The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 23, 1857, Image 2
forming their whole duty to the country." Mr. Wilmot talk* very positively about What ta going oo in Iba Territory. Of course tie knows ; bet I spent some weeks there Ibis summer and found it difficult to obtain accurate information. That wrongsbave been committed on both sides is clear; but the idea of Mr. YV. that his peculiar order have been uniformly right on all' the issues that Jiave disturbed the quiet of the Territory, is absurd. No unbiased mind .will come to such • conclusion. It is not, however, my pnr pose to go into a history of Kansas affairs, or 6<v my views at length as to the policy ol the administration at this lime; but I can as- | •or* Mr. Wilmot that the only impracticable politicians I met in the Territory were ol Iris own school, the leaders of the Topeka re bellion. They'seemed determined to rule or ruin. It was no uncommon thing to hear them say that if tbe convention to meet this Vnouth, should adopt the Topeka Constitution, word for word, they who made it, originally, would reject it at the polls. But I hope and believe that, through the agency ol the pres ent able and of the Terri tory, Mr. Walker, the bitter feuds dividing the people of that Territory, will bs happily retried, and Kansas be brought into the Un ion on principles perfectly consistent with the organic act. In this effort Governor Walker will be sustained by the grei t mass ol the people, whom I lound to be moderate, prac- j tical and patriotic in their views. For myself, j 1 have believed that the spirit of the Com- j promise of 1850, as in ih 'J Kansas, contemplated the decision of the J question of Slavery, in Iho .Territory, by some j direct action ol the people, prior to applies- ! lion for admission as a Stale ; otherwise the : question will come back to Congress in the j same shape in which it was referred to the ] people, unaccompanied by any expression of 1 popular will. That expression should, and I have no doubt, will be had without any offi-1 cial interference as to what it should be ; nnd when so had, deciding the question of Sla very as the people wish, 1 shall, (or one, n- | eist to throw wide open the pottals of tha Union, and welcome Kansas as a State, Sla very or no Slavery. But 1 SIIRII not vote to I admit her on the Topeka Constitution, be- | cause the movement was not of the people, | but of a party : was not by authority of law | but in violation of law and therefore revolu tionary. Nor urn lat all inclined lo indulge the rebellious spirit ol those in tbe Territory who seem determined to set the laws at defi- I attce. If they will not art save ill llietr own j way, and Kansas becomes a Slave Slate by I Iho voice of (hose who not act, the respond- I bility must rest upon them. But I have been wandering from my text, I nnd neglecting the Republican candidate for Governor. 1 wish lo make one more extract | from his speech, and then I shall have done j " With respect to the labor question, it is alleged by the Democracy tfmt wo have no sympathy with free white labor ; that all our tears are exhausted on the black man. Now I leave the chivalry of the South tn the noble office of kicking negroes. (!od lias laid heavy hand on them. The chivalry may IIBVO all the glory of horse whipping women and selling their babies. Democracy may 'rample their rights under font, if they j-l-nsu, hut 1 tell yon that the interests ol all humanity arc one. God ha* so ordered it, that no man can do dchbeiate and systemaiic wrong to other men: to man can be a tyrant or a despot without staining his own soul, and without becoming beast or a demon." How idle, if not unmanly, it is for a man who uses language ol this rlinrsoter, on a question entirely beyond the reach of those to whom it is addressed, to become indignant end denounce the democratic press a* "de based," "venal," "corrupt," and "in pay of II e slave power," because it has designated lorn as an "Aboliiionisi," a "wild, impracti cable theorist." What else could lie expect.' What else could the truth telling press say .' toes not the whole tenor ol his address jus lily this conclusion ? la it nol "wild theor iam" to excite the minds of thp people day Iliem how a remedy can he applied, and whilst confessing that ihey hare no right to interfere for or against such evils in the States, and acknowledging the binding effects of a definition of the Constitution, which shows that they cannot be reached in the Territor ies ? Is it not Abolitionism to describe the institution of negro Slavery as so odiotis that it should not be tolerated in a civilised conn try—as involving 'h*! measore of tyranny and oppression, that no man can practice it "vith mil staining his men soul," without ' becoming a beast or a demon?" Is it vile demagogueism thus to inflame the passions and prejudices of the people of one section of the country against the insti'.utioris of another to subserve the ends of party? Mr. W'ilmot must r.ot conclude that his sickly recognition of the rights of the States, and his ungracious bow to the decision of the Supreme Court, will protect hian in the use of toch offensive lan guage as the foregoing. The use of such fool aspersion can in r.o way improve ihe morals or politics of the eoontry, its institutions or its customs; can do no good to North or Sooth; to white or black race. It is not toy habit to deal harshly with the character or actions of public men, bn f should do injury to my feelings were I not to say that much of Mr. Wilmot's address, whether considered as a declaration of principles or an a specimen of logic or literature falls far below what hit friends had reason to expect. It can rank bat little above common place ami slavery rant, aa wanting in method, and useful suggestion as in the ordinary graces of even par'izan dis cussion. Is it possible that (he republican party oannot main tain their principles with out resorting to such dangerous incendia risms ? Vncba'iisble crimination of the Sooth seems to be their only source of par'izau cap ital. Assuming res pert for :S rcwtetitutioosl tights of the slave-boldmg Slates, they are sure to discourse fa such a way as to lead the fanatical abolitionist to beiieve that in some way or other, at no distant day, through their ggeocy. the institution is to be uprooted every gvberc It was by such means in the last |*siitiiliiniiil election thai they gained over 10 Fremont, Garrison, Parker, Beechsr and iLal nbcd of fanatics. Doable to devise a BrartmcJ scßeme to improve the condition of the Uajl ®> n i !be y pemst in the wort of ggitsbSß a* fbe most fruitful means of poftG "J Off power. They Vnoiv that lliey could do I but Jiltle to improve the comliiMui of the black man, though the whole subject was 1 tinder their unrestrained control. Suppose all legal difficulties to be the sub ject placed within their reach, by emancipa tion on the part of the South, condition ed that the negroes be properly cared for; what then * To what country could they remove the slaves so that they might escape die dreaded '-kicks," and be where none wou'd "horsewhip the women and sell their ba bies?" How could they he clothed and fed, and how elevated to the scale of moral being ? Would they be brought North to compete i with our present laboring population* lam sure the free Stales would neveragree lo that. > But suppose they should, would that insure j nn improvement in the physical and mental condition ol the slave* With what new po litical and social dignities would the black mn be clothed, so that they might live ea sier and happier, and attain to a highet degree of civilization and Christianity ? Who will stand tip for the equality of them in the North* Let us have these questions answer ed, and have a practical scheme for the ele vation of the negro, or less of the agitation. The continuance of these criminations be tween the North and the South muy readily disturb the peace of thirty millions of while j people, but in no way can it relieve whalev | er of hardship there may be in the condition j of the three or four millions of slaves now in j our country. Nor is it just or patriotic to ul } uoifonsf sin against our country, because j the condition of the African, when the au thors of such aspirations cannot point the spot ' 011 earth or name the period in history, in which the condition of the curly haired negro was better than tit present, in the United Siatps—when and wliete lie enjoyed greater 1 physical comforts, or attained a higher de gree of mental cultivation, or embrsced better ideas of Christianity. His o-vn country is '-'one of slaves and masters," and the ances tors of those we have were slaves of the low est class when taken frotn their own countty- To resloro those now i:i the United States to that original condition, were such a thing po-sible, would be an outrage on humanity and civilization. If, then, the condition of the black man has been really improved by even his lowest estate among us, wherein consists the national sin that so constantly besets (be consciences of these puli*ical doc lots? Reported W'rerk of the Steamer Cen tral America, Five: MUN.HRKD PAIIKKtiCM LOST i ! ONLY 40 SAVKn-52.500.000 IN SPECIE. The wo'sl tears concerning lire safely ol the missing steamer Central America, for Ha vanna, with over five hundred of the Califor ma passengers, seem lo be realized by the intelligence from Charleston, South Carolina, published under the telegraph head. The Thomas Swan, from New York, at Charles ton, rei o tstliat Hi* spoke on the 15th inst.,ihe Norwegian bark Eloie, which had tony of the | Central America's passengers on board, ilie rest having been fas/, when the ship foundered, 1 which occurred on the 12ih inst. This i all ' iho ir*n yl tPPdIfH ot ttlC prcot c- Utility—the worst which lias occurred in (he : annals of steamship navigation. The passen- j gcrs on board the Central America amounted I lo five hundred and twenty-five, which, with ! the officer*, crew, and attendants, make at ' least six hundred souls. The steamer had i also the mails and specie Irom California, the j latter being 5t,600,000 ! li is staled that be- I sides this amount from California, she is sup- j posed to have taken oil board $600,000 as freight at Havana, making the amount $2,- | 200,000, and it is estimated that $300,000 is j in the hands of tier passengers, which would j swell the amount to Itro and a Ixjlf millions, I provided that these suppositions and esti mates are correct, of which there is some j doubt. Whether this amount is lost, or j whether it was saved with the few who es-I caped, is as yet, unknown. The details a> prar to re very importiitu news which inter eats so many families, the friends and tela tives of those on board. Put news at sea is always of a brie! and unsatisfactory charac ter, and wc must wait for the arrival of the vessel containing those rescued, to learn the sad particulars of this most melancholy dis aster. The specie is said to be insured in Loudon ; the Sieamer in New York. The Central America left Havana on the 9.h inst., an hour previous to the sailing of the Empire City, which had put into Norfolk The Central America kept in sight until the afternoon, when she outran the Empire City so far that it lost sight of her. This is the last that was seen of her. Several vessels potting into Southern ports have reported see ing portioned a wreck, supposed to be of a steamer, off Hatteras. The Falcon, which arrived at New York yesterday, from Savan nah, passed a large quantity of w recked stuff consisting of barrels and boards. The late gals wa most severely felt in the vicinity of Cape Hatterasou the 9ih and 10th, and on other parts of the North Carolina coasi on the llih and 12 h instsnt. The blow com menced from the northeast, and veered round to north, northwest, west and southwest, aid lasted for about twenty-four hours. Ttie southern papers bring detailed accounts of the effects of the storm, both along the coast and at sea, the facts of which have been com municated by telegraph. It was ia this storm the Empire City was disatded, the Southerner, on her was ic Savannah, nearly foundered, aod the Norfolk, of this city, was sunk. CS*" A merchant in Cincinnati, who trav eled through several coomies in ladina lad week, reports to the Gazette that tne hnsrhol era is prevailing to an alarming extent. The trade m stock begs fesd been checked in con sequence, feeders not being dispo-ed to run the risk, which is now very great. la some sections the opinion prevailed that the use of pork would be suspended in a great measure, owing to the fears created by the spread ol the disease. BP Carpenter's hall, Philadelphia, where the firm Continenti*l Congress held its ses sions, is to be fi'ted np in a manner some what similar to Independence Hall, and sa credly kept M a shrine for the patriotic. 'STAR OF TIIE MRTH R. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. Iliaoinsliu^Weilaskdai, Sc|il. 33, 1887. Democratic Nominations. FOB OOVKHROR, WILLIAM F. PACKER, FOR JUDGES OF TilK SUPHEME COURT, WILLIAM STRONG, JAMES THOMPSON, FUR CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIMRVD STRICKLAND, mSTRICT AND COUNTY' TICKET. CONGRESS, PAUL LEIDY. ASSEMBLY, PETER ENT, JOHN V. SMITH. PROTHONOTARV, JACOB EYERLF, REGISTER ANI) RECORDER, DANIEL LEE, COMMISSIONER, ELIAS DIETERICK, TREASURER. \ JAMES S. McNINCU, AUDITOR, \ JOHN It. V OIIE. \ P A lib I I I OY, ESQ- This gentleman was nominated for Con ! gross in this district, on last Saturday morn ing after a protracted struggle among the Conferees, lasting nearly a week. Mr. Lady will certainly be a strong candidate before The jh*"T TW - moral character'and pri vate habits have always been entirely unex ceptionable As a lawyer lie has always boon studious, careful, industrious and safe. Without any meteoric brilliancy, lio always exhibits that common sense nnd clear per ception which are always the safest ele ments of character Political economy Mr. Leidy has studied loss thoroughly than law, ntul has, therefore, sometimes, been misled by the clamor and inlluencc of association, rather than guided by iho result of his own reductions. lint Ilia intentions are to be al ways right—lie lias a logical mind, a wil lingness to study a subject to the bottom, and these can be made as effectual guides iu politics as he has found them in tho sci ence of law. (look Notices.- Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million —Price $1,25. T. U. Peterson, Publisher, Philad'a. This work, which is now in Pteas and to be ready for sale on Saturday, October 3d, ia a complete family directory and house-hold guide, and contains 4,545 receipts, facts,di rections, &c. The publisher promises it to on tfie most complete work of the kind ever published. Hie Last Daughter: and other True Stories of the Heart. By Mrs. Caroline Leo lfentz. Price, $1,35. T. B. Peterson, Philad'a. This work is in press, and will he issued on Saturday, Sept. 26(h. It is unnecessary to do mote than call attention tn this edition of Mrs. Ileutz's last novellettes, as every one knows, that as a successful writer of sketches, she is mi equaled in this country. The Dol lar Newspaper says : —' Every one feels while reading Mis. llemz's tales, that the wii;er herself must possess the viitue, and patriotism, and religious sentiment she in culcates." Cliorles Dakar's Works.—Reptinled 'rorn the original London editions, by T. B. Peter son, Philadelphia. 'Peterson's' is the only complete and uni form edition of Charles Dickon's works ever published in America. No library can be complete without having in it a complete set of the works of this great author. The cheap edition is complete in thirteen vol umes, paper cover, either or all of which can be had sepsrately. Price 50 cents each. Copies of either o f the above works tvi.l be sent to any pail of the United Stales, free of postage, on any one remitting in a letter the price of the work to the publisher, T. B. Pe terson, No. 306 Chestnut street. Wa have received from the publishers, Leonard Scott & Co., No. 79 Fulton street, j New York, tne .august rmmw. .f ewrrrttpoorf'a Magatine , containing the continuation of Bulwer's new revel, 'What will he do with it?' and a variety of other interesiing matter. We have also received from Ihe same source, the "London Quarterly" and Ihe "Edinburg Review,'-' filled with sterling es says for which the English Reviews suml pre-eminent. The Quarterly contains* papers an the French Constitution, Electioneering, Ireland's past and present. Internal decora tion and arrangement of Churches, Fortnao and Hue's travels in China, tac. The Edin burg Review is no less rich in its variety, and has essays on the Confraiernity cf La Salette, Pe La Rive on electrical science. Marmot's Memories, Social progress of Ire land, the .License of Modern Novelists, Sohrrleber'e life of Handel, &c. The essay on the License of Modern Novelists is a blow aimed at Pickens, because of his car icaiurizing the finali&h pnbhu oflvees, by the circumlocution office in Little Pornt. It has provoked a caustic reply from Pickens, in his Household Words. nr We are informed that, in answer to an invitation of W. Wirt, E-q., Corresponding Secretarv of the Colombia Coonty Agricul tural Society, the HON. THOMAS H. BURROWS. ot Lancaster, replies that he mil deliver a atlJress before the Society on the second dry of the Fair, via: 23d Oct. neat. hlr. Bur rows' repuiitioc as a speaker and an agricul turalist warrants us in expecting a rich treat. LATTKG THE RAILS.—We are glad to leurn that the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road Company last week commenced laying the rails at their j auction with the Catawissa Road, and are going on to complete their work. It is all graded, and in a few months may be in running order. EF The Conferees of this Senatorial Dis trict met at Danville on Saturday last, and after thirty-two ineffectual balloting*, ad joumed to meet in Milton on the 2dth inst. The vote stood all through, four for Buck aiew. of Columbia; two for Judge Welker, of Korthumberiaad: and two for CaL Eyer, of Snyder. OP We regret to learn that Captain J. S Follmer, Collector of lolls at Beach Haven, died last week, at his residence near Mil ton. * ' # * *' " ' - * ==== s F , - Heeling ar ihe CoaaretMonnl (offerees of Hoar our, Columbia, Luzciae anil Wyoming. t The Conferees of the Democracy of the lßrh Congressional District assembled at the house of Goo. P. Steele, in the borough oMVilkeebarre, on Wednesday, the )6th of Sept., 1857, and organized by appointing JOHN DEAN, Jr., of Montour, President, and Edward Dolph, of Luzerne, Secretary. The names of the Conferees were tken ] called, wfien the following gentlemen an swered to (their names: Montour —John Drjan, Jr., and Sam'J Ham mer. r. Columbia —Jqlin Fruit and Wm. G. Quick, substitute of Dr. J. K. Robins. Luzerne —Dr. Charlas R. Gorman and Ed ward Polph. Wyoming —C. D. Goarhart and Thorn is Osterhout. The President stated tlio first business in I order to be the nomination of a candidate for Congress. [ Mr. Dean nominated Paul Leidy, of Mon tour. Mr. Fruit nominated John Mcßoynolds, of Columbia. Mr. Gorman nominated Ilendriek B. Wright, of Luzerne. Mr. Gearhart nominated Robert R Litllo, of Wyoming. On motion of Mr. Fruit tho nominations wero closed. On raotioi) jt was resolved that the Con duces piocetsa td"CUIW. r\>. —>,t;,Uu) S . FIRST IIALLOT. Messrs. Dean and Hammer voted for P. Leidy. Messrs. Fruit aud Quick votod lor John Mc Reynolds. Messrs. Gorman and Dolplt volod for Col. H. B. Wright. Messrs. Gearhart and Osterhout voted for R. R. Little. No nomination being made, on motion the Conference proceeded to the 2d, Bd, 4th, oth. fith, 7th, aud Bth ballots, when no nom ination was made, the Conferees of each county voting as obovo. On motion Con ference adjourned to moot at 12 o'clock M. At 12 o'clock, Conference re-assembled and took the 9th, 10th, lltli, and 12tlt, bal lots with no chaugo from the former ballots. Adjourned to 2J o'clock P. M. At 2f o'clock Conference met when Mr. Jacob Dowill appeared as a substitute for Mr. Osterhout,of Wyoming, who was oblig ed to leave on account of sickness in his family. The Conference then balloted to the SOth ballot inclusive with no change from former ballots. On motion adjourned to 7J o'clock P. M. At<j o'clock mot and ballottcd to the! 25th ballot inclusive with no change. Ad journed to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. THURSDAY MORNING. The Conference met according to adjourn ment ami balloted to (lie 28th ballot with no change. Adjourned to 11} o'clock A. M. At 11} o'clock met and took the 29ih bal lot with the same result as belore. Adjourn- ! ed to meet at 2 o'clock P. M. At 2 o'clock met and oil motion Col. W. I A J. Bfittain was admitted to a seat in the nt tn jyii\ milt OT 1 intufu* bia. The 30th nnd 31st ballots were taken with no change. Adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. At 7 o'clock Conference met and proceed ed to the 32d ballot, when the Conferees of Wyoming voted for Col. Wright, giving him four votes; Messrs. Isjidy and Mcßcynoida each having two votes as before. On the 33d ballot the Wyoming Conferees votes for Mr. Little, thus leaving each candidate two votes as at first. On motion adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. FRIDAY, SEPT. 18TH. Conference met agreeably to adjournment. Mr. Dolph being absent, Mr. Brittain was substituted as Secretary, and on motion Ja cob Sorber was received by the Conference as the substitute of Mr. Dolph. On motion they proceeded to the 34th and 35th ballots mh ofVliick tin Wyoming Conferees voted for Mr. Little, giving him four votes, Messrs. Mcßeyuolds and Leidy having two votes as before. On the 36th and 37th ballots the Luzerne Conferees voted for Mr. Mcßeyuolds, giving him four votes, Messrs. Little and Leidy, each having two. After an adjournment of ten minutes, met and took the 38lh, 39th, | 40th, and 41st ballots, Messrs. Mcßeynolds having four votes as before, and Messrs. Little and Leidy, each two. Adjourned to meet at 1 o'clock, P. M. Met at 1 o'clock and took the 42d, 43d, and 44tli ballots with no change. Adjourned to 4 o'clock, P. M. | Met according to adjournment. On the I 45th ballot there was no change from above. 1 On the 46th, 47th and 48th the Luzerne Con j ferees left Mr. Mcßeynolds and voted for i Mr. Little, giving liim four votes each bal j lot. Onahe 4®ik ud 40th ballots, Lwrerne | voted fer Col. Wright, thus giving each can didate two voles. Adjourned to 6} o'clock. At 6} o'clock met when the Wyoming Conferees on the 51st and 52d ballots voted foT Mt. Leidy, giving him four votes; Messrs. Wright and Mcßeynolds each two. O.t the 53d ballot each candidate had two votes. Adjourned to 8 o'clock, P. M. At 8 o'clock met and took the 54th, 55th and 56th ballots w hen the Wyoming Con i ferees voted for Mr. Wright, g'mng him four votes; Messrs. Leidy and Mcßeynolds each having two- Adjourned to 7 o'clock Sator j dav morning. ' SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 19. Conference met and after addresses by Messrs. Dewitt, Hammer, Dean. Quick, Gorman and Brittain. and on motion pro ceeded 10 the 57th ballot, trben the Luzerne. Columbia and Montour Conferees voted foi Mr. Letfy. e>ving him six votes. Messrs. Gear hart and Bewitt voted for Mr. Little. On motion of Mr. Gearhart the Conference concurred unanimously in the nomination of Mr. Leidy. OB motion j Resolved. Thai the proceedings be signed by the oflicemaod published in *ll the Dem ocratic papers in this Congressional Dis trict JOHN DEAN, Jr., President, W. A. J. BUTTSIN, Sec'f. Piution with • population of some 6.000 hat not a single public echoed. bD|llli tteviewers- A late number of ihe Westminster Review contains one of those delicious bits of absur dity which the British press occasionally publishes, when the text happens to be Amer ica. The writer is sanguine, that, at no dis tant dkyj the Union will fall to pieces. The [evolution, he says, has already begun, which is to make North America as divided as South America, and has not only begun, but has progressed as far as that of the last cen tury had, when the people rose against the stamp act. It would be folly to answer such a writer seriously. He furnishes his o#n ref utation by the ignorance he exhibits regard-, ing the most potent faots connected with the United Sines. He tells his readers, for ex ample, (hat it ia a common practice, in the North, to kidnap white children and sell them into slavery ; that a slaveholder may take his slaves into any northern Stale and settle with them there in defiance of eman cipation lawa; that the aickrieas at the Na tional Hotel at Washington was the result of poison secretly administered at the dictation of a wide-spread black conspiracy ; that the Pennsylvania Legislature has voted the Dred Scott decision null in law; and Anally that "grave proposals" have been put forth "from high quarters to make slaves of the Irish and German emigrants." A reviewer who knows no more of America than to pen such non sense, carries with him, at least in the United States, hit own refutation. — Ledger. Failures nutl Suspensions. The following firms have failed or suspen ded during the past week in Pennsylvania: Dawson & Hancock, Iron and Crockery, Philadelphia, suspended; liabilities very heavy. John V. Rushton & Co., Crockery, Pliila | delphia, suspended. Thomas White & Co., Straw Coods, Phila delphia, suspended; liabilities said to be $300,000. FeatherhnfT, Montgomery & Co., Groceries, Philadelphia, failed. W. P. & G. Hacker, Crockery, Philadel phia, suspended. W. W. & H. Smith, Philadelphia. Hayes & Smith, Coal, Philadelphia, sus pended. Joseph Ripka, Philadelphia, suspended; liabilities about $300,000. Hart, Montgomery & Co., Philadelphia, suspended. M.trple, McClute & Co., Philadelphia, sus pended. J. & W. Horrock, Dyers, Philadelphia,sus ,ponded. Rockliill & Wilson, Clothing, Pliiladel ; phia, suspended. Ilotclikiss & Barton, Scranton, Pennsylva nia, failed. John Gommell, Pelorsville, Pent!., failed. I.uxerne County Item. Nominations. The following gentlemen were nominated at Wilkesbarre by the Democrats, as their | candidates for office. 1 For Representatives—P. C. Gritman, ot CsrhoiKtale; Steuben Jenkins, of Wyoming; ©. miner, or v tjiuuutn. For Recorder —Richard Hutchins, of Kings ton. For Treasurer—K. Taylor, of Wilkesbarre. For Register—Thoa. M. Atberion, of Jack sdfl. For Auditor—Stephen Vaugham,ol Wilks barre. For Commissioner—John C. Dunning, of Madison. F.. Dolph and C. 11. Gorman, were elected Congerssional Conferees, with instructions to go for Col. Wright. CHOKRDTO DEATII.—On Sunday morning last, a man, whose name we have not learn ed, but who, we are informed, was a Gorman by birth ar.d a boarder at Sey ben's hotel, in Beach Haven, brought his existence in this world to an awful and sudden termination at the breaklast table, by attempting to swallow before masticating it, a huge mass of beef steak. At a past mortem examination,by Pr.Sohuy- i Isr, the piece ol meal, measuring three inches ; in length, two in width, and with en ordinary | thickness of meat served up at the table, was' extracted front the thtoa! of the deceased 1— Berwick Gasette. ty In the late canvass in Missouri Mr. R. Bircher was one of the stump speakers itt favor of the "emancipation candidate" for governor. Since the election this Mr. Birch er has published an advertisement offering Sioo reward for the return ot one of his run away slaves! tar Miss Hannah Antes, daughter of Jos. Antes, Esq., of Nippenose township, Lycom ing county, was bitten by a copper-head snake, two weeks .ago. For a short time her life was despaired of, but she has recovered. E7* A Military Encampment ia to be com menced on the 20th ioat., neat I-ook Haven, to contiooe one week. The uniformed Mili tary of Lycoming, Clinton, and adjoining couDtiea ere expected to be present. tW Andrew Jackson, jr.'s refusal to give the gold box to Major Dyckman, caused him to be rooudly abused in tbe New York board of aldermen on Monday evening, but public opinion sustains hint. Tbe 7th regiment was | called out to tske pan in the presentation cer emonies, but bad a dress parade instead. Win. C. Godfrey, one of the survivors of Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition, was arrett ed in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon on the charge of larceny. There are five charges of bigamy pending against tbe same person. His Arclio explorations do not ap pear to hare bad a very good influence upon his morals. iy Hon. Thomas g. Bell, of West Chea ter, has been Dominated as the Democratic candidate for tbe State Senate, in the Chea ter and Delaware Distinct, OT Tbe Harrisbotg Cotton Factory has suspended operations for an indefinite peri od, and a number of the operatives bare left tbe town to seek employment elsewhere. Partial Deafness and Discharges from the Eur. Dr. Hartley begs to announce to Ihoae of bis patient* With whom he has been in com munication, that he has, in compliance with their special requests, made arrangements lo establish his Ear Institution in New York; and he generously ofler* to attend all per sona suffering from affections of the Esr, without charge, until cured—lbiet>y proving his success unequalled, Bnd protecting the deaf from being swindled by paying eirtyl ed Aurists exorbitant fees in advance, and the inflictions of still more serious arils, by permuting the applieation of dangerous rem edies by inexperienced and unskillful hande. Dr. H. may here state that he has no con nection whatever with any person advertising to cure deafness; neither has ba given per mission for the publication of a certificate, purporting to emanate from him; and cannot, therefore, be responsible for any alarming consequences resulting from rashness and desperation. The loss of money may not be material lo some persons, but the depriva tion of one of the most important of the senses, ought to be regarded and treated with more than ordinary solicitude. Deafness, noise In the head, ar.d all disa greeable discharges from the Ear, speedily and permanently removed, without causing the least pain or inconvenience. A cure m all cases guaranteed wbete malformation does not exist. Thiitecu years' close and almost undivided attention to this branch of special praotice, has enabled bim to reduce his treatment to such a degree of success as to find the most confirmed and obstir ate cases yield by a steady attention to the means prescribed. The destruction, by lire, of the Philadel phia Ear Infirmary, of which Dr. llartley was the head—having released him from his duties in that city, he has established permanently his Institution, for the exclusive treatment of Ear Diseases, at 760 Broadway, New York. Consultation and examination tach morn ing. WIIITR SLAVERY IN CoNNECTicuT.-In Messrs. Barber and Punderson's History of New Ha ven, published tu 1856, among other curious advertisements copied fiom the "Connecticut Gazette,'' printed in this ciiy, is tha follow ing: "Just Imported from Dublin, in the brig Darby, a parcel of Irish .servants, both men and women, to be sold chesp, by Israel Boardman, nt Stamford." "New Haven, January )764." So it seems, that less than 100 years ago, men and women were brought from Ireland, and sold as slaves, in the State of Connecti cut ! And not 100 yesrs before that lime, Indians were sent from Connecticut, Rhode Island, &c., to the West Indies, and sold into slavery. Curious historical fsots, these Ntic If a ven Register. Exorbitant Price. —The retail flour dealers In Philadelphia are still asking 89 for a bar rel of flour, though good finer is sold whole sale for 85,30 per barrel, and wheal ha* de clined to 81,15 and 81,20 per bushel. Why should ine.o be this ei.onnOOS Ui (Terence between the wholesale and retail price? Goon WAGES.---The salary of the Govern or of the English colony of Victoria, is fifty thousand dollais a year, with a snug little re tiring salary annexed. So far as the money goes it is better than being President of the Erie railroad, which officer receiver only 825,000 a year. The fines on the I.ager Beer sellers of Lancaster City at the last Court amounts to 1 8875, which goes into the Common School fund. ♦ The Galena (III.) Courier aays: "Potatoes are now selling in thiaciiy for twenty eeuts per bushel." THE REV. C. S. BURNETT, while laboring a* a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a simple and certain Core lor Consumption, Ahina, Bronchitis, Cough*, Colds, Nsrvons Debility, and all impurities of the bloodjalso, an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it, with full and explicit directions for preparing and anc ccssfully usiug the Medicine. Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT, 831 Broadway, New York City. " WOODLAND CREAM"— A Pomade for beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies Hair jt has no equal, giving it a bright glossy ap pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, always giving the liiir the appear ance of being fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed FETRIDGE& CO., Proprietors of the " Haltn of a thousand F/oteers.'' For sale by ail Druggists. New York. MAWSI. On Monday, Sept. 14th inst., in Fishing creek twp., by Elder J. Su tton, Mr. JOHN EVANS, of Madison, Luzerne county, to Miss ELLBN MCHENRT, of Stillwater, Columbia co. On the tOth inst., by Rev. D. VV- Wolff, Mr. DANIEL ANTTIM, of Danville, and Mies MARY C. YZAOER, of the same placet, form erly of Roaring Creek, Columbia county. In Berwick, Sept. 17th, by Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. THOMAS CAIN, to Mise CHRISTIANA GRU VER, both of Lime Ridge, Columbia couoty. In Sogarloaf, Colombia co ,on the 6 h inat., by W. B. Peterman, Esq., Mr. DAVID YOTUM, of Benton, to Mia AKGEUNE HORN, ol Da vidson, Sullivan County. At Fsrrandevtlie, Sept. 6tb. 1857, FRAKLIN j SCOTT PETKIKIN, aged two years,five months, and thirteen dsys, only child of Forsyth and Mary Aon Petriktn. In Fiehingcreek township, or, the 27th oil., SAMUEL—and also on the Ist inst., DANIEL, infants of Peter and Catharine Peaier, aged 1 month and 20 day*. lc Fiahingcreek township, on the 19th, JANE, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Rauff, aged 3 years, 2 months and 5 days. In Espytown on Tuesday the Bth of Sept., JOHN WILLABD, son of Reoben and Rebecca Hess, aged 1 year, 2 months and 11 daya. In Bloomsburg, on Sunday morning, tbe 13th inst., JAMES STBIWB RIDGE, aged 88 years, 10 months and 24 daya. Near Jersey to wo, August 98th, Mr. JONA THAN MODELLER, in the 89th year of his age. * - The wife of Dahlei Earn.ll, of Syracuse presented her husband with a pair of girls recently weighing together twuty pound* and o ha//. Tbe Grand Jury have found a true bill against Mr*. Cunningham, on the charge of produoing a fictitious heir to the Horde 11 as late. * Xuilrond at J net inn —The Illinoir Gat Western Railroad is advertised to be sold at aucti|| at Springfield, on the 15th of Octo ber. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. CONSUMPTION, AND ALL .DISEASES OF THE LUNGS And THOATT ate positively curable by in halation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities ill the lungs through the air pas sages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular mattdr, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparls renewed vitality to tho nervous sys tem, giving that tone and energy soindik pensable lor the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It in as much under (he control of medical treatment as any othhr formidable disease; ninety out of every hun dred cases cau be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent, in the second; bat In tho third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the luuge are to cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in halation affords extraordinary reliel to Ihn suffering attending ihls tearful ioourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per son* in the United Slates alone; and a correct calculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to (ill the consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of deaili has no arrow so fatal us Consumption. In all ages it hat been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good ami perfect gift, I ain enabled to ofler to the efilcted a perma nent ar.d speedy cure in Consumption. The first cone of tubercles is from Impure blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their deposition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of sir into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational lo expect gresier good from nr.edij nines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stom ach; the pniient will always find the lunge True and tho breathing easy after inhaling remedies. Thus, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainly than rem edies administered by the atomaoh. To prove the powettul and direct influence ol (hie mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few min utes, paralyzing the entira nervous system, so that a limb mn\ be amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor ol many ot the medicines is per ceptible in the sk-n a lew minutes afier being j inhaled, and may be immediately detected lin the blood. A convincing proof of the j constitutional eflecls ol inhalation, is the fact ! dial sickness is always produced by breath [ ing foul air. Is not this positive evidence thai proper remedies, carefully prepared and ! judiciously administered through the lungs, ; should prnduc9lhe most happy results? Dn- L | and*, suffering from diseases of the lunge and throat, lisve been under my care, and I have affected many remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had been pronounced ill ihe lasi stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a lalal disease.—• My treatment of consumption is original, and lounded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c., enautes me to distinguish readily the various forms of dis ease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity in connection with certain pathological and mi croscopic discoveries, enables m* to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify Ihe blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any pan ot the United States and Canada* by patients communicating (heir symptom* by letter. But the cure would be more ceitain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the tang- and enable me to prescribe with greater certainty, ami then the cure could be effected without mv seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 1131 Filbert Street, (old No. 109.) below twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 23, 1857. / A Retired Physician / 75 YEARS OF AGE. f Whose sands of life have nearly ran out, | discovered while in the East Indies, a cer tain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. He had heard muoh of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of prepara tions made from the East India Hemp, end the thought occurred that he might make a remedy for hie ohild. He studied hard and succeeded in realizing hie wishes. Hie cbikl was cored, and is now alive and well. He has since administered the wonderful reme dy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world and he has never failed in making them completely healthy and bappy. Wish ing to do as much good aa possible, he wilt send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with full and ex plicit directiona for making it up, and sncoeaao fully using it. He require* each applicant t inclose him one shilling—three cents to be returned as postage on tbe recipe, and the ■ remainder to be applied to the payment m of this advertisement. Address m Dr. H. JAMES, No. 19 Grind Street, 7 Sept. 23.-lm ] Jersey City, N.J. " i Public Sale of Real Estate, In pursuance oi an order of the Orphan'* Conn of Colombia County, on SATURDAY the 21st day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Maihew McDowell, adminiairaior of Abner McDowell, kte of Scott lownstalp, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain tract of land situate ir. Orange township, in the countr Of Colnm bia. adjoining lands of Willlanr While on the East, Peter Scbng on the North, and lands of Matbew McDowell on (he Soqth sod West; containiog eight acres more or has. There are erected on the premises M two story log boose, and Stable, a POWDEB MILL, Glaring House, Dry House, Slack House, Jcc , and a water power appurtenant. Late the estate of said deceased, situate in the town ship of Orange and county aforesaid. Any person inclined to go into the busi ness of making powds* can find no property better calculated for the business. •' JACOB EYERUY, Ctk. I Feptemhar 1,