PRICES TO SUIT THE TI3IES. The Largest and Cheapest stock ever - ' offered in this City. - WHOLES ALE DEALER IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware. Notions, Brashes, oil clothe, Colon Laps, Wadding, Carpet Chain, &c. No. 119 MARKET Street, below 2nd, (north side) Philadelphia. THE subscriber ha just opened an entire ly new and complete stock of goods of Ihe best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Dealers who wish to find' a good article CHEAP FOR CASH, These goods were bought for Net Cash, at the greatly reduced prices consequent rpon the stringency ot the times, ami be lieving the ,lnimble sixpence" to be better than the "slow shilling," they are now of fered to the public at prices they defy com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : ' Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar boxes, Half Bush els and Peck Measures, Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows, corn brooms, every variety, shoe paint bc rob and sweep trashes, &.c. Blothes, brushes, Baskets, willow and ra lan chairs, shirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bd cords, 6kirt cords, tie yarn, twine of all kinds, together with a large assort ment of Notions and Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, cheap from auction. These goods are all new and carefully elected, and are offered at prices that can not fail to attract attention. Bayers will invariably find it to their own interest lo call before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so aato prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. f"9 1 Orders by Mail promptly attended to. :.- CHARLES W. DEAN. 119 Market St., north side, below 2nd, Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1859-ly. GREAT EXCITE31ENT DOWN TOWS ATL T. SHARPLESS' STORE. "IJIEIESEl illBISirsrJlEi OF spring AND SUXLUEK GOODS. THE undersigned having taken charge of the New Store formerly kept by Jofeph Sharpless, betakes this method of inform ing his numerous customers that he has iut returned from the citv with a larse assftrtment of - SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which be offers for sale at his CHEAP CASH STORE, en Main Street, Bloomsburg, at the very lowest living prices. His Stock has been selected with a great deal of care and judg ment, and it will compare favorably with any stock of goods ever brought to this fiace. Country propuce taken in exchange or goods at the market prices. He has on hand everything commonly kept in a coun try store. Give him a call before purchas ing elsewhere. L. T. SHARPLESis. Bloomsburg, April 25, 1860. -NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER DaYitl Lowenlicrg INVITES attention to his 6toek or cheap and fashionale tlothing at his Morcon Main street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House-' where he has a full assort tnentof men and boy's wearing apparel, including '.he most fashionable Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls. sIriDesand hgure, vests, snins, era vals;stocks, collars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, sospenders ana rancy arucies. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shortnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing is tn.da to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. . DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, April 4, 1860. One Price Hat &, Cap Store. (Corner of the Five Story Block,) K. W. CORNER OF EIGHTH & RACE STS. rilll'ADELirUlA. The public are respectfully invited to bear in mind that at this Store may be found an assortment of Fashionablt. and Handsome MOLESKIN DRESS HATS, SOFT HATS, Hifib. Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed Caps, Plush and Plush Trimmed Caps for Men and Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at fair prices. tST No two price for regular goods. Jannary 18, 1860-lV. ' AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY Canital Stock 8500,000. nOMHANY'S Building Walnut Street Sooth East corner of Fourth, Pbiladel nhia. Life Insurance at ihe usual Mutual Rates, es at ioint stock rf les, at about 20 per cent Im of at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest or the world. ........ A. WHILDIN, President. J.C Sims, Sec. A. . Mknsch, Agent. April 27 1859. BLOOMSBURG V BARREU SHOP. frtHE nndersisned respectfully informs the A- citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that be has taken the Barber Shoo, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Buildin?. nearlv opposite the Ex change Block, where be is at all times ready to wait upon bis customers to enure satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on werv moderate terms. . EShampooing,done up in City Style. He solicit public patronage an1 pledges Iris best endeavor, lo giTe every .reasonable salifaclion. ' CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg," Oct. 12, 1859. , . ITASIOITAL HOTEL. Race Street, above Third PHILADELPHIA. C. CARMANY, Proprietor. " Febrnarr 22, I860. A FULL ASSORTMENT of WATCH Glasses, both in and out side, and, SPECTACLE GLASSES, for sale cheap lor $ash by ;.V. HENRY ZUPPINGER, - ' '.. Watchmaker.. Bloomsburg:, Dec. 28, 1859. " A. 31. RUPERT - TINNER $ S TO VE DEALER, Shop oa South side of Main street, below Jlaiket.. ." DAVID r f rl rr L0VFE5DEG, r v n STOP WYOMING HOUSE, J. It. LAYtOCKi rUOlMCIETOR, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. THE! Proprietor, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken coarse of the Wyoming House, in the village of Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has luted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are, spacious and airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and comfort ot the traveling commu nity, but also to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the beet the market can afford; and his BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ol his quests., and is determined to make the WiUMlINU HUUfcJt; rank a- mong the first hotels in the Slate. The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on bis part, combined .with a judi cious selection of the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. EF t lease give him a call, and judge lor yourselves April 2, 1859. FORKS HOTEL. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT IIAGENBUCH, Proprietor, TAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pub lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders, tits table will be sup plied with the best products the markets af ford, and bis Bar will be constantly furnish ed with the choicet liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to the wants of the public, and his obliging attention lo customers wilse cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. Uisins: Sun Hotel Berwick, Fa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of the above named hotel, and has fitted it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation ot all who may favor him with their patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting atttention, he ran eive entire satisfaction to all. His table will he eunolied with the best the market afford? , and his tar with the choicest liquors Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on hand, and bis stabling is the mast ex tensive in this section of country. MA J. N.SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Eagle Foundry, Bloomsburg STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a larne new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Flows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed "his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the AM. PENN COOK.RAUB COOK, VAN- LIER COOK, and PARLOR STOVES -33 Ol ail uie imuci uu c, &c. All kinds of Sponting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, Ar-"l 16, 1?58 BLOOMSBURG rTllE undersigned would in this way call ihe attention of the public to the Rook Store at the old stand, next door to the "Ex change Hotel,'' where at all times can be found a good assortment ot dooks, innuuing Bibles, Hymn Eoeks, Prayer Cooks, Histories, Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds ol stationary ol the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the piice of Scool Books aud Stationary to those who by to sen a-ain. Just received, a good assortment of ALL PAPER, which I would ask all to call and examine belore puchasing elsewhere. P.t.nrivL' rr M'l' Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1837,-lyr. Hoot and Sliociiiakiug. THE ondersigned being thankful for past favors, and grateful iortuture pros pects, desires to :nlorm the citizens of this place and vicinity, and his friends and patrons in particular, that he 6till carries on the above business in all its various bunches, at his old stand, on Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church Bloomsburg. He employs the very bet workmen, ar.d uses nothing bat good stock. No pains are spared to make fits and durable work; all of which can be obtained very low for ready pay. JACOB F. DiETTERlCH. Bloomsburg, Feb. 1, 1860-ly. , DENTIST ii. c. nowi:rs, SURGEON IE NT 1ST. RESPECFULLY offers his fr I a. Tip and gentlemen ol Bleoms- burg and vicinity. He is prepared lo attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided with Ihe latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which v ill be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858 TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arti cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of the best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dre9 trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D.WEBB. - Bloomsburg, May 25, Is"7. BLANKsTTbLANITS! ! BLANKSTT " DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper Si desirableforms, fo sale at the of5ce of the "Star of the North-" JOSEPII SHARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MA CHINE ST, Buildings on the alley between the "Ex ".hange" and "American House." A J. EVANS. MERCHANT, More on the upper part of Main St., nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. - IIIR.IBI CniOTTEKj UIXxTf LIGHT ! lilGIIT ! sP Si J2 Si g? C EQ COAL OIL BURNERS AND LAMPS , ' FOR BURNING - Coal, Kerosene, or Carbon Oils. The best, most brilliant, and cheapest por table lignt now in use. JNo canger ot ex plosion and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil, or Camphene, ' EQUAL TO GAS, J Without the expense of gasfixtuies. The above Lamps (with all their fancy trim inos can be seen and bouuhl at the old established Drug and Chemical Store ot the undersigned, who flatters himself that Irom his long experience in the Drug trade, he knows how and vTdere to buy, and is deter mined not to be undersold by any one in Bloomsburg, or surrounding country. Call and see his new and well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, OILS, GLASS FROM 7x9 to 24x36, CONFECTION ARIES, PER FJJMERY AND FANCY TOILET, ARTICLES FOR LADIES & GENTS TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Asst'd Brands, Patent Medicines of every variety in use, Liquors (pure) for medicinal use only, Fluid Camphene, Carbon Oil, Turpentine and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdomnal Supporters, Sursical and Dental Instruments, Sash Nail & Tooth brushes, Prof. Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies, garden, canary, rape and hemp seeds, thermometers, proof-glasses moroc co leather and 6hoe findings, &c, &c, to gether with the largest and most varied as sortment of German Toys ar.d Yankee Notions, ever brought to this place, all of which please call and see, and you must believe. Having learned by sad experience that "long credi's will not keep things moving," I have determined lo to cash buyers, to make it an object to them as well as the seller, to deal on the cash principle, either money or ready trade. Having served a regular apprenticeship at the Drug and Apothecary business, be sides having carried it on for the last eigh teen years, on my own hook, I flatter my self itiat I am able to do justice to all giving me a trial. Thankful to the public for past favors, I would ask a trial on the new prin ciple, and will guarantee to all, that it will make long friends, and pay best in the end to pay cash and buy at rednced prices. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded, and all orders cor rectly answered. All medicines guarranted a recommended, Store Room on Main S'reet, near Market, next door to the Post Office, Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Pa. EPHRAIM P. LUTZ. December 7, 1859-tf. PHILADELPHIA AM) REaDIXG WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECEMBER 5T1I, 1859. Four Daily Passenger Trains to Philadelphia. (From and passing Reading) iVl D.U . III., a. in., i. (Freight and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Pottsville and Port Clinton, at 10.15 a. m., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Port Clinton with trains fot Tamaqoa, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the Canadas. The 10.1? a. m. up train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for ilkesbarre, Scranton and Pitt6lon. Passengers leaving Williamsport by the Caltawi6sa Railroad night line, at 10.15 n. m.. connect with a passenger train leav ing Port Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Read- in at 5.50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Jead ing Accommodation Train. On Sundays :he 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m. Up Trains only rnn. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trams Daily, Sundays Excepted) to and from Harrhburg. At 10.23 a.m. and 6 08 p.m.' Leaving Harrisburg at 8 00 a. m. and 2.35 p.m. Connecting with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley Railroads, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Chani bersburg, Sec. Through Tickets Reading to Baltimore, Si 00; to Lancaster, 525; to Gettysburg, $3 50. 8o nounds of baasage allowed to each t " w passenger. The second class cars run with all the above trains. Through first class tickets, at reduced rates toNiagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West, North West, and the Canadas; and Emigroul Tickets at lower fares to all above places, can be had on application lo the station agent at Reading. All tickets will be purchased petore tne trains start. Higher fares charged if paid in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer and General Superintendent. February ?2, 1860. Cheapest! Best! Largest! AQff ff Pays for Tuition in Single and OOOjUU Double Entry Book Keeping, Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and lec tures. BOARD, 8 WEEKS, 20, STATION ERY 87, Tuition f 35, entire expenses S62. Usual time from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student upon graduating, is guaranteed com petent to manage the books of any business and qualified to earn a salary of from S50C to S1000. Students enter at any time No vacation Review at pleasure. First Pre miums for Best Business Writing for 1859, received at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the priocipal Fairs of the Union for the past four years. Ministers' Sons received at half price. For Circulars, Specimens and Embellish ed View of the College, inclo-e five letter stamps to F.W.JENKINS, Jan. 18, 1860-ly. Pittsburg, Pa. (3- I2a ST S3 & NORTH-WEST CORNER EighUi and ISace Streets, I'llILADKLmiA. C Alwavs on hand, a full assortment of Hats and Caps for Mea Boys and Children, at low prices Feb. 22. I860. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-Lislit Ambrolypist, ROOMS in the Third Story of the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. HEADY-MADE CL0TUIXG Can be bought cheap at the cheap cash store of L.T. Sbarplesa. May 2, 1860. Patent Enaaeled Paper Collars For Bala at L. T. SHARPLESS' Cheap Cash Store. May 2, I860. IRON STEEL, apct every "kind"' of Hard What Erery Body Wants. THE FAMILY :DCCTC2tt . CONTAINING . . SIMPLE REMEDIES, EASILY OBTAIN ED, FOR THECURE OF DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. BY PROFESSOR HENRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELLS YOU how to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them : how to piepare Drinks, Poultices, &.C., and how to en aril against iniection irom uoniagiou& Diseases. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseasas of children, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Con vulsions, Vaccination, Whooping cough, Measles, &c. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Diarrhoea, Worms, Scalled Head, Ringworm, Chicken pox, &c, and gives youjhe best remedies Jor their cure. IT TELLS YOU the ppmptoms of Fever and Ague, and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet ar.d other Fevers, and gives j ou the best and simplest remedies for ihir cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptom? of Influ enza, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Erysipelas. &c, and gives you the best remedies for their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Chol era Morbus, Malignant Cholera, Smallpox, Dysentery, Cramp, Disease ot the Wailiter, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies or their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptom of Pleu risy, Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paraly sis, the various diseases of tbe.Throat, Teeth Ear and eye, aud the best remedies for their cure. IT TELLS YOU the symptoms of Epi lepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Vernal Diseases and Hydrophobia, and gives the best reme dies lor their cure. IT TELLS YOU the best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Spraii.s, Lockjaw, Fever sores White swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvey, Burns and Scrofula. IT TELLS YOU of the various diseases of Women, of Childbirtn, and of Menstru ation ; Whites, Barrenness, Sec, Sec, and gives the best and simplest remedies lor their cure. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily understood, while its simple recipes may 6oon 6ave you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and vll be forwarded to your address, neat ly bound and postage paid, on receipt of S100 OOO A YEAR CAN BE MADE V V V-T y enterprising men ev erywhere, in selling ihe above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JUMIN h.. i Ul I 1 uoiisner, No. 617 Sansom streetPhiladelphia. May 16, lS60-6m. 50 000 Copies already SOId. EVERYBODY'S EAAVYEU AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELLS YOU how to draw op Part nership Papers and gives general forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases and Petitions. - ( IT TELLS YOU how lo draw np Bonds ant Mortaages, Affidavits, Powers of At torney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Re ceipts and Rleapes. IT TELLS YOU the Laws for the Col lection of debts, with the Statutes of Lim itation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from execution in every State. IT TELLS YOU how to make an As signment properly, tvith forms for Compo sitions with creditors, and the insolvent i laws of every State. 4 IT TELLS YOU the legal relation exist, ing between Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS YOU what constitues Libel and Slander, and laws as to Marriage Dow er, the Wife's right in property, Divorce and Alimony. IT TELLS YOU the law for Mechanic's Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. IT TELLS YOU the Law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS YOU the laws for Patents, with mode ot procedure in obtaining one with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU how to make your Will trnd how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. IT TELLS YOU the meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Gov ernments. IT TELLS YOU how to keep out of law, by showing how lo do your business legal ly, UIUB YIUj; a t-l dlliUUUI Vl jnupcuji and vexatious litigation, by its timely con sultation. Single copies will be sent by mail. pos tage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechan ic. Every man ol business, and every body in every State, on receipt of SI.00, or in law style of binding at St. 25. A YEAR CAN BE made yLvV Dy enterprising men ev erywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with other information, ap ply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. May 16, l860-6ra. ZITPIXGER'S ESTABLISHMENT. Prices Reduced, fcc. The difficult watches and jewelry repairing has been done 6ince Blooms- bursr is Bloomsburg, by Henry Zuppinger and though he was often from the nature of the case,) obliged to charge pretty high, his prices are now greatly reduced, and his customers may rest assured thai be has the requisite qualification, materials and means for the repairing of all kinds of watcbe, jewelry, Accordions, and every thing usu ally attended to at the best watchmake or jewelry shops. Honesty and faithfulness will always behis first principle and aim. Have you a pique 1 O come ! 1 want it re moved. They had roe dead and buried some time last winter, but some now a seems 1 nave crawled out again. S3T Orders or Goods taken for pay. HENRY ZUPPINGER. B'oomsburg, Jaly It, 1860. S. C SUIYU, CABINET WARE ROOMS. s. c. 8 HIVE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the I'ublic to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment ot FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or-New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from S25 to S60. Divans Loun ces, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, 6ofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashu, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, end ued and oommon wastelands, dress-tables, corner cupboards sola, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section of the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ot looking glasses with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring maltrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. nioomsbur, January 13, 1858. FRESH ARRIVAL OF -Si AT HEAD lUARTEi:S ! ITIcKETiVY, N1JAE A: CO., HAVE just received and opened iheir stock of Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and handsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN. Having paid great attention to the selection of their entite stock as to v Price and Quality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishingjto buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have aM kinds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very lar"e and complete assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom baxines, de bages, poplins parametia cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, al'-coes, &c. WHITE GCODS9F ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, ycl ve tibbons, ami braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. AJjTj kinds of shawls, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also a very large large assortment of Cloths, casimers, satinets, vestings, tweeds, jeaus, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. of all kinds and sizes for men, women and rhildren. We have a lar;e assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar- I- -XT t. ware, 6:c. very cneap CARPETS, UARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, ticking-, dra pers, towelirigs, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite our friends and the public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere?. We have bought our goods at the LOWEST 'CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by any body or the rest of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloomsburg, Nov. 30, 1859 THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS. JflAK-TZ & ENT WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Light Street and vicinity that they have just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they will sell cheap for cash. They have a large and general variety ; all that is commonly found in a Country Store, and are determined to sell cheap. In the selec tion of their goods they have' paid strict at tention ; therelore their merchandise will bear r?enmmendation and will prove to be of the first class. The proprietors are gentlemen and honor able dealers, and cordially solicit a liberal har of natronane. Customers would do well to call and examine their general vari ety before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange for good at the highest market price. MARTZ & E'T. Light Street, May 4, 1859. Excitement at the "Old Arcade'." FRESH ARRIVAL OF 7"!T? QS QE CO DD bS3 AT ITIIXMUrS STOKE! riMlE subscriber has just returned from'the City with another large and t-eiect as- sortment of Spring and Summer Goods, J purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest fiaure, and which he is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in liloombburg. His stock com. prises IaditV Drcs Ooods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, C7 LT- GO CS IX 1 CS S3 Hardware. Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots &. Shoes, Hats and Cans, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country Stores ; to which he invites the, public generally. The highest price raid for country produce. r S. H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, April 2, I860. GOOD LIQTJC3.S. nn HE undersigned has opened a new Li--L quor Store at MifUinville, Columbia county, and stocked it with a large and ex cellent assortment of 2 CE W CO S3 of all kinds, to which he invites the atten tion of dealers. His LiqnoiS are of the bee! brands, and one trial will satisfy all. A. ANDREAS. Mifflinville, June 27, 1860. SL B K00NS, Proprietor. ULOUUSltUllC, "A. HIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op T posite the Court House, has beeu thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared lo accommodate travelers, leamslei, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market afford5,and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and bis stabling is the most extensive in this seciioii ot country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860. . 31KELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, EVANS riul'a -Manufactured SALMANDElt SAFES; No. 304 C'ipstnuf S'.reet, PHILADELPHIA. - From Ihe Village Record, WEST CHESTER, Pa. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. Robbert. The office of the old Railroad, in West Chester, was broken into last Thursday night, and robbed cf a sma'l a mount ol money. The thieves entered the building in the rear, broke the doors, and locks off the desks, and attempted to get in to the large iron safe, but did not succeed. The Safe was manufactured by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Streets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. October 18th, 1858. Three theives en tered the flounng-mill of Messrs. Dorrace & Doron, Bristol, Pa., and tried all n;ght to blow open their Safe, with powder, which had $250 in cash, but did not succeed in gelling it open. Their Salamander Safe was manufactured by EVANS & WATSON. GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS TOWN, December 1st, 1858 Some time lasi night, the flouring-mill of Mr. Joseph Fazone, in Norrisiown, Pa., was entered and one of Farrel, Herring, & Co's best pa tent Powder proot Lock and Sale WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH PuWDER, and SI, 600 in cash taken out carried away. This Safe is now in Evans & Wat son's store, No. 26 South Fourth Street, where we most respectfully invite the pub lic to call and examine it. N. B. We find in Ihe Press, December 4th, the following: "All our Safes are war ranted to aive perfect satisfaction, or the money will be relumed. FARREL, HERRING & CO." We, EVANS & WATSON, would ask all parties having Farrel, Herring & Co's Patent Champion Safes, to lake advantage of the above offer, and return them and get their monpy, as they will find that, in a few years, the Composition with which the Safes are filled (a large portion being oil of vitriol) will eat out all the iron. A speci men ol their Champion Safes may be seen in frout of our store, which is eaten full of holes now. EVANS & WATSON, jNo. 26 South FOURTH Street. From The Press of the 4th ilt. Farrel, Herring &. Co's Patent Champion Safes, the only Safes made in the city which have never been robbed by burglars, or had their contents destroyed by accidental fires. Evans Si. Watson's Philadelphia answer lo a New York Humbug. We, the undersigned citizens of St. Joseph, Mo., do hereby certifv that the iron Sale belonging lo C. E. Baldwin, made by Far rel k Co No. 34 Walnut Street. Philadel phia, which was in the fire that occurred here, is not fire-proof, and is useless as a fire prool Safe; that the books, papers, jew elry, &c, which were in the bafe at the time, were mcch injured; aUo, that the building which it was in was of frame and only one story high, and that a fire so tri fling as the one which burned over the said Sale was not sufficient to have injured any Safe purpo-ting to be fire-proof. W. R. Penick, Druggist. Jostpn W. Tootle, Dry Goods. J. A. Beattie, Banker. Do n ell,Saxton & McDo.KELL,DryGoods William Rv, Drv Goods. John Curd, Dry Goods. C. E. Baldwin, St. Joseph, Mo. EVANS & WATSON, 304 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, have now on hand the largest assortment of Salamander Safes 111 the United Slates, warranted equal to any others made in the country. Please sive u a call. Feb. 23J, 1859. TO THE FASIIONAHLE AND rrtllE undersigned having ustreceivedthe JL iatest Paris and New York Fashions. would aain bg leave to inform his numer ous friendsand all the world about Hloorns burg.ihathe is now better prepared than ev er toaccommodate any one with the neatest . . 1 Ki fitiinrreiiits nff!lnlh ihat have be-n turned ouflately ; and not onlj hLaY. ,L " ;iLUn!oihm nninth Ui;u? uui " r t 1 li n I n u' o I tor m c order, upuu w. -- - 1 .V" ' , ftnn it s Khnn is atthe old stand, (too well known to need lunnernoiirejwiiereiie maj at all timesbefound, seated upon the bench ofrepentance.steadilyd rawing outt he threne ofafiliction, hoping it may in theenrfprovt advantageous to him and his customers. Ht would alsoadvisehisfiendstobearin mina that poor, atllictedtailors mustlive, or they . . . . -- 1 r tin 1., , -u i I can't be expected to woru.i nereiore neai. 1 'live Com.Oals, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH willcome mighty hand--- from those who are back-standingon the books. Remember, gentlemen, that in allcaseF ''thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, Jan. 13th, 1858. LIGHT STREET HOTEL, D. L. EVERHART, Proprietor. flHE Proprietor ol this hotel takes pleas ure in announcing to the public that he still occupies this large and commodious houe in Light Nreet, I a., and is yet, as ever.prepaired to accom modate travelars, teamsters,dro veis and borders, with accom modation that will lavoMDly compare with any hotel in this section ol country. The traveling public may depend on all comforts it home, as his bouse is well furnished and alwavs keDt in order. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi'h the best the market afTotds. Mr. E. will ever be happy lo entertain and accommodate his friends to the uimot of his ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1853. tW The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the property at private I gale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables ana an me neces sary outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing lo em bark in the business, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. OLD DK. HEATH'S BOOK OF Travels and great discoveries of the MM Sift Japanese and East India Medicines, wi'h full directions for the certain cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ca tarrah, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Fe male Complaints, &. Illustrated with hun dreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpoe of rescuing as many suffer ing fallow-beings as possible from prema ture death, it will be sent to any part of the continent, by sending 25 cents to Drs. Heath. Sold by G. M. Hagenbuch, Bloomsburg; N. L. Rank & Co, Danville, Jacob Lawalt, Catasaoqua ; A. Miller Si Co, Berwick. H DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, New York City. October 5th, 1859. ly. Blanks of all Kinds - - AN sperient and Stomachic prepanon of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon hf combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned ' fSf the highest Medical Authorities, t oi'h in'' Eoropo and the United State, and pretcn-' bed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily prove' that no preparation of Iron can be compared' with it. Impurities of ihe blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickl complexions indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has proved absolutely curative in each of tb following complaints, viz: In Debility, Nervor.s Affections, E maci ation, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Diarrlcsi Dysentery, Incipient Cunsumpt ion, Scrota lous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Mismen struation, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Com plaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism,. Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the Face, &c, In cases of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and mu-cular energy fiorn chronic complaints, one trial of ihis restorative has proved successful to an ex lent which no description nor written attes tation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgot ten in their own neighborhoods, have sud denly re-appeared in the busy world as if justice returned from protracted travel in a dibUht land. Some very siru l instances of tin kind are attested of female Sufferers,, emaciated victims of apparent mara-mus,. sanguineous exhaustion, criiical change,, and that complication of nervous and dys peptic aversion to air and exercise lor which the physician has ho name. lo Ner vous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this prepara'ion of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, ui like the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, reg ularly aperient, even in the most ob-linaie ca-es of eo-tiveness without ever being a gastric purgative, orindicting a disagreeable sensation. ll is this latter propery, among others, which makes i: so remarkably effectual ami permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and speci fic action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Djspepsia, innumerable as are its canes, a tingle box of ihee Chalybeate Piils has often sufficed for the most hat irual cases, including the attendant Costiveuess. In unchecked Diarrhrei, even when ad vanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emancia ling, and apparently malig'iant, the effects have been equUly decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, lo of flesh and slrength. debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which' generally iiuKcate Incipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed Ihe alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and iiterewijf) insraiif-e. In Scrofulous Tubercii'tsis. this mediral ted iron has had for more than tne good effect of the mo-t cautiously balanced pre parations of ioJine, without any of their well known liabi!i:ies. The attention of females cannot be too confidently invited to this reme.iy and re storation, in the cases peculiarly affecting thera. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflam matory in the la'.ier, however, more deci dedly it has been invariably well reported boih a alleviating pain and reducing the swelling and stiffness ol the joints and muscle. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative and its progress in the new settlements of the WeM, will probaoly be one of high re nown and usefulness. No remedy has ever ben diPovereJ in tbe w hole history of medicine, which exeng such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition ol strength, with an unu- al disposition for active and cheerful "e, immediately fellow its use. ex- Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing I 50 pills, price 50 cents per box ; tor sale by t . 1 . . . . '.xt.nwJ . ' I uruiruiMS auu ueut?r. 111 druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any aJdress on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., ehoulJ be addre-ed lo R. B. LOCKE & CO, General Aent, May 23, 1860-ly 339 Broadway, N Y. IIOWAUI) ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA . Benevolent Institution established by u.SL special Endowment, for the Relief of the sick and distressed, afUicied with viru lent and epidemic dit-eases, and especially 'lor the cure ol diseases of the sexual organs. M edical adv ice given gratis, by the ac I ing Surgeon; to all who apply by letter, with a descriprion ol their condition, (age, oc cupatiou, habits of life. &c7) and in cases ot extreme pover'y. medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the sexual organs, and ou ihe tew remedies employed in the Dispen sary, sent M the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free ol charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. GEO. FA1RCHILD, Secretary. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President. January 25, 1860-iy. LARGE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. Vlie have again been to the city, and re turned with a large stock of Goods for ihe season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our dock consists ot Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Wil-Iov-wars, Holiow-ware. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead by the Keg, cheap, &c, &c. II. C. Si I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 25, i860. Tinware & Move Establishment. ?HE UNDERSIGNED iepecifully in forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest iu the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and o,r fers for sale the largest and most ex tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on band and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, ts usual, nn hort notice. Tne patronage of old friends aad new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT: Bloomsburg. Jan. 12, 1853. tf. 1 fmxt f 7 f f tATAafUgi if