The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 07, 1859, Image 2

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Democratic Nomination*.
GEORGE D JACKSON, or Sullit au,
SAMUEL OAKES, of Moutonr,
Subject to the decision of the Representative Con
E. 11. LITTLE, of Berwick.
Wright and Ruwc.
These gentlemen—the Democratic nomi
nees for Auditor and Surveyor General—are
two of the purest and best men in the Com
monwealth, and will be triumphantly elect
ed over the arrogant Opposition this fall.—
The respectable papers of every party in
the Slate, speak of them in terms of
praise—all, even iheir bitterest political en
emies, freely admit that they stand before
the people with character, both moral ami
political, unstained by a single blemi-h.—
Such men the people will always delight to
honor. These men will honor the offices
for which they are nominated instead of the
offices honoring them. The Stale Conven
tion exhibited its good sense and sound
judgement in the nomination of these gen
tlemen. They will be elected over their
competitors by larger majorities than lias
been witnessed, in our humble opinion, for
a number of years.
THE Democracy of our county have a
ticket formed for their support this fall
which cannot be defeated by the Opposition,
although some of the Republicans are vain
enough to think or at least assert tnat they
can elect their ticket. They are boasting
largely of their strength and good timber in
this county. Qualifications are a very es
sential point in the selection of men to fill
our offices. This matter in the formation
of our ticket has been attended to. A good
ticket has been selected, one that an objec
tion against canrot be made The men se
lected as our candidates are good staunch
Democrats; and the party have full confi
dence in their integrity and fidelity. The
ticket, from tup to bottom, is worthy and
deserving of our hearty and undivided sup
port, which it will, beyond a doubt, receive.
Democrats, stick to the ticket, the whole
ticket and nothing but the ticket, and the
victory is ours.
IT affords us great pleasure to note the
improvement in the quality of the paper
now made at the Mill of C. W. McKelvy &
Co., at Cnttawissa, Pa. This mill has, not
long since, undergone the most thorough
repairs, introducing nearly all new machin
ery, which run their 6lock of paper rather
low at the time, but we believe in no in
stance were their customers compelled to
go elsewhere. The improvement in the
newspaper of their late manufacture— of
which this sheet is a specimen—is not infe
rior to the best York State manufacture for
newspaper purposes. There is also uniform
ity in the stock that saves the pressman
much vexation. For one, we can speak of
this film as one of the most upright with
whom we have ever had dealings. We
have bought nearly all our paper of them,
and have yet the first irregularity or devia
tion from uprightness or promptness on
their part to discover.
rected by the celebrated bankers, Drexel &
Co., and it is certainly the most reliable De
tector published in the Union. Everything is
fair about il; that may bo known by the high
standing of the publishers and editors. The
latest iuformation is given of all counterfeit
notes, broken banks, the rates of discount,
&c. Every person in trade should subscribe
to it and have a copy. The price is month
ly, only one dollar a year; semi-monthly,
two dollars. Address all orders to the pub
lishers, T. B. Peterson & Bro's. Philadelphia,
and our word for it, you will never regret it.
A few months ago, it was fashionable
for the organs of the Opposition party to re
gale their readers with articles about the
disaffection existing in the Democratic ranks
and to season the feat with congratulatory
paragraphs in regard to the perfect harmony
in their own organization. But recently
they have become remarkably quiet on this
subject. We hear no more of their self
congratulations ; but, on the contrary, their
columns afford incontrovertible evidence
that there is no longer any peace in the
camp of their mongrel party.
W E SEE it staled that the counties of North
umberland and Snyder have concurred in
the appointment of Hon. PAUL LEIDY, of
Danville as Senatorial Delegate from this
Senatorial District, to the next State Conven
tion, to be held in March, 1860. This se
cures the appointment for Mr. LEIDY— he
being the choice of his own county and
having the concurrence of two other coun
ties. The appointment is satisfactorily, no
doubt, to the entire Democracy of the Dis
Our Next Governor.
We find the following communication in
the Harrisburg Patriot and Union strongly
urging JJIE claims of JACOB FHY, our pres
ent A General, for the next Governor
of this Slate, which clearly meets our ap
probation. The people of this Common
wealth justly owe Mr. Fay a debt of grati
tude, for no public officer has ever been
more careful in taking care of their interests.
The services ol such men as JACOB are
too valuable to be lost.' He is eminently
filled by education, by habit, and by expe
rience to fill the highest office in the gift of
the people of this Slate. His character for |
honesty, uprightness and integrity is beyond
reproach. He would make an excellent
Governor, and be an honor to the Executive
MN. EDITOR: It is exceedingly important
that the Democratic Convention next March,
should nominate, for the office of Governor,
some good and true man, around whom the
parlv can rally unitedly, and for whom ev
ery honest man in the parly can vote with
out any sacrifice of conscience. The gross
derelictions ol our present Governor will in ,
cline the people to look sharply to the per
sonal merits of the man who is to take his
place. If there be anything rotten or un
clean in our candidate. I am sure that our
Democratic people would rather suffer the
mortification of a defeat at the polls, than
submit, again, to the ignominy of seeing
the Stale betrayed by a ruler ot their choos
ing The issue of the Presidential contest
hangs, too, upon the decision ot this State.
Many good men will doubtless be present
ed to the Convention, but among them, the
man, who, it seems to me, is most strongly
indicated as the proper candidate, both by
the feeling with which the public regard |
him, is JACOB FRY, Jr, our present Auditor |
General, lie is an inflexibly honest man, j
and the people know it. As a public officer |
it is mild praise to say that he has never j
had a superior in this Commonwealth. He I
has administered the duties committed to j
him with an eye single to the good of the
State, and he has opposed, with all his |
might, every scheme of plunder that has !
been hatched during his term of service. It !
would be hard to reckon the advantages I
which the Commonwealth has reaped from
his vigilance in the pursuit of dishonest
debtors, and in the recovery of claims, long !
ago regarded as stale and worthless. For I
these things he has never sought any praise. \
He is a plain blunt man—jus: such a man j
as the people delight to honor. His popu- j
larity throughout the State is probably great- j
er to-day than that of any other man in the [
Democratic party. He has served in Con* j
gress, where he was distinguished as one ,
of the most useful, industrious and incor- |
ruptible members of that body, in which j
these virtues, we all know, are not as com
mon as they should be. To sum up his
qualifications, he is ''honest and capable."
These were the requisites which Mr. Jeffer
son asked in a public officer, and compre
hend everything. TKAFPE.
Harrisburg, August 34, 1859.
THE Opposition met in County Conven-
lion on last Tuesday, between the hours of'
one and two o'clock, i.t the Court House, at
this place, and made a few County nomi
nations. On motion the meeting was called
to order and the following officers appoint
ed : President, Dr. G. W. Lott, of Orangeville;
Secretaries, Andrew Madison and John Hart
man. The Convention then proceeded to
the nomination of candidates.
For Commissioner they nominated JOHN
STALKY, of Greenwood ; for Treasurer ELL
WOOD HUGHES, of Centre ; for Auditor, JAMES
BARTON, jr., of Montour.
Frank Stewart, Esq , Col. Joseph Paxton,
William Neal, Dr. Palemon John, and
Neat McCay, were appointed a commit
tee to draft resolutions. The Committee
retired to a ptivate room a short lime, and
then came into the Convention with a string
of resolutions denouncing, as a matter of
course, everything that the Democratic par
ty has cone, from the highest office down
to the lowest, no matter how good it has
been. They disapprove of every action that
' is Democratic, but point out no particular
measures only that the affairs of State and
County in the hands of Democrats are badlv
managed. This is carrying out the sense and
meaning of their name—Opposition—and
> that is all.
| In their estimation—only for talk sake—
JAMES BUCHANAN has not done his duty, he
' is not carrying out principles and measures
to suit them or for the good of the country.
But who, that has been President of these
United Stales, have they not said the same
thing of; meaning Democratic Presidents?
ft is (heir business, or at least they make it
their business, to do this. JAMES BUCHANAN
so far has made a pood President ; he has
adjusted and settled affairs which have
came under his attention ably and satis
factorily and to the good of the country.
They also find fault with our late mem
ber of Congress, and our late members of
Assembly. That is ail, they only find fault
with them, simply because lltey are good
Democrats. They cannot say one tvord in
in condemnation of their acts—what they
have done is all prefeclly right—but still
they find fault with them. Thus goes the
Lack'a and Blooutsburg K R. Extension.
Since last Thursday llie trains nil the Lack
awanna and Bloomsburg Railroad have
been running regularly from Kingston to
Danville, making two trips a day. As the
extension from Unperl to Danville is not yei
ballasted, the trains run very slowly upon
that portion of the road. This work
was completed with vigor, involving as it
did, an immense expenditure of labor and
means. The first mile and a half from Ru
port was much the most expensive portion
of this division of ten miles, and for above
one mile was made by removing the whole
face of a precipice ol solid rock from twen
ty-five to seventy-five leet in height, to ob
tain room lor the roadbed. The work from
its commencement in the prcliminuiy sur
vey to its final completion and formal open
ing, was finished in exactly nine month,
a smalltime for a work of this magnitude.
THE Montour Herat,t has changed hands
again ; George B. Ayers having transfer
red the establishment to Alba C. B. Fisher,
a journeyman printer, formerly of the Demo
crat office in Danville. We wish Mr. F.
success, also the retiring editor in whatevor
vocation he may be engaged. The Herald
establishment, in our opinion, has not been
a profitable one. Mr. F being a practical
printer may change the receipts of the of
fice very much. He has an excellent chance
to exhibit his energy and ability.
Arithmetic Against Principle.
Not only is the Opposition divided in'.o
J differmit factions, Wl each of these factions
is co'ulsed by internal dissensions. In the
Republican parly, which occupies the mas
ter position, and regards the Americans and
other organizations as floating fragments to
be taken on board the political vessel for
ballast, or thrown off according to conveni
ence, is now divided between the coalition
ists and the anti- coalitionists. The fromer
are anxious for a union of all the elements
of the Opposition, in such manner as to se
cure a substantial Republican victory; while
the latter are opposed to introducing a de
basing alloy into the mental of pure Repub
licanism, by combining with Americans or
disaffected Democrats. The address recent
ly issued by the Republican National Com
mittee led oflf cn the side opposed to fusion,
and counselled the raising of money, distri
bution of books and phamplets, speech-ma
king, and other appliances to prepare the
Northern mind for a sectional issue in 1860
and for the support of a sectional candidate.
Some growling follows this manifesto from
the union-for the-sake-of the-spoils portion
of the Republicans.
This policy finds an earnest advocate in
the New York Tribune, a paper that has less
real affinity with any parly outside of the
darkest shade of Republicans, and which
does not hesitate to assail other branches of,
the Opposition when policy does not dictate
that they should be mollified by the most
gracious and winning manners, than any
other Republican organ in the country
This paper has taken to the science of ar
ithmetic, and after much laborious figuring
has demonstrated conclusively that the Re
publicans cannot elect the next President
without they carry the States of Pennsvlva
ia and New Jersey ; and furthermore, it is
ascertained that the Republicans alone can
not carry these two very necessary Stales j
The conclusion is therefore at once otlain- ;
ed, by the aid of patience and arithmetic, 1
that New Jersey and Pennsylvania must be |
carried for the Republican candidate by the I
combination ot the same elements which
united last fall to return members to the
House of Representatives. This arrange
meut is conclusive with the Tribune, which
supposes that it ought to be conclusive with
everybody. And so it would if everybody
would forget that there is some principle
involved in a Presidential election, and
start Irom the moral premise of the Tribune,
that electing men to office is a matter of
The Evening Post takes entirely different
view of the question, and as a matter of in
formation we re-publish the following por
tion of an article on the circular ol the Na
tional Republican Committee, from that
most able and influential of Republican or-
It is well remarked in the circular that
no party but the Republican can meet the
evils wtought and projected by this formi
dable power ; and we are pleased to see
that the commiue have fallen into one of
the prevailing silliness about the necessity
of a coalition of the Republicans with other
parlies. They simply recommend to the Re
publicans to do their work, and not to look
outside of themselves for assistance. Their
objects are plain ; their principles decided ;
and their policy, to be successful must be
straightforward. No party can secure pub
lic confidence which is perpetually shifting
its positions or its alliances. If it does not
maintain its own integrity with the most
jealous caution, it will alienate its best
friends and prove a laughing-stock to its
When the old Democratic and Whig par
ties were in existence the Democratic par
ty was almost invariably victorious, and
one great reason of its success was, that it
adhered firmly to its organization and creed
On the other hand, the Whig oarty wascon
staidly undergoing transformations which
left the peoble in doubt, often, as to its
identity. When it succeeded it did so by
accident mainly and not because it had
really conquered the popular sentiment.—
'I he next year, perhaps, saw it unsuccess
ful, and the immense majorites on which it
had counted dwindled into the most mea
gre minorities. The same fate would over
take the Republican party il it should adopt
the same short-sighted plan of operations.
Parties which step aside from their direct
path to pick up stragglers Irom other par
ties, or to coucilitate other parties, common
ly lose more than they gain. There is an
instance of the fact now before us, brought
out by the elfort which tome Republicans
are making to produce a coalition with the
Americans. It has given the alarm to the
whole body ol German Republicans, so nu
merous at the West, and to essential to an
effective Republican movement. Abend-
Zeitunp, of this city, publishes the substance
of opinions given by Messrs, Slallo, of Ohio,
Schurz, of Wisconsin, Knap, of New York,
Koriier, of Illinois,Rusch,ot lowa,and others
110 less influential and distinguished,to the ef
fect that Republicanism must keep its skirts
free from any suspicion of Know-Nothing
ism, il it would retain the warm support of
the German masses. This, we presume, is
true, and it should warn the active mana
gers of the party that their only safe and
wise course consists in a rigid adheience to
its original plallorm.
were alarmed, on Friday night, between 2
and 3 o'clock, witit the cry of fire. The
"Good Intent," ot this place, was brought
out, but it was evident that before the fire
coul'l be reached, which was at Northum
berland, C'l would be over, the engine was
therefore put tack. The building consult
ed was the grocery .store of Wm. Elliott, to
which was attached the ticket office of the
Northern Central Railroad. We regret to
say that Mr. Elliott lost everything in the
store, including his books, and about S4OO
ill money besides all the tickets, &c., of the
railroad. It was supposed to have been
the work of an incendiary. Mr. Elliott's
entire loss is about g2,000, with but a small
insurance only on the building —Sunbury
IV A stiff-necked old politician, living
near Detroit, recently refused to allow his
daughter to marry the man of her choice,
because he "didn't vote die regular ticket."
But the marriage took place in the parlor,
while the old gentleman was holding a cau
cus in his library.
HON. PAUL LEIDY, of Danville, and late
Member of Congress, will please accept
our sincere thanks for a Patent office Agri
cultural Report of 1859. It is rather interest
ing, and afiords Agricultural information,
which could not be obtained elsewhere.
Bolndon Again.
Monsietff 13loudin did it again yesterday,
with variations. That lie can do it is new a
fixed fact, a foregone conclusion, and shuld
he announce in his next programme that
he would walk the rope on its under side as
flies walk a ceiling, everybody would be
lieve hup. The " Libcriau Slave" opera
lion of yesterday was not, in itself, as exci
ting or astonishing as some previous per
egffflations. His shackles were not more
burdensome than some we have seen upon
free white woman at a fashionable party.—
They consisted of a tin collar, tin wristlets,
and anklets, we suppose we must call them
all connected by tin chains more formida
ble in appearance than in reality. His
shackles may have weighed a pound or
two. But they were appropriate to his
character. He appeared as a " Liberian
Slave." There are no slaves in Liberia.—
Had he come on us a South Carolina nig
ger, he would have been in duty bound to
appear in solid and weighty shackles, like
Longfellow's chap :
'■Chained to the market place he stood,
A man of giant fame."
Thus accoutred, the Monsieur went out
again upon the rflpe, and in the course of
his "ascension," as they call it at the Falls,
stood upon his head, suspended himself
beneath the cable hanging by one arm, one
leg, by the and swinging on his chqst,
all of whictT Wits very comfortable to look
Having crossed to the Canada side, he re
turned in his grand comic character of the
"smart man who knows how to keep a
hotel." His stove was a good-sized Russia
iron arrangement, some two feet and a half
long, and weighing with all the traps, some
56 pounds, a good load to carry. Midway
the rope, he attached the stove to the cable,
climod over it, started his fire, mixed his
omelette, cooked it secundem nrlem, arid
then lowered it away to the people on the
Maid of the Mist, who scrambled and fought
for fragments of it as a good Catholic would
for a piece of the True Cross.
formarice was over, he packed up his kit,
shouldered it with a great deal of difficulty,
and returned to the American side, having
occupied 45 minutes in the passage. To
stay three-quaafws of an hour on that dizzy
rope is in itself a marvello us feat.
Next Wednesday, at 8 o'clock in the ev
ening, Blondin will cross tho rope suround
ed by Bengal lights, in a blaze of glory
The grounds are to be illumiated by loco
motive lamps, furnished by the Central &
Great Western railroad companies; which
are practically partners with Blondon in
his exhibitions. After all Blondin is a gen
ius, and teaches his lessons like any other.
He shows us what enfeebled, degenerate
fellows we are, all for want of proper phy
sical education. It is not quite necessary
that we should bo skilled on the tight rope,
but we have no business to be the feeble,
helpless children we are in all difficult
physical situations.— Buffalo Commercial.
1V THE Pittsburgh Post, which is sup
posing lor the Democratic
lioiftinatibu at "Charleston, took occasion,
yesterday, to animadvert upon the present
political conduct of Col. Forney and follow
ers. A correspondent writing to the Post.
laments that Judge Douglas, whom head
mires, should be injured by Forney's friend
ship, and remarks that "the friends of Mr.
Douglas cannot serve him better than to
wheel into support of the State ticket, in
solid column—leaving Mr. Forney and his
squad out, if he prefers it." Commenting
upon this, tho Post remarks :
"That Mr. Forney, one of his friends in
Pennsylvania, does not support the State
ticket this fall is a grievous fault in our
eyes, and grievously will tie have to an
swer it. Bui Mr. Douglas does not desire
Mr Forney to be gratified, nor Mr. Buchan
an "rebuded" by the defeat of the ticket
this fall. # # # The friends of
Douglas will'"support the State ticket as
heartily as those of Mr. Buchanan. Both
are working for the same object—the suc
cess of the party in 1860."
This is certainly wise and proper for Mr.
Barr, who is a friend of Mr. Douglas and a
Democrat. Mr. Douglas could not be more
injured than by having the impression go
throughout tho Union that his peculiar
friends in Pennsylvania oppose the ticket
upon the mere pretext that Col. Forney did
not draw up the platform. Tho Democratic
success in 1860 will probably depend upon
the vote of Pennsylvania, and should Penn
sylvania be lost this tall by a very large
majority, it would be exceedingly diffi
cult to overcome it next fall. The
odium of this would rest upon Mr. Douglas.
He feels this, and is accordingly shaping
his course. He is drawing off from Forney
and is earnestly advising his friends to sup
port the ticket. He is leaving those foolish
rebels, who make hostility to Mr. Buchanan
a justification for opposi tion to the Demo
cratic Party, to lie in the bed which they
have prepared for themselves.— llarrisbu-g
Holloway's Ointment nml Pills the best Hem •
edies for the cure of Eemale Complaints.—
The extroardinary effect these Pills have
upon all complaints peculiarly incidental to
females, would appear incredible to the
citizens of the Union, if it were not con
firmed daily hy the wonderful cures they
effect in the various States. It is an- un
questionable fact, that there is not any
remedy to equal them throughout the Uni -
on, for exterminating suffering from the
softer sex, than these admirable Pills, par
ticularly lor young girls entering into wo
manhood, therefore all are requested to give
them a trial, which will insure their recom-1
On Wednesday evening, 31st ult, by
Rev. DeWilt C. Byllespy, Rector, of St.
James' Church, Pittsburgh, by Rev. Berij.
J. Douglass, Rector, of Christ Church, To
wunda, S. FKANK LATHKOP and Miss MARIA
E., daughter of John S. Green Esq , both
of Laporle.
In Roaringcreek twp.. Columbia County,
August 30th. 1859, Mr. HKNRV HOFFMAN,
aged 79 years, 2 months and 27 days.
On the 26th ult., at this place, EDWARD F.
infant son of Solomon ana Mary J. Shutt,
aged 2 mouths and 9 days.
CV Hon. Henry M. Philips has the ten
der of our thanks for public documents.
THE North British Review for August has
been received. It is a good number, and
contains an immense quantity of first class
reading. Sound logic and able reasoning
are to be found in the British Reviews.
To the Voters of iblumbia Couuty.
It is customary for candidates to go before
the people A every election with a new
platform of promises, usually are of so frail
a nature that they only serve lor the candi
dates to stand upon before election—they al
ways get upselduring the bustle of election,
and the successful candidate stands wher
ever he chooses afterwards. My practical
sentiments are too well known to make
many professions necessary, and the only
promise that I have to make in relation to
them is that, which they have been
in the past they willbe in the future. —
To you who have approved them I need
say no more ; and 1 will not be guilty of
flalrery to those who have differed irotn me
as to pretend that 1 shall in any degree de
viate from that line of political conduct
which first recommended me to your notice.
Upon these grounds I again present to re
quest your support; and if 1 should be elect
ed Vislrist Attorney , you may depend upon
finding me a steady and firm friend to the
rights of society and an honest and earnest
supporter and upholder ol laws for the pun
ishment of crimes and misdemeanors.
Bloomsbnrg, Aug. 30, 1859.
1859.—Dry Goods for Autumn—lßs9.
stock of silk goods, lull stock of
-®- staple goods, full stock of fauey goods,
fashionable fall Shawls, cloths, cassimeres,
and vestings, blankets, quilts, table linens,
&c. &c., KYRE & LANDELL,
Fourth If Arch Street, Philad'a.
N. B—Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rates.
ty Bargains Daily from N. Y. Auctious.
September 7, 1859.—3m05.
Administratrix's Notice.
IVOTICE is hereby given that letter# of ad
ministration on the estate of John Town
send, late ol Madison twp., Columbia coun
ty, deceased, have been granted by 'lie Reg
ister of Columbia county, to the undersign
ed residing in Madison twp.; said county.
All persons having claims or demands a
guinst the estate of the decedent, are request
ed to present them to the administratrix du
jy attested without delay, and all persons
indebted to the estate are notified to make
payment forthwith to
Madison Sept.7, 1859. Administratrix.
Executor*' Notice.
Estate of Henry Hoffman, late of Roaringcreek
town skip deceased.
Belters testamentary on the above named
estate have been granted to the undersign
ed, by the Register of Columbia County.—
i All persons having claims or demands
j against the estate of the decedant are re
quested to present them to the Executors
; for settlement, and those indebted will make
i payment without delav to
1 Roaringcreek, Sept. 7, 1859. Executors.
! be exposed to public Sale on the
! * T premises on TUESDAY the TWEN
j Tl h|FTH day of October, A. D., 1859, all
that certain plantation and tract o! land sit-
I uated in Montour township, Columbia coun
| iy adjoining lands nf Daniel Kershneron the
East, Joseph Mauser on the North, the
I Heirs oi William Linn on the West, by
lands of Frick & Hurley on the South, con-
I lainine
197 Acres and 43 Purches,
; Strict Measure. There are two two-story
; on the premises, a Bank Barn, Two Wagon
| Houses, Corn Crib, and other out buildings;
j a good Spring of Water near the dwelling
i house a Well of water with a pump near
j the Barn,
I and other Fruit Trees, and about one hun
dred and lorty acres cleared land. The
above tract of laud to be sold pursuant to
the directions contained in ihe last will and
testament of HENRY KRUM, Deceased,
and will be sold in the whole or in two
pans to sun purchasers. Conditions of the
j Sale will be made known by the Executors
i on the day of Sale.
j PETER M KERSHNERj Kxeculors '
| Montour iwp., Sept. 7, 1859.
Prof. Theodore IK'D. Price*
riiHE wonderlul and daring Wire-Walker
-*■ of Columbia county, designs giving an
exhibition of his hazardous feats in Blooms
1819, at half-past eleven o'clock, in ihe fore-
I r.oon, or immediately after ihe arrival of the
down train, by walkings wire from the roof of
'.he Exchange hotel to the steeple of the court
House, at an elevation of about seventy feet
and distance one hundred and sixty feet. The
wire to be one half inch in thickness, and
stretched light with a slight grade upward
from the place of starting, to be walked for
ward and backward, and other sundty feats
to be performed upon it.
PROF. PRICE has given several exhibi
tions of Wire walking with good success,
and he leels assured that he can perform
this one with epual success.
The walking upon the Ferry Wire across
the Susquehanna River he performed nobly
a feat thai r.o other living man in this coun
try, probably can perform.
burg, will be in attendance arid discourse
music on the occasion. An arrangement
has been made with the Superintendanl of
the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad for
the issuing of EXCURSION TICKETS upon
the day of the exhibition for the purpose of,
conveying spectators to und from Blooms
burg at half price. Thus a goou opportuni
ty is offered to those living at a distance tn
come at half brjje and witness Prof. PRICE
perform the wonderful aud daring feats ol
cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of the
best quality; also gloves, milts, baskets. Ca
bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings,
sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had next
door to the "Exchange."
Bloomsburg, May 25, 1 •-&*.
ON last Monday allernoon, between Geo.
Moyefs residence in Scott Town, and
Rock Street, Bloomsburg, two unfinished
SLEEVES for a dress. The material of
which Ihe sleeves weie being made was
hamdsomely plaid gingham. The finder
will be rewarded by leaving them al the
office of the Star of the North.
Bloomsburg, July 27, 1859.
WHEREAS, by the laws of this Com
monwealth, it is made' the duty ol
the Slierifl of every county to give notice of
the general elections by publication in one
or more newspapers of the county, at least
twenty days before the election,'' and to
enumerate therein the "the officers to be
elected," and to ' designate the place at
which the election i to he held." There
fore I JOHN SNYDER, High Sheriff ol Col
umbia county, do hereby make known and
proclaim to lite qualified electors of Colum
bia county, that a GENERAL ELECTION
will be held throughout said county on
TOBER, being the second Tuesday in said
month, at the several districts within the
county, to wit: —
Benlon township at the house of Ezekiel
Beaver township at the house of Franklin L.
Borough of Berwick at the Town Hall in
Bloom township, at the Court House in
Briarcreek township, at Lemon's School
House, now near Volte's at Kvansville.
Catawis-a at the house ot Samuel Kosleit
buder, in Catawissa.
Centre township, at the house of Jeremiah
lless, deceased.
Cotiyngham township at the house ol Reu
ben R VVusser.
Fishingcreek township at the house of Reu
ben Ktielly.
Franklin tnwushipal Clayton's School House
Greenwood township at the house ol Joseph
R. l'atton.
Hemlock township al the "Buck Horn "
Jackson township at .he house 11 Ezekiel
Locust township al the house of John L.
Hurst in Slahiown.
Mifflin township at the house of John Kel
Madison township at the house of John Wei
iver, deceased.
Mi. Pleasant township al the house of Wil
liam Hutchinson.
Montour township at the house of John
Richards, now occupied by William Hoi
It is futherdirected that the election at the
said several districts shall he opened between
the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, and shall continue without interrup
liott or adjournment, until 7 o'clock in Hie
evening, when the polls shall be closed.
The officers to be elected at the time and
places aforesaid, are—
ll is further directed that the meeting of
the return judges al the Court House in
Bloomsburg, to make out the general returns
shall be on the first Friday succeeding the
general election, which will be the four
teenth day of October.
The return judges of the Represenlalite
District, composed of die counties of Wyom
ing, Sullivan, Columbia and Montour, shall
meet at the Court House in Bloomsburg, in
die county of Columbia on TUkSDAY, the
eighteenth day of October next, to make
out lite returns fur members ol Assembly.
And in and by the said act, I am further
directed to give notice that every person,
excepting justice or the peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or
trust under the Government of the United
of ,thjs State, or of any city, pr in
corporated district whether a commissioned
officer or agent, who is, or shall be employ
ed under the legislalve or executive, or ju
diciary department of this State, or of any
incorporate district, and al-o that every
member ol Congress, or of the select or
common council, of any city commissioners
of any incorporated district, is by law, inca
pable of holding or exercising al the sam
time the office or oppoiniment of judge, in
spector or clerk of any elec ion of this com
monwealth, and that no iiwpeclator ju Ige
or any officer of any such election shall he
eligible in any office then to be voted for.
Given under my hand and seal al my n(
fice in Bloomsburg, this 3d dav nf "-epl. A.
L>-, 1859. JOHN SNYDER,
Bloomsburg, Sept. 7 1859. Sheriff.
A glorious chnnce to get Good Hooks for nothing
ry Send for a catalogue which will be
sent to you free of postage.
J. S. COTTON 8c CO.,
Have, in addition to their regular business
of publishing and bookselling, adopted the
principal of furnishing a gift of the value of
from 25 cents to SIOO, to the pnrchaser ol
evety look of the value of on e dollar and
upwards. Send for a catalogue, which
we will send to you free of postage.
Being largely engaged in the publishing
business, J. S. Cotton & Co., have peculiar
advantages of obtaining Books at very low
prices, which enables them to give more
valuable presents than can be afforded by
any other house engaged in the tame line
of business.
Any book published in the United States,
will be furnished ut the publishers'price,
and also a valuable gift to the purchaser
without any ex'.ra charge. These gills con
sists of gold and silver watches, gold chains,
Ladies'splendid silk dress patterns, Time
pieces, silver plated Ware, costly sets of
Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet,
Turquois anil Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets,
Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck and Chate
lain Chains, Gents Bosom studs and Sleeve
Buttons, Pocket Knives, Porte Moniiaies,
and other gilts of use and value.
Five hundred dollars worth of presents will
be distributed with evsry thousand
dollars worth of books sold.
Send for a catalogue, which will be
sent to you, free of postage.
Persons forming Clubs, or wishing to act
as Agents, can get books and valuable gtlts
lor nothing ! I
Agricultural, Bclanical, Horticultural and
Scientific Books—Historical, Poetical, Ju
venile and Miscellaneous Rooks—Dictiona
ries, Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Bonks—Al
bums, Annuals, Cash Books and Works ol
Fiction, and all other Books published in
the United States, furnished at publishers'
prices, and a free gilt furnished with every
book. Send for a catalogue, which will be
sent to you free of postage. Address,
No. 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Agents wanted in every pait of the Country.
[Sep'. 7, 1859-41.
Ilarlninn's Corner again.
rpHE subscribers have just returned from
-I the City with a large and extensive slock
of Spring Goods, which they offer at the
very lowest figures lor KKADV PAY. Thank
lul past favors they still solicit a share of
public patronage, feeling confident that they
can sulisfy all who wish to buy cheap.
H. C. & 1. VV. HARTMAN.
Bloomsburg, April 13th 18li9.
Office near WilscuVCarriage shop, Main St
IVOTICK is herebi given to all fsfgaTi?**,
creditors ami oilier persons inlcieMted in
the e-ts es of ifie respective deredeir'e anil
in itvorie, dial the following m<l 111 Id iirl 10m anil
gourd ion iii'i'oniii.a, have hven filed in the
nffiee of the Register n( Colonihiu county,
nod will l> presented for confirmation ami
allowance in the Orphan'* Conn, lit be held
at llluornebnrg, in the roomy aforesaid on
Wednesday lite 7lh da) of September next,
at 2 o'clock, )'. M.
1. The account of Ellwnod Hughe*, Guar
dian ol I'hoebe Kelcltner. lale I'lioebe Walp
one of the lieira of Anthony Walp, lale of
Briar Creek township, dec'd.
2. The account ol Wilharn S. Shrrman
and I'eter Fisher, Executors o f Jacob Fisher
lale ol Maine township, dec'd
3. The account of Chrisiuiti Lrrtz.Jr ,Gnar> Margaret Fry,
one of the heirs of Aaron Fry fate of
Mifflin township, dec'd.
4. The account ol Andrew Alberlstw,. AhD
miniflrator of John Duvis, late of Greetl--
wood township, dec'd.
5. The Final account of John Stiles and
Abraham Hartman, Administrators of thn
estate of Isaac Hartman, late of Ber.ton
township, dec'd jjiL
6. The first and final account of jjHP 1
Coleman administrator of theestale of Fred
erick Weaver, lale of Benlon township,
7. The account of Mordecai W. Jackson,
Guardian ol Howard Briuidage, Chester
Brnndage and Kmerson Brumlage, minor
chidlreu ol 11. M. Brundage, lute of Luzerne
county, tlec'd.
8. The account of Aaron .Hosteller, Guar,
dian of Henry Mi.ler. one of lite children
and he;rs of Henry Miller, lale of Mifflin
township, dec'd.
8. The Final account f Harriet Helme,
Administratrix of Oliver Helme, la'e of
Beaver township, dec'd.
10. The account of Joseph W. Recce, Ad
mini-lrator of the estate of John lie ce of
Greenwood township, dec'd
11. The account of Jultn Stuley Guardian
of Eliza Lemon, dec'd, a minor child of
Jonathan Lemon, late of Greenwood town
ship, dec'd.
12. The account of Peter Ent and Theo
dore McDowell, Executors of he last will
and testament ol Malltew McDowell, lale
of Scott township, dec'd
13. The account ol Banj MrHenry, Ex
ecutor of lite last will and ic-tcameni ol Klius
MrHenry late of Fishing Creek township,
14. The account of Peter Workheher,
Administrator of John Weise, lale of Hem
lock twp., dec'd.
Eegisters Office, Regi-ter.
Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1859.
jijvipibEish i: u.
New Method For Tlie I'iano Fote.
Opus 1100.
Price, S2 50 nett.
Bound in Cloth, 3 00 itell.
| A good instruction book for the Piano has
long been wanting, ami Mr Ciiaiii.k* Gkobk
litis performed lite labor, in gelling this one
up in the most admirable J ami satisfactory mm
ver. It will prove itsell one of the most
valuable guides in the instruction of the art
ol playitiing on the Piano.
Considering the author's well known ca
pacity, and long and unreriiiuiing devutiun
to the task of elementary teaching, we have
strong reason to hope that the public are
now lobe furnished with a thorough, sys
tematic, progressive, and entertaining meth
od for lite Piano.
We can confidently recommend it to
teachers and pupils as belter adaptad to the
purpeses 0 elementary instruction than any
others with which we are acquainted.
The plan pursued in this work is substan
ttally the same as that developed in Ollen
clroff's method of teaching languages. It
commences with the simplest elements,—
The progress tnade will be gradual, so that
j every step will be perfectly imeligible, and
be rendered of positive value to ttie pupil.—
Every difficulty is met with single, and, al
ter thorough analysis, overcome by praotice.
This method will, undoubtedly, piovtde
teachers witn a well digested, progressive,
and entertains plan by which a sound und
correct knowledge of itie art of playing the
piano tnay be acquired with comparatively
little labor, and in so short a space of time
as will ulmn.-t seem incredible to those who
have confined them-elves to sume of the te
dious systems heretofore in use.
This work contains ten engraved figures,
illustrating the different positions nl the
hande ami fingers ; and also a likeness of
(he author.
lis typographical accuracy and appear
ance have never been equalled in any mu
sical work that has heretofore been issued
front the press in ibis or any other country.
Copies will be sent by mail, free of poal
age, on the receipt of the marked price.
722 Chestnut St. Ph'iadelphji.
Henry Rosenstock. of Philadelphia, res
pectfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburg
and vicinity, that he has removal his
in the rooms lately occupied by P. Dnangst
as shoe shop, and is prepared to take pic
lures, which will surpass anything ol the
kind ever seen in this place.
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, now is
the time to procure one of those imperisha
ble Ambrotypes, and thus secure the features
of beloved friends. Life is uncertain: but
Ambrotypes are lasting.
All are invited to call and examine speci
mens. [Oct. 6. 1858.
JOHN LEACOCK, Proprietor.
Illoomsburg, I'u.
THE Proprietor of this well known estab
lishment thankful for the liberal patronage
heretolore extended him, lakes this method
of informing his friends and the public, thai
he has added considerable to the facilities of
his house end is prepared to accommodate
all those who may favor him with their oos- 4
torn. His house and its arrangements will j
be found to be in good order, and he tiojf* •
by a strict desire to please, tq, receive a toll '
share of patronage. He has also gMßkgla
bling and attentive oWers.
Bloomsburg, July 21, 1858.-
|\T OTICF, is hereby given th#j^^^vife,
Harriet, has left my bedan<y||oo with
out any cause or
therefore all persons are trust
or harbor heron my pay
no debts of her
Cattawissa, May 15, Jgrißp^
Wheatlejr &~ClaM^VTheatre<
Nrck Street, Me Sixth, Philad'a.
' pHK Star composed of ike first
artist in OTT world, and exceeding in
strength and hjjent any Dramatic combina
tion heutfflK offered to the Theatrical
eve, y evening in Come
•')'r Drama, VaNile
viUß*Al^P^h eti you visiting the city, go
.Vt 1859