The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 25, 1857, Image 4
TO 9IECIIAIVICB, INVENTORS k MAN DFAITIRERB. In announcing ihe THIRTEENTH annual volume jo the Scientific American, the pub lisbera rApectfolly iidoim the public that in order to increase and stimulate the formation of clubs, they propose lo offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS IN CASH PREMIUMS for Ibe fifteen largest lists ol subscribers sent in by ihe Ist of January, 18.18; said prorni urns to be distributed >< Inflows: For ihe largftM list, 8300: 2d, *210; 3d, *200; 4lh. *110: sth, *100: 6th. *9O; 7ih, SBo; 8:h, *7O; 9lb, *6O, 10th, *5O; I Ith, ¥4O; I2lh. 535: 13 I) *3O; I4ih *25; IBM. *2O. Nsmes of subscriber* enn be seni in nt dif ferent limes and ftom different Post Offices. The cash will be paid to the orders of llie successful competitors, immediately alter the Ist of January, 1856. Southern, Western and Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian sub scribers will please lo remit Twenty-six els. extra on each y ear's subscription to pre-puy postage. Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a year or One Dollar fur six months. Club Rates—Five copies, for six mondis, *4; Five copies, for Iwelve months, ¥8; Ten copies, for six months, ¥8; Ten copies lor iwelve months, ¥l5; Twenty copies, (or 12 jronlhs, ¥2B. For ell Clubs of Twenty and over, ihe yearly subscription is only ¥1 40. The new volume will be primed upon lino paper with new type. The general character of the Scientific Amer ican is well known, and, us Iteieinfore, it w ill be chiefly devoted lo tho promulgation of information relating to the various Mechani cal and Chemical Ails, Msiiuluriurcs, Agri culture, I'aicnls, Inventions, Engineering, Mill Work, and all interests which the light of Practical Scienco is calculated to advance. It is issued weekly, in Inrm for hireling; it contains aniiuully Irom 500 lo 600 finely ex ecuted Engravings, and notices ol American and European Improvements, together with j an Official List ol American Patent Claims J published weekly in advance ol all other pu- , pers. It is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific j American to present all subjects discussed in its columns in a practical and popular lortn They will also endeavor to ina'tiiam a candid j fearlessness in combating and exposing bd-e j theories arid practice in Screr.ltlio and Mo ' chunical matters,and thus preserve the char acter ol Ihe Scientific Auieiican n* a reliable j Encyclopedia ol I'sclul an l Entertaining j Knowledge. Specimen copies will bo sent grntis to any j patt of tbo country. MUNN&CO, | Publishers and Patent Agents, i No 128 Fuhcn St , New York j Sept. I, 1837. T. hIM.M OItl) \ SON'S OSWIGO"' STARCH,; (FOR I HE LAUNDRY.) ■ lAS established a greater celebrity than ' -* " lots ever been obtained by any otltct I Starch. This has been the result of its marked sn- , pcttoriiy in quality, mid its invariable uni formity. The public may be assured of the confirm- ! nttce of the It git standard now established. The production i over Twenty Tons daily, and the demand Ita*extruded throughout the whole ol the United Slides, und to foreign ; countries. Wmking thus on n very laigc scale, and under a rigid system, lltcy are able lo secure - a perfect slid uniformity in the quality through out the year This is the great Desideratum , in Starch making, and is realized now lor the first time. The very best starch ll at can he made, and no Alter, is always wai ted by consumers, it ml while tins will ba supplied to them by the grocer*. ua soon as their customers have leatited which i the Ileal, and -k lor 11 otherwise they would be likol) t > got tli.u article on which the Isrge.t profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford has been encaged in the manufacture of March continuously for the last ST years, an<| during the whole of the period, the March made under his supervis ion has been, bevond anv question, the best in the matket. For the first IT years, he had fhe charge of tl.e works of Wm. Colgate is Co . at which period he invented the process ol the manufacture of corn starch. TV .Ink Jot An gst WV Sf.iiiA. Os tlx ttntrx (hiergo hos iceently Inn token iy anoint tJ u " y T KINGSFOKO Si SO\ S OSII K(i() COhW sr.ilil 11, (For A/fifing*, Iff ,) Ha* obtained an equal eclebrhy with theit Siarrh for the Laundry. This article is per fectly pure, and is. in even respect, eqnai to the best Ibermuila Arrow-Root, besides hav tug additional qualities which render it mi at liable for the dessert. Fotaio Siareh lias been cvtensivelv packed npA sold as Corn Siarcli. and lias given talse tmpresfions 10 many, as to tbe real merits ol our Corn Kiarch. Fioni in great delicacy and porliy, it is coming also into extensive use as a diet lor infants and invalids E. N KELT (Xtft & CO., Acnttt. IPS Knlton Street. N. V ALLEN A NEED! KS. Acmts, 23 South \Vcarves, i'hilad * Jelf M, ISST—3m. F*rfrs' l epol and Plaster >li!ls. Jit the .fiiitctiori rj' ]\:rk .ivrnut and CalfairhtH S/rrrtf. ruii.Aikt'.i.riii v. VfE ofler a lar-e siook of Chemical Ma nures and Fevitlizsrs ai low prices, and •- tamed to be genuine: among which will be found 1 000 tons No 1 Government Pe-cvian Guano. I 000 tons l>eßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphn.o of Lirce The above standard artirles are. each of thpir kind, ihp besi in the world Our Land Plaster, nrannfeo'iired from seleot s'opp. i oeiehraied thronghooi ihe I'nion lor us purity end strength. \\ K INVITE ORDERS FOR T>e Rerg's No 1 brppr of I rrp No. 1 <TOvernmeni Peruvian Gi sno French s Irrproi-ed Sup-nbosphaie oi Lime French's Philadelphia Pondreue No 1 Ph<**phaip t.nsno (Phila. Co'sT Mexican Guano (A.; F.xtra Land Piaier, Ordinarv La rd Plaaier. Chemical Bone Pure bone dust Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10.000 fierrrl* land Duster. A.OOO •• Caslinj; P/a*!rr. 10.000 " Hydraulic Crmcnt. 3,000 • 7'n/r Romnrn Crrnrnt, 1,000 • ForUani {Rne-) Cement. AL$O," nENTIBTS' PLASTER STERFOTYPE GLASS MAKERS' GROUND STONE. WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powdered Anthracite Coal, (id barrets) do bituminous C oal, do Oround RrrwnSione. do White Sand do Ground Bricks for Painters CfeMMcal Bone dnsi FRENL H. RICHARDN it CO. &mm JtHkamd Farmert Ikpn , Jut inmeina if Ytwk Avenop. Crown and ta Of all disease; the sreat. first cause Sprint:* Irom neglect of Nature's laws. ffih not, wiiei a crvti: is guaranteed in all siaues nt SECRET DISEASES, SELF-ABUSE. NERVOUS De bility, Siriolures, (ileets,' Giavel, Diabetes, Diseases of ihe Kidney* and Bladder, Mer curial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Fains in the Bones and Ankles. Disease* of the Longs, Throat. Nose am! Eyes, Ulcers npen the body or, Cancers, Dropsy, Edileptic Kits, St. Vila's Dunce, arid !l diseases aris ing from a derangement of the Sexual Or gan*. Surli na nrrvoit* trembling. |cm of memory, loss of power, gciit-rsl wenkiieMS, dimness of I vision Willi peculiar spot* appearing before the. eyas, los* of sight, Wiikuiulnenf dysnepnia, | Liver dinensp, eruptions upon the fare, pain in lliuhui'k and lirml* female iiroffuUriiics pint all improper discharges fiom both sexes. It in Iters not from whai csuse the di*rse origi nnled, however long standing or olisti.iate the ease, recovery is cert aiii. and in a shorter time ihnn a permanent cure can he effected bv any otbr lieaiment, even nlivr the disease h.ia tf lied the skill of eminent physic ians and resist ed all the mrniiM of cure. The medicines are ' plea taut without odor, causing r.o sickness j and fice Imm mercury or hnlsnin. During 20 I years of prarliee, 1 liavo rescued from the | j.iws of death mnuy thoiisands, who, in Hie | IrtHt stages of the uliovu mentioned disease* { had bean given up to die ly itieir pliysieians, | which warrants me in promiaing to the afflict- ' ed, who may place themselves under my rare, I n per tee t and most speedy cure. Secret dis eases are the groate't enemies to health, as ' lhey are the liisi raua- of I •orsuiopticn, (k*rof- I nla omi ninny ntlii diseases, and should he a , terror to the humuo family. As a peiiuaiient | euro is acareoly ever effected, a majority of I the eases billing into the* hands of iiicompe* j lent persons, who not only fail to cure the ; diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the j system with mercury, which, with lire disease, ; hastens the sufferer into a rapid consumption. lint should Ibe disease and tbc tie.iimeiit i not cause death apmlilv and (lie victim mar- 1 lies, the dir-winc i- entailed upon children, who i ure born witli leeblc* couslitutioiia, and tin* \ current of lifo corrupted by u vims which ho* nays itself in Scrofula, Toiler, I'leers, Erup tions and other atleeiions of the skin, I yes, I hroul ui.d Lung*, emailing them to an early grave. s>rir*nliunit i* nnmtmr formu'altla enemy to | health, (tit nothing '|h iii tho ilicml catalogue ul liiimint diseases rniiM'H niidHrurliviii drum I upon the ay Mem. ilinwing its I huut*siilw ot \ietim* through ii few year* of suffering <1 mn |io an untimely gvi It destroys (lie M. I vnus system. n|illy waste* away tin* energies of fife, cniiiCH meuul dt niiigen.ent, pieveols • Itc proper development of the system, ilia tj ii ii 11 fi h tor inwr r i society, hunine**, mid ill rniiluv ImppineuH, ami leaves ilie sufferer wteckeil iii body nod iniiol. pit'iliApoMul to consumption mul 11 tmin of evil* mote to lie dreaded limn den Ii itMelf. Willi the Inlleet con lid cik O 1 nanire tle uiifoiliinMte viutiwu ol i erltoiho>e that n permanent himl speedy cure car be '.Heeled, nud with the ahmidoinnenl of i iii ii op practice* my pmiente can be restoicd to rhu*t vigo cue health. 'I he ntlliclcd ore cautioned agamM the ue of I'nteut Medicine*, lor there me m ninny inge nious snares in thccoliumiii of the puhlte punt* to enult mul ioh the unwary sufferers that million* hnve their constitution* ruined by ■ ihe vjle eoiopoiind* of qtimk doctor*, m tire equally poisonous nostrum* v need a* 'Patent .Multeities.' I hnve -wrrfully analysed many of the no railed Patent Medicine* and llnd tlut nemlv all ot them contain format te Suirli mate, which i* one of the strongest prepaia- I lion* ot meienry and a deadly poison, which instead ol euiing (he difCaMt disable* the *y*- tern for life. I I luce-fourths of the patent nostrum* trow in use me put up lv unprincipled and ignor ant leraons, who do not muieiKtand even the alphabet ot the Materia Mediea, and are < l> a* destitute . 1 any knowledge of the buoino -v>tem, having one object only in view, and thai to make money regit idle** of consequence. Irregularities and nil niveaxc* of ittale* and females treated on prtitctples established by 20 years of practice, nd sanctioned hv ihovisn ds id the most lemai kahle ruics. Medeine* with lull directions ret t t any part ol the Tinted states or Taoadas, lv patients (omntunieatiog their symptom* by letter, llusioess correspon dence strict lv confidential. Address J STMMKKXILLK, ol 0., Ortice No. 1131 Filbert Sheet, [Old No. 10bJ below Twelfth. Philadelphia. / \ Itclireri !'hyi i;ui / 7.s YEARS OF AGE I Whmp sotf of lII.' havr oparlvrun out. | disoovprpd whth m the I "am InHirf a rot imiii chip tor Consumption, AMhtn*. Bron chitis. Couth*. Cold* ati.i 'Jenrtsl Debility. The ri'mn'v * tfionvereii by him when In* oniv oliiM. daughter. was given up to die Hp hud heard much ol thp wonderful tesioranve and healing qualities of prepara tion* made trom ihp Kan India Hpmp. and the thought oocurred that hp might make a remedy tor hi* ohild. Ho studied hard and succeeded in realizing his wishes His child was enrad and is now alive and well. Hp lias since administered the wonderful reme dy to thousands of sufferers in all parts ol Itie world and lie has never failed ill making them completely healthy and happy. Wtstt trig <o do as much good a possible, he will send to such ol Ins afflicted fellow-beings as request it. 'his recipe, wiih fall and ex plioit directions for making ii p and success- tully Ofi' il it. He require* each applicant to inclose him ot.e shilling—three cents to bo returned postage on the recipe. unit l!io V remainder to bo applied to the payment I ot this advertisement. Address / Or H .1A SI OS. No. 19 Gr*nd Street. / Sept fS -im ] JwwyCity.N.JiQ Fall Stork of Fa.ll Pry Goods. r'YRF A 1 AN DELL. Fourth & Arch S;s . ' ri.i ta.fplphia. respectlolly request Cask p.' < 'o examine a ti >e stock oi Seasonable Glists acopto.t to Bert Pennsylvania Trace. Ft.ll I. Eot Kali P'pss Goon*. Now .'o- gvi- of Fall Snawls Good Black S.'k- ot all wn.tlW. 4 Cases aesor oc French Vennoe*. 7 " rod. do l hevre*, Now Goods. Fritsh and American Dark Prints Sa ine'ts, C>.ss:nr>e>e, Cloths A Vesting* Muslins. I iioiis. Flat.neß Bar kct*. Arc. N F—Auction Bargains Irom New Sort a d tins City daily received. Particular a: cnt -n given to Country orda/* ior desirable Goo.lg— l cm- Ac Cask. Sept. 1, ISS< —Smos. 1A LI ABLLIFA RM FtlK SALE THE stibecriber offers tor sale Ips larnrt in Orange township, Columbia 00.. containing :i.t ACRE'S, on which r oaM# iirnroA-pmcrt*, ooir prijitnc !Ffl O! farm bciidmsrs. Two Pwrlling Honses. two hams sod other bT'ldmes. two r-ppie orchards ami a varieiy oi oiner truit trees About 200 acres ot the premises is cleared land in a good condition of . mnrovetneri'. and it lays along Fishiugcreek. 1 nmie above Orangei nie, and only 7 mues from tbe coun.y seat Tbe whme will be sold together, or m two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on tne premises or direct c Orangeville Colombia count* to JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township. May sth. 185". ILIAK! ILIAIBI ' ELlAkv: DEEDS. SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS SUBPfENAS AND JUDGMENT NOTES, ne ofporr A desirable forms, fo* sate a; the ficef ole tbe "Star of the North." ( IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. CONftIMPTION, '■ AND AIX DISEASES OF TliE LUNGS 4 n.l THOATT are positively curable by in (relation, which convoys ih<' remedies to ! ihe entities in the linigs through the air pas sages, and coming in direct contact with ilio disease, neutralizes Ihe lubercnlar mailer, allays lire cough cnusee a Iree and oy ex iiectcvslion, tresis ibe lung", purifies Ihe blood, Imparls renewed vitality to ihe nereons sys tem, giving that lone and energy so indis pensable tor ihe restoration of health. To be able io slsle confidently that Consumption in curable by inhalation, is to me a source ol unalloyed pleasure. It is • muoh under the control ol medical treatment as any Utter formidable disease; ninety otti of every hun dred cases can be cured in ihe fitst s'.ages, and fihy per cent, in the second; but in the third singe it is impos-iblo lo save more than five per cent., for ihe lungs are so cut up by the disease a* to bid defiance lo medical skill. Even, however, in tliu last stages, in tiHl.itinn aflords extraordinary rebel to Ihe suffering snendirg ibis fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per sons in the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that out ol the present pnp- I nl.iinn of the earth, eighty millions ure des- I fined lo fill the consumptive's grave, j Truly the quiver ol death lias no arrow so ! la'al as Consumption. In all ages it lias been j the great enemy ol life, for it spares neither I age nor sex, but sweeps ofT alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— | By the help of that Supreme Being, liom | ! whom eomelli every good and perleet gift, I 1 win enabled in offer lo Ihe articled a pcrrna ! iient and speedy cure in Consumption. The | first canso ol tubercles is Irom impure i blood, and llm immediatn effect, produced j by Iheir deposition in the lungs, islo prevent | the free admission of air into the air cells, I which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more I rational to expect greater good from rr.edi nines entering the cavities of the lungs than Irom those ml ministered through the etoiti ach; Ihe paiienl will always find Ihe lungs tree and the breathing easy alter inhaling remedies. Thus, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constutilionally, and Willi more power and certainty than rem edict administered by the stomach. To prove the poweilnl and ditect influence ol this i mode of administration, chloroform inhaled I will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew mitt -1 ulcs, paralyzing ibo entire nervous system, so i that a limb may be amputated without the 1 s'ightesi pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas w'dl destroy I tie in a lew hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when tainting or apparently dead.— The odor ol many nl the medicines is per ceptible io the skin a lew minutes after being j inhaled, and may he immediately delecled i in ilie blood A convincing proot ol Ihe constiliilmnal cflccls ol inhalation, is Ihe faot I thai sickness is always produced by breath ing foul tor. Is not this positive evidence , thai proper remedies, carelully prepared and I judiciously administered through ihe lungs, I should produce the most happy iettlis Du- j ring eighteen yeats' practice, manv tbotis- , amis, suffering diseases of the lungs throat, have been under my care, anil I I have affected many remarkable cures, even j alter the .offerers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies me thai J consumption is no lunger a laial disease.— | My treatment of consumption ts original, anil ! founded on long experience and a thorough j investigation. My perleet acquaintance with j the nature ol tubercles. No , enables me to | distinguish readily Ihe various terms ol dis- i case that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies rarely being mistaken i even in a single case. This familiarity in j connection with certain pathological an.' mi- 1 croscnpio discoveries, enables me to relieve j the lungs trom ibe effect* el contracted chests; to enlarge the cheat, purity the blood, impart | to it renewed vitality, giving enargy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any ' part of the United States and Canada* by pa'ients communicating their symptoms by j letter. But the cure would be more certain il the patient should pav nie a vicit. vvhieb 1 would Rive me an oppor'ntiity to examine ! the lungs and enable tne to prescribe with ' greater eertamlv. and then the cure could be effected without mv seeing the patient again. G.W.GRAHAM, MP i Otiicc 1131 Filbatt Street, (old No. 109 ) below tweltih, Philadelphia, Pa. i Sep l 29. 1857. I HOW.AKD AS9oriATIA,. r u r r. r n t.i. IMPOH lAN r ANNOrNCEMNFT. | r| ill all persott afflte'ed with S'xn. His : * eases, such as Spermoratrkna Stminn!' \ Weakness, Imptftnct, Onnomika. (Cert. Sypk 1 I ii'rs the vice of Omrtntsm. . ijv. 1 The "Howard Association,' inviewofthe ■ aw ml destruction of human life, caused by | ivxnal diseases, and the deceptions practised j upon the unfortunate viettms nt snoh <4tseae- | bv Quacks. have directed ti.eir Coo sit I ling i ; Surgeon, as a ckarttalie art worthy of then! name to give Medical advtee grafts, to all per | j sons thus afflicted, who may apply by letter | ! with description ot their condition, (age. . occupation, habits ot life. &c.) and in cases j ol CI renic poverty jnd suffering, 10 Jul a si. , me.'tints fret or cAnrgc lnc Howard Association is a bertevofent J Institution,e*lMished by special endowment, lor the relief ot the sick stt.i distressed, at tiictcd wnh "Virulent and Epidemic Dis eases." It has now a surplus ol means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skdiot the age. and w.JI tnr nih the most approved modern irea.mem. .Inst published by the Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weeklies*, the vice oi Omamsm. Masturbation or Self- Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual Or gan*. b the Consulting Surgeon which will be sent bv matt, (in a sealed envelope). Fret nt CAiirgr, on the receipt of twe stumps for pcsigpp. Add. res*, Dr. GEO. R CALHOUN, Con sulting S.trgcon. Howard Associaiim . No. 2 Sooth NIN 1 H S'reer. Philadelphia, Ta. By order ot the Directors. E7.KA n. HF.AKTWKLL, Pre*'; GEO. FAHvOTU.P S-erelaty. Philadelphia. Sepi. 24. 1957. GIFTS. GIFTS, <RFTT~ A riitXE TO EVERY" PURCHASER .41 tht Qnnht' Ci.'j Pvhhsknte House nf PUANK RUI.ISON, PHILADEf.HHIA. * 1 bcyinc * hook for on* dollar or mnr* ■ K you are at oner presented with a friar, worth tornt 25 rents to consistirg of Fine Gold Jewrliy, \5 auhes, Ac. All orders bv mail will be promptly filled, ami the prur or prties will sreompanv the hook Oar list contains ail nf the most pnpolar books of the (in*'. and will be aold at tbv usual -eiiu! prices maov rrt tbeni tor leas. Persons wishing any }iai:truf&r book can order at once, and it will tic t.iwarded with a gill. A catalogue giving fell information, with a list of btoks and gifts will lie sent post paid, bv nddresatng DOANE BUUmOK, Nr 88 South Third St., Philadelphia. I Uf Ageme warned, tvepu 8, 1857. —3ri. TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arti cle*, a good asaortmeru ol Hosiery of the beat quality, also glnwaa, mitis, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings sew ing silk, thread, etc., etc., lo be bad uexi j door to the "Exchange " ! AMELIA D. WEBB. Bibomgburg. May 25,1857. 'Husiness Directory. Uloomsbttrg. J3a- DAVID LOW EivBERO. CLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." ~T~ J7~EV ANS. MERCHANT.—Store on the upper part '*■ of Main streel, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. c. SIIIYE, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.-Wareroom in Shive's Hlork, on Main Street. A.M. RUPERT, riiINNER AND STOVE DEALER A Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. R. W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW.— onice on the first floor of tho "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SIIARPLKSB. P ROUNDER ANN MACHI NEST, Build ingson the alley between the "Exchange I and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT. fi BAILOR —Shop on tho South Side of Main -L Street, first square below Marital. A. C. MENS! 11, MERCHANT.—Store North West corner i?L ol Main and Markut S'rects. lIIKAM f. HOWER, DENTIST.—Office near ihe Academy on Third Street. M'KELII, MEAL iloli MERCHANTS. —Northeast comer of Main and Maiket streets. THE POCKET JESCI LAPIIS; 08, KVBHV ONK "IS OWN PHYSICIAN. @rrilK FIFTEITH •A- Edition, with One hundred Engraving*. ■ howinK Diseases and Mil formations ol the human System in every shape ami form . To which i* added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, heing ol the h iglic-l importance to mar ried people, oi those con templating maritsgc, Jly WILLIAM YOUNG, M It. Let r.o lather he ashamed the present a copy of the Aesculapius to hi* child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations ol mnr rted lite without reading Ihe I'oeke Aesculapius Let no one sutler from s hock mod Cough I'sin in th Mdc.restless nights, nervous feelings, slid the whole trsin ot Despeplir sensations, and given up hy their phyairiana, he another moment without consulting the AR6CULA- Pll s* H**e the msriied, or thoae about to he married snv impediment, read this truly useful hook, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate ereatuics from the very jaws ol death. Any person sending twenty five rents, en. closed in a letter, will receive one ropy of this h.iok.hy mail.or live copies willheaent for one dollar. Address. Dr. W. Young ~\o. /59 Sprurc street, Philadelphia.' Post paid. No 162 fvpruce S*t., Philadelphia. Sep* Ist, IHMsly. U_; Uao ixia tt> en ap iy Cabinet Ware Koonis, S. V. KIIIVE UF.srF.CTKI 1 I.V invite* the attention of o! the l'u hi to to his extensive assort ment ot Cabinet Furniture ami Chairs, which lie will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always he found a good assort ment ot Fashionable Fnrnilnc, Which is equal in style and tinishto that of Philadelphia or New \ ork cities, and at as low priors. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from SSS to $6O. Divans, Loun ges. Walnut and Mahogany Parlor chairs, lioekiHgand easy chairs, Piano stools, and a v. 'ioty of upholstered work, with Dressing am n.utor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pis- les, detashus, chefl'enier*. whatnots a" nodes and all kiDds of fashionable i - His stock of bureaus, enclosed and con n washstands, dress-tables, corner clipboards, solas, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads cane seat and common chairs, is rhe largest in this section of the country. He will elso keep a good assort ment of look ng-glasses with fancy .gilt and common irames He will also furnish spring mattresses fined to anv sized bedstead.which are superior for durability and comtort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg. April tith 1554. tf. ""LEAF TOBACCO AXD fIGAES." OENSLOW &c CO., 41 Eolith Front Slrcrl, PHILADELPHIA. Commiskion Tlrrrhants, And W housuit Dealer* in alihtndt of l,faf Tokacco, Mauiifarinred Tobac co, and (ittars. HAVK constantly e- hand and for sale low ail kinds of American and Spanish l,eaf To , baecos. selected with special reference to Manufacturers' use. All article* sold warranted to be as rep ie~ei.ted and every opportunity afforded for examination. Purchasers a: a distance can send their or i drrs. snd rely upon being as faithfully served j as it the c wis were selected in person. October 15. 1850. tinware A Move Eslaklishnrni. r I>HE llNW'Shlfi\El> respectful} in- I * forms his old friends and customers.that ! has purch**ed his brother's interest in rhe I above esvstustimcnt, nd the concern will here after be conducted by himself exclusively. He has jostreceived and offeis for sale the largest and nio-t extensive assortment met t f FANCY BTO V E8 ever intro docei into this market binvapipr and Ttuvrare constantly n band aud manufactured - tocrder. All kinds of re nal r ng USOBI. on short nolieo, I'be pew, Date of old fnem s and new ens I tomerr is respectfully solid.ed. AM. RUPERT R'nomsbneg. 7 II 1855 tf. TbLLb AT BLUB HA A LA. Cbi-WTOK ► Ornce. ) Beach Haver, Aug btl. '57. | MB. Earron-Trie amount of tolls receiv-' ! ed ' this office are as follows: Prerinns!) reported. . . $60816 15 Inly, . . * . * .... 57168 71 j Total. #87874 86 j Leepeoucdly euban itte.d. | JOHN S. FOLLMER. Collect or. j LARGE assortment of iron, Steet and Nails i for sale at the Arcade by i May TP, '57. A. C. MENSCH EVANS & WATsOVS I nmk.. Pbil'a Mauufaciurwl SALAMANDE R TRUTH IS MIGHTY, MUST PREVAIL Report of the Committee appointed to sufterinlend the burning of the Iron Safes at Heading, Fib. nth, 1857. READING, March 4th. The undersigned, member* of the Commit lee. <lo respectfully report. that we enw ihe two Safe* originally* agritml cpon by barrels & Herring end Evans & Watson, placed eide by aide in a (iiniere, viz: The Bale by the Paymaster ol (lie Philadelphia and Read- 1 inu Railroad Company, in his office al Read ing, rnaiiufarlnred bv Farrele & Herring, and the Sale in line by H A. I.anir, in Ilia wore. 1 manufactured by K**n & Wataon, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire wan started al 84 o'clock, A M , and kept up until lour cords of green hickory, two cords dry onk and half chestnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, mem bers ol the Committee. The Safes were then cooled of! with water, after which they were opened, agd the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. I.a/uz s store for public examination, alter they were , first examined and marked by the Commit tee. The hooks and papers taken Irom the Sale manufactured byKvanafc Watson wore but slightly affected by the intense heal, while those taken lrom the Sale manufac tured bv Parrels & Herring were, in our judo men!, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. JACOH H. DYSHF.R, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, wo fully coincide with the above statement ol the condition ol the papers and booka tak en out of the respective Safe*. U.A. NICOLLS, H. H. Ml 'HI. EN HE 110, JAMES MII.HOLI.ANIV The following named gentlemen, residents of Rending and it* vicinity, who saw the above lire, have purchased Sates lrom Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Ist, 1867. (t. A. Nicolls, 1 Solomon Rhoads, 1 11. R. Company, 2 W. H. Verger, 1 11. A. Lanist; 2 Ceo. K. Levnre, I Kirk & lleister, 1 Samuel Fusing, 2 W. Rhoads & Son, l J M &G.W.Hantach,l H. W. Missimer, 2 James Jameson, I Dr. Witt. Moore, I J. B.& A. B. Wanner I Levi J. Smith, I Jacob Schmucker, 1 High & Cra.g, 1 Wm.Ktng. 1 Wm Krtck, 1 V. B. Shollenberger,! Kanlmnn & Ranm, 1 I eopold Hirsh, 1 Witt. McFarlin, 1 Ezra Miller. I Geo. J Eckert, 1 W.C.&l'.M.Ermen- Isaac linth, 1 trout, t Bitlmeyer, Folmer Wm. Donahower, 1 &Co. 1 Rutin & Milton, I EVANS & WATSuN. j I June 17, 1867. I THIS WAT FtK IMUIMI A. J . EVANS HAS JL'ST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS j 4 T his old stand on the upper end ol Main i £ Street which he will sell cheaper than I the cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al | paccas, lustres, barages, do lames, ducsl ' cloths, poplins, brilliants, challie*, de hages, j lawns, skirting, trench and scotch ginghams prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchief, | &<*. Shawls and Mantillas ol every style ami ! quality. | STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY EOODS, 1 Cloths caeaimeres, vestings, (lannels, mus | tins, tickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, cot -1 tonadea, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills. Marseilles quills, colored and white carpet \ chain, parasols, nmbsellas a large and spier. J did assortment ol HATS,CAPS, IU)OI"S AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH tssm§m Toas.Collffi !>iiii::ir.Mola!iara Rice, Spice, &c. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. ! Having selected my entire stock with the i greatest rare and at the lowest cash prices, I j can assure my Itiends and the public geuer i ally, that I will do all in my power to make ! establishment known as the ''Wend quarters for bargains." Those who wish to purchase j will find it to their advantage to call and ex ; amine my stock- before purchasing, j I will py the highest market price for i RtTTTFR. EGGS. RAGS, SOAP AND j Dried Fruit, alid country produce in general i Bioomsbnrs, April 29, 1857. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE, fOLFMBIA CO., PA. A systerrtatic course of instruction is given in all the English branches usually taught. The Principal will be assisted during ihe present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, recently Irom the I.ancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation ol seven weeks will commence ! July Ist. j TUITION , for day pupils $3.50, to 54.50 par j quarter. Hoarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c.. $3O per quarter of eleven weeks one-hali in advance. For rircnlar, catalogue or oriher particu lar* address WM. BURGESS, Mill nil#, April I, 1857. Pitncr^a? TilE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Published. Gre tit, lit 251 A Thmtand. j ygf* /se A tew words on the rational treat ijgMV mem. without Medicine, (if Sper e> matorrbea or Local Weakness. Noc.urnal Emissions, Genual and Nervous Debilitv. Premature Decay ol the System, impotence, and Impediments to Marriage : generally. BY B DE LANEY, M. D. The important fart that the many alarming 1 complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youib.may be easily removed vithout in this small tract, clearly : demonstrated; and the entirely new and I highly successful treatment, a* adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure hxmttij | perfectly and at the least possible cost, there | by avoiding all the advertised nostrums ol the day. | Sent to any address, gratis and post free I in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, | 'wo postage stamps, to Dr. B DE LANEY, ; 17. Lispcnard Stre>ei, New York City. May 6, 1857 -6m. THOMAS BUTLER, Aim 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA; Mann fact nrer of strong Tinware, Copper, T ID and Zinc Hatnin^ Tubs. Bailing Pans, and every kind of boning apparatus. Also deed and paper boxee. Prompt attention g>en to ordered work, and goods carefully lorwpreed on orders. i Philadelphia. August 17th 185*. A FULL ASSORTMENT of Ladies' Dry- Goods at tha Arcade by J May 27, '57. AC. MENSCH. i*#~ A 3t> tt "Sk l OTIfK FAsIION AW.E ANI> if? CD ULS SJSJ IS!b®a • raiHE undersigned uavingj list received 1 latest Pans hihl New York Fashions i would again beg leave 10 inform his iminei 1 OUR friends and all the world aboul Bloom* burg,that he is now belter prepared toanev er to accommodate any one Willi the neatest easiest and beoi fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too wel known o need furthernotiee) where lie mav at all limes be found, seated upon the fieiirA of repentance steadily drnuMng outthefArme of affliction.hopeing it may in the surf provt advantageous to him and his customers. Hi would also advise his fiends to bear in mine that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be ex peeled to work. Therefore Wheat Rvo Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-slamting on the books. Remember, gentlemen, that in si! enses "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsbnrg, April 14th, 1553. jjrnmmm HERRING'S" ytriffl JkA* 137° J_oH 9 THK ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPION!! 'lt m THE recent trials at Read i^.'.;< ing have endorsed the cur- tout of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 300 acci dental fires, proving conclusively that "Hur ring's" is the only sale that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Report on the Trial of Iron Sales at Reading: "On the 2fith of February all the members I of the Committee met to witness the Ssles and bonks and papers, (placed in them) and were perlecily eaiiehed that all was right.— The day following, the burning took place, under the superintendence of the Committee. Altera fair and impartial burning for five hours, ihe Safe of Messrs. Evans & Watson was first opened, the Ssfe being on tiie in side, and tho contents partially consumed, while the contents in the Sate of Messrs. Farrels & Herring were in good condition, snd no rtte inside." Reading, March 2, 1857. 11. F FELIX, ) (Signed) P. N. COLEMAN, > Com A. H. PEACOCK. \ And end-.-edby over SO of the best men ol Reading. The above Safes est) be inspected at Sf Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of Ihe great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion." over the de feated and tierf-w/> "inside Iron Poor Sala tnandor." FARRELS & HERRING, 34 Walnut St., Philad'a. Only makers in this State of Herein!''.') /'olent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bol ster tip the reputation of a Sale which has laded signally in accidental fires in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) bv taking one out | ot an agent's store, fH. A. Lantz.] made dou ble thickness, (different from those they sell) to "burn up" one ol Herring's, (hall as thick) has met with its line reward. Herring's Sate could not be butnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is Herring's, ol which over 15,000 are now in actuel use, ' and more than 200 hare been tried by lire i without (i single loss. J Philadelphia. May 8, 1357—1y. LOTTERIES. i THK well-known Maryland Consolidated i Lotteries, ot which R. FRANCE & Co. are I the managers, are chartered by the stale ol Maryland, ami a commissioner elected by j the people, who is sworn to superintend and ' j certify that everything connected with them I j is done in a strictly honorable manner, and , that the intetists ol parties who reside at a | distance are a* well protected as if thay i themselves were present at the drawing.— j Another fact which the managers call alien- I tion to, is, that all persons have a leg,l right I I to sand orders tor tickets to Maryland, at - j lotteries are legalized bv special law in that | state. A lottery is drawn every day ol the • I month. If no particular class is named, or- I | ilers are filled in the first drawin" to take ■ | place alter the communication comes to ' i hand. The prices ol tickets vary from Si i' to $2O. No tickets are, however, sent unless > j Ih e money lor the same is received with the • ; order. I'lie drawings are upon the principle j of one number on each ticket (after the Ha r vat,a plan,)and Ternary combination. Prizes I vary in amount from $2O to $lOO,OOO. Alt ; orders for tickets or packages svi|| receive j prompt attention, and the drawing mailed lr ' all purchasers immediately alter it is over. ACturess, T H.HFBRARD& CO, No. 39 Fayette st., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 155?.-ly. Baltimore, Md. ■ IT" The Drawn Numbers of the Maryland i Loteries are published by the Slate Com ! mssioner ir. the following papers, viz: Sim : Clipper, Patriot, American, Argus, ot B*lti more; also, the National Litcliigcticer an. ! Union, of Washington, P. C. Kaslc Foundry, Rlooimbiirji STOVES AND TIN WARE. THE subscriber Jiavtng erected a large new briok Foundry and Machine Shop, in placi of the old one, is prepared to make all kind: of ! CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Flows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Mait Street to the Foundry Tot, where he ha: erected a building altogether for Stoves anc Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM PF.NN COOK, RAl'B COOK, VAN KR CtX)K, and PARLOR STOVES kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove kv- All kinds of Sooutina made to order. JOSEPH SHAKPLESS. Blooirtsbnrg. April 16. 1857. Leather. Leather! Leather! EUE3OT2" W.CTHMAir, JMPORTXR Or FRENCH CJiLF SKINS andtieneral Leather Dealer No 6 South Third Street, Phila. LtT A aer.etal assoriment of all kinds o ! Leather, Morocco. &c. &c. RED AND OA I i SOLE LEATHER. February 28. 1857.—1y. HE\KFZ IPPINLER, QT RLOOMSBURG Jr.* I "hi KFICrt.T repaying warranted ; spec ; tacles and glasses for spectacles ; glasse: | for hunting cased watches, aud other watcf material for sale. March 27, 1857 I 1 AN ASSORTMENT of confectionary, je* ; elry, Pertumery soaps, hair oils, kc i Pomades, to he had at C. CLARK'S Book Store. IKON STEEL, and every kind of Ha.r< *- ware at sale by McKELVY.NEALKCo McKELVY.NEALKCo JVfORTICED on band and foraal " at ihe Arcade by Mar 27, ! 57. A.C. MENSCH. COLOUR AND FEED Depot at the Arcade I 1 br A. C. MENSCH. THE POtftteYW PHYSIC AYER'S FILLS. A> ei r t i.i- pime sugar-shod over lit# p*l - bui (linir energy. although wrapped up, is there, ami tolls with giant fore# on the irry loumtalion of disease. There are thou sand* of sufferer* who would mil wear their distempers if they knew they could be cured lor as its. Try Ayer's Pilla and you know tl. Purify tho blood and disease will be starv ed out. Cleanse the system from impurities and you are cured already. Take this best ol all Purgatives, and Scrof ula Indigestion, Weakness, Mosdache, Side ache Jaundice, liheumuiism, derangements of the Liver, Kidney*, and Bowel*, all de rangements and all diseases which a purga tive remedy ran reach, fly bafora them like ( ark nets before the Sun. Header, if you a-e suffering from any of the numerous complaints they cure—suffer nh mote —the remedy has been provided fof yon, and it is criminal to tteglaci it. That Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ia the best medicine lor a Cough, is known 10 the whole world, and lhal Ayer's Pills are the best of all Pills, is known to those who hav# used' them. Prepared by Dr. JAS. C. A) Ell. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mae.—and sold by K. P. Lnt* and all Dtuggista in' Bloomsburg, and by Dealers in Medicine everywhere. Nov. tl, 1857 -2m. JOHN A MOORS. JOHN W. WIM.tAMS MOORE &, WILLIAMS, General Commission Merchants, ami (tattler* in MISTERS' SUPPLIES, Ao. 5-1 Softk JPtifrr St., Philadelphia. THK subscribers having been associated with the coal trade and ruining operation* generally, for several year*, are prepared to supply otders lor all articles contingent to mining purposes at the lowest rates, with care and dispatch. Our stock comprises the following articles : OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached, Racked, l.ard, Rosin, Greasing, Linseed ! Safety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope i Chains, Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, Winking, | Wire Rope, Tar and Pitch Thornley's | Celebrated Gum Belting, Washers, Packing, Hose Blasting and oilier Powders . ; Soap, Candles, Sic. RKFKRF.NCF.B J ' Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia | J. 11. A. &S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " | S. Rothermel, Esq., I J.ihtt Thoruley, Esq , " ; Wnt. De Haven, K. v , Minersville, Ps. Hon. W. Donaldson, Potlsville, Pa. 1 Hon. CW. Pitman, " i Geo. W. Snyder. Esq., " D. P Brown, Fsq., " ; j.. P. Brook, Esq., " i J.J. Connor, Ashland, Pa. j Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1867,-ly. ISX T IT SO t j Cse ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Sell Sealing Cana and FRF.SH FRUIT Jars, and yon will have fresh jftttu all the year at summer prices. Full directions (or pulling up all kinds of fruii and To matoes, accompany these jeans and jura. i They ere made of Tin, .Glass, (jireensware, and Fire and Acid proof Stone Ware. | IN WINTER Phe sizes ate Iroivt pir.ts to gallons. These cans & jars are entirely open al Ihe tops, and neat, to secure transpor tation. For sale by Storekeeper* throughout the U. Slates. Descriptive circulars sent BETTER on application, if" Order* Irom the trade solicited. Be sure lo ask lor " Ar thur's." li has stood ihe lesi of two seasons, having been used by liundrede of Tll A N Miousanda of lamiliee, hotel and boarding-house keep] !>rs. We are now making them for the million. ARTHUR, BURNHAM & GiI.ROY, .SWFFTMFALS. Manulacturers tinder the Patent. Nos. 117 & 119, S. Tenth St., fcor George.) PHILADELPHIA. I , June 17, 1857.-3 m. BLOOMSBURO H33DODLgS. I FIJHK undersigned would in this way call ■I the attention of Ihe public to the Book ; i Store at the old stand, next door to the ' F.x 'change Hotel," where at all times can be • found a good assortment of books, including ' j Bibles, llymn Boeks, Prayer Books, i Histories, Books of Poetry, Novels, and ' School Books : also all kinds of stationary of ] the best quality. j A considerable deduction made upon the j j price of School Rooks and Stationary to those ' i who by to sell again, i Just received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all to call and ' I examine belore puchasingelsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Blonmsburg. May 25, 1857,-lyr. H. 0. HOTOR, T? ESPECTFULLY offers his *■ professional eervices to i T the Ladies and Gentlemen of , 1 Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations io Den f j listlj, and is provided with the latest im ; proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will ,be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to look a# j well as natural. ! A superior article of Tooth Powders, al j ways on hand. Al operations on the teeth j I warranted. fe#"Office,3d building above Wilson's Car ■ I riace Manofactory—Mam St., Wesl sida. i | Bloomsburg. Nov. 20, 1856. ARGE lot of No. I. 2,& 3 Mackrel, also, While Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just r j received and for sale br May 27. '57. A. C. MENSCH. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawl* just re i ceived and for sal a by 3 j A. C. MENSCH. FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cheap mualine and print* 9 iuel received by railroadand for sale bjr A C MENSCH. 1 /1A OFWVIOTNTXN D LAP SHINGLES i, W,wu tor vale al the Arcade bv I May 27. '57. A. C MENSCH.