The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 17, 1859, Image 4
HEALTH OR SIUKNESB ? Choose Uctwccii Hum. HOE I^W The blood furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human ftame. When pure, it secures health to every organ, when rorrupt,it necessarily pro duces disease, 'S PILLS ope rate directly upon the elements ol the stream of life, neutralizing Ihe principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, wheth er located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ! Holloway's Pills are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. ALLARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of tho liver, Ihe source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases however aggra vated, acling as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowels purify the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at the same time. GENERAL WEAKNESS—NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. When all stimulants fail, tho renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfee bled muscles of the victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. All irregularities and ailments incident to ihe delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented by a few doses ol these mild, but infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her chil dren's health should fail to have them with in her reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Lancet," the London "Med ical Review," and the most eminent of Ihe faculty in Grert Britain, France and Germa ny, have eulogized the Pills und their in ventor. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in Ihe world for the following discuses: Asthma Diarrbcca Bowel Complainls Dropsy Coughs Debilty Colds Fever and Ague Chest Diseases Female Complaints Coslivenesß Headaches Dyspepsia Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward Weakness Worms of all kinds Liver Complaints, Lowness of Spirits, Piles. ty CAUTION !—None are geniune un less Ihe words "lloltoway, New Yoik end London," are discernible as a Water-Mark in every leaf ol the book ol directions around each pot or box ; Ihe same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given lo any one rendering such information as may lead to lite detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * # *Soldl the Manufactory of Professor lloltoway, 80 Maiden Lar.e, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Slates and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62J rente and SI each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance ol pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. August 10, 1859. "JUST published by J. S. Cotton & Co., 309 •* Chestnut St., Philadelphia. " Parisian Pickings or " Paris in all Siotes and Sta tions." By Julie de Margoerittes, Author of "Ins anj Outs of Paris," "The Match Girl," "Friends and Foes," &c. One large volume, 12mo. cloth $1 25. This is one of the most lively and inter esting Books ever published, and decidedly tho best of the good works writteii by Mad. Marguerittes. PENCIL SKETCHES: or, Outlines of Char acter and Manners. By Mis 9 Leslie, One large 12mo. cloth. Price $1 25. This highly interesting volume contains the best seties ol Tales ever issued from the American press. It contains : Mrs. Washington Potts, Mr. Smith, Uncle Philip, The Album. The Set of China, Laura Lovel, John VV. Robertson, The tale of a Cent : The ladies's Ball, The Serenades. The Red Box ; or Scenes at the General Wayne, Tne Officers, A Story of the last War with England, Peter Jones, A Sketch from Life, The Old Farm House, That Gen tleman ; or, Per.cillings on Shipboard, So cial Visiting, Country Lodgings, Constance Allerton; or, The Mourning Suits. THE ROMAMCE OF HISTORY, as ex hibited in the Lives or Celebrated Women of all Ages and Countries ; comprising re markable examples of Female courage, disinleiesiedness and sell sacrifice. By Henry C. Watson. One large volume, 12mo. cloth. Price $1 25. To set before the women of America ex amples lot imitation in the most trying cir cumstance, is the object ol this highly in teresting Book. Let the reading and study ol such a woik become common and our u ives, moihets, sisters and daughters, will become more renowned lor resolution, fortitude and Self Sacrifice, than the Spartan females were of old. Every Lady in the land should have a copy of this highly intereFting Book. J. S. COTTON & CO., Publishers, No. 409 Chestuut St., Philadelphia The Publishers will send either ot the above popular Books by mail, flee ol post age, lo any part of the United States, upon receipt of the publication price. ' PU B LIO SAL E~ REAL ESTATE. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court Columbia County, William' Lntz, Executor of Peter I.utz, dee'd, will on SAT URDAY the 29th day of August, 1859, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, expose to public sale, on the premises, in the township of Benton, Columbia county the following roal estate, lo wil: A Tract ol Land containing about SEVENTY-ONE ACRES, of which about 60 acres are cleared Und, the balance young timber land, on which are erected "lwo Frame Houses and a Large frame Barn. On tho premises are an APPLE ORCHARD, other fruit trees, two good springs, and a good well of water. Situated on the Stale road leading from Bloomsburg to Cambra. Late the estate ol said Peter Lntz. deceased. JACOB EYKRLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, August 10, 1850. J rpRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy aril cles. a good assortment of Hosiery of tli J best quality; also gloves, milts, baskets, Cal has, Combs, dress trimmings and linings sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had nexl uoor lo Ihe <4 Kxclall•o. ,, w AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, CHEAP EDITION OF TH E LITERARY GAZETTE, AND FAMILY PICTORIAL, PUBLISHED monthly by MARIE LOU ISE HAN KINS k FANNIE LUCELK, under the immediate superintendence ol Col. C. Ashlon Hankins, and sent by mail for only 50 cents n year! Tongenls (and clubs of 10 or more,) only 30 cents a year. Pos tage only six cents u year, when paid quar terly in advance. The cheapest Family Paper in the world. The latest reliable Fashion Plates, Dress Patterns, uselul & ornamental Needle work, | I'ingrains, and Embroidery Designs in every nam ber. THE BEST WRITERS, THE BEST STOR IES, AND MOST F.NGRANINGS. Lf" Specimen copies sent free of posiagp on receip" of a stamp ; but stamps will not be received lor subscriptions. Subscribers anil agents mnsi inclose the money—CASH; and write names, post offices, counties and Stales, plain and distinet. W" Canvassing Agents (Particularly Fe males) wanted everywhere. Agents are allowed to retain 20 cents out ol each 50 cent subscription they obtain, and some are now clearing as high as 825 a week prof, it lor themselves. Postmasters and Teach ers can act as agents, on the same terms. Pi?' Persons receiving* specimen copies of the Literary Gazette are requested to act as agents, or to show it to those who will, and they shall be sent a copy of the paper one year gratis, as compensation for their trouble. This is an easy way to pay for a year's subscription, and the effort will put money in tho pockets of those who need it. and extend our circulation. Instesd of earn ing 50 lo 75 cents a day with her needle, or by teaching school, a smart woman can pro cure from 10 to 20 subscriptions every fair day in the week, and clear for herself $2 to 84, while she would havemaue only 75 cen's at her old occupation. IYT All persons extending the circulation of the paner continually get a copy gratis. CT App'. it-ants for Agencies are request ed lo send the names and post-office address of all the leading people they know of, who would be likely lo subscribe, and a speci men copy fur inspection will be mailed to each ol them free of postage. Agents find this plan very profitable to them, as they ob tain subscriptions much easier. UU Inclose an extra three cent stamp when a written answer is wanted. Address MARIE LOUISE HANKINS & Co , Appleton Building, New York City. PR O S P E CTUS OU THE SCIENTIFIC . ARTISAN. This paper is devoted to Ihe advocacy and promulgation of all information which is more particularly of a practically scientific character. It embraces within its scope dis> cussion upon every thing in Science and Art, but eschews whatever is either political, re ligious, or personal. It is profusely illustrated with original en gravings, done in the highest style of art. It contains a weekly list of all patents is sued, together with the claims thereon. It contains notices ol the latest inventions and improvements. It contains a correspondence department, in which muny novel inquiries are answer ed. It is, in a word, just such n papci as ought to be taken by every Farmer and Mechanic, since it is devoted inore particularly to their interest. The Artisan also contains a weekly review of patent operations in Europe, and such foreign matter as may be of interest to in ventors. This paper is published by the American Patent Company, and is, in every sense, a perfectly reliable source of information. CLUBS. It is always a saving of much labor, when a number ol papers can be sen' lo one Post Office under cover of a single wrapper. The expense of mailing is less, and as the paper does not cost quite as much under snch circumstances as when mailed in sin gle numbers, we beg to ofler Ihe following Scale of Prices: Single paper per annum, $2 00 5 papers to one address, each, $1 85 10 " " " 81 75 20 " " " " " si 5p 40 " " " " " $| to Over 40 " " " " Si 30 In every case tho subscription must bo paid in advance. All letters must he addressed lo THE AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio., BLOOMSBURG OBQDCEiLSS. bao*CE)mrai f|VHE undersigned would in this way call -*• the attention of Ihe public to the Rook Store at the old stand, next door lo the "Ex change Hotel,'*' whore at all times can be found a good assortment of books, including Bibles, Hyntii Books, Prayer Rooks, Histories, Books of I'oelry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds of stationary ol the best quality. A considorafile deduction made upon the price ofSehoo! Books and Stationary lo those who by to sell again. Just received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, wtiich 1 would ask all to call and examine belore puehasingelsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857.—1yr. NEW A.WBROTYPE SALOON IN BLOOMSBURG. Henry Uosenstock, of Philadelphia, res pectfully inlorms the citizens ol Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has removed his DAGUKRREIAN GALLERY, in the rooms lately occupied by P. Unangsl as shoe shop, and is picpured lo lake pic tures, which will surpass anything ol the kind ever seen in this place. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, now is the time lo procure one of those imperisha ble Arnbroiy pes, and thus secure the features of beloved friends. Life is uncertain; but Ambrotypes era lasting. All ore invited to call and examine speci mens. . [Oct. 6, 1858. AMERICAN HOUSE. JOHN LEACOCK, Proprietor. Blooms burg, |*n. THE Proprietor of this well known estab lishment thankful for the liberal patronage herelotore extended him, takes this method of informing his friends and Ihe public, that he lias added considerable to the facilities ol his house and is orepared lo accommodate all those who may favor liirn with their cus tom. His house and its arrangements will be found to be in good order, and he hnpes by a strict desire to please, to receive a lull share of patronage. He has also good sta bling and attentive ostlers. JOHN LEACOCK. Bloomsburg, July 21, 1858. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special Endownmcnt,for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. f|MIE HOWARD ASSOCIAI'ION, in view *- of Ihe awful destruction ol tinman life caused by Sexual diseases, and the decep lions practiced upon tho nnlorlunaie victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment ol jhuLclass of diseases in all their forms, and #*Tive MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to al \?ho apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c. ) and in case of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment; The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sex ual Diseases, express the highest satisfac tion with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorr hoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or sell-Abuse, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, &c., and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere ol benevolent effort have been of great ben efit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote them selves, with renewed zeal, to this very im portant and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal "Weakness, ihe vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self-Abuse, and other dis eases of the Sexual organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, wil' be senl by mail (in a sealed envelope,) EREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Oth er Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address, for Report or treatment, DR J. SKI LI.IN HOUGHTON, Acling Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By older of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Brest. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March Ist, 1859.—8. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND DAVID LOWEHEEHG* INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionalo clothing at his More on Market street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including ihe most fashionable Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cra vats,slocks, collars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shortnotice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most ol it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsbnrg, April 1, 1857. ESI'Y HOTEL. THE undersigned, late of the Franklin House, Light Street respectfully informs his old friends and new customers, that he has taken Mrs. Wortnan's stand in the South part of the thriving village of Espytown, Colum bia county, known as the EAGLE |H HOTEL, Where he has made ample arrangements, by thoroughly improving the premises and renovating the mansion for the accommo dation of all those who may favor him with their custom. The liberal support he re ceived last year at the Franklin in Light Street, induces him to hope that all. his for mer customers will give him a call in his new quarters. No pains shall be spared for their comfortable entertainment. Espy, April 13, 1859. N. HUDSON. Eagle Foundry, IIIOOIII<*I>HI*£ STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist ol the WM. jTtr PF.NN COOK, RAUB COOK, VAN- COOK, and PARLOR STOVES all kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove, &c. All kinds of Spooling made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, April 16, 18#- 1 " G. w. M'KELVY. J. S. H'NINCH. C. W. M'KELVY, & CO., FA PER MANUFACTURERS AND Dealers in Rags, Caltawissa Mills, keep constantly on hand paper of all kinds, such as Printing, Book, Cap, Letter and Wrapping, al the lowest prices lor cash or in exchange for tags. Having increased facilities for manufactur ing, would call Ihe attention of merchants and dealers, to their slock of paper, which is offered at extremely low prices. Orders by mail promptly attended to, and rags purchased at market value, in small or large quantities. Caltawissa, April 21, 1858. 0. "RIGHT AWAY." a JfcJfc SPECTACLE GLASSES KIT- JKfe TED TO FRAMES AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: 1. Convex, (usual no.) 20 to 25 cts per pair. 2. Cataract, " " 75 100 •' " 3. Cylindrical" " 50 80 " " 4. Colored, " " 37 50 " " 5. Periscopic, usual number, for far sighted, 50 to 75 cts. 6. Concave, usual number, for nearsighted, 60 to 100 cts. 7. Divides Glasses, for far and near, 70 to 100 cts. Also a full assortment of glarses fot all kinds of watches, especially hunting cases. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., repaired and for sale. All orders punctually attended.— Remember "prices reduced !" HENRY ZUPPINGER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Bloomsburg, June 29, 1859. M'KELVY NEAI & to M MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Muin ami Market Sis. 8. C- BUlVl>\ Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, i Warcroom in Shivc'e Block, ou Main Stteet. I KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE: FIFTY THIRD VOLUME. Louis Gaylord Clark, and Dr. James 0 Noyse, Editors; John A. Gray, Publisher. With the January number began Ihe 52d Volume of the "Knickerbocker," the oldest and best es'abli6hed Magazine in the coun try, and the publisher has the pleasure to announce that it has never before been in so prosperous a condition. Under the man agement inaugurated with Ihe last Volume, a higher prioa is paid for original contribu tions than by almoat any other American periodical, while the press and the numer ous friends of the magazine in all parts of ihe country are generously aiding in bring ing it more prominently before the reading public. As heretofore, the pages of the "Knickerbocker" will be devoted to the cul tivation of Literatuie, Art, and Humor. Ever number of the Fifty-third volume will contain a steel-plate engraving, and il lustrated articles will frequently grace the pages of the Magazine. A complete his tory of the "Knickerbocker." with the rem iniscences of the cocuibutors whose feme is so intimately associated with its pages, will also be a feature of the present volume. Will every friend of the Magaztue procure for it an additional reader? TERMS: Single copies, one year, S3; Two copies, $7. Specimen numbers, twenty-five cents. The "Knickerbocker" will be furnished to clergymen, teachers, postmasters, and all periodicals and journals, at the club rate of $2 per year. The postage on the "Knicker bocker" is twenty.four cems a year, in ad vance, at the office where received. An ex tra copy will be sent to persons gelling up a club of ten subscribers. JOHN A. GRAY, Pub. & Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob St., cor. Frankford St., New York. Unprecedented Inducements fur New Sub scribers. Any person forwarding lon new $3 sub scribers, [s3o], will ba presented with a deed giving a perfect title to 10 acres of land in Texas, Kansas, lowa, or Wisconsin, and the Magazine promptly maiied to the subscribers, whether at Ihe same or differ ent Post Offices. In llio same prnpnrtion, deeds for 20, 40, 80, or 160 acres, will be sent as premiums lor 20, 40, 80 or 16C, $3 subscriptions—-an acre for each copy subscribed for. All communications connected with the Business Department of the' Knickerbocker' should be addressed to John A. Gray, 16 & 18 Jacob Street. All Articles designed for the body of the Magazine should be directed to Dr. James O. Noyes; those for the Editor's Table to Louis Gay lordClark. are wanted in every part ol Ihe country. Back numbers and bound volumes on band. [Ap. 2.-13. i)Riis AND hcdhines, call (he allcntion of all those who •• wish to buy Rood goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (already) large and well selected assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz:— n DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, fr PAINTS, NAltNl SUES, GLASS, DVEBTUFPS £ Confectionaries, Perfumery, fancy soaps and toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco of every variety and brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, PURE U ISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, Q2. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tootit Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys, arid an endless variety of useful and lancy notions not here enumer ated. Physician's I'resrriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and at short no tice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand E. P. LUTZ. Bloomsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. WYOMING HOUSE, J. It. MVKXrK, ritOl'KlKTttlt, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. f■ TIIK Proprietor respectfully informs hiss JL friends and the public generally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and comfort of the traveling commu nity, but alo to those who would seek a pleasant mnrmer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can uflord ; and his BAU will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ol his guests, and is determined to tnake the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong the first hotels in the Slate. The Pronrietor hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful and oblig ing servants, lie may be entitled to ihe fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. Cy Please give him a call, and judge for yourselves [April 2, 1859. TIIIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS. HI A RTZ & F, N T VAfOULf) respectfully inform the citizens •"of Light Street and vicinity that they have just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they will sell cheap for cash. They have a large and general variety ; all that is commonly found ill a Country Store, and are determined to sell cheap. In the selec tion of their goods they have paid strict at tenlion ; therefore their merchandise will bear recommendation and will prove to be of the first class. The proprietors are gentlemen and honor able dealers, and cordially solicit a liberal share of patronage. Customers would do well to cull and examine their general vari ety before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange for good at the highest market price. MARTZ & ENT. Light Street, May 4, 1859. Tluware & Stove Establishment. UNDERSIGNED respectfully jn forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in Ihe above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of. fers for sale the largest anil most - Jgjs| tensive assortment ol FANCY STOT ever introduced into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly o hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, nn short notice. The patronage of old friends and newcus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 13, 1853. If. BARNARD RUPERT, FJISIIIONAHLE TAILOR, Shop on the South Side of Mailt Struct, first square below Market. EVANS it WATSON'S —l'hH'a Manufactured mm DER From the Village Ilecord, WEST CHESTER, Pa. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. E'-BBEHV —The office of the old Railroad, in West Chester, was broken into last Thursday night, and rubbed of a sma'l a mounl ol money. The thieves entered the building in the rear, broke the doors, and locks off Ihe desks, and attempted to get in to the large iron safe, but did not succeed. The Safe was manufactured by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Streets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. OCTOBER IBlh, 1858.—Three theives en tered the fiouring-mill of Messrs. Dorraco & Doron, Bristol, Pa., and tried all n'ght to blow open their Safe, with powder, which had $250 in cash, but did not succeed in getting it open. Their Salamander Safe was manufactured by EVANS & WATSON. GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS TOWN, DECEMBER Ist, 1858 —Some time last night, the flouring-mill of Mr. Joseph Fazone, in Norristown, Pa., was entered and one of Farrel, Herring, & Co's best pa tent Powder proof Lock and Sale WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH PuWDER, and $1,600 in cash taken out and carried away. This Sale is now in Evans & Wat son's store, No. 26 South Fourth Street, where we most respectfully invite the pub lic to call and examine it. N. B.— We find in The Press, December 4th, the following: "All our Safes are war ranted to give perfect satisfaction, or the money will be returned. FARREL, HERRING & CO." We, EVANS & WATSON, would ask all parlies having Farrel, Herring & Co's Patent Champion Safes, to take advantage of the above offer, and return them and get their money, as they will find that, in a few | years, the Composition with which the Safes are lilted (a large portion being oil ol vilriol).will eat out all the iron. A speci men of their Champion Safes may be seen in front of our store, which is eaten full of holes now. EVANS & WATSON, rFrom The Press of Ihe 4th all.'] Farrel, Herring & Co's Patent Champion Safes, the only Safes made in the city which have never been robbed by burglars, or had their contents destroyed by accidental fires. Evans hi Watson's Philadelphia answer to a New York Humbug. We,the undersigned citizens of St. Joseph, Mo., do hereby certify that the iron Safe belonging to C. E. Baldwin,emade by Far rel & Co., No. 34 Walnut Street. Philadel phia, which was in the fire that occurred here, is not lire-proof, and is useless as a fire prool Safe; that the books, papers, jew elry, &c., which were in the Safe at the time, were mcch injured; also, that the budding which it was in was of frame and only one story high, and that a fire so tri fling as the one which burned over the said Sale was not sufficient to have injured any Safe purpo-t ing to be fire-proof. W. R. I'K NICK, Druggist. JOSEPH W. TOOTLE, Dry Goods. J. A. BEATTIE, Banker. DONNKLI.,SAXTON& MCDONNELL, Dry Goods WILLIAM lUv, I)rv Goods. JOHN Cunt), Dry Goods. C. E. BALDWIN, SI. Joseph, Mo. EVANS & WATSON, 26 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, have now on hand the largest assortment of Salamander Safes in the United Stales, warranted equal to any others made in the country. Please give us a call. Feb. 23d.89. GOLDEN PRIZE. Miss Southworth, Col. G. W. Crocket, Charles Burden, T. Dun English, M D. Henry Clapp, Jun., George Arnold, Samuel Young, Mrs. Anna Whelprey, Mrs.Virgtna Vangham Mrs. Di. Vernon, Miss Haltie Clare, Finley Johnson. WRITE ONLY FOR THE GOIDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. THE ipieiseu ILLUSTRATED. DEAN & SLATER, successors to BECKET & CO. The New Yotk Weekly Golden Prize is one of the largest and best Literary papers of the day, an Imperial Quarto, containing Eight pages or forty columns of the most interesting and facinating reading matter, from the pens of the very first writers of the day, Elegantly Illustrated Every Week. A PRESENT, Worth from 50 cents to SSOO 00. Will be given to each subscriber immedi ately on lite receipt of the subscribtion mon ey. This is presented as memento of Iriend ship, and not as an inducemet to obtain sub scribers. TERMS: One copy for one year $2 Ou and I Present. One copy for two years 3 50 and 2 " One copy for 3 years, 500 anil 3 " One copy for 5 years, 800 and 5 " AND TO CLUBS, Three copies 1 years, 500 and 3 " Five copies one year, 800 and 5 " Ten copies one year, 15 00 and 10 " Twenty otto copies 1 yr. 30 00 and 21 " The articles to be given away are compris ed in ihe following list : 2 packages ol gold containing SSOO OOeach 5 u " 200 00 " 10 " " " 100 00 " 10 Pi. Lr. Hun. cased watches 200 00 " 20 Gold watches, 75 00 " 50 do do 60 00 " 100 do do 50 00 " 300 Ladies' gold Watches, 35 00 " 200 Silver Hunting cased watches 30 00 " 500 Stlvel Watches, $lO to 25 00 " 1000 Gold Guard, Veat and Fob Chains, from - - $lO to 30 00 " Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Ear Drops, breast Pins, cuff pins, Sleeve buttons, Rings, Shirt studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver timbles, and a variety of oilier articles, worth from 50 cts. to sls each. We will present to every person sending us fifty subscribers, at $2 each a gold watch worth forty dollars; to any one sending us one hundred subscribers at $2 each, a Gold Watch worth S9O. Every subscriber will re ceive a present. Immediately on receipt of lite money, the subscribers name will be entered upon out book, by mail or express post paid. , All communications should be addressed to DEAN & SLATER Prop'rs. 335 Broadway. New York. Wheatlcy & Clarke's Theatre. Arch Slice/, above Sixth, Philad'u. 'PHE Star Company, composed of the first J- artist in the world, and exceeding in strength and talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical public, will appear every evening in Come dy, Tragedy, serio-comic Drama, Vaude villes, &c. When you visiting the city, go there. June 20, 1859 —lf. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PETER BILLMEYCU, Proprietor, F|Xakes pleasure in announcing to the t>ub lie that he still occupies this I rge ami commodious Hotel, in BLOOAISBURG, I'A , and is yet, as ever, prepared to accomodate his guests. The traveling public may de pend on all cornlorts at home, as his house is entirely furnished and kept in order. BIS TABLE Will be supplied with the best products the markets afford, and HIS BAR is furnished with the choicest liquors. The proprietor has in connection with his hoiel fitted out iu the basement an OYSTER SALOON, where tie can supply everything iu the way of EATABLES. Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Tripe, Beef Steak, Fish, &c., Sir,., will be kept on hand for the accommodation of his guests arid the public in general. He also has in connection with his hotel an excellent Omnibus Line, running regular ly several times per day to and from the Depots on the arrival of the Cars, by which passengers will be pleasantly conveyed to the Depot Stations, or taken from, or con veyed in their residences, if desired. Rr He will always he happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of bis ability. Rloomsburg, Jan. 20, 1858. E&r iCt .re. ft. JKTsO TO THE FASHONABLE AND flfr cs>'o > ss. fTOHE undersigned havingjustreceivedthe latest Paris and New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform his numer OUB friends and all the world about Blooms burg,that he is now better prepared than ev er toaocommoilale any one the neatest easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only thai, but he willalso do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too well knownloneed I uither noiire)whereh may at all timesbe found,seated upon the bench ofrepentance.stead ily drawing out the thread of affliction, hoping it may in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers. He would also advise his fiends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors mustlive, or they can't beexpecledto work.ThereforeWheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with ail now and then a little CASH will come mighty hand" from those who are back-standingon the books. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, Jan. 13th, 1858. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS I STEPHEN H. MILLER HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF PRING & SUMMER GOOD r *- Main Street, Bloomsburg, which he .will sell cheaper titan the cheapest. It con sists in part of Silks alpaccas, lustres, cloths, cassimeres, lawns, french and scotch ging hams. and in short, a full and complete va riety of STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, with a good selection of hats, caps, HOOTS AND SHOES, And a superior lot ol FRESH GROCERIES, Tt'aSfColTcciSuifiiisHlolasscs Rice, Spices, &c. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected his entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest cash prices, her can assure tiis friends and the public generally, that he will do all in his power to make his establishment known as the "Head quarters for bargains" Titose wish ing to purchase will find it to their advan tage to call and examine his slock before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the market prices. Bloomsburg, March 23, 1859. FORKS HOTEL. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT lIAUENBUCH, Proprietor, TAKES pleasure in announcing loihe pub lic thai he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the best products the markets af lord, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed with the choicest liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be >n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to kite wants of the public, and his obliging attention to customers wi I se cure him a liberal stiare of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, IBSB. 3D E IT T Ij3 T~R 11. C. HOWKR, SURGEON DENTIST, iBSSSkt liESPECFULLY offers bis professional services to the r ' ' ladies and gentlemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations m Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look us well as natural. A superior article of Tonh Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory—Main St., west side. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858 NEW MILLINERY SHOP. New anil Splendid Stock OF MILLINERY GOODS! Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, &c„ (UtNDER TRE STAR OFFICE) MAIN ST. lILOOMSBIIRr,, Fa. MM lE* dT O WILSCDH t¥AVING just received a very beautiful stock ol goods from Philadelphia, and opened a new shop, would invite the ladies ol Bloomsburg and vicinity to call and ex amine her assortment of II ON NETS TRIM MINGS, FLOWERS, FLATS, MANTIL LAS, FANCY ARTICLES, !fc, and in short, every other article to be found in a first class Millinery establishment. Her slock has been selected with great care, especial ly for this market. Bonnets made upon the shortest notice. Attention will be paid to repairing. She respectfully askes her lady friends to give her a call, as well as all those who wish any thing in her line. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1859. NEW BARBER SHOP. Tj.ENTLF.MEN w ishing a free and easy " Shaveor to have (heir Hair cut & dress ed in the latest style, cao have it done by calling on the undersigned at the New Bar ber Shop in the Court House Alley. Razors sharpened and honed on short notice. S. C. COLLINS. Bloomsburg, June 8, 1659. A. J. EVANS. MERC Hd N T, lore on the upper part of Main St., nearly pposite the Episcopal Church. AN ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew elry, Perfumery soaps, hair oils, bic. Pomades, to be bad at C. CLAIK'S Book Storß iaiufaetnrcrs, Mechanics and Inventors. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TO BE ENLARGEN! A New Volume— New Series, TO COMMENCE ON JULY 2d, 1859. Instead of 4 Jfi penes, the yearly vol., enlarg ed Series, will contain 832 pages ol valu able leading mailer, useful and instructive to all classes. The Scientific Amirican is published every week in quarto form, suitable for binding, and the numbers for a single year contains intormalion in regard to new intentions, machinery, all branches ol niaiiiilacturing processes, agricultural implements,engineer ing, IT.illwrighling, iron inauufucime, chem istry; in facr, almost every industrial pursuit receives more or loss atreiition iu its col umns. All patent Claims officially published ev ery week, as reported Irom the IWnt Office; and lor INVENTORS AND PATEN TEES it contains inhumation not to be ob tained elsewhere, and which no mechanic, inventor or patentee can well dowithoet. As a .family journal it has uo superior for real practical utility, since in its columns will be found useful practical recipes. Careful atlontion will be given from lime to lime, to reports of Ihe metal, lumber and other markets. Every number will contain sixteen pages ar.d forty eight columns of matter, with sev eral illustrations of patented machines and other engravings, comprising iu a single year ahout Six Hundred Original Engr tvings. With the enlarged series is presenteJ an opportunity to subscribe not likely to occur again for many years. It will he like com mencing a new work—Vol. I. No. 1., New Series. Send in your subscriptions without delay, so as to begin the new volume—July 2, next. TERMS $2 A YEAR—SI FOR 6 MONTHS. Southern, Western and Canadian money or post office stamps taken at par for sub scription. Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty six cents extra on-each year's subscription, to pre pay postage. A liberal discount to clubs. A prospectus giving full particulars ol the inducements lor clubs, with sperimeti copies of trie paper, and a pamphlet of information concerning the procuring of patents may be had gratis, by addressing MUNN & Co. Publishers of the Scientific America:,. 37 Bark How, New York. June 22, !859. NEW STORE AND lOSEI'H SHARI'LESS has just received •* and opened out at his New Store on Main Street, Bloomsburg, (joining the Star office,) a full assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Iresh from ihe cities of New York and Phil adelphia, which he will sell at the vcr/ lowest living profit. His stock embraces Stella, thibei and crape shawls, barege, ba j rege delaines, tissues, lawns, deluges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &c. SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, Plaid and Black Silks, which he intends to sell at reduced prices. EMBROIDERIES.—An immense stock of embroideries, such as embroidered band kerchiefs, collars, spencers, slpeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and ittseriings, linens, cotton and thread laces, floutietngs and em broidered curtains. DOMESTICS.—MusIins, drillings, tick ings checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flannels, table diaper and ready-made bags. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, Vestings, jeans, cottntiades, denims, blue drillings, eolloti plaids, Sir. A good assort ment of new style carpets and oil cloths, table and carriage oil cloths, ma s, rngs, baskets, &c. GrRCO EHIES ami Hardware of every description, such as Sugars, Molasses, Teas, Coiree, Fish, Spice, Salt, Nails and Spikes, Iron and Steel, Hard ware, Queenswate, Crockery and Wooden ware. Also, a good loi of Men and Boys' Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoes, ol all kinds and sizes lor Women and Children, to suit the most fastidious. He invites his friends and the public to givo him a call before purchasing elsewhere. He has bought goods at the lowest CHSB prices, and is determined to not be undersold by anybody or "the rest of mankind."— Country produce laker, at the market prices in exchange for goods. J. SHARPLKSS. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 24, 1858. JUST PUBLISHED. New Method For The Piano Forte. BY CHARLES GROBE. Opus 1100. Price, 82 50 nelt. Bound in Cloth, 3 00 nett. A good instruction book lor the Piano has long been wanting, and Mr Grobu has performed the labor, in getting this one up in the moat admirable \unil suti-/.ictory man ner. It will prove itsell one of the most valuable guides in the instructiuti of the art of playining on the Piano. Considering the author's well known ca pacity, and long and unremitliiug devotion to the task of elementary teaching, we have strong reason to hope that the public are now to he furnished with a thorough, sys tematic, progressive, and entertaining meth od for the Piano. We can confidently recommend it to leathers and pupils as better adapted to tho purpeses of elementary instruction than any others with which we are acquainted. The plan pursued in this work is substan tially ibe same as that developed in Ollen droff's method of teaching languages. It commences with the simplest elements.— The progress made will be gradual, so that every step will be perfectly inteligtble. and be rendered of positive value to tho pupil.— Every difficulty is met with single, and, af ter thorough analysis, overcome by practice. This method will, undoubtedly, provide teachers witn a welt digested, progressive, and enterlaitig plan by which a sound and correct knowledge of the art of playing the piano may be acquired with comparatively little labor, and in so short a space ol time as will almost seem incredible to those who have confined themselves to some of the te dious systems heretofore in use. This work contains ten ongraved figures, illustrating tho different positions of the hands ami fingers ; and also a likeness of the author. Its typographical accuracy and appear ance have never been equalled in any mu sical work that has heretofore been issued, from the press in this or any other couttt^H Copies will be sent by mail, free of pHH age, on the receipt ol the marked price. LEE & WALKBMjjfI llariiiiaii's Corncrflfflr rixHK subscribers have just rdKned from J the City with a large stock of Spring Goods, wtiioiyfpT tiller at the very lowest figures lor ftKuv PAV. Thank ful past favora they a share of public patronage, (MttßToufidenl that they can satisfy all K to buy cheep. H. C.IWY. HAUTMAN. Bloomsburg, AwifcSpli 186!). KU ' Office Carriage shop, Main St