The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 09, 1857, Image 1

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    i 1 " i"' l '"' 1 "" -■—
It. IV. Hearer, Proprietor.]
OFFICE— Up stain, in Ihe new brick build
ing, ou Ike sotilk aide oj Main Street, third
upmre below Market.
E K HI S >—' Two Dollars per annum, if
paid within six months from the time of sub
scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period than six months; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearages
ere paid, unless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
Will be inserted three limes for One Dollar,
end twenty five cents for each additional in
cettion. A liberal discount will be made to
those who advertise by the year.
Choice tJoctrg.
I often think each tottering framo
That limps along in life's decline,
Once bore a heart as young, as warm,
As full of idle thoughts as mine !
And each has had fit dreams of joy,
it's own uurqu'aled, pure romance;
Commencing when llio blushing boy
. First thrilled at lovely woman's glance.
And each could tell his tale of youth,
Would think its scenes of love evince,
More passion, more uueurthly truth,
Than any tale before or since.
Yes! they could tell ol tender lays
At midnight penned in classic shades,
Of days more bright than modern day*—
And maids more lair than modem maids.
Of whispers in a willing ear,
Of kisses on a blushing cheek ;
Each kiss each whisper far too dear,
Our modern lips to give or speak.
Of passions too untimely crossed ;
Of passions slighted or betrayed—
Of kindred spirits early lost,
01 buds that blossom'd but to fade.
Of beaming eyes and tre*sos gay,
Elastic lorm and noble brow.
And lornis that all have passed away,
And left them whst we see them now.
And is it thus—is human love
So vety fight and frail a tiling ?
And must youth's brightest vis'ons move
Forever ou Time's restless wing ?
Must all the eyes that still re bright,
And all the lips that talk ot bliss,
And all the forms so lair to sight,
Hereafter only come to this?
Then what are all earth's treasures worth,
II we at length must lose them thus—
If all we value here on earth
Ere long muat fade away from us.
Hotels have now become so numerous in
cities, and fare so reasonable, that they are !
the resort, at limes, of nearly all classes ol )
society. The man who can afford to travel
from home, can afford to stop at a hotel; and
as landlords arc smart enough to regard the
wants of the million n* well as those of the
millionaires, we find the rich and ihe poor,
the high and the humble, side by side, at
hotel tables. Home-spun there sports a sil
ver fork wiih as much gusto as Mr. Broad
cloth, and the humble 'Sally' is as much en
titled to and enjoys a 6 fully, the good things
of life at the richly loaded table to the hotel,
es the accomplished Miss Josephine Martha
Washington Victoria Maria. Consequently
the hotel iss good place to study human na
ture, for there we see men and women, too,
from all the walks of life, and of all classes
of character. Often 'ex-truants meet,'and,
when such is the case, amusing incidents ate
sura to occur.
Sitting one evening in the office of the ().
House, in Cincinnati, my attention was at
tracted towaid two genuine and unadultera
ted fops who occupied seats near me. A
description of them would be uninleresliog,
fa' their is no community in this broad land
of oura without its fops, and a fop :B a fop,
and nothing else, the world over. They ad
mit of one distinction—city fop and country
fop; and they differ in the extent of
their dress, or exterior display, it being con
ceded, I believe, that fops posaess merely
sufficient brains to make an animal a human.
The individuals referred to were city fops,
diminutive specimens of humanity, in ev
ery regard.
One of tbcm bad received a letter from a
lady which he read to his companion to whom
be declared the writer was 'chawmiog beau
tiful; but, aa she was without a prospect,(for
a fortune,)' he could not consent to return
tier love. He vowed that (be billotdoux an
noyed him exceedingly, as be disliked to
break (be dear creatures heart.
While they were thus engaged in conver
sation, a tall strapping Hooeier entered the
hotel. He had a 'Buena Vista' on his bead,
and a red flannel 'wamus' on his shoulders,
while his lower extremities were in brown
linsy pants, and the slouleat hog-skin boots.
His hair was long and scraggy, bis face un
ehaved, at least, for a week, while bis whole
form was covered with dnst, which indicated
thai be had just arrived by railroad. In one
hand be carried a bundle, which was evident
ly his ctbtbing tied up in a'span new'yel
low and red cotton handkerchief, and io the
other held a stout but rude walking stick,
not long since from its mother hickory. He
had tba| awkwardness of gait peculiar to
countrymen whose days are spent almost
entirely upon farms, and whose minds are
devoted to the one thing most sought after,
but not the most desirable, the accumulation
of wealth.
He paused a moment at the door, glanc
ing at the crowd within, and at once attract
ed the attention of the fops, who immedi
ately gave a sort of consumptive laugh or
sneer, at the homely appearance of the stran
'ls this yer a tavern V be enquired of the
'A twavem? horrible!' exclaimed one of
On* fops holding nj> both hands
'A Iwavern, indeed ?' said the other, 'he
must be from the woods, Cbewlee,' end both
tenewed their laoghter.
The Hoosier gave them an indignant look
and waa about to reply, when the clerk, who
had observed birn, approached and informed
him that ha was at a hotel, and inquired if
he wished to slop.
'Stop, sartain I do,' was his response,'yon
don't rckon a feller wants to pass sich a
smart tavern at this yer, without atoppin, do
you Kurnell?'
'Hardly, air—allow me to take your bag
gage, and fumisb you with a room.'
'Just as you've a mind—l'm not at all par
ticular so I get aix feet o' bed, and a hull
plate at the table. Golly t but ain't this a
acrouging town.
'Quite a place, sir. Walk this way il you
please, and 1 will attend to you instantly,
said the clerk, as he took the Hoosier's bun
'Wall, now, you're uncommon perlite,
stranger, but 1 reckon you make a feller pay
for it all in the course of sarcumstauces, but
as you're sort or human—set right up to a
feller what's in a strange country, I'm the
ohap to square your bill for fodder to a fig
ure, when you foteh it up. That's my way
of doing business, Kurnell."
'I have no doubt of it, sir, said the clerk,
smiling and handing him the book for that
purpose, asking him to register hi* name.
'Do what?' inquired the stranger, some
whit astonished.
'Register your residence in this book, sir.'
I 'Write down thar?'
'Yes sir.'
'Cum, now Kurnell, none of your tricks,
said the Hoosier, it kind o' riles me to cum
across sich critters.'
'Oh, sir, it's no (rick, 1 assure you. We
require it of our visitors, us much for their
own as our benefit.'
'You don't tell!"
'Yes, sir, it is a fact.'
'Want to know whether they can write, I
reckon. Wall that's on a squar. When a
feller goes a wwy from hum, he ought to
show his education. I only learned to write
when I was a shaver, but got up purty high
in figures. I'll give you a specimen of my
chikography, as old 'Squire Smith calls wri
ten, in darned short order;' and the traveler
took the poo, squaring himself to suit, lean
ed over the book to write. Ills oddity at
tracted the attention of all in the office, in
cluding the two fops, who amused at his re
marks, gathered about him at the clerk's
desk. The pen in his hand had touched the
book, when he puused, and after refieoling
a moment raised his hoad, and addressing
Ihe clerk, said;
'Kurnell, do you want all of a feller's name?'
'Wo would like to have your name in lull'
'Full r.ame ! Wall, that's a puzzler. You
see my lamily name is Hempfield and then
my christian name is John Isaiah, that thar's
John Isaiah Hempfield, isn't it ?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Wall then, the boys down our way con
siderin' me a right smart chap, kind a gin
me a second crisienin'—tbey called me Iloss
The information so innocently given, caus
ed a loud burst of laughter Irom the crowd.
Huss Head participated in it, for he loved a
laugh, and could be as morry as the next
<A rale smart name ain't it boys V he ask
ed after the laughter had ceased. Wo'd you
put it down in the book ?'
■Certainly, certainlycried all
in a few minutes the stranger, after giving
his pen many circular movements over the
book, and changing his position several
times, succeeded in writing bis name in
full, as follows:
'Mr. John Isaiah Hempfield Hoss Head
Persimmon Post Office, Yaller County In
He pointed to this specimen of 'chicko
graphy' with pride, and seemed wonderfully
pleased with the fulsome praise bestowed
upon it by the gentlemen present.
Expressing a desire to get fixed up, the
clerk showed htm to (he wash room when
the fops who had endeavored to enjoy the
Hoosier's greenness wero struck wjjji an
idea—about such a one as generally
the bedulled brains of men—if men
may be called—ot their stamp. Anxious to
display their smartness and create amuse
ment at the expense of another the fops seiz
ed the porter's brushes, and giving the crowd
a knowing wink, as much as to say we'll
make fun for you, approached Hoss Head.
'Shall I bwush you, sirrah?' asked one en
deavoring to play the servant.
'Wall now, by tnnnder!' exclaimed Hoss
Head, as he dropped the soap from his hands
and ceased bis ablutions. 'I always was
good at guessin', but this beats all creation.
Look yer Kurnell,'—addressing the clerk—'l
no sooner seed these fellers to-night than I
guessed right out that they was sarvents.'
The boisterous laugh which followed was
To the great cbagrin of the fops.
'They just look,' he continued—every hit
being enjoyed by the crowd—as it they waru't
made for nothin' else than to scrape the mud
from a feller's legs, and do little chores
around a tavern. I tfaunk that when I first
seed 'em; ail' by thunder warn'l I right;
though? Brush me off? Sartainly! and
(with a dignified air) mind you raakesclean
sweep, or I'll report you to the Knrnell,
The fops finding that Hoss Hesd had thrown
the joke upon them, endeavored to recover;
so they informed him that be should not be
brushed unless he paid in at'varxe.
'Pay in advance!' was Hose Heads indig
nant reply. 'Thunder en:' salvation! don't
the tavern pay you lor your lazy, trifling
work 1 I reckon you think I'm kinder green,
and want to skin me, don't you?'
Ton onati we dwon't' replied one. "We
ah speak the twutb,' answered the other.
By this tune Hoss Head was viotorious, so
far as the spectators were concerned. —
While they could not sport with the Hoo
sier's ignorance of 'oily manners,' they could
but despise the senseless dandies who made
him an object of ridicule. Every hit, there
lore, Hose Head gave them, drew forth
loud acclamations 'for the gentleman from
the country,' and giving his head a toss,
which threw his hat to one side he asked:
'Ain't they tryin' to skin me, boy*?'
'Yes,' came from a dozen.
'I (hunk so from die start, an' therefore,
was ou the lookout for 'em. Squire Jones
told mo afore I left hum, to look out for tav
ern thieves when 1 get to the oily, and by
thunder I've run agin I wo of 'em right at the
'Dwn you mean to insult us?' asked one
of the fops, forgetting the part he had volun
teered to play, and feeling that he ought to
profess indignation on being called a thief.
'lf the shoe fits, wear it,' was Hoss Head's
pointed answer.
'Did you apply the term twavern thief to
us?' asked the other ftp.
'Sartain, I did.'
'Then, sirrah, we will let you know that
we only asaurned the chwaracter of servant.
We are gonfiemen,sirrah, and insist on youah
taking bwaok the obnoxious wappellstion, or
we will seek wedwess.
4 Yes, sirrah, we will seek wcdwess wiih
our canes ah,' said his companion, as he
flourished a slim specimen of a cane over
his head.
'What !' exclaimed Hosa Head, drawing
himself out to Ilia lull length, and giving the
dimiuulives before him rather a scornful
look. 'What, you want to fight do you?—
Just clear a ring, boys and stand buck il you
want to see ma eat them two critters in a
half u minute. 1 can do it by any watch in
the crowd. Just clear the ring.
'Stop, atop,' interrupted the clerk, who saw
thut matters were going too far, 'we can't
havo any fighting here.'
'Then larn your servants to be purlile,' re
plied Hoss Head.
'They are not servants, sir, and do not be
long to the house. They arc not even board
ers, and I assure you, sir, I never saw them
before Ibis evening.'
'Don't belong to the tavern, and trying to
skin me.'
'I presume sir, they only intended to play
a harmless joke.'
'That's all pon onuli,' replied one of the
fops who saw the mailers were assuming
rather a serious aspect for himselfand Iriend.
'That was all wo intended, wasn't it Chaw
'l'ononah it was.'
'Kinder pokin' fun at me, oh! Wall now,
I can stacd a joke as well as the next man
on uirth, and Kurnell, I'll gin twenty-five
cents all in silver, just to carry them ar men
out of the house.'
'I have nothing to do with them, sir, and
you can act your own pleasure,' replied the
The fops surmising the intentions of the
Hoosier, started for the door, but lie seized
them and said:
'Hold on I its better to ride whan it costs
nothing. I've got to tell you o story and
larn you a lesson afore you leave this tavern,'
and grasping both tightly by the collar, he
held them as if in a vice. The fops re
monstrated, but Hosa Head to the delight of
the crowd told them that there was no use a
lulkin' for they could not go until they heard
the story. Tbey consented to rercain if he
would lei go of them to which he did not ob
■Surrounded by such persons as are always
found in a hotel office, Hoss Head with his
eyes on the fops, told the following story:
'My old man down in Yaller County owns
as snmptuous a farm as lays in all them dig
gins. On that ar farm he's got an old horse,
he calls him Dick, as good uatured a critter
as ever rubbed bis nose in feed, and all any
body could say of him was that he was right
smartly common in looks. One lime a rich
teller, who lives somewbar in this town, was
gravelin' in a carriage, and broke down right
agin our farm. He concluded he'd go in
the cars, and left his horses with the old
man to lake care on 'em, an' I must allow,
that a puttier pair of critters never rubbed a
britchen. The old man put them in the
barnyard along with old Dick; and told 'em
to make themselves to hum. Old Dick was
monstrous glad to hove company and he
cum runnin' up to them in a neighborly sort
of a way, and throwed his head over fust one
of their necks and then the other, an' was as
Invin' as any gal could want her beau to be.
The city bosses didn't appear to like this
much, an' they kind 'o drawed back, tqok a
good look at Dick, and seeing he was un
common ogly, they just turocJ up their no
ses and flirted their tails and stalked off.
'This sort 'o riled old Dick, for he knowed
he was just ae good a horse as lifted a hoof,
and after thinkin' to himself awhile, he de
termined to have satisfaction on the two up
starts, who thought they was better than him.
So he goeß up to them and turns his back to
'em just this way;' and here Hoss Hend got
down on all fours, with his "hind parts" to
the fops. 'After he had stood this way
abont a mini), he rared and kicked this way,'
and the same moment one of his feet was
in the stomach of each of the fopa, and they
fonnd themselves sprawling on the floor. *
'Old Diclc,' said Hoss Head, uumoved at
what he bad dono, "keeled them over, and
by the time they war up he war th*r, and
he rared agin this way;' and the fopa who
Truth and Right Cod **<! oar Conntry.
had just risen snd were making-for the door,
found themselves on their stomtchs. 'Our
old hoss kept folleriti' 'era op,' continued
Hoss Head, • he moved back slowly on all
fours, 'until be got the city bosses who could
brag of ttothih' but their purty bar and their
hides, right by the bars, and he rated sort 'o
this way, and sent both of them out of the
barnyard a kiiin',' and taking good aim he
gave the fopa third and harder kick, which
seut tnem through the open door on the
As soon as the fops could get up, they ran
off screaming murder at tbo top of their
weak, feminioe voices, which, however,
were not loud enough to alatm any one.—
The spectators of the scene nearly split their
sides with laughter, as kick after kick
given, heartily concurring in the opinion,
that Hoss Head was administering a just and
well deserved punishment. Alter he had
given the Inst and most fearful kick, tho
Hoosier resumed un erect position, and par
ticipating in the general roar of laughter,
said :
'Wall, boys, I guess I learned them dan
dies that the best hoss don't always show
the finest hair.
The event mado Hoss Head quite a lion at
the hotel. Invitations to drink wore extend
ed to him oftener than was desirable; wine
was sent to the ts|>le, he was conducted
in a carriage thro' the city to see the sights,
and when M length Ha stalled for homo, the
landlord told him he bad no bill to pay, and
that he could consider his 'hat cha'ked' for
, that hotel whenever business or pleasure
' called him to the city.
John Isaiah Hempfield Hoss Head expres
sed himself highly delighted with the Queen
city, and all Ihe people within, except fops,
and left the Western Metropolis a very
highly tickled individual. The fops have
not been seen since that 'ever memorable
evening,' when for a joke Ibey assumed the
character of servant.
Renovating Articles ol' Wearing Apparel.
Tlio art of removing stains from clothes
produced hy acids, grease, mud, coffee,
wine, etc., is denominated scouring. To
carry the process to perfection requires not
only vast experience, but' some practical
knowledge of chemistry. Our observations
upon this subject must therefore be only
received as applicable to the ordinary cases
of stained fabric; because so much modifi
cation of tho process is required to be sub
servient to the various colors and materials
worked upon, that nothing but practice can
Tho commonest marks arc greaso spots,
and to scour them out of silk or satin llio
host materials to employ are oxgall or puro
turpentine. If gall be used, it should be
quite quite fresh, unless it is purified, of
which wo will speak hereafter. If turpen
tine bo employed, it should bo distilled, aud
perfectly free from resin. The preparation
called "scouring drops" is pure turpentine,
perfumed with essence of lemon. Either
of these substances may be applied with a
piece of sponge, or with a remnant of the
same material that is being cleaned. When
the grease spot is large, the greater part
may bo removed, in the first instance, by
the application of blotting paper and a hot
If the stain upon sHk or satin is produced
by an acid, such as from fruits, and that up
on black or dark colors, the best re-agent is
ammonia (strong hartshorn) rubbed in till it
disappears. For plain and figured silks, of
delicate colors, we cannot give a general
applicant, and therefore leave them to be
operated upon by the professed degraissours.
To obliterate grease spots from white silk
or satin, wo may proceed as directed for
for colored silks; but fruit, ink and glove
marks require a different treatment. These
marks are generally removed by damping
the part with oxalic acid dissolved in water;
about the eighth part of an ounce in a wine
glassful of water is strong enough. The
common salts of lemons in water also an
swer well. Coffee stains, mud splashes,
&c., will mostly give way to the use of soap
and water. Curd soap should be applied
for this purpose.
For grease spots upon cloth and all kinds
of woolen goods, 6oap and water may be
used without fear, provided it is well wash
ed out afterwards. Fuller's earth, or pow
dered French chaljk, made into a paste with
water, and laid upon the part is, however,
the best applicant, to be brushed out when
Paint marks ate removed with turpentine,
the smell of whih may be quickly dissipa
ted by hanging Ihe article upon a line in the
The clarified pile, or gall, as it is termed,
of the ox, is invjduable to painters in water
colors: it not only increases the brilliancy
and durability if the colors, but makes them
spread better ppon paper, and especially
ivory. When purified it is also much used
by scourors fort renovating the delicate col
ored silks andhatins. In its naturrl state it
contains greenish coloring matter, and is
then only applicable for restoring the bright
ness of dark materials. It is discolored thus:
Take one point of gall; boil and skim it;
then divide into two parts: to ono half pint
add half an ounco of salt, to the other add
half an ounce of powdered alum; .each part
is to bo heated till the additions are dissolv
ed ; then pour into soparte bottles, and allow
thoin to stand and clear, (in a quiet place)
lor a month or eight weeks, even longer it
not brigh*. Tho clear portions of both are
then lo bo pourod gently off tho sediments
and mixed together; the coloring matter co
agulates and falls, front which uro traaspu-
ront gall is finally separated by filtering
through blotting paper. In this state il will
keep any length of time with its qualities
unimpaired, and froo from odor.
From Mr. Finch's Poem before the Phi Beta
Ali/pa Society of Yale College.
1 am Stortn—the King !
I live in u fortress of firo and eioud,
Y'ou may hear my batteries sharp and loud,
In the summer night.
When I and my warriors arm lor tho fight,
And the billows moun
And tho cedars groan
As they bend beneath the terrible spring
Of Storm—the King!
lam Storm—the King! [rain ;
My troops aro the wind, and the hail, and the
My fous are the woods end lti feathery grain,
The mail-clad oak
That gnarls his front to my charge and stroke,
The ship on th* sea,
The blooms on the lea— [ring
And they writhe and break as ihe war cries
Of Storm—the King !
I am Storm—the Kir.g!
1 drove the sea o'er the f.eyden dykes ;
To the walls I bore
Tho "Ark of Delft" from the ocean shoro,
O'er vale and mead,
With warlike speed,
Till llio Spaniard fled Irom the deluge-ring
Of Storm—the King?
I um Storm—tho King,
I saw an arinnda set sail from Spuin
To sprinkle with blood a maiden's reign,
I met the host
With shattering blows on tho island coast,
And toro each dock
To shreds on n wreck;
And tbo Saxon poets tho praises sing
01 Storm—the King.
I ain Storm—lhe King!
They callod the village the fair young queen
Of all thul dress in the garden's green.
1 hurled the wave :
II was glory to see the cataract ravo !
It whelmed and tore
With a splintering pour,
And none relief to their help could bring
From Sioim—the King !
I am Storm—the King!
My marshuls are four—tho swart himoon,
Sirocco, Tornado, and swift Typhoon ;
My realm is the world,
Wherever a pennon is raved or furled
My stern command
Sweeps sea and laud;
And none unharmed a scoff may fling
At Storm—the King !
I am Storm—(ho King!
I scour the earth, the sou, the air,
And drag the trees by rlieir emerald hair,
And chase for game,
With a leap and a scream, the praitie flame,
The commerce ark
And the pirate bark,
And none may escape the terriblo spring
Ol Storm—the King!
From Ike Pennsylvania n.
Tito New York Jleri.ld lias, for sotno time
past, published articles expressing in strong
terms its apprehensions of an approaching
financial revulsion. The roasons which our
cotemporary assigns for the position assumed
ate: —That our importations of the present
year have been heavy beyond any precedent,
while our exports have been less than those
of last year; that with double the quantity of
warehoused goods, the port of New York has
received, since the Ist of July, importations
averaging a million of dollars a day. The
journal then endeavors lo show that our
means lo meet these excessive importations
will prove inadequate. The growing cotton
crops being a month behind time, the first
shipments might be delayed till December,
and if as large as last year, they would not
suffice to balance the account, and the pri
ces of the articles being already too high to
remunerate manufacturers, it remained doubt
ful whether it would bear an additional ad
vance. The Herald admits an abundant har
vest of breadstuff*, but remarks that neither
England, France nor Germany would want
our surplus, the harvest prospecs all over
Europe having never been so flattering as
now. And further, that Europe would not
accept our railroad bonds any longer, she
having not taken any of our stocks and bonds,
nor had we made any financial loan of this
sort in London since the commencement of
of the Uussian war. In addition to all this,
the Herald reminds us of the faet that the
shipments of California gold fall short of
those of last year each from two hundred
thousand to four hundred thousand dollars,
the deficiency up to the month of August,
1857, amounting to about four million dol
lars, which deficiency, it predicts, would
reach five or six millions before the end of
the year. Our coteuiporary concludes from
all this, that the first decided symptoms of a
monetary pressure may be felt as early as
December next; that a drain of specie to
Europe will be experienced in the ensuing
spring, and that a postponement of the bal
ancing of accounts would only be adding to
the burden under which we now stagger,
while the inevitable revulstou must remain,
after all, but a question of lime. The Herald
has given us the blackest and gloomiest side
of the picture, but there is another descrip
tion of papers who present quite a cheeitul
view of the matter. They assure us that
money continues to be easy, and that nobody
is alarmed. Money continues to be easy I
If the mere assertion of the fact could hut
make it so, these papers would be most in
valuable institutions. But unfortunately, the
rates of interest are on an average more than
double what they were some three years ago,
while the demand for capital is equally ur
gent, if not more so. Admitting the fact of
excessive importations, they eotuole them
selves with the thought that most of the tos
ses will fall on foreigner*, aud while they as
sure us that they are the last peisous to tavoi
exuavagauce, by couuieamciug such stnj'ot
talinit*, they endeavor to palliate their, on tbe
ground that ■ glut in the market, causing a
decline of prices, benefits the people in con
sequence of tho cheapness it cioate*. We
do not share these lofty and comprehensive
views, neither from a moral nor commercial
poiut of view. The advantages of legitimate
interchange, whether national or internation
al, are reciprocal. The losses of one of the
trading parties inay indeed temporarily ben
efit the other, bill except bestowing fortunes
upon a comparatively very limited r.umber
of lucky speculators, they cannot result in
lasting advantages to the people at large, be
cause every perturbation in commerce pro
duces a reaction of the same momentum.—
Cause and effect uro of equal forco. This
truth is applicable not alone to the science
of Mechanics, but to all phenomena in nature
and transactions of men. The most regular
and equitable system of interchange, subject
to no violent convulsions, lends to distribute
on both sides the greatest possible amount of
prosperity. The general law of (be equilib
rium of forces governs the profits and losses
ol Irado as it governs the relations of produc
tion and consumption. If foreign importers
should lose this year in consequence of an
extraordinary decline of prices, the result of
excessive importations—which, alter all,
were enoouruged by our own wastefulness
and extravagance—this dactino will surely bo
followed by a rise udequaio to the losses in
curred, so '.hat for these wo shall havo to in
demnify them hereafter, unless, indeed, which
is not probable, we contrivo meanwhile to
render ourselves independent of foreign in
Wo do not agree with tho Herald , bocause
we consider its comments upon our corntner
oial and financial position greatly exaggera
ted; still we hold that there exist powerful
reasons urging the press to raise its warning
voice. For a series of yeats, wo have reck
lessly indulged in habits of wastefulness, and
louse speculations of every description ; we
have stretched our credit, ai home and abroad
to the utmost limits of our ntrongth, and now,
when the consequences of this thoughtless
course aie brought home to us; when it is
fell hy almost everybody, that die monetary
resources are greatly inadequate to the busi
ness requirements of the country, wo see the
drain of precious metals continue without
interruption, and evon exceed that of former
I'tovious to 1851 wo nover in onyonoyear
exported above $9,500,000 of specie and
bullion, as an excess of exportation over im
portation ; but since 1851 that sum rangod
between $24 000,000 as a minimum, and
$52,000,000 as a maximum. In 1856 it a
mounted to $11,000,000, and now it is repor
ted, that the first seven months of the yepr,
we have already shipped 87,000,000 more
than lor the same period of last year. These
shipments are the main and immediate cause
of our troubles, and it is high time that Con
gress should direct its attention to the subject,
since the last tariff act has evidently failed to
accomplish its purpose.
liis by a speedy and prompt application
of legislative remedies only, that the gloomy
apprehensions entertained in some quarters
can be prevented from becoming a sad reali
ty. On the other hand, we would remark in
contradic'ion to the exaggeration of the Her
ald, that besides the California gold, proba
bly some 817,000,000 or 818,000,000 are ad
ded annually to our monetary resources by
the immigration, and that (hough Europe
may not require as large a quantity of grain
as in the previous years of war and partial
failure ol crops, the exportation will remain
considerable. The production of Europe is
never adequate to its consump'ion. The high
price of cotton denotes comparative scarcity,
and warrants a ready sale of the growing
crop—all of which may suffice, if otherwise
Ihe dictates ot prudence be heeded, in time,
to avert the threatening calamity. At all
events the people here will have cheaper
bread and provisions, which oilers another
encouraging prospect.
Going to General Smash-
The exiravagance of what are known as
fashionable people in New York, is extraor
dinary. To support it they most ail be in
possession of incomes averaging from 830,-
000 to 840,000 each. Of course, this is out
of the question, and hence, upper tendom in
Gotham is rapidly rushing to desperate bank
ruptcy. Hear what a correspondent of one
of our papers, who dates from New York,
"This is a fast age. We not only live fast,
travel fast and die fast,but we arc nst buyers,
lu the way of extravagance no former age
ever excelled ns. This not only proves that
the country is runnirg largely to wealth, fctr.
also ginger dread arid tinsel. There are
dwelling bouses in this city which cost 200,-
000. To keen such a house in servants, par
ties, balls, bassons and butchers, runs away
with 830,000 more. Everybody seems bent
upon making the utmost splurge' and rushing
to ' higbfalotia' and gold-edged spittoons. A
lady, the other day, paid 8-400 for a handker
chief. A shawl worth 81,500 is a 'common
occurrence' in the metropolis- I'crt-moiwes
set with pearls and diamonds and cost 1-g
from 875 to 8300, bave just been introduced
by a i'atis importer. Fans worth SBO may
be tooudat Stewart's by the dozeau If this
tact don't prove that we hve m a fast age—
that we are doing business on the high pres
sure priucipte—l dont know what would."
ty A Yankee thus advertises his wuc in
thyme;—"On the tfiih of August, oa the
night of Monday, eloped trom ber husband
the wife of John Grundy . his gruit tor ab
sence each dav growing tee per should my
cue hai her he begs thetu to k~?j> her
[Two Dollars por A DUMB.
from liaitini's A't of Singing.
Thero in no instrument capable of produc
ing a lono at all comparable with that of the
human *oie, and the glory of all other in
struments consists in the nearness of their
approach to its marvellous perfection. Not
that it were desirable that all instrument*
should exactly resemble the voice In quality
or tone—the individuality of each instrument
and the variety of tons in the orchestra con
stituting it* peculiar richness. Hut there are
many characteristics of the voice which were
desirable in all instruments, such as ease in
the production of lone—tho facility of pas
sage from one tone toanothei—the purity of
a tone, whatever its quality, may be—and a
sympathetic power in the expression of the
The instruments which moat closely re
semble the human voice aro the violoncello,
the alto, the violin. The instrument which
comes next after the voice, however, in
powerand comprehensiveness, (although not
so near resembling it in quality of lone,) is
the organ. In its grandeur of expression and
in its marvellous reaources, combining, as it
does more or loss, all other mechanical in
strument* in itself, it is a king among instru
ments of humau construction. The voice,
however, though possessing so peculiar a
quality, is yet capable to remarkable degree,
of imitating other instruments; for not only,
by cultivation can it produce the actual tones
of many instruments, but it can imitate al
almost all sounds with which the ear is ac
Let us turn, then, to the mechanical struc
ture of this instrument.
At thn basis of the vocal apparatus, like the
bellows of an organ, lie the human bellows
—the lungs. The office of these is to furnish
sir for the musical instrument located above.
The air is forced by the lung* through what
are called bronchia! lubes, which extending
I from either lung op toward the throat, grad
ually converge until they are esolved into
i one tube—the windpipe. At the upper point
i of the windpipe is a little bundle of mechan
ism called the larynx. It is composed of foor
pieces which have the power of playing into
each other, or of moving together. Through
the centre of the larynx is a hollow passage
or continuation of the air tube. Thit lube
terminate* in a wide opening, which opening
is lormed by the vocal cords, is of triangle
shape, and is called the glottis. Above Ibis
, opening is a valve called the epiglottis. Tbo
. epiglottis covers the air lube and protects in
the act of swallowing, the food passing down
| behind the back of the throat. Above tho
epiglottis is a continuation ol the opening,
(leading both into the mouth and nose) call
the pknrynz. The walls ol the pharynx have
the power of contracting or acting upon the
columns of air, thus modifying the tooe.
It will be unders'ooti then, that the lungs
furnish tbo air and send it up to the larynx,
(Adam's apple,) at which point the tone is
produced; the tone then passes up into the
pharynx and back part of the throat, where
it is modified at will, and then arrives at the
mouth and lips, where the organs of articula
tion shape the tone, when necessary, into a
It may be remarked that there are cavities
in the frontal bone between and over the
eyes and in the cheek bones, which are in
connection with the back part of the throat or
i pharynx, and which serve as a kind of sound
ing board for the tone. So that when a per
i son ha* a cold, and the membrane which
cover* all these cavities is swollen and the
1 space of the cavity diminished, and the sides
of the ravities changed at to haidnesaoreoo
sitency generally, the voice shows it imme
diately, and is changed from it* u-oal resonant
A similar change is effected in the teso
' nance of the voice by any unnatural cavities
I in the lunga, a* io the case of the spaces pro
-1 duced by luburcaUr softening. Coneump
i live persons, therefore, experience a change
| in the voice, the tone growing deep and hot
| low.
In mechar.isa there are three kind* of mi
sica't instruments :—lst, the r*ed family, ia
which the tone is produced by the vibration
of the reed*, or tongue* fastened at <ma end.
| 2d, the string family, io which the tone is
produced by the vtbra'ion of cord* fastened
1 at both ends. 3d, the date family, m which
i the tone is produced by the vibration of a
column of air in a dxed tube,
i Now, Carpenter, in hi* celebrated work an
t human physiology, considers the human a
red instrument, although in some subse
quent remarks he conclude* that what are
called fa!ntin tone* more resemble the fluid
But t cannot resist the connexion that the
voice is an admirable eempocmi of aH threw
mechaaisms, an<l tot this reason. It is not
a reed alow—because a voice can slide bom
otte tone to another (like sliding a finger op
a vioiit. or goi'ar string) in a manner impos
sible to a reed instrument. Beetles, in a
reed instrument, the reed or tongue is fasten
ed a: cue en>i only ; whereas, the vocoi cords
v ;a tae.r per, cudteelar extension to rough the
larynx are lusieued at both. Id. The voice
is uot * stri.iged instrument aloue, because itt
tie jroducttou ol '.alsetto tones (<>o coiled) the
strings cease to *i orate. 3d. It ie BOX a fi.u a
instrument doue, because only a portion ut
the tones are produced by the vibration of a
co.umu ol air m a tixed lube.
The rosce, tbenstoce, I cannot but thin*,
wouderlusty coaabtuee the advantages ot too
reed, the strung and fiuto mecoernsm melt
eiosety resembling. hyeoeet, the reeii
" or* I- w soni thstf dh VurooeLMemi a*
1 >Vxhugt -a, 13 to reuaaccltKi tot atlhnzo.