STAR OF THE NORTH, fitccmsbar?, Wednesday Sfplfmber 19, 1SGO. For Sale. We notice that ihe Anthracite Gazette, ol Tamaqua, is advertised for sale. The present proprietor is D. C. Reinhart. We hare teen informed ibal the office U a Very good one. Th Printer has been received for Sep tember. This publication is useful among the card and all should have it. We hope it is liberal!; supported. It is published in New York. Religious Nonce We are requested to give notice, that there will be preaching in the Baptist Church of this place,' by the Iter. J. R. Shanafelt, on next Sabbath at jialf past 2 o'clock in the afternoon and early handle light in the evening. V. The dearth of local materials still continues, and is almost to impossible to hnnt op the wherewith either to amuse or instruct oar readers. Unless there is an im prorement in oar town soon, we shall have to cave. We don't mind drinking oat of an empty jug occasionally ; but to be compell ed to do so continually is rather dry work. BkajL Estate fob Sale. The Executors of the estate of Cornelius Reinbold, late of Columbia county, deceased, offer for sale in the Star a Tract of land containing one hundred and ten acres, with necessary build ings. This sale will take place on Saturday, the 27 1 h day of October, next, on the prem ises in Locust township. The land is val uable, the larger portion of it being cleared and in a good slate of cultivation. Ire You Assessed? Democratic voters! if you have anydonbls about your name being to the assessor's list, go and see to it without delay. It is often the case that even the names of old resi dents are inadvertently left off the list Remember that all who desire to vote on the 9ih of October next, most be assessed ten d-ys before the election. Fisuermen's Hotel This is the name of a' public house, under the supervision of Mr. Ezekiel Cole, located in Sn&ar!oaf twp., Columbia county, close by Big Fishing creek, and upon the public road. Mr. Cole keeps a tolerably good hotel for that sec tion of country it does first rate. He has a handsome new house, ami from what we know is doing a snug business. The most important items about a public house are these : good beds, good and plenty of eata Met and drinkables; all of which can be found at the Fishermen's Hotel, and that of the first order. Those going in his direction will please give him a call. Congressional conference. We have been credibly informed that the Congressional Conferees of this District, composed of the Counties of Wyoming, Lu Columbia and Moi.tour, will meet at the Exchange Hotel, in this place, on Fri day next, for the purpose of making a Con gressional nomination. There will be three candidates before the Conference, Hon- Geo. Scott, Hon H. B. Wright, and W. M Piatt, Esq. We will not speculate any in this no tice as to the chances for a nomination of either of the candidates. Nominate a good man and be can be elected this fall without a doubt. We'll trust in the deliberations of this body. Abcse or Public Mem. rlf those who are daily railing the President, or some mem ber of his Cabinet, find themselves likely to exhaust their stock of invectives, they can renew their supply by the study of cer ' tain productions of their predecessors in the same vile business. In a publication now before us, issued in 1800, we find WASHINGTON charged with having "em bezzled the public money," with being "knowingly perjured," being "a hypocrite," and .with having ''sacrificed the dearest rights of his country ;" while the incumbent President was assailed for "having comple ted the scene of ignominy which Washing ton began." Here is an array of epithets ready made, and qoite as ingenious as any which now blacken the pages of the Re publican press. "Everybody's Lawyer," and "Tbe Fami ly Doctor." The above works which are -advertised in another part of oar paper, are " It -t . t.t- . T . Jiave ever come nnder oar notice. The publisher aiming to meet the wants of the million, and to supply them with books not -of transient interest, bat, of real and perma nent value, has spared no in the .getting up of these works, the necessity for . which are of constant recurrence in "every .body's" business and family. By the aid oi judicious advertising they have already reached an enormous sale, and are now be- - -, , ng anxiously sought for ia every part of ' i our iana. ... I Everybody '$ Lawyer By Frame. Crosby, isq., ol the fhilaiielphia bar, is a hand noma 12mo. tblnme. containing 5S1 nanai a s a 9 teaatifully printed and illustrated. It gives fall and complete forms, with directions And advice not only reliable, bat written in ' eo clear and distinct a style thai it is hardly possible for misunderstand ins to occur. , There isscarcely any business contingency "that it ii not fully calculated to meet. It is equally adapted to. all the States,, and no one who consults its pages with care, can fail to become well posted in the laws of .Jjt conntry. J ' We advise "Everybody" to 4boy it," for "Everybody" says it is a great . book, and so say we. "jtft aamuif uocior," vj rtoi. uenry Taylor, contains simple remedies easily obtained fof the cure of Pisease ia all forms. Tlie great charm ni. this - work also, is its complete simplicity, and the entire absence bl all medical technicalities. It is appro priately illustrated, and gotten op in excel lent style, and like the other, should be in 'Everybody's" hands. . ; ... Two Dollars sent the Publisher will se cure .single copies of each book, by. return ! pf taai',. . ". " ..J , . . . . REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, $1 RYE. CORN, . OATS. BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr.bbl. 7 20 70 65 33 50 00 BUTTER, 16 EGGS, 10 TALLOW, 12 LARD, 12 POTATOES. 62 DR'D APPLES.2 00 HAMS, 12 CLOVERSEED.4 00 PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Tenth Annual exhibition ON THE WYOMING BATTLE GROUND Near the Wyoming Monument, and in the vicinity of Wilkes Barre, Pillslon If Scran- tun, in Luzerne County. fllHE Exhibition will open on Tuesday, and will continue Fonr Days, viz. September 25lh, 2Gth, 27th and 2Slh The Grounds which are most beautifully situated, are not only large, but remarkably well adapted to the purposes of the Exhi bition THEY CONTAIN SEVENTY-TWO ACRES. A fine track for horses, as well as every other convenience necessary to the comfort and safety of exhibitors and the animals and articles they wish to exhibit, are pro vided. Arrangements have ben made with the different Railroad Companies for the trans portation of articles intended for exhibition i r i i irte oi cuarge uoin ways. Visitors to lie Exhibition will find most ample accommodations, at moderate prices. Trio different Railroad companies will issue Excursion Ticke:. List of Premiums, Judges, and Regula tion, &c, can be had at all the principal Agricultural Warehouses, from Gen. E. W. Stardevant, at Wilkes-Barre; and on appli catiar. until September 1st, to the Secretary, at Harrisburg. After that time the Secre tary's office will be at West Pittston, Lu zerne county. Competition open to all. A. O. HI ESTER, Augnst 22, 1860. Seaelary. LIQTTOUSi LIQUCB.S1 AYliolctale and Kctail. riMIE subscriber would announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he i selling LIQUOliS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at nia new store, on Mam street, north side, two doors south of Iron 6treet, Bloomsburg. His stock of Foreign and Domestic consiss of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and ar4y quautily of common. He al-o has PURE HOLLAND GIN Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, a qnantity of good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. Tbe public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROB BINS, Agt. Bloomsburg, July 11, i860. LARGE STOCK AD LOW PRICES. VV have auain been to the city, and re- turned wi'h a large stock of Goods for the season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our slock conista of Hardware, Qoeensware, Cedarware, Wil-Inw-ware, Hollow-ware. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, While Lead by the Keg, cheap, &.c, &c. H. C. & I. W. HARTMAN. Blocmsburg, April 25, 1860. Tinware & Store Establishment. tJiHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully m forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of fers for sale the largest and most ex tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, s usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf. WM. B K00NS, Proprietor. II LOOMS ULIIG, PA. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, has been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable. manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affrds,and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Atieulise ostlers will always be on hand, and bis stabling is the most extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court. THE Auditor appointed to make distribu tion of the balance in the hands of Abraham Rohbins, Administrator of the es tate of Thomas Robbing, late of the said county, d?cease.1, will meet ihe distribu tees and all persons interested, for the par poses of his appointment, at his office in Bloomsburg, nn SATURDAY the 25ih day of AUGUST next, between the hours of nine A. M. and three P. M., when and where all persons having claims are required to present them, or be forever debarred from a share of said fund. - - i-V'r " ; : J. G. FREEZE, Auditor. Bloorniburg, July 25, i860. E. H. LITTLE, IZLOOiHSmTIIG, Pa. Office in t'ourt Alley; formerly occupied by - Charles R. Buckalew. December 28,-1859.-if. NOTICE. A LL person indebted to the undersigned for Professional services up to April 1st, 1860, are respectfully requested to call and settle, either by Note or otherwise. J. C. RUTTER, M.D. Bloomsburg. Aug. 15, 1850.-tf. . Blaaks orall Kinds For fale'at the Slar of te KorthiOglce. ' . ; . GET THE W KB ST CIVS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. 1500 PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 9000 to 10,000 New Words in th! Vocab ulary. Table of Synonyms, by Prof Good rich. With Mother new features. Together with all the matter of previous editions. In one volome of 1750 pages. Price S6 50. Sold by all Booksellers. G. & C. MERRIAM, Sprinafield, Mas. fcf""The eighty pages of Illustrations, comparable in fineness to those of bunk notes, are worth the price of the book." Ch. Herald. 'Getthe Best." Get the Handsomest. Get the Cheapest. Gel Webster. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PRESI DENTS OF COLLEGES. Within the last few weeks the Publishers have received flattering iestimonials of the merits of this edition, from nearly Thirty Presidents of as many of tbe leading Col leges of the United States. Among them are fiom Presidents Frelinahuysen of Rut gers, Walker of Harvard, Hopkins of Wil liams, Stearns of Amherst, Cummings of Middletown, Nott of Union, Way land of Providence, Jackson of Hobert, Woods of Brunswick, Lord of Dartmouth. Pease of Burlington, Ballon of Tufts, Gale of Gales ville, Ciampi of Holy Cross, Murphy of Abingdon, Labaree of Middlebury, .An drews of Marietta. Fisher of Hamilton, Read of Shuriliff, Sturtevant of Illinois, Reynolds of Illinois, Collins of Wilkinson, Anderson of Rochester, Wallace of Mon mouth, Curtis of Knox, &c. In them are expressions like the following: "An honor to American science, taste and cri i'ism." 'An enduring value and authority.' 'Never found any work which so uniformly satisfied my inquiries.' 'Has ever since been ray constant companion in my practice at the bar, and for the last fire ears upon the bench. I have ever found it a safe counsellor, and an ici'ispp nsable help in the preparation and decision of caes.' 'For the sake of my country and the English languaae, I rejoice in the won derful standard excellence, as well as celeb rity, your Dictionary has attained. It is a work for the present, and for all coining time.' 'Stands unquestionably preeminent.' 'There seems every prospect that it will be the standard book for this countiy, at least, if not for England. Iam content it should be so.' 'This truly great 8nd national work.' 'A complete apparatus for all purposes of reading and understanding American and English literature. It is difficult to con ceive of anything that could be added to fit it for these ends.' 'A vast treasury of knowledge, the whdle of which is needed by every one who uss the English lan guage, either as a writer, a speaker, or a reader.' 'Ought to be a part of the furni ture of every Americnn.' 'We long ago accepted Webster as the Standard in our College, and the experience of every term strengthens our conviction of Ihe wi.dom of our choice.' 'So long as you continue to incorporate all the improvement which are developed in the science of lexico graphy,' &c, &c.' June 6, 1860. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG i.j139Brij EJhSiS fi Tj RAIL-ROAD. Summer Arrangement. TWO DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS SCRANT0 & NORTHUMBERLAND. Moving South. Philad'a Mail N. Y. Express. Leave Scranlon, Arrive at Piltston, Kingston, Shickshinny, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Rupert, 6.10 a. m. 4.53 p. m. 6.38 7.05 7 50 8 20 8 50 9.00 9.25 4.53 5 20 6.25 6.55 7.30 7 40 8.10 8 45 Panvillle, Northumberland, 10.00 Moving North. Leave N. Y. Express. Philad'a Mail. Northumberland, 5. 30 a. m. 4.45 p. m. Arrive at Danville, 6 05 5 20 Knpert, 6.35 5.50 Bloomsburg, 6 45 6 00 Berwick, 7.15 6.35 1 Shickshinny, 7.45 7.05 'Kingston, 8.30 7.45 Pulsion, 8.57 8 15 Scranton, 9.25 8.45 The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail Road connects with the Delaware, Lacka wanna Rail Road at Scranton. for New York and Philadelphia, and intermediate points East; also for Great Bend, Bingham ton, Syracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and all important points West. At Rupert it connects with the Catawisa Railroad for point both East and West. At Northumberland it connects with the Snnbuiy and Erie Railroad, for points West and South. M. W. JACKSON, August 8, 1860. Superintendent. ITIovcr's Drug S4ore. ri'HE undersigned has just received a fresh - supply of Drug?, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY of the best quality, all of wnich he will sell at 2 fatly reduced prices lor the CASH. Alio on hand an Improved Fruit Jar, much superior and cheaper to anythina hitherto offered in this market. AUo a lot of PICKLING JARS, much cheaper than heretofore. JOHN R. MOYER. Bloomsburg, August 23, I860. tf. OF ' - OF ALL KINDS, AT J. J. BliOWDK'S Cheaper than Ever. May 1860. READY-311DE CLOTHING Can be bought cheap at the cheap cash store of L. T. Sharpless. May 2, I860. Fa tent Enameled Paper Collars For sale at L. T. SHARPLESS' Cheap Cash Store. May 2, 1860. A. J. EVANS. f MERC II J NT, 'tore on the npper part of Main St., nearly opposite the Episcopal Cbnrcb. .. . RAYMOND'S FAMILY s c vv j v iti t w n i im c ) PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. THICK $10 KAf II. XTESSRS. ZUPP1NGER & ROBBINS, of - Bloomsburg, tiaving purchased lle ex clusive right of ihe above valuable I in pro ved Chear Paient Sewing Machine, for the County of Columbia, will be happy in supply their friends with the article Inr the accommodation of themselves and lamilies. The following are Some of the superior advantages this implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 ro 600 light stitches per minute. . 2. Double thread Machines ate from the more complicated character ol iheir mech anism invariaMy munaged and tl readed with more or less difficulty ; not so with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it in two hours, and it is threaded easier thaa a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is the smallness and tbe compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or siand, in operating order, arul removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes tlWthread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for any work tor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The seam is so strong if well done, that the strongest material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among the array of Pa'ent Sawing Machines, there are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds of work as experience has proven. There are perhaps none so realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate use of the fam ily circle, and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam just as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, etc., can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapteu to all kinds of stitchirg such as gentlemen's shirts, boi-oms, ristbands, collars, etc., and all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusiers. etc., ex cepting for men'sheavy wear, this Machine is rather too light of construction. 10. Bui we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, inooced by if.e use of Sewing Machines, surpasbes iofiuitely all oilier ad vantages. J 1. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the . operator wishes it unfastened or open, there' is a way lor it too, thus you can have it fastened or not, as you please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If ihe seam is left unfastened, you can draw it oul in three seconds and save the thread. ' For sale by the undersigned, at their re spective residences, in Bloomsburg, who will put the Machine in operation and give all uecesary instruction. . HENRY Zf'PPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. Bloomsbora, July 11, 1860. LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BUFFA LO, A LB AN Y.CLEVELAND. DE TROIT AND CHICAGO.' PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, S. E. Corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets. R f F C R E N O C S JNO. B. MEYERS. H COWPERTH WAIT, Prof. JOHN S HART, J. B. LIPIMNCOTT, MORRIS L. HALLOWFLL. COUNTING HOUSE COURSE, Comprise Book Keep ing for Mercantile, Banking Railroad, and Manufacturing Business with Pennmauship, Cal culations Correspondence, &c &c, fully qualifying the Student for atcual business. Students receive individual In struction. Diplomat are awarded to Graduates. $35.00 Pays for Life Scholarship good in seven Col lege; S25 for partial course. EFFor Catalogue and Specimens of Wri ting, Address, inclosing two stamps, BRYANT & STRATI ON, July 27, 1859. Philad'a. CHANGE OF TIME. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western ISail ICond. GlkN and after Monday, May 28, 1860, 7 trains will run as follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS, Moving South. The Accommodation Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 6,38, and the Cincinnati Express at 6,03, a. m., and connects wi'h the Ex press Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia, at 7,10 a. m. Due at Scranton, 9,35 a. m. EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS, Moving North. Passengers from N. Yoik, leave Pier No. 2, North River, at From Philadelphia, leave Wal nut Street Wharf, at Dee at Scranlon, Due at Scranton, The Accommodation Train 7,30 a. m. 6,00 " 4,10 " 7,25 " does not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the Morning Train on the L. & B. Raii Read, thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Valley a direct connection for the West by the Morning Train. For the accommodation of way travel on ihe Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving Scranton, at 4 a.m. Returning, will leave Junction at 3,40 a. m. Due at Scranton, 2,50 a. m. Passer.gers to and from New York change cars at Junction to and from Philadelphia via B D R R, leave or lake the cars at Hope. For Pirtttnn, Kington, and Wilkesbarre, take L. & B. R. R. cars al Scranton. For Je-sup, Archbald and Carbondale, take Stage at Scranlon. Cir" Tickets sold and basaage checked Through. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't. Wm. N. Jenk, Gen. Ticket Aem. June 13, 1860. 4 . lOU 8 A L E ! EVERAL desirable Building Lois in Blooinobursr, lor sale. Inquire of Juue 20, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. BARNARD KUPECT. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Shop on ihe South Side ol Main Street, fir qoare below Market. U1RAM . 110 WER SURGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilson's Carriage sb.op.Matn St. MEMORANDUM OF PREMIUMS TO BF. AWARDED AT THB ACRU CLUKAL, HORTICULTURAL 1KD jYIrch:nicnl Exhibition or COLUMBIA COUNTY, (in Ihursday. Friday & Saturday, Ihe 18 h 19ih, & 20ih ol October, 18GO By Order of the Executive Committee. CLASS 1 HORSES. Best pair of Draft Horses, $10 CO 5 00 8 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 5 00 2d do dd B-st 2.1 Bet 2.1 Beit 2d Best do Bet Best Best 2d Best 2d Best CI Carriage do (10 Mares do Stallion, do do Stallion between 2&4 ys. 5 00 do 2&3 ys. 3 00 Gelding Colt, 2 ) ears, 4 00 Mare do do 00 Brood Mare & Colt, do do do Horse Colt 1 year, do do do Mare, do do 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 3 00 Enoch Yetler, Best single carriage horse, Be6t ' " mare, Judges -Abner Welsch, Orange Rittenhouce, Briar Creek ; Isaac Maine. . CLASS 2 CATTLE. Best Bull 3 years and upwards 2 do do do Best do 2 years old Best do 1 year old Best Cow, Devon or Darham, 2d do do do Best do Native stock, 2d do do do 3d do do do Best Devon or Dcrhara Heifer, 2d do do do Best Native stock 1 year 8 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 Bed Calf of any breed nnder 10 mo's 2 00 Best Yoke of Working Oxen 2d do do do Best pair of steers 2d do do Best display of Cattle owned and held 00 00 00 00 as farm stock by the exhibitor, com bining the best properties in regard to profitable breediug, feeding and milking 10 00 2d do do 5 00 Judges. Reuben WTilson, Madison ; Ma thia.4 Hartman, Cattawiasa, John Hill, Cen tre. CLSS 3 SHEEP. Bel blooded buck 2d " best native ' 2d " " best blooded ewe 2J " " best display of sheep 2d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Judges. Thos. Creve'injj, ScotJ ; Frank lin yicBndf, Hum lock; Joshua Menden hall, Franklin. CLASS 4 SWINE. best boar 2d " ben broc l sow 2d " best and heaviest 2 hogs 2d ' bei lot of pigs or more,cnder 10 ws 2d ' 00 00 00 00 0O 00 00 CO Judges Samuel Lazarus, Montonr ; V Reehe, Centre ; G. A. Bowman, Mifflin. CLASS 5 POULTRY. best best b-sl best best best be." i bsl pair shanghai cltifagongs 1 00 1 oo 50 50 50 50 to 50 2 00 2 00 it c( it bantums neapolitan game polish leghorn black Spanish beet and largest variety of fowls, beit ' ' ' turkeys bst geese 1 00 best lot pigeons 50 best canarey bird 50 jU(joes. Dr. Simon Cotner, Madison ; Seth Bowman, Berwick; Dr. George Hay hurst, Caitawissa. CLASS 6 GRAIN AND GRASS SEEDS. best buhel white wheat ' ' Canadian white wheat ' red chaff bearded best and large! variety of wheat best bushel oats 2d 50 50 50 CO 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 best i c i rye smoked corn gourdseed ' speckled of any kind buckwheat cloverseed 2J i 4 timothy seed Petsr M. Traugh, Judges. Briarcreek Philip Reet-e, Greenwood : G. W. Dreis bach, H-imlock. CLASS 7 GREEN & DRIED FRUIT. best lot winter apples not less bush. 1 00 50 CO 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 fall and largest variety of apples 4 pears peaches not less than 1 dozen Jot of quinces, ' dried apples ' peaches, 4 qnarts of dried cherries, 4 qis of stoned ' variety of grapes and lar(st variety of dried frait bnstiel onior.s . white currant wins blackberry grape ' catavvba ' and largest variety of wire cherry wine Judges. Eli Mendenhall, Benton: Hiram Reeder, Franklin ; The. J. W'elliv'er, Ml. Pleasant. CLASS 8 VEGETABLES. best bushel mercer potatoes 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 75 75 00 75 75 75 75 50 prince albert pink eyes door yard peach blown blue shannocks and largest variety 6 squashes 2 pumpkins and largrt variety of pumpkins 2 cl: t-T.r' pumpkins 1 !oz?n beets, 1 dozen carrots 6 heads cabbage 2d 6 best 12 stalks cellery ' 6 .eaus cauliflower -' 6 raddish ' 12 mangoes 2J ' 4 he! i peck lima btans 12 tomatoes ; fi purple egg plants ' af green corn ' and largest variety of vegetables 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 53 50 1 00 75 l i I turnips Judgv! Eii Creveling, Scolt : Andrew Ft' H, C'-'ii-e; Eli Barton, Bloom. CLASS 9 HOME & DAIRY PRODUCTS. (r ..le-erved white peaches 1 00 '2A 4 beet ' ' 4 50 yellow. : 00 2d . ' 4 best t 50 2d ' best 2d 4 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 pears best jar quince jelly 2d" ' " best ' aprle jelly 2d best spiced peaches ' and largest variety of canned or preserved fruit ' roll butter, 2d ' 4 best apple butter 4 tomato ' pear peach i i pastry apple pie pastry peach pie fruit cake soda cake pound cake 00 and larg'st variety of cake a pastty 2 00 loaf of bread 00 2d i 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 50 lot of doughnbts lot of biscuit tomato ketchup pickles and largest variety of pickle?; sample cider vinegar lot hard soap ' soli ' sample sweet cider 1 50 Judges' Dr. F. C. Harrison. Bloom: Mrs Dr. George Lott, Oranve; Mrs. Sylvester Pursul; Hemlock ; Mrs. Elias Dieterich, Montour; Mrs. Alfred Crevelmg, Espy town; Mrs. Andrew Ikeler, Greenwood. CLASS 10 HOME & HOUSEHOLD. best two pieces cloth 00 00 00 50 00 60 CO 50 00 50 4 ' linen check bed quift 2d ' best pair woolen blankets 2d 1 ' best sample rag carpet, not less than 15 yards, 2d ' best piece woblen carpet 4 pair woolen stockings ' ' i ' hose 4 woolen mittens knit tidy 2J ' ' best coverlid Judges. E. P. Lutz, Bloom MM 1 50 50 00 50 50 B. Diemer, Cattawissa ; Mrs. Jacob Melick, Light Street ; Mrs. Silas E. Fowler, Fspy town. CLASS 11 LADIES WrORK & FLOWERS. best lancy toilet cover 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 1 CO 50 1 00 2d 4 4 bet fancy lamp mat 2d 4 best sample of shirt collars & bosoms 4 knit shawl 4 ottoman artificial flowers 4 complete set embroidery 2d 4 4 4 best ornamental shell work ' boquel of flowers 2d best and largest variety of flowers 1 44 ' 4 of millenary work 1 4 sample of worsted or zephyr w'k. 1 4 worked skirt 1 ' embroidered slippers 1 2d ' ' best and greatest variety fancy needle work 1 00 00 00 00 50 00 Jndges Col. L. L. Tate, Bloom ; Mi6s Wilson, Berwick ; Miss Kate Eyer, Catta wissa; Mies Catharine Betz, Millville. CLASS 12 FLOUR, best sarr.ple wheat flour, 50 lbs. or more 2d 4 1 best ' buckwheat 4 2d 4 4 bts corn meal 00 00 00 00 00 Judges. James Masters, Pine : Eli Men denhall, Rohrburg ; B. btohner, Bloom. CLArS 12 AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. best plough, ' threshing machine horse rake ' lime and guano spreader ' portable cider mill ' wine press 4 washing machine 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ' collection of agricultural imple ments and tool the property of the exhibitor, who muM be a farmer 10 00 Judges. Ellwood Hughes, Centre ; Win. Howell, Mount Pleasant ; John Dieterich, Montonr. CLASS 14 WAGONS & CARRIACES. best shifting lop buggy 3 00 2J ' 4 1 00 best open buggy 3 00 2d ' ' 1 00 best iwo hotse carriage 3 00 2d ' ' ' 1 00 best sleigh 2 00 2d 1 00 best display of wagons and carriages 4 00 ' chihls carriage 1 00 ' farm wagon 2 00 Judges. Sylvester Purel, Hemlock ; J D. Mcllenry, Fishingcreek ; Tr. ohn K. Robbins. Cattawissa. CLASS 15-MANUFACTUR'D ARTICLES First Division. best set single carriage harness oo oc 00 00 00 00 00 4 4 double 4 4 4 2 sides sola leather 4 2 sides upper 4 4 2 ' kip ' 2 calf skins ' specimen smith work 4 and greaiect variety of smith work for farm u?e 2 00 pair fine toots ' ' coarse 4 4 set Windsor chairs i dozen ' ' spring seal chair i dozen 1 rocking chair bed stead 4 settee 4 sofa ' hat rack 4 display of cabinet work ' J doxen corn brooms Judges Enos Fowler, Briarcreek 1 0G 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 50 ; w. H. Wooden, Berwick ; Jackson Thomas, Madison. CLASS 16-M ANUFACTUR'D ARTICLES. Second Division. best parlor stove 2 00 4 cooking stove and fixtures 2 00 4 and greatest variety of tin ware 3 00 4 sample portable fence 3 00 Judges. John Ludwig, Bloom; John Hariman, Hemlock; Marshal Kinney, Scolt. CLASS 17-M ANUFACTUR'D ARTICLES. Third Division. best artificial teeth 1 00 4 sewing machine 1 00 best model farm gate 1 00 4 one dozen brick 1 00 pocket knife 1 00 4 earthen end qoeensware 1 00 Discretionary premiums will be allowed under this class. Judges. Dr. G. W. Lott, Orange ; John R. Moyer, Bloom ; John H. Vanderslice, Mount Pleasant. CLASS 18 BEES & HIVES. best observatory bee hive 1 00 sw&rm bees 1 00 1 sample honey 1 00 Judges John M Barton, He.nlock ; Eli Crevelmg, Centre ; Joseph Lilly, Scolt. CLASS 19. best sample leaf tobacco 6 stalks 1 Ou 4 4 broom corn 50 Judges. John M. Barton, Eli Creveling, CLASS 20-M1SCELLANEOUSARTIC ES Judges Dr. P. John, Bloom j Hon. L H Willits, Montour : Pe!r Ent, Centre. -CLASS 21 TRIAL OF HORSES. -best trotting horse or mare in harness 25 00 2d 4 ' . ' 10 00 best pair trotting horses or mares 15 00 2d ' ' . " 8 00 Judges. George Marlz Light Street ; Dr. W. McReynolds, Hemlock j Jonas Hay man, Greenwood. 22 TRIAL OF MEN. best and fastest runuer 5 Od id ' ( 2 Off best and fastest walker 4 ()0 2d 4 2 00 Judges. Dr. J Ramssr. Bloom; GeorgS Weaver, Bloom ; Wm. Neal, Bloom. CLASS 20. best three acres of corn 10 0Cf 2d 4 5 00 best three acres wheat 10 00 2d 4 4 5 00 best three acres oats 5 00 4 4 1 potatoes 5 00 2d j 1 4 3 00 bet 1 acre turnips 2 0d 2.1 i tobacco ' 5 60 Competitors for PVeminms for the above . Agricultural projection mnst produce a folj statement of the mode of cultivation, and kind of seed used. The ground to be id one contiguious piece, to fe measured by a Surveyor who shall make affidavit to the1 correctness of the measurement of Ihe land; The number of bushels must also be certi fied id by some other person who helped to measure Ihe same. The exhibitor mnst alo exhibit a sample of such variety, not less than half a bushel, at the next Annual COM PETITION WITHOUT the COUNTY; The Colombia County Agricultural Soci ety makes the Geld of competition co-extensive with other counties in the State, and cordially invites fhe citizens of other soci eties to compete with us, lor our premiums al the coming Fair. HAY AND" STRAW will be fornished free for all snimals enter- ed lor premiums, and grain will be furnish- e.i at jjsi cost ior inose woo aesire to pur chase. INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGES. 1. The Judges will have the discretionary power to withhold the premiums if the ar-' tide exhibited it not worthy a premium. 2. The members of the various Commit tees, will make it a point to be on the" round as early as possible, on the second day and not later than 10 o'clock, at which lime their names will be, called from the stand, and they will be expecied to proceed to business. 3. The Chairmen of the different Com miltees are requested to hand in their report as early as possible. The Premiums will be awarded by Ihe President on Saturday morning, the 20th, at 9 o'clock, a. ra. REGULATIONS. 1. All articles for competition most be on the ground by 12 o'clock, m., on Thurs day the 18th. 2 All articles exhibited mnst remain on the ground until 4 o'clock, p. m., on Friday the 19th, and on all occasion will be re turned :o the exhibitor when called for. 3. Cfltdion.-All articles exhibited, wheth er eatables or not, must b respected a private property, and any person detected in purloining or injuring them will be dealt with according to law. 4. Ail articles offered for competition j . must be owned by the competitors ; all . fruits, vegetables, flowers, &c., must be Ihe growth of the competitors, and all manu factured articles must have been made by the competitors. All shows, flying horse exhibitions, an well as the sale of spirituous liquors, lager beer and ale will positively be prohibited. Application for refreshment s'ands or res taurants, must be made to the special com mi'tee elected for that purpose. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tb amount required for membership lor the Society is One Dollar, (according to ihe alteration in the constitution made at the yearly meeting.) For this a certificate will be given, signed by the President and Sec retary. Certificates may be obtained at any time after the first of October at the office of the Secretary or President, and al any of the stores in Bloomsburg. DR. J. RAMSAY, President; A.J. Sloan, Secretary. Bloomburg, August 22, 1860. LIGHT STREET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHART, Proprietor. rpHE Proprietor ol this hotel lakes pleas ure in annonncirg lo the public that be" still occupies this large and commodious , r- t.o . n i nouse in L.igni oireei, ra.,ana is yet, as ever.prepaired to accom- lmouate travelers, ieam?ier;aro- vers and borders, witnaccom- modation that will favorably compare with any hotel in this section of country. The traveling public may depend on all comforts at home, as his house is well furnished and always kept in order. His table and bar will alwaya be found furnished wi'h the best the market affoids. Mr. E. will ever be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of his ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1858. CW The Proprietor of lh above houses having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the properly al private sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables and all Ihe neces sary outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing to em bark in ihe business, it is a good locality and a desirable (.lace. Flour and Feed Delivered ! CHEAPER THAX THE CHEAPEST I HM1E undersigned has made arnnge-J- ments that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in town. His prices are as follows: Flour S7 25; Corn and Oats Chop Si 55; Corn and Ry e Chop SI 65 ; Bran $1 10 ; I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. Bloomsburg, June 14, 1860. ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in Locust township. Columbia Countv, about Ihe latter part oi May last a HEIFER, abont two years old. Color lighl red, with a few white spots upon the lower parts of its body. Tlie owner or owners are requested to come forward and prove property, pay charges and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of ac cording to law. JOHN OLIVER. Locust, July 25, 1860. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Abraham Smith, lite of Mifflin twp , deceased. TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters ol administration on the estate of Abra ham Smith, late of Mifflin townhip, Col" ombia coonlyJeceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the un dersigned, who resides in the town of Mifflinviile. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent are requested to pieenl them for settle ment, and those indebted to make payment without delay. SAMUEL CREASY, a a ax a t m f t