The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 13, 1858, Image 1

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    W H, J.U'OBY, Proprietor.]
To Teachers and Directors,
A PI'LICANTS for Schools in the town
ships of Bloom and Rlonlour, may meet
me at the Academy in Bloomsbursr. on Sat
urday the 23d ol Oo ober, inst., at lOo'c-lock
a. m ; and tboso of Madison and Groan,
wood, may meal tno at the Seminary in
Millville, on the 30th inst, at 10 o'clock,
. in., to undergo examination. School Di
rectors are solicited to attend.
Notice lot the other districts, trill appear
fiext week. VVM. BURGESS,
October 6, 1858. Co. Siipt.
Auditor's l\oticc-
Estate cj IViUittm H'orkheiser, deed
The creditors and all persons interested
will take notice, that the ontler.iuned an
pointed Auditor, by lite Orphans Court of
Columbia county, to settle ami adjust the
rales and proportions ol the assets of lite
estate of the decedent in the bauds of lilt
Uogard, Administrator of William Work
lieiser, deceased, to and among the several
creditors according to latv, will attend at his
office, in Blonmsburg, in said county, on
Monday the 15th day ol November, A. P.,
1858. for the purpos, of performing the du
ties of bis appointment, when and where
nil persons interested con attend if they think
proper. ISOKBUT F. CI.A UK,
Bloom-burg, Oct fi 1858.—1t. Auditor.
Auditor'* Notice-
Estate of Harmon HI Johnson, deed.
THE creditors and all persons interested,
wi'l take notice, that the undersigned ap
pointed Auditor by the Orphans Court ol
Columbia county, to settle and adjust the
rates and proportions of the assets of the
estate o( the deeerfent in the hands of Joseph
It. Bobbins, Administrator ol Harmon M.
Johnson, dee'd, to and among the several
creditors according to law, will attend at his
office, ill Bloomspnrg, in said county, on
■Monday, the 15th day of November, A. P.,
1858, for the putpose of performing the du
ties of his appointment, when and where
you may attend if yon think proper.
110 BERT F. CLARK, Auditor.
Bloom'bttrg, Oct. 6, 1858 -It.
A<luiiiii*ti'utoi''* Notice.
TVjOl'lCKis fterebyjgiven tnai letters of
-*■ * Adminislraiion ttpon lite estate ol Catha
rine Boycr, late ol Locust township, Colum
bia county, deceased, have been granted by
the Register n| W ill of said county, unto
Daniel Bayer, redding in said towtudiipmf
Locus'. All persons indebted to the estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having arty claims against the
same, will preseni them for settlement to the
administrator. DANIEL BOYER,
Locust, Sept. 29, JSSB Adm'r.
Arimiiiislrotor'* Notice.
■YA/HEREAS, letters ot Administration to
* * the estate ol Henry Melz, late of Lo
cust township, in the county ol Coliiinjtia,
deceased, have been granted to the subscri
ber residing at Esther Furnace, in said town
ship of Locu-t. All persons indebted to the
t are requested to make immediate
payment, and those Itavir.g claims gaint
the same, wilt present litem, duly atit'enti-
Paled for settlement. I'EI F.R KLINE,
Esther Furnace, Sept. 29, 1858. Adm'r.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
terested that letters of administration on the
estate ol John Remley, late of Orange town
ship, Columbia coonly, deceased, have been
granted bv the Register of Wills of said co ,
to Henry IC. Remley, residing in Orange tp.,
said county, to whom all accounts rriu-t te
presented properly Authenticated lor settle
Orange, Sept. 22, '6B. Admr.
f IMIE next Quarter at litis institution, ufii
JL commence on the 16th ol August, and
ferminale on the 29th ol October. The at
tention of Teachers is particularly directed
>o the advantages of a course uf Norma! in
struction during this quarter. Some have
•Already engaged, and all others who desire
to join the Class, should make early appli
cation to the Principal. All who atieml
should make arrangements to commence
with the quarter, or I hey will sustain a pos
itive loss.
TERMS:—About S3O per quarter, for all
expenses. Catalogues w ill be sent to all
who apply for them.
\YM. BURGF.SS, Principal.
T. M. POTTS , Preceptor.
Millville, July 7, 1858.
THUMB.—Three Dol'ars per nnii'im, or
Twenty five cents a number. Upon the re
ceipt of the subscription price. Ihe publisher
will mail the "ATLANTIC" lo any pari of
Ihe United Slates, pre-paid, Subscriptions
may begin willt any number.
CI.UBS—For Ten Dollars lite publisher
will send five copies of the "Atlantic" for
one year, ibe subscribers to pay their own
Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters
will receive the periodical for two dollars a
a year.
Booksellers and Newsmen will obtain the
terms by the hundred, etc., upon appltcal'on
to the publishers.
13 Winter street, Boston.
Henry Rosenstock, of Philadelphia, res
pectfully informs the citizens ol.Bioomsburg
end vicinity, that he has opened in connec
tion with his Barber Saloon, a
r - -irr the itioms lately occupied by C. Stahl. as
e book bindery, and is prepared to take pic
tures, which w ill surpass anything ol the
kind ever seen in this place.
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, now is
the time to procure one o| those imperisha
ble Ambrotypes, and thus secure the features
of beloved friends. Life is uncertain; but
Ambrotypes ars lasting.
All are invited to call and' examine speci
mens. "[Oct. G, 1858.
No. 405 Commerce IStreet, J'hilnd'a.
Cash buyers will find it for their interest to
call. Jan. 7, 1858—ly
N. HUDSON, Proprietor.
CIHARGES moderate, and accommoda-
J lions satisfactory. apr14,'58.-tf.
S'JPABJ ®a 8008
\VM. n. JAL'OBY,
Office on Main St., Ird Square below Market,
TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum if paid
within six months from the time of subscrib
ing: two dollars and fitly cts. if not paid with
in the year. No subscription taken lor a less
period than six months; no discontinuance
permitted until all arrearages aro paid, un
less at the option of the editor.
'J 'lie terms of advertising will he os follows :
One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00
Every subsequent insertion, 25
One square, three months, 3 00
One year, 8 no
(Original JJoctrji.
The sun lias set, the night birds sing,
The dew is on the grass,
1 hear the rush of the swallow's wing
As he hurries quickly past.
The cricket is chirping on the hearth,
The katy-did on the tree,
And the Irogs in the little pond hard by
Are croaking merrily.
Tho slars like lamps in the arch above,
Are hung in bright array,
And why should man be sad, and sigh—
When all nature is so gay ?
When God from out his bounteous store.
With plenty doth lis bless,
Unsatisfied, we sigh for more
When justice cries—give less!
Arise, my soul, with grateful lays,
And songs of joy and love,
(Let not dumb brutes excel in praise,)
To God, who reigns above.
Let not the blessings lavished now,
On thy unworthy head,
Be as bright flowers planted o'er
The dwellings of the dead.
Sunday is suited for various uses of gen
eral culture, improvement and happiness.—
Its ways and means for this end change, ad
vance, and multiply with the progress of so
ciety. The history of Sunday in Christen
dom, if written out for the sake of illnstrat
ing these uses of its would be eminently in
structive and delightful. The observance of
our Sunday brings before us a company ol
men, women and children in a secluded'
place, listening to the reading of the evan
gelic narrative, and singing hymns, and
praying to God. Were not tiie homes to
which they returned happier for those exer
cises? In Ihe semi-barbarous states of so
ciety, through which the Christian leaven
was working its slow change, we may trace
the softening, ameliorating influences of
Sunday. Allow that superstition mingled
with at, that there was no more chaff than
Wheal. still this v.Xts bo'tor'.lr.u irate ImA
it all superstition and all chaff. Through
the Middle Ages there were occasions which
the Church could influence, though it could
not control them, and a period of periods
were appointed during which all strife and
fighting were made to cease. Those quiet
intervals in an agitated anil warring society
bore the noble title of "The Truce of God "
Many had cause to bless them. They have
grown to a longer and more general truce
In the mountain regions of Christendom, in
some of its fairest valleys, in some of its
happiest hamlets, as well as in some of its
most crowded cities, Sunday has been a chief
element in civilzation and all humane
The California Congressional Election.
In order that no one may be misled in re
gard to the vote lately given in California
for McKibben and Stewart for Congress,
which has been paraded in the Press, we
state that the election, so far as they were
concerned, was illegal, the Legislature hav
ing, by an act at its last session, changed
the time Irom what it had been, and post
poned it until a later day. That that body
had a legal and constitutional right to make
the change there can lie no question ; and
that the regular Democracy took this view
of the case, is apparent from the fact that
they made no nominations and run no can
didates for Congress. Had they done so, J
there is no doubt that their nominees would
have received a large majority of the popu
lar vote, as did their candidates for Judge
and Comptroller. Being law-abiding and
law-sustaining citizens, they choose to post
pone their action until the period fixed by '
law. We should not be surprised however,;
if McKibben and Stewart should come into
the next Congress, and claim scats under an
election thus clearly illegal,—nor should we !
be surprised either, if every Black Republi- |
can in Congress shall vote for their admis- j
sion in order to illustrate the beautiful work- j
ings of tho "Higher Law" doctrine, as ettun- i
ciated by William H. Seward.
coal miiies.near Wilkesbarre, Luzerne coun
ty, Pa., the superiutendant recently discov
cd the remains of a forest of trees, which
had been imbedded in slate of rock, above
the large vein, fragments or which, by a fall
had been detached and now lie in confusion
—stumps, roots, limbs and impressions of
bark, in the mine. Amoung the curiosities
are two largo stumps, as perfect as if just
drawn from tho eartli by a stump machine,
the roots cut off where they had entered
ground, and the surluce looked as if the
bark has been taken off while tho sap
was running. In tho rocks above can be
traced ihe onds of the logs, from which the
stumps have fallen, and in one place the
body of the tree potrudes, the surfadlP pre
senting the impresson of the bark.
E5" A lady itavi'ug'wrften a letter, con
cluded it as follows :—Give everybody's love
to everybody, so that nobody may bo ag
grieved by anybody beingforgotten by some
The Man of Many Trades.
About fifteen years ago, when game was
abundant in Delaware, large parties of
sportsmen came down from the North and
waged war with tho unsuspecting feathered
tribes. Among the number of those who
were induced to exchange their cheerful
homes for the more delightful prospect of
roaming over a rocky and uneven country
were three individuals, named respectively
Doctor I'earce, Bill Fisher, and Sam Wil
After 'coasting about' for days, and not
being sufficiently rewarded for their trouble,
they were rather disheartened, and which
added more lo their dejection, Fisher had.a
violent toothache. The doctor, out of con
sideration for Bill's sufferings, suggested
that they should go in quest of a tavern.—
Some two hours hard riding brought them
in sight of a singular looking building, in
front of which projected one of those old
fashioned well poles. As they neared tho
house, a confused hum of voices saluted
their ears.
" Thunder,-" said the doctor, "this place
is not a tavern, it's a school house." "Sup
pose we inquire," suggested Sam Wil-on.
On entering a room, near the front door,
Wilson's idea that the party had got into n
country inn, was confirmed. On a shelf,
behind a small counter, stood some six
tumblers, upon the tops of which were
about the same number of lemons, byway
of decoration. Hardly had our thirsty
friends got seated, when a.side door opened
and a tall, red-faced, long-nosed individual,
with an immense quill stuck behind his
ear, stepped into the room. The doctor re
marked, "We are looking for a tavern, but
from the noise, 1 should think that we have
got into a school-house." "Sir," replied
lie of the quill, with much gravity, "you
are in a school-house; nevertheless, I can
accommodate the gentlemen with a 'snifter'
all round. Yon see, sir," he added, "1 nt
tend to my duties as teacher, while I ladle
out liquor at the same time." "Well, you
are a trump," said tho doctor, in great ad
•'And, sir," continued the schoolmaster,
"I am a member of the Legislature !" "Good
gracious! are you anything else?" timidly
inquired Sam Wilson. "Yes," replied Quill,
"I can say, and say it with pride, I am the
only dentist in the country !" "How fortu
nate," exclaimed the doctor,"here is a friend
of mine who is suffering from a severe looth
aclte—do you think you can relieve him V'
"1 should think so," replied the dentist
"When there is any pulling of teeth I am in."
So sayiiy, hejeft the room, btjt.jajtnrnetlTn
a lew minutes, bringing with him a pair of
large, unwieldy pincers, such as are used by
fishermen to skin eels. "Thunder!" almost
yelled the excited Fisher, "youdon't intend
to force, those infernal catfish nippers down
my throat?" The dentist was struck dumb
by this question. Not so the waggish doc
tor, who immediately explained that the in
strument in question was the regular forceps.
The member of the Legislature now, for the
first time, began to feel that his skill as a
dentist was at stake.
"Perhaps," said he, "you doubt my nbil
ty to pull teeth, but I will show you that the
thing can be done." Entering tho school
room he cast his eye over the group ol chil
dren there assembled. Suddenly he seized
a stout country lad, and, after a short strug
gle, succeeded in dragging him to the bar
room, and dumping him down into a chair,
"Now, gentlemen," said Quill, with a splen
did flourish of his arms, "you will see a
great thing done hero." So saying, he grasp
ed the boy by the neck, arid, despie his
frantic struggles to get free, drew a sound
tooth from the boys mouth. Holding the
tooth in the nippers, tho operator exclaimed
in a tone of triumph, "What do think of
that gentlemen ?" Mr. Fisher, whose tooth
ache quite Jell him, after such an atrocious
piece of business, remarked, "We won't
stay another moment in your house." Ac
cordingly our indignant party of sportsmen
were getting into their wagon, wher. the
schoolmaster, tavern-keeper, member of the
Legislature, and dentist, bawled out, "I for
to mention that the people of the county
have nominated me for sheriff!"
A FABLE.—A young man once picked up
a sovereign lying in the road Ever after
wards as ho walked along, he kept his eyes
fixed steadily on the ground, in hopes of
finding another. And in the course of a
long life he did pick up at different times a
good amount of gold and silver. But all
these years, as he was looking for them he
saw not that heaven was bright above him,
and nature beautiful around. He never
once allowed his eyes lo look up from tho
mud and lilth in which he sought the treas
ure; and when he died, a riclt old man, he
only knew this fair oarlh of ours as a dirty
road in which to pick up money as you
walk along.
Cff" A Clerg yrnan living in New Jersey,
was not long since called out on a dark and
stormy night, to marry a couple who lived
some two miles from his residence. After
the ceremony, the groom handed the rover
ene'd matin dollar bill in payment for his
services. He took the bill, looked at it ten
derly, and handed it back to the groom say
ing, "It is too small to goouton such a night
as this. Keep it till it grows larger." In the
course of a week the bill grew to an X.
An eminent spirit merchant in Dublin an
nounces, in an Irish paper, that he has still
a small quantity of the whiskey on hand
which was drunk by George IV, when in
Trnth and Right God and our Coiidfcy.
Terrific Adventure in the MAr.imWine- I
At thp supposed end of what lias always
been considered the longest nvemie of the
Mammoth Cave, nine miles from its en- ;
trance, there is a pit, dark, and deep, and
terrible known as the Mtrlstrom. Tens of !
j thousands have gazed into it with awe, [
whilst bengal lights were thrown down to (
make its feaiful depths visible, but none i
ever had the during to explore it. The eel J
ebrated guide, Stephen, who was deemed j
insensible to tear, was offered sTx hundred j
dollars by the proprietors of the cave if he j
would descend to the bottom of it, hut he !
shrank from the peril. A few yitwrshigo a j
Tennessee Professor, a learned and bold
man, resolved to do what no him
had dared to do, nnd making his arrnnge
j ments with great care and precaution, he
I had himself lowered down by a strong rope
| a hundred feet, but, at that
j age failed him, and he calnrajTOuM
; drawn out. No human powdf could ever
have induced him 1o repeat t)v appalling
| experiment.
I A couple of weeks ago, however, a young
1 gentleman of Louisville, whosa nerves nev
| er tremble at mortal peril, the Mam
moti Cave with Professor W right of our I
i cityTtn4 other&jdetermined, no matter what
j the dmjgors and difficulties might be, to ex
plore the depths of the Mrtlstrom. Mr.
j Proctor, the enterprising proprietor of the
i Cave, sent to Nashville and procured a long
I rope of great strength expressly for this
purpose. The rope and sonift necessary
timbers were borne by the guides and
1 others to the point of the proposed explora
tion. The arrangements being soon com
pleted, the rope, with a heavy fragment of
I rock affixed tf> it, was let down and swung
) to and fro, to rocks that
would be likely 4et'ornl
! were thus dislodged, and the long-continued j
reverberations, rising up like distant thunder
I from below, proclaimed the depth of the
I horrid chasm. Then the young hero of the
j occasion, with several hats drawn over his
I head to protect it as far as possible against
j any masses falling from above, and with a
' light ill his hand and a rope fastened around
1 Ids body, to*k his place over the awful pit,
j and hall-dozen men, who held
t the end of tmfeope, tti let liinrt down into
the Cimmerian gloom.
We have heard from his own lips an ac-
I count of his descent. Occasionally masses
: of earth and rock went whizzing past, but
I none struck him. Thirty or forty feet from
I the top, he saw a ledge, from which, as he i
| judged from appearance, two or three aven- j
| acs led off in a j
the side of the pit went rushing down the
abyss, and, as he decended by the side of
the falling water and in the midst, of the
spray, he felt some apprehension that his
light would be extinguished, but his care
prevented this. He waslanded at the bottom
of thq pit, a hundred and ninety feet from
the top. He found it almost perfect by cir
cular, about 18 feet in diameter, with a small,
opening at one point, leading to a fineeliam- '
ber of no great extent. He found on the
floor beautiful specimens of black silex of
immense size, vastly larger than were ever
j discovered in any other part of the Marn
i mouth Cave, and also a multitude of exqui
site formations as pure and as white as vir
gin snow. Making himself heard, with
great effort, by his friends, he at length ask- i
ed them to pull him partly up, intending to
stop on the way andexploj-jSJPßj^vjia'rlie""
had observed opening abovV 'the bottom ol
i the pit. Reaching the moti'-b of that cave,
i he swung himself into it, and holding the
I end of the rope in his hand, he incautiously
| let it go, and it swung out appretitly beyond I
j his reach. The situation was a fearful one, i
I and his friends above could do nothing for
liim. Soon, however, he made a hook of
I the end of his lamp, and, by extending liim
-1 self as far over the verge as possible with- j
'out falling, ho succeeded in securing the
I rope. Fastening it to a rock, lie followed
! the avenue one hundred and fifty to two
| hundred yards to a point where he found it '
blocked by an an impassable avalanche of
rock and earth. Reluming to the mouth of
the avenue,, he beheld an almost similar)
mouth of another on the opposite side of j
the pit, but not being able to swing himself
into it, he re-fastened the rope around his)
body, suspended i'i. wor the /
abyss, anil shouted to his irienuls to raise !
him to the top. The pull was exceedingly
severe, nnd the rope being ill-adjusted
around his body, gave him the most excru
ciating pain. But soon his pain was forgot
ten in a new and dreadful peril. When he
was ninety feet from the ttmuth of the pit
and one hundred from the bottom, swaying
and swinging in mid-air, he heard rapid
and exciting words of horror and alarm
above, and soon learned that the rope by
which he was upheld had taken fire
from the friction of the limber over which
it passed. Several moments of awful sus
pense to those above, and still more awful
to hirn ensued. To them and him a fatal
and instant catastrophe seemed inevitable,
j but the fire was extinguished with a bottle
| of water ; and then the party above, though
j almost exhausting by their labors, sucecded
in drawing him to the top-. 4iyvas as calm
and self-possessed as nponliis entrance in
| to the pit, but all his companions, overcome
J by fatigue, sank down upon the ground, and
j his friend Professor Wright, from over-exer
| lion and excitement, fainted and remained
I for a time insensible.
! The young adventurer left his name carv
ed in the depths of the name
of the first and only person that ever gazed
upon its mysteries.— Louisville Journal.
For tlio Star of tbo North.
Let virtue be thy guiding star, wherever thou
dosi roam,
j Unclouded be thy joyous brow, oh ! let no
sorrows come,
Cross out all sadness from thy heart, dry all
j tears from thine eyes,
, Youth is the time of gayety, youth is no
time for sighs.
Weap not for childhood's happy hours, they
never can return,
j Draw sweetness from the present flowers,
while yet youth's lamp doth burn,
j Enjoy the present while 'us thine, I hear all
nature say—
I No pleasures on this earth abide, they shortly
| pass away.
1 fain* would bid thee weep, my friend, if
tears could keep thee pure,
Since every mortal on the eartlij temptations
must endure,
Oh ! then, since tears would make thee sad,
and dim thy azure eyes,
Negl-ct the trifling ills of earth, and bid
farewell to sighs.
Buck Ilorn, Pu. LII-MAN.
TIMOUK ANU TIIK Foot. The inhabitants
of Neapolis, hearing of the approach of the
conqueror, prepared to defend themselves
with vigor, but Nasur counseled tliem to do
nothing of the sort, but to trust to him alone
i and his meditation with Timour. The peo
ple were doubtful of bis success, but they
yielded. Before proceeding to the camp of
the beseiger, Nasur, who knew it was use
loss to approach the great chief without a
present,-considered what gilt was likely to
ibe nftaf acceptable. He resolved it should
be fruit, but he hesitated between figs and
quinces. "I will consult with my wife,"
said Nasur-ed-Deen; and he accordingly
did so. The lady advised him to take
quinces, as the larger fruit "Very good,"
said Nasur, "that being your opinion. I will
take the figs." When he reached the foot of
tho throne of Tamerlitie, he announced him
self as the ambassador from the beleaguered
citizens, and presented, as an offering of their
homage, his trumpery basket of figs. The
j chief burst into a rage and ordered them to be
; j flung at the head of the representative of
| the people of Jerigi-Scheher. The courtiers
i pelted him with l ight good will; and each
| lime he was struck, Nasur, who stood pa
i tient and immovable, gently exclaimed—
I "Now Allah be praised!" or, "Oh, the
j Prophet be thanked !" or, "Oh, admirable!
j how oan Ibe sufficiently grateful ?" "What
j dost thou mean, fellow?" asked Timour;
"we pelt you with figs, and you seem to en-
I joy it!" "Ay, truly, great sir," replied Na- [
j sur; "I gratefully enjoy the consequence of
Imy own wit. My wife counseled mo to
| bring quinces, but I chose IN bring figs ; and
[ did, for♦•ith figs you have only
—! . ni liuiT 1 bro't qttincos, you
' i wouTff have beaten my brains out." The
) stern conqueror laughed aloud, and dcclar
) ed that, for the sake of one fool, he would
' spare all the fools in the city, male and fe
! male, them and their properly. "Then,"
cred Nasur, "the entire population is safe!"
nnd ho ran homeward to communicate the
joyful intelligence— Dnrnn.
Attempt to Escape.
i On last Monday night, Mrs. Twiggs, con
' victed as an accomplice of the murder of
, Catharine Ann Clark, made an unsuccessful
; attempt to escape, by making an opening
through the wall of the cell in which she
j was confined. By the means of a small iron
I spike, and a rib bone, about four or five
j inches in length, she almost accomplished
her purpose. She was anticipated in her
-j"design by the Sheriff, Mr. Young, who had
her handcuffed and removed tothe untenant
ed cell of the late Wm J.Clark It appears
the prisoner feigned sickness, which arous
j ed the suspicions of the Sheriff, who is ever
; on the alert, and who immediately instituted I
, a search, which resulted in the discovery of!
a large breach in the wall, as related above.
A large quantity of dirt had accumulated
under her bed, which she had extracted form j
j the opening, and several larger stones still 1
) remained loosely imbedded in the wall. The
poor unfortunate ! She has now only to pa
liently await a felon's doom ! We cannot
• but pity her, while atthesame time acknow
ledging the justice of the law that condemns 1
her to death. Her execution will take place
) within the walls of the comity jail, on the 1
j 22d day of October. We intend publishing j
J a full report of the proceedings of the exe- j
cuiion.— Danville Intelligencer.
BORH, I'A. —Number of students attending
this Institution is now 300—more than treble j
at any similar school in the country. It is a |
model, well furnished counting-house of'
four large lialls, 20x40, 23x80, 22x70, 43x80 j
feet, and is conducted by a Faculty of four
teen experienced teachers aqd practical busi
ness men. The course of study being the j
most thorough—and practical Teachers of
writing AI.WAYS obtaining the medals hero,
also in eastern and western cities—Low
prices of boardand tuition—Healthiest city |
in the Union—Success of its graduates— j
Best location for gaining situations—cause j
this to be the largest Commercial School in I
the Union, making it the most desirable Col
lege for business men in any part of the
For Circular and Specimens of Writing
address F. W.JENKINS, Pittsburg, Va—Pitts
burgh. Gazette.
FIRE AT POTTSVlHE.— Poltsville, Oct. I.
At half past three o'clock this morning, a
fire broke out in a stable in the rear of the
store of Win. Mortimer, jr., which joins the
Liverpool and London Insurance Company's
office. The stable was entirely destroyed,
togother with a valuable horse, two cows,
and several sleighs and carriages. The loss j
is supposed to amount to about 83000.
A .Nov Thought.
Friend Taylor, of the Chicago Journal,
beautifully explains the sadness which
seems to come upon humanity in the "mel
ancholy days-'of the "sere and yellow leaf,"
the descending of the year.
"But you do not feel quite so merry,though,
as you did in leafy June, when you were as
frisky, if not as innocent as a lamb, 'ihe
truth is, you have not drank so much oxy
gen of late.
The leaves, many of them are begining
lo close up the season's business; they lib
erate more carbonic acid, and yie'd less of
Nature's true "be joyful "
The thoughtful sadness that Autumn in
duces is not altogether the spiritual effect
men like to fancy it; it is rather because
their rations of drink are diminished, than
that they aro listening to Nature's proach
So a man needs a great stack of cheerful
ness for Autumn use; laid away like the
marrow in his bones lor a time of need
Show us a woman who is as merry in the
"melancholy days" when the hoarso winds
have caught cold, and the withered leaves
rustle about sprinkled with frost and the
bare grape vine that shingled the arbor with
green, looks like an anaconda trying to swal
low a summer-house; who is as merry then
as when there is a sweet south wind and a
bank of violets to make love to, and we will
show you a woman that will gracefully bend
to misfortune like a flower to the wind, and
when the blast is gone by, will stand as erect
and as lovely us before."
All O'er True Title.
A few afternoons since, in walking down
Appollo street, our .attention was arrested by
an humble procession passing slowly up to
Lafayette Cemelory. It was one carriage
only, and its occupants were a decently
dressed man and woman—evidently litis
i band and wife holding between them a di
minutive while coffin—that of a child about
three years old. Both looked pale and care
worn ; the woman weeping silently—thd
man, # however, with a stern expression
about the brow eyes and mouth, that show
ed what efforts he was making to retain his
composure. Two days after, about the
same hour, we again saw the same sad
procession—the same mourners-only those
two afflicted beings—and resting on their
laps a liny coffin, evidently that of a babe.
The woman this time had a haggard ex
pression—a blank stare, a bewildered look.
She evidently saw nothing of what pas-ed
around iter. She was in all likelihood un
conscious of even the extent of her own
bereavement. The misery sYto had under
gone had over burlher.ed her mental lacul-
J ties ; they were strained almost beyond en
durance. She had no tears to shed life was
[ evidently indifferent to her.
j The man on tho other hand, appeared
jto be overwhelmed with grief. Gone, the
firm compressure ol the lips, the almost
fierce gaze of the eyes, the fixed frown of
the brows. The father bent down on tho
li'tle white box that seemed almost a toy, so
small was it. llis arms were stretched
: over it his face leaned on it, it seemed as if
I lie were trying to grasp and hold to his
| bosom, and drag from the tomb, tho cold
j form of Ids ba'oe. It was doubtless, the
| darling of the house he thus embraced ; it
j was perhaps, too, the last of 'the little ones
of the house.
How desolale must be the hearth where
little children uere and where tltey aro no
more. None but parents can realize the
pang such a loss inflicts: and, alas! how
many parents have realized that bitter pang
litis season —IV. O. Picayune.
About Wonun.
D'lsraeli, speaking of the society of re
fined and charming women, says :
"It is an acquaintance which, when habi
tuated. exercise a great influence over the
tone of the mind, even if it does not pro
duce any mote violent effects. It refines
the taste quickens the perception, and gives
as it were, a grace and flexibility lo tho in
tellect." Somewhere else, the writer re
marks, that men are as much stimulated to
mental effort by the sympathy of tho gentler
sex,-as by the desire of power and fame
Woman are more ilispo—J to npi>ieutate
any intellectual superiority than men, or at i
least, they aro often captivated by the noble
manifestations of genius, as by the lascina- j
lions of manners and the charms of person. |
And Sidney Smith says: "Among men'
of sense and liberal politeness, a woman
who has successfully cultivated her mind, |
without diminishing the propriety of her j
manners ; is always sure to meet with a re
spect and attention bordering upon unthusi
Again, another writer observes that, "ol
all other views a man, in time, grows tired,
but in the countenance of woman there is a
variety which sets weariness at defiance.—
"Tho divine right ol beauty," says Junius,
'is the only divino right a man can acknow
ledge, and not a pretty woman the only ty
rant lie is not authorized to resist."
Ihe Fashion Course Races—Match for 810,-
000.—NEW YORK, Sept. 30.—The owners of
the horses Don Juan aro dissat
isfied with the result of the Handicap over
the Fashion Course yesterday, and have
agreed to run the horses for a match of $lO,-
000. '
iV" During an examination, a medical
student being asked the question—"when
does mortification enuse!" answered—
"When you pop the question and aro an
swered "No."
I had a dream one gloriou* summer right
In the rich bosom of imperial June.
Languid I lay upon an odorous couch,
(foldon with amber; festooned wildly o'er
With crimson roses, while tho silent stars
We p'. clews ol love it pott I heir clustered leaves.
Above me soared the azure varil. of Heaven,
Vast and majestic ; tinctured with that path
Whereby, tnttyhap, the sea born Venus lindr
| A way front higher spheres; that path which
( A band of silver, gemmed with regal stars,
And bound upon the forehead of young night.
; There, as I lay, lite musical south-wind.
. Shook all the roses into murmuring,
I And poured their fragrance o'er me in a
| shower
Of purp'e mist. Anon, upon mine car 3
fame a low, sweet and silvery melody,
Which delicious languor filled the air,
Aral, like the sun set-colored water broke
And floated into labyrin Its ot sound.
Then rose a shape, a dim and ghostly shape?
Whereto was neither form nor feature given :
A shadowy splendor, seeming as it came,
A pale and pearly cloud shot through and
With faint rays of sunset: yet within
A spirit dwelt; and floating from within
A murmur trembled softly "into word :
'• I am the ghost of a most lovely dream.
Which haunted, in old days, a poor's mind.
And long lie sought for, wept and prayed for
me :
And searched through all lite chambers of
his soul,
And searched the secret places of the earth
The loiijteviorest ami the lonely shore—
And listeßsh4.'io tho voices of the sea,
What timejLj stars were out in midnight col!
Slept on the' mirk waves whispeiingathislci" ;
And sought the mystery in a human form.
Amid the haunts of men, and found it not :
Arid looked in woman's sweet and tenth r
And mirrored there his own, and saw it >
sign !
But only in his dreams f crime to itim.
And gave itim fitful g impse of my face.
Whereof he after sang sweetest words :
Then died, and came to me. But everrnoru
through weary days, and Jottely, wake!-i
nil! ii ts—
A life ot star lit gloom—do Poets seek
To rend away tiro veil which covers me :
And evermore they grasp the empty air!
For only in their dreams I eotne to litem,
And give them fitful glimpse of my face.
| And lull them with tho inusic words of ho;
■ That promise sometimes, to their ravishc I
A vision of the absolute Beautiful!"
| T hen the voice censed,and only 011 mine cars
| '1 ho shaken roses murmured and lite wind
I home.—A writer in the Wenminuttr lleuiew.'
once took the position that alcohol is foo l
, and offered the following logic in proof cf
' Food is iorco.
Alcohol is force.
Therefore, alcohol i food "
fr. Mnssey gives a formula equally legit
imate and conclusive, namely :
| "Horse feed is force,
' U hipping a horse is force,
lherelore, whipping a horse is horse feed "
To which capital logic our John adds hi-:
"My ma is a woman,
Queen Victoria is a woman,
Therefore, Queen Victoria is my ma.*'
FALSIFYING.— The habit of falsifying sup
plies those who are adicted to it with a pi.tti.-
ible apology for every crime, anil n iih a sup
posed shelter from every punishment, it
tempts litem to rush into danger from tin
mere expectations of impunity, anil when
practiced witlt frequent success, it teaches
them to confound 1110 gradations of gtti't.
from the effects of which there is in their
imagination, at least on sure and common
protection. It corrupts the early simplicity
of youth, it blasts the fairest blossoms r f
genius, and will most assuredly conntera. t
every eflort,by which we may hope to im
p-ove the talents and mature lite virtue.- ■ t
( those whom it infects.
J f.nw NECKED DRRSSRS.— In the early day 1
of Pennsylvania there was a law which
stated as follows: —"That if any white f. -
male of ten years or upward, should appear
in any public street, lane, highway, churelt
court house, tavem, hall room, theatre, or
any oilier place of public resort, with na
ked shoulders (i. e. low necked dresses,)
being able to purchase tho necessary cloth
ing, shall forfeit and pay a tine of not less
titan one, nor more titan two hundred dol
lars.'' The closing paragraph of the law,
however, permitted woman of questionable
character to bare shoulders as a badge of dis
tinction between lite chaste and unchaste.
rs" A Sick Man slightly convalescing,
imagined himself to be engaged in conver
sation with a pious friend, congratulating
itim upon It is recovery, and asking him who
his physician was, lie replied, Dr ,
brought me through. "No, no," said his
friend. "Providence brought you out of
your illness, not tho doctor." "Well," re
plied he, "may be be did, but I am certain
that the doctor will charge me for it."
I vf" T HP. CANAL is in excellent navigable
order and tho boats are running quite briskly,
and shipping a pretty largo amount of coat
to the cities as well as to tho villages and
furnaces dotted along the navigation. The
freight being very low, the boatman are
unable to make much money litis season.
ry Prentice, ot tha Louisville Journal
thus hits the fashion of low neck drosses.—
He says: "It is supposed that angels do not
wear dresses. Our fashionable ladies are
becoming more and more angelic every
Ef "Sallie," said a young man to his red
haired sweet-heart, "koep your head away
from me : you will set me on fire."
"No danger," was tho contemptuous an
swer, "you are too green to burn."