The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 05, 1859, Image 3
Star of tlje Nortl). BLOOMSBURG, :::::::::: I'ENN'A. fr EDXESI>AY > JAKBABY 5 185t. BF.WAKE 6f running into that vice of age which can discern nothing wise or good in the young. # Mv FRIENDS hold not ihe three-cent piece so near thine eye that thou canst not see the dollar beyond. To PROMOTE bis own virtue, and the good of his fellow beings, is the constant aim of the truly good man. HAPPINESS consists not in having such and such professions but in having fitted to enjoy what we have. THOUGH you cannot successfully imitate eminent incn in every particular of conduct, strive to be worthy of emulation in some. There are over one hundred and fifty Young Men's Christian Associations in the United States, having an aggregate mem bership of about 20, 8U0. THE Protracted meeting which was teing ■held in the Methodist Episcopal Church at this place has came lo a close. A large 'number has been converted and added to 'tbo church. I'lliEOSopHV OF CMPO-ITION.—A friend complained to u clergyman of the length of his discourse. '-Yes," said the preacher ; "but then you see 1 had no time to make it shorter." THOUGH age is ready to plead exemption when servico is required, danger encoun tered and hardship undergone, it is just as \ ready to put in its claims when honor is I expected and gain to be reaped. NEW YEAR'S DAY was rather quiet in town; everything passed of] harmoniously. The ; day was pretty generally observed. The Carrier Boys were around on that day "as thick as hasty pudding" with their "jingles and rhymes." IT IS ttnw decided where the permanent Depot at the Bloomeburg Station, on lite Lackawanna ii Bloontsburg Railroad is lo be located. We learn that it is to be erect ed a few rods below where the temporary one now stands. This is, by the proceed ings of the Directors, a fixed fact. ON LAST Thursday the School Directors of this county met in the Court House at this place and raised the salary of the County Superintendent of Common Schools to 5600. Two hundred dollars a year more than the former Salary. This had ought to enable - the Superintendent to perform the duties of the office with additional attention. HON. PAUL LEIDV, our worthy member of Congress, will please except our tlianks for a Potent Office Agricultural Rtprrt which proves to be of interest to the reader and very useful to lite farmers. Particular alien tion is paid to the raising of animals, with a view of much improving the stock, to make it more profitable, and the animals inoro prolific. THE UNION BRASS BAND of litis place paid revisit to lite village of Light Street on New Year's day where they were cured for in the •most hospitable manner. Tney treated our citizens to a few pieces of their thrilling music in the morning before leaving for the the above named place. It was a pretty good New Year's present. PAPER.— We are receiving paper from lite Cattawissa Mills, manufactured by C. W M'Kelvy & Co , of a superior quality. It . will favorably compare with the paper used f in any of our exchanges front different parts t of the State. It is better than their former f manufacture: whiter and heavier, with a pf smoother surface. We can recuntmeiid it ft at home and abroad without any embarrass k- ON MONDAY last a pretty largo delegation ■Lof Pine township people came to this place, Wit is said, lo extract the man from i|K|fithin the walls of the jail, and take the Jiw in their own hands and put a period to wsjfihis existence. The negro man was com- Jr milled to jail for an outlandish crime, pcrpe- Pfmted upon a while woman, but the people Tp of that territory were "a day after the fair," add any more notoriety to the inhumane %>.. HARDENING TALLOW CANDLES— Take one pound ot alnm dissolved in one pint of wa- j lerfind ten pounds of tallow; place them in an iron kettle; heat rhe mixture sufficiently for the scum to rise freely; after carefully skimming it, stir it for *ome lime; then put it away for the tallow (o get cold; when it is hard, remove nil the sediment from ihe bottom of it. Tlie tallaw is ready to be made into candles. _THE REFUGEE'S CAVE —The Bucks county, I ~ on Saturday last," some boys, while playing about the stone quarries of Dr. Chas. Matthews, in Bucking ham Valley, discovered a largo cave in the ■%.. limestone rock, running back about thirty fees. On the stone was carved the follow ing inscription : "M. Doan, 1775." Hence the cave is suj-gosed to have been the hid ing plnco of the notorious refugee brothers, Doan, ofßevolutionary memory. D. L. F.VERHAUT, Proprietor of the Light Street Hotel, in this county, prepared nil excellent dinner on New Year's Day for the UNION BRASS BAND, of this place, which was inviled to that town to spend the day and enliven the citizens with some of their soul -' Gtirring music. We were told that the din ner was an "excellent" one and we nre grieved to think that we could not comply with the invitation extended to us to ' be nbout on thai occasion." In the evening, just before starting home, the musicians dined luxuriously upon nn Oyster Supper gotten up in good order at the above named , house. Ihe citizens ol Light Street in general speak well of the Band and their music, and return the company their most sincere thanks; and we are authorized, in behalf of the Band, to tender to the gentlemanly landlord, and the citizens in general, their unfeigned thanks lor llie kind and hospitable treatment which they received. A MAN named Hankford, living in Din widdle county Virginia, liad a pet bear which ho kept chained in tli- door-yard. A short time since, his son, a fine boy of thir teen, thoughtless annoyed the bear by pun ching hirn with a pole happening to come within reach of the enraged beast, the bear caught liiin, crushed in his ribs and tore his arm out at the shoulder,before the unfotunate lad could be rescued. The bear was imme diately shot. HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC $ A PIUZE KSSA ON NERVOU" DISEAt-KH. Jul published, the 25th thousand, in a sealed envelope, pnee 10 cents) or sent, postpaid, by the Publishers, Inr 3 stamps : A Medical Essay on the Physical Exhaust ion and Decay nl die Irarne (rom Indul gence, Infection and die injurious conse quences oi Mercury, with die modern means of cure. By K. J. CUI.VERW ELL, M D. Members of the Knyul tJollpge of Burgeons, &e., &c. Sfiermaiorr! ©i, or Seminal Ernis ion#*, NVrvoun Dfhihiy, I m potency, Lo** ol j Energy, Depression <>l Spirits, Timidity, Disease* of the Sexual Organs, and Impedi ments lo Marriage tffiierall)' are prornf*ll V and eireiMuaily cureil by rhe Aitlior'o novel and most eucces-fnl mode ol treatment, by mean* of which li e Invalid nan reuuin i pristine health without having recourse to dangerous arid expensive medicines. From the London Lancet — u The bet trea lien ever written oil a Mibjeri of vital impor tance to all, well worthy the Authors exalted reputation."* tlm Publisher*: C.J C.KLINE I & Co, let Avenue, cor. 19th Street, Poet Hox 4580. N. V. City. [Dec. 22, '58.-3mofl. GUOCFKI, BIKLLV CONFECTIONERY. Main Sheet, lltouinsburg, one dour bchav Iron j St, at. THE undersigned rppecifiilly inform the , cilizeus ol Blomrisburg, and ln public ill , general, thai they tiave furirieil a p.innership j under the name and firm of Moyer fk Sli"l- i ! don, and have just opened in iheir spacious new Bmre Hon-e, the GROCERY, BAKERY & CONFECTION- I EUY BUSINESS, On n extensive scale in all their various de. parlinenl", and in great vatiei es, where they will always be pleasetl to meei their friends and administer to iheir creature comfort". Their gioceiies are all fresh, and of the choicest kinds, have been selected with much care, and will be sold for oasli, at the "lowegt living prices." Their Bakery is eniirely new, ronstrncted after the most modern improvements and will be under the superintendence of "mas ter workmen." Their confectionery is manufactured by themselves with care and cleanliness—and cannot be surpassed by Ihe most improved importation*. OYSTER SAf.OON AND RESTAURANT. They have al.o filled up a most magnificent I Restaurant andOy.lcrSaloon, occupying the | entire space of the (up stair.) second floor, with spinner new fixtures anil finishings, where they will be happy los rve their cus tomer* with choice Oysters, wholesale and retail. N. B—A Ladies' Saloon separated from the General Restaurant, has al-o been pre pared for their special accommodation. ALBERT MOVER, K. M. SHELDON. Bloomshurg, Oe.l. 27, 1858. THE PHILADELPHIA EVEXIAG mJf.Ia!RTIJ¥, An Independent Daily Newspimtr, devoteiPes fcciatly to Ike Interests of Pei.vsylau.niu. importsrit telegraphic news, sixteen hours in ad vanee nl the morning I papers. Original Foreign and Domestic oor- I respondence. Editorials on all subjects, and I lull reports of all ihe news of the day. The i Commercial and i' ir.ancial departments are lull, and are carefully attended lo As an advertising- Medium there is no! better paper in the State, ilm circulation he- . ing next to the largest in the city, and among the most intelligent and influential of the | opiilalion. TERMS Six Dollars per year in ad vance. CUM.MINGS & PEACOCK, Proprietors, No. 112 South Third St, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATUKi OA V IS|J IiLETI A HANP-OMK, WELL FILLED, FAMILY W EEKLY NEWSPAPER, j Is published by the Proprietors at Itie follow ing nnprecedenily low- rates: 1 Copy, one year, 81 00 f> Copies, " 5 00 13 " '■ 10 00 21 " " 15 on 30 " " 20 00 100 " " 50 00 Farther Inducements I The largest club (over 100) will be sent for three years. The nexi largest club, (over 100) will be sent for two v ears. Address CUMMINGS & PEACOCK, Prop'rs. Bulletin Building, No. 112 South 3d St., Nov 24, 1868. Philadelphia. Brand Jurors,— Feb. Term, Bloom—David Lowenberji, Paler H. Freeze. Samuel Shaffer. Beaver—Henry Hinderlider. Catmwissa—William Creasy. Ggnire-Elias Creasy. Franklin—Reuben Knittle. Fishingcreek—John McMichal. Greenwood—Hickson Kilcben, Joseph Van horn. Hemlock—Hugh Harlman, William Apple man. Locust—Jacob Idler, Joseph Cleaver, Daniel Miller. Maine—Reuben Shnman. Mount Pleasant.—Benjamin Kisler. Mifflin—Christian Wolf. Madison—Emanuel Sidler. Orange—Emanuel Lazarus, Samuel Conner. Roaringcreek—Peler Levari. Sugarloaf—Shaderick Hess. Scoit—Reese Falrmau. SUPERBLY BEAUTIFUL! JUST OUT, THE COSMOPOLITAN AKT JOURNAL FOE. D2GBKBEK. "■--•Over seventy page* —choice untitles—-de aahtly illnsiraled -splendid SMfft&igfSuings Piic# 60 cent*. Specimen copy haul, on re ceipt of 18 cents, in stamps or coin, Address ~C 17.' oER-BY, 548 Broadway, N. Y. AVE"YOU SE EN TH EWI ? That superb Engraving, ' The Village Blacksmith," arid btSaulifnl Ari Journal, which are furnished lo subscribers of the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, |H>\\ ! I 1 ' tt> >'!!:"•' 11l -HobMI P . Clark, for a -horTtirtSaTvnH. She advertise ment elsew here headed—New Features. N. S. LAWRENCE'S PAPER, PRINTER!*CARD & ENVEL OPE W AIIEMOUSE, No. 405 Commerce. IStrcM, Philad'a. Cash buyers will find it for (heir interest to call. Jan.7, 1858—Jy ; Qs <& ! IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. l ! PITTSBI'HOU, PA. -- - CIiAUTF.IINiI 1855. ! 300 Students (./tending January, 1858. Mow the largest and itiosi itiorough Crun -1 * rriercial School cf Ihe U. Sialce. Young men prrpnred for actual duties of the Count ing Room. J. C. Smith, A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science ol Accounts. A. T. Douthet, Teacher of A rithmelio and Commercial Calculation. J. A. Hewlriek and T. C. Jenkins, Teach ers ol Be ok keeping. A Cow lew and W. A. Miller, Profs, ol Penmanship. Single arid donble'enlry Book-keeping, it used in every ileparlinPii! ol business. Com mercial Arithmetic—rapid business wriling —detecting counterfeit money—mercantile correspondence—commercial law nre taught, ami all other subjects necessary lor the suc cess and thorough education of a practical business man. si paEwcxraEs asss. Drawn all the premium* in Pittsburgh for j |li# past three yearn, also in Ki*iern and I Western oitie*, for' best writing, not en ; graved work. IM POUT ANT 1X FORM ATION. I Students enter at any time—No vocation— j Time unlimited—Review m pleasure—<>rsd --j uate* a**iined in obtaining situaiion*—Tu i lion Inr lull commercial course, £3' r > 00— Average time Bto 12 week*—Board 52 bV ;<>r week—Stationery, s'6.oo—Entire cut. 6000 to ; T0 00 tZT Miniter*' Sons receivpd at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Busi ness ami Ornamental Writing—inclose two stump*, and a.hirers F. W. JFN KINS. I Oct. 6 1853. Pittsburgh, Pa. CATIAUISSA, )ILIiiAAISI'OUT AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. ! Direct Dai/road connection between Niagara 1 Falls ami Philadelphia. Shortcsi, Quickest I ami Cheapest Runic from Western New 1 York to Philadelphia, ILirrisburg, I'llisburg, | Baltimore. Washing on city, and tl e Sunlii. PASSE.NGF.It TRAINS leave Elmira daily (exceptSunthiy.) ai7 A.M.p; -sing, William R|)oit at 10 15 A. M , counseling with Read ing Rail Road nl l';tt Clinton, and reaching Philadelphia ai 7 30 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia from corner of Broadway ami Vine streets, at 7 30, A. M. reaching Willi,inisport as b 15, I'. Al., and arriving AI Elmira l 3, P- M. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORT CLINTON FOR UAIMUSBIT.G Direct, via Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road, on'llte attival olthe Catlawissn Train, al 4 45 I'. 51. reaching Harrlsburg ul 8 P. M. Iteruming leave Harriaburg al 7 13 A. M., conneciicg-at Porl Clintor. with Catlawissa Irain bound wesl forming Ihe mos| direct roule to Hurrisburg, Pittsburg, Baltimore and the South, connroiing these points with all Northwestern Pennsylvania and western N. York. Commencing at F.linira with trains on New- York ami Erie Rail Road; also, with Ihe Elmira, Canandugua Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Collecting directly with the Great Weslern Railroad al Suspension bridge fur Detroit, Chicago, Si. Louis, &c.. thus making the ahnrtaei, ami the cheapest rout Irotn Plnladel phia lo tnosß point-. A FREIGHT TRAIN Willi leave VVilliamaporl daily, al 6 30 A. M. for Philadelphia. Freight train to and from Phttpdeldhiu without . transhipment, from IL*at?ing Rail Road Freight Depot, corner ami Chcrrv streets. I TRAINS PASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS GOING K AST. Passetix"' Train 1? m. Freight TrW" 921 a.m. GOING WEST. Passenger Train 3 215 p.m. Freight l'raiu 4 22 P- m. -FARES- Betwcen Philadelphia & Rupert, JM -3 " Danville, 4 Co j " " Ca'tawissa, 435 " " Tamaqua, 2On " " Milton, 5 10 " " Willi imsporl, 5 90 Fifiy pou-uls of personal baggage aliowed to each passenger—excess churged al doub le first class height rates. 11. A. FONDA, {superintendent. n E WTT O R E AND jjOSEPH SHAUPLESS ha. jnst reccired •" and opened out at his New Store on Main Street, Bionrnsbnrg, (jnitiing the Star office,) a lull assortment ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, J Iresli Irani the cities of New York and Phil adelphia, which he will sell at lite very lowest living profit. His stock embraces Stella, Miibel and crape shawls, barege, ba- ' rcge delaines, llssiiea, lawns, debages, j eran orientals, alpaccas, &c. j SILKS.—A very hand-onie assorlmenl of striped, plain, i'laid and Black Silks, which he inlentl- In sell ill reduced prices. EMBROIDERIES—An immense slock of embroideries, such n embroidered hand- ' kercluels, cnllnrs, s|teneers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and iiiseriings, linens, cotton and ihread luces, flouiicnigs and em broitleretl curtains. DOMESTICS.—MusIins, drillings, lick- I ings checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flannels, table diaper and ready-made bags. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, Vesting", jeans, coilonades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids, Sir. \ good assort ment of new slyle carpels niul oil cloths, table and carriage oil cloths, ma s, rugs, baskets. &tt. GROCERIES and Hardware of every description, such as Sugars, Molasses, Teas, Coffee. Fish, Spice, Salt, Nails and Spikes, Iron and Steel, Hard ware, Qneenswaie, Crockery and Wooden- t waie. Also, a good lot ol Men and Boys' Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoe-, of all kinds and sizes lor Women and Children, lo suit I the most fastidious. I He invitee his friends ami the public In givo him a call before purchasing elsewhere. He has boughl goods at Ihe lowest cash prices, and is determined to not be under-old by anybody or "the re-l of mankind."— Country produce taker, a! the market prices in exchange (or good-. J. SHAUPLESS. Bloomsbnrg. Nov. 24. 1858. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of TunisKKalis,r lis, deceased. TVIOTICE is hereby given to all persons in - 1* lerested that letters of admint-fralion on ) the Esuta ol Tunis Karns, la'e ot Benton township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by Ihe Register ot Wills of said county, to Richard Stile-, residing in Benton township, saw) county, lo whom all peieous having claims or demands against ibe estate ol llie decedent, are reqnestod lo present ! ihem, duly mieslud without delay, end all parsons indebted lo the estate are notified to make payment loiihwitb. , RICHARD STILES, Adm'r. Benton. Dec. 1. 1868- TII 13 r. I* o 1113 : THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS, I shall publiAli the "Jaily Globe," and "Congressional Globe" and "Appendix" du ring (he ml nwMori of Coogross. Tile Daily Globe will contain repuri of the De bales in boih branches of Congress as taken down by ihe reporters equal, nl leusl, 10 any corps ol sliort.liand writers 111 this or in any oilier country. When the debates of a day do not make more man lorly-five columns, lliey shall appear in the Daily Globe of the nexi morning, which will Contain, also, the news of the day, together with such edito rial articles as inay be suggested by tyswem events. The Congressional Cube and Appendix will coiiiain a report ol all ihe Debi--s in Congress, revised by the speakers, die Mess* ages ol the Piesident ol Ihe United Stales, die Animal Report* of the Heads of the Ex ecutive Depafiinrnia, ill * Reports of Com mittees of Congress on iioporiaiit subjects of general interest, ihe Laws passed during ihe session, and copious indexes to all Th-y will be primed on a double royal shed, in book lorrn, royal qoario size, each on in tier containing sixteen pages ; averaging 2,397 ivord-per page. The whole will make between 1700 and 2000 pages. It is believed ibal no book has ever bean published at so low ii rale. Last year I advertised in the Daily Globe, lor six months, and in about one hundred other newspapers in Ihe United States a reward of 8215, to be paid In any person who would produce a book published .it so low rate, and none was produced The large of copies subscribed for by Congress enables me to afTord die de ludes lo siitiseribcis so cheap. The Congressional Globe and Appendix pass free through Ihe iii nfs nf-rtle Unilert-t Slaies, as will be seen by reading the follow ing Joint Resolution parsed by Congress the tiiti Angus!, 1852: JOINT RESOLUTION providing for the disiribulion of the Laws of Congress and Itie Debates itiereoo. Willi a view lo ihe cheap circulation of the laws ol Congress and die debates con tributing to ihe true interpretation thereof, and to make tree ihe comiiiuiiicalinn be nveeii die representative and constituent bodies: Be il resolved by lite Senale and House of Rnpn-senlaiives ol the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thai Irorn and aber die present session of Congress ihe Congressional Globe and Appendix, which contain die laws and die debates thereon, shall pass free through the mails so long as Ihe satr.e shall be published by or der of Congtess: Piovided, That nothing therein shall be construed to authorize the circulation ot the Daily Globe rree of post age. APPROVED, August G, 1852. TERMS:—For a copy of the ' Daily Globe" four months, 83.00; for one copfToT] lea- time, (per month) 81 00: for a copy ol the '•Congressional (Robe" and "'Appendix" during the session, 83.00 Bank notes, current in the section of the country where a subscriber resides, will be / received al par. The whole or any pari ol a subscription may be remitted in postage stamps, which are prelerahle lo any eurren cy. except gold or silver. Where bank notes under 85 cannm be procured, I will send two copies for 85. A paper will not be senl unless Ihe money accompanies Ihe order for il. 1 cannot afford lo exchange with all Ihe newspaper* that desire the Globe; bm I will send die Daily Globe during the session lo all who shall publish this prospectus three limes before the first Monday of next De cember. Those who may publish should semi dieir papers containing it to me, mark ed with a pen, to direct attention lo ii. The Congressional Globe ami Appendix will be stereotyped ; and, therefore, I shall be able lo send Ihe back numbers for this session to all who may subscribe alter itio sessirfiycoltl• mences ; bill if die firat edition shall have been exhausted hclore the subscription mou- ' ey is received 1 shall charge 81 additional per copy lo pay Ihe expense ol putting Ihe plates on the press. Subscriptions shoulil resell ine as early as the first week of De cember to insure complete copies at the prices advertised above. JOHN C. RIVES, Washington, Oct. 12, 1858. GREENWOOD SEMINARY, AND COLUMBIA COUNTY NORMAL INSTITUTE, ft fiexi QuHrier ai Bus lii*ii(utiori, will J. oo;.nii?cnci* on the Ifiih of August, ami terminate on ii.." 23th ol October. The ai tention of TefiMrer* is particularly directed 'o die Advantages °f a course cf Norma! in struction daring this qnaW- Some have already engaged, and ah others who desire 10 join the Class, should mi-'ke early appli cation lo die Principal.' All who attend should make arrangements h> tt.omit'Unce willi the quarter, or lliey will sustain 8 -pars-, ilivo loss. | TERMS;—About S3O per quarter, for all expenses. Catalogues w ill be sent to all who apply for tlieni, WW. FUnfjf SS, Principal. T. M. POTTS, Preceptor. Millville, July 7, 1858. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EST ATE UF NOAHS. PRENTIS, I)EC'D. t LL persons interested will lake noiiee 111ai letiers of Administration to the Estate of Noah S. Prenlis, late ol Bloom township, Coloinbin county, deceased, has been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to the undersigned, living in Blooms bora, in said county. Ail persons having claims or demands ngaim-l the estate of the decedent, are requested to present them to the Administrator, duly attested, without delay, and all persons indebted to ihe estate are notified to make payment for'lrwilh. J. M. CfIK.MBERLIN, Blonmsbnrg, Nov. it), I8">h Adin'r. SHERIFF SALE". BY virtue ol a writ ol venditioni exponas to me directed, will be exposed to put lie sale, on the premises in Blooinsbnrg, on Saturday, Ihe Bth day of January, 1859, at 2 o'clock, I'. M., the 'ollowing described teal estate lo wit: All that certain lot or piece of 1a...i ate hi East Blooursburg, Colombia couipvl containing half an acre more or'less, boor ' ded by land ol Melvene Barton on l by north, on ihe south by a lot of Frederick Isler, on the east by an alley, and on the west by an alley, whereon is erected a Frame Brewery with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us the properly ol Charles W. Has.prt. JOHN SNYDER. Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg. Dec. 15, 1858 j ""bloom S Ulltß ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORKS. THE undersigned has opened in Blooms burg, a Warble Yard in Court Alley, east of this Court House, and has secured lha vices of JOHN H. YOUNG, formerly ol Berwick, as foreman. Mr Young's qualifi cations need no recmriinenduiiou. He is prepared tn furnish Plain and Ornamental Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Mantels, Sills, Lintels, BUREAU, STAND, AND BAR TOPS, kC. The best Italian and American Marble will be kept on hand. Particular attention will be paid to lettering and carving head-stones. All are invited to cull, as ne can lutnish work us cheap as any establishment in the country. S. C. SHIVE. Bloomsburg, Dec. 15, 1858. New Arrival of Fall and Winter CS3- Q£> CE> UD &£3 o MfKELYY, NliAli & CO., tj AVE jusi received and opened their stock of Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and handsom est a-snrtineut now offered in this TOWN.— Having paid great attention to Ihe selection of their entire stock as to Price and Quality, I hey flatter themselves tliut they caiicomppie I with the cheapest, ami all those wishing to buy cheap, can pave money by giving um n cjpll. YVe have a s l kind it of goods and warn* to supply the wants of itie people. A very Inrae ami complete ol LADIE'S DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes. wool plaids, alpacas, brim | bazines, de bages, noplms paramelta cloths, ' mohair Ins res, muslin de laines, Persian clolhs, Ginghams, Cahroc, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing*, hands and Irirninings, laces anil edgings,bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vel libhons, anil brnids, kill, cotlon, lisle thread gloves, mohair mills, &c. Alili KiftßS OF hroclie, Kav Stale, Waierville, black -ilk, cashmere, embrddered, &c. Also a very large large assortment o( Clolhs, casiiners, salinels, vesliiiga, Iweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &■'. & SIEQ&S cf nil kind* and sizes for men, women and children. We have a large assortment ol HATS and CAPS of the latent fashion. V\ ; e yi?iv(* also, Hardware, Queen-ware, Cedar ware, Ac. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, ticking*, dia per*, toweling*, drilling*, &c , in abundance. We invite our Iriends and the pnhlic gen erally lo give a call before purchasing elsewhere We have bought our good* at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undo/sold by anybody or the rest of man kind. WcKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloom*hnrg, January 13, 1758. AiTist, [Pupil of J- AA Villus, New York.] HHVING laken rnonis in this place for a few weeks, is prepared In skeit-h in water 0! nil colors, views of Dwellings, Farms, llanPfWories; also favorite ani mals. of every description, Irom na tire, in Ihe best style of art. Having received the most flattering testimonials irnro eminent Artisis and Connoisseurs throughout I e country, also Irom publishers ol In- "h *1 prominent illustrated Journals in New Yt>(!< and Boston, to which Mr. VV. is a contribu tor, lie is led to believe lie can pleu-e the most fastidious. Instructions given in Drawing and Paint ing Irom nature; also m an entire l )' new style of pictures on glass, surpassing in bril l-ancy Ihe finest oil paintiHgs. This is a beautiful pastime Tor ladies and gentlemen and easily acquired without eveu a knowl edge of drawing. Exchange Hmel | Btoomsburg, Aug. 25, 'SB. j OYSTERS! OYSTERS I PEOPLE'S RESTAURANT. THE undersigned respecilully informs her Iriends and the public in general, that she has reopened b Oyster and Eating Saloon, in the basement ol the Exchange Block, in Blnoinvbiirg, for the Fall Campaign, where may always be had QPacß>£g)Oa (2Ds?*a3<Lc®Drs3 3 Wholesale and retail, Ly the bushel, can or i plate, served up in superior sijle, with ail ! ihe requisite fixing*, lo satisfy the wants of the most fastidious epicure*. K7'Step in at ihe people's restaurant: MRS. CAROLINE CLARK. Rloomsburg, Out. 27, 'SB. LIMIT STREET HOTEL. D. 1.. KVKRHART, Phophiktor. ritllE Proprietor ol (Ins hipel lakes pleas- J. ure in annouticir g to the pnblic that be I still occupies ibis large ami commodious ! nouse in Light Mi reel, Pa., and is jet, as ev- 1 er, prepaired to uccnnimodate travelers, teamsters, ilroveis and borders, with accom modations that will lavorsbly compare with any hoiel in this section ol country. The traveling public may depend oil all comforts at home, as his house is well liirnished and always kept in order. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi• f, the ' best the market affoids. Mr. E. will ever be ; tiappy to ente.Muin anil aceommudate hi# friends to the utmoxt of his ability. D. L. KVKRHART. Light Street, Pa.. Nov. 24, 1858. IT" The Proprietor of the above fiouse, .having no desire to continue in ihe hotel business, will sell Ihe property at private sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is .7 good one, with stables an J all Ihe ueres pnw (julbuildingfl; all ol which are in good cone. .'on. To any person wishing to em baik in tn? business, it is a good locality, and a desirable' place. PIJIsfTIC; 8As!i) OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphank Cour: of Columbia county, on Saturday, j the 151/ i day of January, next, at 10 o'clock 1 in Ihe forenoon, Benjamin Wagner, Admin- I i-trator, fee., ol Reuben Helwig, lute of f.o- i cust towustdp, in said eouirtv, dcceari,l will expose to sale, by Public Vendue, upon \ the premises, u,-certain teneirient and tract J of land situwe in Ihe lowneiiip aforesaid, of Jndeh Ctieringloii on Nelly and Polly Lee on the solid)., and Daniel Lelwiler and others on 'he'north and west, containing 1 SKVENI Y-KOfIR ACRES, more or less. There is on the premises a two-story Frame Dwelling House, a Leg j Barn, a Stable, a Blaek-niuh Shop, an Apple i Orchard and a good Spring of Waier. Lale the estate of said deceased, situate ' in the township of Locust, mid county afore said. JACOB EYERLY, Bloomsburg, Dec. 15, 1858. Clerk. Traverse Jurors, Feb. Term Bloom—Richard Plummer. Bur. Berwick—John ). McHonry. Briercreek—William Erwine. Beaver—Daniel Siugley. Centre —Wesley B Frsns, Geo. Kelchner, jr. Fishingcreek—Jacob Farber, William hlok er, Daniel Muikle. Gieeuwood —Peter Bitlenbender, Sam'l Gil laspie, Calob F. Moore. Hemlock —Reuben Boirtboy, Veniah Reese, Jucob Harris. Locust—John Kline, Jesse John, Peter K. Herbein. Maine—John Harmony, Jacob Brown, Cha. Fisher. Madison—John Fruit, Conrad Kramer, Wm. Sluiliz. Mifflin—John Aten, Christian Lutz. Montour —John G. Quick. George Yost. Mount Pleasant—Daniel Vanderslice. Orange—Eligah G. Ricketls. Pine—Adam Bobb, John Lockard. Sugarloaf—Orin Parks, Benjamin Peterman, Ezra Stephen*. Scott —George John. Bloomsburg, Dec. 29, 1858. §THE GREATEST MEDICAL DBOTCEY OF THE AGE Tlf R. KENNEDY of Roxbiiry bus discover * " e*l hi one of our common pasture weed* a remedy that core* EVKKY Kll\E> OF PIOIOK FROM THE worst scrofula down to a common pimple. lie has tried it in over eleven hundred cae*. and never failed except in two cases, both thunder rumor. H < ha* now in til* possession over one hundred certifi cates of it* value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nurs ing wore month. One to three bottle* will cure ihe worst kind of pimple on the face. Two or three botiie* will clear the sys tem ol bile*. Two b< t;le* nre warranted in cure the wort canker ir: the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure .the worst wind of Erysipelas, One or two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in thp eye*. Two bottles *re warranted to core running of ttie ear* and blotches in 'he hair. Four lo six Unties are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcer*. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the Two or three bo'tle* are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. I wo or three bottle* are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles ire warranted to cure salt Rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst ca-e ol scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from ihe first bottle, and a perfec t cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. KOXBURY MASS. Dear Madam—The reputation of the Med ical discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used i, that 1 need not ay any thing on the subject, as the mobt skilful physician* and the most j careful Druggist in the country are unaui- I mou* in its praise. In presetting the Medical Discovery to your notice, 1 do it with a full knowledge of its curative power, in relieving all, and cur ing most of those diseases io which you are unfortunately so liable. The most excruci ating disease to an hflectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, asil by a miracle; your own tem per is rt-.Swed to its natural sweetness, and your babe iVom short and fretful nops to calm and sweet and the medical discovery become* £ fountain of blessing to your husband and houshoM, lu the advanced stages of C A N K 13 K it extends to the stomach, causing D Y S P E P .S I A, which is nothing but canker on the stomach then to the intestines and ( Kidneys, creating a pinking, gout; leeling, and an in difference even lo the care* of your family. Your slmnach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food iliclresst-s you, ami you can only lake certain kind*, and even of that your ey*iem doe* not get half the nourishment it I contain* as the aenmonous fluid of lire eank | ererttsil up; then your complexion ! its I hhvin and becortiessallow ami greenish ami )onr best itny rsgorie. For want of nourish rrient your system become- 100-e and flabby, and the fibre* of y onr body becomes rehtxj led. Then follows a train of disease which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted j io CURE; Palpitation ol the heart, pain in | Ihe side, weakness ot ihe soir.e and small ol ! the back, pain ol the hip joint when you re tire, irregularity ol the bowels, and also, thai moot excruciating of disease, ihe £" a ZJ I-: *. How many thousand* ot poor women are suffering Irorn thi disease and pining away a miserable hie, ami their nexl rloo'r neigh bor does not know the cause, I wish lo im press on your mirul ihai good <.l.t proverb. "An mi nee ol prevention is better than a ! pound of cure.'* I i ihe I Meiiit'iil Discovery you have both the preventive and Ihe cure, | with this great and good qnaliiv, that it wilt | never under any circumstances, do you any 1 injury. j No change of dielevcr rcccsscry—eat the j be.i you can g-t and enough of it. Directions lor use.---Adult* one table spoon lul per day. Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children Irom five lo eight years, lea spoonful. A* no directions can be upph cable lo all constitmiori*, lake .sufficient to operate on the bowel* twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price 81.00 per bnitle. For sale by J. R. M'-yer, E. P. Lntz. Agents for Btoomsburg. SolJ by all lh Druggists throug-houl ihe country, in general. Jii. 28, -'5 B. MiW ARIIIVIL F FALL & WINTER GOODS, r AVID LO7fEITEBEG INVITES arterilion to his stock ol cheap l'ashinnttle vloihing at hi* storenu Malksi street, !wo doors above the 'Amer ict-n House,' where tie has alullassirr j ment ot rfien still boy's I including'.he most lushionahle Box. sack, Irock, gum and oil cloth coal* ' of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, stripe* anil figure, vests, shirts, era vats, slocks, collars, It a nil kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N.B. lie will also make to order any article ofelolhing al very shonnotice and in the best manner. All hi* clothing is made to wear, and most ol it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOVVENBERG. Btoomsburg, April 1, 1857. NEW MILLIN&RY GOODS. FBIHE undersigned respectfully in- JL forms 'tie ladies ol Blmirnsburg It;!#* ami vicinity, tliut she has removed tier Millinery eslablishrnent a few door* above Wilson'* Cairinge maniifaclory on Main St., Bloomsburg, where she is prepared to exe cute ail orders in the Millinery and Mantum making line, in the most fashionable and la test style. She ha* just received a large and fashionable stock of Fall and Winter Millinery Good*, from the Eastern cities, comnrimng all kind* ol Millirtety DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, Triminga. Silks, &c., to which the attention of the public is invited. She has on hand Misses bonnets, hat* and cap* of various style* and prices. CV A shnre of public custom I* solicited, whilst it will bo Iter aim lo give general satisfaction. Oct. 13,1858. MARY BAKLEY. AN ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew elry, Pertumary soaps, hair oils, &c. Pomades, lo be bad at C. CLAWS Book Store. THE MIGHTY HEALER! WORLD KNOWN AND WORLD TRIED, **■ j HOLLOWY'S OINTMENT The Itee admissions of all nations, as well 1 as the verdict of the leading Hospitals of | ihe Old as well as the New World, aiamp | this powerful remedial Aei.t as ;he greatest ! healing |ire|iaratior. ever made known to | suffering man. lis peneira'ive qnaliiivea aie more than marvelous, through the external i online* ol the *kin, invisible to the naked ' eye. it reaches t tie seal ol I tie internal dis ease ; and in all external affections its anti inflammatory and ,healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and is Natute'a great ally. Erysipelas anil Salt Rheum, are two ol the most common and virulent disorders preva j lent on this continent, to these die Ointment ; tsespeeially antagonistic, its modus operandi I i* liist to eradicate the venom and then coin j plete the core i Jl II) LEGS, OLD SORE?, If ULCERS.' j Cases ol many years standing that have |ieriinurion*ly refused to yield to anv other remedy or iieatrnerit, have invariable accum l ed to a lew applications of this powlul UO - ERUPTIOSS ON THE SKIN, I Ar.iiig Imm h had suite ol ihe blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear | and transparent surface regained by the re j storative action of this Ointment! ft surpass es many of the cosmetics and other toilet appliances ir. its power to dispel rashes and | oilier disfigurements ol the face. PILES AND FISTULA. Every forin and lea'ore of these prevalent j and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally [ and entirely by the use ot Ibis emolient; j warm torneiitaiinns should precede iis appli | cation. Its healing qualities Rill be found So I be thorough and invariable. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used j ill the following cases: I Bunions, Skin disposes, j Burns, Swelled Glandt, : Chapped Hands, Sore Legs, Chilblains, Sore Breasts, I Fistula, Sore Heads, I Onul, Sore Throats, I Lumbago, Sores of all kinds, i Mecutial Eruptions, Sprains, P'l"'. Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Tetter, Ringworm, Ulcers', Salt Rheum, Venereal Sores. SC c'!nTinM Worms of all kinds. C A C I ION ! —None are genuine unless the words "ItoHoway, New York and London," are discernible us a "water-mark in every n ' 'he book of directions around each box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information us may lead to the detec tion of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, know ing thpm to be spurious, *#* Solo at the -Manufactories of Profess, or Holloway, 80 Maiden Lntte, New York and by all resneclable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine tbroughoul the United Stales ' and tne civilized world, in pots at 25 eta. 63 cents, and 81 each. I lu re is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. I N. B— Directions for the guidance of pa tents in every disorder are affixed to each ,lox - [June 9, 1858 amums Np 3 ® JjJ # THR ACKNOWLEDGED fi F -f Cn MA Pi ON!! j:| j 'lb!'- ! THE recent (rials at Read* L Ejiia have endorsed lltecur %££ rem of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 200 acci dental fires, proving conclusively that •'Her ring'*" is the only sale that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Report on the Trial of Iron Sains at Reading: "On Ihe 26\li ol February all the members of the Committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in thetny and were perfectly satisfied that all was right.— I lie day following, the burning took place, under the superintendence of the Committee. Atler a lair and impartial burning for five hours, Ihe Safe of Messrs. Evans & Watson was first opened, tfte Safe being on lire in side, anil the contents partially consumed, while the contents in the Sale of Messra. Parrels & Herring were in good condition, vtid no fire inside," Reading, Match 2, 1857. H. F. FELIX. ) (Signed) P. N. COLEMAN,! Com. A. H. PEACOCK. ) Ami endorsed by over 50 of the best men ol Reading. The above Safes can ha inspected a; 31 Walnut Stree', where Ihe publi" can satisfy themselves of Ihe great superiority of Ite "Herring's Patent Champion," over the de feated and used-up "inside Iron Door Sati mandcr." FARRELS & HERRING, 34 IValllUl SE>JfWad'a. Only makers in litis Slate of I'ateiil Champion Snfes. The attempt made by other parties to bol ster up lite reputation of a Safe which has failed signally in accidental fires in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) by taking one out ol an ugeui's store, [II. A. Lnniz.}- ntadedou bie thickness (diflereni from llin.-e they '-ell) hi ' burn cn" or.e ollle. ring's, (half as thick) lias met With its irimYejJgrd. Herring's Sale could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is Herring's,, ot which ov-r 15.000 are now in aciuel use, and more than 200 have been tried by lire without a single loss. Philadelphia, Jan. IS, 1858— ly. NATIONAL I'OLICE GAZETTE. This great Journal ol Crimes and Crimi .nals, is in its Thirteenth year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It is the first paper of the kind published in ifye Uni ted States, and is distinctive in its character. Subscriptions Two Dollars per annum ; One Dollar (or six months, to be retnilled" by subscription*, (who should write their names ami the town, county and Slate where they reside plainly,) to GEO. MA+SELL & CO., Editors and Proprietors nl N. P Gazelle'. Out. 13, 1858. New York City. TXECITott S ROtll'E, IVTOTICKis hereby given to ull person* the estate nf George \V. Parks, late olScc t township, Columbia county. Jen'eil, havo been granted by the Register of Wills of said county, to Chatles H. Dieierich, resid ing in Centre townshih, in said eo., ami Phoebe Parks, residing in Light Street, in Scott township, of said county, io whom sll accounts must fie presented without delay properly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES H. DIEfEIUCH, PHOEBE PARKS, September 13, 'SB. Executors. I RON STEEL, and. every kind of Hard ®- war# or sale by McKELVY, NEAL & Co,