THE STAR OF THE NORTH. R, W. Weaver, Proprietor/] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH >H rCBLIMtCO RVERY WEDNESDAY MOUNINC DY It. \V. WKAVKft, ■orrM-r- rtp stnirt, tti Ikt unr briek build 'inf. on Iht south sidt oj Main Street, third equate btlcnc Market. w" Kit til S:—Two Dollars per annum, if •PAID within MX month* from (lie trine of sub -scribing ; two dollars and fitly cents if not •paid Within the year No subscription re wived for a less period than six months; no ••discontinuance pennitted until all arrearages •ara paid, unless at ihe option olrtie editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square leill be inserted three limes lot One Dollar, •ami twenty five cents for enoh additional in sertion. A liberal discount will bo made to \hoM who advertise by the year. *UOUI> IIKAHT A!XI WILUW HAND. tiv CIIARt.Es MXCKtr. lo WWR? Of slime, two IrierJs ol mine Go forth to work or play, And when they visit |wiot men's homes, They bless them by the way. 'Tia willing hand! 'tis cheerful heart 1 The two best friends 1 know, Around the hesrt come joy and mirth Where'er their faces glow. Come shine—'us brig In! come dark—'lis light! Come cold—'tis waim ere long! So heavily fall Ihe hammer stroke I Merrily sound the song ! Who faHs may a'end, if good right hand la firat not second be.-l; Who weeps may sing, il kindly heart Has lodging in his breast. The humblest hoard has dainties puureJ, When they ait down to dine; The bread they tat is honey aweet, The water good as wine. They fill the purse wiih honest gold, They lead no creature wrong; So merrily lall the hammer stroke I Merrily sound the song. Without these twain the poor complain Of evils hard to bear, But wiih ilietn poverty grows rich. And finds a loaf 10 spare ! Their looks aie firt—their words inspire— The'r deeds give courage high ; About thei' knets ihe rhildren run, Or climb, they know noi why, Who sails, or rules, or walks with them, Ne'er finis the journey long , 80 heavily fall die hummer stroke I Mvrtily sound Ihe song! II A I. I. A It. BY MKISTKK KARL. If flowers were good as kisses, Oti then 1 w ill be bound, That a, routs would soon be growing On evety inch of ground. II wine were good as kisses, How very soon we'd see All people M ho could gel it As tipsy as could be. If bread were good as kisses, Full well, my Iriend, know Thai com would rise in pi ice, And to baking we would go. if cakes were good as kisses, We'd SOUR see high and low, The countess with hercook maid, All rolling up the dough. If books were good as kisses, And easy to be earned How many an ignoramus Would be full deeply learned. Go over the world, good fellow, Consider all things well, Thon'lt see that ol every pleasure Street kissing doth beat the belt. CUT Next to being upright and fa i h till in the performance ol your duty, be decided, and then you will make either friend* 01 toes worth having. IdT lii treating diseases of the mind, mu •c is not sutiicienil) valued. I t raising the heart above despair, an old violin is worth four doctors and two apothecary shops. A certain cockney bluebcard overcome by sensibilities, faicied at the giaveofinu tounli spouse. "What can we do with him asked • perplexed friend of his. ' Lei him alone." eaid a waggish bystander; "he'll soon re wive, "You are very stupid, Thomas." said a country teacher to a little boy eight years old. "You ate like a donkey, and what do they do to cure him of his stupidity?" "Why, they feed tim-moie and kick him less," said the urchin. "If wo are to live after death, why don't we have some certain knowledge of it?" eaid a skeptic to a clergyman. "Why don't you Lave some knowledge of this world be fore you coine into it ? ' was the caustic reply. BFII is staled that the warehouses in Buf falo are cramed to their utmost capacity with Stain, flour and general produce from the west. Ftesh cargoes are continually arriving, bui there is no one to recive thern. Tho banks in many it. nances have advanced the freight, taking the whole cargo as security- One firm has now thirteen boats lying ai West troy iieavily laden with valuable produce, and they are unable to raise the ruouev (£3000) to pay the tolls. A Goor COMPARISON.—"If you have ever seen," wrote Willis to his daughter, '' a field of broom-corn—the most careless branching and free stray ing of all ihe products of a sum mer—and can fancy lbe contrast, in its des tiny, between sweeping the pure air wiih the triad's handling, and sweeping what ii more usefully may, when tied up for handling as brooms, you can understand Iho difle.-ence I feel, between using iny thoughts at my pleasure, as in country life, and using them for as in my present profession." Cf THE SIIIFIIUJLDEU'# OPINION or WHIT FIELD.—A shipbuilder was once asked what he thought of Mr. Wbufield. "Think!" he replied; 1, 1 tell >OO, sir, every Sunday that 1 go to my parish church, I can build a ship from ncm 10 tiern under the sermon ; bur, were I 10 save my soul, under Mr. \V. I ee'J I r-,ul ley a single plank. ' BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1857. MIC. MM MXINX.VS M'CHIII. (KXTHACTS.) IN SKNAYV, JANUAHY 22, 1840. What lias been the 'financial history of the country lor the last twenty.five years ? 1 can speak with positive know edge upon this subject during the period of eighteen years since I first came into public life.— It has been a history ofconstant vibration of extravagant expansions in the business of the country, succeeded by ruinous con tractions. At successive intervals many of the best and most enterprising men of 'ho country have been crushed. Thoy have fallen victims at the shrine of the insatiate and r.isntiablo spirit of extravagant bank ing and speculation. Starting at the ex treme point of depression of one of those periods, wo find that the country has been glutted with foreign merchandise, and it re quires all onr efforts to pay tlio debt thus contracted to foreign nations. At this crisis the hanks can do nothing to reliove the people. In order to preserve their own ex istence, they are compelled to contract their loans and their issues. In the hour of dis tress, when their assistance is most needed, they can do nothing tor their votaries. Kv erv article sinks in price, men are unable to pay their debts, and wide-spread rain pervades the land. During this first year of the cycle, we are able to import but comparatively lit'lo torcign merchandize, and this atlords the country ntt opportunity of recruiting its exhausted energies. The next year the patient begins to recover Domestic manufactures flourish in propor tion as foreign goods become scarce. The industry and enterprise of onr citizens have been exerted with energy, nml our produc tions have liquidated the foreign debt. The third year a fair business is done. The country prcsetrs n nourishing appearance. The banks, relieved front the drains of specie required for foreign export, begin onco mote to expand, and tempt tile unwary to their ruin. Properly of all deserip ions commands a lair price. The fourth or tilth year the era el extravagant banking and speculation returns, ogam in bo succeeded by another ruinou* revulsion. This was die liisiui) 01 the country up till 1837- Since then we have traveled the road to ruin much more rapidly than in ter mer years, lie fore that period it had re quired trout three to six years to get up an j expansion and its corresponding explosion , Wo have now witnessed the astounding fact that we can press through all these changes, and oven from one suspension of specie payments to another in little more i lhan two years. It is curious to observe with how much 1 accuracy you can read tho over-changing condition of this country in the varied i amount of our importations. Tho year ! 18315 was one of tho vast expansion, and , produced the explosion and suspension of j specie payments in 1837. Tho imports j were greatly diminished in 1837, being less t than they had been in 183(5 by nearly liliy ' millions ol dollars. In 1838 they sunk down to twenty-seven millions less than they had been In 1837, ami nearly twenty seven millions less than they were in 1835. In IB3t> we had another expansion, and our imports were forty-four millions of dollars greater than they had been in 1838. This ! expansion preceded the explosion and sus- j pension payments in the month of October! last. Thus we have become such skilful I architects of ruin, that a single year was; sufficient <o prepare ihc late explosion. There never has existed a nation on earth, ; except our own, that could endure such ' rapid and violent expansions and conirae- J lions. It is tho buoyancy of youth—it is the energies of our population—it is the 1 spirit which never quails before difficulties —which enables us IO endure such shocks [ without utter ruin. Yes, sir, a difference in the amount of our imports, between the 1 years 1836 ami 1838, of twenty seven null- j ions of dollars, is sufficient to excite the ' astonishment of the world. What causes chiefly operate to produce j this speedy recurrence of the second ex-1 plosion and tho second suspension of spe- ' cie payments ? Three may to mentioned. | In the first place, after the bank suspension ! 1837.every person who was friendly to well regulated banks, if such a thing be possible under the present system, ardently desired that the difierent State Legislatures might impose upon them some wholesome restric tions. It was expected that they would be compelled to keep a certain amount of specie in their vaults in proportion to their circulation and deposits; that the founda tion of a specie basis lor our paper curren cy should be laid by prohibiting the circu lation of bank noies at the first under the denomination of ten and afterwards under that of twenty dollars ; ihat the amount of their dividends should be limited; and, above all, that upon ihe occurrence of anoih er suspension their doors should be closed at once, and their affairs be placed in the hands of commissioners. The different Legislatures met. .Much indignation was expressed at tho conduct of the banks.— They were severely threatened; but at last they proved to powerful for the people. In deed, it would almost seem as if most of the Slate Legislatures had met for no other purpose than to legalize tho previous sus pension of specie payment, No efficient restrictions were imposed ; and the banks were thus taught iliut they might thereafter go unpunished—uiiwhipped of justice.— Past impunity prevented tl.ein from reduce ing their business and curtailing their prof its iu such a m inner as to render them secure in the day of trial. They have fallen I again ; ( fear again to enjoy tho same im- I p unity In the second place, the immense amount of money loaned to many of the States in England, a largo portion of "which was brought homo in the form of foreign mer chandise, allowed great facilities for over trading, or rather overbuying. And ill the third 'place, the ootiduct'of the hank of the United Statesgreatly tended to produce these excessive importations.— That institution became tho broker for tho solo ot ull State bonds in Europe. It en deavored to monopolize tho entire cotton trade of the country ; and it <lre\v hills of exchange on England, most freely, at mod erate rules, against the proceeds of tho bonds und of its cotton. Every temptation was thus presented to speculations in for eign merchandise. These threo causes combining, have oc casioned a second suspension of spccio payments within two years after the first, and produced this bloated credit system, from the wreck of which our country is now deeply suffering. 1 most heartily concur with tho Son slot from Kentucky in one of his positions. We certainly produce 100 little and import too much. Our expanded credit system is tho great cause of this calamity. Confine it within safe and reasonable bounds, and this disastrous effect will no longer be produced. It is not in the powei of Congress to do much toward a cousumation so desirable.— Still we shall do all we Pan ; and tho pres ent lull will exercise some influence in re straining the hunks front making extrava gant loans and emitting extravagant is sues. What effect has this bloated system of credit produced upon tho morals of tho country • Itt the largo commercial cities, it has converted almost all men of business into gamblers. Whoro ts there now to ho found the old-fashioned importing merchant, whoso word was as good as his bond, and who was content to grow rich, as out fath ers did, by the successive and regular prof its of many years of patient industry? Such men were the glory a d pride of commerce, and elevated the character of their country both at home and abroad I ask, where aro they? Is not the race almost extinct? All now desire to grow rich rapidly. Each takes his chance in the lottery of specula ! tion. Although there mny be a hundred chances to one against hurt, each, eagerly j intent upon the golden priz-, ovor'ooks tho intervening rooks and quicksands between him and it, and wtien he fondly thinks h 1 is about to clutch it, he sinks into bankrupt jev and ruin. Such has been the lute of ' thousands of our most enterprising citi zens. Il tne speculator should prove successful 1 and win the golden prize, no matter by what , means he may have acquired his wealth, \ this clothes him with honor and glory.— j Money, money, money, coolers the highest j distinction in ecciety. The republican sim plicity and virlue of a Macon would be sub ' jecls of ridicule on Wall street or Chestnut . street. The highest talent, directed by Ihe purest patriotism, moral worth, literary and professional lame—in short, every quality thai ought to confer distinction in society— , sink into insignificance when compared \vilh ' wealth. Money isequivalent to a title of no ' btltiy in our larger commercial cities. This ■ is iho effect ot the credit system. We have widely departed from the eco- ! noinica! habits and simple virtues of pur ; forefathers. These are the only sure foun- i , dutions upon which our republican instilu-1 linns can rest. The desire to make an os- 1 i teuia'ious display of our rapidly acquired wealth has produced a splendor and bound- j less expense unknown in former limes.— j There is now more extravagance in our large commercial cities than exists in anj portion of the world, which I have ever seen, ex cept among the wealthy nobility of England. ! Thank Heaven this extravagance has but partially reached the mountains and valleys of the interior. The people there, so far as their pfclentiul voice pan be heard, are deter mined to put an end to this bloated credit system, which threatens to involve not only iheir private fortunes, but their political lib erties in ruin. On Friday last, when I very unexpectedly ' addressed the Senate, I stated a principle of political economy which 1 shall now read | from the book. It is this. "That if you > double the amount of the necessary circulat-1 ing medium in any country, you therefore • double Ihe nominal price of every artiele.— If, wtien ihe circulating medium is fifty mil-1 lions, an article should cost one dollar, it wmiltl cost iwo if, wiffioul any increase of ihe use of a circulating medium, I tie quanti ty should he increased lo one hundreJ mil- ! lions." The same effect would be produced 1 whether the circulating medium were specie 1 or convertible bank paper mingled with spe* j cie. It is the increased quantity of the me dium nnl its character, which produces this effect. Of course I leave out ol view trre- ! bank paper. Let me now recur to the proposition with which 1 commenced; and I repent that I do not pretend to mathematical accuracy in the illustration which I shall present. The U. S. ctjrry on a trade with Germany and France; the former a hard money oountrv, and the latter approaching it so nearly as to have no bank notes in circulation under the ilenorni nation ol five hundred francs, or nearly one hundred dollars. On die contrary, the U. S. is emphatically a paper-money country, hav ing eight hundred banks of issue, all of them emitling notus of a denomination as low as five dollsrs, and inoal of tliem one, two and three dollar notes. For every dol lar of gold and silver lit the vaults of tlteso Truth and Right God and onr Country. hanks, they issue three, four, five, and some of them as high at ten, and even fifteen dol lars of paper. Tint produces a vast but ever-changing expansion of 'the currency, and a consequent increase of the prices of all articles, the value uf which is not regula ted by lorergn demand, above the prices of similar nuirlrs in Germany und France. At particular stages of our expansions, we might with Justice apply the principle which I have stated to our trade with these coun tries, and assert that, Irnm tho great redun dancy of onr currency, articles are manufac tured in France and Germany for one half their actual cost in thin country. roe present an example. In Germany, where the currency is purely metafile, and tho cost of every thing is reduced to a hard-money standard, a piece of broadcloth can be man ufactured lor fifty dollars, the manufacture of which in our country, from the expansion of our paper currency, would cost one,hundred dollars? What ia the consequence? The Foreign French or German manufacturer im ports his cloth into our country, ami sells it for a hundred dollars. Does not every per son perceive that tho redundancy of our cur rency is equal to a premium of one hundred per cent, hi favor of tho foreign inanulucliir et ? No tariff of protection, unless it amoun ted to prohibition, could counteract this ad vantage ir< favor of loreign manufactures.— I would to heavou that I could arouse the attention of every manulacturer of the na tion to this important subject. The foreign manufacturer will not receive our hank notes in payment. Ho will lake nothing home except gold and silver, or bills o! exchange, which are equivalent, lie does not expend this money here, where he would he compelled u support his family, anil to purchase his labor ami materials at lite same tale of prices which he receives for his manufactures. On the contrary, lie goes home, purchases his labor, his wool and all other articles which enter into his manufacture, at half theircost in tlii-c.en try, and again returns to inundate us with foreign woolens, ami to ruin our domestic manufactures. I might cite many other ex amples, luil tins, I trust, will be sufficient to draw public attention to the subject. This depreciation of our currency is, therefore, equivalent to a direct protection granted to the !nr ign over ihe dotue-tlie manufacturer. Ii is nr.possih le that our manufacturers should on able to sustain such an unequal competi tion. Si% I solent'y believe that if we could but reduce this inflated paper bubble to anything ike tciisonuble dimensions, Now England would become the most prosperous inaiiu- I lacturinjj country that the sun ever shone upon. Why cannot wo manulaciurt* goods, and especially cotton goods, which will go into successful competition with the British ■ manufactures in foreign markets? Have wu i not ihe necessary capital? Have we not the j industry? Ilavu we not the machinery?— ! Ami above all, are not our skill, energy and enterprise proverbial throughout the world? Land is uho cheaper here than in any other country on ffte fice of lite earth. We pos sess every advantage which Providence can bestow upon us for the manufacture of cot ton; but they are all counteracted by the folly ol man. The raw mate-tal costs us less than ii does the English, because this is an article ihe price of which depends upon for eign markets, and is not regulated bv our own inflated currency. We, therefore, save the height of the cotton across the Atlantic, and that of the manufactured article on its return here. What is the reason that, with all these advantages, and with the protective duties which our laws afford to the domestic manulacturer of cotton we cannot obtain ex clusive possession of the home market, and successfully contend lor lite markets of the world? It is simply because we manufac ture at the nominal prices of our own inflated currency, and are compelled to sell at the real prices uf other nations, lleduce our nominal to the real standard of prices through out the world, and you cover our country with blessings and benefits. I wish to Hea ven I could speak in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout New England; because, if the attention of manufactures could onre be directed to the subject, their own intelli gence and native sagacity would leach them how injuriously they are affected by our bloated banking and credit system, and would enable them to apply Ibe proper cor rective. Although this bill will not have as great an influence as I could desire, yet, as far as it goes, it will benefit the laboring man a much, and probably more, than any other class of society. What is it he ought most to desire? Constant employment, regular wages, and uniform reasonable prices for the necessaries and comforts of life which he requires. Now, sir, what has been his condition under our system of expansions and contractions ? He has suffered more by tliem than any other class ol society- The rate of his wages is fixed and known, and they are the last to raise with the increasing expansion, and the first to fall when the cor responding revulsion occurs. He still con tinues to receive his dollar per day, whilst the price of every article which be consumes is rapidly rising. He is at length tuadu to feel that, although he nominally eaius as much or even more than ho did formerly, yet, Irom the increased price of alt the ne cessaries of file, he cauuot support liia fami ly. Hence he strikes lor higher wages, and the uneasy and excited feelings which have ut different periods existed among the labor ing classes. Hut the expansion al length reaohos the exploding point, and what doss tho labeling matt now sutler ? lie ia for a season thrown out of employment altogether. Our manufactures are suspended; our public works aro stopped: our private enterprises of different kinds are abandoned; and, whilst others are able to weather the storm, he can scarcely procure the means uf buru subsis tence. Again, sir; who do you suppose, held lh I greater part of the worthless paper of the one hundred and sixly five broken hanks to which 1 have referred ? Certainly it was no', ihe keen and wary speculator, whosuuffa danger from alar. If you were to make the search, you would find more bruken bank notea in the cottages of the laboring poor itian any where else. And ihese miserable shinplaaiera what are they, what ura they? Afier the revulsion of 1837, laborers were glad to obiaiu employment on any terms, and ihey often received it upon Ihe oxpreaa condition that they should accept this worth leas trash in payment. Sir, an enliro sup pression of all hank notes of a lower denom ination than Ihe vulite of one week's wages ol Iho laboring man is absolutely necessary I lor his protection. Ho ought always to re ceive Ins wages in gold and silver. Of all men on the earth, the luborer, is most inter ested in having a sound and stable currency. Tobacco Miinklii|. The Mahommedan legend on the subject ia 100 long for repetition under its Eastern garb. Suffice it that a viper was restored to health by the warmth of Ihe Prophet's body. Immediately on convulescerie, the ungrateful teplile announced its intention of biting its preserver. The I'iophef expostulated. An argument ensued, which ended in the viper's carrying out its original projecl. The Proph ot sucked tho venom from his wounded wrist anil spit it fonh. "From these drops sprung dial wondrous weed, which has iho bitterness of llio serpent's toot Ii quelled by I Ihe sweet saliva ol ihe Prophet." lint what j ever the origin ol tobacco, no plant has ex ; errised so much political inline.tee. The Pope Uibaii VIII excommunicated all those ; who look en ii If hi church. The Empress . hhzahelh was less severe. !She declared | the siiufl boxes of those who maihi use ol tliem in church should ho confiscated to the use of the beadle. Al Heme ihe use of to bacco was classified wiih adulieiy. In l'rati sylvaniu the penally was fur yiea!er; ii 163!) entire confiscation of properly was the sen tettce of ilioso who Miould plant tobacco, while consumers were condemned to varying frnin three to two hundred florin-. Ainuralli IV hung persons found guilty of smoking, with pipes through their noses and a tobacco pouch hanging from their necks. The Grand Duke ol Muscovy forbade smok ing and snuff-taking under the penally of having the nose cut off; while Mohamed IV, son of the Sultan Ibrahim, 1665. punished the practice with decapitation. It is related of Aruiiralh that a smoking saphi once struck Hie monarch himself for smoking with him incognito on board a caique. Amiiralh in formed the saphi that the royal decree refer red equally to him-ell- "No," replied the saphi, "I fight for and would die lor liiin.— Il does nol apply to rne." A few days sub sequently Amurath sent for him, arid, making himself known, gave his fellow-offender a good appointment. But such penal regula. lions appear always to have been evaded, i'lioso modem Amuraths, railway directors, arrogate to themselves the right of inflicting a fine of 40s. and expulsion Irom their line on any one guilty of the sublime act. But it is sweet to smoke under difficulties. Were Ihe prohibition removed, smoking on railway cars would probably cease. We know of one y oting man who feigned madness that he might secure a carriage to himself.— Another, on seeing a bishop alight at an in termediate station, immediately mads for the compartment' and calling for a guard com plained that the carriage was reeking of to bacco smoke. "To be sure, those clerical gentlemen do smoke terribly," answered the official. 'Then don't accuse me of it here after," rejoined the youth wiih an arch smile. Oil one occasion a railway guard thrust his head into a carriage filled with devotees in the act of their devotions, and placing his hand on a cushion, observed, "There are two very good ru'es on Ihis line, gentlemen. Smoking is strictly prohibited, and the com pany's servants ate forbidden to accept gra tuities." A Cbllir "Up Stairs."— H. A. Sheldon, of Mtddlebury, Vl., recommends those with out Ihe conveniences of an under ground cel lar, the following substitute : "Take a box ol any convenient size and set it within another of similar form, but enough larger :o admit a layer of dry sawdust tour or five in ches thickness to be cio-ely packed betwen the two, both at the bottom and sides. I here tnay be a cover on both boxes or rrly one on the outeu.e box. In a room hav ig a fire by day, such a box will keep tege aides enough for a small family during a mo;t;h or o, which will be a great convenience to those living at a distant Irom marks In very cold weather the box may be leU opeu during the day." It will also do for a Sum mer ice-chest, by putting the ice in, in some water-tight vessel.—.dm emu a Jgi icuflur-or. C¥*lT'scti vnoK —thstis, putting he stops in lite right places—cauuot be to sedulously studied. Wo Usely read, in 4 country paper, the following starling account of Lord I'ai raerstou's uppeatance in the House ot Com mon: "Lord Ualiuetlson then entered on his head, a whit# hat on his leet, Urge but well polished boo'.s upon his brow, a dais cloud m his baud, bis taitbfu! walking slick in his eye, a meaning glste saying uoth ug lis sat down.'' 1.1 EE'S kijii'knsviions- The happiness ot tins wotld ia not so une qually distributed as many imagine , the rich have not all Ihe priviledges, nor the poor all the privations. Thank God, the purest plea sures of life a>c thoso which money cannot buy. The artisan going from his wearisome labor to his humble house, as ho meets the luve-lit smile of his wife, and takes his fair and healthy child upon his knee, knows a til rill of sweeter joy than the moat lavish ex penditure of gold upon costly stimulants can bring the jaded mind of the epicurean in plea euro- Tito wildwood flowers and the dew drops ate not bought; the glory of suuse! and lite magnificence nl ihe full moon are Iroe to a>!|. The hlnshing cheek and beaming eyes of tho effeclion cannot be pntclta-ed ; virtue and beauty receive not their glotious riches from the hand of Mammon; the intel lectually weahlty tnay well hold in centeropt iho baser coin of the world. Il is true that the bridegroom wntkingman. as lie bears his bride to their lowly home, longs, with Ihe impulse of affection, to attiro Iter graceful 10-rtt in the same adornments ; which Iter prouder sisters use to heighten , their charms; hut it is Mulish, though gen- I crous impulse. If lie loves his bride, and ■ she him, iliey need not covel the situation of thom whose love of rivalship, display, J and "pride of place" have most likely driv en out simple, heartfelt happiness. The ra i dianl smile of affection, and liie clear glance l of unsullied virlue, are ornaments above : price, and will- make the lace of a woman , beautiful wen in its eld age. ! So the working-man father, looking around j upon his blooming children, is conscious i thill iheir intellect is as keen, their percep tions us ready, as those ol the nabob's upon j tho next street; and he determines they shall have similar advantages. This is a noble | ambition. Ilul in these days, it is no reason why a man should spend his years ingruriib | ling discontent because bo is not rich. Onr i system ol common schools places education ; wiihi.i reach of the Innnhlesl. \Vi;h mu.d | anil education, every sou and dunliter has a fair chance I" achieve re-peclab lily in ihis coiiulrj; and ii is a |,,|-e ambition which would seck the power and honor conferred only by money. Vei, thai sou or daughter may have yearnings alter the developernerit |of peculiar talents or genius; the son may ; thirst to drink deep of Ihe Pierian spring ol classical learning; may have a gift for a profession (without which cpecial calling , lie has no business in aitempi competition in the overburdened tankard the professions;) | und the daughter may have visions of beau j iy, or have dreams of melody, which call for 1 her fingers to accomplish themselves inpaiu j ting or music. With health a moderate in lusfry w ill bring about all this, and s'ill ihe soul not fall n vie lint in ihe prevailing fever—the terrible gold lever winch scorches the seusibdlies, an.l j dries up the springs ol humanity in so many ; hearts. J There is still another class who feel ye mote keenly the want of wealth ; not for the ; petiy pleasures ol sense, or the local infill j eoce ff would give litem, but because they worship Ihe Bauitful, and money would j give Mem the means of gratifying their ex | quisite tastes. With souls aspiring af er • grace, fitness, ar d beauty in all things, tney have 10 struggle with the details of life and poverty. These are ihe people of genius— poets, artists—men of divine, unworldly gifts. They would convert the glorious Ideal inh the fieal, if they had the necessary means. They are treated by the coarseness arid ugh -1 ness Irom which they cannot escape, yet they are self-deceivej if ihey do not cousiJer thvm.-eivi-s among the most for una e, a- far even as hpp ; i:e-s, commonly considered, goes. We doubt not that the painter m his unfurnished gatre', with h:s coffee pot and loat ol bread, and his hard bed in the same room with him. is tilled wish a richer plea sure, as he sue, and dreams, and broods over the rrea ion of his genius upen the ccuvas before him, tbaa it is possib.e for ibe weal thy egotist, who buys it of bnn, lo cot ceive. We doubt uot that his Act—h.s beloved, wor shiped Art—is more to him ihart pyramids ol diamonds. Ask him if be would exchange himself, his hope*, his dreams, his ideals, his fine perceptions of beauty, nis deep emo tions, for the withered soui o; yonder Ctoesns. who has spent his file in accumulating bonds and mortgages, reals, and mieres; opoa in terest. And the poe:—wiil be say that he has ev er entered the por:sU ot any Fifth Avenue palace, ths: could :eg;n to eq-ta. r-e en dor elite unea* y pa,aces hrougn waich his imagine .ni .y a •' W a- m we up the ntaeriii- to-a wa-c.i he consiruo ihee—g i of the s: se mart # o! : - ci.'.t ? er ot : e bar . g ge r-s 0 e dear ; .1 wa eria.l, o, a'■ iNe m sis an I icex cssih y ov-iv shad ■* - sp-.iv aid ioiiage. w ial .: e c. ghi wa en oev give aud .ne bea.-;> n;cS nev suggest 1 : V tie brown ma s,,*! o." as onare ' WiU Q got say thai It s day sag a. sgt. dreaming, tns, B.earue; asp.ra ous si er ;he pure and uce, h* jeep ssttipa tv i t ;he 'earl ot human..y, n,s ai.go.y s.o.e o: .ore, c s keen ce go; -a j,I i a. s >r. Jus broad and bMUdbt res at o. and uuigira.oc—stSere aage;* salt, end i®> iars mets beaud-ui than dowere, auger J smde upvn him—w.d se <K say Cjai owe sie beyond price—a *4 eft he Jua her ued item tie Fa.het u* Heaveu ? The xftoUtanddie sctoutiiio axa.i w.d tbey measure then- pleasures a.oug * t<t ihoe of the seosualat aud '.He ep.cure ' Yet, tor waat nobler purpose *re jentoe. at dese ortunee aoqu red >at uviti'geoce t [Two Dollars per Antra*. NUMBER 43. good eating, good drinking, rich cloth, anil showy house, and for lie meant of rivalry, arrogance, and ostentation 1 A good fcrfnne, well spent upon oljecla of real merit, upon worka of ar', ami cultiva tion of the mir.d and soul; upon ihe.poor, tire tick, mid npon tlie snuggling man of tal ent j upon the advene emerti of science and general intelligence, i a Jesirable thing. Hut how lew acquire money for auch purpo- P*! Titke heart, yon who belongWOt (o throng ol the vulgar "groat!" Ueconaider your for tunes, and nee if you have not trua thankfulness. I'iess colon o madly'for the glittering payment. Do you not tea how you trample out the flower* by the wayside ♦ Why will you be en unmindful ol their frag rance upon th air, and of tho .blue heaven over your lieada 1 ■From Forney'i Prue. Pursuit of Unlit. Tito irresistible impulse that has been given, within thu last fnw yearn, to every branch ol industry, has boon productive of great good. Hut every human benefit ia apt to be closely attended by corresponding evil. The lightning and the tempest purily the elements, but, at the earn-; time, are the agents of death and desolation. Ho, too, while the whole country bears evidence to the physical prosperity of our people, it i* equally evident that there is a too intense and absorbing devotion to gain. This af lets the whole body politic. It has chang ed, and will yet more radically change, the whole order of society. ' Tee great princi ple of demand and supply," said Mr. Calhoun, in one of his speeches on tlie Sub-Treasury, "governs the moral arid in tellectual world no less ihan the business and commercial. If a community be so constituted as to cause a demand for high mental attainments, as if its honors and re wards are allotted to pursuits that require •heir development, by creating a demand lor iule'Vigenee, knowledge, wi-dom, justice, tiriniiess, courage, patrio ism, ami the like, they are urc to bo produced Hut if, on the contrary, they be allotted to pursuits thai require inferior qualities, the higher are sure to decay and perish." ] . Fortunes have been o rapidly accurnulw led in our country out of the regular and beaten pullis of ordinary pursuits, that a rage for sudden acquidtions universally pre* vails. Wealth is fast becoming the citerion | of merit, as well as of individual and so , tial consideration. The inlliicnce of tiii* upon tlie intellect at d more manly qualities lof a people is di-astron. All the higher | and nobler faculties of the mind dwindle away when brought in contact with tho j schemes of speculation and the arts of the i stock-board In that presence they are as j surely IdaMed as the green spot in the.des , ert, when swept by the devouring sirocco. -Wisdom, justice, courage, patrioti-m, and ; the like,"' derive their .n'pira'ion from a | very different source. It is true, to tr, it-s | money. i:t the sharp competition# of trade, may require and develop quickness ofjudg i tnent and promptitude of action—qualities des.rar le in themselves, but by no means ' the highest and most desirable. That na j tion has arrived at a critical stage in its ex , istence. when wealth, and the e_-e ami lux ; ury it secures, are become the chief ob-ect# of ambition. , Tii :Ves the land, to hastening ills a v- pre >" ■■ • ue • j wea.t.i accoKUiates and man decay. Tiie heroic virtues have then departed. Duty n.itio or no longer hold sway. In any great ends affecting for weal or woe too good a.i t g cry of the country through ad con..::.* tji.e. the d?c*:*e ac ion. wdi c*s devrm ed • :by pul.ic and patriotic cod' si.lerut. rts. but cythose whch arc personal ai.d pecun.afv The professions, aad espe cia.:y ";e iggiter career of politics, wiii be i adopted. not as t.'.e means to acquire honor an the Site service, cut as tie mean# .of m li.tig mot ey. Otuer ■' i-voerst.or# wi :ce sacrificed to *his A generous stir* witnsrs and dies aheaever the pass .oa ef acquisiiica gets p-twsessuia of tba mind. It .s on th.s ground that wars have been vindicated it . is teen sa.d mat ihev with ura-.v t ie attention of mankind from horn . ob;e*?ts that are uwarting and benumbing nettt and ti\ upon things of a larger and litre -.1 -r? : trarter- Their bosoms are i- sec aid agitated by the march and c v i -er by grWien: ueedss and .e-ve-.ivr ices. Thei become .n-eustbly it:: .ue- i ' a ghe: and loftier snirit. and .ey a thecal of honor gc duiy. N ''- '' a-fr.ri.-ot. and eeraiuiy it w e: ' - -fin g ten.-. Let as hope, i .' ui; a more effectual tueuns to caeca c ntrcue and ail-ghteous worship a. M trie a: iv be found .a "iur wruec life., ci aso : Ja. J ennobling tie ratlins a..u ute -e-awaaeuurg of a more sexLiaii mora. tone. A N —hi i*< wsa .nae na roue' saio a .ui.a itooy o a giwtt tte' ac baa i-t.ied JJI Dors* Ji WC M JOUg'V. ' UoU* "* *m oe •dew ' what uo jMwarow.t kbew't been cou>. as i t low wi" Ahtj. vs.a von Save wu e a.itweo vovtr tioio *r IK in ago* c and yow'li Je to New Yoffc a -.1 ban so iß.uuiesvJi vow goo t uioa au . re man au.iea -ueawne eitn settees aixteor aua letagie^wt in #i* sag -0.1 breve rasiily uoane ifte now*. iy V fMtfaMMa •<* iMw ri*r Ka, rtKauug ,t :• S.~ !' * **♦ "Yoa *•11 *0 1 was j(*ov ** ' ' v *' tl<l ' M>a vitfr ■* :■*< - 1 > •<• Sv^iiijnHfc^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers