The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 21, 1857, Image 3

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    W ' 1 ■ ' W ■
Two Week* XAlerTrrai rriiroiim*
Arrival of the Grenada at Jfceo l Oileans.
FEW ORLEANS, Oct. 13—The aleamship
"Grenada arrived tb'n **ollloß from Havana,
„ wbirh place he loft on (be tOtb instant. She
bring*' California dales to the 20<h tilt.
The steamer Northern Light left Asptnwall
lor Now York with4H,2bO,ooo in gold.
The Grenada experienced a severe gsle on
the 3d and 4ih inst, and afterwards discover
ed the wreck ot a vessel, but could not nr.eke
v -out Iter name.
' Gov. W< tier's majority in tllelata election
was 11,000 over both his competitors.
The newly elected Legislature is largely
Mr. bstes, ex-Treasurer, and Rowe, his
clerk, (rave both been committed in default
of bail.
Cnief Justice Murray is dead.
Col. Caeeey, of Tennessee, has been killed
■in a Duel with Mr. Blair.
The overland mail from San Antonio, Tex
as, readied San Diego on the 81st of August.
All well.
The reported assassination of Alvarez, in
'Coloma, Texas, has reached San Francisco.
Disiuitances have occurred near the oound
ery of Lower California, between the author
ities and a company of Americans. A parly
tiad left San Diego lor the purpose ol arrest
ing the Americans, who were believed to be
Governor Castro, of Lower California, fear
ing a revolution of his own people, is said to
have joined the Americans.
Slignt shocks of an earthquake had been
tell near San Francisco.
Tiie California markets are dull but the ac
counts frotn the mines are excellent.
ICobbcjy-.% start In ihc Clothing Bnslnesa.
On Thursday night of last week a robbery
wai committed et the Susquehanna House,
in Sunbtiry, kepi by Michael Wilverl, by two
men, who enteied one of the windows and
carried of nine coats, a pair of boots and a
hut. The latter was dropped in the slieet
before the thieves succeeded in carrying
oway their booty. It appears that two boat
men belonging to a boat lying at the coal
wharves had been at the house in the eve
ning previous to the robbery, and when the
tlielt was discovered early the next morning,
Mr. Wilvert immediately suspected these
men. Warrants were obiained from Squire
Sbindel, and Constable Brosions proceeded to
ihe boat to apprehend the supposed offenders
They were not to be found there but pres
ently made ihtir appearance ill a skiff from
ihe other side of the river. Upou being ques
tioned what i hey" had been doing on the oilier
side ol iho river they replied that they had
gone across to feed their horses; but the dri
ver of the boat assured the constable that the
horses were not on the oilier side of the river
the men were arrested upon the additional
suspicion produced by their prevarication,
{subsequently, the officer crtftsed the river,
mid found the coats concealed under a rock
along the Blue Mill. Ten coats were found,
although but riii e had been stolen. Mere
was a mystery that could not be solgcd, until
it was discovered that one of tho men, who
appeared before the Justice in his shirt sleeves,
had fallen into the river,-and the tenth coat
was found to be wet, and in the same moist
condition as his other clothing. It was his
coat, and lie had placed it with the stolen
goods until it would become dry. This cir
cumstantial evidence was too strong to be
disregarded, and the (wo gentlemen who had
made so fine a start in the clothing business
were provided with rooms in Sheriff Wise's
boarding house. We have not learned their
names, nor the section of country from which
they bail.— Sunbury Giuette.
Some of ike Signers of the Memorial. —The
New Haven Register says:
"Among the signers who remonstrated with
President Buchanan against the observance
of bia oath to 'see that the laws are faithfully
executed,' are the names of persons who con
tributed six of the twenty-seven rifles given
at the famous North Church meeting in 1856,
to 'shoot border-ruflians.' It was on that me
moriable occasion that Rev. Henry Ward
Beecher told the New Haven Kansas Com
pany that 'it was a shame to shoot at a man
and not hit him!' These worthies seem to
have changed their tactics of late. Remem
bering that 'those who take the sword' are
apt to 'die by the 6Word,' they have wisely
dropped the 'border-ruffians,' and taken to
'praying for the President'—a safer, and we
trust, a mora fructifying occupation."
A TOWN IN KANSAS.—The Sumner (Kan
sas) Gazette says of that town : It is only six
teen weeks old, contains between three and
four hundred inhabitants, has or.e of the best
steam saw-mills in the western country in
active operation, and two more building; has
*" enckl hotel.and one commenced that will
cost 823,000 when finished ; has seven stores,
one wagon-maker, one shoemaker, one
blacksmith, and three carpenter-shops; has
subscribed 81,000 for a church edifice, and
haß a printing office and a free school.
XSf A burglar made an unsuccessful at
tempt to rob the store of H. J. Webb, in Mon
trose, recently, bill being suddenly attacked
by a powerful dog kept in the store, just as
lie bad effected au entrance through a win
dow, he seems to have very hastily decamp
ed, leaving the window open, and a strip of
his coat lining and a piece of his pants in
{possession of the old dog.
t3T The Montour Iron Company have paid
off all their workmen in full. Whether the
works will start again this wiuter is very un
• certain, however much the gentlemen, who
have leased them, may desire to do so. The
-clouds overhanging the money affairs of the
country are too dark as yet to mako any cal
culations as to the future.— Danville Dem.
" "7T
On Sunday Morning, Oct. 18ih inst., iH
Eapytown, by Sam'l A.Worman, Esq., Mr.
SOLOMON SKIGFRCID, of Orange township, and
Mrs. MARY.ANOLB, of Espytown, Col. Co.
On the 30th of 9th month, THOS. E. EVES,
cf Millville, Columbia county, and KUARCKB
Al , daughter ol John Wilson, of Valley twp.,
Montour county, Pa.
| Special Notices.
Grand Dinner and Sapper.
THE Ladieaof the German Reformed Con
gregation of Bloomsburg, would respectfully
announce to the publie, that they purpose
giving Dinners and Suppers on the 22nd and
23rd daya'of October, on the days of the
County Agricultural Exhibition, on tho Fait
1 ground for the benefit of the Church.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 3, 1857.
THE citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity
are hereby notified thatG. W. WAGNER,
Ambrotypiet and Sleroscopist, will remain only
a few days longer in this place ; so give him
a call while he is to be found. Relying upon
his long and extensive practice in differ
ent States in lite Union, and a strict adher
ence to the numerous improvements which
have been added to the Art, he feels confi
dent of rendering satisfaction to all that iny
favor him with their patronage.
He returns his aincete thanks to the public
for past favors, and hopes to merit a still
larger share of pnblic support.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 21, 1857.
• WOODLAND CREAM"— A Pomade for
beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed,
superior to any French article imported, and
for half the price. For dressing Ladies Hair
it has no equal, giving it s bright glossy ap
pearance. it causes Gentlemen's Hair to
curl in the most natural manner. It removes
JandrufT, always giving the hair the appear
ance of being fresh shampooed. Price only
fitly cents. None genuine unless signed
Proprietors of the
" Balm 0/ o thousand Flowers."
For sale by all Druggists. New York.
Tim Rxv. C. S. BURNETT, while luboring as
a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a
simple and certain Cure for Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nervous
Debility, and all impuritiesof the blood; also,
an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the
remedy. Actuuted by a desire to benefit his
suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the
Recipe (free J toeuoh ss desire it, with full
and explicit directions for preparing and suc
cessfully using the Medicine.
Addtess Rev. C. S. BURNETT,
831 Broadwav, New York City.
THF.Trusteea ol this Institution have unan
imously elected 11. D. WAI.KER, A. M., of
Lewisburg, Principal of said Academy, in
place of Prof. Anderson, whose time expires
with the present term, the 19ih day of Oct.
Mr. Walker will succeed Mr. Anderson
immediately alter the clo-e of his labors. It
is designed by die Trustees, with their new
I'riucipal, to make this Institution one of the
best ol the kind in the State.
H. D. WALKER, A. M., Principal
New Columbus, Oct. 14. J857.
rro the heirs and legal represen'-
{ t alives of Yost Driesbach, late of
——Uoariugcreek township, in the coun
ty of Columbia, deceased :
Yon and each of you will take notice, that
at a Court of Common I'leas, held at Blonins
bnrg, for the county of Columbia, on the sth
day of May, A. D 1856, the petition of Na
than Nriesbaeh and Samuel Hauck was pre
sented to the said Cour', representing that the
lands of the said petitioner, situate in the
township of Roaringcreek, are now held in
gage or pledge by two several mortgages, to
wit: one. mortgage in favor of Yost Dries
bach made and given by Samuel tlaiick, da
ted the 30th day of March, A. D. 1852 : one
other mn-tgage in favor of Yost Driesbach
aforesaid, made and given by Nathan Dries
bach, dated the 21st day of Se; tember, A. D.
1852; the first of which mortgages is record
ed in the office for the recording of deeds,
&r., in and for the county of Columbia, in
Mortgage book No. 3, pages 793-4, and the
second of which is recorded in the same
book, pages 794-5; that said mortgages re
main unsatisfied; und that letters ot adminis
tration on Die estate of said Yost Driesbach
have not been granted ; and praying the said
Court to grant a rule upon yon It show cause
by the first day of September Term of the said
Court, A. D. 1857, why satisfaction of said
itior'gages should not be entered upon the
record by the Recorder of Deeds, by the di
rection of the said Court; which rule, at the
said Sep'ernber Term d said Court, wus con
tinued until the then lollowing December
Term of the said Court: Therefore you are
hereby required to appear on the first day of
next December Term of said Court to answer
the prayer of the petitioner in the case.
Witness my hand at Blonmsburg, in the
County of Columbia, this 10th day of Octo
ber, A. D. 1857.
r|t() all persona afflicted with S-xnal Dis
eases, such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal
Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syph
ilis, Ihe vice of Omanism, tfc, Ifc.
The "Howard Association," in view of the
awful destruction of human life, caused by
Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised
upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases
by Quacks, have directed their Consulting
burgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their
name, to give Medical advice gratis, to all per
sons ihus afflicted, who may apply by letter,
with a description ol Iheir condition, (age,
occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases
of extreme poverty slid suffering, to furnish
medicines fiee of charge.
'lhe Howard Association is n benevolent
Institution,established by special endowment,
(or Ihe relief if ni-iroosod, af
flicted with " Virulent and Epidemic Dis
eases." Ii has now a surplua of means,
which the Directors have voted to expend in
advertising the above notice. It is needless
to add that the Association commands the
highest Medical skill of the age, and will fur
nish the most approved modern treatment.
Just published, by the Association, a Re
port on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminul Weekness,
the vice of Omanism, Masturbation or Self-
Abuse, and other diseuses of the Sexual Or
gans, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will
be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope), Free
of Charge, on the receipt of two stumps for
Address, Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Con
sulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2
South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By
order of the Directors.
GEO. FAIRCHIL.D. Secretary.
Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1857.
quired by using the " Balm of a Thousand
Flowers." What lady or genileman would
remain under ibe curse of a disagreeable
breath, when by using the "Balm of a Thou
sand Flowers" as a dentritice, would not only
render it sweet, but leave the teeth aa white
as alabaster 1 Many persons do not know
.their breath is bad, and the subject is so deli-
Wte their friends will never mention it. Be-
TOtfe of counterfeits. Be sure each bottle is
sigttkL FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y.
For all Druggists.
for sale at the Arcade by
** w A.C. MENSCH.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of Jehn Snyder, late of ike borough of
Berwick, deceased.
THE heirs and distributees of the estate of
I John Hnyder, late of theboroagh of Berwick,
in the county of Columbia, deceased, will
| take notice that the undersigned appointed
auditor by the Orphans Court of the oooniy
of Colombia, la make distribution of the
balance in the hands of Charles 'Snyder, ad
mmistrator of John Snyder, deceased, among
tiro heirs ol the decedent wt'l attend at his
office, in Bloomsburg, in said county, 011
Saturday, the 21et day of November next,
when and where all persona interested may
attend if they think proper.
Bloomsborg, Sept. 30, 1857.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the Petition of Joseph Eves for
Suhforim fa Jacob Swisher and Richard De
mon. EJCCIIIOIS of William Swisher, deed.
THE undersigned Auditor appointed by
the Court ol Common I'leas of the county of
Columbia to adjust the partnership accounts
between Joseph Eves and the late William
Swisher, deceased, will attend at his office in
Bloomsburg, on Friday the 20th day nf No
vember next, lor the purpose of attending to
the duties of his appointment, when and
where the parties interested may attend if
they think proper. W. WIRT,
Bloomsburg, Bept. 30, '57. Auditor.
A lid iter's Notice.
Estate of Bailie Appleman. late of Hemlock town
ship, Columbia County.
THE legatees and sll others interested in
the estate ol Balds Appleman, late of Hem
lock township, Columbia county, wdi take
notice that the undersigned appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Columbia comity, auditor
to make distribution of thu several balances
in the hands ol Caleb Appleman, Peter Ap
pleman and Bahis Appleman, Executors of
Bultis Appleman, deceased, will attend at
the office of Kohett F. Clark, Esq , in Blooms
burg, 011 Thursday, the )9th day of Novem
ber next, when and where all persons inter
ested may attend if they think proper.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 30 1857.
Public Sale ol' Real Estate*
In pursuance ol an order nt the Orphan's
Court of Columbia County, on SATURDAY
the 21st day of NOVEMBER next, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, Mathew McDowell,
administrator of Abner McDowell, late of
Scott township, in said county, deceased,
will expose to sale by public vendue, upon
the premises, a certain tract of land situate
ir. Orange township, in the county of Colum
bia, adjoining lands of William White on
the East, I'eter Schug on the North, and
lands of Mathew McDowell on the Smith
and West; containing eight acres more or
lcs. There ure erected on the premises a
two story log house, and Stable, a
FOR 1)1. R WILL,
Glazing House, Dry Mouse, Slack Mouse, &e.,
and a water power appurtenant. I.ate the
estate of said deceased, situate in the town
ship of Orange and county aforesaid. *
Any person inclined to go into the busi
ness of making powde- can find no property
better calculated for the business.
September 16, 1857.
Of all disease; the great, first cause
Spring* from neglect of Nature's laws.
* is guaranteed in all stages ot SECRET
bility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Diabetes,
Dispase* of the Kidneys anil Bladder, Mer
curial Rheumatism, Scrofula, fains in the
Bones anil Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs,
Throat. Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the
body or, Cancers, Drop.-y, Edileptio
Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases oris
iog Irom a derangement of the Sexual Or
Such as nrrvous trembling, less of memory,
loss of power, general weakness, dimness of
vision with peculiar spots appearing before the
cvus, loss of sight, wakefulness dyspepsia,
Liver disease, eruptions upon the face, pain
in the hack and head, female iiroeularities and
all improper discharges from both sexes. ft
matters not from what cause the disease origi
nated, however long standing or olisti ioto the
case, recovery is certain.and in a shortor time
than a permanent cure can be effected l>v any
other treatment, even after the disease has baf
i fled the skill of eminent physicians and resist
ed all the means of cure. The medicines are
pleasant without odor, causing r.o sickness
and free from mercury or balsam. During 20
yea is of practice, I have rescued from the
jaws of death many thousands, who, in the
last stages of the above mentioned diseases
had bean given up to die by their physicians,
which warrants me in promising to the afflict
ed, who may placs themselves under my care,
a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret dis
eases are the greatest enemies to health, as
they arc the first cause of Consumption, Scrof
' ula ami many other diseases, and should be a
' terror to the human family. As a permanent
cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of
j the cases falling into the hands of incompo
tent persons, who not only fuil to cure the
diteasrs but ruin the constitution, filling the
system with mercury, which, with the disease,
hastens the sutferei into a rapid consumption.
But should the disease and the troalment
' not cause death speedilv and the victim mar
ries, the disease i- entailed upon children, who
are horn with feeble constitutions, and the
current of life corrupted by a virus which be
trays itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Erup
lions and other affections of the skin, Eyes,
Throat and Lungs, entailing them to an early
Self-abuse is another formidable enemy to
health, for nothing elsg in the dread catalogue
of human diseases causes so destructive a drain
upon the system, drawing its thousands of
victims through a few years of suffering down
to an untimely grave, ft destroys the Ner
vous system, rapidly wastes away the energies
of life, causes mental derangement, preveuts
rbe proper development of the system, dis
qualifies for marriage, society, business, and
all eunMy happiness, auU leaves the suflcici
wrecked in body and wind, predisposed to
consumption and a tiain of evils moie to be
dreaded than death itself. With the fullest
confidence I assure the unfortunate violims ot
self.abuse that a permanent and speedy cure
can bo effected, and with the abandonment of
ruinous practices my patients can be restored
to robust, vigoious health.
'The afflicted are cautioned against the use of
Patent Medicines, for there aie so many inge
nious snares in tho columns of (lie public piints
to catch and loh tho unwary Bufferers that
millions have Iheir constitutions ruined by
thevilu compounds of quack doctors, or the
equally poisonous nostiurns v need as' Patent
Medicines.' 1 have carefully analyzed many
of the so called Patent Medicines and find that
nearly all ot them contain Corrosive Bunli.
mate, which is une of the strongest prepara
tions ef meicury and a deadly poison, which
instead of curing the disease disables the sys
tem for life.
'I hree-fourlhs of the patent nostrums now
in use are put up by unprincipled ami ignor
ant persons, who do not understand even the
alphabet of ihe Materia Medica, and are equal
ly as destitute of any knowledge of the hie tan
system, having one object only in view, nod
that to make money regardless of consequence.
Irregularities and all diseases of males and
females treated on principles established by 20
years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands
of the most remarkable cuies. Medicines with
full directions sent to any part of the United
States or Cauadas, by patients lommunicating
their symptoms by letter. Business correspon
dence strictly confidential. Address
J. SUMMERVILLK, M. D., Office No.
1131 Filbert Street, [Old No. 109) below
Twelfth, Philadelphia.
Farmers* Depei aad Plaster Hills*
Jit the Junction <f York j£venue and
CallowKxlt Street.
VV£ offer • large stook of Chemical Ma
nures and Fertilizers at low price*,-end war
ranted to be genuine: among which will be
-1.000 tons No. '1 Government Peruvian
1,000 lons Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphate
ol Lure.
Tho above standard articles are, each of
Aeir kind, the best in the wertd '. t Our Land
Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is
celebrated throughout the Union for ita purity
and strength.
De Bert's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime.
No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano.
French's Improved Sup-nhosphale ot Lime.
French's Philadelphia PoMitrell#.
No. I Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s.)
Mexican Guano (A.;
Extra Laml PlaMer, Ordinary Land Plaster,
Chemical Bone Pure hone Just.
Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal.
10.000 Barrels Land Plaster,
5,000 • Casting Piaster.
10.000 " Hydraulic Cement.
3,000 " True Roman Cement,
1,000 • Portland (Eng.) Cement.
Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.)
do Bituminous Coal, do
Ground Brown Stone, do
White Sand do
Ground Bricks for Painters
Chemical Bone dust.
Steam Mdls and Farmers' Depot,
At Junction of York Avenue, Crown and
Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia.
September 2, 1857.
In announcing (he THIRTEENTH annual
volume of the Scientific American, ibo pub
lishers respectfully iuloim the public that in
order tn increase and stimulate the lormation
of club*, they prooose to offer
for the fifteen largest lists ol subscribers sent
in by the Ist of January, 1858; said premi
ums to be distributed as follows:
For the laruest list, #300; 2d, 8250; 3d,
#200; 4th, $150; sth, 100; 61h,90;711i,58(>;
B.h, S7O; 9th. $80; lOtli, SSO; 11th, S4O; 12th,
$35; 131h, #3O; 14th #25; ISth. S2O.
Names of subscribers can be sent in at dif
ferent times and from different I'os; Otlices.
The cash will be paid to the orders of the
successful competitors, immediately after the
1-1 of January, 1858.
Southern, Western and Canada money will
be taken for subscriptions. Canadian sub
scribers will please to remit Twenty-six cts.
extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay
Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a year
or Doe Dollar fur six months.
Club Rates—Five copies, for six months,
$4; Five copies, for twelve months, $8; Ten
copies, for six months, $8; Ten copies for
twelve months, sls; Twenty copies, for 12
months, S2B.
For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the
yearly subscription is only $1 40.
The'new volume will be printed upon fine
paper with new type.
The general character of the Scientific Amer
ican is well known, and, as heretofore,it will
be chiefly devoted to the promulgation of
information relating to the various Mechani
cal and Chemical Arts, Manufacture, Agri
culture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering,
Mill Work, and all interests which the light
of Practical Science is calculated to advance.
It is issued weekly, in form for binding; tl
contains annually from 500 to 600 finely ex
ecuted Engravings, and notices ol American
and European Improvements, tegeiiier with
an Official List of American Patent Claims
published weekly in advance of all other pa
It is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific
American to present all snhjecta discussed to
its columns in a practical and popular lorm.
They will also endeavor to maintain a candid
fearlessness in combating and exposing false
theories and practice in Scientific and Me
chanical matiers, and thus preserve (he char
acter of the Scientific American as a reliable
Encyclopedia of Useful an<l Entertaining
Specimen copies will be sent gnlis to any
part of the country.
Publishers and Patent Agents,
No 128 Fubcn St., New York.
Sept. 1, T857.
At the Quaker City Fublishing House of
BY buying a book for one dollar or more
you are at once presented with a prize,
worth form 25 cents to SIOO, consisting of
Fine Gold Jewoliy, Watches,&c. All orders
by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize
or prizes will accompany the book. Our list
contains all of the most popular books of ihe
day, and will be sold at the usual -ctoil prices
many of them for less. Persons wishing any
particular book can order at once, and it will
be forwarded with a gift. A catalogue giving
full information, with a list of broks and gifts
will be sent post paid, by addressing
No. 33 South Third.St,, Philadelphia.
E?" Agents wanted.
Sept. 8, 1857.—3 m.
ESTRAYED from the subscribers! Camp
bell & Worden's Powder Mills, in Centre i
township, Columbia co., on Monday the I4ih
of September last, a voting WOT
with some blown epo's
her, and horns pointing down ■fflSßia®
ward. Five dollars reward will be given for
her recovery by the subscriber.
Centre, October 7, 1857.
List oC Letters
T3 EMAINING in the Post OfFce at Blooms
-*■*' burg, Pa., lor Ihe Quarter ending Sept.
301 h, 1857.
Barms Wm. Laman James
Bowman Harry 2 Moyer Jefferson
Downing Geo. Noway baac
Evans Catharine Norton J)hn A
Evans Joseph R M Oal Jesst
Evans Efiick Sharp Richard
Griffith David R Snyder Jicob
Galiegley Patrick Sciuiner J VV
Garvey John Story Janes J
Heister Joseph ShilmanMr.
Hart Patrick Steel Hanne
Hughes David Treats John B
Ham Peter S Woolf Thomas J
Haoser Sidenham William Lewis J
Hill Samuel White Geo. D
Kenenger J C David Jones 1 ryi
Ketcbum Peter Jamet Klinu > jr.
Knorr Thomas Robt. McDonald ) 7
Kirk Mary
Persons calling for the above letlera will
please say they are advettised.
Bloomsburg. Oct. 1.
TTpypnrTTT) r, lttmt LP, LLa-ar<£l>ea 3
WOULD call (be attention of all those who wish (o boy flood good* in his line, thai be hi*
just replenished hit (already) large and well selected ntsortment of Iho following or''"
clot, viz:—Drugs, Medicines, Oil*, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dpestoffs, Confectioneries, Per
fumery, fancy soaps and loilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobaoco of every variety and
brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer'* prices, PUßE U'IhESAND
BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters,
Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of (he
day. Toys, and an endless variety of useful anil laocy notions not here enumerated. Physi
cian's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up curefoily and at short notice. Glass Cutting
done to order at the eld stand. E. P. LUTZ.
Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857.
Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good ami extensive JOBBING MATERI
AL, is prepared lo execute nil kinds cf JOIt PRINTING in the
best CITY STYLE, and at short notice.
Certificates of Stock and Deposits,
Constitutions for Societies,
Dank Checks, Promissory Moles,
Rail Road anil other Tickets,
Catalogues, Paper Rooks, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards,
Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors.
Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office,
The public are invited to call anil see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron
age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship.
New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods !
S£Sf G2CE>„
HAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales
which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmer I now
offered in this TOWN! Having paid great .mention to the selection of their entire stock,
as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest,
and ail those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all
kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of
French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, (tarantella cloths
mohair lustres, muslin de laities, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c.
WHI TE WOODS OF ALL .KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs.
Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel
vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, &c.,
All kinds ol SHAWLS, brucke, Bay Slate, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Kmbrnder
ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassitners, sattmetls, vestirgs, tweeds
jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c.
We have a large assortment ot Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard
ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, fable and car
riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelirige,
drilling*. &c., in abundance.
We invite our friends and lite public generally to give us a call before purchasing else
where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by
anybody, or the rest of mankind.
Blootnsburg, April 15, 1857.
New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods.
INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeon Market
street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment ol men
and boy's wearing apparel, including
yox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls
slripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders
and fancy articles.
N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short nolice and in
the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear , and most ol it is ol home manufac
Blootnsburg, April 1, 1857.
I"TAS just received afid opened a full and
®-®- large assortment
which he will sell at the lowest living profit,
(lis stock embraces s'.ella, thibet ati.l crape
shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues,
lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &c
SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of
striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which
he intends to sell at vety reduced prices.
An immense stock of embroideries, such
as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen
cers, sleeves, Swies and jaconet edgings and
inserlings, linens, cotton and thread laces,
flouncings and embroidered curtains.
DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings,
checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan
nels, table diaper and ready-made bags.
ITlcn and Boys' Wear.
Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, jeans, cotton
ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c.
A very large assortment of new style car
pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply. in
grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths.
A large assortment of Ladies' & Childrens'
Shoes, which he will sell very cheat).
A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, hiy! "1
&c. Also Hardware Queenßware,oßßl2D
Crockery and Wooderiware.
ES"" Flour and Feed always lor sale at the
lowest market prices for cash.
Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857.
AN Agency for the sale ol these Machines
for this and the adjoining counties can be
secured on liberal terms by a personal appli
cation to the subscribers, t>lh and Arch Sis.,
Philadelphia. No one need apply without
capital sufficient to conduct the business
properly, and without references as to relia
bility and capacity.
We possiitvely assert that these Machines,
for all purposes of
are in every respect superior to any Sewing
Machine in market, (no matter at what
prices they are held at) and will wherever
offered for sale command a ready and un
limited demand.
Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1857.-Im.
BOOK BINDER, has located in Blooms
burg, where he will bind books, period
icals and pamphlets in any desirable style
and manner; and at reasonable prices. He
will bind newspapers and magazines, plain,
in library style or in morocco ornamented.
He has his place of business in Hopkins
ville with Mr. F. Isler.
Bloomsburg, Jnly 13, 1857.
HATS AND CAPS on hand and for sale at
the Arcade by
May 27. 57 A. C. MENSCH.
ca ZJD 133 SXJ *l2*9
fiiizcrnc A omily, Pa.
THK Trustees of this Institution respectfully
announce, 'hat it will lio opene i for the
reception of Pupils, of lioth sores, on Monday,
October 20lh next, under the immediate care of
l'rof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal.
Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire,
menu, and enlarged experience as ail educator
and has been connected with tho most popular
"High School" of Bucks (Jo. for several years.
He is also well and favorably known as a con
tributor to some of our leading educational peri
Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Head
ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng.
Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra.
Geometry. Mensuration, Plane and Spherical
Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron
omy, &c. Book-Keeping, History, Physiology,
Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy,
and Chemistry.
Classes in the French, Spanish Latin
languages will be formed as early as practica
ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be
given if desired.
WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural
Sciences, illustrated by spptopriate apparatus
will also l o given.
SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to
young Ladie3 and Gentltmen designing 'o qual
ify themselves as Teachers.
FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollats per Quarter
in accordance with the studies pursued, pa) able
one half in advance and the balance at the close
of the Quitter.
GOOD BOARD can be bad in the village at
a moderate price.
ly Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi
cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the
day of commencement, when his method of
imparting instruction will be illustrate,), and
the discipline nd management of the cbool,
fully explained.
Parents, Guardians, and the friends of edot-a
tion generally, are cordially invited to be pres
Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. '
Administrator's Notice, i
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad- j
ministration upon the estate ot John Welliver j
late'of Madison township, Colombia county, :
deceased, have been granted to the under
signed residing also in the said township of
Madison. All persons indebted to the estate
are requested to make payment without de
lay, and t hose havingaccounts for settlement
to present them to
Jersey-town, Aug. 14, IBb7.
A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints
just received by railroadand for sale Or
-40,000 tor „ the Arcade by
May 37, '57 A C MENSCH
03V190 STASkCTS,
HAS eatablished • greater celebrity than
haa ever been obtained .by any other
Thia 'hae been the remit of it* marked iff*
periority in quality, and ita id-variable uni
The public may be aarured of the continu
ance of the high standard now emsMished.
The production is ever Twenty Ton* daily")
and the demand has extrmled throughout the
whole of the United Slates, and to foreign
Working thus on a -very 'ia'tfh scale, and
under a rigid system, they are aide to -rears
a perlect nd uniformity in ibequafity i n rough
out the year. 'Tins is the great DeeKhrrarurm
in Starch making, and is realized now for
the firl time.
The very best stercfi that'ran be made,anl
no other, is always >i ted by consumers,
and while this tvill be supplied to them by
the croeers, a* soon a* their customers hat e
learned which is the best, and ask for it—-
otherwise they would lie
article 0:1 which the Isigesl profit can ba
Mr. Kingsford ha* been engaged in the
manufacture of atarch <roiinuoii*ly lor tha
last 27 years, and during the wholtr of the
period, the starch maile under Ins supervis
ion has been, bevond unv question, tiie best
in the market. For tho "first 17 years, he had
the charge of the works of Wm. Colgate Sc
Co., at which period he invented the process
ol the manufacture of corn starch.
VST .Ist Jor Kn.gifurd's Slarfh, in Iht name
Osirtgo hn uxtutly Lien Infers fy another Jat
(Fur Puddings ijv .)
Has obtained an equal celeOri'y wiih their
Starch for the Laundry. This article is per
fectly pure, and is, in every respect, equal to
the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, besides hav
ing additional qualities which render it inval
uable for tho dessert.
Potato Starch has been extensively packed
and sold as Corn Starch, and has given false
impressions to many, as to the real merits of
our Corn Starch
From its great delicacy and purity, n i*
coming aLo into extensive use as a diet lor
infants and invalids.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agents.
198 Fulton Street, N. Y.
23 South Wharves, I'll i lad'a.
July 28, 1857—3 in.
! / A Itclired Phyticsian
| I Whose eiindsof life have nearly run out,
I discovered while in the East Indies, a cer
tain cure for Conmmplion, Asthma, Hron
-1 chnia, Coughs, Cold*, and General Debility.
1 The remedy was discovered by him when
| his only child, a daughter, was (given up to
| die. lie had heard much ol the wonderful
: restorative and healing qualities r.f prepare
! lion? made Irom the East India Hemp, snri
the thought occurred that he might make a
remedy lor his child. He studied hard and
; succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child
( was cured, and is now aliie and well. He
| has since administered the wonderful reme
! dy to thousands ol sufferers in all parts of
j the world and he has never lailed in making
i litem completely healthy and happy, U'tsn
; itig to do as much good as possible, he will
send to such of his uflLeied fellow-beings
j as request it, this recipe, with full and ex
! plicit directions for making it tip, and success-
J fully using it. He reqnires each applicant to
inclose him one shilling—three cents to he
I returned as postage on the recipe, and the ■
remainder to be applied to the payment §
of this ailvoriisement. Address W
Dr. 11. JAMES, No. 19 Grand Srrpef, F
Sept. 23,-lrn ] Jersey City,N. J. /
! By virtue of an order ol the Orphan's Court
; of Columbia county, Solomon Neyhard, Ad
| mmietrator of Beoj irnin Haymaa, deceased,
will, on
SATURDAY, the 24th of OCTOBER,
i next, at 1 o'clock. P. M , expose to public
j sale upon the premises, in Orange township,
i Columbia county, at the laic residence of the
decedent, the following real estate •
j iheeast end of the farm, a'joining lands of
i Wm. Delong, Jacob Raub, Win. Mears, and
! other lauds of B. Hayman's estate, and con-
I mining
CO Acres find 104 Perches,
1 on which there are erected a Frame Hoii-e
and a Barn. There is a good spring of water
l on llie premi-e, and all kinds of fruit trees
; About fitly acres are cleared land.
At the same lime there will be sc,|!
adjeinittg the above property, two of it,em on
the west containing respectively 5$ and 7 j
acres: the other four on the south, containing
. respectively 5 acres 31 perches, 5 acres 112
perches, 5 acres 126 perches, and 5 acres 99
perches, and adjoining lands ol Benj Seiner,
R. Siller and D. Montgomery.
At the same time and place there will be
sold tbe decedent's interest in a
Limestone Quarry,
in Centre township, satj county; io wit, the
undivided J of a quarter acre of ground.
Late the estate of said Benj Hayman, de.
ceased, ol Orange township. Columbia co.
Orange township. Sept. 29, 1857.
Full Stock oT Fall Dry Goods.
¥?YRE & t.ANDELL, Fourth it Arch Sts.,
Philadelphia, respectfully request Cash
Buyers to examine a tine stock of Seasonable
Goods, adopted to Best Pennsylvania Trade.
Full Lire of Fall Dress Goods.
New designs of Fall Shawls.
GooJ Black Silks of all widths.
4 Cases assorted French Merince*.
7 " Pod de Cbevres, New Goods.
Britsh and American Dark Prints.
Satinets, Cassimeres, Cloths & Vesting*.
Muslins, Linens, Flannels. Blankets, &c.
N B—Auction Bargains from New York
and this t v daily received. Particular at
tention given to Country orders for desirable
Goodg— Terms Kelt Cask.
Sept. 1, 1857 3mos,
THE subscriber announces that he will
carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at hi*
brewery in Hopkinsville where be will make
and everything in that line of business He
will also repair work of all kinds, and will do
it skillfully and at fair prices.
Bloomsburg, June 2, 1557.
A tew competent agents warned for tbe
Camprektnsne Gtagrapko and History ancitnt
it rid modern nf tin World;'' by S G Goodrich,
(Peter PsrleJ). handsomely bound and pro-'
tusely illustrated. Piice S3. SoJ only by
Agents, tc whom rare inducements are oliet
ed. Address,
No 172 William Street. New York.
ofporper ie desirable forms, fo* sale at the
office of the "Stay of the North."