THE STAR OF THE NORTH. H. H. J4COBY, Proprielof.] VOLUME 11. ClFilSl etter not Or'twere better 1 had said it incog., [said. "But with heart and with glass filled chock to Help's health to tile bottom dog [the brim, i KINGDOM IWICE LOST. XVIJ.L IT HOT BK WON 1 To. then, war ba# come at last. After taionihs of fruitless negotiation, Europe is plunged into a tremendous conflict, and the late of Italy is again to be decided by the sword. The Aasirians have struck the first blow. Anticipating the advance of the French over the Alps, they have invaded Piedmont, with the hope, ol destroying the Sardinian army before their allies can ar rive If they succeed in forcing a battle, the result cannot be doubtful. The undoubt ed bravery of the Piedmoniese troops could avail little before the immense disparity ef numbers. Their only hope is to make an immediate rqlreal, even il obliged to sacri fice Turin, and lo throw themselves iMß'the fortresses of Alessandria and Genoa, and there wait the arrival ot the French. Better suffer their capitol to be occupied for a lew days by tbe.enemy, than risk an encounter of which the result almost cer tain destruction. If the Austrians have press ed on their march, it is not improbable that they aru now masters of the Sardinian capital But this is not the end of the war. It is bardly the beginning. Scarcely the A us , trian hussars issue lorm the gates of Milan, before the French were 011 the march lor the Alps. It is but a few months since we crossed the Motil Cenis, the chief route for the troops, and pvery turn of tho pass is • distinctly its mind. We can •dlmosl see the files winding up the rocky gorge, and clustering in brilliant array on tlnr cold heights where Hannibal slnod two thousand * years ago. At the same time, another col umn takes the route of the Maritime Alps, while the Mediterranean is already black with steamers conveying troops from Mar seilles and Toulon 10 Genoa. When these hosts appear 011 the scene of war, it is quite probable that the scales will l turned, and that tl* Austrians will evacnaie, not only Turin, but Milan and commence a ueneral retreat. But is this the end of war ? San guine patiiots belisto that lire combined •■Frefich and SardiniaiflEtiny will soon make an utter end of Austrian dominion in Italy. 4 Heaven grant it may prove .so ! But we shoald hdpeful were it not for some rccrtit experiences which we cannot quite forgets That we may not bo too 'sanguine, it may be well lo recall eve/fls not far"lis-_ taut, which have occurred 011 this very field. We have lately passed over both the sc-eno of the campaign of 1848, and the battle field of Novara, and seen and talkdd with snary familiar with all their details. Tw ice has the hope of Italian liberty beeAtglosi— will it be realized now ! J Ten years ago it seemed as if the set time of God to favor lite na'ions had come. The Spring of that memorable year was hailed, as the dawn of universal liberty.— Tjte revolution in I'uris was the. morning gun that startled Europe, but even (hat hard- j !p caused such astonishment as when an, echo came back from Vienna. Then the people of Milan rose upon the Austrian J troops. Theje-Wbght from house to house,' ajul (jom street lo slreet, and even oo tho | ! roof of the cathedral, till the popular fury 1 s| prevailed over a disciplined soldiery, and | Shfßadetzky, with his whole army, defiled out; the city glfees by night aud retreated jSoroAs the plain* of Lombardy. Then, in deed, it seemed that the great battle was JK Italy was free, and the joy of the 1 peoPI knew no bounds. With exultant heuriwNw thronged to the cathedral to give tolemMniUce to God for their great victory. To swell tW general triumph, hardly had Radetzky Milan, before Charles Albert crossed t(ftoiier with a Sardinian army in hot At the same time the Italian regiments iil|he Austrian army de serted their flag. Tpfefcweskened nom ' hers and dispirited Opt defeat, Radetzky withdrew his shattered Sloops within the walls of Mantua, while King of Sar- ( dittia inustored an array of a hundred -■--■r" ' -=r—: T- J i. .I*. % - \ BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1, 185!). . thousand men,in all the confidence ol vic tory. Little did he think that, in a lew weeks that magnificent army would be*ci tered like the Autumn leaves'. At that moment it seemed to human Oyb as if the power of Austria in Italy was broken forever. Indeed, the Cabine' ol Vi enna itself lelt that the hattla was lost, and sought, in terms almost abjeel and humiliat ing 10 make peace with lire victorious peo ple. A commissioner from 'he Emperor appeared with a formal proposition to I Charles Albert to give dp the whole of Lorn hardy, if she would assume her portion of the public debt. Austria offerd to divide th#territory of Noriheru Italy by the line of*! the Adige, surrounding Lomliardy to Sar dinia, while she retained only the Venetian territory. The king, who knew the hazards ol battle, was strongly incliqed 10 accept , the-e terms, but the fiery Italians denounced , the proposal as a betrayal of Venice. I hey would have all'of Italy or none. And so, j finally, they had none All this while the veteran Radetzky kept behind the walls ol Mantua and Verona, biding his time. Charles Albert, distracted by these negotiations, and not know-hut very well how to conduct a Vigorous campaign, j j sat down helore the walls of Mantua Now j a seige ol Mantua is about as hopeless an I undertaking as would he a seige ot Gibraltar ■ It is surrounded with a network ol streams, , ' and can only be approached over bridges. ! Here ih#o!d Austrian chief, secure behind his bastions, caimly awaited the arrival ol reinforcements In a few weeks the Aus ! trian bugles were heard in the pusses til the Tyrol,and their long columns came Wlirdiug down into the plains ol Italy. Ihe arrival 1 of these fresh battalions put the Aas irians in condition to take the field, and Radetzky, though an old man, well stricken ; ,in years did not lose a 'moment. Issuing j from his stronghold, he completely ontgen eralled Chnr es Albert, turned his tlinJiTtTid attacked turn in the rear, hi a fortnight l.e fought a hall a dozen battles and was vie- | lorious in every one, driving the Piedwou tese arniv before liiin Irom Mantua to Milan, j and across the frontier into Sardinia. Thus | in a few s(jort flays, the glorious prize of; Italian liberty was 10-l, and that beautiful | territory again consigned 10 years of foreign f dominion. But this was not the end of misfortunes. 1 One bitter lesson was pot enough. The ! disastrous campaign of '4B was billowed bv j the latal deleal of '■, w hen, tor the second time, the hope of Italy was lost. In August of the previous year, when driven out ol" Lombardy, Chiles Albert had entered into an armistice with Radetzky, which, of coutse, both expected would be the prglude to a definite agd permanent peace. Biff when the king gffl Iqck to Turin, lie found lie ffed raised festorin which he could not quelh by their MBIiTTi, and conscious that it was not owing to Vvaut of valor on their part, l|g brave Piedinoulese burned j for another chance lo wipe out the national disgrace. This ardor was kept up by the excitement 111 ottier parts ul Italy. The whole peninsula, was slill agitated,and young patriots were hurtling to renew the wur of liberty. The populur enthusiasm as too strong to be resisted. If violently repressed, it threatened to break out into Republican ism. The Sa-dtniati parliament came to gether on the first ol February, and the king aftdiesed the chambers in a speech full of fire, and pointing distinct y tu ' the again lakfug tip arms. By the terms ol the armistice 11 had been agreed that if either party should decide 'to •resume hostilities, it should give the other eight days' notice. Charles Albert hail de cided to open the campuiqy oil iff March, and accordingly on the 12th g cou rier was sent off with all speed Iroin Tunu lo Milan to bear the formal declaration. Marshal Radetzky had been expiring this issue, it did not lake hint by ywise. The old war horae snuffed the tie from afar. Never was tidings .irqjjq. eagerly welcomed than this by the jjf Milan, who hailed it as a new call lo victory Though Raueizky had grown gray in arms (he was now 83 years triiglil claim exduifi ion from the futigoes til a new caijipaign, lie acted with j a prointitude untfeuergy which Ins enemies night admire, Hit certainly did not imitate j Orders wore sent off to the Austrian detach ments to leave small garrisons in the towns, 1 1 and march with theiroxholeforee 10 join ltyn. This course,tnile d ir.volv'd the danger ol in surrections in the rear. He well knew that il he experienced any check, th£ w hole couii i try would break out in another revolution. ' lu fact the people did rise in Hre-ciu, uud ' overpowered the garrison, and were lor 1 several days musters of the place, until ' Hay nan marched upon them Irom Venice, 1 and put down the revolt by u horitd uiassa ' ere. But Radeizky chose to run the/isk for the sake of main chance. He knew thut il ; he could defeat the Sa diniaus in one pitched ! battle, all these insoluleii insurrections could be easily suppressed, and with that decision, which shows hiin to have been a thorough 1 master of war, he determined to concen trate his whole force and march straight against the enemy. Of his own troops, ire , lelt but a small garrison in the citadel ol Milan, and marched out with all the rest of his army. But he did not take the direct road to Turin, but left by '.he Ro man gate, which led some who had seen Inm thus depart a year before to jump to j the conclusion that he was going to retreat. ' But they li.lle understood him .He kept his counsel, and allowed none lo penetrate I his designs. He marchod souih, as he had ordered the several division* of hi* army to ' • concentrate til Pavia, a city close 10 the Piedmontesft frontier. His orders had been • promptly obeyed. EKact to the hour, every I division entered the appointed place of ren dezvous. On the night of the 19th, the 1 wTTole army was concentrated around Pavia At twelve o'clock the next day the armis tice expired, at.d instantly the order was | given to march, and belore night the whole ! Austrian army were on the soil of Sardinia, j The easy entrance into their enemy's country was a great advantage gained, j As they had to cross a river, their passage | might have teen iiisputed, and a division ! ol lire I'iedmoiilese army had been appoint "ed to hold them in check But it was ' not at its post. This umiccounlable negli gence,il was owing to treach ery, and General Ramormo, whff com manded this division. was afterwards tried I by a Court Martial and shot. But the leaving of such a post in treacherous or incapable J hands, showed the wretched management | which seemed to preside over the whole ; campaign. j While the Austrians were thus moving ' in and admirable concert, every battalion 1 in li'.e, in the Sardinian camp all was con fusion. If the government had shown hall the energy and wisdom of rashness in rush ' ing into it, the result might have been dif fereut But its councils seemed infatuated Carried away by a popular tumpit, it had declared war when totally unprepared. It had, indeed, a large army, and braver sol drers never billowed*their chiefs to battle, 1 but all the fruit of courage was lost by wain lof organization They had not even a lead er in whom they had confidence, lliej i hud applied for the services of Marshal Bu- I geaud, the French general w.ho had been so distinguished in Alrica, but he would ' not accept, unless he could have supreme ! and absolute command,and this was thought to gate-Irom the Royal dignity ; and finally they took up with a Polish general whd hud gained sortie distinction, in the" Revolution ol 1831, and who huff utiJoubt | eilly possessed considerable knowledge id j the art of war, hut who was wholly ignur j ant ol the coumry ijt which li£ was to fight. I ! and the materiui which be was to com | maud., He could not even the lau i guasge, and hud lo give orders through inter lp rulers. Of ,a sniail tmimpqyiiig figure, j there was nothing about him to inspire J confidence in any army to whicu Ire was, j u stranger The consequence was, that wtiile every Aqptrian so dier had unbound- j ed confidence in his cbuif which tVusilself a pledge ol victory,.the brave Tiedmoniese iiiarcbed-bliiidly mui battle with 110 liiug to rely upon but rlreir own unfailing courage. Sp utiskilful were the combinations, that 'the "several divisions were* left far apart, uu supporletl oilier, Py which they were tupprised in detail, even 011 the field of Nova'ht it is said that a largo .part of. the "troops were not brought into battle at all, 1 | but stood, waiting while the rest !ol Are army was being destroyed ! When the wri'er'uas in Sardinia £ lew-inoi tlis ago, he found that the people did (lot like to speak 01 theseteveiits. They could- not recull tllem without shame auik The'ouly redeeming tiling 011 thai lutal day wus the gallantry of the soldiers, and of their unhuppy knig. To this no one bore higher testimony than Radeizky liimselt, 111 his official report", he say* ; " The uiontese and bavoyards fought like lions j •and the unfortunate Thurles Albert threw himself into the thickest ol the danger upon every possible opportunity. Hn* two sffiis also tought with brilliant courage " * But vaill was their courgge and despair. All was lost. That very night Charles Al t>erl abdicated his throuu_iii favofol his sqp, Victor Emanuel, that h could ob tain better conditions lh e cam paign, begun and ended in lite days! Tire rpirinisiice was signed March 24th, just one year troui the lime that Charles Albert in , 'fctdeil Lombardy. Such, then, was the fi nal result ul ad '.he dreams and hopes of Italian patriots—of the expenditures ol so touch treasure find so much blood ! With the memory ol these things Ireshln mind, can anybody wonder that e loel doubt and misgiving at the issue ol the war whiclt is now beginning f Whoever studies the history of lire campaigns of 1848 und 1849, may anticipate, with a good degree of wuiifidence, the general course of events The first attempt, as we see already, is 10 repeat the bold stroke ol Radeizky 111 1849, hy an invasion of Piedmont. II this fail, then it is probable that the Austrian urmy wul retreat, not upon Milan, but upon Mantua. But there it will make a stand ; and unless the curnpaign is conducted with great skill, Mantua aud Verona will he the rocks 011 winch tire combined French and Sardinian armies will break in pieces. The issue of lite campaign ot 18*8 shows that it will never be an easy mutter to drive the Austrians out of Italy. If the people rise again in every city, ar.d are victorious ; if | the French aud Sardinians pour an over whelming force into Lombardy,—still the issue is by no means certain. At first these combined forces may carry all before them. But then it is probable the Austrians will I repeat the tactic* of Radetzky io 1848 at Truth and Rlffbt Rod aptf ior Country. Mantua and Verotiß. And then comes the lug o! war Here the Austrians occupy one ol the strongest military positions in all Europe, resting on four strong fortresses, which are so situated as to support euch oilier. Verona ami Mantua, with Legnago and Poscliiera, stand t as the angles of a square, or rhombo d. Their ramparts, brist , Jiug with cuouon, appear like a vast bal ; tuliiui thrown into a hollow square to repel a charge of cavalry. This strong position cannot be attacked with much prospect of success or at least of immediate success. It look the great Napoleon nine mouths to take .Mantua, and so well did he know its importance, that when once he got il, he never gave it up until he Inst his throne. This almost iinpregiii'ble military position f5 in d'rteilt!oinmuniate|* wfch Austria bv tire passes ol lire I yrol. lie re then an Aus trian army will wait, in all security as Ra detzky w-uited, endeavoring only to main lain itself until it wearit-e out the enemy, or until some ungardetl movement enables il lo strike a decisive blow. But not only is this a very strong position for defence, it is one of great danger to an enemy An invading army, attempting to drive the Austrians out ol Lombardy, must advance into Ibis network of fortresses where any steps exposes it to destruc tion. Napoleon once'gnt caught in it, and extricated himself only by a succession o! battles and victories. All obstacle* were overcome by his extraordinary military gen ius. But the Napoleon who now takes the "field, though he ucccpies the throne of his uncle, is not the heir of ixiL vast talent in ,ivar. - * lu deflult of there is 110 resource but in an of&rwhelmiiig strength The iiivadin3*army must be so superior iu tium l era tha it can afford to di vide, and leafe one great division to beieu gtn-r Mantua and Verona while another, aided by a fleet in lire Adriatic marches ■ Venice or even upon Vienna Oih ervvise if lire forces are but eqaal, as . the advantages JrfSjnisitiou are all on ihe sjde of Austria, nothing but the most exlraordipary military i-onibiualibflfe, cr *■ me iffrecnunla ble fortune ol ?ir. cau make the balance incline to the oilier side. . Tints, lookitiii at the position ofiho c.fmies 1 in ihe lied, our heartsare.divnhgl between hope and fear, us the curtain rises on Ihis | great and bloody drama. We are not salt i giiiue. yet we' are not dpspomlent. BuPour ; faith in result roiiHk from seineihiug ' higher ihe plans of Louis Napoleon. ! Some trust in hor.-es and sme in chariots, hot we 'rust in the name of lire Lord our God. In this awful hour, while surveying with an attentive and anxious eye the course 'of events,we would look up devoutly to that Being who holds t' e the fate of Wtions 111 His hand— Evangelist. ! TitnitirFii: AtSk Brutal (Luzk I'iofiT.—The fancy ol tl-iscity were in a feveV of excitement, trwiug to the consummation of an engagement between James Smith, a'ias Beuiligo, of Pa, and Cnrley of tnisfff.y. for Ihe extraordinary sum of *35 a „ side. The brutal di-play pf pluck and mus cle arranged 10 come off near the A bio' raciT-course, and for some time before the appoiyted lime die locality id. "lhe_ clip per," on Green street, was alivo with a vtfr ieil crowd of hnll# and spyrtsmcu, ready to tqke for the Scene of bnlde iu furniture cars and baggage wagons. No ticeable in the crowd were two or iliree po lice officers, wfo doubt ess took great inter est in the prepa'rutiolTß lor the tights Not having the requisite mental refinement to apprec.ate displays of pugilistic we were not present ahtiie mill. * We hear,, however, that eighty six round were fought, occupying an hour and fil y-seveu minutes, atMhe end of which die of Curley threw up die spohgc, in Uikeu ol de'.eut, al ihough'their principal still showed courage, and continued eager tor the tray, uolvvith* standing lliaf both eyPs were deep in mourn ing, nearly closed, gnvl his lace and head bure mums ul a teirible pummeliug. Ben digo got m.h rnbtiey and all the glory his vaulting ambition coveted Two days ago odds h>d been given 111 his favor, which Wbre Withdrawn belnte the combat began. Curley's Irieuds say in extenuation oT his deleal dial bo bail just came off his boat, 1 aud had u drop 10 much. Alter the party, which was a largo one. had relumed lu the city, a crowd numbering ttvo or three hun dred gathered at the corner of Green and I Filth vis., where there was considerable jangling about Bendigo's victory. An off handed hglif elivued, in which some liven jly persons participated Three were arrest ' ed,ull that the officers who were there could ! gat.—M. Louis Kepnblicitn, Miy I tills. "Ma, is aunty got bees iu Iter mouth t" — 1 Not why do you ask such a question t" 'Cause that leetle man with aheapo'hair 011 his lace cotch'd hold of tier ami said Ire | was a going to lake the honey from her J lips; and she said, "Well make haste V A price puid for a good newspaper, is like llits " seed sowed in good ground,' it brings a thousand fold its value. * ***** The wives along tho Mississippi never blow up their husbands. They leave it all to die steamboats, which are sure 10 do it sootier or later. Beecher says there are many persons who think Sunday is a sponge with which to wipe out the *in* of the week. REQUISITES FOG SUCCESS. To win the prize in the world's great race A man should have a brazen lace J An iron arm to give a stroke, And heart as sturdy as the oak ; Eyes like a cat good in the dark, - And teeih as piercing us the shark ; Ears to hear the gentlest sound, Like moles that burrow in the ground ; A mouth as cmse as patent locks, And stomach stronger than an ox ; His tongue should be a razor blade, His conscience India rubber made J His blood as cold as polar ice, His hand as gias[fuig as a vice; His shoulders adequate, To bear a couple thousand weight; His legs like pillurs, firm and strong, To move Ihis greafc machine along : Willi suppie knees to cringe and crawl, Aud cloven leet placed under all. Life of t Newspaper Editor la California. He rises at 10 o'clock in the morning ; dresses himself, takes his hut; already pier ced with three or four bullets, aud goes to a restaurant to get his breakfast, he returns tu his office to read the morning papers. He finds that he is called a wretch in one, in another a liar, au.l in a third, a villain. He smiles at the thought of having something to do and signs his name to three challen ges, which he always carries about him to be ready for emergencies. These he dis patches and sits do n lo write an article, when he is suddenly interrupted by aurtie interloper, whom at last he is compelled lo throw out of the window. At noon lie learns that his challenges have been ac cepted for the nexb day. At -three o'clock he goes to fight avduel which had been ar tanged the day before, kills his man and rfflurti*to dinner. On his way to dinner, he gets mixed up with a riot, and gels some .bruises and wautuls. When he reaches his sanctum lie finds an internal machine or. his table. Without manifesting the siigJlleSk surprise, Jte throws it out of Iho window. He then writes a leader 011 mor al reform—this done, he goes to the theatre-c Oil his way he is attacked by three men ; he kills two. and takes the third to the near est statatiou house! When returning lo hi office at-tw elve o'clock at night, he beats u man who tries to rob him ; kills a dog with a stone ; is almost run o>er by a hackney couch, sua on die ibreslio-d ol his door re ceives two mfffe bullets 111 his hut then con grutulates hini.-j>.U an .having passed a quiet day; wriie- nil 2 o'clock in the morning; retires and sleeps tranquilly. ' Tme Mahmiaok Ckklmony. —A year or ' two since, a marriuge ceremony-was per lormed iu South Carolina by art individual claiming a magisiyale, but who in reabiy to as notf und of lire paries united the 1 man. who intended the thing as a jest, hut j it was made evident thut the woman was in I earnest and be ieved that the man was— I The man went about hm business, aud re fuseiLto acknowledge the woman.ns being his wife, and was recently sued to recover compensation for the hoard of the woman on the ground thai she was his lawful wife. The Court decided that the marri'ige con l(acl ami ceremony was valid yiuiiiding, uud save- decree lor the plaintiff. The Ciar entlpd (S C.) thinner, fr'oln whiclt we gel these facts, states that in tha Stale nothing , further is necessary 10 estab ish die validity of a marriage then content of the par lies, expressed before competent witnesses, and that consequently the Weaker se c are npt liable to be imposed npoq,dy ib signing I men by means of *ham .-marriages. Any die may solemnize • a marriage, ami "lire mere d.e parlies iu the absence of any nlore precise tasiimo ! Ny, is sufficient to establish the fact of their ! martial relation. . * , "to V Good humor is the blue sky of the soul, in which every Star of talent will shjuu more clearly. • m I ** * ' A beautiful.woman is like a great truth or 11 groat happiness, and has no more right to cover herself with a green veil or any similar abomination than the sun has to put.oll green spectacles. An elderly spinster wrote to a friend—'A widower with ten cliddren has proposed, and I have accepted. This in the number I should have been entitled to if 1 had mar ried at ttie proper lime." Persons who ascend together in a baloon mav be the best friends in tire world, ut starling but very rarely fail, during the dip to have high words, and coma down to hard blows. A retired school master excuses his pas isnn for angling, by saying that, from con stant habit, he never feels quite himself tin less he is handling the rod If the cdiior of the Matiagorda Cazette, Texas, is ns good looking as the paper he prints, he must have a large subscription lis', of lady subscribers. " Miss, may I see you home V said a young man to a flirt. "No, sir,' was the short reply. "Oh, 1 don't mean now, bltt some rainy night, when I can't go any where else." There are two languages that are univer sal—the one ol love and the other of mon ey. The girls understand one, and the men the other, from CaMon to.Niagara. . * . Never ride m a fine carriage, and keep a score of servants, while your widowed sis ter trudges on foot, and toils fot her dally bread. St. Augustine. The oldest town in the United States is j not the least attractive if we may trust the I highly co ored picture of a correspondent ; of the Philadelphia Press : " Passing over a very ancient bridge, and ; through the old city gates, and a pleasant i avenue of fine trees beyond, you come out I upon the piazza, a pleasant square, faced | hy the Cathedral, the Protestant Episcopal ; church aud the Court Houre on three sides, | while the fourth lies open toward the sea j The city is amiquo and picturesque in the ; extreme. The houses usually of dark stone, line streets without pavement or side-walk scarcely wide enough for damage, and over hung by balconies which almost meet The effect is altogether foreign a< d novel. The j old Spanish tort, with its battlements and wa&h lowers, as perfect as it* Oomple tion, is the limit ol the town 011 the North, aud ghe United Slates barracks its furthest extent towards the South. From the one 10 the other of these points, our Government has built a sea-wall, which < forms a splendid promenade. The charming atmosphere can neither be imagined or described ; it must be ex | perieuced. For an hour or IWO in the tnor , riiiig, it is apt to t e ton warm, but about leu , o'clock the sea breeze waits in a solt, bal ■ my daamious air as grateful to the I senses as a coWial. Pleasure paries tfleet yon at every turn, the invalid forgets his I uifirinaty, all disposition to quarrel with | your hotel keeper for the meagre, eggless breaklast you have had, forsake you. FO.l j can only watch the swarthy, dark eyed j Miiinrcau inhabitants lounging idly it) the { sun, whi e the bright waters, the shining | beach, and the long sea-wall transform the 1 whole picture into a gay sea-port j the Mediterranean. Some, young ladies feeling themselves aggrieved hy ilie severity with which their friends animadverted on their gay plumes, crinoline scarlet petticoats, and flounces, went to t heir pastor to l£arn his opinion* "Do yon think," said they, " ihat there can | he any impropriety in wearing these tilings? " By no means," was the prompt reply. "Wnen the heart is full ol ridiculous notions, it is peilectly proper to hung out the sign." Mn. Jenkins remarked fo his Wife, that ot her he possessed tour ' Name them, my love." "You are beautiful, dutiful youth' full, and an arm'ull" "You have ihe ad vantage of me my dear." " How so, my precious V ' f have but one JOOI * y| r , Jenkins made no farther inquiries. "Come here, my little dear," said a man fo a little girl, to*whose sister he was paying his addresses ; "yon are the sweet est thing on earth."" "No, I am not." she replied, artlessly ; "sister says you are the sweetest." The question was popped the next di|f. A witness, on entering the box,had a Tes tament presented to him, but he declined to be sworn. Being asked his reasons for refusing; he natively replied, ' I II tell a lie wi' ouy tnou i' England, but 1111 not swear to it " -*•**- The most awkward thing in or out of alt creation, is a woman trying t6 run "£hey cau ldo it. They are not running institu tions, except witli their lungties. If their are two arrangements in tho world that were nevej made for fleetness on the pen dal, women and d uck*, " has your tongue got legs J" "Got what, child I" ' Got legs, ma V' "Cerlain tA r nre. but why do ask that silly ques titiiP]" "Oh nothing only I heard piiqiy ur tongue was running from morning uti- I til night, and I was wondering how it could 1 'run' without legs. That's all, ma." " Judge, can a man dink what he Meases'! "Certainly." rep'icd tire court, "you may .rfiink whatever you like." "Den," replied Dasclie, a smile M triumph flashing across his Teutonic features, as he glanced at Judge and Jury "I dinks you ish all a set I of iiiveruul scoundrels I" "Father," said a cobbler's lad, pegging away at an o'd shoe, "they say that trout bite good now." "Well well," replied the old gentleman, 1 you stick to your work,and they won't bile you ! ' The la<> saw the point of lire old gentleman's remark. "Dues the razor take hold well V' inquir ed a darkey who was thaving a gentleman from the country. 'Yes,' replied the countryman, with tears in his eyes ; "it takes hold first rate, but it don't let go worth a cent." Wur is an editor like trie book of Rave lalion 1" Because he is full of 'tipes and shadows," aud mighty voices like, the sound of many waters, is ever saying lo him, 'write.' "Don't get above your business,"as the lady said lo the shoemaker who was meas uring her ankle, in order to ascertain the size of her font. — Lucy fe dne says "there is cottdn in the ears of men and hope in the bosdttt of wo men." Lucy has put the cottdu in the wrong place this time. Our merits procure us the esteem Ol men of sense, and our good fortune* that of the publi*. [Two Dollars prr Am tain. NUMBER 21, Feeding Horics. The pfaclice of regulating tliß food of horses by the amount ol wotlc they are reqttir ed to perform, ia a good one, if properly followed. For example, a horse when lying comparatively idle, as in winter, should have less solid food than amid the hard work of spring and summer. Again, if * horse is about to be put to work of extra labor it is well (b i'ortily him for it with a little extra feeding beforehand. But the mistake we refer to is the practice of over feeding him an hour or so before putting him to work. If an extra service is re quired ol a horse on any particular day, aud an extra feed is to be given him, iet him have it in the evening beforehand, rather than in the morning an hour or two before being put to work. Why so ? Because, if he is put to work so soon alter eating, his food'does not become tijgesiad, and- he is obliged to carry about with him a large mass of undigested food, which is lather a burden than a help to him. If he is well led in the evening befoie, the food is as similated—changed to flesh and blood—aud sends health aud vigor through the system. As a general rule, a working horse should be fed regularly, both as time and aiuouut. A GOOD OUT-DOOR WHITE WASH —Take unslacked lime aud put it into a bucket with about as much water as will be re quired i:i use. Then throw in shout half a pound of tallow for a peck of lime. As the lime Blacks, the heat will melt the tallow, when it is to be thoroughly stirred in—the stirring to be repeated frequently during use if any grease rises to the surface. No defi nite experiment have been made to deter mine the exact weight of tallow for a given weight of lime. Impure or rancid lard, oil, other grease, may be used instead of tl --low. The philosophy of the process is, that the oily material incorporated into lha whitewash will prevent its being dissolved by rains. Any further definite information respecting this or other preparations, which the readers of the Ameucan Agriaillwul cau present, will be gladly received. CI.EAN MILKING —It is sometimes forgot ten that the last gill of milk drawn from the cow's under is the best part of every milk ing. Careful experiments made in England show, (according to a report lately publish ed) quantity of cream obtained from the last drawn cup from most cows, exceeds that of the first in the proportion of twelve to one.' 1 The difference in the qual ity also is considerable, flence, R person who unWuly Iwau Uuibwli ajut.t of milk undrawn, loses in reality jffcout as much creain as would be afiorded by six or eight pints at the beginning ; and luses, too that part of the cream which gives the richness and high flavor to his butter. ROMANCE or WHALING LIFE — IUKC KJPB* 1 RIENCE OF A CLERGYMAN SAILOR.— III One* of | the tiliips which returned recently to this I port, there came a man who has been what -1 ing lor nine years. Ho was formerly a min ister, but taking to the intoxicating cup ho fvll from grace, left the niinisiry and hia wife and family, and went, his friends knew not yhere. In' dissipation he had watted the lianl earned wagetsof nine years' sea faring life, and atiived here wretched and d&iiule. Some temperance friends clothed I him decently and made efforts to reform I him, as wo hope with success. A low d&ve : ago he received a letter fromhis son,in Con necticut, saying that all the family had long ; supposed him dead, and Uiat his wife had I married again. The* man has started for i Connecticut, but what will be the ending of I th e chapter pf life, remains to be J New Braijoid Standi rd, May 18. I AN ELOQUENT EXTRACT. —"Generation afi ter generation," .says a fine writer, " have fell as we now lebl, and their lives \VCre a* active as our own. They passed iiko a va por, while nature wore the same aspect of beauty us that her Creator commanded her |to be. Ihe heavens shall be as bright over , our graves as they are now around our [ paths The world will have the Rame atv | traction for our offspring yet unborn that | she had once for our children. Yet a little I while) and all will have happened—thai ( throbbing heart will be stilled and we shall ] be at rest. Our funeral will wind its way,ind the prayers will be said, and then we shall < 1-8 left id silenCe and darkness for I the worm. And it may be, for a short lima we shall be spoken or, but the things of life will creep in. and our names will soon ba lorgotten. Days will continue to move on, and laughter and song will he heard in tha room in which we died j and the eye that mourned for us will be dried, and glisten again with joy ; and even our children will cease tu think of us, and will not remem ber to lisp our names." "MIPS BROVVN. I have beer, to learn how to tell fortunes," said A young man to a brisk brunette. "Just give me your hand, if you plesse " "La, Mr. White, how sud dfen you are ! Well, go ask pa." A gentleman observing ihat be had (alien asleep during a sermon preached by afcisJtv op, a wag remarked "that i*. must have beett Bishop, the composer.'' Ir you wish to be certain of what you get never marry a girl named Aon; "an" ie an | indefinite article. I WITH what 'net' is a lady soonest caught T 1 ID this country, net profile — in Europe, n I coroiMf.