The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 21, 1859, Image 2

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WM.lnrj AC O BY, ED l TOR.
Execution of Four Insurrectionists.
four convicted accomplices of Capt. Brown,
who figured in the Harper's Ferry Tragedy,
were all executed on last Friday, at the ap
pointed time, in Charlestown, Virginia
Cook and Coppoe exhibited, it is said, the
most unflinching firmness. About the same
military display was made on this occasion
as was exhibited on the execution of Brown.
The convicts were escorted from the jail by
military companies and the execution ground
well guarded by the military forming into |
two hollow squares The bodies of Cook
and Coppee were forwarded to their friends,
the former to New York, and the latter to
lowa. The bodies of the two colored con - I
victs were interred, the day after the e.vecu- j
tion, on the spot where the gallows was
erected. The religious ceremonies in the
ceils are spoken of as very impressive, and
were conducted by the Rev. Mr. North, of
the Presbyterian, and the Rev. Mr. YVaugh,
of the M. K. Church. Green and Cope
land were executed first, at about 11 o'clodk.
Cook and Coppee, a few minutes belore 1
o'clock. The evening before the execution,
a quarter past 8 o'clock, Cook and Coppee
made an attempt to escape. They had suc
ceeded, after about two week's hard labor,
in cutting through their iron shackles, so
that They could pry them off at any mo- i
ment lltey should have their other work
completed. With a bed-screw they man
aged to remove the plastering from the wall,
and then brick after brick, until space suf
ficient for lliem to pass through, was open
ed, all except the outer brick. This wall
was immediately in the rear of their bed, '
and by pushing the bed up to the wall, i
completely hid their work from view. Their
room being on the first floor, and the aper
ture was not more than five feet above the
pavement of the yard, and when freed of
their shackles, their acce'ss to the yard was
quite easy. Hero was the rub, a smooth
brick fifteen feet high, to scale;
but with the aid of the timbers of the scaf
fold on which Old John-Brown was hung, '
and which were intended for their execution
on the succeeding day, this difficulty was
soon and easily overcome. They gained
the top of the wall, when their movements
were checked by the vigilence of a sentinel
on duty. Tho sentinel stationed near the
jail reported that a quarter past 8 o'clock he
observed a man on the jail wall, whom he
challenged, and receiving no answer, fired
at him. The head of another man was also
seen above the wall, but he retreated as
soon as the first one had been fired at. The
tnan at the top of the wall seemed at first
determined to persist, and was about mak
ing an attempt to jump down, when the
Fenlinel declared his intention of impaling
him on his bayonet. Not till then did he
retreat into the jail yard, with his comrade,
where they both gave themselves up with
out further resistance. Cook afterwards
remarked, that if he could have got over
and throttled the guard, he could have made
his escape, as the Shenandoah mountains
were only within ten minutes run of the
jail wall, and had he of reached them,
with his perfect knowledge of the moun
tains, his arrest would have been very dif
ficult. It being after night, but few of the
military could have followed him. The
general impression is, that if they had put
off their attempt to escape until midnight
nr thereabouts they might have succeeded
in reaching the mountains. But on the
other hand it is presumed they were fearful
of being watched during the night, or des
ired to have as much darkness as possible,
to gain a good distance before daylight
would allow of a general pursuit.
Congress not Organized.
YVe learn by the last proceedings that a
Speaker is not yet elected. The thirteenth
ballot has been taken, and the result of that
vote was, Sherman, Rep., lto ; Boteler, 29;
Bocock, 19; and the remainder scattering
among various gentlemen. On several bal
lots previous to this one Sherman received
112 votes. The whole number of voles on
the last ballot was 226; necessary to a
choice, 114. Schwartz and Hick
man vote for Sherman. They have gone
completely over to the Republican side of
the house. The Message is being anxiously
looked for every day. It may be possible
that we can lay it before our readers next
THE Ladies' American Magazine is of no
little importance to the reading public; the
January number for 1860 *is an improve
ment on all former issues. The reading is
excellent; and the embeliahmenla, of the
first order. "Young Affection" is a beauti
ful engraving. "Mother's Hope" is also a
handsome engraving,—one very difficult to
eurpass. The fashion plates are numerous
and rich, displaying a taste that has not
been equaled by any Magazine yet received
by us for this or any other year. The La
dies' Magazine is acknowledged by all to
be one of the very cheapest— two dollars
a year. Header, subscribe tor it; there is
no mistake but what you will receive dou
ble and threble the worth of your money
Address, Henry While, 87 l'ark Row, New
"CAMERON CI.UB."— Some of the leading
Republicans of Danville have formed them
selves into an organization entitiled the
"Cameron Club of Danville." This organ
ization has for its object, we understand, the
promotion of the nomination of Hon. Simon
Cameron for the Presidency by the Opposi
tion National Convention. For the promo
lion of Mr. Cameron's election it will take
about two Clubs. A. F. Russet is President
of this Club. .
The Schuylkill Democracy. ,
The Democratic Committee of Schuyl
kill county had a full meeting at Po'.tsville
on the sth inst., to take into consideration
matters connected with the campaign of
1860. Hon. Bernard Reilly presided, and
a very excellent address was delivered by
the Hon. F. \V. Hughes; after which tho
Hon. George Rahn, from a committee ap
pointed for the purpose, reported a series
of admirable and patriotic resolutions, from
which w extract the following:
Resolved, That the recent abortive at
tempt to create a servile insurrection at
Harper's Ferry was a natural consequence
of the teachings of the Repulican party,
and that tho country should hold them re
sponsible for it.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this meet
ing the Union of these Slates has been and
is now more imperiled by the recent in
surrectionary attemptat Harper's Ferry, and
the teachings which brought it about, and
the smypathies which followed it, than by
any other act or series of acts which has
ever happened Irom the formation of our
government to the present time.
Resolved, That we deeply deplore the bit
ter agitation occasioned by the Harper's
Ferry troubles, and that we turn with con
fidence of the Democratic party as the only
party that can calm the violent passions
which now threaten the perpetuity of the
Union, —and (eel assured that in 1860 it will
again ptonounce its fideliiy to its ancient
principles and its known patriotism, and
restore peace and harmony to a troubled
Resolved, That we utterly condemn tho
expressions of sympathy in the Republican
parly for the traitor and murderer, John
Brown, and bis confederates, and consider
such sentiments as countenancing treason
as the worst ol crimes, and as repugnant to
that comity, and inconsistent with that
good faith due among citizens of a common
Resolved, That as to principles the great
Democratic parly ol the country is a unit ;
and that, although difference, slight and tri
vial, as to the application of some of these
principles may exist, yet it is our duty, in
view of the enemy with whom we have to
fight, and the enormity of the principles
which we have to contend against to forget
these minor matters, and shoulder to shoul
der and hand to hand, do battle for our
country and its Constitution, the result of
which will be certain victory and a sore
triumph of right over fanaticism and wrong.
delphia Press, in speaking of the different
members of Congress, thus alludes to Mr.
Sickles :
I am desirous of adding a line in refer
ence to Mr. Sickles, of New York, and par
ticularly in regard to the universally accept
ed opinion that he is not spoken to by his
fellow-members. It is quite true that there
is very little disposition manifested by any
of the Representatives to establish intimate
relations with Mr. Sickles, but justice to the
man himself requires that I should state
that he seems to invite no such relations.—
Every day, about fifteen minutes past
twelve, when debate has begun, he walks
in quietly from the side door, and takes his
seat on one ol the sofas on the western side
of the House, where resting his head upon
his gloved hand, he remains seated, taking
no part in the discussions, voting, when
called upon, in a low voice. He dresses in
exquisite taste, and has cultivated a large
pair of brown whiskers. He seems con
scious that public opinion is greatly against
him, and although his bearing is full of his
characteristic ease and coolness, it is singu
larly retiring and unobtrusive. Sitting in
the gallery on Wednesday and Thursday, I
noticed several of the leading members of
the House going up to him, shaking hands
with him. and passing on to their seats. I
have not met Mr. Sickles, and therefore,
speak of liirn simply as an observer.
DROWNED !—The wife ol Solomon Rob
erts, living some four or five miles above
this place, was drowned in the Susquehan
na River on Friday night last. It seems
that Mr. and Mrs. Roberts started front this
place about dark in a carriage, to return
home byway of the tow-path and had got
nearly in sight of home, when from some
cause, the irons attaching the poll to the
wagon, gave way, and the wagon pre
cipitated down a steep embankment into
the River, where the water was deep and
current swift. Mr. Roberts succeeded in
swimming to the shore, but his wife togeth
er with the wagon, were carried down the
River. As soon as the alarm was given,
every effort was made to rescue the drown
ing woman, but the water was high and
rough, and all their efforts proved unavail
ing. She was last heard to cry for help
about a mile above this place, since which
time, nothing has been heard or seen of her
or the wagon. She was about sixty years
of age, a mother of a large family, and a
woman highly esteemed by the communi
ty in which she resided.— Tunkkannock Dem
THR Union County Teachers' Institute
met in Middleburg on Monday the sth inst..
and continued to its varied sessions until
Wednesday evaniug, same week. This
meeting, judging from the report, was one
of much interost and importance. Able
and instructive addresses were delivered by
different persons; and a string of resolu
tions read and ylopled, among which we
notice one sustaining their County Superin
tendent in his efforts to advance the interests
of the school system, and especially com
mending the energy and perseverance
which he has exhibited during his term of
WOMAN DROWNED. —The wife of a boat
man named Putton. of New Brunswick, was
thrown into the dam at this place, by a low
line, on Friday night last, and drowned.—
Her husband is the owner of several boats,
one of which she and two sous were ruu
ning when the sad affair occurred. Imme
diate efforts were made to recover her body,
but without success, until Sunday afternoon.
—Mauck Ckunk Democrat.
Execution of Copelaud and Green.
At half-past 10 o'clock, Gen. Taliaferro,
with his staff, numbering about twenty-five
officers, having given orders to prepare the
two negro prisoners, Shields Green and
John Copeland, for execution, took their
departure, to join the main body of troops
on the field. The military then formed a
hollow square around the jail, and an open
wagon, containing the coffit.s of the prison
ers, drew up In front, with a carriage to
convey Sheriff Campbell and his deputies.
The crowd of citizens and strangers was
very great—at least five times as numerous
as on the occasion of Brown's execution
most of whom wore already on the field,
whilst others waited to see the- prisoners
brought out.
The religous ceremonies in the cell were
very impressive, and were conducted by
the Rev. Mr. North of the Presbyterian, and
the Rev. Mr. Beverly VVaugh. of the M. E.
Church. At a quarter before 11 o'clock,
the prisoners', accompanied by Sheriff
Campbell and the Rev. Mr. North, appear
ed at the jail door, and with their arms pin
ioned moved slowly towards the vehicle in
waiting for them. They seemed downcast,
and wore some of that calm, tearless spirit
evinced by Brown under similar circum
stances. They were helped into the wag
on, and took seats on the coffins without
scarcely looking to the right or left. The
escort now commenced to move, the wagon
being closely llanked on either side by a
company of riflmen, marching in double
file and lock step.
At seven minutes before 11 o'clock, the
procession entered the field occupied by
the military, and tho prisoners cast a shud
dering glance towards the gallows erected
on the rising ground in its center. In two
minutes more the wagon stopped at the
foot of the gallows, and whilst the prison
firs were alighting the companies forming
the escort moved off to the position assign
ed them on the field.
The prisoners mounted the scaffold with
a firm step, and were immediately joined
by Sheriff Canpbell. After a brief prayer
by one of the clergymen, the caps were
drawn over their heads and the ropes ad
justed around their necks. During the few
moments they thus stood, Copeland re
mained quiet ; but Green was engaged in
earnest prayer up to the moment the trap
was drawn and they were launched into
Green died very easy, his neck being bro
ken by the fall, and the motion of his body
was very slight. Copeland seemed to dif
fer very much, and his body writhed in vio
lent contortions for several minutes. They
were accompanied on the gallows by the
Rev. Messrs. VVaugh, North and Lehr, to
whom they bid an affectionate farewell,
and expressed the hope of meeting them in
The bodies after being cut down were
placed in popular coffins, and carried back
to the jail. They will bo interred to-mor
row on the spot were the gallows stands,
though there is a party of medical students
here from Winchester, who will doubtless
not allow them to remain there long.
The bodies of the two negro prisoners
having been brought back to the jstil at
about a quarter to 12 o'clock, notice was
given to Cook and Coppie that their time
was approaching, only one hour more be
ing allowed them. The military movements
similar to those at the first execution were
repeated, and a wagon with two more cof
fins was standing at the door of the jail at
half past 12 o'clock. The same military
escort was in readiness. Meantime the
closing religious ceremonies were progress
ing in the cell. Since the failure of the at
tempt of Cook and Coppie to escape last
night, their assumed composure and appa
rent resignation had given away, and they
now looked at the reality of their fate with
the full conviction of its awful certainty.—
They were reserved and rather quiet, but
joined with fervor in the religious ceremon
ies conducted by the Rev. Messrs. North,
Lehr, and Waugli. When called upon by
the Sheriff, they stood calm and quietly
whilst their arms were being pinioned, and
after bidding farewell to the guards of the
jail, were helped into the wagon and took
seats on their coffins. Their appearance
was rather that of hopeless despair than of
resignation, and they seemed to take but
littles notice of anything as the procession
slowly moved on to tho field of death.
The wagon reached the scaffold at thir
teen minutes' before one o'clock, and the
prisoners ascendeil with a determined firm
ness scarcely surpassed by that of Capt.
Brown. A brief prayer was offered up by
one of the clergymen, the ropes were ad
justed, the caps drawn over their heads,
and both were launched into eternity in
seven minutes after they ascended the gal
lows. They both exhibited the most un
flinching firmness, saying nothing with the
exception of bidding farewell to the minis
ters and Sheriff.
After the rope was adjusted about Cook's
neck, he exclaimed, "Be quick, as quick as
possible," which was also repeated by
Coppie. After hanging .about thirty min
utes, both bodies were taken down and
placed in black walnut coffins prepared for
them. That ot Cook was then placed in a
poplar box labelled and directed as follows:
"Ashbell P. Willard and Robert Crowley,
104 William street, New York, care of
Adam's Express."
The coffin ot Coppie was placed in a
similar box, to be forwarded to his mother,
in lowa.
um Engraving to Every Subscriber. We call
the attention of our readers to the Prospectus
of the Saturday Evening Post , in our adver
lising columns. The "Post" is considered
by many the Lest, as it fa the oldest, of the
weekl) papers. For 1860, we perceive, it
ofTers a large and beautiful steel engraving
called "7 he Speaking Likeness," as a premi
um to every subscriber." It oilers also
two other large steel engraving of "The
Falls of Niagara," as a premium to the get
ters up of Clubs. The contributors to the
Post are not excelled by those of any other
paper. See Prospectus.
of the Judges of the 26th Judicial District,
composed of the Counties ol Columbia,
Sullivan and Wyoming, held in this Bor
ough yesterday, for the purpose of appoint
ing a Revenue Commissioner, for said Dis
trict, Titos. Osterhout Esq., was unanimous
ly chosen, for '.he Counties above named.
Mr. Osterhout is eminently qualified for
this position, and the interests of the tax
payers of this county will not sulfer in his
hands. The Board meets in llarrisburg,
some time in Feb'ry. next to fix the rate and
levy the Slate tax. The Board meets every
three years Tunkhannoci Democrat.
Hollowoy's Pills have again triumphed
over every other Medicine. Interesting
Case ! ! —Emily Walton, aged 17. of Wal
nut Slreet, Cincinnati, suffered much and
from sick headaches, toltermg of the
limbs,numbness ol the whole body, and oth
er symptoms which very much alarmed
her fond parents, the actual name ami na
ture of the complaint puzzled every one, it
bore such a variety ol aspects, and conse
quently there were a variety of opinions on
the subject. Three months ago, the mother
boldly went to work with Holloway's Pills,
which very qickly performed their part, for
in six weeks the young lady was in posses
sion ol the most robust health ; after every
advice and medicine had failed. They are
an excellent medicine for young ladies en
lering into womanhood.
On the Bth inst., by the Rev. R Kelly, Mr.
both of Columbia County.
On the lllh inst., by the same, Mr. JOHN
of this county.
On the 1 1th inst., in Bloomsburg. by Rev.
William Goodrich, Mr. CHARI.ES COOPER, to
Miss LVDIA RUOAT, both of Bloomsburg.
By Rev. B Jones. Oct. 12th, 1859, at the
bribe's father, Rev. EDWARD CROMPTON, and
Miss MARY ANN SHERWOOD, both of Dan
ville, Montour county, ?a.
On Tuesday the 13th inst., by the Rev.
Hollenbach twp , Luzerneco.
In Hemlock twp, Columbia county, the
16th inst., Mr. BALTIS APPEMAN, aged about
50 years.
In Hughesville, I.ycoming county, on the
16th inst., MRS. ROOK, wife of Robert ROOK,
aged about 45 years.
On Wednestlay morning, December 14th,
at Wyoming, Luzerne county, WILLIAM B.
LEACOCK, formerly ol this place, aged about
16 years.
In West Hemlock township, on the 15th
inst., Mr. JOHN SHEEP, aged 87 years.
In Montour township, Columbia county,
on the 10th inst., Mrs. REBECCA ROBERTS, in
the 84th year of her ago.
In Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 17th inst.,
Mrs. MARY BREWER, wife of Richard Brew
er, aged about 57 years.
WHEAT, $1 20 BUTTER, 20
RYE. 75 EGGS, 16
CORN,r.ew62 old 80 TALLOW, 12
OATS, \35 LARD, 10
FLOUR pr.bbl. 6 50 DR'D APPLES,2 00
Auditor's Notice.
In the mailer of Ihe Estate of John Price, lale
of Columbia county, deceased.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by
the Orphan's Couit of Columbia couoly, to
ascertain whether there are any liens
against any ol the parties having an inter
est in the estate of the said deceased, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office, in Bloomsburg. on Monday, Ihe
Thirtieth day of January, A. D., 1860, at 10
o'clock, a. :n., when and where all persons
interested may attend, if they think proper
Bloomsburg, Dec. 21, 1859-41.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of Frederick ll'eaver, lale of Benton
township, Columbia county, dee'd.
THE undersigned Auditor appointed by
the Orphan's Court of the County of Colum
bia, to settle, adjust, and report dis-
I trlbution among the heirs ol the decedent,
of the fund declared by the decree of the
Orphan's Court, on the Eighth day of De
cember, A. D. 1859, lo wit: the sum of
Eleven Hundred and Filty-lhree dollars and
Twenty-two Cents to be in the hands of
Jesse Coleman, Adm inislrator of the said
Frederick Weaver, will attend at his office,
in Bloomsburg, on Thursday, the Second
day of February, A. D , 1860, to fulfill the
duties of his appointment, when and where
all the parlies interested, mav attend if they
! think proper. ROBERT F. CLARK,
| Bloomsburg, Dec 21, 1859-lt. Auditor.
Administrator'!* Notice.
j NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
; Administration on the estate of Catharine
: Herb, lale Catharine Kline, of Lower Ala
j liontongo towp., Northumberland county,
have been granted by the Register of North
| umberland comity, to John Kline, residing fit
' Snyderlcwn, Northumberland county, and
i George Kline, residing in Locust township,
| Columbia co. All persons having claims
| or demands against the estate of the dece
i Jem are hereby requested lo present them
I for settlement, and those indebted will
' make payment immediately to
Locust twp., Dec. 7, 1859.
By a Resolution of the Teachers' Associ
ation, it was agreed to hold our next Insti
tute at MillviUe on the week commencing
Dec. 26th. Arrangements are in progress
for having an interesting and profitable
time, but they are not sufficiently comple
ted to furnish a programme of the exercises.
The hospitality of the neighborhood'is pled
ged to all teachers of the County who may
attend, and we hope to rally a stronger
lorce than at any previous Institute. Prom
inent class instructors and lecturers will be
with us, and in order to get the full benefit,
all should make arrangements to spend the
entire five days in strict attention to all the
class exercises.
M. WHITMOYER, f Committee.
Millville, Deo. 7th, 1859.
TO 8 KM.
Cary's Patent Cap & Breast Lantern.
To those furnishing satisfactory releren
ces, a liberal salary and expenses will be
paid. The article is needed by every far
mer and mechanic in the country, and will
meet with ready sale. For particulars ad
dress, J. C. CARY, Poltnlce,
81 Nassau Street, New York.
December 21, 1859.
A Chance to obtain Two Handsome Sliel En
gravings.—A Beautiful Engraving also
as a Premium to every Subscriber 11
Fiction. NcWs. Humor, Agriculture, the
Markets, &c., &c., &e.
'I SHE Proprietors of ihe Saturday Evening
A Post—"the oldest and 'best of Ihe
Weeklies"—have ihe pleasure lo announce
lo Ihe reading public, lliai they have made
an exclusive engagement with an Auihor
whose powerful Stories have of lale attrac
ted great attention; tnd that they will
open the year 1860 with a novelet, written
expressly for The Post, called
By the Author of "The Bed Court Farm,"
"The Bock," the "Hester Halliwell" Stories
"The Six Gray Powders," "The Diamond
Bracelet," &c., &c.
In this story, written expressly for The
Post, this powerful writer's geni us has had
full scope afforded it; and we are able to
state—having read it in manuscript, for it
is already in hand—that it will make a sen
sation, unless we are greatly mistaken, as
one of ihe most powerful and interesting
stories ever published.
To those unacquainted with The
Post lo judge of the richness and variety of
its general contents, we may state that du
ring the past year we have published nov
elets, stories, poems, essays, &c., from Ihe
pens of the following gifted writers:
G P K James, Mary Howitt,
Charles Dickens, Author of "The Bed
Alfred Tennyson, Court Farm,"
Charles Beade, Author of "Farm of
H VV Longfellow, Four Acres."
I Charles Mackay, Grace Greenwood,
| Wilkie Collins. Miss Pardoe,
|Dr 0 W Holmes, Florence Percy,
T S Arthur, Amelia B Edwards,
Author of'f he Soout' Emma Alice Brown,
&c., Author of "The Ebo-
Alex. Dumas, ny Casket,"
John G VVhittier, Mrs. M A Dennison,
Owen Memedith, Fanny M Raymond,
PJ Baily, (Author of Nora Perry,
"Festus,") Isa Craig,
Lieut Habersham, Miss Martineau.
The Post docs uot confine itsell, however,
to works of the imagination, as so many
Weeklies now do. It generally devotes a
fair portion of its ample space to the news
of the week, foreign and domestic, to let
ters from Paris, to an Agricultural depart
ment, lo Bank Note and Stock Lists, and to
a weekly and accurate price current of the
produce markets, &c., &c.
Hamilton's Two Views of Niagara Falls—a
couple of handsome and large sized Steel
| Engiavings—the retail price ol which is five
! dollars—we are enabled to Club with The
Post on Ihe following remarkable liberal
We also Club with those well known
Monthly Magazines, Arthur's Home Maga
zine and Godey's Lady's Book. Read The
following and lake your choice of
One copy of The Post. _ 82,00 a year
One copy ol The Post and both
engravings ol Niagara Falls,'3,oo "
One copy of The Post and 1 of
Arthur's Home Magazines, 3,00 "
One copy of The Post and 1 of
Godey's Lady's Book, • 3,60 "
2 Copies of The Post, 83,00 a year
4 " [and lof the engravings
to getter up of club,] 500 "
8 " [and 1 copy extra, or
both enrgavings lo getter
up of club,] JO,OO "
13 " [and 1 copy extra, or
both engravings to getter
upol club,] 15,00 "
20 " [and 1 copy extra, or
both engravings lo getter
up of club,] 20,00 "
30 " [and J copy extra, and
both engravings to getier
up of club ] 30*00 "
Ministers and school teachers are charged
only 81 a year. The RidJle and Problem
Department renders The Post particularly
acceptable to the latter class.
A large and beautiful engraving on steel,
17 by 22 inches, called "The Speaking
Likenes," will be sent to every subscriber
to "The Post," for y)6O, who shall seud, in
addition to his subscription, the sum ol 25
cents, to pay the expense of postage, mail
ing, &e. The retail price of this engraving
is Four Dollars! It is a Gem !
P. S —The postage will be pre-paid on all
the Engravings. Address,
No. 132 South Third St., Philadelphia.
t3T Sample Copies of the Posl sent gratis
when requested.
tdf TO EDlTOßS.—Editors who give
Ihe above one inseition, or condense the
material portions ol it for their editorial
columns, shall be entitled to an exchan-'e
and a copy ol "The Speaking Likeness*"
by sending us a marked copy of the paper
containing the advertisement or notice.
ILL he offered at public sale, on the
** premises in Bloomsburg, Columbia
county, on
at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, the following
valuable properly to wit: THE BRICK
an excellent Ice House, and other outbnild
iags necessary for Hotel Keeping. There
are also two good Wells of Water on the
premises, one at the Hotel and the other at
the Stables.
The Lot conlains one-half acre of ground
more or less, bounded on ihe West by Bture
and lot of A. J. Sloan, and an Alley, on the
South by an Alley, on ihe East and North
east by lot of F. H. Biggs, dee'd., and die
Brick Exchange Store Buildings, on the
North by Main Slreet of said town.
The Hoiel is a ihree story building, con
tain ing tilty rooms, capable of accomoda
ting over 150 persons, with a basement
filed up in good style and occupied as Res- I
tauranl. The building is well arrauged for
a public house and in a good condition hav- I
ing lately received a thorough renovating by
the present proprietor. It is situated in the
most central part of the town, directly op
posite the Court House, and commands a
liberal share ol public patronage second to
no other public house in this section oj
The Stable* are Large
and well arranged, and will afford room for
I over one hundred head ol horses. They
are both nearly as good as new, the one
being built about two years a go. The out
buildings are all ol the very best kind and
in good repair.
The conditions will be made known on
day of sale, by the Proprietor.
Bloomsburg, December 14, 1859.
Office near WiUun's Carriage shop, Main St.
IN pursuance of an order ol the Orphan's
-*• Court of Columbia county, on
al II o'clock in the forpnnon, Solomon Ney
hard, Administrator of Benjamin Hayman,
late of Orange township, Columbia county,
deceased, will expose to sale, by public ven
due, upon the premises, a certain
situate in Orange township, Columbia co.,
adjoining lands of Daniel Koiffer and VVm.
Kilenberger on the south, other lands late
of intestate on the east, Isaac Hagenbuch,
David Herring and Henry Wolf on the
north, and VVm. Fiester on the west, con
30 Acres and 110 Perches,
strict measure. There is erected on the
premises, a two story frame DWELLING
HOUSE, about fifteen acres CLKAKED
LAND, a young
a Well of Water at (he door; late the Es
slate ol said deceased, situate in the town
ship of Orange, and county aforesaid.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Orange twp., Dec. 21, 1859.
VF ILL be exposed to public sale on the
premises, in Sugarloaf township, Col
umbia county, on
at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon, all that cer
adjoining lands of William J. Hess on (he
south, Wm. Hess on the east, VVm. Ste
phens on the north and east, and land of the
heirs of' Robert Montgomery on the west,
late the Estate of Conrad Hess, deceased.
There is on the premises a Two Story
Qaffig l ££2 cb oa S3 ce> 0
a Log Barn, Frame Shed, Two Apple Orch
ards, Two Sugar Camps, and about Fifty-
Acres Cleared Land. The crop of Grain
upon the premi-es when sold, will bo re
served. cy Possession of the premises
will be given to the purchaser on the first
day of April next. Conditions will be
made known on day of sale.
Executor of Conrad Hess, dee'd.
Sugarloaf twp., Dec. 21, 1859.
present number closes the fifty-fourth
*- volume of the KNICKERBOCKER, aad
while we thank our patrons lor their psst
favors, we shall strive to iuerease their
number by redoubled care and effort in ev
ery department of the Magaaine. We ex
pect in our next number to be able to
announce a series of articles on Popular
Astronomy, by the most distinguished wri
ter upon that science in the laud. "Stories
and Pictures" of the Hudson will be com
pleted during the year, and the two volumes
will contain the best sketches, tales, pomes,
etc., that can be procured for the entertain
ment of our readers.
! In order lo increase the already large cir
culation of the Knickerbocker, we publish
this month a splendid line engraving of
Frilh's picture of "Merry-Making in the
Olden Times," which we shall present ex
clusively lo the S3 subscribers lo the Maga
zine lor 1880, whether old or new. The
subject represents tfie pastimes of our an
cestors, and is eminently of a genial, do
mestic, character. The plate, engraved in
England at an expense of #:ooo dollars, is
entirely new, measures twenty-five by
nineteen anil a half inches in size, contains
thirty-nine figures, and is beyond compari
son the finest work of the kind ever offerrd
as a premium in this country. The engra
nings are richly worth 33 a piere. and will
be sent lo our subscribers for 1860 in the
exact numerical order in which their #3
subscripiions are received al the office of
publication, the first impression always be
ing the best. We expect thai every patron
of the Knickerbocker will avail himself ol
our munificent olfer; as we give S6 in re
turn lor S3, our mail subscribers most in
close twelve cents extra in stamps, to pre
pay postage on the engraving, which will
be sent them in strong pasteboard tubes>-
Persons wishing to have the Knickerbocker
lor one year, and the Engraving graiis, have
only to send us the names of five S3 suo
scribers and stamps (15 60.)
Twenty five cents per number, or $3 per
annum, in advance; two copies $8; three
copies #6. Ihe postage on the Magazine
(twenty four cents per annum) to tin paid
in all cases at the office whete it is received.
To every $3 subscriber for 1860, including
twelve cents extra in stamps, will be sent
free cl postage, a copy of the new and
splendid engraving of "Merry-Making in
the Olden Times." Whoever shall send us
the names of five 3-3 subscribers, and
stamps, (515.60,) will receive the Knicker
bocker lor I year and the Engraving gratis.
The Kuickeibocker is furnished to teach
ers, postmasters, and all periodicals, at the
club-rate of $2 a year. Booksellers and
Newsmen will learn the price per hundred,
etc., on application to the publisher.
Agents are wanted irt every part of'the
country, to canvass for the Magazine and
Engraving. Back numbers and bound vol
umes on hand.
JOHN A. GRAY, Publisher,
10 & 18 Jacob Street, New York.
December 14, 1859.
A Homestead Tor $lO.
A Homestead for One Hundred Dollars!—
Also, Homesteads (or 81000 and over, situa
ted on and near Rappahannock River, above
and telow Fredericksburg, in Virginia.
A new Town, called Rappahannock, has
recently been laid out, in Culpeper county,
in the midst of the Gold Region of Virginia,
surrounded by Mines and Mining Compa
nies; and Farms and town lots in alternate
divisions or shares, can now be had for a
I'mere song," simply lo indtfee settlement
in this desirable region. 8154.900 worth of
land is lo be divided amongst purchasers or
given away as an inducement to oome on
and make improvements, and the land is ol
the most improvable qualities. Many have
already settled and scores ol others are com
ing. Good farming lartd, in tracts of any
size to suit purchasers, can also be had at
from $lO to S2O per acre, payable ia easy
quarterly installments. Unquestionable li
ties will in all cases be given.
Tv Agents ate wanted everywhere lo sell
these lainis; liberal inducements will be giv
en. For particulars, address ,
E. BAUDER, Land Ag'l,
Port Knval, Virginia,
Kspytown, Columbia co., Pa.
December 14, 1869.—10w.
Northeast oorner of Main and Market Sta.
Choose Between Tliein.
The blood furnishes the material of every
bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human
ftame. When pure, it secures health lo
every organ, when corrupt,it necessarily pro
duces disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ope
rate directly nnoh the elements ol the stream
of lifp, nentralizilig the principle of disease,
and thus radically curing the malady, wheth
er located in the nerves, the stomach, the'
liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin', Ilia'
brain, or anv other part of the system,
Holloway's Pills are equally efficacionk'
in complaints common to the whole human'
race, and in disorders peculiaf to certain
climates and localities.
Dyspepsia, anil derangement of the liver
the source of infirmity ar.d suffering, and
the cause of innumerable deaths, yield to
these curatives, in all cases however aggra
vated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative
and lonic ; they relieve the bowels purify
the fluids, and invigorate the system una
the constitution at the same time.
When all stimulants fail, the renovating
and bracing properties of these Pills give
firmness to the shaking nerves and enfee
bled muscles of the victim of general
The London "Lancet," the London '-Med
ical Review." anil the most eminent of the
faculty in Grert Britain, France and Germa
ny, have eulogized the l'tils and their in- .
Ilolloway's Pills are the best remedy known in
the world for the following diseases :
Asthma Dtarrhma
Bowel Complaints Dropsy
Conghs Deb illy
Colds Fever and Ague
Chest Diseases Fema'e Complaints
Costiveness Headaches
Dyspepsia Stone and Gravel
Influenza Secondary Symptoms
Inflammation Venereal Affections
Inward Weakness Worms of all kinds
Liver Complaints, Lnwneas of Spirits, files.
ty CAUTION !—-None are geninne un
less the words " llolloteay, New Yoik and
London," are c'i-cernible as a Water-Mark in
every leaf ol the bonk ol directions around
each pot or box ; the same may be plainly
seen by holding the leal to the light. A
handsome reward will be given lo any one
rendering such information as may lead trr
the detection ol any party or parties counter
feiting the medicines or vending the sains,
knowing them to be spurious.
All irregularities and ailments incident to'
the delicate and sensitive organs of the sex
are removed or prevented by a few doses op
these mild, but infallible alteratives. No'
mother who regards her own or her chil
dren's health should fail to have thetn with
in her reach.
*#* Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
Hollnway, 80 Maiden Lar.e, New York, and
hv all respectable Druggists anil Dealers in
Medicine throughout ttie United Stales and
the Civilized world, in boxes al 25 cents, 62$
cents snd 81 each. •
There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B.— Directions for the guidancp of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed lo euuh
box. August 10, 185$.
Godcy'i Lady's Book
Op ess O. 03 (33 QJ *
l 'lt is not a luxury, bat a necessity "
The unanimous voice of tie ladies tf
America, and the public press throughout
the United States, have pronounced Gmley
Lady's Book "not a luxury, but a necess
ity," ill every well regulated household. ]m
receipts, patterns, needle-work, and inatmo
tions are all invaluable to the housekeeper,
and a family will save twice I tie price of
the Book in a year in domestic economy.
and the Thirtieth year of its publication by
the same publisher. This volume will con
tain 1200 pages ol reading matter, 21 pages
of Music, 12 colored steel plates, containing
lit least 50 figures, 14 steel engravings, 720"
wrond engravings. 780 articles by the best
authors of America ; and all these will be
given in 1860, at prices for which yon can .
see in the following extremely low clutr
rales One copy, one year. $3. Two cop
ies S3. Three ccpies $6. Five copies and
one to the gener-np of the club 810. Go
•ley's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home
Magazine ooih one year $3 50 Gmley'*
Lady's Bonk and Harper's Magazine both
one year 81 50.
This is the only Lady's Book in America,
and it has attained astanurd which no other
periodical in this country has ever reached,
and which the best of them envy. For
stwenly-eight years it lias been looked up
as the criterion by which almost all other
Magazines have been ushered into exist- •
euce ; but no one of them, in public opin
ion, was ever as good as the original.
We select the following few names from
amongst its nuirieious contributors:—Mai
ion Harland, Mrs. Met:a Victoria Victor,
Mrs. Alice B. Haven, Mrs. Mary W. Jan
vrin, Mrs. Lucy N. Godfrey, Mrs. Virginia
F. Tnwnsend, Mrs. S J. Hale, T. S. Arihuf,
and Rev. H. Hastings Weld.
Club subscribers will be sent to any post
office where the subscriber may reside. I
remitting procure a dralt if possible ; if not,
send notes ; but let it be a matter only
known to yourself ; the fewer you let into
the secret, the more certainty there is of
your money coming to hand. Bs careful
and pay all postage. Address,
32S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
December 44, 1859. •
Tinware & Stove Establishments
fIvHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully m
forms his old friends and customers,
that he has purchased his brother's interest
in the above establishment, ami the con
cern will hereafter be conducted by himself
exclusively. He has just received anil of-
fers for sale the largesi anil most ex-
Cj9 tensive assortment of FANCY STOTVS
ever introduced into this market.
Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on
hand and manufactured to order. Afl kinds
of impairing done, n usual, tin short notice.
The patronage of old friends and new cus
tomers is rekpeulfully solicited.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. if.
Store on the upper ,ihh of Main St., neatly
opposite the Episcopal Church.
Manufacturer r/ Furniture and Cabinet I fare.
Waretootn in S.ine'a Block, on Main Street.