The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 25, 1857, Image 1
THE STAR OF THE NORTH. B. W. Wearer, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOITNINU BY It. IV- WEAVER, Ol'FlCr—Upstairs, in the new brick build ing, on Ihe south side oj Main Street, third square below Market. TE H 111 S :—T wo Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the lime of sub kcribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re reived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages ere paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar, and twenty five cents for each additional in seition. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. From ihe New York Ledger. JBILL BROWN'S VISIT TO GOTHAM. , BY JOHN G. SAXE. Bui mores komiuum muUorum vidit et URBAM. Bill Brown resides near a countty village, And has filled his till by honest tillage Of good mother Earth; Who kindly gives birth To whatever, in lact, has market-worth, Or real value, or general use, .From the largest ox to the fattest goose— Whatever is gnod to eat or wear, To keep ua warm or make us fair— All comes alike from good mother Earth. In sooth, but trace the process out, And you'll find beyond a rational doubt, That almost everything we see, However high in its degree, However flue, or rich or rare, Ja but a kind of Earthen-ware! And so Bill wrought As a farmer ought, Who, doomed to toil by original sinning, Begßn—like Adam—at the beginning. He ploughed, he harrowed, and lie sowed; He drilled, he planted, and he hoed; He dug and delved, and reaped ant! mowed. (I wish 1 could —but I can't—tell now Whether he used a sub-soil plough; Or whether Bill had ever seen /i. regular reaping and raking-machine.) He took most pains With the nobler grains CI higher value and finer tissues Which, possibly, one Inclined to a pun *Would call—like Harper —hie "cereal issued" TViilt wheal his lands were all a blaze; f I'waa amazing lo see his fields ol maize; And there were places That showed rye-faces jAs pleasant to sea as so many Graces. And as for hops, H>s annual crops (So very extensive that, on my soul, Tbey fairly reached from pole to pole!) Would beat the guess of any old foie, Or lbs longest season at Saratoga ! Whatever seed did roost abound, lu the grand result that Autumn iound, It was his plan, Though a moderate roan, To be eaily ruining it into the ground; That is lo say, In another way:— Whether the seed was barley or hoy, Large or little, green or gray— Provided only it was like "to pay,"— He never chose to labor in vain , By stupidly going against the grain, But hastened awy without stay or stop, Aud carefully put into his crop. And he raised tornaioes, Ar.d lots of potatoes, More sons, in eoolh, than 1 couM lell; Turnips, thai always turned up wall; Celery, all that he could sell; Grape's by the bushel, sour and sweet; Heels, that certainly couldn't be beat; Cabbaite—like some sartorial mound; Vine, that fairly cu cumbered the ground; Some pumpkins—more than he could house, and Ten thousand pears; (that'twenty thousand!) Kroit of all kinds and propagations, Baldwins, Pippins and Carnations, And apples of other appellations. To sum it all up in the briefest space, As you may suppose, Brown flourished apace, Just because he proceeded, I venture to say, in the muUu-rehosvm vestigioos way; That is—if yon are not University bred- He took Crockett's advice about going ahead At all the Slate Fairs lie held a lair station, liaised horses and cows and his own reputa tion; Made butler and money; took a Justice's niche; Grew wheat, wool and hemp; corn, cattle, and—rich. n Bui who would be always a country-clown ? And so Bill Brown Sat himrelf down, And, knitting bis brow in a studious ftown, Ho said, says he:— It's plain to see And I think Mrs. B. will be apt to agree, (If she don't it's much the some to me,) That I, Bill Brown, Should go to town! But then, says he, what town 6haU it bel Boston town is constd'rably nearef, And York is farther, and so will be dearer, But then, of course, the sights will be queerer; Besides, I'm told, you're surely a lost 'on, Jf you once get astray in the streets of Boston. YOIK is right angled ; And Boston, right tangled, And both, I've no doubt, are uncommon new fangled. Ahl—-the "Smitht," I remember, belong to York, ('Twasten years ago 1 sold them pork ) Good, honest trades—l'd like to know them, And so—'tis settled—l'll go to Gotham! And so Bill Brown Sal himself down, With many a smile and never a frown, And rode, by rail, to that notable town Which 1 really think well worthy of mention As being America's greatest invention ! Indeed, I'll be bound that if Nature and Art, (Though the former, being older, has gotten the start,) in some new Crystal Palace of suitable size, Should show their chefs-d'ceuvrc, and contend for the prize, The latter would prove, when it came lo the scrslch, W'hato'er you may think, no contemptible match; For should Mr. Nature endeavor to stagger her By presenting, at last, her majestic Niagara; Misi Art would produce an equivalent work In her great, overwhelming, unfinished New York! And row Mr. Brown Was (airly in town, In thai part of the city they used to csll'down,' Not far from the spot of auoient renown Aa being the scene Ol the Bowling Green, ' BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1857. A fountain that looked like a huge tureen Piled up with rocks, and a squirt between; But the 'Bowling' now lias gone where tbey tally 'The fall of the Ten,' in an neighboring alley; And as the 'Gieen'—why that you will find Whenever you see ihe 'invisible' kind ! And he stopped at an Inn that's known very well, 'Delmonico'e' once—now 'Slovens' Hotel;' (And to borrow a pun which 1 think rattier witty, v There's no better Inn in this Inn-famous city!) And Mr. Brown Strolled up town, And I'm going to write his travels down; Bnt if yon suppose Bill Brown will disclose The usual sin arid tollies of those Who leave rural rkgjpns to see city abowa— You couldn't well make A greater mistake; | For Brown was a man of excellent Sense; Could aeo very well through a hole in a fence, And was honest and plain, without shame or pretence, [ed, Of sharp, city learning heoouldn't have boast- But he wasn't the chap to be easily roasted; Though, like many a "llill," he wasn't well "posted." And here let me say, In a very dogmatic, oracular way, (And I'll prove it, before 1 have done with my lay,) Not only that honesty's likely to "pay," But that one must be. as a general rule, At least half a knave to be wholly a fool! Of pocket-book dropping Bill never had heard, (Or at least tlhe had, he'd fnrotien lite word) And now when, at length, the occasion oc curred, For that sort of chaff he wasn't the bird. The gentleman argued with eloquent force, And begged him to pocket the money, of course, But Brown, without thinking at all what he said, Popped out Ihe first thing that entered bis head, (Which chanced to be wondrously fitting and true,) 'No—no—my ilesr sir—l'll be burnt if I do!' Two lively young lellowsof elegant mein, Amused him awhile with a pretty machine— An ivory ball, which he never had seen. But though the unsuspecting stranger In the ' patent safe" saw no patent danger. He easily dodged the nefarious net, Because "he wasn't accustomed to bet." Ah!—here, 1 wot, Is exactly the spot To make a small fortune as easy as not! ,Tjial man with the watch— what lungs he has got! It's • Going"—the best of that elegant lot— To close a concern, at a desperate rate— Tho jeweller ruined as certain as fate ! A capital watch!—yon may see by the weight, Worth one hundred dollars as easy as eight— Or half of that sum to melt down into plate— (Brown doesn't know "Peter" from Peter the Great.} But then I can't dwell, I'm ordered to se|l, And mnan'i stand weeping—just look at (he shell— I warrant the ticker to operate well— Nine dollars!—it's hard to be letting the thing g" For only nine dollars!—it's cruel, by Jingo ! Ten dollars!—l'rn "flared—the uaa who se cures This splendid— ten dollars!—say twelve, and it's yours! 'Don't want it'—quoth Brown—'l don't wiah tn buy; Filly dollars, I'm sure,one couldn't call higt— But to eee the man ruined! — Dear Sir— I de- Clare Between two or three bidders, it doesn't seem ' lair; To knock it off now were surely a sin; Just wail my dear Sir, till the people come { in ! Allow me to say, you disgrace your profes sion As Sheriff—consid'ritig the debtor's condi tion- To cell such a watch without more competi tion?'' And here Mr. Brown Gave a very black Irowri, Stepped leisurely out, and walked further up I town. To see him stray along Broadway In the aliernoon of a summer's day, And note what he chanced to see and say, And what peop'e he meets In the narrower streets, Were a pregnant theme for a longer lay. How he marveled at those geological chaps Who go poking about in crannies ami gaps, Those curious people in tattered breeches. The rug-wearing, rag-picking sons of—ditches Who find in the very nastiost niches A decent living,' and sometimes riches; How lie thought cily prices exceedingly queer, The 'buses lo cheap, and the hacks 100 dear; How he stuck in the mud, and got lost in the quesiion— A problem 100 hard for his mental digestion. Why, in cleaoiug the city, the city employs I Sucit a very small corps of such very small boys, How he judges by dress, and, accordingly I makes, By mixing up classes, the drollest mistakes. As if simple vanity ever were vicious, Or women of merit could be meretricious, He imagines the dashing Fifih Avenue darnes The same as the girls with unspeakable names!— An exceedingly natural blunder in sooth, But, I'm happy to say, very far Irom the truth; ** For e'en at the worst, whate'er you suppose, The one sort oi ladies can choose their beaux, While us to the other—but overy one knows Wha' —if -'twere a secret —1 wfiuldu't dis close. And Mr. Brown Returned from town, With a braa new hat, and a muslin gown, As he told the tale, wheg the sun was down, How he spent his eagles, and saved his ctown; How he showed hia pluck in resisting the claim Of an impudent fellow Who asktd his name, But puid, us a gentleman ever is willing. At the old Park Gate the regular shilling I fF Pleasure unattained, is the hare which we hold in chase, cheered ou by the order of competition, the exhilarating cry of the dogs, and shouts of the hunters, the echo of the ambition of being in at the death. Plea sure attained, is the same hare hanging up in the sportsman's larder, wortijess, disre garded, diepised, dead. FRED. DOUGLASS publishes a card in the Watertown [N.Y.] Journal, express ing great indignation, because the proprietor of a cor • dir. hotel in that town refuted to entertain him, on aocount of hit color. TWO WAYS TO SaVK MUNRY—A UKE SKETCH. BY SYLVANUS COBB, JR. The following sketch of real life so plainly exhibits a lesson which might be profitably followed by many of our people, that we giro it to the readers simply as it occurred, only ooncealing the real names of the parties concerned. And as story bears its own moral, we will not lire you with any "reflec tions." John Poland snd Anson Lyman bought farms adjoining each other. The land had formerly been owned by one man who had carried .on the whole, employing a heavy fotce in the work. When the two frienda bought the land, it waa as equally divided aa possible; and after the line of separation had boen run, those who had worked much on the land declared that they would nntgive the "toss of g copper" for a choice between the two larras. The old buildings were al most useless, so new ones were erected, and at Ihe same time both men commenced far ming in earnest. They were poor, having panl their last pennies for the farms, and be ing obliged to run some in debt to get stock and tools. | In all respects the two men commenced evenly. They were both married, and while Poland had one son and two daughters, Ly man had one daughter and two sons. "Look ye," said Lyman as the two sat to gether alter their farming opetationß were commenced. ' I have set my mark to aim at. I'm determined, if 1 have my health, to lay up a tbon*. nd dollars, clear of everything, in Ave years." "That is rather a short time for such a pur pose," returned Poland. "Not a bit," cried the other, enthusiasti cally. "I'm not going to wnar my back bono away foe nothing, i'm gpaig to lay up money!" "So I hope (o do," said Poland ; "but mo ney isn't the first consideration." "What's the reason it isn't I" asked Ly man. "If you have money yo can have everything. Money is the key that unlocks all doors—the card that admits you to all pla ces. "O ! give ine a thousand dollars and I'll be conten'l I" "So I must have a thousand dollars," re marked Poland; and then the cunveraation look another turn. One day-a man came along who had some splendid young cattle. Tbey were of as pure English Breeds as ever imported and came very high. Poland saw him pas sing and bailed him'. Our friend was- anxi-• ous to grow a fine slock, and he knew that lie must commer.ce in the right way. The owner of the stock said he was will ing to sell, bnt he must have his price.—He had a fine young pair, male and female, two years old, which he would sell for two hun dred dollars. Poland oflered his note on six months, together with a bill ol sale of the cattle as security. The owner was satisfied, and the bargain was made. The animals was brong'ht home, and Poland was not dis appointed in his purchase. '•Phew !" broke from lips, as he heard the price which his tteighoor had paid for the new stock. "Two hundred dollars for a two year old bull and heifer! Why— what on earth could you have been thinking of Poland I Why—l wouldn't have given seventy-five dollars for 'era no how. My cows will give as much milk and make as much butler and cheese. I (ell you plainly you'll never see that thousand dollars if you launch out in that way." "But my dear air, 1 am determined to have the best stock I can get," returned Poland, earnestly; "for those farmers who have made the most monev have made it from stock. 1 assure you its one of the greatest tailings our farmers have that they are con tent with small, poor cattle, when, by a little trouble and expense, they could have better." "My stock answers my purpose, at any rate," resinned Lyman. "I can't afford to pay two hundred dollars for a pair of two year olds, and one 'o them a heifer at that, when tor fifty dollars 1 can buy one of the best cows in the country." "You have a right to your own opinions." "Aye—and I'll have my thousand dollars too," laughed Lyman, as he turned away. It was only a week after this that the can vasser for an agricultural newspaper stopped at Lyman's house; but the host couldn't af ford to lake it." "Hadn't you better t" ventured his wife. "No. We lake the Village Pickings, pub lished right in our town, and that's enough. You know what I told you, Dolly—l must have that thousand dollars!" "Then you won't take it?" said the agent. "No, air. Can't aflord it. But there's my neighbor Poland—he'll take anything that auybody offers him." "I've called on him, sir, and he told me I'd better stop here. He said you were ta king no agricultural paper." "And did he subscribe?" "Yos-s-and paid me the money." "I tell ye, Dolly, Poland's thousand dol lare'll come out miuus,—now you mark my wotde." Dolly Lyman said nothing, for she was troubled at that moment by the thought that her husband was exercising a spirit of penu riousttess which looked mean ; but she did not say so. "Hallo 1 what ye doiog ?" oried Lyman as he saw Poland commencing to run a lence across his field. "I'm going to throw out just half of this field into pasturing," returtiAl Poland. "What?" exclaimed Lyman hardly able to believe what he had heard. "Throw off half your fiald? Why—that won't leave yon with note than twenty aorea to till." Truth ud Right od and our Coawry. "[ know it ,—■-11(1 that's alt I want. lam detern.and not to waste my time and ener gies in swinging a scythe over forty acres of land after five and twenty tons of when loan get forty lons from twenty acres." "Crazy as a March hare!" muttered Ly man, as he turned away. Ere long Lyman was met with another sur prise. He was at the hotel in the village one day, and there learned that bis neighbor Po land bad engaged all their manure for four years; and that he was to pay lor it with wood, butter, cheese aid such other articles I of produce as might be wanted. "Dolly, what do you suppose Poland has been and done now I" "I don't know, I'm aure," returned-the wife, looking up. "Well, I'll tell you .—lie's bees and en gaged all the manure made at the latent sta bles for the next lour years ! And he's got to haul wood, and let bit bolter and cheese go to pay for it!" On the lime day he saw Poland, and asked him what he meant. "I mean to bring my farm up," said the latter. "But I get manure enough for two acres of corn every year, aud that's enough, Lyman. "For you it may be, but I wish to manure more, Our land wis well run out when we took it, and in order to get it up to its fullest capacity, we must be prodical of rich dress ing/' "Well,''said Lyman, with a sort of pity ing expression,—"go aheatf; but *( you ever see your money, let me know." - "I'll give yon a good account, never/ear," replied Poland, laughing. "I musiteed my land if 1 would have it feed me. We have got land here like those rich alluyial bottoms in the west. My lands need nursing now." But Anson Lyman couldn't see the use of wasting money in that way. He thought the man who would first cut down his tillage land one half, and then go off and buy such a quantity must be little belter than foolish. He wasn't such a fool at all event. During the following winter, while Lyman was cutting and hauling wood to the village for two dollars and a half per cord, "poor" Poland wss hauling his to the tavern to pay for manure which he hadn't got yet ! It was on the firn day of April that Poland came to see tiis neighbor. He wanted to burrow a hundred dollars lor six months, or for a year it he could. "What ye going to do with it? asked Ly man. "I want to make some"lrft|flP.Bs7iefLs fa my barn cellar, and also enlarge the building by pulling on a tie up, thus throwing the cattle out of my main barn." •'I declare Poland, it's too bad I" said Ly mau, pityingly. "Here, I've laid up over two hundred dollars clear cash, and you are worse off than nothing—in debt. By tne jin go, John, 1 don't want to see you fooling away money so. Your barn is large enough —as large as mine is with double your land to emty into it. If I lend you a hundred dol lars what assurance have I tbst 1 shall ever see it again f I'd rather let it go where I know it is safe. I shouldn't want to sue you, and I might not get it without. Your farm is as good as mine, ami you have no more need to be borrowing than f have,—or, you shouldn't have." John Poland didn'taay anything aboutthe two animals lie had bought a year and a half before, and the calf they had yUad bim, for which he had been offered, with in the week, four hundred dollars. He owned that amount of stock over and above the stock owned by Lyman. He turned the subject of conversation as quickly as possible, for he wanted to hear no reason from his friend for not lending him the money. That alteruoon he went over to see the man of whom be had bought this new stock, who readily lent liirn the money he needed. ■ "What a fool!" said Ljman. as be saw the carpenters at work tearing away one whole side of his neighbors barn, preparatory to ad ding an apartmeul capable of accomodating forty-five "bead ol cattle." However, Po. land worked on, and tried in vain to get his neighbor to listen to some of his advise. "Don't talk to me," cried Lyman, at the end of the second year. I've got four hun dred dollars at interest. How much have you got?" "A thousand orso," returned the other. "Eb ! What do you mean?" . "Why, all the xtoney I have laid out on this place is on itVerest." "Oho—aha, ha, ha,—and how much intei est have you realized?" "So far I've let >t all run at compound in terest — put the-interest right in with the prin cipal, and thera it lies.'" "Yea, and there it will lie. 1 don't bßlieve you can raise fifty dollars now in cash." "You are right, Lyman—l could not raise it without selling something which Ido noi wish to present to part with." "I thought 80. Bui, take your own way." Ere long Anaon Lyman waa astonished to find that his neighbor bad subscribed tcr a thirU newspaper, beaides buying a lot of books for his children. "What's the use ?" he said, as he sat in his neighbor's front room, ad saw a large pile of books on the shall. "I want my chil dren to learn 10 work—not to be spending their lime over books. They get schooling enough when our school is opeu." "So I mean that iny children shall learn to work," returned "but that shall not prevent them fronHiecomiog well eduoated. I would rather leave them with good health, good character* and weell eduoated, than with thousands bf dollars eaob, minus the education." I "Oho! That's th* way you meant to lay up a thousand of dollars; to have it in booka, & papers, and new tie ups and such like." "You shall see when the time is up." "Wo shall," returned Lyman,as he turned towards home. Mr. Lyman had not realized how muoh corn Poland had received from the land he had manured so heavily and so carefully ; and on the second year he only noticed that his neighbor bad extraordinary good luck! with bis wheat, getting about ninety bushels from three acres. But he had occasion to open hie eyes on the third year. One evening just at sundown, he went over into Poland'* field, where the men where just finishing making up ■ three acre piece where the grain had been the year before— bhe first pic the present owner had ptowsd up and dressed. "Been poling eome hay on hare." said Ly man, as ha saw the huge bunchea of bay nearly as thick as they could stand. "No—this was all cut from these three acres," returned Poland. Lyman counted the bundles, and then es timated their average weight, and upon reck oning up be found the land had yielded not lar from four tons toihe\acret He had just got in the twoaeres which he had firstdressed upon the new farm, and he had obtained short of two tons per acre! He knew that Poland bad gotten busn<-ls more of wheat per acre thau he had done, and also mora corn. He began to think, but yet he would not let hta money go any such "experiments" upon his place. The five years came around and Anson Lyman wept on that day and sold fourteen bushels ol corn in order to get fourteen dol lars to put with nine hundred and eighty six dollars which he had at hotfte. "Well, Poland, I've got the prize!, said Lyman, entering the farmers's barn in the afternoou. It was early spring, just five years from the day on which they bought, I've got the thousand dollars; now what have you got? "Well—l have not far from four hundred dollars in money." "Aha—l thought ao." "But, Anson Lyman," said Poland, al most sternly, are your eyes nm opened yet?" "Opened ! what d'ye mean ? "Well, I mean that my farm to-day will sell for one thousand dollars more than yours. Look at my hay-mow. There are nearly twenty tons of good hay ; you have not ten. And, mind you, f have five head of cattle more than you have. Next season I shall co*. '-'-J—! -y / •■r. rrr.'B, which I have now regenerated, than you will cut up on your whole forty acres; and you know my hay is worth far more a pound than your hay is. I told you I had five more head of cable than you had. For these five creatures I can within six hours, lake seven hundred dollars cash; but no eucti money can pur chace them of me." "Ah, Lyman, you have been saving mo ney, but you have taken it from your farm without returning anything lor it." "Never mind—l've got my thousand dol lars, and I've got my farm, as good as it was the day I bought it. "Not quite Lyman." "How so?" "You've taken off two hundred cords of good wood." "Well—so you took off some." "Aye—but what 1 look from my wood lot I put baek upon my field. I did uot take it from the farm." Mr. Lyman went away with new thoughts. Time passed on, and at the end of another five yeais the eyes of Anson Lyinsn were wholly opened. Poland had raised quite a stock of noble cattle from his first purchase, j and commenced to sell to the beef market- { Two hundred dollars was the least any one of : them brought when failed ; and one bullock, ' four years old, brought him three hundred and ten dollars. His twenty acre field was like a garden, yielding, such as was mowed, an average of three tons to the acre. In short his whole farm was under the best of training aud,, improvement, and now yielding him back a heavy interest upon all that he had expended. During one tall he look over a thousand dollars for slock and produce ; and he wag offered five thousand for his place, while L) man could not have found a pur chaser at fifteen hundred! "Dolly," said Anson Lyman, sinking info a chair. "I've been a fool I —a fool 11 say." •'Why—Anson—what do you mean? "Mean? Look at Poland's farm." "I have looked at it from the first, Anson." "You have ? And what have you Been ? "Why—l saw that John Poland was ma king a comfortable home for himself and family, and increasing the value of his farm tenfold." And why didn't you tell me so ? "1 did tell you so, husband, aud you said I was a fool." "I remember. Well.—Never mind—tisn't 100 late now." On the next morning Mr. Lyman went over to his neighbor's and frankly said,— "Poland you must help me. I want to learn to be a farmer. "I will help yoq with pleasure, Anson; and you can begin far more easily than 1 did, for you have money."- And Lymon commenced. The thousand | dollars was nearly expended in the work, but in the end he found himsei the gainer, and his dollars came back to him with interest twice-ldd. He had learned a lesson which many might follow with profit. liy To produce the "lock jaw" in a lady ask her age. 'Off Mlt Ills Head-' A breathlessly excited individual says a late number of the San Francisco Morning Call, rushed ipto the police office yealetday, and enquired for the chief. 'What do you want with him?' inquired an impassive officer. 'I vanls,' said ho with ■ Teutonic accent, 'I vanta ein paper to kill a lam log vot bites roe in te leg.' 'Ah, you wish an order of execution issu ed against a vicious caoine,' said the officer. 'No, I tussant vant no such ling. 1 vanta a paper to tell me to kill le tam pup. He piles my. leg so pad,.l have got te hydropho pe, und will kill him, or goes mat, too?' 'Ah, now I see,' said the impaaaive tem perament; 'you require authority lo proceed with force ol arms against the dangerous an imal.' 'Moin Got, no—dot ish not vat I vants. I vants te jeaf to give me license to kill te log. I vanls him to make me baber an ven I kills te tog he can nicht go inter te beiice court and swear against me.' 'The dog.' 'Nein—not le tog—the man vat owns te tog. You see if 1 kills hitn—" 'What, the man?' 'Nein—te tog. Tnd te man sues me for te brice of ta tog, deu I vants ler law on meir. side, d'yer see?' 'Oh, yes!' said the officer, who was quiet ly chuckling at Ihe caution evinced by Ihe German, and intent on exhausting his pa tience, 'then you wsnt to get a warrant lo ar rest the man who owns the dog, so the ani mal may not attack you.' 'No, no! Got for tam, you gets every ling by te tail!' cried lager beer, who began to think ihe officer was quizzing him. 'I link ynu vants to make chokes of me. Tunder iirid blitzen! I vants to out le lam tog's head off, and if shastice will not give me a baper, I cuts Ins bead oil anyhow.' And ihe lover ofsourkrout started lo leave the hall; but meeting the "jeaf ol bolice" at ihe door, he conversed with bim in German dialed, made known his wants and received an order to execute the vicious animal. As he was going out he met the impassive officer. 'All right?' he inquired. 'Yah, all right. I goes straight of! tote owner of te tog und kills him.' •What, the Owner. 'No, te tog. You make tam fool of your self by sayiug tog ven I means man, und ven I means man you sav tog. Now you go to ter duyvel!' and the German incontinently hurried wwjio nuwt vu-".i -VORJfeaurye tcv the animal who had crossed him in his ''glorious path." How THE LADIES DRESS IN KANSAS—A Kansas le'ter-writer, who recently came down the Missouri on the steamer Omalna, says: "At Atchison, wo took on a young belle, whose only alieiulant wax a young Missouri blood. The young lady was apparently dressed in the latest agony and style of fash ion; the chaste straw hat, the innumerable flounces and wide-spreading hoops of her gay striped silk dress, set ofl her command ing figure very gracefully. Her stature tall —as Byron says, I hate a dumpy woman. But the richest scene in relation to this young belle was behind the curtain, and is to come yet. At Leavenworth our fair one left us, and as she was standing on the bank, casting a last, 'long, lingering look' back, we were tempted to admire her delicately turned j ankles—who can resist a nicely laced gaiter or a peuping ankle?—when, behold! she hadn't any sinking* on! I am unable to say what the fashion is in Kansas—whether it is fashionable for ladies to go without hose or not, but certain I am that the finest dressed one whom I saw in the Territory didn't use the article. TllhlMLL, ''The melancholy days are come, the sad-' destofthe year." A truth in, more senso than one. As Tom Hood singe: "Summer's gone and over, Fogs are falling down, And with russet tinges Autnmu's doing brown. Boughs are daily rifled By the gusty thieves, And the book ot nature Getteth short of leaves. Bound the tops of houses Swallows as they flit, Give, like yearly tenants, Notices to quit, Skies of fickle temper Weep by turn and laugh- Night and day together Taking half-and-half. ..... fit*' Beauty and wit will die—learning and wealth will vanish away—all the arts ot life will be forgotten—but virtue will remain for ever. Planted on earth, in a cold, unconge nial clime, it will bloom and blossom in heaven. ty Midias was so great a man that eve rything he touched turned to gold. The case is altered now—touch a man with gold and ho will change into anything. Cy Rest Is a very fine medicine.—Let your stomachs rest, dyspeptics.—Let your brain rest, ye wearied and worried men of business. Rest your limbs, ye children of toil. You can't! Cast off all superfluities of appetite and fashion, and see if you can't BP" A gentleman who had a very strong desire to be a funny man, sat down upon a hooped skirt the other day, and with adespe ration equal to any emergency, he whistled, | "I'm sitting on the style Mary." [Two Dollars per Annnau NUMBER 46. COURTIStG-SAI PREDICAMENT* An lowa paper tells Ihe following good joke which happened aorae lime ego, out will lose nothing by its age: A certain man in search of a wife, being out on a coutling expedition, as is customary with young men, came late on Sunday eve ning, and, in order to keep his aecret from bis young acquaintances, determined to bo at home on Monday morning, bright and early, so that his absence would not be no ticed. But his affianced resided several miles from the town in which be tojonrned; and so, to overcome the distance, he required the use ol a horse. Mounted on bis horse, dressed in his fine white summer pants, and other fixins in proportion, he arrives at Ihe residence of Itis inamorata, where he ia kindly received and his horse properly taken care of by being turned into the pasture for (he night. The evening, yea, the night, passed away, hut how to the young man is nobody's business. Three o'clock in the morning arrived, Our hero was awake— nay, he had been so all night—but it matters not—three o'clock was the time ro depart, so that he might arrive at home before his com rades were stirring. Not wishing to disturb the faindy or his lady love, who were then wrapped in the arms of Morpheus, he sallied forth to catcb his horse. But here was a d (fioulty—the grass was high and covered with dew. To venture in with his while pantaloons, would rather take the starch out of them, and lead to his detection. It wonlJ not do to go in with his white unmentiona bles, ao be quickly made his resolution. It was three o'clock in the morning and no body stirring, so he carefully disrobed him self of his whites and placed them in safety upon the fence, while he gave chase, with unscreened pedals, through wet grass after the horse. But the steed was fond of clover, and had no notion of leaving it. But our hero was not to be thwarted, although he began to realize the truth of the old adage about the course of true love, &c., and final ly the horse was captured. Returning to the fence where he had safe ly suspended hie Idly white unmentionables —Ol Alirabile Diclu, what a horrible sight met his eyes! The field into which bis horse had been turned was not only a horse pasture, but a rail pasture too, and the naughty calves attracted by the while flag on the fence, had betaken themselves to it, and, call-like, had almost eaten them op; only a few well chewed fragments of this once valuable article of his wardrobe now remained—only a few shreds—just sufficient to iixKcaio what they had bseu. What pickle this was for a nice young man lo be in. Il was now daylight, and the industrious farmers were op and about, and our hero, far from home, with no covering for his traveling apparatus. It would not do to go back to the house of his lady love, as they were now all up, and how could he get in without exhibiting himself to his fair one which might ruin the match. No; no that wouldn't do. Neither could he go to the town in that plight. Thete was only one re source left him, and that was to secrete him self in the bushes until (he next night, and then get home under cover of the darkness. This he resolved to do, and accordingly hid himself in a thick groupe of bushes. Safely hid, he remained under the cover of the bushes for some time, and il may be imagined that his feelings toward the calf kind were not of the most friendly charac ter; but ere long his seclusion was destined to be intruded upon. The family of the fair one seeing his horse still remaining in the pasture, enquired of the lady what she had done with her lover; she was nonplussed.-* She only knew he had left about 3 o'clock in the morning; things didn't look right; if he had gone, why did he leave his horre? Sus picion uws awakened. Bye and bye the boys, who had been out to feed the calves, returned witn lite remnants of the identical win's garments which adorned the lower limbs of their late visitor. They were man gled and torn to shreds. As inquest was immediately held %ver them. Some awful late had befallen the unfortunate young man. The neighbors were soon summoned to ! search for bis mangled corpse, and the post a with all speed set off with- dogs and arms to the search. The pasture was thoroughly scoured, and the adjacent thickets, when lo! our hero was driven from bis lair by the keen scent of the dogs, all safe, alive and well, but minus the linen. An explanation then ensued at the expense of our hero; but he was successful in the end. He married the girl and is now living comfortably in ot.a of the flJhrishing towns in lowa. MADNESS CUUED BY Foil.?.—Old Dr. Rush of Philadelphia, used lu relate a singular case of monomania in a patient in (be Phila delphia Hospital. He look it in bis bead that be was a painter, and resolutely refused for a long time, possessing fine organs of speech, to utter a word. The dootor one day entered his apariment and found hint sketching on a slip of paper a really beautiful rose; for ha bad by long practice acquired much skill in the art pictorial, and was very fond of the ac complishment. One day a thought struck Dr Rush that he would surprise him into voice by dispraising his labours, and resolved to try. "You are painting a very handsome cabbage thate, my friend," he observed to the maniac. "Cabbage I—good gracious, old gentleman, does that look like toabbage! Why, air you old fool 1 that's a rose, and it's a good one, loo." It was not long before the patient was well. His train of sileat thought was broken, and ha returned home.