The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 11, 1857, Image 4
T© MECHANICS, INVENTORS & MAN UFAITI RERS. In aimooocing the THIRTEENTH annual ■volume-of the Scientific Amencan. the pub lisher* respectfully infotm lie public that in ■order to increase and stimulate il.e formation of clnb. Ihev f-copnsp 10 t.ff.'r ONE THOUSAND FIVE IIIJNDRKO DOL LARS IN CAMI PREMIUMS for fhe tilteen largest fits 01 mi. scriber* sent In by the Ist of Jaunt. y, fß'-8; said premt tntir to tie distriiiuied as Inllou a : For die largest list, $300: 2d. $250; 3d, *200; 4th, $150: sth, $100: 6th. 400; 7'h 48o ; 8:b, *7<l; 9'h. $450; 10il>, SSO; 11th S4O; 12ih, *35; 13 b, 430; 14 h 425: Joih. S2O. Name* of s nb-enhera 1 n be aeni in hi dif ferent time* and from different I'osl Offices. The eaab w ill be paid to ihe ordera ol the successful rompeiiixtrf, immediately alier the lat of January, 1858. Southern, Western and Canaila money will te taken for subscriptions. Canadian sub ccribers will please 10 remit Twertiy-six eta. extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage. Tetms of Subscription—Twodollaraa year or One Dollar for six months. Club Raier—Kite ropiea, for six months, *4; Five copies, lor twelve months, $8; Ten copies, for six tumults, $8; Ten ropiea lor twelve months, sls; Twenty copier, for 12 months, S2B. For til Clubs of Twenty and over, Ihe yeatly subscription is only $1 4(. The new volume will t e printed upon fine paper with new type. Tl e cetieral detractor of the Scientific Amer ican is well known, ami, as heretofore,it will I berhiefly devoted to the promulgation of information relating to the vapous Meel.ntii oal and Chemieal Arts, JYlanulaetitres, Ai*ri cnltnre, Patents, Inveunoos, Engineering. M'll Work, and all inle'trsl* v. hieh the light of Practical Science is calculated in advance. It ie issued weekly, in Ibrtn for hindltiu; 11 contains annually from 500 to fiOO finely ex- 1 ecuud En"ravine*, md notices id American ami European Improvements, toge'her with ' at) Official List of Alter lean Patent Claims j published weekly in advance of all other pa- j per.. Il is the aim of tlie Editors of the Scientific American to presegt sll subjects discussed in : its columns in a practical and p"pulur lorm 1 They w ill also endeavor 10 ton main n candid fearlessness in combating anil exposing fsle theories atid practice in Scientific ami &1- 1 rhanical mat ers, and thus preserve the char acter of the Scientific American as 11 n liable Encyclopedia of Useful and Entertaining ; Know ledge. Specimen copies will be sent gntis to any pait of tbo country. MUNIS' & C O , Publishers and Pu'cni Agents, No 128 Ful'cn St , New York Sep'. I. 1867. T. klNGMOlill & SOX'S ~ I'UHK CSWZGC STARCH, (K)II THE LAUNDRY.) TIAS establisl ed 11 gican r celebrity than -* ■* has ever been ob'aittvd by any oibei Slarch. This has been ibe result of its matked su periority in quality, and iis ittvatiable uni formity. The public may le usrered of the continu ance of Ihe It gh stntdurd now esiablishi'il. The | rnduetinn is over Twet Iv Pons daily, and the demuml has extended throughout the whole ol the Untied States, 11 ltd to futcijji countries. Winking thus on a very huge cn'e, ami onder a rigid system, tltey are aide to seenrtt a perfect slid uniformity in ihe quality through out the year. This is :he great lies ids tut tun in Starch making, and is realized now lor the first time. The very best starch that can be made.and no other, is always waited by consumer*, nod while tins will be supplied to them b\ the grocer", as soon as their customers have learned v hieh is the bes', and tv-k lor it— otherwise they would be likely to get thai article oil which the largest profit can be made. .Mr. Kingsfnr.t has .been engaged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the v> hole ol the period, the starch made under his supervis ion has been, bevond anv question, the best tn the market. For the first |7 years, he hud the charge of the works of Win. Colgate S; Co., at which period he invented the process of the manuhtt Hire of oorn staroh. P?" Ask Jar Kas font's Stank, at l!,e name Ostrego ha t iceently been taken ly another fac tory. T. KINGS FORD & SON'S osifKao COILV V Y'.//;< //, (For Pudding*. ir .) Has obtained an equal celebti y with their Starch for the Laundry. This article is per fectly pore, avd is, in evert* respect, equal 10 the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, besides hav ing additional qualities which tender it inval uable for the dessert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold as Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits o. our Corn Starch. Ftom in great delicacy* and purity, it is coming al-o into extensive uso as a diet lor infants ami invalids. E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agent/. l!ti Fulton S reet. N. Y. ALL F.N fx NEED I KS, A cents. 23 South Wharves, Phtla.l'a July 28, ISs7—Sin. Tanners* uepol anflTlaslTr Mills wit the Junction of York .Avenue and Cal/airhi/l Streets, FIIILAIVKI.FIII A. WE offer a large stork of Chemical Ma rures attd Fertilizers at low prices and war ranted to be genuine: among which will be found— -1000 tons No. I (jovarr.ment Peruvian Guano. 1 000 tons Deßerg'sNo. 1 Snper*phopha*e of Lure. The above standard articles are. each of their kind, the best in the world ! Our Land Plaster, n:anutac*.i*.re,t from select stone, ts celebrated throughout ihv Union tor iis purity and strength. \Y K INVITE ORDERS FOR Pe Per j"s No 1 Super Phosphite of Ltme. No. t Government lVrttv tan Guano. : French's Improved Sup-ohnpha eot L rr.r ! French'* Philadelphia Poti.lrette. No. 1 Phosphate Guano yl'htla Co.V) Mstirrn G u o (A ) Extra Lauvf Plaster, OtJicary Lat J Pias'er. Chen*, cal Bore Pore bone dust Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 1 10.000 Barrels /.and f aster. 5,000 " Casting Piaster. <• 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. ; 3,000 " True Kdiwan Cement, 1,000 •* Portland {Ens.) Cement- : ALSO, DENTISTS' PLASTER. STERFOTYPE GLASS MAKERS' •• 3 GROUND STONE, . WHITE MARBLE, RLIHv - Id Powdered Anthracite Coal, (ia barrels.) do Bi'icmiocns Coal, do 1 Graced Brown Ssone. do While Sand do Geocnd Bocks for Painien Chemical Bone dost. FRENCH. RICH ARrw, k CO I Steem MMt smi Farmer •' Deper, At Janctvow M York Aeence Crown i CaOwxhiii Streets, Saptember £- ISS?. ' 4 Of nil <!tFcn<>; Ihfl "Tent. firM cati-e Spring** from nejjlert of Nature'* |;i\v.-. tl'rF? 11 NOT, IMIICV 4 _c t r: ie ir* >!' **••••* <•' 1:KI DIS R ASKS SKKR ABI*BF NKJiVi>i> f • biltty S'Tuimre- i* *; > v I Of ihe Hl'l l>l ! iMirinl Rbeiini'i-', S r-<' I■, • , Bone* at il A• I*- I ♦ L.i Throat. No.-e nit) K\e% V' • . • n hoely r.r I'm ll'm.-ctM*, l K'i'• Kit-, St Vi'<tV* Ounce, Htm a 1 .?-•• .-to i* 2 from a tlerungew.tfiil ol the Sexual Of p-'8"fl . , r Such bp ncrvcim Irmihlinffi m'** of mcmorv. loet* of pcuvpi, g>mi<il \ve kne-fi, dimiiCff* ef viaioti with peculiar npotH before ttic I'VHX, fuss ef W fk*''u!lC df *l\'si* j'MC;*. i Liver fi ■riii't , TUj.'i-'ii* upon I!**• l ice, pi in the hack end female i rejuluir: lee ami : all improper dim harp tr* from both scxee. It' ,n tlera nt from what ratine the di.-enne orijfi , unfed, however h'og ntainJing or obeli ate the ' race, receive. y is rcr ai.i.atul tti a shorter Itmc* ! than o peiinHticiit euro tan le effected lv my | ' oher tieHHiifiit, evpi? aft*r the disease has lof , ; fled the skill of iuiie t | tivsiciaiis nml resist- ; |ed all the no'it.* of cure. The medicines ure ' I leaf- Hit \vi>liout odor, ram-tog i.o sicki ci*k j mid fit© lion: mercury or hulsain. Poring 20 \cmim of | i.iotice, I have rescued hoin the I j.w* of denh inticiy thou** ltd*, who, in the ' lust stage s of the above mentioned distunes j ht.J heaii given up f. die ly llieii | layt-i inns, which warrant* mo in promising to the nfllict- 1 ed, who may placet theoiaelved under my t ire, j u perfect nml most * i.*cdy cu r e. Secret dm- ; C'tiM'M me the gru.itet uoemies to health, as | they are the fust citiee of Consumption,lScrof. j ulo aim many other dine-iinen, mid should hen teiror to the huniun ft'.iniy. As a iem inent \ (Ulo is scarcely ever el Vol tc d, *• un-jorii y ol the rata * tailing into the hand* ot iwiompe* tent persons, who not only fail to cum the' dicasrs hut ruin tie oonbtitution, filling the j s)st( iu Willi mrriii'y, which, wi h (lie d'soa.-o, InislciiH the tuH'civi into u mpid coiitHimp'ioit. | But should il v di.eiisu uml tic t ratmoiit J not ioU'-c druth spitdilv and the victim mar ries, the di-coo enliii'ed upon children, who ! ui4i horn wuli li'4'tdo coiiMilutioiu uml the ; current of life cmriuptcd hy it viiiitt winch le* j iruy* ilnil in r lulu, T*tte, ' 'coin, Krup tini.s and otlnr uflomioi s of the skin, i \os. I hrout und-JiUiigc*, tiituifiug them to un ecnfy giave. >i-||'-utUK4) is nnother fut tuli .ildo e:.i my to lioulih, for mulling the in tire dicud catalogue id' human dit-ciiMa ciitist a no di'strui live n drain i upon tho syni m. iliuwiiig i n thousands o! * MClllliH through ii few yi'tis ol HUtVeriiig d ii to tin untimely guno It ih* roy* the N*i vous *yU m. 1 ptihy wdste* uw..y the tiu cgne of life. ihio- un nliil il. lai-gi u enl, pn,c.ts 'hi proper dtn cuinet i •! the syst in, tlis ijuui ft* lor iii', mu ty, I umucps, and nil eiiHliiy hajjiniss, aid ieavta tl:e sidl-ici WH-iki I in tu'OV a. d il ii d. pnilispi>d to teiiftiinpuon ami a limn d evilu mine to to ilieuded thali deii h itntfif, V\ itli the lullchl conlidinto I assure the unfoilutitno ol ' eellnihuse thai n pcnnaneiil ut.d apeot y cute can ho illectiil, anil with the uhuiultuiineui ol ruinoUti pcui tiers my | afienla ran le restoud to nhtisi. vigi oils health. 'I he ;• illict* d an- cautn nt d nguinst the use of Patera M*doi es, lor theiomo so many inge it tons sii ui' * in th* column:* of the public p itiis to rnuh and i*l the uuvr.ny miIVIOIS that millions ha\o tlnir conatiiotionH iuiiic*t ly iho *'ilo COiOpoUllde ot i]u..i k doc OIK. u the ccpial'y poisiiuoiii* iiostiuiiis v mod Patent MiltiltHH.' 1 hate an lolly aiudvzc i riMny of tho so cal rd l'-i'c t Mi iln me-* find t. t nearly allot ibuii rc tnn toe mate, which it* one i I the ftr.o-g.hi p Am tn.H of inO'iury and u *.iud.y p*-i>ou w. no instead ol titili'g I lie disease dlsaOiit* the sys tem f-o I le. 'I hue-fourth* **f the patent i . Mii m* now in Use ate put un hy unpnnciplod and ignor uut peisoim, who do not mule island r\*n tie aiphiihet ol the Materia Medici, and are • *jn.\l v as destitute .1 a-y knowledge of the buoian >Vhtem. h-aving one object only i-i view, and to maVo money iiKiirdhot * ons *ju uc- > hi* gui- 1 •i> ni d'all i s, is, H : m ... s 'Un! female* ircaiidon prtiicipli* csl.ibii P uovl ay '-*• yrnis of prael * , and suiuMonod hy thousa. *ls of the no.-t reiiuit kuhle cuus Med eiiiea with lull duenioi hml lto any | wt I i.u- I i lied Mates or 4 anadas. \\ \ . t'eni* t omimniu ..ling then sympto,n.- I y etter. Business e.u tespon dt'iu esti tt a e*> lideiitml. Aikiu x .1 M MMI- :.\ U.I.K, M. P , Office No ; 131 Kil. en Mteot, [i>id N. lotfj hnlow I'll, Pbi'iiooUihia. / A Itrlleed l'lii>ii inii / 7.% \ KAKs OK ,\CK I When' ►! .)> .'I t't.' !"> •• M*arlv run out |ii I,l*OV. (fit wtii P ill Iho 1'..1-1 lmlii'.. :i i l . r lu t; ruip or C.Mi-iiii;|iion, A- Inn ~ Uro.i -.•liiiik. Conuhf, t oM< t.>1.1 0.-i >'r,| IVt.iluv The >liscn*ereil hy him when hi* onlv rhilA. .laucliler. ws j;iven up lo .lie. He hail heard inneh ol llie re*ier;ilive nil lienlii ; .pi. . • f ' fioni made Iroin if. • I .11 li.d'.i Hem,., 1 the ihoiiifht orrrrrr I I'. o Ie n. c:.i m il;.' a remedy lor li< . tnld. He - r liei! '-..rd and Mieeeeded m tea'!*.- u hi wi.he* Hi.i-lo d w,i> ourad 111 dl* now ali.e and Well. He has sii ee admim-ered the wonderful reme dy 10 ihuuMn.l* of sufferer* 01 a'l pari* ol Ihe wori.l „.\d lie I a- 1 ever lai'e.l in in. kina Ihem complete:! healthy and hapi v. \Vi*n 111a ni do as much good a* |.o**it>!e, he will send 10 Mich ot Ins Hlfl.c ed ttl.ow 'i cings a* rrip'.e-t 1•. 'hi* iccipe, 0 ith lull at .1 ex plicit d rect'Oi * for m.ikios i - no a d -oeoe-s --fully uit'i it. He requires each an, lit 1 110 o.close liitn one shdm g— : rn- cc,.is 10 f-e retimed as postage on 'he re. 00 and lie 8 remainrler to he applied 10 i!.e jiagtr.ent f ot ihi* a.'ver i*ement. Ad.lres* # |lr H JAMKS. NO 19 Grand Street. / Sec. S3.—ll*l ] Jersev Ciq.S.J. ' Full Slork of Fall Pry Goods. rj* VR f I.ANPKH., Fqurrh It A red B<* - Ftu..delptira, r.-pecli.liy r ipie-i t'.isA /> .ens o examine a o ■ . t : Sea- ■ ..1 .e lioo i- o, >■.' '?• - i'i -yh an.a Tra.le f'i 1 I i. e .1 fad Pre— Good*. New d.-*'gn ot fail She- I* Good tiia. k S k- oi all .Moth*. * Cases assoneu French Mermoe*. 7 " IV1! de ( • evie-. New Goods. 1-ri- >h and American P.vk t-rm'- Sl iners. C.-ssimeres. x'leiti* Vesting*. Mu*lin. Liner,*. Hart els. B'ai kei*. fce. N il.—Auct 0:1 Bargains Pom New York 1 d (his City da Iv received. Par; cni-r ai ertien g in; to Coc • '! orders for d.s rable lOodg—7Vm< .V.'l C.s.V Sepi. t. IS.-7 3n)0. * 4LIABLE FARM FOR SAUL THE suPsca otic!* Pr s.t'e- t.i- u m ir. Vange lo.v p C'-i* c > con e. > . s:; iritr.**, n which are *.,':arie trr- rmen:*, cctr* tisirg two -e > 1 ' t*rm h '■s?*. Two lfnctlin; Is.*ucs. wo hams snd oi: >-r l-u .di n*. wo e, , e rcf'ar.t* and a larie y of fruit tree*. — ibou: 200 acres oi premise* is cleared ind in a g' od cor ••. . n i f improvement, • d 11 lax* a'.org V t>! i a, reek. 1 mile above >r*re e ,,i!e. ,i.j ot ) 7 mi>f from ;be coua ) eat. Tr.e wh. .c adi Lie 50..! logethe-. or 10 ;a. 1 visions as purchasers may desire. For turns apply on he or direct J 0,-aogeviiie. Co:cn-hia oorntx tn .fOHN ACHENBACH. Orange trwrsh.p. May oth. ISi*. BU'VKs: l;L Wks ' BLINKS 7 !" )EED>. SI ViM< EXEcn tuNs. srsr xNAs ANO iUDGMENT NOTES, j, ofporr k des:rai> fotgns. fo* saJe at the tref ofo the ot the Nor.h." IJHPC ;iABiT KISfCTKIiIi f.WI i*ilN ' ANr> M,I :- E A SUS OK TDK LtTNfiS j *u i ' ' \(j \iii i■ ifi(llcurable l>y in x I,'. *,s slip >**'• 'i 1 * 'O , I, . ■ h ill'' .1 r pa ,n I'.iic.-i i •< Inc. with /.' ■ . . - itin .i.i' j.•. r fit"*lhe l>lJi>'l, i i ( |, : v i-- 1 v 11:>iitv 't: Hit* nervous *) h l ii'iii. g. > i..:i thul ion*- and energy no imlis- I pen-aide Icir dtp restoration of heoflh. To be | | Hble to Mole onnfi teody dial Consumption is I curable by inhiiimion is lo me a source of I ; umilloycd plcti-we It i* a* titnefl under thi j i rotiirol ot medical lycHlmertl as w,y xllier | lorii.nlable disease; ninety out "I eveiy bun-i j ilred i a-t * pan In* cored in llie fir-i e'egns, . ' am! filiv per rent, in die second; t tit in tin* | ! iliird stage il is impossible lo sure more than i ' five per ceui., for li e luogs are so cot op bp i I dip dispiisrt ns lo bid defi nipo lo medical | I skill Even, however, in tlie losi singe*, in I halation affords extraordinary icliel lo llie i stilli-ring Hllendtl a Itlis leal In I scourge, which 1 amiuslly destiny* iiinety five ihousand per j soi s ill die United States alone; and a correct j ; p.ilciilaiion shows that out ot die present pop- j j oli'inu i f die eaidi, eighty inillions are des- I ' filled lo fill die eotisiimpiive's grave. Tinly ilia quiver of deudi lias no arrow so ; I i pal as Consumption, In all nans il hu* been llie great enemy ol lite, lor il spares neiher 1 ! nor sex. but sweeps off alike llie brave, j | the beautiful, die graceful, and llie aided. — i j liy die help of thai Supreme Being, from | ! whom fortieth every good mat pe/lecl gib, I ■ am enabled lo offer lo the utlleted a perma- | i i.oat at d speedy enre in Consumption. The I first caifo ol toberelos is from impure ] I I lend. ><!■ ■! lira imniediaie elfeel, produced j by iheir deposition ill the lungs, is to prevent ; die free admission of air into die air cells, ' win-It causes a weakened vitality through i ; die entire system. Then surely ii is more ' rational lo ex peel greater good 'ram n edi j i (fines entering ihe eitvilies of the luags than ! Irani lliom.i ndininisiered llirougli die s:oin- i 1 aeli; the palient will always find the lungs ' lire and die breathing easy alter inhaling remedies. Thus, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless il sets emisiiiulioi.allv, | ; ami wiili mole power uml certainly ill >ii rem- I a lies admini-leied by die sfiitrinch. To prove | the poweilul ami ilireel iefliieiiee ol this j mode ol udniiuietration, eldorolnrm inhaled I** ill entirely destroy sensibility in a lew n<in | n'es, purely zing the entite nervous system, so ' dial a limb may in* ampulu'ed wnlioal the ] s'lgh.esl pain; inhaling Ihe ordinary burning | 1 gas will destiny Ide in a lew bouts. The inhalation of ainimmin will rouse ihe I -V-tem when Infilling or apparently dead.— ; i he oiler ol many ol the meoteines is per ri'piible m ihe skill a lew minutes al er being ! inhaled, and may be inimedialnly delected | HI the blood A convincing proof of die | 1 einisliinlioiinl ell. els ol inhalation, is llie fine I dial sickness is always produced by breath- ! mg hid air. Is cot this positive evidence lino proper remedies, candidly prepared and ' jodicmusly iidminisieied iliioilgli ihe lungs, should produce die mosi happy lesidis? Pn nog eiglneeii y ears' practice, manv ilious- i amis Mitleriug fru.n diseases of Ihe lungs and duo. i. have been under toy care, and I Ii lie allccietl many reuiaikable cures, even I il .er die mi Meiers bad been pronounced in , die his| singes, which fully satisfies me dial i-.-u-on p'n il is no longer a talal disease.— i i. |r. . o ioi.plain |s niigniiil. and i ..! ,-iv vpcm-i ee and a i ~ v ■ o oi M* j eili-el neipniiotaire w i ll ten ii ' i* I leln Ii ie>, Ac . t-hfl' le- me 10 . ■ ..i. .i nil die van i-s lor.ns id ~fiso .iso o, s iniiiale Ciiesii:r.|iiioii, ami apply i o | i ,ii remedies ran \ being mistaken eve i in a single ease. This l.imiliarfiy in connection with certain pathological am 1 ini ciosccpix" di-eoM rii s. enable* me to relieve die lungs from die id'eei- ol comrade.ll he-l-; m enlarge theehesl. pun y 'lie lilood, inipatt m n n I i w -il vi aim . giv mg cmtrgy und lone 10 ihe emire sy-iem. Med, i. e.- well lull ilireeiions seni lo any pan ol lite United 8 ;yies and Canada" by ( .vents cemniitiiieaimg their symptoms by ie. er. Hat die erne vyoi.l.l be mine CCihiin 11 die pal a at should pav me a visit, which would give mo an opporum'y lo ex.inn e llie lungs ami enable llie lo prescribe wi;h creator eei .i i v. a. d then d e etn.' conl.l be i lii e e l w liholtt mv seeing die piiieni again. U. W GRAHAM. M P. Olftro 1131 Fiibntt Sirei fi (old No. led.) he w iwtilill, I'lnladelpl ia, f'a. Se,e. iX IBM. VSJSJ ,IvM*o('l.\llO.\, /' U I /../ / K A /' // /.v. 1M !OU I'AM ANNOUM'IvMNK r. '*yO all persons alllieied wuh 8 xwal Pis -■ eases, such as SfifiimmttiJnr.l. Stmr ii ll'f.iiii'.s, Impotfr.rf (ionoui'h<', HUtl. Si.yk j.'i <, the vi -e el f >"iitMi.wi. A, . 6v. I'lio ••Upward A-soeia ien, : invieyvcf die Bivinl desiiueinui ol hctuau file, caused by Bexual diseases, and Ihe de.-epno s prae'i-ed ii,h i e miinitiieaie vicnms id such Jisea-e- , by lacks have directed d.eir Cm.nhinc { bi.rge 'ti. as a diiui.i It act worthv of ilien name, to give Me. ieal advn e cruris, io all per sons d i s aftirtftl, who may apply by lei er • welt a doseripliott o' lien ee.idi on. (age. ocenpalion, habits ol Ide. fee..) and hi ,-a-os . of ex ieme pover y yml SuMering. lo /urii/dl rwadii id.rv ft ft i/iA n gr lin ilowa.'d A-soeiaiion is a herevolem | Uisipndnn.rsisdh-hed by special endow n.tfiil. •or d e renel o! 'he sick and di-'tessod. nf li e co \v i h •'Viiulenl and E demie Ois- j co-o-.'" Ii ha- now a surplus ol means, i yvhicli 'he Pireciors h.ive voied to expend in , advei ising li e above tio'ice. li is nervt>ss ;o add i' ai die Association coiummufs the i highest Medical skill of die age. ai d w I fur- ] oisti the most approved modern treatment. I .Ijsi published by the As.,*"iainv , a He- l port i n Bpcim.doiii in. er 8-nnusl Werkne-s, e vie e! Omanis n. .Ms- uibai.o ior Sell A' use. ami oiher d.-sa-s nl - ' a- s, px the Coiisuhn.g Bmgeou wlnrh will br -fill b\ ruad, (in a -oale I envelope), Fitt ef UA on the receipt ot fuv slumps lot postage. Address. Pr. OEO. K CALHOUN. Con sulting 8 -g* o.i. Howard As-.v anon. No. 2 BouihN!Nlil 8 reel. Philadelphia, l'a. By order oi i-'.e Pneriors. EZIvA P HEARTVVKLL, Pies't GF.O. FAIIvCHILR 8-rreury. Pi. adelnhta. Sepi. 24. 1857. (iSI I>.IFTS, fKIFTS ! A PiilZK TO KVERV PURCHABF.B. Ii iht Q". ic l'i } ulilisitus //ntise <J f ! yfiU - PHTLAPEI.UHIA. ; y . , -.di far one 4eiUi ot moral £ g. an -i n;.re piesenii-J with p is i - .■ 25 ni 's t.i sfloO. ing . f p* i t.o.i Jev t l,y .44-i.he -. Ac An orclc's .v i .iv . • ~iv>:iipl y i-u and ibe pi xe i- , !■.- wdi a,c<>nip v the boo:. Our li*i c. n:i. .- ml of lb* most pupulai no- .s ~f ihe day, r.l Old l-e sold t the Usual -nail prices c ary of tbcni tor less. Peisi-n-wishing any , pmticular t-ovk can order at once, and it oi.l j be fvlwarded wilh a gill. A caisioguf cian g full information, with a li-l nf o. ofcs and fill* , w id be sent po-l |iaid. hi addressins bUA.NL KUUsON. No.33S.uiti Third Phiiadelphia. VT Agen a wauled. r|>RiMMINGS AND NOriON> unejr ini- • JL cie. a good assort men: ol Hosiery of the be si qua.ny; a.-o xloyes. out is. baskets. Ca has Combs, dress inmmings and linings, sewing silk, tbtead. etc., etc, ;o be had next door to ibe "Eicbaoge :1 AMELIA D WEBB. B.oomaborg. May 25 1857'ncss Directory. j 5' Sloomstmrg. I ~ If AVID MrUEMiI RG. Cr.OTIHN'H GTOKK. on Main street. l < riiiov* above t'American House." IT J. I:VANS. *~ T JF.RCHANT. —Slnrn mi :tr tipper part 1 " nl Mam street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. S. e. BHIVB, TJ ANUFACTDUKU OF FURNITURE | AND CABINET WARE.—Wnterooni j in Shiva'p Hlnt-k, en Main Street. A. m. lu i'Kirr, j rpINNER AN 11 STOVE DEALER.— I * Shop on Souili side of Main street, be | low Markol. 11. W~ WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW office on the first iloor of the ''Star'' Building, on j Main street. JOSEPH 811 A RPI.ESS. j rpOUNIIi:I,' ANN MACHINKST, Build ' T iugsoti the alley between the "Exchange j ami "American House." BARNARD RUPERT. ' I 'AILOR.—Shop on the Soutli Side of Main I J- Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENSCH, 1 A I ERCHAN'f.—Store North West corner j .'A ol Main and Market S'.eets. HIRAM (. IIOWER, Ul (IKON DENTIST.—OIIiee near the j .**> Aeaiteiny on Third Street. W'KliLVv7 REAL & <<>., MERCHANTS. —Northeast cornet ol Main mid Market streets. I a, ft- */\ * ';j \Y A llV'ei.V.'f 'N, yvOo u w -:S ii v.- c* a. at o i TUB rorKKT ASSCI LANES; C>li, KVKHY ON K HIS OWN riIYMI'IAK. f | I HK Kin ki in I Kililion. with (hie j I U&/ f*.\ h u 11 r *' I'hljf m VIORH. | ; K \Cr hHOWIIIR IMMMIHDH ni l M *1- ! In to. millions of the liuiuai. j Si £ w 'V*} 3 System in every shapr and ' lw **•/ * t ' rm • ' ° w ' ,,, h ,s 'ohUul j ' :a Treaiise on the I'imvims k N '*■■>,r \j jfijjj °( FemnleH. heii'g I the | xfj.' h ini|oilttiiee lt umr rit'd |eo| le, >i il-ose coo 1 lempltifinß mnrnnge. l\y WILLIAM YOUNG, M 1). Let r.o I'm lier he ashamed ihe present a copy of the .Nceol ipiu* to his child. It mm ave Imii from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the aeeiet obligation* o mar ried lite without rending the I'm ke Aesetilapiua I .ct no m.e-utVer from a hacknied Cough |ui ! in ihe s^ide, reHllena niphl*. nerviiua feelings, ami the whole train ol DeNpepue sensation a, and gtveil up hy their pliysiei tns. he another nioiueiit without consulting the UlM'tlLA pll's* Have the married, or those nhoiit to be married any impediment, read this tmlv useful hook, ae it tins hecn the means of saving thou -m v.* ol unfoitunate crealutis frout tho very jaws ot death. Any person sending twenty the cents, en closed in a tenor, will receive one copy f lii> hook,hy moil.or live ropies willhe sent for one Address. Itr.W . Voting • No. /•>! street. Philadelphia.* Lost paid. i\o 1 ,VJ Spruee M., I'hiUdelpMa. Sop' ,sl - Iy. Cabinet. Ware Rooms, rJt'-<r j . i. SillVE W KSI'K.CTFI 1.1.N" invites ihc attention of &'<a ui ihc I'ubiic to Ih cvfeusivo assort ment ot Cabinet Furuiluie and Chairs, which lie will warrant ttiado i t yood materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can nltvu) s be louttd a good assort ment ol Fashionable Fitrniinc. Which is equal in stjle and tiuish to that of rhdadelphta or New York cities, and at as /etc pri<s.. He has Sofas ot different sty le and prices, from S.'S :o SfiO. Divans, f.oun ges. Walnut acd Mahogany I'arlor chairs, Kecking and easy chairs, Fiano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and 1 pier tables, detashus. chefTeniers, whatnots and comodes at.d all kinds of fashionable I work. His stock ol bureaus, enclosed and I common washstands. dress-tables, cornet cupboards, solas, dining and bteaklast ta bles, bedsteads cane seat and common ! chairs, is the largest in this section of the | country. He will also keep a good assort ment o! looking-glasses with fancy gilt and i common frames He will also furnish spring maitrasses fitted to any sized bedstead,which 1 are superior tor durability and comlort to any bed in use. I Bloomsbnrg. April fith ISM. if. ~ LEAP TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. PENSLCW 8c CO., *3l Sou Hi Front Slrrrl, I'D It.A DEI FHI A. CoiiimiMt.ion Vlorolinnls, ,tw H'IH'WH Wtun llktntl* of Leaf Tiibaccn, Alaitufartarrd T(ibac co, .tad (igars. HAVE eor<'tii!> on 1.a1i,l and for sale tow all k'.nos of American and Spanish Leaf To bacons, selected with special retetence to MsnnUctuters' use. All articles sold, warranted to be as rep teetdeJ and every opportunity afforded lor examination. Purctia-ers at a distance rail send their or ders. and rely upon being as fanhtully served as it the goods were selected in person. (Viober 15. lSbn. Tinware &. Move Establishment. ' aiHS UMll kSlliMlt respectiuly ins A farmr his old fiieu.ds and customers.that he has purchased hi*brothet's interest in the tbovc esubnstimrnt. ml the concern wdl here i .fler t'S cendocted i>y himself etciusteeiy. He , has jnst received and offers fur sale lite -^* : 3 largest and most extensive assortment ment f FANCY STOVES ever intra do. i toto this market. Stovepipe and I'niaiK cons'anttyon a dma auciuted toorder. All kinds of re pairing dune, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old fnrtus and new cos kmrrs is respectfully aoitcned. A. M. KI PEKT , Rloei—tsboes tan 1? 1f53 tf. TCLLS AT LLAiU UAIb.N. C OLUIO roa s Ovrice, ) Bthtk Harm, ivg saf '57. j MR. EDIT - R :—The amount of 1011, receiv- 1 ed : this ctfjee are as follows: Previous.y leported. . . . 560816 15 | ' July, . . . • . . . . 27 158 71 , To al *S7S74 86 Resj eciftUv aobntiiMsd. s JOHN 8. FOLLVEK. Collector, j LARGE assoitmeni oi tron, Sieef and Nails for sale at the Arcade by ! ' . May 27. '67. A C MENSCH I ! EV/AIY'S & WATkOVS 1 PRt?>u, Pbil'a Moßiifaciuretl laffIISAUMANDEU; f iSA j i ' ,V,M * 1 Il<mH IS tttloHTY, t MUST PREVAIL A rpurt of Ihr Committee appointed to j xvperiotend the bt<rvi>\s? of the Iron j Softs ul Heading, fib. 'ilih, 1£57. j UKADING, Match 4th. The undersigned, metnheraol the Commit tee, do respectfully report, that we saw the . two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels | &, Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side j by stile 111 a lurnace, viz: The Site in use by ! the Paymaster ol ihe Philadelphia and Head- ! in a Riidroatl Company, in bis ofliee nt Read ing, liiurililactiired by Farrels & Herring, and j the bafo in use liy H. A. I.HIIIX, in his sine, i rriaitiilaelureil hy Evan- & Watson, and put j m hook* and | a|iets precisely alike. ; The lire was started at hi o'clock, A M-, and kept up until lour cords of green hickory, | two cords drt oak and hall chestnut top wood j were entirely consumed, the whole under t l.c superintendence ol lite subscribers, mem- j ' hers ol ihe Committee. The Sales note then I j cooled oil with water, after which they went | ; opened, agd the hooks and papers taken out ' by the Cnnifo tiee and sent to H. A. L.n r.'s store lor public examination, after lltey were j first examined and maiked by Hie Commit lee. 1 lie books and papers taken Irom the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were but slightly affected hy the intense heat, 1 while those taken Irom the Sale manufac tured by Kariels & Herring were, in our jiutg j merit, damaged fully (illeen per cent, more j than those taken from Evans lit Watson's bale. JACOH IL DYSIIF.U, | DANIEL !>. HUNTER. Having been ah-ent during the burning, | wo fully coincide with Ihe above statement til the condition ol lite papers and hocks tak en out of tho respective Sales. G. A. NIC DLLS, II II MUHLENBERG, JAMES MiI.HOLLAND. The following named gentlemen, residents | of lb admit ami its vicinity, who saw the ' above fire, have purchased Safes Irom Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Ist, j j 1867. G. A. N'rolls, 1 Solomon Rhonda, 1 li. li Company, 2 W. B. Yetger, I 111 A. I.tiny; 2 Geo. K. Levute, I i Kttk & Hetster, I Samuel Easing, 2 |W. Rhonda & Son, 1 .1 M &G.W.Haotsch,l 111 W. Misstiner, 2 James Jameson, I I Dr. Win. Mnoio, 1 J. B.StA. lb Wanner I I i.e. i .I. Smith, 1 Jacob Sehinttrker, 1 ' High & Crtog, 1 \\ m King, I I Wm Kink, 1 V. IL Shollenberger, | I Ktmlinan & Rautn, 1 I eopnhl llirsli, I Wm. McFinlin, 1 K./.ta Miller, I I Geo. .1 Rckert, l W.C.&l'.M.Ermen j Isaac Rntti, I tiotit, I |Bt ltiieytr, Folmer Wm. Dnnaliower, 1 I & Co. 1 Bulli V Hilton, I EVANS & W A I SuN. j June 17, 1857. i THIS WAY FOR BARGAIKST A. J . EVANS ! HAS JI'ST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPUING &SUMMER ROODS j 4 T his old stand on the upper end ol Main I (Y Street which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. It cousins in part ol Silks wl pncea, lustres, barages, tie laittos, tlncul cloths, poplin-, brilliants, cltalho., de hages, | lawns,-ktrtii g, trench and scotch ginghams piittts, gloves, lionciv, collars, handkercliie|s, &c. Shawls and Mantillas ol every sty le and ! quality. j MAI i.F. & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ' Cloth* casstuteres, vestings, llannels, tnus i hits, tickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, col ' tonades, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills. , maroilies quilts, colored and white carpet i chant, parasols, umbrellas, a large and splett dt.l asroitmcnt ol HA IS, CAI'S, GOO IS AND j SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESII k£2M£3±£o TrasiCdflei'i SnjfnriMoliisifs i Rice, Spice*, &c. Also, Hardware, liucens- I ware. Crockery and Cedarware. Having seleetoil my entire stock with the ■ greatest eare and at the lowest cash prices, I can assure my Iriends and the public gener ally, that I will do all ill my power to make I establishment known as the 'Haul quartos i far bargains." Those who wish to purchase , will lint! it to their advantage to call and ex . amine my stock before purchasing. 1 will pay the highest market price fot i HUTTER, EGGS, RAGS. SOAP AND ; j Dried Fruit, and country produce in general. I Uloomsbnrg, April 29. 1857. : GREEN WO O D SEMINARY MILLYILLE. COLUMBIA CO., FA. A systematic cotttse ol instruction is given in all ihe English branches usually taught. The Principal will he assisted during the present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, recently Irom (he Lancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation of seven weeks will commence July Ist. TCITION , for day pupils 53.50. to 54.50 per quarter. Hoarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &e., 530 per quarter of eleven weeks onc-hail in ' advance. , For circular, catalogue or orlher particu lars address WM. BURGESS, Melville. April 1, 1857. Puntipal. "THE Sl:* ret IXFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Pubtisked. Gratis. Ihe ibth Thousand. ' ew °" rational treat meat, without Medicine of Sper- A.-y inatorrbea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System., ami Impediments to Marriage generally. ' BY R DE LANKY, NL D. ; The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth,may be easily removed tCitJwut in ihis small iract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, 8f adopted by the Author, lullv explained, by means ol which every cue is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possiblecosi. there t>y avoiding all ths advertised nostrums of he day. bent to anv address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, two post-ge -tamps, to Dr. B. DE LAKEY, 17. I.ispenard S'reet, New York City. May 6, 1857 —6m. THOMAS IBUTLER^ So. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA; Ikf anufacturer of strong Tinware, Copper, •s'F Til. and Zinc Bathing Tubs, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batoing apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'ven to ordered work, and goods carefoliy lorwpjeed on orders. Philadelohia. August 17th 1851. A FULL ASSORTMENT of ** Goods at the Arcade by May 27,'57. A C. MENSCH. fc>J r 1 1 <<£ & <&, -&>.%. 'ft TOTIIK F\SU)NA!.K AM' JQ cr~j sjjji 'r_r; LS2. 6&3 • i JMIF. undersigned i.iivitigjust received rhe J latest Puns an.l New Vork Fashions v odld agttin beg leave ui inform his immei OUR friends and li tlvct world about Blooms burg.that he is now better prepared than ev or so aecommodate any one w ill the noulest easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes thai have been turned out lately; ami *ol only that, hut tie will also do them u,p in the best order, upon ihelowest terms. . . Mis shop is at ttio old stand, (100 wel | known o need luithemolieo) where he maj at all times tie found, seated upon the benrh of repentance.steadily drawing outlhe/Areue of affliction,hopeing it may in t lie end provt advantageous to tiim and his customers. Mr I would also advise his fiends to bear in mitts that poor, atllioted tailors must live, or they j can't be expected to work. I'hereiore \\ heat j live Corn, Oats, Potatoes, ami with all now j and then a little CASH will come might) handy from.those who arc hack-standing on | itie hooks. Remember, gentleoien, that in all cases "the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Blooinsbnrg, April t lth, 1853. p>msm HERRING'S f'i -it I est .aa. up u, K ACKNOWLEDGED mf. l a CHAMPION!! [jj ij ■' |L|\ ■' TDK recent trials at Read- L Vfr ~-* C p.j' lll f have endorsed the cur rent of public opinion, and conlirmed the verdict of more than 200 acci dental fires, proving conclusively thai "Her ring's" is the only sale that will not burn. Kvunct from the Committee's Re|iorl on the Trial of Iron Sales at Reading: "On the 2(i;h of February all the members ol the Committee met to witness the Sales | and bucks and papers, (placed in them) and | were prrlectly satisfied thai all was rigl t.— j The day following, the burning took place. I muter the euperinlendemVof the Committee. I Altera fair and impartial burning fur live | (lours, the Safe of Messrs. Funis & Watson j was first opened, the Sale being on fiie m- > side, and the contents partially consumed, while the contents in the Sale of Messrs. Fartels & Herring were in good condition, vnd inside." Reading, March 2, 1867. H. F FF.I.IX, I (Sinned) I' N (OI,F.MAN. ! Corn. A. II PEACOCK. ) And endorsed by over 60 ol the best men ol Reading. The above Safes can be inspected nl St Walnut Strce'. w here the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion,''over the de feated and ustil-up "inside iron Moor Sala maitdcr." FARRFf.S & HERRING, 3t Wnlnnt St.. I'hilud'a. Only makers in this State of Herring's I'atent Champion > s nfes. The uttempt made by other parlies to bol ster up the reputation of a Sale which has tailed signally in accidental fiics in Philadel phia, (Runste'ad Place,) by taking one out ol an agent's store, f H.A.I .ant/ ] made dou ble thickness (different from those they sell) to ' burn np 'oi.eot lletrititt's, (half as thick) has met with its Hue toward. Herring's Sale could not be butnl, proving conclusively that die only reliable Sate now made is Herring's, ol which over 15.000 are now in aotnel use, and more than 200 have been tried by lire without ii single loss. Philadelphia. May 8. 1857 If. loi tk uiiis. THE well-known Man land Consolidated Lotteries, ol which It. FRANCE N Co. are the managers, are chartered l>y the state of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to .-uperiutend and certify that everything connected with them Is dune in a strictly honorable manner, ami that the mteris>s ol parties who reside at a distance are as well protected as if they themselves were present at the draw ing.— Another tact which the managers call atten tion to. is, that all persons have a leg.l right to send orders tor lake's to Mai)land, a* lotteries are legalized by special law in thai slate. A lottery is drawn every day of the mouth. If no particular class is named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take, place after the communication comes to it rod. The prices ol tickets vary from 9-1 to 920. No tickets are, however, sent unless the money lor the saoie is received with the order. Ihe drawings are upon the principle of one number on each ticket (after lbs Ha vana plan,) and Ternary combination. Prizes vary in amount from #2O to SIOO,OOO. All orders lor tickets or packages will receive prompt ailenlion, ami lire drawing mailed in all purchasers immediately aiter it is over. Address, T H. HUBBARD & CO, No. 30 Fayette si., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d. 1857 —ly. Baltimore, Md. The Drawn Numbers of the Maryland Loeries are published by the State Com nisiniter it. the following papers, viz: Sun dipper. Patriot, American, Argus, ol Balti more; also, the National Intelligencer and Union, of Washington, D. C. liable Fotiiiilfv, It 100 ins. lull's ' M POVhS ANIf TIN WAKE. THE subscriber having erected a largo new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he has eree'ed a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the W>l. PKNN COOK. RAl'B COOK, VAN LIF.R COOK, and PARLOR STOVES all kinds, the Egg Cylinder Stove, fce. All kinds of Snouting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsbnrg. April 16. 1857. Leather, Leather! Leather! EENfcY W. OfKSMAF, IMPORTER OP FRENCH C.ILF SKINS and General Leather Dealer, No 6 South Third Street, Pnila. Ci?" A general assor'.ment of all kinds of ! Leather, Morocco. &c. &c. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER February 28. 1857.—1y. ST IILXII VZI PPINGLK, Qyv &L& P LOOMS BUIIG IVIr'FICULT repairing warranted; spec tacies and glasses for spectacles; glasses for huniing cased watches, and other watch j material tor sale. March 27, 1857 AN ASSORTMENT of conlecnooary, jew eity, Perfumery soaps, bait ciiis, Sac. : Pomades, to be bad at C. CLARK'S Book Store. IRCN STEEL, and every kind of Hard *■ Tin or safe bv McKELVV. NEAL k Co ]AffORTICED POSTS ou hand and for sale i at me Arcade by Mat 27. >57. A. C. MENSCH COLOUR AND FEED Depot at the Arcade, 1 bv A C. MENSCH AY Kirs PJJI.S -1\ \ el's jttlinrlic IMIIs. PILLS THAT ABE PILLS* I'KOK. HAYES, Siate Chemis l , ol Maw , •ays they are the be-l of all pills, and an nexed urn the men who certily that Doc'ot Hat es knows: H. J. GARDENER, Governor of Mass. EMORY WASHBURN, ex-Go v. of Mas*. SIMEON BROWN, Lieut, Gov. of .Mass. K. M. WRIGHT, Secretary Suite o! Mass. J. H. FITZPATRICK, Catli. Bishop ol Boston, PROF. JOHN TORREY, ol the College of Physicians ntul Surgeons, New York City. Dr. C. T. JACKSON, Geologist ol the Poblio Lands ol the U S. WEN THAT ARE MEN, Anting q.e diseases this P.II has cured with ssiniiisl ins rapiditv, we may mention: Cosiivene-s, Bilious Complaints, Rheumt* lisni, Dropsy. Heartburn, Headache arising Irom a fowl Stoinnch, Nuiim-m, Indieesliof, Morbid iiittction of the Bowels, and pain arising ihcrelrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appo tile, nil Ulcerous and cutaneous Diseases, which require mi evacnunt Medicine, Scrof ula, or King's Evil. Tncy nlso by purifying the blood and stimulating lint System, Curd many Complaints which it would not be sup posed they could reach ; such us Deafness, Blindness, Neuralgia und nervous lr riiability, Derangements ol the Liver and kidneys, (loot, and other kindred complaints, arising from u low stato of the body, or ob structions ol its functions. Tltcy tire the best Purgative Medicine ever discovered, and you will but need to use them once lot know it. Prepared by Dr. J AS. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—and sold by E. P. Lu'z and all Druggists in Bloom-burg, and by Dealers in Medicine every w here. Sept. 11, 1857-2 m. .ioiin * Moone. JOHN W. WII.I.IAM# MOORE Sc WILLIAMS, General Co in mission Merchants, unit ttpah rs in MIXT2BR3* SUPPLIES, A'o. 54 Swtk lln Iff SI, rhilailtlphia. THE subtctibets having been associated with the coal trade and ininttig operations generally, for several yens, are prepared to supply orders lor all articles contingent to mining purposes at the lowest rates, with eaie and dispatch. : Our stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached, ! Racked, l ard. Rosin. Greasing', Linseed.—— Sal'ty Lamps, Fuses, Blu-iing Paper, Slope Chums. Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, Wicking, Wire Rope, Tar and Pilch ——Thornley a > Celebrated Gum Belting, Washers, Packing, Blasting and oilier Powders. I Soap, Candles, &o. ki kkrkncf.s : Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia, j .1. It. A. &S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " j S. Roiliermel, Esq., " I John Thornley, E-q , " i Win. Do Haven, E-q . Mineraville, Pa. Hon. W. Donaldson, l'otlsville, Pa. i Hon. C. W. Unman, " I Gen. W. Snyder. Esq , " D. P Brown, Esq., L. P. Brook. E-q., " J. J. Connor, Ashland, Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. Hi, 1867. Iy. ISN'T IT SO t j Use ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Sell Sealing Cans slid FRESII FRUIT Jars, and yon w ill have fresh ;fruit all the year at summer jprices. j Full dig'ctions for putting up all kinds of fruit and To matoes, accompany these cans and jars. They ere made of Tin, Glass, (ineer.sware, and Fire a in! Acid proof Stone Ware. IN WINTER I'l.e sizes are from pints to gallons. These cans & jars are entirely open at the tops, and lies', to secure transpor tation. For sale hy Storekeeper# throughout tho U. S'ates. Descriptive circulars sent BETTER on application. IV' Order# jirom the trade solicited. I Be sure to ask lor " Ar thur's." It lias stood the test of two seasons, having jhcen used by hundreds of THAN thousands of families, hotel and boiuding-liouse keep] i-rs. We are now making them for the million. ARTHUR, HURNHAM & GiI.ROY, Sweetmeats. Manufacturers under the Patent. Nos. 117 & 119, S. Tenth St., (cor. George.) PHILADELPHIA. | June 17, 1857.-3 m. BLOOMSBURQ fIAHE undersigned would in this way call | A || )e utiemion of the public to the Booh Store at the old stand, next door to the 'Ex i change Hotel," where at all limes can be found a good assortment of books, including Bibles, lit ma Books, Prayer Books, j Histories, Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds of stationary of i the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the price ol School Books and Stationary to those who by to sell again. Ju-t received, a good assort merit of WALL i PAPER, which 1 would ask all to call and 1 examine belore puchasing elsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. i Bloomsbtirg, May 25. 1857,-lyr. c. EO77SH, ESPECTFt I -L Y oflers hi# professional services to | • the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations iu Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which wilt * be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to look aa : well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ' ways on hand. A 1 operations on the teeth warranted. ty Office, 3d building above Wilson's Car riage Manufactory—Main St., West side, f Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1856. AKGE lot ol No. 1, 2, A: 3 Mackrel, also, While Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, jual received and for 6oie by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re ceived and for sale by A C MENSCH.