The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 30, 1857, Image 1
■ Pi ——- ————■■ ggggggg 1 ! 11 THE STAR OF THE NORTH. a. w. Heaver, Proarleler.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH ts PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY R. \V. tVRAVKR, OFFICE— Up ftai rs, in the tiete britk build tug, on rte sonflk side oj Main Street, third situate bdow Market. I'KI MS:—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re teived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted Until all arrearages hre paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square Will be inserted three times for One Dollar, htid twenty-five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. __ Choice IJoe UD. SOIIKIIOUt- Somebody's courting somebody, Somebody or other lo night, Somebody's whispering to somebody, Somebody's lisi'mng to somebody, Under the olear moonlight. Near the bright river'a flow, Running so still and slow, Talking so soft and low, She aita with somebody. Pacing the ocean's shore, Edged by the foßming roar, Word*, never breathed before, Sound aweet to somebody. Under.the'maple tree. Deep though the shidow be, Plain enough they oan see— Bright eye# has somebody. No or.n sits up to wait, Though she is out so late— All know she's at the gate, Talking with somebody. Tip-toe to the parlor door— Two shadows on the floor- Moot.light reveals no more- Susy and somebody. Two, aiding aids by side, flout with the ebbing lidd, Thus, dearest, may we glide Through life,'" sayß somebody. Somewhere, somebody Makes love to somebody, To-night. 1 he Mutiny In Inditt. The F.nglish papers ere full of the details of the mutiny in India. The massacre at Cawnpore i confirmed in all its horrors.— But General Havelock has since soverely punished Nana Sahib at Fultehpore, where the English troops behaved gallantly. At Agra, the disaster to the English was not un qualified. The enemy they were opposed to lost severely. The consequence ol the movement appears to hare been that the mutineers abandoned the idea of assaulting the position, and marched off to Delhi. Another set of mutineers, wbo bad march ed off from Seaikote in the Puiijaub, to reach Delhi, hare teen met and routed by Briga dier Nicholson. This affair took place on the banks of the Raveo, on of the principal tirereof the Punjaub. The mutineers had already ctosaed the stream, w(jen Nicholson fell upon theui, loroed them back, and com pelled litem to take shelter on an island.— Here he carried their position, slew a large number, and drove the remainder into the stream. At Delhi no progress hid been made, the British waiting for reinforcements. The Se poys have made two sorties, but were beat en bark. Mean Hod furrier. The Philadelphia Bulletin has the follow ing description ol a "Steam Hod Carrier," whioh was in operation on a new building in that city on Thursday: ''The motive power was a small locomo tive-looking iteam engine, upon wheels, which, although stationary at the time, look ed at though it eould be moved readily from point to point. A mammoth hod, holding twelve or fifteen limes the quantity of bricks and mortar whiob could be carried by the •toutesl laborer, waa whisked to the lop of the building in a trice by the same hod car rier, with the aid of a crane and a block and taekle. One man attended the engine, an other loaded the mammoth hod, a third at tended to its rafe delivery op eloft, and without toil orfusa or sweat the little steam engine did the work of fully filteen men. HKAVCN.— Can mortal minds concaiye the glory of that upper sphere, where the sun never goes down and night oan never come f Where the river of life rolls its crystal waves arouod the high white throne of the gteat Eternal. Fairer flowers than any Flora's hand bae strewn on earth, bloom in the fields of immortality. Cherub forms float on the waves of music, swept from the golden harps of God's elect. Earth's brightest soo beams ere bat dirkneet compared to the light that catenates from the sun of righteousness. Frail mortals deem it shadowy land! Not so I There no clouds come to dim the light of elernal day! Sorrow never flings its dark mantle o'er the sinless dwellers there. Ship wrecked mtriuer, tossed on life's tempestu ous sea! Weary pilgrim, treading the path that leads to death ! Let not earth's fleeting pleasures deceive you; trust alone in Heaven. —Kate Clair. Pern is still agitated by one of those fre quent revolutions which are the bane of our stater republics on this Continent. A Brother of Mrs. Cunningham, it is stated, Is oow confioed in jail at Riverbead. He ie said to be a very bad obarecter. In Philadelphia there is a widow lady who has iwaniy-five children, ell Uvihg at heme, MJ none of ibem married. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAi, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1857. REPORT OF R. W. WEAVER, ESQ., COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, Of Columbia County fir the year ending June Ist, 1857. In this cbunty the schools geheiklly begin lo open about the first of November, and cloee aboot the first of March, without hav ing a term of publio school ill summer. This is unfortunate, as reducing the time of school visitations to four months, sod those the most inclement of the year. It also prevents the attendance of young sobolars; and evbn of Ilia older scholars with that regularity which is desirable and profitable. There ia, however, some improvement in thin respect, cod in sevetal of the most thinly settled dis triots, the directors have resolved upon a summer torm. Examinations and Teat here—ln November last I made a series of appointments through the county, to meet and examine teachers; but, as in previous years, the attendance of teachers and directors was not so general as it ought to have been, to indicate and inspire that interest in publio education which an intelligent community ought alwaya to feel. The teuchets stay away, because many ol them know that they are only apprentices in the profession, though in most cases they hare improved all the scant opportunities lor mental improvement that were in their reach. Most of them frankly confess their incompetency, and excuse it by the want of proper instruction. In many oases I have found it necessary to instruct teachers, rather than to examine them. In order lo find teachers for all the schools of the county, I was still compelled lo give certificates of a lower grade than was desirable ; and indeed to some teachers so deficient, that they con fessed thqy would have preferred to go to school as scholars, instead of teschors. Hut 1 know that our county is not worse, in this respect, than many others; and the evil can only bo cured when Normal schools are once established.. We improve slowly, each year, by heavy effort ; but it ia only in a pace with the general progress of knowledge in the community, and the schools do not, as they ought, lead the publio mind. Within the time of my official service the wages of teachers have raised, so as to be now quite up to the grade of qualifications, and in many cases are rather above. It is io be hoped that the pay will remain up, and the teachers will now prepare themselves to earn it, by organizing a teachers' institute. True excellence will always command good wtget. Wiihin the past year 1 granted one hun dred end twelve temporary certificates, and three permanent ones. Ten applicants were relused certificates. Tho teachers of last year, in most cases, hold these certificates with some improvements. Their ages, time of service, and relative capacity, would rank very much ss in my statistics of last year. 80 also would the condition of the school hourea, and their destitution of furniture, for there has been very little change in (his re spect. Visitation*.— l visited all the schools I could withiu the short months they were open, and found in most of them a decided im provement since my first visit in 1855. Twenty five schools I could not reach while they were in session. Catawissa is the only district in which I found retrogression from the excellent graded schools of last year.— I found twenty little abecedarians, and ten diflerent reading books, in a school which the teacher was expected to make " Qrsl rate." In general the manner of aludy and recita tion has become more natural and more comprehensible to the scholars, and they have come to think more upon the subject of their lessons. There is, however, still great room for improvement, and in no branches more than in arithmetic and composition. I have found that the most benefit resulting from a supervision of the public schools is in the work at home, where almost every dsy some teacher, director or citizen came for information, o; with a bill of complaint. It ia in explaining the workings of the com mon school system, in reconciling difficulties and misunderstandings, and in preventing feuds and law-soils, that most good can be done. Still, visitations are necessary, and it is highly desirable that those of the Suner inlendent should be followed by others from the directors. The examination of teachers has a very good moral influence in driving incompetent persons out of the business of keeping school, and in exciting among fit teachers a laudable spirit of pride to sustain a respectable exam ination, and obtain a good certificate. Al though the school law of 1849 required an examination of teachers, its directions in that respect were not generally observed in (his county, and where an examination was attempted it was very superficial and imper fect. Progress.—Three years ago there were no graded achoola In the county; oral arithmetic waa almost unknown aa a school exercise, and music unheard, except in one or two schools. There had been no pnblio school examinations or exhibitions of any free school in the county, and co association of lbs teachers for progress or improvement.— Now almost all the towns have graded schools; oral instruction is applied as a strong element in every district of the county; music it a common branch of instruction and refinement; publio examinations and exhibitions are coming to be considered as necessary incidents ol the term, and wiihin my time of eervioe there bate bean six meetings of tea chars' association. Last summer proceeding* wart commenc ed to remove the directors of Roaring Creek for oot opening schools and laying lax; and that district last winter, for the first time, aoted upon the common school syatem, and furnished public instruction to all itsohildren. I shall therefore have the gratification of seeing, for the first lime in the history of the county, that every township is acting under the common school •system when my offici al connection with its closes. Tuxafton.—l believe that the people of this county are generally disposed lo treat the system of State instruction with fairness and justice. The present method of sustaining the schools is certainly the best I can con catvo. If they were supported entirely by a State appropriation, thia being raised by a tax on the property of the whole Stale, would be without any reference to the inter est of each district, communliy|in its peaoe, security end order; and without regard to the duty of parental provision for instruction.— The opposite system *of private schools is based on a sort of poll- tax, which contem plates only the duty of the parent, and ig nores tha duly of the State and its interest in the peaoo and progress of society. The poor oould not bear their share of a poll school tax; and, therefore, the present method of supporting schools in part by a district tax, and for the rest by a State tax, is a fair com promise and disposition of the burthen. The district tax must ltecessarilly be witb refer ence to tha number of children to be edu cated, based on the duty of pnrents and the ability of children lo be of service in earn ing a common education. The State appro priation ia the contribution of the properly of the State for its protection, and of the so cial system of the State for the preservation and progress of its civilization. Exposure to severe and inclement weath er last winter so much impaired my heatih, that I did not think it right to continue any longer my conr.eolion with the office I have held. If it has not been profitable it has at IRHSI been pleasant, both by reason of the kindness and courtesy extended to me in the county, and that also received from the Do paitment at Harrisburg. The Lnw rrotectlng Fruit Arc. At the request of a neighbor and friend, who has suffered from depredations of thieves and unruly persons, we publish belnw the Law to protect Fruit and punish Trespass in this Commonwealth, as a warning to the of fenders : SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Benate and House of Representatives of the Common wetdth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That the wilful taking and carry ing away of fruit, vegetables, plants, orna mental trees, vines or shrubs, in this Com monwealth, whether attached to the soil or not, shall be deemed and the same is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and may be prose cuted and punished as such under.the laws of ! th>s Commonwealth. | SEC. 2. That any person or persons Who ■hall wilfully end maliciously enter or break down, through or over any orchard, garden or yard fence, hotbed, hot or green house, or who shall wrongfully club, stone, cut, bark, break or otherwise mutilate or damage any nut, fruit or ornameutal (tee, shrub, bush, plant or vine, trellis, arbor, hntbed, hot or green house, or who shall wilfully and mali ciously trespass upon, walk over, beat down, trample or in any wise injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or other growing crop, shall and may, on conviction thereof in action of trespass before any mayor, burgess, alder man, justice of tl°e peace,'or in any court of law, have judgment against him, her or them for treble the amount of damage proven (0 have been done, with cost of suit; one half the damage or penalty to go to the use of the poor of the district wherein the premises lie, the other half of the damage or penalty to the use of the owner of the premises on which the said trespass shall or may be committed, and in default of payment of the said fine or judgment, with costs of suit; the party con victed may and shall be committed to the jail of the proper county for Dot less than three nor more than twenty days ; eaid complaint or action to be made in the name of the Commonwealth, and the testimony of the owner or occupant of the premises shall be admitted as evidence to prove the trespass. Monkish Legends. In one of his notes to "Laeon t " Colton gives the following account of the marvel lous things wrought in the bosom of the "mother church" in ancient times. Some ot the saints, especially Dunstan,Dorainicus and Lupus, must have been fond of a practical joke, and pretty 'cute bauds at playing it ofi, too, to have so far gotten the weather-gage of the devil—for he is said to be a "full hand." These legends abound with stories of pro digious things, some of which are very ludi crous such as St. Swiihin's making whole a basket of eggs by the sign of the oross: Pa trioious making the stolen sheep bleat in tbe thief's belly after he had eaten it; then, St. bacon, which in great charity, aha gave to a hungry dog, and was, after the dog had eaten it, restored again in her kettle. Of the like nature is the story of St. Duustau, who took the devil by the nose with the tonga and held him until be roared with pain Dominicus made him hold the candle till he burned his fingets. Lupus imptisoned tbe devil in a pot all night. A consecrated hoet being put into a hive of baas, to cure them of tbe murrain, woa *0 devoutly entertained, that tbe beee built a chapel in the hive, with a steeple and bell; erected an altar, and laid the hoet upon it, and eung their canonical hours Ilka monks In a cloister." Troth and Right—God and our Cooutrj. TUB QiJI^TIHO. The day is set, ihe Mi** met, And at the frame an* Mated ; In order plao'd, they work in batte, To est the quilt completed. While finger* fly, theit tongue* they ply, And animate theit labor*, Dy counting beaux,discussing clothes, Or talking of their neighbors. "Dear, what a pretty frock you've on"— •"I'm very glad you like it." "I'm told that Mis Micomiaon Don't apeak to Mr. Mioat." "1 raw Mite Bell the other ilgy, Young Green"* new gig ndorning "What keeps yout sister Mo— away V "She left town this morning." "Tts time to roll"—"my ngrdla'a broke"— '•So Menacn'a stock la sailing •'Mary 1 * wedding gown'* bespoke"— "Lend mo yout eci*ora, Kllen." "That mutch wUI never cume about"— "Now don't fly in a passion• "Hair-puffs, they say, are going out"— "Yee, curls are all the fashion." The quill is done, the tea begun— The beaux are all collecting ; The table's cleared, the music heard— His partner eacli selecting. The merry band in order stand, The danoo begins with vigor) And rapid feet the measure beat, And trip the mazy ftgnro. Unheeded fly the moments by, Old Time liimself seems daucing, Till nights dull eye is op'd to spy The steps of inorn advancing. Then closely atnw'd to each abode, The oarrisge* go tilting; And many a dream has for its theme, The pleasure of the quilting. From the Home Journal. liITKRESTING TO I.ADIES. PERSONAL BEATUY —ITS RELATION TO MOItAt. BKAUTY ANU TO ART.—nV OEMO C. SCOTT. Immediately aftsr tho Creation, the Father of all looked on Ins wotk and saw that it was good. Since the Fall his best children have looked on the same and pronounced it beau tiful. Despite Ihe great calamity, the mark of God's finger is still upon us ; for man, though he went forth from tliu presence of his Maker and shunned Ilia eye, was never for saken by Him. Now, although Goodness and Beauty were not synonymous terms, yet in this essay wo shall endeavor to show how intimately they are Connected. The Pagans represented Psyche, or the Soul, as delicately beautiful, with a force that almost seemed to speak, so eloquent was it—which, indeed, could bo read, for it symbolized innocence, loveliness, and goodness ; and the books which we now peruse merely symbolize the thoughts devel oped in Ihe souls of writers. Not so Venus ; fuller and more lusciously beautiful, she cre ated merely sensual desire, and inspired the best of her worshippers with almost inextin guishable yearning to become like hor, loose zoned and careless of all higher aspirations- Bnl when Psyohe was born, (or, in other words, the soul was lighted up,) pleasure loving as the Greeks were, they were not so degraded that they could not perceive the greater worth of their new acquisition, and they left the shrine of Venus with all her fac inations, for that of her inestimable rival.— Thai they returned the better from their jour ney who may deny, seeing that the children of her worshippers became philosophers of Greece, the humanizers of Rome, and the art teachers of the Universe. Home, 100, embraced external beauty ere she sought internal. She worshioped Venus before she became Christian; but she never forgot her Greek instruction. She adored her churches, and her sons sought out the fairest ; slaves to wait at their tables, which love of the beautiful brought Christianity to the An ! glo-Hritish children for sale to Rome, and there in the market-place Gregory admiring them, pronounced theso remarkable words, "Son Angti, ad angeli " (not Angles, bot An gels.) That they must have been beautiful who can doubt when they called forth such an exclamation from the father of the Church —from ooe who dwelt in the old metropolis of the world, into which all the spotls ol ev ery nation had once been emptied. That when England became Christianized she did not decrease in besuty, is sufficiently evident from the many records which have come down to us. The statutes which re main of the ladies of the thirteenth centnry in their graceful draperies hare almost al ways beautiful faces ; and the Troubadours of France who perpetually abuse the Eng lish, cannot help calling the women the 'most fair of earth's angels.' Flaxman, too, a mar. who prided himself on being classical, was constrained to praise these monuments of English beauty. But just abcut Elizabeth's reign, art in England perished for aDove two huodred years. A few portrait painters re mained, because English beauty could not be destroyed forever. And in Elizabeth's reign, too, personal beauty culminated in her great men and women, and with the wane of art declined loveliness of mind, body and soul. But the love of art haa again risen in Eng land, and with it will her sons and her daugh ters return to the beealy of their ancestors, for mind moulds matter. It it the brain of the potter, and not the hand, which fashion# the beautiful vase; the hand is the slave—lirabet Helot of the graceful Peyehe—and is often untrustworthy; not oarrytng out the artist's conceptions. It ie the fiat ol Cod that make* lire what it ie. Man ie only the inetiumeot, and he likewise ie often unmindful of hie true). That it it the mind which moulds the mat ter, we may eaaily convince o ureal tree by a little ordinary reflection. We walk iwto the oi'y, end these we tee auaious hi bet makes these but business' We meet the crowds leaving an execution, and in them we behold specimens of humsnity which almost make us ashamed of the namo man or wom an—what tr.akef these but vice? We visit a well condnoled orphan asylum, the off spring of various tempers and temperaments, and there we perceive joyousness and inno cence, for no child is born with an anxious face; no infant ia sent Into the world with s hang-dog countenance. Even where the stamp of vice has begun to set its set!, it may be effuced by care. Her Majesty has in her possession some photographs of boys snatch ed from the streets, whose faces allet a few months training were scarcely to be triced in those portraits of their former features.— l'honlography so nearly speaks the truth, thai it is likely to become a great adjunct to art eduoation. Truo if enlarges the prominent features, and deepens the shadows as the world exaggerates the great charac'eiistios of a man; but it cannot ornate mind. Look ut Albert Durer'i 'Man of Sorrows'—that heav enly face with a suffering body—and compare it with the phontograph recently imported— a vicious blase actor in a greasy wig ! Sun of heaven, they use thee badly when they put thy life-creating beams to such uses. Then, too, there is a fine piece nl spectacular en graving, published by the Galvanographic Company, called 'Don Quixote ;' but where is tho amiab'e Don 1 A ruffianly 'pstcrer' in a chair surrounded by stage properties, with his eyes turned up, is there, having left his vocation of selling 'bull-roarers' on'y'apettny for the sitting. Wonderful as the discovery of phonlogra phy, and minute an are itsdelineelions, ii can oidy copy. Art can create, but can create only up to the conception of a painter. Lei)'a women hare no minds; Lawrence's ladies smull moralities—like their painters. Geo. Moreland loved pigs, Meniere beer-drinkers, Sir Joshua Reynolds children, and their art has been graced in accordance theiewilh ; while the amiable Fra Angelico, although so successful in his 'Paradise,' —when he came to paint Satan and his crew in the 'Last Judg ment,' drew only distortions, and Giolli was so successful with his Mandonna—the Moth er of mothers—that the very women of Flor ence wept as it was carried iri procession to church. What a stride between this angelic face and the first portrait drawn in charcoal by tho hand of love which turned to diamonds to light up the cotiage of a forlorn girl! Par see like, we give thanks to the sun for hav ing destroyed that prolific race which distorted the 'human divine' at five shillings per sit ting; thanks, many thanks to it, for having dissolved the portrait clubs, which soweo inanitios broadcast over '.be land at five guin eas per head. We English have ever been fond of por traits, and have perhaps the largest collection in the world, coald we gather them together; not that we are vainer of our personal ap pearance than other nations, but home hab its seem to have developed in us an especial love for portraits and landscapes. There is scarcely a book whose sale baa not been en hanced by a portrait of the author, if perhaps we except l< Dilworth" and other spelling as sistants, with which are often accompanied unpleasant reminiscences. The portrait helps to illustrate the writing, and a clever work without one is like talking to a beauty behind a curtain. But we often err in. taking those portraits. We select any time of life, any condition of mind, and that we transmit to posterity as the likness of '.he man ; whereas it is but a glimpse, little more than a shadow, of the living form. Ask the mother if ever a painter drew all the sweetness to be found in her beloved cbild'e eyes; question the lover aboot the locket at which he gazes so oft and so earnestly, and see how he will disparage the artist! Yet true love is not blind, as the ancients depicted it. It looks beneath the surface—it searches the heart, and discovers the connection between that ar.d the face - Hatred is blind. Like the blow fly which seeks tainted parts, it can only discover de fects. The poet, the painter, the musician, and all who deal in poetic expression,should be painted as soon as the fire of tneir eye* breaks forth ; the historian, the philosopher, and all who think deeply just as thought be gins to line their brow ; the holy man in his grey hairs; while women of all classes snould be selected for portraiture ere Time with his rough fingers has brushed the bloom from ber cheeks. This may seem very fanciful to some minds but there is as much reason in it at in selecting the flower when in its prime —the rose-bud for its beauty, the opening pe tals for the scent. We have little conception how ranch love liness is coupled with goodoess. because so many of the beautiful are dragged through the sink-hole of vies, yet we still keep on with that inherent love of the elegant which the Father of all beaoty has planted in as. selecting lovely wives end adorning oer off spring with every ornament which can set off their charms to advantage. Indeed, it is trot easy to conceive the future destuiv ot the human race when the reign et peace shall begin—when the second Paradise, tor which all sigh, shall be realised. Then the circle of life being completed, women will reap pear as beautiful as her mother F*e tor beauty is normal, ugliness abnormal But what will man have gamed f Knowledge He had cho-w-i to kuew the tart*:, he tuues | suffer from .t—conception of the looting te not sufficient ; it must b* nursed and fed with the hie spring of his bosom. Ibcthm choice S—hut the man who a t hre soul shall ccvn^wsr ro recover th- loet personal beamy o< ih* human race many yearn at inhor as it has taken many caalamM to mekw th* moet degraded Mtmae tkuwt ugly . ' that i ie to be attained. alt history pomm out lo us. The Turks by intermarriage with their lovely neighbors have turned the for mer ugliness to elegance, while the de scendants of the Prophet (the handsomest man of Jits time) at Medina, on the same i have almost transformed thorn- i selvus, intwtegroes. During the lime tkjM. Turks a conquering people they re- j tained thelfk ancient unlovelincss, but seon ! after they settled in Turkey, they grfltf idle, married women bolter educated than ihotd- ' selves, and the latter transmitted thoir beauty j to their offspring. Tho face of a beautiful good women at home is like tho spirit of an angol in the house, with tho air of heaven still about her, and the light of tho Eternal City in her face; but n false countenance, like veneer, cannot stand in tho sunshine of truth hut warps and twists, and turns into every fantastic form, yet novor by clianco comes straight. Tlie Sunday l.iquor Isir- Chief Justice Ellis Lewis, on Thursday last heard, at the Court House, in I'otti ville, an application made by F. W. Hughes, Esq , for the allowance of a writ of error, in the case of the Commonwealth ui. I-ewis Iteeie, recently convicted of the violation of the law of 1855, prohibiting lbs sale of intox icating liquors on Sunday. Mr. Hughes ar gued in support of the application, that the third section of the law is unconstitutional, because it -provides s second criminal pro ceeding and punishment in the Court of Quarter Sessions in addition lo the proceed ing and penalty before a Justice of the Peace provided for in the second section. Judge Lewis declined to grant the writ of error, be cause In the case ol lleese, the defendant had not been proceeded against and paid the pen ally before a Justice of the Peace before he was convicted in Court; but the Judge sta ted that if a case should hereafter arise where the defendant chargpd with violating the Sunday law, and who hid been coivicted before a Justice of the Peace and paid the penalty, should be afterwards prosecuted for the same offence in the Court of Quarter Ses sions and after pleading the first conviction and punishment in bar for forther prosecu tion, should be convicted and sentenced to an additional penally in Court, he would al low a writ of error, in order to bring the ques tion before the Supreme Court.— Harrisburg Telegraph. Ancient Families. It is well known that the Highlander! are great Sticklers for hereditary honors, and trace back, with the most earnest veneration, the origin of families into the remotest ages. An amosing instance of this tenacity to hold to the dignity and anliqoity of their kindred, may be found in the cae we subjoin. A dispute arose between Campbell and M'Lean upon this never-dying subject.— M'Lean would not allow thai the CantipbetW bad any right tot rank with the M'Lesns in antiquity, who he insisted, were in existence as a clan from ths beginning of the world Campbell had a little more biblical lore than his antagonist, and asked him if the M'Lean clan lived before the flood? " Flood! what flood 1'" said M'Lean. " Why the flood that, you know, drowned all the world bot Noah, and bis lamlly, and his flock," replied Campbell. " Pooh! you and your flood. ' raid M Lean, ,: my clan was afore the flood." " I have not read in ihe Bible," said Camp bell, "of the name of M'Lean going into No ah's ark " Noah's ark retorted Mfyan, irj con tempt, "who ever heard of a M'Lean, that bad not a boat of his own I" Rents m Ckicngti —We learn from a gen tleman just arrived from Chicago, that three months since, ou his arrival at that city, he tried to lease a store for a stock of carriages. He could at that time find but one, and that not a very eligible one. which was offered at a rent of S3OO per month. He declined it. and the store remained unoccupied for months, when it was finally offered to him for nothing. The failing of rents in Chica go is not at all surprising. The depression in money matters has cooled the fever of land speculators, and thrown a large amount of property upon the market. T\e E.gftfi Fool m Seta Oi nuu.—boree nine years since, a letter was received i.t New Orleans, directed --To the biggest tool in New Orleans." The post-master was absent, and oa his return one of the young er clerks in the office informed him of the the receipt of the letter "And what be came of it!" inquired the P M "Why replied the clerk. I did not know who the biggest fool in New Orleans was and so t opened the ietter myself I" -'And what did yoa find in itinquired the P. M "Why , " responded the clerk, nothing but the words, -thou art the man!" Cutmut V'octut —Vbe loiowieg ow *>*ata <H • patriot teal poet cat project oq • D*t eppean >u iße Setec* Pemocrei keep year etee tfieJ on 'neAwefteaa Wttom we u tße .>tonj Snj of teetia* hai■'; Fot *Bjl wise low! *Ol ceo new -ne<ye. By liepoßitusf wit oa B<e *eeentß> tail Miuitr —O* the taK .Mr Strange to Me grange all ef thia aitw. YB* ; a trie c£gt> hat jfooafc> -he aext o'eo: ww a utkie OT An Obue pnimetia we So wary, ta a► paSii® epeect, that Be coaei Sang *a • mee* Be a p'* w e aa* -*he w * Ye* Beat qaaaa * gee*.teal )ekM, tepae*a tsar [Two Dollars pot Attauit NUMBER 38- WHAT IB TROUBLE. [ A company of Bouthorn ladij7*wefe one ; day assembled in a lady'a parlor, wAen AO conversation chanced to torn on ftp subject !of earthly aflliction. Each liacUpr story of ! peculiar trial and bereavemest lo relate ex cept and pale, sad looking u'Oman, whoso lustreless eye and dejected air showed that she was a prey to the deepest melancholy. Suddenly arousing herself, ahe said in a ■ hollow voice, "Not one of you know what trouble is." "Will you please, Mra. Gray," aaid the kind voice of a lady, who well knew her story, "toll the ladies what Jrdtl call troublel" "I will, if yotl desire it," ahe replied, "for I have seen it. My parent* possessed a competence, and my girlhood was sur rounded by all the comforts of life. 1 sel dom know nn tingratifled wish, and was al ways gay nnd light hearted. I married at nineteen one t loved tnoro than all thO world besides. Our home was retired; but the sunlight nevdt shown on a lovelier one, or a happier household. Years rolled on peacefully. Five children sat aronnd our tnble, and :1 little curly head still nestled in my bosom. One night, about sundown, one of those fierce black storms came on, which nro so common to our Southern cli mate For many hours the rain poured down incessantly. Morning dawned, but still the elements raged. The whole Savan nah seemed afloat. The little stream near our dwelling became a raging torrent. Be fore we were aware of it, our house was surrounded by Water; I managed with my babe to rench a little elevated spot, on which a few wide-spreading trees were standing, whose dense foliage afforded some protec tion, whilo my husband and sons strove to save what they could of our pfoperty. At last a tearful surge swept away my hus band ; and he never rose again. Ladies no one over loved a husband more ; but that ! was not trouble. 1 "Presidently my Hons saw their danger, 1 and the struggle for life became the only I consideration. They were as brave, loving ; boys as ever blessed a mother's heart, and I I watched their efforts to escape, with such I agony as oqly mothers can feel. They were so far off I could not speak to ihem, but I 1 could see them closing nearer and-nearer 10 each other, as their little island grew smaller and smaller, i "The sullen river r*g-d around the hags ! trees; dead branches, upturned trunks, j wrecks of houses, drowning cattle, masses of rubbish, all went floating past us. My boys waved their hands to me, and then pointed opwafd. f knew it was a farewell signal, and you. mothers, can imagine my anguish. I saw them ail perish, and yet that wxs not trouble \ "I hugged my baby close tc ray heart, and when the wafer rose to my leet, f climbed into the low branches of the tree, and so kept retiring before it, tiil an All powerful hand staid the vrsves, that they should come no further. 1 was saved—ail my worldly possessions were swept away; all my earthly hopes hi gated—yet that was not trouble 'My baby Was ail I had left on earth. I labored night and day to support h-m and myself, and sought to train him In the right way: but as he grew okier. evil companions won irim away from rr.e. He ceased to rare for his mother's counsel: he would sneer at her entreaties and aromzmg prayers. He left my humble roof that he might be un restrained in "he pursuit erif . Us: when heated by wine one oigat. he took the life of a and ended his own upon the scatfoid. My heavenly fath er bad filled my cup of sorrow before- sow it ran OTer. That was trouble ladles, such as T hope His mercy will spare you from ever experiencing. There was no dry eye among her listen ers. a-d the warmest sympathy was ex pressed for the bereaved mother, whose sad history had taught them 1 useful lesson r Bet ri.'y of u Biwk — Goethe ra in company with a mother and her daughter, when the ianer, being reproved tor me fault, blushed and buret _nto tears. H* saui '-Ho* beautiful jrour reproach ha* made jroar daughter. The crimson ha* and those Silvery tears become her better than any on amen, vf |Cid and pe*tis.— These may be hang on the neck M a wan too. bet these are never seea Lseonnected wtth moral purity A full bwartt roe*, be spnnk.ed with. the potest dew. is ae so beaauiai as this child biashing beneath bar parent's iispieusure. and shedding tears of sorrow fur her Si nit A bitreh as the sign which natare hangs out to show whet* causetv and honor iwetL E7" The iast case of fntwr that ww have heard ot is trns As a young men was about 'eavuig the reuse ui i asa.uuaee pact ci mo piace. w.rere i# aau seen speed tng the evening a catr of whit* anas wee thrown around i.s nock and hi* hp* were scJed The saeueonewe *f ate attack ie pnveu him ot all power of reeaMaoc*. A* ■usual no puitewwan was to S en '* fW God has VIM m the irorere Ctt* swwtosn he i.r—upon tA* brwaee -hat teak* he iowar* -he sretn ape* saw rest* crop* that retteviw A* apong ot area* taaa ht * .heed in the desert—op** wrens pwe ctua* sheet that rerega- a* tret <a*rert*s u to* uaepv no are* three apeo tk* regmy ere teat wanna are* illiw atulsvos cxwacat** wfcuc* h.WP kahghtw-upon ad the wrt >i kre njp—, ores® frr-khare^* Tlhre*— ;a*i<Btk* wti—i