The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 02, 1859, Image 4
STAR OF THE NORTH., QVgrictt.lurnl Department. THERE ARE very few soils lhat do not re quire more or less under draining . The cold clay soils holds a super-abundance of water the year around, "eight inches of such soils, saturated with water in spring cannot quickiy become dry if all aier must cross slowly and silently downward through the particles of earth in a broad field. It has been shown that a single acre of soil a foot deep, holds at a wet season a surplus of more than two thousand barrels of water, which if disctiarged would leave the land moderately moist and right for veg etation." The only way to do this is to pro vide artificial channels for its discharge. There are some soils that do not require draining, such as 6and and gravelly soils 'that do not permit of a high state of culti vation, as it is impossible for such soils to j hold manure enough to preserve them in a .rich sta'e of vegetation. Other sods are I ■provided with natural draining* of gravel underneath. The land when thoroughly drained will .permit of working at almost any season ol the year, and will bear deep tilling, so that a farmer can get good use ol the land each year by draining the co'd lands are made warmer,as they are not as liable to freeze deep in the winter,and then out much earlier in the spring allowing the farmer to commence his work early, and is not obli ged to wait for his lauds until the best seed trmo has passed. The soil is not so easily affected by drought, for if the land is not muddy in the spring, it does not bake up in lumps in dry weaßier, but remains me!- i low to a great depth, so lhat roots can pen- ] etrate to the moisture beneath, lit this | count}* there are many acres of swamps and | log holes, that by a little systematic drain- ! ing, could be made drv enough in one sea- ! sou to cultivate. Farmers are apt :o think I that because the soils resemble the while clay when covered with water, that if drain •cd the sand would be worthless ; but instead •of that alter draining it gradually changes to a dark color, and by mixing it with the barn-yard manure makes a compsition al most as rich as the pure Peruvian guano. We know of swamps within five miles of this city that could be drained with little ex pence, the lam! of which alter thorough draining would sell at least lor Slot) per acre, which is worihless in its present coil- j ■dilion and only a nuisance. Decline in Wheat Growing Between 1840 and 1850 the production of I wheat increased 15 per cent., while the pop- j ulaliou increased 33 per cent. In New Eng. j land the decline was 50 per cent.; in New | York 25 | er cent., the increase being in the ; Northwestern Slates. The average yield ol wheat in this country was not more than 12 | bushels per acre. In England it is 24 ; in J Belgium 23 , in Scotland 30 ; or two and ' e hall times as much as in this country. These are serious facts, proving that a ! system of improvement has been pursued | in this country in growing crops by r.o j means calculated to build up a reputation j .for good farming—facts which ought to stir up the indolent to better exertion, and stim- I ulale the active to still greater activity in ' their calling many, it is true, have aban- j doried the depleting process of farming, and | are making some headway in tho direction j of increased production, but still a greater I number are plodding along in the path of \ their fathers. The latter seldom read, put- | ronize, or try to gather better ideas Irom lessons in improved agriculture, Iroin either I practical or written example.— Montgomery \ Lt> go . RYE AND ITS CUI.TIVATION. — It has been re- . marked that four crops of rye do not exhaust the soil as much as three of wheat; and a j successful cultivator ol this crop gives as | his experience, that when rye has been cultivated for a term of years upon the same land, and early clover sown upon it in spring and plowed in with the stubble in | autumn at the tune of sowing the next crop, I the land, without any other application, has I been kept in a gradual course ol improve-j metit and the yield of rye continually in- I creased. This accords with my own expe rience; but from experiments made on my own farm, and others by my suggestion, I believe it much belter to let the clover re main the second year before plowing under, as then it is more mature, furnishing a larg er amount of green manure in a bettet con dition lor improving the laud.— Genesee Far mer. A BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT.—When engineers would bridge a stream they often carry ov er at first but a single thread With lhat, they next stretcli a wire across. Then strand is added to strand, until a foundation is laid for planks ; ai d now the bold engineer finds safe footway and walks from side to side.— So God takes from us some golden threaded pleasure, and stretches it hence into heav en. Then betakes a child and then a friend. Thus he bridges death, and teaches the thoughts of the most timid to find their way hither and thith'er between the shores. GONE. —Just as an auctioneer in Hartford, Conn., was saying "gone !" a few evenings since, his audience went thro' the floor in to the cellar, but, happily, without hurting one of thern. The auclioneet, as soon as he found his legs, remarked that the acci dent would enable him to sell LOWER than before, arid called for a' bid," and they "bid him good night." A witty man, who lived in cons'ant fear of bailiffs having absconded, one of his ac quaintances asked what the reason of his absence to which he replied, "Why, sir, I apprehend he was apprehensive of being apprehended, and so he left to avoid appre hension 1' CW Make friends of none in whom you have not implicit confidence ; whom you cannot trust in all places, and at all seasons. The best friendship you can make is that which is based on those feelings which spring from the observance of sacred truths. THE BRITISH REVIEWS, AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. GREAT IN DUCEMENTS TO SUBSCKIBE! PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. L. SCO IT & CO., NEW YORK, combine lo publish the billowing leading British Per iodicals, viz; 4. THE LONDON QUARTERLY, Conservative, g. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, Whig. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, Church. 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE, Tory. These Periodicals ably represent Ihe three great political parlies of Great Britain— Whig, Tory, arid Radical, —but politics forms only one feature ol their character.— As Organs of ihe must prnlnmid writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, diey stand, as lliey ever have sinnd, ourival led in die world ol letter-, being considered indispensable lo ihe scholar and die profess ional man, while lo the intelligent reader ol every class ihey furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of die current Ine-ature of die day, throughout the world, than can he possibly obtained from imv other source. EARLY COPIEha J eT-trihceipt rd ad vance sheeis Irom S.—lt Bsh epublishers gives additional value in ihese Reprints, in asmuch as they can now he placed in the hands ef subscribers about as soon as die original ediiior s TERMS. (Regular Prices.) Per sun. For any one of die four Review s S3 00 I For any two of the lour Reviews 5 00 For any llires id the loin Reviews 7 00 | For all four of die Renews 8 00 For Black wood's Magazine 3 oo For Blackwood and one Review 5 00 For Blac'kw'ood and two Renews 7 00 For Blackwood and tlnee Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and die lour Reviews IP 00 Money current in the Siaie where issued will he received al par. POSTAGE—The postage to any part ol the Uniled Slates will be but Twenty-four C'enls a year lor "Blackwood," and but Fourteen Gents a year for each of the lie views, Al the above prices the Periodicals will be liimished tor 1859, and as a Premium to New Subscribers, the Nos. ol I lie same Periodicals for 1857, will be liimished, without additional charge. Unlike ihe more ephemeral Magazine of tho day, these Periodicals lu-e hide by age. Hence, a lull year of die Nos, (with no omission*) lor 1857 may he regarded nearly as valuable us lor 1859. Subscribers wishing al-o the Nos. fnr 1856. and 4858 will be supplied at die- tal lowing extremely low rates. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1856 '57'58 & '59, TOGETHER. For Blackwood's Magazine, the 4 years 6 00 For any one Review, " " 6 00 For any two Reviews, " " 10 00 For Blackwood and I Review, " "in oo For Blackwood A: 2 Reviews, " " I*s 00 For three Reviews, " '■ 13 00 For Blackwood &i 3 Reviews, " " 17 00 For the four Review s, " " 15 00 Por Blackwood and die four Reviews, " " 20 00 N B.—The price in Great Brin in of ihe five Periodicals above named is S3l per an num. As we shall never again be likely lo ofl>r such inducements as those here presented, Now is Ihe lime In Subset j'-e !! Remittance* must, m all cases, be made direct lo the Publishers, for al these prices no connni-sioii can be allowed to agenis. Aih'res-, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No 54 Gold street, "N-w York. o. w. M'KKLVY. I. s. U'M.XCB. C. W. M'KEI-VY, & CO, PAP Elt M A N IF A € 1 IRE It S A ND Dealers in Hag*, Cattawissa MilU, keep coii!-1 a inly on ham! paper of all kind*, Midi a* Printing, Book, Ca.i, Leiier ami at the lowest prices lor caah or in exchange lor ia*. Having iiirrea*ed facilities for manufactur ing. would call the attention of merchant* ami dealer*, to their work of paper, which it* offered at extremely low price*. Orders t.y mail promptly attended to, and rag* purdnoed at market value, in small or large quantities. Cattawi*sa, April 21, IRSR. THE ItIRAL ANNUAL AND HO 111 ICULTURA L DIRECTORY FOR'b9. '■' HIS work was started in 1856, by die * publishes ol ihe Genesee Farmer, lis great success affnid- conclusive evidence, not only of i s intrinsic meri', bid of its adaptability lo the wants of the rural popu lation. A new volume, prepared with great care and ccmplein with new valuable mai ler, is issued each year. The fourth volume, for 1859, has apt eared, and is a book which cannot he 100 highly recommended—alike beautilul, interesting, and uselul. The ar ticles are all written fur it* pages by men of experience. It is illustrated with seven ty-five appropria'e and heanlilul engravings. Among its contents may be mentioned able Ireatjes on Uuderdraining Orchards and Gardens, on llie Fruila of the Ohio Valley, on Fruit Culture in the West, on the Culti vation of Fruit Trees in Pols under G.ass, on Training Wall and Espalier Trees, on ihe Cultivation of Bulbous Plants, on the Management (if Duck-, Geese, arid Swans, on British Breeds of Cattle, on the Cultiva tion o! Rttla Ragas, &•-, fee , and a l.isl of Fruits recount,ended by ihe American Pomological Sociely nt iis last session. The work will he found invaluable lo the Fruit Grower, and uselul lo every one inter ested in Rural affairs. It is furnished at Ihe low price of Twen ty-five cents,—-while it coiiiaitis as much matter as many dollar hooks. Every one who owns a roil of "round should have it. It is sent pre paid by mail to any addrisS on the receipt o! twemy-flve cents in coin or post age stamps. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, Publisher and Propria or Of llie Genesee Farmer and Rural Annual, Rochester. N. Y. The back numbers, of 18j6, 18J7, and 1828, can be furnished at tweuiy-five ceust each, postage paid. a "It Ia HT AWAY." QL EVV Cylinders, Spindles, rods, wheels, pinions, springs, screws &c. Sir., made inio watches, also jewels aud dia monds into jewelled escapements, filled and giiarauieed to perform well, "right away." il may be proper to call attention to the fart, that any job in tins line, which can be done ill Ihe Cities, is and always has been done ai litis establishment these iilteen years, and at leas as good, in point of neatness as well as in regard to punctuality and durabil ity. and always much cheaper.—Gold plat ing &. silver plating &o. Ac , at prices to suit the times. Spectacle glasses fined inio frames, five sleel spectacles lor sale very cheap. HENRY ZUPPINGER. "" Bloomsburg, Feb. 9, 1859. " m wasi&sta Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Court Alley, East of Court House Tlie Great AMBASSADOR bfHEALTH. TO ALL MANKIND. ROLLOWAYS PILLS. A BuON TO THE SICK? The want ol a sterling medicinal to meet the ills and necessi ies of the suffering por lion ol hurnatiilv, ami one entirely free Irom mineral and other deleterious panicles, was severely tell till ibis all powerful medicine was ushered into ihe world; Hnllowny's In valuable P lis have become ihe household remedy of all nations. Their attribute is in prevent as well as in cure ; ihey aback ihe radix or loot of ihe complaint ami thus b\ removing ihe hidden cause of disease rein viginaie and restore the drooping energies of ihe system, assisting nature in her task of | vital and luucliO'iarv relnrmalion. iOYSPEPSIA. The great sennrge of ihe continent yields quickly to a course of these amisep'ic Pills, and ihe digestive organs are restored to their proper roue; no mailer in what hideous shape this hydra ol disease, exhibit* itself, his searching and unerring remedy disperses ii from ihe patient's system. GENERAL DEBILITY AND WEAKNESS. From whatever cause lowness of spiriis ami all other sign, ol a diseased liver, and oilier disorganization of the system, vanih miller Ihe eradicating influence ol this all powerful at.iisepiie and detergent remedy. BILIOUS DISORDERS. The proper quantum and right condition of ihe bile is ol momentous importance to the health of Ihe human frame, this ami bilious medicine expels ihe hidden seeds of the complaint, and renders all the fluids ami secretions pure end fluent, cleansing and resusitating the vital Innciions r.f the body. SICKLY FEMALES. Should loi-e no lime in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may be their complaint, it can be taken wiih safety in all periodical and other disorganizations its eflect is all bill miracu lous. UN REFUTED PROOF. The testimony of Nations is unanimously bom lo the health-giving virtues ol his noble remedy, and certificates in every living lan guage bear witness to the undeiiiablencss of iheir intrinsic worth. Ilulh way's Pills me llie lest remedy known in i/te world for the following diseases : A-llima, Headaches, Bowel Complaints, Iniiigosti-on, Coughs, Ii flneiiza, Colds, Inflamaiion, Cl e-t Diseases, Inwa-d Weakness, Cnsiiveness, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, Lowness of Spiriis, Diarrhma, Piles, Dro, ay, Siorie Gravel, Debility, Secondary Symp'oms Fever and Ague, Venereal A flections Female Complaints. Worms ol all kinds, CAUTION I—None ate genuine unless ihe words "//o/lnictiy, New Yoik and London," are discernible as a water- maik in every leal of Ihe book of direeiions around each pot or box ; ihe same may be plainly seen by holding the leal in the light. A handsome reward will he given lo any one rendering such information as may lead to Ihe delee lion of any party or parlies counterfeiting Ihe medicines or vending Ihe same, known lliem in he spurious. Sold ai the Manufactories of Professor Ilrilloway 80 Maiden Lure, New York, and hv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Stales and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents 03 reins and $1 each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N'. B.— Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed io each pol. June 9, 1858. THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LIGUT STREET. PA. fl'HB undersigned, formerly of New Berry, ' Lycoming enmity, having taken the ele gaol new Biiek Tavern Stand, l.ilely kepi by Peici Slug, in Light Street Columbia coun ty, known as ihe FRANKLIN HOUSE, would respeciluliy inform his Iriemls anil ihe pub lie, that he is prepared IO accommodate, in excellent order, all who ma) favnr hirn with iheir custom. The house is commodious, located oil Main Street, every pari of it te ing new aud very comlorlatile, Willi spacious stabling, good ice House and oilier conven iences, for the accomodation uf man and beast His Table and Viands will be kept tn the best sly le, and his Liquors ol the choicest brands. It will be his aim lo cater to die convenience of the creature etimfor's of hsi guests. N. HUDSON. Light Sireet. April 14h 1858. FORKS HOTEL. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT IIAGENBUCH, Proprietor, rjXAKES pleasure in announcing lothe pub •A lie that he has rented aud thoroughly refilled Ihe Forks Hotel formerly occupied hy James Freeze, iri Bloomshurg, and is prepared lo accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the best product* die markets af lord, and his Bar will he constantly furnish ed with the choicest liquors. Atientive ostlers will always be : n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience m catering lo ihe wants of Ihe public, and his obliging attention to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg. April 21, 1858. DRUG* AND HIED|CI.\ES, OUa OP VX7OULD call the attention ol all those who " * wish lo buy good goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (already] large and well selected assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz.*— I'HUGS, MEDICINES OILS, W PAINTS, NARNISIIES. GLASS, DYESIOFFS C& Confectioneries, IVrtumerj, soaps and loilei articles generally; Cigars and. Tobacco of every variety ami brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail al die manufacturer's prices, P UHE WINES ANI) BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, ro-5.5-rrrN.aATx ST-. AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish aud Toolli Brushes; also agent lor most ol the popular fateui Medicines ol die day. Toys, and an endless varieiy of useful a .id laucy notions not here enumer ated Physician's ! rescripiion* and Family Medicines put up carefully and al short no tice. Glass Culling dune to order al ihe old stand E. P. LUTZ. Bloomsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. rpIIIMMINGS AND NO HONS, fancy ani- J- cle. a good assortment of Hosiery of die best quality; also gloves, rriitis, baskets, Ca has, Cumtis, dress trimmings arid lining;, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., lo be had nexi door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857. ETOREAT DISCOVERY OF TIIE IMPORTANT 10 Ton.veco <ii ewe its. DR. GUSTAV LLKNARD'S TASTE RESTORATIVE TORCHES, ■The Great Substitute for Tobacco. It is a well known ar.d inrontrovertable fact that the use of Tobacco is the prmriniing cause of muiv of the most severe Mental and Physical Disorders to which the race of mart is ruhjec. ss.careful analysis and long and painful experience have clearly prove., that t| contains cerium norcntiu ami poison ous properties most dangerous in their eff ects, whu h by enierihg Into the blood der ange the futiciinus ami operations of the Heart, causing msny to suppose that organ lo be seriously diseased. Tobacco affects also the entire nervous system, manifesting itself—as all who have ever used the noxious weed will bear testi mony—in lassitude, Nervous Irritability Water Bra-h, Dyspepsia, ami many oilier disorders of a similar character. The lasle Re-10.-ative Trncties are design ed to counteract these baneful influences, and have pinveil completely successful ill a multitude ol cases, and whenever used.— 'Being harmless in themselves they exeri a tone filial effect upon the entire system, re storing the Taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, complete ly removing the irritation and accompanying lieklitig sensation of the Throat—which are always consequent upon abstaining Irom the use of Tobacco, am! by giving a healthy loop lo the stomach, invigorate the whole synem Persons who are irretrievably undermining Iheir shortening llieir lives, should use ilivse Troches immediately and throw of the injurious and unpleasant habit ot Tobacco Chewing. Ttiese Troches or Lozeagers are put up in a convenient and poriatild lonn at ihe low price ol 50 Cents per Box. A liberal discount to Hie Trade, •Prepared and sold hy the undersigned to whom all orders should he addressed. JAMES E. BROWEKS, Druggist Corner 2d and Ilaee streets, Ptiiladeipha. [March 24, 1858,-ly. LIGHT STREET HOTEL. D. L. KVERHART, PKOPKIETOR. rpHE Proprietor ol this hotel takes pleas -1 ure in announcing lo the public that he still occupies this large and commodious house in Light Sireet, I'a., and is yet, as ev er, prepaired to accommodate travelers, teamsters, droveis and borders, wiih accom modations that will lavorably compare with any hotel in this section of country. The traveling public inay depend on all comforts at home, as his house is well furnished and always kept in order. His table and bar will always bo. fmind furnished wi'h the best the market affuids. Mr. E. will ever be happy to entertain and accommudute his Irienifs to Ihe uimo.t of his ability. U. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa. Nov. 24, 1858. Vtr The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hmel business, will sell Ihe property al titivate sale, upon rea-ouable terms. The stand is a gone one, with stables un.l all Ihe neces sary outbuildings; all of which ure in good ccndiiion. To any person wishing to em bark in ihe business, it is u good locality, j and a desirable place. MiW Ale HI VA 17 OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, rATID LOV7EITBEKG -INVI 1 ES at:enl Klll to his stock ol cheap and fashionale vlolhiiig at his store on Market street, two doors above Ihe 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment ol men anil boy's wearing apparel, including '.he most fashionable LEJUPCBS3S3 Box. sack, Irock, gum and oil cloth coals of all sorts and sices, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes ainTlignre. vests, shirts, cra vats, stocks, collars, ha nil kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very stiortnotice arid in the best manner. Ail bis clothing is made lo wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOYVENBERG. Bloomsburg, April 1. 1857. OYSTERS ! OYMTEKSI PEOPLE'S RESTAURANT. THE undersigned respectlully informs her Iriends and the public in general, that she has reopened !>• OisteL and Ealing Saloon, in the baseinenyjit ihMHxidiange Block, in Bloomsburg, for the Full Campaign, where may always be bad Or a ircs>sjDa CE>^ss<lcE>a : s32 Wholesale and retail, by the bushel, can or plate, served up in superior alyle, with all die requisite fixings, tu satisfy the wauls of ihe most fastidious epicures. lyStep HI ai the people's restaurant: MRS. CAROLINE CLARK. Blnom-bnra, Out. 27, 'SB. AI)M IN IST It ATOR'S NOTICE. ESTAIE OF NOAIIS. MENTIS, DEC'D. ALL persons interested will lake notice that letters of Adnriinislraliun In the Estate of Noah S. Prcntis, late ot Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, has been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to ihe undersigned, living in Blooms burg, in said county. All persons having claims or rfernauils against Ihe estate ol the decedent, are requested lo present them lo the Administrator, duly attested, without delay, anil all persons indebted lo the estate are notified lo make payment forthwith. J. M. CHEMBERLIN, Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1858. Adtn'r. IILOOIIMBIKU ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORKS. THE undersigned has opened in Blooms hurg, a Marble Yard ill Conn Alley, east of die Court House, and secured the ser vices of JOHN H. YOUNG,. formerly ol Berwick, us loremuir. Mr Young's qualifi cations need no recommendation. He is prepsred to furnish Plain and Ornamental Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Mantels, Bills, Lintels, BUREAU, STAND, AND BAR TOPS, &C. The best Italian aucf American Marble will he kept on hand. Porflhular attention w ill be paid to le'tering and carving head-stones. All are invited lo call, as we can lurnisli work ae cheap as any establishment in the country. S. C. SHIVE. Bloomsburg, Dec. 15, 1858. ti RE EN W OOITsE MIN AB Y, COLUMBIA COUNTY NORMAL INSTITUTE. '■' HE next Quarter alibis Institution, will 1 commence on the I6di of August, and terminate oo ihe 29tli ot October. The at tention ol Tpnrhers is particularly directed 'o ttie advantages of a course cf Norma! in struction during this quarter. Some have already engaged, and all others who desire to join the Class, should make early appli cation lo the Principal. All who aileiul should make arrangements to commence with the quarter, or ihey will sustain a pos itive loss. TERMS:—About S3O per quarter, for all expenses. Catalogues w ill b eut to all who apply for them. WM. BURGESS, Principal. T. M. POTTS, Preceptor. Millvilte, July 7, 1858. GOLDEN PKIZE. Miss Sontliworilt, Col. G. W. Crocket, Charles Borden, T Dun English, M D. Henry Clapp, Jan., George Arnold, SHITHICI Young, Mrs Anna Whelprey, Mrs. Virgina Vtingham Mrs. Di. Vernon, Mies Hutiie Clare, Finley Johnson, WRITE ONLY FOR THK <>!, II:N PIUZI:. CiOLUEK I'KlZtt. THE to&ms jpjtisal, ILLUST U A T E I) . DEAN & SLATER, sun psenrs to BUCKET & CO. The New York Weekly Golden Prize is one of ihe largest anil best Literary payers of the (lay, an Imperial Quarto, containing Emh/ pages or tony coluilina of the most interesting and facinating reading matier, frnin the pens of Ihe very lira writers of the day, Elfgaully Illustrated Evtry lVeek. A PRESENT, Wonh from 90 cenla to SSOO 00. Will be given 10 each subscriber immedi ately on the receipt of the siia-criblioii mon ey. Tins is presented a* memento (if Irieml ship, and not as an inducemet to obtain sub scribers. TEIS YIS : One copy for one year 82 Ou and 1 Present. One copy Inr two years 3 50 and 2 " One copy for 8 years, 500 and 3 " One copy for 5 years, 800 and 5 " AND TO CLUBS, Three copies 1 years, 500 and 3 " Five copies one year, 800 and 5 " Tell copies one year, 15 00 and 10 " Twenly onecnpies I yr. 30 00 and 21 " The articles I" be given away are compris ed in ihe following list: 2 packages ol gold containing SSOO OOnacli 5 " " 200 00 " 10 " " " 100 00 " 10 Pt. Lr. Hon. rased watches 200 oo " 20 Gold waiches, 75 00 " 50 do do 60 00 " 100 do do 50 00 " 300 Ladies' gold Watches, 35 00 " 200 Silver Huming cased watches 30 00 " 500 Silvel Waiches, $lO to 25 00 " 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Irom - - $lO to 30 00 " Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Ear Drops, treast Pins, cuff pins, Sleeve buttons, Rings, Shirt studs, Watch Ke;s, Gold and Silver limbics, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cts. to sls each. We will present to everv person sending us fifty subscribers, at $2 each a gold watch worth forty dollars; to any one sending us one hundred subscribers at $2 each, a Gold | Waich worth S9O. Every subscriber w ill re ceive a present. Immediately on-receipt of the money, the j subscribers name will tie entered upon out j book, by mail or express post t aid. All communications should be addressed ! 10 DEAN & SLATER Prop'rs. j 335 Broadway, New Yoik. j ISO W Ai:l> ASSOCIATION, P HI LADE /- P 11 Id. IMPORTANT ANNOUNUEAINF.T, j rH) all person" afliicied with S xnal Dis-i eases, such as Spermoralihcea. Seminal Weakness. Impotence Gonorcerha, Gleet, Spjili- | itis the vice of Omams/n, tfc, §'c. The "Howard Association," inviewof the j awlul destruction ol huinan life, caused by i Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised 1 upon Ihe unfortunate victims of such diseases | by Quacks, have directed their Consulting j Surgeon, as a choritulle rtcf worthy of iheir j name, to give Medical advice gratis, to all per i sons thus afflicted, who may apply by leper, wilh a description ul iheir condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, tie.,) and in cases' of extreme poverty mil suffering, to furnish | medicines fiee of charge. 'I he Howard Associaiion is a benevolent j Institution,established by special endowment, j lor Ihe relief ol the sick and distressed, al- I fiicled wiih t( Virulent and Epidemic Dts* I cases." it has now a surplus ol means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the above nonce. It is needless to add that the Associaiion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, ami will fur nish the mnsi approved modern treatment. Just published bv the Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weeklies", the vice of Oinunism, Masturbation or Sell Abuse, ami oilier diseases ol the Sexual Or gans, by the Consulting Slirgeou, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope), Free j of Charge, on the receipt of two stamps for ! postage. Address, Dr. GEO. R CALHOUN, Con sulting Surgeon, Howard Associaiion, No. 2 Siinih NIN TH Sireet, Philadelphia, Pa. By order ol the Directors. EZRA D HEARTWELL, Pres't GEO. FAIRCHILD Secretary. Philadelphia, Sepi. 24. 1857. Eagle Foundry, Rlooiiistliiirg STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new | brick Foundry and Machine Stinp, HI place of Ihe old one, is prepared to make all kinds of ) CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST FItICES. i Plows constantly on hand. The subsrnhe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lnt, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. i-V. PENN COOK, RAUB COOK,VAN- F(jL UKR COOK > and PARLOR STOVES TfPs|ol all kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove, tic. All kinds of Spouting made to order. JOSEPH SHAUPLESS. Bloomsburg, April 16, 1857, BLOOMS BU RQ QBQDGDLSS. 1i. J CD_s2.l_gj r ■ 111 K undersigiieil would in this way call A ihe attention of the pnhbc to the Book Store al the old stand, next door lo the ' Ex change Hotel,"' where at nil limes can he (mind n gonil asaorirrienl of bonks, including Bibles, llyiun Books, Prayer Books, Histories, B-.oks of Poetry, Novels, ami School Bonks ; also all kinds of stationary of the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the price ol Sehoo l Books and Stationary to those who by lo sell again. JII-I received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all lo call and examine belore puchasingelsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857.—1yr- AJIERICAN HOUSE. JOHN LEACOCK, Proprietor. llliium.buig, l"a THE Proprietor ol this well known estab lishment tlianklul fur the liberal pairouage herciolnre extended him, lakes this method of informing Ins iriends and Ihe public, that lie has added considerable lo the facilities of liis house and is prepared to ai'ciiiniiindaie all those who inay favor him wuli their co mm. His house ami its arrangements will be louiul in be in good order, and he hopes by a strict tle>ire In please, to receive a lull share of pairouage. He has also gaud sta bling and attentive ostlers. JOHN LEACOCK. Bloomsburg, July 21, 1858. EXCHANGE HOTEL, PETER BILLMEYLR, Proprietor, |>lea*ur in announcing 10 ihe nub * tic iliai tit* Hiiil otfcnpifK Ons I rue Mint commodious Ho>l, in BLOOSTSBUUCS, l'A . ami in yet, an ever, prepared to accOrn date hie aoents. Tho traveling public may de pend on all com ton* at home, a* his house is entirely furnished Hint kept in order. IUS TABLE Will be supplied with the be-t products the market* afford, and IIIS BAB la furninheij with the choicest liquor*. Ttie proprietor ha* in connection with his hotel fitted out in the basement an Ol STEIt SALOON, where he can supply ever) thing in the way of KATABI ES. Fresh Oyu ere, Sardines. Tripe, Beef Sieak, Fish, &c.. &c.. will be kept on hand for the accommodation of hi* guests and the public in general. I He also lias in connection with hi* hotel an excellent Omnibus Line, running regular ly several time- per day to arid from the Depot* on the arrival ol the Cars, by whirl, passenger* will be pleasantly conveyed to the Depot S ations, or taken fiorn. or COU* ve\ el to their residences, if de*ired. CV He will ulwaj* be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of hrs ability. Bloombnrg, Jan. 20. 1858. A card from Ilr James Itl. JAKKKTT, UK THE NEW YORK LUNG INKIBMAKY—Mv connectioi for the past e lit) ear* with the above Institution, a* Chief Pli)*iciari, and a twelve )ears' course of steady devotmn to the Cure of Pulmonary Cm-sumption and ns kindred disease, togeth er with my unrivalled opportunities and ad vantages of pathological researches—aided not a litde by u perfect s\s t em of Mcbical In- | halation— ha* enabled me to arrive at a de cisive, direct, and successful course of treat ment for the positive and radical cure of all ' diseases of ihe Throat , Lungs, and Air-Pas j sngei. By Inhal.nion, the vapor and curative I properties of nledicnes are di r ectly address- 1 ed to the diseased organs and the integument. ! I do not advise the use of medical Inhalation I ol any kind, to ihe exclusion of general heat* meat ; and although 1 consider it a u*eful ad juvant in tfie proper management of those tearful and often latal di-ease*, yi-t { deem it very necessary that each pa'ient should have (he benefit of both gsncial and local treat' mcM. The success of my treaiment in the above (liweaaea, and in the high cbaiacier of the Irisdiutiou over which I have so long had the honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy'oi comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and profes sional friends, through whOMi philanthropic! aid the above charity ha* been long and lib- i eraliy supported, and after due con.-ideruiioii, I i have concluded to make such arrangements | ae will bring the benefit* of my experience i and treatment within the reach of all, and not : confine ni)*elf, as heretofore, to those only j who entered the Infirmary, or who were able ; 10 visit me at my r fllce. Hoping therefore ! that the arrangement will give entire snitslac* 1 11on, both to iny professional brothem and j the public, 1 would respectfully announce in cotH'lu-inn itia' lean be consulted persona Jy or by Idler, on all di-ease* a* above, and thai ihe ; in*diomes, the same a* tistd in the In>tituttot: breparetl to stii; each iinlivntiial case. In haling vapors, Medical Inhales, &c. &wi Ibe I lorwarded by express to any part ol the (Jni- i led States or Canada*. Tsiims -My terms of I treaiment by letter are as follow**, viz.: SI2 ; per month lor each patient, which w ill include j medicine sullbuent lor one mouth's u-e; al- ■ so, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Appurul- | us. Payment* a- follows: &(j to (aul to K<- . press Agent on receipt oi the box of Medi* i cine, and the balance >(i at the expiratiun ol ' the month, if the patient is cured oris entire* I ly satisfied W'ili che treaiment. Paiients, by ! giving a lull history f their case, and their • symptoms in full, can be treated as well by j letter a* by personal examination. Pa'.ients avni'itig thetriselves ol Dr. Jarred'* treat- i ment may rely upon immediate and permu netit relief, as he seldom has to treal a case ; over thirty nay*. Letter* ol udvice promptly j j answered. For fnther paoiicttlars address. , JAMKL M. JAUKKIT, M. D.. No. 820 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St. N. Y. i P. S.— LhytnciMiis and others visiting ttie I city are respectlull) invited to call at the In- I firmi ry, where many interesting case* can | tie wnnesseil, and where our approved oppar rains for the inhalation ol iiieuicaled vapor can be*een and inspected. - July 28, 1858. rPiIiZE FOR EVERYBODY! WIIO SUBSCRIBES FOR TUB NEW TURK WEEKLY PRESS, A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED FAMILY NEWSPAPER. rpHE New York Weekly Press is one of A the best liierary paper* ol Ihe lay. A large Quarto containing Twenty Page* ol Sixty Columns, of entertaining matter; and elegantly illustrated every week. A GIFT worth from 1.0 Cents lo SIOOO 00 will he sent lo eai'.lt subscriber on receipt ol the subscription money. TERMS—IN ADVANCE: One copy lor one year, and 1 gift $2 00 Three copies one year, and 3 gills S 00 Five " " " 5 gifts 8 (10 Ten " " " 10 gifts 10 00 Twenty-one " " 2| gifts 30 00 The articles lo be distributed are compri sed in the following list:— 1 U. States Treasury Note 81000 00 2 do. do. do. 500 00 each 5 do. do. do. 200 00 " 10 do. do. do. 100 00 •' 111 Pal. Lev. Herd. C. YValches 100 00 " 20 Gold Watches 75 00 " 50 do. 60 00 " 100 do. 50 00 " 300 Ladies Gold Watches 35'00 " 200 Silver Hunting C. Watches 30 00 " 500 Silver Watches sls 00 to 25 00 " 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Clients 10 O'J to 30 00 " 1000 Gold liens & pencils 5 00 lo 15 00 " Gold lockets, bracelets, brooches, ear drops, brenst pins, cuff pies, sleeve buttons, rings, shirt sleds, winch keys, gold aod sil ver thimbles, anil u variety uf oilier articles worth Iroin 50 cents to sls each. On receipt ol the subsctiplion money, the sijtieoriherV name will be entered upon our books opposite a number, and Ihe gill cor responding '.villi thai comber will be for wauled within one week lo liirit, by mall or express, post paid. There is neiiher humbug nor lollery about tho above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value We prefer lo make ibis hberal distribution among therrt instead of giving a Urge commission lo Agents, giv ing to Ihe subscriber the amount thai would goto the Agent, and in many cases oT a hundred-told more. All communication should be addressed lo DANIEL ADEE, Publuher. v.lO. no. 19] 211 Centre si , New Ynrlr. BLANKS!BLANKS!! BLANKS!i DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SITBPfEMAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirable forms, Co- sale at the ulic" * ihe ""tar nfthe NnrtH " FimkLiN HOUSE; LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA CO., PA. N H U DisON, Pi uptitior. f*HARGES moderate, and accooimodn liona satisfactory. •pt14y56.-tf. SPLENDID GIFTS, AT 4!)9 CHKSTNUT Nr., PHILADSLMU. The Original Gift 800 l Star. P G. EVANS would uitorin his Irtendssnd the public, thai lie has removed bis Star Gill Book Store and Publishing House, 10 ihe splendid store in Brown's Iron Buildin *.43# Chestnut street, two doors below Filth, where the purchaser of each book will re ceive oue of the following gifts, valued al Irom 25 cents to SIOO, constating of Gold Watches, Jdwelry, tic. Worth tach 550 put. English lev. gold tvatches s|oo 560 pan-in anchor do do 50 440 ladies gold watches, 18k cases 85 600 sdver lever wafclrer,warranted 15 500 pailor nine piece* 10 500 cameo sets,ear dfopa and pins lO 500 ladies gold bracelets 5 101 l 500 gertiß vest chains id 1000 gold lockeis (large double case) 3 3000 do (small size) 3 1000 gold pencil cases, with gold pens i 1000 extra gul l pens, cases & holders 10 S6 3500 gold pen* wiih silver pencil-, 260 3500 la lies gold pens, with cases 1 50 6500 gold rings, (ladies') 1 2000 gents' gold rings 2 75 2500 Indies' golc breastpins 2 60 3500 missus'gold breastpiu* 150 3000 pocket knives 75 2000 sets gents' gold'bosnm studs 2 2000 do do sleeve buttons t 2000 pairs ladies' ear drops I 8000 ladies'pearl card cases 5 25000 ladies' cameo, jet or mosaic pins 5 00 35(10 la lies' rumen shaw l & ribbon puis 3 50 2000 Eetridge's Balm ol 1000 Flowers Evans' new Catalogue contain* all the most popular books of lbs day, and the newest (piblieaiions, all of which will be sold us low ascan be oblaiued al otherstorea. A compline catalogue of bonks sent tree, b, application through the mail, by addressing G G. Evans, 439 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. Agents wanted in every town in the Uui- Stare-. Those desiring so to act can obtain particulars by addressing as above. N. B—ln consequence of the morijr crisis ami numerous failures .the subscriber has been enabled lo purchase Irons assignees an immense slock of books embracing every ■ pparimem of literature, al prices which wiil enable him to give SSOO worth of the above gift* on every SIOOO worth of books sold. An extra book, with a gilt, will be sent lo each person ordering Ten books to be ssut to one address, by Express. *„* Semi fur a Catalogue. [apr 28 'SB. THIS HAY FOR BARGAINS! A. J . EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPRING&SUMMER GOODS a T bis old stand on the upper end ol Main Sireel which he will sell cheaper than the cheap-sl. It COnsiv a in part of Silks al parcas, lusires, Parages, de Uines, ducat cloths, poplins, brilliants, challies, de Pages, i lawns, skirting, bench and scotch ginghams, prims, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchief, &c. Shawls and Mantillas ol every style ami quality. STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths cassirneres, veslings, flannels, mus lins. tickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, col tumides, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, mar-eilles quilts, colored and white carpel chant, parasols, umbrellas a large and splen did assortment nl HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH TcaSrCiillcci *ujf:ir,.llolas*r Rice, Spices, &c. Also, Hardwure, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having-elected my entire stock with the greatest rare and al the lowest cash prices, I can assure my tiieiuls and the public gener ally. thai I will do all in my power lo make establishment known as the " Headquarters for bargains " Those who wish to purchase will find it lo liteir advantage to call and ex amine my slock before purchasing. I will pay the highe-l market price for BUTTER. EGGS. RAGS. SOAPAND Dried Fruit, and country produce in general. Uloomshurg, Jan. 13, 1858. ! ! NEW STOKE AND 1 OSKI'H SHARPLESS has jusl received and opened out al his New Store on Main j Street, Biooiu-biirg, (joining Ihe Star office,) a'luil a'sortment of i FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ] tresh from the cuiaa ol New York and Phil ; adelphia, which he will sell at Ihe very ; lowe-t living profit. His slock embraces ; s ella, 'hibet and crape shawls, barrge, pa rege t'eluinps, tissues, lawns, debages, I crape orientals, slpaccas, tic SILKS.—A very bandvome assortment of i striped, plain, I'laifl iiiid Black Silks, ; which he intends to sell at reduced prices EMBROIDERIES—AiI immense Mock of embroideries, such as embroidered ham! ' kerchiefs, collars, spencers, sleeves, SwUs I and jaconet edgings and iusertings, linens, i eo'io.t and thread laces, flouitctngs and em- I broidered curtains. | DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, lick ; ingschecks,osrtHburgs, baggings,gingham., flannels, table diaper and ready-made bagr CLOT HS, CASSIMERES. | Veslings, jeans, cottouades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids, &e. A good assort ment uf new style carpels and oil clothr. table and carriage oil cloth*, mr, rugs, baskets, &c. GROCERIES and Hardware of every description, such as Sugars, Molasses, Teas, Coffee, Fish, Spice, Salt, Nails and Spikes, Iron arid Steel, Hard ware, Qneenawate, Crockery and Wondan ware. A l*o. a good lot ol Men and Boyt' Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoe*, of all kinds and size- lor Women ar.d Children, lo auit the most fastidious. . He invites his friends and the public (o givo him a call before purchasing eltewher*. He has bought goods at ihe lowest oash prices, and is determined to not be undersold by anybody or "the rest of mankind."— Country produce laker, at th market prices in exchange for good* J. SH A RPLESS. Bloom-burg, Nov. 24, 1858. Tinware &, Stove Establishment. '|>HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in *• Inrms nis old friends and customers, that he has purchased bis brother's interest in Ihe above e-tablishment, and ilia con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has jusl recoivad and of lers lor sale Ihe and most ex iSJ tensive assortment oIFANCV STOTEo ever introduced inlMhlH market. Siovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured lo order. All kinds ol repairing usual, nn short notice. Ttie patronage of®ld friends and new cue turners is respectfully solicited. A.M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. If. ff ARGE lot of No. 1. 2, & 3 Msckrel, lso, J While Fish, Cod Fili and Herring, jum i received antl for sale by ■ May 27, '57. A. C. MEN'SCH. j A^AbSOK^PMENT P* eliy, Perfumery soaps, hair oils, Pomades, to be had st i C. CLACK'S Book Store.M