The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 23, 1859, Image 1

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H. 11. JACOBT, Proprietor.]
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Choice jjloctrn.
She comes with fairy footsteps,
Solily their echoes fall,
And her shadow plays like a summer shade
Across the garden wall.
The golden light is dancing blight,*
Mid the mazes of her hair,
And her fair young locks are waving free
To the wooing of the air.
Like a sporting fawn she boundeth
So gleefully along.
As a wild young bird she caroleth
The burden of asor.g.
The summer (lowers are clustering thick
Around her dancing feet,
And on her face the summer breeze
Is breathing soft and sweet.
The very sunbeams seem to linger
Above that holy
And the wild llowers at her coining
Their richest fragrance shed.
Anil oh! how lovely light and Iragrauce
Mingle-in the life within !
Oh! how fondly do they nestle
Hound the soul that knows no sin !
She comes, the spirit of our childhood,
A thing of mortal birth.
Yet bearing still the breath of heaven,
To redeem her from the earth.
She comes in bright-robed innocence,
Unsoiled by blot or blight,
And passelh by our wayward path,
A gleam of angel ligl.t.
Ob! blessed tilings are children !
The gifts of heavenly love ;
They stand between our world-hearts
And belter tilings above.
They link us with the spirit-world
By pnrily and truth,
Anil keep our hearts still fresh am! young
With the presence of their youth.
The Number Three.
There is a strong prejudice in favor of the
figu re seven. The ancients spoke of it as
the "sacred rumber.*' T here were seven
plagues. The week is div.ded into seven
days. Our constitution is changed every
seven years; and the poet lias rendered
memorable that figure by a production nev
ur to be lorgotten, namely:—"We aie sev
en !" That mathematical parodox, nine,
has also its votaries, most respectable com
putors. There were also nine wonders.—
Let me ask, however, what is nine but the
square of three? As for three, its history,
its beginning dates from the creation of the
World. It is found in every brancli of sci
ence, and adapted to all classes of society.
Now, only have patience, and i will slate,
explain, prove.
1 commence with the Ilible. When the
world was created, we find land, water and
sky: sun, moon and stars. Noah had but,
three sons, Jonah was three days in the
whale's belly, our Savior passed three days
in the tomb. Peter denied his Savior thrice. [
There were three Patriarchs, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Abraham entertained
three angels. Samuel was called three
times. '"Simon, lovest thou me?" was re- I
peated three times. Daniel was thrown
into a den with three linns, for praying 1
three times a day. Shadrach,Meshech and ,
Abedriego were resetted from the flames of
the oven. The Ten Commandments were
delivered on the third day. Job had three
friends. St. Paul speaks of faith, hope and
charity, three times. Those famous dreams
ol the baker and butler were to come to j
pass in three days; and Elijah prostrated
himself three times on the body of tho i
dead child. Samson deceived Delilah three
times before she discovered the force of his
strength. The sacred letters on the cross j
are I if. S., so also the Roman motto was
■composed of three words— ' In Hue Signo"
There are three conditions for man—the
the earth, heaven and hell; there is also the
Holy Trinity. * In Mythology, there were I
three graces; Cerberus, with his three heads; j
Neptune holding his three tnnthed stall'; the
Oracle of Delphi cherished with veneration !
the tripod; and the nine muses sprung from
three. In nature, we have male, female,
§ and offspring; morning, noon and night.—
Trees group their leaves in threes; there is
HUM leafed clover. Every ninth wave is a
BHjjMI swell. We have fish, flesh and
majority of mankind die at Ihir-
could be done in mathematics
aid of the triangle; witness the
power q#ibe wedge; and in logic three
premised are indispensable. #is a com
mon phraall; thai 'three is a lucky number.'
I'd have youJl know. Mrs. Stoker, that
my uncle was Jfeanister of the Law."
" A fig for yoflf banister I" retorted Mrs.
Grundey, turning up her nose—" haven't I
a cousin as is a corrltiwr in the navy ?"
*- ■ ■ {Mfc;
A gallant wag was latiSjt sitting beside his
beloved, and being uriablHo think of any
thing to say, asked why HKhM ''ke a tai
lor? " I don't know," with a
pouting lip; " unless it is because! ana sit
ting beside a goose !"
THERE is more meaning and
than at first sight appears in
swer to a lady when she asked him whetnfH
he believed in ghosts. "Oh no, madam, I
have seen too many to believe ir. them."
Matrimony as we Understand it.
In every hundred marriages, how many
happy ones are there ? We are very sure
that if the truth could be disclosed, it would
not lie creditable to human nature. Ofcourse,
our estimate must be below the actual fig
ure. We cannot know the worst. We
must judge from what we see; but that,
we lear bears but a small proportion to
what we do not see. The conjugal mis
ery which is revealed, is, perhaps, not
to be compared, even in point of inten
sity, with that which is careful'y hidden
Irom the gaze of the world. But it serves
as a kind of an index for conjecture, assur
ing us that if we could get behind the scenes,
if the curtain could be withdrawn, and the
actual history of married life, public and
private, cnuld be laid bare, we would be
hold a state of things far exceeding any that
is dreamed of in our philosophy. Wo would
discover that people who seem wonderfully
harmonious and loving, are quite discordant
and wretched—that the amiable felicity
which we admire and envy, is a sad sham—
that the domestic peace and concord which
we fancy must prevail in the households
of those who appear so fond and gentle and
amicable before the foot lights of that gay,
enchanting delusive magico-eomic masque
rade, called "society," are a vain show.
But, with stripping off the masque and
dissipating the glittering illusions of the
inise en scene, let us ask why it is that there
should be so much sorrow and strife and
suffering, where there should be only love,
honor, obedience and tranquility? We be
lieve there is but one answer to this ques
tion. It is, doubtless, hard to find any case
in which the matrimonial relation is not dis
turbed. by some slight occasional jars
While human nature is constituted as it is,
wo cannot reasonably hope that any two
persons, tnuch less any man and woman,
can be as closely associated as hus
band and wife are associated, without the
occurrence, now and then, of some trifling
difference or misunderstanding to ruffle the
otherwise serene and placid current ol their
lives. Of these little disagreements, how
ever, we do not now discourse They are
nobonly natural, and to be expected under
the most favorable conditions, but we may
suppose that they are not without their sal
utary use in the providential economy of
our social system. It is only their, of the
graver instances of dissension anil enmity,
estrangement arid separation, between those
who are professedly united in the most in
timate and sacred of all earthly relation
ship thai we now mean to speak. And wo
assert, broadly, that the domestic quarrels
and divisions which so shock the moral sen
timent of the world and bring dishonor on
the best of (til divine institutions for the
happiness and elevation of mankind, are
the inevitable out growth of ill-assorted
marriages. Where there is no natural fit
ness. no proper sympathy of personal char
acter. mental ami moral, there can be no
real affection, no lasting attachment. The
affinities of nature are violated in such
cases, and nature sooner or later, vindicates
her laws by the dissolution or miseries of an ■
alliance which should never have been j
contracted. The wotst form of this fatal j
error—and it is of that only that we have j
space here to remark—is marriage for con
venience. There is a class—and a largo I
clas, too—of men and woman, who regard !
matrimony only as a sort ot business spec- i
ulalion—who seek a wife or husband just i
as a merchant wquld plan an operation in I
sugar or cotton, or slock gambler invest his j
money in ' Erie" or "'Reading."
litis is one phase of fortune-hunting in]
onr marvelonsly matter-of-fact and sordid i
society. And it is the most contemptible,if
not the most pernicious and noticeable form
of the intenso materialism of American life.
What should be thought of a young man—
we think there is more excuse for tho girls—
who would save himseif the disappoint-1
ments, delays, and labors of earning an '
honest independence, by taking a short cut !
to wealth in a mean traffic of his hand for a I
woman's purse ? Suppose he finds, after j
she discovers lite cruel and base cheat prac
tised upon her, that he has not secured her
money, because he has neglected to secure
her heart, what sympathy should be felt for
him ? Is the world to take up his quarrel
and assert his rights? Can he fairly plead
the obligations of a contract, the essential
condition of which he has shamefully dis- j
regarded in pledging an affection which ho I
never felt ? Can he claim even the legal
sanctions of a relationship which is, so far i
as its real and fundamental, its best and ho
liest conditions, are concerned, ho cannot
be truly said ever to have formed ? Is marri
age, as understood by human or divine law,
an idle, formal joining of hands, before wit
nesses and the mechanical pronunciation
of set phrases of mutual love and honor,
duly, and obligations? Has it no solemn,
no vital, no spiritual principal and bond of
union ? It is a sacrament sanctified by all
the dedpest and dearest interests of society,
and the most explicit injunctions of Heaven,
or have we, indeed, degraded it to the low
est and vulgarest conventionalism of brok
ering and conveyancing? If we have, then
the courts and the legislatures of the coun
try should set themselves against such foul
sacrilege and profanation. They should re
fuse to confirm—they should, if applied to,
promptly declare null and void, every mar
riage that has on one side or the other, we
care not which, been celebrated in clear
violation of mutual good faith—of the es
sential conditions, social and religious, of
the contract.
Esdbcially do we assert this of the case
in which a mercenary knave, too lazy to
make an honest living, and base enough to
acquire one by any process of swindling
and fraud, seduces a simple and confiding
girl of fortune into matrimony. He cannot
be surprised if she speedily revolts from
and abhors hiin.norcan he rightfully invoke
the tribunals of his State to maintain an al
liance which is, on his part, founded in the
meanest of all deception. Where both par.
ties are in fault—where both are discreet
and shrewd enough to guard against aris
and dissimulation and treachery on eith
er side—and, so qualified, deliber
ately make a contract which they may or j
must repent, their act should stand, ill spite .
of all individual suffering, it only to point |
a moral—to warn others against their crim- I
inal folly. But where a practiced man of
the world, an adept in the cunning hypoc
risies and execrablecharlantanisra of '■fash
ionable society," obviously deceives and i
betrays the faith ol a young,
and trusting girl, who gives her heart where j
she hopes to receive one in return, we j
would declare the transaction unworthy of
the morals of a horse fair, and hold it un- j
bound by any law, human or divine. Di- j
vorccs are common, 100 common, we admit. .
We would rather restrict, than enlarge the
power to grant them. But we would sanc
tion them in all cases in which fraud has
been used for mercenary objects, and in
which the union cannot be otherwise than
destructive of domestic peace, and an occa
sion of public scandal.
"Whom God ha? joined, let no man put ;
assunder," is a solemn saying, but when
this command is invoked, it should be re
membered that God is not a party to any
marriage where hands, and not hearts are
united — Philadelphia Evening Journal.
An Earth Bath.
The author of the "Life of Shelly," re- '
cently published, tells the following curious
"My uncle an old clergyman, had lived i
many years in a dump parsonage in the
new Forest; and he was sorely afflicted
with rheumatism. He was advised to con
sult Or. Graham, who was then all the fash- '
ion. He did so, and was persuaded by him
to take an earth bath ; he actually took one,
and he thought it did him good and was
likely to be of great service. My uncle of
ten regretted that he had not resolution
enough to persevere ; but it was exceeding
ly unpleasant. The patient was led into
the doctor's garden ; there he took off his
clothes behind a screen, stripped himself
stark naked. He was then placed in a hole
in the ground, just large enough to contain
him ; in what posture 1 do not recollect, but
1 think standing. Earth—finely sifted veg
etable mould—w as gently filled in quite up
to the collar bone, the head and reck being
free, remaining out of the ground ; the arms
were buried, beinn placed close to the side.
The patient being fairly in the bath, the
screen was removed, and he commonly saw
other persons around him in alike situation
with himself; and he passed the time—for
it was necessary to remain three or four
hours in the earth.
"How cold he must have been !" a lady
"On the contraty, the sensation of heat
was most oppressive ; there was an npleas
ant feeling of suffocation, and the prespira
tion was profuse. When the lime prescrib
ed had expired, the screen was placed,
around him, the bather was taken out of Ins
grave, and well rubbed, and he was allow
ed to put on his clothes and depart. It was
so disagreeable, that my uncle could never
summon courage to undergo the operation
a second time; but several of his friends
hail taken an earth bath frequently, and they
thought that the process was of great use to
"I have seen persons in the earth bath
myself.'" I well remember going with my
j uncle the first time he consulted Dr. Graham.
I A man-servant, in a splendid livery, receiv
! Ed us, and conducted us into the garden,
and we saw there what seemed to be a bed
of califlowers. It was the age of wigs—
of powdered wigs—and there were several
old gentlemen buried up to the neck in the
ground, with the head only to be seen above
the earth, and a well whitened wig upon it.
The footman led uncle up to one of
the most considerable of the wigs, and
introduced him to his physician : "This,
sir, is Doctor Graham." For the doctor took
a bath every morning himself, to encourage
his patients, and shone forth on the surface
of mother earth as the biggest of the big
wigs. He could not feel my uncle's pulse,
for his arms were interred as well as his body;
but lie looked at his tongue, and asked him
many questions, in exact accordance with
the practice of the college, and finally he
prescribed an earth bath, which shortly af
terwards my uncle look.
" 'How dreadful!' all the ladies exclaimed
with one voice; 'it must be just like being
buried alive ! Where there any women
there ?"
"Not when I was present, certainly ; and
I rather think that females did not take these
baths; and yet I recollect that the advertise
ments strongly recommended them to la
dies as an unfailing remedy for sterility, in
asmuch as the earth would surely impart to
them some portions of its fruilfulness—the
earth being the fertile mother of all things."
A glutton of a fellow who was dining at
a hotel, in the course of the battle of knives
and forks, accidentally cut his mouth, waß
observed by a yankee opposite who bawled
out—" I say, Mister, don't make that hole
in your countenance any iarger or we shall
all starve."
Truth and Right Clod and our Country
Ah! yes, I really was in love,
I know it sounds romantic, sill)*)
But sure no stoic could resist
Such Bounces as encircle Lilly.
She was a witching spirit indeed,
With crinoline and rings uncommon,
The Unit iilrul of a belle,
Though not perhaps so much of women.
I courted her a year or so,
And then my angel grew quite chilly , I
Mad jeolousy my breast inflamed,
What new Adulph had charmed my Lilly l i
I sighed and smiled and lisped in vain,
By gone oaihs were unavailing,
'Twos plain, 011 courtship's open sea>
Some "faster" craft was mine outsailing. !
Just then what patron saint of mine
Took me beneath his blessed guidance,
Without stiletto, rope or flood,
Of my dread rival i had riddance.
At wo;'by rmc*e Journeyed F-t, ,
Got rich and dted.feseiit pv-jpitious, 1 )
Oh! what were uncles born for, but
At happy moments to enrich us ?
And poor Adolph had lately failed, |
To faithless banker weakly trusting,
And banished from his lady's smile
in sad obscurity was rusting.
I took my hat, and took my purse,
Each bill a ''iitel ihux to Lilly ;
She saw prospective city lots,
And whispered, "I do love you, Billy."
From Correspondent of N. Y Times. I
The all engrossing topic of the hour, nat-1
nrally enough, is the Sickles tragedy ; and
the smallest detail connected with any of I
the parties is still caught np with eager cur
iosity and rapt attention. Leslie's paper,
containing pictures of the scene and the ac
tors, was devoured at a premium a few mo
ments after its arrival on Monday, and in
the absence of a suflicent supply, even Har
per and others of a smaller fry, came in lor
an animated demand.
The Grand Jury were called in on Mon
day, and are, I am informed, of more than
average respectability and intelligence.—
The evidence before them being entirely ex
parte, they will of course have no hesitation
in finding bills against Mr. Sickles. Indeed
Mr. Sickles himself, f am assured, would
ask 110 heavier punishment than to have the
bill thrown out, as his impatient desire is to
stand before a panel of his countrymen,
and when the whole case is unfolded, have
their verdict on his act. It was at first an
ticipated that the trial would come off on
Monday next, but I deem that impossible,
though the calander is not heavy; and in
cline to the belief that it will not take place
until the end of the week.
; On the first day, the Court adjourned, af
ter a tribute to Mr. Key, very skillfully con
ceived and delivered by Mr. Robert Ould,
the new District Attorney, who is evidently
a man of ability, vigor and legal experience.
Mr. Bartor. Key, who was indolent and un
read to a degree almost beyond belief,in one
filling such a high position, having commit
ted the conduct of nearly all his official bust
| ness to Mr. Onld. The trial will naturally
; awaken, I may say, a great national inter
! est—not from any uncertainty as to its result,
I for there appears to be no second opinion
as to the certainty of Mr. Sickles' acquittal,
: but from the general desire to seo the whole
| case fairly put, and the million scandals of
mystery laid to rest by the plain facts. Al
ready inntimerahlo applications have been
' made for seats in the Court house, which is
small and confined. The case will be tried
before Judge Crawford, a lawyer of good
local reputation, and said to be an impartial
and pains-taking Judge. For the prosecu
tion.Mr. Oold will of course lead, in virtue of
i his office, and probably, (though as yet none
I has been retained.) Mr. Key's family will
engage associate counsel. For Mr Sickles,
there will appear the Hon. Reverdy John
i son, (who is Mr. Butterworth's counsel,)
j Messrs. Staunton, Rodclifle, Chilton and
Magruder, of this bar; and of the New York
bar, Mr. James T. Brady, and Mr. John
Graham, who have been selected from a le
gion of volunteers as proper representa
j lives of the Representative from New York,
j Mr. Graham, who has arrived to-day, will
| open the case, which will be summed up
! by Mr. Stanmon and Mr. Jas. T. Brady, one
I of Mr. Sickles' earliest, and through life,
I one of his warmest friends. The prosecu
| lion will be conducted, according to the
! present appearances, with great fairness,
and without any spirit of personal bitterness.
For though Mr Key's brother, Mr. Charles
Key, of Baltimore, has uttered some threats
of vengeance, and his sister, Mrs. Pendle
ton, is known to havo been sorely afliicled
by his untimely death, the voice of his un
cle. Chief Justice Taney, all potential in such
a case is for moderation and an absolute
surrender ofthe whole ma'ter to the ordinary
course of law.
The guilty connection of Mr. Key with
Mrs. Sickles will I understand, be admitted,
to avoid disclosures injurious to the memo
ry of Mr. Key, and the argument of the pros
ecution will be directed to examine wheth
er the existence of such a criminal connec
tion excuses the slaying of the seducer by
the husband's hand, and whether Mr. Sick
les committed the act under the extenuating
influences of an exasperating conviction
of the fact.
Just strictures, were they but justly found
ed, have been passed upon Mr. Sickles' al
leged neglectful indulgence of his wife in
all her tastes for fashion und society, without
a proper controlling care. But it is not true
that he did indulge her.
When, last spring, the attention of Mr.
Key first became the subject of remark and
! scandal, Mr. Sickles instantly, on the first
whisper reaching his ears, called upon that,
gentleman; and received from him assevera
tions of the honorable character of his regard,
so solemn and so strong that, coupled with
those of bis wife, bo could not, nnd did not
| for a moment after, cherish a susp cion.
1 Mr. Key went so far as to seal his assevera
tion by bringing his own pure sister to call on
I Mrs. Sickles,which Mr. Sickles hada right to
feel was a complete guarantee of the purity
of his own relations with her. Still desiring
| his wife to be not only safe from, but above
j suspicion, he forbade her to receive Mr
i Key except when invited, and on her regu-
I lar reception day, in the presence of com
' pany, a restraint which they both submitted
jto and observed. It was probably this
which induced Mr. Key to lease a house of
assignation. Nor in any instance, save one,
has Mrs Sickles been allowed either to go
TO a dinner party or trail exoept in bin ,w,
company. The one exception was the fan
| cy ball of Mrs. Gwin, when, on her moth
j er's representation that her absence might
j give a color of reality to what then but
| wore the shape of fiction, he permitted her
|to attend that ball. Whatever interviews
I have taken place between Mr. Key and
Mrs. Sickles since then, have been in his
absence at Congress or out of town, at the
house which Mr. Key rented for the pur
pose. Had Mr. Sickles imposed any se
vere restraint, those who are now ready to
arcuse him of laxity of vigilance, would be
j the first to brand him as a domestic tyrant,
I deserving and provoking by his harshness
! the fate lie met. The more the facts of this
' sad story are known, the more it gathers of
interest. Last evening f took lea with an
! old Italian gentleman, whom I met at Sick
1 les' prison, who, though he has mingled
little in the world, possesses a most refined
, anil cultivated mind. He told me that for
thirty years lie had been the intimate friend
,of both Mr. and Mrs. Sickles' family and
j his story of those years was at the present
| moment so interesting, when so many fic
| tionsare floating about,that I thought I would
give it to you in the simple, touching words
■ in which he told it.
Mrs Bagioli, he told me, ihe mother of
Mrs. Sickles, was born in the year 1813, at
the Croton Falls, Westchester county. Her
maiden name was Cooke. At the age of |
fourteen she came with her family to New
York, and was shortly after adopted by the I
well known Italian poet and author, Loren
zo da Ponte. She was a bright and some
what beautiful girl, and very shortly after,
her adoption was married to Antonio Bagio- j
li, a composer and professor of music who
was a visitor at Da. Ponte's house. M. Ha
gioli, is a native of Italy, but has resided in
your city for thirty years, and by those who j
know him, is said to be much respected and
esteemed. Mrs. Bagioli bore to her husband
an only child, Therese Bagioli, the unhap
py wife of Daniel E. Sickles, upon whom 1
was lavished her parents' undivided love.
No expense was spared to afford her all
those accomplishments which lorrn the best
accompaniment of beauty. She was edu
cated at the best schools of New York, and
finally, Rent to the Manhattattville Convent
of the Sacred Heart. Da Ponte's son Loren
zo da Ponle, Jr., resided at this time with
his father, and was Professor of Belles Let
tres, Philosophy and Literature in the Uni
versity of New York. With him, as with
Dugald Stewart, in Scotland, were placed
several young men for education. 01 this
number were Mr. Fames, of this city, Mr.
Bigelow, of the Evening Post, and Mr. Sick- '
The Bagliolis also resided in the same
house, and continued to live there after the
deulh of Prof. Da Ponto. Living in the
same house in which his wife was born, Mr.
Sickles saw her grow up from infancy to
womanhood. Their association gradually !
ripened into love. He pressed his suit upon
her father, who at once made serious objec
tions to the match, not from dislike to Mr.
Sickles, but from the belief that his daugh
ter was too young for marriage, had seen
nothing of the world, and was of a mind too
unformed to read correctly her own heart.
Parental opposition to this, as in so many
other deplorable cases, only ended in a clan
destine marriage, which was performed be
fore Mayor Kingsland, the Mayor of the
City of New York. The consequence of
this secret wedding soon made concealment
impossible, and the marriage after a full ,
confession, required by the Bomau Catholic
Church, was solomnized again, and receiv
ed the seal of religious ratification from the |
hands of Dr. Hughes, the Roman Catholic j
Archbishop, at his private residence.
The fruit of that wedding was one fair
child, with a face like her mother's, who
unconsciously, at this moment suffers, per
haps the deepest injury from her mother's |
surrender to sin. It is, to-day, precisely ;
twelve months since that father and mother, 1
now so deeply stricken, wore making with I
affectionate zeal gayest preparations for the I
christening of this child, for whom the Pros- j
ident, Mr. Buchanan, and the charming Mrs.
Slidell had voluntarily sought the sponsor- '
It is a singular coincidence that this little '
girl, Mrs. Sickles, and Mr. Sickles, himself,
were all three only children, over whose ]
miserable fate three living mothers now i
hang broken hearted. Mr. Sickles' conduct
as a husband can be best described, and the
charges against him best answered in the
public words of the father of the unfortu
nate wife since the tragedy, "You have
heaped," he writes, "on my child affection,
kindness, devotion, generosity. You have
been a good son, a true friend, and a devot
ed, kind, loving husband and father."
Poor old mam as seated often of a sum- I
mer's evening beneath the veranda of a '
house that looks over the pleasant waters of 1
the Hudson, be watched his sweet little
grandchild sport upon the green, he could
have little dreamed upon how sad a pa ; r j
its doors were to close before his days should
ripen to their end ! Mr Sickles, Sr., has as
signed it to his son's wife as a residence so
long as she remains under the protection of
her lather, nor will anything he left unpro
vided for her which can constitute a com
fortable home.
The letter ol warning which Mr. Key re
ceived on Thursday, and which he show
ed to Mrs. Sickles at the ball at Willard's on
that night—the last of their meeting—was
written it was thought, by a lady. It was
full of "Dear Burton,"' and other such en
dearing expressions, whereas the letter
which conveyed to Mr. Sickies the intima
"f Jt-huuor. was either
written, or feigned to be writton, by some
coarse, illiterate person. Strange if two
different parties should have selected the
same night to send a missive of warning.
Mr. Sickles still continues in the cell to
which he was conveyed on the day of the
disastrous explosion, ft is on the left of the
hall as you enter the prison being general
ly nsed as a watch-room, and is close and
stifling. But Mr. Sickles has constructed a
wheel on the window for ventilation. There,
or walking on the plot in front, he may he
seen all day receiving his visitors and faith
ful friends.
Mr. Sickles does not look well, as has
been represented. Mental suffering anil
confinement within the prison's walls have
told severely upon him, paling his cheek
and shaking his vigorous constitution. To
day Mrs. Pendleton, of Ohio, sister of Mr.
Key, left for that State accompanied by Mr
Key's four orphan children; her own two
children and the two children of her widow
ed sisier,*tlie accomplished Mrs Blunt, who
it may be remembered, gave readings last
summer in New York and more recently
with great success in the Southern and
Western States. The sympathy of the
whole city goes with her.
TIVES.—A Washington corresponds of the
Cincinnati Gazette relates the following fun
ny incident:—Since writing you last.gayety
has quite revived, and the city is fall of
strangers. Two of these, a bride and a
groom from the interior, caused a great deal
of amusement. I happened to be in the
the House when they made their appear
ance, and took their seats in front ot the la
dies' gallery. The loving husband put his
arms about the neck of his love, and draw
ing her tip as close as possible to him look
ed at legislative wisdom from a domestic
point of view. Of course so odd an exhibi
tion attracted attention. A general grin,
like sunlight ran over the black coated as
sembly below. Then a titter rippled on,
gathering strength till it broke into a roar.
The American Congress was fast losing its
dignity of deportment, whenasolemn mem
ber from 'down east,' who owed his suc
cess in life to the gravity of Ids countenance
and length of his legs, called the attention
of Mr. Speaker Orr to what he styled the
impropriety in the gallery. The Speaker
responded good naturedly that ho saw no
impropriety, on the contrary, the gentleman
and lady were setting the members an ex
cellent example. Whereupon there were
fresh roars, and the affectionate couple were
informed by the door-keeper that such evi
dences of affection were quite out of order
in that place. Indeed they were not to be
thought of. Whereupon the happy family,
withdrew, and the House was restored to its
usual ill-humor."
THE Harrisburg correspondent of the Sun
day Despatch writes:—There is now pending
before the Legislature a divorce case ciffer
ing materially from the case of Mr. and
Mrs. Fry. It-is an application for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, made by the
parents of a young girl, scarcely fourteen
years of age. who married a man more than
twice her own age, in what I should term
a childish treak. It appears on or about the
6th ol February last the bar-keeper of a
well-known hotel in Philadelphia induced
the girl—the daughter of the landlord—to
accompany him to the southern portion of
the city, when they called at the Swedens'
Church, and were married by the Rev. Mr.
Clay. It was strictly enjoined upon her to
keep the marriage a secret, but this was
more than the little girl could do, and she
confided the secret to the mother. The so
cial and moral standing of the husband, the
disparity of years between the parlies, and
above all, the marriage of their child before
the attaining womanhood, conspired to af
fect the parents in such a manner as 1
would not undertake to describe, and to day
they are here seeking a divorce."
THE WRONG WORD —Preaching a chari
ty sermon, Sydney Smith frequently repeat
ed the assertion that Englishmen were dis
tinguished for the love of their species. The
eolation happened to be inferior to this
expectations, and he had evidently used
the wrong word—his expression should
have been, that they were distinguished
for their love of their specie.
A NUMBER of the friends of the Rev, S. D.
Shaffer, candidate for Mayor in Toledo, of
fer to bet $5OO that he can whip any man
in thatcity in a fair stand up fight. Where's
Parson Brownlow ?
THAT'S a wise delay which makes the
road safe.
I The Democratic State u.
•Dominations of Candidates for State Offices.
lIAKHI-DUIII; MAKCH 16 —Pursuant to a call
of the Siale Central Committee, the mem
bers of the Democratic State Convention
convened in the Hall of the House of Rep
resentatives this day and were called to or
der at 10 o'clock, A. M., by It. Biddle Rob
erts, Chairman of the State Central Commit
On motion. George M. Wharton, Esq.. of
Philadelphia, was chosen temporary Chair
man of the Convention.
Mr. Wharton, upon taking the chair, ad
dressed the Convention as follows:
GENTLEMEN:—I thank you, gentlemen of
the Convention, for the honor you have just
done me, an honor which was quite unex
pected to me, I assure you, when I left my
Tiome. "We have"fTTcrt, geunemen, in a very
important crisis in our national affairs
Every one of us must be acquainted with
the vast importance of the fiction Of the
great State of Pennsylvania upon all nation
al questions. lam sure it is the wish of
every member of this Convention that the'
: action of this State may conduce to the per
manent prosperity and the uidon of our
1 great confederacy, and I am sure we must
| also all equally desire that the action of this
■ Convention may be harmonious, and we
! ought to uniie in conducing to that great re
' suit. Without detaining von further, gen
' tlemen, with any expression of my views;
| I invite you now to the business ol the day.
j Mr. Hopkins moved that a committee of
. one from each Senatorial District bs ap
| pointed to report officers for the permanent
J organization.
j Mr. Tate moved to amend, as follows:
I Ilesqlttetl, That the permanent organization
j of this Convention shad he effected by it
vivn voce vote of the delegates comprising it.
[ Mr. Johnson moved to postpone the sub
j ject for the present.
Alter some desultory debate the entire
matter was permitted to lie over.
I On motion, J Simson Africa, of ffunting-
I don, W. J. Leib, of Schuylkill, J. W. Doug
lass, of Franklin, anil John H. Bailey; of
Allegheny, were appointed temporary Sec
retaries oi lite Convention.
On motion of Mr. Tate, the Secretaries
tlien proceeded to road overthe list of conn
ties in alphabetical order, when the dele
gates answered to their names as follows:
1.'d—Ths 11. Forsyth flush Clark,
James F. Nichols and Samuel H Gilbert.
2. Chester and Delaware—Win. S l.atia.
3. Mon gomery—John H. Hubert.
4. Bucks—Franklin Vansanl.
ft. Lehigh and Northampton—Philip John
6. Berk'—Tobias Barlo.
7. Schuylkill—Dr. Samuel H Shannon.
8. Carbon. Monroe, Pike and Wayne—C,
D Brndhead.
9. Bradford. Susquehanna, Wyoming and
Sullivan—A J Oarretson.
10. Luzerne—William S Ross.
1 J. Tioga, Potler, M'Keatt and Warren—
Charles Lyman.
12 Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and Union
—T M. Hall.
13. Sr.yder, Northumberland,Montour and
Columbia—J B Davi-..
14. Cumberland, Juniata, Perry and Mif
-1 Bin—John S Miller.
I 15. Dauphin and Lebanon—U.J Halde
18. Lancaster—W.T. M'Phait, Paul Ham
| ilton.
17. Vofk—W. 11 Welsh
' 18. Adams, Franklin and Fulton—Henry'
! J Myers.
i 19. Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon—
! J Simpson Africa.
| 20. Blair, Cambria and Clearlteld—Thos>
I Collins.
! 2f. Indiana and Armstrong—J. Alexander
I Fulton
| 22 Westmoreland and Fayette—Horten-
I sins Lowry.
I 23. Washington and Greene—Wm. Hop
| kins.
2'V Allegheny—James A. Gibson, N. I*.
j Fetterman.
25. Heaver and Butler—Samuel Marshall.
2B Lawrence, Mercer and Venango-Wm.
27. Erie and Crawford—Murray Whallon.
I 28. Clarion, Jefferson, Fores', and Elk—J.
j L. Gillts.
j Adams—Henry J. Stahley
I Allegheny—H. Sproul, John H. Bally,
j John Swan, Dr. J. S. Penney, J. H. Philips,
i Armstrong and Westmoreland—C. R.
i Painter, H. L Donnely and John W. Rohrer.
Beaver and Lawrence—James McCune,-
I Capt. J. S. Dickey.
I Bedford and Somerset—W. J. Baer Joseph
I W Tate
j Berks—Jacob Conrad, Jeremiah Hageman
and David Plank.
I Blair—S. H. Bell.
| Bradford—Wm. H. Peck, V. E. Piolett.
i Bucks—Wm. S. Long, Jacob Van Buskirk
Butlor—A. S. Mcßride, John B. McQuis-
I ton.
! Cambria—ll. A. Boggs.
I Centre—S. S. Seely.
i Chester—Wm. Ralston, Hibbard Evens,
| R. E. Monaghnn.
I Clarion and Forest—Jacob Titritey.
I and Warren—Wm. Carr R.
Cumberland and Perry—Thos. M. Biddle,
Chas. C. Brand
Dauphin—Robert A. Lamberton, Geo. W.
Delaware—William Gray.
Fayette—Charles Boyle
Franklin and Fulton— J. VV. Douglas?,
James B. Sansom.
Greene—Rufus Cambell.
I'unlingilon—B. Bruce Petrikeu.
Indiana—James Sloan.
Jetlerson, Clearfield, and Elk and Mc-
Kean-William P. Jenks, Wm. A. Wallace.
Lancaster—Jacob F. Koutz, Samuel C.
Stumbaugh, P.J. Albright, Jerome B. Shullz.
Lebanon—Jacob Witmer.
Lehigh and Carbon—Wm. H. Butler,
Charles Nault.
Luzerne— Anthony Grady, Steuben Jen
kins, P. C. Gritman.
Lycoming and Clinton— John B. Beck, A.
C. Noyes.