The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 28, 1857, Image 2

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. uioomtburt, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1897.
TH neinoß.
(Sea. Packsr'e majority in the State over
Wilmol it about 40,000! and over the rota
of Wilmol and Hazlehnrst combined, 12,000.
The Hazlehurst voieisobout 28,000 and one
half of it in Philadelphia. In that city Wil
mot geta but out volt iu flue, and he geta no
more in Northampton—ln thi* county Bigler
bad a majority in 1854 of 781, and Plumer
for Canal Commiaaioner in 1855, a majority
ot but 652. The majority for Pierce ia 1852*
*n 937. Packer* majority of 1266 over
Wilmo! ia therefore a fine increaae over ma
jorize* given prior 1856. In that year, Bu
chanan'* majority over all was 1398, upnn
a total vote polled in the county of 4380.
The total vote thia year ia 3580, upon which
our majority would be but 1142 if it ran in
nre mm p.-r ie> ihtt whole vote, that
it did laat year. That is elegant volinz—24lo
to 1174 for all opposition—more than two to
one, and that without much effort by us, and
in spite of effort against ua. Our friends may
congratulate themselves upon this great and
decisive victory over the oppoaition, which
is s sort of supplement to the Presidential
triumph of last year, and fitly concludes the
work than so well begun.
The Democratic parly lives becans it de- t
serves to live; because the palely and pros
perity of the country depend upon its success.
And at this lime, when the people arc heart
ily llred of negro harangues, and of the men <
who concoct them, they have given black
' Republicanism "a settler," and pronounced
emphatically lor Peace, and "the good old
cause," against Agitators, Demagogues and
Chinese Sugar Cnne.
A great desf of puffing bas lately beer,
done for the Chinese sugar cane, and vari
ous experiments have been made to extract
sugar and mnlasses from it. These all suc
ceed; bul the article can evidently be raised
in this country only at a disadvantage. The
higher price of labor here over China would
of iitefl prove an insurmountable check to
its cultivation; and we predict that the enter
prize will turn out a motus multisanlus fail
Theoretically the United Stales ssetned
perfectly adapted to the raising of silk, by
its toil, climate, &c., just as it does for rais
ing sugar from Chinese cane. But the prac
tical operation of the matter is a very differ
ent thing; and then it, too late, appears that
tome of the most important considerations
have been left out of the calculation.
11 Yon cun try It.
Our reader* will observe in our columns
the advertisement of Duane Knllson, offer
ing gifts in connection with books; while
they sell the books at publishers' prices.—
Last week we sent for three books to this es
tablishment, and they came at the regular
price, one accompanied with a neat gold
pen and holder, another with a gentleman's
breastpin, and the third with a ladies'breast
pin. Whether every body will have as good
lock wo cannot tell, but some kind of gift ac
companies every book worth SI, according
to their terms. We do not know now the
•* thing is done, unless it be that the books are
bought very chgpp at trade sales, which we
suppose is • solution of the mystery. If you
send, you will nt any rate get a book which
you can select from their catalogne, ibat will
be worth your money.
'lbe Agricultural Fair
Lost week brought to town on the second
day of i's exhibition more people than were
ever gathered here before, and all o( them
seemed content and satisfiied, except some
who thought they had reason to expect pre
miums, arid did not receive any. But thia
cannot fail to be die case 011 such occasions.
The principal attraction seemed to be the
horse-races, which were kept up nearly all
the time.
The public dealt very liberally with the
society tasking ile income daring the exhibi
tion amount to some >4oo—a sign indicating
anything else than bard limes among our far
* *
OT Dr. John makes tip the table nl the
offia iai vot of life comity for hie last paper
to read from right to loft. He must have
been etudying Hebrew! And, by the way,
.liia statement of the vote in this Senatorial
district does not give the vote of either can
didate in this county correotly. Mr. Kni's
vole ill Montour is also elated wrong. We
are afreid our neighbor is not well enough
suited with the returns to bestow much care
upon their publication.
OP" In Pottsville farmers come armod to
tire matkel. The eoilor of the Pottsville
Amertkaniaher Repubtikaner, tays, that on
Monday last he met a country friend at the
beef market with a loaded doobbl4 barrelled
gdn lying on Ida stand. Things are really
onming 10 a desperate point, when out peo
pfesre Obliged to go armed 10 protect them
selves from being plundered 011 the public
- highway.
To BE SOLD. —The Philadelphia and Sun
bury Railroad will be sold at Sheriff's sale,
io that eity, en the 2nd of November. The
lllicola Central Railroad, the moat extensive
single railway improvement in the oonatry,
made en assignment on Sunday. The same
day the New York aod Erie Railroad also
aaeigued. Their great finanoier President,
•I a salary of 925,000 a year coold not save
ville, Orange county, Va., a little girl, deaf
and dumb and puny, lias lately had the typ
hoid fever, and when she recovered,. ber
epeeo b and hearing ware restored.
di s i n h; r; nt: r uk n *.
The following are the offioial returns of our
Congreasiooal, Senatorial and Represents •
live Districts.
Deidy, Thompson.
Columbia, 2410 1108
Montour, 1057' 645
Luzerne, 5169 . , 9677
Wyoming, 1200
Total, -9836 6294
3542 majority.
Bnrkalew. Bound.
Columbia, 2405 1037
Montour, 1069 538
Northumberland, 2807 11
Snyder, 970 1022
Total, 7251 2608
4643 majority.
Tickets were not circulated lor Bound in
Northumberland, which will account fur the
absence ol votes (or him in that county.
Em. Smith. Brower. Meicalf.
Columbia, 2364 . 2365 1070 1091
Montour, 1069 1070 572 574
Sullivan, 524 354 126 368
Wyoming, 1174 live 832 828
5131 4968 1600 1861
1600 1861
3531 3107
Abomtior.—The Ez Rev. Henry C. Wright
in a letter to the Boston Liberator, dated
Smyrna, Uhe'nango county, New York, Sun
day, Sept. 27ih,saya among other things of
the same sort,—"Treason, rebellion agninst
the American Union, moral, social, political
and religious treason, is the one paramount
duty of tne Northern Slates, at this hour.—
The man who sustains the American Union,
and becomes or continues a part of i', be
lieving it to be the ally and bulwirk of sla
very, is a trpiiorio liberty and humanity, the
deadly enemy of bis kind."
RESUMING WORK.—Tlia Alleiitown Demo
crat says that operations are aboat |o be re
surned at many of the iron works in Lnliigli
county, which had suspended a few weeks
ago. The Thornas Iron Company and the
Crane Company, it is said, will both contin
ue their furnaces in blast during the winter.
The Alleiitown Iron Company are going on
uninterruptedly. This will afford employ
ment to many a man along the Lehigh who
would otherwise base an idle dreary winter
belore him.
THE Rhode Island Ranks have fifteen dol
lars ol pi per circulation to one of specie; the
New Hampshire banks thirteen ; the Connec
ticut nine; Maine, Vermont and Massachu
setts four and a half; and those of New York
only three. Of the sixty millions of specie
ir. the banks of the United Slates, about one
third is in the banks of the cities of New
York, New Orleans and Boston. Rhode Is
land has ninety-eight banks and eighly-aev
en towns.
The Detroit Free Press of Saturday,
lOll), states that a young lady passed through
that city on the day previous, who was said
to be Miss Augusta Cunninfham, of N. Y.—
Sl.e arrived on the Plymouth Kock from
Buffalo, and passed on over the Michigan
Centra) Railroad to Chicago. Her appear
ance attracted a large crowd on the dock, as
soon aa it was noised around who she was.
She was on a business trip.
MAN.—-Rev. Mr. Shields, of lows, having
been silenced by the Presbyterian of Des
Moines, for marrying a unman who had been
divorced by the laws™ lowit appealed to
the Synod, and bis appeal was sustained.
The Synod expresses its opinion that the ac
tion of the Presbyterian WHS correct in form,
end suggested by a laudable zeal in the ser
vice of the church ; and, although reinstating
Mr. Shields, does not approve of hie marriage.
MAYOR WOOD bas been re-nominated by
the Democracy of New York.
WILLIAM CARPENTER, a democrat, has been
elected Prothonolary ol Lancaster County.
THE State Senate will be largely democrat
ic—more ao than it bas been for years.
Judge BELL, the democratic candidate, is
elected Senator in the Cheater and Delaware
(JEN. PACKER will have a larger majority
than has been given to a governor of Penn
sylvania in many years. ~~
To make times good, rifpcctable (?) people
must work more, spend leas, and mind tbeir
own business.
General JACKSON once told a man who came
to him to complain ol hard times, ''go home
and talk leas, spend less and work more."
WAt the suspension in 1837,
in New York at 13 per cent, premium—but
it is now sold as low as 1 per cenl.
I3T An original minaiureof Napnleon, said
to be one of the only three in existance, is
advertised for sale by the executors of the
late Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia.
IRON settees are being made to replace the
pews in Henry Wird Beecber's church, at
THE proprietors of the Girard House have
reduced the prico of board from 82,50 to 82
per day.
OT There is more eilk. eonsumed in the
United States than in any other conntry on
the globe. Last ylfr there was imported
into this country and oonsumed here 832,-
tW A yoqng man named While, who at
tended a wedding party in Lancaster county,
Pa., last Thursday, drank too much and was
found dead ou the premises next morning.
OT The population of California ia estima
ted to be 400,000 of whom 100,000 are Chi
nese, and 100,000 native Califoruiana and
European immigrants, leasing 200,000 Amer
icana. There are 200 Poiestaot clergymen
of all denominations, or one miniater to eve
ry 1000 of the Americas population.
't he Mime Debt-
The pnblio mind has been so engrossed
more pressing topics, (bat comparilively lit
tle baa been said or thoDght of the amend*
menis to the. Constitution submitted to the
Constitution submitted to the people in the
election a day or two ago. Asa general
rule, h is trae thai little ie gaiaed to the peo
ple by much tinkering of the Constitution.
But all will feel the importance of any mea
sure that can effectually restrain the Stale
from the possibility of ever again having
another State debt.
As to tbe question of the best way of get
ting rid of its present obligations, dial need
not here be discussed. The great objection
to a Stale debt may, in part, be thought lo
apply to the complicated mechanism o( a
sinking fund, bul only in part. It cannot be
counted that all publio funds, no mailer lo
whom committed, ore the greateat source of
corruption imaginable. It is a potrid carcass
Ihat draws the eagles together. It is always
dangerous for even the best men to fainil
erize themrelvsM with handling and negntia- .
ting large sunn of money not their own. On - \
ly men of great mercantile intellert and skill ]
can be trusted is such matters, and ihese see
at once a thousand openings by which such
money can be turned to private advantage,
while no one has sufficient personal interest
in looking after such funds, to see ihat they
are managed with lie most implicit honor
and fidelity. The recent embezzlement of
the Stute funds in Ohio amply illustrates this
Then, 100, the Slate patronage which pub
lic works tnd extensive accounts confer, is a
constant source of corruption. If a vote on
any money has to pass the Legislature, not a
few of the members will seek how it can be
made to turn to their personal advantage. If
an ofHoer is to be elected to manage these
funds, the one question with many is, how
he can serve them in return. In some States
which borrowed money largely to go into
the banking business, the members of the
Legislature contrived to elect such bank offi
cers as would discount their notes wi'h men
of straw for security. Millions were thus
squandered before the banks was slopped.
The only Legitimate nl.jects ol a government
are much fewer and simpler than are com
monly supposed, and the more closely S'aes
confine themselves 10 these, the greater will
be their prosperity. The chief object of gov
ernment is aimply to defend the weak from
the aggressions of the strong, by maintaining
the equal right of all. It is not for s govern
ment to make itself into a bank, or canal, or
railroad company, or all combined, any more
than it is to assist one sect of religion lo es
tablish itself at the expense of all others.
But its aim should be simply lo remove all
obstructions, and allow every grand and use
ful institution to develops itself and grow
freely by its own inherent energies unmo
lested. Whatever really tends to promote
the interests of the community will have this
kind of vitality of its own. But whatever
has not got this self-sustaining power is not
wanted by the community at that stage of its
existence. Improvements that will not pay
lor themselves under private companies,
whetaself-interest watches against fraudu
lent anil extravagant expenditure are certain
to be only sources of debt and disaster, where
paid for not of the public purse. No one has
any sufficient interest to watch in these ca
ses. and Ihete must even be a thousand sour
ces of leakage, extravagance and defalca
tion. Nor is there any source of public gain
thai private iiidiviilualscannoi secure. Even
in the free school system it will be found to
prosper best exactly in proportion as the as
sistance afforded by the Stale is so conferred
a lo stimulate the citizens of each ptecinet
or township to cherish education earnestly
among themselves.
In absolute governments, everything is un
dertaken hy the State power, from the sale of
tobacco to the construction of a railway, But
under such a system, the people invariably
lose their interest on such things and their
enterprise of spirit. If there is a religion es
tablished by law. all duties are performed
in a hireling and per functionary manner,
and that universal self culture of iti religi
ons spirit dies out—although upon the uni
versality of this hangs ihe life of nations. So
if government taxes the people to construct
railroads or canals, the people will leave
these things to ttie government, and lose the
energy and enterprise so necessary to carry
these works on successfully.
Low PRICE OF WHEAT IN lOWA - —The lowa
City Republican males that fanners are offer
ing wheat in the city for forly cents a bushel,
and cannot find purchasers. The Republi
can adds : "The same state of facts is repor
ted of lII* Muscatine and other river markets,
and indeed we say of the markets generally
of Ihe slate."
steamer Arabia, which left last Thursday for
Liverpool, look out 102 passengers and fifteen
hundred dollars in specie! and bad news
enough to sink a man of war. Rot John Bull
must grin and bear it, as we have done.
financial revulsion was begun in '37, with
the suepension of the United States Bank
and ended in 1840. the very one that began
ihe war. Within those years 30,000 houses
broke and took Ihe benefit of the bankrupt
law of 1811. Tbeirdvbts amounted to 8400
000,000—their asset* to almost nothing.
tWA Wisconsin correspondent of the Ro
chester Union slates that, in going from Prai
rie du Chieo to La Croose, a few days ago, a
singular scene was presented on the steam
boat. At one end of the iocg saloon a cler
gyman was preaching to a small crowd gath
ered around him; in the middle, gambling
was in busy progress; and at the other extre
mity of the saloon there waa music aud dan
GOOD OUT or Evil—The panto ban had one
good result, at all events. The Convention
which was to meet at Cleveland on the 26ib
for the purpose of dissolving 'the Union, has
been postponed on acoount of the financial
difficulties of the country. Whether tbey
feard they would be anable to raise money
to carry out their eeleuae of dissolution, or
to pay their Railioad fare, we are out in
The Itfmill In Kansas.
During the exciteijant attending our own
jSlate elerion and llf financial troubles, the
' public almost lost sifjt'be lact that a peace
able and qniet election has at last been held
in Kansas and that flat ideation has resulted
in favor of what thff Black Republicans call
" freedom." Mr. TARKOTT, the free stale
candidate, el<#<pM(io Congress by ever 4000
majority. And ibis under the much-abused
Kansas and Nebraska bill. And yet, strange
10 say, the Republican papers have scarcely
a word to say about it, tbey seem so disap
pointed. They persisted that Kansas would
be a slave Siate—that Douglass and Buchan
an designed te make it n Slave Stale and ihat
there was no hope a! all for "freedom." Thus
is ibis vexed question, winch lias convulsed
the Union from Main to California and some
times threatened to dash it to pieces, per ma
nenlly and peacefully setiled by the quiet bul
effectual workings of popular sovereignly.
And thus does die much abused measure
vindicate itself before the country and te es
tablish die grand democratic doctrine that in
a government like ours all powst can be safe
ly entrusted imo the hands of the people.
What now becomes of lite Republican pariy
and ilspredictions 1 What will be their ilex I
hobby, now that bleeding Kansas is virtually
disposed off
How PROPHETIC.—The following ia an ex-
Iraci froin • speech made by President Bu
chanan, when in Congress, on the inde
pendent treasury bill:
"The evils of a redundant paper circula
tion are manifest to every eye. It alrumaie
ly raises and sinlce the value of every man's
properly. It makes a beggar of the man to
morrow who indulges in -dreams <4 wealth
to-day. It converts the business of society
into a mere lottery, whilst those who distrib
ute the prizes are wholly irresponsible to the
people. When the collapse comes—us come
it must—it casta laborers out of employ
ment, crushes manufacturers and merchants,
and ruins thousands of honest and industri
ous citizens."
gation from an orator's genius to say hi" pow
er lays much less in what he says, than how
he says Rainier makes the entire differ
ence between Macready and the poorest strol
ler that-murders Shakespeare. The matter
is the same iu the case ol each. Each has
the same thing to say; the enormous differ
ence lies in the manner in which he says it.
Hugh Miller tells us that he heard Chalmers
read a piece which he (Miller) had himself
wri ten. Its author never knew how fine it
was till then, All this is the result of that
fine gift of genius—to fee' with the whole
soul, and utter with the whole soul.— English
PANAMA—Length from stiu-e to shore, 45}
miles. Length from five fathoms water in
Novy Bay, on the Atlantic, to three fathoms
water m Pkrtanta Bay, on the Pacifio, 48J
miles. The prism of water to be 150 feet
wide at thl bottom, 270, leet wide at surface,
and 31 few. deep. The locks to be 400 feel
in clear length of chambers and 90 feet in
oiear width) The summit level will be 150
feet above mean tide of the Atlantic and Pa
cific ocean. . The summit cut will be aboul
4 miles long. The deepest cutting on this
level will t> 136 leet, and the average depth
ol the cut tkill be 49 feet. The fiver Cha
gres yields an ample supply of water for the
canal si sll seasons ol 'he year. The summit
level will be supplied by a leeder about 24
miles long, which will lap the river Chagres
about 21 miles above the town of Cruoes,
where the level of the river is about 185
feel above mean tide, and about 35 feet
Rbove the summit level. The cost of this
CHttal, including the requisite hart,or improve,
menis at each end, will not exceed $80,000,-
tarriio superiority of American inventive
genius, not only over that of our English pro
genitors, but indeed of all other nations has
become too tangible to bo Uip*ia,L U w
notorious at the World's Fair in London, that
the American's far outstripped all others in
the useful inventions which they supplied.
We beat the English in vessels, railroads, and
manufactures by power. We are beating
them in the scientific arts of Chemistry and
Medicine, as we have long beat the rest of
mankind. A new sud practical proof of this
assertion is shown in the fact that the princi
pal remain,,,, n f ihe aided armies of the East
are furnished from the laboratory ol our own
countryman- Dr. J. C. Avis of Lowell is fill
ing orders for imrnence quantities of his Cher
ry Pectoral and Cathartic Pills, for both the
land gad - sea forces in Turkey. His medi
cines have been tried and approved by ihosa
in powhr who have found them (he most re
liable which they could procure for the exi
gencies in whioh they are to be employed.
N. Y. City Times.
THE VALUE OF SVEClE.— Nothing shows
more clearly the comparative soundness of
the finances of the country at this lime, than
the fact that the price of gold has already
fallen from about six to one and two per
cent. In some cases in New York, the gold
drawn in large sums from Ihe banks, has
been already deposited again—there being
no sale for it, at a price worthy Ihe mention.
The rate of exchange stili continues against
Europe, and specie is flowing in upon us.—
The last steamer from California, it will be
noticed, also broagh' over a million and a
half in specie. In 1837, the rale of exchange
with Europe was heavily against us, aud
coin waa shipped out of the country by the
millions. The more Ihe present distress is
looked into, the more it seems to differ from
a great financial revulsion, reaching down
to the basis of things. The foundations of
the great fabric of trade seem as sound and
strong as ever. Everything betokens fair
weather not very far ahead.
CTGRAIN AT CHICAOO.— It is slated that
there is no less than 25 000,000 bushels ol
grain in stole in Chicago, but uot more than
1,000,800 will be brought forward previous
to the olosing of the csnal*, for want of mo
ney to send it on.
The Kuropciiu New*.
The dates by the Kuropa, is lolhe 10th
inet. There is nothing new or starlling from
India. The London Moining Chronicle pro
fesses to have good authority for staling that
steps have been taken for proclaiming Queen
Victoria Queen of Kindoslon. Thie move
ment, if attempted, will be an open altack
upon ihe Kasi India Company, and its an
nouncement has therefore created sotne in
terest in London. ease
In Ireland a proclamation has been issued
by ihe authorities extending tbe limits oi die
proclaimed district around Belfast, informa
tion having been received that the people
instead of delivering up the arms were con
cealing outside the original limit#, so that
they would be available in case of fresh dis
WHO WANTS MONEY?— Uncle Sam has go!
a plenty, and is uuxious to get rid of it. He
offers from six to sixteen per cent, premium
for his own six per cent, slock, and will pay
for it in specie.— Exchange.
All, yes ; all well enough. But, "first catch
your fish," as Mrs. Glass advises ttiose who
want to follow her recipe for cooking trout.
First get hold of the slock, if you can. It is
not guile an plenty in the market as railroad
stacks, and those who own it don't appear
to be tempted by the bait of 6 lo 16 per cent,
premium offered for its redemption. Uncle
Sam's credit ia so good, that everybody is
glad to trust him.— Reading Gazette.
WILMOT'S DISTRICT.—Among the gratify
iua f tho election ]nst past is that of
the vote in Wilmot's District which has large
ly fallen off from the Fremont's vole last
fall. In Susquehanna county, his majority
ia only $BO5, which last lull Fremont had
over 1300. Some of the county ticket runs
as low as 539. It would thus seem that the
people there are returning to their reason
and probably falling back to their ancient
party fidelity. It will be but a little while
before a while man will be as good as a ne
gro in the Wilrnol District.
drew Johnson, who has just been elected lo
the U. S. Senate from Tennessee, to succeed
Hon. James C. Jones, presents in liia own per
son one of the most remarkable examples of
what proper ambition may attain under Re
publican institutions. His origin was very
obscure, and of educational advantages in
early life he had none. A f ter he married, I
his wife taught him his teller, and while be
prosecuted his calling as a journeyman tailor,
to support his family,.he acquired the simp
lest rudiments of education. But advancing
step by step, reading with avidity, srudying
closely, and striving constantly to improve j
h s condition, he has at last attained one of
the most eminent positions in the gift of his
countrymen. It will be remembered he
served iu the U. S. House of Representatives
several years ago. Asa legislator he was I
indubious and practical, ra.her than brilliant;
but wielded a powerful influence in the de
liberations of the body. His faults probably
consist in excessive patlizanshtp, and that
tendency to illiberality in the public expendi
tures which oftentimes under the name of
"economy," is disastrous to the interests of
the country. In the higher and broader
rphere lo which he is now elevated, these
faults may be modified suil softened ; but in
any event, Mr. Johnson can hardly fail to he
a most useful and laborious public servant.
months since the partner of a commercial
I house in this city was taken to a lunatic as
| s> Intra, utterly deranged, as was said, by his
I unparaHed prosperity in business. During
: the year previous his firm had cleared $l,-
: 000,000 He died in the assylum, and bis
i own estate was vained at $2,500,000, all in
vested in the concern of which he was a
partner. The firm itself failed the otherday,
and is now said to be utterly insolvent. One
item ol the assets of the deceased's estate
was a thousand shares of the Illinois Central
; railroad stock, which was selling si the time
of bis decease at $llO a share, and was
worth, after paying up the instalments, $BOO
- The same property eold yesterday at
public sale at $50,000.
All this occurred within eighteen months
—the prosperity, the insanity, the decease
I and the insolvency.— Post.
"WHAT IS A TON Chief Justice Lewis,
of this Slate, has given an opinion deciding
that the law of Pennsylvania making 2000
pounds a ton was constitutional, (bat although
ihe (Jetted States Constitution had given Con
gress the power to regulate weights and mea
sures, making a uniform law throughout the
United States, yet, until they did exercise the
power, each State had jurisdiction over the
subject within her own borders. Thus Judge
Grlei'* decision that nothing less than 2240
pounds could form 100, is overset.
A NKWTERRITORY A movement has late
ly been made by the inhabitants of Carson
Valloy, for the formation ol a new territory
of the United Stales, out of part of Utah and
New Mexico. The white population of the
proposed territory is about seven thousand,
the country is rich in mineral wealth, and
cap.ible of producing grain in abundance.—
The new territory is to be called the "Terri
tory of Carson.
ANOTHER ASTEROID. —By the English pa
pers which arrived yesterday, we learn that
on the 15th of September, Dr. R. Luther, at
Bilk, near Dusseldorf, discovered a new
planet, of the eleventh magnitude, the fifth
seen in 1857, and the 47ih now known to ex
ist between Mars and Jupiter. It was stated
in the Washington Union of the sth October,
that on the preceding evening, Mr. Fergu
son, of the National Observatory, discovered
yet another planet, also of the eleventh
magnitude, which, if hitherto unknown, will
be the forty-eighth of the Asteroids. The
size, however, ofihese planets is very small
the diameter of the largest being supposed
to be but forty miles, and of the smallest
only four 1
t3T Hazlehurat, the Straight-out condidalo
for Governor, received 71 voiea in Montour
rcnnairlvunia I.efUlature--1858.
The State Legislature, for the next session,
will probably stand as follows:
I. Diet.—Philadelphia—Harlan logram, R.
L. Wright, Samuel J. Randall,* Isaae N. Mar
selis,* Democrats.
11. Diet.—Chester and Delaware—The*. S.
Bell, * D.
111. Dist.—Montgomery—Tho*. P.Knox,D.
IV. Dist.—Bucks—Jonathan Ely, D.
V. Dish—Lehigh and Northampton—Jos.
Lanbacb, D.
VI. Dial.—Berks—John C. Evans, D.
VII. Dist—Schuylkill—C. M. Straub, D.
VIII. Diet.—Carbon, Monroe, Pike and
Wayne—Thomas Craig, Jr., * D.
IX. Dist.—Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyo
ming and Sullivan—J?. Reed My er, Opp.
X Dial.—Luzerne—G. P. Steele, D.
XI. Dist. Tioga, Potter, M'Kean and War.
ren— Henry Souther, Opp.
XII. Dist. —Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and
Union— Andrew Gregg Opp.
XIII. Dist.—Snyder, Northumberland, Co
lumbia and Montour, Chas. R. Buckalew,*D.
XIV. Die l - —Cumberland, Perry, Juniata
and Mifflin—Henry Fetter,* D.
XV. Dist. Dauphin and Lebanon—J. B.
Rutherford, * opposition.
XVI. Dist.—Lancaster— Barham A. Shajjer,
* Opp., IF. li Marshall .* Opp.
XVIL Dist —York—Wm. H. Welsh, D.
XVIII. Dist.—Adams, Franklin and Fulton
—Geo. W. Brewer, D.
XIX. Dist —Somerset, Bedlord and Hunt
ington—William P. Schell,* D.,
XX. Dist.—Bla : r, Cambra and Clearfield—
John Ctesswell, Jr., D.
XXI Dist.—lndiana and Armstrong— T.J.
Coffey, Opp.
XXII. Dist.—Westmoreland and Fayette—
Jacob Turoey,* D.
XXIII. Dist.—Washington and Greene—G.
W. Miller,* D.
XXIV. Diet—Allegheny—YVm. Wilkms, 1
D., Edward D. Gazznm, Opp.
XXV. Dist.—Beaver and Butler— John R.
Harris , Opp.
XXVI. Dist.—Lawrence, Mercer and Ve
nango—(Two opposition Senators.)
XXVII. Dist.—Erie and Crawford— D. A.
Finney , Opp.
XXVIII Dist—Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and
Elk— G. IF. Sco/Uld, Opp.
Dem. Onpo.
Holding over, 13 8
Now members, 8 4
Total, 21 12
It has been many years since the Demo
crats have had eo large a majority in the
Senate of Pennsylvania ae they will have at
the next session. And our representatives
in that body ate not only numerous, but
among the new as well as the Old Democrat
ic members, there are a number of gentle
men ol very fine talents.
The probable complexion of Ibe House of
Representatives is as follows:
Dem. Oppo.
Philadelphia city, 4
Philadelphia county, 13
Delaware, ]
Chester, 3
Montgomery, 3
Bucks, 2
Northampton. 2
Lehigh arid Carbon, 2
Monroe and Pike, I
Wayne, 1 _
| Luzerne, 3
Susquehanna, I
Brut! lord, . 2
Wyoming and Sullivan | „
Columbia and Montour ) *
Lycoming and Cliotou, 2
Centre, I
Mifhin, 1
Union, Snyder, Juniata, 2
Northumberland, 1
Schuylkill, 3
Dauphin, 1 1
Lebanon, 1
Berks, 3
Lancaster, —■ 4
Vork, 2
Cumberland and Perry 2
Adams, 1
Franklin and Fulton, I 1
Bedford and Somerset, 2 prob.
Huntingdon, 1
Blair, I
Cambria, 1
Indiana, 1
Armstrong aud Weslm'd. 3
Fayette, 1
Green, 1
Washington, 2
Allegheny, 1 4
Beaver and Lawrence, 2
Butler, 2
Mercer and Venangd, 2
Clarion and Fores'., I
Jefferson and Clearfield ) „
Elk and McKean, j 1 ~~
Crawford and Warren, 2
Erie, 2
Potter and Tioga, 2
Total, 69 31
Dem. Opp.
Senate, 21 !2
House, 69 31
90 ' 43
DgmuciMU majority on joint ballot, 47.
following rich revelations are furnished by a
correspondent of the St. Louii Republican:
"In conclusion, 1 will depict for you an
Illinois bank. A frame house, a counter so
high that you can baraly lay your wrist on
the ahaip edges of it, and so narrow that but
or.e man can approach at a time. The spe
cie scoop hangs high up, like the lawe of Ne
ro, but unlike them, covered with cobwebs.
Your check is conceded in deadly silence.
You bear some fumbling behind a green
screen. A package of shin plasters, as thick
as a bu)l,s horn, and twenty-five ceulsin sil
ver, are handed you for your inconsiderable
check. The bundle is lightly laced,the notes
are inside, to that, with the other inconveni
ences, you can hardly count them. You
open the bundle and sift out the tinkhams,
almond trees, and Wiscnneins, ami you are
peremptorily told, 'No use in assorting; that
is all you can get ' You say: ' Please, then,
return my cbeck.' Answer : 'Your check is
already cancelled.' This is the return made
you by the best of them for gold advanced
on grain. Had the grain gone down, you
would have had it, but, having gone up,
they return you such •hinplaatere'.for.'yoor
1 advances in gold, or stand suit.
Ilie fnie >6f flmtiiri who Votcdjfor
of ihe Slnln Line-
Kot lire least gratifying feature in the re
■suit of the election is the rebuke received
by the party and tho individual mtuibbre
that passed the iniquitous bill for the sal*
of the Mala Line. The Opposition with
scarcely an exception espoused the bIH ah
a good card that would tell upon .the elee
| tion. This bill we strenuously opposed
while distinctly declaring that opposition to
I an unconstitutional bill, did not mean oppo
j sition to a sale upon fair terms;* and wa
| cheerfully acquiesced in the decision of the
Supreme Court, which gave the Pennsylva
nia Railroad possession, expressing an
earnest desire that it would redound 10 the
benefit of all concerned. But how the Re
publicans bartered away the soverignty of
the Slate for a trivial consideration, how the
Supremo Court was compelled 10 interpose
its authority between a venal Legislature
and the offended law, is fresh in the recol
lection of everybody. It seems that the
voters of tho State kept the tnatter fresh in
! their memories when they came to cast
| their auffrages at the late election. Not only
| has the party that boastfully took the credit
| and ihe responsibility of this bill, been de
feated most signally, but the instances of
: individual retribution are too marked and
| decided to escape notice.
I In looking over the vote on the final pas
i sage of the hill for fife sale of the Main Line,
wo see that tho following named Democrats
voted with the Opposition, aud by tfieir
voles secured the passage of the bill, via ;
Messrs. Backus, Campbell, Handcock, John
son, Lebo, Manear, Maugle, Tolan, Vail and
Wagonseller. None of these members hava
been re-elected.
Of the Democrats who voted against thw
measure a very fair proportion have been
returned to the next House of Representa
tives. Messrs. Arthur, Calhoun, Longaker,
Nunnemacher, Ramsey, Philadelphia, Geo.
N. Smith, VVestbrouk and Wharton, all vo
ted against the bill from first to last, and
have been re-elected by largely increased
majorities, and there are probably several
others whose names we are unable to re
call. We are not aware of the defeat of a
single man who opposed the bill, and who
was a candidate for re-election.
Wbea look at tlie ranks of the appo
sition we nee a very different record. The
popular verdict of condemnation has strick
en down eome of those who were foremost
in engineering that measure through the
House—the leaders who did the deed with
a swagger, as if they held the destinies of
the State in their hands, and were sure of
an approving constituency to back them.—
Messrs. Bishop, Dock and Thorne of Phila
delphia, Dickey, Penrose and Vickers of
Chester, and Cleaver of Delaware were alt
candidates for re election—all resided in
district were the opposition have hereto
fore had a majority, and have all been large
ly defeated. 01 all the members who voted
for the passage of the bdl for the sale of the
Main Line but 2 or three have been relum
ed to the next house.
There ia something retributive in this.—
It is a lesson that these rocreant member*
can read to their own profit. It is an exam
ple to warn others against incurring their
fate. Whatever opinion the people may
hold on tho abstract question of a sale of
the public works, it is very clear that they
are not in favor of sel'ing the power of tho
State to levy taxes for a price, nor to barter
State sovereignty for a paltry consideration.
We have now done with this subject and
the past.— Harrishurg Patriot.
How I'.'oglaod expect* lo reconquer ludla.
The London Times begins lo appreciate the
magnitude ol the wotk which has been
catved out for the English governmenr in
India, and now admit* that the revolted pro
vince* will have to be reconquered at greater
expense than that ai which they were ac
quired. „
"The Bengal army is no more. A hun
dred thousand men ate lost to ns, and lh
greater part are in arms agaitM ua That
noble body of born and bred aolJters, by the
aid of which we have conquered and annex
ed so many rich territories and warlike tribes,
and which dissipated in a few days the dark
cloud from the Punjab, lo which onr Europe
an neighbors had long pointed with expect
ancy, ia now sternly bent on numbering
Englaid in the long list of ila conquests.
"If it were ever true that the native army
was the whole, or nearly the whole, of our
strength io India, then our empire would in
deed be now in its last hour. But Ibe world
will shortly find tbey must give us credit for
other resources and a stronger hold upon In
dia then this one has proved lo be. It it now
■aid ■# hava lo oonqusr India. That ex
presses the very nature of the task, though
only half of it, for we have to reconquer
India organized, disciplined, trained, armed,
provisioned, fortified, -emboldened by our
selves. It is a task far greater than that
which offered itself to us a century ago. We
can only now succeed by the extraordinary
prowwas ot the British soldier making up for
the most fearful odds; and even that would
now he utterly unavailing, but lor another
means equally tlx subject of invidious skep
ticism. We could noi now march t,500
miles right through India with a handful of
men, opposed everywhere by a magnificent
army of our own creation, and with every
advantage of possession, unless we enjoyed
Ibe confidence and good will of the native
population. When we resume our position
there, will our neighbors, who now tell u
candidly how we have recovered it f It can
only be done by vitlues which mutt then be
ooncpeded to us, with whatever reluctance.
We must be a nation of soldiers; and, what
is more, we must have the qualities for at
taching to us those less powerful nations
whom the fortune of war throws upon oar
Low Psicc ov WHEAT I> lOWA.—The lowa
City Republican states that termer* are offer
ing wheat in that city for 40 oems a bushel,
snd cannot fii.d. purchasers. The Republi
can adds.—The same state of facts t* repor
ted of the Muscanline and other river roar-
kels, and indeed we may (ay of lie tiiatkr.a
' getiraiiy of the State.