STAR OP THE NORTH. WM. H. JACOBY, EDITOR. BLOOISBIIBC, WEDKKSDAYTIUG. 21,185! L Democratic [Nominations. FOR AUDITOR RICHARDSON L. WRIGHT, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, JOHN ROWE, OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. / Col. Tde and the Columbia Democrat. THE poor old simple soul, Le,vi L.Tate, editor of the Columbia Democrat y has conde scend so low as to notice some of the doings of the STAR OF THE NORTH, the only acknowl edged Democratic paper published at the County seat of Columbia. The old man has become considerably alarmed at this "channel," from the fact that it is heavily leden with support from the public Demo cratic officers whom he litterly opposed in their electrons. But there are some people who have so much of malice and bile in their nature,that nothing has to them its nat ural color. They are never content; they feel eo ugly within that they must pervert and nnd distort to some evil intent everything they hear and read. If they cannot be hap py themselves, as vciy seldom they are, they determine that no one else shall be so, if at all in their power to prevent it. And judg ing others by their maligni'y, they cannot believe that any intent of the human mind can be good. The STAR while under onr control has, as our numerous readers can allest, never jost led Democratic nominations; nor never sup ported men for nominations who have been placed in Convention, to assist in forming a Democratic ticket, and then turned traitor to the party and helped defeat the ticket of his own making. This the STAR has never done ; and we feel proud in editing such a paper, and rest assured thai a journal of this char acter must eventually be crowned with abundant success. The STAR is taken and read, and punctual ly paid for, by hundreds of families of re spectability, in and out of the county—by families that are competant to judge as to its being "so utterly beneath contempt," as the whining Democrat styles it to hie readers, but we trust in their better judgment. Our paper visits the family circle of the truly religious and moral man—such circles that a paper teeming with immoral and illegal advertising (say nothing about the libelous matter) could not enter. The editor or his paper would not be countenanced. The Democrat says, "we decline holding any communication with its operations (meaning the STAR) and with which party we can never consent to hold respectable intercourse." The words in parenthesis are ours. Dear me! what shall we do! and what will become of our party. Only to think, tho Democrat will not have "inter course" with the STAR or its party any more, it does appear to us that the Democrat had "intercourse" with us a little over a year ago, when it got completely knockeJ off the (in ter) course. It is very liberal in the Democrat to acknowledge us in existence with a parly. This is something more that we would nat urally expect of it; its endeavors have been ever since we took control of this journal, the STAR OF THE NORTH, to crush us out of existence. Nothing has been too email for its editor to stoop to and dabble with in order to cripple our business. The pock-faced and green-eyed editor, (excuse us reader for using these epithets, they are so applicable, can't help it) soon after we had commenced the publication of the STAR, in his rides over the county, we are informed, circulated the report that the STAR would not live three months, and that people had better not sub scribe to it, as it would be a sinking institu tion, for its editor had neither means nor ability to carry on the paper. We do not say he did this, but we have been credibly in formed that such is the fact. A man that would do so is a mean contemptable puppy and we are not to modest to knock the trot ters from under such a scamp. The STAR is now in its twentieth month since our having control of it. That's a little over three months, so send along your names, we are out of danger. GODEY'B LADY'S BOOK. —This popular mag azine has reached our sanctum for the month of September. This work exceeds all like publications. For a number of years it has been looked upon as a perfect exam ple. In the present number the illustrations are splendid. The Heroine Woman of the Revolution , and "Eyes Right," are both hand somly executed engravings. The fashions and paterns, in this number, generally are of an elegant and grand style. Godey's long experience enables him to please the most fastidious admirer of fashions. We say, and the ladies will agree with us, that L. A. Go dey, of Philadelphia, publishes the best Ladiee' book in extant. To be satisfied that this is the case, subscribe for it and test its merits. A single copy, per year, $3; by club it can be had considerable cheaper. THE EMNBUBGH REVlEW— American Edi tion—Vov. LI. No. I.—for July has been re ceived, and as usual laden with matter in teresting and instructive. It contains an immense amount of reading of that charac ter which cannot be had in any other work. The contents of the present number are as follows:—State of the Navy ; The Acropolis of Athens; Memoirs of the Court of George IV.; Life and Remains of Douglas Jerrold ; Fossil Footprints; Queen Marie Antoinette; Dr. Cnreton's Syriac Gospels; Brialmont's Life of the Duke of Wellington; Adam Bede; Tennyson's Idylls of the Ring; The Late Ministry and the State of Europe. THE Bloorasburg & Lackawanna Railroad Extension from Rupert to Danville is com pleted. The oars run through to Danville over this new road. The first train passed over the road a few days since. To the Bob-tail Organ. THE brayings of the last Columbia Demo crat are rather alarming; one not acquainted with its whining and lamentable appeals to the public would suppose that it was, on last Saturday, kicking its last. It pitches into the County officers, the Republican, and us, in a round-about way. Now if the Dem ocrat has anything to say about the course of the STAR or its editor, we would thank it to put its articles more direct to us, that all his readers may understand what he is dri ving r else forever hold its peace as to nof having "intercourse" with us or our party. It appears that he has no desire to have "intercourse" with our Democratic journal only in a sneaking manner, by the way very characteristic of the man. We are perfectly satisfied that he should tefuse "intercourse" with us, as it would unmis takably redound to our credit to not havo anything to say or do with this blackguard, ing sheet, in any manner or form. The Democrat and its crew should try their hand again at manufacturing "Sugarloaf" communications ; they may do better next time. Howsomever, try to write so as to not be expo-ed—change your style a little more. After you have accomplished this— to write without being detected—then for your own sake, say nothing about men sup porting candidates for office who have run against Democratic nominations. They should sweep their own door-yard, and ad here to the old maxim, "persons living in glass houses should not throw stones." Bolt ing and jostling nominations should not be intimated by the Democrat. How dare it. Cool impudence, indeed. Scarcely is a Convention held and a full ticket nominated but what the editor of the Democrat opposes some one on it. It is truly said of hitn, as we heard remarked a few days since, that "his paper does one thing and he does another." That is, his paper advocates the ticket or party and he opposes it. He is a beaul'ful specimen of humanity to attempt to advocate pure Democratic principles to an intelligent public. We would that the whole world could see him ; and we should like nothing better than to be the exhibiter for the purpose of reaping the benefits. TIIE SCIENTIFIC ARTISAN, published week ly at Cincinnati, Ohio, has entered upon its second volume with fair auspices of becom ing a firm, reliable, and valuable institution. It is one of the cheapest Scientific and Me chanical papers in the world. It is strictly devoted to the advocacy and promulgation of all inlormation which is more particular ly of a scientific character and embraces within its scope, discussion upon Art, Sci ence, Invention, Discovery, Manufactures, and all the various industrial pursuits. Suc cess to it. Address, American Patent Com pany, Ciucinnati, Ohio. I P THE "standing candidate for Sheriff," who smells "treason" in the fact of promi nent Democrats being friendly and sociable with the editor of the Republican, don't soon practice on the motto of "thinking twice belore he speaks once," he may possibly "slip up" in some of his calculations Thpre are a lew who arq not deceived by his Janus face. They see through his double mask. Because men honestly differ in pol itics it is no reason they should treat each other like savages, or determine to disagree on every other subject.— Republican. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE —-This Magazine is upon a level with the best publications of the present day. It comes to us for the month of September under flourishing col ors, heavily laden with a profitable and spicy assortment of general reading. The editor has the most accomplished manner of pleasing the Ladies, and the fashion plates and dress patters are after the most approved taste. Subscribe for Peterson's Magazine, by all means, if you really wish to have a good magazine. Terms only two dollars. Published in Philadelphia, by CHARLES J. PETERSON. THE proceeding! of the Montour County Convention will be found published in full in another column of our paper to-day.— They will no doubt be of interest to our readers. The Democrats of Montour have formed a strong ticket—one in which the Democracy can place abiding confidence, and will be elected by a handsome majority beyond the least doubt. The principal point is to place good men in nomination; when this is done the Democratic party very sel dom suffer defeat. The Democracy of Mon tour are, as a general thing, pretty true to the cause, and do good work. THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE is upon our table, and it is one of the very best little publications ever issued, exclusively for the ladies. It is up to time in everything it undertakes. The different departments in 'his book are well cared for, and they are so edited as to make many friends. Subscribe for this magazine, young folks. Terms 82, per annum. Published in Philadelphia. THE LADIES' AMERICAN MAGAZINE for Sep tember has been received. It is a handsome publication, and its reading is as valuable as it is handsome. The Publisher spares no pains in making their book one of much interest. Its illustrations and fashions are good. This is a cheap book. Henry White, publisher, New York. THE PRINTER, edited and published by John Henry, in New York City, for the espe cial benefit of the craft, has been received, in due season, lor the month of July. It is a very useful publication, and should be in the hands of all printers who have a just appreciation for anything calculated to ben efit them. UVWARD of 300 of the graduates of the last year at the Iron City Commercial Col lege have secured employment, receiving the first year from one to five hundred per cent, upon the investment made to obtain a practical business education. For full in formation, circular, specimens of business and ornamental penmanship and embel lished view of the College, inclose five let ter stamps to F. W. Jenkins, Pittsburgh, Pa. j For the Star of the North- Ma. EDITOR, Dear Sir .wThe last Columbia Demo crat contains a communication signed "Su garloaf," ir. which SherifT Snyder and my self are abused by the publisher of this piratical sheet, because we would not suffer him to rob us. Mr. Snyder and myself both went to Tate with our advertising ; and for an advertise ment amounting, by the square, to eight tlnllars, he charged me twenty-three dollars, and he also charged Sheriff Snyder forty two dollars for which he was only entitled to twenty-one dollars, hence the advertising by us in the Columbia County Republican. And because we would not allow him thus to levy black mail upon us, we are in the estimation of this unscrupulous rascal, not good Democrats! The communication in question charges us with supporting men for nominations who are accustomed to op pose the regular Democratic ticket. This is simply one of 2b te's oft told lies, got up for the express purpose of defeating men, who if elected would keep his ( laic's ) fist out of the County Treasury. I notice in the same sheet a sickly editor ial in regard to Mr. Lirrr.c, candidate for District Attorney, calling me his friend, fcc. Well, suppose this to be so ; Mr. LITTLE is a good Democrat, while on the other hand Tale's pet candidate for District Attorney, last fall canvassed the county for the pfir pose of defeating Mr. MCREYNOLDS for Con gress, receiving his pay in money from the Opposition, (and of which pay 1 believe Tale got a part.) Yours truly, DANIEL LEE. Bloomsburg, Aug. 22, 1859. I'. S. The Mormon Editor of the Derni er at will please copy this communication, in order that his fro readers in Sugarloaf may know the reason why Sheriff Snyder and myself do not patronise his advetising columns. D. L. C. B. TOWN AND Co.—We consider it a duty incumbent upon us to wart: the frater nity against a set of swindlers, sailing un der the above name. Some months since they sen*, us an advertisement of a paper they profess to publish at Nu 63 Baltimore St. Baltimore, entitled "Mason & Dixon's Line," asking its insertion in our columns, six months, for $12,00, payment to be made quarterly in advance, on receipt of first pa per containing advertisement; at the same asking an exchange. We placed them on our list and inserted their advertisement, im mediately forwarding them a marked copy, and, although we have since forwarded our paper regularly and written to them some four or five limes, we have never seen, or heard from either them, their paper, or our pay. They are a set of arrant impostors and should be severely dealt with. The next lime we go to Baltimore, if they don't prove to be myths, as we fear they are, we shall sue them for swindling. Will our editorial brethren do us the kindness to warn the fra ternity against the Swindlers. Pass them around.—Milton Democrat. TOIAATO WlNE.— This delictus vegetable, which inay be applied to so many purpos es, is very abundant at this time, more so, we think, than we have ever known them. The following is a recipe for making toma to wine, said to be equal to the best cham pagne : Take small ripe tomatoes, pick off the stems, put them into a tub, wash them clean, and then strain them through a linen bag. (One bushel will make five gallons of pure wine ) Add two and a half to three pounds loaf sugar to each gallon, then put into a cask and ferment, aud fix as you do raspberry wine. If two gallons of water be added to the five gallons of juice, it will still make a very nice wine. Brown sugar may be used instead of loaf, but the wine is much more sparkling when loaf sugar is used. The United States might export this wine by the ship loads. It is said to be a delightful beverage, equal to Heidsick. UNWOMANLY CRUELTY.— Some women liv ing in the town of South Bend, Indiana, re cently had their virtuous indignation aroused against a widow of loose morals. They took her, and stripped her, cut off her hair, and tarred and feathered her from head to foot! This in broad daylight, in the public street, and in full view of the crowd. The perpetrators of this sweet act were "mem bers of the Church" and married. The victim of their rage or jealousy, as soon as she escaped from the clutches of her per secutors, ran to the shop of a blacksmith near by, who received her, shut the door upon her pursuers, and furnished her with oil. &c., to remove the tar, and with clothing to hide her nakedness. SELLING INDIAN SOUAWS.— Horace Greeley writes from Big Sandy, Oregon, July 6th, that "white men with two or three squaws each are quite common throughout this re gion, and young and relatively comely In dian girls are bought from their fathers by white men as regularly and openly as Cir cassians at Constantinople. The usual range of prices is from $4O to 8410—about that of Indian horses. I hear it stated that, though all other trade may be dull, that in young squaws is always brisk on Green river and the North Platte." LOOK TO THB POTATOES. —Some of our ex changes notify us that the bugs are playing sad havoc with the potatoes, and in some instances whole patches have been eaten up, and others are seriously damaged. They also attack beats, cabbage and tomatoes. They are very destructive in some parts of Indiana. Our farmers had better examine their potatoes to see whether the enemy has made an attack upon them. The crop promises to be very fine unless injured by these pests or the rot. T" Don't forget the Delegate election on Saturday. It is important that this matter should be well attended to. DR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, Mass., should answer our letters soon, and that satisfac torily, or else he will hear from us through a different channel than by letter. Proceedings of the Democratic Co. Convention. The delegates elected by the Democratic ▼otera of Montour County, on Saturday the 13th inet., in pursuance of the notice given by the Democratic Standing Committee, met at the Court House in the Borough of Danville, on Monday the 16th of August 1859, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the several of fices in Montour county, and to appoint Representative Conferees, to nominate can didates for Assembly, in conference with the ConferaijlHUhe, counties composing the Representative District in which Mon tour county is entitled to Representation, and to do snch other business as might be brought before the Convention. Gutelius Snyder, Esq., of Valley, called the Convention to order, and on motion of Jno. C. Ellis, of Anthony, Robert Davidson, Esq., of Maborry, was chosen President, and on motion of Gutelius Snyder, Esq., H. A. Childs, and John C. Ellis were elected Secretaries. On motion the Districts were called over in alphabetical order, and the Delegates presented their certificates of elections as follows: Anthony—J C. Ellis, John Derr. Cooper—Jacob Shelhart, jr., Mathias Gir ton. Danville, N. W., —John F. Herr, Francis Navior. Danville, S. VV.,—Henry Ammerman, Hiram A. Chltfl* (substituted.) Derry—David Herr, Nathaniel Britain. Liberty—John Bogart, Robert Auten. Limestone—Andrew Snyder, John Dil dine. Mahoning—Hiram Antrim, Anthony Foust. Maberry—Robert Davidson, John Vought, if- Valley—Gutelius Snyder, Caleb Apple man. West Hemlock—John K. Shultz, Henry Tanner. On motion the Convention proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for Represen tative. John Dildine, of Limestone, nomi nated Hon. SAMUEL OAKS, of Montour coun ty, which nomnaiton was made unanimous. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for the office of Sheriff of MMMkcounty. Frederick Blue of Liberty, and Daniel Woodside of the Borough of Danville, were nominated by their respective friends, when on motion, the nominations closed, and the Convention proceeded to ballot with the following re sult: Frederick Blue, 16; Daniel Wood side, 6; whereupon Frederick Blue was de clared the nominee for the office of SherifT. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination of a candidate for the office of Register&.Recorder. Jno. C. Ellis nomi nated Wm. C. Johnston, Esq., ol the Bor ough of Danville. On motion, the nomi nation was made unanimous. The Convention next proceeded to the Domination of a candidate for county Com missioner. Nathaniel Britain nominated Wm. Seidel of Derry, when on motion, the nomination was made unanimous. Hiram A. Child*, nominated George W. Want of Dmwil|p, ft a candidate for county Surveyor, and on motion, the nomination was made unanimous. John F. Herr, nominated Solomon Rudy of Mahoning, as a candidate for Coroner, when on motion, the nomination was made unanimous. Robert Davidson, nominated John Vought of Maberry, for County Auditor, and on mo tion, the nomination was made unanimous. The following resolutions passed, on mo of H. A. Childs Resolved, That Paul Leidy of Danville, be and is hereby appointed Senitorial Dele gate from this Senatorial District, to the next State Convention to be held in March 1860, and that we respectifully ask the oth er counties in the District to concur in this appointment. Resolved, That H. A, Childs and Getulius Snyder, be conferees to meet similar con ferees from the other counties in the Dis trict to appctinfftflatorial Delegates to the next Democratic State Convention, with in structions in accordance with the foregoing resolution. Resolved, That Geo. D. Butler and Abra ham Wagner be conferees to meet similar conferees from the other counties in the District, to nominate two Representative Delegates to the next Democratic Salate Convention. Resolved , That Wm. McNinch and James Auld, be Representative conferees for this county,to meet similar conferees from the other counties in this District at lunkhan nock, on the 2nd Friday of September, to nominate two candidates for Represeuta lives in the S ate Legislature, to be support ed at the coming general election, with in structions to use all honorable means to se cure the re-nomination of Hon. Samuel (Jakes of Montour county, and to concur in the re-nomination of Hon Geo. D. Jack son of Sullivan county. On motion, the President appointed the followingas a committee or. resolutions Hiram A Childs, Hiram Antrim and John Dildine. The Committee after a short ab sence returned into the Convention, and the chairman reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we have full and undi minished confidence in the integrity and falriolism of our chief magistrate James uchanan, and his administration isentitled to support ol the Democracy of the Union. Resolved, That the policy of the national administration both home and foreign, has been such as to commend it to the favor of the Democracy of every part of the Union, and that the promptness with which every great question has been met and snccess fully disposed of, is a sure guarantee that the interests of country will be carefully protected during the remainder ol the Presi dential term. Resolved, That the administration has most successfully vindicated itself and its friends and maperlera against the malici. oua slanders of Ike-Opposition on the ques tion of the righ|s ot naturalized citizens to the protection of this Government. Resolved, That we are opposed to such un fair distinctions and discriminations be tween naturalized and nativo born citizens as that recently made by the Republican stale of Massachusetts, by which they pro hibit naturalized citizens from voting for two years after they have become citizens. Resolved, That we are in favor of a revis ion of our present tariff laws, and an in crease of duties on coal, iron, wool and such other articles of Ameriean growth and manufacture, as suffer from Foreign compe- tition, and that in the adjustment of a tariff, it is both the right and the duty of Congress to make such discriminating as will ensure them a sufficient amount ol revenue to de fray the expenses of an economical admin istration ol the government, and avoid the necessity of a resort to loans and direct tax ation ; and at the same lime afford reasona ble and just protection to the American la bore and Manufacturer against unequal foreign competition ; and that this has ever been the policy of the Democratic party. Resolved, That the Hon. Richardson L. Wright, our candidate for Auditor General, and Hon. John Rowe, our candidate for Surveyor General, are both men eminently qualified for the positions for which they have been nominated, and that their known and unquestioned integrity and sound De mocracy entitle them to the support and confidence of every Democrat in the state. Resolved, That the course of our late Rep resentative in Congress, Hon, Paul Leidy, meets our unqualified approbation, and that his firm adherance to democratic principles and ardent devotien to the interests of his District, entitle him to our confidence. Resolved, That our late Representative in the State Legislature, Hon, Samuel Oakes, and Geo D. Jackson, Esq , have faithfully and truly represented the Democracy of this District and merit the approval of their constituents ; and if renominated we pledge them our undivided support at the ensuing election. Resolved, That we fully endorse the ac tion of our late Representative Hon. Samu el Oaks of Montour couuty. and that his unanimous renomition by his faithfulness as a Representative. The following named persons were ap pointed the standing Committee lor the en suing year: Anthony—John Derr. Cooper—Jacob Shelhart, jr. Danville, N. W., —Benneville K. Vas tine. Danville, S. W., —Henry Ammerman. Derry—Samuel Herr. Liberty—George Billmeyer. I.imestoneville—John Allen. Maberry—Jacob Swank. Mahoning—Samuel Morrison. Valley—Robert Curry. West Hemlock—Patterson Moore. On motion it was ordered that the pro ceedings of this Convention be published in the DANVILLE INTELLIGENCER. On motion adjourned. ROBERT DAVIDSON, President. JOHN C. ELLIS. ) H A. CHILDS. J Secretaries GOLD DISCOVERED NEAR ASHLAND. —The Pollsville Standard says : "We are inform ed that gold dust was found in the neigh borhood of Ashland, this county, several days ago, while digging up some earth.— Whether it will result in any extensive dis coveries we do not know, but hope such may be the case and that Ashland may prove to be a Pike's Peak in reality. We advise adventurers to await further developement." It would certainly be advisable. BLONDIN AT NIAGARA—ACCIDENTAL DEATH —Niagara Falls, August 18 —Mons. Blondin crossed the river on his rope yesterday, with a man on his back. During the per formance a row occurred, and a man sixty years of age, was thrown over the river bank and killed. The deceased's name was Colwell. FROM WASHlNGTON— Washington, August 19.—.The President has recognized Franz August Hirsch 'as Constil at Boston' and Friedrick Wilhelm Keutzen as Consul at New York, both for the Free City of Bre men. Ex-Minister Forsyth is among the recent arrivals at the National Hotel. THE Camp meeting in the neighborhood of Rohrsburg is progressing finely. It is largely attended, and much good is be ing done. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. TVrOTICE is hereby given, that the Demo cratic Electors in and for the several Boroughs and Election Districts of Colum bia County, will meet at the respective pla ces of holding the general election, on Saturday, the 27 th day of August, Between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day for the purpose of choosing two Delegates from each Election District, to meet in County Convention, at the Court House, in Bloomsburn, on Monday, the 29th day of August, At one o'clock, P. M., for the purpose ol making the usual annual nominations of the Democratic party of Columbia County. LEVI L. TATE, IRAM DERR, PETER G CAMPBELL, ALBERT HUNTER, DANIEL MCHENRV, JOHN NUSS, Democratic Standing Committee. August 3, 1859. Hollowuy's Ointment ami Pills, an infallible liemedy Tor Blotches on the Skin.—Edgar Mortimer, aged 28, of Third-street, Philad elphia, was fot fire years a severe sufferer with blotches on lite skin, the whole ol his face, neck, arms, and hands, being disfigur ed with them like small pox ; he consulted several very clever medical men, who told him it was the predicating symptoms of some disease, which alarmed him exceed ingly ; however, he took Holloway's Pills immediately, and rubbed the Ointment on the parts affected, and in two weeks the whole of the blotches disappeared, and his health was considerably improved, These remidies will cure the most deeply seated old wounds and ulcers, even of twenty years standing. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 15 RYE. 75 CORN, 75 OATS, 37 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR pr. bbl. 6 50 CLOVERSEED.S 00 BUTTER, 16 EGGS, 10 TALLOW, 12 LARD, > 12 POTATOES, 37 DR'D APPLES, 2 00 HAMS, 12 MARRIED. On the 18th inst., at Jacob Goods Hotel, Orangeville, by the Rer. Wtn Goodrich. Mr. ENOS AHWINE, of Briarcreek, to Miss ELIZA EVELAKD, of Huntington, Luzerne Co. I DIED - In Light Street, on Monday morning last, N. W. CHEASY, son ol Satnuel Creasy, Esq , of Mifflin, and oarlner of H. W. Creasy in the Mercantile business at Light Street, in the 24th year of his age. He was a smart promising young man, and highly respected by all who knew him. In Bloomsbutg, on Tuesday evening last. Andrew Clark, eldest son of Isaiah W. ana Eimira B. McKelvy, aged 3 years, 9 month, and 1 day. Near this place, on Tuesday evening last, Miss Mary Laphy, aged about 21 years Pays the Tuition lor a lull course in the Iron City College, the largest, most exten sively patronized and best organized Com mercial School in the Uniled States. FOUR LARGE HALLS, For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book-Keeking and Lectures. Usual time y> complete a full course, from •to ten weeks. Every student, upon gradv uating, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified in earn a salary of Irnm dsoo to siooo. Students enter at any lime—no vacation; review at pleasure. FIRST PREMIUMS FOR BEST WRITING Awarded this Institution. The best and greatest variety of Penmanship in any one Hall ol the Union, is found here. For lull information, Circular, Specimen of Business and Ornamental Writing and Embellished View of ike College, inclose five letter stamps to F. VV.JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Aug. 24th, 1859. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE KEYSTONE LITERARY SOCIETY. According lo the arrangement made at the last meeting of the Society, the evening of the next meeting is last approaching n being the Ist Tuesday nighl in September 1859. The Members, and all who wish lo become members are invited lo attend, as business of importance will be transacted. By order of the Society. CHARLEY BARKLEY, Presl. E. B. YOHDY, Sec'ty. Bloomsburg, Aug 24, 1859. •ft&OO —THE SUBSCRIBERS WISH tpiOU", to employ an active reliable man in each section of the Stale to travel and take orders for Segarg and Tobacco. by samples. Will pay a salary ol #6OO to #BOO per year, payable monthly. For sam ples and particulars apply to, or address, inclosing stamp for re'urn postage, CARY & SMITH, Tobacconists, 312 Pearl street, New York. Aug. 17, 1859-SW. REGISTER'S NOTICE. IVOTICE is herebt given lo all legatees, * creditors and other persons interested in the estates ol the respective decedents and minors, that the following administration and guardian accounts have been filed in the office of the Register of Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held al Bloomsburg, in the county aforesaid on Wednesday the 7th day of September next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of Ellwood Hughes, Guar dian of Phoebe Kelchner. late Phoebe Walp one of ihe heirs of Anthony Walp, late ol Briar Creek township, dee'd. 2. The account of Wilham S. Shuman and Peter Fisher, Executors o f Jacob Fisher late ol Maine township, dee'd. 3. The account of Christuin Lulz,Jr.,Guar dian of Margaret Davis late Margaret Fry, one of the heirs of Aaiou Fry late ol Mifilin township, dee'd. 4. The account ol Andrew Albertson, Ad ministrator of Juim Davis, late of Green wood township, deo'd. 5. The Final account of John Stiles and Abraham Hartman, Administrators of the estate of Isaac Hartman, late of Ber.ton .township, dee'd , . 6. The first and final account of Jesse Coleman administrator of the estate of Fred erick Weaver, late of Benton township, deo'd. 7. The account of Mordecai W. Jackson, Guardian of Howard Brnudage, Chester Brundage and Emerson Brundage, minor chidlren ol R. M. Brundage, late of Luzerne county, dee'd. 8. The account of Aaron Mosteller, Guar dian of Henry Miller, one of the children and of Henry Miller, late of Mifflin township, dee'd. 8. The Final account of Harriet Helme, Administratrix of Oliver Helme, la e ol Beaver township, dee'd. 10. The account of Joseph W. Recce, Ad ministrator of the estate of John Re ce of Greenwood township, dee'd 11. The account of John Staley Guardian of Eliza Lemon, dee'd, a minor child ol Jonathan Lemon, late of Greenwood town ship, dee'd. 12. The account o( Peter Ent and Theo dore McDowell, Executors of 'he last will end testament ol Maihew McDowell, late of Scon township, dec'd 13. The account of Benj McHenry, Ex ecutor of the last will anil testament ol Eliaa McHenry late of Fishing Creek township, deceased. 14. The account of Peter, Administrator of John Weise, late of Hem lock twp., dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Eegisters Office. Register. Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1859. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of several writs of venditioni exponas, to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale, at the Court House in Bloomsburg, 011 Monday the sth day of Sep tember, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following described propetry to wit: The undivided one hall part of a certain lot of ground situate in Espylown, Columbia county, and numbered twenty four, [24] bounded by Main street, a lot of George Vaueykle, an alley and a lut of Samuel A. Wurman. Also, the uudivided half part of three other lots of ground lying contiguous to each other, situate in Espylown aforesaid, bounded on the East by Markrt Street, on the West by lot No. 39, on the South by an alley, on the north by an alley; said lots numbered in the plan of said town numbers ihiny six, thirty seven, and thirty eight, [No. 36, 37, 38] each lot containing in front eighty two and one half feel, and in depth or length, one hunhred and eeventy three feet and one quarter; there is erected on lot No. 36, a Store House and Shed. Also, on the undivided third parts of ten lota of ground situate in the town of Espy aforesaid ar.d numbered numbers forty five, forty six, for ty seven, foity eight, forty nine, tifty one, nliy two, fifty three, fifty four, and fifty five, [No. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,] each lot being one hundred and seventy, three feet and one fourth in length and eigh ty two feet and one half in breadth, the first five lying contiguous 10 each other, and bounded by an alley on the east, i.n alley on the south, and an alley on the west, the other five lots in wit : No. 51, 52, 53, 54, fc 55, lying contiguous to each other, bounded by an alley on the west, an alley on the south, and Market street on the easl,there is erected on lot No 55 an old Frame Barn. Also, on the undivided two third parts of lots numbered seventy one and seventy two, [7l and 72] situate in ihe northern division of Espylown aforesaid; lot number seventy one, bounded on ihe south by Second street, on the east by Liberty alley, on the north by an alley, and on the wesi by lot number seventy two. Lot numbered seventy two, bounded on the south by Second street, on the east by lot number seventy one, on the north by an alley, and on the west by lot number seventy three, each lot containing in front 85 leet 6 inches, ami in depth 173 feel 3 i lichee. Seized, taken in execution and io he sol t as the properly of James McCarty. ALSO, ai llie sainß lime and place,all dial certain In-lot, siluals in llie bornogh ol Ber wick, county nl Columbia, numbered ninety six in pint ol said Borough, situate on Ironl street, above Chestnut slreel, being lony nine and a half feel front, and one hundred eigh ly one and a hall feel deep, containing thir ty three pechea of land, whereon is erect ed a two story frame dwelling house, a frame stable, ami other out buildiuga witti the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execution and to be sold as the properly ol Julias A. Roth. ALSO, at lite same tiine and place, all that certain lot ol ground situate in Light Street, Soon township, Columbia county, bounded as follows to wit: on tho west by Main Street of said town, on the north by lot of James McMichael, on the east by an alley, anil on the south by lot of William i'riichard, con taining sixty feet in front and one hundred and sixty five leet in depth, whereon is erec ted a two story frame dwelling house, u frame shop, a frame atable, and other out buildings, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution ami to be sold os the properly of Robert B. Wardin. ALSO, at the same lime and place all that cerlain lot of ground situate on the corner of •eroud an.l Market street, in the borough of Berwick and county of Columbia, bounded as follows to wit: beginning at a corner of Seesholtz & Boon lots on Market St., thence along said Market street thirty six led to second street, thence along said second st., forty nine and a half feet to a lot of GtlDen Fowler, thence along said G. Fowler's lot thirty six feet to lot of Seesholtz & Boon, forty r.itta and a half leet to the corner on Market street, (he place of beginning; con taining seventeen hundred and eighty two leet of ground more or less, whereon is erected a two Story Brick Store House, 22 feet by 38 lhe appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the propetty of Josiah B. Dodson. ALSO, at the same time and place, all Ihern certain lots of land situate in Briar creek township, Columbia comity, bounded as follows to wit: on -.he north by Linda of Peter Hayinan, on the east by lands of Dan iel Mackafee, on Ihe south by lands of Charles Keeil, arid on Ihe west by lurnpike containing threa acres, nearly all cleared' lanJ. Alan one other lo' bounded ou the north by land ol Charles Reed, eat end south by land of Jacob Shaffer, ami on the west by a lurnpike, containing two acres.— Also one other lot bounded as f0110w.., on the no-lit by land ol Patrick Linden, nn the east by land ol Abraham Lockard, on ihe south by laud of D. F. Seybert, and wet by land of Hugh Thompson, containing twenttr acres more or less, all of which is cleared land, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution ami to be sold as the property of Augustus B. Pearce. ALSO, at the same lime and place, all that certain Plantation and Tract of Land situated in Franklin township, Columbia County, bounded and described as follows to wit: beginning at a while oak, thence by' land of Jesse Cleaver & Michael Mensch, south seventy nine and one quarter degrees I west, two hundred end twenty perches to a | chestnut oak grub, thence by land of Aaron ' Lainbison, south thirteen and one quarter | degrees east, forty eight perches to a post, thence by other land late of Jas. K. Fisher, I north eighty three and one hall degrees east I one hundred and ninety two perches in a' line ol land ol Christian B. Seesholtz, thence by said line North, fifteen and one fourth degrees east, sixty eight perches to the place of beginning, containing seventy one acres and forty one perches neat measure, about sixty acres of whigh are cleared laud' whereon is erected a two story frame dwel ling house, a frame barn and other out build ings, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution ami to be sold as llie property of James K. Fisher. ALSO, at Ihe same tiine and place, all that certain naci or piece of land, situate in Fish ingcreek township, Columbia county, con laming one hundred acres, be the same more or less, about eighty acres of which is cleared land : bounded on the Fast by land of Harimun, on the North Klia* Pealer on the North East Jonas Doty, on the West by land of Samuel Creveling, and on th South by land of Hugh Mcßrtde, whereon is erected a two story Plank House, a Bank Barn, Shoemaker Shop, an Apple Orchard anil a good Spring House and well. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly c f Thomas and John Pealer. AI-SO, at the same lime and place, all that Inlot in the Borough ot Berwick, situate rn Front slreei, adjoining a lot ol A. Miller, a, alley on the South east, and an alley on the North east, containing in Iron! 90 feet more or less, and 100 feel in depth more or less on which ia erected a Two atnry Frame Home : Also, one other lot in said Borough of Berwick, situate on the South east by the alley running tn the rear ot the first de-crib, ed premises, and North of the alley run niug on lite North east of tho first described, adjoining lands of Frederick Nicely ; being one hundred and fifty feet ir. length and depth more or less, on which is erected a frame stable, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execulion and lo be sold as the property of Nathan Seely. ALSO,at the same lime end place, All the Defendant's iuterest in all that certain tract ol land, situate in Pine township, Columbia county, bounded and dascribed as follows, to wit: on the North by land of Ezra Run yan and William Chatnberlin, on the East by land of Jacob Chamberlin, on the Setilh and west lands of Read's heirs; conlaining eighty acres more or less, about ten acres cleared land, whereon is erected a small frame dwelling house, with the appurte nances. Seized, taken in Excution and lo be sold as the properly ol James P. Rudman. AI.SU, at the same lime and plane, all lha Defendant's interest in all thai certain tract of land, silauie in Pine township, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows to wit: on Ihe North by land of Jamas Mas ters, on the East by laud of Levi Ashton, on the South by land of Levi Ashton and others, and on the West by land of Hirana Shultz; containing aixty acres, be the same more or less, about thirty acrea of which is improv ed land, whereon is erected a log dwelling honse, a frame barn and other out buildings with the appurtenaaoes. Seized, taken in Execulion and to be gold as the property of Jane Shultz. ALSO, at the same time and place, by • writ of Levari Facias, all that cerlain mes suage or town lot situated in Centreville, in the twp. of Centre, and county of Columbia bounded and described as follows, lo wit; Ir. the general plan of said Centreville, Aft 4 same being lot number two, beginning Oft the front atreet or Main public ml BiSpS ing from Bloomsbtirg to Berwick, thanea-M the same North fifty- six and a half ihaMß East seventy nine feet and two thence bv lot number three South and a ball degrees East, one ninety eight feet, thence by alladHfftber two South fitly six and a half (M|nYet seventy eight feel and eight iwßMMnco by lot number onssouth quarter degreea west one huMM^HPt,j ne . ty eight feet to the ao purtensiiuea. Seized, taken in cxecpl7and to be aoU as the property of fMHE Michael. ... ._, :IBMWyVDF,R. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. W* t Bloomeburg, Aug&t, 1859. \