The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 21, 1859, Image 3
STAR OF THIS NORTH. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1859. WE would direct attention of our readers to the new advertisements in 10-day'b STAR. HON. J S. BLACK, Attorney General of the Uiitieu States, has our sincere thanks for Valuable documentary favors. WE have two school orders for sale cheap. One Irom the Pittsburgh Commercial Col lege, ahd the other Irom Bjyant & Stratton's Commercial School, Philadelphia. WANTED at this office on subscription : Wood, coal, potatoes, apples, beef, pork, thickens, flour, corn, etc. This is trade we fMtof havo; it is the same as money to us Those of our patrons in arrears will please tnake a note. ON THE out side of the STAR of to day will be found a communication, from the pen of the REV. J G. NOBLE, in answer to the ar ticle written by W. P. Teitsworlh, which appeared in the Columbia Dtmucrat some three weeks ago. It is cf cou.-ddcrablc length, arid quite interesting. LIOHT STREET HOTEL. —Notice of this pop ular house will be seen in another column ot the STAB. This house is oficrod for upon reasonable terms, and it is a pleasant and desirable location. As a caterer to the public appetite, no one in the country can excel or is inoro favorably known, than D. L. EVERHART, the proprietor of the Light Street Hotel. At his house will be found all the delicacies of the season. WE would direct attention of our readers to the advertisement ill unother column of Mr. CIIAIILES W. DEAN, Wholesale Dealer, in Philadelphia, 119 Market Street, North side, below Second. I lis stock consists of French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, etc. It is not necessary that we should here re-numerate his articles for we intend our patrons to read the adver tisement. We would siate that Mr. DEAN is a fair and honorable dealer, and has a very extensive assortment on hand, which can bo purchased cheap for cash. SOLOMON NKVIIABII, administrator, offers for sale, through the columns of tho Star, the real esluie of Benj. Hayman, deceased, in Orange township, Columbia county. The sale will be on Saturday, October 22d, 1859. The farm is in a state of good culti vation, with necessary buildings, and desir ably situated. At the same tune there will be offered for sale six lots adjoining the above property, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved paper. REDUCTION OF FAIIE— We have been re quested to give notice thiough the columns of the STAB, that the Directors of tho Catta wissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad, de sign issuing their tickets at half-price to persons going to and coming from the State Fair at Philadelphia, on the 27th, 28th, 291h and 3Ulh i NPI . This is liberal on the part of the Directors. By this reduction of lare a person can travel to Philadelphia from this point (Bloomsbnrg) and back, upon first-class cars, for 84.50. This is quite a favorable opportunity to witness the State Fair, cheap. WE learn by the papers, ibat the Agricul tural Annual Fairs of Luzerne, Northum berland and Lycoming counties, all com mence on Tuesday, the -till of October next, to continue ttvo, three and four days, accor ding to their announcements, liy this ar rangement, people wishing to attend all the Fairs, cannot do it, to good advantage The Columbia county Fair will have a clear field—all the neighboring Fairs being over —consequently a large turn out may be ex pected. We hope there \vill be, at least The facilities for having a good Fair in this county are groat. PROF. THEODORE M'D. PRICE did not per form his wonderful feat of wire walking in this place on last Saturday, on account of the rainy weather. It rained all day, and of course nobody came to see the feat per formed. The exhibition lias been postpon ed till next Saturday, when it will be given, we trust, without tail. The Professor was on hand lust Saturday, with wire and pole, ready to perform the daring and hazardous feat, but the weather interfering, hence the postponement. We have no doubt but a large number of people will be here 011 next Saturday. Mons. Price designs slewing oysters upon the wire, and of course eating them. This will be a preity ticklish opera tion ; bo careful, stand from under. PREMIUM LIST.— From the fact that there is a certain class of people, members of the Association, who leel indignant at the manner in which the publishing of the Premium List of the COLUMBIA COUNTV AGRI CULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION has been managed, we have been solicited to give it one insertion through our columns, and all will be made right. The members of this Association wish to see their publishing extended to all the papers in the county, and this they will Jjve, and if not done by those appointed ijfaf that purpose, the other members will site the matter in their hands, and see that and done right too. It is very this matter should have a and be published iu pa pcMgt are read. The way to economize is matter from the public P rm >^^K*l a "y > n Hue. It may do itv some mßngfcJtut we doubt very much if the result 'in case wpuld 1101 be ru inous. We tHg| very wise plan has been taken individuals in this matter, i. e , to have IFE PMIUN LIST pub lished in the STAR or &L NORTH and Col umbia County Rtpublicunmkl it may receive an extensive circulatiotAtatprovc benefi cial to the Association. now have an opportunity of list of premiums offered for the and discovering at the samo time much alteration has been made list: some higher, while others LIST OF PREMIUMS, L TO BE AWARDED DT THE COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION, AT ITB FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION\ TO DE 11 ELD AT BLOOMSBURO, ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY A. SATURDAY, The 13th, 14th and 15th of October, 1850. tins vtwHivu LIST: NO I—HORSES. Bost pair of Carriago Hurscs, $5 00 Second best do 8 00 Best pair of Carriage Maro a, 3 00 Best pair of Draft Horses, 5 00 Second best do 3 00 Bost Stallion, over 4 years old, 5 00 Socond bost, do 3 00 Bost Brood Maro and Colt, 4 00 Second bost, do 2 00 Best Singlo Carriage Horse, 2 50 Socond best, do 1 60 Best Horso Colt, tbrco years old, 2 50 Best Maro Colt, do 250 Best Horse Co!t, two yoars old, 2 00 Best Maro Colt, do 200 Boat Horso Colt, ono year old, 2 00 Best Maro Colt, do 200 NO. 2—CATTLE. Bost Bull, over two years old, 4 00 Second best, do 2 00 Best Bull undor two yours old, 3 00 Socond best, do 1 60 Best Cow, 4 00 Second bost, 2 00 Bost Hcffer, 3 00 Seooud Bost, 1 00 Best Yoke of Oxen, 4 00 Second best, 2 00 Best Fat Animal, 3 00 Second bost, • 1 50 Best Calf undor ono year, 1 50 NO. 3—SHEEP. Best Ram, 3 00 Bost Ewe, 3 00 Best Lamb, 2 00 Bost Fat Sheep, 2 00 NO. 4—SWINE. Best Boar, 2 00 Socond bost, 1 00 Beat Sow, 2 00 Socond best, 1 00 Uoaviest and bost pair, 2 00 Best Pigs, Gor more, two to ton weeks old, 200 Socond best, 1 00 Best Pigs not over six months aid, 2 00 Socond best, 1 00 NO. S—POULTRY. Bost Pair Shanghais, 50 do ChittagongB, 50 do Cochin China, 50 do Polish, 60 do Bantam, 50 do Gamos, 50 do Dorking, 50 do Bremu, 50 do Ducks, 50 do Turkeys, 50 do Gucsc, 50 Best and greatest variety, 1 00 NO. 6—GRAIN AND GRASS SEED. Bost Bushel White Wheat, 1 00 do Rod, 1 00 do Mediterranean, 1 0C do Whito, 1 00 do " Bearded, 100 do Ryo, 50 do Oats, 60 do Barly, 50 do Goardsccd Corn, 50 do Largo Yellow, 50 do Spcckolod, 50 do Eight llowod Yellow, 60 do Whito, 50 do Sweet Corn, 50 do Buckwheat, 50 Bost half bushel Clovor Sood, 1 00 do Timothy, 50 For the largest yield and best quality of any va riety of Whoai grown iu tho county, tho product of not less than Two Acres, tho ground and grain to ho measured and certified to by throo disinter ested persons, not less than half bushel to bo on exhibition, the exhibitor to he requested to give full particulars of mode and manner of Cultivation, tho ground, time of Sowing and Reaping. A Pre mium of - * 4 00 Two Acres of Corn, 4 00 NO. 7—GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT. Best half bu&hcl Winter Apples, 60 do Fall, 50 Best specimen of Pears, 60 do Plums, 60 do Peaches, 50 do Quinces, 50 do Crun berries, 50 do Grapes, 50 Best display of all kinds, 1 00 Best peck of Dried Apples, 50 do Peaches, 50 Best four quarts dried Cherries, 50 i do Stonod, 50 Best sampio Current Wine, * 50 do Blackberry, 60 NO. B—VEGETABLES. Best bushel Mercer Potatoos, 50 do Prince Albert, 50 do Mexican, 60 do Pink Eyes, 50 do Flesh Colored, 50 , do Door Yards, 50 do Long John, 60 do Whito or Halifax, 50 do Sweet, 50 do Peach Blown, 50 do Blue. 50 Largest two Pumpkins, 50 do two Acorn Squash, 60 do two Choose Pumpkins, 50 do two Common, 50 do variety of Pumpkins or Squashes, 50 Bost sample Boans, 50 Best F ample Peas, 50 Best half doz. liund Cabbage, 50 do ono doz. Boots, 50 do ono do Carrots, 50 do ono do Parsnips, 50 do sampio Celery, 50 do half bushel Tomatoes, 50 do sampio Sugar Cane. 50 NO. 9—HOME AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Best Roll Butter, 50 do Coke Checso, 10 lbs., 60 do Loaf of Wheat Bread, 60 do Loaf of Rye Broad, 60 do Spongo Cake, 50 do Pound " 50 do Fruit ** " 50 do Sainplo Pastry, 50 do Specimen Fruit Jelly, 50 do dO Pickels, 50 do do Preserves, 50 do do Cured Hum, 50 do do Hard Soap, 50 do do Soft Soap, 50 NO. 10—HOME AND HOUSEHOLD MANU FACTURE. Bost Pieco Cloth, five yards or inoro, 2 00 Bost Quilt, 1 00 Boat Countcrpano, 1 00 Best Pair Blunkets, \ 00 Best sample Carpet, five yards or moro, 1 00 Best Covorlot, 1 00 Best pair Liucn Sheets, 50 Best pair Pillow Cases, 50 Bost Shirt, 50 Best Undor Shirt, 50 Best pair Yarn Huso, 50 Bost pair Mittens, 50 Best pair Glovos, 50 NO. 11—LADIES WORK AND FLOWERS. Bost Fancy Tablo Covor, 50 Best Fancy Chair Cover, 50 Best Sumplo Lamp Mat, 50 Bost Shirt Collars or Bosoms, 50 Bost display ot Bead Work, 50 do Crochet Work, 50 do Fanoy knitting, 50 do Embroidery, 50 do Natural Flowers, 50 do Artificial do 50 do Wax do 50 NO. 12—FLOUR. Bust sampio Wheat Flour, 69 pounds, 2 00 do Ryo Flour, do 1 00 do Buckwheat Flour,do 1 00 do Corn Flour, do 1 00 NO. 13—AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Bost Plow, 2 00 Second best, • 1 00 Bost Cultivator, 1 00 Second best, 50 Bost Harrow, 1 00 Best Roller, 1 00 Hestdiido Hill Plow, 1 00 Bost Corn Plan tor, 1 00 Best Horso Rake, 1 00 Best Grain Cradlo, 1 00 Bost Thresing Machlno, 4 00 Best Separator and Straw Cutter. 1 00 Best Hay and Straw Cuttor, 1 00 Bost Corn Shelter, 1 00 Bost Fanning Mill, 1 00 Bost Stump Machine, 2 00 NO. 14—WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. Best two horso farm Wagon, 3 00 Second best, 2 00 Doit two horso Carriage, 3 00 Second best, 3 05 Beit ono horse Carriage, 2 00 Seoond boat, 1 00 Best opon Buggy, 2 00 Best Sleigh, . 2 00 Boat two horse Slod, 2 00 Best spring Truck Wagon. 2 00 NO. 15—MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. IST DIVISION. Best spccimon Cabinet Work, 2 00 Best double Sett Carriago Harness, 2 00 Bcstsiuglo do 1 00 Best doublo Sott Wagon do 1 50 Beit two Calf Skins Finishod, 1 00 Best two Kip Skins, 1 00 Best two sides Harness Leather, 1 00 do Solo do 1 00 do Upper do 1 00 Best ono pair Horso Shoes, 1 00 Best drubbing Hoe, 50 Best specimen Smith Work, 1 00 Best one half dozen Fancy Chairs, 1 00 Best dress Coat, 1 00 Best Vest, 50 Best pair Thick Boots, 50 Best pair Calf Boots, 1 00 Best Ladies Kid Shoos, * 50 NO. 10—MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. 2D DIVISION. Best Churn, .• 50 Best Cheoso Press, , 50 Bost Washing Machine, 50 Bost Sausugo Cutter, • 50 Best display of Cooper Wore, 60 Best three Corn Baskets, 60 Best thrco Iluud Baskets, 50 Best Parlor Stovo, 1 60 Best Cooking Stovo and Trimmings, 2 00 Best Greatest variety of Tin Ware, 1 60 Bost spocimen of Iron and Wood Fonco, 1 50 Best Gates for Farm and Field use, 1 00 Bost ono half dozon Corn Brooms, 60 Bost sample one dozen Briek. 50 do Pig Metal, 50 NO. 17—MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. 3D .OIVISION. Best and largest variety of Dental Work, 2 00 do do Marine Work, 2 00 do do Edgo Tools, 1 00 do do Earthcrn Waro, 100 NO. 18—CLASS BEES AND HIVES. Bost Bco llivo, 1 00 Bost Swarm Boos, 1 00 Best Artificial, Diploma. Best sample Honey, not less than fivo pounds, 50 Bost Jar Strainod lloncy, 60 NO. 19—CLASS TOBACCO. Bost sampio Leaf Tobacco, in tho stalk, not to bo loss than six stalks, 1 00 NO. 20—MISCELLANEOUS PREMIUMS. Tho Judges in this department will award such Premiums as thoy may think proper, on articles not providod for in tho sovcral Divisions of tho abovo general Schedule. NO. 21—TRIAL OF HORSES. Bost Trotting Horso or Maro, 5 00 Second best, 2 50 Bost paiP Trotting Ilorsos, 5 00 Best Racking Horso or Maro, 2 50 Bost Female Equestrian, 2 50 Second bost, 1 60 NO. 22—RUNNING AND WALKING. Walking Match, J milo, first out, 3 00 Seoond bost out, 1 60 Not less than Three to Enter. NO. 23—STOCK AND ARTICLES FROM OTH ER CONNTIES. By a Rosolution adopted by tho Exocutivo Com mittee, porsons not residents of Columbia County, cuunot compete for PREMIUMS. Thoy will bo enti tled to vory neatly oxeouted. DIPLOMAS, however, for every article whether Grain, Fruit, Stock or Manufactured—of merit that they may bring on exhibition. They are most cordially iuvitcd to do so. Their names and address should bo attached by cards. Tlic Lint of Judges : No. I On Horse s—*ona.s Huynian, Green, wood, Joseph Mouser, Montour, John Keel* er, Cattawissa. No. 2—O/i Cattle —John KobiftOll, Scolt. Jacob Hagenbuch, Centre, Benj I*. Former, Franklin. No 2— On Sheep —lieu hen Wilson, Madi J son, Dr. G. Yost, Montour, Andrew Freas, Briarcreek. No. 4— On Swine —Thomas Creveling, Scott, George Blecker, Montour, MaUiius, I Hurlman, Cattawissa. No. s—On Poultry —John Barton Hem lock, l£. P. Lutz, Bloom, Dr. G. W. Lott, Orange. No. 6— On Grain Scctls —James Barton, Montour, Silas E. Fowler, Scott, George Shuman, Maine. No. 7—On Green and Dried Fruit— Wm. Snyder, Bloom, Sylvester Parsel, Hemlock, Andrew Creveling, Scott. No. B— On Vegetables —William Snyder, Bloom, Sylvester Pursel, Hemlock, Andrew Creveling, Seott. No. 9. On Home and Daily Products —Dr. ] P. John, Bloom, Mrs. E. P. I.utz, Bloom, Mrs. S. A. I'etrikin, Bloom. No. 10— On Home and Household Furniture —Peter Ent, Scolt, Mrs. Samuel Melick, Scott, Mrs. John G. Freeze, Bloom. No. 11— On Ladies' Work and Flowers— Dr. F. C. Harrison, Bloom, Mrs. Caleb Bar- I ton, Bloom, Mrs. Pliebe Wolf, Bloom. No. 12— On Flour —Joshua MonJenhall, Franklin, O. A. Jacoby, Bloom, James Freeze, Bloom. No. 13— On Agricultural Implements —John M. Chamberlin. Bloom, J. K. Eves, Green wood, Samuel Kisner, Madison. No. 14— On Carriages and Wagons—Dan iel Yocum, Bloom, A. J. Eyer, Scott, George Strieker, Cattawissa. No. 15— On Manufactured Articles —lit Di vision—SamuT Thomas, Bloom, P. Uuangst, Bioom, Benj Eves, Greenwood. No. 16— On Moiwfactui cd Articles —2d IJi vision —John Shuman, Scott, Bultis Apple mau, Hemlock, Jacob Demon, Madison. No. 17 — On Manufactured Articles —3d Di vision—Dm. G. Hayhnrst, Cattawissa, James A. Wilson, Berwick, W. A. Case, Scott. No. 18— On Bees and Hives —Thomas J. Vandorslice, Hemlock, John lluckcl, Mt. Pleasant, Hiram J. lieeder, Franklin. No. 19— On Tobacco —George Scott, Catta wissa, John Doak, Berwick, Elias Werlman, Gteenwood. No. 20— On Miscellaneous Premiums— Samuel Melick, Scott, Stephen Baldy, Cat tawissa, Elia Barton, Bloom. No. 21— Cn Trial of Horses —Casper Ilahn, Cattawissa, S. L. Bellte, Scolt, Neal McCoy, Madison. No. 22— On Running and Walking— D. 1.. McKinney, Bloom, N. Seely, Briarcreek, John Sharpless, Cattawissa. No. 23— On Stock and Articles from other Counties —Col. L. L Tato, Bloom, John Snyder, Bloom, Wm. T. Shuman, Maine. INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGES. 1. The Judges will havo the discrelionarj power to withhold the premiums i! the ar ticle exhibited is not worthy a premium. 2. The members of the various Commit lees, will make it a point to be on the ground as early as possible, on the second day—and not later that 10 o'clock, at which time their names will be called from the stand, and they will be expected to proceed to business. 3. The Chairman of the different Com mittees are requested to band in their re port as early as possible. The Premiums will be awarded by tho President oil Satur day morning, 15th, at 9 o'clock, a. in. REGULATIONS. 1 All articles for competition must be on tho ground by 12 o'clock, m., on Thursday the 13th. 3 2. All articles must remain on the ground until 4 o'clock, p. m., on Friday the 14th, and on all occasions will be re turned to the exhibitor, when called lor. 3. CAUTIOH.-AII articles exhibited, wheth er eatables or not, must be respected as private property, and any person,detected in purloining or injuring thorn will"bo dealt with according to law. 4. All articles offerod for competition, must be ownod by the competitors; all fruits, vogotablos, ilowurs, &c., must be tho growth of llio competitors, and all manufac tured articles must have been made by the competitors. 5 Every competitor lor premiums, must be a resident of Columbia county. But persons from other counties may have the privilege of bringing articles on exhibition, on the payment of ari entrance feo of fifty cents. SPECIAL NOTICE. The amount require)! for Membership to the Association is Firry CENTS. For this a certificate will be given signed by the Pre sident and Secretary- This certificate not only constitutes the owner a member of the Columbia County Agricultural and Horticultural Association for one year, and further allows him u pri vilege of placing such articles on exhibition as he may choose, without, and lurther pay ment of entrance fee. Certificate of Membership may be ob tained at any time at the office of the Pre sident, J RAMSEY, at the store of the Secre tary, A. J. SLOAN, or at the store of the Trea surer, ELIAS MENUENHALL. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLA MATION WHEREAS, by the laws of this Com monwealth, it is made ''the duly ol the Sherifl of every county (ogive notice of the general elections by publication in one or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty days before Ihe election," and to enumerate therein the "the officers to be elected," and to "designate the place at which ihe election i to be held." There fore I JOHN SNYDER, High Sheriff of Col umbia county, do htpeebg, make known and proclaim to Ihe qualified electors of Colum bia county, thai a GENERAL ELECTION will be held throughout said comity on TUESDAY Ihe ELEVENTH DAY OF OC TOBER, being the second Tuesday in said monlh, at the several districts within the county, to wit: — Benton township at Ihe house of jEzckiel Cole. Beaver township at ihe house of Franklin L. Shumun. Borough of Berwick at the Town Hall in Berwick. Bloom township, at the Court House in Bloomsburg. Briarcreck township, at Lemon's School House, now near Yohe's at Evansville. Catawissa ai the house of Samuel Kosten bader, in Calawissa. Centre township, at the house of Jeromiah Hess, deceased. Cunyiigham township at the house ol Reu ben R. Wassef. Fishingcreek lowuship"ai the house of Reu ben Knelly. Franklin lowuship at claim's School House Greenwood township at the house ol Joseph R. l'allon. Hemlock lowuship al ihe "Buck Horn " Jackson township at the house 11 Ezekiel Cole. Locust township at tho house of John 1.. Hurst in Slablown. Mililiu township at the house of John Kel ler. Madison lowuship al Ihe house of John Wei ivur, deceased. Ml. Pleasant township al ihe housv of Wil liam Hutchinson. Montour township at the house of John Richards, now occupied by William Hol litigsliead. It is lutherdirected that the election at the said several districts shall be opened between 1 the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the fore noon, und shall continue wiihoqj interrup tion or adjournment, until 7 o'clock ill the evening, when the polls shall be closed. The officers to be elected at thu time and places aforesaid, are— ONE AUDITOR GENERAL, ONE SURVEYOR GEN c. It AL, TWO MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY, ONE PERSON FOR TREASURER, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A DISTRICT ATTORNEY, A COUNTY SURVEYOR, A COUNTY CORONER, A COUNTY AUDITOR. It is further directed that the meeting of the return judges al the Court House in Bloomsburg, to make out the general returns shall be on the first Friday succeeding the general election, which will bo Ihe four leenlh day of October. The return judges of the Representative District, compose;) of the comities of Wyom ing, Sullivan, Columbia and Muutour, shall meet el Ihe Court House in Bloomsburg, in die county of Columbia on TUESDAY, the eighteenth day ol October next, to make out Ihe returns for members of Assembly. And in and by (he said ael, 1 am lurlher directed to give notice that every person, excepting justice or tlie peace, who shall i hold any cilice or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the United Stales, or of this Stale, or of any city, or in corporated district whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is, or shall be employ ed under the legislatve or executive, or ju diciary department of this Stale, or of any incorporate district, and al*o that every member of Congress, or of the select or common council, of any city Commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law, irica pable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, in specter or clerk of any election of this com monwealth, and that no iuspcciator judge or any officet of any such election shall be eligible in any office then to be voted for. Given under my hand and soul at my of fice in Bloomsburg, litis 3d day of Sept. A. D., 1859. JOHN SNYDER, Bloomsburg, Sept. 7 1859 Sheriff. LIGHT STREET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHART, I'IIOPKIKTOII. riIHE Proprietor ol takes pleas -1 ure in announcing to die public that ho still occupies this large and commodious house in Light Street, Pa.,and is Mai|TT[g Vet, as ever,prepaired to accom ; 818 IBr modate"travelers, teamsters,dro -4P?SSeK3D vers and borders, with accom modations that will favorably compare with any hotel in this section ol country. The traveling public may depend on alt comforts at home, as bis bouse is woll furnished arid always kept in order. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi'h the best the market affbids. Mr. E. will ever be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of bis ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1858. ty The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the property at private sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables und all Ihe neces sary outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing to em bark in the business, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. LAW BLASTS STORE, No. 230 Dock Street, Philadelphia, ESTABLISHED IN 1831. The subsctibers respectfully call ihe at tention of the numerous Nberills, rroitiouoterlcs, Lawyers. Magi*. (rules and others, to their large stock of Law Blanks, ferine, which au experience ol uearly 30 years en ables them to present with great accurauy of form end neatness of style. Orders so licited. A printed list of our Blanks will be forwarded, on application, free of charge. JOHN CLARK & SON, 230 Dock Street, Philuda. ' Sept. 14,. 1859-lm. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC .110 MCE OP ATII [ C REMEDIES NO. 062, BIIOJIDIVJIY. THE G ICE AT EEATUKE Of ill is series of Domestic Remedies is that each particular medicine is a Specific for the particular iliseaao or class of diseases whoso name it bears, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular affection. Hence, persons suffering from a chronic disease or long standing ailment, in buying a case of Humphreys' Specifics, obtain the particular one desired in their ease, und thus them selves make a euro which otherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small a mount of lime and medical, attendance, if, indeed, it could be obtained at all. Thus iriiihitudes suffer Irom Dispepsin, Bilhous, Coaiiveness, Bad Taste, Coaled Tongue, and Debility, which is perfectly controlled and cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which is not promptly controlled and ultimately cured by the use of this Specific. Thousands who have suffered for years with this''Billions Condition" having purchased a case of these Specifics have obtained a perfect cure anc immunity Irorn their old coniplf.iat. COUGHS, COLDS, AND SOKE THROAT wliiah so frequenly lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION, are all in their early stage cured by the COUGH PILLS. Many cases of long standing Bronchitis and I irritating Coughs have been perlectly cured by this Specific. But more I many persons have a specific liability to colds and tako them Irom the least exposure. This wilt be entirely relieved by the use of the Cough Pills, as scores can testify irorn experience : So CATARRH is ono of our most common and most troublesome diseases,against which the Old School Medicines and even Ho moeopathic prescriptions, are of little use.— Yel hundreds cf persons have been cured of nut only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstinate casus of Catarrh by the use of this Specific. One aged lady in Syracuse was thus per fectly cured of a Catarrh, which had annyed her all tier life. And a young lady at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so ■ affiicted with this disease as 10 require more than forty handkerchiefs a week, was en tirely cured in a single week by litis Speci fic. PILES, blooding and blind, is one of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure by the ordinary methods, but which find an entire fundamental cure in llio Piles Specific. True, lime is requir. Ed ; but the Specific is pleasant (o lake, re quires neither diet nor restraint, and being tollowed up a perfect cure is the result.— Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a cure ol Specifics, have obtained a cure for this most trying and obstinate lorm of disease, which lias been worili to them ten times the cost of Ike entire set. The case contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SPECIEIC known. A remedy without any deterious or poisonous substance, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a preventive when | persons are residing in u faver and ague | district. It prevents or protects upon ihe | same principle that vaccination prevents small pox or belladoniio prevents scarlet fe -1 fever, by pre-oebupying ihe system with the . true specific. Hundreds have been thus protracted and cured. THE OPHTHALMY SPECIFIC has proved a most valuable re mil y lor Sore EJcs and Evciiils, and for Weak and Blur red Sight. One lady in Indians, who had been a sufferer from sore eye lor many years, and lortwo years was entirely blind, was cured perfectly by the Ophllulmy Spe cific alone. HEADACHES to which so many are subject, find a cura live in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time ol ihe attack, and also one which corrects thu condition ol ihe sys tem upon which it depends, and destroys the disposition to a return. The Specifics for the various forms of FEMALE COMPLINTS have proved invaluable. Old Standing Le ueorrhma or Whiles, attended with debility of exhaustion, and lor which other forms ol medicine are ol little value, are fully con trolled and cured by the Female Pills ; while the specific for Irregularities control almost every form of Seamy, Painful or Irregular Menstruation. DIARRHOEAS & SUMMER COMPLINTS J in adulls or children are controlled liko ma- | gic by the Diarrhoea Pills, whiie il may be l averred without Hie possibility ol successful i contradiction thai the Dysentary Pills aro the I most perfect specific for thai disease known. For ihe various forms ol FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other diseases ol children, the Fever Pills may be sulely and sunly relied upon. These Specifics of Prof. Humphreys, usud for years in Ins extensive practice,uud 10 the perfection ol which he lias tluvuled ihe re sources ol extensive knowledge, experience and study. The public may rest assured that during the lifetime of Dr. H., no one lias been or shall be trusted with the preparation of his Specifics, and he offers the guaranty ol his ptolesstonal lile ai.d reputations thai they shall be just as ho represents ihcni. They have now been before the pub lic for five years, and have everywhere won golden opinions Irorn the many thou sands who have used litem. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready re course and aid of tho parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become the family physician and medical adviser of thousands ol families. Nowhere have they be u tried without having been approved, and their highest appreciation is umuug those who have known them Ihe longest, and most Ul timately. Every Family will find these Specifics all they have been recommended ; Promt Re liutile, Si at pie attil Efficient ■ u Friend Jin need and often a Friend indeed. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. 1. Fever Pills—For Fever, Cougeslion, and lnliuminalion of all kinds. No. 2. Worm Pills—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, and Wetting the Bad. No. 3. Baby's Pills—For Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervous ness of adults. No. 4. Diarrhoea Pills—For Diarrltma, Cholera, Infantum unit Summer Complaint. No. 5. Dysentary Pills—For Colic, Griping D)senluty or Bloody Flux. No. 6. Cholera Pills—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No 7. Cough Pills—For Coughs Colds, Hoarnoss, Influenza and Sore Throat. No 8. Tooikucho Fills—For Toothache, Faceache, and Neuralgia. No 9. Headache Pills—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and lullnuss of Ihe Head, No 10. Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver Complaint. No 11. For Female Irregularities—Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No 12. Female Pills—For Louchorrhcea, Profuse Menes und Bearing Down. No 13. Croup Pifis—For Croup, Hoarse, Cough, Bad Breathing. No 14, Salt Rheum Fills—For Erysipelas Eruptions, Pimples on the face. No. 15. Rheumatic Pills—For Fain, Lameness, or Soreness in ilie Chest, Back Loins, or Limbs. A.— For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, old mismanaged Agues. P.— For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal, o" External. o. For Soro Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyhlids, Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh; of long standing or re com, either vrith obsruction or profuse dis cbarge. W. o.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. PRICES. Full set, 20 large viuls in Moroco Case and , Book $5 00. Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Case and Bnok ¥4 00. Case of 15 No boxes and Bonk $2 00 Case of any 6 Nc. boxes and Book 1 00 Single No. boxes, with directions 25 Single lettered boxes with directions 50 Large plantation, or physician's case, 1 and 2 uz. vials. IS 00 OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list, make up a cuae of what kind you choose, and enclose the amount in a current note or stamps, by mail to our address, at No. 502 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express Iree of charge. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS: CO, No. 562 Broadway, New York. For sale by E. P. Lutz, Bloornsburg, and all oilier druggists throughout the country. July G 1 59. 3m. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! A glorious chance lo get Good Rooks Jot nothing Send lor a catalogue which will be sent to you free of postage. J. S. COTTON &. CO., PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, NO. 409 CHESTNUT ST., PIIILA'D., Have, in addition to their regular business of publishing and bookselling, adopted the principal of furnishing a gift of the value of from 25 cents to $lOO, to diejpnrcliaser ol every Look of the value of one dollar and upwards. Send for a catalogue, which J we will send to you free of postage. Being largely engaged in] the publishing business, J. S, Cotton & Co., have peculiar advantages of obtaining Books at very low prices, which enables them to give more valuable presents than can be afforded by any other house engaged in the same line of business. Any book published in the United Slates, will be iutnislied at the publishers' price, and also a valuable gift to the purchaser without any extra charge. These gilts con sists of gold and silver watches, gold chains, Ladies' spleudid silk dress patterns, Timo ) pieces, silver plated Ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquois and Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck and Chate lain Chains, Gents Bosom studs and.Sleeve Builons, Poeket Knives, Porte Mouuaies, and other gifts of use and value. Five hundred dollars worth of presents will be distributed with every thousand dollars worth of books sold. Send lor u catalogue, which will be setn to you, free ol postage. Persons forming Clubs, or wishing lo act as Agents, can get books and valuable gills for nothing ! Agricultural, Bclanical, Horticultural and Scientific Books—Historical, Poetical, Ju venile and Miscellaneous Books—Dioliona. ries, Bibles, Prayer uud Hymn Books—Al : bums, Aiinut'.ls, Cash Books and Works ol j Fiction, and ull other Books published in I the United Stales, furnished at publishers' prices, and a Iree gilt furnished with every bonk. Send for a catalogue, which will be j sum to you fruu of postage. Address, J. S. COTTON & CO., No. 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. [ Agents wanted in every pait of theCounlry. [Sept. 7, 1859-41. JFunucrs .-mil Teamsters, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. THE subscriber would re blJß, spectfully inform the citi- zeiis of Calawissa and vi trinity, that he has opened an entirely new saddle and _harness shop, in Catawis sa, on Main Street, a few *doors above the residence ol Col. l'ax'on, whern be will at all limes be found prepared to make all kinds of hurness Imm the lightest down to team harness, in snort, he will keep oil hand everything in his line from a horse collar tluwa to a halter strap. Ho is determined not to be out done by any of his competitors. He gives a cor dial invitation to all lo come forward and examine his stock for themselves. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Prices to suit the times. DAVID SNYDER. Cattawissa, June 15, 1859. Rising Sun Hotel—Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of the above numed hotel, and has titled it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting autentioo, be can give entire satisfaction lo all. His table will be supplied with Hie best the market affords, and his bar with the choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the mast ex tensive in this section of country. MAJ. N. SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Executors' Notice. Estate of Henry Hoffmen, late of Roaringcreek township deceased. Letters tnsiameniary on the above named estate have been granted to the undersign ed, by the Register ol Columbia County.— All persons having claims or demands against ttia estate uf the decedanl are re quested to present them to the Executors for settlement, and thoso indebted will make payment without delav to HENRY HOFFMAN, jr. LEONARD ADAMS, Roarir.gcreek, Sept. 7, 1859. Executors. Administratrix'* Notice! IVOTICEis hereby-given thai letters of ad- * ministration on the estate of John Town send, late of Madison twp'., Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by 'he Reg ister uf Columbia county, lo the undersign ed residing in Madison twp.; said county. All persons having claims or demands a gainst the estate of the decedent, are request ed lo present them to Hie administratrix rlu |y attested without delay, and all persons indebted lo the estate are notified to make payment forthwith to HANNAH TOWNSEND, Madison Sept. 7, 1859. Administratrix. 1859.—Dry Goods for Autumn—lBs9. FULL Block of silk goods, lull stock of staple goods, full slock of fancy goods, fashionable lall Shawls, chillis, cnssiineres, nd vesiiugs, blankets, quills, table linens, &C.&C-, EYRK& LANDELL, Fourth tjf Arch Street, I'hilad'a. N IP—Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rates, ty Bargains Daily from N. Y Auclious. September 7, 1859.—3m0t> i i JSiLO©MSIMTI2(O - CABINET WARE BOOMS. ' S ' C - SIIIVC, i TJ ESI'F.CTFULLY invites the attention of . the I'ublio to his extensive assortment . of Cubinet Furniture arid Chairs, which he . will warrant marie of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish i menl, cau always be found a gouJ assort mem ol FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, which is equid in style and finish 10 that of I Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different slyle and prices, rasa lu &CO. Divsns [arun. ues, Walnut uud Mahogany. Parlor chairs, I Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and i a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing ami parlor bureaus, sofa,, card, centre anil i pier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and conn des and all kinds of fashionable i work. His stock of buieaus, enclosed atid common wasnstauds, dress-tables, corner cupboards solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs U the largest in this section ol the couniy. Ha , will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with lancy gill and common frames. He will also furnish spring iriaitrusses fltleil lo any sized bedstead, which ure superior for durability aud comfort to any bed in , use. Bloornsburg, January 13, 1858. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. SOMETHING NEW.-B. T. BABBITT'S ° BEST MEDICINAL SALF.UATUS. Is manufactured from common flft -alt, and is prepared entirely dif- PJ.J lerent from other Saleratus. All "O ihe deleterious matters extracted in such a manner as to produce Broad, Biscuit,iscuit, and ail kinds ol and Cuke, without containg a particle a n n ol Saleratus when the Bread or Cake is baked ; thereby produc ing wholesome results. Evt>r> [ Tft particle ol Saleratus is tnrned to TtfX gas and passes through the Bread • " or Biscuit while Baking ; co'rlse qneiuly nothing remains hut com mon Salt, Water ar.d Floor. You and will readily perceive by the taste and of this Saleratus tha' it is entirely different from other Saleratus. I It is packed in one pound pa f!G tiers, each wrapper branded, "B T. Babbitt's Best Medical Salera- ()o tns also, picture, twisted luol ol Breas, with a glass of efferves ciug water on the top. When aN D you purchase one paper yon should preserve die wrapper, and A N D be particular to get the ne.v' exact ly like the first—brand as above. TO Full directions for making Bread sy lU with the Saleratus and Sour Milk |(j or Cream Turlar, will accompany each inckage ; also, directioni foi making all kinds of Pastry ; also, AN „ directions for making Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. and MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, WITH ftQ R. T. BABBITT'S PURE UO CONCKNI RATED POTASH. HO Warranted double the strength of ordinary- Potash ; put up in cans— -1 Id., 2 Ids., 3 Ills., 6 Ids. and 12 and lbs —with full directions foi mak- and ing Hard and Soft Soap. Cunsu mors will find this Ihe cheapest Potash in market. 7ft Manufactured and for sale by B. T. BABBITT. Nos- 68 &70 Washington st, I N. Y., and 38 India-sl., Boston.) Diooiusburg Express Office. For (lie Companies of Howard & Co.. AND HOPE. ALL orders for Goods lo come by Eppress, sent Free ol Charge to all parts of the coun try. Money and Bills collected. All Losses and Damages promptly paid A. C. MENSCH, Agent. IC In addition to the above, (lie under signed is likewise agent for the sale of FLOUR AND FEED. which he will sell i ihe lowest Cash Prices. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR always on hand. Likewise GROCERIES, as Coffeo, Sugar, and Molosses. A share of Public patronage is respectfully solicited. A. C. MENSCH, Agent. Bloornsburg, July 20, 1859.—3 m. GREENWOOD SEMINARY^ A BOARDING SCHOOL and Normal In stilitte, for Teachers and others. The first quarter will commence April Illli. The second alter Summer vacation, on August Isdt, etc. IERMS :—s3o per Quarter lor all expen ses. Catalogues will be sent lo those who apply lor them. VVM. BURGESS, Prin. Mdlvillo, l'a., March, 30, 1859. B 11. VANNATTER, CABINET MAKER. rpHE undersigned having nntcred into J- business, and rented Wm. Rubb's Shop, on Main street, near D. Stroub's Grocery, and prepared to furnish all kinds of CABINET WORK, such as CHAIRS, BED STEADS. BU REAUS, CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, STANDS, TABLES, etc., He is also prepared to attend to HOUSE PAINTING aud PAPERING, in all its de partmeiits. THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS will likewise be at tended to. He will con stantly keep on baud an assortment of Fin ished Coffins, by which ho can fill all or. ders on piosentutioui B. H. VANNATTEB. Bloon sburg, June I, 1859. I'UBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF CONRAD HESS, DEC'D, exposed to public salo on the * premises, on Friday the twenty-fifth day of November next, ull that certain planta tion aud tract of land, silualu in Sugurloaf township, Columbia couniy, adjoining lands of Wm. J. Hess on the south, Wm. Iless on die east, Wm. Stephens on the north ami east, and land of the heirs of Robert Mont gomery on the west, containing one hun* dred and seventy five acres and one hundred and foriy nine porches, (ihe quantity to bt ascertained by survey,) late the estate of Conrad Hess, deceased. There is oil Ilia premises a Two Story Log House, a Log liarn, Frame Shed, 1 wo Apple Orch ards, and about fifty acres cleared land The crop of grain upon the premises when sold, will be reserved, possession of tlio premises will be given lo the purchaser on die first day of April next. Condition will be mudo known on day of sale WILLIAM HESS Executor. ol Conrad Hess, deo'd. Sugarloaf twp, August 17, 1859. A.M. RUPERT, TINNER £ STOVE DEALER, Shop on South eide of Main street, below Matket. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MACHINE ST, Buildings on the alloy between Ihe "Ex chungo'l and "American House."