The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 13, 1859, Image 1

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    THE STAR 01 111 IK NORTH.
M. 11. JACOBYj rrojniePor.]
(2)1? IliSlii SJCSMIrtiTj,
WIB. 11. JiltrOliY)
Office on Matn St., Ird Square below Market,
TERMS: —Two Dollars per annum if paid
Svithin six months from the time of subscrib
ing: two dollars and fitly els. if not paid with
in the year. No subscription taken for a less
Iperiod than six mouths; no discontinuance
permitted until all arrearages are paid, un
less at the option of the editor.
l'/ie terms if advertising wilt be as follows:
'One square, twelye lines, three limes, &l 00
Every subseouent insertion, 25
■One square, three months, 3 00
One year, 8 00
Cljoiie JJocirn.
How sweet the rest that labor yields
The humble and the poor,
Where sits the patriarch of the fields
Before his cottage door!
The lark is singing in the sky,
'The swallows on the eaves,
And love is beaming in each eye
Beneath the summer leaves f
The air amid his fragrant bowers
unpurchased health,
And hearts are bounding'mid thejfiowers,
More dear to htm than wealth,
lkrace like the blessed sunlight plays
Around his humble cot,
And happy sights and cheerful day's
Divide his lowly lot.
And when the village sabbath bell
Rings out upon the gale,
The lather bows his head to tell
The music of its tale—
A fresher verdure seems to fill
The fair and dewy sod,
And every infant tongue is still
To hear the word of God.
O, happy hearts ! to Him who stills
The ravens when they cry,
And makes the lilly 'uealh lire hills
So glorious to the eye—
The trusting patriaroh prayß to bless
His labors with increase ;
Such ways are "ways of pleasantness,"
And all such "paths are peace."
Hints to Travelers.
Take one fourth more mo.iey than your
actual estimated expenses.
Have a good supply of change, and have
no bill or piece higher than ten dollars, that
you may not take counterfeit change.
Dress substantially ; better be too hot for
two or three hours at ttoon, than to be too
cold for the remainder of the twenty-four.
Be at the place of starting fifteen or twen
ty minntes before the time.
Do not commence a days travel before
breakfast even if that has to be eaten at day
light. Dinner or supper, or both can be
more heallby dispensed with than a good
warm breakfast.
Put your purse and watch in your vest
pocket, and put all under your pillow, and
you are not likely to leave either.
The most secure fastening of yout cham
ber door is a common bolt on the inside ;
if there be none, lock the door, turn the key
BO that it can be drawn partly out and put
the wash basin under it ; thus any attempt
to use a jimmy or putin another key will
push it out, and cause n racket among the
crockery, and which will be pretty certain
to rouse the sleeper, and rout the robber.
A sixpenny sandwich eaten leisurely in the
cars is better for you than a dollar dinner
bolted at a "station.*
Take with you a month's supply of pa
tience, and think thirteen times before you
reply once to any supposed rudeness, or in
sult, or inattention.
Do not suppose yourself specially and
designedly neglected, if waiters ai hotels do
>U)t bring you what you call for in double
quick time; nothing so distinctly marks
the well bred man as a quiet waiting on
such occasions ; passion proves the puppy.
Do not allow yourself to converse in a
tone loud enough to be heard by a person
two or three seats from you ; it is the mark
of a boor, if in a man, and the want of re
finement and lady like delicacy, if in a wo
man. A gentlemen is not noisy, and ladies
are serene.
Comply cheerfully and gracefully with
the customs of conveyance in which you
travel, and the place where you stop.
Hespecl yourself by exhibiting the man
ners of a gentleman and a lady, if you wish
to be treated as such, and then you will re
ceive the respect of others.
Travel is a great leveller: take the posi
tion which otheis assign you from your con
duct rather than from your pretension.—
Halts Journal of Health.
readers who may happen to have more
p time on their hands than they can conven
iently make use of, will, no doubt, be much
obliged to us for the following curious
statement. We imagaine that a few will
find it a "poser." A gentleman married a
lady, whose brother soon after married the
IpMjband's daughter ; in conrse of time each
a child,the former a daughter, the
latter 1 ° n ,—therefore the first mentioned
lady i mot her to her brother, sister to her
dangtftr, and grandmother to her nephew ;
be. litte daughter is neice to her sister,
nun' cousin, sister to her uncle; the
yottug mnn isbwhsr to his .father and moth
er, .°nu to his slater, uncle to his-wij?, a[> d
brother to his nie® j his wife is sister to
her father and to her sis
ter, his little son is granfcon fo his aunt the
older lady, and cousin aunt the little
git! !
A very polite young to ask
a young lady if he might spedk to her a few
moments, wanted to know "if roll
the wheel of conversation around we axle
tree of her understanding for a few mo
• merit* " The young lady Tainted.
ffas William Tell a Myth
In August, 1857, Hon. Edward Everett
delivered his chaßle an eloquent oration on
"the character ol Washington" before the
Alumni of Bowdoin College. An educated
; Swiss lady was charmed by the finished
! eloquence of the ' golden-mouthed" orator
,of New England, but observed, at the con
' elusion, to President Woods,"l wonder why
j Air. Everett in his catalogue of great men,
| with whom he compared Washington, has
made no mention of the patriot of Switzer
land." President Woods, in a subsequent
conversation with Mr. Everett, i.amed the
omission spoken of by the lady. Mr. Ev
erett, remarked that as some doubt had
hung over the history of William Tell, he
had thought best not to bring him up in
comparison with our Patrice Paler. It was,
however, observed by pome, who had heard
Air. Everett, at Brunswick ar.d listened to
him again at Portland, that in the latter city
the orator mo6t beautifully and eloquently
alluded to the mountain hero whose very
name even at this day stirs the Switzer's
heart with the deepest emotions of patriot
ism. The attention of Everett having been
called to the subject in the manner alluded
to, he doubtless was led to an examination
of the historical claims of William Tell,and
being satisfied that they were true, frankly
did justice to oue of the noblest men that
ever lived.
Our notice of this subject at the present
time arises from the fact that the New York
Observer recently had in its weekly columns
of "Questions and Answers" the following
inquiry : "Was William Tell a myth
The Answer returned was, that history re
cords six other apple-shooting feats perform
ed by different individuals before and after
the time of Tell. How this decides the
question whether William Tell was a real
character or not, we are not able to see. But
as there has been some discussion in by
gone days on this subject, and some seem
still to be in doubt let us reduce the ques
tion to logical form : Saxo Gramaticus, a
chronicler of the 12th century, narrates that
Tecco, an archer ot the 10th century, per
formed the same leat which is recorded of
William Tell in the 14th century ; ergo,
William Tell is a myth. Any one may see
that such an inference is illogical. Yet this
is the greatest fact (t) that has been adduc
ed to prove that Tell's heroism is a mere
figment of the past. It is not improbable
that the deed referred to was performed by
even more than six different men. Such
skill in marksmanship was not rare in the
days of archery. Recently it was stated,on
the authority of one of the continental jour
nals, that a German peasant had imitated
the feat of Tell, —only that he used a gun
instead ola cross bow. Indeed, the "snuf
fing of the candle" by our Kentucky rifle
men, is perhaps more difficult than for a
firm hand and a steady eye to pick off an
apple from the head of a boy.
But Tell's non-existence is not to be made,
out from the flimsy inference mentioned
above. No character, of the 13th and 14th
centuries, is better attested in Swiss history
than that of William Tell. The ballads of
the present day sung to his memory ; the
annual festival on the blue lake of Lucerne
in his honor; and the monuments erected
to him by those with whom he was cotem
poraneous, all bear upon this point. "Tell's
chapel" on the "Talleuspring," (the rock
so called because the Swiss hero here leap
ed when he escaped from Gessler,} was
erected in the presence of one hundred and'
fourteen persons who had known Tell when
living. No one can go to
" That sacred lake,withdrawn among hills."
And witness their various scenes and inves
tigate the facts without being convinced
that William Tell was no myth.
Sir James Mcintosh, one of the most im
partial of historians, visited the glorious re
gion associated with the namo and deeds
of Tell. He examined history, and became
perfectly convinced of the existence of the
mountain hero, and of the truth of the part
that he played in little Switzerland, when
"Few were the numbers she could boast,
But every freeman was a host,
And felt as though himself were he,
On whose sole arm hung victory."
The testimony of such a man as Sir James
Mcintosh is one of the most important char
acter, if there were any room to doubt, for
Baron Macaulay thus speaks of his judg
ment and impartiality :—"Whatever was
valuable in the compositions of Sir James
Mclntbsh, was the the ripe fruit of study
meditation. * # ####*##
His mind was a vast magazine admirably
arranged ; everything was there and every
thing was in its place. His judgment on
men, on books, ou sects had been olten
and earefully tested and weighed, and
had been committed to their proper recept
acle an the most capacious and accurate
momory that any human being ever posses
But the mode of reasoning used in regard
to William Tell, comes from the Germans,
and has a bearing upon things of graver
import. During the last century, when re
ligion was dead in Germany and during this
century, when rationalism, with an appear
ance of erudition was rile, many critics
formed theories of their own in regard to
Homer, and the ancient writers in general.
Tho German mind was not schooled in the
weighing of evidence, in trials by jury, or
in looking at both sides of a question. The
result was that book after book issued from
the presses of Leipsic and Berlin,filled with
the most absurb theories. Every student
who came from the University had the am
bition to write a book. Each one thought
himsclt a veritable Daniel come to judg-
, meet. Homer was a myth, nearly every
hi-torical character was a being ot imagina
tiou, and thus Wi.'liam Tell became a myth.
It would be well if these sophists had stop
ped here. But they laid hold upon the
word of God ; Moses became a myth in
their hands ; Job was a mere story in poe
try, like the "Arabian Nights ;" Ecclesia
stes was the blating of a worn out debau
chee, or of an Epicurean philosopher no
longer young. Thus every book of the Bi
ble was divested of all that was holy and
authoriative by men of real erudition, as
well as by the shallowest of tyros. Good,
however, came out of this evil. The atten
tion of the few eminent evangelical Chris
tians in Germany was led to examine the
basis on wtuch the truth stands; the best
men of England and America studied more
profoundly than ever the "faith once deliv
ered lA the saints and the insult was, the
overthrow or the specious reasoning, and
the crude, and in some instances absurd
theories of opponents of the Bible.— tJour. of
Slick and the Ladies.
"Cousin John, how did your wife hurt
ber back so ? 1 declare it makes me feel
awfully to see what a hump she's got grow
ing since she cum away from Connecticut'
With that cousin John looked at her, and
larted a little, but I could see he didn't feel
just right; and arter a minit he said sez he,
"Ilusli cousin, you must not speak so loud ;
it's true Mary has put on too much bustle,
but it's the fashion you see." I looked
around, and, as true as you live, there
warn't a gal in that room that hadu't her
back a Blicking out jest the same way.—
Such a set of critters ( never did put my
eyes on, and yet they all stood about a smil
ing and a talking to the fellers, as if nothing
ailed them, poor things ! I never see a set
of folks dressed so and so awfully stuck up
as they were. Some of the gals had feath
ers in their hair, and some had flowers or
gold chains twisted around their curls, and
I didn't see one that wasn't dressed up in
her silks and satins, as could be. As for
men, thought 1 should have haw hawed j
right out a lafin to see some of them. There 1
was one chap talking to Miss Beehe, with ]
his hair parted from the top of his head j
down each side of his face, and it hung ,
down behind all over his coat collar like a
young gal's just before she begins to wear
a comb, and there was two bunches of hair
stuck out of his upper lip right urkler his
nose, like a cat's wiskers when she begins
to git her back up. Every time hq spoke,
the hair riz up and moved about, till it Vras
enough to make one crall all over to look at
him. Think sez I, if it wouldn't be fun to
see that varmint try to eat. If he didn't get
his victuals tangled up in that bunch of hair, j
he must know how to aim alfired slaight i
with his knile and fork.
Wouldn't Tell her Age.
The N. O. Crescent says :—A lady witness '
in one of the District courts on Friday, was ,
asked her age. She indignantly retused to j
tell, and rated the lawyer for impertinence.
The court explained that a knowledge of
her age was necessary to the case at issue,
and that it was not in any spirit of idle cu
riosity or impertinence that the question
was asked. Still the lady prevericated, and
finally became flatly stubborn. The court
told her she would have to answer the ques
tion. She was twenty-five. The Court then
reprimanded her mildly lor her obstinacy,
adding that twenty-five was a youthful age,
and not an age for any Indy to be ashamed
to acknowledge. The trial proceeded, and
after a while the lady testified to incidents,
of her own knowledge and memory, which
occurred twenty-seven years ago. In the
further course of the inquisition, the lady
became so disgusted with the opposing
lawyer, our tall and handsome friend, the
Kentucky colonel, that in replying to his
question she turned her face aside, and hid
it from his view with her fan. He request
ed her politely to remove her fan and faco
him when he spoke. She paid no attention
to the request. The Colonel then asked the
court to ask the lady to do as he had asked.
The Court did so. That was the touch that
fired the lady completely. Dropping her
fan suddenly, and facing the Colonel, with
eyes flashing fire, she snapped at him, or
spat at him, as a cat might spit at a dog.—
"Your'e 100 ugly to look at!"
The Col. grimaced under the compliment,
but went on with his questions. Lawyers
do meet Tartars, sometimes.
ant on his doathbed made his will. He call
ed his wife to him and told her of its pro
visions. "I have left, 1 ' he said, "my horse
to my parents ; sell it, and hand over to
them the money you receive. I leave you
my dog; take care of him and he will serve
you faithfully." The wife promised to obey,
and in due time set out to the neigbor
ing market, with the horse and dog. "How
much do you want for your horse V in
quired a farmer. ''l cannot sell the horse
alone,but you may have both at a reasonable
rate. Give me ten pounds for the dog and
five shillings for the horse." The farmer
laughed, but as the terms were low, he
willingly accepted them. Then the worthy
woman gave to her husband's parents the
five shillings received for the horse, and
kept the ten pounds herself.
A young fellow in Chicopec, who at
tempted to kiss a young lady, slipped and
fell, losing the kiss and two front teeth
Poor follow—what a disappointment to the
young lady.
Truth .ind Right God and
Pi om the Montreal Herald.
Sucred I'ledge of Love.
j We had in our possession on Saturday the
j identical pair of Bibles presented by the im
j mortal Burns to tho dearest object of his af
| lections, Highland Alary, on the banks of
i the winding Ayr, when lie spent with her
i "one day of parting love." They are in
j remarkable good preservation, and belong
; to a descendant of the family of Mary's
mother, Mrs. Campbell, whose properly
they became on the death of her daughter,
and subsequently Mrs. Anderson, Mary's
only surviving sister acquired them. The
circumstance of the Bible being in two vol
umes, seemed at one time to threaten its
dismemberment, Mrs. Anderson having pre
sented a volume to each of her two daugh
ters; but on their approaching marriage,
! William msjuiloJ on Ueyn to
dispose of the sacred to him. On
the first blank leaf of the fitst volume is
written, iti the hand writing of the immortal
bard. "And ye shall not swear by my name
falsely—l am the Lord—Levit. 19th chap,
12th verse;" and oil the corresponding leaf
of the second volume, "Tlion shalt not for
swear thyself, but shalt perform unto the
Lord thine oath—Math, sth chapt., 13d
verse." On tho second blank leaf of each
volume, there are the remains of ' Robert
Burns, Mossgiel," in his hand writing, be
neath which is drawn a masonic emblem.
At the end of the first volime there is a
lock of Highland Mary's hair.
There is a mournful interest attached to
these sacred volumes—sacred from their
contents, and sacred from having been a
pledge of love from the most gifted of Scot
land's barns to the artless object of his af
fections, from whom separated, no
more to meet on this side of the grave. The
life of Burns was full of romance, but there
is not one circumstance in it all, so roman
tic and full of interest, as those which at
tended and followed the gift of these vol
umes. He was young when he wooed and
won the affections of Mary, whom he de
scribes as "a warm hearted, charming young
creature as ever blessed a man with gener
ous love." The aitachment was mutual, I
and froms the subject of many of his earlier
lyrics, as well as the productions of his lat
er years, which shows that it was very deep
rooted. Before he was known to fame,
steeped in poverty to the very dregs, and
meditating an escape to the West Indies,
from the remorseless fangs ol a hard heart
ed creditor, he addressed to his "dear girl"
the song which begins:
"Will ye go in th Jmli* 1 -, ,
And leave anld Scotia's shore.
Will you go to the Indies, my Mary,
And cross the Atlantic's roar?"
But neither Burns nor his Mary were
doomed to ;i coss the Atlantic's roar," nor
to realize those dreams of mutual bliss
which passion or enthusiasm had engen
dered in their youthful imaginations. Burns
was called to Edinbutg, there to commence
his career of fame, which was to terminate
in ch : ll poverty, dreary disappointment, and
dark despair—while Mary's happier lot, af
ter a transient gleam of the of life,
was to be removed to a bettur and a hap
pier world. Her deaih shed a, sadness over
his whole future life, and asqttl of subdued
grief and tenderness was displayed when
ever she was the subject of
or writing. Witness as lollop:
"Ye banks an' braes an' streams around
The castle o' MoiitgoitTOrnf,
Green be your woods and fair your flowers,
Your waters never drnmlie:
There simmer first unfolds her robes,
An' there ihe langest tarry,
For there 1 took the last fareweel
O' my sweet Hieland Mary!"
In a note appended to this song, Barns
says: "This was a composition of mine ill
my early life, before I was known at all to
the world. My Highland lassie was a warm
hearted charming young creature as ever
blessed a man with generous love. After a
pretty long trail of the most ardent recipro
cal affections, we met by appointment on
the second Sunday of May, in a sequestered
spot on the banks of the Ayr, where we
spent a day in taking a farewell before she
would embark for the West Highlands, to
arrange matters among her friends for our
projected change of life. At the close of
the autumn following, she crossed the sea
to meet me at Greenock,—where she was
seized with a malignant fever, which hur
ried my dear girl to her grave in a few days
before I could even hear of her illness."
It was at this romantic and interesting
meeting on the banks of the Ayr, that the
Bibles before us, were presented to Mary ;
and he must have a heart of stone indeed
who can gaze on them without his imagin
ation calling up feelings in his bosoms 100
big for utterance. On that spot they ex
changed Bibles, at.d plighted their faith to
each other, the stream divided them, and
the sacred book grasped by both, over its
purling waters. This was the only token of
afTection each had to give the other, and the
wealth of the Indies could not have procured
a better or more appropriate one.
In Lochart's Life of Burns, we are inform
ed that several years after the death of Ma
ry, on the anniversary of the day which
brought to him the melamAdv intelligence,
he appeared as the (in
the language of hi 6 widow sad about
something and though was
a cold and keen one, in ho
wandered into his barn which
the entreaties of his wife coinißit, for some
time, recall him. To he
always promised obedieiitf, but these
promises were but tho lip-kmdnesses of af
fection, no sooner made forgotten,
for his eyo was fixed oyßieaven, and
his} (indicated that* his
heart was also there. Mrs. Burn's last ap
proach to the barn yard lound him stretched
on a mass of staw, looking abstractedly on
a planet which, in a clear starry sky, "shone
like another moon," and having prevailed
"on him to return into the house, he instant
ly wrote, as they still stand, the following
sublime verses "To Mary in Heaven,"
which have thrilled through many breasts,
and drawn tears from many eyeß.and which
will live the noblest of the lyrics of Burns,
while sublimity and pathos have a respond
ing charm in the heart of Scotchmen :
Thou lingering star with less'ning ray,
That lov'st to greet the early morn,
Again thou usherst in the tiny
My Mary from my soul was lorn.
,0 'I eat departe'4 shatle J
Where is thy place or blissful rest ?
fee'st thou thy lover lowly laid, [breast?
Hear'st thou the groans that rend his
That sacred hour can I forget?
Can I forget the hallow;d grove,
Where by the winding Ayr we met,
To live one day.Uf parting love ?
Eternity will not efface
Those records dear-of transport past j
Thy image at our last embrace ;
j Ah ! little thought we 'twas our last! *
Ayr gurgling kissed his pebbled shore,
O'erhung with wild woods' thick'ing green;
The lragranl birch, and hawthorn hoar,
Twin'd am'rous round the raptur'd scene.
The flowers sprang wanton to the preet,
The birds sung iove on every spray ;
Till soon too soou, the glowing west
j- Proclaimed the speed of winged day.
Still o'er these scenes my mem'ry wakes,
And fondly broods with miser's care !
Time but the impressiou deeper makes,
• As streams their channels deeper wear.
My Mary, dear departed shade !
Where is thy blissful place of rest ?
See'st thou thy lover low ly laid ? [breast ?
Hear'st thou the groans that rend his
The Chances of 1860.
Speculation is already afloat as to the
chances of the next Presidency, and calcu
lations are made to suit individual views.—
The following article irom an exchange,
appears to its id be a reasonable view of the 1
matter and we transfer it to our columns.— !
It says i
"The Republican papers of late have been !
bragging extensively upon their prospets of
success in the election of 1860. They de-1
clare it is now a certainly that a Repulican i
President will be inaugurated on the 4th of'
March, 1860. ft is undoubtely true that
they woropretiy successful -in carrying the i
Northern election of 1856 : but that is no
indication of the result in 1860. Their vie
tories are generally a year br two 100 early j
or too late. Even taking the election of 1
1858 as the criterion, and the chances for
the next Presidency are against the Repub
licans. ft is certain there will be no fusion
between the Southern and Northern opposi
tion in 1860. The Republicans will run
their own candidate on their own platform,
just as they did in 1856. Of course, this
being the case, they will not get a solitary
electoral vote of the one hundred and twen
ty belonging to the Southern Slates. The
Democracy may get all of them, hut they
will be cast against the Republicans. In
1858 the Democratic majority on the Stale
officers in Illinois was between two and
three thousand. In Indiana the Democratic
State ticket had about three or four thousand
majority in that year.
"In California and Oregon the Democratic
majority was largo. These Democratic
Slates have thirty-one electoral votes. Uni
ted with the South they would give one
hundred and fifty-one against the Republi
can certain. The whole number of eleclo
ral votes is three hundred and three. The
Republicans, if they should carry the
rest would only succeed by one majority.—
Recollect that this one majority is on the
basis of the late elections. The loss to them
of either Minnesota, lowa, Wisconsin, New
Jersey, Connecticut or New York would be
fatal. They can hardly hope to carry all
these States in iB6O. If the election should
go into the House of Representatives, the
Republican candidate will not be chosen. He
could not get any of the fifteen Southern
States. He could not got Illinois, Oregon
and California. Those eighteen States are
a majority of the thirty-three and would
prevent a Republican choice. It seems to
be impossible that any Republican can be
elected, unless the Democrats make an
outrageous blunder in their candidate and
platform at Charleston. If a popular man is
nominated there, on a national platform, he
will be elected by a larger majority than
Mr. Buchanan received in 1856.
British Review, discoursing on the doom of
the world, has the following remarks ;
" What this change is we dare not even
conjecture : but we see in the heavens
themselves some traces of destructive ele
ments, and some indications of their power
—the fragments of broken planets—the de
scent of meteoric stones upon our globe—
the whirling comets yielding their loose
material at the solar surface—the volcanic
eruptioe in our own satelite—the appear
ance of new stars and the disappearance of
others, are all foreshadows of that impend
ing convulsion to which the world is doom
ed. Thus placed on a planet which is to
be burned up, and under heavens which
are to pass away ; thus residing, as it were,
on the cementaries and dwelling npon the
raausolems of former worlds, let us leant
the lesson of humility and wisdom, if we
have not already been taught in the school
of revelation.'"
Willi hero from iho battie strife,
Willi palms ol victory crown'd,
Fame's clarion music in iiis ear
From earth's remotest bound ;
What ruler over a nation's ioYe
In majesty sublime—
Tl,first, the greatest in the realm,
A king in freedom's clitne,
Reiiiruspo rural hauiiis to watch (
His ripening wheat fields wave?
A blessed gladness in the heart
That glory never gave.
Who, his acres broad and green,
Where plow-shares brake the sod,
Prclers in sylvan toils to walk
With Nature and with God !
There was but one, who thus rctred
Front conquests, power and pride,
For which ambition hath so oil
In madness striven unit died.
There was hilt one, dost ask his iiaiVlC ?
'Neath lair Vifuinia s sky,
Go, find Mount Vernon's sepulchre
And heed its answering sigh.
Ladies tlic Best Company.
It is better for you to pass an evening
once or twice in a lady's drawing-tooth,
even thotiah the conversation is slow, and
you know the girl's song by heart, than in
a club, tavern, or pit of a theatre Ail
amusements of youth to which virtuous
women are not admitted, rely on it are de
leterious in their nature. All men who avoid
female society have dull petceptions and
are stupid or have gross tastes, and revolt
against what is pure. YoUf club swagger
ers who are sucking the buts of billiad cues
all night, call female society insipid. Poe
try is insipid to a yokel ; beauty has no
charities for a blind man ; music does not
please a poor beast who does not know one
tune from another; and as a true epicure is
hardly ever tired ol water, fancy and brown
bread and butter, I protest 1 can sit for a
whole night talking to a well regulated,
kimlly woman about her girl commitig out,
ol her boy at.Elon, and like the evening's
entertainment. One of the great benefits a
man may derive from woman's society is
that he is bound to bo respectful to thorn.—
The habit is of great good to your mortal
man, depend upon it. Our education makes
of us the most eminently selfish men in
the world. We fight lor ourselves, we push
lor ourselves, we yawn for ourselves, we
light our pipes and say we won't go out;
wo prefer ourselves, and our ease ; and the
greatest good that comes to a man from a
woman's society is, lhat he has to think of
somebody to whotn he is bound to be con
stantly attentive andjrespectlul.— Thackurny.
I.AY OF THE DESERTED —"An unfortunate
husband," having been deprived of the so
ciety of his charming wile, who had left
for parts',unknown, thus gives his veut to
his feelings through the medium of an ad
vertisement :
"My wife lias loft my bed and board,
For a few days—lew days ;
She sloped from here of lierown accord,
While I was away from home.
"I warn the world that no amount
Will I pay on the jabe's account,
For home she'll never come."
DOWN on the "Eastern Shore of Virginia
there is an editor, who is also his own com
positor and pressman, who makes occasion
al voyages along the coast, to Norfolk, as
captain of tho schooner Polly, who preach
es on Sunday, teaches school on week days,
and still finds time to take care of a wife
and sixteen children.
Is your horse perfectly gentle, Mr. Dab
ster ?"—"Perfectly gentle sir; the only
lault lie has got—if that be a fault—is a
playful habit of extending iiis hinder hoots
now and then." "By extending his hinder
hoots you don't mean kicking, 1 hope ?"
"Some people call it kicking, Mr. Green ;
but it's only a slight reaction of lite muscles,
a disease rather than a vice."
ONCE on a time an Irishman and a negro
where fighting, and when grappling with
each other, the Irishman exclaimed :
"Ye devil of a black nagur! cry enough,
or I'll fight till I die !"
"So'll I, boss," sung out tho darky, "1
allers does."
TIIE editor of the Sandusky Pioneer has
been presented with a fine shirt collar. Ho
is wailing for some one to give him a shirt,
so that he can put the collar to some use
At present it is a perlect superfluity to him.
A lady being about to marry a small man
was told that lie was a very bad fellow.—
"Well," said she, "if he is so bad, there's
comlort—there is very little of Jtim !"
A spiteful writer says: "It is about as
hopeless a task to get a rich woman to live
a life of common-sense, as it is to get a
rich man into the kingdom of heaven.
Mrs. Partington says she did not marry
her second husbund because she loved the
malo sex, but just because he was tho size
of her first protector, and would wear his
old clothes out.
THE Mayor of a certain tew" out West
. i -ii u if .i,* lies of his town,
proposes to kill half the oo„ '
. h [lie bark of ihe oth
and tan their hides i' n
er half.
A Mr He* has just started a now paper
in lowa. Ho oW* 1,0 h °P° B by h " rd scratck
ing to make a living for himself and little
[Two Dollars prr Annum.
. NUMBER 27.
Ilrigin uf Camp Meetings.
A correspondent o! ihe Boston Bee gives
ihe lollowing version of liie origin of these
popular religious gatherings :—lt has gen
erally been supposed that camp meetings
originated with the Methodists, but history
informs us that the Presbyterians were first
in l lie enterprise. I not long since listened
lu.a.sermon upon the subject from which I
gathered the following facts : Two brother •
preachers, one a Methodist the other a
Presbyterian, were traveling in the State of
Tennessee Tltey stopped at a village to
spend the Sabbath. There b'oing hut one
church in the place (a Presbyterian,) it was
agreed they should both preach in it; the
Methodist officia ed in ihe afternoon. As
they were very zealous in the cause, they
concluded to hold a meeting oil Monday.—
The evfitcment Is,cams so/ great that the
house was not large enouglt to accommo
date the multitude, and they adjourned to a
grove near by, and the people came from
far and near some bringing tents, others
covered tvngons and continued the meetidg
a week. Hence the name ot camp meetings,
though the Presbyterians have never made
it so prominent in theit operations as the
Methodists yet they share equal in its ori
gin. The Methodists have ever since ob
served it and as a body leei as much oblig
ed to attend the annual camp meeting as
the Jews did their Feasts of Tabaruacles.
A Chinese Hell.
A Correspondent of a Baltimore paper
thus describes a representation of the pun
ishment of the wicked after death, accord
ing to the Buddhisht theology, which he
witnessed in the suburbs of Canton :
"After a walk of about a mile, we came
to the "Temple ol Horrors." This is a
horrible place—that is, the 6cenes are hid
eous. The intention is to represent what
a bad man would suffer after death. It id
composed of ten different groups of statua
ry, made of clay, and many of them are
crumbling to pieces. The first group rep
resents tho triul of the man ; he is surround
ed by his family and friends,who are-trying
to defend him ; the second, where he is
condemned and given over to the execu
tioner; in the third he is undergoing a semi
transformation from the man to the brute;
the fourth, where he is put into a mill,head
downwards, and being ground up; hisdtfg
is by the mill, licking up his blood.
In the fifth scene ho is packed between
two boards, and is being sawed down
lengthwise ; sixth, he is under a large bell,
which is rung untir tiie concussion kills
him ; seventh, the man is placed upon a
rack, and the executioners are tearing his
flesh with red-hot pincers ; ninth, he is in
a cauldron of boiling lead, and the tenth
scene represents him on a gridiron, under
going the process of roasting. In all these
scenes his family are present; also, a large
figure who represents the judge, execution
ers, little devils, and various instuments of
AWFUL CONDITION. —"WeiI there is a
row over at our house."
"What on arth's the matter, you little
sarpint ?"
"Why dad's drunk, mother's dead, the
old cow's got a calf, Jerusha's married a
printer aud run away with tho spoons. Pete
swallowed a pin, aud /Lui's looked at the
Aurora Borax till he's got the delirium tri
"That ain't all neither."
"What else, upon airth ?"
"Kose split the batter-box, and broke ifie
pancakes, and one of the Maltese kittens
has got her head into the raolases tup afid
can't get it out. And oh, how hungry 1 am.''
GF" "Attention ? How many beans are
there in six 1"
"Six, sir. May I ask a question, if you
please, sir t"
" How many white beans are there in six
black ones 1"
"None, of course."
"Yes, sir, there is."
''Well, smartee, will you tell mo how
many 1"
"Yes, sir. There's six ij you tint tlcem I"
"Go to your seat, or you."
"I WISH I was a ghost, blame if I don't,"
said S poor covy, the other night, as he was
soliloquizing in the cold. " Tftey g°® s
wherever they please, 101 l Iree ; they J°" '
owe nobody nothin', and that's comfort.
Who ever heard tell of a man who had a
bill against a ghost. Nobody- They never
buy hats and witals, nor has to saw wood
nor tun arrauts, as I do."
A friend of ours was congratulating him
self tfpon having 'ecently taken a very
pleasant trip- u P on we fou,ul lhat
ho had tripod aud fell into a young lady's
|UP. '• •!1 - !
A woman with no friends can't be ex
pected to sit down and enjoy a comfortable
smoke, for she hasn't got any " to back
THE old woman who opens the pew at
the church says, she used to have only to
open the (loots, but now she has to push
tho dresses in, too.
AN irritable man is like a hedge bog roll
ed up the wrong way, tormenting himself
with tiis own prickles.
A modes', young lady who is about to bo
murried, vows sho'll tako chloroform when
the time comes.