The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 02, 1859, Image 2
STAR OF THE NORTH.! " WM. H. JACOBY, EDITOR. i DLOOttSHIiEC, WEDSLSDAY, MARCH !,~1839-1 Standing Committee.' It is known by the Democracy that such a Committee as a STANDING COMMITTER was appointed at the Democratic County Con vention last Fall, for the purpose of calling County Conventions to elect or appoint Con ferees to meet similar Conferees of die dif ferent counties of onr district in Conference, to appoint delegates to the Democratic State ( Convention, which will be held at Harris burg on the ieth inst. According to the Rules ond Laws adopted in a full democratic conn ty Convention, held September 6th, 1851, this Standing Committee is not doing its du ly. Why is this? Is Democracy getting to be a secret organization? Why does not the Chairman of this Committee call a Coun ty Convention, and allow the Democracy of the County a voice in this matter of appoint ing Conferees, as should be done, and not violate our Rules and Laws? By carrying out our Rules the will of the people will be represented in Conference, and Delegates sent to the Democratic State Convention representing the wish of their constituents. There is no use in having Rules and Laws when they are not regarded. No Convention has been called in this County, and the time for appointing Dele gates to the State Convention has nearly ar rived, and how are the people of this coun ty to be fairly represented in Conference and in the State Convention at Harrisburg? How can Conferees from this county claim seats in Conference when they have not been appointed or elected in County Con vention according to our Code of Laws and Rules which are established for that pur pose ? These Rules strictly set out that " all appointments of Conferees, and election of j Delegates, shall be made in County Con-! vention." The Democracy of the county ask why we have not had a Convention? they do not suppose that the Standing Commit tee, Chairman and all, are the whole county; neither do they intend to be governed by its action so long as it has abandoned its duty. Lancaster County. The Democratic Convention of Lancaster county, for the election of Delegates to the Slate Convention at Harrisburg, on the 16th March, met in Lancaster on Wednesday.— Col. JOEL L. LIGHTS FR in the chair. After a recess of two hours the Conven tion met, and Col. S. C. STAMBAUGH, chair man of the Committee on Resolutions, read ; a lengthy series, endorsing the National I and State Administrations, favoring Mr. BUCHANAN'S Tariff policy, the acquisition of Cuba, recommending the location of the National Foundry in or near Lancaster, and complimentary of the election of Mayor SANDERSON. The resolutions were adopt ed. The Convention then proceeded to ballot for delegates, whioli resulted in the election of the following gentlemen : —WILLIAM T. MCPHAIL, Col. S. C. STAMBAUGH, FREDERICK S. PYFER. I'AUL HAMILTON, P. J. ALBRIGHT, JEROME B. SHULTZ. The Convention was well attended; all the Districts, with the exception of three or four, being represent ed. INAUGURATION OF JUDGE MCCANDLESS. —The inauguration of this gentleman as Judge of the United Stales District Court, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, took place at Pittsburg on Tuesday last. The commis sion of the new Judge, dated February Bth, 1859, was read by United State District At torney ROBERTS, and the fact announced thai his Honor Judge M CCANDLESS had taken his oath of office before the Supreme Judges of the United States, at Washington. On taking his seat upon the Bench, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Esq., a prominent member of the Pittsburg Bar, addressed Judge MCCAN-J DLESS, and congratulated the Bar, the public at large, and his Honor, on this occasion, and the causb which produced it. THE County Convention which assembled I at Middleburg, Snyder County, on the 22d I wit., failed to elect any Senatorial delegates, therefore the Chairman of the Standing Committee lias appointed Col. If. C. Eyer and Thomas Bower, Esq., as delegates from Snyder County, to meet similar Delegates from Columbia, Montour and Northumber land counties, for the purpose of electing a Senatorial Delegate to the Democratic State Convention which will meet on the 16th of March next. These delegates will meet those from the other three counties of the Senatorial district at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, the slh day of March, at Brown's Hotel iu the town of Northumberland. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. —This valuable and popular journal for March has been re ceived. It is filled With useful hints for the farmer and mechanic. It contains a large quantity of reading matter; printed upon good white paper; with many handsome illustrations. It is a cheap journal, only one dollar a year in advance; so cheap that every farmer ought to have it. A sin gle copy would be of more value to some men than its subscription. ORANGE JUDD, publisher, 189 Water st., New York. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. —We command to the attention of our readers, with much confidence, the announcement of this well known benevolent Institution in our advertising columns. The managers are very prompt in their business transac tions, and we have no doubt that persons applying to the Inslitutiou for medical aid, will receive judicious and skillful treatment. %3T We frequently hear complaints from our subscribers about not receiving their papers regularly, and sometimes they don't receive them at all. Now, how is this? It certainly is not our fault. We mail our papers regularly, every Wednesday. Post masters be careful, and do your duty, and .there'll be no complaint. The LRW of Newtpaperi. t. Subscrbers who do not give express noticftlo the contrary, are considred as wish ing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ance of their nespapers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the offico to which they [ are directed, they are held responsible until they have settled their bills and ordred them discontinued. 4. If subscribers movo to other places without, informing tho publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former direc tions, they are responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIE evidence of intentional fraud. 6. The United States Courts have also repeatedly decided, that a neglect of the Postmaster to perform his duty of giving reasonable notice, as required by the Post Office Department, ol tho neglect of any person to take from the office newspapers addressed to liim, renders the Postmaster liable to the publisher for the subscription price. TUB LAAT Court in Northumberland coun ty incorporated Turbutville into a borough, and the first election came off on the 15lh ultimo, which resulted in the election of the following gentlemen: Chief Burgess—S. A. Savidge. F.sq.; Town Council—A. T. Beiscl, Jacob Giltner, J. D. Barr, A. Denius, George Cbristman, Jacob Slab!; Town Clerk—Dr. Win. B.Schuyler; Overseer of the Poor—M. Reader; High Constable—James Polk The pleasant little village of Turbutville i is incorporated into a Borough at last, and has elected its borough officers. We dis- j cover that our friend, Dr. Sehuyler, has re ceived an office— Clerk if the Town Well, surely, this is encouraging. These borough offices are not very profitable after all, but afford considerable pruetise. Wo also notice that S. A. Savidge, Esq. has received a post of more responsibility than profit. It is that of Chief Burgess My young friends, in or der to gain fame and occupy more high and exalted positions, you should, which we have no doubt you will, attend to the func tions of your offices with fidelity and integ rity, and this will be certain to work out suc cess. , BARRF.TT'S GRAMMAR. —This Grammar is composed of English, Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, and French, with a Polyglot! ar rangement of a part of the Gospel of St. Matthew, and a Commercial Dictionary of the Modern Languages. Containing five hundred and seventy-five pages. Price two dollars and twenty five cents. This is un questionably a popular work ; and is con structed throughout upon certain mathemat ical principles, bearing the same relation to Kirkhatn, Smith, Coveli, Clark and other old authors that a treatise on Algebra does to a common Anthmatic. It compels the student to think, to reason, to compare, to analyze, to symbolize, to equate, and to clas sify and form correct conclusions for himself, instead of taking the definitions and rules of anothers. To go into detail and describe all the improvements would require aa elaborate article. We were shown the book on last Monday by a young man, who de signs canvassing this place. We would say to the School Directors, Teachers, and Pa rents of this place, exa mine the work, aud if you do not find it as we have represented it to be, why post us as a story-teller. To OUR READERS. —A failure to notify a wish to discontinue at the end of the year, will be considered as a new engagement, and the paper forwarded accordingly. No discontinuance is permitted until all arrear ages are paid. This we intend shall be re garded wherever we can enforce it. No subscriber need pride himself with the idea that he can discontinue and send back his paper to the publisher any moment he | chooses, when lie has not pant up all ar rearages. Any person wishing to slop taking our paper, by lorking over the "dimes," can do so ; and under no other circumstances; but they need not think that they'll take the paper a year, and four or five weeks longer, and then have the Post Master perform their dirty work, (i.e. to send it back to the pub lisher, marked "REFUSED!" "NOT TAKEN OUT!"&C.) when they have not paid the publisher a single cent on their subscrip tion. Those delinquents invariably fail to inform the Post Master that they have not paid for their paper; but we will notify them, that, as a general thing, those who act in this fashion, very seldom pay, unless they are forced and the creditor suc ceeds in getting their "all at stake !" We are Borry to' say that, we have a few of this stripe upon our list; but a very few; we are getting them ferreted out as fast as possible. They are very clever chaps till they swindle five or six dollars out of a poor Printer's pocket. WASHINGTON CITY, according to a tele graphic dispatch in the Pctmsphunian, was thrown into intense excitement on the 27th ultimo, caused by the killing of Philip Barton Key, U. S. District Attorney for the District of Columbia, at the hands ot Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, member of Congress from the Thrid District of New York. According to report Mr. Sickles became convinced of the trutli of certain scandalous rumors, in volving bis wife, and resolved to redress his wrongs, which he did. Mr. Sickles met Mr. Key near the President's House, and charg ed him with having dishonored him, and destroyed his domestic peace, and immedi ately shot him, one of the balls taking effect on the leit side of the body and the other took effect in the right thigh near the main artery Key in falling implored Sickles not to kill him. The third ball was shot in tho right side, glancing from the body and bruising it. Of which wounds death soon ensued— The body was lakeH into the National Club House, and a Coroner's Jury immediately summoned. Sickles gave himself into the hands of an officer and was conveyed to jail for further examination. Montgomery Connty. The democratic County Contention of Montgomery County met on the 24th inst., to select delegates to the State Convention at Harrisburg, which meets on the 16th of March next. E. VV. DAVID, Em, waselect ed President. Gen. JOHN H. HOBART, Dr. J. \V BIGORV, JESS* B. DAVIS and SAMUKL HOOPT, were elected delegates, and instructed to support I KICHABDSON L. WRIGHT for Auditor-General. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted: Resolved, That the Democracy of Mont gomery county, in convention assembled, reiterate their firm adherence to the plat form as laid down in the National Conven tions of Baltimore and Cincinnati, believ ing that these principles are best calculated to promote the interests of the people at large, and the harmony of the country. Resolved, That we feel confidence in the wisdom, integrity and statesmanship of James Buchanan, the first President elect from Pennsylvania, and that we believe the measures recommended by him so far have been dictated by the sole and earnest and general prosperity of the whole country. Resolved, That we heartily approve ofhis recommendation in regard to the acquisi tion of Cuba. The possession of that Island is desirable for the proper defence of our country, as well as the commerical advan tages which result from its acquisition. Resolved, That we hail with joy the admis sion of Oregon into the sisterhood of States, as strengthening the bonds of the great con federacy ; and that the vote upon her admis sion is another evidence of the inconsisten cy ot the Kepublican party—professing to favor the admission of fret Stales and yet voting almost bodily against it. Resolved, That in William F. Packer we have a Governor whose ability aud talents are calculated to adorn the Executive chair, and that the measures of Stale policy as reomrnended in his late annual message meet our approval. Resolved, That the course of Hon. Wm. Bigler in the United Slate Senate, and Hon. Owen Jones, our representative in Congress, in sustaining the interests of Pennsylvania, and advocating a revision ol the Tariff of 1867, passed by the aid of Kepublican votes, meets our warm approbation, and that they are entitled to the thanks ol the people of the whole State. Resolved, That the course of Messrs. Hill, Sloneback and Dismant our Representatives at Harrisburg, thus far meets our entire ap proval, and we have every confidence they will use their united efforts to protect and advance the interests of their constituents. Resolved, That we are still opposed to the repeal of the Tonnage Tax, believing it to be detrimental to the interests of the people of the Stale ; and that the lute reported re fusal of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny to pay the same; is another evidence of the grasping avarice of that mammoth cor poration. TIIE MYRIAD-HANDED MAN; I Or the Miracles of Enterprise end Mercy. | Familiarity, they tell lis, is the motherof j contempt. Things which we see and hail- 1 ' die every day, lose all distinctive value in 1 our eyes. The very air we breathe is an I unrecognized blessing, though, if deprived ! of it for the twentieth fraction of an hour, | the world woald cease to live! In like ; manner we have all of us—no matter of what race or country—been so long accus tomed to see the name of THOMAS HOLLO WAY at the head of medical advertisement that we begin to look upon it as one of the es sential components of a newspaper, and hardly pause to enquire into the true signifi cance o r this universal fame. Let not our readers fancy that this para graph is a pitfall, at the bottom of which they will find a' puff" for the "Universal Remedies," with the fame of which Pro fessor Ilolloway is associated ; it is no such thing. VVe could say much ol the Pills and Ointment; but at present our design is merely to call attention to the biography of a man whose achievoments will hereafter be regarded as the surpassing wonder of the nineteenth century ! There are few varieliesof the human race unrepresented in the population of this cos mopolitan city. Coolies from China— Malays from the Eastern Archipelago— Redskins from the West—Rlackskins from all parts of Africa— from Green land and tire regions of the Arctic Polebronz ed half-breeds from Brazil and the other states ot South America—Borneans, Tas inanians, Arabs, Hindoos, Armenians, New Zealanders and Kaffirs—these, with the millions from all parts of Europe, make up the motley immigration which our world embracing commerce throws daily on our shores. Thousands of such, perhaps, have never heard any one of the great names which we have been trained to regard with reverence; the name of Washington cannot thrill their sluggish blood; of Napoleon Bonaparte, his conquests and his fall, they are utterly ignorant. But hand them a newspaper and see how rapidly their faces brighten! They recognize its friendly promise—they rely on its long-tested truth; they rejoice and are, perhaps, astonished J to know that the great physician, whose visit to their own country formed the epoch of a physical regeneration, has likewise been before them on a like errand of mercy to 1 the land ol their future adoption I They no longer feel that they are strangers; lor lfolloway, by his genius, his labors, adven tures and world-wide travels, has establish ed a connecting link between all tribes and races of the human family. Possessed wilh a burning zeal to relieve the afflicted, and fearing nothing that man can do, he has made the pilgrimage of the eanh and estab lished in every spot he visited not only de pots for the sale of his medicines, but like wise journals in the native tongues. What a romance could be framed, from the labors, perils and adventures of such a lile !V. S. "Journal." A candidate for Congress, out west, soma up his education as follows : 'I never went to school but three times in my life, and that was to night school. Two nights the teacher didn't come, and 'tother night I had no candle. The Jotlirfal Policy of Sew England. Hon. John S. Wells, one of the soundest Democrats of the Granite State, and (with the exception of Franklin Pierce) the best stump speaker in New England, addressed I the gallant Democracy of F.xter (N. H.,) last week, on the present position of parties W4 make ar. extract: "They have in the South a population of about ten millions, nearly four millions of whom have ever been our trierids and patrons, and the best cus tomers which New England has ever had Nolover one-sixth of their cotton crop comes to us, and every intelligent man well knows that England would gladly secure the mono poly of that production, even at u great sac rifice, and thereby silence forever the spin dles of New England. English influence has been potent in creating the, alienation which now exists between New England and the South, and if they can succeed in producing an open rupture, their long cher ished desire of a manufacturing monopoly will speedily be realized. Can we provoke the South to withdraw their friendship and patronage ? Have not the opponents of the Democratic party done wonders already in that direction 1 Witness the crippling of mechanical industry ; see our merchants establishing agencies in New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore, for the avowed pur pose of retaining the Southern trade, which they arocon*bmt would be lost by retain ing their sole establishments in New Eng land. Consider the shoe interest, larger in amount than our cotton productions, plain ly and palpably suffering year by year, by the transfer of its Southern customers to New York, New Jersey and l'ennsylva%ia. And still worse and more gloomy is the fu ture. Outside of agriculture and commerce the great mass of our people require for their employment, cotton, iron, leather, and coal, none of which, save iron and leather, and these to a very limited extent, have we here. How is it with those who are so loudly and incessantly denounced by New England liepublicans ? They are in reali ty an agricultural people, their lands are rich and extensive, and their laboring pop ulation better fitted for that employment than for mechanics and manufacturing hence those branches have been freely and cheer fully yielded to us. We have the best and most extensive w<ter power, and for a long lime it was considered that New England had almost the exclusive hydraulic force ; but now with the improvement in machin ery and the varied application of steam, the power for propelling machinery is at every coal bed in the land. Look then over the Southren States, and realize the immense and extensive deposits of minerals only to be wrought to create new and successful competition to our mechanics and manu factures. Virginia, Kentucky, Tennesse, Alabama, Arkansas, and Missouri, have each vast deposits of coal and iron, and many of them abound in copper, lead, zine, salt, gypsum, granite and marble, and even down to Georgia and North Carolina exten sive deposits of coal, iron, limstone and mar ble abound. Open these now dormant mines, and centre aioumi them the mechanical skill and genils which the patronage often millions of ptople can call together, and ihen we shall realize in its fullest extent the suicidal pMicy of northern fanaticism, [cheers.] A.teady the genius of mechan ism is busy in that land , their 180 cotton factories, 98 woolen factories, 269 iron mills, 3474 flouring and grist mi 115,2588 sawmills, and 2120 tanneries, are daily demonstrating the self supplying ability of that section of the country. Vuslnugtoti affairs. WASHINOTOH, Feb. 25.—The Navy De partment, this morning, received a despatch from Lieutenant Braine, commanding the U. S. ship Viccennes, dated Norfolk, in which ha states that he had captured the slaver Julia Dean on the coast of Africa, and brought bar into that port. Augustus bregeron, represented HS a passenger on board the Dean, died on the passage to the United States, previously requesting that his effects should be sent to his wife in Ha vana. It is supposed that he was the cap tain of the Dean, and that his effects com prise a great deal of treasure. The Depart ment, this morning, sent orders to Lieut. Braine to turn over the men on the Dean to the United States Marshal for trial. It is supposed that the Dean is owned in Charles ton. The Vincennes is ordered to be ex amined, as it is supposed she was injured by striking on a reef. The Pennsylvania and other members representing different parties, voted with those favorable to the revival of the tariff of 1846, on Mr. Hughes ineffectual motion to suspend the rules to enable him to intro duce a bill for that poryose. Some, while opposed to thq thought that it would afford a basis for a different measure. The Southern members, embracing the extrem ists, the Massachusetts members, and gen tlemen from nearly all the other sections, opposed the motion. The special committee appointed to in vestigate the charges of corruption against Mr. Searing, have made a report. As it was immediately sent to the Printer, there was no opportunity to examine its contents, but on authority of the statement of a member of the committee, it appears that while the committee unanimously concur in opinibn that the testimony does not exculpate him, they think it insufficient to warrant his ex pulsion. The House will be called on to morrow to decide upon the subject as pro posed by the committee. It is further said that Mr. Searing has filed a statement of his own to rebut the testimony against him. STEAMER Cqrnrr SUM Lost of Life.— The Rleamer Comet was sunk in the Mississippi, below Memphis, on last Saturday night, during a storm. Several of the passengers and crew were drowned. We learn from the Cincinnati Commercial that among the lost are John S, Pope, first clerk ; Job Hill, cabin passenger; John Clark, Wm. Cook, Joseph Howard and Samuel Hardeman, deck hands. A little girl and two cabin passengers, names unknown, were also drowned. The boat and cargo are a total loss. The Comet belonged to Cook & Co., of Memphis. She was insured for 84,600. For the Star of Ike North. BLOOMSBDHU, Feb. 24th, 1859. MR. EDITOR:— AIIow me, through the columns, of your most valuable journal, to say a few words in relation to the Keystone Literary Society of this place, which has its meetings every Tuesday evening in the Academy. In the first place, a Literary So ciety, conducted in a proper manner, is a very useful and necessary enterprise ; and through an organization of this kind, infor mation and knowledge may be obtained, thatotherwise would lie dormant. Here the ininil should be at work, for the good of the Society, to promote and elevate the cause | in which it has so honorably enlis ed, —in the pursuit of Science and Literature. No time should be idled away in matters that neither interest or instruct the Society.— What business, of a formal character, there is before '.he Society, for transaction and consideration, should be disposed of readily, and with as little equivocation and discus sion as possible. Now, is this the principle r.pon wnich the Keystone Literary Society of this place is conducted ? I answer in the negative ! To give your readers an idea how things are "done up" by the So ciety in question, I will mention a few pro ceedings, of a recent meeting, which I was pained to witness : Fist in order—calling of the roll and reading minutes of last meet ing t While this is being performed the room is in a perfect buzzing condition.) — Next in order is a "string of business." which they arrange under the head of Mis cellaneous Business. (This business appear ed to me of no importance or benefit; and I think the Society would profit by having it "done away with" entirely. Under this head of business a Committee, of two, is appointed for the purpose of waiting upon the audience and soliciting members. When this is performed the Committee make out a report and hand it to the Chairman for his action. He carefully reads it over and finds the names of several persons upon it, who wish to be proposed, and become members of the Society. Finally the Chairman of fers to the Society the name of a certain person proposed, with the priviledgeof tak ing a vote upon it. It carries—the i's have it. Another is offered—a member rises and earnestly objects to this one—up springs a young hasty member who speaks with con siderable force in defence of this person pro posed—whereupon a motion is made that, a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to investigate the good and bad quali ties of this person proposed. A Committee is appointed, and the matter is "laid over" for a luture ivestigation . After this being done, the answering oi questions is the next exorcise ir. order. (Questions are giv en out at each meeting to be answered at the next. Some of them were decidedly of an instructive character, while others were of a trifling nature.) When these questions were gotten along with, then came the read ing of a Literary Paper, edited by one Miss from the members, abounding in love, fiction and light literature. (This is one of the best ways of improving the mind, but I would suggest to the young aspirants after literature, of choosing different subjects— subjects of a more useful and honorable character, than those of a wooing ami love making complexion. lam decidedly in fa vor ot "composition writing," but Ido love to hear compositions upon subjects of more solidity.) Header, you have now the manner and form of proceedings, as they are manujat tured by the Keyßtone Literary Society of this place. After the above exercises are per formed the evenings are pretty nigh spent, and the hour of adjourning has arrived. No debating is done when the meetings are closed at this juncture Mr. Editor, in ternos, this Society should be styled die Keystone Courting Society, instead ol the title they now assume ; for, from what I could understand, by their actions, very lit tle knowledge and literature are sought af ter in their meetings. The Society is pretty equally composed of both sexes, and I do hope they will turn their attention to the ob ject of Literary Societies generally. It may be a curiosity for some of the mem bers to know the writer of this article. I will jus( add that, I am not a member of the Society, but I was present at the last meet ing, in company with a female friend, and doubt very much whether 1 shall be seen there again, for the character of females are, I opine, too roughly handled, by certain members of '.his institution. I subscribe myself, POSSE COM-I-TA-TUS. Nollowny't Ointment and Pills—A pe'feet safegmid. —No one who takes the trouble to examine the p.amphlets used as wrappers for these preparations can be the victim of imposture. if genuine, the water-mark, i: Holloway, New York and London," will be found on each leaf of the pamphlet. The test is simple, and should not be neglected. We loarn that the "molhers of America" are almost universally adopting these won derful medicines—the Ointment, as a cure for sore breasts, scald head, rashes scabi ous eruptions, cuts, soars, bruises, etc., and the Pills as a swift and certain remedy for summer complaint, marasmus, worms, and all internal complaints incident to children. MARRIED."' On the 14th ult., by the Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. HENRY MORRIS and Miss HARRIET YEAGER, both of Locust twp , Columbia co. On the 10th ijlt., by Esquire Fahringer, Mr. WILLIAM H. POTTER and Mrs. MATILDA CAMP, both of Locust twp., this county. Married, in this city, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. J. P Safford, D. D, Mr. N. W. BARTON, of Bloomsburg, Pa., and Miss MAGGIE, daughter of Col. John Yeager, of this city. The nuptial oeremony was very interest ing and impressive, and peculiar to the cel ebrated divine who officiated on the occa sion. The exchange of rings was a new leature at occasions of this kind to us, and very suggestive. The ring, being pure gold, was emblematical of unalloyed affection ; and, being a perfect circle without end, represented the unending bond of love which should characterize them in their in tercourse. After the ceremony Mr. Safford made a short, but pertinent and affectionate address to the parties, during which he pre sented the bride with a copy of the Bible, his usual token of remembrance to one of his congregation. We wish the happy couple a bright and prosperous future.-Pigua (O.) Enquirer. DTED7~ In Greenwood twp., this county, on the -29 th of January, JOHN R. ALBERTAON, aged about 64 years. On the 17th inst., MARTIN LUTHER, son ol Peter and Mary Eyerly, aged 3 years aud 4 months. In West Hemlock, Montour County, Pa., on Friday evening, Feb. 18th, after an ill ness of six days, JAMES EVERITT, aged 78 years and 6 days. In Espytown, Columbia co., on the 15th ult., ELNURA ADELPHA, only child of Alexr. and Lydia McCarty, agod 10 month. At Beach Grove, Luzerne co., on the ieth ult., ALEXANDER JAMISON, aged 94 years and ft months. Peaee or War. Merer were statements, rumors and opin ions more perplexiugly at variance, than those advanced since the first day of the year 1859, in relation to the Italian imbrog lio. One portion of the European press strongly inclines towards the belief in war; another considers that event inevitable, and predicts it as one of the certainties of the next spring or summer, and the third de nies the positions of both, insisting that there are no sufficient reasons to npprehdnd a belligerant development. Yet, in every one of these divisions, we discover journals that otherwise command most excellent sources of information. The majority of the British press are on the side of the war theory, and express themselves more decid edly in that sense than the journals of the Continent, but it is to be considered that England is a commercial country am! the great money lender of the world—that Aus tria is negotiating for fifty million dollars of English gold, and Sardinia is about follow ing suit with a loan or twenty millions, and that seventy millions is somewhat of an object of national interest to be loaned on the best terms possible. The greater the war cry, the cheaper will the Messrs. Rothschij-d have to sell the Austrian and Sardinian bonds. Then it is proper, no doubt, that under any circumstances, the lenders should be acquainted with llie whole magnitude of their risks. Moreover the war-opinions derive strong food and sup port from the armaments, movements of troops and preparations in France, from the non-committal policy of the Monittur, the Russian agitations in Turkey, and the language used by the St. Petersburg press, which is evidently intended to encourage the elements of disaffection in Italy, and which tells Austria very plainly that in the event of an outbreak she need not again expect any assistance or countenance from that quarter. The speech of Queen Victo ria, 100, touches upon the subject with such extreme caution, and so evasively, that but for the interpretation afterwards put upon, it by her Minister, it would have conveyed the impression that it was framed ralher to warn than to appease the public mind.— Her promising to contribute, as far as her influence can extend, to the preservation of the general peace, and to the maintenance of the faith of treaties, without expressing the faintest hope of success, indicates the existence of misgivings in the Cabinet as to the efficacy of that influence, as well as their conviction of the imininency of danger. But then we have, on the other hand, the declaration in the House of Lords of the Earl of Derby, the head of the Cabinet, that Austria had given assurance not to interfere with the iuterual affairs of Italy, that they had also an assurance Irom the Emperor of the French that he would give no assist ance whatever to Sardinia in an uggressive war, and that under these circumstances, he vthe Earl of DerbyJthought there was strong ground lor believing that the recent appre hensions of a rupture would prove ground less; and in the House of Commons, Mr. Disraicli said that he had every confidence in the maintenance of peace. It may bo, however, that these ministerial expressions are less the offspring of conviction than part of a policy of repression of war senti ments in the Tuileries, by binding the Em peror in the eyes of Europe to his promise not to assist Sardinian aggressions. And Napoi.eon, he may have thought in giving that promise, that he might keep it to the letter, if not to the spirit, without abandon ing the grand Napoleonic idea of a "regen eration of Italy," by simply permitting Sar dinia to open the ball, ami to make com mon cause with the revolutionists in Aus trian Italy forthe expulsion oflhe Austrian*; awaiting himself a favorable opportunity to interfere under some other pretext than that of "assisting Sardinia in an aggressive war." And in the case the Sardinians, allied with the people of Lombardy and Venice, should prove able to achieve the expulsion of Austria, he may not even contemplate any active interference, but content himself, for the time being, with the result, which would be a great point gained for Franco and her j traditional policy of absorption. All this is possible, and the assurances of the British Ministry must, therefore, be received with many grains of allowance.— Pennsylvanian. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, the 26ih day ofMARCH, inst., ai 10 o'clock in the forenoon, ISAAC. K. KRICKBAUM, Executor of the last will and testament of John Kline, late of Benton township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale, by public vendue, npon the premises, a certain portion of the REAL ESTATE of the said deceased, situate in said township, consist ing ol about ONE HUNDRED ACRES, Of Land, the most of which is reasonably WELL TIMBERED, about Fifteen Acres being cleared. A SAW MILL is on the premises, and lhe|land when cleared will he good farming laud. Terms favorable. Late the estate of said deceased, situaie in the township of Benlon, and connly afloresaid. JACOB EYERLY, Clk. Bloomeburg, March 2,"1859. Administrator's Notice -IVOTICE is hereby given 10 all persons in* lerested, thai letters of adminstrslion on the estate of Jacob Fry, late of Mtfllin town ship, Columbia county,deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia coun ty, to the undersigned, living in Mifßtn, in said county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent, are requested to present them to the admin istrator, duly attested, without delay, and all persons indebted to the estate are noti fied to make payment forthwith. SAMUEL CREASY, Mifflin, Feb. 26, 1859. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons interested will take notice ** that letters of administration on the estate of Catharine Melz, lale of Locust township, in the county of Columbia, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county to Charles Metz, who resides in said lownship and county; all persons hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the decedent, are requested to make them known to the administrator, without delay, anil all persons indebted to make payment forthwith, io CHARLES METZ, Locust, Feb. 18, 1859, AdminutraM>P^i I SHERIFF SALES. ! |>Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, J tu me direc.leJ, will be exposed to pub lie sale at the Court House, in Bloomsborg, | on Saturday the 26th day of Maroh inst., af I one o'clock, in the afternoon, the following | described properly to wit: | A certain Plantation and tract of land sit uate in Franklin township, Columbia Coun ty, bounded on the Sooth by lands of Abra ham Ltliey, on the East by lands of Aarnu I l.nmbersnn, oil the North by other lands of the said James K. Fieher, and on ihe East i by land* of George Schick and others, con j turning in the whole ninety-five acros be the | same more or less. About ninety aote* of , which is cleared land, whereon is erected ; a oi.e and a half story dwelling Hooe part frame and pari log, a large frame bank barn, a frame wagor. house, a si one spring house, and o'heroui Buildings with tua appurte nances. Seized and taken in Exseuiion and io be sold as the property of James K, Fisher. ALSO, —At the same lime and place by viriue ol a writ ol Levari Facias to me di rected, all that two slory plank house or building, situate in the town of HubbleVille in the township of Beaver, in the County of Colombia, on a corner lot in said Town, the said building being thirty feel in front, am* twenty teet in depth, and the lot of ground upon which the said building is erected be ing bounded by die Rail Road of the Colum bia Coal & Iron Company, and by labds of Trnmen M. Hubble and others. S-izsd and taken in execution and to b sold as the properly of Charles Everles. tVConditions ol the above sales are, ten per cent, of the purchase money to be pa id i at the striking down of Ihe property, Mdtbe I balance on the first Monday of May next. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff, i Bloomsborg, March 2d, 1859. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by ipeeial Emlownment. fir the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. HjiHE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view ol Ihe awlnl destruction of human life caused by Sex sal diseases, and ihe decep tions practiced upon ttie unfortunate victims of such disease* by Quacks, several yesrs ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CH All IT ABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for Ihe treatment of this class of otseases in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who apply by letter, with a descrtplioa of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &<-..) and ill case of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will famish the most approved modern treatment. The Direutors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sei ual Deeaees, express the highest satisfac tion with the success which ha* attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness,Gonort huta. Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or sell-Abuse, Diseases of the Kidney* and Bladder, &c., and order a continuance of the same plan for Ihe tneuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in-this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great ben efit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and ihev have resolved to devote them selves, with renewed zeal, to this very im portant and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhcna. or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or Self-Abuse, and outer dis eases of the Sexual organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, will be sent by mail (In a sealed envelope,) EREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS lor postage. Oth er Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, Sic., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to (be afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatmeul discovered during the last year, are of great valne. Address, for Report or treatment, DR J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ntuth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of (he Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Preet. GEO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary. March Ist, 1859.—8. PUBLIC SALE ' OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, lit pursuance ol an order of the Orphans Court ol Columbia county, on SATURDAY THE 26th DAY of MARCH next, et 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Peter K!iiie,admin istrator, nf Henry Metz lale of Loenet twp., in said county, dee'd, will expose to eale by public vendue, upon the premises a certain TRACT OF LAND 9ituate in Locu*t township, Columbia ooun ly, adjoining John Herner on the east, Joe. Carl and John Yeager on the west, William Hughs on the north, arid widow Runk on the south, containing about One Hundred and Fißeea Acres, more or lees, with the appurtenances, on which is erected two dwelling houses, One barn and one saw-mill. Late ihe eelate of said deceased, situaie iu the township of Locust, and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Bloomsburg, Feb. 19, 1859. Clerk. Public Notice. A LL persons indebted to the nmleraigned, on Book account, Note or otherwise, will take notice that ell accounts must be settled up between this dale (Feb. 19th) and the first oj May next, and save trouble. All ac counts not settled and paid by tbat time, costs will be added without respect to per son. Therefore step up to the captain's of fice and squsre your accounts. JOHN WHITENIGHT. Bloomsburg, Feb. £3, 1849 Phil'a & Reading Railroad. ssaßfii WINTER ARRANGEMENTS FOR PAS SENGER TRAINS, January Ist 1859. Up Trains, going North, leave' Philadelphia at 71 A. M. and 4 P. M. Down Trains, going South, leave Poltsville at 7J A. M. and 4 P. M. The Express Train is discontinued ontil further no'ica. Close connection* are made by the 10.22 A.M. Up Train*, from Pott Clinton to Elmtra and all intermediate points; and by the 6.22 P. M. Up Train from Port Clinton to Elmira, Canandaigua, Buffalo, Niagara, Detroit, Chicago, Si. Louis, Dav enport, and lowa City; making Ib'e ronte the shortest and cheapest to the Lake Cities and Canada. On Sundays the J)own A. M. Train from Pntisville, and Up P. M. Train from Phila delphia, only run. CT Dep ot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine etreets. Fifty pounds of baggage allowed each passenger, (except on Sunday trains.) Tickeis;muat be pur- * chased before entering the ea're. G.A.NICHOLS. jly29—1 f. General Superintendent. Ik DA VIBLO WEN BE iuT | O THIN O STORE , iWMiiti street, two doors above the "Araer- Wean Hotel."