STAR OF THE NORTH WM.H. JACOB Y, EDI TO R . BLOOMBERG, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. II, I860, . Democratic IXoinina lions. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, : :; OF KENTUCKY: FOR VICE PRESIDENT, GENML JOSEPH LANE, OF OREGON. PREIDEHTIAL EXECTOITS. , ELECTORS AT LARGE. ' Richard Vux, George M. Keim, DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. Fred. A. Server. 2. Wb.C. Patterson. 3. Jos. Crockett, Jr. 4. J. G Brenner. . 5. G. W. Jacoby. 6. Charles Kelly. .7. O. P. James: 8. David Serial!-' 9. J.L Ligttner. 10. S. S. Barber. 11. T. H, Walker. It. S. S. Winchester. 13. Joseph Laubach. U. J Keck how. 15. Geo. D. Jackson. 16. J. A. Ahl. 17. J. B. Danner. 18 J. R. Crawford. 19. H. N Lee. 20. J. B. Howell. 21. N. P. Fetterman. 22. Samuel Marshall 23. William Book. 24. B. D. Hamlin. 25. Gay lord Church. GrossaisrcprcsentatioK&flf Er Breckinridge's . : (jplBlODS Judge DoogSas and his friends are; ma- FOR GOVERNOR, HON. HENRY D. FOSTER, OF WESTMORELAND. ? DISTRICT TK3KET. "CONGRESS, " ' ' Hoii OEORGE SCOTT, ' " Surject to the decifion of the Congressional ;..'- Conference. '"", SENATOR, HI. E. JACKSOrV, Esq. , FuJject to the decision of the Senatorial Conference. ASSEMBLY, Col. HIKAITI H. KI.IIVE. . . Subject to. the decision of the Representative Conference. COUNTY TICKET. "foFtrotIionoTay JACOB EYERIY. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, DAN I Eli LEE. FOR COMMISSIONER. WILLIAM EAUIOrV. , FOR AUDITOR, JOS. XL KIITTLE. Election, Tnesday, October 9th, 1SC0. Resolved t Thai the convictions of the Dem ocratic party of Pennsylvania remain un shaken iti the wisdom and justice ot ade quate protection ot iron, coal, wool, and of the great staples of oor country, based upon the necessities of a reasonable revenue 6ys tPin of the General Government: and ap proving of the views of President Buchanan tpoi: the subject of specific duties, we earnestly desire our Representatives in Con gress to procure such .modification ot the existing laws as the unwise legislation of the Republican party in 1?57 renders abso lutely necessary to the prosperity of the great industrial interests of the State of Pennsylvania. Pasted at the Reading Con vention. March 2, I860. , - " Ma. Welsh's Address. We call attention to the address of the Hon. Wm II. Welsh, Chairman of the Democratic State Execu tive Committee, which will be found in to day's Star. For a document of importance it is brief, and exhibits in a lucid style ard 'nervous language, the peculiar position of the Democratic party at the present time, the doty which every Democrat owes to his country in the crisis.and the or.Iy means in the use of which we shall be able to res cue oor beloved Commonwealth and the whole Union from the hands of the "Philis tines," which are against the rights aud in terests of our common country. We heartily commend this address to all Democrats, and earnestly solicit them to reflect calmly on the advice contained in it, and lo use the means which it suggests. vThb Republicans of Montour county have made the following nominations : For Com missioner, Charles Fenstermacher ; Treas urer, Thomas Jameson ; Auditor, Peter Har der. They made no nomination far rro ihonotary, but empowered the Standing Committee to make - a nomination if they should think proper. - They instructs con ferees foi Scbantow for Congress. Also in structed conferees for Bodmd of Milton, for Senator. The Representative conferees were appointed without -instructions. We r' informed that the Republican party 8tand no chance of electing any of their ticket inMontoor. The Democrats of Old Colnmbia'will bold the Opposition at bay this fall, as they have done heretofore, and nobly maintained their princi ples and posi tlon.' Tho Democracy are already anshield inc their Swords and preparing for the combat. ' ' Im New York the Breckinridge party has at last fused with the Douglas, and Bel! and Everett parties. Though in 1856 that State gave Fremont 80,000 majority, yet strong and reafcrnble hope Is entetained that she may this fall be redeemed from Republican misrule, against which even Greeley cries. He says, that "for the next eight weeks the "Republican party , has harder work to do than U ever did before." " While the spirits of the opposition are flagging and beUg depressed, those of the Democrat s are be ing eornmensurately elevated, and they feem resolved to "make op for. their former jnertia by ( renewed activity no. In this aection the best of feeling exist, and we are resolved to throw, in. heavy majorities for our candidates..- . -,. - . J tliis'extra ordinary crisis of affairs, no min can be a true patriot without first becoming an xbo!itiooisL A free-toiler is boly'a TADPOLE in an advanced state of transformation ; an ABOLITIONIST U the . .1 -......,. Vroorl FROG!" ing strong and persistent efforts to convince the people thai Mr. Breckinriege is, first, the Disunion candidate, and, secondly, the exponent of the doctrine of Congressional intervention for the establishment of slavery in the Territories. Nothing is more destitute of truth than both of these propositions, and none know this better than those who make the charges. No act or Word of Mr.. Breckinridge, in dicating disunion sentiments, has been, or can T?e pointed out. Indeed, the last-speech he made, which was delivered in Kentucky, after his elec tion to the Senate, is full of patriotism, con servatism and attachment to the Union The strongest characteristic of that speech,' is i's calm arid dignified denunciations of those bad men and fanatics, who aim at the dismemberment of ths Confederacy. In lan guage of fervid and majestic eloquence he deplores the dangers which they have brought upon the country, and appeals to all good and true men to unite in a common effort to frustrate their wicked designs, and to preserve in their integrity the Constitu tion and the Union. But in a few days, he himself, pressed to the wall by his enemies, relentlessly pursned by base detraction and malignant aspersion, will make, before the American people, vindication of himself, that will forever set at rest this most wanton and unfounded accusation. ' The second charge! like the first, is with-' out the shadow of truth. When and whee did Mr. Breckinridge ever express the opinion that Congress should intervene for the establishment of slavery in the Territories? We defy his enemies to answer. On the subject of sla very in the Territories, he holds that doc trine which is common to all good Demo crats, North and South the doctrine of non intervention. ' We know of but one promi nent politician who advocates intervention for the establishment of slavery in the Ter ritories, and that is Senator Brown of Mis sissippi. So different are Mr Breckinridge's opinions on this point from Senator Brown's that it has been thought, the Mississippi Senator would withhold from him his sup port. It is only recently, that he has pub lished a letter, in which he finds fault with Mr. Breckinridge for not maintaining this doctrine of intervention. He says that this constitutes, in his mind, an objection to our candidate, but that he will sustain him on account of the general coincidence of opin ions between them on other subjects. This charge that our candidate and his friends hold this doctrine of intervention, is not only rank injustice, but it is sheer non tense. Mr. Yancey even does not hold it. In his late speech he indignantly repudiates it, and declares that no Democrat entertains it. But Mr. Breckinridge holds, and all good Democrats and all conservative men of all parties hold, that in ihe Territories, which are the common property of the nation, all the citizens of the United Sta'esare protect ed by the Constitution, in their property the slaveholder as well as the rest. The Constitution goes into the Territories and covers them as 60on as they become Amer ican Territories. It goes there belore the squatter, it goes ihere'to govern and protect him until he is able to govern and protect himself. The Constitution does not create or establish any property ; it only protects the citizen who removes into a Territory in the'enjoyment of his property. When the Territory is organized and ac quires sufficient population to authorize it to make a Constttulion,and to entitle it to ad mission into the Union as a sovereign State, then it can ei'her admit or prohibit slavery. This is the Democratic doctrine, and far ther than this the Democratic party has Gonrt Proceedings. . Court met, Hon. W J. Woodward, Prest. Hen's. Peter Kline and Jacob Evans, on the Bench. The usual business of ihe morn ing was gone through. An unusual amount of criminal business was sen t to the Grand jury mauy mattersof the kind were laid over to December term. Com'lh. w.'Wiliam. Goodman Assault with intent to commit a rape District At torney, Jackson and Freeze, for Common wealthClark and Comly, fo deft. Verdict guiliy of assault, but not an attempt to rav ish. Sentence, a fine of tendollars and the costs. Ccm'th. us. John Whipple Indictment, larceny of a horse. Dist Atty. for Com'lh Wirt for deft. Plea of "not guilty' with drawn and plea of guilty. Sentenced ihree years to the Penitentiary. Com'th . Henry May Larceny Dist. Atty. for Com'lh Jackson and Hurley for deft. Verdicl, guilty metion for new triai. Com'th. vs. Edward Cary Assault and battery. Dist. Any. and Jackson for Com'th Clark for deft. Verdicl "guilty." Five dollars fine and costs. Com'th. vs. Abraham Young Indict ment, misdemeanor in office, as Justice ot the Peace. Dist. Atty. for Com th Clark and Hurly for deft verdict not guiby, and Wm. Denuison prosecutor, to pay the costs. Com'lh. vs. C. Tilsworth fornication & bastardy Dist. Atty. for com'th Jacftson for Ueft verdict guilty the usual sentence' Wagner adm. of C. Henninger, vs Lud- wig Thiel Action sf assumpsit, freeze for Plff Clark for deft. Non suit entered by consent, with leave to take it off upon cause shown. Com'th. vs. David Evans Assault and battery Dift. Atty. and Freeze for Com'th Clark deftverdict, not guiliy, but deft, to pay half the costs. Com'lh. vs. George Levan fornication, Dist Atty. and Clark for Comth Wirt and Freeze for deft verdict, guiliy. Sentence SlOO dollars fine and costs, and to stand committed. Com'th. vs. Nathan Seely selling liquor to minors Dist. Atty. and Jackson for Com'lh Freeze for deft. Verdict "guilty." On motion of Freeze, rule for new trial. Com'th. vs Vincent Arwine assault and battery Dist. Atty. ami Hurley for com'th Clark for deft Verdict not guilty but deft, to pay half the costs. Com'th. vs. Nancy Michael Adultery Dist. Atty. and Clark for com'th Wirt aod Freeze for deft. Verdict guiliy sentence, six monihs in county jail. Com'lh. vs. Franklin Stewart Obtaining money under false pretences Dist. Atty. for Com'lh Hurley, Clark and Freeze for deft. Verdict, not guilty, prosecutor, Jos 7homa9, to pay the cost. never gone. .It is short sighted policy in Judge Doug- and his friends thus to misrepresent Mr Breckinridge and those who support him. It may take for a while ; it may draw out the insensate hurrah, and deceive for a brief hour the ignorant and unlettered; but in the end, it will react powerfully against those who pursue it The trnth cannot be repressed. It will come out, and it will cover with shame and confusion the authors of this misrepresentation and injustice. Oor candidate is too noble a - man, and too pure a statesman, to be injured by un scrupulous enemies. Douglas says that his sole object is to Tsush Breceikridge. We have read of a Hainan who erected a gallows on which to bang the pious, and patriotic Mordecai,but was hung on ithiaiself. The Illinois squatter will find that his efforts to crush Kentucky's glorious son will only result in his own ot ter and disastrous overthrow. The people will have a 6ay in this proposition to crush Major John C Breckinridge and instead of becoming the Instruments of die pitiful spite of the Illinois squatter wal give him his quietus will consign him to that ob scurity and contempt, to wflich bis treason to h:s party and his corrupt and unscrupu lous ambition entitle bm. John C. Breckin ridge will live in lh affections and admi ration of his countrymen loved, respected and trusted, for his manly virtues and lofty and stainless character, long af:er the Illi nois demagogue, shall have sunk beneath the contempt of all true Democrats. Saz.b or the Montocr Iron Works. Tfce Montour Iron Worksjocated in Mon .our and Lycoming counties, were sold at the Merchants' Exchange last week, by or der of the trustees of a mortgage of 28ih of September, 1835. The property consists of rolling mills, furnaces, dwelling houses, of fices,, lands, mineral, lands, ore, mining rights, &. The works ol the company are erected in the borough of Danvi.le. The lands old comprised two thousand acres, and the dwelling booses numbered upwards of three hundred, Mr. Joseph A. Clay, at torney for the parties interested in the works bid 8100,000. There was no other bid, and the property was accordingly "knock ed down" to hira. The terras of sale were S20.000 cash, and the" Dalan'ce on the exe- Verilt this is ax age of wonder, excite ment. and nroi'ess. Let us illustrate. On " J K C7 Friday evening lat, while the majority of the good citizens of the peaceful town of Bloomsborg were cosily locked in the pleas ing embraces ot Morpheus (we believe that is his" name,) a voice cried through the air "Fellow citizens of Bloomsburg " Im mediately half-formed visions vanished thoughts of a Harper's Ferry, or Texas in surrection succeedt?d,and donning our wear ing apparel in "hot haste," we hurried to the scene of action. On reaching the tront of the Court House, we found assembled a respectable number cf our fellow-citizens, who were intently listening to "the accents of that unknown tongue, which, like a sil ver clarion rung," a T. Bell. Evidently it was an extemporaneous political gathering, and as cheer after cheer went up for Bell and Everett, the crowd increased suid also the curiosity to know the speaker who dared "make night hideous" by thus proclaiming his political faith. But, scarcely had hi voice died away upon the listning air, when another speaker took his place and boldly proclaimed himself a Breckinridge man, in favor of the "Constitution and the equality of the States " He spoke briefly of the tariff and various other issaes before the American people, and the frequent demon strations of applause proved that the sym pathies the crowd were with him. But no sooner was his place vacated than it was filled by a fine looking man with a voice like a Stentor.who announced his allegiance to the Republican party, and proceeded to arirue why its candidates should be adopted. Candor compels us to acknowledge that it was a masterly effort, and Lincoln and Ham lin lost nothing in his hands. Still another speaker was announced, who took up the guantlet for the "Little Giant." He spoke at some length, and if he did not succeed in convincing his hearers that Douglas was right, he showed that he was in earnest, and nobly would contend even though sin-jle-banded against all opposition. The speak er's remarks elicited frequent applause, es pecially trom the clique at the base of the steps. But the end was not yet. Though Gen. Houston has withdrawn himself from the Presidential contest, yet one faithful ad herent, it seems, denys his right to resign, and zealously endeavored to win the suffra ges of those present, by appeals to their patriotism and 6ense of duty. The speaker at the close of- his remarks, it was noticed, was somewhat hoirie. To the surprise and di"justo! many, an advocate of Gerritt Smith dared make his appearance. Not withstanding the threat of "rotten eggs," "tar and feathers," etc., the speaker contin ued his remarks plainly announcing the "irrepressible conflict" and citing Seward, Giddings, Greeley and others as brothers-in- law, all beinat wedded to the daughters of of Madam Abolitionism. He strongly la mented John Brown's fate, comparing him m iVishimrton: etc. He soon found out . . P j however, that he was not in New York, and consequently could raise no enthusiasm here. At the close of the last speech, the speakers disappeared as mysteriously as they came, leaving their entry and exit a subject for future discussion. ' The Oil' Business Twenty three hun dred barrels of oil were received at Erie, in August, from the Pennsylvania oil region. For the Star of the North, j The Light Street Orator. Mr. Editor : Indifference to newspaper scribblers U a characteristic of all great men, hence, I presume that ibis article wift pass unnoticed. But since he has become the bright light of Republicanism in this eection the exponent of their political faith, and especially on the subject of the tariff well may the shades of the bages of Ashlaml and Marshfield sink to rest, since those bright luminaries are eclipsed by the newly dis covered genius of Light Street. ' I wonder much at this great light being hid so long under a bushel. But it has passed into an axiom that "Republics are ungrateful," heoce ihe reason of our hero's past obscur ity. I have heard those wonderful bursts of eloquence in the Court House, and yet so strong is tne innuence 01 prejuuitc, they tailed to convince me of ihe error of my ways. Our "Luminary" pretends to be a strong tariff man, and claims that the Democracy of this State and elsewhere, is a free trade party. Local circumstances control the opinions of all parties on this subject. Thus in the South we have a great many tree trade Democrats and free traJe Whigs. In the the Eastern and Western States we have a great many free trade Republicans also. But it is nevertheless, an indisputable fact, lhat since ihe formation of our government six protective tariffs have been passed, and the record proves that five out of these six were passed by the Democratic party. The tariff bill ot 1789 passed without any mate rial opposition., That of 1816 followed and was strongly advocated by JohnC, Calhoun. Next came the tariff act of 1824, agoinst j which Daniel Webster, the leader of the j Whig party, voted ; and for which James Buchanan, now a Democratic President ol the United States, voted. Next came the high tariff of 1828 which Henry Clay, ano ther prominent Whig Inader. severely de nounced, while Martin Van Buren, Thomas Benton and other prominent Democrats voted fox it. This was one of the most pro tective bills ever passed The next tar;fl bill passed of a protective nature, was in 1832, for which James K. Polk and George M Dallas both voted, the latter being U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania. The tariff of 1842 succeeded, which the Whig party claimed the merit of passing. This bill, though protective in its nature, yet was on justly 60, discriminating n favor of particu lar sections, and taxing articles, which, from their nature should be free. Yet the Democratic party of Pennsylvania even here maintained its consistency and voted against the act of 1846 with ihe exception ot David Wilmot, the Republican candidate for Gov ernor in this State in 1857, and the same gentleman who was to address ihe people of Bloomsborg, in company with Mr. Cur tin, a few weeks ago. But in 1857 the Re publican party were ift power, elected N. P. Banks, a noted fiee trader, as Speaker of the House. The Committee on Ways and Means appointed by him was free trade, and they framed a bill still further lowering the tariff of 1846, which they successfully en gineered through Congress. The Morrell bill of last Congress was framed with the avowed purpose of having it defeated, in order to make political capital at the com ing election. It was not prepared until near the close of the session, so that even if it had been acceptable in all its provisions, the Senate had no time to fully consider it. .We have thus we believe fully proved that the Democratic party is, and always has been, a protective tariff party, especially that part of it in Pennsylvania. Our opponents in some places claim to be the old Whig party, in others the Jeffer 6onian Democracy, in others the American party, while in others ihe Abolition party. But no rran in his f-enses will affirm that it is the Whig party, hence tney can claim no praise for what the Whigs have done, even if we should grant that that party favored protection. The Republican party arose within the last few years, ami is based wholly on the idea of slavery. Its open and avowed object is to exterminate it, and to this end is the party pledged. But short as its existence has been, we have demon strated that they passed the tariff bill of 1857, which their orators, with the excep linn of the one from Light Street, do not, and can not deny. ' One firm in New Eng land gave Thnrlow Weed and other Repub licans $80,000 to lobby the bill through Con cress. These are historical facts. David Wilmot, a noted free trader, leads the party in Pennsylvania. N. P Banks another free trader, rules in Massachusetts. Bryant a popular journalist, and consistent fr-e tra der, for forty years past, i at :ne nei oi the Republican elecoral ticket m .New York, and says distinctly lhat the Chirajo Platform favors free trade. Lincoln eiil.r es sid platform, which is thus peculiarly adapted to two interpretations ; and by tn er acts in his meagre political life. Ijhs proved lhat he is no friend to ihe protection of American industry. Hannibal Hamlin, the candidate for Vice President is. beyond contradiction, a free-trader, and voted for the tariff of 1846. And now, voters of Columbia county, with these facts before you, can you sup port the nominees of the Republican par-y which is all things to all men V We trust not. But above all, attend he meeting of the Republican Club at this place; mark the inconsistencies and contradictions of the speakers, and your doubts as to their can dor will be verified. VEHDAD. Address of the Democratic State Executive Committee of Pennsylvania. To the Democracy cf Pennsylvania : t In a few weeks you will be called upon to perform the most important duty that ever devolved upon you as American citi zens. At no time in. the .history, ot our country was yonr action invested with deep er interest nor fraught with greater conse quences. Pennsylvania is again the battle around of the Union ; and upon her decis ion in October next, will depend in a great measure, the triumph or defeat of the Re publican party in ihe November contest Deeply impreesed with this truth, ihe Dem ocratic State Executive Committee desires briefly to address you. It needs no lengthy argument at this lime to call you to a sense of duty. In the crisis now impending, ev ery true pamorcan see at a single glance the ptfthway he should tread with unfalter ing footsteps. a Ever since the separation of the Nationa Democracy alBaltimore, the Sta'e Commit lee has earnestly labored to promote the union of the Democratic party in Pennsyl I L" a ! I . vania. it lias sougni no omer oujei, n nt struggled to produce io other result. When the chasm yawned that threatened to engulf the powerful organization which, in times past. ha3 been able to contend successfully with the loes ol the Constitution aud the contemners of the equality of the States, the great heart of the American people was filled with dread, and the Democratic masses were overwhelmed with consterna tion. The Republican party viewed our internecine warfare wi'h ill-disguised de hjiht. Its leaders, ' confident of success, bold y enunciated their danuerous and trea sonable sentiments. The advocates of the doctrines of Seward, Sumner, Lin- co t. and John Brown, became reckless ana delfcnt.- The) belve thJt the prestige of tne stji'ftfs" vvhlcjjud crowned the labors ot the Ueailm (et.flon was irrevocably Lroken. imdhe.v promptly made the Key sto e State the field of their active and en ergetic exertions. On our boil the battle is to be fouulil and with our people the victo ry or deleft must be accomplished. In this emergency, ihe State Committee, sctuaied'by feelings of patriotism, and prompted only by a wish to secure the tri umph of the "good old cause " endeavored to auree upon a course of action lhat would enable the D-mocrntic masses to unite upon one Electoral ticket, and thus permit them to make a comm"n effort against the candi dates oW$ Republican party. After much deHPerlinn. a plan of union was agreed upon.'Tt ic'i, it fa'uhfnlly executed, will unquestionably produce this patriotic result In such a cri-is it requires no words to prove the wisdom or any effort that will firmly rnnsnliiUm the operation to our common political enemy I 1 Srurvv Trick. In the summer of 1S54, a servant girl, named Hannah Menge, in the family of Mr. ' Curnming, of Belletonte bought a t ck et in' a lottery, held by J. M. Lytle, at Mountain House, Blair county, by which she drew a carraige valued at $3000. The carriage was given in charge of Mr. Cum minTs, to deliver to the girl, but he charge ihe Mrl in sett ement of her wages with the ticket, and locked up the carriage. Acting under the advice of A DREW G. CUUTIN, Cnmroings refused to deliver the vehicle over to the girl. She brought suit to recov er the property she had iairly drawn in the distribution of articles at the Mountain House. Through the influence of Cortin and a Know Nothing jury, and notwith standing the judge charged directly against the defendant, she hit her dollar and her car riage. The verdict was not guilty but the defendant to pay the cost. This is literally true, and can be substantiated from the rec "dT-ds of the Court of Centre county, and it shows the honor and manliness of Andrew G. Curtin the Black Republican candidate for Governor, in aiding to cheat ajpoor girl out of her property, which she had fairly won and which every right-minded man will say iustly belonged to her. What think the people of Pennsylvania of a man who would be guilty of such meanness 1 Bnt it is consistent with the character of the noto rious Mr. Curtin, and acts like the above are part and parcel of his nature Rlfflin tuion Democrat. In West Hemlock township, on last Fri day evening, of apoplexy, Jacob Sheep Esq. late Commissioner ot aioniour county, ageu about 60 jears. Cufft Stewart, eldest child of Frank and Mary Stewart, born February 6th. 1858, died 31st of August, 1860. Cut down in the budding spring lime of lite, none bnt those familiar with his rare promise and winning ways can tell how bitter is the grief which mourns his loss, and how deso Tate seems the household which shall never more be enlivened by the merry romps, the intelligent prattle and bright gladsomenss of a childhood as memorable as it wa br e'. REVIEW CF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 20 RYE. 7 CORN, 65 OATS, 33 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR pr. bbl. 7 00 CLOVE USE ED. 4 00 BUTTER, 16 EGGS, 10 TALLOW, 12 LARD, 12 TO TATOES, 62 DR'D APPLES,2 00 HAMS, '2 KEW ARRIVAL OF PALL & WINTER GOODS. It.'iVul l,cmcnlri NVITES HKeiition ir hi took of cr.ea vntt tashinnale vtuthiit'n m hijuofrnn Mam street, two door above the 'Artier-- ican Mouse,' wnere tie has full ,.... - meniof men and boy's wearing apoarel including '.he mol fashionable ' ' I)U 12SS (JO O El Ss Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coat of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colnru shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts. era' vat 8, stock a, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shnrtnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made lo wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, September 12. 160. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Tcntli Annual Exhibition ON THE WYOMING BATTLEGROUND Near the Wyoming Monument, and in the vicinity of H'ttkes Birre, Pitlston Scran- ton, in Luzerne County flMIE Exhibition will open on Tuesday, and will continue Four Dvs, viz; September 25l!i, 2Cth, 27th and 28lli. The Grounds which are moi-t beautifully situated, are not only large, but remarkably well adapted to the purpose of the Exhi bition THEY CONTAIN SEVENTY-TWO ACRES. A fine track for horses, as wtll as every other convenience necessary to the comfort and safety of exhibitors and ihe animals and articles they wish to exhibit, are pro vides. Arrangements have ben made with the different Railroad Companies for the trans portation of articles intended for exhibition Iree of charge both ways. Visitors to the Exhibition will find most ample accommodations,, at mode rate prices. Ihe di fie re nl Railroad companies will issue Excursion Tirke:. Lists ol Premiums, Judaes, and Resnla tion, &c, can be had at all the principal AiirK uliural Warehouse, from Gen. E. W. S jr levant, at Wilkes-Burre; and on aipli cdliar. until S-piernter lt, to the Secrt:iry, ai Harrisburg. .After that time the Secre tary's office will be at Wet Pitts'on Lu zerne county, umpeiiiion open to alL A. O. HI ESTER, August 22, 1860. Secietary. LIQUORS LIQTJOIIS VI ltolcalc and CSctnil. lHE frubeenber would announce to the citizens of lloomburj; and vicinity. LANGUAGE WITHOUT A MASTER, PUBLISHED THIS DAY. French, Cerman, Spanisl:, Latin and Italian r.aniMiarrRa without a Master. Whereby I; is pimply a question J any one or all ot these Languages can be General Foster By way of the N. Y.. City dailies we learn lhat General Foster, our candidate for Governor, has at last con cluded to take the stumn. The Chairmen of the Democratic and . Republican Stale Central Committees are araauging a series of meetings for him and Col. Curtin, at which both are to address the people upon the issues involved in the campaign. We are not yet informed of the time and place of-these meetings. , The people in New Haven are seeing stars in the day time. That is not a new discovery. Bat, says the Providence jour between Republicanism and Democracy ; and, as such, it is committed with confi dence to ihe calm good sense of the people of Pennsylvania. Il cannot be denied that the union of the Democratic party will result in a brilliant triumph in October. On lhat initial battle all our energies must now be concentrated. We have a leader worthy of our cause. With an enthusiasm never before equalled in any political assemblage, Henry D.Fos ter, of Westmoreland, was selected as our standard bearer in that important contest. He did not seek the nomination. He re peatedly declined being a candidate for the office. When struggling partisans met at Reading to advance ihe interests of their peculiar favorites, he remained in the quiet retirement of his own home, with no tho'l of personal advancement, and anxious on!y for the success of Democratic principles. The presentation of his name to the Con vention was met by a prompt withdrawal, at his urgent solicitation. But when the voice of the people unanimously praclaira ed Kim the leader of the party in his native Commonwealth, he did not refuse to obey the call to duty, yet seeking no preferment hv anv word or act of his own. The record j j of his life is the record of a Pennsylvania patriot. In every position he has occupied, he has obeyed the instincts of his nature in laboring for the gooJ of those who gave him place and power. The purity ot his private character; the ability which marks eery act of his public life ; ihe devotion he has shown to the industrial interests of Pennsylvania in the halls of our National Congress arid Sta'e Legislature ; the zeal he has ever brought to bear upon all questions involving the true policy of our Stale Gov ernment ; and the conservatism which has !way characterized his views upon Nation ul issues-, make him eminently worthy of ihf support and confidence of all who have ai heari the at.idiug welfare of Pennsylva nia Ireeme i In asking you to do battle for i siu h a champion, the Slate Committee feels that it i on y calling upon you to guard and protect your vital interests. You will not be tiii appealed to in vain. The people ara wiih tne Democratic party, and will tol-i low its fla, because it is the party of the Union and the Coniitntion. It has made this country yreat and powerful. It has never ce t-ed to Miruggie for the elevation of the masr-es, a-ul for the establishment of the true policy of government Its power is exhibited in the rapid growth of our exten ded boundaries, in ihe general prosperity j,.,i t.j.,..! ..s ol our people, and in the Iree and l.ueral character lhat has been giv en to our political institutions. In invoking thorough and complete organization thro' otii.he S ate ia behalf of this party, a sim ple duty is required of the Democratic mase-s. The State Committee is not active ly engaged in endeavoring to secure thii sure and certain precursor of victory. We must be united in the contest, or our cause is utterly hopeless. Parties, an well as na tions, perish belore the evil genius of dis sension, AlthtUgh clouds and darkness may surround us, the union of the Democ racy will avert every calamity by which we may be threatened, and will carry our ban ner in triumph through ihe storms of battle. - , WILLIAM II. WELSH, Chairman. Philadelphia, September 3, 1860. ledrx-tnv 1od of pood I rial, it does not speak well for the morals of learned bv any one, without a leacner, with the aid of this book. By A. H. Mon- tkith, Esq , The llobertsonian Method of Learning the French, German, Spanish, Latin and Italian Languages without the aid of a teach er, has lor the ia-t ten years, been success fully tested throushout the whole European Continent ; and is, wi hou: a single excep tion, used in leaching the modern languages in all the educational institutions ot Eng land, France and Germany. In London. Mr. A II . Monteith, ihe uost celebrated leacher of Languages in the world, has ar ranged and perlected this system ; and his works on the study of French, German, Spanish, Latin and kalian without a Master, contained in this volume, immediately ob tained a sudden and extraordinary popular ity. Any person unacquainted with these language, can with the aid ot this volume be enabled to read, write, and speak the language of ei'her, without the ant ot a teacher, or any oral instruction whatever, provided they pay strict ailer.tion to the ui.-tructions laid down in the work, and that rmih'iiirr shall be Dassed over without a thorough investigation of the subject it in volves : by doing which they will find them selves to be able to speak, read, or write either language, at their will and pleasure. I he whole contained in twenty-seven easy Lessons. The French is in six easy lessons SDanish is in four. German is in six. Latin is ii six, and Italian is in five easy Lessons, or twenty-seven m all lnis worh. is invai liable tit any person wishing to learn either or alt of these lancruases. and is worth to anv one. one hundred times its cost. Thi wo'rk has already run through several large editions in England ; lor no person has ever bought a copy of it, without recommeoing it to their friends. Everybody should pos sess themseives of a copy of it at once. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, bound in cloih. Price One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents a copy only. Re d wh it Dr. Shelton Mackenzie, the Literary Elitor oj the Philadelphia Daily Pres, soys of it editorially in that paper : ''There is no royal road 10 learning; but where the learner heavily dragsed on his lumbering way in former times, he now has a new track and wonderful engines, which facilitate his progress. Study this book carefully, and you can acquire near half a dozen language in the time usually wasted upon Ihe imperfect acquisition of one. Sad ly, as well as wisely, did Milton write, 'We do amiss to spend seven or eight years merely in scraping toaether as much Latin and Greek as m'uht be learned easily and deiighffully in one year.' John Lock, Syd ney Smith, and other great authors, bear like testimony. "Monteith's Book, here before r.s, pro fesses to make any one of reasonable capac ity and suitable industry, read, wri;e, and speak five languages (lour of them living tongues) without any assistance from a tea cher. Elihu iiurriit's case shows how in tellect and the desire to learn, can make a man master the principal dead and living languages. This book, and a real desire to learn the language, will enable a student lo teach himself French in on incredibly short time : and so with the other languages. Tne Messrs. Peterson confer a great benefit on society by publishing this book." Published" this day and for sale at Retail or Wholesale, at the Cheap Bookselling and Publishing Establishment of T. D. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ECopies of the above work will be sent to any one to any place, free of postage, on enclosing to us Oue Dollar and Tweuty- Five Cents in a letter. . Y Sf 'Q OS 2J o Storekeepers, Canvassers ana Agenis in 1 that he i ell inn LIQLOub in lare and small quantifies, and at different prices, at his New Store, on Main street, north side, two door soutki of f , . n i u ti . 9T:rH . . is-TL- "-A- stock of Foreign and Domwic --n -lir coni's of Co:riac and Rochelle, blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He hB a lare aortrnent of ma S3 Us. as ST - Old Rye gray with age, tine Oid Bourbon, Old Folks Whiky, aud aiy quautity of rommo-i. Ke al-n ha PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeira, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and lat but not lea-!, a quant i'y ol good double extra fJilOWN STOUT; all of whh he will eil at th lowest cash prices. The public are re?pecl fully fcobciied to yive his liquor a trial. I). W. ROB BINS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, July 11, I860 PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, MEDICAL DE P A R TM EN T, Ninth Street, Below Locust, ' MlIE Sesj-iou ol 1860-til will commence J- October 8th, 160, and continue until March. Examinations are conducted daily by the Members of the Faculty. Second Course S udetits are lurnihed with the Ho.-pital 1 ckel without charge Five Cli rues (including Disease- ot Women) are held at ihe Coll-'ue every werk. Fees : Mainculaiion, So; O ie Full Course, SI05; Graduation, $30. Applications on tins ben eficiary fhoiild be sent belore t'ie begin ning of the Session. Addre-s. LEWIS D HARLOW, M. D., Dean. September s, lfGO EZSHAITG-S EC23L, B K00NS, Proprietor. nHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the L cen ral portion of the, an I op posite the Court House, hi? been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate traveler, teamsters, drovers and boarders in 'he most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be i-upplied with the best th market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always ba on band, and his stablinij i the mot extensive in thi section ot country. Omnibuses will always be in readines to envey passen gers to and from the Railroad DepH. WM. B. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, I860. ZUPPINGER'S ESTABLISHMENT. Price Keduccd, fcc. The difficult watches and jewelry (j2 ropairinj has been done since Bloo-ns-J t uri is Bloomsburg, by Henry Zuppinger. u.d though he was often from the nature of the case, obliaed to charge pretty high, hi inces are now greatly reauce i, ana nis I'usiomeis may rest asureu mai uw oa w requisite qualification, material and means for the repairing of all kinds of watches, iewelrv. Accordions, and every thing usu ally attended to at the best watehmake or jewelry shops. Honesty and faithfulness will always Denis nrsi princii" . Have you a pique f u come : m u m moved. . . They had me dead and buried some lime last winter, but some how it seams 1 have crawled out again. ry Orders or Goods taken tor pay. HENRY ZUPPINGER. B'oomsburz, July 11, I860. The Lutheran Syuod will convene ia San- - iV. ttft ing ovArv riiv. town and village in the. Uuited States, to engage in the sale of the above noDular work, all of whom will be supplied with the work at the rate of Nine Dollars a dozen Address ail orders, with remittances inclosed, tor the quantity wished, to l. rs Peterson & Brothers, Io. 3Ut nesmm oi. PhdadelDhia. and thev "vill receive imrae diate attention, and be sent at once per firs express, after receipt of order.' E. II. LITTLE, BLOOMSBURG, la. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles U. Buckalew. December 28, 1859. tf- NOTICE. ALL persons indebied to the undersigned for Professional seivices up to April 1860, are respectfully requested to call aui eltle, either by Note or odirwie. J. C. RUTTER, M.D. Bloomsburg. Au- 15, 1850 -if. t Blank of all Kinds For sale, at the 5fa of the North OrSce