The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 27, 1858, Image 4

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CP" It was a grand day in the old chival
tic time: the wine circling around the board '
in a noble hall, and the sculptured xva'ls
rang with sentiment and song. The lady of
a knightly heart was pledged Blond byname,
and many a syllable significant of loveliness
had been uttered, until it came St. Leon's
turn, when, liftingthe sparkling cup on high,
"I drink to one," ho said,
" Whose image never tnay depart,
Deep graven on this grateful heart,
'Till memory is dead.
" To one whose love for me shall last,
When lighter passions long have passed,
So holy 'tis and true ;
To one whose love liath longer dwelt,
More deeply fixed, more keenly felt,
Than any pledged by you."
Each guest upstarted at the word,
And laid his hand upon his sword,
With fury flashing eyes;
And Stanly said—"We crave the name,
I'roud Knight, of this most peerless dame,
Whose love you count so high."
Bi. Leon paused, as if ho would
Not breathe Iter name in careless mood,
Thus lightly to another:
Then bent his noble head as though
To give that word the reverence due,
And gently said—"My Mother."
TOUCHING INCIDENT. —The Buffalo Commer
cial says thai the Rector of St. Paul's Church,
in that city, had reached the middle of!
his discourse on Christmas Eve, when a ;
delegate from heathendom came up the
•oulh isle. It was a young squaw, with a
half-heathenish, half-civilized dress, a dim- j
inutive bonnet hanging on the back of her ;
liead by the strings, and a calico"shawl of t
gay colois wrapped around her like u Man- j
ket. She came along with the slow Indian |
•ten, until, near the fiont of the church, a
gentleman gave hera seat. She sat down as
if unaccustomed to cushions, and maintain
ed her good behavior, except when the Rec
tor was more than usually emphatic, she felt j
called to express her approval by an audi- !
He "bat's good !" During the singing of j
the closing hymn, she stood up with the rest, j
evidently much excited, leaning eagerly for- j
ward, her frame quivering with the new |
emotion of organic music. But, afier the j
benediction, when the choir performed an '
Anthem, she rushed out of the pc.v into the j
•pace before the chancel, where she stood |
■unconscious of the gaze of the congregation,
lier eyes fixed on the organ, and all the
etrangeness of her position forgotten in the
the rush of sensation produced by llie rich
notes of the organ and the exulting chorus ■
of the anthem. Poor child of the wilds ! j
drunk with a new emotion, a stray lamb from !
heathendom, joining unconsciously in j
the worship of One who, almost at the j
Antipodes and nineteen centuries ago, lay in I
•waddling cloths within a manger?
TUB MANIA FOR OFFICK. —The Washington j
correspondent of the South says: The !
insatiate office begging has go: to be one of
the most immense public nuisance of the !
day. Ihe extent to which it is carried on j
in the precincts of the Capitol by whining 1
old men, and jaunty little boys whom their i
anxious mamas have scrubbed up. and sent
them to beg for pageships, is absolutely I
* disgusting. The persons applying for those j
places about the Capitol are nearly all "from :
the District ofColumbia, and Ihete is scarce- j
ly a man or boy in this pensionary District
who is not an office beggar at every session
of Congress. Every woman who keeps a
boarding house in Washington, makes it a
practice of besieging honorable members i
with all soils of attention to secure their in- ]
fluence for Tommy, and to pension the lazy
whelps on the Government.
occasion of her Majesty's marriage, she
presented to each of her bridesmaids a dia
mond and turquoise ornament, to be worn
on the shoulder on the siecvo of the dress;
and the ladies so distinguished always wear !
this badge whenever they attend tit court, j
Some such distinction will be conferred on |
those who occupy a prominent position in j
Ihe ceremonial of the nuptials of the
Princess Royal. Fourteen beautiful brace
lets of the same pattern, and -with similar
jewels, are being manufactured for the
event, besides a number of brooches and
pins. These latter contain on a shield oi
blue enamel the cipher of lite Princess in
diamonds, surmounted by the Prusian eagle,
also in brilliants. The trousseau of the
Princess herself approaches completion,
and its magnificence will be great.— Court
CRlNOLlNB. —Notwithstanding the recent
ly expressed opinion, or rather wish, of the
Empress of France, the ladies' dresses are
ballooning out to 6'jch an enormous size,
that they threaten to affect the health, if not
the lives, of the wearers. At an evening
party, last week, at Aladante Pcrpignon's,
not less than five fainted, from sheer exhaus
tion, and Madame B (well known in the
Tniteries) has since proved a martyr to die
steel and whalebone infliction. She is at
present confined to her bed, her malady
puzzling her physicians, but nil in the se
cret affirming that the weight she carried on
the night of the ball was too much for her
tender frame; hence her bodily prostration.
When—when will this absurd fusliioti be
come exploded I— London Court Circuit.
SLIGHTLY SO.—A man was once relating a
story of being on a locomotive that struck a
cow standing on the track, and threw her
several reds into the hold, where site lit
squarely upon her feet, with her head tow
ards the train, and strange to tell, she wasn't
hurt a mite. "But didn't she look scared?"
inquired a listener. "Well, I don't know;
whether she was scared or not, but iliclucked
0 good deal discouraged."
WMr. Kid well was preaching some few
years ago to a targe audienco in a wild part
of Illinois, and announced for his text: "in
my Father's house there are many man
sions." He had scarcely read the words,
when an old coon stood up and said:—"l
tell you folks that's a lie ! I know his hither
well. He lives fifteen miles iroin Lexing
ton, in an old cabin, and there ain't but one
mora in lhe house."
Aiul THQATTare positively curable by in
iialallon, which conveys ilie remerties to
the catiiies in the limps ;hrout>h the sir pas
sages, nnd coming in direct contact with the
disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter,
allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex
pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood,
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys
tem, giving that lone and er.cgy so indis
pensable tor the restoration of health. To he
able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation, is to me a source of
unallAyed pleasure. It is a- much under the
control ol medical treatment as any sifter
formidable disease; ninety out of every hun
dred eases can be cured in the fitst stages,
and fifty per cent, in tlte second; but in the
third stage it is impossible to save more than
five per cent., for the lungs ate so cut up by
the disease' as to bid defiance to medical
skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in
halation affords extraordinary rebel to the
snfierioE, attending this uatiul twonrue. which
annually destroys ninety five thousand per
socs ill the United Slates alone; and a correct
calculation shows that out 01 the present pop
ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des
tined to fill the consumptive's grave.
Truly lire quiver of death has no arrow so
fatal as Consumption, In all ages it lias been
th'e great enemy ol life, for it spare* .uei'lier
age t.or sex. but sweep* oil'id,he the brave,
the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.—
liy the help ol thai Supreme Deing, from
whom cornelh every good ami perlect gilt, I
am enabled to offer to the alibied a perma
nent and speedy cute to Consumption. The
first cau-e ol tubercles is Irooi impure
blood, and Itie immediaie effect, pindtieed
by their deposition iti trie lungs, i to pievr in
the free admission of air into the air cells,
which causes a weakened vdaltty through
the entire system. Then surely it i more
lational to expect giomer good hum u edi
cities entering the cavities of the lungsifiati
Iront those administered through the s'otn
aelr, the patient v ill always find lbs lungs
flee and the breathing easy alter inhaling
remedies. Thus, inhalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally,
and with more power and certainty than rem
edies administered by the stomach. To prove
the powetlul and diteel inffuenco ol this
mode of administration, chloroform.inhaled
will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew min
utes. paralyzing lite entire nervous system, so
that a hint) mui lie umpntu'ed without lint
s'lghtrsl pain; iuliaiii g the ordinary burning
gu Will destiny iilo in a le v hours.
Ttie inhalation ol itnieit-niii will roii<e the
sy-t'rn when latntii't; or apparently ih ad.—
1 lie odor c>l many ti tie medicine* is per- '
ceptible in the -kin a few minute* afser being
inhaled, and may be immediately delected ,
in the Mood. A convincing proof nf th? -
constitutional effect* '•! inhaUlion, is tin* fact i
that sickness is always produced by breath* '
nig foul air. 1* pot this po-i;ive evidence
thai proper remedies, careliilly prej.hrcd and
judiciously admiinsteieit through ihe lutigs, I
should produce the most kapo) result* ? |)n- 1
riin eiglneen years' practice, many It'Oiis- ;
amis, snfleruig frn.n diseu-es of tha
and throat, have boen under rn> care, nod i
have uQected many r n inarl:able ciner*, even
aher the sufferers bad been pronounced in j
lite last stage*, which fuily satisfies me thai :
con-umpiion is no longer n lata) dr-ease.—
My treatment of coneumption is original, and
loiiudcd oil long experience ami a rhoroimh :
investigation. My perfect acquair t nice wiih
the naiure of tubercles, &e., eiiaules rue to
disiinguisli readily the various form.- of di.s*
ease that simulate corisnmjMion, nnd apply i
the proper remedies rarely being mi-iaketi ;
even iji a single case. This familiarity u
connection widi certain j hdiological a** mi
cio-copic discoveries. enables mo in r♦*l• • v*
ihe lungf* Imni the effeeu o| enn'r.-. 1 - t ••be-i ;
to enlarge ttie chcsi. purity 'be. blood,' ini. Sri
lo it renewed vi ality. givmg energy anJ ion© t
to 'lie enure system. • 1
Medicine* widi fid! direciion* sprf to nny
part ol the United S'a'es and Canada* tv \
patients cnmmiiiiicating their sympi.r by ,
leiier. But the cure would be more *• i|tt
if the paiieni should pay nie a visit, which
would give rue an oppor'unity to examu e i
ihe lungs and enable me to prescribe widi
greater certaintv, and then the cum could be
effected without m\* seeing the paiierP again
it. W. GUAM AM, M. D.
Office 1131 Filbert Street, (old No. 109.)
below twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. '
Jan. 13, ISSB.
Farmers' if pot ami I'laster Mills,
At the Junction of York Avenue anil j
Calloichill Streets,
WE offer u I ii-h erne Is of Chon.ieal Mil- j
nitres and Fertilizer* at low prices and .i- |
rawed lo be genuine: it id on which will lie i
-1.000 lons No. 1 Govornmeiit Penman I
1.000 tons Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphide
ol Lirr:e.
The above standard ngirles are, each of;
their kimt, the best in the world ! Our Blind ;
Planter, manufactured from select stone, is j
celebrated ttirnugliout tiiu Union lor its purilj
and strength.
Pe Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime.
No. l Government Peruvian Guano.
French's Improved Sup-nlinsphaie ol Lime.
French's Philadelphia Pen Irene
No. 1 Phoepitttle Guano (Pltiltt. Uo.'s.)
Mexican G ihiio (A.)
Extra Lund Planer, Ordinary Lund Plaster, I
Client cat Bone Pure ht'me du*t
Fiali Guano, Ground Charcoal.
10.0011 liarrels /.and /'luster,
5,000 " Casting. Piaster.
10.000 " 1/f/tlruulic Cement.
3,000 " '/' rue Roman Cement,
1,000 •' l'ort/ani' (lone.) Cement
A LMI, '
Powdered Aniliraciie Coal, (in barrels.)
tlo Bituminous Coal, do
Grnood Brown Stone, do
White Sand do
"Ground Blink" for P.tinlers
Chemical Roue duel.
Steam Mills mul /•aimers' Depot,
Ai Junction ol Voik Avenue, C.'Oivs ami
Callnu lull Sued*, Philadelphia.
September 2, lbS7.
The Sur Company, composed of (he firl
Artirea in lit* world, iimi rxrrvdiuo in
siipuiiili ami ialnt nny Orarnutm romPcm
lion heretofore offered tnlhu Iheatrh hl*p., .
lie. will appear evny in T,.,.
ueily, S*rto*Ctiimr I Mama. Vaudeville*. Mn-
Mt'-al Biirletta*, &o. &c. When vnming (he
city, no there.
Philadelphia. Oct. 27. 1857.
'pKIMMINIi.S ANli iSOIK)NS, Ut.ey arii-
J- cries, a gooil asMiriiiieillol Homer) ol the
beat quality; alnO v.loveil, mit<>, basket*, Ca
bas, Comb*', dre-.*. and hnu.-s,
wwifig dk, thread, em., etc , 10 be haul uexi
door lo ibe "Exchange."
1 Bloomsbnrg, May 25, 1857.
91 Sooth Front Street,
Commission Merchants,
And Whuicsutt healerB in nil kind* of
Leaf Tobacco, Manufactured Tobac
co, and Cigars.
HAVE ronsiHiitly ori tin ml and for sale tow
all kind* of American and Spanish Leaf To
lon-cns, selected with special reference lo
Manufacturers'* use.
All article* sold, warranted to be as-ep
lescuted and every opportunity afforded lor
Purche-ers at a distance can send their or
der-, and tell uprit being as lailhfully served
a* if the goo 's were selected to person. ■
Ji'tiiaiy 13, !B.iB.
A'o. 7 foutk Sepeulli Street,
r S3 A I. A 8 F.-fa V £1 I A ;
iVJ amilacttHer tit strong Tinware, Clipper.
■ Tin ami Zinc limiting Tubs, Bailing
Puns, and every kind of battling apparatus.
Also deed and caper boxes.
Prompt attention g votv lo ordered work,
and good- carefully lorwpieed on orders.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13tft INft 8.
Tinware fc •Jove Establishment.
rjxHß IIMtiNLU respecttul? in-
V forme his di! friends nrt! customer*.that
he f...r purchased his brothel's interest in the estaVisnniotil, nd the concern will here
after l* ee.ndiieK"! try himself exclusively. He
has just receive! anJ otlVis tor safe the
largest and m -st uxten-ivc a-sorltiteiii
tneot -.f T'aNL'Y N l OV Lei ever lutro
doc J into t |ti* ma>kct
r-tove, jj.i and riii'.vare constantly on hand
and mnuulnctmcd tf..>:der. All kinds of re-'
pair ng done, a* u. rial, on shut! tn-tie>,
The j.Brotipc of (ddbiei.iH ami new cms
turners i s urpuetluliv snitched.
Blnornsbttrg. Jan. 12, 1853 If.
Full Slock of Fall Dry Goods.
pVHK & I.ANDKLL Fo< ■ t &An S
* J I't.dnrielphi •. respectfully r quest Cash
Buyers lo examine a line Mink ol Soar>maUle
' Good*., adopted 10 Eoai Pennsylvania T
' Full Lin© of Fall l)re4 Goods.
New designs of Fall Shawla. •
I Good IS luck Silk- "I all
4 I'.'hsmi u-m i:l French Menace*.
7 4 ' Pol! de C'U'Vfe- iN''• v Good*.
Brit *>h mnl Arere;n lV-k |Viii.
S.i c iS-'n r.M, C.iulfis 6i Waling*. I
M'.-' fis. i-. Fbini els, R!r' U*|-. Kir. 1
Is*. fi—Aii' *'nn Btrgaii* Ifom New V.rk
nml 'in i (/My dadv received. Partienltr u
i'*ii"t'li ■' •• to Country orders for desirable
Goodg— 'Jcrm* Sett Cash.
Sep'. 1. 1857.
TTgyjrK-fV; -C gv T;
'B'HK n ul.'i'ijiit .1 w,.ii!,l in i:*i c way rail j
■ list* a' , t-iiiion of lisle i'iit'l'P lo Hi JUx>k '
i Store ai the dd surnl. tic*' door to ihe i Fx- J
cis fillet* H"c ; , 5 \v!,*ie at all time* can be j
' 14*11 ||rl ; OOlt DfKff' lil-ni of book", i:.n
Bibles, llj mi: Hoi ks. I'rajer Rooks,
Ili-to'ies, 11'.ok* ol l'oetry, Novels, ami j
School llo<-!:-< ; al.o all kinds of stationary ol f
the be-t quality. ' 1
A r-misideratil!, rlpilnclion made upon Ihe .
price ol Sultan' Book*and Stationary to those |
wlm by to sell again.
Jreceived, a grind ajsortment nf WALL j
PAPER which I would risk all tn call and
examine belnr-t pitch.•*iii<r e'-ew here.
Sercnvir lo Je>-c (i Chirk I
Bliiorris' irr-. M n 2ft |SS7-lir.
c7?:YnNV/boD "stTivfTNARr
Mil.LI ii.l.E. ( BLt LLIA (0„ PA.
A •-> trj.4 a- rour%4 ol iiimr!ion i- uivfit !
in all !' • -Ivi-jli-' hir.M'tiOs uhihlli iauv' I j
I'll© 1' fll • c-1 j-:i 1 wi't tic Mi© •
prptf<M I'V 1. M. I'Oi iS, ai ♦* * i •
I• tfi.ff. re>'*iiily Iron! Ms© !.a;.raMff
Co. Nollrial v'ti lir-01.
A viicaiion ol f©ve:i weeks will commence
July 1 at.
32:222 o
TUITION, fur da} j u; d £3.60, to 54.50 per j
Hoard iti 2, Tuition. Washinu &r*., |
5-30 per q'inrter ol eleven week- oiie-liail in |
a il v iiin'p.
For eiicttlur, catalogue or orlher particu- I
lar* hildra-s
Ali'liille, April i. 1857. J'liticipol j
Eafilc Fimj<!c> ,
S|t IV 1.-.S AN I) TIN \V A |£K. I
TUF/ -•ih*i , rbr , ' :• > r.d , k I o_e opw
lrii k F ''"diA" pud S''op 9 iti phirn /'
ol he o'tf out*, i- pn'pared to mako ul! kiodn j
P i\ £ conilantiv nn hand. 'J'ljf outirrit>e
has removptl his Tin Shop frnni Main j
Str* 1 ©! to the Foundf\ (oft. wlihi© he \i
pruned a altogether iuf Sloven and
The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM.
-?{oC nil kind.-, tin* Kgu Cj linder Stfvi* ;
Ail kmt'n of Spouting rrmdr *o order.
IllonniH t?r. April 10. 1857.
S3 45 WMi £> XS * OCI A T\ O
ra i l.; n / ; /. r // /j.
'B*o h!I person• alihe'ed wnh Sxual Pi"-j
B ea-E*. Midi n Spu nnrol-licM Seminal .
Weakness hnpotnee Ganma>h *. Gleet Svj.h j
ilis vi. p 4<i On anism tyc. tfc
The "Huwiir.' A-Hoi'irt K-n,' invi-iv of the t
HWiiil il>imh'u ■• i ol hmiiuii lift*, ranged by i
Sexual it11;I the det a :*piif>* e ,o:nMni'd !
upoj. the iicliutii! ate vie.ii.ii.-* . | sufP Oit-eu-e*
It) Q.iai'kb. have directed their C *• -jl*i'4J
>orut'm. H-iii chmiUi'lc oct wen lit t.f iheir
narii* j loyivt* M-riirni Hdvici* i!nitis t \f\ ail per
s.iiN hue i'dlnl tl, who may apply ly
widi a iv-t ri|U(:i ol ilieir t'(iidi:ion, (aue,
occupation, habits of life, &c\.) and in /'aseA
of evirenie po\ery 7lul eullrn.g, to furnish ■
medicines free tf charge.
I in* How i:.t A-M't'iation i* a Ixmevnlont |
liif-trui'in. b\ pf*i*ial omlo vnenl, i
lor iho r'iel l the -rk an I •liM*->-e I. h! i
flirted *a ub u \ i'tilhnt and E|)ideimc Dd
b now a nnrpliiM ol n4iiio*, I
wltirh the Pirertnr/t It *vr voted tttrxprod m ;
labri'lsiuj the a.P-jte n't'ire |< m liPtiUh.
to adit t' a A- *.• .t r'mnnU dm
t Mmlioh (Kill •' t.Mr ajio .ml \v.!i fai•
n.Mi tin* ni'isi improved moderti trralmeut.
Jn-I plit'll-hcl bv tl;, , n Its- |
)H)rl i>il SjiciOmn rri m, or Spn*i . \V--uk i
it c vic. ol Omoni-nt. t<ris'ort>:,iu) t or S' l j
At tis", Mint ml.or ~t I • S-mi .1 ():■ ,
ry 11.• ("n tSilr'turn, vvhico onl
t.- -'".in. null', (in u .i*.|Ui 1 su 1 uinfe). /id ,
of Charge, on ilte receipt of two it'iiapi lor I
Address, Pr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Con
sOltinlj SnrguiM; Ho.vttrd Assnciaticn, No. 2 j
South NIN 11l S ruut. Piiilaitelplua, Pa. B> I
order ol the Director".
GEO FAir.CIIII.P Neieluy.
Poi .plpbi*. S-ptl 2 t. 18..7.
' lor le at the Arcade by
May 27, 'J7, A. C. MENSCH,
liloomsburq. JJa.
STORK, on Main street, two
doorsabove Ihe 'American House."
"MERCHANT.—Store on the tipper part
!•' ol Main street, nearly opposite the
I Episcopal Church.
j sTc. smit\
J AND ( AftINLT WARK.—Wirernoin
in ShivcV Hlnck. on Mitiit Strict.
A.M. divert)
A Shop on South side of Main street, he
low Market.
-1 ■- ingson the alley between the "Exchange
| and "American House."
I ' i IA ILOR —Shop on the South Side of Main
A- Street, first square fielow Market.
A. r. Mltt'SCH,
\ I EBCIIANT.—Store iti the Arcade hnild
ing, near the Post Office, 011 Mait St.
is Hi am (.mini: ,
j„<UGEON uENTlST.—Office near the
• ' Academy on Third Street.
B U 1.1,1 V, M il, it CO.,
jV T KUCH AN IS.—Northeast corner ol Main
I ami Ma ket streets.
Cabinet Ware Kooms,
s. e. siv 1:
Respectfully invites the attention of
of the Public to his extensive assort
ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which
he will warrant made of good materials and
in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish
ment, can always be lon tul a good assort
ment ol
Faslticuabie I- uriiiliia.
Which is equal in siyle end finish to that ot
Philadelphia or New Yoik cities, anil ai as
fore prices. Ho has Sofas ol different style
and prices, Ironi 525 :o 560. Divans, Loun
ges, Walnut ar.d Mahogany Parlor chairs,
Rocking and easy ciinirs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing
and pallor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and
pier tables, deta-hns, ehefteniers, whatnots
and corn.ii'os and s>i 1 kinds of fashionable
work. His stock ol bureaus, enclosed and
common washstands, dress-tables, corner
cupboards, solas, (lining and bteakfast ta
bles, bedsteads, cane scat and common
chairs, is the largest in this section of Ihe
country, rle will also keep a good a-sort
niciit of looking-glasses wll h fancy gilt and
coininon frames, tie will also furnish spring
rnattrupses fitted to any sized bedstead,which
are superior for durability and comfort to
any bod in use.
Blnomshnra. April 6th 1854. tf.
> a ■- t \ ,-v ••, e. •; 1' p,
'ts ' •- --y - * si "- W "
'I BE I'O(2vMT &.$( ( LAFiIS;
T 11 .? • • I,|KTtl ' n!
Kiiitioii. with. One
/ffi yj\ 'i it it tl c* ti Kii gratings.
\OL h l>ii>MM Mo I
of ffl fo'innliuim of the hiiinun
fa' '* jS Syslem in every slin|>'an J
E ''j*?? %f*f gO f° rm • " n li'i'l) i aililnl
Vi 7BF " '"I Ihe Oiene,
?/ /W "' I'*'"inleif,' I'rii.B 411 ll.i
I* l ft iiitpoirnnr'e tu
r:Vit l eliiwi-eon
fc>nf>!aiii•; mariingc. ily
WILLI J M YOUNG, 71/. />.
Let r.!> falhcr In- ashamed lite present copy
of li.e Aesculapius to his child. It B ,. t> SJ|Ve
him from an early grave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the scorer obligation* <> mar.
tied life without reading the P.nke Aesculapius
Let no vineeuttet fmm a hacknied Cough Pain
in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelings
and the whole train of l)es|ieptic sensations
and given tip by th.-ir pbysieitna, bo another
moment without consulting the AIKJCULA-
PlliS ilav. the married or those about tolm
mat tied any impediment, read this useful
honk, as it has heel) the means ot saving ttioii
-nnds nl from Ihavuiv
jaws nl (tenth.
Any per.on sending twenty five cents en
closed in a letter, will receive ot,t-cn,.y nfthis
book,by mail,or five copies witllie sent i..r one
dollar. Address. Dr.W. Young, No. fo2 Spruce
street,l'hiindelphia.' Post paid.
No 155 Mpruec SSt., Philadelphia.
Sep' Ist, 1R34-Iy.
K. C. EOW3E,
m&mct t w,® 5? r-w,
KSPECTF' 1.1.Y oilers his
uTfyi -rV'-t. professional services to
the Ladies anil Gentlemen of
Rluorrisburg and vicinitv. lie is prepared to
iitieuil to sill lite various operations itj Den
lislrv, null is provided with the latpst im
proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will
jim inserted on nivot or gold platepo look us
! well as natural.
i A superior ajlicle of Tooth Powders, al
ways on hand. A 1 operations on the teeth
j I.if OiJice,3d building above W.lsnn's Car
I tinge Ma. iio.eiett—Main St., West tide.
I lilonrnsburg, Nov. 20, IKuij.
' •/ *X ia 1A Jfd.ri -M
T~Ci* T hij'j .
i BillK. undersigned navingjust recatved the
I latest Patis and New York Fashions
I would again bog leave to inform his nurrtet
; ous friends and all the world about Blooms
j burg ler he is now better prepared than ev
| er so n . ommodnie ally one w th tin- neatest
i easiest and best titling suits ol Clothes that
I Inne been turned oat lately ;. and not '.n!v
! itiiii. but he will also do them uji in the be*!
| or !cr, upon the low est terms.
His shop is at the old stiiod, (too we)
known o need noii'e) where he mm
I at all lime' be found, sealed upon the hear/,
: "I repentance,steadily drawing out the/brnie
of Hillu tioii.liu|.cing it may in the end pruv*
I a Ivaotageous to hint anil hi* customers. Hi
| v.oi.i t ..No advise his fiends to bear in rninn
) that poor, arilio'eil ailors tnnst live, or they
t can't be e \jici'l .-.l 1 o work. Therefore Wheat
I R\p Corn.Oats, Potatoes, and with all now
j and then a little CASH trill coin* mighty
! fjand" from those who are back-standing on
| the hooks.
i Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases
"thelaboier is worthy of his hire."
ntoornsbii'g, Jan i:nh, 1858.
pe ofporr & desirable* forms, fo* sale al the
acef ofo the ".Star ofthe North.'.'
Ayn Ivf* jiuh iUpar-fh(Hl over.ihe pal
ntp. but their en*r£v although wrapped up,
I U iheie, and tell* with lorcw oh the
vry (ooodutinii of duu'HPe. There are thou
xatufM ol MiffCTi r* who would not wear their
•lt-tempers it ihey knew ihey could be cored
tor 25 et. Try Ayer's I'llls and you know
Purify ;ho blood and disease will be ctar/-
ed out.
Cleanse the ey*tem from impuri<i3S and
you are cured elready.
Take 'hie bei ot hII Purgafiven, nnd
t?U WeutnoM, Headache, Side
; Rt'ha Jaundice; Hheumuiijun, derangements
of the Liver, Kidney*, and Row Ms, ell do
refinement* and id I diseaaei* which a purga
live remedy can reacti, fly before them like
„fkne** tielnre the Sun.
header, it you me Buffering from any ot
the r.umeroim complaint* tt.ey cure—suffer
no inoie—die rcrnedv has been provided lor
>ou. and it i criminal to neglect it.
That A>er'f Cherry Perioral, is the bet
medicine tor a Cough, is k- own to the whole
woi'd, and that Ayer's Pills are the best of
ail Pill-, is kr:owu tu those who have used
Prepared by Dr. JAS. C. AVER, Practical
and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—and
sohi by K. P. Luiy. and all Druggists in
Alonimborg, and by Leaders in Medicine
every w here.
Nov. 1 1, 1857 -2m.
Gtstral Commission Alercitams,
and dealer- in
XdlT3T : \.£' SUPPILiES,
A 'o. 51 South If'ti/er St., Philadelphia.
THE subscribers having been associated
wiili ihe coal trade and mining operations
| gthera/ly. (or several yei rs, are prepared io
supply orders lor all ariieles romingenl io
mming purposes at the lowest rates, with
care and dispatch.
Our stock comprises the following articles:
; OILS— Sperm, Solar, Elephant, lllearhed,
j Rucked, l.ard. Rosin, Greasing, Linseed
| Safely Lamps. Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope
! Chains, Hopes, ail Sizes, Pulleys, Wicking,
I Wire Rope, Tar and Pilch Thorn ley's
I Celebra'ed Gum Belting, Washers. Packing
; Hose' Blasiiug and oiher Powders.
i Snap, Candles, &.e.
Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia.
J. B. A. St S. Allen, "
Charles Mdler St Co., "
S. Knih.eririel, Esq., "
John Ttion.ley, Esq., "
Win. IV Haven, E.q , Minersvillc, Pa.
Hon. \V. Donaldson, Poilsville, Pa.
Hon. C. W. Puman, "
Gen. W. Snyder, Esq., "
11. P. Brown, Esq., "
L. P. Brook, Esq., "
J. J. Connor, Ashland, Pa.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1858 -ly.
T. iw dt SOVS
J / AS CBiahliptied a greater celebrity than
ha* ever been obtained by any oihei ,
This has been the result nf its marked su
periority in quality, and its invariable uni
form iy
The public may he assured of the continu
ance nf the h eh standard now csial'lished.
The production is over Twenty Togs daily,
and die demand has extended throughout the
whole ol the Untied Suites, and to iuteigr,
Winking thus on a very large scale, and
under a rigid system, they are tilde In secure
a perfect and uniformity in the quality tnrnugli
out (be year. This is the great Desideratum
in Starch-making, and is realized now lor
the firs' time. •
The very bet starch that can be made,and
no other, is always wanted by consumers,
and while this will he supplied to them by
the grocers, as soon as tl.eir customer.* have
le .ined which is the best, and u*k for it—
otherwise they would be likely to get that
adicle on wl.iT-h the largest profit can he
Mr King-ford lias'been engaged in the
manufacture of starch continuously for the
last 27 years, and during the whole of the
periled, tin- starch made under Ins supervis
ion lis been, t'evmid any question, the best
m the market. Fnrtbe first 17 year*, he had
the charge ol the works of Win. Cnlgaie &
Co., at which period he invented the process
ot die luatiiih.ctiire of corn starch.
Ii r Askjor Kingford's Starch, its the name
Oswego has iccently been taken iy another fac
(For Pa idingt, fyc ,)
lias obtained an equal celebrity with their
Starch fnr the Laundry, This article is per
iVclly puie, a:td is, in every respect, equal to
the lest Bermuda Arrr.w-Root, besides hav
ing additional qualities winch render it inval
uable for the dessert.
Potato Starch has been extensively packed
and told as Corn Starch, and has given false
impressions lo many, as to the real merit's ol
our Corn Starch. a
Ftotn its great delicacy and purity, it is
enining al-o into extensive use as a diet lot
iufants and invalid*.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agents.
IPfi Fulton Street, N'. Y.
ALLEN & NF.EDI ES, Agents,
23 S tuli Wharves, Philad'a.
January 13 IRSB.
/ A MEctii'ctl I'hviciuu
f Whose Hindu of life have nearly run out,
9 discovered white in the ICa>t Indies, a cer
tain cure tor CQn-umption, Anhmu, Bron
chitis. Couuh*, Colifo and QerierHl Debility.
The remedy vv* discovered ty turn wnen
Ins child, u clat'iitiicr, wait given up to
die 11a> had heard much ol the wonderful
re-:orHiivo nod hea-lintf qualities i f prepnra
t'.oii* made from the Kasi India Hemp, uud
tlirt thought 0- cntred iliai he might make a
reniueily tor h* child. He Miutied hard and
Mircetftifd m his wishes. Hicliild
uas curud, mid is now ali\e and wall. He
has Mince administered the wondeiful reme
dy to ilmiiMands ol Muflerer* in all parts ol
tle world r.nd lie ha-never failed in making
lu!in completety healthy and t.appv, VYifli*
inu o do um much good (lOrHhln, he will
'•end in vucli ol his alflirted lellow-beirigs
as request it, 'hi* recipe, with full and ex
plicit diruidioriM for making it up. and p-ucceMM
lolly tisi'.g it. He requires each applicant to
inclose him one shilling—three cent- 8 to he
returned :M postage on the recipe, and the I
j remainder to be applied to the payment f
!of thlM ndfertfvemeui. Address a
Pr. H JAMKS. No, 10 Grand Sheet, /
Ser t. 23.-I m ] Jerpey Cit>, N. J. '
I AKGK lot of No. 1. 2, & 3 Mackrel, aho,
" Whim Fiali, Cod Fimli and Herring, juit
[ received and lor tale by
May 27, >67. A. C. MENSCH.
Of all Dlea*e; the great. can MI
fining* from neikct of Nature's law*.
TTUWI-N NOT, v iai:\ A rum;
in puaranteed in all map** ol SECRET
bility Siriaiore*, GJPIB, Gravel, Diabetes.
Disease** ol tlie Kutnev* and Bladder, Mer
curial Rlcumatim, Scrofula, Paitta in (lie
Bones and Anklea, Diseases of (lie Lungs,
Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the
body or It nr. IN*, Cancers, Dropsy, Edileptic
Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and ail diseases aris
iog irom a derangement of the Sexual Or
Such as nervous trembling, less of memory,
loss of power, general weakness, dim cess of
vision with peculiar spots appearing before the
eyas, loss of Right, wakefulness dyspepsia,
Liver disease, eruptions upon the fjee, pain
in thehnck and head, female itrecnlarrties and
all improper discharges fiom both sexes. It
in 'tiers not from what cause the disease origi.
nnted, however long standing or obsti.intc the
[ case, recovery is cenain. and in a shorter time
than u permanent cure can be effected by any.
other ticatment, even afur the disease has lint*
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resist
ed all the means of cure. The medicines are
pleasant without odor, causing i.o sickness
and fiee Irom mercury or balsam. During 20
years of practice, I have rescued from the
jiwsofdea'h many thousands, who, in the
last stages of the above mentioned diseases
hud bean given up to die by their physicians,
which warrants me in promising to the afflict"
ed, Who may plac* themselves under my care,
a perfect and most sooedy cure. Secret dis
eases are thu grvitest enemies to health, us
they arc the liml Cbut-e of ('onsumption, Scrof
ula and many other discuses, and should be a
terror to the human family. As a permanent
cure is pcorccly ever effected, a majority of
the cases falling into the hands ol incompe*
tent p rsotis, who not only fuil to cure the
di:eases but ruin the constitution, filling the
system with mercury, which, iviih thu disease,
hastens the snfferei into a rapid consumption.
liul should the disease tim! the treatment
not cause death speedilv ami tho victim mar
ries, the disease i- emailed upon children, who
urc born with feeble constitutions, and the
current of life corrupted by a virus which be*
irays itself in fotrolula, Tetter, Ulcers, Krup
lions and other offceiiotis of tfju skin, Lyes,
Throat and Lungs, entailing them to an early
St'lf-ohuse is nnoiher formidable enemy to
henlih, for nothing else in the dread catalogue
of human diseases causes so destructive a drain
upon the system, drawing i;s thousands ol
victims through a few years of suffering d wn
t an uinimely giave. It destroys the Ner
vous system, rapidly wastes away the energies
of life, causes mental derangement, pie vents
'be proper development of the system, dis
qualifies for marriage, society, business, and
all earilily happiness, and leaves the sufferer
wrecked in body and mind* predisposed to
consumption and a train of evils 111010 to be
dread*d than deaih itself. With the fullest
confidence 1 assure the unfortunate viutiau of
self-abuse that a permanent and speedy cure
can lc effected, and with the abandonment of
ruinous practices my patients can be restored
(o robust, vign ous health.
The afflicted are cautioned against the use of
Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingc-
I nrous snores in thecolumus of tho public prints
| to catch and 10b the unwaiy sufferers that
| millions have their constitutions ruined by
ihe vj|e compounds of quack doctors, or the
equally poisonous nostrums 7 nt'od as 'Patent
Medicines.' 1 have carefully analyzed many
of the so called Pulent Medicines and find that
nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sunli
male, which is one of the strongest prepara
tions of meicury and a deadly poison, which
instead of curing the disease disables the ays
tern fr life.
'I hree-fonrths of the patent nostrums now
in use are put up by unprincipled and ignor
ant persons, who do not understand even the
alpiitibet of the Majeria Medira, and arc '.qua!-*
ly us destitute of any knowledge of the human
system, having one object only in view, and
that to niaVe money regardless of consequence.
Irregularities and oil diseases of malts and
females treated 011 principles established by 20
year* of practice, and sanctioned by thousands
of the most remarkable cuies. Medicines with
lull directions Kent to any part of the ITtiit(*d
Mites or Cnnailus, by patients lominunieating
their symptoms by letter.* Business correspon
dence strictly confidential. Address
J SUMMKRVILLE. M. D., Office No.
1131 Filbert Street, [Old No. 109] below
: Twelfth, Philadelphia,
j January 13, 1758.
Pliil'a Manufactured
licport of the. Committee appointed to
superintend the burning of the Iron
j Safes at Ilea ding. Feb. '27 th, 1857.
RUSHING March 4ih.
I The undersigned, members o! the Commit
| tee, do respectfully report, that we saw the
i two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels
| & Herring and Evans & Win son, placed tide
j by side in a furnace, via: The Sale in use hy
| the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read
ing Railroad.Company, in his office at Read*
inc, manufactured hy Farrels & Herring, aud
I the Safe in Use by II A. Lamz, in his More.
! ruamifaciuied by Evans & Watson, and put
; in books and papers precisely alike.
| The fire was staritd at 8J o'clock, A. M.,
I and kept tip until four cord* of green hickory,
I two cords dry oak and hall chestnut top wood
j were entirely consumed, the whole under
tho superintendence of the subscribers, mem-
I bers ol the Committee. The Safes were then
| cooled off with water, after which they went
opened, agd the hooks and papers taken out
I by the Committee and sent to H. A. I.a/i z's
More for public examination, alter they w ere
! first examined and marked by the Commit
| tee. The books and papers taken from the
I Sale manufactured by Evans & Watson were
but slightly affected by the intense heat,
while those taken from the Safe manufac
tured by Farrels & Herring w ere, in oorjudg
ntent, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more
than those taken from Evans & Watson's
Having been absent during the burning,
we fully coincide with the above statement
l the condition of the papers and hooks tak
en out of the respective Safes.
G. A. NtCOf.LS,
The following named gentlemen, residents
of Reading and its vicinity, who saw the
above fire, have purchased Safes Irorn Evans
& Watson since the burning up to May Ist,
G. A. N'colls, 1 Solomon Rhoads, 1
R. R. Company, 2 W. B. Yerger, 1
11. A. Larnz; 2 Geo. K Levure, 1
Kirk & lleister, 1 Samuel Fusing, 2
W. Rhonda & Son, 1 J M &G.W.Hardsell,l
11. W Missimer, 2 James Jameson, 1
Dr. Wm. Moore, 1 J. B.&A. B. Wanner 1
Levi J. Smith, 1 Jacob Schmucker, 1
High & Craig, 1 Wm.King, 1
Wm. Krick, 1 V. B. Sholienberger,!
Knnlman & Baum, 1 I eopold llirsh, l
Win. McFurlin, 1 Ezra Miller, 1
Geo. J Eckerl, 1 W.C&PlM.Ermen-
Isaae Ruth, 1 trout, ]
Biltmeyer, Folmer Wm. Donohower, l
&Co. 1 Bullit & Milton, j
January 18, 1898.
rtffimm HERRING'S
'/&*• -4 S3 OP OS 0
IljP^lls THE acknow,k ?^ :d
TIIK recent trial* al Head'
[jina liave endorsed theeo'r-
T^Migi—— of public opinion, and
confirmed the verdict of more than 200 acci
dental Area proving conclusively that "Her
rin'g's" is the only safe thai will not burn.
Extract frnm the Committee's Report an
the Trial of Iron Bales at Reading:
"On the 26ih of February all the member*
nl the Committee met to witness the Sales
and books and papers, (placed in them) and
were perleetly satished that all was right.—
The day following, lite burning tnok place,
under lite snperinleiidenee of the Committee.
Altera fair and impartial burning lor live
hours, the Safe of Messrs. Kvans & Watson
was first opened, the Rife being on lire in
side, and the contents partially consumed,
while the contents ill the Sale of Messrs.
Farrels & Herring were ill good condition,
vttd no fire inside."
Reading, March 2, 1857.
H. F. FELIX, )
(Signed) P. N. COLEMAN, I Com.
And endorsed by over 50 of the lest men
ol Reading.
The above Safes can be inspected al 3-1
Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy
themselves of the great superiority of-the
"Herring's Pulent Champion," over tins-de
feated and used-up "inside Iron Door Sala
31 Walnul St., Philud'a.
Only makers in this State of Herring's
Patent Champion Safes.
The attempt made by other parties to bol
ster up the reputation of a Sale which has
holed signally in accidental fires in Philadel
phia. (Ranstead I'laee,) by taking one out
of an agent's store, fH. A. I,nn:z.] made dou
ble thickness, (different from (hose they sell)
to "bum up"or,eol Herring's, (half as thick)
lias met with its liue reward. Herring's Sate
could not be burnt, proving conclusively that
the only reliable Sale now mude is Herring's,
ol which over 15,000 are now in acme! use,
and more than 200 have been triad by fire
without 11 single loss.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1858—ly.
THE well-known Maryland Consolidated
Lotteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are
the managers, are" ch.rtered by the state of
Maryland, ami a commissioner elected by
the people, who is sworn to superintend and
certify that everything connected with tbcra
is done in a strictly honorable manner, and
that the interims of parties who reside al a
distance are as well prolectod as if they
themselves were present at lite drawing.—
Another fact which the managers call atten
tion to, is, that all persons hsve a leg-l right
to send orders fnr tickets to Maryland, as
lotteries are legalized by special law in that
state. A lottery is drawn every day of th
month. If no particular class is named, or
ders are filled in the first drawing to tab*
place after the communication comes to
hand. The prices of tickets vary from 31
to $2O. No tickets are, however, sent nines,
th e money lor the same is received with tha
order. The drawings are upon the principle
of one number on each ticket (after the Ha
vana plan,) and Ternary combination. Prize,
vary in amount from #2O to $lOO,OOO. All
orders lor tickets or packages will receive
prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to
al! purchasers immediately alter it is over.
No. 3!> Fayette St., or Bo* No. 40,
Feb. 3d, 1857 -ly. Baltimore, Md.
IJTThe Drawn Numbers of the Maryland
Loteries are published by the State Cam
ms-inner ir. the following papers, viz: ?ttn,
Clipper, I'ntriot, American, Argus, ol Balti
more; also, the Nut ion at Intelligencer and
Union, of Washington, D. C.
January 13, 1858.
Just Published, Gratia, the itbth Thousand,
ffgl/efah ' cw on I lie rational treat*
mem, without Medicina of Spar*
ttSLaSarar matorrhea or Local Weakness,
Nocturnal Emissions, Genital antl Nervous
Debility, Premnto-re Decay of the System,
Impoteiicy, and Impedimeins to Marriage
The important fact that tlie many alarming
complaints, originating in the imprudence
anil solitude ol youth,may be easily removed
wi'hout Medicine,its in this small irart, clearly
demonstrated; anil the entirely new and
highly successful treatment, at adopted by
the Author, fully explained, by means of
which every one is enabled to cure himself
perfectly and ai the least possible cost, there
by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of
the day.
Sent to any address, oralis and post froe
in a sealed envelope, by lemming, postpaid,
iwo postage stamps, in Dr. H. DK LANKY,
17, Lispenaril Street, New York Cily.
Jan. 13, 185S-6tn. ■ ■.
♦ T his old stand on the upper end o! Maid
"L Street which lie will sell cheaper than
the cheapest. It consists in part of Silks el
pacca", lustres, barages, de laines, ducat
cloths, poplins, brilliants, challies, de hsges,
lawns, skirling, frenclt and scotch ginghams,
prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkercliiels,
&e. Shawls and Maiuillas ol every sly le and
Cloths casimeres, vesting*, flannels, mus
lins, lickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, col*
lotiudes, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills
marseilles quills, colored and white carpet
chain, parasols, umbrellas, a large and splen- .
did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AND
Tras,Codec* Sugar,lVlolastrs
Rice, Spice", &c. Also, Hardware, Queens
ware, Crockery and Cedarware.
Having selected my entire stock with tha
greatest care and at the lowest cash prices i
can assure my Iriends and the public gener
ally, that I will do all in my power to tnako
establishment known a the "Headquarters
for bargains." Those who wish io purchasa
will liud it to their advantuge to call aud ex
amine my stork before purchasing.
1 will pay the highest market price for
Oriel, Fruit, ami country produce in general.
Blnomsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. -
THE subscriber announces that lie will
carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at Ins
brewery in Hopkinsville, where he will make
and everything in that line ot business. He
will also repair work of all kinds, niui will do
it skillltrlly and at lair prices.
Bloomsburg, Jan. J3, 1858.
AN ASSORT MEN P of confectionary, iw
elry, Perfumery soaps, hair oils, &o.
Pomades, tp be had at
C. CLARK'S Book ?tore.