The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 29, 1859, Image 1

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W. 11. JACOB?, PlHKptlerw.]
riisilhfOkD 'iTvrtiv WVDMBIDAT rr
Affile on Into*!., trd Square below Mwkrt,
TERMS n—Two nollarsperatrmrm if ipajd
Svithin six months frotti the thrtfe of tftfbsfcrib-;
lug: two dollars and'fitly'els.'if nOtpUid wilh
•in the year. No subscription taken for a less
•period than six months; no discontinuance
gsrmitted until all arrearages are paid, un-
SB at Are-option of the editor.
Ihe terms of advertising will be as follows:
'One square, twelve lines, three times, 81 00
Every subsequent insertion, 25
'One square, three months 3 00
*One year, 8 00
€i)oi(e Poetrfl.
As thin n a hatchet I've grown,
And poor as Job's turkey, by golly;
1 stand like a scarecrow alone,
Syi victim to love's melancholy !
1 feel most confoundedly blue,
Life's rose is turned to a thistle ;
My sweetheart has turned' Out untrue,
And sacked trie as slide as a whistle '.
Though lively and keen as a rat,
And playful as any young kitten,
She has got the sharp ClxWs of a cat, [ten.
And baa showed 'em to me thro' the mit
t)f our village girls she's the belle,
And plump as a partridge she grows :
Her lips for two cherries would sell—
Her cheeks are as red as a rose !
Like two bran new dollars heteyes,
Her nose is turned neater than wax,
Her bosom with Venue's vies,
Her hair—it is finer than flax.
t courted her day after day,
In the hope her affections to win,
But my trouble is all thrown away—
Like a fool, I have been taken iu 1
I am laughed at by all 'of our folks—
They expected a wedding to follow,
She turned out a tarnation hoax,
Her heart hike a pumpkin, is hollow!
As thin as a bean pole I grow,
And Crabbed atrd cross as a beat,
My heart—it is love-cracked, I know—
I shall lie down and die in despair 1
Mr Editor, —I see in yonr issue of the 12th
Instant an appeal to the clergy in behalf of
'the inebriate asylum. I, fo'r one, wish
promptly to respond to that appeal. I will
give twenty-five dollars toward building a
penitentiary in which. to place the drunk
ard-maker, to be safely kept at hard labor
{the avails of which shall go to the sup
port uf the drunkard and his family) till he
shall give good security that he will never
again -a#.ict the comunity by selling the
'drunkard's, drink, or by manufacturing drun
kards for a virtuous people to take care of.
What say the sober part of community to
this proposition ? Will you be silent while
the rum interest takes shelter professedly
tinder the broad seal of the eonrtiwtton, and
the traffic is takevi to the bosom ef stale
laws, and a large class of respectable feh
how citizens take the victims of the horrid
traffic to an asylum, and then appeal to the
virtuous for their support f Such Is the ef
frontery of rum, such the consistency ef the
state, such the proprety of the appeal made
*o the clergy.
The state legalizes the traffic in rum,
knowing certainly that krundeness will be
the result, and while the rumselter goes tin
whipped of justice, the virtuous part of com
vrttnity must be taxed in a thousand ways
for its support. This is a grand outrage I
What would be thought if the stale should
take it into its head to legalize the breeding
o! wild and detructive beasts, to be turned
out to make their depredations in the com
munity 1 Would there not be heard an un
mistakable cry against the outrage f How
much louder wou'd be that cry of an out
raged community, if in addition to this
wrong, they should be taxed in a thousand
ways for its continuance, and still in addi
tion bo asked to contribute of their virtu
ously gotten means to prepare an inclosure
in which to place and lake care of these
animals, and if possible render them harm
less, and then to be turned out to be caught
up by gentlemanly breeder to be made by
him as ferocious as before, and all this at
the public expense, while the breeder is
enriching himself, and moving about as a
gentleman 1
In such a esse if the community could
not got legal redress and protection they
would protect themselves, dispute the law,
and all would say amen. It would not ap
pease their indignation to tell them the bu
siness is legalised, and to put a stop to it
would be a guilty interference with a man's
s. Change this supposed case, and substi
-6k lure men for beasts, and the application of
. the argument is not difficult.
Our fathers and sons are converted into
something as ferocious as wild boasts,while
Ibe man who does this respectable work is
irifijfcling 10 the wickedness of that work itself
robbing his victims and their
At the same time we are told
than&eee men ate gentlemen, and their
busmtemuet not be interfered with. The
statjUes the rameelter to ita bosom, and
eigflßgstiy says, Do my favorite pete no
outraged people earnestly
demand protects against this greatest out
rage 1 they be free.—From
Ik* Christian AdvSttftad Journal.
' 'Well, Alick, how'Plpur brother Ike
gettin on these times V' "Wb, first rate.—
Got a start in the world— a widow
with nine children.
Much smoking kills live rmmd cams
deed swine.
tosttrotW MetffiJß.
Pursuant to public notice a targe meeting
-of rhe friends'of the Tyrone and Lock Ha
ven Hail road assembled in the court room
in Bellefonte on Wednesday, the Ist day of
Jane. The Hon. A. G. Cr.rtin was called to
the choir, L. A. Mnckey end Thos. Wilson,
▼ice presidents, and E. C. Humes, Secretary.
Mr. Curtin, on taking the chair, remarked
that he observed a number of strangers
present—among them Thos. Kimber, Jr.,
president of the •CattaWissa andthe William
sport and Elm its Railroad?, a gentleman of
liberal views and acknowledged ability as a
railroad man, and H. A. Fonda, the able and
efficient superintendent of the Cattawrssa
Railroad. He also observed the Messrs. Os
borne, 'engineers and 'Contractors ot great
experience both in this country and in Eu
rope, who had visited the road and the
country, and Who were competent to give a
'correct opinion Of the line of the road, its
character, and probable advantages. He
also observed among others an old veteran
in railroad enterprise,<a pioneer and a pa
tron of railroads, Col. Joseph Paxton, of
Cattawissa. These men had come here to
attend this railroad meeting, and he hoped
we would hear from them.
The officers ol the road were better able :
to state the direct object ol the meeting
and to the/m be now referred the subject.
Dr. llnderwood said a tease had been'
made with the Cattawißsa Railroad Compa
ny to run the Tyrone and Lock Haven.
Railroad, and that he had invited the officers :
of that road to visit this section of the coun- j
try,examine our enterprise, and if worthy of,
assisiance to aid us in its Completion* The 1
road, he said, was still progressing and was
nearly ready for the track, and it was time
that measures were taken to complete it.—
The Messrs. Osborne had passed over the
fine, and examined its character in an en
gineering point of view. They had passed
through some of the valleys, went into the
west of the Alegheny mountains,
1 observed the coal interests, the iron mines
and iron works, lumber mills and flouring
mills, and made a detailed report, which
laid on tire table, and he hoped it would be
read with interest. In conclusion, he beg
ged the chair to introduce to the audience
Thomas Kimber, Jr., president oi the Cat
tawissa, Williamspott, and Elmita Railroad
The chairman of the meeting having in
troduce Thomas Kimber, Jr., President ol
•ho Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie
Mr. K. said that he (elt much obliged to
the chairman, and to Dr. Underwood, lor
having explained to the citizens of Belte
fonle the his Visit at tnis time
wbrch was by no means to attempt to im
part any information to them 011 subjects
With which they were far more familiar
than he could possibly be, much leej to
make any formal address to a town meeting,
in order to arouse them to a conviction of
their true interests in regard to the Tyrone
and Lock Haven Railroad.
He had come wholly unprepared for so
public a reception, and would feel great
embarrassment on the occasion, were it net
that the critical position of out common in
terests required a frank and full interchange
of oppinion at this juncture, and an earnest
co-operation for our mutual welfare.
Moreover, with the aid of his friends
Richard and John was enabled
to make an important proposition to the
meeting ; which if accepted, would un
questionably ensure the immediate con
struction of three fifths of the Tyrone and
Lock Haven road—and place the comple
tion of the entire line beyond any reasona
ble doubt. jflj
Mr. Kimber stated that his acquaintaiflP
with the subject was of very recent date,
having commenced about three months
since, by the introduction of Dr. Underwood,
the enterprising and indefatigable president
of the road, to whose economical manage
ment and perseverance under evil and good
report the stockholders owe the safety and
steady progress of the work.
He had heard,through his friends in Phil
adelphia, interested in the Snow Shoe Com
pany, of Dr. Underwood's ability, and had
been urged by them to lend a helping hand
to the road; but it was not 'all the president
called personally and pointed out its claims
upon our sympathy and co-operation, the
importance of its cotemporoneous comple
tion with the Suntiury and Erie to Lock
Haveo, and the large tribute that it would
bring to the Cattawissa and Elmira road,
that he had felt it incumbent upon .htm,
amid overwhelming care to attempt a vig
orous effort on behalf of the enterprise.
Mr. Kimber proceeded to say that he
invited Richard and John Osborne to vis™
the location of the road, to report on its
condition and prospects ; and if they saw
their way clear, to tender proposals for its
immediate completion from Milesburg to
Lock Haven. They had accordingly given
a thorough investigation to the whole sub
ject, and the resnlt of their examination
was now laid upon the table, in a clear and
very encouraging report. This pamphlet
contained most valuable information with
regard to the resources of the district thro'
which the road passed ; and which we be
lieve would be foui.d prepared with more
than professional accuracy and caution; and
in fact its statements would fall below the
He would not detain the meeting with a
recital of these advarifcges, of the various
calculations of speculative profit which the
subject invited. They know all these alg
ready, they had gauged the iron ore veins,
I sounded by plummet the depth of their
coal mines, and estimated the millions of
feet on every square mile of their rich rim-
I ber lands. They had built lateral toads,and
; saw mills and furnaces to work up and pre
-1 pare for market theit tioh mineral and agri
cultural materials.
It needed therefore, no argument or dem
onstration to convince them 'Of the impor
tance of better, and cheaper, and more
rapid means of transportations of the man
ufactured article to the most profitable
More especially was this unnecessary in
view of the fact of the great progrtßs that
had been made by them in the construction
of the Tyrone and Lock Haven road. It was
■erideirt that the citizens of the vicinity were,
partially at least, convinced of the import
ance of gradually completing a railroad
communication With the great lines North
and South.
But there was one very important view of
the case, to which ha wonld like earnestly
to call their attention, and that was the
great question of TIMK ! It is a well iSiown
principle of mechanics that What is gained
in time must be lost somewhere. And it
was generally true in great oonstTOcirous,
that to work against lime implied a greater
expenditure of energy or meaus than would
be required for more gradual operations.
It might be so in this instance ; but it was
possible that to press through the Lock
Haven road with vigor and dispatch, so as
to complete the connection the ensuing au
tumn, would prove on the whole, even the
most economical financial step they could
Iran was unprecedentedly low, and wa
ges and material were low. Let the war
news fade away—or prove, as was likely,
the harbinger of great prosperity to our ag
ricultural, and hence for all our interests—
and wages and food and iron, and material
of all kinds would rebound to a far higher
extent than would be needed to balance
any discount on the present negotiations of
your bonda.
But whether in the immediate calculation
of profit and loss this were the case or hot,it
was certain to prove in the ultimate and
comprehensive estimate of the results the
soundest policy, and the truest economy to
finish (he road at once, at any reasonable cost.
Why, one of the reports of your excel
lent and faithful engineer, Mr. McMinn, to
whom it is impossible to award too much
praise lor his skill and devotion to the in
terests of the Company, in the location and
constructiou of the line—one of his early
reports states the facts, which 1 believe to
be an under estimate, that there ate one
hundred thousand milliou feet of lumber, at
a moderate calculation, within an area cf
fifteen miles square, in Centre county
And that this lumber is worth in the stump
only Si 50 per 1,000 feet, or 81,500,000 r
but that at the terminus of your road at Ty
rone or Lock Haven, it is worth manufac
tured 812,000,000.
Now,this manufacture involves no expen
diture out of the county —the cutting and saw
ing are all paid for within its limits ; and
therefore the whole difference between the
present estimated value, and the realized
returns for the finished commodity is clear
gain, to the county, of 810,500,000. And so
long as this result is delayed it is a conse
quent clear loss to the county.
What might not be accomplished with
this ter. million dollars in Centre county, if
realized within the next twenty years !
How your coal mines would be developed !
How iron furnaces and rolling mills would
spring up all over the country 1 How busy
flour mills, and saw mills, and plank roads,
and railroads, would be in producing and
manufacturing'and transporting your agri
cultural and mineral wealth !
Why, even this old rickety canal, which
no<v looks hardly worth the powder neces
sary to blow it up, might gather something
of the overflowing treasure ; and a lively
imagination might picture steam naviga
tion on its waters, and twenty-four self act
ing steam gates opening and shutting at the
bidding of this spirit of enterprise.
But look at the subject farther: every
year's delay in the average realization of
this 810,000,000 is a loss of interest on this
sum to the county. Let ua estimate this at
six per cent, and there is a dead loss, irre
coverably sunk every year of 8600,000 to
the district. And this is on timber alone,on
fifteen miles square of land. Apply the
same test to the timber along your whole
road ; more than that, apply it to the hun
dreds of millions of tons of coal and iron
om in your region, and the imagination is
startled at the figures which are brought
h Even the most economical and prudent
Bf your stockholders and citizens would
urge the work forward, and would say com
plete the arch—whatever it may cost for the
Keystone matters little.
One remarkable advantage possessed by
a region pierced by a railroad is this :
The distant markets for grain or produce,
or coal or iron, or lumber are brought
to your doors—and the lull prices at the
frontiers of the State are realized, less the
simple cost of railroad transportation to the
You have but to pick up a New York or
Philadelphia paper and get the ruling val
ues of grain, or lumber, or iron, or gas coal,
and step to the railroad agent in your town
for the rates to that place, and you have the
clear net profit of the transaction in hand at
once before your eyes. There can be no
mistake. Sell the produce by telegraph,
deliverable in three days at New York, and
make your contract with the railroad, and
draw on the shipment, and you are safe.—
Tilth ut Rlifhi—to* Mr CowKry.
Good* may decline ; delay* over ihe con
tract may oceut, posiibly, bat you are idem
nified from lose, and Can derate your time
and your capital to freah Operation*.
Mr. Kimber then proceeded to *bow, by
an accurate outline map of the ■connecting
roads, that both the grades and dhrtaltces
were in favor of tbe Lock Haven outlet for
their coal and produce, as well as the pas
senger travel to and from the Eastern cities.
Taking the centreuf the Tyrone and Lock
Harem road as the average starting point—
which Bellefonte represented quite nearly
-—and it would be found that to Harrieburg,
the common intersection of the two routes,
on the Way to Baltimore, the Lock Haven
' route had the advantage of three miles Of
| distance, and in grades
To Philadelphia H paasengers
' took the Northern from Williams-
I port. But to New Vork there was a saving
from Bellefonte of 81 miles, besides the de
lays in transit in Philadelphia from one line
to the other, even if connections were Oth
erwise complete. So that the Tyrone and
Clearfield road could actually transport their
lumber to New Yotk, over the whole line of
the Tyrone and Lock Haven road, 51 miles,
thus paying this regions large tribute, and
thus be in New York by a shorter and cheap
er rente than any other line afforded them.
Still mote important were afi-these con
siderations to the Snow Sfcae Company,
whose valuable improvements entered the
Tyrone and Lock Havm road at about a
central point—and hence Who would reap
the maximum advantage from comparative
cheapness of the eastern route. And when
to this was added the fopt that the northern
markets were also open to the Snow Shoe
gas coal, and that Binghanton, Syracuse,
Albany and other places noW using West
moreland coal at their gas works, would
thus be supplied by our route with Snow
Shoe coal, at prices of transportation which
would defy competition. Surely this great
interest would impel the stockholders to aid
materially in the efiortto complete the road,
at least from Milesburg to Lock Haven, a
eoon after tire oppening of the Sunbury and
Erie road to that point as it was possible to
accomplish it.
One word now with regard to the alter
native line from Lock Haven to Williams
port. On riding up yesterday through the
rich agricultural country above and below
Jersey Shore, one could not but be aston
ished at the policy which had chosen to
hug the barren blqfi* other side of
tiie river to a loss of the local trade which
ol itseli would almost justify a road on the
left bank. Still, there the railroad was, and
though pledges to the amount of 8200,000
had already been made to the stock sub
scription for tlmt line, and though compe
tent contractors had offered to take that
subscription and finish the road on its mort
gage bonds immediately after completing
the road to Lock Haven, yet Mr. K. stated
that he deprecated, aB a railroad man, the
construction of rival routes, and if the Sun
bury and Erie would give the Catlawissa
company the same rights to Lock Haven, as
they now enjoyed perpetually to Williams
pott, hecoulij not be more instrumental in
the construction of the alternative road. If,
unfortunately, however, other counsels
should prevail, he would pledge himseli to
aid in the immedialfc. ( ompletion ol the
Tyrone and Lock Haven extension to Wit
iiamsport, on a basis of local subscriptions
of $250,000 to the lower line. Mr. Kimber
then introduced Richard Osborne, Esq., to
the meeting, who submitted in full from the
proposals for completing the road from Ju
lian Furnace to Lock Haven the coming
autumn,based on a subscription of $120,000
on the Tyrone and Lock Haven bonds at
f6 cents, on notes of responsible parties
running from three months to twenty-seven
months from June Ist, 1859, which, with
subscriptions already pledged, would ena-
I ble them to absorb themselves the remain-
I der of the bonds necessary to the comple-
I lion ol this section of the work.
Mr. Kimber stated that he had no person
al interest, direct or indirect, in ihe contract
or in the construction of the road in any
way. But that he believed it very inpor
tant to the interests in his charge that the Ty
rone and Lock Haven road should be open
ed at once, and he felt sure that there would
never be made a fairer or more liberal pro
position than Richard and John Osborne
had now made to complete that section at
$6,200 a mile, with so latge an amount pay
able in bonds.
The proposal, in fact, tendered a consid
erable subscription of foreign capital to this
local interest, thus diminishing greatly the
efforts requisite at home; and he earnestly
hoped no sectional consideration would in
terfere with the cordial and earnest co-op
eration of all parties interested in this great
Mr. Osborne remarked that the Tyrone
and Lock Haven Railroad, throughout its
entire length, must ever look to its eastern
connection as life natural outlet for all its
productions, and for these reasons: Ist.
Because distance was in its favor—Tyrone,
its western extremity, being as short a dis
tance to New York, via the Tyrone and
Lock Haven Railroad, as by any other route;
and goods from a middle point, say Belle
fonte, beir.g nearer to NewfYork via Lock
Haven by more thairBo mfles than via Ty
rone. 3d The cost of transporting a ton of
goods from Tyrone city to Lock Haven be
ing taken at 87 cents, it would require an
outlay ol about 48 cents to carry a like quan
tity from east to west against grades of 894
feet,or,in other words, the total receipts on
the road for a year, in piece of being SI 12,-
000, as has been shown to give a return of
seven per cent, would require to be about
8210,001/ in yield the same return, if the out
let for Are grade of the Bald Eagle valley be
forced through its wesretn connections.
What same miird would send goods and
passengers westward, in order to arrive at
an eastern point, and who would prefer rol
ling his burdhii up hill, when by simply
turning round it would uf itself roll down
arid reach the same point I—'Why should
the eifierprising people Who have, unaided,
graded this road, hot carry the goods and
passengers of its local trade over their own
roads and swell its WWeijAs, rather than
permit it to wander over other roads to add
to their revenue 1 If therefore, distance,
cost of transportation, dividends On your
stock, and interest on your bonds, are quea
tions involved, and which will satisfac
torily settled by the connections yon have
to show what I have before stated, that the
traffic of your own road, from every point
•on it, gravitates to Lock Haven.
Like advantages are to be found in the
route to Philadelphia, the difference in dis
tances being, of course less. Lock Haven
and Tyrone, by theirjVespective routes, are
about the same distance to Philadelphia
and Bellefonte, in like manner, by either
route, with thin distance, that westward the
grade against the trade—East it is in its fa
Mr. .Osborne stated that the whole sub
ject bad been c'arefully examined by request
of the president of the Cattawissa, Williams
port, and fitte toad ; that from his express
ed desire to hare this road speedily finish
ed, they had Visited the country to'examine
its resources, Condition of the road, &c.,and
he was happy to be able, at that meeting,
to 6ay that, so far as they were concerned,
they had witnessed enough to convince
them that it would be a safe investment for
them, end that there was abundant proof of
the road from its own resources being re
munerative ; that faith such feelings, desi
rous of carrying out the wishes of Mr. Kim
ber, they were prepared to become large
subscribers to the bonds, undertake to put
the work through, and get the road in run
ning order this fall, and if the present own
ers of the railroad would take among them
selves a few shares of tlveso securities, the
city of Philadelphia will this autumn be
brought within two hundred and filly miles
of Bellefonte, while at this moment she ie
more than one hundred miles from Lock
Haven, and near four hundred from Phila
delphia, estimating the time of traveling as
per railroad.
The proposition for putting the track on
that portion of the road between Lock Ha
ven and Julian furnace, was discussed by
Hon. James T. Hale, fe. Blanchard, T. A.
Mackey, Dr. Underwood, and others.
Col. Joseph Paxton was now introduced
to the meeting :
Col. Paxton said that a certain prosperity
awaited the Tyrone and Lock Haven road
from the day of its opening. In the course
of his long, but pleasant day's ride IVom
Lock Haven to this place, he had been
greatly struck with the progress this wild
valley had made since his last Visit, some
twenty-five years ago.
The cultivation of a large portion of the
district passed through Was eqUat to that ot
the oldest settled and most improved coun
ties of the State : and the iron furnaces and.
saw-mills everywhere in operation or afaalt
ing the opening of tire road to commence
operations, insured the very first year an
adeqnate return for the bondholders, and ab
ler that year would unquestionably remun
erate the ecockholders, for their investment.
He desired to assure every capitalist pres
ent, that at seventy-five per cent, the price
proposed to offer the bonds at to subscribers
and in view of the ample time given for
their payment in cash, every subscriber
would, in his judgment, make money by
the operation, in addition to the great aid
he would render to the road and to his oth
er interests,
Me lelt sure every putty present, or who
should hear of the proposition, who had
money to invea?, would conclude with him
that these bonds at seventy-five per cent,
were a safe sure reliable inuestment.
They had all the security of a mortgage
on real estate, with a vital income, coming
in every year, to pay the interest and di
minish gradually the bonded debt.
Col. Pax ton added that his experience of
railroads, since their first introduction into
this country, some twenty-five years ago,
had been very considerable,and he felt glad
to assure the gentlemen interested that he
had never seen a cheaper, a straighter, or a
belter planned road than the Tyrone and
Lock Haven road. He had himself paid out
in easb, for the construction of a single mile
on the Cattwissa road, more than the aver
age cost of six miles of this road when
completed. And yet the Cattawissa was
now earning and paying the interest on the
'bonds, and in a year or two would pay a di
vidend on her stock. He felt sure, there
fore, that this road, on the small construc
tion cost of SI 6,000 per mile, would imme
diately and amply pay the interest on the
whole stock and boodf and he earnestly
recommended the subscription to these
bonds, as a very desirable investment for
families or estates, aa well as for the par*
pose of completing the road as proposed at
this time. ,
On mjHion of Dr. Wm.JUtjderwoodjit was.
Remluid, That, in the opinion of this
meeting, the proposition submitted by Tos.
Kimber, Jr., and the Messrs. Osborne, is
liberal, and If responded to by the people
of Centre county, Will insure! the comple
tion of the road.
Buotved, That James T. Hale, W. A.
I Thomas, M. T. Milliken, P. B. Wilson, W.
' F. Reynolds, John Irwin, J. I. Thompson,
T. Wilson, Wm. Fesfron-, Jr., JaCob Graffius,
John Jones. Jno Chatham, DottOr J. M. Mc
Coy, are hereby appointed to take immedi
ate means to sell bonds of the UOnipany,
and in all other respects batty out the ar
rangements proposed to complete the road,
and that they are earnestly requested to
ItHfil the purpose Of this appointment with
in ten days.
Rnolvtd, That we are deeply obligedaftO
Thos. Kimbet, JY, and the Messrs. Osborne
and Colonel Paxton, for their visit to Centre
county at this time and their generous iu
; 'Where isJMentrtrJlfl I
| Very few maps contain hie place upon
which renown has fallen for a second,time,
in conjunction with contests between the
armies of France and Austria. Montebello
is a very rtianificent Village,"and So near to
Casteggio that its name is rarely found in
ordinary geographical charts. Casteggio is
about thirty miles east of Allessandria, and
fifteen West of the Po, while Montebello is
but a few minutes' walk southwest of Cas
Casteggio and vicinity has been a cele
brated battle ground for more than 2,000
years. It is the ancient Chtlidtum and it
was here that Claudius Marccllns WOO the
richest spoils by vanishing and slaying
Viridomarus, King of the Gasata In the
Punic wars it was AO important military
position. It Was beseiged by Hannibal,
and might have defied his poW'Ot, but his
torians tell us that 800 large pieces Of gold,
paid to the commander, POblius, "purchas
ed the fortress," (a very polite phrase for
expressing bribery.) The stores and pro
visions found therein were of the greatest
utility K> the Carehaginians. A spring not
far from Casteggio is still balled iFantona d'
It was near Casteggio, Otk the 9th of June,
1800, that the great conflict between the
French and Austrians took place, which is
known as the batik of Montebello, for it was
in the latter little village that the arms of
Napoleon I. finally routed the corps de reserve
of the enemy. The Austrians defended
themselves with the greatest valor in Cas
teggio, and the hills near the town were
taken and retaken several times by the con
tending parties ; but the fortune of the day
was decided by Victor, who broke the bbn
tre of the Austrians, so that when Napoleon
came up to the assistance of the French
vanguard the victory had already been
The second Fremsh victory at Montebello,
it appears from the meagre accounts which
have been received, Was obtained by two
or three thousand less troops on their side,
over three thousand less otl the part of the
Austrians. The contending pAHiOs in June,
1800, were 9,000 French embers to 18,000
Austrians ; on the 21st of May, 1859, the
combatants were,respectively,at the highest
figure which has come to us, T,OOO French
men and 15,000 Austrians. The recent ac
tion, however, has not the decisive Cherac
of that in lftuO. It Beems to have been more
the onset of two large bodies of scouts than
the terrible conflict of two large armies
Still the prestige given to the Arms of the
allies in this engagement it moat encour
aging to them ud to all who sympathise
withl. Journal cf Commerce.
rian (Mich,) Watchtuwer furnishes a sin
gular narrative of the adventures of a som
nambulist on the cars nf the Michigan
Southern railroad. A gentleman An his wife
look passage at Chicago in A night ekpress
train for the Hast, ahd retired fu the berths
Of a Bleeping car. At the Laporte station the
! gentleman arose in a somnambulic state,
j walked out of the car on to the platform of
j the pa.-senger house and was left there by
I the train. He continued in this state until
he was spoken to by some of the men be
longing to the station, when be awoke and
at once tealtzed his condition. The cars had
been gone some time, and Wefe along way
this side. The man was in deep tribula
tion) and informed the men of his troubles:
| His wife was on the train, and Worst ofaal t
he had laid his pocket book, cOntAining
$ll,OOO, in the berth, of which his wifb had
no knowledge. A locomotive Was at the
depot with steam up, and he Asked the en
gineer tu name the price to Overtake the
train. The superintendent of the western
division, being at Laporte, was consulted)
and it Was agreed to attempt to Overtake the
train fbf $B5O, to Which was added $2O for
the engineer and $lO for the firemah. They
succeeded m overtaking the express at
Jonesville, one hundred and seven miles
from Laporte. The last 28$ miles were run
in 30 minuters.
A country lad says that his uncle Bert
made a scarecrow so very frightful, thai
one of the black feathered thieves actually
went and brought back all the corn he had
stolen during several days.
Mrs. Partington says the only way 10 pre
vent steamboats explosions, is to make the
engineers bile their Wather on shore. In
her opinion all the bttstin' is done by cook
ing the steam on boafd.
A man passes for a sage if be seeks for
wisdom ; if he thinks be has fbund it he il
a fool.
Let ndt-thy lelt hand knOW what thy
right hand doath.
0(d men o to death. Dtath chines to
yorfhg ra 9 n
[TVo frollars pir 18111.
Tell me, ye winged winds,
That round my pathway play,
Is theft a mace on earth
Where rriitfers get their pay I
The whispering breeze went by
Wink accent filled with woe,
A voice borne on the sorrowing air,
In sadness answered " No "
TOII me, ye Mowing streams,
That smoothly glide along,
Is there one cherished place,
Where Printers meet no wrong '
Tho gentle brOOk replied, ]
In murmurs soft and low,
And winding on its verdant way,
It itteekly answered " No."
tell rtie, ye murky clouds,
Now rising in trie wesl,
Is them upon the globe
One spot by printers blest !
The flashing cloud outspoke
With an indignant glow,
A voice that filled the earth with a w A
In ibundet ArtsWered ''No."
Tell hie, hard hearted man,
Withholding day by day,
Is thetO no honor in thy breast,
The Printer's bill to pay 1
Uhansweriikg turns he round,
And plain his actions show,
An uttered oath capt sound is heard,
His actions answer " No."
Tell me, thou gentle hyihph.
Who blessed life's hdurs through)
is there one sacred shrine
Where Printers get their due ?
A mantling blush tier cheek diffused,
Did tenfold grace impart,
A sop, responsive sigh replied,
" 'lis found in woman's heart."
Tell me, angelic hosts,
Ye mesnengersjof love,
Shalt suffering Printers here below
Have no redress above 1
The angel bands replied,
"To us is knowledge given,
Delinquents on the Printer's books,
Can never enter Heaven." '
" ■
Remarkable Race by Railroad.
OnU day last week, as the eAstem bdund
express train reached Laporte Ind ,a passen
ger stepped off while the engine was being
replenished With wood and water, and
walked back and forth on the platform, and
continued to walk until the whistle sounded.
The other passengers got on board and the
train passed Off, but the gentlemen stilt
walked on. A few minutes after the trairt
had gone, a station man saw the pedestrian,
and going up to him, aSked in a surprized
' What the——are you ddirig here t
The man started, opened his eyes, and
looked around bewildered. The fact was;
he had been fatigued, and dorpped asleep
while walking. Rousing himself, he asked:
'Why ! where aril I V
'Where are you ? At Laporte.'
'Where is the tirairt I came in V
'That left ten menutes ago.'
'Ten minutes ago and 19ft rite ! I must gd
on that train. It is a question of life and
death to me. Can you get me to it ? Have
you got an engine here ? Where is the
superintendent V
The section master had an olficet near
by, and they went to find the official and
procure an engine. The traveller stated
his case"-he must go on— conld not delay,
and offered the officer $250 if he would put
him on board the train This strange
raand and strange offer caused the staliod
master to hasten and do what he conld.
The firt was nut out of the engine that had
drawn the train to that point—the bargain
Was settled—a draft given on New York for
$250, And in ten minutes the traveller start
ed with an engine to overtake the flying
After rushing bn for thirty or forty miles,
some cbnnbction gave aWay about the en
| gine. The engine was stopped—the engi-
I neer found the difficulty, and in a very few
minntes had a wooden pin whittled out and
fitted to supply the deficiency. With this,
bn they flew. The train had) of course)
many miles the stttrt of them, and despite
the wooden pin, the engineer crowded on
steam, and tore through the country at a
fearful rate. Thirty miles or the distance
passed was run in twenty seven minuter,
but the engagement whs that they should
overtake the train, and overtake it they did
but not until more than one hundred miles
had been run, and they were approaching
Having at length overtaken and stopped
the train and hurried on board, the traveller
went eagerly to a birth in the sleeping car,
and took therefrom a carpet bag containing
82T5 000. His treasure waa safe—none haa
molested it) ahd dismissing his faithful
courier, he wOnt on bis way rejoicing at the
success of his perilous and ekciting 'adven
flifc ftilibwlng good story of 4 Negro's
first meeting with bear is to I'd by Cot. ——
Who had spent the most of hta fortune and
life in this woods of Florida. The ColoM
had a blafck fellow, a gtttt'd natUr'ed, happy
creature, Whd, bna morning', Was strolling
thtOogh IH'e woods. Whistling and roaring
as bb went, When H8 spihd an individual as
black as hiihself, With Much more wool
Dick lookfed at his hew friend, and the bear
(on his rump) at him. Dick's eyes began
to Stick oat a feet. VWho's dat V' said Dick,
shaking all over. Bruin began to approach.
Dick polled heels for the first tree, and this
bear alter him. Dick was upon the cfpress,
and iHb bbsr aftei hi in—Dick thrived out on
a limb, thb beat followed—till it began to
bend "Now, see here Mister, it you comb
any fardor dis limb broke. Deto ! dero ! I
told you eb!" As Dick had said, tha
limb broke, and down oame bear and
nigger. "Dere, yon black debil, I told you
so : dis all your fault; yer broke yor neck,
knd I'll just take yer to Massa Collonel,"