The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 27, 1858, Image 4

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Best Time for Transplanting.
With every returning Fall ami Spring, the
question arises: Which, on the whole, is
the best season for transplanting? We do
not propose, now, to discurs the question at
length, but merely to state a few general
Befjre planting, the question to be con
sidered first, is the nature of the soil into
which our trees aro to be set. Jf it is wet,
and cannot easily be made dry by draining
and trenching, then in that case, assuredly,
Fall planting is not the best. Trees set in
such soil in Autumn, get hut a slight hold of
the earth before Winter sets in Ihe stag
rant wa er at the roots not only cankers
them, but by alternate freezing and thaw
ing, leaves them out and exposes t! cm to
the air. And when all this does not occur,
the stem of the tree is swayed about ill the
soil earth, making a holo around it for the
descent of air to the roots. When spring
opens, such a tree, if alive, is in a poor con
dition to make a vigorous growth. If trees
must be planted in such soil—which, by
the way, we must question—the best way
-would Lc to wait until Spring, or to dig
t iem up in the Fall, "heel thent in" in some
dry and shelter spot for the Winter, and set
them out as soon as Spring fairly opens.—
But we must say that, considering the many
kinds of diseases to which all li ils of trees
are subject, we would go without trees—
fruit trees, certainly—rather than set them
in a cold wet soil that cannot be reclaimed.
Would it not be better still loselltho uncon
genial land, and buy bptter if draining can
not be effected ?
The same genera! principle would apply
in the case of planting upon an exposed
and bleak site. Trees set out in the Fail, on
such land, would be likely to get lashed
about or blown .over by the winds of Win
ter, before getting established. Set out in
April, the roots would get n pretty flan hold
before A utupnf came around, and would
sustain the tree in its place.
Houriei.b Statistics. — Every novr and
ihen some person, who is anxious 10 create
a sensation, manages to place before the
public whole lows of figures of the most
Warding import. The latest experiment
which we have seen in this line, is to be
found i.i the last number of the J Voter Cure
Journal. The cdilor is constitutionally'op
posed to the medical profession, and only
believes iu tiding people by pouring cold
water down their backs—wrapping wet
cloths around their bodies, and in general,
making them perform the part of a sponge
and suck in immense quantities of fluid.—
This editor says that 5.25 people out of every
hundred in the country (ourtown, of course,
included) are poisoned, and gives the fol
lowing calculations in proof:—3o per cent,
of all the children bom in the United States
are hereditarily diseased, caused, iu a largo
degree by tho drugging and poisoning ol
their parents. 80 per cent, of all the chil
dren born are drugged, poisoned before tliov
are live years old, dimmed by iho doctors.
95 per cent, of iho whole population are
drugged, poisoned by doctors. 40 percent
is, additionally to the drug poisoning by
doctors, poisoned by tobacco 00 per cent,
in addition to these arc poisoned by lei. 45
per cent, in addition to the drugs, tobacco
and tea, poisoned-by cc//re. 90'por cent, in
addition to the drugs, tobacco, tea aigl cof
fee, poisoned by the /roll meats. -<W per
cent, at least poisoned by bad air. 10 per
cent, at least poisoned by patent med cines.
25 per cent, poisoned by alclioliolic drinks
EVIL or A HAD TEMPER —A had temper is
B curse to the possessor, mid its influence is
most deadly wherever it is found. It is al
lied to martyrdom to he obliged to live with
one of a complaining temper. To hear one
eternal round of complaint and murmuring
to have every pleasant thought scared away
by their evil spirit, is a sore trial, ft is hire
tho siiug of a scorpion—a perpetual neitel
destroying your peace, rendering life a bur
den. Its influence is deadly ; nr.d the pur I
est and sweetest atmosphere is contnmim t :d \
into a deadly miasma wherever this evil j
genius prevails. It has been said tru'y, ;
that while wo had not ought to let tho bad
tempered othrrs influence its, it would be
as unreasonable to spread a blister upon tho
ekin, and not expect it to draw, as to think
of a family not suffering because of the bad
temper of any of its inmates. One str'n.;
oat of tunc will destroy the music of an in
strument otherwise perfect; so if all the
members of a church, neighborhood, and
family, do not cultivate a kind and affection-
Ble temper, there will bo discord and very
evil work.
Coor. RAfCAirrv.—ln Cincinnati, a few
days since, Hvo sharpers accosted acouu ry
man, stopping at one of the hotels, and
stating they were detectives, declared tin t
he was suspected of dealing in counterfeit
money. The rualist asserted his entire in
nocence; but they said they would search
him, and took htm into a private room,
when they found SIOB in good money. One
went to consult a detective concerning tie
bank notes, and remained away so long that
his companion also departed in search t f
tho delayer. Of coursa neither returned,
and tho rural and unsophisticated follow
learned too late that he was victimized.
BUSINESS REVIVING. —Since the commence
ment of tho financial crisis, manufacturing
in Taunton itas been at a low ebb, but we
are happy to state that there is now a .pros
pect of revival in business. Fairbanks a'-d
Mason's establishments have obtained con
tracts for largo amounts of work, and the
Whittendon Mills, at which pantnlooncry is
manufactured, and which have been closed
during the past year will again resume op
erations. About one-half the usual number
of workmen arc now employed in the differ
ent manufacturing establishments, but ii is
expected that something ol an approach to
the old force will shortly be called for.—lV.
B. Stand.
L* A Yankee editor says that he liked to
die larfln, too see a drunkin' chap tryin' to
pocket the shadow of a swing sign for a pock
et handkerchief.
The want ol it sterling medicinal to meet
the ills and neoessiies of the suffering por
tion ol Immunity, and one entirely frie Irom
mineral and other deleterious particles, was
I; everely tell till this all powerful medicine
' was ushered into the world ; Hollowsj's In
valuable P Ils have become the household
remedy of all nations. Their attribute is to
prevent as well us to cure ; they attack the
radix or toot of the complaint and thus by
removing the hidden cause of disease rein
vigornle and restore the drooping energies of
the system, assisting nature in Iter tusk of
vital and functionary reformation.
The grpat scourge of the continent yields
quickly to a course of these auiisep'ic Pills,
anil the digestive organs are restored In their
proper tone: no matter in what hideous
shape this hydra of disease, exhibits itself,
his searching and ntemy disperses
it from the paiipni'^HMßn.
From whatever caue, lowness of spirits
and all other sign® of a diseased liver, and
other disorgariiza'ioti of the system, vanish
under the eradicating influence ol this ail
powerful antiseptic ami detergent remedy.
The and right condition
of lite importance to
the health of the human frame, this onii
bilions medicine expel- lite hidden seeds of
the complaint, and renders all the fluids and
secretions purij end fluent, cleansing and
resttsitattng the viral functions cf the body.
Should 10-n no lime in trying a few doses
ol this regulating and renovating remedy,
I whatever may be their complaint, it can be
taken with safely in all periodical and other
disorganizations its effect is all but miracu
The testimony iff Nations is unanimously
born to the health-giving virtues ol hisainble
remedy, and cerlifica'es in every living lan
guage bear witness to the undettiablcncss of
ilietr intrinsic worth.
Ilolliwg's Pills me the Ust rem erf a known in
the world for llic following diseases :
Asthma, Headaches,
Rowel Complaints, Indigestion,
Coughs, blluetiza,
Colds, Inflainatinn,
jCte-t Diseases, luivard Weakness,
' Cnstivpness, Liver Complaints,
! Dyspepsia, Lowliest of Spirits,
Diaril ara, Piles,
| Drojrf.v, Stone ami Gravel,
rOeh lity, Secondary Symptoms
I Fever and Ague, Venereal Affections
Female Cnn i .Mot-. Worrits of till kind-,
CAUTION I—None are ucuuii.entile** the
word- "//o/ii Way, New Yailc and London,"
am I'UrepiiM • as a wvr- mailt in every leal
of iho book of diicclinn* arose. l each pot or
box ; li e same may be plainly nvu tiy
| hi.l.ling the leal io the lit:ln. A handsome
; reward will be given to my one rendering
1 such intormalioii as may lead to the deiec
-1 lion of any party or parlies counterfeiting
lh medicine* or vending ilia same, known
tl.em n> be spin inns.
! Sol. 1 ai the Mfipnfaelnries ol Professor
H' lloway, 80 M .iwn barn. New Yoik, and
j t. V all rospee alila Druggist* slid Dealer* in
I Medicine throughout the United* and
! ihe civilized tvoil.l, in boxes at 25 cenl* 03
cenis and St each.
Therein a considerable saving by taking
the larger size*.
N. 11.— Directions for the guidance ol pa
lieid* in every disorder are nfiixe.l io each
pel. ' June 9, 1858.
rjUIK undersigned, formerly ol New Berry,
Lycoming county, having taken the elo
l*ant new Biick Tavern Stand, lately kepi by
Peter Shug, in Light Street Columbia coun
ty, known as the FKANKLIN HOUSE, would
respectfully inform his InemU ami the put*
lie, that lie is prepared to accommodate, in
excellent order, ail who may 'favor him with
their cnMoin. Tho hou*e fa conitnotliou*
locale.l on Main Street, every part of it i o
inn new and very comfortable, with spaeinn*
M.itblmg, good ice House, and oilier conven
iences, for (tie accomodation of am)
Hi* Table .and Viands will bo kepi in the
best ety le, and his L.qnors of the choice*!
brands. It will be his aim to eater to the
convenience of lite creature cornier** ol Ino
guests. N HUDSON.
Light Street, April 14 h IK&8.
r HE
A beautifi'lfy Illustrated Monthly sh*et,
and "Toper that is a Paper
A budget of Wit, Humor, Facts, nnd
Scenes drawn from file—' Here you are,
right a vay, right away, Broadway, Broad
way, right up?" Only Filly Cent*—jump
iu and take a ride. Once seated in our
''Omnibus," we will endeavor to both amuse
and inrrucl you, and give you., iu the course
of the year, nt least fifty cents worth ol FUN
and useful intormalioii. We will show you
on Brottdu ny, down the old Bowery through
Chatham and the other principal street, giv
ing you ample time to see the Elephant and
yet a good peep at the Peter Funk*, Confi
dence Operator*, &e. &c. We will show
you the city by day light, by gas light, by
moon light, bv caudle light, bv star light,
and will drive the "Omnibus" to some pari*
ol the city where there is no light! We will
endeavor to post you on all the tricks and
traps of the great metropolis, and also
amuse tunny an hour wi'h uneras ing rend
ing matter. "Throw phytic to the dogs." II
\ou have the Bines, the Dyspepsia, Gon;,
llheiifiiaiisrti, or are nnlortnuAlely troubled
with a scolding wife, we will guarantee to
make you forget your troubles, fangli almoM
-against your will, and grow lat. Everybody
stioutd subscribe In the "Omnibus" at once.
The "Broadway Omnibus'' will make its
appearance on the first of each month, filled
w illi hinufeifteiit and instruction for all.—
Price, Fifty Cents a yer in advance- three
copies to one address, One Dollar; thecheHp
fM paper in the Stales ! Who will git us
two subscribers arid receive one copy free?
All communications should be addressed to
Editor "Broadway Omnibus,"
297 Pearl Street, N. Y.
September 20, 1858.
•J. T. £sßlOWi\ Manufacturing Jeweler,
No 26 Mm ulen Lane, offers his stock, con
*i-!ii-g ol general assortment ol Lockets,
Chains, &c., which are offered at the lowest
cash prices. Great inducements to country
cash buyers. Aug 11, 3 rnos.
of proper & desirable forms, fo- sale at the
afio" the "Star ofthe North."
The Greixt Substitute for Tobacco.
It r* A well known ar.d incontroverlabln
fact (tint the use of Tobacco is the promoting
iMtiso of many ol* the most severe Mental
ami Physical Disorders to which llio-race of
man is fcubjeoi. us careful Analysis and long
a-ul painful experience have clearly prove.
that u contain* certain riorcotio and poison
out properties moat dangerous in their eff
orts, which by enterihg into the blood dor
the forrtions ami operations of the
Heart, causing many to aiippose that organ
to be terinutdy diseased.
Tobacco offec<s also the entire nervous
system, manifesting it-elf—as hII who have
ever used the noxious weed will bear testi
mony—in lassitude, Nervous Irritability,
Water Bra-It, Dyspepsia, and many other
li-orders of a similar character.
The taste Re.-tomtive Troche* are design
ed to counteract these baneful influences,
and have proved completely successful in a
multitude ol case*, and whenever used.—
Be in si harmless in themselves they exert a
tone filial effect upon the entire system, 're
storing the Taste which has become vi'iatcd
or destroyed by great indulgence, complete
ly removing I tie irrita ion and n< ootnpunying
tickling sensation of the Throat which are
always consequent upon abstaining Irom the
use of Tobacco, am! by giving a healthy tone
to the stomach, invigorate the whole system.
Persons who arc irnrrievably undermining
their constitutions and shortening their lives,
should u-e the*(- Troches immediately and
throw of the injurious and unpleasant habit
ol Tobacco Chewing.
These Troches or Lozeagers sire put up in
a convenient and portable lonn at the low
price of 50 Cents per Box. A liberal discount
to the Trade.
Prepared and sold by the undersigned to
whom all orders should be addressed.
Corner 2J arid Race streets, Philadelpha.
[March 24, 1858.—1y.
rpHE New York Weekly Pre** is one of
A. it ,* best literaty papers of the ilay.
A large Quarto ront;iini Twenty Pages of
Sixty Columns, ol entertaining rnutter; and
elegantly illustrated every week.
A GIFT worth from .'(I Cents to SIOOO 00
will fie sect to eneti subscriber on receipt ol
ike subscription inor.ey.
One copy lor one year, and I gilt 82 00
Three copies one year, and 3 gifts 5 OH
Five " " " 5 gifts 800
•Te.i " " " 10 gifts 10 00
Tnrrily-nne " " 21 gifts 30 00
The nriicles to l.e distributed are compri
sed in ihe following list; —.
1 U S'lOesTieasury Note 51000 00
2 do. . do. do. fiflO 00 each
5 <lo. do. do. 200 00 "
10 do do. do. 100 00 "
10 P.i Lev lint.i.C. Wlilvhcs ICO 00 "
20 Gold Wutrlit'A 75 00 11
60 do. On 00 "
100 do. 50 oo "
300 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00 "
200 Silver Huiiting G Wa'clies 30 00 "
•600 Silver Waieties 515 00 to 25 00 "
1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob
I Chains 10 00 to 30 00 "
1000 Gold pens & pencils 5 00 to 15 00 "
G-ffd lockets, . bracelets, brooches, ear
drop-, hrcis' pins, cuff pins, sb eve buttons,
rings, shirt, watch keys, gold aril nil
vrr thimbles, and a variety of other articles
wort:. Irom 50 cents to 515 cacti.
On receipt ol the siibsciipiinii money, the
subscriber's name will be entered upon our
bocks op, o-i'e a niilnbor. and the gilt cor
responding '.villi that Dumber will be lor
winded within one week to him, by mail or
express, po-t paid.
There is neither humbug nor lottery about
dto above, as everv subscriber is sure of a
Prize of value. We prefer lo make litis
hberal distribution among them instead of
giving a large commission to A gen Is, giv
ins to the subscriber the amount that
would goto the Agent, and in many ea : e
of a litiiidred-lnld more.
All eouirnillitcntioi. -'imil.l lie in!.!rc*ed
v.IO. no. 10] 211 Cenlre si , New York.
jll'lHU.vS, DO NOT bKSi'Atit.
CURED. tor, while a Mis-iunary
sir,cine die Indians ol llie
Rocky Mountains, discov
ered a RARE PLANT,
that proves to he a certain
CONSUMPTION cure lor Consumption,-
CURED. Rronchi'is, Asthma, Liver
Complaint, Nervous Affec
tions, Co Hi! lis, Colds &c.
flavins now made his lor
tune and retired from bus-
CONSUMI'TION iness, lie wiil send the
CURED. prescriptions and directions
lor preparing llie medicine
Jice of charge in nil who
desire it, and will send
their address, enclosing 2
CONSUM PTION-lamps (fi cent-), IO pay
CURED. the return letter, with a
description ot their symp
toms. l lie old doctor tins
rnred mote than 3000
cases of Consumption
CONSUMPTION alone, and hope- all al-
CURED. Ilu-ted people will avail
themselves of this oppor
tunity, as the doctor wish
es io do all.the good he
can before lie dies.
no. 18—41. Box 3331 P. O New York.
OR. 77iT 1 7v ¥R \V~K LL~
A Medical Essay oa a new, certain and radical
care vf Spermatoriliaa, Ifc., wilhaat -the use
of internal medicines, cnul ertsal ton, or any
mtclinutcal (.pphaacee.
Jnsi puhlishe (he 6;li edition, in a sea'od
envelope, gra'i- and msiled io mil address,
post-paid, on rec -ipi ot iwos'arnpt.
Ini- little w-i-ik, emanating Irom a eele.
hr.itcd member of the medieal profession,
gives the most important itdurmutinn ever
pnbli-hed to all persons euleriainiiig doubts
of their physical condition, or who
me conscious ot having hiizarded llieir hcaldi
and-happiness—containing die particulars ol
an entirely new and perfect remedy for sper
malnrrlima or -emrial weakness, debility,
nervoiisiie-s, depression ol spirits, loss of
energy, lassitude, liniidily, involuntary sem
inal discharges, impaired stghl anil memory,
blotches unit pimples on the byre, piles, in
digestion, palpitation ol llie heart, and bodi
ly prostration of die whole system, inducing
I mpotency and mental and physical irieapac
ity,—by means ol which every one may
cure himself privately, nud at a' trilling ex
Address Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, Ist Ave
nue, cor. 19ih street, New York ; Post Box,
No. 458(1. fSept. 22, 1858.
I AIIGK lot ot No. 1, 2, Ai 3 JVlaekrel, also,
" While Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just
received and for sale by
May 87, '57. A. C. MENSCH.
fSVakes pleasure in announcing lo the nub
lie Ileal IIP still occupies this I rgo and
commodion* Hotel, in BLOOMSBURG, PA .
amt is yet, as ever, prepared lo accomodate
his guests. The traveling public, may de
pend on all Comtnris al home, as his house
is er.tiiely lurnished and kepi in order.
Will be supplied vviHi iho hes| produrts ihe
markets afford, and HIS BAR is furnished
with Ihe choicest liquors. The proprietor ha
in connection with his hotel fitted opt in the
ba>emcnl an
where he can supply everything in the way
of KATABLES. Fresh Oysters, Sardines.
Tripe, Beef Sieak, Fish, See., &e., will be
kept on hand for ihe accommodation of Iris
guests and Ihe public in general.
He also has in connection with his liolol
an excellent Omnibus Line, running regular
ly several times per day lo and from the
Depots on the arrival of the Cars, by which
passengers will be pleasanily conveyed to
the Depot Station*, or taken from, or con
veyed to their residences, if desired.
FV He will always he happy to entertain
and accommodate Ills friends lo ihe utmost ol
his. ability.
Bloom-burg, Jan. 20, 1858.
Tiinvarc & Elovc Establishment.
r jMI B UNI)KRiSI(N BD reppcctfuly in*
* form? his old fiionil* and iuMoiiicrs,ihut
he has purchnßd hi#brothci'n interest in (ho
ih establishment, nd ihe concern will here
after b conduct eTT Ityrti lintel I exclusively. He
has juKt received and olleis fur sale the
largest and most cxtenhivo assortment
ment *f FANCY BTOV B8 ever intro
due J into this market.
Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand
and manufactured toorder. All kinds of re
pairing done, as usual, on short notice,
'The patronage of old friencs and new cut
turners is respectfully solicited.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf.
'S'IIE undersianed would in this way call
* the altention of the public to the Root
Store at the'old stand, next tloor lo the ' Ex
cliHiigo Hotel,"' where at ail limes can be
found a good assortment of books, including
Bibles, Hymn Rooks, Prayer Books,
Histories, Books of l'oetry, Novels, and
School Books ; also all kinds of stationary of
the best quality.
A considern 1 U deduction made upon the
price ol School Books and Stationary to those
who by to sell again.
Just received, a good assortment of WALL
PAPER, which I would ask all to call and
examine belore purhnsingel-ewhere.
Successor to Jesse G. Clark.
Hloomsbiug, May 25, 1857. 1 jr.
A systematic course of instruction is given ,
In all the English branches usually tuugld. I
The Principal will be assisted during the
present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi
enced teacher, recently Irotn the Lancaster
Co. Normal School.
A vacation ol seven weeks will commence
July Ist.
TUITION, for day pupils 53.50, to 54.50 per
Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &0.,
530 per q r.irier'of eleven' weeks one-hull in
For circular, catalogue or orlher particu
lars address
Mill villa, April 1, 1857. Pi intipal.
liiifgie E>9o<iiii*Li.a'£
THE subscriber having erected a large new
brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place
of the rid one, is prepared lo make all kinds
Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe ■
lias icmoved his Tin Shop front Main
Street to ihe Foundry Lot, where lie has
erected a building altogether for Stoves and
I'iit! Conking Sloves cnnsi-t ol the \VM.
All kinds l Sir utiog made 10 order.
I>loombur2, A|,ri 1 16, 1857.
'BtOall persons ofilioed with Saxual Dis
® eases, such as Spermoratrhccn, Seminal
Weakness, Impotence, Oonortcrha, Gleet, Syph
ilis. die vit-e of Omnnism, fyc,lfc.
The "Howard Association, inviewofihe
awiul destruction ol human life, caused by
Sexual diseases, anil the deceplions practised
upon ihe linrorlunaie viclims of suoli diseases
by Quacks, have direoled iheir Consulting
burgeon, assa churitalle act worihy of iheir
name, to give Medical advice gratis, lo all per
sons iluis afflicted, who may apply by leper,
wilh a description ol (heir condition, (age,
occupation, habits of life, &e.,) and MI cases
of extreme poverty vnd goffering, to furnish
medicines free of charge.
Ihe Howard Association is a benevolent
Inslitnlion,established by special endowment,
lor the retiefol ihcTick and distressed, af
flicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Dis
eases." It has now a surplus ol means,
which the Directors have voted to expend in
advertising the above notice. It is needless
to add that '.he Association commands the
highest Medical skill of the ago, and will fur
nish the most approved modem treatment.
Just published, by the Association, a lie
port on Spi'rmatnrrhrDa,or be mi mil Weakness,
the vice of Omanism, Masinrbahon or Sell
Abuse, and oilier diseases of Ihe Sexual Or
gans, by tlie Consulting Surgeon, which will
be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope), t'ree
of Charge, on lli receipt of two stumps for
Address, Dr. GEO. R CALHOUN, Con
suiting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2
South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. liy
tinier ol the Director*.
GEO. KAIKCHILI). Secretary.
Phi'a.lelphia, Sept. '2i, 1857.
Estate of Abraham IP. Kline, tife'd.
jVOTIUE is h-fet-j given to ail peistms in
■hs lerested, ihat letters of administration on ,
Ihe estate of Abraham VV. Kline, late ol
Orange township, Columbia county, dec'-1.,
have been granted by the Register of Wills
of said Comity, to Catharine Kline, residing
in said township ol Orange, to whom ah
accounts most be presented, properly au
thenticated lor settlement.
Orange, June 16, 1858. Administratrix.
IVATS AND CAPS on. hand and for sale ai
■""®- the Arcade by
May 27, 57. A. C. MENSCH.
¥A/OOD & COAL for sale at the Arcade by
Bloomsbnrti. Jla
/"M.OTHING STORE, on Main street, two
donrsnbove the 'American House."
—Store on the tipper part
* of Main street, nearly opposite the
Episcopal Church.
L ~* AND CABINET WARE —Wn rent tint
in Shive's Block, on Main Street.
A Shop on South side of Main street, be- I
jOw Market.
ingsonthe alley between
and "American House."
r • 'AILQR —•Shop on the South Side of Main,
Street, first square below Market.
A. f. fllENSCffljli
\ JERCHANT.—Store in the Atcade huild
ing, nc-.arllie Po-t Office, nti Mail St.
RIB AM 1, UoR El!,
tUrOEOY DENTIST.—Office near the
Carriage shop, Mam Street.
iU'KELVV7 KRAL & ( 0.,
J\ f EIICII ANTS.—Northeast corner of Main
-f-'-L and Market streets.
I's-.Vi tTOrmririri Tryy yja
Cabinet Ware Rooms,
s. c.- sdhve
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of
ol the Public lo" his extensive assort
ment ol Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which
lie will warrant made of good materials and
ill a workmanlike manner. At his Establish
ment/can always be found a good assort
ment ol
Fashionable Furnituc.
Which is equal in style and finish to that of
Philadelphia or New York cities, arid at as
low prices. He has Sofas of different style
and prices, from 525 io SfiO. Divans, Loun
ges, Walnut and Mahogany t Parlor chairs,
Racking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing
and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and
pier tallies, detaslius, chefii niers, whatnots
and comndes and all kimts of fashionable
work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and
common yvaslistands, dress-tables, corner
clipboards, sofas, dining and bieakfast ta
bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common
chairs, is ihe largest in this section of the
country. He will also keep a good assort
ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and
common frames. He will also furnish spring
matlrasses filled lo any sized bedstead,which
are superior for durability and comfort to
any bed in use.
Blnornsburg, April Gilt 1854. if.
H. a.,
*?*"•1[? ESI'ECTF. I.f.Y oilers his
(ff'rc£.. ' professional services to
' ' l!io Ladies ami Gentlemen of
Blooinsbiirg and vicinity . lie is prepared lo
alicnd lo nil ill'.' various operations in Den
listry, is provided with llio latest im
provi'il PORCELAIN TKKTII, which will
be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to loon as
well as natural.
A superior article of Tooth Powders, al
ways on hand. A! operations on the teeth
rC/'Otlice. 3d building above Wilson's Car
tinge Manufactory—Main St., West side.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1850.
Cr'i Sijj*)~i: f yrfrre"? .
I jj'HK undersigned having; nst received the
latest Parts and New York Fashions
v.0u1.1 again beg leave to inform his unmet
ous friends ami all the world about lllnoms
bnrg.ihat he is now belter prepared than ov
er to accommodate any one w(h tin- neatest
easiest and best titling suits ofclothes (hat
have been turned out lately; and not only
that, but he will also do them up in the best
order, upon the lowest terms.
His shop is at the old stand, (too wel
known o need luitheruotiee) where ho maj
at all times be found, seated upon the bench
of repentance,steadily drawing out Ihelhrcnti
of alllietion.hopeiiig il may in the end prove
advantageous to him ami his customers, lie
would also advise his fiends to bear in mitt A
that poor, alllicled tailors must live, or they !
can't he expectedlo work. Therefore Wheat,
live. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with nil now
and then a little CASH willcome mighty
handy from those who are hack-standing on
I the books.
Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases
"the laborer is worthy of his hire."
Bloomsburg, Jan. 13th, 1858.
jav TO TUC irrnrrrn
AbNE small box of Pills cures ninety-tuna
cases out ol a hundred. No Balsam, no
Mercury, no odet on the breath, no tear of
detection. Two small pills n ilo-e ; tasteless
anil harmless as water. Full directions are
given, so that the paiienl can cure himself
a certain as with the advice of the most ex
perienced surgeon, and inuch belter limit
with the advice of one of little experience
in ibis class of disease. .
Sent by mail to any part of the Country
by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G Walton,
No. 154 North Seventh St.. below Race,
Philadelphia, A liberal discount to llie trade.
None genuine without the written signature
ol D C. Walton, Proprietor
Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak
ness, &c., is entirely different from Hie usual
course. Dr W. has cured hundreds who
have tried others wi.hout benefit. The
treatment is us certain to cure a- the mi: is
to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr.
W. as above, giveug a lull history of your
case, and you will biers the da) you inioie
the elloM to secure what iseeriaio A RAD
ICALCURE. [Jan. 27. 1858-ly. ,
TWO Hil M-nb'-r Hinifiii thsit he will i
carry on the COOPKHING BUSINESS ai hi* (
brewery in llopkinfivilh*. wher* tic* will make
and everything in that line ol business. He
will also repair work of all kinds, uod will do '
it skililully and al fair prices.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. '
f ARGE assortment of Iron, Steel and Nails 4
■*-" for sale at the Arcade by
May 12, "58. A. C. MENSCH.
I'liil'a I>lnmifaclured
Report of Ihe Committee appointed to
superintend the burning of the Iron
Safes at Heading, Feb. "27th, 1857.
READING, March 4th.
The undersigned, members o( the Commit
-1 tee, do respectfully report, that we saw* the
two Safes originally agreed upon by Parrels
& Herring and Evans fi Watson, placed side
by side in a litriittce, viz: The Sale in use bv
■ the Pay master ol lite Philadelphia ahd'Rend
■ ina 'Railroad Company, in Itis office at Head
ing. jiiatinlactnrcii by Farrcls & Herring, ami
the Safe, in use by 11. A. Lantz, in his store,
manufactured by Evan & Watson, and put
. in books and papers precisely alike.
s . Tita fire was started ajftfLYclock, A. M ,
and kept up Until hickoty,
two COrds dry oak lop wo-ul
were entirely consumed, fIR whole under
it iili b AMiI' n "'" < ' e "c | ' subscribers, rnrm
b#?s ot itic Committer v Tlie Safes were then
|l [cooled of! with water, Slfrr which they wete
™ "opened, agil the books and, papers'laken out
by the Committee and sent <gt H. A.T/aritt's
store for public examination, al pr they were
first examined anil marked by the Commit
tec. The books arid papers taken from the
Safe rr. att it fuel h red by Evars & Watson were
e but slightly a flee lei! by lie intense beat,
while those taken Irnm the Safe manufac
tured by parrels & Herring were, in our judg
meld, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more
n than those taken from Evans & Watson's
, Having been absent during the burning,
'} we fujly coincide with Ihe above statement
of the condition of the papers and books tak
en out of the respective Safes.
G. a. Nicorxs,
I. Tlte following named gentlemen have
I, purchased our Salamander Sales, 88 in nttm
,( ber, from our Agent, H. A. Lantz, in Read
ing, Pennsylvania, since the trial by fire,
l_ meiiiioned above, up to June Ist. 1858.
G. A. Nicolls, i Solomon Ilhouds, 1
I!. H. Company, 2 W. B. Yerger, 1
, H. A. Lantz; 2 Geo. K. l.evntt, 1
Kirk & Heisler, 1 Samuel Fusing, 1
b W. Rltnads & Son, 1 J.M &G.W.Hantscli,l
e I 11. W. Missimer, 1 Jamps Jameson, 1
] Dr. Writ. Moore, I J. B. &A. If. Warmer 1
'> I Levi J. Smith, 1 Jacob Sclimucker, 1
( ' j Higlt 8t Craig, 1 Writ. King, 1
If i Win. Krick, 1 V. B. Sliolletiberger, I
d j Kaufman & Battm, I leopnld Htrsh, 2
* ' Win. Me Fail in, 1 Ezra Miller, 1
e | Geo. J Eckert, I W.CiiP.M.Ermen
d | Isaac Ruth, 1 Ironi, 1
r Billmeytr, Folmer Win. Douahower, I
&Co. I Balliet & Co., I
it |S. IJ. flollenbaeh, 1 W. P. Dickson, 1
cjß. P. Hunter & Co. 1 Waltz & Roedel, 1
- | Peter Spang, 1 Win. B. Hurl/el, 1
il 1 Ephriam Phillips, 1 Sariiuel Olinger, J
g J Amos Dick, 1 A. Taylor & Sons, 1
It i Joseph Hityetr, l MA. Sellers, 1
0 , Frymire & Bio., 1 Heck man &. Fisher, 1
|P. McAdilam, 1 I N. Kll Inter, 1
I John Svvorrz, 1 J. R. Reildig, 1
!A. W. I'otteiger, 1 P. K Miller, 1
! John A. Sheet/, 1 KW. Earl, I
Collins L'ee &Co , 1 Nicholas Dick, t
East Pentt'a. U. R. 1 Douglas & Connard 1
Henry Fry, 1 Ezra High. 1
Jacob K. Kilter, 1 Lebanon Val'y R. K3
„ Alio,, Hechtol, 1 D. L. Billing, I
, Geo. M. Lnnman 1 C. Ureniser, 1
f j Boss 8; Soangler, 1 J. Z. Grieseiner, 1
3 ; Harvey, Birch &Co 1 lleisb-r Climer, I
.IF. S Hunter, 1 J. B. Roll erincl, 1
. j F. S. Hunter & Bro. 9 I). K Eogle, 1
j June 23, 1858.
' A r.-traS from 12s- .TtsEaacs SI.
I INFIRMARY —My connection for the past
e gin years with the above Institution, us
Ctnct Physician, and a twelve years' course
| of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary
j Consumption and its kindred disease, togeth
er with nty unrivalled opportunities and ad
! vantages id pathological resea-ches—aided
j lint a little by a petlecl system of Mebicnl In-
I halation —ha- enabled me to arrive at u de
cisive, direct, and successful course of treat
ment for the positive anil radical cure of pII
diseases of Hie Throat, Lungs, ami Air-Pas
sagei. By Inhalation, ihe vapor and curative
propertlus u| modicums are di-ectly address
! Ed to ihe diseased organs and the integument.
I Ido not oitvise the use ol medical Inhalation
ol tiny kind, to the exclusion of general heat-
I meat ; and although I consider it a useful ad
juvant in the proper management of those
learfnl and'often latal di-eases, yn I deem it ;
very necessary that each pa'ient should have i
t the benefit of both general and local treat* I
i meat. The success of my treatment in Ihe ;
above diseases, and in t!ie high cbaiactor of
the Insiiiutioti over which I have so long had
the honor to preside, are too well known to
need any eulogy oi comment from trie. At
the solicitation of many private and p;ofes
sioial friends, through whose philanthropic •
aid the above charity lias been long and lib- 1
erally supported, unit ufler duo consideration, j
I have concluded lo make such arrangements |
ae will bring the beuefits of my experience
and treatment within the reach of all, and not I
confine myself, as heretofore, to those only
who entered Ihe Infirmary, or who were able
lo visit mo at my office. Hoping therefore
that the arrangement will give entire sttlislac
lion, both to my professional brciheiu and
the public, I would respectfully announce in
cooetri-h n tha* lean De consulted personally or
by letter, on all di-ea.-ca as above, and thai the
multeities, tin* same as used in lite Institution
btepared to suit each individual case. In
hating vaptirs, Medical Inhnlcs, &c. &c. will be
forwarded by express to tiny part ol the Uni
ted States or Cauutliis. TERMS— My terms ol
trcalioeiil by letter are as follows, viz.: §l2
per inonili for each patient, which will include
medicine snllluieiil for one month's use; al
so, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparat
us. Payment* a- follows: §6 lo paid lo Ex
press Agent ntt receipl oi ilia box of Medi
cine, and the balance §6 at the expiration of
the month, if the patient iacored or is entire
ly sati-fied with ihe treatment. Patients, by
giving a lull history of their case, and their
symptoms in full, can be treated as well by
letter as by personal examination. Patients
availing themselves of Dr. Jarrell's treat
ment may rely upon immediate and perma
nent relief, as he seldom Jtas lo treat a case
over thirty ultye. Letters of advice promptly
answered. For fuiher panticnlars address.
No 8'2l) Broadway, oor. Twelfth St. N. Y.
P- S.—Hiywciart* and others visiting the
ct:y are reswecllttlly invited lo call at Ihe In
*v/4'e '"""J interesting casca can !
be rfiariesflp, und where our approvedoppar- '
ratus tor tlio inhalation of medicated vapor *
can beseen and inspected. < •
July 28, 1858. J
* LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re
ceived and for sa| by
IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard
ware or sale by
and Wool Carpet for sale cheap
at the Arcade by
Miss Sontltuorib, Col. f!. W. Crocket.
Charlps Border, T Dun Jvc i,MD.
Henry Clapp, Jon., George Arnold,
Samuel Young, . Mis Anna Whelprey,
Mrs. Virjjina Vangham Mrs. I)i. Vernon,
Miss Han in Clare, Fnily Johnson.
<-<rp ( MD*:j\ fi'isiK*:.
coLniiv t'Esgxr.
ILLU3 T It A T H D .
io HECKEr & CO.
The New Voik Weekly (>oMen Prize is
or e cf ilie larireM and l*st Literary papers
of lle day, an Imperial Quano, rontaiising
High/ or forty column** of the rno-t
iniererting aid faciiuttiiig read in < mat er,
from die pens of die very writers ol me
Elegantly Illustrated r.v. ry d eck-.
Worth from f>o cent* lo §509 Of).
\\ ill be given 10 each subscriber iinmeibl*.
aicly I'll the receipt of ihe so )*crihtion mon-
It y. Tins is prescn eil as rnenieiito of friend
ship, anil noi as an indueetnei 10 ollaiu sub
One copy fur nne year §2 Co ami 1 Piesent.
I One copy lor two years 3 511 and 2 "
I One copy for 3 years. SCO and 3 "
One copy lor 5 years, 800 5 "
Thrpo copies I yeaf<, 5 Off and 3 "
Five copies one ypar, 8 00 and 3 "
Ten copies one year, 15 00 and 10 •'
'Twenty one copies I yr. 30 00 and 21 •'
The articles lobe given away are compris
ed in the follow in" list:
2 packages ol gold containing §SOO 00 each
5 " " 200 00 '
10 " " " ICO 00 •'
10 Pi. Lr. Hun. cased watches 2(io 00 "
20 Gold watches, 73 oo "
50 do do CO 00 *<
100 do do 50 00 •'
j 300 Ladies' gold Watches, 35 00 "
j 200 Silver Hunting cased watches 30 00 "
j 500 Stive! Watches, §lO to 25 00 "
j 1000 Gold Guard, Veal and Fob
Chains, from - - §lO lo 30 00 "
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Ear Drops, f least
■ Pitis, cull puts, Sleeve bullous, King*, Shir
j H 1 nils, Watch Kej s, Gold and Silver limtdss,
| and a variety of oilier articles worth from
I 50 cts. lo SIS ear h.
| We will present lo cverv person sending
| us fifty subscribers, at §2 each a gold watch
l worth forty dollars; lo any one sending us
otto hundred subscribers ut £2 each, a Gold
Watch worth §9O. Every subscriber will re>
; ceive a present.
; Immediately n n receipt of the money, die
[ subscribers name will be en'ereil upon cut
| book, by mail or express post | aid.
i All communications should be addressed,
j to DEAN & SLATER Prop'rs. W
335 Broadway, tN'eiv Yoik.
JI At 439 Chestnut St., I'iiii.adelitiia.
The Original Gift Hooi Store.
j A'. 0. EVANS would inform Irieiidsnnd
j j 1 lie public, (hat lie ha* removed Ins Smr
J j Gill Book Store and Publishing House, io the
j I splendid sioie in Brown's Iron Building. 431
j j Chestnut street, two doors below Filth,
j | where the purchaser of eaeii book will re-
J I ceive one of the following gifts, valued at
[ j Irotn 25 cents to ¥IOO, couviving of UolJ
| j Welches, Jewelry, &c.
I i If'oi th each
I j 550 pat. English lev. gold wa ches SiCO
I 550 pnteiil anfbor do 'do 50
I ; 410 ladies gold watches, 18!:ca-e* 85
I j 600 silver lever watches, warrju ed 15
I j 500 patlot time pieces 10
i 600 cameo sets.ear drops and pins 10
| 600 ladies gold bracelets sto 12
. j 6(10 gen's vesi chains 10
i iODO gold locket* (large double case) 3
, ' 3000 ilo (.-mall size) 3
i j 1000 gold pencil cases, with yolrl pens 3
il j 1000 extra gold pen*, case* fc holders 10 50
s i 3500 yolrl pen* with silver pencil-, 250
. 3500 l.i lies gold pens, with cases 150
y. i 6500. gold rings, (ladies') 1
2000 gents' gold rings 2 75
. j 2500 ladies' gold hrua-tp'na 250
| | 3500 missus'gold breasipins ] 50
. 3000 pcckei knives 75
. ! 2000 sets gents' gohTbosom studs 2 50
. | 2000 do do ileeve bullous 3
| | 2000 paits ladies' ear drops 3
I 8000 1 ulics'peail card ea-es 6
. | 2-)000 ladies' crimen. j--t or mosaic pin* 5
. I 3500 ladies'cntneo shaw l Sr.ribbon pins 350
. 1 2000 Eetridye's Balm ol 1000 Flowers 50
i I Evans' new Catalogue contains nil the
• most popular book* of the day, ami tl.n *
■ j newest qnblicalions, all of which will be
! j sold as low as can tie obtained at other stores.
' j A complete catalogue of books sent tree, by
® t application through the mail, by addressing
' i G. (J. Evans, 430 Chestnut street, I'tiiladel-
J j P'-
j | Agent* wanted in etery town in the Uni-
Slates. Those desiring so to act can übluiu
' particulars by addressing a* above.
1 N. B.—ln consequence of the mony crisis
■ and numerous failures tlm subscriber ha*
• j been enabled to purchase from assignee* an
i immense slock of book* embracing every
' I r apartment of literature, at prices which will
1 J enable him to give ¥SOO worth of the above
1 | gifts on every SIOOO worth of bonks sold.
An extra book, with a gin, will be sent lt
each person ordering Ten books to bo sent
to one address, by Express.
** # Send for a Catalogue. [apr 28 'SB.
4 I' bis old stand on the upper end of Main
Street which be will sell cheaper than
the cheapest. It consists in part of Silk* nl
paceas, lustres, barages, de lainee, ducal
cloths, poplins, brilliants, challie*, do buys-,
lawns, skirling, bench and scotch ginghams
prints, gloves, hosiery,collars, hand'' erchieß
&c. Shawls and Maudlin* ol every sly Ic anil
Cloths cassimeres, vesting*, flannels, mus
lins, tickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, cot
tonades, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills,
marseilles quilts, colored and white carpel
chain, parasols, umbrella*, a largo anil splen
did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ANL)
Teas, Coffee, Silga r, Molasses
Rit', Spice, &c. Also, Hardware, Queens
ware, Crockery and Cedar ware.
Having selected my entire Mock with the
greatest care and al the lowest cash prices, I
can assure my friends and the public gener
ally, I hot I will da all in my power to tnuke
| establishment known as the "Head quarters
for bargainsV . Those who wish to purchase
will find it to their advantage to call and ex
amine my stock before purchasing.
I will pay the market price for
Dried Fruit, und country produce in general.
Blootnabur?, Jan. 13, 1858.
Goods at the Arcade by
May 27, >.<7. A. C. MENSCH.