The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 02, 1859, Image 3
STAR OFTIIE\OHTII. J3loomstiurg. pa- Wednesday) *nov. 2, isso. Tire public schools in litis place are in operation, and tve understand they are being well attended. RATHER HlGH.— Butter,old enough to vote, nnd selling for eighteen cents per pound in this market. THE County Superintendent is now ma king'a tour over the County, holding teach ers' examinations. See appointments in another column. THE REAL ESTATE ol Henry Hoffman, late of Roaringcreek township, Columbia coun ty, deceased, is offered for sale. Advertise ment in another column. THE citizens of this place are showing considerable enterprise in the way of paving their side-walks with flag-stone, which makes a very handsome and durable walk. Poor. JAB. W. LUSK, the most popular and successful teacher of Speuceriati Penman ship in the Union, is connected with the Iron City Commercial College, of Pittsburg, I'a —-Pittsburg Post. WE would call attention to the advertise ment of HENHV ZUFPINGER'S clock and watch establishment in another column. Mr. Z. is a good practical workman—we know of no better in this section. IN another column of to-day's STAR will be seen advertised, by Sheriff sale, rather an unusual amount of real estate for this county, which will be disposed of on Mon day of Court week. THE Court advertisements—Proclamation and List of Jurors—for December Term are published in this week's paper. The Reg ister's notices and List of causes will appear in our next. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR is selling in this Mar ket at $2.50 per hundred weight, and a tol erably good article. The sack received from a patron ol oors a few days ago is of an ex cellent quality. WE notice in our exchanges that the of fice of the Newport (Ky.) Free South Paper, of Republican proclivities, was mobbed on ! the 29th ult, anil the forms of type scailered in the street. The editor was among the missing about that lime. GRAIN is down to a reasonable figure, as will be seen by the Market Prices in our paper, and a very small quantity is being offered. The grain growers are holding ic back for larger prices. The corn crop in this section is not as good as was anticipa ted by some. JOSEPH HCCKKLL, the ambrotypist, adver tises his business in another column of to day's paper. He is prepared to lake pic tures in the latest and most improved style ol the art, using nothing but good material, cheaper than can be taken any place else in this section. See advertisement. HOLLOW EVE.— On last Monday evening "the boys" in our end of town were busily exercising their sirength upon the doors of the different dwellings with cabbage stumps. Scatce a door but what received a shock from these mischievous boys. Wonder if their parents "'knew they were out?" THE REAL ESTATE of Peter Lutz, late of Benton township, Columbia county, dee'd, is advertised in to day's paper, to be sold on the 26th day of November inst. It is said to be a valuable piece of land, contain ing seventy-one acres, pretty much all im proved. William Lutz is Executor of the estate and is determined to sell. WE see it stated in the Hollidaysburgh Standard ot last week, that four men of Blair County were out on a hunting expe dition and killed seventy two black and gray squirrels in one day. In our opinion Blair co. is not as good as Columbia county for hunt ing game, as several of our sportsmen were out the other day and returned fully con vinced that hunting in this county was nev er known to have been better than it is at this season of the year, lor they hunted all day without finding any game. WE have seen it very appropriately re marked that, "the course of true love never runs smoothly," bnt whether 'true love' was an active agent in the transactions of a cer tain individual, who was married a short time ago to a sprightly young lass up conn try, and who has been committed to : The Gounty Boarding House upon an indict ment for helping himself to a lady's shawl, ffeithout asking permission of the owner, are unable to answer. He now has the oxtreme pleasure of spending his honey moon at the Capitol ol this County and at <l* public's expense. REMEAFRTB THE POOR.— A hard winter is again before us. Let those who have the comforts of life share a small portion there of with tSote who are less favored. O, cheer the poor by rendering timely aid. You wilt admit that this is a cold, hard world at best. The pleasures of the rich are even limited indeed. The various troubles they over-balance all Their pleasuresAfcsAdd poverty and want to These troubles, and'you will, in some meas ure, be prepared to judgB,ej the lamentable condition of the poor. Remember the poor: and in the pinching frosts of -winter search them out, and with open hearts and ready hands relieve their necessities and send ilrem on vheir way rejoicing. Kermkmber it was the voice of inspiration which gave mankind the assurance—"He that gitalh to The poor leudeth to the Lord." ) Court Proclamation. f HKREAS the Hon. Warren J. Wood * " ward, President Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hon. Jacob Evans arid l'eler Kline, Associate Judges ot Columbia County, have issued their precept, bearing date one thousand eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday (being the sth day) of Dec., next, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ol the said County uf Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon ol said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembran ces to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county ol Columbia, in be then and there to proeecute then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bloomsburg, the 25th day of Oct., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and filty-nine, and in the 83d year of the independence of the United Stales of America. (God save the Common wealth.) JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Teachers' Examinations. I will conduct an examination of teachers at the following times and places, viz : In Centre, at Fowler's, Nov. Ist; Briar creek at Berwick, Nov. 2d ; Fishingcreek at Stucker's, Nov. 3d ; Mt. Pleasant at Hutch ison's, Nov. 4th ; Pine at Upper Sereno, Nov. sth ; Montour at Dietterick's School house, November 7th ; Franklin at Clay | ton's, Nov. Bth; Roaringcreek and Locust | at Slabtown, Nov. 9th; at Mainville, Nov. | 10th ; Beaver at School-house t.ear C. Mich j ael's, Nov. 11th ;at Mifflinville, Nov. 12th; at Buck Horn, Nov. 14th; at Benton, Nov. 15th ; Sugarloaf at Alinas Cole's School house, Nov. 16th ; Jackson at Derr's School house, Nov. 17th. Directors are requested to make all need ful arrangements, and to manifest their in terest by attendance. WM. BURGESS, Co Sup'/. Millville, Oct. 26, 1859-3 W. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of the county ol Colum bia, to distribute assets HI the hands of Da vid Remley, Administrator ol Jacob W. Hess, late ol Jackson township, in the said county, deceased, among the several creditors of the said deceased, in the order establish ed by law, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the twenty-sixth day of No vember, A. D. 1859, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend if lliey think proper. WESLEY WIRT, Bloomsburg, Oct. 26, 1859. Auditor DEDICATION EXERCISE^. The dedication of the new Methodist Episcopal Church, near Kitchen's School House, in Mount pleasant township, Colum bia rounty, will take place on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, the \lth and 13th of November next. The dedicatory sermon will be preach ed Dy Rev. DESCIHKI.D Principal of Dirki son Seminary, Williamsport, Pa. Several Ministers from abroad ure expected to be present. An invitation is extended to all denominations. It is hoped there will be a good attendance, Mountpleasant, Oct. 19, 1859. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. rpHERE will be exposed to public sale at the late residence of ISAAC DEMOTT, deceased, in Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, sth 1859, at 10 o'clock, in the lorenoon, the following described real estate to wit: A FARM, containing about one hundred and fitecn acres, of which about one hundred acres cleared land, and in a good state of cultiva tion, and a pari of it excellent meadow land, adjoining lands of Jacob Demon on the South, lands of Robert Montgomery and George Eves on the East, lands of Joseph Masters on the West, and by Saw Mill lot belonging to the deceased on the North.— There are on the premises two frame DWELLING HOUSES, near which is a good spring of water, a Stone Spring House, a large FRAME BARN, two Wagon Sheds, and other outbuildings. There is an excellent APPLE ORCHARD on the premises, and a variety of other fruit trees. At tha same time and place there will be sold ONE TIMBER LOT, containing thirty-three acres, about four acres of which are cleared meadow land, ly ing close by the above property. Also, there will be sold at the same time, the un divided one half of a SAW Wmili IPIBQIPIHMrasi the Mill being in good condition, with ex cellent water power. The lot upon which this Mill is situated contains about one acre of ground, and lies close by the above farm. This property is all desirably situated, and the land is in good order, having lately been well limed. The Farm lays along the public roads leading to Jerseytown, Mill ville, Bloomsburg, and other towns ; thus affording an easy access to market. The tardiest point named is Bloomsburg, which is nine miles, while some others are but two and three. Conditions will he made known on day of sale by DAVID DEMOTT, I „ , MOORE DEMOTT,} ' Madison, Oct. sth, 1859. NEW ARRIVAL OF PAlUfa AS?© W2HUHB GOODS. David Lowenbcrg VNVITKS attention to his stock of cheap -A- and fashionale clothing at hisstoreoo Market street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including'.he most fashionable 2&3&1K $3 <0 Hi & b Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, atripes and figure, vests, shirts,cra vats,slocks, cellars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shorlnolice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Oct. 5, 1859. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MA CHINE ST, Buildings on tha alley between the "Ex change" and "Ameiican House." THE GENESEE FARMER. [ESTABLISHED IN 1831.] EXTRAORDINARY OFFER! THE GENESEE FARMER is now admitted io be the cheapest agricultural paper pub* fished in America. It is believed to have the largest circulation than any Bimilar jour nal in the world, But there are thousands of farmers of furmers who do not take this or any similar paper. To reach this large class, although the Farmer is now cheaper than the cheapest, we have determined to make it cheaper vlill. TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE NOW, Or before the first of December, we will send the Genesee Farmer for 1860. and the remaining two months of this year (Novem ber and december) for fiifly cents. In other words, we will send the remaining numbers of this year as a present to all NEW subscribers. Send the fifty cents in lhree*cent postage stamps, at our risk; or ge: one of your neighbors to join with you, and send a dollar bill. Published for twenty-nine years, in the very heart ot the "Genesee Country," with hundred! of the beet farmers and fruit grow ers, in every State, as corrspondents, the Genesee Farmer coutains information ol great value. It is the "FARMER'S OWN PAPER," And no effort is spared to make it worthy of their support. WHEAT-CULTURE receives special at tention. Every subject connected with the farmer's vocation is disscussed. The Man agement and Breeding of Slock; Cultivation of grain and grass; Farm-Houses, Buildings, Fences; Uderdraimng, Plowing, Sowing, Harvesting, Threshing, Marketing ; Dairy Management ; and every operation oil the Farm or Garden, receive atiention. Full and reliable reports of the Markets tn New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Roch ester, Buffalo, Toronto Chicago, Cincinnati, Liverpool, and London, are given each month, prepared expressly for the Farmer by a gentleman of great experience, intelli gence, and sagacity. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. The Ladies, too, write for the Genesee Farmer, and furnish hundreds of well-tried and valuable Receipts. We design to make the Volume for 1860 decidedly the best of the series. TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAS In Cash Premiums will be paid for (he greatest number of subscribers sent in by the fifteenth of January. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Specimeu copies and Show-bills sent gratis to all who desire to act as Agents. TWENTY-ONE CASH PRIZE"*, Beside liberal Specific Premiums, and, in Clubs of eight, a twenly-five-cent Premium to every subscriber. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Bear in mind, all who subscribe now will get the last two mouths of this year for nothing. Only Fifty Cents a year. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, Publisner and Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. October '.2, 1859. 1,000 Agents Wanted. ¥jr VERY BODY'S LAWYER AND COUN ■*-' SELI.OR IN business containing plain and simple instructions to Everybody for transacting their business according to law. with legal forms for drawing the various necessary papers connected therewith, to gether with the laws of the Slates, for Col lection of Debts, Property Exempt from Ex ecution, Mechanics' Liens, Execution of Deeds acd Mortgages, Rights of Married Women, Dower, Usury, Wills, &c. By FRANK CROSBY, Esq, of the Philadelphia Bar. 384 pages, 12mo. An entirely new work on the subject, adapted to the wants of every citizen ot the United Stales. Single copies sent by mail to any address, on receipt of price, SI.OO, or in law style of binding at $1.25. 1,000 Agents wanted to canvass for it with whom liberal arrangements will be made. Apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Pniladelpliia, Pa. October sth, 1859.—2m0. NOTICE IN PTRTITION. Real Estate of Ezekiel Cole, deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY, ss: - The Commonwealth of Pennsylva j J nia to Alinas Cole, John M. Cole, J J Silas D. Cole, Benjamin Cole, He len, intermarried with Jos. O. Hess, and to all the heirs and legal representatives of the said Ezekiel Cole, deu'd :—Greeting, you and each of yon will take notice that an Inquest will be held to make partition or valuation, as the case may require, of the Real Estate of the above named Ezekiel Cole, deceased, situate in the township of Sugarloaf, Columbia county, on the premi ses, on Monday the Ith day of November nezt, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the lore noon, and 4 o'clock in the afternoon ol said day, at which time and place you may at tend if you think proper. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, President of our Court of Common Pleas held at Bloomsburg, the eighth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Sept. 28. 1859. j Tinware & Stove Establishment. rjiHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully fn *- forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and ot fers for sale the largest and most T tensive assortment ofFANC Y STOT ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, nn shotl notice. The patronage of old friends and new cue tomers is respectfully solicited. A.M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf. PATENT POCKET COIN DETECTOR, For testing the various kinds of Gold and Silver Coins. It is adm.tled by all to be the most per fect thing of its kind ever offered to the pub lic. It is so small that it can be carried in the pocket without any inconvenience.— Every merchant should have it, every store keeper should have it, every mechanic aliould have it, every man in business should have it. A warrantee goes with every one that is sold. Price One Dollar, poet paid In any part of the Uuited Slates. AGENTS WANTED.—An Agent wanted in every County in the United Slates, to whom a liberal discount will be made. . Address IMLAY & BICKNELL, Box 1150, Philadelphia, Pa. September 28, 1859-4 W. ~WANTE, AT THE Cattawissa Paper Mills, twelve to fifteen Good active Girls to whom constant employment will be given, at re munerating wages. A good boardine house, for girls especially, is kept at this place.— From two to three dollars per week can be earned clear ol expanses by active girls. Apply to Messrs. McKelvy, Neal & Co., Bloomsburg, or the undersigned proprietors. C. W. McKELVY, & Co. Cattawissa, Oct. 19, 1859. I LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BUFFA LO, ALBANY,CLEVELAND, DE TROIT AND CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, S. E. Corner Seventh and Cheßtnut Streets. JNO. B. MEYERS* HVo WPERTHWAIT, Prof. JOHN S. HART, J. B. LIPPINCOTT, MORRIS L. HALLOWFLL. COUNTING HOUSE COURSE, Ccmprises Rook Keeping for Mercantile, Banking Railroad, and Manufacturing Business with Pennmanship, Cal culations, Correspondence, &c. &c., fully qualifying the Student for atcual business. Students receive individual In struction. Diplomas are atcarded to Graduates. $33.00 Pays for Life Scholarship good in seven Col leges; $25 for partial course. gyFor Catalogue and Specimens of Wri ting, Address, inclosing two stamps, BRYANT & STRATTON, July 27, 1859. Philad'a. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The Largest and Cheapest stock ever offered in this City. CHARLES 7T. DEAN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, oil cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, Carpet Chain, &c. No. 119 MARKET Street, below 2nd, (north side) Philadelphia. fpHE subscriber has just opened an entire ly new and complete stock of goods of the best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Dealers who wish lo find u good article CHEAP FOR CASH. These goods were bought for Net Cash, at the greatly reduced prices consequent upon the stringency ol the times, and be lieving the "nimble sixpence" to be better than the "slow shilling," they are now of fered to the public at prices they de f y com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : Pails and Tubs of ait kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar boxes, Half Bush els and Peck Measures, Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head and straight clotlies pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows, corn brooms, every variety, shoe paint scrub and sweep brushes, &c. Blotlies, brushes, Baskets, willow and ra tan chairs, shirt raians, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, tie yarn, twine of all kinds, together wi'h a largo assort ment ol Notions and Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c., cheap from auction. These goods are all new and carefully selected, and are offered at prices that can not tail to attract attention. Bayers will invariably find it to their own interest lo call before purchasing elsewhere. Li?" Perticular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. E©~ Orders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 116 Market St., north ajdo, below 2nd, Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1859-ly. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THB QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING HOUSE ! 100,000 CATALOGUES, New, Enlarged and Revised —Now Ready for Distribution.—Superior inducements to the Public ! A new and sure plan for obtaining Gold and Silver Watches, and other valuable Prizes. Full particulars given in catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon applica tion. Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to $lOO guaranted to each purchaser. $lOO,OOO in Gifts have been disturbed to my patrons within the past six months—slso,ooo to be distributed during the next six months. The inducements oflered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in the Publiehing-and Book selling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to coi.duct the Gift Enterprize with the greatest satisfaction lo all. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county. For lull particulars address DUANE KULISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 33 South Third Street, Sept. 21, 1859-4 m. Philadelphia, Pa. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT SHARPLESS' STORE, IN BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE citizens of Bloomsburg and vicini ty, are respectfully informed that a fresh supply of new goods havo been received at Bloomsburg. An extensive assortment has been received, one that will compare lavorably with any in this place. Country produce taken io exchange for goods at the market price. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, Bloomsburg. Sept. 14, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given that letters of ■L * administration on the estate of Rosanna Reedy, lute of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to George A. Beam, who resides in the Borough of Ber wick. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the decedent are reqaested lo make tnem known to tne administrator without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith to GEORGE A. BEAM, Adm'r. Bloomsburg, Sept. 21, 1859. PERFECT WATCHES. MADE BY B. J. WARNER and FRED. MARSHALL, of London, UNSURPASSED FOR TIME AND DURABILITY, having received the approbation ol the ROYAL POLYTKCHNIC INSTITUTE OF LONDON. Prices at Retail from $lOO to $2OO. The Trade Supplied on LlLetii! Terms. DIAMONDS AND~FINE JEWELRY constantly on hand at Wholesale. W. EVERTSON SMITH, No. 15 Maiden Lane, July 27, 1859. New Yoik City. BLiNKS!BLANKs7T BLANKS 11 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableforms, fo* sale at the office of the "Star ofthe North." PROSPECTUS. A New Work by Emerson Bennett, Author of 'Clara Moreland,' 'Pralnd Flow er,' "The Refugees,' 'Blanche Berlrand,' 'The Artist's Bride,' &c., &c., enlilled WILD SCENES ON THE FRONTIERS ; OR, HEROES OF THE WEST. " Westward, the course ot Empire takes Its Way!" This work, is the in Book form, which for several years has emanated from the pen of the gifted author, who treads now alone the path once trodden b) our own Cooper. It will contain graphic pictures of the conflicts of the hardy Pioneer, whose strifes and struggles with his Indian foe. ri val the tales of fiction and the tragic coun terfeits of the mimic stage. Also thrilling narratives of the daring deeds, the heart trials, (he heroic devotion and self denial of noble women, the mothers of the West ! Beneath the over-arching forests, hand to hand, and fool to loot, the intrepid adven turer has encountered in deadly combat the ruffian desperadoes who made their haunts in the backwoods, and his gallant achieve ments have thrown a halo of romance over the waving prairies, the grand old moun tains, and the majestic rivers of the land of the setting sun 1 Nor are these pages wanting in those genj tier scenes which make up home-life, and which are pictured with all the skill an fidelity for which the author is pre-emi nently distinguished. His delineation of Frontier character, and of the scenery of the Borders, has always the advantage of an accuracy which is the resultof an intimate, personal acquaintance. Tfte work will be printed on fine white paper, in clear, nppn type, and upprnpriaiely and beautifully illustrated by the most skill ful artists 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.25. HAMELIN & CO, Publishers, No. 606 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia N. B —Agents wanted in every part of the Union and the Canadas, to whom a liberal discount will be allowed. September 28, 1859-2w. LIMIT STREET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHART, PROPRIETOR. THE Proprietor ol this hotel takes pleas ure in announcing to the public that he still occupies this large and commodious house in Light Street, Pa.,and is as ever,prepaired toaccom fJM 11 iIS module travelers, teamsters,dro dPSfsKHvers and borders, with accom modations that will favorxbly compare with any hotel in this section of country. The traveling public may depend on all comforts at home, as his house is well furnished and always kept in ordor. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi'h the best the market affotds. Mr. K. will ever be happy lo entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of his ability. 0. L. FWERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1858. GT The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the properly at private sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables and all the neces sary outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing to em bark in the business, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. ®OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF Travels and great discoveries of Japanese and East India Medicines, wi'h full directions for the certain cure ol Con sumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ca tarrah, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Fe male Complaints, &. Illustrated with hun dreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many sufler ing fellow-beings as possible from prema ture death, it will be sent lo any part of the continent, by sending 25 cents to L)rs. Heatb. Sold by G. M. Hagenbneh, Bloomsburg ; N. L. Rank k Co, Danville, Jacob Lawalt, Culasauqua ; A. Miller & Co, Berwick. DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, New York City. Octobei sth, 1859.—1y. BLOOMSBURQ • BARBER SHOP LfiHE undersigned respectfully informs the -J- citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he has taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the while Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block,where he is at all limes ready to wait upon hi 9 customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and oil very moderate terms. done up in City Style.— He solicits public patronage and pledges his best endeavors lo give every reasonable Bali faction. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. Dissoiutiou of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, in the town of Catta wissa, Columbia county, under the name ol Hayhurst & Noble, is this day (the 17th day of September, 1859,1 dissolved by mu tual consent. The books are left in the hands of Lewis Hayhurst for collection. LEWIS HAYHURST, SAMUEL NOBLE. Cattawissa, Sept. 28, 1859-3w. Notice. THE undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally, that he still continues the Wagon and Car riage making business in all its various branches, at his old stand, opposite the M. E. Church, in Cattawissa, where he will be happy to see bis numerous friends. LEWIS HAYHURST. Cattawissa, Sept. 28, 1859-3 W. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Fall & Winter Bonnets. THE undersigned respeclifully informs the ladies of Bloomsburg, and vacinity, that she has just returned from the eastern cities with a splendid assortment of new MILLIHEE.7 GOODS, comprising everything commonly found in a first-class Millinery Shop. Her style of Bonnets, cannot be surpassed in this sec tion of country, and her work will favora bly compare with any done this side of the cities. She has on hand a lot of neat and handsome bonnets, hats and caps, for little Misses, of all styles and prices. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, Ocl. 5, 1859. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Samuel S. Weaver, late of Fishingcreek town ship, Columbia County, deceased. T ETTERS of Administration on the above named estate have been granted lo the undersigned administrators, by the Register of Columbia county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent are hereby requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment immediately le GEORGE M. HOWELL, | -, , SAMUEL E. WEAVER, J Adm Fisbingcreek, Sept. 28, 1859. i GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! A glorious chance to get Good Books for nothing ur Sent! for a catalogue which will be sent to you free of postage. J. S. COTTON & C 0.,1 PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, NO. 409 CHESTNUT ST., FIIILA'D., Hare, in addition to their regular business of publishing and bookselling, adopted the principal of furnishing a gilt of the value of from 25 cents to #lOO, to the purchaser of every Look of the value of one dollar and upwards. Send for a catalogue, which we will send to you free of postage. Being largely engaged in the publishing business, J. S. Cotton & Co., have peculiar advantages of obtaining Books at vary low prices, which enables give more valuable presents than can be aflorded by any other house engaged in the same line of business. Any book published in the United Slates, will be furnished at the publishers' price, and also a valuable gift to the purchaser without any extra charge. These gills con sists of gold and silver watches, gold chains, Ladies'splendid silk dress pal'erns, Time pieces, silver plated Wore, cosily sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquois and Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck and Chate lain Chains, Gents Bosom studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket Knives, Porte Monnaies, and other gifts of use and value. Five hundred dollars worth of presents will be distributed with every thousand dollars worth of books sold. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent to you, free of postage. Persons forming Clubs, or wishing to act s Agonis, con get books and valuable gifts for nothing ! Agricultural, Botanical, Horticultural and Scientific Books—Historical, Poetical, Ju venile and Miscellaneous Books—Dictiona ries, Bibles, Prayer aud Hymn Books—Al burns, Annuals, Cash Books and Works of Fiction, and all other Books published in the United States, furnished at publishers' prices, and a free gift furnished with every book. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent to you free of postage. Address, J. S. COTTON & CO , No. 409 Chestnut Si., Philadelphia. Agents wanted in ,every pail of theCounlry. [Sep'. 7, 1859-41. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS. IHARTZ & F,IT respectfully inform the citizens •* of Light Street and vicinity that they have just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they will sell cheap for cash. They have a large and general variety ; all that is commonly found in a Country Store, and are determined to sell cheap. In the selec tion of their goods they have paid strict at tention ; lherelore their merchandise will bear recommendation aud will prove to be of the first class. The proprietors are gentlemen and honor able dealers, and cordially solicit a liberal share of patronage. Customers would do well to call and examine their general vari- I ely before purchasing elsewhere. Country I produce taken in exchange for good at the I highest market price. MARTZ & F.NT. Light Street, May 4, 1859. ~~ THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! STEPHEN H. MILLER HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODtS 4 Tthe old stand in the Arcade Building on Main Street, Blonmsburg, which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. It con sists in part of Silks alpaccas, lustres, cloths, cassimefs, lawns, french and scotch ging hams. and in short, a full and complete va riety of STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, with a good selection of hats, caps, HOOTSAiAD SIIOKS, And a superior lot of FRESH GROCERIES, TrnsCoffcci Sugar,lTlolasM'S Rice, Spice, &c. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected his entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest cash prices, her can assure his friends and the public generally, that he will do all in his power to make his establishment known as the "Ueud quarters for bargains." Those wish ing to purchase will Bud it to their advan tage to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the market prices. Blonmsburg, October 12, 1859. Rising Sun Hotel—Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of the above named hotel, and has filled it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting atttention, he can give entire satisfaction to all. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar with the choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on hand, and Ills stabling is the mast ex tensive iu this section of country. MAJ. N.SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Executors' Notice. Estate of Henry Hoffman, late of Hoaringcreek township deceased. f.etters testamentary on the above named estate have been granted to the undersign ed, by the Register ol Columbia County.— All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedanl are re quested In present them to the Executors fur settlement, and those indebted will make payment without delay to HENRY HOFFMAN, jr. LEONARD ADAMS, Roarir.gcreek, Sept. 7, 1859. Executors. Administratrix's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of ad ministration on the estate of John Town send, late of Madison twp., Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by 'he Reg ister of Columbia county, to the undersign ed residing in Madison twp.; said county. All persons having claims or demands a gainst the estate of the decedent, are request ed to present tliern to <he administratrix du ly attested without delay, and all persons indebted to the estate ure notified to inaek payment forthwith to HANNAH TOWNSEND, Madison Sept.7, 1859. Administratrix. Whealley & Clarke's Theatre. Arch Street, above Sixth, Philad'a. 'T'HE Star Company, composed of the first -I- artist in the world, and exceeding in sirengih ami talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore oflered to the Theatrical public, will appear every evening 111 Come dy, Tragedy, serio-comic Drama, Vaude villes, &c. When you visiting the cilf, go there. June 29, 1859.—tf. IJARNARD RUPERT. ~ fashionable TAILOR, Shop on the South Side ol Main Street, firs square below Market. BILOOMSBUIB© CABINET WARE ROOMS S- C. SUITE, T> ESPF.CTFULLY invites ihe attention of the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which ho will warrant made of good materials and hi a workmanlike manner. At his Establish men), can always be found a good assort men) of FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. which is equal in sty In and fin inh to that r ' Philadelphia "r New Yoik Cities, ami at s , low prices. He has Sofa Ol different stylo and prices; from #25 to #69. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, arut a variety ol upholstered wnrk, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sola, curd, centre and pier tables, detashn*, cheflenisrs, what note and comedos and alt kinds of fashionable work. His slock of buieaus, enclosed and oommon wastelands, dress-table-, corner cupboards sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES,- bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section ol the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring mallrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed iu use. Dlooinsburg, January 13, 1858. TO HOUSEKEEPERS] SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT'S. 0 BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS. Is manufactured from common salt, and is prepared entirely dif "U ferent from other Saleratus. All "O 'he deleterious matters extracted in such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit,iscuit, and all kinds ol A N r. Cake, without contaiug a particle NO ol Saleratus when the Bread or Cake is baked ; thereby produc ing wholesome results. Every particle ol Saleratus is turned to Tfh " v gas and passes through the Bread ■ " or Biscuit while Baking ; conse quently nothing remains but com mon Salt, Water ar.d Flour. You and will readily perceive by the taste AMD ol this Saleratus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus. It is packed in one pound pa (itt pers, each wrapper branded,'-B T. Babbitt's Best Medical Salera- Oo tus also, picture, twisted laol of Breas, with a glass of efferves cing water on ihe top. When an d you purchase one paper yon should preserve the wrapper, and be particular to get the next exact ly like the first—brand as above. Full directions for making Bread ay /a 4 U with the Saleratus and Sour Milk 41/ or Cream Tartar, will neenmpany each | acknge ; also, direciioni for making all kinds of Pastry ; also, A N „ directions for making Soda Water . „ „ and Seidlitz Powders. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, WITH B. T. BABBITT'S PURE UO CONCENI RATED POTASH. OO Warranted double the strength of ordinary Pota-t' ; put up in cans— I Id., 2 Ids., 3 Ids., 6 Ids. aud 12 a n d lbs—with full directions for mak- * c ittg Hard and Soft Soap. Consu mors will find this the cheapest Potash in market. Manufactured and for sale by B. T. BABBITT. Nos. 68 & 70 Washington si., * N. Y., aud 38 India-st., Boston. Biooinsbtirg Express Office. FOR THE COMPANIES OF HOWARD & Co., AND HOPE. ALL orders for Goods to come by Eppress, sent Free of Charge to all parts of the coun try. Money and Bills collected. All Losses and Damages promptly paid A. C. MENSCH, Agent. In addition to the above, the under signed is likewise agent for the sale of FLOUR AfiD FEED. which he will sell at the lowest Cash Prices. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR always on hand. Likewise GROCERIES, as Coffee, Sugar, and Molossea. A share of Public palrouage is respectfully solicited. A. C. MENSCH, Agent. Bloomßburg, July 20, 1859 3in. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. ,4 BOARDING SCHOOL and Normal lo stitute, for Teachers aud others. The first quarter will commence April 11th. The second after Summer vacation, on August 15ih, etc. TERMS : —§3o per Quarter for all expen ses. Catalogues will be sen* lo those who apply for them. VVM. BURGESS, Prin. Mdlville, Pa., March, 30, 1859. H II VAIN T ATTE R, CABINET MAKER. rivHE undersigned having entered into -L business, and rented Win. Kubb's Shop, on Main street, near D. Stroub's Grocery, and prepared to furnish all kinds of CABINET WORK, such as CHAIRS, BED STEADS, BU REAUS, CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, STANDS, TABLES, etc., He is also prepared to attend to HOUSE PAINTING and PAPERING, in all its de partments. THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS will likewise be attended 10. He will con stantly keep on hand an assortment of Fin ished Coffins, by which he can fill all or ders on presentation. B. H. VANNATTEB. Bloorrshnrg. June I, 1859. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF (X)NRAD HESS, DEC'D, ILL be exposed to public sale on Ihe ** premises, on Friday the twenty fifth day of November next, all that certain planta tion aud tract of land, situate in Sngarloaf township, Columbia couniy, adjoining lands of Wm. J. Hess on the south, Win. Hess on the east, Wm. Stephen- on the north and east, and land of the heirs af Robert Mont gomery on the west, containing one hun dred and seventy five acres and one hundred and forty nine perches, (the quantity lo be ascertained by survey,) late the estate of Conrad Hess, deceased. There is on the premises a Two Siory Log House. a Log Barn, Frame Shed, Two Apple Orch ards, and about fifty acres cleared land.— The crop of grain upon the premises when sold, will he reserved, possession of the premises given to the purchaser on ihe first day of April next. Condition will be made known on day of sale WILLIAM HESS Executor, of Conrad Hess, dee'd. Sngarloaf twp, August 17, 1859. 1859.—Dry Goods for Autumn—lBs9. FULL stock of silk goods, lull stock of staple goods, full stock of fancy goods, fashionable fall Shawls, cloths, ca-simeres, and vestings, blankets, quilts, table linens. &c. &c., KY RE & LAN DELL, Fcurth lp Arch Sheet, Philad'a. N. R.— Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rates. £7* Bargains Daily from N. Y. Auctions. September 7, 1869. —3m0a.