THE STAR OF THE NORTH. P. IT. Wearer, Preprlelar.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH ■a rrautHKP every wroNEstuv mokkim: by It. ir> KAVklt, bfc'lFirr— Upstniil, in Me new fir iVA irrfM ing, on tht south si J* oj Alum Strtct, Mild >quoit ht.'oie Market. 't Kit M S Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the lime ol sub •crtbiug ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid withm the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages Ore paid, unless at the option ot the editor. Am ENiisKMKNVs not exceeding one square tvill be inserted three limes tot One Dollar, •ml twenty live cents for each additional in hellion. A liberal discount will bo mado lo Htoae who advertise by the year. n " . . . - ' ■■ Ft cm Me Arte I'oit Keening /W. MIMi or I UK Ml Hfcttt. Hushing round the coiners, (biasing every friend, Dunging into banks— Nothing ihere to lend Dteoosly begging Of every man you meet. Kle-s mo! this is pleasan', "Skinning" on ihe.iteeb Merchant* very short, Running neck and neck, Want to kerp a going— l':ay ing for a check ! Dabblers in stocks, Blue as blue can be, hvideutty wishing They were '/iney free." All our splendid railroads (let such drvtidlul knocks, Twenty duiusauj Hull* Couldn't taiso their stocks . Many of the Hoar* In iho troublo sharing, Now begin to leel They've been over Hearing. Kiskv spec n lal or* Tumbling with lhe*hork, Never mind stopping Moie than any clock: Still they give big dinner*, Sun ke and drink and slip, • iiung till die boner For a winding up. Hanking inniliilions, Companies of "tnim," Wnh oilier people's money. off on a bust; Houses ol long standing Crumbling in a night— With so many • smashes, ' No wonder money's tight. t.enilemen of means- Having lul* 10 spend Save i i osj mpathy— Nothing have 10 lon I; (isiiilemen in want- Willing to pay double- Find they can borrow Nothing now but trouble Half our men of business Wanting an extension. While neatly all the other* Contemplate suspension; Many ol them, though, Don't appeal lo dread it; Kvery cent they owe In so much to their credit. Broker* all are breaking, Credit all i cracked, Women all expanding A* the Hank* contract, l'atiio still increasing— Where will the trouble end, While all hand* want to borrow. And nobody can lend ! Kooning round the corner*, Try ing every smites; Asking at die Banks-- Nothing there, of course, Money getting tighter, Misery complete— Bless me ! this is pleasant "Shinning" on 'he street. TV Four boxes govern the world—the est ridge box. the ballot box, the jury box, and the band box. OT A Lady: a sensitive plant that thrives only in lb® centre of a large crinoline Icnce. Rarely rem by ihe most practised eye. ET The N acogdoches "Chronicle" very gravely asks why a boy in corsets is like Texas? and at onco proceeds to answer the question, by it is because he has a Gal vest-on. EV"Jones, that must have been Brown that passed. Wonder why he didn't speak? Oh, I remember, I lent him five shillings last time 1 saw him." EF" In Ohio there is a family so lazy that ■it lakes two of them to sneeze—one to throw the bead back, and the other to make the noise. iy A fellow was brought before a court lately, who was so fat that he had to be tried one half at a lime. He may certainly be called a great rogue. ty Julius—Why am da beloved of my heart, Miss Dinah, de sunflower of de hill, ,'ske a kind ob cloth dey make in Lowell? Sam—l don : t know, nigger, why? Johns—Cos shy's an on bleached She-ling, ty The papers are bragging of an inven lion by which leather can be tanned in ten minutes. We have seen the human hide, however, tanned in five. Some schoolmas ter! can do it in less than two. ty A co'emporaty in printing the speech of one of the Bunker Hill celebration ora tor*, describing the place where the battle was (ought, made it instead, the place where "the bottle wae bought." ty A would-be gentleman, the oilier day, called at the post office at Loughborough, (E) and displayed his ignorance of natural his tory or the French language, or both, by re questing to be supplied with a stamped ante lope! ty The recent rriainage of Mr. Day with Mies Field pieeeril* this singular anomaly, >ht although lie ga>ned the field she won the jpwiiiiiini i " i—iirrr. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1857. Manner* unit I uvlom—VV hat Chinese tl In general the diet of the Chinese is vari ons, wholesome and well rooked. Many ol their dishes, it is true, are unpalatable to Kuropeanson neronnt ol the vegetable ml in which they ate cooked, and the garlic that almost universally taints them. Hot, jtufg ing from the exhalations that assault one's olfactories in passing American restaurants and kitchens about dinner lime, our country - men would bo likely to make noseiinus ob jection lo taking dinner with a Celestial on account of the alliaceous plants, with which the viands are flavored. As lor the o'her offensive ingredients in the dishes ol John Chinaman, namely, the vegetable ml, il it is of any oil.or kind in the world bill die pro duct of the castor bean, wo eatnol imagine it to be more disgusting than such strong hog's lal and rancid butter, as mingle to plentifully in almost sll American attempts at toe culinary art. The very perfume of the ingredients mentioned is lrei|iiemly strong enough to fear up an egg, and for that reason arc every whore used to "taiso" pie ernl ami short cake. In lulls of fare in the Middle Kingdom, dogs, eats, rata, snakes, worms, figure more prominently than in ours. Hut the nation which enjoys the highest reputation lor its cuisine in the world, has an equally authen tic claim to preeminence lor its comprehen sive a,'ipmpnatioit ol the bounties of nature to the sustenance of man. Ftlcaseos are rarely or noer professed to bo composed of canine hums, grimalkin loins, rn• s, snake, and worms. This the chgance ol neither the French nor American taste would permit. Hut who knows w lint pan ol animated nnitire is some hidden under the sweet suspi cious word "agent, or is disguised in tumble refectories by lite nil embracing name ol soup ! Reptile* and semirepttles, suoli as eels n-ul Irogs, nro not articles ol lood it; Chia alone. K.veit creatures of a lower or der, so low indeed that they can hardly bo said lo live til all, sttglt as muscles, oysters and clams, are greedily esleu by some, and strange to relate, the two latter beat an ex ceedingly remunerating price, though not withstanding their inward graces, thoy must be classed in outw-aid semblance among the most repulsive naturally of tltu winks ol cre ation. II the Chinese have been detected occa sionally in pressing into the service ol llio kitchen creatures, which have not yet earn ed a favorable Foropeau or American reputa tion, n will be simply candid to rematk. that those eases are probably occasional, where people have l!on caught with their—we moan, i.l dishabille Another thing must be said in their excuse. According to Harrow, there irk at ont ov the barrel, and lave the brine standing.' ' "Well, Pal," said Murphy, "that's wnal I'd like to know myself, do ye see: there's the mystery." CP* "Mother, wltere's Bill!'' '• My son. don't let roe hear vott say Bill, again. Vou should say William." " Well, mother, where's William V "In the yard, feeding the ducks." "On, yes, I see him now But mother what makes the ducks have such broad —a— broad —v illiams I" "Ciootti with your brother, directly, joe little scamp, or I'll cull your ears!'* rV One day, an Irish laborer ** brought to the Kditibttrgli Intirmarv. injured by a tall trom a house top. The medic*! roan in attendance asked the suflerer at what lime the accident happened I He replied, "Two o'clock, yet honor.'' On being asked how he came to tix the hour so a. ecu rawly, he answered,— " Be jabere, an' didn't I ee tho people at dinner, through a window, as I wae coining down, eure. Or The saying 'that there ie tuoio pleas ute in giemg than teoeitnug,* is supposed 10 apply chiefly to kwks, med eitte and *)>>* TIIB 11 11111 I'KICR OK I'IUIVIMOXS— The uni versal complaint that provisions ara lo high: is nol wilhoul foundation. Now tliut a dol lar, for most practical pnrposos, should hoy ntoro limit it hits dor.o (or yours, it is s curl oits thing, to sny llto lonst, that it will hard- j ly oontinnti.l (lie ttsiutl tptunllly ol llto food | which oomposos tho nrrossurioa of lilo. It or.iv wishes to piircltnso IlirnilU'O, or dry I goods, or bursas, or cuttiugcs, or slocks, uny I thing, in Isct, except liroitd inonl vegetables, | milk uittl holler, ho run ohluin them greadv I cheaper ibini ho could six monih ago. Not so, however, with provisions. As yet, the j products ol tlm soil have been aide lo resist, in u largo degree, the downwind leniency ol piiees. •These high pines ol ai|tivultuial preduets under a contracting cnirnnry, whoso purchasing power should every day he grow ing greater, are not Uuinded in reason, anil cannot ho inaintniiinil. Kinm every ipiarter ol the I'liiooy lor example, we hear only of ahuiiihuil crops. Under sny eiieuinslanees, ilierclor, the ptico ol wheal miisl have eoine I down hut in tho prnsenl sliingoney ol the ■ iiionev miiikel, a heavy rleelino liiisoocureil. ami is still in progress. Farmer*, lo sell J iheir produels, must aeenniiiiodale the priori [ 10 llin general decline. Accordingly, at all j the great central ponds of lire West, grain I has lallcn in pure. The nneessoy ol remit)- I my. which lour families nut ui every five is leeling, will lend still lit rl lit' r In hin.g down | wheal. Tho needy will he compelled lo rial j sparingly, the prudent will ho carslnl lo avoid waste What is true of this great ce- j teal, is irue also ol other sisplo Hgiienliu ral produels. It will lake lime lo effect tins reduction, hut it i> just as inevitable lis the coiiiraclion in the nirioiiul ol mnriey which measures and crmlrols price*. lint us all pri ces under such a process come down togeth er, their telalivo values are nut tillered, or, in other wools, the same amuniii nl Hour or puUUoes will exohailge fur the smite amount ul groceries ur dry grinds, or liny n licr ex-j changeiibla value which tho owner nl the Hour and potatoes may need. The value ul uvery product is measiiriihlo in u hiss ain mini ul dollars hut in the sgmenrnunnt of products. Tim process nl reduction is slow, because I every productive iidercsl is fighting, though I independently, against it; Inn is a sure one, S because the inlcresis nl all the ciuiMiiricrs, u - larger numher, urn uupoil to effect it. A qIiKSTioN ok i.AW AMI I.OMTNRIIK -\mring I a great number ol cases which have been ! submitted l the Surrogate n! Now York, a 1 eurtnus cue has recently arisen, grieving '-ot of the mailer ol the esiaio ol I'alnek Me j (iloskey, who died in I'aris, leaving a legacy of Sill,OOP to u lucre residing at Dubuque, lowa. It is now; ascertained that the lesuitir ami the legalee both died about the ssrrie hour, on the same day. II the lega'ee died (irsi, (as is supposed,) die legacy lapsed; hut 11 she survived the testator, then the legacy I vested. The ease, therefore, trims upon tho i relation of solar lo Hoc time or, in other wonts, it is a question which a ilijl'ithre nj /ongdrrr/e must decide. The New Y rlt l'i. t remarks thai the difference between the solar time at I'aris ami Duhu'piu is a little more than six hours, arid adds : Suppose the testator to have died at 10 o'- clock, A M , Hie timo at llubuque corres ponding to this, at the precise Moment of the event, would have been near 4 o'clock Ofl Ills* same morning. Thou, if the legatee had died at Dubuque at 4 o'clock, and ihe testator in I'aris at 10, me instant of their death would have been identical. Assarting the above as the hour of the te-tator's dea h in I'aris, if ihe legatee died at Dubuque a; 8 o'clock A. M , of ihe same day, thoogh the legacy opparerrtly rever-e to the estate in point of irue time, the legatee ac'uai;y survived the testator some four boars, a I the legacy bequeathed vested in her he; heirs. THE WAY A YAHEEE MADE A COZES CHIC*-—One of those pecu. ar > • - f-J gio:.. - Yankees, which the pr I h • -oildoen Ei p-o luces in abundance, lately em gri • i a : settled down in the vicinity cf Che- • He was the very picture of a mrs n . s y Yankee, but a* he put himse.l to wcrk pood esruest to get his houe to rgh s. -;■ neighbor- w-liiogiy lent him a hand. A: *r be got fixed to h-s r.o f on, k thought .track him mat he ha I no eh. eke and hevvas powerful fo.nJ cr sec rtg riv eggs. lis wa? too hi- e-t • *ea fern. a-J 'oo meio to buy , At .it a toe :g struck him—be coo u bornv lie e.: .3 a neig'ibo'. -• t ace >- eJ Mm: 1 \Yai, I reckon you batei got .no eld Is* nor snthm' vna wecld le-td me for a .s.v weecsT' ■I w .1 lend yoa ere . h rieassre." -e --ple.i Ms neighbor. pick g o-t ore -■ -e pne-t iu the coops The \i" see .v 'te . ken home, sttd ibcri went'o aao er --.g • bor a'd borrowed a cozen of eggs He -c the hen on ihe eggs. j..,i ~j ; .e cou-se .• ;me she ha'ebed on a doze r •: c.::ci# l"he Yaekec was agi.n pun ev ; —** ox return the hen. hut hew wi- he e eggs' Another ilea, an.' wr.vwr si * i Yankee w hx*i c*< e—exare e - e —,>e would keep '.be hen I she eid a oo.wo eggs. He the * ;e' the he a • -is eggs ie> ;ae r res.-evt e o.te->— ezr- ig a- he did sc •• \Va , I guess I've get is ti re a -v*"i chake- sas vou evec a en* eves oo aod thev J.e.ti t cev>: ate a ceo. ague tf Heniv Sititig. o; Nml Ca ■ vcti sed. o-t moolh tho. a gov xcHMg na , bad run orl wtlh Y> two bh - - , iluv uie-st rvpce-iecsahivv uasiaaw ot btti 'gs to me Vac ' i,i. W'O e.v. WM u I IIK I.AllollMt. IIY H. HUADIII'hV The* uncrowned aoveroignty ol him. Who daily earn* In* bread. On whom trurih'H idler* coldly fiov n, Ami fierce* u linn*tread, I* ho lo whom I am allied, Whom* wrong* I II ever ving A brawny toiler ut (ltd forgo, At hoarl ii ion I king. Oh ! there in lint in nil tin* world, Such glory to bo found, A* circle* him whom hopeful hour! Willi labor'* lovo m hound. Oh ! where would ho the ntorlnig gold Tliat'n worn hy drowpy drone*, And w here would ho ihi n.onuieh'n weahli— Tim |iom| ol truui<*ril thttuif*— If labor con*cd to iim* it *ki'l # lln liintroii* lined* and way*, lake nil in trior hi'iiulirn when tlionuii All guidon root- ihe day*! For thi'to urn melodion thiit nimt I' mmii labor'* tuighiy chorifn, An over thrilled the human heart, hired with u bl.izo of wordn The toiler nliod their bitter team For Ifiemln and kindred gone , I Vet, yrand iiv thunder in tint nlonn, I Sublimely nlrug'jltf on. j rit.i < y run 1m nhml their fellow* blond, And talk of heavnn'a dec ree , | Then Mnko like ninrdern whom Statu I•* burning to htr Ireo. Ah ! let iho nilkeri dandien nront The tmlern ol the hind , Itu I let me lew I the worker'* hear*, Hi* hard ami wrinkled hand : And let if it* labor (or Inn rla**, And win Inn horient thank*, And I will own a jy 1 In fanhion a pumpcred rank*. i HI; m A i II itri I'.Y IHOR. 11000. Wo watched her I ma'lung though tha nigh Her breathing *(Jt and low, An on tier breath the wave of lifu K •*|*i h*aving to and fro So mlnutly wo aeenr.ed to 'peak, So p'owly moved about, Ah we had lent her half our power*, To eke ber being out. Our ve*y hop** belied our f*ar, Our fear-* (,uf hope* belie J We thought her dying when *he Ami sleeping when *he cbei. For when the mrrn came dim and **J, Arid rhitl with early nhower* Her rpiiet eyeli !* t Inte l h* I Another rnorn than our*. Wniitr d— \II If one- 1 Ind utrlon* f ir.j. We lately *a v art a Iveni.emon' he 4 a- above. It convey* *.o every body an .m pre-Rive mora! !e*on 45 An hor.evf, i/i !u*'r.oo* boy' 1 .* alway wanted 11-* wii: be oog ; ,t f-,r; h * vervioe' wiil be in dema'd :9w .1 e re*; **"* | * loved- he wnl t® apoken of n of i commendation; h® w, alway* r.-ive a : om* be will grv cp to be a ma; r.: worth an J e* tablifbe i chaMrter He wii! be wave J. T e Merrha.". w want him for aaieman or a cleric *♦* mi: ! er matthan.c n! want him for an anp'tn :ce or a . urrveynrum 'hove * .*h a />:• "> * w . wan' turn for a en* 'in '*• c' x m for a .awyer :*.r i pj*. c:an; re . .01 o.* for a pa- 0- pa* f..ra '®ach*r for .be r ch drr* 1. the people for an rtficer H*? *. be warded.; w vj r rr. *>r a r z- - rr;i n i •* . b<" r**ii .he.** a* 4 ;re :T e* n1 • ♦ tor ',e wo rid a- 1 4 acrid an- iv jti wi l *av b.m ::r a be 4- 1: - 5. a. : y for a ko*baiJ. A -■ foetraj* b*v J;,r • b<"• -x . sr; 1 0 4 — Can 5 a. v • ;*: on A'*ri *nre ;oat yon x se wao ed ' Vti hij.* Rtrar asu ac< ve : r " ■-e* i oe **?• :; • oc—i*e yoo 1' V:n hi/ *i' J —-1 V. . • MM • To# r. i : bu w it c-ii 1 i:n en *®*- - )jj N • i v ri.ii ij :r 01 ao* o.' o-a. \. - K ei* Jr 1 -ie— ;• 00' j -> -v -J - 11^". .v •—n ' >•% lie aavr lu* 1 . w . ;c- *4 . !g . i "v.- 01. or jiacew J r v-. % i i. o ."i> v V tew V : i'" ia.- oeeu rt g I' 1 ; , • Ist 1 # 1 1 ■* M itHT J * a' .~Oie - ol# .* tw I# jall w# ihM * • # o## al 4 ? ner % vca 'erw nx> -♦ " * • .V* i Oil# 4 v. V-#f Jt.;ivKRK Hoi# Iv,a# #4 i - > ucw ■ I 1 M ■ ?u. atf# v Vi .iw sv\i hoewfw. tf >4* t s wr< TCWitKV |*KM ClatitN >ae . - Y 340 OvMlVvra.'W 40C# MiICW Vn# aw A ► at## >tatu 3aa awt* >*•# jouw H •a# kv ii# vew#k [ Two Hollars prr Annum. NUMBER 44. Tllli UYM'BI'I IC. <>n of ilin mot micomforlnbla beihße on Ihn onrib i" n dyspeptic. To the mod of oth cr iuvullidu lb<'r l aotnn hop* of a change —aomo pr"|te!l ol ilelnrmiiiiilion lo iliair complaint", or hi lenal hoiiik eiio.ioiiiil inier villa of freedom from Iliair rlllioiion. To fa vor" lliorn i a -pi-rdy dime, ailher in henlih, or hi tliut finiil i*no wliu'li put" nn piiil in all trouble*. I lin r-rtinll|.(>X anil meurilaa noma bill noon ; unci tlx- gnui allow" aniria interval* ol nuao Krro tlx* roiiautripfion, wanting unil rnrolo-4, ilnoa not deprive llio pntianl of b0,.0, Inn liiina 10 liiin ooniiiiually Ilia bright "iilo of lliiini", hiiil hi Ilia tvnrl, Innniriaiaa era loon in ilia peaceful grave. Ilul for dy*- pcpaiu ilmio i" on bopn, it i ilurlr, di;nurn nlllit, Hinl olntorloK ii i'h protfiHM, and af lord* no lonaiioablii pro'pert of ii dnierrnint lion. It r r.j—c ir5C ►boulder hi "den, ai d leg" that indira'a a plan liltjl lurk of flh n foon'arianre half way h -tween pale and yellow, a "bgfit tinge of yellow ill liia eyev, a dry "kin, and hair thai "tarn!" bviky way for want of mowtute— ihn-e nail bo hardly a rpiealiOn bul ho it a ilyaprrpiin. Nothing can h? mora way ward and capri rioiM than a tlyipaptrc "tornv- l i ft calr|>r>t a" d fTienlt in p!eje a "poill thill, or a ."000- aii'h ruined hy indulgence. I' n fanil with out ha ng actually hungry n J craven the "iirnnhi" r,f food wiihom feeling the demand* of • genuine appeti r> Ii eem< In alr a : 111 - tin wnio" for il" "ofien ir.firtlu ie " an, w. ho . oc f -li.y or -nerra! r-tT.rr, o keep hitixe'f awake He i-.di'ge* in lha dmpneitinr, . •-e,. ,. i wake* bo' !• repent of hi" .nto geooe. !l < mi-. i i* pi-r;' of v. 1 :'-er.- . r. " :.e#i coil tut hx who e bo-fy ."'.go ; *-..J ttri-oaalo-abfe [i. wr.e'-.e- e tofgo o no i -raonn rsap or r.o' - * ep of •.< r.ijl * apt in be (J;- ' I aod acrefr— nig; '. - ;--.e: nmie V.- i-a'd ;r.i-y *r. * .org pefjee T ' .J.'it "J .-'J e"i '" Tl .-f 0 V ai<# O'i r. r ifr.'or ."*4 p i'. c H-5 4 i ;-*a * '"i fi 4 '. r 2.1* hestjn -f ** - --i <**r 3 r anil 1 •rq . '.* t. i- if< ♦;rs * ■: 110 ir> •i7* .•* : * :>ei u*n*nes ixui \J#l "el"* -.4' r. 7 ♦r.r •* nr no:. a-u v- :V.r ie cccwi# • ; -■ :av : y * ac-i- . rn- i Am . _ * -• di c* * : 1 tte J-*firfc 4 - t - 4 ,iy *n:m7 ar j/ 17 *•* ".o' 1 : *ai?fi 4 lAr, jo r..*. a i .: -yz .3 -ial* uw : aoa • . < j-f an-i jpr! 1.31. iia . i' ; : :oi e •:* n/ i* *1; ♦ j .t 7 .v: t ir.u irr*ia-* fvjr u 1: a a ■: ii<3T.?u. .3 a. tie. or • t *:rui a *nr vi'.: j:,f :ny .is a :*a - aa :s 1 aiaa ai a-, coti-a-n U4 iriz iz -aa; 9i: . . v - j * •. • c .e*. ' -fill-: * ir'ifif? 3- in : v .1 l-fT- \ it 2* 310 am • n :s : >c t aa. t* * u Id Tf-fAhild*" auua ACti • . e i i-v i. t . le jct/! T -n-^eura ITfa • • ? ' ' ns.t —M J h?" T " cf ffrics 1 * nv "141 i• . : 1 "ix: : 01. fxc~x rhf m I • ~j ruiirj :a ni ua 141 , •- *? )tn_' w ta:i Tcrai. **iw . j-ou it" *u "tti* *: J ' ra; J „• A-*:' ldf U TT v in. d L-hi r j'j & - ear ainl > v w. .* nj t ; e-s* tf 1411 4iil iC3 T%SQ T a . c : ?a: irns arouau ler Tut*, 1 JU IK'UU ip* navl u Ae-tf Saihi B NM 171 levhfr i -Mil >V V'J T m ..3. 4. ■- Utf 4 a u v ; -"m > 1 • i J4x\ Jsf - k -VM a 10 rx^t* % ) t , • te*r *L- 3nwtjh-Alt" 4. r* 4 4a. ft'VJ <4.H fikff r*f "# nr3. %:X >4- I .1 H . if* v 'tiK; J4 -wa 1* >a anu Mt V* W j '■ K' 4 -avN.Jk U sa* x Jr * % i4 a % rs 4 w *"