The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 25, 1857, Image 3
I'ttOli-A NATION. Governor Pollock has issued the following Proclamation, appointing Thursday, the 26th of November, as a day of general Thanks giving and Praise, in this State: PENNSYLVANIA, es: in the name and by Ihe authority of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, JAMES POLLOCK, Gotfi nor of the said Conrneesssealth: A PROCLAMATION. fellow-Citizens: —To tender to Almighty God, who controls the destinies of nations and men, the homage of devout gratitude and praise for his goodness and mercy, is the appropriate and solemn duty of a free and highly favored people. As the giver of every good and perfect gift we should ever recognize His hand in our mercies, and ac knowledge our dependence upon His Prov idence ; and although adversity may throw its dark shadows across our pathway, yet we should be asured of this, "that the Judge of all Earth will do right." During the past year the bounties of a kind Providence have not been withheld from our Commonwealth. Our free institu tions have been preserved, and our rights and privileges, civil and religious, enjoyed and maintained. The arts and sciences, and the great interests of education, morali ty and religion, have claimed attention and received the encouragement of an intelli gent and liberal people. Honorable industry in its varied departments has been reward ed ; and although recent and severe finan cial revulsion has filled with gloom, sorrow and distress, the hearts and homes of many of our citizens, yet no lear of famine, no dread of impending public or social calami ty, mingles with our emotions of gratitude for past blessings, or weakens our trust for the future, in the Providences of Him who wounds but to heal, and "whose mercy en dureth forever." A plenteous harvest has crowned the labor of the husbandman— peace, with its gentle and refining influen ces, and unwonted health with its benefits and mercies, have been vouchsafed to us. In acknowledgment of those manifold blessings, we should offer unto God thanks giving and pay our vows unto the most High; and call upon Him "in the day of trouble; He will deliver thee and thou shall glorify Him." Under the solemn conviction of the propri ety of this duty, and in conformity with es tablished custom and the wishes of many good citizens, I, Jaincs Pollock, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby recommend Thursday, the Iwenty ■ixth day of November next, as a day of gen eral thanksgiving and praise throughout this State, and earnestly request the people that, abstaining from their usual avocations and all worldly pursuits, they assemble on that day according to their religious customs, and mite in offering thanks to Almighty God for his past goodness and mercies; and while humbly acknowledging our tlmngressiou, and imploring His forgiveness, beseech Him, with sincere and earnest desire, to re turn and visit us again with His loving kind ness. make us worthy of His bounties, and continue to us the rich blessings of His prov idence and grace. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg, this nineteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-sec ond. By the Governor. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. " WOODLAND CREAM" — A Pomade for beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed, aupenor to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies H"ir it has no equal, giving it a bright glossy ap. pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, always giving the hair the appear ance of being fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed FETRIDGE & CO., Proprietors of the " Jiulm of a thousand Flowers." For sale by all Druggists. New York. THK REV. C. S. BURNETT, while laboring as a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a simple and certain Cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cougha, Colds, Nervous Debility, and all imparities of the blood; also, an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he will cheerlully send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it, with full and explicit directions for preparing and suc cessfully using the Medicine. Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT, 831 Broadway, New York City. WHITE TEETH, PERFUMED BREATH AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION—can be ac quired oy using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or genilemao would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by usiDg the "Balm of a Thou land Flowers" as a dentrifice, wbuld not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth as white as alabaster ? Many persona do not know their breath ia bad, and the subject is so deli cate their frienda will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. Be sure each bottle is signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Feb. 18, 1867-6 m. Ic Bloomsburg, on the evening of the 18th insi., by Rev. W. Goodrich, Mr. B. MCROB ERTS, ol Mercer county, Illinois, to Miss S. M. WEAVER, of Bloomsburg. In Locust township, Columbia county, at the residence of the Bride's Father, N. DRMS BACH, County Coroner, by Rev. Philip Stee ly, Mr. ISAAC FAHRIKGER, and Miss CHRISTIAN DRIESBACH, ell of Columbia county. ID the Parish ot Trinity Choieh, Orange ville, on the 21st ins!., by the Rev. George C. Drake, former Rector, Mr. J. S. MATHER, -of llohrsburg, to Miss MARGARET, youngest slaughter of John Vance, of Orangeville, Co lumbia county. On the 12th inst., by the Rev. W. H. Wil son, Mr. WM. L. BIRD, of Columbia county, end Miss MARTHA J. VASTINE, of Northum berland county. On Thursday last, in Berwick, by the Rev. I. Babl, Mr. CONRAU HIPPENSTEEL, of Briar creek, and Miss HETTY KOCKLS, of Orange township, Columbia county. On the Ist inst., by tbe Rev. J. W. Yeo mans, Mr. JOSEPH KREAMER, ol Lycoming county, and Miss SARAH E. FLACK, of Jersey town, Columbia county. Died in Hemlock township on last Satur day Mrs. DEITRICK, wife of JOHN B. DEITRICK 'Jr., aged about 25 years. STEAMSHIP CULLISIOIb Slaking tf the Steamship Opeleasas. NKW QBLKANS, NOV. 17. —The Texas steam ship Opelousas, from Berwick Bay for Gal veston, came in collision with the Galveston • midnight on the 15lh inst. The Opelous as .tank almost immediately, carrying down twenty five of bar passengers, including Gen. Hamilton, of South Carolina. All her offl | cers and crew were saved. The Opelousas and Gslveston both belong ed to the same line, and plied between Ber wick Bay and Galveston. The Opelousas sank in about fifteen minutes after the col lision. Eighteen of her passengers are known to be lost, including Gen. Hamilton, and the loss of life is probably more than ibis. There were fifty-six passengers on bthrd. The Galveston was soaewhst disabled by Ihe collision, but the captain and crew suc ceeded in saving the officers and crew of the Opelousas, and many of her passengers. NOTICE. Barbara Tice, by her next I In the Court Of friend, Samuel Zimmer- > Common Pleas man, til James Tice. )of CAL. CO., NO. 18 of May term, A. D., 1857. To Jamee Dee Defendant: Take notice, that the depositions of wit nesses to be read in evidence on the argu ment of the above staled cause on the part of the plaimifi will be taken before the un. deraigned Commissioner, at his office in Bloontsburg, on Wednesday, the Bth day o( December next, between the hours of seven and ten o'clock, P. M., when and where you may attend if you think proper. W. WIRT, Commtutonsr. November 17, 1857. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virture of several writs of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Hlooms bvrg, on the 7th day of December net, at 1 o'clock, P. M , the following real estate, to wit: all that certain TRACT OF LAND, eiloale in Sogarloaf township, Columbia co., bounded as follows, to wit: on Ihe east by land of John Moore's heirs, on Ihe south by land of Abraham Young, on 'he west by land of Hartman & Baker, on the north by land of John Michael and others, containing TUREE HUNDRED ACRES, be the same mote or less, whereon is erect ed a small oue-etory bouse with the appurte nances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edmund Crawford. ALSO. At the same time and place, by virtue of a writ of fieri facias, all that certain LOT OR PIECE OF LAND, situate in Jersey-town, Columbia county, con taining ONE FOURTH OF AN ACRE, more or has, bonnded on the north by road lead ing from said town to Millville, on the south by the lot of ihe widow Welliver, on the eaßi by lot of Win. Barber, and on the west by lot of Neal McCoy, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling house, a stable witb the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Nelson Welliver, adminis trator of Pbineas Welliver, deoeased. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. November 21, 1857. List of" Letters T> EMAININ'G in the Poet Office at Bloom* -*■*' burg, Pa., lot the Quarter ending Not. 16th, 1857. Bittenbender Mary C Philips John S fiechtel Sarah A Peck Allee VV Brisou Henry 2 Bobbin# & Stocker Case William Ruyert George 2 Flemings Wesley Smith John Ginter David Starat Henry Goodrich Harvey H. Sniieman James 2 Hill George Wagner P/eelove Lechthaler Conrad Welliver "P. J. Long N B Wowrer MTJ Larish Reuben Wicks Madison McGee Jackson Zebbill Caroline Morgana Morgan Thomas Hughes ) m Marr Alum Jamea Watley >P; Nichels Henry Flynn Jamea ) "? Persona calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UN ANGST, p. M. Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1857. BR ILL! ANT PR OS PELT lS: Fourth year ol the Cosmopolitan Art Associa tion. THE FAMOUS DUSSELDORF GALLERY PAINTINGS ! Purchased at a Cost of 8180 000. AND POWERS' WORLD RENOWNED STATUE OF THE GREEK SLAVEt Re purchased for six thousand dollars, with several hundred other words of Art, in Paint ings, Sculpture and Bronzes, comprise the Premiums to be awarded to the subscribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, who subscribe before the 28th of January, 1858; at which lime the awards will lake place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of Three Dollars and 36 els. is entiiled to a copy of the large and splen did Steel Engraving, entitled "Manifest Desti ny," also to a copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one year, also to a Certificate in the Award of Premiums, also a Ftee Admission to the Dosseldorfand Cosmopolitan Galleries. Thus it is seen that for every Three Dollars paid, the subscriber not only receives a splen did Three Dollar Engraving! but, also, the beautiful illustrated Two Dollar Art Journal, one year. Each subscriber is alto presented with a Certificate in the Awaids of Premiums, by which a valuable work of Art, to Painting or Sculpture, may be received in addition, thus giving to every subscriber an equivalent to the value of Fire Dollars, and a Certificate gratis. Any one of the leading S3 Magazines is furnished, instesd of Ergraving and Art Jour? nal, if desired. No person is reslrioted to a single share— Those taking five membership, remitting Sl6, are entitled to the extra Engraving, and six tickets. Full particulars of the Association are giv en in the Ait Journal, which contains over sixty splendid Engravings, price 50 els. per number. Specimen copies will be sent to all persons who desire to subsciibe, on receipt of five postage susps, 15 on. Addrets, C. M. BLAiIER, Honorary Secretary, C. A. A., R. F. Clark's Law Office, . Bloomsburg! Pa. Novvember 18, 1857, Administrator's Pfoticc. hereby given thai letters ol ad ministration upon the estate ol John Welliver Madison township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the-under signed residing also in titu said township ol Madison. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payeeer.t without de lay, and t hose for settlement to present them to JOHN A. FUN STON, Administrator. Jersey-town, Aug. 14, 1857. WOOD k COAL for sale at the Arcade by A. C. MENSCH. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, Hard Tims*! Hard Timet! Enlarge ment—Enlargement. The Beet in the World—The cheapest in the World. Premiums to each subecriber—-Every Farmer interested. BAKER'S ALSO, every small plot owner. DOZEN. To meet the increased value of money consequent upon the 'Hard Times,' the publisher of ihe Amer ican Agriculturist is happy to an nounce that he baa increased the pages of this staunch old Journal One Third, and doubled the in trinsic value. Each number will BAKER'S hereafter conlair. 32 double quarto DOZEN, pages, filled with plain, practical reliable information, of exceeding value to every one who cultivates a farm, a garden; or but the small est plot of ground. Ladies each volume of the Agriculturist will contain hundreds of excellent prac tical hints upon every department BAKER'S ol in-door, or household work. DOZEN. Besides furnishing the largest amount of really useful informa tion, prepared by a great number of practical working men and wo men, the Agriculturist s s now the largest Journal ol its character in the world, but owing to its im mense circulation it can still be afforded at One Dollar a year, or BAKER'S fur eighty cents each to clubs of DOZEN, ten or more. A BAKER'S DOZEN, or 14 months will be sent for the usual price of 12, to all subscribers for 1858. (Vol XVII,) that all single or club subscribers for 1858, who subscribe now, will receive the two very valuable numbers for BAKER'S November aud December, of Ibis DOZEN, vear, without extra charge. VAVUABLE SEED PREMIUMS TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER FOR 1858. A large list ol valuable Field, Garden and Flower seeds will be presented to the subscribers, for | volume 7 ( from which every sub -criber will be allowed to choose BAKER'S ihree packages without chstge!— DOZEN. The seeds will alone be worth the subscription price to many per sons. Send in your names at onec and get the November number, now ready, and the succeeding numbers promptly upon the first day of each month, until the end of 1856. The best remedy for Ihe "Hard BAKER'S Tr. res" will be to learn from the DOZEN. Agriculturist the best modes of in creasing the products of your fields, gardens, orchards, &c. Terms in advance —Bl a year, or 14 months now, 6 copies for £5. 10 copies for 88. ORANGE JUDD, Publisher, 189 Water Street, New York. P. S. To PENNSYLVANIANS —The Penrrsyl vanian Farm Journal has been merged into the American Agliculturist, and the Agricul turist is now peculiarly the paper for Penn sylvania Farmers. November 11, 1857. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. I IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's I Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, the 28th day of November next, at 10 o'clock ' in the forenoon, David Allen, surviving Ex | ecutor &c. ol John Allen, late of Madison tp., in aid county, dee'd, will expose to sale, by I public vendue, upon the premises, a certain I LOT OF GROUND in Jersey town, in said ' township, situate on the main road or street |Of aaid town, adjoining lot of John Swisher, | lot of late belonging to Dr. Russel Park aud i others, containing ONE ACRE OF LAND, on which is erected a two story frame dwel ing house and frame stable. Also one other lot of land in said town", situate on said main road or street aforesaid, adjiitting land of John Swisher and James Stout, being a town lot Also two other contiguous town lots situate in said town on said Main street, and adjoining lot of John Fnnalon anil others, on which are erected a blacksmith shop, and one out lot ol land situate on the road lead ing from Jerxeytown to Millville, containing about three and one half acres, adjoining lands of John Swisher, Abraham Broad and olhers. Laie the estate ol said deceased, situate in the township of Madison, and coun ty aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, November 4, 1857. Clerk. Traverse Jurors for December Term. Bloom—Samuel Shaffer, James L. Baikley, Jno. Whilenight, J K. Grotz, Zebulon Gross. Bunion—Reuht'.i Davis, sen., Peter Case, John McHenry, Sr. . Briarcreek—Samuel Kelchner. Centre—Levi Aikman, Stephen Hiilton. Catawiasa—Samuel Kostenbader, Matthias Hartman. Fishtngcreek—Jno. (less, Edward Unangst Daniel Strieker, Henry F.yer. Greenwood—John Moore. Hemlock—James Emmiit, John Gruber, Jesse Old, John H. Faust. Locust—Elias Helwig, Peter K. Herbein, Samuel Reinbold, Isaac Rhoads. Mifflin -Joseph O. Witiiersieen, Leonard Kirkendall. Main —Samuel Fisher, Isaiah Shuman. Orange—John Achenbach. Pine—Benjamin Wimersteen. Koaringcreek—Adam Gable. Sugarloaf—Alinas Cole. Soott—Daniel Whitraire, Jacob Keller. Bloomsburg, Oct. 31, 1857. Grand Jurors for December Term. Bloom—Lewis H. Maus, Barnard Rupert. Beaver—John J. Dreisbach. Briarcreek—Stephen Achenbach. Centre—Mahlon Hicks. Catawissa—Benjamin Zarr, John Scott. Franklin—Joseph Rilter. Fishtngcreek—William Buckalew. Greenwood—Joseph Keller, Jackson Rob bins. Locust—William Beach, Samuel Mears. Madison—Lewis Schuyler, Nelson Kitchen. Montour—Art Buss. Mifflin—lsaac Snyder. | Main —Haman John. Mountpleasant—Daniel Mordan. Orange—Htrman R. Kline, Benjamin Wert man. Pine—William Roaringcreek—John Whitner. Scott—Eli Creveling. Blooinsburg, Oct. 31, 1857. List of Causes for Trial at Dec. Term. 1 William Koona us George L. Kline et al. 3 William Koons us Gsorgo L. Kline. 3 Joseph Stsckhouse us Gilbert Fowler. 4 Thomas Parker us John H. Parker. 5 Isaac Brown us Robert J Lyon. 6 Jacob Schuyler us Wilson Ager. 7 Fletcher B. Dodson et al us Wm. Long. 8 Christian Heist us Daniel Giger. 9 Martin Mowry us Thomas Siuckhouse. 10 Gilbert Fowler us Gdberl H. Fowler et al. 11 William Rittenhouae us Sam'l F. Headley 12 David Hddebranl us Benjamin Fox. 13 David Wintersieen et alus Chris. Shuman. 14 William Conrad us Daniel Smith. 15 J&mec Rittenhouae et al us Barny Hole. 16 Jacob Warner us Slate Mut'l Fire lna. Co. 17 John Snyder us Levi L. Tale. 18 O, C Kahler for the use ol Wm. Robtaon us Frederick Rabb. 19 Henry Stork us Nioely & Hileman. 20 Adam Siroopet al us L. B. Rupert et al. 21 Cornelius MoErren us Horry J. Yeaple. Blooinsburg, Nov. 4, 1867. PROCLAMATION. NOTIC is hereby giren that the several Courts of Commora Pleas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at the COURT HOUSE, IN BLOOMSBURQ. ON Monday the Ith Day of December next, TO CONTINUE ONE WERE. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace ii Constables, in and for tkf ounly of Co lumbia,are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there altendingin their pro per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requestt ed to be punctual in their attendance, n the time appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given under my hand at Bloomsbiirg the 2d Jay of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty-seven, and the Independence of the United Slates of America the 81sl. (God save the Commonwenlth.) STEPHEN H. MILLER. Sh'jf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph Jones, late of Colum bia county, deceased, ALL persons interested will lake notice that the undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphan'H Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets of the estate of Joseph Jones, to among the respective creditors, [which as sets are now in the hands of Jacob Demon, administrator of said deceased,] according to the order established by law, will attend at his office, in Bloomsburg, on the 4th day of December nest, for the purpose aloteßaid, when and where all persons interested will attend if they think proper. W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Oct. ?9 , '57. SHARP NOTICE. ~~ ALL persons knowing themselves indebted or having unsettled Lime accounts with the subscriber are hereby notified to call upon Solomon Ney hard, Esq , who can be found in his office every Saturday afternoon, and settle the same before of January next; for sfter which time aiTuncollected ac counta will be placed in hands of officers for collection. RICHARD TORBY. Oct. 31, 1857. THE WITHERED HEART. BY T. ARTHUR. This isa large t2mo. volume, Price 81.00, with a fine mezzotint engraving, and is one of the most thrilling tales ever written by the author. It shows how a man may seem to the world all that is good and noble, and yet be a tyrant in hislamily, and finally send his wife to a mail-house. We publish all Mr. Arthur's new books, also works of History, Biograpny, &c., for which we wan: Agents in all parts of the U. ! S., to whom the largest commission will be paid, also an extra commission it: the way of gifts. J. W. BRADLEY, 48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—Specimen copies sent by mail, free, on receipt of the price of the book. Oct. 27, 1857. "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of ad mtiiistration upon the estate of Stephen Set pie, late of Centre township, Columbia co., deceased, have been granted to the Register of Wills &c., of said coiyuy to the under signed residing at Blackcresk, Luzerne co. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make payment without delay; and those having accounts for settlement to present them to JAMES KESTER, Adminiitra tor. Blackcreek, Luzerne co., Oct. 23, '57. REGISTER'S NOT!CE7" NOTICE is hereby given to all lega tees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates ol the respective decedents and minors, thai the following adminis tration accounts have been filed in the of fice of the Register of Columbia county, and will he presented for confirmation and allowance to the Or) haps' Court, to be held at Hlooinsburg, in Wle county afore said, on Wednesday, the 9th day of De cember next, at 2 o'clock, P. M : 1 The final account of Wm. Roberts, ad ministrator ol l .eob J. Kline, luie of Jackson township, ile-J, filed by Samnel Rhone, ad mini.lratnr ol the said Wm. Roberts, den'd. 2 The Bcenmil of Samuel Rhone, admin istrator of Wm. Roberts, late of Sugarloaf township, deceased. 3 The account of Jacob HofTa and Lydia Deeter, Executor and Executrix of Jacob, late of Liberty township dee'd. 4 The account of Jacoh Demon, adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Welliver, late of Madison-iownship, dee'd. 5 The account of John Hughes, Executor of the late will and testament of Abraham Troxell, late of Roaringcreelc township, de ceased. 6 The account of Thomas Conner, Ad ministrator of the estate of Isaiah Connor, late ol Orange township, dee'd. 7 The aooount of Siepben H. Miller, ad ministrator oftbe estate ot Gabriel Latz. late of Mifflin-township, deceased. 8 The eccoust of Philip Execu tor of the late will and testament of Elizabeth linger, late of Bloom township, dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Rtgitler. RBOISTEI'S OFFICE, J Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 11, 1857. ) "VALIABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE sohsoriber offers for sals his term in Orange township, Columbia co., containing 336 ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling House*, two barns snd other buildings, two apple orchards and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land ill a good condition of improvement, and it lays along. Fisliingcreelr, 1 mile above Orangeville, and only 7 miles from the county seat. The whole will be soldjagether, or in two divisions as purchasers rtUy desire. For terms apply on the promises or direct o Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, May sth, 1857. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS ! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, ■ • AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pe ofporr & desirable forms, fo' sale at the ficef ofo the "Star of the North " 17LOUR AND FEED Depot at the Arcade, r by A.C.MENSCH. DR UGS AJYD JUEDICIJYES. WOULD call the attention of all those who wish to boy good goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (slready) large and well selected assortment of the following arti cles, viz;— Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs Confectioneries, Per fumery, soaps end toilet articles generally; Cigsrs and Tobacco ofeveryvarielyand brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, PURE WIhEbANV BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces ami Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular rateni Medicines of the day. ' Toys, and an endless variety of useful and fancy notions ot here enumerated. Physi cian's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and at ehorl notice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. *. P. LUTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH" Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execute all kinds of JOB PRINTING in the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock anil Deposite, Constitutions for Societies, Bank Checks, Promissory Notes, Rail Road and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Rooks, Bill-Heads, Check Rolfs, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AITD PRINTING OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMFTI/Y AMD NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY- The public are invited to call anil see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by stiict attention to business and superior workmanship. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! HAVE just received and opened their stock bf'merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to fhe selection of tnesr entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that thoy can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save tnoney by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants ol the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS OODS, French merinoea, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces \nd edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds ot SHAWLS, brocke, Bay Stale, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, EmbroJer ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassitners, saltinetls,, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN if CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mate rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el-e -where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody. or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. DAVID LCV/ENEERG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale tlolhing at his etoreon Matk=l street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including gox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors,shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in ! the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home mauufac- i lure. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. C. MENSCH AT THE ARCADE STAND HAS just received and opened a full and large assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which lie will sell at the lowest living profit. His slock embraces Stella, thihel an.i crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &c SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he inlands to sell ai very reduced prices. EH BROIDERIES. An immense stock of embroiJeiies, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Sivies and jaconet edgings and insertings, linens, cotton and thread laces, flouncing* and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings, checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. Hen nnd Roys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, jens, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply, ill grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Chi'.drens' Shoes, which he will sell very cheap. GROCERIES. ISTT""! A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, [Sg J TEAS, COFFEE, FISH SPICES &c. Also Hardware ' 1 Crockery and VVoodeuware. 17* Flour and Feed always lor sale at the loweal market prices for cash, Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. E9TRAY. ESTRAYED from the subscriber at Camp bell & Woolen's Powder Mills, in Centre township, Columbia 00., on Monday the 14th of September last, a young dflsnHMT WHITE COW, with some brown spo's her, and horns pointing down-WaW ward. Five dollars reward will be given for her recovery by tbe subscriber. ELIJAH SNYDER. Centre, October 7, 1857. WHEATLEV'B ARCII 61. THEATRE, ARCH STREET. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. The Star Company, composed of the first Artistes in the world, and exceeding in strength and talent ny Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered In the Theatrical Pub lic, will appear every night in Comedy, Tra gedy, Serio-Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Mu sical Burlettas, &c. &c. When visiting the cilv, go there. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1857. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, has located in Blooms burg, where he will bind books, period icals and pamphlets in any desirable style and manner; end el reasonable prloes. He will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, in library style or io morocoo ornamented. He has his place of busiuess in Hopkina ville with Mr. F. Isler. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857, fOLUMBUS MALL AM) FEMALE <£± CS3 OD £33 Luzerne County, Pa. THE Trustees of Ibis Institution respectfully announce, that it will bo openc.J for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20th next, under the immediate care of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, ments, and enlarged experience as an educator and has been connected with the most popular ''High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known us a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will rotnptise Orthography, Definitions, Rend ,n 8. Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arilhmeliq Algebra. Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical I rigouoinetry, Surveying, Navigation, Aatron omy, &c. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, ■nd Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish fy Latin Languages will be formed as early as practice blu, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will he given if desired, WKEKI.Y LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appiopriate apparatus will also be SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentltmtn designing 'o qual ify themselves as Teachers, TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Uollats per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and tho balance atthe close of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price. tdf Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method ol imparting instruction will he illustrated, and the discipline and management of the chool, fully explained. i Patents, Guardians, and the friends of eduea tion generally, aro cordially invited to he pres. eot. D. L. DHAPIN, I B. M. BTEVENS, JOHN KOUNS. N. D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, | JOHN VAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1850. Trustees. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given to tail persons inter ested. that the followin; accounts have been fileif in the Prolhor,oiary's office nl Colum bia county, aod will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas ol said county lor confirmation arid allowance on Wednesday, the 9lh day of December, A. D. 1857. 1 The arcouni of John R. Moyer Commit lee ol the person arid estate of Peter Melick, a lunatic of Scott township. 2 The account of Jonathan Rishel Com mittee of the person and estate ol John Rish el. a lunatic, late of Montour townsl ip. 3 The account of John Soyiler Committee of the person and estate of Alexander Stoker an habitual drunkard of Bloom township. JACOB EYERLY, . • Protlumot'ry. NOTICE fpO the heiia and legal represent | l> p. } * ttives of Yost Driesbach, tale of ———• Roaringcreek township, in the coun ty of Colombia, deceased: ' You and each ol you will take notice, that ' at a Court of Common Pleas, held at Blooms ' burg, for the county of Columbia, on the Sib ' dsv of Mav, A. D 1856, tbe petition of Na ' than Ptiesbucb and Samnel Hauck was pre sented to if;? said Court, representing that the lands of the said petitioneis, situate in the township of Roaringftreek are now held in ' gage or pledge by two scleral mortgages, to vit: one mortgage in favor of Yost Dries- I bach made and given by Samuel Hauck, da ted the 30 b day nf March, A. D. 1852: one other mortgage in favor of Yost Driesbacft aforesaid, made and given by Nathan Dries bach, dated the 21st day of September, A. D. 1852; the first of which mortgages is record ed in the office for the recording of deed*, &t\, in and for the county of Columbia, in Mortgage book No. 3, pages 793-4, and the second nf which is tecorded in the same book, pages 794-5; that said mortgages re main unsatisfied; and thal.letlers ot adminis tration on the estate of said Yost Driesbach I have not been granted ; and praying the raid I Court to grant a rule upon yon It show cause ; by the first day of September Term of the said I Court, A. D. 1857, why satisfaction of said I mortgages should not he entered upon the i record by the Recorder of Deeds, by the di- I redinn of the said Conn ; which rule, at the said Sep ember Term cd said Court, was con tinued until the then following December Term of the said Court: Therefore you are hershy required to appear on the first day of next December Term of said Court to answer the prayer of the petitioner in the case. Wiliics my hand at Bloomshurg, in Iba County of Columbia, this lUlti day of Octo ber, A. D. m,i. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. Public Sale of Real Estate, In pursuance ol en order id the Orphan's Couri of Columbia County, on SATURDAY die 21st day of NOVEMBER next, at to o'clock in the forenoon, Maihew McDowell, administrator of Abner McDowell, late nf I Scott township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon I the premises, a certain tract of land situate ! I ir. Oiartge township, in the county of Colum bia, adjoining lands of William White on ' die East, Peter Schug on the North, and j lands of Maihew McDowell on the South and West; containing eight acres more or less. There are erected on the premises a two story loabonse, and Stable, a POHIHU MILL, Glazing House, Dry House, Slack House, &c., i and a water power appurtenant. I.ate the estate nf said deceased, situate in the'towu ■ a ship of Orange and county aforesaid. Any person inclined to go intu the busi ness of making powde- can find no property • better calculated iof the business. JI JACOB EYERLY, Cl'k. ( September 16, 1857. AUDITOR'S NOTICE" . Estate of David C. Bodine, late of Col. , I county, deceased, j AM. per-ons interested will take notice ■ that the undersigned appointed Auditor, by the Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, In sdftle and adjust the rales and proportions of the assets ol the estate of David C. Bodine, to and among the respective creditors [which | assets ate now in tbe hands of Philip Cool, j adrqinistrator ol said deceased,] according to the order established by law, will attend ' at his office, in Bloomsbors>*on the 4th day i of December nex!, for the purpose aforesaid, when and where all persons interested will attend if lltey think proper. VV. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsbnra, Nov. 4, 1857. LOWPEKIKU, THE subscriber announces that he will ' carry on tlip COOPERING BUSINESS at hi* j brewery in Hopkinsville a here he will make BARRELS, TUBS, KEGS, I and everything in that line ol business. He | will also repair work of al! kinds, ai.d will do I it skillfully and at fair prices. CHARLES W. HASSERT, I Bloomsburg, June 2, 1857. "canvass ersw anted. 1 A few competent agents wanted for the j Comprehensive Geography and History ancient I and modern nf the World;" by S. G. Goodrich, | (Peter Parley); handsomely bound and pro j Insely illustrated. Price S3. Sold only by ; Agents, tc whom rare inducements are offer- I ed. Address, J. H. COLION & CO. No. 172 William Streel, New York. Audilor'g Notire- Estate of Baltis Appleman late of Hemlock town ship, Columbia County. THE legatees aud all others interested in the estate ol Baltis Appleman, late of Hem lock township, Columbia county, will take notice that the under,ignetl appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, auditor to make distribution of the several balanced in the hands ol Caleb Appleman, Peter Ap pleman and Baltis Appleman, Executors of Baltis Appleman, deceased, will attend at the office of Robeit F. Clark,Esq., in Blooms burg, on Thursday, the 19th day of Novem ber next, when and where all persons inter ested may attend if they think proper. WILLIAM NEAL, Auditor. Bloomshurg, Sept. 30 1857. Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the Petition of Joseph Eves for Subpitna to Jacob Swisher and Richa'd De moll. Executors of Wil/iam Swisher, dee'd. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court o( Common Pleas of the county of Columbia to adjust the partnership accounts between Joseph Eves and the late William Swisher, deceased, will attend al Ilia office In Bloorusburg, on FridSy the 20th day nf No vember next, for thd purpose of attending to the duties of his appointment, when anil where the parties interested may attend if they think proper. W. WIRT, Bloomshurg, Sept. 30, '57. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Estate of John Snyder, late of the borough of Berwick, deceased. THE heirs and distributees of 'he estate of John Snyder, late of :he borough of Berwick, in the county of Columbia, deceased, will lake notice that the undersigned appointed auditor by the Orphans Court of t'ue county of Columbia, to make distribution of tho balance in the hand- q', Charlea Snyder, ad ministrator of Job;, Snyder, deceased, among the heirs q', the decedent will attend at his office, in Bloomshurg, in sahl enmity, on Saturday, the 21st day of November next, [ when and where all persqns interested may | attend if they think proper. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Blonmeburg, Sept. 30, 1857. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NO MCE is hereby given that letter* of ad ministration upon Die estate of Solomon Sny der sen , late of Locust township, Columbia county, dee'd, have been granted to the un dersigned also residing in the said township of Locust. All persons indebted to the es tate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts for settle ment to present them to SOLOMON D. SNYDER, REGINA SNYDER. Administrators. Locust twp., Nov. 7, 1857. UATS AND CAPS qu hand and tor saia at tbe Arcade by M*y 27, 67. [A. C. MENSCH-