The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 09, 1859, Image 3
STAR OF THE NORTH. Hl IiMLSItAY, MARCH 9. 1850. lIIE MEJIBZRS of the* llonse ol* Represen tatives, Ibis Slate, liy a itiiaiiirnona vote, de cided to adjourn on the ifiilt o( Mareli inst. CANDIDITF.S fnrtownsl'.ip offices. w)in wish to get tlieir tickets prinled#eatly and at 10-.v rates, should call at the STAB OF THE NORTH OFFICE. MR. P. 8. MOVER has purchased the tin ring stock ol D. C. Millard and designs con tinuing the business in this plaoe in all its branches. IN ROOKING over the Post office aiTaits we •ee that JKIIKMIAH WHITE-lON lias received the appointment as Post Master, at Green wood, this county, to fill the vacantly cnus fcd by the resignation of J. HITTKNBKNOKK. THE CITIZENS of Bloomshurg and vicinity bnve laid a plank walk in Iron Street. This will make it much belter traveling on that Street, as it was a very muddy walk during wet Seasons. Such emerprizes are very creditable and necessary, and should be carried on still further. THOMAS C. RI.SE has disposed of his con fectionaries in the firm of MOYKII & SHEL DON who will continue business in both es tablishments until the first of April, when the two will he consolidated. Mr. EI.SK de signs pursuing some other occupation, in a different locality. MR. D. C MIM.AKD& Cox.. BROWN, of this place, liave purchased the Tinning Establish ment, of John O'Conner, in Danville, where they intend carrying on the tinning business. They are both capital workmen, and we have ro doubt but w hat they will do a "right ■mart business." Success to them. PIKE'S PEAK EON FARMERS—The heaps of dirt scraped together in our streets would prove peaks of gold to our farmers, were they to take them out and put them on their lantls We have often been surprised that farmers go home with empty wagons, when they can obtain such a valuable load for nothing. A MAN that is too poor and stingy to take his own county newspaper for 51.50 per year, generally drinks 930 worth of whis key a j ear—smoke- and chews S2O worth of tobacco—keeps ?, slab-sided dog, an old shot gun, and a twenty shilling gold watch He educates his children in the streeis, and boards his chickens on bis neighbors. Or AIL the luxuries of the present day, oysters, in our humble opinion, stands pre eminet as one of the greatest ; hut situated as we are in Bloomsbnrg. one hundred and some odd miles froin the place where they are caught, a is olleu experienced to get them fresh, and of a good quality. The difficulty, however, is pretty well got along with by our friends, MRS. CEAIIK and MR BILLMKVKK, who are daily receiving tliem in the shell direct from the water. We would advise all lovers of the bivalves to call at these popular saloons and try them. THE EDITIIR of The Pi l-John \V. Forney, has consented to .ieiiv.-r his celebrated ■Lecture on "American Statesmen," at Wy oming Hall Scronton, on Wednesday even irig, the lfilh itist. John slioul.t understand the ftthject as well as any man living. liis position as a political editor, for more than 20 years, should goto fit him eminently for knowing what constitutes a true Ameri can Statesman. AN Election will be held in this town ehipon Friday, the 18th inst., in the court house, for the purpose of electing township officers. Persons are to be chosen for the following offices: one person for Judge of Elections; two persons for Inspectors; two persons for Constables; two persons lor •Over-eers of the Poor; one person for As sessor; three persons for Supervisors; two .persons lor School Directors, and one per son for township Auditor. Look out for .ballot-box stuffing. VVK ARK enjoying splendid weather in this neighborhood at present writing: the sky is -clear and serene ; the sun shining bright, • .drying off the muddy roads as fast as pos sitde. In some parts of the county the highways are in a good condition, while in others they are rather bad. A few days more, should the weather remain in this condition, all will be passably good •P. S Since the above was written we have been enjoying more rain and mud. Last Monday evening it rained in this place pret ty hard, accompanied with loud thuuder and •sharp lightning. BArKßiTiNG.—Never sny of one who is absent, what yon would bo ulrind or n-hum ed to say if lie were present. '"He of whom you delight to speak evil," says a wise moralist, "may hear ol it, and become your enemy, or if he do not. you will have to re proach yourself with the meanness ol at tacking one who had no opportunity of de fending himself. Never listen to those who deal in scandal; he who slanders one to you, Will slander you to another." Tale-hearers make tale-bearers; and hence Dr. South safcj, "the tale-bearer and tale bearer should be hanged together, the one by the ear, the oilier by the tongue." SiHiwfc in Church —lt is said that the fool ish half* 80 Universal in Churches, that of genllemeßfcrisiug to leave the Ladies go to the fatthenpnd of the pew, originated in early timesTwth the settlers who sat near the doors of the pewjl so that in case of a sudden attack by th Aidi&ns they might be ready for action. Ax the Indians do not trouble us any more, suggest the propri ety of those who corrnuflrlt into a pew weth er gentlemen or ludy, ratm* the farther seat in the slip, and tiiose that fiWflfr fill up the remaining seats, and thus prevent, the awk ward disturbance which occurs in our churches here in the process of filing out and in by men in ordei to isolate w6tnat at the lurther end of the pew. FHOM ST.DOMINGO. —By an arrival at New York, we have advices from Gonaives and Tort an Prince to February 20th. At Gon aives everything was qu'et, and trade im proving. Logwood 525 to 240, currency.— 1000 lbs. coflee llfi to 120 per 100 lbs. At Port an Pfinco it was quiet, but the inhabi tants were apparently dissatisfied with Geff rard, in consequence ol bis demands on produce exports, and the power which lie is commencing to exercise, which they pre sume will soo.i expand lo tyranny. The Washington 1 iugcily. —The Washing ton correspondent of the Boston Journal says : About an hour before Key was shot he said to a young lady whom he joined on her way hotne from Church and who is my informant, "1 am despondent about my health, and very desperate. Indeed, I have h ill a mind to go out on the praires and try buffalo hunting The excursion would eith er cure me or kill mo and really 1 don't care much which. Ilolloway's Pith. —lt seems as if the pilar mncopeia were eventually to lie* narrowed down to two specifies, Hollowny's Pills and Ointment. We have conversed with indi viduals who have witnessed the effect ol the Pills in cusps of epilepsy, ordinary con vulsions. spasms, bilious colic pulidlntimi ol die heart, dy-pepsia etc.: and they all tell ihe same story of their efficacy and in fallibility. So, too. of Ihe Ointment. The general opinion seems to he that it never tails in ulcerous and eruptive eases. It is an indisputable fact tlint those best acquaint ed with the preparations have the most lm nlieit confidence in them. i'Oit 1' I,AIAI.KS. ll I- U lalllHlli.lOlu tact thai o large a number of Females ant at flu-led will) Irregularities, either reln-ed or suppressed, which rapidly and -urely tinder •nine their health, shorten their lives, and nltliriies render (hern unfit for those duties in lile lor which tin all-wise Creator ha-- 1 formed them. This state nf tilings need not | exist when Da. WPEATINO'S FEMALE RKGU | LATINO PILLS are so sine 10 bring rebel | They are composed ol materials, harmless ' to I lie most delicate constitution, put effi t cit-lil in ttie highest degree in eradicating ; that tram of disea-'es incident to the sex, ! originating from irregularities. They are • no Nostrum, bin claim lor themselves vir* I lues re-iibiiig Iroin llie n-o of those rnost j valued remedies prescribed by die highest , medical ainhiiriiy, Ancient or Modern. ! Many Females give way to despondency, j imagining themselves 111 a confirmed de cline 'J'o Sll ell we would conft-'ei tly re | i-oinmeiid ilie-e P11.1.R, believe g if itiere is j a power in any remedy to cffeci a pernio neni cure, mat blessing will ensue Irom iheir n-e. They are ninnnfaclured only t.y J E BOWER, eor. 2.1 k Bare sireeis, Phila delphia. Nmiegenuine u-iirioiit his written sigon ore uponeHCti hi-v Price 9; I no ixi.VihD OF 'ilia AiAltftliT, CAREFULLY IOIIIIICTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 211 BUTTER, 20 RYE. 85 EGGS 12 TORN, 811 PA I LOW, 12 OA s. no LAUD. 12 BUCKWHEAT, fin POTATOES. 60 UT. BEANS. 1 50 Dil i) APPLES,2 00 | 50 HAMS, 12 MARRIED. | On the 15th pit., by 11-v. 15. A. Fink.JOHN B. UKITKRUK, ol Bonmsbnrj, to EEFIB J. RISHE-I.L, ol Pottegrove, Northumberland j county, Pa. ' On Thursday the 24th ult, at Orangeviße. by Uev. Jos 1. Riiilirm-k. Air HIRAM YAPLK ol Fisltingcrcek, Columbia county, to Aliss SAUAH GUOOTKUS, ol Huntington, Luz. co In Espy, on the 19th nit, bv the Rev. Thomas Sherlock, Mr BI -J-.MIS CHIIIDTMAN, and Miss RIUKIT-A ANN 11AZI.S.TT. DIED. ■ At Millville, 011 the 20:h nil., HANNAII JANE HAMPION, aged 13year-. 5 mouths and 22 day-. CB ihkT>. IfX the matter ol the p-liiinn of William Ji. Lutz one ot the executors of the last Will ami testament of Peter I.otz, line lit Nit - garlmif township, Colombia CntlutV) Penn sylvania, deeea-e.t, which peiitiou was pre sented to an Orptiao's Court l ttie said County, field at Blnnm-burg, ai the February Teim tliereol, A. I)., 1859, praying that the executors of ttie said last will anil leslaiiieut be fully empowered 10 sell the real estate ol the said deceased : COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: ' 1 K Commonwealth ofPennyl yva 1" a to Eli/, in-eimarned jfi & tffV .1 w I'll Peter Coldern, and to ttie lVicr Coldcrn, to Surah, in lertVMined with George S.rbcr, audio the paid Sirber; HI William Lutz, Adam Lniz, IVlerLirz; 10 Catharine, intermarried wiih \\ ilnon, and to iha mid Wil liam WiUon; 10 Andrew Lutz, Anthony Lutz, Simon LU z; 10 Judith, intermarried IVPIJ William Wildoner, H. 1.1 IO ihe sui-i William 1 Wildoin-r; to Delia Aim, intermarried with John KresMer, and lo Iht said John | to Amanda, intermarried u ith Henry Shuliz, I and to tlie said Henry ShultZ ; and lo Hit? | children ol Mary who tni- intermarried with Stephen Predion, lite -aid M .r> being now deceased, to wit, William, ll tHutinah, John, Adam, George, Francis, an.l James, and lo their guardian nr guardians, it any Itiey, or any ol them, have and to the said Stephen Preston ; to Kllee, a child ol E i * Lii'Z now deceaflfd, and to his guardian it any he have: and 10 ——, a child ol Lydia, 1 oiv deceased, who was iniermarried with DanH Ct'leniaii. and to the guardian ol the Raid child, 11 atlV there he and 10 the Rait Daniel Coleman; ami lo Peer Belles who wan intermarried with Susan now deceased, a daughter ot the said Ca:tiarii.e Lmz de ceased ; ami to all persons who have any present or expectant inieresi in ihe premise*: Greeting - You and eucn of you are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judge* of the Orphan'* Coun lor die County ol Col umbia, to he held 111 L!looiiihurg. in ami for Ihe said county, oil the tirst Monday of May next, at nine o'clock m ihe loreuoon ol mat day, 10 "hew cuto-e, it any yon or any of V'Oil have, why the real eHaie of the said Peter Luiz, situate in ihe Raid township ol Sugarlaof, shall riot he Mild by Ihe executors of his said last will and testament, as there in directed. Witness, Warren J. Woodward, Esquire, President Judge of oar said Coup, llie Ulli tiny of Feornarv, in the year ol .mr Lord, one thousand huii<tr<t ami tily-inne, J A (JO H EV EULY, Cleric. Bloomsburp, March, a, 1859. A J. EVANS. MK U C 11A ST, Siore on the upper part ot Main St., nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. BARNARD RUPERT. FA S UK) is A HLB TAILOR, Shop on the Sitnh Side ol Main Street, first square below Market. E2ow\ p n / l A i) i: A r // / .4. /f Penevolent JasfiUiti >n established ly special Ln'fawi.mci t. f r the Relief a* the Sick and Dmlitsscil. 'ffl'Cterf with Virulent and mic Diseases. 'I'HF'Mf&tKD ASSOCIATION, in v,pw of Hfiwiiil (ff*hirurfi<ii ol In man 11!•? C a imp. I bv Sexual tlnea-V*, HIM' *II lIOIU* |Mriu*el npou Hie iiiiloriuua'a victiiiif ol Mich di e.iMN l y Quark*. ervwral jewrr. wgo il eir CotiMilliit# burgeon, Hl* a CH A HIT A FLK AC P w on by of i hen lIHIII**, IO open a !)ir>pp!ieaiy for lieu'inem o this *lis of in /*li their form*, HIIC lo n IV , MKDiCAL ADVICE GRATIS 'O al hn nj>|l\ by with a tln*Cfiptio'i their eomlyjoii, (U2*, oiviij alir It, h.ibits o? I!e, &©. ) and 111 euse of e\r me poverty to H;R\I>U MEDICINES HI EE OF CHARGE. 1* it* neediest to add thai ihf A—■oi'iati'Ui command* the hiuhesi Medical -kilt ol the aye, and will the mo.-l approved modern ircHtmeiil The Oiiector* of the Association, in their Annual Heuorl upon the treatment ol S-x iil Grease*, express the l.iuliest satihie ion wuh the success which lots aoemieil it e labors of iheir Surgeon* in 'lie cure of Spermiitorili(P>i Seminal Weakness Gor.orr i (Til. Gleet. Syphilis, the vice ol Onam*m or sell-Abu*©, Diseases O' the K dneyg ami Bladti-r. &e., and order a continuance ol the sarii- plan lor the tiistiing \bur. The Director", on a review of the p^ei, feel assured that tfieir lat ors in ihi* sphere of benevolent effort have been of great ben efit to the afllieied, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote them -elves, with renewed zeal, to this very iin poitam and much despise ! cause. An admirable Report on Spennaiorrhosi. or Somu al VVeakne-s. the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or S.-dl-Abuse, ami oilier dis eases of ilie Sexual organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, wil l he g-ni bv mail (in a •paled envelop©,) FREE OF CHARGE on teceipi of TWO STAMPS lor pu-i,ige. Oili er Reports and Tracts off lite uainrH and • reatmeni of Sexual diseases, diet, &c., are constantly being published for' gratuitous distribu ion, an ! will be sent to the afflicted. Some of ilie tew remedies and method* ol tretrment discovered during the la*l >e.*' r i are ol great value. A Stress, R-porl or treatment. T)K J. SKI CLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Hawaii l Assiiciatinu, No. 2 Soutn Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. liv Older of the Dlrec'ors. EZRA D lIK A RTAVKI.L, Pint. GEO. KAIRCHILD, Sccielaiy. March lt, 1859 —B. ~ SHERIFF S I EES. I>Y virtue id 11 writ of vi tlrioni exponas, to me directel. will be exposed to pub. lie sale ai dm Court House, in Blnonisburg, on Saturday the f6 It day ol Marcli iiist., ut one 11 clock, 01 the afternoon, the following described property to wit : A certain Plantation and tract of lam l si'- uaie 111 Franklin lownsliip, Columbia Com,- ly, hounded on the Soudi by Undent Abra ham Lillev, on Hie Ea-l by lands of Aaron Lamb-rsio, on the North by oilier lands ol the -aid Jame- K. Fi-her, and on the Nasi by lands ol George Schick and others, cm - taui'ilg in tins wl.olc lintel)-five acres be die same more or less. About ninety acie- of whiell is cleared land, whereon is erected a one and a halt s ora duelling Home part frame and part log, a large frame bank barn, a Irarne wagoi. tiou-c, u -lone-pruio house, ami 'o her out Buildings Willi Ilia appurte nances. I Seized and taken in Execution arid to be solit a- the property of Janieh K. Fiher. j ALSO,—At the mine ii.nn and place by j virme ot a writ ol Levari Facia* to me di* j reeled, all that two siory plank houe or building, situate in the town of Hnbhleville I in ttie township >l Beaver in the County ol I Columbia, on a triiffler lot in said TOVVII, the j ♦aid building being ilnrty feet in fruit. and 1 wenli teel in ileplh.jpmi ihe bt of ground u; -'•> i-,.- ' ereei .! he | ing bono vd by the Rail Road of the Colom- I bui Coal & lfi Conrpany, and by lands ol j Tinmen M. Hubble and others. Sized Hint taken in execution and to be sold as ihe property ol Cbarlea Kvar|e. t'ouoiiiou- ol t?ie above Nile* are, ten pei cent of ihe purchase money to be paid ai the striking down o! ttie property, and ihe j balance on the lir*i M-ui l.v ot May next. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. | Bloomßbtirg, March 2.1, 1851). GIIEEMVOOH SEMINARY, AND COLUMBIA COUNTY NORMAL INSTITUTE. |f i v llE next Quarier al lir-ti'nnon, will ■ on the 16 h of Au<u*t, and i torminaie on the 29th ol October. The at* | lent ion of Teacher* is particularly directed •fi the advHiitapes of a course cf Norma! in* tfiruciion diirmii this quarter. Some have already engaged, and all others who desire to join ihe Class, should make early appli cation to ihe Principal. All who uuend should make arrangement* to commence wnh the quarter, or they will RUstain a pos itive loss. TERMS :—About $3O per quarter, for al! expenses. Catalogue* w ill be Rent to all who apply for them. WM. BURGESS. Principal. T. M. POTTS. Preceptor. Millville, July 7, 1858. ESE.<;OJ2KESRE2 ORNAMENTAL MAKELi. U'ORKS. THE undersigned lias opened in Blooms bnrg, a Marble in Court Alley, east ol ihe Court House, nod has secured the ser vice* of JOHN H. YOUNG, formerly ol Berwick, a* foreman. Mr Young'a qindili cations need no recommendation. He i* prepared to furnish Plain and Ornamental Monument*, Tombs, Headstones, Mantels, Sills, Lintels, BUREAU, STAND, AND BAR TOPS, &C. The he-i Dalian and American Marble will he kept on hand. Particular attention will be paid to le'iering and curving head-stone-. All ure invited to call, as we can luruish work • cheap a* any establishment in ihe country. S. C. SHIVE. Bloomsbnrg, Dec. 15, 1858. Al> M! MST ATO R S NOTIC E. EST A i K OF NO A US. P HEX LIS, DEC D 4 LL persons iirerested will lake notice ** that letter* ol Administration to ihe Estate of Noah S. Prentis, lute ot Bloom township, Columbia conniy, deceased, has tieeii granted by ihe Register of Colmubia conniy, to ihe undersigned, living in Biooms bnrg, in saiil county. All persons having claim* or demands Against the estate ol llie decedent are requested lo pros-Mil them lo the Administrator, duly attested, without delay, and all persons indebted io die estate are notified to make payment forthwith. J. M. CHEMBERLIN, Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1858. Adin'r. ~ s c sinvi^, Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet Ware. Ware room in Shive's Block, on M- HI Street. JOSE I'll SIiARFLESS. FOUMJEIt AND MACHINE ST. - Building* on the alley between the "Ex change" and "American House." A7M. IJIT'ERT7 TINNER -5- STOVR DEALER, Shop oa South side of Main street, below i Mstket. /hif l mmi IRON CITY COMMERCIAL 'OLLEGE. PITISBVKOV, FA. -- ' CIIAItTKRKI) 1855. | 300 Students c.tltiuling Januuuj. 1838. JVJ ow ihe largest and inoM 'borough Corn* n ercial School cf Ihe lI.S Mtfl". \ ruing men prepared lor actual dunes ol die Count ing Room. i J. C. Smith, A. M. Prof. </ Book-keeping wild Sen lice ol Accounts. ■ A. I*. Doii'het, Teacher ol Arithmetic and Com mercial C a leu lat ion. J A llcxdrnk and T. C. Teach ers o Brok keeping. A Cow lew and W. A Miller, Prof-, ol Penmanship. * anil double entry Book keeping, as itped in every department ol business. Com mercial Ariihmeric—rapid business writing detecting coonterleii money—mercantile correspondence—commercial ihw utetauglil, and all other subject* necessary lor the sue res* ai d thorough education of u practical hnsirics* man. 51 FREIOTIfiS 1553. Drawn all I lie premiums in I'iii.burxii fur |ln> past lliroe years, also ill Eastern am! Wesiern eities, fur lies! writing, not en i*ravel wmk. IMIOI4I'.XNT IN FORM \TION. Siinlents eniaral any linia—N vaitalinn— Time unliiniied —Review ai plea-me—(Jrail uaie* aeiieil in ailueiinn*—Tii* linn for lull I'oiiiilieii'ial roiir-e, 533 liO— Average li'ne 8 10 12 week.— Roan! $2 60 per week—S'atinuery, s6.oo—Eniire cost, ,46000 m $7OOO IV Mini.iere' Son* reeeivprlal half priee. I For Cant—Circular —Specimen, of Un.i -j ne*K ami Oriiiirnenial \\" i ——inclose Iwo | stamps, and a.liire.s F. XV. JENKINS. / Oct. 6 1858. Pllislnirjjli, l'a. Pliil'a A: Cailroad. j : . . i '•i"f - a - SMC ~ -—i - . , -i VVINIKI! AUUANUEMENTS FOR I'AS tCy.NGER CHAINS, January Ist 1859. [Jp Trams', "oii't! Nnrlli, leave l'lnUdelpliia at 7JA. M. a'l' l I'. Al. Down TiHit.A,<■/•• Soulli, leave Pullsville ai 7$ A. M. ulivl i I'- M- The Evprp.s Train j* tlifloonlinlied until furlher no'ice. Close coir nei lirm* are mailt' by ihe 1(1.22 A. AI Up Train*, Iroin P'"t Clinton to Ebrnra ami all iutertn*dhtlH j>niut*J and by the 6.22 P. M U. Train from u <t Clinton to Elmira / Canamlmgna Buffalo, Niagara, D^'mil, Chictigo, St. LOII'H, Dav ei.pori, mid |owa Cili; making lli'a route the shortest and cheapest to the Luke Cities and Canada. On Snr.dav* 'he PiiiTn "H. Train from PiiBvtlle f and Up I®. M. Train from Phila t.'elp'MH, only run. Depot in Philadelphia, corner ol Broad and Vine Ftlty ponmU ol baggage allowed each pasacn.ger, (except on Sunday trains.) Tickets must ba pur chased betoru entering the cars. G A. NICHOLS. j!\29-tf. General Snp* , rinieud*tni. Foundry, E£loobiil>ui';; ' S roviis AiNI) TIN XVAItH. THE siibsnrtber having erected a large new brick Foundry ond Machine S'top, in place ot the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Plows constantly nit baud. The sub < ri:e bus removed bis Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he has erected a budding altogether for Stoves and Tmware. The Cooking Stoves ronMt of the WM. JFyt PENN CUUK, R A I'd COOK, VAN- J LIEU COOK, and PARLORS 10VES a " kind*, the Egg Cylinder Stove, 6cr*. All kinds of Svcuti 'g made o order. JO>EPH SHARPLESS. j Bloomsbnrg. April 16. 1857. PUBLIC ALS3 OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance id an order of the Orpf ans Court oi Culumbia county, on SATURDAY THE 26tli DAY ol MARCH next, at 10 o'clock in lb torerioon, Peter Kline,adrirti i-tralor, o! Henry Mel/, late of Locust t a p., in said county, decM, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon the prerr*i*e* a certain TRACT OP LAND situate in Locn*t towri*!fip, Culumbia conn •y, adjoining John Herner on the cat, Jus. Carl ami Jofin Yeager on the west, William Hughs on the north, and widow Rook on Ihe south, containing about • Cue Hundred .".fnrnactn Acres, morn or l~s J with ilia iimiurtMUHOreH, on wliicli is r-rccU'rt iwo l:oun, one barn noil one f>aw-mill. Late the ealaie ol suiti rleceased, niioaie in the township o! Locust, unit county alnreaaul. JACOB EYERLY, llloonisburj, Feb. 19. 1859. Clerk. Ful>iic S;tlc of Yaliidble Real Estate. lii pursuance of an order ol the Orphan's Court ol Columbia coiioty. on SATURDAY, the 26t!i Jay ol MARCH, inst., at jo o'clock HI the loreiioun, ISAAC K. KRICKBAUM, Execu'or of the lust will am l testament ol John Kutie, late of Benton township, 111 said county, deceased, will expose to sale, by public vendue, upon ihe prtvoiwes, a certain portion ol the REAL ESTATE of trie said deceased, situate in said towndup, consist ing ot about ONE HUNDRED ACRES, Of Land, the nioi of which is rea-onably WELL TIMBERED, about Fifteen Acres being cleared. A SAW MILL is on the prenn-es, and the land wTten cleared will be good fainting d. Terms favorable. Lite the estate of *,ut deceased, shuu'e in the township ot Benton, ami rnutilv shore.aid. JACOB KVERLY, Clk. Bloomshnrg. March 2, 1859. Administrator'* Notice- IV? OI ICE in hereb) u'ven 10 all peraona in- ' terelfd, ihal l^-'lere ot admiiiMmtion on ili* entitle ol J.ifoh Fry, late ol till HI town slip. Columbia county,deceased, have bean ••ranted by Ihe Ke_ ieser ol Columbia conn- i>, o iho undersigned, living ii Mttlloi, in >aid county. All pe'nous having claims or demand* against ihe e*int of die decedent, sue requested 10 present them 10 ihe ad.iiin ietrator, duly atteMed, without delay, and •ill person* indebted to the e*t*ie are noti fied to make payment l rhwi/h. SAMUEL CREASY, Mifflin, Feb. 26, 1K59. Atfm'r. fi'iifillc Notice* .4 LL perttnn* indebieil to the untiereigned, on Book aconiH. Note or oitierwi-e, will ■ ake notice iha l nil uorovrftw mii*t be rented op between this dale (Feb 19 It) ami Ihe j first oj M y next, and *ave trouble. All ac count* noi hriiled and paid by that time, costs will be added witlioul respect to per son. Therefore step up to ihe captanrs of fice and bquare your account*. JOHN VVHITENIGHT. I Bloomsburg, Feb. £3, 1869. CABINET WARE ROOMS. s " c> S!SIYK ' TJ ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the Public to lii* extensive assortment J of C*l*inet Furniture hikl Chair*, which lie VMII warrant made of good miteriaU and in a workmanlike manner. At hi* Establish ment, can ulvVayn be loum! a good unrU mem ot FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. which is equal in styl* k.u! finish to that o( Philadelphia "i New York cities, ami at ii* low price*. He lih* Sofa* ol ibffereiit si> l* and pries*, from €25 to €6O. Divans Loun ges, Walnut mid Mahogany. Parlor chair*. Ilorki' i; and eay chair*, Piano stools, and a variety of Upholstered work, with DfesMitg and parlor bureau*, sofa. card, centre and pier tab'es, detashn*, clieffenor*, whatnots and eoiPi-de* and all kinds of fashionable work. His Mock of bureau?, enclosed and oominon wastelands, dress-table*, corner cnobn irds sofas DINING AN!) BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat an i common chair- i* ! the I digest in chi- section ol the couiiiy. He v\ ill also keep a good assortment ol looking gbt*M* with fancy "ill and common Irarnes lie will al-o furnish spring rnai'riiHses filled to any sized bedstead, which are superior for dutalnlity and corn fori to any bed in nse. Dloomsbnrg. January 13 1858. FVAiA'S A VVATMVVS IMiil'a Manufactured : IiSiSsALMANDEit ; iwll SAFES; tirfeSßifNo.26Souih Fourth Sreei PHILADELPHIA. ! From the Village Record, , WEST CHESTER, Pit. Saturday, Feb. 5, 1859. lb r.HKKV —The office of the old Railroad, in West Chester, was broken into last Thursday night, and robbed of a sma'l a ; mount ol money. The thieves entered the | tinildinsr in the rear, broke the doors, and * 1 locks off the desk*, and attempted to i!t m " I to the large iron safe, bin did not succeed j The Sale was m arm fuel tired bv EVANS St WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Streets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. October 18th, 1858.—Three iheices en- I lered the flotiritig-rniil of Messrs. Dor race & Dorou, Bristol, Pa., and tried all nto blow open their Sale, with powder, which had $260 in cash, but did not succeed in ' oH'tii.g i open. Their Salamander Sale was i m auUlactnrfd hv EVANS & WATSON. ' GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS ' T OWN, liKCKMifvti Ist, 1858—Some time Ih-i night, the fioiiri.* 4 iW'ill ol Air. Joseph Fu/.oiih, hi NorriMowu, !'•••, wa# einer3d and one ol Parrel, Heriing. &. Co's best pa tent Pnwrler prnol Luck ami Site , WAS BLOWN OPEN Willi PoWDER, , ami $1,600 i'ii cash taken out and carried , away. J hi* Sale in now ill Evans & Wat mim'S More, No. 26 >outli Fourth Street, where we most respectfully invite the pub lie to call ami examine it. N B.— We find in Ilie Pics* , December 4th, the following: 4 All our Safes ure war • ranted to give perfect satisfaction, or the money will be returned. PARREL, HERRING & CO." We, EVAN* & WA I SON, would H*k ■ :• 11 parties having Farrel, Herring & Co'* s Patent Champion to take advantage ol the above offer, and return them and get their money, as they will find that, in a lew ; ears, the Composition with which the 1 Sales are filled (a large portion being oil ol 4 vi'riol) will cat out all 'he iron. A speei ' men ol (heir Champion Sales may be seen in I rout ol uur store, which i* eaten full of holed now. EVANS & WAISON, [ No. 26 Sm.rh FOURTH Strest f From The Fresi of the 4'/i "[/.] Farrel, Hairing £t Co'* Patent Champion Sales, Ihe mil) Sales made ill the city which have never been robbed by tuf 14lnr- > or had their cou'eot* de.-tmyed by accidental fires. Evans & Wafoti's Pin' ulelphia answer 10 a N"W York Hi)mbut". We. the undersigned 01 i/.eiit. of St J.?*Cph. M 1 , ilo hereby 00r ifv that ihe iron Sale b.-longing 10 C. E. Baldwin, made by Par rel & Co., No. 31 Wulnui Street. Philadel- I phia, waieh was in 1 tie (ire thai Occurred tiere. is mil fire proof, and is useless as a fiie prnnl Sale; dial Ilie books, papers, jew elry, &e., winch w ere in the Safe in die lime, were much injured; also, that ilie budding which il was in was of frame ami only one sinry high, ami dial a lire so tri lling as ilie one which burned over the sanl Sale was noi sufficient to have injured any Sale pnrpo-lina 10 be (irp-proof. W. U. IV.MCK, Druggist. JO-KPII W.TOOTI.B, Dry Goods, • J. A BKATTIK, Banker. R>NNSS:I.I. L S>XTON&MCDONNELL,DryGoods WII.LIAM 11v. Drv GOODS. JOHN Cum>. Dry Goods. C. K. BALDWIN, SI Joseph, Mo. EVANS & WATSON, 26 South FOURTH [ Street, Philadelphia, have now 011 hand the largest as-orrneut of Salamander Sales 111 die United Siaies, warranted equal to any | odier- made in lite country. Please give I us a call. Feb. 23 1, 189. NEW WORK FOB AGENTS. Tlis Life, Speeches & Memorials DIN9EL WEESTEH, CON lAINING HIS MOST CKI.EBIIATED OKA I lONS, A SEL' CTLON FROM 'J HE EULOGIES PEiIVF.RKD ON THE OCCASION OF HIS DEATH, AND HIS LIFE AND TIMES. BY SAMUEL M SMUCKER, A M. This splendid work is jui published, in one large volume 0! bit) panes. Il :s print ed on fine paper and bound in beautilul style; curt ain* excellent tint illu-trafions of Ins Birtbplaee ai d Mansion at Multifield: an I lull-length, file like Sieel Portrait. Ilie Publisher ulf-rs il with confidence to the | American pcb.ic, and is convinced tliat it will supply an important want in Atneiioai literal lire. No work was to be obiiiined berelolore, which presented, within a com pact and convenient compass, the chief events ol the file of Daniel Wetisier, his most re markable intellectual efforts, and the most valuable and interesting eulogies which the great men ol the nation uttered in honor ol his memory. We |irc,.ent all these treasures in this vol ume, ai a very inndefuto price, and in a very convenient form. Subscript inn price, in cloth, 51,75; handsomely embossed leath er, *2,00. Persons desirous of becoming Agents for this valuable wotk, will address, for full particulars, PUAKE RULISON, Publisher, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HIRAM €. HOWER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilson's Carriage shop, Main St. OI'KELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS, 1 Northeast corner ol Main and Market Sis. New-Arrival of Fa!i am) Hiuler ,J *C£> CDCD^S3 O IfIrKELVY, NUAI. & CO., HA VK jn-t rpi'fivfil and opeiind ilieir tork ot for >hlh, which i**>mjri• the LARGEST, Cheaneet, ami l.amNoin eii n**or intent now offeree! in I hi?* TO VN.— Having paid at eniinn to the selection ol their finite stork as to Price and Qtialily, they flaiter themsrlve* that!•♦*> ran compete with the cheapest, ami all those wishing to boy cheap, can save money by Giving n- a call We f.avea'l k.uwl* of gooifft and wares 10 supply the wants of the people. A very large and complete assortment ol LADIE'S DREhS GOODS. Freurlt Merino**. vtoyl plaidH,alpacas, tom baxines, de bates, poplins parametta cloths, mohair lus're*, rnnliii de laities, Persian cloths, (Jinyharns, Cabcocs, &c. WHITK GOODS OF ALL KINDS, S'eeves, Collars. Spencer*, handkerchief*, lloucicinys, butnls and trimming*, Lees and edyiiifls,bonnet ribbons, in I a rue variety, vel vet tibbons, and tiraids, kid, cotton, li.-le thread gloves, mohair n i t-, &c. AC.iL KIN!)!!) F SHAWLS, broche, Hav State, Waterville, black silk, eaehmeie, em' rodered, &!?. Also a very larye large assortment ol Cloths, easimer*, satinets, ve-tnns, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &e. % scans & SSC&ES of all kinds and for men, women and children. We have a large assortment ot MATS and CAPS of the latest lash ion. We have also, Hardware, Qneensware, Cedar ware. &r. Very cheap OAKPKTS, CARP IST-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oiT cloths, mais, rugs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannel*, ticking-, dia pers. toweling*, dri'liiigs. &e , in abnridance. We invite our friends mid the public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere We have hough) our goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICKS and will not be utidereold by anybody or the resi nf man kmd. WcKKLVV. NEAL & CO. Bloom*burff, January 13, 1758. GROCFRY, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Main Sired, Bloumsburg, one door behno Iron Si i eel. THE undersigned respectfully inform the citizen-ol Rlooinsbiirg, arid the public in general, that they have formed a partner-hip under tue name and Hrin of Mnyer & Shel don, and have just opened in their spacious new S'ore llou-e. lie GROCERY, BAKERY & CONFECTION ERY BUSINESS, On nn extensive scale in all their various do pururieiits, and i t greutvariet e*, where they will always be pleased to meet their friend* alid administer l> their creature comfort*. Their groceries are all fresh,*arid ol the choicest kind-, have been *elected with tr.uch care, and will be cold fur oaslt, at the '•lovvps' living price-." Their Bakery is entirely new, constructed most modern improvements and will be iltuler the superintendence of "mas ter workmen." Their confectionery is manufactured bv themselves with care and cleanhnes-—and cannot be surpassed Dy the most improved importation*. OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAURANT. They have al-o fi ted up a mp-t magnificent Restaurant aml()yt.r Saloon, occupy ing the entire space ol the (up stair*) second floor, wch splinter new futures and fiui-htngs. w here '.hey will be liappv to f- rve ifieir cum- | miners with choice Oysters, wh"le-ule and ! retail. N. B •—A liadieM* Saloon separa'etl from j :he General R*iuurant, has jd-o been pre- ! pared lor their special Hccornmriliiion. ALBERT MOVER, I E. M. SHELDON. I Bloom Oct. 27, 1858. lli:\Mli WITHOUT PHYSIC; A PIUZK KSSA ON NKRVOU" DISKA-K*. Ju*l published, ihe 25ih ihotiMirid, in a sealed envelope, |iru*t 10 cents; or sent, postpaid, by 'lie Publisher*, br 3 stamp* : A Medical E**ay on the Physical Exhaust- Km and Decay of die frame froiri Indul gence, Inleciiou mid the injurious const?- f.uences 01 Mercery, wilii I lie mudern mean* ff cure. Jiy K. J. CULVER WELL. M D. Msrrbers of the Boyal ol Surgeon*, &<\, &(*., &c. *#* bpermalorrl cdi, or Seminal Emis*- ion-, Nervous DebiTiy, Impoieucy, Lo-s of Energy, Depression of Spirit*, Timidity, Disease* of the Sexual Organs, and Impedi ment to Marriage generally are promptly and efTeciuully cured by llie Author's novel and mo-! surces-lul mode of treatment, by means ol which il.e Invalid can regain pristine health without bavins recourse lo dangerous ami expensive medicines. From the London Loucet —'•The best trea lies ever written on a subject of vital iinpur | tatice to all. well worthy the Author's exulted | reputation." Addiess the Publishers: C. J C. KLINE 1 & Co, Ist Avenue, cor. 19th Sireet. Post, box 4586, N. V. Ciiy. [Dec. 22, '58.-3rros. j Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of I administration on ihe estate ot Catharine Lutz, late of Uen'ou township, Columbia couniv, decea ed, have been granted by i ihe llegi-ter tl Columbia comity to the mi - dereigued, who tesulcs in Benton townahin, unn ctiu'iy aforesaid. AI! persons having claim* against the estate ol the decedent are rpquesmd lo present ihem to she admin is'rator wiihnut delay, and all persons in-1 debted to make payment forthwith. WILf.IAM LUTZ, Adm'r. Benton,Jan.24 1859. BLOOMSBURQ r S 411K uiider.-igiietl would in litis way call * die atieiiiinn of the public to the Itook Store at the old stand, next door to the ' Ex change Hotel, ; where at all times can he loniid a good assortment cd books, including Itiblfs, 123 mil Hooks, Prayer Hooks, Histories, B ioks ol l'oelry, Novel., anil School Books ; also all kinds of stationary ol thn be-t quality. A considerat'le deduction made upon Ihe price ol Selion 1 Books and Stationary to those who by to sell ajaiu. Jut received, a qootl assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all lo call and examine he I urn pnchiisius el-ett here. CAROLINA CLARK, Successor to Jesse O. Clark. Bloomshurp:, May 25, 1857,-lyr. AtUIIMSTIMTOIt'S NOTICE. A LI. persons interested will lake no iec s® that letters ol administration on the estate of Catharine Meiz, hue of Locus township, in the couniv of' Colombia, have been granted by Ihe Register of Columbia couniv to Charles Melz, who resides ii said township and county; a'l per-ons hav ini* claims ot demands against the esiaie of lite tlecedent, are requested to mak. them known to the administrator, withon delay, and all persons indebted lo make payment forthwith, lo CHARLES METZ, Locust, Feb. 19, 1859, Administrator. ,W THE GREATEST twmm OS THE AGE. VI R KENNEDY ol Rnxbory bus discover- e.l in oin* of our c-0111111011 pasture weeds a rented* Itmt cures EVIiKY IiIAD OF tll .TIO 11 IKOM THE worst scrofula (town to a common pimple. lie I,us Irred il in over eleven htvhdred oases, anil never fuileil except '(ft two rae, hoih thornier rntnnr. He has now in his possession over one li mill red ceriifl rales of iis value, all within twenty mile, of Boston. Two bottles are warranted locate a' nurs ing sore month. One to three botiles will cure the wotel kind of pimples on the face. Two or ihree hollies will clear the sy s lem of hiler. Two hr tiles are warranted to tfnr<* the worst 1 canker it: the mouth or ston.arrh. Three 10 five hottles are warranted to cut. the worst wind of Erysipelas. One or two boples are warranted to cure all humor in theses. Two hollies are warranted to cure running of ihe cars.and blotches in the hair. Four to six l ollies are w attained 10 cure coroipi and running ulcers. One (iodic will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two or tli'ep hollies are warranted to cur. llis worst kind of ringworm. I wo or three bonles are warranted to cure ihe most desperate case of rheurnalisiT). Three to four hottles are Warranted to cur. sail Kheum. Five to eight hollies will cure Ihe worst case olscrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the firm bonle, and a perfect eure is warranted' when ihe above quantity is token. UOXBURY. MASS. Dear Madam—The reputation of ihe Med ical discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by ihe unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not ay any thing on the subject, as' ihe most skilful physicians and the most careful Druggist in the country are unani-- itiniis in its prai>e. In preseming the Medieal Discovery to I your notice, I do it with a lull knowledge of j us curative power, in relieving all, and ciir i itig most ol those diseases to which you nre uttlortnuately so liable. The most excruci uting dtspa-e to art affectionate mother, NUUSING SOUK MOD I'H, Is cored as tl by a miracle; your own tem per is restored to its natural sweetness, and ' your babe from short and Iretful naps to : calm-and sweet slumbers; ami the medical [ discovery becomes a fountain of blessing led ; yoor hll-bami and Itotishohf, I lu the advanced stages of A n K i: K il extends to ilih iorn.iclt, musing I) Y S V K V S I A, wliteh i nothing but ranker on the stomach' ! then to lite inte-'i'ie* and Kidncj'n, creating a sinking, gone leeling, and an in. difference even to the cares of your family Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment il I contains as the acritnonous fiuiil of the cank j er eeis it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and hectunessallowand greenish, and ■ your he-l day is gone. For want of nonrishj rnent your sy stem becomes loose ami flabby, I and the fibre, of your body becomes retaxj [ ed. Then follows a train of disease which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted ,io CI'RE; I'.dpitaiicn ol the heart, pain in | ihe side, weakness ol the spine ami small of I the back, pain ol ihe hip joint when you re tire, irrcgularcy ol ihe bowels, and also, that moat excruciating of disease, the a" D it i; s. Ifmv many thousands ol poor women are suffering Irom tin* disease ami pining away a miserable lite, and their nexi door neigh bor does not know Hie cau-e, I wish to im press on your mind ihat good old proverb, "An ounce ol prevention is better than a pound ol cure.'' In ihe IVSctiicnl Discovery you have bo li Ihe preventive and the care, with this great ami good quality, that it will necer under any circumstances, do you any injury. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the be.t yon can gel and enough of it. Directions lor use.—Ailuhs one lable spoon lul per day. Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, lea spoonful. As no directions can he appli cable to all coiisiiuitions, take sufficient to operate on the bowel- twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price Si 00 per bonle. For sale by J. R. M> yer, E. P. Luiz. Agents for Bloornsburg. Sold by ail die Druggists throughout lha country, in general. Jit, 28, ! 58. DE ITTI3TRY. 11. C. IIUWIIR, SIT KG HO I* DENTIST,' jffSJJSJSfek 1? I.SPF.CFL'LI.Y offers hie Cif'i ,y- T '/k professional services to tha ' ' ' ladiesaml geiillemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared lo attend to all the various operations hi Dentistry, and is provided wi'li die latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Too h Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the leelh warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory—Main Si., west side. Blutimsbtirg. January 13. 1858 " ni;h amcrotypi: saloon IN VLOOaiSJiUIIG. Henry Roseustock, of Philadelphia, res pecdiuly in lor (il die cidzens ol Bloornsburg and viciniiy, dial lie lias removid his DAGUKRREIAN GALLERY, in the rooms lately occupied by P. Unangsf as shoe shop, ai d is prepated lo take pie inre-, which will surpass anything ol the kind ever seen ill this place. Fainers, mothers, sisiers, brothers, now is die time to procure one ot those imperisha ble Anibrotypes, and thus secure die lealurea of beloved Inends. Life is uncertain; but Ambroiyjies am lasting. All urn invited to coll and' examine speci mens. [Oct. 6, 1858. EXKCUTOITS NOTICE. jVOTICE is hereby given dial leners testa memory to die Estate of William Stall, of Briarcreek township, f'olmnhia county, deceased, have been granted to die subscri bers. All persons indebted to said estuie are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims egaiust the Fame, to present them, lo EDWARD STALL. WILLIAM EDWARDS, Jannary , 1859. Executors