From tht Penniyiixmjun. The state senate. The recent election in our Commonwealth has placed in the State Senate annte men of more than ordinary ability—men who will add 10 the reputation of that branch of the State Legislature, and ir.-pire the party Vuh hop® and oebfitlenf® lit'the future course of Pennsylvania legislation upon all impocani questions. For some years the majority in that party has been against the Democratic sentiment of the State, and although lite Democracy were honestly and ably repre sented by such men as Forsyth and Buck a lew and Browne and Wright, still they could not stairp (heir principle* those enactments which were to govern the people and influ ence the future destiny of the Old Key alone. Now, however, the case is different. The Senate to meet in January next will be a faithful teflex of the popular will, while at the same time it will rank among its mem 'bera men who are widely known for their intelligence and devotion 10 Democratic prin ciples. In the front rank of these will stand Hon. Chatles R. Ruckalew, the member "elect from the Xlllib Senatorial District composed of Snyder, Northumberland, Mon tour and Columbia counties Mr. Buckalew ia unquestionably the ablest man of his years in Pennsylvania. As a legislator, be is eminently eafe and trustworthy. He is progressive without being tinctured with ttgratianism—caulinus and conservative )et not fogialt nor wedded to old forms wnich have long since lost iheir force and vitality. As a logical and convincing debater, Mr Ruckalew enjoys a high and deserved repu tation. Hold and fearless in hie denuncia tion of wrong, clear wid lucid in arranging and presenting the truth, 110 subject can case through his mind without receiving from that proceea either additional reasons why it ahould command the respect and support of others, or becoming so analyzed and dissect ed at to exhibit its defects in all their made deformity. The present crista demands ju-t such a man to meet it, and honce we itail with more than ordinary saustaction the elec tion of Mr. Buckalew 10 the State Senate. The election of Hon. Win. P. Sehell from Bedford, Huntingdon and Somerset counties, composing XlXth District, is also a matter j of just pride to the Democracy. Mr. Schell's - Domination was unsought by him. Nothing but the must ardent solicitations from Itis nu merous friends would induce htm to accept the nomination alter it had been tendered. — After consenting to be a candidate, he went | into the contest with his usual characteristic enthusiasm and ability, ami has won a vic tory almost unprecedented in our State. Mr. Schell has served two sessions in the house of Representatives, the last of which he was chosen Speaker, and piesided over that body with marked ability, lie is mil a young man, with the brightest future before him. and will hold a commanding position in the Senate, although composed of some of our most talented men. The lid District will be represented by Hon. Thomas S. Hall. This gentleman was lor many years an Assooite-Ju< ice of ttie Pupreme Court ol Pennsylvania, and will make a highly intelligent and useful mem ber of the Senate. A( Pennsylvanians we feel a just pride in thus alluding to die mental and intellectual nature o( the prominent newly elected mem bers of the State Senate. Tliey will mke their matk upon the coming Legislature o f the Stale, and at a time when most impor tant questions will be presented lor consider ation. It is alike fortunate tor themselves and the Commonwealth, that the right men have been elevated to power at the right lime. C Barn urn, it is said, is on his feet again, a richer man than before, having bought the claims against him at from live to twenty-five cents on the dollar, with the exception of some 515,b00. His assigned property, it is •aid, has been returned to him Hgain, and IraiiieUn is being refitted for his reedideuce The story needs confirmation, Burnum, when he left for Europe a short time ago, said lie was as poor as a church mouse. A WARNING —A singular and serious acci dent happened at Slumlord, Connecticut, on Ftiday evening last. A lady had been ap plying to her hair a mixture of castor oil and alcohol, and approaching to near a lighted lamp, her hair became enveloped iu a blaze, and the flame was not extinguished until the lady was so severely burned that she is now considered in a critical situation. HIDING AWAY.—' The St. Louis Intelligen cer says that not less that three millions of dollars have been withdrawn Irom the bank* and bankers of St. Louis, in the last thirty days. This was mostly good money, too; nor has it left the city. It is stored away in secret places, and will relnrn to active em ployment, and to the Bank results, with re turning confidence. Proposed Enslavement of Sepoys.— The Eu ropeau Times (Liverpool,) rpeaking of the re-subjugation of India, ami tiow to treat tlie native*, says the way "is 10 deport them 10 the colonies, and make ihem labor, for the remainder of their lives, in raising sugar and other tropical | roducts." Ur "Martha," said a lady to her colored xhambertuaid, "that is the third silk dress you have worn since you came to me; pray how many do you own ?" seven mis sy; but I's savin' my wages to buy anuder." "Seven! What use are seven silk dresses ■to you? Why, I don't own so many as that." "Spects, not, Miss," said the smiling darkey. J'You doesn't need so much as I does. You see you quality white folks eve rybody knows is quality; but we better-most kind obculled pussons hab to dress smart to "stinguish ourselves from common niggers." So critics, who denounce the present extrav agant style of dress, be lenient 1 And when the paraphernalia of hoops and flounces, silks, velvets and laces is very astounding, think: Well, poor things! they must do eomething to distinguish themselves from rummon folks. PilotX v M xTION. 'Governor Pollock has issued the following Proclamation, appointing Thursday,the S6th of November, as a day of general Thanks giving and Praise, in this Slate: PKNKSYLVAMA, SS: In the name nrnl by the authority tf tht Com monwealth of /Vinoy'tunm JAMKS POLLOCK, Govemo) oj the soul Commonwealth : A PROCLAMATION. I Felloto-Cititens: —To tender to Almighty 1 God, who controls the destinies of nations and men, the homage of devout gratitude and praise for his goodness and mercy, is the appropriate and solemn duty of free and highly favored people. As the giver of every godd and perfect gift we should ever | recognize His hand in our mercies, and ac knowledge our dependence upon His Prov idence; and although adversity may throw its dark shadows across our pathway, yet we'should be nsnrcd of this, ''that the Judge of all Earth w ill do right." During tho past year the bounties of a kind Providence have t.ol been withheld from our Commonwealth. Our free institu tions have been preserved, and our rights and privileges, civil and religious, enjoyed and maintained. Tho arts and sciences, and tho great interests of education, morali ty and religion, have claimed attention and | received the encouragement of an intelli gent and liberal people. Honorable industry in its varied departments Ims been reward ed : and although recent and severe finan cial revulsion has filled with gloom, sorrow and distress, the hearts and homes of many of our citizens, yet 110 four of famine, no dread of impending public or social calami ty, mingles with our emotions of gratitude for past blessings, or weakens our trust lor the future, in the Providences of Him who wounds but 10 heal, and "whoso mercy en dureth forever." A plenteous harvest lias crowned the labor of the husbandman— peace, with its gentle and refining influen ces, and unwonted health with its benefits and mercies, have been vouchsafed to us. In acknowledgment of these manifold blessings, we should oiler unto God thanks giving and pay our vows unto the most High; and call upon Him "in the day of trouble; He will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify Him." Under the solemn conviction of tho propri ety ot this duly, and in conformity with es tablished custom and lite wishes of many gi .1 lui/.ens, I, James bollock. Gov"rttor of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania do hereby recommend Thursday, the twenty sixth d.ty of November next, as a day of gen eral thanksgiving and praise throughout this State, and earnestly request the people that, abstaining from their usual avocations and all worldly pursuits they assent!'e on hat day according to their religious customs, and mito in offering thanks to Almighty (foil for his past goodness and mercies; and while humbly acknowledging our trangression, and imploring His forgiveness, beseech Him, with sincere and earnest desire, to re turn and visit us again with llis loving kind ness, make r.K worthy of llis bounties, and continue to us the rich blessings of llis prov idence and grace. 1 Given under my ham! ;t.d the Great Seal of I the Slate at llarrisi utg. this nineteenth day ot Oolober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lifty-sevon, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-sec ond. By the Governor. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, Deputy Secretory nf lite Commonwealth. W here will Uusiness He-open. The whole machinery of the commercial world is at a dead lock, g the only important question is hew it is to be safely and legiti mately set to work again. It is not war, and it is not famine, nor is it pestilence, that has produced it, but the diseased internal work ings of cotninerco itself. There are thou sands of honest, able men, who would I work, but cannot Others, who have ail the ' materials, and would tike to employ these ne.i. dare not. The- know it would to rum. O.herr. who have good- ready man it factored, wonld like to tell or (ill orders, but dure not, lest they should not get their money. Others have wheat and produce of j all kinds, but cannot ship it to Europe, be cause no man will puichaso their bill- of exchange on London. It is the very heart of commerce that lia been palsied, there seems to be 110 vitality, no oxygen in the calculation. It has been asphyxiated by the poisonous vapors deep down in the mines and wells of traffic. The first successful effort at restoration must be to produce a deep inspbation, a heaving of the muscles of lfce chest, that shall produce a vacuum—a demand. Fresh liv ing air will then soon rush into the lungs, oxygen into the blood, and a tide of life and animation to every pirt. All business life has got to begin again, to be in anew, and this must be where all business beeins— in the retail trade and not the wholesale. He who would c.ilcn the first impulses of'he coining new life of trade, must catch it there. And he who would promote the restoration of wholesale business must begin by promoting it there. Allattemp't. to stimulate a restoration of I wholesale business not founded on that of | the Tctail trade, is liko straining the eye I balls and distorting the limbs of a corpse by galvanic action and mistaking that for life. To push goods by wholesale on the market through longer credits can only pro duce an ultimate glut. it is the retail trade that wants starting anew upon a. cash basis. This will create a demand for goods and afford the means to pay for thorn. So far, there have been com parauvely very few failures in the retail trade, but there will he in 'ho course of a peruaps weeks, if care is not taken to avoid it. Not one quarter, hardly a tenth of the business is done in any large re ail establishment now, that there was last year, at this time, and the prices leave absolutely no profit. This cannot last. Let every family then pay their retail bills, if they pay no others—settle up all their domestic expenses at onco und at auy present inconvenience. There are ntany families of undoubted means, who, be- enuxo it is inconvenient and difficult to get money, put off all their domestic bills as long as they possibly'can. If these persons would only pu themselves to one hundredth j part of the inconvenience to pay these, that < they do to prevent a note from being pro tested, they would easily accomplish it.- And if they would only go round and pay up every small and domestic debt they have in the world and keep 110 tnore accounts, but pay as th->y go, it would give sttcli an impetus to the retail trade, as to create a demand for goods at remunerative prices, and put money in circulation in all branches of business. If 110 more such accounts were opened, it would make this whole crash end in a great blessing to all, and but little inconvenience to any. I Kvtry honest and honorable ntan has gol to pay, and expects to pay, and has no doubt that he will pay all these debts some day. Let him do so note. For him to wait until times get easier, is leaving the man who has trusted hint to strngg'c on through his difficulty without thu aid to which hn was entitled, if ho survives, to help him when it is of no use. There never will be easier times with such. So far lite j cash has only been lor largo sums and not I for small. This is all that it is at present. Hut it must begin and continue to pinch tighter and tighter U|.olt small sums for even the largest men. unless averted by such a restoration of healthy trade as that of which we peak. The man who puts oil' the milk bill, and the grocery bill, because ii will be easier in a month or two, is iho man to whom it will thou be far harder, lit fact ho is jusi the man that will be very apt liot to pay at all. Hut he who will now begin thus and al ways buy his household goods with ready money, ii will not only take a world of care | and shame oil his mind though he should | fail for a million hereafter, hut ho will get j through all I is expenses ata much less cost. The pressure 011 the money market will then act as a break upon the cable of his personal expenditures, and prevent it run ning out 100 last, while what he does get will be obtained for lar less. We see that in New York the lamest wholesale houses are now seeking the re bel cash trade, 10 catch the first breeze ef restored business. Of course these houses can afford to sell cheaper without loss. This will at least start business again on the ready money basis, the only thing to put money m circulation or restore credit.— Le>l grr. UNNKI-KK-AIIVCHI'MBUM:—A Southern jour nal, commenting upon a class who have pleti y meat, dr uk to il wear, and no liat-il ities iu any way embarrassing, who yet croak in the most forlorn manner, and sigh plaintively fur better times, tells the foltovv ing apposite anecdote: "Tracy's slave 'Pomp,' in this town, ntatty years ago, not content to draw wine Irom his master's pipe by the usual way, took the head out of the cask, ami as he stood dipping up the sparkling beverage, end drinking Iron a silver goblet, gave the sentiment—'Here is to better times.' llis master happening in at that moment, struck him on the side of the head, felling him to the floor, saying, 'You black rascal you, I will teach you that times are good enough when you can drink the best of wine from silver cups, without wishing for better." Ocnbor 2D I, 1857, in Blnninsbiirt!, by the Rev. N. W. Colbotirn MR JAMKS MKKKIIIKTII to Mi-s ANN KKI.I.KY, all of Light Sirest, Columbia cintn 1 )', Pa. On Tuesday, the 13ih in'!., at the U. S. lLuel \Y 111 la 111 csitorl. by Rev. VV. Siiiiontnii, TV ii.i.i AM C JOHNSON, and AMANDA BLUE, all |ol Danville, Montour county, I'a, At the Buffalo House, Lywishing, 19th inst., JAMKS B. HAKMAN and HARRIET C'ROWNOVKR, both of Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa. On the 22d inst., by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer, Mr. JINKS DYER, to Miss DKDOKAII ANN CASK, both of Locust township, Col. Co. £?*£*& l&a lit Bloomsbnrg, on last Friday, 23d inat., Mr. JOHN MCBKIDK, aged about 58 years. In Hemlock, on last Friilay, 23d inst., Mr. DAVID SMITH, aged about 80 years, an old and well known citizen of that township. In Bloom-burg, on Tuesday morning, 27th in. l., I DOINGS BAHKLKY, Esq., aged about 79 years. The deceased was for many years a Justice of the Peace in this town, and served one term as County Commissioner. Both in pub lic a J private life he was respected by his lellow citizens. U UKATLEV'B ABCH 81* TH LATHE, ARCH SIREET. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. The Star Company, composed of the first Arnsiee 111 the world, and exceeding in [ strength and talent any Dramatic combina tion hereiolore nAerecl loltie Theainoul Puo lio, will appear every uiglit in Comedy, i gedy, Serio-Oomie Drama, Vaudevilles, Mu sical Btirleita-, &c. &c. When visiting the city, go there. Philadelphia, Oct. 27. 1857. THE H ITUEBEb HEART* BY T. S ARTHUR. This is a large 12mo vohiiiie, Price SLOP, wnh a fine mezzotint engraving, ami is one ol the most thrilling tales ever wril eu by die author. It shows how a mm may seem 10 the world all dial i good and noble, and yet he a tyrant in his family, and finally send his wife to a mad-hoti.-e. We publish all Mr. Arthur's new books, also works of Hisiory, Biography, &e., lor wnich we wan; Agents in all pans of the U. S , to whom the largest romiin-sion will be paid, also an exlru commission in the way of gills. J. W. BRADLEY, 48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—Specimen copies sent by mail, free, on receipt of ihe price of the book. Oct. 27, 1857. AI)MIN ISTR ATOIt'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that loners of ad ministration upon the estate of Stephen Sei pie, late of Centre township, Columbia co., deceased, have been granted to the Register of Wills Ike., of said county to the under-1 signed residing al Blackcreek, Luzerne co. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make nnyment without delay; and those having accounts for settlement to present them to JAMES HESTER, Administrator. Blackcreek, Luzerne co, Oct. 23, '57. A sos ol tu belle Fronts came into B , J one day, stole a watch, war arrested, tried, condemned to State Prison, and sent off in a wagon, with s6me others, all in the spaco of t* o hours and a half. When ho reached the top of tho hill, whence the whole vill age could be seeu, be stopped—turned about—and gazing at it for a moment, at last exclaimed, "Well, dirt is tie smartest leetlo place for beezinoM zat cvair I did sec!" Tim GULF STREAM.—Bayard Taylor slates that tho fishermen on the coast o( Norway are supplied with wood from the tropics, by the Gull Stream. Think of Arctic fishers bur ning upon their heardis the palms of llnyti, tho mahogany of Honduras, and the preci ous woods of the Amazon ami the Orinoco. N|trt'iitl Notice*v •• \VOODI.AND CBKAM"— J1 Pomade for ! beautifying the Hair —Uglily perfumed, i superior to any French nniele imported, ami ; for half Ihe price. For dressing Ladies H-'ir it has no equal, giving it a blight glossy ap pearance. It Causes Gentlemen's Hair to eutl in ihe most natural manner. It removes daudtufl, always giving the hair the appear -1 ance ol being Iresh shampooed. Price only I filly cents. None genuine unless signed FKTRIOGIC & CO , Proprietors of ihe " Hal in of a thousand Flower*.'' 1 For sale by all Druggists. New York TUB If KV. C. S. BURNETT. while laboring as I a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a i simple and certain Cure lor Consumption, i Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough*, Colds, Nervous i Debility, and all impuritiesol Ihe blood;also, i an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the 1 remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his I suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send Ihe Jlecipe (free) to such as desire it, with full | and explicit directions lor preparing and sue j cosslullv ruing the Medicine. | Address ' Rev. C. 8. BIHINF.TT, 831 Broadway, N-wv York City. WHITE TEKTII I'ERFPMKD BREATH AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION —can be ac quired by using die "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or gentleman would I letnain Under ihe curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using 'lie 'Balm of a Thou sand Flowers" as a d iilrific.o, would not only render h sweet, but leave the Teeth as white us alabaster ? Many persona do not know their breath is bad,and the subject is so deli cate their friends will never inenjion it. Be wiire id counterfeits, lie -ore each hotile is UICMI KF.TRIDGK St CO., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Fob. 18, 1867-fiut. lOl.llilUS MILE AM) FfiMALB AIADOIY. ! TUB Trustees ol lln- lu-ii'tuinn have itnan : tmotisly elected II I). A AL, ol Lewtsotifg. Principal ol said Academy, in I ( lace ol Prof. Anderson, vvhn-e lime expires with the present term, the IS).It day ol Oct. I mi. Mr. Walker will succeed Mr. Anderson immediately alter the elo-e of his labors, li is designed by ihe Trii-tees, with their new Principal, to make this Institution one ol the best ol the kind in ihe S ale. 11. 1). WALK Kit, A. M., Principal New Columbus, Oct. I I 1857. A ill RICOTY BB:S ! 7 J AII F. citizens id Blnomsburg and vicinity " are hereby not'lied lhalG. W. VVAGN'KR, Amhiolypisi and Stcroscopist, will rcmiiin only a few buys longer ill tins pjacq ; sn give him a callkvhile he is to be found. Relying upon tns long and extensive practice in (filler j mil States i.i the Union, and a strict adlier- I ence to the numerous improvcrnetils which j have been added lo the An, he leels confi | dent "I rendering satiable;inn lo all that trmy j luvor him with their patronage Ho returns his sincere thanks In the public ! tor past favors, and hopes to merit a siill | larger share of public support. Illoomsburg, Oct. 21, 1857. ESTRAY. ESTRAYED from the Mih*oriberat Camp bell & Worden's Powder Mills, in Centre township, Columbia CO., on Monday llm 14tli of September last, a voung (ff ss '~-"'fnKS^ AYIIITE LOW, fv V ; ' with some blown spoi* iip""tfy frf | her, and horns pointing dovvii-CEBHKSBB ; ward. Eive dollars reward wll be given lor [ her recovery by the subsen >er ELIJAH SNYDER, i Centre, October 7, 1857. i ; ! <*ai' iM, GISTN, GIFTN! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, AI the Quaker t.ily TttUiihius: limine of fill AN F, RULISON, PHI LA DELHHIA. BY buying a book for olio deilar or nunc you tire at once presented with a prize, i worth form 25 cents to $101), consisiing I ! Fine (fold Jeweliy, Watches,&e. All orders i by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize I or prizes will accompany the hook Our list | contain*all of the most popular hooks of ihe day, noil w ill lie sold at lltr usual 'Mail prices I many ot tbcui fur less Per sons wishing any ' porlirulur book etui order n( once, and n will lie fcivvorded with gilt. A catalogue giving full information, wiili a list of h. oks and gills I will tie sent post paid, hy addressing I) U A NIC ItL'LISON. No. 33 South Thud tit., Philadelphia. IT? Ageics wanted. Sept. 8, 1857—3ni. Full Stock of Fall Dry Goods. Ijt VRF, & LANDELL, Fourth & Arch Sis., Philadelphia, re-pecrtnlly uquesl Cash Htiyers to examine a line ttuek ot Seasonable I (foo.ts, intopioii to liesi l'eniisylvaiiia Trade. Full Line ot Fall Dips* floods. New designs ol Full Shawls. Good black Sdk- of all yviiilhs. 4 Cases assoriod French Merinoea. 7 " Pot! de Cneuos. New floods. Brit sit ami American Dark Prims. Satined*, Casaimer.'*, Cloth* & Vesting*. Muslins, Linens, Flaiinets, Blanket*, tin. N. B.—Auction Bargains Horn New York a d ibis City daili received. Particular at tantion given to Courrrv orders lor desirable (londg— Term Felt Cash Sepi. 1. 1857 3mris. VA LI ABLE F ARM FOR SALEL THE subscriber offers tor sale hi* tarm in Orange township, Columbia co., containing S3O ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwcllint; Blouses, two barns end other bunding*, two apple orchard* and a variety of other Iruit tree*.— About 200 acres ol die premise* is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lay* along Fist iugereek, I mile above Orangeville. and only 7 miles from the county seat. The whole will bo -old together, or in two divisions as purchaser* may desire. F'or terms apply on die premises or direct o Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, May sth, 1857. BLANKS ! BLANKS! (BLAMkS M DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS. SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pe ofporr & desirable forms, fo* sale at the licet' ofo the "Star of the North." DRUGS JIJYD MEDICIJ\ES. I raiTgTirn CP. OaU/'O'ZiS YIMfOIiLD call the attention of all those who wish lo buy good goods in his line, thai he has t just re planished his (already) large s:id well selected assortment of the following arti cles, viz.-—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Vurnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs, Confectioneries, Per- ! fuinery, fancy soups end toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco ol everv variety and | brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, P URE WISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal Use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, i SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of tho popular i'utent Medicines of the j day. Toys, and an endless varieiy of useful and fancy notions not hero enumerated. Pliysi- | chin's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and al short notice. Glass Cutting j done lo order al the old stand. li. I'. I.UTZ. I li!oomburg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," ; Having added to :lie fixtures of tho "STAR" Otlice good and extensive JOBBING MATKIiI- j Al,, is prepared lo execute all kinds ol Jttlt I'KIX I'I.VG in the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock ami Deposite, i Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissory Notes, Rail /load ami other Tickets, Catalogues, I'upcr Rooks, Hill-/leads. Check llolls. Plain and Fancy Cards, and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors, AITD PHIITTIXTG CP ALL XXttDS Con be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, A 8 PROMPTLY lIIMII \I \TI,Y ■•KUNTEI) AS ii\ Till: TTY. The public are invited lo call and see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business mil superior work in ait -li 11>. Now arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! cs>UZLTPIHVr \SC P*L<Y\LLa c£Si nAVK just received and opnneil ilteir slock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales. ' which comprises the LARGKST, CHKAPF.ST, and HAN DNOMKNT ussorlinet I noi\ offered in this TOWN! Having paid greol atieillion in lire selection ol tiieir entire slock, as to pnte and quality, they fi.iliei themselves thai lliey can compete with the cheapest. and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving its a call We have all ; kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply tiie wauls of tho People. A very largo lot ol IS/Yi!i:S s>iti:ss HOODS, French mcrinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, iln bages, poplins, paramctia cloths mohair lustres, muslin do lames, Persian clnilis, Ginghams, Calicoes, ,Ve. Will PK GOODS OF ALL KIN l)S, Sieves. Oollars, Spcnecrs, handkerchiefs Bouncings, bauds and trimmings, laees and edging-. bun net nlibor.s, in large variety, vcl \ vet ribbons, and brails, kill, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, Are., All kinds ol SIIAWI.S, broehe, Bay Sac Walerville, black silk, cash me re, Kmbrnder- ! ad, Arc. Also a very large assortment ol cloths, cassitners, sailinetis, vesting*, tweeds; 1 jeans, beaver clnllis. coaling velvet. &e. BOOTS AND SIIUES, OF ALL KINDS ff SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN fy CHILDREN ' We have u large assnriirien: ol Hals ami Caps ol latest fasltioiis We have also Hard- ' warn, Queensvvare, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpel bags, floor, table and car- i riage nil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &.c. Muslins lluniiols, tickings, diapers, Uiweliugs, ! drillings. Etc., in nbutidauce. We tnvile our Iriends and the public generally lo give us a call before purchasing p|-e- 1 where. Wo have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not ba undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Blooinsburg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. DAVID ICV^EITEEDG -5 NVITF.S attention to his slock oI cheap and fushinnale vlolhing at his Mnrror? M;trki street, two doors above me "American House," where he bus a lull assortment ol men and boy's wearing apparel, including IfASmOSTAI&ILIB mtl£l£i33 O®AUSj> fjox, sack, frock, gum and oil clolli coats of all sorts anil sizes, pants of all colors shawls stripes anil figuro, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and lancy articles. N. 11. lie will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is ot home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April I, 1857. A. C. MENSCH AT THE ARCADE STAND I B AS just received and opened a full and ■ * large assortment OF NIMIIXG AM) SIMMER GOODS, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. His stock ernhraees Stella, rhibet and crape sliawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, Ste SILKS—A very hatidsnme assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks which lie intends In sell at very reduced prices. EiiaBROIDEKIFS. An immense stock of embroideries, soch as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and iarunel edgings and insertings, linens, c.oilon and thread laces, flouncing* and embroidered curtains. DOM ESTICS—M usiins, drillings, tickings, cnecks. ona burgs, bagging*, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and realty made hags. 171 en mid ISojV IVcai*. Cloms, cassimcres, vesting*, jean*, cotton ades, denims, blue drilling* eoilnn plat Is 4:c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pels, such a* tapestry. Brussels three ply. in grain and Venetian oil clnihs, of all widths. A large asorlinerrt of Ladies' {* Children*' Shoes, which tie will sell very t: tie no. GlilX EltllX A lot of fresh sugarsmolasses jSjr S?4 TEAS. COFFEE. FISH SPICES | &c. A'sn Hardware ()o"ens\vate,<Saiiee==ra Crockery ami Wooden ware. GT Flour ami Feed a'ways lor rale at the low est mirket prices for cash. B'nomsbnrg, April 29. 1857. THE $lO AM) sls SINGLE 4, DOFBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SLAVING MACHINE: AN Agency for the sa'e ot these Machine* for this and the adi-uning couiuie* can be secured on ('.Loral terms by :i personal appli cation io the subscribers, fill and Arch bis., Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly, and without references as to relia bility and capacity. We possitirely assert that these Machine*, for ah purpose* of FAMILY SEWING, are in every respect superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no nut; er a: what prices they are held at) and w ill wherever offered for sale command a ready and un limited demand. JOHNSON & GOODELL. Philadelphia, Aug 14. 1507.-l:u CHARLES STAHL, HOOK BINDER, has located io Bloorn*- burg, where he will bind books, period icals ami pamphlets in any desirable style uud manner; and at reasonable prices. He will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, in library stvle or in morocco ornamented. He has his place of busiuess m Hopkuis ville with Mr. F. later. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857. HATS AND CAPS Oil hand and tor *ale at tbe Arcade by Mar 7. 57 A. C. MENSCH < OLHIBIS MALE AM) FEMALE Lnzernc Comity, Pa. rplIK Trustees of this Institution re'ucctfully J- ottnonriro, 'hat it wiil lie opened for the reception of Pupils. of both sexes. on Monday. October 20llt next, uoiler the immediate care of l'ref. JAMBS ANPKIiSON , as Principal. M/. A. is a gentleman of extensive arrptire. meiits, nod enlarged experience a< an edtn alor. arnl has been connected oillt the most popular "High (School" of Buck* Co. for reveral vears lit* is also well and favorably k no-.v n as a con tributor to same of our leading rducational pert odicala. THE COURSE OF IXSTRFCTtfM Will romprtse Orthography, liefinitions Ce-.d ing, Penmanship. Etymology Geography. Bng. Grammar. Composition. Arithmetic Algebra Geometry. Mensuration. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Purveying, Navigation, Aarron. omv, 4c, Uonk Keeping, 11 iMory rf Phvsi.,(tigv, Natural., ar.d .Mural I'hilutnptiv. "ml Clit mis'rv. C/rrsvey in the Frrnrh. Spanish A* /.atin languages will he formed .as eirlv as practica ble. and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the N,„m Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus avii.' alsri I e given SPECI AL ATTBN'I ION will be raid t., y out'g 11 ad tea and Gentle tnt u Uea. gt.tng 'equal ify themselves JS Teachers. TERMS: FOl H. m n ami SIX L' !!.* per Qtjarf* l ' in accordance with 'he studies pursued | si at dr one hall tit advance and the balance attt.e close ol the ijunter ® tiitill) lItiARU can te hrd in the v -'luge a* a moderate price. f ' Mr. A. will deliver an address ~n Pbysi fat. Intellectual ai d Moral crincMion en the day of conunencement, when hts n-erh-'d •>! impaoio; instruction wile illtts.ra ej, anu the disi'phre nJ managerueut of the th-o fullv explained. l'a'eirts. Gu>-Jian. an J the friends of educa fion generally, arc cordially invited to be pres en>. n. Ir. '.'HAP N. I D. M. STEVEN'S, JOHN KOu.\"~. I N. 0 STILE*. iI,A3 Dt>l>*o\. | JOHN \.\PLE, THOMAS PEALKK. Coltunbut . Net:/, 4, 19">6. 7Vfilffi. Adiiiiuiwlralor s Aotice. NO IMCK :s t erehy give:, tt-a' letters et ad minis'rat ion upon the e.s'g cl John Ve'lirer late ol Madtsi-tr tow s' ip. Columbia e>. ■ v deiea-cd, have t-een grimed to the' signed ree.dtrs; al*o tu the said towrrsh p MaJt-on. Ail persons indebted to h<- es t e are requested to trako pavnert wboafde lay. an.l I hn-e h rvtngaeeoua'.a for set 'prec to pre.-eut them to JOHN A FFN9TON JuscaofraArr. Jeraev'own. Ao; It Hi? FRKSH AUUYAL * NEW lot of cheap muslins aid orsn s "*■ inai tecetTO-J by ratlroadsnd tor sale Cr A.C MKN9CH IB ffcftft JOINT AND LAP >H)N%sLKb •IVr,V)Vxr t£ir al A-cad* bv May 'S? V C MENSCH > ',.f NOYI CE "" "' * —rpo the heir* and legi! rfprwwtT*- •{ 1., a. atiaes of Yost Drlesbarh, late of • Roaringcreek township, in the coun ty of Columbia, deceaAd : You ami each of you will lake no'ire, thkt at a Conrl of Common f'feas, held at Blooma burg, fqr the comity of Colambfe, on the sth day of May, A D 1866, the petition of Na than Nriesbach and Samuel Hanrk was pre sented to the said £otitt, representing that the lands of the said petitioner*, einiu'e in the township tif Roati|i|!creek, re row l eld in gage or plulge by two several mortgage*,, to wit: one mortgage in lavor of Yogi Dries barlt made and given tiv Samuel Ifaiirk, da led iho 30: It day ol March, A. O. 1N62 : one oilier mortgage in lavor of Yost Diiesbach nfoT''*aid,'made and given by Nathan Dries bach, (t*ied the ?lsl day of September, A. D. 1852 : the. first ol which morgsge* ia record ed in the office for the recording of deeds, &r\. in and for the county of Coht'mbio, in Mortgage book No. 3 pauea 793—4, and the second of which'ts recorded in the same book, page* 794-5: if at said mortgages re main tiusuihfied; m il thatjetlers ol adminis tration on the estate of said Yost One-barb have not been grunted ; and praying the said Court to grant n rule upon you u show cause by the first day n( September Term of the said Court, A. D. 1857, why salialuctton of said morgitges should hot fie entered upon the record by the Jiecothr of Deeds, by the di rection of the said Court; which rule, at Iho said Sep etnlier Term i I said Cnßr l , was con tinued until die itien billowing December Term (■! (lie said Court: Therefore Jon am lierhby nojiiirrd to appear on the first day of item December Term of said Couri titanswef the prater of die peiitioner in the rase Witness my hand at itlnomshnrg, in Iht) County rf Columbia, this loth day of Octo ber, A. D. 1857 srmiKN If. MiI.LRU. fiherif I'uhlic Kale ol' Itcnl Kdlalr, In pursiinnre ol n order ot the Orphan's j Couu ul Columbia Comity, rn SATUKDAV itoi !lt ituv ol NOVEMBER nem, HI 10 I o'clock ill the forenoon, Mmlietv McDowell, I administrator ol Atumr McDowell, late of Smut l o\vnsliip, in Maid county, deceased, will expo-H to sain by public Vendue, Upon J tlie pn-mises, a certain tract of land situate ir. Orange township, in the cnunly of Colum l i.i. uiljniiiiiig lamia ol William While on I the Kusi, IVier Soling on itie North, and I land* o! Muthew McDowell on the South i anil Wt"l. I'onniiriiiii! eight acre* more ot Mrs*. '1 In to arc eroiled on tf,e pretuisea a J two Plory lfy an,l Sf.ibl** a I'OH ID It MILL. . (', hiring II. >ure, Dry House, Mark House, 6iC. t ami a water power appnrteiiarl. I.aie the e-trtie ill raid liecoare.t, ritual* in tii* town* j -hip of Orange ami count) nf.rronid. ! Any perron inclined In yo into the buai- I tiers of making poudo-ran linil no propaity i better calculated for ihe hnine-*. •I \COB KYKRf.V, CTi , R*|tembcr ic. 1*57. laiwl ol* I/cMcrN j J) KM AIN INli in the J'uat Oliice al Blrtnttae* ' ling, I'a., Inr the (piarler ending Sept. I 30th, lHf.7. i Rariue Win. Kaman Jamas Bowman Hurry 2 M.>)er Jefferson , Downing leu. Noway Isaac | Kvan* Catharine Norirri John A i Evans Joseph if M Oil Je-na i Kvaii* Ki uk Siiarp UichaVd i (>r fliin Davi I li Snyder Jacob j (ialleglct I'a.rick SchiiiierJW | Harvey John S'orv James J , Hairier Joseph Shilnian Mr. Ilari C.illicit Sieel Hanoa Hughes Davnl Treats John B Ham I'eter S Woolf Thomas J ! Itaiiacr Sntei.hsm William i.ewu J Hill Samuel White Oct) D ! itenei ger J C Dav.d Jones j | Keichum IVipr Juries Flinti 1 r. ! Kimrr Jin mas Koto. McDonald \*? I Kuk Mary i l'cr-on. calling for tie n'. ore letters trill i plcare say Ihev aie ailverlised. ' I'HII.IP IN ANGST, p. m Blnomsl t;rg. 0 m I cofimVsS i, THE subscriber aiuioui.ces it,at he will carry on ill* COOI'EUING BUSINESS at his brewery .a llnpk stilt* where he will make R.IUREI.S U BS, KEGS, ' and everything id iha; line of busnies. |{* i will also repair work ol ai! kir.da, and vt ,11 £y ; it akiitluily ami ai fair price?. CHARLES W IIASSERT, Blnom-brtrg June 2. iSS7. CANVASSERS WANTED. A tew com peter, t agent. wan'eii I.r the p i i-'.rav. c (jeitrraphy and Hit'or if anient j ind mo'iirn c.j Hie Ho,hi. 'byS (i (imdriah, | (Peter I'trlct); handsomely bound arid pro- I Inseiy liiustiaied. I'nce 5-3. So.d only by Agents, ir, wnom rare inducements are oiler , J. Address, J H COL I ON* & CO No 172 William Jvreei. New York. Auditor's Aollic. LVu'c'AppUuiin / "e cf lli-n'.xkfzicn says. Ci-lambii County. THK aod ail o hers interested in .e e- ale ot ll* is, late ol Hem in-* t .wiso.p, Co T.robia count), will take j conoe that the under*igned appointed by 'ho , Or,i' a iC. oft i . r, am'iin rsunty, c,t. or o make distri: trion ot the several Va a- eee iti 'e bands ot L >b A, pieman. Ap. . ;• en wi at.' Bal.:., E.vecu'Ote of li-.i is A , h'tra-i, decease!. wd. aterrd at " e r*'- t Robert K C'ark,Kq ,f v B*oiww burg, J nur tav Ibo m day of No— ter n*t. wnea arru where a . persoi.s n-.ter es.ed may attend .1 'uey inirk a-o>er. Y\ iLLiAM N KAL, A jJiiar. T-i's'rrs'.m'g 3d 1837. Auiiitor'e A ofit'e. [ \ -r r- 'r ' ."i( Ft '" i i'f Frt'far S ,•.a t ; J ':r -s ( Kaind Pi ri. " f'.-t. 'or t cf H'i"l -n St-r-dur. i/ec"2. THE rn —-- g- - : Aah ■ r appofr. e4 br eCi un Coo-n ><| I"ajcif the coch ycf t. in- a .. a, ■ • he par zc- :p arcoeoto < weei J <*p U , j s and he les Uiljo v .C'V t '-ce .set w ! a e* tal hi* ciSt-e ui B o-h ir-j, rn )rt.ay me Cr'.Oav . \o. >enr er t.e\t. . : t.-.c , r ' -e : a..**.: e* o e i-s o; I".- ap.'O- inie".', b a if w.ieie ha pit ,e i erejed rrrvjr a f hey tVr k proper. W YVtRT, Biooin.hurti. se;k 30 "57. Judrfor Auditor** Aoticr. E*!i of /vH/i V.y . JU jf Bt r vu* V;rt/ MM I. THE v .?.rs a-J yfa* e<4 *f Jv>S Nib irr. '4*e *e N)fojS wf 3~'*+:k. -t'ecoccy of Covua: KS a. Jevva-?-? •* ! >*•• j • Vr* . "svi A** • vi-'C'h * k • C-, s . t. w Cc— Wills? o# u j - Ma..* . lair'.-. N*rier *i v mnsv * e tp w 1 • t'l a. au-i ah, . rfce H. n aisbcrts. in Slid coctry. ha -"ay. ae S lt day Njvearb*- re * -V e'l e .! wr-e-e s i( -e-iow KHeweiod Ot 1* i-.e j,t ey thiik ar.Kier. I CLAKK. Tj-.i, : r iiwoatsitu s. Sovh io. ISJi" TON 1 i. -v m r - -1 ■ at -he Vwat'e btr Ma.: iT. ACMKXK'H \V" "-X? 0 & COAL for sa'o at - * A end* > v * * AC VK-VfCH C*IAH K AND KfcTI 4 Do sx a; J* A\w.e" r b* A C. .MENbCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers