The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 16, 1859, Image 1
THE STAR OF THE NORTH. W. 0. JACOBT. Proprietor.] VOLUME 11. THE STAR OF THE NORTH PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY BY MM. 11. JAUOBY, Office on Main St., 3rd Square below Market, TERMS:—Two Dollars per annum if paid within six months from the time of subscrib ing: two dollars and filly cts. if not paid with in the year. No subscription taken lor a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, un less at the option of the editor. The teims if advertising will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, 3 00 One year, 8 00 <£l)oite JJoelrn. THE nOS REUS. BY JOHN U. WHITTIER. Though the farmer's wintery hoard ! Heap high the golden corn! No richer gift has Autumn poured From out her lavish horn. Let other lands exulting glean The apple from the pine, The orange from the glossy green, The cluster Irom the vine : We better love the hardy gift Our rugged vales bestow : To cheer us when the storm shall drift Our hartest fields with snow. When spring-lime came with flower and And grassy green, and young [bud,. And merry bob'links, in the wood, Like man musicians sung. We dropped the seed o'er hill and plain, Beneath the sun of May. And frightened from our sprouting grain The robber crows away All through the long bright days of June, Its leaves grew thin and fair. And waves in hot mid summer's noon its soft and yellow hair. And now, when Autumn's moonlit eves, Its harvest time has come, - We pluck away the Irosted leaves, And Lear the treasures home. There, richer than the fabled gift. Of golden showers of old, Fair hands the broken grain shall sifi, And knead its meal ol gold. - Let vapid idlers 101 l in silk Around their costly board— Give us the bowel of mush and tr.ilk, By homespun beauty poured. Where'er the wide old kitchen hearth Sends up its smoky curls, Who will not -.hank the kindly earth, And bless our corn fed girls. Let earth withhold her goodly root, Let mildew blight '.tie rye. Give to the worm the orchard's fruit, The wheat field to the fly. . But let the good old crow adorn The hills our fathers trod : Still let us for His golden corn Send up our thanks to God '. The Stream of Life. Life bears us on like the stream of a mighty river. Our boat, at first, glides swiftly down tlie narrow channel through the playful murmurings of the little brook and winding along its grassy borders. The trees shed their blossoms over our young heads, and the flowers on the brink seem to offer themselves to our young hands; we are in hope and we grasp eagerly at the beauties around us; but the stream hurries us on, and still our hands are empty. Our course in youth aud manhood is along a wider and deeper flood, and amid objects more striking and magnificent.—- We are animated by the moving picture of enjoyment and industry passing before us . we are excited by short-lived success depressed and rendered miserable by some abort-lived disappointment. But our ener gy and our dependence are both in vain.— The stream bears us on, and our joys and griefs are left behind us ; voyage may be hastened, but cannot be delayed ; whether rough or smooth, the river hastens towards its home—the roaring of the waves is be neath our keel, and the land lessons from our eyes, and floods are lilted up around us, and we take our last leave of earth and its inhabitants, and of future voyage, there is \ no wituess but the Infinite and Eternal. SOMEBODY has said, "Courage is more than cash, and an up head more than a host of friends." I believe in that doctrine. Show me a man or a woman with courage, energy, and ambition, and I will show you one who will succeed in life. With cour age and energy implanted firmly within us, disaster never can overwhelm, though it may tor a time deter our progress. Ener gy levels the mountain, raises the plain ; courage quails not before the greatest diffi culties. II you have not succeeded as you had hoped, never be dishearted. The true estimate of an individual is not determined by accidental or occsaional achievements or failures, but by his every day conduct; and he who makes a firm resolution to conquer in life, will du it. 1 have strong faith that one can be what he or she resolves to be. About a week ago a woman who rejoices in the cognomen of "Dancing Sail," stole a horse near Rochester, N. Y. A reward of 8100 being offered for her arrest, she was pursued by a constable, who took her, and for safe keeping confined her in the third story of a hotel, from whence she es caped during the night by the aid of her bed-cord, and finding the officer's horse was superior to her own, exchanged steeds, aigi made her escape. The way to kill a printer is always to pay him on the presentation of his bill, for Such an unexpected phenomenon will cause a rush ol blood to the kead, and throw him into apoplexy. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1859. Perpetual Motion. About six years ago, we published the first description of a machine invented by Mr. James G. Hendrickson, Freehold. New Jersey, "to go of itself." A model, which Mr Hendrickson had made after patient whittling for forty years, was brought into our office, and we found that it would go without any impulse from without, and would not stop unless it was blocked. The power was self-contained and self-adjusted, and gave a sufficient force to carry ordinary clock-work without any winding up or re ! plenishing. In short, it was no reason why \it would not go until it was worn out. Our announcement of the fact brought out a great deal of ridicule; the incredulous pointed at all of the projects to obtain a perpetual motive power which had failed in the past, and predicted the same disgrace to the new invention. Many scientific gen tlemen visited it, and although they could not dispute the fact that it was "going," they nearly all attributed the movement to some hidden spring or ingenious trickery. The inventor was an old man, who had spent his vvholo life in pursuit of the object he had now attained. He had become so much accustomed to ridicule, that he was very patient under it; and the only reply he made to the cavillers who pronounced the thing impossible, was— "but it does got" The notice which we printed attracted the attention of the curious, and for the first time in his history, the inventor found a profit in his handwork. He was invited to be present at various fairs and exhibitions of new inventions, and wherever he went his machine formed one of the chief attrac tions. Science, however, turned up its nose at him, and determined to put him down. The professors were all against him, and as they had pronounced the whole thing a humbug, they were determined to prove the truth of their assertion. Accordingly, Mr Hendrickson was seized at Keyport, N. J., for practising 1 jugglery," under the "Act for suppressing vice and immorality " At the trial, several builders, mill-wrights, en gineers, and philosophers were called, and testified positively that no such motive pow er as that alleged conid drive the machine, ; and that there tnust be some concealed j spring within the wooden cylinder. There I was no help for it; and the imposture must. be exploded. An ax was brought, and the j cylinder splintered into fragments. Alas j lor the philosophers, there was no conceal- j ed spring, and the machine had gone of it self! But alas, for poor Hendrickson, the machine would go no more. With tremb-! ling hands he again resumed his spectacles and his jack-knife. His model once more completed, he had a new machine construc ted of brass, hollow throughout, so that the 1 eye could examine all its parts. This was brought to our office neariy two years ago, when we noticed it once more, and gave to our readers some of the facte we have now recalled. The inventor was trying to secure a patent for this discovery, but the work went on slowly. '1 he Patent Office required a working model to test the principle, and one was sent on to Washington. The mo ment the blocks were taken out, the wheels started off "like a thing of life," and during ten months that the model remained in the Patent Office, it never once stopped to breathe. The inventor had perfected two new machines, and made a very comforta- l bl< ivelihood exhibiting them, prosecuting efforts meanwhile to secure his patent, .ending to apply the power to clockwork, .or which it is peculiarly adapted. Age crept upon him, however, before this point was reached; his highest art could not make his heart-beatings perpetual; und last Saturday afternoon he breathed his last, in the old homestead at Freehold. He had been so much persecuted by the incredu lous, that he had provided a secret place beneath the floor of his shop, where his last two machines were deposited. It was in the form of a vault, covered by a trap-door, which was locked, and the floorso replaced as to avoid suspicion. After his last illness commenced, he made known this secret to his family, who examined tire spot carefully and fcund the contents exactly as described. The night after his death, the shop was broken open, the floor tuken up, the trap door pried off. and both models stolen. It is probable that the family in their visits had not taken the same precaution as the inventor, and some prying eyes had discov ered the secret. Fortunately, the drawings are preserved, and there is a little machine, one ot the earliest made, now running in Brooklyn, where it has kept up its ceaseless ticking for nearly six years. Hr. llendrick son leaves a family ol four sous and four daughters, all of them, we believe, given to inventions. Had he died ten years ago, how emphatically would it have been said that his life had been wasted in "the hope less effort to obtain perpetual motion.' —N. Y. Journal of Commerce. A Clergyman who was reading to his con gregation a chapter in Genesis, found the last sentence to be : "And the Lord gave unto Adam a wile." Turning over two leaves together he found written and read : "And she was pitched without and within." He had unhappily got into a description of Noah's Ark. "SIR" said a colporteur to a hotel propri etor, "shall I leave some tracts here ? "Yes" was the reply, "with the heels this way." THE mar. who got the last word in dis puting with a woman, has advertised to whistle for a wager against a locomotive. Dr. Channing on Self-Culture. It is force of thought which measures in tellectual, and so it is force of principle 1 which measures moral greatness, thalhigh est of human endowments, that brightest manifestation ol the divinity. The greatest man is he who chooses the right with in i vincible resolution, who resists the sorest ' temptations from within and without, who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully, and who is calmest in storms and most fearless under menace and frowns, whose reliance on truth, on virtue, on God, is most unfalt ering : and is this a greatness which is apt to make a show, or which is most likely to abound in conspicuous station ? The sol emn conflicts of reason with passion ; the victories of moral and religious principle over urgent and almost irresistible solicita tions to self-indulgence ; the hardest sacri fices of duty, those of deep-seated affec tion and of the heart's fondest hopes ; the ! consolations, hopes, joys, and peace of dis appointed, persecuted, scorned, deserted j virtue ; these are of course unseen ; so that | the true greatness of human life is almost j wholly out of sight. Perhaps in our pres- I ence, the most heroic deed on earth is done in some silent spirit, the loftiest purpose ' cherished, the most glorious sacrifice made, I and we do not suspect it. I believe this greatness to be most common among the 1 multitude whose names are never heard. Among common people will be found more of hardship borne manfully, more of unvarnished truth, more of religious trust, more of that generosity which gives what the giver needs himself, and more of a wise estimate of life and death, than among the more prosperous. And even in regard to influence over other beings, which is thought the peculiar prerogative of distin guished station, I believe that the difference between the conspicnous and the obscure, does not amount to much. Influence is to be measured, not by the extent ol surface it covers, but by its kind. A man tnay spread his mind, his feelings, and opinions, through a great extent; but, if his rnind be a low one, lie manifests no greatness. A wretched artist may fill a cily with daubs, and by a false, showy style, achieve a rep utation ; but the name of genius, who leaves behind him one grand picture, in which immortal beauty is embodied, aud which is silently to spread a true taste in his art, exerts an incomparably higher in fluence. Now, the noblest influence on earth is that exerted on character; and he who puts forth '.lns does a great work, no matter how narrow or obscure his sphere. The father and mother ol an unnoticed fam ily, who, in their seclusion, awaken the mind ol one child to the idea and love of perfect goodness, who awaken in him a strength of will to rcpellall temptation, and who send him out prepared to profit by the conflicts in life, surpass in influence a Na poleon breaking the world to his sway. And not only in their work higher in kind; who knows but that they are doing a greater work, even as to extent of surface, than the conqueror ? Who knows but that the being whoin they inspire with holy aud disinter ested principles, may communicate himself to others ; and that, by a spreading agency, of which they were the silent origin, im provements may spread through a nation, through the world? BENEFITS OF NEWSPAPERS —Comparatively speaking, but few persons fully appreciate the benefits accruing from well conducted and well arranged newspapers. On its first appearance, at the regular time, a few mo ments, or, perhaps an hour, may be allotted to its perusal by a majority of readers, and then it is cast aside as being of no further use. But those who have learned its true value are not satisfied with a cursory read ing. They examine with critical minute ness the whole contents, and when they have finished the pleasing and instructive task, they carefully put it in some secure place, where it may be had lor future refer ence. Whoever keeps a file of papers knows the pleasure as well as the advantage to be derived from a frequent perusal of them. They bring to mind scenes long forgotten. They give us a clue by which we can judge of the improvement in the social world—of changes in politics, reli gion, and in moral science—they are a map of the past, and may be used as a chart for the future. They are histories of the busy world narrowed down to the slated periods of a day, or week, wherein tho various characters of a motley multitude are delin eated with critical skill. They show the prevailing passions of the times in which they were published, and often record on their pages the essence ot sparkling wit.— To si family composed in part of yomh they are invaluable. Show us a person conver sant with the general news of the day, and we will show you one whose general knowledge is more than ordinary. Let every Inmily, then, take a paper; not only take a paper, but read it. "CONHUCTOR," said an over-dressed dandy (he other day, in one of our railroad cars, ' do not procrastinate, but push your equine motive power to her greatest velocity, for I have an engagement up town at a slated hour which 1 must fulfil, or expire 1" AN awkward man, attempting to carve a goose, dropped it on the floor. " There now," exclaimed his wile, "we have lost our dinner." "Oh, no, my dear," answer ed he, "it's safe—l've got my foot on it." THE custom of wearing the hair in a long pigtail is defined in California as China ware. Trith and Right and our Country. The Way German Mechanics Live. There are two brothers, Germans, manu facturers of cutlery, one of whom superin tends the manufacturing operations in Sol engen (Prussia,) and the other sells the articles at his warehouse, No. 18 Cliff street, in this city. From the latter, Wm. Kind, Esq., we have received the following ac count of the mode in which the manufac ture of cutlery in Germany is cinducted. It gives us a striking view of German life, showing not only in industrial oiganization, but in social habits and arrangenents some curious contrasts to those which prevail in j this country. Solengen is a town of some seven thou sand inhabitants, ahd the mechanics who make Mr. Kind's knives and scissors live in villages scattered round the town at a dis tance of from two to four miles. The Ger mans all live in villages ; tiny are so social that they could not bear to live alone, in scattered houses, as the Americans do. From one of these villages a blacksmith sends his wife to Mr. Kind's establishment in Solen gen, for a quantity of iron and steel, to be lorged into scissors. The material is weigh ed and delivered to the woman, who puts it upon her head aud carries it home. After the blacksmith has forged it all into scissors, of sizes and forms according to di rections, his wife puts them into a basket, and carries them back again on her head, to the warehouse, and receives the pay lor the work. From some other village a mechanic, whose trade is grinding and polishing, sends his wife to the town to procure a quantity of scissors to be ground and polished. After the return Iroin the polisher's, they go to a third village to receive the screws aud riv ets; and sometimes to a fourth to receive an extra polish. On the roads leading out from Solengen may be seen these stout German women, with necks as straight as an arrow, trudging along three or four miles with their ponderous burden on their heads. The iron, from the time it leaves the ware houses for the blacksmith's, till the time ■ that the scissors are finished, is carried on : the top of women's tieads an average dis- , tauce of twelve miles. This plan of operations for manufacturing differs somewhat Irom the course pursued in England aud the United States. Here a large building is erected in which all the workmen are collected together, all conven ient and tools and engines are provtdied ; the scissors are forged by one man and passed directly to another who hardens and tempers them, anotl'ter does the grinding, another the polishing, and another the riv eting ; thus great division of labor is secur ed and all distant transportation ot the ma terial during the process of manufacture is avoided ; all heavy work, such as driving trip hammers and turning grindstones, being done by steam or water power. The result is, that a given number of mechanics will make several times as many scissors in America as the same number wilt in Ger many. YVhen the scissors are sent into the market of the world, those made by the Germans will bring no more than those made by the Americans, being worth no more. As the American produces several times as many in the course of the year as the German does, the American realizes sever al times as much for his year's labor as the German does for his. This matter is so plain that it is astonishing that there are people yet who cannot understand that the tendency of labor-saving, or rather, labor doing machinery, is to raise the wages of labor. The German mechanics engage in the manufacture of which wo have been speaking, are paid by the dozen, and earn from 25 to 40 cents per day. Another feature in the case, from which the Americans might extract a profitable lesson is, that the German will obtain more pleasure for his thirty cents than the Amer ican will for his dollar and a half or two dol lars. While the Americans, in fierce rivalry, are struggling to outshine one another in foolish display, the Germans, content in their mutual equality, pass their lives in friendly commune and social enjoyment.— Scientific American. THREATENING AND APPEALING LETTERS TO J Gov. WISE.— The Governor of Virginia, j whose energetic, patriotic and prudent con-1 duct in regard to the Harper's Ferry out-1 rage commands universal approval, is in ' daily receipt of a large number of letters j from Abolitionists in various States, threat- , ening his life, threatening an attempt to rescue Old Brown it Gov. Wise does not i pardon the miscreant who has just been | convicted of his crimes, and who wjll be put to death as he deserves, as surely as to-morrow's sun rises in heaven. These letters speak of the increasing number of the Abolitionists, of their ability to perform what they threaten, and of '.he " murderous eye," to use the language of one of them, with which they watch the progress ol Brown's trial. They wind up generally with holding out to the Governor great populari ty at the North if he will deal leniently with the criminals. From all quarters in the Northern and Western Slates these letters come, written in every vuriety of style and penmanship; but all breathing threats of rescue or of vengeance, in case Brown and his followers are executed. A LADY had just swallowed a petite glass of wine, as a gentleman in company asked lor a taste. "It is all gone," said she laugh ing, "unless you take some from my lips." "I shonld be most happy," replied the gen tleman, 'but I never take sugar in my wine.' Don't Depend on Father. 1 Stand up here, young man, and let us ; talk to you. You have trusted alone to the ; contents of "father's purse," or to his fair j fame lor your influence or snccess in busi- I ness. Think you that "father" has attain ed to eminence ill his profession but by un wearied industry ? or that he has amassed a fortune honestly without energy and ac tivity I You should know that the faculty requisite for the acquiring of fame and for tune is essent inl to, nay, inseparable from, the retaining of either of these? Suppose "father" has the "rocks"- in abundnace; if you never earned anything for him, you have no more business with those "rocks" , than a gosling has with a tortoise! and if he allows you to meddle with them till you have learned their value by your own in dustry, he perpetrates untold mischief.— And if the old gentleman is lavish of his cash towards you, while he allows you to idle away your timo, you had better leave him ; yes, run away, sooner than be made an imbecile or a scoundrel through so cor rupting an influence. Sooner or later you must learn to rely on your own resources; or you will not be anybody. If you have ever helped yourself at ail, if you have be come idle, if you have eaten father's bread and butter and smoked faiher's cigars, cut a swell in father's buggy, and tried to put on father's influence and reputation, you might far better have been a poor canal boy, the son of a chimney sweep, or a boot black—and indeed we would not swap with you the situation of a poor, half-starv ed motherless call I Miserable objects you are, that depend entirely upon ycur parents, playing gentleman (alias dandy loafer). — What in the name of common sense are you thinking of ? Wake up there I Go to work with either your hands or your brains, or both, and do something ! Don't merely have it to boast that you have grown in "father's" house—that you have vegetated as other greenhorns I but let folks know that you count one. Come, off with your coat, clinch the saw, the plow handles, the scythe, ax, the pick axe, the spade—anything that will enable you to siir your blood ! "Fly round and tear your jacket," rather than be the recipi ent of the bounty. Sooner than play at dad's expense, hire yoursell out to some potato patch, let your self to slop hog hole, or watch the bars; and when you think yourself entiled to a resting spell, do it on your own hook. If you have no other means ol having fun of your own, buy with your earings and emp ty barrel, and put your head it and holler, or get into it and roll down hill. Don't for pity's sake, don't make the old gentleman do everything, and you live at your ease. Look about you, you well-dressed, smooth faced, do-nothing drones ! Who are they that have worth and influence in society ? Are they those that have depended alone on the old gentleman's purse ? or are they those that have climbed their way to their industry and energy ? True, the old gen tleman's funds, or persona! influence, may secure yon the forms of respect, but let him lose his property, or die, and what are you ? A miserable fledgling—a bunch of flesh aud bones that needs to be taken care of! Again we say, wake up in the morning— turn round, at least twice before breakfast— help the old man—give him now and then a generous lilt in business—learn how, take the lead, and not depend forever on being led ; and you have no idea how the disci pline will benefit you. Do this, and our word for it, you will seem to breathe a new frame, tread on new earth, wake to a new destiny—and you may then begin to aspire to manhood- Take off, then, that ring from your little finger, break your cane, shave your upper lip, wipe your nose, hold up your head, and, by all means, nev er again eat the bread of idleness, nor de pend on father ! "DODGE THE BIG ONES !"—A gentleman relates an anecdote of the Mexican war, which has never been published: "When the American army was forming line for the battle of Buena Vista, General Lane was riding up down the line of his Indiana regiment, Mexicans had stationed some small gum on a neigboring height, which were blazing away most lur iously on General Lane's regiment. But as their guns were badly aimed, the balls in every case passed over their heads, but sufficiently near as :o cause the men as they heard the peculiar whiz of the balls, to involuntarily 'duck' their heads. "Gen. Lane happened to notice this, and ill his rough, stentorian voice he bawled out: "Indiana regiment! No dodging!" "In about five minutes after, the tremen dous whiz of a twenty-four pound shot passed close by the head of the gallant brigadier, aud in an instant involuntarily he bobbed his head. The men saw this, aud commenced a tittering along the line, which the old general saw. Turning around with a sort of quizzical expression, he thundered out: "Indiana regiment! Dodge the big ones!" A MORAL debating society "out west" is engaged in a discussing on the following question : "If a husband deserts his wits, which is the most abandoned, the man or the woman ? " 1 shouldn't care so much about the bugs," said a thin, psle lodger to his land lady ; but the lact is, ma'am, I haven't got the blood to spare." WHAT THE BUYS IKUPUSE 10 DO. The folowing was spoken by a litte fel low at a recent Temperance Anniversary in Philadelphia : I'm but a little Temperance Boy. Just three leet high 'tis true ; But I can tell these boys and girls What little boys can do. When David was a shepherd boy He slew a giant tall ; God called from Heaven to Samuel, When he was very small. So here we are with pledge in band, All ready for the fight— We lear no Whiskey Regiment, For we are with the right. Wo'll make the Brandy Arm* fly, We'll chase the Gin Brigade, We'll beat the Wine Artillery, Aud seize the Cavalcade. Take prisoner General Alcohol, Make Major Cordial run ; Drive Captain Gin Sling from the ranks- Flog Lager Beer for tun. Lieutenant Claret Punch must go, And Whiskey Punch must follow ; Then 'twill not do Roman Punch To stay until to morrow. Drive Sergeant Schiedam Schnappsaway, With Corporal Ale and Porter ; Banish them all to "parts unknown," And fill their place with WATER. Deacon Bodkins. Deacon Bodkins was a good man, but f like all the righteous, he had great trials.— The deacon was not only a good man, but he had a nice taste as to the fitness of J things, especially touching the good order | and decorum of the church. Now it is well 1 known that in these latter days, there have I crept into churches some very unseemly I and scandalous practices, such as one-half! the congregation sitting, while the others | rise, in time of prayer; and many of those j who sit and those who rise, staring about as though they were endeavoring to go be- I yond the journey of the fool's eyes. Dea- j con Bodkins had a lively sense ol the evil of these things, and often spoke of the sub j jeet in a most feeling manner. "Deacon," , said neighbor Jones, "speaking ol those un- j seemly things in Church, reminds me of a case which occurred .when I was a boy." 1 We all pricked up our ears, and were all attention, for Jones was good at an anecdote, ! and hardly ever told one that did not fit somewhere. ; "Well, deacon," said he, "when I was a j boy, we had a schoolmaster who had odd ways of catching idle boys. Says he one day, 'Boys, 1 must have closer attention to books; '.he first one ot you that sees another boy idle, I want you to inform me, and I will attend to the case.' Ah, says Ito my self, there is Joe Simmons that I don't like ; I'll watch him, and if I see him look off his book, I'll tell on him. It was not long be fore 1 saw Joe look off his book, and im- j mediately 1 informed the master. 'lndeed,' said he, 'how do you know he was idle?' 'I saw him,'was the reply.' 'You did? and were your eyes on your book when you saw him ?' I was caught, and did'nt watch for the boys again." We all agreed with Jones that this was a very good anecdote, and had a meaning; but Deacon Bodkins never asked for any explanation. IT has been well said of the home of the scolding wife, that "It's a bad house where the hen crows louder than the cock." A sailor looking very serious in a Metho dist church, was asked by the minister if he felt any change. "Nary red," said Jack. "Do you know, sir, why Mr. Bloivhard has changed his politics ?" Oh, yes, he is one of the small beer politicians, and beer %ill turn. AN editor in North Carolina says he is so poor that when two dimes meet in his pocket he introduces them, they are such strangers. THE editor who kissed his sweetheart, saying, "please exchange," is believed not to have exceeded the proper "liberty of the press." . A gentleman killed himself in Florida last week for the love of a Miss Bullitt. The poor fellow could'nt live with a Bullitt iti his heart. CP" "Why, my dear sir, are you always gazing at the sunset f" "Just because they are the only golden prospects I have before me." Why are young ladies at the breaking up of a party like arrows ? Because they can't go off without a beau, aud are in a quiver till they gel one. "JOHN said a father to his son, one day, when he caught him shaving the "down" off his upper lip, "don't throw your shav ing water out where there is any barefooted boys, for they might get their feet pricked." "STEEL your heart," said an ex-presi dent to nis son, who was going to Europe ; "you pre now going among some ol the most fascinating of the fair sex." "I had much rather steal theirs," said the promis ing youth. LEARNING is not offensive in a woman, if she only preset ves a gentle and thoroughly femanine disposition. Some one has very significantly said that it does not matter how blue tho stockings are, so the petticoat is long enough ta cover them. [Two Dollars per Annum NUMBER 45. Live for a Purpose Perhaps the secret of all success in life, of all greatness—nay even of human hap piness itself—is to live for purpose. Tha man of aimless objects, however rich ho may be, however blessed with health, how ever favored in his domestic relations, how ever generally liked, rarely enjoys existence. Nature seems, in fact, to avenge herself on him for his want of purpose in life. There are many persons, always busy, who yet have no great purpose in view.— They frighten away their energies on a hun dred objects, never accomplishing anything because never given their undivided atten tion to any one thing. They are like but terflies that flit from spot to spot, never gaining wealth, and that steadily adheres to a certain circuit around its hole, gradu ally lays up stores for winter. Such per sons are doomed to be dissatisfied in the end, even if they i'e not soon, for they will find that, in the race of life, they have been passed by all who had a purpose. It is not the positive drones, therefore but the buty idle, if we may coin a phrase for the occa sion, that makes a blunder for want of a purpose. It is always the boy who has a purpose that becomes distinguished at school or college. He makes up his mind to succeed in some particular branch or branches of knowledge ; he concentrates all his ener gies to win the goal; and he generally tri umphs, even over classmates of greater ability. So in adult life, the man who sticks to his pursuit—nay, devotes his whole soul to it—is the man who prospers. Few per sons even succeed who shift from one thing to another, or who gives only a divided at tention to business. It is having a definite purpose, and keeping, so to speak, the winning post always before the view, that carries man triumphantly over the race course of lite. No man ever became great without having done this. Newton put his entire intellect into mathematics. Milton devoted his life to preparation for writing Paradise Lost. Sir Humphrey Davy gave himself to chemistry, has said, as to a mis tress. Klackstone, abandoning poetry, con centrated on law. The younger Pitt, from his very childhood, trained himself to be a greater debater, that he might become Prime Master. We might multiply exam ples. But these are sufficient to establish our point and show that no man without a purpose, ever became graal.—Philadelphia Ledger. A Scene at the St. Lonis Fair. A St. Louis correspsndent of the Chicago Preis furnishes the following : The most exciting accident of the Fair was the grand run away, turr.-over, and 6ma6h up among the fast men who were showing off their horses and sulkies in the ring on Thursday afternoon. About twen ty five horses and sulkies were Hying round the ring in the presence of ten or twelve thousand persons, when oue,driver ran into the gig of another one, which frightened his horse. The horse bounded off at full speed, striking several other horses and sulkies, and starting them off likewise.— Within a minute the panic and runaway feeling were communicated to almost ev ery horse in the ring. Gigs were smashed to splinters, drivers were hurled headlong from their seals to the ground and run over; some of them held on to their reins, and were dragged along : one or two got caught with their feet in the wheels, and were hurled about in a frightful manner. Soma of the horses attempted to jump over the railing among the Irightened spectators.— Others plunged madly for the entrance and exit places, and dashed their vehicles to pieces against the sides of the passage way. Just picture to your mind a score of high mettled horses atlched to carriages, all run ning away promiscously on the space of an acre—crashing against each other, rolling over and springing up, plunging, kicking and squealing, around and across the area, in pell-mell terror and confubion, portions of broken gigs following their heels, with their drivers rolling or dragging in the dirt among the debris of sulkies and hoofs of the frightened horses ; add to this the rush of a hundred hardy meu the ring try ing to slop the horses, many of whom get- I ting instantly kicked down and run over, and the shouts of ten thousand men and screams of five thousand women, and you can form some idea of how the scene look ed to the spectator. In five minutes it was all over, and horses, men and gigs had cleared the ring. Strange to tell, no one was killed, '.hough several received severe contusions, and few escaped without bloody faces or soiled and torn garments. IT is perfectly well understood, or if not, it should be, that almost any husband would leap into the sea, or rush into a burn ing edifice to rescue a perishing wife. But to anticipate the convenience or happiness of a wile iu somo small matter, the neglect of which would be unobserved ; is mora eloquent proof ol tenderness. This shows a mindlul fondness which wants occasion in which to express i'self, and the smaller the occasion seized upon, the more intense ly affectionate is the attention paid. A LADY friend of ours says the first time she was kissed, she felt like a big tub of ; roses swimming in honey, cologne, nut* megs, and cranberries. J A fine woman, like a locomotive, draws i a train after her, scatters lite sparks, and ' transports the mailt,