and follow him asa god. Hakim was assisted in his imposture by two abler men than himself, one of whom was "El Druse," the prophet of the Druses. The religion of the Druses is kept secret by their laws ; but in the several wars, which have been so frequent of late years in the Lebanon, many of their sacred books have fallen into the hands of their opponents. It was from the volumes so obtained that the famous French oriental scholar formed that history of the Druses which still holds its place as the standard work on the history and religious ceremonies of this strange peo ple. The Mormon doctrine of spiritual marriages is found in their 6acred book3 Their cardinal doctrine, however, is that Hakim is tho last incarnation of the Deity ; Hakim, who sacrificed 18,000 victims to his ferocity, stands to the Druses in the place of God. It is death to a Druse to reveal any secret of his religion, and death to a Christian to discover anything in relation to their theology.; They believe in the abstract unity of God, but believe him to ever re main in a passive state. They believe that there will be no other incarnation of the Deity until Hakim shall appear airain at the day of judgment. They also believe in the transmigration and pre-existence oT souls, and that men existed and fell in a previous state. They believe in the crea tion of a fixed number of souls, who are to be saved, and that these are the souls of Druses As a consequence, they desire to make no converts. In practice, they are free-mason, and they are sworn to support each other ; it i for this reason that they rush to warfare with such readiness at the call of their leaders. They believe in the blood revenge, and many instances are on record where they have carried out this principle to its fullest extent. They are, howeer Senerous and hospitable, and he With "I'0 .th ee.te.1 bread "y sure oi uieir irienusnip anu support, in 1H52, when the Arabs were murdering and plundering Christians around Damascus, a Druse sheik took several of the Christian villages under his protection. Such are the people who are now arranged in hostile ar ray. The Maronites more numerous the Druse more warlike. At Damascus it was not the Druses, but the Moslem mob that murdered and slaughtered the Christians. Thousands of the Maronites defenceless 1 women and children flying from their foes have ought security at Beirut, and now they depend for bread upon the Christian residents and the Chri&lian missionaries. During the sitting of Court in Connecticut, not long ago, on a very cold evening a crowd of lawyers had collected around the open fire that blazed cheerful on the hearth in the bar room, when a traveller entered, benumbed with the cold ; but no one mov ed to give him room to warm his shins, so he remained in the back part of the room. Presently a smart young limb of the law addressed him, and the following dialogue ensued : . "You look like a traveller V "Wal, I suppose I sm ; I came all the way from Wisconsin ! What a distance to come on one pair of legs !" "Wal, I done it anyhow." "Did you ever pass through hell, in any of your travels ?" "Yes, I've been through the outskirts. "1 thought likely. Well, what are the manners and customs there ? Some of us would like to know." "Oh, you'll find them much the same as in this place the lavyeti $et neareit the Jire." Not Bad 'First class in oriental philo sophy stand up. Thibets, what is life V 'Life consists of money, a horse, and a fashionable wife.' "Next. What is death V A paymaster who settles everybody's debts, and gives the tombstone as receipts in full of all demands.' What is poverty V 'The reward of merit genius generally receives from a discriminating public." What is religion V "Doing unto others as yon please, with out allowing a return of the compliment.' 'Whtis fame?' A WORD 10 TUB WISE. Love hailed a little maid, Romping ihrough the meadow ; Heedless in the sun she played, Scornful of the shadow. "Come with me," whispered he ; Listen, sweet, to love and reason," ' By and by," she mocked reply ; "Love's not in season," Years went, years came Light mixed with shadow ; Love met the maid again, Dreaming ihrough the meadow "Not so coy," urged the boy ; ' Lit in time to love and reason." "By and by," she mused reply; ' Love's still in season." Years went, years came; Light changed to shadow ; Love saw the maid agaia. Waiting in the meadow. "Pass no more ; my dream is o'er ; I can listen now to reason." "Keep the coy," mocked the boy ; "Love's out of season." The Road to Rain. "That young man is walking the road to ruin," said a lawyer, as he sat iu his office door, and fixed his eye on a very smart looking person passing. The remark arrested my attention, and as I looked upon the fair brow, the elegant figure, and the elastic step of that younz mao, a rapid train of thoughts passed thro' my mind. "Walking the road to ruin?" Could it be possible ? Were all the loves, the hopes, the purposes, which rested on his life, to be disappointed ? Was he with that bold brow and fearless step, walking into the whirlpool of destruction, the shadows of despair ? I felt a thrill of horror, and an impulse to call after him, and warn him of his danger, but he passed round a corner, and disappeared from my sight. Turning to the gentleman whose remark had so stirred me, I said, abruptly : "What do you mean, sir? What have you teen in Frank Johnson to warraut such a thought V He said very slowly : "He dresses too well, and keeps too much company." "And pray sir" I replied, somewhat in dignantly, "is this all the reason you have for your remark ? I feared you had discov ered him to be addicted to drunkenness or (rambling or 1 did not' know what terri- i ble evil. My friend was not one of those croakers who are always grumbling about the de generacy of the times, and prophesying evil of the young, and his words surprised, while they grieved me. He read my thoughts aright, and continued : "I think it is bad enough, however ; for he is just as surely on the road to ruin as if ; he were addicted to '.he vices you mention. ! I do not say he is as far gone ; but what ! does that amount to ? Of all who are in j that roaJ you cannot tell who will .land in ! perdition first. You look on the old toper, j bloated and staggering, and say he is well- ! nigh there, but he may creep on and you dashing young fellow, now bo far behind, may pass and distance him before you think of it " "You certainly cannot think it a little thing that a young man spends more than he earns, or that he whatever his circum stance makes his expenses exceed his in come ? Such a course opens the very flood gates of temptation" on his soul anJ p'aces him in a position where the devil has noth ing to do but to lead him captive at his will A fearful step is he taking in the road to min, who is contracting pecuniary liabili ties which he has no means to meet. Imtiation of aWidkAweke All who enter the Black Republican Wide-Awake Clubs, it is said, have to pass through a certain inititatory service, and be submitted to the following catechism : Q. Do you believe in a supreme politi cal being ? Q. I do ; the almishiy nigger. Q. What are the chief objects of the Wide-Awake Society ? A. To disturb dem ocratic meetings, and to furnish conductors for the underground railroad. Q. What is your opinion on the great question of the day ? A. I believe Abra ham Lincoln was born, that he built a flat boat, and split three million rails. Q. Do you drink lager I A. Iam pas sionately fond of that commodity. Q. If you are admitted as a member of this society, do you promise to love the nigger, to cherish him as you would a broth er and cleave unto him through evil as well as good report, and hate the Democrats as long as life lasts and water runs ? A. All this I solemnly promise to per form, so help me Abraham. The candidate is then invested wiih cap and cape, somebody gives him a slap on the side of the head and tells him to be WTide-Awake ! He who kneels and staggers most in the journey of life, takes the straightest cut to the devil. Ir you think it an easy thing to square a circle, just go aud settle your wife's bill for hoops. The man who travels a thousand miles in a thousand hours, may be tolerably quick footed ; but he isn't a touch to the woman who keeps up with the fashions. It Is said that the Tartars invite a man to Italian Girls. The idea of a girl in Italy is indissolubly connected with that of being devoid of alt moral sense, infallibly preferring wrong to right, ami who can only be kept from barm and evil by the most increased watchfulness. A mother's whole maternal duties towards her daughter, seem considered in Ituly to be comprehended in the one act of vigi lance. " My daughter has never been twenty minutes at a time out of my sight," said an Italian countess, boastfully ; aud by this declaration the appeared to think that she merited to rank in the world's esteem with the mother of the Gracchi. A girl belonging to the upper ranks of life in Italy is practically a prisouer until khe marries. Into society she must not en ter ; neither in the morning fete nor the eve ning dance is she permitted to display ber charms and graces. An occasional walk with father or brother is permitted ; but sh& must not go out of the bouse unless accom panied by her nearest kindred. To be seen alone, evea but a few yards from her fa ther's door, would entail upon her the deepest disgrace, and heartiest censure. Kept under a perpetual surveillance, every Ime she writes, and every line she receives, are subject to rigid scrutiny. The girl belonging to the humbler classes of society shares also, in a great degree, in the same restrictions on her liberty. Tha grown-up daughter of a wcraaa keeping a lodging house in Florence could not profit by my offer io take her to see the ceremony of the Lavanda, at the Pitli Palace, solely because she was unable to procure escort to the best part of the town to the place where I resided A work girl going to her em ployer's houe has to provide herself with some companion ; and, in emergencies, I have sometimes seen a little child do duty as a duenna for the occasion. In the country the same rule prevails; no peasant-girl is ever to be seen alooe; and equally in the higher as in the lower classes of society, would any infringement of tho social code, in this respect, be fatal to mat rimonial expectations. Under these circum stances, the proceedings of unmarried Eng lish ladies excite the wonder and envy of their sex in ?lla'y. Often have I been amused at the way in which the most com monplace exploits have been magnified into heroic actions ; and not unfrequently did I find myself elevated to the dignity of a heroine, when utterly unconscious that I had in an' way merited the name assigned' to me. A Chinese Genllcmaa's fionse. He first took us lo his country houie, now uninhabited. It was the perfect residence? of a Chinese gentleman. There was a very large garden with bamboo hedges and large fish tanks, edged with walls of blue bricks and perforated tiles. His pigs were in a i rnirable condition, and as beautiful as the Prince Consort's at Windsor. About the grounds were nutmegs, mangosteens, plan tains, cocoanuts, darions and small creep ers, trained into ba-ke's and pagodas. In side the house, the drawing-rooms hal doors sliding acros circular openings. Wo then went on to this good gentleman's pri vate residence, entering by a Chinese tri umphal gate. He tells rae he has ten miles of carriage road rouud his estate. It is on a fine undulating tract of land, reclaimed from the jungle, and laid out with rare taste, la the outskirts a tiger killed a man the other day. In his garden I found Jacko, living in a cane cage, next door to a porcupine; there were also some rare birds. Further on, some very small Brahmin bulls, a Cash mere goat, and a family of young kangaroos. There were all 6or!s of unknown beautiful flowers placed about in enormous China vases. Here I first saw the tea plant grow ing. It is of the camelia tribe, three or foor fet high, perhaps, and bears a small while flower, like an open dog roe Also 1 was shown the "moon flower," a kind of round ed convolvulus that only opens at night. There was a bower of "monkey cups," the pitcher flower, which collects water, and from which Jacko refreshes himself in the jungles. The fan palm produced water by being pierced with a penknife, of a clear, cold quality. Several minute creepers were trained over wire forms to imitate dragons, with egg shells for their e-es ; and there were many of the celebrated dwarf trees the first 1 had seen little oaks and elms, about eighteen inches high, like 6mall withered old men. The house here was 6uperby furnished in the English style, but with lanterns all about it. At six the gnests arrived mostly English all dressed in short while jackets and trowsers. The dinner was admirably served, in good Lon don style, and all the appointments, as re garded plate, glass, wines and dishes, per fect. The quiet, attentive waiting of the lit lie Chinese boys deserved all praise. After dinner we lounged through the rooms, decorated with English prints of the Royal family, statuettes, "urioto" from every part of the world, and rare objects ia ada stone and cracked China. A "Confidence Mas." The man who thinks he can help a good-looking servant girl to place the slats in a bed.tead, without exciting the suspicion of his wile. A chap up country, speaking of the rainy season the year he was married, said : "It rained when he went conning, rained when he got married, and squatted the same fc