3 r IT 1 T I 1 J 1 IF, II. JACOBT, Proprietor. it. Truth and Right God and onr Country. Two Dollars ptr Annum. VOLUME 12. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1860. NUMBER 37. r MATCDnriirj STAR OF THE NORTH rCBLISHKD ZTIBT WEDNKSPAT BT ' WI. II. J1C0BY, Office on Main St., 3rd Square below Market, TERMS: Two Dollars per annum if paid within fix months from the lime of snbscri bins : two dollars and fifty cents it not paid within the year. No subscription taken fur a leas period than six mon;hs; no discon tinuances permitted until ail arrearages are paid, unless at the option o." the editor. lite terms of advertising will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00 Every subsequent insertion, . ..... 25 One square, three months, 3 00 One year, 8 00 THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. BT HIXRT WADSWORTII LONGFELLOW. Between the dark and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day's occupation That is known as the Children's Hour. I hear in the Chamber abcure ma The patter of little feet, The sound of a door that is opened, And voices soft and sweet. From my study I see in the lamplight, Descending the broad hall stair, Grave Alice and laughing Allegta, Ar.d Edith with golden hair. A whisper,-and then a silence ; Vel I know by their merry eyes They are plotting and planning together To take roe by surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid Irom the hall By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall ! They climb up into my turret, O'er the arms and back of ray chair ; If I try :o escape, they surround me ; . They seem to be everywhere. They almost devour me with kisses, Their arms about me entwine, Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen Iu his Mouse-Tower on the Rhine ! Do you think O blue eyed banditti, Because you have scaled the wall, - Such an old moustache as I am Is not a match for yon all? I have you fast in my fortress, And will not letyoj depart, But put you down in the dungeons In the round lower of my heart. And there will I keep you forever. Yes forever and a day, Ti l the wail shall crumble to ruin, - And moulder in dust away ! Eight to Sixteen. J J r ! lie meeting in Loudon, that from personal . - . . , ' . . observation he had ascertained that of the ' , , ... adult male crimina.s of that city, nearly all , . . i had fallen into a course of crime between . the ages of eight to sixteen years, and that ., if a young man lived an honest life up to . . twenty years of age. there . were forty nine ' . .. r i chances in his favor, and only one agaiust i i Dim, as 10 an honorable life thereafter. Thus is it in the physical world. i r f i Halt Ol i n, . ,. , ri ' J J 1 ag. while four fifths of all who reach that ( age, ana aie oeiore anomer score, owe ineir ueaiu to causes 01 disease . wnicn were ori ginated in their teens. On a careful inquiry, it will be ascertained that in nearly all cases the causes of moral and premature physi cal death are pretty much one and the same and are laid between the ages ot "eight and sixteen years'' This is a fact of startling import to fathers and mothers, and shows a fearful responsibility. Certainly a parent should secure and retain and exercise abso lute control over the child until sixteen ; it cannot be a difficult matter to do this, ex cept in very rare cases, and if that control is not wisely and efficiently exercised, it must be the parent's fault ; it is owing to parental neglect or remissness. Hence the real source of ninety-eight percent of the crime of a country such as England or the . United State lies at the door of parents.- It is a fearful reflection ; we throw it before the minds of the fathers and mothers of our land, and there leave it to be thought of in wisdom, remarking only as to the early feeds of bodily disease, that they are nearly in avery case sown between sun-down and bed -time, in absence fronvthe family circle, , la the spending of money never earned by - the spender, or-ening the doors of confec ' tionaries and soda-foontainj, of beer and tobacco and wine, ol the circa, the negro minstrel, the . restaurant and dance ; then . follow the Sunday, excursion, the Sunday ' drive, with easy transition to the company of these ways leading down to the gates of ocial, physical . and moral rain. From ''eight .o sixteen I" in these few years are the destinies of children fixed ! in forty-nine cases oatof fifty ; fixed by the parent ! Let every father and mother 'solely vow ; 1 "By Cod's help. I'll fix my daughter's destiny ; for good by making home more attractive than tbe street." BcWt Journal of Health. Tbxbc are two kinds of brevity which a ' keen eye soon distinguishes ; the one arro gant and dictatorial, evidently asserting - that it has settled the qnestion toreverina -sentence ; the other implying that thr wri . ter has said the best thing he has to say on ..the subject, and ,tbat he wishes to have done with it for the time, baring it for the rtader's judgement," ;: Give a man the necessaries of life and he wants the conveniences. Give him tha conveniences and be craves the luxuries. Grant him the luxuries and he sighs for the elegancies. Let him hare the elegancies and he yearns for the follies. ' Give him all together and he complains that he has been cheatsd both in ths pricp and quality of the j Expression of the Month. . Th"e mouth is a feature npon which very much of the character of the face depends. No woman can be a pretty woman who has an ugly mouth. To the most regular fea tures a gaping month, or ugly, drooping, and badly formed lips, will give an air ot listless ignorance, of half idiocy, which is repulsive. Firmness, general decision, cruelty, softness, and gentleness of mind, love ot our fellows, eloquence, spite, vin dictiveness, generosity, and strength of character, are all indicated by the mouth. It is incumbent, therefore, with astute and cunning men with those who are crafty and politic, and who plot against humanity to conceal the play and workings of the mouth. As Caesar covered his baldness with a laurel crown, so a modern Caesar covers his lips with a thick drooping moustache; in this, too, nature has admirably aided him Forrester.the Bow -street runner,and Fouche, Napoleon's celebrated chef of police, almost invariably delected the guilty by noticing the play of the lips. Forrester, in his curi ous "Memoirs," has frequently told us that he saw "guilt upon the lip" of more than one whom he suspected ; (and his sagacity, if not unerring, was great But who can watch the play of the mouth when it is covered by a thick grove of moustache ! All the celebrated police agents, from Fou che to Inspector Whieher, have been com pletely puzzled by such. It is well, there fore, on important occasions to conceal the mouth. It is too sure an index of charac ter. Thin, pale lips are supposed (o be indi cative of ill-temper. They are more surely, perhaps, the consequence of a weakly and not too healthy habit of body. A very thin nether lip, clenched teeth, and a pale cheek have been for ages the stock in trade of the fictitionist when he wishes to draw a con spirator ; and the painter has followed him. Judas, nfmany of the Italian pictures, is seen biting his under lip. Richard the Third, as portrayed by Holingshed and by Shaks peare, had a similar habit. Men of ner vous and excitable temperament have, es pecially if suspicious, a habit of plucking at their lips and distorting their mouths. Small mouths are very much praised ,and have been for a long time much in fashion, j judge of s availability as well as the sculp Fashionable painters and artists for the ' or judges of the perfectness of a block of "Book of Beauty" have carried this small ne8 of mouth to an absurdity. You will Kpft pnera yiikts nf ladiea with mrmth pnn. o o- -- -- - . siderably smaller than their eyes, which, of . Annrea r rtxa n m n n iKa f fs West in 4n a rnnrso nrpanminir lha tna In no in fine .. . . ... -f proportion, is as much a monstrosity as if . . , , . r the mouth, like that of a giant m a panto- , . r . - ft. r mime, extended from ear to ear. The fe- , . , . ... u r male mouth should not be too small. From . . . f , what we can gather from contemporary por- , , u ,, Pi;, traits, supposing tnem to be true, both eJiz- ... , .. n., c . abe'.h and JMary, ljueen ot fccots, bad ,. . . .n . . mouths much too small to be handsome That of the farmer, the greatest female1 1 o - rnnnrtyl vrhr h ever erialp.it. fthnnl.l have i . . .. i ot least indicated her canactnu.? mind. Thal of Qaeen charlotte was ugly : that of lhe princess of lhat name was a true Bruns wick mouth exhibiting the two front teeth, from the shortness and curious elevation of , the upper lip, which is perpetuated in the ! males of the present royal family. The house of Hapsburg has also a very ugly mouth, celebrated as the Austrian mouth. .Certain masters of the ceremonies have written much on the expression cf the mouth. "It is," says one, "the feature which is called into play most frequently; and, therefore, even where beauty of form exists, careful training is needed, to enable it to perform correctly its manifold duties. An elegant manner of utterance renders words, insignificant in themselves, agreea ble and persuasive. In the act of eating, skillful management is necessary. A lauzh u a Te 6evere te8l to this feature." Mr. Dickens, whose observation is very wide, has ridiculed such teaching, when he makes one of his superfine old women in-( struct her pupils in the formation of the lips by uttering three magic wqcd pota toes, prunes and prism. And we presume that when Lord Syron nearly fainted at the sight of his wile enjoying a rumpsteak, the skillful management of his Ada's mouth was neglected. ' Turning from snch foppery to the poets, we may conclude by saying that from the Greek Anthology, downward, to the fluent young fellows who write songs for music publishers, thousands of lines have beer, written in praise of ladies' mouths. The Latinists and the Iialians have paid great attention to this feature : rosy lips, pearly teeth and violet breath have been for ages the stock in trade of the poets. But, , per haps, the best things said of them are by an Irish and English poet; tbe Irishman hyperbolically, likens the mouth of his charmer to "a dish of strawberries smoth ered in crarae ;" and Sir John Suckling paints to the life the pretty pouiing under lip of a beauty ia his "Ballad oa t Wedding:"- ' "Her lips were red, and one was thin Compared to that was next her chin -Soms;bee had stung it newly." : 11 Whir c are yon going," said a fast young gentleman to an elderly one, in a few white cravat, whom he overtook a miles from Littla Kock. " I am going to Heaven, my son, and 1 have bean on the way there for eighteen years." ' V . , . - Well, good bye, old fellow, if you have been i traveling towards Heaven eighteen years and got co nearer !o it than Aikan Sow Indians make Stone Arrow-IIeads. The heads of the Indian arrows, spears, javelins, etc., often found in many pans of our continent, have been admired, but the process of forming them conjectured. Hon. Caleb Lyon, on a recent visit to California, met with a party of Shasta Indians, and as certained that they still used these weap ons, which in most tribes have been suc ceeded by rifles, or at least by iron pointed arrows and spears. He found a man that could manufacture them, and saw him at work at all parts of the process. The de scription which Lyon wrote and communi cated to the American Ethnological Socie ty, through Dr. E. II. David, we copy be low : "The Shasta Indian sealed himself -upon the floor, and laying the stone anvil upon his knee, which was of compact talcose slate, with one blow of his agate chisel he separated the obsidian pebble into two parts, then giving another blow to the frac tured side he split off a slab some fourth of an inch in thickness. Holding the piece against the anvil with the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, he commenced a eeries of continuous blows, every one of which clipped off fragments of the brittle substance. It gradually assumed the re quired shape. After finishing the base of the arrow-head (the whole being only little over an inch in length,) he began striking gentler blows, every one of which I ex pected would break it into pieces. Yet such was their application, his skill and dexteri ty, that in little over an hour he proJuced a perfect obsidian arrow-head. "1 then requested him to carve me one from the remains of a broken porter bottle, which, after two failures, he succeeded in doing. He gave a3 a reason of his ill suc cess, that he did not understand the grain of the glass. No sculptor ever handled a chisel with greater precision, or more care fully measured the weight and effect of ev ery blow, than this ingenious Indian, for even among them arrow making is a dis tinct trade or profession, which many at tempt, but in which few attain excellence. He understood the capacity of the material he wrought, and before striking the first blow, by "surveying the pebble, he could Parian. I a moment all that I had read up on this subject, written by learned and spe culative antiquarians of the hardening of copper, for the working of flint axes, spears, chisels, and arrow heads, vanished before the simplest mechanical process. I fell that the world had been better served had they driven the pen less and the plow more." A New Race or Men in South America. -Prof. Newberry, in his paper, read before the American Scientific Association at New port, R. I , gave a vivid description of the l r..m,.. nr ui asui.a& i.uLuiia wi i Li i i&ai iiairauA : r. I r . f . u T1. Bt?t-uiun r-ai auu iici muu ino nut. Mountains, illustrated by colored drawings. His well browned, fiercely bearded face save evidence of the effects of the sun and win(j3 on tbe vast treeies3 p,ains that skirt lhe Colorado. He incidentally gave a most interestinz descriDtion of lhat strange peo"- pje lhe Moqui, whose cities we have seen in New Mexico, and but a small remnant of whom now exist. They belong to a hith erto unknown race. Prof. Newberry 6ays they may be remains of the Aztecs, who ruled that resion on its discovery by the spaniard!l. fr0m the characteristics, how- ever, of the melancholy remnant who now exist, it sems more probable that they are to be referred to the Tohecs, who were dis placed by the Aztecs. Mr. Newberry described them as a race apparently entirely distinct from any other Indians ou this continent They are smal ler, have a distinct conformation of skull and face, and are peaceful agriculturists. They weave cloth, work w'uh implements of stone, and build towns of stone and mortar, on the mountain table lands, which rise eight hundred or one thousand feet above the lowland plateaux. They build walls around their towns, and their only means ot ingress and egress is by laddert. which they draw after them when they en ter towns. There are seven of these 6mall towns still inhabited by this fast fading race But their ruins extend over the whole val ley of the San Juan apparently ruins nf a race once numbering millions of men and many of them (the towns) five hundred or one thousand years old. Thk Antkdilovian Frog. This supposed inhabitant of another world, a creature lhat had lived before the flood, and in the time of Noah, died at Brongh, England. It was discovered in ' July, 1832, imbedded in a solid rock of millstone' grit on Slainmore, about three miles from Brough. by some workmen who.were breaking up the rocks for building stones. It was found in a cav ity eight inches from the surface, and with out a seam, rent, or cleft in the block. When the rock was broken it leaped out, and so terrified the man that he fell down through fear,' and said, "it Ieuked sae like a black devil." It was presented to Mr. Ro ney, snrgeon of Brough, who pot it into a tub containing water, grass, and leaves ; it was also carniverous, and would devour earthworms, flies, eiev Here it continued lively and active for some months ; but we presume, after taking a survey of this world and finding it so much worse than that in which it lived more than 4000 years ago, it had no longer any inclination to stay among os it sickened, drooped, and died; and Mr. Boney has embalmed thai body of this A Romance in Baltimore. The Baltimore correspondent of the Charleston Courier relates the following sug gestive and pretty romance : "A little incident characteristic of good fortune, flowing from econemy, prudence perseverance, came within range of my notice during the recent year, which, .if properly portrayed, may serve to stimulate others. The story is yet unwritten. I will endeavor to present it briefly. Less than a semi-decade ago there might have been seen in our city, seated at some public cor ner of a crowded street a young, poorly clad Italian woman, with a small, rosy fa ced, black eyed child in her arms. Be neath dishevelled hair and sunburnt face could be ' discerned lineaments of beauty, heightened into sympathetic attraction by the sweet smile of innocence. Though the garments of mother and infant were course tattered, yet cleanliness and an air of neat ness always told that a careful hand adjust ed them. Day after day, verging "far into evening shades, passed, giving place to new morrows, and Mill this apparently forsaken pilgrim of the Italian clime sat at her post amid the moving, busy throng, modestly begging a sustenance for herself and her tender off spring A year had made its revolution and still she was there, constant, unchanged, except to a browner hue. The babe grew ; its full eyes brightening into sweeter expression, '.vhile waves of sunlit happiness now and then illumed the mother's bosom. Another annual round, and she, with her tender charge, disappeared. The lonely place that knew them once found other occu pants. Time passed, and the were forgot ten. The sequel however, has recently come to my knowledge. Some days ago there appeared in our metropolis an opu lent Southern merchant. He came to pur chase goods and pay cash lor a bill of sev eral thousand dollars. ' Who is my strange though fortunalD customer V1 inquired the gentleman with whom he dealt. "I will tell yon," replied the stranger. "I know you, but you have not the same advantage with me, excepiing my name. I am the husbaud of that poor beggar-woman who sat in your streets with an infar-t in her arms, and to whom you often very often as she has, since told me, gave alms. We came to America yonng but poor and I think honest. I sought employment but without success. From the little my good Signora had saved, 1 purchased a hand-or gan, and set oui on a musical expedition. I made a tour, pa-sing through several States, coins far West and South was gone many months and ground my organ all the time, while Signora still maintained herself upon charitable donation. I finally returned to Baltimore with three hundred dollars, found my wife and little one, and we departed for the south locating in Vir ginia, commencing business in a small way, fortune smiled on us, and we are now the owners and occupants of a comfortable home, possessing wealth, abundance and happiness ." Such is in substance the story of these parties; founJed upon facts still cognizant to many who still recollect them. It is a striking commentary upon the unfailing virtue of perseverance, and shows That can be accomplished even under the most adverse circumstances. Only a few months ago this now enviable merchant was in our city, purchased goods to the amount of sev eral thousand dollars, and paid for them in cash. Cat Mania. A cat man is a singular thing; yet it existed in Mrs. Griggs, of Southampton Row, who died on the 16th of January, 1792. Her executors found in her house eighty-six living and twenty eight dead cats! Their owner, who died worth 30,000, left her black servant JCI50 per annum for the maintenance of the sur viving cats an J himself. Pope rerords an instance of a famous Duchess R , who bequeathed considerable legacies and an nuities to her cat. But if, of the gentler sex, there are those "who crad e the blind offspring of their Selimas, and adorn the pensive mother's neck with coral beads," some also of the remarkable among o. r sterner race have shown an extraordinary fondness for these luxurious quadrupeds. Mohammed, for . instance, had a cat to which he was so much attached that he pre ferred cutting off the sleeve of his garment to disturbing her repose when she had fall en aMeep upon it. Petrarch was so fond of his cat that he had it embalmed after death, and placed in a niche in his apartment. Dr. Johnson had a feline favorite, and when it was ill, declined its usual food, but greedily seizing an oj ster when it was offered, he was accustomed to bring home for her daily some of those tempting molluses. Mr. Peter King, who died at Islington in 1806, had two torn cats that used to be set up at the table with him at his meals; but as he was a great admirer of fine clothes richly laced, he thought his cats might like them too. The grimalkins were accordingly measured, and wore rich liveries until death. A Yopng lady was discharged from one of the largest vinegar houses in Boston, last week, because she was 60 sweet that she kept the vinegar from fermenting. A sour old maid is wanted to fill her place. Johjj, yon seem to gain flesh every day ; the grocery business must agree with you. What did you weigh last V "Well, Simon, I really don't know but it ttikP9Jrr?ejU,r,' CAMPAIGN SOXG. Air "Benny Haven.1' The campaign opens brightly Come fellows one and all . Unfurl your banners to the breeze Upon the outer wall. But ere we charge the enemy Upon the open plain, We'll bhout aloud our battJe-cry For Breckinridge and Lane. The Douglas holds before os The squatter sovereign jIan, And fain would cheat us of our rights, The tricky little man. But we'll teach him, ere he leaves the field His trials are iu vain To take the Presidential chair "From Breckinridge and Lane. For we strike for equal rights to all Rights won on many a field, By the blood of sires and brethern, By men who never yield. The li tie Douglas once deceived, But can't deceive again, Now 'e have braced onr armor on For Breckinridge and Lane. Then charae him boldly. comrades Charge every man and youth I harge lor the Constitution, For juMic- and lor troth. The loe is fading fast away, Like snow before trie rain, As fiercely on them fall the men Of Breckinridge and Lane. Hark ! from the tombs a doleful sound,' We hear a mournful yell Old fogies cry discordant notes For Everett and Bell. Send f'.rlh a squad npon them And put tn Rultt the train ; Those fossil men are now too old For Breckinridge and Lane. A sombre group approaches next, A Lincoln leads them on, A Tennessean dark is he, A renegado son. But renegades are not our choice The people cry amain, As hill and dale resound with shouts For Breckinridge and 'Lane. So lovers of the Union, And lovers of the right. And fionest men of every creed Are with us in the fight ; And victory shall crown the brows Of men without a stain. As the people rise in all their might For Breckinridge and Lane. KID IIEARTS. Let but the heart be beautiful, And I care not for the face ; I heed not that the form may want Pride, dignity, or grace. Let the mind be fill'd with glowing tho'ts And the soul with sympathy, And I care not if the cheek be pale, Or the eye lack brilliancy. What though the cheek be beautiful It soon must lose its bloom ; The eye's bright lustre soon will fade, In the dark and silent tomb. But the glory of the mind will live, Though the joyous lile depart, And the magic charm can never die. Of a true and noble heart. The lips lhat utter fen tie words Have a beauty all their ow.i, And more I prize a kindly voice, Than musicrs sweetest tone ; And tho' its sounds are harsh and shrill, It the heart within beats free, And echoes back each glad impulse, 'Tis all the world to me. American Ucrry. The hurry, bustle, excitement and gen eral go a-heada'.iveness that dininguish the Yankee character is thus happily hit ofl by a cotemporary : 'I.rL- -t tti tti0i1rthfk npnnifl pnmp , . , ,, , . .1 rushing in at the middle of the piece ; and I . , . ... r ,i ; before the curtain begins to fall, or lhe tag , , ... to be spoken, or the noral explained, up : . ' . . . . start a nunareu people in a tremenaous nur ly to get out, as if their very lives depended on their being somewhere else within two minutes and a hall. How many fine effects in a play how many chef doeuvres in a concert have we seen utterly destroyed by this ill-mannered and indecent haste. "Cro:-s a ferry, and long before the hour arrive, two thirds of the passengers are crowded at the head of the boat, ready to j jump ahore, rifking life and limb to save ten seconds of lime a child is knocked t overboard a boy's toot smashed a young man in jotnh's first bloom crippled for life. ; What niaiter ? The man now walking lei surely up ihe street got ashore nearly half a minute eariier than he would have done had he not run the same risk, and caused, perhaps the incident. Get into an omnibus, and with one foot on the ste and the other inside, the driver pulls the door to, whips up his horses, and you are pitched head nrst into a stout old gentleman's diaphragm ; or settled down into a sentimental lady's lap. "Now, what in the name of wonder is the cause of all this do we gain anything ? No ! Do we enjoy anything in this ever lasting rnth ? No ! Do we live any longer or die more happily 1 No !" If you wish to ascertain the distance of a thunder storm place the finger of the pulse and commence counting the beats. If you feel six pulsations, before you hear the thunder, the etorm is one mile away ; if twelve pulsations, it is two miles, and so on . Old Parsons Peters, who was good deal of a wag, once married a Mr. Partridge to a Miss Brace. The parents of the bride re quested that he would wir,d up tbe cere mony with a short prayer, which he did in the following words : "God bless this Brace of Partriges !" . Somc of the Wisconsin papers claim that JiXlhAjhat Too Fast. A young lady, beautiful in person and at- tractive in manner, who resided in the im- mediate vicinity of Boston, was sought in marriage some years ago by two men. One of these was poor and not a mechanic; the other was rich and not a mechanic The woman loved the former ; the family of the woman liked the latter. As is the case in such affairs, lhe woman married to plea-e her friends. Having thus "sold her self," she ought to have been miserab1e,but she was not. Her husband's unaffected love subdued her heart, and his gold smoot hed the rough places in the human path. Fortune, seeing that this couple were too happy, frowned, and the man's fortune took wings and flew away. Thereupon the hus band wound up his business, put his wife and children, of whom there were two, at a comfortable boarding house, and then de parted for California in search of money. Some letters and some remittance arrived from him at first, then nothing came and there was a blank of several years. The wife thought herself deserted. The family, whose good opinion ot the husband had be gun to fail, told her that it was clearly a case for a divorce. When 6he had become well accustomed to the sound of this un pleasant word, the disconsolate was thrown into the society of her old mechanic lover, now prosperous, and still unmarried. The memory of her early, real love became up on her, and he believed with a secret joy that he remained single for her sake. This thought nourished her affection, and at last she obtained a divorce from her husband, who had deserted her, and remained absent beyond the time allowed by the statute. This accomplished, there was no barrier between her and the mechanic of her youth. She informed him that she was his forever, when he should choose to claim her han J. Her feelings could not have been pleasant to learn that, since his rejection by her and her marriage to another, the unromantic hewer of wood had drowned his passion for her in the waves of time, and that at the time of her handsome offer he no longer palpitated for her. In fact, 'Barkis was not willin.' As if all this was not embarrassing enough, who should turn up but the hus band, who made his appearance in the form of a letter, announcing that he had accumu lated a dazzling pile of wealth, that, he was on his way home and that she wan to meet him in New York. The letter also chid her for neglect in not writing to him for years, and it was clear that he had sent as surances ol lore and also money at intervals j during his absence ; where these had gone, i no one knew. Here, ihen, was trouble. No husband, no lover. The one she had divorced ; the other had refused her. Tak ing cousel with herself, she packed her trunk, seeing that her wardrobe was unex ceptionable, and came to the metropolis. She met the coming man on his arrival, and told him the w hole story as correctly as she, naturally prejudice in favor of the de fendant, could tell it. The husband scowl ed, growled, looked at the charming face and the becoming toilet, remembered Call- j jons visit they took seTerai iong rjdes with fornia and its loneliness, and took her to the daughter of their host, about the coun his heart. A clergyman was summoned, a ,PW n,, r.n. f .t,-- marriage was performed, and a new vol ume in their life's history was opened. Thirty Years Ago. We are continually reminded that this age is a progressive one one that the present generation of chil dren is a great way in advance of the chi , r , . J . dren of thirty years aso that the young J , J , '. gentlemen and voung ladies are more mtel- ,. , ' , , . ligent aud more refined and that as a whole, the people who now live in the world, area decided improvement on all; world, area decided improvement on al who have preceded them. What was con sidered sensible then, would possibly seem . absurd now. Still, we had sweet, pretty . , , . , , .. . girls then girls who were equally at home in trie parlor and in the kitchen. tve nau not as many pianos, nor were there as many cosily silk dresses ; our houses were not carpeted from the kitchen to the garret as most of them now are, but we did not regard them as an inconvenience. The girls of thirty years ago, and especially farmers daughters, were tanght to knit and sew, bake and brew ; iu a word, they were taught to be good house-keepers. The greatest surprise is that these girls mothers of the present generation should have so departed from the principles of their own early and judicious Training, as to bring up their daughters in idleness and extrava gance. We learn that Col. H. A. Fonda has re ceived the appointment of Superintendant of the Williamspori and Elmira Railroad. We are pleased to note this as being a most superior and unexceptionable appointment. Col H. A. Fonda's predecessor, Mr. Red field takes the position of Vice President of the road. How did Jonah feel when he went iown the whale's throat 1 He felt taken in, and was considerably put out in about three days. How did he look and think 1 He looked down in the mouth and tho't he was going to blubber. The astronomer Herschel has predicted lhat England will this year be visited by a stoma ol violence unpreceded ia the annals of the globe. If yon would learn how to bow, watch ' Anecdote of Girard. Stephen Girard, the Frenchman who .founded the institution in Philadelphia 1 which bears his name, had a favorite clerk, ' and he always said ' he intended to do well j by Ben Lippencolt." So, when Ben got ta I be twenty-one, he expected to bear Mr. Gi- rard say something of his future prospects, and perhaps lend a helping hand in start ing him in the world. But the old fox care fully avoided the subject. Ben mustered "I suppose I am free, sir," said he, "and I thought I would say something to you as to my future course.- What do you think I had better do?" "Yes, yes, I know you are," said the old millioitaire, "and my advice is that you learn the cop er's Irade." This application of ice nearly froze Ben out, but recovering his equilibrium, he said if Mr. Girard was in earnest, he would do so. "1 am in earnest," and Ben forthwith, sought the best cooper in Spring Garden, became an apprentice, and in due time could make as good a barrel as the best. He announced to old Stephen that he had graduated, and was ready to set up busi ness. The old man 6eemed gratified, and immediately ordered three of the best bar rels he could turn out. Ben did his pret tiest and wheeled them op to tho old man's counting room. Old Girard pronounced them first rate, and demanded the price. "One dollar," said Ben, "?lis as low as I can live by." . ' Cheap enough make out your bill." The bill was made out and old Stephen settled it with a check of $20,000, which bo accompanied with this little moral, to ef fect that Benjamin now had a trade, which he could fall back on in case be did not succeed iu business. The Mistakes or the Press. The most laughable case of 'mistakes of the printers' is that where there had been two articles prepared for the paper (one concerning a sermon preached by aa eminent divine,and the other about the freaks of a mad dog,) but unfortunately, the foreman in placing them into the form, "mixed" them, making the following contretemps : "The Rev. James Thompson, rector of St. Andrew's Church, preached to a largo concourse of people on Sunday last. This was his last sermon. In a few weeks ho wnM bid farewell to his congregation, as his physicians advise him to cross the Atlantic. He exhorted his brethren and sisters, and after the expiration of a devout prayer, took a whim to cut up some frantic freaks. He rar op Timothy street to -Johnson, and down Ben fit street to College. At this stage of the proceedings, a couple of boys seized him, tied a tin kettle to his tail, and he started. A great crowd collected, and for a time there was a grand scene of noise, running and confusion. After some troub- le, he was 6hot by a Jersey policeman." A Goon One. Two young ladies of Phil adelphia were lately spending tbe summer in northeastern New York. During their had been traveling some distance, and tho day was warm, and as a trough of running water stood invitingly by the roadside, they concluded to give their pony a drink. One of the ladies agreed to get ont and arrange matters for this purpose. The others, re maining in the carriage, and deeply en gaged in conversation, for some lime paid no attention to the movements of their com panion. When at last, surprised at the loner delar. thev tnrned to acpprtaln tVin ,. , . ! nrihilr-t 1 the mtrmT In amazement tViev , 1 inquired : 7 .., . - , , . . ' What in the world are yon doing that f , To which she naively replied, "Why, I am unbuckling this strap to let tbe horse's head down, so he can drink." Don't have too much commiseration for the accomplished, amiable and charming wife of a defalter, un'il yon know that she has not, by extravagance and pride, induced him to use money not his own, or ta specu late with the view to gratify her wishes. How curious is the passiou for balances and totals in some minds, where they seem little applicable to the subject matter. Kohl observed some Russian children calculating by addition and multiplication the number of archangels and angels in Heaven. Aunt E' was trying to persuade little Eddy to retire at sundown using as an argument that little chickens went to roost at that time. " Yes," Eaid Edny, "but the old hen always goes with them." Aunty tried no more arguments with him. An independent man is said to be one who can live without whisky and tobacco, and shave himself with brown soap and cold water without a mirror. An empty bottle must certainly be a very dangerous thing if we may judge from the fact that many a man has been found dead with one at his side. In the very heaviest griefs of all, the mind is so absorbed that we scarcely notice an addition. In the next degree of sorrow we feel every little addition ; cor spirits have still movemntpr!or"Ttn psoj j jrs, I'll ta:3 another rocte. ,JL