i y I STAROFTIIBNORTII. WM.'H. J AC OTJ Y, EDITOR. fBLOOflSCrRG, vED.ESDAY, OCT. 10, I860. Democratic luminal ions. JOHN C. BRECKIN1UDGE, 'OF KENTUCKY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. GEN'AL JOSEPH 1LANE, OF OREGON. .PRESIDENTIAL. LtECIOBS. ' ELECTORS ATtLA RG E. Richard Vvx, George M. Keim, -DISTRICT-ELECTORS. il. Fred. A.. Server. :2 VV 33. C Patterson. Jos. Crockett, Jr. ;' 4. J. G. Brenner. 5. G. W. Jacoby. '6. Cnarlea iKelly. 7. O. P.-James. 8. DavidSchall. 9. J. L. Lightner. 10. S. S. Barber. Ul.T. H. Walker. 12. S. S. Winchester. 13Joseph Laubach. 14. J Keckhow. lft. Geo. D. Jackson. 16. J. A. Ahl. 17. J. B. Danner. 18 J. R. Crawford. 19. H. N Lee. 20. J. B. Howell. 21. N. P. Felterman. 22. Samuel Marshall. 23. William Book. 24. B. D. Hamlin. 25. Gaylord Church. Lficcting.of be Democratic State Eiecntire Committee. Democratic State Ex. Com Rooms,;) 419 Walnut street, HiaiLADELPHi October 8,1860, ) A meeting of the Democratic State Exec utive Committee. will be held at Reading, on -Friday, October 12, i860, at ll -o'clock, A.M. Business of:great importance will -be laid 'before the meeting, and every member is earnestly requested to be present. VM. H. WELSH, Chavman. The Tariff. The Tariff question is one that does iiot (naturally belong to party politics. The Democratic party and the Republican both contain advocates ef the protective policy and both advocates of free trade. In this State, where our immediate interests would be promoted by a Protective Tariff, all par Hies, wi'.h fare exceptions, are favorable to protection, and anxious that Congress should :iegilate go as to develop our groat mineral and industrial interests. Such bem the condition of the public mind in Pennsylva nia, this is the lasfState in the Union where the Tariff issue should have been made. But the Republican parly deemed it neces sary at the last sesn of Congress to manu facture as many issues as possible for the purpose of carrying this Presidentiil elec ion. For the western Mates tney aeviseu ttk-e Homestead issue as the means of ma ting political capital in that quarter For Pennsylvania thev cot op the Tariff in- duced Republican members of the House. ' .naturally opposed to the increase of duties to vote for the Morrill bill as a political Iodge. It was delayed until the close of the session, and as soon as it passed the House and was sent (o the Senate, a resolu tion providing for an early adjournment of Congress was passed by the Republican roembers for the manifest purpose of bringing the session to an immediate termi nation, so that the Senate would not have lime to act upon the Tariff bill, and so that the Republicans might attribute the respon sibility of its defeat to the Democratic Senate. The Senate could not refuse to ad journ at the time proposed by the House without incurring the responsibility of pro trading the session and for want of time io act upon it the Tarifl bill had to be postponed.- The House occupied months in maturing and considering this bill, and then ave the Senate but a week to reflect and act upon it. The Republicans expeced and wanted the Tariff bill to be defeated or postponed for the purpose of using the quest-on for electioneering purposes in Pennsylvania. They succeeded in their lesign, but what have they gained by it in tnrr'm.r h Tariff issue upon the De mocracy of Pennsylvania, aud attempting to make political capital upon a question which i9 not of a party character, and upon """"""which the people of this State are nearly all of one opinion, they have made a great blunder, becaube they have led people to investigate the question of responsibility for the Tariff of 1857, under the operations of which the interests of Pennsylvania have not prospered as they should. That Tariff was passed by the Republicans, who had control of the House of Representative?. N- P. Banks, of Massachusetts, the Repub lican Speaker and a free-trader, used his position to accomplish the reduction of the Tariff. Lewis C. Campbell, the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, ap pointed by Mr. Banks, engineered the bill throogh the House, where it was passed by a large majority, including many of the most prominent Republican members- In the debate on the passage of this bill Mr. Campbell told the House that the question of a Tariff ought to be withdrawn from party politics ; and he even ' went so fr as to re buke the Pennsylvanians for clinging to her old policy "which sees no other interest than her "iron and coal. After fastening opon this Sia.e the Tariff of '57 the Republicans were entirely regard less of the interests of Pennsylvania, until it was necitssary :o get up the sham Morrill bill and ; pass it ihroogh the House, that it miht be. thrown opon the Senata at the last expiring hour of the fession, and its defeat attributed to the hostility of Demo crats...--'-; ' Oca towBsman, Johji G Fkcezc, Eq , ad dressed a large. and enthusiastic Democratic meeting on Monday eveuing last, at Pitts ton, Luzerne county. On Frklay evening last he addressed a meeting ia the town of Wilkesbarre. ' These will be preachiug in the Baptist Church at this place, on next Sabbath, at 3 j-i af'e'noon. Hereafter ser ELECTION UETUR3S. In Bloom township the Republican can didate lor Governor has 74 majority. Scran ton, Rep., for Congress has 105 majority. Bound, Rep., for Senate, has 123 majority. In. Hemlock, township the whole Derrro cratic ticket has the usual majority. In Scott township the"' Republican candidates have a decreased majority jiol up to their standard quite. The whole Democratic county ticket is safe. The District ticket is thought will be elected by a small majority. The estimated majority for Foster in Mon tour county, is 250. For Randail,'for Con gress, about 150. The connlies of Erie, Dauphin and Alle gheny, are set down for Curtin. Sixteen Districts in Lnzerne county report gams over scranron ior congress. Foster's majority in Lancaster is 276. In Harrisburg it is'144. Berks county will give Foster about 2800 majority. Schuylkill is said to have gone for Curtin It is said that Philadelphia city will give Foster about 4000 majority, it may be con siderably larger. Columbia countv -will give Foster her usual Democratic majority, it not increase We so to press too early to give any thins definite. Ilorrihie Sentiments. We call the serious attention of the sensi ble and patriotic people of Pennsylvania to the following horrible and disgucting senti ments uttered by Joshua R. Gidding, one of the leaJers of 'the Lincoln Black Republican party. Can it be possible that the con servative voters of ourj -noble Common wealth will follow -the lead of men "Who dare give utterance to uch fiendish doc trines 1 Listen to this black hearted Lincoln Abolitionist : "1 look forward to the day when there tdiall be a sekvilk insurrection in the South ; vhen the blck man, armed with British baton ets, and lbd on bv British officers, shall assert their freedom, and wage A WAR OF EXTERMINATION AGAINST 1 IIS MASTER; vhen the torch of the incendiary ihnll light up tenons md the cities of the South, and blot out the last vestipe of slavery. And though 1 may not mock at their calamity, nnr laugh when their fear cometh, yet J tcill kail it as the dawn rf a political millenium." Patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania, how can you sustain a party whose leaders openly promulgate such horrible sentiments as these? Do you not shudder at the bare thought of placing such men in power ? Remember, this man Gidmng?, is a lead ing Lincolnite ; and, but a lew days since, in company with Cuhtin, addressed a Black Republican Abolition meeting at Erie, in this State! Are the people oi Pennsylvania prepared to endorse the teachings of such men as GiDDirGs, he infamous Carl Schurz, and the tost of Abolitions vho have been precipitated upon our State ? No ! perish the thought J Up, then, Democrats! and by one bold and united effort, put down these miserable, Traitorous wretches, whose sole aim is to precipitate our happy country headlong to destruction. Pennsylvania the Battle Gronnd. The eyes of patriots throughout the coun try are anxiously fixed on Pennsylvania She enters as the main element into every calculation as respects the deieat of Lincoln May she prove that she is worthy of her proud title of the "Keystone Slate." The Boston Post thus closes an excellent article on the pending canvass: "But a survey of the political horizon pre sents to-day Pennsylvania as the great bat tle ground. All eyes will be upon her sierlinsr national men. Never was cause more inst than their cause : the oaion seen in snnoort of il rises to the dignity of those wrand movements that are for the good of a whole country : and its triumph will be a vast benefit conlerred not omy upon the Ira ternal element that unites these States, but to the manufacturing, the commercial and indeed the business interests of the nation In this connection we lake occasion to call attention to the fact that, in this State in the Presidential canvass of 1856, the joint majority of the conservatives over Fremont was 165.009 votes J tie vote for bucnanan 230.772: Fremont, 147 963 : tillmore, 200. Thus it appears that the Black Ke publicans will have to poll 312,973 voles and overcome a majority of 165,009 before thev can elect Col" Curtin. To suppose this result ia almoot to suppose an im possibility. nomocracy In nioom-borg. Pursuant to notice the Democracy met at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Mon day evening last, and held the largest political meeting of the season that has been attended in this place. The Court House was well filled. The Bloomsburg Band was in attendance, and executed some most ex cellent music. The meeting was organized by ihe ap pointment of the following officers : President: GEORGE WEAVER, ESQ. : Vice Psksidkkts : John Snyder, Jacob R. Grou!, Henry Arthur, Rter Billmeyer, Joseph BarkSey, Richard Plumer, John Cressler, Martin Woodward. Seciiktarics: C. G Barkley, W. H. Jacoby.' The meeting being fully organized, and everything properly arranged, Wellikgtom H. Ent, Esq., was invited to speak, who made his appearance before the andier.ee, and delivered the introductory speech of the evening, which occupied nearly an hour's time! He was followed by Hnt Hakes, Esq , ot Wilkesbarre, who made a very ex cellent speech. Af'er him, E. II. Littlr rose and made a few remarkswhen the meeting adjourned by giving a vote of thanks to the speakers for their able and patriotic addresses, and to the band for their most excellent music, after : which three cheers were given for the whole ticket. Deatli of CoTernor WilJard. of Indiana. Cincinnati, Oct. 5. A private despatch from SL Paul's, Minnesota, says that Gov. rir On Tuesday evening the 2d ult., an im mense - concourse of people assembled in the upper part of Mr. Appleman's wheelwright shop. The building is 45 feet long and about 25 wide, and was-crowded to excess. At the least calculation there were'70o people present! They strung into Rohrsburg on foot, in wagons, in buggies, on horseback, and every other conceivable method of traveling. Not only was the Democracy ot Greenwood present, but the townships of Pine, Jackson, Benton and Orange, sent in their delegations. J) The meeting was organized by appoint ing Judge Evans : President, assisted by a number of Vice 'Presidents, and Secretaries. After the preliminary business was ,g ot along with,' Charles B. "Brockwav, of this place,was called upon lor a speech. He responded in a speech of over an hour's length. His address was received with a great deal of cheering, and no doubt had a good effect. E. H. 'Little, Esq., was next called for, and addressed the audience for abcit one hour, in a logical and argumeutive speech. The Democracy appeared to be inspired with a new kind of enthusiasm after listen ing to these speeches, ana lett lor tneir homes with a determination to leave noth ing undone to secure the success of the glorious old Democratic cause. On all journing, three cheers were given, for our nominees, which made the building shake to its very foundation. Democratic Meeting and role Raisin IS- On Saturday last the Democracy of Benton township, and adjoining townships, held a meeting and pole raising in the 'town of Benton, which was addressed by Henry Hakes, .Esq., of Wilkesbarre, Wellington H. Ent, Esq., and Charles B. Brockway. We m .1 are inlormeu mere was a iremeuaous gathering of people present. The meeting was enthusiastic and spirited. A splendid hickory pole was raised with flags and streamers upon it. The Democracy of Benton will give good account of themselves on the 9th inst. Tole Raisin; in Mainrillc On Thursday alternoon lat the Demo- cracy or aiainvuie aim vicinuy neia a Democratic meeting, and pole raising. There was a larire turn out of both the young and old Democracy. The Pole raised was HO feet high, with flag and streamer upon -it. Most excellent martial music was in attendance. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Michael Grover, assisted by a number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries Addresses were delivered in an able and patriotic manner ty Messrs. Freeze and Little, of this place. The Democrats of Main township are all alive in the cause of Democracy. On Wednesday evening, 25th ult , at New Orleans, the friends and supporters of Breckinridge and Lane held an immense meeting. The Delta, of the 27th ult., in speaking of it, says : The turn-out of the supporters of Breck- inrid 'e and Lane last night surpassed the anlicTpations of the most sanguine friends of the cause, not in its numbers alone, which far exceeJed those of any other pro cession during ihe present campaign, but in the genuine enthusiasm and spirit whicn pervaded the irrwiense throng. The im mense crowds on the 6'idewalks atte.sted the universal tympathy in the cause by their shouts and hurras, while every balcony and wincow on the line of the march of the cavalcade was crowded with ladies, who waved iheir handkerchiefs and thro' gar lands to the gallant youth who bore no splendidly the banner of the Union, of the r.ormtiitition and of the ri-ihts of the South. Our local report will give the details of this grand demonstration. We can only say here that the display of last night gave an earnest assurance that New Orleans does not intend to be cheated or betrayed out of her right and her reputation, as the great metropolis of the South. The true De mocracy will. not suffer her to be placed in antagonism with the vast majority of the people ol the Stales, from whom she re ceives her chief sustenance, and with whose people her own ought to be identified in interest, leeling and purpose. Cruelty lo Animals. The forty-sixth section of the Fenal Code of this State, as revised by a committee of the last Legislature, imposes a severe pen alty upon those who cruelly beat or torture animals. And it is just, that it is so. In every civilized community utu owiu'" . ... . ., :.: f.. exist, and so London and oiuer cuieo ui Eu rope, societies exist for the protection oi animals, the individual members of which are required to inform upon and bring all such offenders to justice. For the benefit i - l ....til an 11- h n ot those who own uuioeo anu think, because they are tlreir personal property, they can beat and treat them as they please, as well as others, we subjoin the 45th section : "If any person shall wantonly and cruelly beat, torture, kill, or maim any horse or domestic animal, whether belonging to him self or another, every such person so offeud in" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or un dergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, or eilher, at the discretion of the court." Nkw Millinery goods are making their appearance for the Fall and Winter. It will be seen in another column of our paper that Miss Mabt BabklkT of this place, has just replenished ber already large stock of millinery goods. For taste, beauty, and durability, her stock is not excelled iu town by any of her cotemporaries. We go to press too soon to give any election letnrns of much importance. The official vote of the county will appear in our next. A Democratic meeting was addressed at Stillwater by Messrs. Ent and Brockway on last Wednesday evening. On last Friday evening a Democratic meeting was held in Franklin township, and was addressed by Wesley Wirt, Esq., of this place. Oc the same evening E. H. Little Esq , addressed a meetina at thb Democratic Meeting at Eolmbur chj I vr Lj.nJt ' o low nne58 Germans and Irish, Read, Pause and Reflect. John M. Wilson, the author of the fol lowing, a Lincoln Elector in'Massachusetts, some time ago addressed a Republican meeting,' in a speech of considerable lerrgth, from which we make the following extracts. The German'or Irishman, who can read this and then vote for Lincoln, has very little 6elf-respect" : 'In the heart of the foreigner beats not one single noble impulse not one 6ing!e throb of patriotism. He is so brutish and degraded that he has no sympathy for any thing but cabbage-and lager, 'potatoes and buttermilk, or some other abominable out landish dish, only fit for hogs of the street or pen. Some tell you that many foreigners are intelligent ; yes 'intelligent. How in the name of the Almighty God can they say it? Look at the Dutchman smoking his pipe, and if you can see a ray of 'intelligence in that dirty, idiotic looking face of his, show it to me. Lo6k at the drunken, bloated Irishman, with his rot-gut whiskey bottle in his pocket, and' he drunk and swearing and' reeling, and shows not in ihat polluted face one spark of morality, intellect or edu cation. -The idea is absunl--it is prepo9 terous. "We must change the laws of the land, and prevent these ignorant, degraded pau pers here irom'voiing and holding office. They are a set of unprincipled villains and ruffians, who congregate in and Ground our large cities and villages, and live by steal ing from the American. "Would you have the American to stand back, and let a 'bloated Irishman vote in stead ot yourself ? See the wretch as he approaches his knees knocking and the slobber of tobacco running down hia jaws, and as he comes, you hear him hurrah for Dimocracy," and here he comes fresh from the bogs, just one year ago, and wants to vote and because the boys cry 'move him,' and he gets knocked down for his im pudence, a great cry iomade about it by old line demagogues. I say it is right, let them stand back. "Again : you see a lop eared, wide- mouthed, mullet-headed Dutchman coming up from the land of Krout, with the foam of of beer stifl sticking to bis horse-tail whis kers, and hrs whiskers and his breath smell ing of gailick and onions enough to kill a white man three hundred yards, and before he can say anything in the world but 'Dim ocrat' he must vote, and that vole counts as much as yours or mine. This is outra geous and abominable. These foreigners that have carried elections for pIJ liners, will have to learn their places. They have no more righl to vote than the brutes of the field, and have not hall the sense of a good Newfoundland dog ; and God know., . were , , . . , i these paupers and vagabonds: these vile, 1 f"!' o ' dirty, degraded, and idiotic foreigners I did not want their votes, and it 1 ever am a candidate, I hope to God I never will get thera." The Maine Democraty. That the organization of the Democratic party should sometimes fall into unworthy hands into the hands of those who would not hesitate to attempt to turn it aside from the path of constitutional djty-is not) stran&e. Its doors are ever open, ant - .... nd tnend I r - nUicnra In t Vi t f t n r a arm .oe cau o. . - P v- --J - . avalanche. The torrent contin of Us rjroTjentv there is always a rush of ' . . unprincipled men to its enclosure.and when they are once within its fold their first aim is to get control of its organization. Loyal Democrats are olten modest men, and make j no resistance lo such persons when they j seek ihe highest places of power and trust in the party. Too many of such men were made dele gates to the Charleston Convention, and a well nigh successful effort was made to sectionalize the party, but 'fortunately they did not succeed. They were met in their traitorous attempt by a solid phalanx of Jacksonian Democrats who thwarted their base designs, and, wresting the helni of the organization from their, hauds, saved the ship from being dashed upon the breakers of squatter sovereignty towards which they were directly heading. Thanks to the true , men of the South, aided bj equally true men of the North, the gallant ship of the Democracy again rides safely upon the smooth and open sea of constitutional principles. So far as the organization of the party in the State of Maine is concerned we have cot been so fortunate. Our little Democratic craft has been landed high and dry on the same breakers from which true and manly valor saved the national ship. Those who held the helm now freely acknowledge the disaster, and laugh at those who sincerely mourn over the wreck. But true Democrats must not despair. All damage done must be repaired, and our craft must be got, off the breakers before she goes to pieces entirely. She must again be launched upon ihe open sea of Constitutional principles, and the work must be done in Norombega Hall next Tuesday In whose hand was the helm when this mischief was done! Who was Chairman of our Slate Democratic Committee ? Was it not Sylvester R. Lyman, a man who never had a drop of Democratic blood io his veins, and who has only taken temporary shelter in our party, because he had driven his own to wreck and ruin 1 The best of hia days have been spent in open warfare on the Democratic party, and, like Parsons of Alabama, the heisht of his ambition is to ruin and overthrow it. It is now high time that the organization of the Democracy of Maine was wrested from such bands. The work has already been neglected too long. Our foes feel that we are now on the very verge of the yawning chasm of Abolitionism, and that one more step will precipitate us into the gulf. From this destruction the party must be snatched. It must again be placed on the broad and enduring basis of constitu tional principles. True and loyal men must be placed at the head of the organiza tion. When this is done, as it will be done next Tuesday, the Democracy of Maine will asain be on the highway to victory. Fusion in Kew York. tTT I a 1 X1 1 & f V. Artaf wis niva i no f ii i ii i :i i rHiinri t Mir miai s uu-u i action of the Cooper Institute Committee ot Fifteen, and iheir Electoral ticket for the state ot ISew V orK is now Derore me peo pie. It has been officially accepted by the Dean Richmond or Douglas Committee The friends of Mr. Douglas in New York havo thus abated their determination not to coalesce with other conservative elements to accomplish the defeat of Mr Lincoln. It shows a return to patriotic sentiments and is an acknowledgment of the true wants of the crisis, full of hope and encouragement. In New lYork, from the beginning, the Breckinridge Democracy have -shown the most patriotic spirit. They have insisted on no extreme or unpracticable conditions. 1 but have offered repeatedly to be satisfied d with much less than justice. Their reason able demands having been ' rejected by the Douglas Committee, there was of course an mid io all fur.'her arrangement as regards that organization. 'But the action of the Cooper Institute Committee has. placed the whole subject on a different footing. A majority of ihis Com mittee are the friends of Mr. - Breckinridge. ineir ot.jeci was not i . Tiiwk inri.iao organization, but the Union of .-.v- r o ' i all conservative elements against Mr. Lin coin. What could not be conceded to an arrogant aim nui..... . . .1 I ArfTani7atinn. I could be yielded to parlies not connected as partizans wiih either organization. The want of the times, the duty of patriots, the measure of in New York is the union of all conservative 'elements to defeat Mr. Lin- coln. 'We have reason tolbelieve, that the Breckinridge organization, true to its past record, true to it generoub and pure devo- tion to the country, will abandon all techni- cal objections, will waive the assertions at this time kof its just rights, will make sacn- fices lor-the common cause, and acquiesce in and support tha Cooper Institute Electo- ral Ticket as arranged on the 3d inst., by ihe Cooper'lnslitute Committee at Albany, Pennsylv inian . Terrible flood in the Rhone. Hie 'deluge which swept down theVciiey of the Rhone in 1856, inundating towns an,l carrvincr off an immense quantity of agricultural products, is fresh in the public miud. It is believed to have been caused by a change in the atrial currents blowing over Western Europe from the Atlantic. Thee had, for a number of years previ ously, been moving towards the North ev ery seison ; 'but all on a sudden this mo tion was checked, and that belt of wind cros.sed France nearer the Mediterranean, the consequence of which was an unusually . foil -f rain in iVm SmithpHstren narts de6lruclioa of ufo and Tropeny referred io. iaA a nAihor pflnA ampars to have nrO'Juceu 't ' .. '- l . O t . H . Hillllltf I - I t A a similar visitation mo imuno anj. The hot South winds which visit Italy in Summer would seem to have been more violent and lasting than usual this season, at least on the upper Alps. There they blew lor a long period and melted an extra ordinary quantity of ice and snow. The rains were -also very heavy. About the 1st of September it was announced that the i c f tVn ir'iKntarioa nr the UDDer - ,.,,.., . nm. lha, i k nnr o 1 1 :i 1 1 nvri nun ci. its uuiajf utaw ... . some bridges on the latter had been swept ued to swell rapidly and become more threatening every hour. At Sion, the capi tal of Valais, the river banks burst, and soon the valley was a sheet of water, every ; description of property being carried down with the torrent The peope collected by boat of drum and strove with all their might but ia vain, to check the progress of the destroyer. The flood came on so suddenly that individuals had to climb trees, where they remained during a whole night, before they could be rescued. Many sad cases of loss and suf fering are reported ; although it does not appear that any individuals of Switzerland, with a population nearly altogether agri cultural. It consists of one narrow princi pal valley, with a dozen or more tributaries, traversed by as many streams, which rush down from mountains averaging ten thou sand feet in height. The present visitation is aid to have been the most severe cash ot the kinp witnessed since 1834. it is not probable that the lower Rhone has been seriously damaged. The 0.neen and the Trince. When very young, she was ricketty and weak in the ankles, but was recovered by healthy training. She was brought up at sea side, at Ramsgate, her ankles pumped on, and sea bathing resorted to. She was very benevolent ; when she rode abroad, which was on horseback, and often, her purse always returned empty. She had and still has a good appetite. Her mother carefully inculcated in her a love for the Protestant religion. She learned German, French and Italian perfectly, knew a little Spanish, and was an accomplished musi cian and vocalist. At the age of 18, on June 20, 1837. she became queen, in con sequence of the death of her uncle, William IV. Lord Melbourne and the Duke of Wellington proved excellent advisers to the queen. They dined wilh her everyday, and being old gentlemen, would sometimes drop asleep over their wine, when she would tickle their noses. Very soon Lord Melbourne thought she should be married, and, on his stating it in diplomatic lang uage, she did not understand him, and re plied : "Let me have the Duke of Willing ton '." Explanation being offered, she ob jected to her cousins of Cumberland and Cambridge, and suggested "poor Albert." It proved a happy choice, as the young prince makes an excellent husband.' It was said that the queen liked Lord Elphin stone, but he was sent to Madras, to get him out of the way. The youug couple started in life with a mutual income of 8650,000. It was not too much; they brought up their family on it, without call ing for a separate allowance for any of them. The queen rises at half-past six in mm- abroad, returning to morning prayers and breaklast, at which she eats heartily, and subseaiieiUir spends halt an hour in ttte . . - S(,e next receiVe8 the master' 5f hoapfetrohi) and'jeci(,e3 wfcal h.vita.ious shoiifd be accorded for the day, and then visits her aviary, menagerie, aquarium, or plables. S'he is passionately fond ot horses and a good rider. At eleven she receives ' the Fecretary of war, the home and foreign secretaries ; at twelve generally visitors ; lunches at one, and drinks Alsop's pale ale. At three she rides in her carriages or on horseback, eith er visiting or on some errand of charity. Returning, her maiestv dines in state, which is rather a dreary affair, no conversation -ZJ I tt r hoi 1!,ort TCnt that over. Rt ouette 13 eing allowed. But that over, etiquette is israissed ; in the drawing-room the queen plays upon the piano, and indulges in Ger man games, ai eleven sne retires. uo queen appears fond f American ladies. i TL The prince of Wales is neither dull hor stupid, but a youth of the noblest disposi- .... i . l I Hon ane splenuuiiy eancateu. i.ne u mother, he appeared' ricketty and delicate in youth. He speaks 'French, German, Italian and Spanish with fluency, beside l;nr n annA firftpk and Latin scholar. He ""-r e nonn . . . w:.fa Iaw and ,he fine arts, ... ... . a tuUU ouiutci iucyioiiv-"j i otwi n rrnni l mf.n man. He dances enormously, like most ot . l I.' . U n nf iV 'lair and n!ivriv rhnnfcpa lh(, ,,ar1ri, K likes best. a - J The ;Evils of Medical Malpractice. "The report of the City Inspector," says the New York Herald of the 9th May, I860, 't0 the Board of Health which we publish- ed yesterday, revpals an alarming state -of affairs in the condition of the public health showing not 'ouly an increase of 1,819 deaths within the past four months over those ol last year, but a Irightful increase of mortality from scarlet fever, croup, bron ch'uis and pneumonia the incttsrsfe of deaths from these diseases forms one fourth 0f the total. This fact warns us of the ne- cessity existing for some means of protec- tion against unskilled and half educated Physicians. The public are thus constantly exposed to malpractice at 'the hands of igno rant men, who follow the profession merely as a means oi making money, without the ambition or the qualifications which pertain to the educated practitioner." How widely different have been the results in the above disorders from those who have t3.ed Hollo way's Pills and Ointment is manifest by the fact that not a single case of death occurred wherever the Pills and Ointment had been taken in time. Thonsaud of mothers owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Holloway for being the means of saving the lives of their dr lings. There is no idle theory or specula tinn in the use of these medicines. The effect is invariably the same sure and cer tain where all the instructions gien are strictly fulfilled. The Pills cool and purify the hlood, while the Ointment locally ap plied in scarlatina, croup or bronchitis, al lays the inflammation and speedily restores the little sufferer to the enjoyment of health. In Europe, we learn that hundreds of lives have been saved in cases of diptheria, for which the Ointment is a certain cure, and for all diseases affecting the throat, pene trating as it does, the affected glands, which no internal medicitre alone can reach so effectually as to act with sufficient celerity to save the patient. This extraordinary Ointment will give permanent relief to all asthmatic patients, and may iheretore be considered as a sovereign remedy. "Short calls are best," as the fly said when he lit on a hot stove. Ihltoicy's I'iHs and Oitttment.-lie only is wi-e who seeks safely in precaution. Lile is uncertain, thousands in the vigor of health to-day will never see to-morrow. The varying atmosphere, the raw piercing winds warn us of winters approach with its icy blasts and ruthless courges ; Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Asthma, Bronchhitis Pleurisy. Consumption, Rheumatism. Chil blains, Frosts bites, &c. The wise and cau tions will immediately have recourse to those powerful invijjorators Holloway's Pills which enable the lungs to resist the deleter ious effects of the weather and fortify the constitution to withstand the rigors and in clemencies of winter. The Ointment is an infallible remedy for inflammation of the throat, and all disorders of the chest pro duced by violent colds, it also fives speedy relief to the organs of respiration. 52 S52. 12 ISH ZJE) Thomas L. Swisiita and Marv S. Cotxer, toiiether, have departed this life of siugle- blessedr.ess and ascended to the happier realms of matrimony. This doleful act oc curred in Muncy, on the 30th of Sept. ult., ot A P M thrmitrh ihn neronrv Ol lha Kev. Mr Rilichouse. Thomas has tound 'lhe balm of Gilead" utid she "has found the r - . . nAuiVinti ihere " Reauiesenl in vice. C. r-J - i ' in espy, uiuiiii'i luumy, i a., u wi ..u :.. k.. ,i, iio. f I? Hi mm Mr. i. t- v: il. itu inc., ij w. ... - . Owen R Everlt. of this place, to Miss Ernr A. Whitmter, of the former place ' ' SEW MILLINERY GOODS. FAIL m JvSJD WHMSH:I3 B01T1T3TS. THE undersigned respectfully informs ihe ladies of Bloombnr2, and vicinity, thai 6he ha just re'urnad from lha City with a splendid assortment of new comDrisine everything commonly found in a firi-cla5s Millinery Store. Her slvle of Bonnets, cannot be surpassed in thi section of country, and her work will favorably compare with any done this side of the cit- ies. She has on hand a lot of neat and handsom bonnets, hats and caps, for liille Mtsres, of all styles and price. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburz, October 10. 1860. 'Jt sJ :? Q V w v w '-. w V.' OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BUOWER'S o O O O Cheaper than liver. May 16, 1660. v. MARK THESE FACTS ! Till TEST13IWV OF HIE WORLD. H O L L O WAY'S 0 1 NTME NT. IjBAD 'LEGS, BAD BRE ATS SORES AND ULCEUS. AH description of frores af3 rem.1?abf8 by the proper and aiugeni ne ol ihi mea- jumab.e Puon. Wi,-r js a ! f moio .... tc .,,,. ,u euro Mis edges ol th'e folly:;'for rhouKl thfe skin iinite, a bogsy diseased condition" mains underneath to break out with lenfortl fury in a (w days. The only rational anil successdil treatment, as indicated bv nature. lo reduce the inflma, ion in and about the wound wnd ic sooihe ihe neighboring part- by rubbiig in .temy of the OintmeiSt as ialt is forced into meal. DIPTHERIA. ULCERATED SOUE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of the above diseases miy be cured by weir rubbing the Ointment three times a day into the chert, throat and neck of ill paiient ; it wilt coon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth mut operate upon th whole sys tem ere its influence can be felt in any lo cal part, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the ahove manner ol the disease name. I, or arty similar disorJers affecting ihe cbe2i and throat, will fii.d themselves felieved as by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS. STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed oy nightly fomenting the parts wiih warm water, and then by mot efTetH ually rubbing in tha Ointment. Persons suffering Irom these direful complaiot fhonld lose not a moment in arresting Iheir progress II should be understood fhsrt it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, but il must be well rubbed in lor oome considerable timn two or three times a day, that il may be token into ihe c)6lem, whence it will re move any hidden ore or wound a effect ually as ihough palpable io ihe e)e. Thrfr again bread mid water poultices, after rub bing in of l tie Oi-iirnent, will do treat ser vice This h the only sure treatment for lemales, cases ot cancer in the stomach, or where thera may be a general bearing down. IN DISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, as alo swellings, ran, wiih certa'r.ty, b radically curd if the O.nl irient be used (reelv, anJ Pill bs taken iiint biu! n.ornin;i a recommended in ih printed instructions. When treated in any oher way ttiey onlv dry Oi in one plaro to break out in another ; whereas thi Oi u nient will remove the humor from iha v"- lem, mid leave the patient a vigo'om a-o healthy beitis It will r-qwre inn with ihe us of the r liN to ensure a iaung cur. DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND SI I KF JOINTS A'thonh the ahovc ro n;la'nits difl-ff widely in iheir oriam and nature, yel ihey all require locul treatment. Manj of lh wurst caes, of such diseases, will yield in a comparatively short s,.ce of limn wh'ii this Oiiiimeni is ddigenily rubbed into "he parts affc'Cted, even alier every other meani have tailed. In all seriou maladies lha Piils should be taken according to Ihe di rections accompanying ech bjx. Both the Ointment and Pills should be ussJ ii Ihe following cases : A2" Apihma, KiHious ComplmU, blotches ou tha Skin, Bowel Cora-,d ain't i ColiCrt, Con'iyation of the B jel, Coniumptioii, Debility, Inflammt ion, Jaundice Liver Com plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrotnla, or King' Evil, Drpi-y, Dyen ery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, HeaJ-ache, Indigestion, Sor Tnroais, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symptoms) Tic-Douluuieux, Tumours, Ulcer-, Venereal Affections Worm; of H kinds Weakness from wha'ever cause, C.4UTIOX J None me tzeiinine a-Mesa the words "Holioway, Tw York and Lon don," ara disreraird a Water mnk in every leaf of '.he book of direction aro un l each poi or box ; ihe same may be plainly bv V).Winr the le'fl the lizhl. A naa-i- some reward will be aiveti io any one ren- derins such information as wav lead 'o th detection of anv party or parlie counter feiting the medicines or vending the sraj, knowing them to be spurrous. Sold at the Manulactorv of Professor HoUowav, 80 Maiden Lane, Nw orfc,ani by all respectable Druits and Dealers m . , -, i II Medicine, throughout trie, civiuzea wwn, iu pots, at 25c, 62c. and SI each. CsT There is a considerable saviaz oy . . , . taKinr ine laruer pizes. - 7 , . ., r N. B Directions for the guidance of pa- .. . 1. i ... .R.., tnoach uenus, 111 ever, uim.u,........ I ft ll..lAhat in IMM TllC PRINCE OF WALES IS NOW CREATING QUITE A SEXSATIOX Throughout this Country. f UT there is great excitement aowrt town -caused bv ihe arrival of a new and . . t . ei;t stork of Goods jut received at L. T. SHARP LESS' Chap Ca-h Store. Havin? just returned from Philadelphia with a tolt heretofore unrivaled, he flit'er hmelf that he can satisfy all of the beauty and a I- vantaaes of the Cash Sytlem by lha ecee-.-insly low prices with which ha is able U sell. consist ot ore- pooi'S 01 eiery varie y, Silk, Plaid, Fii'l Thib's, Cahmeref Plain and fanrv DeLi'mes &c, &x. Ladi lirocha and Il-versable Sia-.vU, G-in"' Shawls, Coat, Cloak and Manila Cloths, Fancy Casimeres. Vesiinas, Satin,L-ns, Flannels, Gin2ham,Cal de3 kc Boo-s and Shoes. A large assortment ol Gjh shoes which will be disposed ol at ihe low ei prices. Hats and Caps, Table a id flof Oil Cloths, Notions of every Kind, Qneenesware, Grocer.es, Flour and feeJj An examination of the stock n liciiel as no charge is mads for an exhibition of Ihe goods. Grain ar.J all markr-tible pro-1 duce taken in exchange for soo U. L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsburz, Oct. 10, 1860 o III an 1 or all KimU