The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 19, 1860, Image 3

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Democratic Iominatioiis.
Rich a ri Vacx, George M. Kkim,
I. Fred. A. Server.
2 Wm. C. Patterson,
a. Jos. Crockett, Jr.
. 4. J. G. Brenner.
5. G. W. Jacoby.
6. Coarles Kelly.
'7. O. P. James."
8. David Schall.
9. 1. L. Lightner.
10. S. S. Barber.
11. T. 11. VValker.
12. S. S. Winchester.
13. Joseph Laubach.
14. J Reck bow.
15. Geo. D. Jackson.
16. J. A. Ahl.
17. J. B. Danner.
18. J. R. Crawford.
19. H. N Lee.
20. J. B. Howell.
21. N. P. Fetterman.
22. Samuel Marshall
23. William Book.
24. B. D. Hamiiu.
25. Gaylord Church.
Subject to the decision of the Congressional
for register and recorder,
for commissioner.
WIEEIAjU eamoiv.
for auditor,
Election, Tnesday, October 9th, I860.
Resolved, That the convictions of the Dem
ocratic party of Pennsylvania remain un
shaken in the wisdom and justice of ade
quate protection of iron, coal, wool, and ol
the great staples ot our coumry, oaseu upon
the necessities of a reasonable revenue sys
' tern of the General Government; and ap
Drovins of the views of President Buchanan
' upor. the subject of specific duties, we
earnestly desire our Kepreseniauyes in
f rrpx in nroenre such modification of the
, -xist'mnr laws as the unwise legislation of
. the Republicaa party in 1857 renders abso
. loiely necessary to the prosperity of the
orost inrtnstriaf interests of the State of
r Pennsylvania. Patted at Ike Reading Con
vintion, March 2, 1860.
... Representative nominations.
The Democratic Representative Conferees
. of this District, composed of the counties of
, Wyoming, Sullivan, Montour, and Colum
. bia, met irv Conference, on Friday last, at
John'Deen's Hotel, in Danville, and unaai-
nnm!noimt Cn Hiram Ti. Kline, of
It i J Wt-.y w ...a mw w -' I
Columbia, an! Mr. Thomas Osterhout, ol
Wyoming, for Assembly. These nomioa
tions are right and justly deserved, besides
the names of these men will add strength
, to the Democratic ticket The Conference
. .proceedings can be seen in another part of
.our paper. , .
'"' , Senatorial Conference.
, On Monday of last week the Senatorial
Conferees ol this District met at Northurn-1
, berland, and remained, balloting for a can
, didate for Senator, nntil Tuesday afternoon,
of same week, without making a choice,
when they adjournea to meet at Danville,
on the following morning, .Wednesday
According to adjournment, tbey met on
I Wednesday last,; and contioued in session
until Friday,- when the Conference closed
by nominating Hon. Reebejt Keller, of
Snyder, ior re-election. Each of the coun-
ties, composing mis . uisirici, piewueu
caml'idaler. ,Tbe candidate supported by the
, Conferees from this county is an able and
worthy man, and we should, as well as the
.-Democracy of our county, have been pleas
ed to seen him nominated. , Keller received
the Tote of Montour half vote of Columbia,
i and the vote of his own county, thus mak
ing Lira the regular nominee. This norai-
nation was not effected natil one hundred
and three ballots were taken.
.. . , A new. Book. .
We hare jost received a Book entitled,
r "French, German, Spanish, Latin and Italian
f Languages vrilhout a Master," which we
would heartily lecommend to the public.
f- We hare carefully examined it,; and are
v folly satisfied that any person unacquainted
with these languages, can, with,: the aid of
Ibis volume, be enabled to tead, vrUe, ana
- Tu.tTr thn lanmiara of either, without the
aid of a teacher, or any oral instructor what-
ever, provided they pay strict attention to
the instructions laid down in the worki and
that nothing shall be passed over without a
V thorough investigation of the subject it in
' yolves; by doing which they will find tliern
1 selves to be; 'able to speak,, read,' or write,
eiher languages, at their will and pleasure.
The whole is contained in iol over twerJy
J ieven easy lessons. It i well bound, as well
' as neatly printed. Price only One Dollar
v and Twenty-Five Cents. On enclosing the
r nis of the work, it will be sent to any
Br. Horlacber's Lecture. .
-Pursuant o public notice the citizens of
this place convened, in the Court House, on
Monday eveniug, the 17th inst., lor the pur
pose of listening to: the. lectore of the great
mediator between the South and North, Dr.
Jacob Horlacher; of Union county. .,. The
meeting was organized by the appointment
ol the follow ins officers, viz:
President EPH RA IM H. LITTLE, Esq.
Vice Presidents John Snyder, Ephraim
Secretaries Williamson H. Jacob y, Mich
ael F. Eyerly.
The meeting being organized, Dr. Hor
lacher was introduced to the audience, and
addressed the meeting over an hour in
length, in an able and satisfactory manner,
proving clearly and conclusively that the
political opinions he entertained were in
accordance ..with truth and righteousness,
and that they were U6taineu both by the
right thtnking men and the Bible. Hi lec
lure here was well received ; it was truthful
as well as arrusing.
. The Doctor claims to be engaged in set
tling the great slavery que-tion between the
North and South : savs he has been thus
engaged tor three years, and has been offer
ed, repeatedly, money from the Opposition
to quit the work, but he is satisfied that his
cause is a good one, and his services much
needed for the perpetuity of the Union. He
thinks that slavery is right, and not an evil
when treated in accordance with the Bible.
The Bible fully sustains hira in his position
as regards slavery, and he boldly chal
lenges the world to discuss the subject with
him. At the present time he says, the South
has got two feet back and the North two
feet back, thus making thena four feet apart,
which is all wrong, and he is endeavoring
to bring them together again, upon moder
ate terms.
Mr. Horlacher traveled through some
parts of the South last spring, and it was
reported that he was tared and feathered,
which statement is without trie slightest
foundation. He 6tated that he was feathered
every night while there, and it was jufi
what he wanted, but there was no tar about.
'Ihey managed to put him in the custody of
a Sheriff at a certain place, upon suspicion,
but after a careful perusal of hi" documents,
he was liberated, and allowed to lecture.
Mr. Horlacher will deliver lectures in
Northumberland.Schuylkill.and Berks coun
tie during the present campaign. He in
vites all parties lo come and hear him, and
if he is wrong, in any view he takes of
hrs subject, he wishes them to correct him.
After Mr. Horlacher closed his discourse,
a vote of thanks wan given hira, for his able
and interesting address, when the meeting
Banyille Wide-Awakes.
Timely notice was given by the Republi
cans of this place, through their Press and
otherwise, that the Wide-Awakes, of Dan
ville, designed paying our quiet and peace
able town a visit on Saturday evening lat.
Agreeably to their engagement, they ar
rived at this place about half pas: nine
They came by Canal boat, and landed at
Port Noble Wharf, where they were met
and escorted into town by the Bloomsburg
Band and a few Republicans. Under the
command of a Captain they marched into
the Court House, for the purpose of listen
in" to a speech which was being delivered
by Henry M. Hoyt, of Wilkesbarre. But
the speech or place did not suit their tastes;
they soon came out into the street, and
done so.-ne not very creditable parading:after
which, we are reliably informed, they join
ed in a drunken revelry, and kept up their
noisy merriment, making night hideous,
until after 12 o'clock, when they decamped
for Danville. Thus it will be understood
that they were infringing upon the Sabbath,
and at such a time, when every man who
has any claims to respect, should have been
at his home.
We are not infonned as to the number of
these Wide-Awakes, but we do know that
a good portion of them were unnaturalized
foreigners and minors, not entitled to a vote.
We have heard it remarked that a few
more such exhibitions in this place would
tend greatly-la inc?ase the Democratic vote
of this township. No person after becoming
acquainted with their designs and actions
would have any desire to belong lo a party
that recognize such an organization. They
are already meeting with very little favor
hnni i tm Stat. The better portion of
the people look upon these Wide-A wake
clubs as a low and degraded organization.
A Thief Escaping from thb Cars. We
learn that on the morning of the 14th inst.,
an alleged horse thief, named Burton H.
Barrett, escaped from the custody of the
Sheriff of Cambra county, by jumping out
of the window of a car on the Cattawissa
Railroad, and got safely off. This affair
took place just above Port Clinton, while
the train was running at the rate of twenty
five miles an hour. On stopping the train
he could not be found. He passed out of
the window feet foremost. A reward ot
S50 is offered lor his recovery. -
. National Hotki.. This popular hoose is
located on Race . Street, above Third, in
Philadelphia, nnder the. Proprietorship of
Col.. C. Caimant, with Mr. T. V. Rhoads as
Clerk. .This is a pleasant house to stop at,
every thing connected with it is calculated
to your enjoyment. The proprietor js very
much of a gentleman, and knows well how
to manage a public house, both, to the satis
faction of his guests and bis own interests.
We would advise our country friends, when
visiting the city, to give this establishment a
trial, as we will vouch that every thing will
be found right! ' The' accommodations be
iug so ample, and the terms so liberal, it is
quite an Inducement for travelers to patron
ize till bouse.
' Thk- latest accounts of the Prince of
Wales state that he is at Niagara Falls. He
is being paid considerable attention by the
authorities of that place. He was escorted
to the Fall by a" fcrand torch light proces-
.c:'--Tv Fp'!s were illuminated wun ien
ThO Bcmocracy Of Columbia CO. in Motion.
Pursuant to public notice, the Democrats !
of Suoarloaf. Benton, and other Darts of Col-
umbia, Sullivan, and Luzerne counties, con.
vened on Satuiday last, the 15th of Sep
tember at the public house of Mr. Ezekiel
Cole, in Sugarloaf towp , Columbia county,
and. raised a beautiful Hickory Polk, eighty
five feet long, without a 6plice, after which
the meeting organized by the appointment
of the following officers, viz :
President-JOHN Mc HENRY, Sr.,
(A veteran Democrat of near eighty years )
Vice Prtsidents.
William Cole, Joseph Hess,
John Kile, Andrew Laubach,
J. D. Harrison, John J. Stiles,
David Lewis, W. B. Peterman, Esq.
Edward B. Snider, Thpmas Seigfried.
This is the first Democratic Mass Meeting
held in Columbia County this season, and
it was a grand outpouring of the ever-faithful
democrats of that taction of country, and
gave unmistakeable evidence of their un
wavering adhesion to the great principles
of the National Democracy. It was a tell
ing demonstration in favor of the election
of Breckinridge, Lane and Foster. In short,
it was one of the old fashioned Jackson
Democratic Meetings.
Before 10 o'clock, a. m., the people be
gan to assemble, some on foot, others in
carriages, and others in four and eix horse
wagons, with appropriate political emblems
and flags waving. At about 1 1 o'clock the
Hickory Tree arrived at the Fishermen's
Hotel, drawn by peven yoke of Democratic
Oxen, escorted by an army of live demo
crats, and its arrival was greeted by nine
rounds of hearty cheers. An excellent din
ner was prepared by Mr. Cole, of which
hundreds partook to general satisfaction.
Col. Levi L. Tate, of Bloomsburg, was
called upon the rostrum, and addressed the
meeting in a speech of about one hour -He
spoke of the errors of the opposition,
exposed their past corruption and present
political hypocrisy, in plain and scathing
terms, and proved his points, as he advanc
ed, from the public records. He ably de
fended the principles and measures of the
Democratic party, from the days of Jeffer
son and Jackson, down to the Administra
tion of James Buchanan, showing clearly
that it is now, as it was then, one and the
same; and closed his remarks by an earnest
appeal to the audience, in support ol the
Union Ticket, and the consequent certain
election of Breckinridge, Lane and Foster.
Mr. Edward B. Snider, of Phelpsville,
Sullivan county, was loudly called for, and
like a noble young democrat, he took the
stand and bravely responded in a neat and
telling speech. Mr. Snider spoke mainly
in snpport of the election of Gen. Henry
D. Foster to the Gubernatorial Chair of
Pennsylvania. He then glance.l at the as
pect of National politics, and concluded his
brief address amidst rounds of applause.
Mr. Alem B. Tate, editor of the Hawick
Gazelle, was next .called to the speaker's
stand. He had taken some pains to prepare
for the occasion, by committing his thoughts
to paper, and delivered in a creditable style
and clear voice, a lengthy and appropriate
democratic address. Mr. Tate's speech com
prehended the main issues of the campaign,
rather judiciously arranged, and was re
ceived with marked attention and apparent
Mr McHenry, the venerable and honora
ble President of the Meeting, then address
ed the audience, in thoughts that breathed
and words that burned,'' making without
disparagement to any of the other speakers
the best speech of the day. He gave, in
brief, the history of the two parties during
the past eighty-years, attesting the fidelity
and consistency of the democracy, and with
patriotic zeal, admonished his young friends
to beware of the treason of the wily opposi
tion. Mr. McHenry then announced the
meeting adjourned, which was done with
peals of cheers for "John McHenry and
JOHN McHENRY, Sr., Prei't.
Eow. B Ssidir,
Thos. Seigfried,
Bepresentatire Conference.
The Conferees from the several counties
of this Representative District, met at the
House of John Deen, jr., in Danville, on
Friday the 14th inst.
On motion, Col. James Deogan, of Sulli
van, was elected Chairman, and Adam Ger
inger, of Montojr, Secretary.
The following gentlemen presented their
credentials and took seats in the conference
Columbia W. T. Shuman, Alfred Howell.
Montour Adam Geringer, Rob't Davison.
Sullivan Hon. Geo. D. Jackson, Col. Jas.
Deegan. ,
Wyoming C. D Gearhart. P. VV. Redfield.
On motion of Geo. D.Jackson the Confer
ence proceeded to nominate candidates for
members of Assembly.
Mr. Redfield nominated Thomas Oster
hout, of Wyoming.
Mr. Howell nominated Col. Hiram R
Kline, of Colombia.
On motion the nominations were closed,
when on motion of Geo. D. Jackson, sec
onded by Adam Geringer, Col. Hiram R.
Kline, of Columbia, afid Thomas Osterhout,
of Wyoming, were declared the unanimous
nominees of this Conference.
On motion of Mr. Jackson it was Resolved.
That the next Representative Conference
meet at Bloomsburg, on the 6econd Friday
of September, 1860, and that the proceed
ings of this Conference be published in tne
Democratic papers of the District.
On motion adjourned.
. - ; JAMES DEEGAN, Chairman
Adam Gcbikger, Secretary.
Godct. We have Godey for the coming
month of October.' It is impossible for this
number to excel its; predecessor; but it is
equally as good. We recommend all our
lady friends- who desire to "show their good
tasted to subscribe for Godey. It is essen
tially a ladies Magazine containing all the
latest news in the female world. Mrs. Sa
rah S't Hale presides over one portion of the
t ii- i u T vTtKUa.-laX.
the Black Republican Party a Tariff Party!
In the State of Pennsylvania, and more
Particularly in the counties of Columbia,
ecnuvmin, uerK ana iNortnumoenanu, wie
Know Nothing orators, creat and small, who
address the people under the disguise of
Republicans, assert, with a degree of impu
dence and assurance, calculated to mislead
those not investigating the matter, that the
I Republican party is a.Tariff party.
ihey assert unblushingly tnat as tne otu
Whig party made Jhedoclrine of protection
a fundamental article in their creed, so the
Republican party are equally the advocates
of the same doctrine. That they are not
sustained by the facts of the case they' well
know; and that from the Republican party
as a party, there can be no hope of obtain-
ing such a Tariffas we Pennsylva
nians de-
sire, they also understand There is no
recipe for the making of Plum Pudding with
one Plum, and upon the same genteel and
economical prtciple, the Black Republican
party may beimlianufactured into a Tariff
paity. The ingredients would be about as
follows :
New England, Nigger (very black )
Western Slates, Nigger (quite black.)
N. W. States,
Nortl'ern Penn
Ni gger (diabolically black)
& New York,
Nigger (big nigger.)
Penn. and New
Central Penn.,
Niirsrer (little nigger.)
The ultra abolitionist attracted by the de
votion of the Republican party to the "Nig
ger," gives it his . hearty support ; as the
lineal descendant of the old American par
ty, the leaders of the Know Nothing party
are the leaders of the Republican party.
Under and by virtue of the 12th Plank in
the Chicago rial form, the Free Irnderoi
New England, New York and the Western
States yields his allegiance to Black Repub
lican leadership, and hoists the Black Re
publican Banner only united by a desire
for the spoils of office. Hatred tor Demo
cratic principles and devotioti to the "nig
ger," the fag ends and outcasts of all politi
cal parties have united under a common
banner to wage war on the constitutional
rights of our brethren, and the laws of the
The orators of this 1 party in Columbia
county assert that, this conglomeration is
the special friend of -the industrial interests
of Pennsylvania , A few references to
known facts, and a common sense view of
their claim to this ' honorable distinction,
may well cause the honest voter to pause
before depositing bis ballot in favor of
party, that not only has not the manliness
here, to declare its principles, but attempts
to deceive the people into the belief that a
question, local in its character, receives the
united support of their whole party.
No moral question arises in the discus
sion of a Tariff. We in Pennsylvania de
sire a specific duty on Iron. Vhy? Be
cause we conceive it to be to our interest to
have such a duty on the same principlo a
State or a section of country, who conceive
it to be against their interest to have such a
duty, will oppose it. It is a question of
Dollars and Cents and as such a question,
it will be regarded favorably or unfavorably
as it affects the interests of any particular
locality. Therefore we find in Pennsylva
nia and New Jersey the masses of.both po
litical parlies are in. favor of an increased
duty on iron, whilst the Western and North
Western Ftates regard such a Tariff as bcr
densome to them. The New England States
are in opposition to any increased duties.
Why ? The answer i obvious. Because
they were never before in 6o prosperous a
condition as they are now, under the Tariff
of 1857, by which tariff they protect them
selves by taking the duty off the constitu
ents, of which the manufactured article is
composed, and not by imposing a duty on
the article ready for the consumer. If then
such is the case, has Pennsylvania any
hope for protection to her interests t She
has, but only by the united effort of boh
political parties,. who, removing the ques
tion from Ibe arena df 'pny politics, ask it
as a great local interest, which Pennsylva
nia, as a great conservative Mate, and as a
member of the first importance in the con
federacy is entitled to.
Again we would reter our readers to any
of their acquaintances, who may have bet-n
out of the State, or even in many parts oi
this State during this political campaign.
Ask them if the Tariff question is made an
issue. The answer will be thai the great
and absorbing question,is the slavery ques
tion, and that question overrides every oth
er. Pennsylvania Republicans are sneered
at, as being afraid to meet the true issue
It is a notorious fact that in the Chicago
Convention, 'Aai the delegates from this Stnte
were sneered at and snubbed as iej:rtsenhng a
parly in thii Stale, afraid even to adopt the
name of Republican,but foisting themselves
on the State as the People's party.
Again, the I2ih Plank in the Chicago
Platform was adopted for the mere purpose
of catching votes, reading Tariff or Free
Trade just aa Free Trade or lnn may
suit the interests of a particular locality.
The Republicans in Pennsylvania claim it
as a Tariff Plank. Whilst Win. C. Bryant,
the head of the Republican electoral ticket
in New York, and the editor of the New
York Evening Post, a leading Republican
sheet, claims that it reads Free trade, and
predicts disgrace and defeat to the Lepub i
can party, if any other, except a Free trade
nolicv is adopted. The truth in relation to
the matter is this: Pennsylvania Repubti
cans wished a Tariff Plank in the PlalfcfTm,
thinking that by ihat means Pennsylvania
could be carried for their party nominee
whit ih nartv leaders were unwilling to'
-- g -j -
commit the party to a policy, that would in
jure them in other States. The ingeniously
worked Resoluttonknnwn as the 12th Plank
;n tho Platform: was framed, reading both
ways, and their usual policy of being al
things, to all men carried out.
A party which, for the sake of catching
votes would lend its sanction as a party to
such glaring deceit and arrant demagogue
ism is unworthy the confidence and support
of a thinking people, and deserving of the
severe rebuke which an outraged people
will give them at the polls. '
jTu5ttF'ir will commence oa
The Gossips and. the Topics of Interest.
The lovers of gossip have an abundance,
as well as a variety of ailment for their pru
rient palates; and the newspapers, those
active and untiring citerers for the public
taste, aided by the indefatigable, lelegraphj
supply with rabbit-like fecundity, the uni
versal cry for more. That royal young cav
alier, the Prince of Wales, with the sullen
but sensible and faithful English mastiff,
who guards him, as well from the rude con
tact of mobs, as from the tender embraces
of enthusiastic young damsels, still pursues
his triumphant progress. Since the inva
sion of his chamber by a bevy of fascina
ting female royalists, who incontinently
plundered it of pins and an infinitude of
(gewgaws who played with his sword,tried
nn k'ir hat. and. nerhans. his oantaloons
he has danced once, with scores of ladies,
twice with Miss Napier, kissed a Mayor's
daughter, shaken hands with a number of
- 1 1 r ' .
what we call sovereigns, but he calls sub
jects, and listened lo a national anthem,
sung by three thousand Sunday School
We are informed by the faithful chroni
clers of his movements, that he intends,
while in Illinois, to devote four days to
grouse shooting, and that, after visiting
New York, he will proceed up the Hudson
to West Point, and t-pend a lew days; on
the of October he will go to Boston, in
a car fitted up expressly for him, to which
will be attached a royal smoking car. He
is said to be much addicted to smoking, and
lo hold in high esteem that product of our
country, which fcir Walter Kaleigh intro
duced into England, arid which pedantic
old James so denounced in his "famous
Counter B ast," calling it "noxious weed.''
We cannot trust ourselve lo sneak of the
restless, nervous anxiety with which the j
royal young traveller's arrival in tne Mates
is expected. Ampitious mammas, audaci
ous young belles, corpulent old aldermen,
opulent merchants, jealous hotel keepers,
and politicians of all stripes and complex
ions, are waiting eagerly for his coming.
New York, "the great American empo
rium and metropolis," as the eraii is wont
to call it, is in a condition bordering on in
sanity. Verily, that city of snobs is in a
terriffic ferment, and unless the Prince
comes speedily, that modern Sodom will
become one great madhouse.
But tl ere is gossip also in the political
world. While Lincoln keeps still, and
Messrs. Bell and Breckinridge, like digni--fid
gentlemen, stay at home, Judge Doug
las continues his ceaseless pilgrimage.
Contradicting his previously expressed
opinions and purposes, he is declaring his
willingness to fuse, and if by withdrawing
he can defeat Lincoln, his willingness to
withdraw. This change is sudden, and we
hope it is sincere. The best evidence of its
sincerity, will be his withdrawal. That ex
pected event is now exercising the public
Meanwhile, that astute plotter, Seward,
as if to show to the ungrateful clique, who
cheated him out of the nomination for Presi
dent, the enthusiastic devotion of the Re
publican masses to him, is going on his tri
umphal tour, and putting the male and
female "Wide-Awakes" to vast expense in
the wav of lights and music.
Indeed, there is a ereat t-tir all over the
country, and the newsmongers and gossips
. V . . . , ,, iv ,k
have their hands full. When the excite-
ment subsides when the rnnce leaves
our shores, and the Presidential election is
over, everything will be flat, dull, dead.
The Japanese Soldier. To the Mranger,
in a Japanese city or large town, there is no
sight so common as that of the Japanese
soldier. He mny meet them singly or in
squads of l v ( , three, or a dozen. They
are usually well clad much better than the
laboring or merchant class. Their bodies
are clothed with the loose open robes that
all wear.and their legs are caed in trousers
tight filin g to the skin. Dark stuffs of cot
ton alone, or cotton and silk, are generally
used. The feet and ankles are shod wun a
sock of dark blue cotton, thick and Btout.
The yreat toe is honored with its pocket
separate lrom the other toes, and if a straw
sandal or wooden pattern n worn beside,
the string that holds it to the foot passes
conveniently between the divided toes. For
this is the universal national mode of pro
tecting and covering the feet. The soldier
is also likely io have a pair of coarse white
cotton gloves, which he carries quite as oft
en on his sword handle as on his hands.
Hi hat, too, which is a wide fiat bamboo
one, hangs at his side oftener than it rests
on his head, unless the sun shines out too
warmly. A pair of sword? secured to his
girdle by a silken cord complete his tout en
semble, nnless.he may happen to have on
his back a little budget of necessaries lor
the road or march, tied up in a stout cloth
and swung around his neck. One sword is
a long, heavy, powerful weapon, that needs
two hands to give it proper force ; woe to
the man on whom it shall then fall. I have
seen the effect of one of those blows, where
it cleft asunder stont overcoat, heavy wool
en suit, collar-bon, shoulder-blade, and
several ribs. The other sword ii a short
one for closer work. On the outside of its
scabbar i. in a small sheath, is a small knife
a few incti9s long, keen and 6harp, that
will perform ra kiri, or the "happy dis
patch," with nea'ness and celerity.
On the 15tU inst., by the Rev. R. Kelly,
Mr. Wm Roycb. to Miss Savilla Belles,
all of Columbia county.
In Sugarloaf, Columbia county, on Sun-
day the 2d inst , tv iMonigomery uoie, r,q.,
Ma. John J. Hess, of Bloomsburg, to Miss
Mart A. Lacbach, of Sugarloaf Township,
all of this county.
smmmm mmm
in TtinnmhnrT on the 14th inst.. Miss
Cathakinb Magdalene Kahlkb, in the 25th
year of hsr age.
In RlnnmKhnrcT. on 13th inst. ABTHCR
Botd: infant Son of Isaac Tyler and wife
jiied about 15 months..
In Rlnnmahnr?. on the 15th inst., Mr
Abraham Tsawimcui, in. the 71st year o
French, German, Spanish, Latin and Italian
Languages" without a Master. Whereby
any one or all ol these Languages can be
learned by any one, without a Teacher,
with the aid of this book. By A. H. Mow
teith, Esq , .
The Robertsonian Method of Learnina
the French, German. Spanish, Latin and
Italian Languages without the aid ol aieacn
er, has for the la-t ten years, been success
fully tested throughout the whole European
Continent; and is, wi hou: a single excep
tion, used in teaching the modern languages
in all the educational institutions of Eng
land, France and Germany. In London,
Mr. A H. Monteith, the most celebrated
teacher ol Languages in the world, has ar
ranged and perlected this system ; and nis
works on ihe study of French, German,
Spanish, Latin and halian without a Master,
contained in this volume, immediately ob-.
tained a sudden and extraordinary popular
ity. Any person unacquainted with these
languages, can, with the aid of this volume
be enabled to read, write, and speak the
language of euher, without the aid of a
teacher, or any oral instruction whatever,
provided they pay strict attention 10 me
instructions laiu uown in me wun, am. iu
nothing shall be passed over without a
thorough investigation of the subject it in
volves ; by doing wbicn tney win nno inem
selves to be able to speak, read, or write
either language, at their will and pleasure.
The whole contained in twenty-seven easy
Lessons. The French is in six easy lessons,
Spanish is in four, German is in six. Latin
is in six, and Italian is in five easy Lessons,
or twenty-seven in all. This work is inval
nable to any person wishing to learn either
or all of these languages, and is worth to
any one, one hundred limes its cost. This
work has already run through several large
editions in England; for no person has ever
bought a copy of it, without recommeding
it to their friends. Everybody 6hould pos
sess themselves of a copy of it at once.
Complete in one large duodecimo volume,
bound in cloth. Price One Dollar and Twen
ty-Five Cents a copy only.
Renduhit Dr. Shcltoa Mackenzie, the Literary
Editor oj the Phdadelphia Daily Press,
says of it editorially in that paper :
'There is no royal road to learning; bnt
where the learner heavily dragged on his
lumbering way in former times, he now has
a new track and wonderful engines, which
facilitate his progress Study this book
carefullv. and you can acquire near half a
dozen languages in the time usually wasted
upon the imperfect acquisition of one. bad
ly, as well as wisely, did Milton write, 'We
do amiss to spend seven or eight years
merely in scraping together as much Latin
and Greek as might be learned easily and
delightfully in one year.' John Locke, Syd
ney Smith, and other great authors, bear
like testimony.
"Monteith's Book, here before ns, pro
fesses to make any one of reasonable capac
ity and suitable industry, read, write, and
speak five languages (four oLtiuem living
tongues) without any assistance from a tea
cher. Elihu Burritt's case shows how in
teilect and the desire to learn, can make a
man master the principal dead and living
languages. Th'iM book, and a real desire to
learn the language, will enable a student to
teach himself French in on incredibly short
lime ; and so with the other languages.
Tne Messrs. Peterson confer a great benetil
on society by publishing this book."
Published this day and for sale at Retail
or Wholesale, at the Cheap Bookselling and
Publishing Establishment of
T. D Petersou & Brothers,
306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
HT Copies of the above work will be sent
to any one to any p'ace. free of postage,
on enclosing to us One Dollar and Twenty
Five Cents in a letter.
Storekeepers, Canvassers and Agents in
everv citv. town and village in the United
f States, to engage in the sale of the above
popular work, all of whom will be supplied
i ". u ' . . f rwi,-.. .
with ihe work at the rate ot IS me Dollars a
dozen Address all orders, with remittances
inclosed, for the quantity wished, to T. B.
Peterson & Brothers. No. 306 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, and they -viil receive imme
diate attention, and be sent at once per first
express, after receipt of order.
Of Valuable Real Estate.
BY virtue of authority contained in the
last Will and Testament of Corneliu
Reinbold, late of Columbia county, dee'd ;
the Executorsof the said Estate will expose
to public sale, on the premices, on SAT
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Ihe
Real Estate of the said deceased, compris
ing a tract of land containing
more or les, on which are erected the nec
essary buildings For the accommodation
ol purchasers the said tract can be divided
into three parts, one
all cleared land, with a very fine building
location and excellent water. One other
about twenty-five acres cleared, two fine
springs thereon, and a beautiful s;te for
ihe necesary building. One other
about seven acres limber land, whereon are
erected a
I,o Dwelling- House,
Log Barn, and necessary out buildings, and
aiexcellent Orchard of various kinds of
mil in tino bearinrr condition, a stream of
water running through the land, and all in
go"d state of cultivation.
The above property lies in Locnst town-
shin. Columbia county, adjoining L,ewis
' nif r T
leiubold, barapson Jttis, joun r. ievaii,
Vter Rho&d, Wright Hughes and others,
within one half mile trom rsnmeaia, anc
en miles from Ahland. AUo :
ying about one mile west ct the above
tract, which wilt oe sow in io.s ia eun yui
chasers. CP Terms and conditions made
kuown on day of sale, by
September 19, 1960. .
TVOTICE is hereby given that letters of
I ' Administration on the Estate of George
FptiPrman. late of Locust township, Colum
hia rnnntr. deceaed. have been granted
hv ih fleoitternf said ocuntv, to Reuben
Fahringer and Jonas Fetterman, both resi
ding in the township and county aforesaid.
All persons having claim or demands
against the estate ot the decedent ' re
quested to make them known to the Ad
ministrators, and ; those indebted to the es
tate to cams forward and make payment
without delay.
Locust, Sept. 19, I860. Admht.
Northeast corner of ftlain and Markst
And One Ceslinello Cti'e a Sensil on.
Southerner at Home,
Embracing Five Yea-b' Exi.enencB of
N on he u Uoveri.e., m the la.irt of Miar
lice, tobacco and voiion. ' Elitel by
Proffscr J. H., of Mi-MMp()i
Hand somely bound in one volur?ie, 2
mo. 526 page. Price $1 25. '
Lileraty notices from the Vrebs' lh ough tut the
. Counhy.
The Sunny South "Thi bo k U com
poked of a series of letters, written in an
interesting style of a narra'ivi, embodying
the most romantic fetuiesol Micial hie oil
different kinds of plan!ation. We can bear
testimony, from our own perona! observa
tion of similar m-enes in the Sou h, to thair'
truthfuln ess as here depiced. Thy ar
portrayed in a vivid, imeresiiii mIel an.
we would like lo see the book in trio
of lhouand)f deceived people, who hare
00 personal knowledge enlier ol Southern
ers orSouihern life, except what they have
gained from panizau journal, or ho
who intentionally navft wruteo to deceive."
Daily Kepubhcan, Buffalo, N. Y.
Ihe Sunny South Tnis volume in
the form of Inner. Thy aive. so far a
we caa judge, faiiiiful picmrxs of Southern
lile, and are penned without prejudice.
They present scenes quite tlill-rem from an
"Ur.c'e Tom's Cabin,'-' the piriures prei'en-
l-it nere are quite graphic, anil we ihiulc
the portraits paimed are in very nearly nat
ural color.:- Boston Daily B-e.
The Sunny South "We have rarely peep
ed within the covers of a more appetizing
volume. Although not intended as an an
swer lo the foul untruths in ttie Uncle Tom
trash of the last ten year, it i:e venheles
does unmercifully hurl bai-k to their source
all lies of such a nature, and we are glad
to believe that the book will be read in
thousands of northern hom. The sojtn
also 6houlJ take to it beniuant'.y for inde
pendent of its troihfuliies an.l integrity it
i one of the liveliest and mol entertaining
books of the year.'' Times, Greensboro,
N. C
The Sunny South "The enterprising
pub'iher, G. G. Evan, Philadelphia, of
Gift Book notoriety, is week!' issuing new
works of intereM,and spreading them orer
the country, and his sys'.em of transacting
business may be looked npnn as an institu
tion, for diffusing koowledge, unequalled
by any in th country. We comn.eud thi
book to all." Daily News.
The Sunny South "This is a-capiivating
volume, urongly illustrative of Southern
life. The heart of tne authoress is with
her theme, and he carries the interns' of
the reader along with her, a she, in her
amusing off-hand style,d-!li e ie the pecu
liarities ol a Southern f one " Hp s-.
The Sunny South ' Wha-ever bear the
name of Professor IngrahaTi i sur to in
volve the elements of striking effect and a
wide popular currency, mid itiisis j-it the
cae wiih "The Sunny Sou'h, or the South
erner at Home.'' which appears from the
press ol G G. Evain, under the ei!itorhip
ol the graphic Professor. it is vifid in
sijle, keenly obeivant, intera sting in plot,
and in purpose and manner it obviously
spr.nas from a wrin he.irtj and v:!l be a
warmly welcomed by a bust of maJers."
The New Yorker.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court ol Columbia couniv, on SATUR
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, John G Quick,
Guaidian of the minor children of Levis J.
Barkley, deceased, who was one of the
heirs of Ic'ding Barkley, lata of Blo-iu
township, i a said county, deceased, will ex
pose to ale, by Public Venlu, upon ihe
premises, the undiviJed one-seventh part of
in Bloomsburg, bou id-d on the south by
Main street, on the wesl b West street, on
ihe north by an Alley, and on the east by a
lot of ground belonamg to the Heirs ol John
Baiton, dee'd ; being in from Mxiy-six feet,
and in depth two huuilred and lourteen feet
six inches, whereon are erected a
ISrick Dwelling House,
and a FRAME DUELLING, and outbuild-
; m"s l.aie ?he r.sta.e oi sal i iiMtngs or-
kley, situate in the township of Bloom and
county aforesaid.
Bloomsburg, September 19, 1S6'. , .
ALSO : At the same lime ami place, the
Hits of the said Iddiiigs Barkley, deceas
ed, will orl-r, and expose to public sala, the
described property. It is a very desirable
location for a private or public residence,
being a corner lot, and convenient lo the
business part f town. Terms and condi
tions made known on the day of eala.
By order of the Heir
David Lowenbcrg
INVITES auention lo his stock of cheap
and fashionale vlothing at his storeoo
Main street, two doors above the 'Amer
ican House,' where he has a full assort
ment of men and boy's wearing apparel,,
including the most fashionable
I) i: i; s s goods,
Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coals
of all sorts and sizes, panls of all colors,
shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cra
vats, stocks, collars, hand kerchiefs, gloves,
suspenders and fancy articles.
N. B. He will also make to order any
article of clothing at very shortnotice and
in the best manner. All his clothing is
made to wear, and most of it is of home
Bloomsburg, September 12, 1S60.
Kialb Street, Below Locust, .
rpHE Session of 1860-61 willcommeoce
X October 8th, 1&60, and continue until
March. Examinations arecauducl.J daily
by the Member- of the Faculty. Secood
Course Students are furnished with the
Hospital T cket without charge. Fiv Cli
nics (including Diseaes ol Women) are
held at ihe College every week. 1-ees :
Matriculation, S5; Full Course, S105 ;
Graduation, 30. Applications on Ihe ben
eficiary should be sent oetore me ueSm-
ninof the Session. Auarpcs,
September 5, I860.
THE Teachers' Association of Columbia
county, will meet at the school hoose in
Kpy, on Saturday, the 6th day ol October,
next, at 10 o'clock a. m. ; Addresses and
E-says will be .p(eented, and iuportant
subjects discussed- Teacher and Iriends
of Education aie earnestly invited to attend.
WM. BURGESS. President.
U. J, Campbell, Se.rttary. Sep J9, a.