The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 09, 1857, Image 2

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llloomsLurt, Uluo-dnr, Scpr. g* |Ra?.
Dacr<it' iN trinlnnticii*.
H I L L I A M 8 T It U N ,
J A Mfi S T H 0 .11 P SOX,
Svtjecl to the iUcidi'mi <J ihc Cuii/fiesmonut C'cn
A-- FAT Til. V,
JAM E S s. Ii cN I N CD, I
JOII \ R - 10 HE. |
ItrpreM-uimtVP • onf' mice.
We are glad thai justice has been done n
to die lime ot holding die Representative I
Conference, ami we would have been eti'l I
belter pleased il tl.e nomination could have '
been entirely free from ail cniisiderannii* j
outside ol this subject, and upon the nietiis I
ol the candidates alone. We do not say j
that the result would have t-cen different, lor j
we had no personal reason to lavor either j
candidate; but it would have been more lion- |
oiuble to the party and stronger with the j
people. It was urged that the Represeuta- |
tive must goto Wyoming to secure Conures- j
for die low er end of the district. But by tins j
rule a county which did no- have me luck to i
be in our Congo nimal Di-nlci wonldal-j
ways be ruled mo lit JL-, re-eii'd'tve; t y-j
cause upon some future occasion W) timing I
would be equally inieicsled to give Colum
bia and MottloU' each a Representative, so
at u secure a Congressman in the upper end.
l)i Smith has beeu one year in the Legis
lature, and Was lust year u candidate lor Ins
second term. Mr Jackson was then the |
choice ol Sullivan, hut noignaniriiou.-l) gave I
way to Dr. Suit.h, who was Humiliated aim j
dcleuied in that Republican district Ihe I
first jeur ho was elected by reason ol a di |
vision Huong the Opposition, lie spent soma j
lime Inst winter in Harrisburg IO secure the |
connection ol Wyoming county with oui I
present Representative district, and to hie i
It Irotn the Republicanism ol Siisquehuena.
which always overwhelmed it. Ihs ctiitti y
w ill no doubt give him a gratelul vote for lit"
suretsslul services.
Dr. Sun h u a'so for s. uci'im etliuu ol |
the Soitli liiutic.'l .',>>; and in the Leg- j
islaturo his votes wuta ail Dcmocralic, PO j
fur as we now ten.ember.
Au f xpl.motion.
We regret to hour some persons on the '
South sitle of the river complain that the
proposition made to tl.o Utc contention o
have that side vote first lor Treasurer was
not agreed to by this side. For ourselves
we always thought that us the Treasurer
mus conceded to that region, it ought sub
stantially to select tho man: and we said so
to all three of the candidates. But we do
not think lhat tho South sitle of the river
has any cause to complain lite Contntis
sioncr was conceded to this side: and by
the same rule which we suggest above, de
ference and respect ought to have been pan)
to tho voies ol this side on the subject ol
Commit-sioeer. The delegates Oil this sitle
v oted as ftl.o\v:
For Dieteriek, 4
For Fiinston, IS
For Wuitcrateon, 11
'1 lie South side did not ob-erie'ho rule
in this eauo which limy laid down lor i reus
urer; ai d could theretore hardly expect this
side to bo bound by it. The difieretiee in
tho vote for Treasurer was not so much on
the other side ol lite river as for Commis
sioner on this side. It stood—
For McNiuch, tt
For Kiefcr, 10
As a general rule we believe that tho re
giou in which a titan lives is the best qual
ified to judge Ol him, and that the neigh
borhood to which a candidate is conceded
to bo allowed in edict to select htm. It is
as safe as any o Iter !r, and theugh per
sonal friendship m\ ' - a immediate
neighbors, yet this cannot intiuetice any
large circle of com try A nomination is
always stronger lor I eitig ihe fair and clear
expression of the people's choice. The
transgr *-irn of any principle will bs sure
to invoke its retribution.
PF.ACHK* This delicino- froil i< vrv sesroe
ic our latitude this )e >r. a- many nt it e tree
have teen serioudy it.j'ire.l by ihe !' two
severe winters. But Hit? orchard of .Mr lli
ram J. Reader, a few mi'es beyond La atvis
sa, is • fortunate exception to thi- general it!
luck; and he has during the past week furn
ished some fine fruit to this place and Caia
wii-sa—much superior to that brought here
from the city. His orchard is carefully at
tended, and be underi-lands procuring the
best species of patches. It 110 doubt remu
nerates him. for be ecu'd ft d a n ark'-t tt r
ten imit-s the quantity he can rti.-e. In this
season, ai.d when tearly ore half of the
people dare scarcely eat any other fruit thssn
peaches, the man whose ram and anention
•upphee the luxury like Mr. Header is a pub
lic! benefactor.
It scene that a high and dry place is the
proper one for a peach orchard. The iteea
are riijured in eatteys and damp localities by
the fieeaief at tin tun nd enow up
on the Imbs la the spring
Complimi'Ul'iry JIOIIMI.
To*-h<i\v in what respect Mr. George P.
Jack .sen is held by. those who know him wc
copy the following complimentary notico
from tlio Hctciik Gazette of a few weeks
(tetlROK 11. J%< KON, l>Q.
Tiiis gentleman, whom the Democratic
Convention of Sullivan County have re
cently honored uithan unanimous nomi
nation tor the General Assembly. has been
[spending a few days,'the past week, in
' Columbia, and made tlio acquaintance of
many ol our citizens, ull of whom, so tar
as we have been able to learn, have been
pleased with his general appearance. Mr.
Jackson is a merchant at Dushore, in Sulli
van. In polities lie is a sound Democrat, a
young gentleman of line p-rsotiul appear
ance, manly address and splendid business
qualifications, and, should h- be nomina
ted by tko 11-presentativo Conleree Con
vention, and elected, in connection with
cur late worthy member, I'eior lCnl, Esq.,
would honor our district, and adorn a seat
in the halls o! our Stale Legislature.
! In copying this the Sullivan Democrat says:
' The sentiments will be cordially indorsed
by every one who knows Mr. Jackson. Al
though comparatively a young man, he is
old in experience, and possesses all the
requisites lor an able and etlicieut Member
Since his advent into the political arena he
hauß always acted wiih tfiC- Democratic par
ty —shared its deteats and rejoiced in its
victories—at,J It -s always been Ibuud true
to his professions. We hope he wiL re
ceive the nomination, then we shall have a
chance to express our.-clf.
Miikii g JJuiii'v <HI a Chance.
[ There is much money by small rick.
, One ol onr richest men, during the lalicr par'
| nl hi" IIIP, invested in lotteries as ail amu-M
--menl, and thus added ui his ureal smre nl I
j wealth- A man may upend, in dissipation
that demoralizes Ids character, ten dollar* pur
week, which would he much better appiopri
aied 10 the purchase of loiiery tickets, lor he
would ho sure, tiltim-l, In draw a hand-orim |
dill! by which he would he lurni"hed wi'h !
capital In supply himself Willi a good larm,
or in rs'iiblish I irnseil in bu-iness. The Jas
per Cninny Academy Lnl'.ery, of winch Ad- |
der-nii U Soli, ol Mucou and Savannah, (la , j
are the managers is so honestly and lanli |
fully conducted, dial no one need hesiiale In |
send them $lO fin a whole, $5 lor a hall, or [
$2 50 lor a quarter ticket in their excellet.l I
lottery, wherein the tickets are only number I
ml singly, from one to thirty •.liousand. The !
managers are well known to he men ol char- I
acier, and will furnish their correspondents j
wiih all uecc"-ar> n iiiiuiiiiioii. We under-|
"land, by die Southern papers, lhat their next |
drawing will take place oil tlie 15 li ol Sep- i
leinher next, ami promises to be u inaginti I
cent allatr
Any one who wishes to make money on I
siicli a lavorahie chance as is here aff >nted, |
can do no bolter Itiau to make Ins invest- j
rneiiis at once, nl thunk lus stars, w hen lie i
is enriched, that lie has teen put upon ilic I
right truck ai las!. Il people will speculate, j
li t i:.fin do it In 'ln- most ea-y inriliod, and '
not CCIIIIIII.C their tune and health bv such j
opportiiniiies us are tillered at card tables and
among the iri.-qrumeiils el uamhling. The
at ove-nametl managers perform their duties i
to the bones in which they resile with lailh- !
Inlness, ami can he trusted a- honor .hie man. I
Chose w ho wind tickets most write their ad- j
dies." plain, and direct to Anderson & Son. 1
Malingers. Macon or Savannah, who will, in '
lelurn, answer promptly.
t on it I'ri'cci ding*.
C'onrt opened here last Monday with Judg-j
es Woodward, Evans ami Kline on the bench. \
Chillies Ktiltlcr, Esq.. was appointed Fore
man of the Giunil Jury. John Uren was ap
pointed Constable of Co- vug'am township,
and I'tt*.rick Murphy ami Jacob Perk iveio
appointed Supervisors of the same town-
I ship. Orphan#'Court business and notions
j were disposed of on Monday, but'there is
1 no ease of very general interest to litis term.
! On Tuesday morning a jury was called in
j the two eases of Adam St roup 'or use of Har
ris & A ppleman vs. Rupert S: Koons. They
i are actions ol covet ant brought on an ore
j lease, and is still in progress. Hurley and
j Weaver lor plaintiffs: Clark and Buck a lew
j tor defendants.
j The Grand Jury have found the follow ing
, indictments:
| Com. cs. Wm. Houghton: Assault ami bat
| tery, it true bill.
| Com. vs haute : Fornication and bastardy,
a true bill.
I Coin. vs. Geo. Reichart: Fornication and
j bas'artly, a true bi I.
; Com. es. Wm. Stvntliers: Selling liquor
; without license, a true b 11.
j Elizabeth Sirmhers: Selling li
j quor without license, a true bill.
I Com !'v Jacob Gettscl and John Ingold :
] selling liquor, not a trite bill.
{-<T We are g'.nl to see that in the Wash
itiglon and Greene Senatorial District Geo.
} W. Miller, Esq , lias been agreed upon as a
1 harmonious rtonti .ee by the Democrats
: There was a contest between the counti-'s
! as to which should have the candidate, but
that is now healed. Mr. Mtiler is a sate
and able matt, and has some creditable leg-
I islativeexperience.
serve that Wra I'. Solie 1 Ksq , of Bedford,
has been nornina ed by the Democrats ol
Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon district
for Senator. He is in a hard Republican
district, but we are sure he ought to be
elected if the people vo e for the best matt.
MAIL SKKVICC.— A Urge and nourishing
business commnniiy will be gratified to learn
that route 32l*< Bloomsbur® to White Hall,
lias been extended via. Exchange to Turbots
villi? affording additional important mail la
ctones as memorialized.
A NEW POST OFFICE.—The Postmaster
General bas established a new post office at
the Exchange, in Montour county, and J.C.
, Etfir appointed Postmaster.
ftepit-.t-uitillve fnnferee Convention.
The Conferees bl rtnk Representative Dis
' trie I, composing the counties of Columbia,
' Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming, met Fii
s day, Sept. 4h', 1837, in Bloomaburg, consist
ing ol the following delegates:
Cutumbia —[rain Derr, W. A. J. Briltain.
ii'ontuur —Gutelias Snyder, J. Reese Philips.
Sullivan —Junes Degan, C. C. Finch.
Wyoming —W. M. Piatt, L. C Conklirt.
t The Convention organized at 3 o'clock, P
M.. hy the apt'Oin'metit ot thn following offi
jeer-:—lffAM DKflif, President; C.C. F titbit
ami Win. Al. Piatt, Secrelarfos.
Tlie Convention then pioceeded to itorni candidates for Members of the Legts
I ■ ll re, —only two of whom are to be elected,
—when the following nomination* were
made :
Col D> gan nominated George D. Jackson..
<■ I S.tllivaii county.
Col. Bri tain liominateJ Peter Enl, of Co
lumbia county.
M-ij. Conktin nominated Juhn V. Smith, of
Wyoming county.
On motion, the nominations -closed, and
the Conferees proceeded to vole, when, on
the first ballot, PETER ENT, Esq , was unan
imously nominated.
Tt.c Convention then proceeded to ballot
lor anu'her candidate Ini Assembly, Messrs.
Smith anil Jackson being lit nomination, with
j the following result: t
I Fi>a JI-jix V Sunn —Messrs. Derr, tor j dsr,
Piatt anil Conkltn—4
| Foil GEO. D. JACKSON —Messrs. Britlain,
I Philips, Degan and Finch—4.
There being no choice, four more bal'ois
were itien nad with the same result, when
the Convention took a recess of some ten
On the re-assembling of the Convention,
die 6th ballot was had, with the lollowing re
sult :
Foil SMITH —Messrs. Derr, Brittain,Snyder,
Philips, Con kit II end Piatt 6.
Fori Jot KSON— Messrs. Degan and Finch
Whcreni-im JOHN V SMIIH, of Wyo
ruing cminiy, was Oci-laivd duly nnoiimiied,
and the nuiiini.itniii unanimously ruiified.
Tue lollowing resolutions were ihoti iulto
duce.d and utianiiniiusly adopted:
On motion of Mr. Snyder, it was
Krsnlrr/I, That Hie nominations made this '
day lur Represenialives, bo nnanimnnsly sup '
pmled t.v lite Conletens id this Cnnleicnce. 1
Raolvcd, I lull the uieeliiig of die Confer-
- res ot this district, heiealier, be held uiniuully
J on the secniul Fiulaj ol September.
I On motion olCol Brinain. it was
j litsolveil, Tit at die next Conferee Meeting
j* lit Id at I.qiorle, Sullivan County.
On million of Map I'tui', it was
lU'Suli'Cil, Ttial ilia proceedings of this Con j
mpioit b published in all din Democratic j
paper* in this Representative district.
The Convention then sojourned sine die.
J- J.- |n [ , | '| ATT ' | Secretaries.
Bieo nsburg, Sept. 4, 1857.
\t ytimiiiß i uuuiy.
The Demneratio eonnty conventior. was
held cut the same day in Wyoming as in Co-
ImnTta. Hon. Robert R. I.tttle was nomina
itt.l unanimously lor Cungruss, and Thomas
Ostfihont and C. D. Cearltart elected Cini
gri'S"ional conferees. Fur Assembly, Cnl A.
Gtmiiner was nominated by a vote of IS ui
lti lor Dr. Jnhti V Smith. The nominee at
onto declined, as lie was In favor ol Sullivan
having tho candidate. The con vent tun then
tuimimued D. John V. Smith,, and elected f.
C. C'liikitu, Fisq , and D. N. C Purdy Reprn
sontttove Conlerees to meet at B'uoinvbiirg
on tie 4th ol September. The tallowing oth
er notiiitia'.ions were made :
For Sheriff—Zalia Billings.
l'rntl ottotar) — David D. Hewitt.
Commissioner—Harrison Cornslock.
11 g:*ler and It 'cooler—Horace Haliock.
Aunii- r—Julm Ctaw lord.
Tl.e l unkhaniinck Democrat the organ ol
the Democracy of 'he county, thus speaks ot
the conventions and nominations:
'The Ditmoera'ii! Convention, which a*-
sembled here oil Monday, was one of the
largest and most respectable that has been
held in Hi's county tor a number ol years.—
We are well pleased vvi.h the selection ol
candidates, fot the various offices, so tar as
the men themselves are concerned, but think
the Representative Conlerees should have
been instructed to concur with Sullivan eouu
for in truth the Representative belongs to
her this year. But, upon the whole, we have
I tit reason to find fault with the action ol the
' Convention ; *i bough the coutse pursued by
tin tr. in close . :e . ours .gainst about snlers
ac think is not t viu patible vvitii tl.e Demo
cratic creed, and something we are unac
customed to see pract ceil by the Democrat
; c. r liberal party. In our estimation, ihe j
1 Convention could have made the nomiua- j
! tttuis openly ami boldly, democratic fashion!
—in the pie-ence ol all spectators, as well a- j
! to exclude tliem llierelrom; but we are dia i
i pcs"d to make ilue allovvattce lor the it.flu- |
!etce ot deep ami evened let-lings. It is not
; easy lor men in a large assemblage, vvttli a
, bnef nine allotted lor business, to adopt per
feci precision in its rules and regulation",nd
to our mimls. had the Convention not acted
' fu.m the impulse ol die moment, —had they
! tiav.r taken the second thought lltey would
I not l ave adopted that mode, which borders
I too much on Know Nothing customs, for o
to tolerate.
We will speak of the nominations more
particularly next week."
Steppage <f the Denting Cotton Mill —We
have already noticed t.ha stoppage ol a nnm
| ber of the largest cotton mills in the New
. England States, on account ot the high price
'ot raw material; and we learn with regret
I that a meeting of me directorsoi the Reading
' cotton mill I.elJ on Tuesday last, it was de
! terminer! to close it as snort as Ihe yarn now
! on hand is exhausted, which will be in tlie
course of two or three weeks. The great in
crease in tl.e cost of cotton makes it impos
sible to keep their mill in operation excep'
a' a loss. Tfte company employs about three
hundred operatives, a va-y large proportion
ot them women and boys, who wiH of course
be thrown out of work by the stoppage of the
m\ \ —Reading {Pa ) Gatette
I be Aleaioriiil or Prof anil the (
Krpljr of I'rekiil' u( iuck<ianu. j
WARRINGTON, .Sept. 2.—The following'is
i the meniorißl o( ProfcMor Silliman and forty
| two other*, of Cbnnreiicul, addressed 10 bin
Excellency, J a idea Buchanan, President ''of
me United Stales:
The iiinlert-ignsd, citizens of the United
Maiea and elector* of die Stale of Couueuli
cut, respectfully offer U> ynur Excellency this
their nieirinrial. The fundamental principal
■ot the Constitution *of ji United States and
of nur political i*s|Muliuise* that, the people
-shall make then own laws, yind elect their
own rulers. We we with giei, it not with .
astonishment, that Gov. Walker of Kansas
openly reprosenla am) proclaims that the
1 l'leeiJeni of the United Staiea is em ploying,
through him, an army, ode purpose ol which
is to Inrce the people ol Kansas to obey latva
nut their own nor uf the United Suncs, hit'
law a which it te notorious and established
upon evidence that they never made, and
mlers they never elected. We represent
therefore, by the loregouig, your Excellency
ta held up and proclaimed, to lite great de- _
rogation ol our national character, as violat-
my, in its roost essential particular, the sol- (
etoii oath which the President has taken to ,
support the coneliiuiion ol this Union. We
call attention lurther to the lact that your Ex- |
uelleocy is in like manner held up -tu thin I
nation, to ull mankind, and to all posterity,
in' the aliunde o "levying wear against a
portrait ol the U S,'" by employing arms In
Kansas to uphold a body of men and a code |
of enactments, purporting to be legialalive, | f
but which never hud me election nor ssuc- I
lion, nor consent of the people of lite terri- ,
lory - . I
We eaiue-lly repraseii'.lO your Excellency, I
ilia; we liuve alio taken lllti oalh lo obey tile
Constitution, and your Excellency may be
assured ihut we shall up' reliain from the .
prayer dial the Almighty God will .nukeyour (
administration un exauirle ol justice and be
ueiieence, and with Km terrible majesty pro
leet our people and tier Constitution.
Washington C'i'y, Aug. -15, 1857. ,
Gentlemen On my return to die city ul (
ter a lor.night'# absence, your memorial, ,
wiibont date, via plced in my hands, thro' | ,
the agency of Mi. Htna'irf King, ol ills I'ns j |
Olfi. e llepHllllient; |ij wMmi it had been in j
trusted. Prom The tflltinguislied source
whence ii proceed-. H well a- lis peculiar j i
cliuractor. I have deemed it proper 10 depart i ,
Irom my general rule iu such cases, and lo ,
give ii an answer. '
Vou fir.-t assert thai the fundamental prill- i
ciples of the Cimsiihition of the United Stales,
and of our political iiisiimtion-, is that die i
people shall make their own laws, and elecl
their own rulers. Vou then express your | |
grief and astonish men I that I should have vi- i
ola'ed this principle, and through Gov. Walk- i
er, luve employed an army, "one ol the pur- i
poses of which is to force the people of Kan
as. to obey laws not their own. nor of the I
United Stales, but which it is notorious and
established upon evidence tliey never made,
j and rulers tliey never elected." And as a
, corollaiy (torn the foregoing, yon repieseni
j diet I am ''openly' held up nod proclaimed,
j lo die great derogation ol our iimioind char
at: er, as, violating, in its most esseinnd par
ticular, Hie solemn oalh which the President
has taken lo siippbrt the Constitution of litis
These are heavy cliargos, proceeding from |
gentlemen ol your high character, and, if well j
founded, ought to consign my name to inla i
' my. Bill in proportion to their gravity, coin
| moii jo-lice, to say- nothing of Christian char- J
ny, required lliaj beloto making ilieni yon
should have deafly ascertained that tliey were j
well founded; if dot, tliey will rebound wiili
withering condemnation upon their author,
llave yon performed ihis preliminary duly
toward* the man Who, however unworihy, i*
the Chief Magistrate of your country 1 If so,
eidior you or I ure laboring under a strange
d : Ins ion. Slionl.llhis nruve to be your case,
ii will present a memorable example of die
i ruth, d at political prejudice is blind, even 'o
me existence of the plainest and most palpa
ble historical fact*.
To these facte le' us refer. When I emer
ed upon the duties of die Presidential olliee
on the 4tlt ol March last, what was die con
dition of Kansas f
Tide Territory had been organized under
an act of Congress, passed die 30tb dap of
May, 1854, and the Government iu all its
branches was lull in. operation. , A Governor,
a Secretary of the Territory, a Cliiel Justice, |
two Associate Justice#, a Marshal ami Dis
trict Attorney, bail been appointed by my 1
predecessor, by and with the advice and con ,
sent ol the Senate, and were ad engaged iu
discharging their re|ctive duties. A code
ol laws had been enacted by the Territorial
; legislature, and the Judiciary were employed
1 iu expounding and carrying iliese laws into
j eUccl.
i It is quite true tl at a controversy had pre
| vouslv arisen, respecting the validity of die
i election of niembets n> the Territorial Legis-
I lainre, and o! be laws |i-.-e.l by them. Bui
j ai ihe lime I e.mered upon try oliieial duties,
Cougr. # had recognized tniv Legisltiure, in |
d 11-ient hum*, and by different enactments
The delegate eleced lo lite House ol Repre
sentatives, ttiuler the Terriioritl law, had just
completed his terra of service en (he day pre
vious lo my inauguration. In fai t, I found
die Government ol Kansas as veil established
as thai of any other Territory.
Under il.e-e circumstances, what was my
duty? Was ii not to sustain this government;
to protect ii from the violence ol lawle-s men;
io prevent it being overturned by foice ; in
the language of the Constitution, "to take
care thai the laws be faithlully executed?"
Ii was lot tbis purpose, and this alone, thai
I ordered a military force lo Kansas, as a
1 pos>c comitatus, aiding thy civil magistrate to
! carry the laws into execution. The condition
' of Ihe Territory at the tbnie, which I need not
portray, rendered lifts precaution absolutely
' necessary.
In this slate of affairs, would I not have
been jusly con.leuiuiul, tad I left the Mar
-1 slial and oilier nlficer# of a like character iin
■ potent o execute the process and judgments
i ol a court of Justice, established by Congress,
i or the Territorial Legislature under its ex
ores# authotity ; aod thus have suffered the
government itself to become an object of
: I contempt in the eyes of the people? AD<l
I yet this is what you designate as forcing "the
' people of Kansas to obey laws not their own,
nor ol the United States," and for doing which,
ynu have denounced me at having violated
my oath.
I ask what ejse con Id I have done or ought
I to have done? Would yon have desired
that I should abandon the Territorial Govern
ment, sanctioned as it had been by Congress,
to illegal violence, and' thus renew the scenes
nf civil war and bloodshed, which every pa
triot bed deplored? Tflia would, indeed,
have been to violate my oath of office, and to
"fix a damning blot on the character of my
1 most cheerfully admit that the necessity
for sending a military force to Kansas, to aid
in the execution of the oivil law, reflects no
credit upon the Miarac ter ol our country. But
fei trie blame fall upon lite heads of the guilty.
-Whence did this necessity arise ?
A pnrtion of the people of Kansas, unwil
ling to trust to the ballot box —the certain
American remedy for tne address of allgriev
aiices—umlermok In create an independent
Government for themselves. Had this at
tempt proved successful, it would, of course,
| have subverted lite existing Government, pre
i scribed am' recognized by Congress, and sub
j stituted a revolutionary government in its
stead This WHS u-urpation of the same char
aoier as it wftlild be lor a portion of the peo
ple ol Connecticut to undertake to establish
a separate governtffenl within its own limits
for.the purpose ef redressing any grievance,
real or imaginary, of which they mignt have
complained against the legitimate govern
me it. Such a principle, it carried into exe
cution, would destroy all lawful uulhority and
produce universal anarchy.
1 ought to specify more particularly a con
dition of tiffairs, which I have embraced only
in general terms, requiring the presence of e
military force in Kansas. The Congress of
the United Stales has most wisely declared it
to be the true interest end meaning ol this
act —the act organising lite territory—not to
legislate slavery into any territory or Slum,
nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the
people thereof perlectly Iree to form and reg
ulate their domestic institutions in their own
way, subject only to the Constitution of the
United States.
A- ii liaoiral consequence, Congress has
ul-o prescribed by the mine act, that when
the IVrriinry of Kansas shall be admitted as
a S'ate, it whall be received into itiis Union
with or wilioul slavery, as their constiiu
•ino may prescribe at die tune of dieir udmis
Slavery existed al that period, and still ex
isis in Kaii.-hs. under die Constitution of die
United 8 ices. This point has at l*sl been
finally decided by Ihe highest tribunal known J
In our laws. How il could ever have been
seriously doubted is a mystery. If a confed
eration of Sovereign States acquire a new
territory at the expense of dieir common
blood ami treasure, surely one set of die part
ners can have no right to exclude the others
Irom its enjoyment by prohibiting them from
taking into it whatsoever is recognized to be
property by the common cnnsii'.utioo. But
when iho people, the f/oun fide residems ol
sueti territory, proceed to form a Siate Con
solution, then it is dieir right 10 decide the
important question lor themselves, wlicdier
they will continue lo ratify or übulish sla
< verv.
To thorn, ami to them alone, iloes this
question belong, free (torn all foreign inter
feienee. In the opinion of the Terri'orial
Legii-I.ilure ol IVHIIMIS the time has arrived lor
entering the Union, and they accordingly
p.ised a law to elect delegates lor the pur
pure of training a Stale constitution. This law
was fair and just in its provisions.
It conferred ttie right of suffrage on every
bom fide inhabitant of the territory, and for
the purpose of preventing fraud and the in
tiusinn of citizens of near or distant States,
most properly confined the right to those who
hail resided therein three mouths previous to
the election. Hero was a fair opportunity
presented lor all quulitied resident citizdns ol
the territory, to whatever organization they
might have previously belonged, to partici
pate in the election, and to express their opin
ions at the ballot-box on the question of sla
very. Hot numbers of lawless men still con
tinued to resist the regular territorial govern- |
men'. They relused to be either registered, i
or to vote, and members of the Convention
were elected legally and properly without
their intervention. The Convention will soon
assemble to perform the solemn duty of fra
ming a constitution for themselves and then
I posterity, and in the state of incipient rebell
i ion which still exists in Kansas, it is my inrt
j terative duly to employ the troops of the
Uniicd Stales,should this become necessary,
' in defending xbe Convention against violence
wtnle framing a constitution, and in protect
ing lite bona fiile inhabitants, qualified to vote
under the provisions of this instrument, in the
free exercise of the tight of suffrage, when it
snail be submiuad to the-u lor their approba
tion or rejection.
I have entire confidence in Governor
Walker, that the troops will not be employ
ed except to resist actual aggression, or in
the execution of tho law ; and this, not until
the power of the civil magistrate shall prove
unavailing. Following the wise example
of Mr Madison towards the Hartford Con
vention, illegal and dangerous combinations,
such as that of the Topeka Convention, will
; no' be disturbed, unless they shall attempt
i to perform some act which will bring them
1 into actual collision with the constitution
and the laws. In that event they shall be
resisted and put down by the whole power
of the government. In performing this do
ty 1 shall have the approbation of my ovfn
conscience, and, as 1 humbly trust, of my
I God.
I thank you for the assurance that you will
not refrain from prayer that the Almighty
God will make my administration an exam
ple of justice and beneficence. You can
gready assist me in carrying out this blessed
consummation bv exerting your influence in
allaying the existing sectional excitement
on jhe subject of slavery, which has been
productive of much evil and no good; and
which, if it succeed in attaining its object,
would ruin the slave as well as the master.
This would be worth genuine philanthropy.
Every day of my life 1 feel how inadequate
I am to perform the duties of ray high eta
lion, without continuing hi the support of
the DiWfie Providence. Yet placing my
trust in' Him, and in Him alono, I entertain
a good hopo <hat He will enable me to do
equal justice l to all portions of the Union,
and thus render me an humble instrument
in restoring peace and harmony among the
people of the several States.
Yours, very respectfully,
The Work on the Capitol Filemlon.
The extension of the Capitol at Washing
ton is on an extensive and niagnificont scale.
The cost of some of the items is given in
the Washington Union. Tho windows of
the north and south fronts 51,639 each. The
marble workmanship on each of tho eastern
front doorways, 84,070. The two figures df
statuary to be plnced over each door are es
timated at 86,260. Tho doors bronze, and
bearing bas-relief designs illustrative of
American history, will cost 813,200 for each
wing. They are designed by Crawford. It
is llie intention to have ono executed at Mu
nich, and the oiheT, for the promotion of
American art, in this country. The door
opening from the old hall of the House ol
Representatives into the corridor leading to
the next hall will also be of bronze, bearing
bss-relief designs illustrative ol American
history, and will, it is estimated, cost 5-11,-
416—designed by Randolph Rogers. The
statuary intended tor tho eastern pediment
of tho north wing of the Capitol, designed
and modeled by Mr. Crawford, it is estima
ted will cost $16,000. For the design and
model of the Statue of Liberty, intonded to
surmount tho now dome of the Capitol, Mr.
Crawford is to receive $3 000, tho Indian
Girl $429, and the mantel piece for the Sen
ate reception room 8300 — Lttlgtr.
4Arenl Cry but Utile Wool. y
The citizens of Chicago got into anti-sla- (
very convulsions a few days ago, over the
fact that a Pennsylvanian, residing in Juni
nta county, liad a small colored boy with
him, whose bringing up had been consigned 0
to the Pennsylvanian by the molhorof the j
boy. The boy had been put upon a farm,
but as he had not been used well, the Penn- J
sylvaninn was removing him. Tho impres
sion was created that the boy was a slave, J
and a mob assembled and assaulted the gen- ! f
tlcman who had him in charge, as ha was j
riding oil' in a carriage, and slopped his i
progress. I.a'er in the day, the mob be- 1
came infuriated still further, though tho re- \
la:ions of the gentleman and the boy had
been explained to them, and the boy hail
been takea to tho loclc-up for safety. Tho '
next day a suit was brought against the gen- '
| tleinan, when the facts were fully made out
thai the boy'was free and was voluntarily go
ing with his Pennsylvania guardian, and
that all the fuss ereutnd and trouble given ,
was entirely needless —-Ledger.
TV Miss Curtis, a school teacher, while
on her way home tipar Scranton, Lu
zerne county, was overtaken by a man,
grappled by the throat, brutally thrown upon I
the ground, and cobbed of her gold watch, j
chain, and looket ; she bravely resisted the [
insult, but his superior strength compelled '
her to give up tho jewelry. JStio was but a, 1
short distance from her boarding house, but |
he held her so tightly by the throat that she 1
was unable to give utterance to a single loud j
sound. Tho villain lore tho jewelry from I
her in the most brutal manner, and then os- j
taped, though vigilant search was made. |
Cy J. Porter Brawley lignres in a criin. j
con. case at Erie, and was knocked down by |
the husband of the woman seduced. The I
woman, named Huight, was afterwards ar
res'ed, and had u hearing oti a charge of |
adultery, but was discharged for want ofev-t
B> taking of (he Submarine Cable.—The Sub
marine Cable broke when about three hand- I
ret 1 miles Irotn the coast of Ireland. The I
Fleet returned to England. Another attempt |
is lobe made—some Scientific croakers have
decided that the undertaking is an aSfer-l
dily, and will result in an entire failure. j
A batch of twenty seven destitute filibus-1
I lers, shipped by the authorities of New ,
I York to Detroit, wore properly sont back by j
the ofticiuls of the latter city, the other day. j
IT One of the persons awaiting his trial
for murder, in Danville, canto near escaping
lately. He is now heavily ironed.
GfT It is said that no fort ever suffered so
| much from a single battle as has the piano
. forte from the Battle of Prague.
' OODLAND CREAM" — A Pomade for
1 neaulifying the Iluir —highly perfumed,
1 superior to any French article imported, and
fur bslf the price. For dressing Indies Hair
it has no equal. giving it a bright glossy ap
pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to
r cud in the most natural manner. It removes
- dar.drutf, always giving the hair the appear
i anee of being fresh shampooed. Price only
I fifty cents. None genuine unless signed
Proprietors of the
t " fin/in o/ a thousand Flowers."
For sale by all Druggists. New York.
TUB REV. C. S. BcßNrrr. while laboring as
1 a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a
t simple and certain Cure (or Consumption,
, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nervous
Debility, and all imparities of the blood; aln,
' an easy ami effectual mode of Inhaling the
3 remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his
r t-ti(ferine fellows, ha will cheerfully send the
. Recipe (bee) tosooh aa desire it, with full
( and explicit directions for prepariug and suc
cessfully titling the Medicine.
f Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT,
831 Broadwav. N*w York City.
! £g Aliwiai -
On the li insl., by the Rev. VVm. J Ever,
1 both of Montoor county.
3 On the 29th olt., by 8. A. Worman, Esq.,
. Mr. JACOB SSVDCR of Norrhumbedaml co., to
Miss SARAH BOBBIN* of Jackson, Col. 00.
5 wm*
' On Salatday, the 29ih tilt., in Hemlock tp.,
'• Mr. ALKXAMDBB AJAV-ST, aged 23 years, 1 mo.
j and • rfsvs,
WHEREAS by the Uws of this Common
wealth n is rttad* "the duly ol tits Sheriff of
every county to give notice ol the general
elections, by puttliestioii In one or mora
newspaper* of the county, at least twenty
dsys before the election," and to enumerate
therein "die officer* to the elected,'' and to
"designu'a the |4ace st winch ilia else ion ia
to be held " Therefore, I, STEPHEN It.
MILLER,'High Sheriff of Columbia county,
do hereby make knowil and proclaim to the
qualified electors ol Columbia county, that a
general election will be held throughout said
county, on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH
DAY OF OCTOBER, being tbe second Tues
day in eaid monilt, at the several district*
within the couuty to wilt—
Benton township, at the house of Ezakiel
Beaver township, at the bouse of Christian
Bloom township at the Court house Blooms
Briarrreek township, at the Town House,
Cutawissa township, at the house of the late
Stacy Margeram, Catawißia.
Centre township, at the house of Jeremiah
i Ileus, deceased.
Fishingcreek township, at the house of
Abraham 'Kline, now occupied by William
Greenwood township, si tha house of Joe,
R. Paiiott.
Hemlock township, et the Buck Horn.
Locust township, at the house of David
Franklin township, at the house of Bertja*
inin Drum.
Mrlilin township, at tits house of John Kel
Madison township, at the house of John
Welliver, dee'd.
Moutiipleasant township, at the house of
William llutchiusnn.
Montour township, af the houss of Joha
Richards, now occupied by William Hulling*-
Mam township, at the house of Isaao Yet
Hoaringcreek township, at the house of (J.
VV. Driesbach, now occupied by Franklin
Orange township, at the house of Peter P.
Kline. Oraugeville.
Pine township at the house of Albert Hun
Sugatlual township, at the house of Ali
tiaa Cole.
Scott township at the house of Enoch How
ell, E-pyiown.
Coityughutn township, at tha house of P.
R Wollordi.
Jackson township at the house of Joshua
It is funhsr diiecioj that the election *1
the said gators' disiricts shall be opened be
tween the Imuis of 8 and 10 o'cluck in tbe
forenoon, and sln'.l continue open without'
inienup ion or adjournment, uniill 7 o'clock
in the evening, when the polls shall be clos
Tho officers to he elected at the time and
place aloisr-anl are
And tie saitl election ol Congressman is
| held ill pursuance of a writ to me directed
I by the Governor ol the Cunimoimealih of
i Pennsyliuniu, wlerein it is directed that be
! cattr-e a vacancy has happened ill the re pre
! actuation ol this State in the House ol Rep
resentatives of the United Siutes, in coin-o-
I quettee of the death til JOHN G. A ONT
| GOMERY, Esq , elected u member ol the
Twenty Fib It Congress, (rom the Twelfth
I Congressional District, composed of the
i counties ol Columbia. Luzerne, Montour and
I Wyoming, that I, Stephen 11. Miller, High
| Sheriff ol Columbia county, shall hold or
: cause to be hold, in each township, at the
| lime and the places aforesaid, an election for
j choosing a Representative of this Common
wealth it: the House of Representatives of
' the United Stales, to fill the vacancy afore
Anil, whereat, I have been directed by the
Governor to fiva notice that. joint ietulo>
lion, propoiing cerium ameliditieutu to the
Conaiitutiun ot tint Commonwealth, hat bean
agreed to by a majority of the member*
elected to oacli House ol the Legislature, at
two succeiiMi e terms of the same, and that
it is provided by the Constitution, that any
amendment to agreed upon, shall ba sub
mitted to the people for their approval or re
jection. Tlierelore, for the purpose of ascer
taining the sense ot the citizens of this Com
monwealth in regard thereto, I, Stephen H.
Miller, High Sheriff ol Columbia county, do '
give notice and proclaim to the qualified
electors of said county, that an election will
be held 111 each of the townships, wards and
districts therein, on the second Tuesday of
October, A. I). 1857, lor Itie purpose of deei
-1 dmg upon the adoption or rejection of tho
said amendments, or any of them; whicti
said election shall be held at the places, anil
opened and closed at the lime at and within
1 which the General Elections of this Com
, moil wealth are held, opened and closed; ami
it shall be the duty of tfie Judges, Inspectors
' ai.d Clerks of each of said townilnps, ward*
and districts to receive at the said election,
| tickets either written or printed, or partly
' written am) partly printed from citizens duly
qualified to vote (or Members ol the Gen
eral A-seuibly, and to deposit them in a box
or boxes to be (or that purpose provided by
the proper officers; which tickets whall be
be respectively labelled on the outside,
' First Amendment," ' Second Amendment,"
"Third Amendment,""Fourth Amendment,"
and those who are favorable to said Amend
ments, or any of them, may express their
desire by voting eaCh as many separate writ
ten or plotted, or partly written or printed
ballots or tickets, containing on the inside
thereof the words "For the Amendment,"
and tbote who are opposed to such Amend
ments, or any of them, may express their'
opposition by voting each as many separate
written or printed ballots or tickets contain
ing on tho inide thereof the words "Against
the Amendments." m
And further, Ido hereby give notice, di
arect and proclaim, that the elociion on the
said proposed Amendments, shall be opened
and closed at the same time, and in alt re
spects be conducted, as the General Elections
of tbis Commonwealth are now conducted,
as well as respects the qualifications of vo
ters, the lime and manner of makiog re
turns, as in all other particulars.
It is lurther directed mat the meeting of
the return Judges, at the Court House in
Blooinsbnrg, to make out the general returns
shall be on the first Friday succeeding the
general election, which will be the sixteenth
day of October..
\ The Congressional return Jutlgea of tha
Twelfth District, composed of the counties
, oi Colombia, Luzerne, Montour and Wy
oming, will meet at the Court House, ia
Bloomsburg, on TUESDAY, tbu twentieth
, day of Uoiober next, to make out loiurua
lor cnembor w <?ootes'
The Seuatdriaf tStttrp judges of the fhit-