STAR OF THEJVOKTif R. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. UloomAfcnrp, We deejay, Sept. 2, 1857. Democratic Nominations. ' FOB GOVERNOR, * trtTrlMT. PACKER, FOB JCIICES OF TUB SUPREME COURT, WILLIAM STRONG, JAMES THOMPSON, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIM ROD STRICKLAND, ~plsYmcTYNDlcoi\NWm'K'Efr~ CONGRESS, JOHN M'REYNOLDS, Subject to the decision of the Congressional Con ference. ASSEMBLY, PETER ENT, Subject to the decision of the Bepresentative Con ference. rROTHONOTARV, JACOB EYERLY, nFOISTFB AND RFCORDER, DANIEL LEE, COMMISSIONER, ELIAS DIETERICK, TREASURER, JAMES S. McNINCH, AUDITOR, JOHN R. YOHE. ■MII-1 ! ■ ■ A Democratic Comity Meetiug M/lI.L be held at the Court-house on Won day evening of court week (Sept. 7th) to which the public are invited. Good spank ing may be expected. [Sept. 2, '67. Itrprcseututive t'onfercoce. j In this new Representative district Sulli van county hold tiie first Democratic Con vention and fixed the 4th of September as the time for holding the Representative Con ference at Bloomsburg. This was in accord ance with the rule in our old district, nnd al so with that heretofore observed in Sullivan nnd Wyoming. It has been the custom to hold the conference'soon alter the lasrcon vention in tlio district lias been held, and this has always brought the Representative confurenco earlier than tlio Senatorial nnd Congressional onos. We arc sorry thoroforo i to seo that tire Montour convention recently, j without assigning uny reason, attempted to | reverse the rule and postpone the Repre- I scntative conference behind tlio Senatorial i and Congressional ones. Tire ntlempt is in j bad spirit, as no reason is assigned or can , be given for it, and as ti fraternal and not a \ stubborn fueling should be manifested in I the conferences of neighboring counties. It j is a bad beginning for our now district, and ' every person will feel inclined to ask what | motive could have caused this disagreement. 1 If tlio time can make no difi'crcne? in results, I why produce disagreement and reverse the rule of the party nnd of reason ? If the Rep resentative conference is not removed be yond the time of Congressional and Senate- j rial Conferences to rlfoet them, why so ro- I move it 1 There must bo a motive. Hut i men who aspire to high places ought not to | go out of the way to oliiir reasonable grounds for the suspicion of designed intrigue. A I nomination ought to bo not only lair, but I beyond tho taint or suspicion of corruption. To prove how tho rule litis been in this district, we give the following items from the records during the past seven years. In 1860 John McKcynnlds was nominated for Assembly on the 7th of September. j In 1851 Mr. Jackson was nominated by | tho Representative conference on the 3d of September. In 1882 George Scott was nominated by the Representative conference ou the 9tli of September. The Congressional conference was hold on tho 11 th. In 1853 tho Representative Conference was fixed for the 2d September. The Sen atorial conference was held on the 19th. In 1854 tho Representhtive Confereneo was held on the Bth of September, and the Congressional on tho 12th. In 1855 Mr. Montgomery was nominated by tho UoprescntntiveConforencoon the 29th of August. In 1856 Mr. F.nt was nominated by the Representative Conference on tho 3dot Sep tember. The Congressional Conference was held on the lßtli|oTSepteniber and tho Sena torial on tho 19th of llio same mouth. Hare thou the unbVoken rule is to hold tho Representative Conference first, and early in September—once indeed in August. It was known ill Montour that Sullivan had fixed a time in nceordauce with this rule, and it were alwnys better that Conferees should meet as soon after their appointment as is practicable. That prevents all attempts at improper interference and leaves a nom ination free from all suspicion of intrigue. Snyder County. The Democrats of Snyder county held their convention laet week but failed to take defi nite action on the Senatorial nomination.— Five ballots were taken for Senator before the other nomination* were made. The re sult was Ist ballot. 2d Ballot. Reuben Keller, It 12 Henry C. Eyer, 8 8 Thomas Bowei, 5 4 The three following ballots were the same as the second. After the other nominations were made 21 more ballots were taken which all resulted like the second. The conven tion then adjourned without appointing ar.y Conferee*. This is certainly an unfortunate disagree-, ment, and our friend* will see pret'y soon that we were right when we deprecated the complicated and clumsy districts into which the new apportionment bill throws us. It i* bad enough when counties have troubles with in ihameelre*, but much worse when they di*ag(Ml wiik one another, without any ex cuse, and cance uncalled for d.fficulties, as MoctoaoMl lately done with Sullivan. tar Compel Geary is oal lot Pucker and Democracy * *' The Nominations. For Congress John Mcßeynold* has as much capacity as any of the candidates nam ed, and our county has claims equal to any other in the District. The office belongs not to any county but to the fittest man. Mr. Mcßcynolds has made politics the study of his long life, and is therefore well acquainted with public men and their history. His sa gacity and discretion would make him a . useful member to his constituents and friends. For member Mr. Ent is re-nominated, and his votes last winter fully justified the zeal ous support we gave to his election. The trial he has had proved the character of the man, and men are certain what sort of can didate tliey have in him. For Prothonotary, Mr. Eycrly, whom ev erybody knows, is re-nominated. This was entirely upon his merits as an officer, for his long tenure of office was urged strongly against him. Bnt his experience in office made this charge operate more in his favor than against him. He will be as easily elect ed as he was nominated, iorpeopie feel that it is a matter of much importance to have the duties of an office well attended to. Daniel Lee was unanimously re-nomina ted for Register and Recorder; and as every voter will agree that no man more correct, attentive and fair could be found for the of fice, he will most likely have no competitor at the pulls. For Commissioner, M-. Dieterick is social ly a clever man, and his father served as Commissioner some years ago. Politically he litis repeatedly opposed Democratic nom inations, voting in 1853 for a volunteer who waß last fall the Know Nothing elector in this district, and in 1854 for the K. N. Volun | leers. But as the convention seems to ob j solve him for these things,"and protionnoes liirn more meritorious than any of 2,000 true | Democrats of the county who have regularly i supported nominations', we are too good a Democrat to set up onr private opinion against the decree of the party, and we rnly hope that when he is elected It is public course will justify the partiality of the convention. No man has a right to expect that every nomina tion shall every yeur please his personal de sire, and if the party has forgiven Mr. Dieter inlf nanngl.l oerluinly to COUttlllUle O'jr smnll share of pardon which we can well do; es pecially as we shonlifte very much ashamed to act in the spirit he did in 1855, when he secretly distributed tickets for tlieKuow Noth ings with onr name fur county Auditor, and being told we were not a candidate lie an swered, "1 know, but wo run him lor spite." We shall act in no spirit of "spile" or mal ice toward him; and we have no doubt he is in moments of cool mind as much ashamed that ho litis done so, as wo would be to follow so had uu example. II the Opposition nom inate a competitor, he is likely to be still more obj-ctionnble, and as we are woll con tent with all the rest of the ticket we are as well off as any member of a party can bo. James S. M'Nineli is well qualified for Treasurer, lie was for some years a steady clerk in the store of M'Kelvy & Co., and to this day enjoy* their generous confidence for integrity and business capacity. Ho is now a partner in the largo paper mill nt Catawis sn, and though comparatively young he lias muny friends among those who know him best. John R. Y'olre was nominated by such a largo vole that it is certain he has persona! friends. Tlio whole Yohe family, we be- j lieve, are Democrats and John is among the most active ol them. Dunk ol' Newcastle. We learn from New Cas'lo thai .it is the intention ol the Directors of the late New Casllc Hank to resume payment and business ou the 13th of October next. The r.ame ol the concern will be that of "The Lawrence County Batik," and the stock mostly held in the hands ol the people of New Castle and vicinity—a very large amount having been 1 taken by merchants and farmers, in sums of from fifty to live hundred dollars each. Tho bills of Ihe old bank bring readily 90c. in gold, and as there is but little of.lhe oIJ is sue out, it will be redeemed at par before the loth ol October. More llnnk Failures. Tho Rhode Island Central Rank, the Tiv erton Bank, R. 1., and the Farmers' Bank of Wickford have tailed within the past week. So also has the Ohio Life and Trust Com pany with supposed liabilities to at least 67,- 1 000,000. John Thompson, a Wall Street Banker has also failed tor $250,000. The Maratime Bank, Bangor, Maine, is reported fai led. The Next Senate. Ol the State Senators 22 will hold over: that is, 13 Democrats and 9 ol the Opposition.— If the Opposition can unite ihe votes in the other 11 which were last fall cast lor Free mont aud Fillmore they will elect 6 and the Democrats 5. In that event the r.ext Senate would stand 18 Democrats to 15 Opposition. Aptommos is one of the greatest per foimers on the Harp in the world, end is only equaled by Ellis Roberts, Harpist to the Prince of Wales, England,and has perlormed before the Courts of Ecgland, France and Russia. Mr. Aptommos is brother to Mr. John Thomas, Master of the Harp, London. BP Two hundred shares of Stock of the Columbia Coal and Iron Company in this roomy are advertised for sale at auction in Philadelphia. Jacob Roardman,an industrious black smith, residing at New Castle, Schuylkill co., Pa., was accidentally shot by a companion while out gunning, a few days since. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and eeveu children. lyTbe Washington Stales says that peo- j pie run great risks in eating crabs at this season of the year. Nobody thinks of the risks the crabs run. XW It i* rumored that Rev. Mr. Meek, of Pa., hat been appointed Superintendent of Indian Affaire in Utah. Krporttdfor the Star of the North. , DEMOCRATIC COUNT! CONVENTION. Accordiug 10 the rules of the Democratic parly, the delegates elected on last Saturday 1 in the several township*, met in county con ; vention at the Court-bouse in Bloomsburg on Monday the 31st of August and organising by electing HON. GEORGE SCOTT, President, and M. C. Woodward and Jacob H. Fritz, Secretaries of the convention. The fo'lowing delegates then presented credentials and took their seats in the con vention : Bloom —Martin C. Woodward, John J. Bar kley. Bewer— Moses Schlicher, Henry Hinner liter. Ben ton—Richard Stiles, John J. Stiles. Briarcreek— W. A. J. Brituin, John J. Mc Henry. Conyngham— F. R. Wolfarth, Daniel Keh ley. Centre —Elias Geiger, Jnhn Ziner. Ca/awissa —George Scott, Reuben Rohr* baoh. fishingcreek —Daniel McHenry, Hugh Mc- Bride. Franklin —Reuben Knlttle, Wm. Mensch. Greenwood— Isaac Dewilt. Joseph Robbins. Hemlock —Jaoob Harris, M. G. Shoemaker. I Jackson —Tito?. W. Young, Iram Derr. Locust —Reuben Fahringer, William Good man. ' Mfldhntl—Lowi. Ocfiwjt#,, Oa.eim RIA. die. Jtfour.tpleasant —Peter Jacoy, John Mordin. Maine —Peter Fisher, John Nuss. Mifflin —John Keller, Henry Heller. • Montour —George Yost, Wm. G. Quick. Change —Hiram R. Kline, David Achen bach. Pine —John Leggot, John F. Fowler. Boa'ingcrcelc —Daniel Gearheart, Daniel R. Hower. Scritt —John Ent, John Robison. Sugarlonf— Jacob H. Fritz, Andrew bach. There was a contested election by the del egates ftom Fishingcreek between Hugh Mcllride nnd John lless. Statements were made by both sides, and Mr. Mcßride was declared elected by the : For Mcßiudk— Messrs. Woodward. Bark- Ly, SuiiluUmf. Uinterliter, Scolt, Rohrbach, D. McHenry, Knittle, Mensch. Harris, Shoe maker, Y'oung, Detr, Goodman, Sohuyler, Riddle, Jaeoby, Mordin, Fisher, NojvKbl ler, lletler, Y'ost, Quick, Gearheart, Hower, Kilt, Robison, Laubach.—29. . Fon Hess —Mossrs. R. Stiles, J. Stiles, J. McHenry, Ziner, Hewitt, Bobbins, Fahring er, Kline, Achenbaclt, Lepgot, Fowler.—l 2. Tho convention then proceeded to nomi nate a Congressman. Mr. Harris then offered tlio rollowing res olution, which woe unanimously adopted : Besotuid, That John Fruit and Dr. J. K. Bobbins are hereby chosen Congressional Conferees, to meet like conferees from the other counties ol this district, at Wilkesbar re; and that the Conferees from this county are instructed to use ull honorable means to secure the nomination of John Mclleyuolds for Congress. Col. KliueAhen offered the following reso lution which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That George Scott and Emanuel Lazarus lire hereby appointed Senatorial Del egates to represent this county in Senatorial Conference; and that this county concur with Moutour County in the time fixed for that meeting. Mr. llobison then offered the following res oluiiou which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That Iram Dorr and W. A. J. Rriliaiti uro hereby chosen Representative Conferees from this county, anil are hereby instructed tn support the nomination of Peter Fnt as the choice of this county by the con Terence. The convention then proceeded to nomi nate a candidate for Prothonotary. Mr. Kaittle nominated Jacob Eyerty ol Bloomsburg. Mr. I). MeHonry nominated A. W. Kline, Esq., ol Orange. A vote was taken with the following re sult : FOR EVSRl.V— Messrs. Woodward, Oarkley,! Schlicher, Hinterhter, Wollarth, Keblay,! Gieger, Rohrbach, D. McHenry, Mcßride, j Kniltle, Meusch, Robbing, Harris, Shoe- j maker, Young, Deer, Faluinger, Goodman, Schuyler, Jacoby, Mordin, Fisher, Nuss, Keller, Hetler, Yost, Quick, Leggol, Gear heart, Hower, ENL.— 32. FOR KLlNE— Messrs. Stiles, Stiles, Brittatn, J. McHenry,, Scott, Dewilt, Biddle. Kline, Achenbach, Fowler, Robison, Fritz, Laubaoh.—l4. i So JACOB F.YF.RLY was declared duly nomi nated for Prothonotary. On motion of Mr. Derr, DANIEL LEE was unanimously noini j tiated lor Register and Recorder. The convention then proceeded to nomi- j nate a Commissioner. Mr. Schuyler nominated J. A. Funston of Madison. Mr. Leggot nominated Benjamin Winter steen of Pine. Mr. Qaick nominated Elias Dietcrick of i Montour. On the first vote the result stood— FOR FCNSTON—Messrs. Woodward, Bark ley, D. McHenry, Mcßride, Harris, Young, Derr, Goodman, Schuyler, Biddle, Kline, Achenbach, Ent, Robison, Fritz, Laubach.— 16. FOB WINTKRSTEEN— Messrs. Stiles, Stiles, Brit'ain, J. McHenry, Geiger, Zaner, Pewitt, Bobbins, Mordin, Keller, Leggot, Fow ler.—l 2. FOR PETTERKX —Messrs. Schlicher, Hinter liter, Wolfarth, Kehley, Scott, Rohrbacb, Knittle, Mecech, Shoemaker, Faluinger, Jacoby, Fisher, Nuss, Hetler, Yo*t, Quick, Gearheart, Hower.— lß. The second ballot was with the same re soil, except that Mr. Kline of Orange voted for Wintersteen instead of Funston. The third ballot was like the second, ex cept that Mr. Achenbach of Orange voted for Wintersteen instead of Funston. Tbd fourth ballot was like the third. The fifth ballot was as iollows FOR FCNSTON —Messrs. Woodward, Bark ley, D. McHenry, Mcßride, Harris, Young, Derr, Goodman, Schuyler, Biddle, Kline, Achenbach, E|t, Robiscn, Fritz, Laubach.— , 16. FOR WINTTITFER-'MEMRI. Stiles, Stiles, 3 Britlain, Geigel, Ztuer, Dewit', Bobbins, Mordin, Keller ] J_fg^,i | Fowler —ll. FOR DiKTEeJ_ims"i Sohlicher, Hihter -1 liter, J. McHekry, Wolfarlb, Kehley, Sooit, ' Rohrbach, Kn|:| oj M:usch, Shoemaker, Fah ' ringer, Jacoby,| Fisher, Nnss, Hetler, Yost, 1 Quick, (jearbettaj Hoer. —19. On the sixih Wtllol the vote was precisely as on the fifth. the 11th rule of Iti9 par ty regalatiops afor the tiili t.allot the lowest (andidsie shall be stricken off, ami ibis being announeed the 7tb ballot was takhn as fol lows: \ FOR FUNSTON—Messrs. Woodward, ley, Britlain, Zaner, D. Mullenry, Mc Bride, Dewitt, Bobbins, Harris, Yonug, Derr, Good man, Schuyler, Biddle, Kline, Aohenback, Enl, Robinson, Fritz, Laubach.—2o. FOR DISTERJCX—Messrs. Schliuber, Hintef- iiter, Stiles, Stiles, J. Mcllenry, Wolfarlti, Kehley, Gfliger, Scott, Rohrbach, Kniilie, Mer.sch, Shoemaker, Fahringer, Jacoby, Mordin, Fisher, Nuss, Keller, Hetler, Yost, Quick, Leggot, Fowler, Gearheart, Hower. — 26. , • , So £I.U§ DIETERICK was declared duly nominated for County Commissioner. The Convention tben proceeded to nomi nate a Treasurer. Mr. Scott nominated James S. McNinch of Mr. Goodman, nominated Jonn rufffer ot Catawissa. The vote stood as follows: FOB MCNINCH—Mess-s. Barkley, J. Stiles, Britlain, J. McHenry, Wolfarth, Kehley, Za tier, Scott, Rohrbach, D. McHenry, Mcßride, Shoemaker, Derr, Schuyler, Jacoby, Mordin, Nuss, Yost, Quick, Kline, Achenbach, Leg got, Fowler, Hower, Robiaon, Fritz, Lau bach. —27. FOR KlEVEß—Messrs. Woodward, Schlioh cr, Hinteiliter, R. Stiles, Geiger, Knittle, Mcnsch, Dewitt, Robbins, Harris, Heller, Young, Fahringer, Goodman, Biddle, Fisher, Keller, Gearheart, Enl—l9. So JAMES S. MCNJNCII was declared duly nominated for Treasurer. The Convention then proceeded to nomi na'e a County Auditor. Col. Britlain nominated John It. Yobe of Mifflin. Mr. Woodward nominated Henry G. Phil lips of Bloom. Col. Kline nominated Stephen H. Swank of Mifilin. A vote was then taken which resulted as follows: FOR YOllE—Messrs. Sohlicher, H interliter, Stiles, Stiles, Brittsln, Wolfarth, Kehley, Gei ger, Zarter, Scott, D. M'Henry, M'Bride, Knittle, Mensch, Young, Derr, Fahringer, Goodman, Jacoby, Fisher, Nnss, Keller, Hel ler, Yost, Quick, Leggett, Fowler, Gearhatt, Hower, Ent, Robison, Fritz, Laubach—33, Eon PiiiLLii'S—Messrs. Woodward, Bark ley, Harris, Shoemaker, Schuyler, Biddle, Mordin, Kline, Anchenbaoh—9. FOR SWANK —Messrs. J. M'Henry, Rohr bock, Dewitt—3. So JOHN It. YOHR waa declared to bo duly nominated for Auditor. Col. Brittaiti then ofiered a resolution af- I firming the Pethocjatic platform, which was nnanimously adopted; but the Secretaries 1 have not furnished us with it. I The following resolution was then offered and unanimously adopted : I Resolved, That M. C. Woodward, William j j Snyder, Hudson Owen, Alinas Cole and Isaac J i Lcidv, bo the Standing Committee of Colum-; I bia county (or the ensuing year. The convention then adjourned. A Lurxv LCBAI. FKS.—A gentleman in Cincinnati slftlee (hat Nicholas Longworth, who was in Ilia native State a shoemaker, practiced law on his removal to that city du ring the yoara.between 1804 and 1820. He once received as a legal fee for defending a horse thief two second hand copper stills.— Tho gentleman'who hettT them in possession refused to give Ihem np, bnl proposed to Mr. Longworth to give him a lot on Western Row, so called, in lieu ef them— a proposal which the latter whose sanguine opinions of the val tta of euch property were ahesd of Hie time, gladly accepted. This transaction formed the basis of an immense fortune, the naked ground being now worth over two millions of dollars. NORTHUMBRRLAND. —The Democracy of Northumberland county has made the follow ing nominations: Senate—Geo. C. Welkar, Sunbury, Assembly—Jos. C. Rhoads, Milton. Sheriff—Henry J. Reeder, M'Ewensville. Frothonotary—Daniel Beckly, Treverton. Commissioner—Samuel Kut. Treasurer—Jes*e M.Simpson. Sunbury. Hon. Wot. L. Dewari and Dr. R. 11. Awl are Senatorial Conferees. MONTOUR— The American-Republicans of Montour have nominated a county ticket. For Commissioner—Nathan Sandal. For Frothonotary—Moore Wilson. For Aaditor—James Consart. Unmarried Women in Great Britain. —lt ap pears from the census of Great Britain of 'sl, thai in that year, there were in the country nearly si* millions of women above twenty years of age—of whom one million seven hundred and sixty seven tbonsahd were un married, and seven huudred and ninety-five thousand widows. CF'Senaior Rush, whose melancholy death was recently recorded, was the son of a very poor Irish emigrant, who, when became to I this country, settled in South Carolina on land belonging C. Calhoun. He was a stone cutter by trade. ■ ! 17 Some idea >be enormous amount of correspondence carried on between England and her Indian Empire, may be gathered from the fact that the Indian mail from London last, consisted of 133 boxes, each box on an average weighing 2g pounds. Hoo CHOLERA— The Zaoesville Timet says Ihat in the distilleif of Sir. Crane, in Ibe town of Dresden, Ohio, in thai county, 9100 worth of bogs die each day. | An important Political Movement. The Democratic Convention of Allegheny county, assembled at Pittsburg on I fie 26 th inst. Col. Jes. A. Gibson was chosen Chair man. A committee to prepare resolutions was appointed, of which J. R. Lknge, Esq., was the Chairman, by which committee the following resolutions were submitted to the meeting: " In the progrese of events it occasionally behooves every intelligent people to assert their rights, and boldly defend them against the encroachments of those by whom tbey are governed—therefore Resolml, That we approve most emphati cally of (he course adopted and pursued by ibe national administration. Resolved, That we have full confidence In the ability and integrity of the nominees of the Democratic party nominated at Hartis burg, and will give them our hearty support. Resolved, That we highly approve of the doctrine* and principles as set forth in the State Central Committee's address, as Being at the same time ably and purely Democrat ic, and more especially that portion of the ad dress whioh treats oi municipal subscriptions to railroads, &0., at this time we do recognize as most appropriate. Resolved, That legislative aotion should be confined within the limits of a strict construc tion ol the Constitution. Resolved, That tax means that tribute alone •hiiiK atitv nMlthst nf *t— agrees to pay to defray the absolute end ne cessary expenses of the government, end that the taxing power should not be exercised for any other purpose. Resolved, Thai it is the special duty of the Demoeratic party to protect and preserve in violate the individual rights of every citizen in the Commonwenlth in opposition to the assumption of power, either by our legisla ture or the officials under ourcounty and city corporate authorities. Resolved, That we solemnly avow our hos tility to the imposition of taxes for railroad purposes, and our unqualified determination to resist by all constitutional and legal means, the payment of any tax imposed upon us ille gally, either by State or county. Resolved, That while declaring no opposition to railroad improvements, we hohl that they should be advaneed by individual enterprise alone. * Resolved, That wo depreotte the system of free tickets being given to Judges, Legisla tors, I'reachers, Editors, &c.—said system be ing in our estimation a tacit and insidious means of bribery and corruption too danger ous to tolerate. Resolved, That we deem it to be the duty of our Commissioners now not to assess any lax for railroad purposes until compelled to pay by legal process. Resolved, That the legislature is in duty bound by statute to limit the ussessiug and collecting of any more tax than is absolutely necessary to defray the expenses of the gov ernment. The sevenltt resolution was opposed by Df. J. R. MeClintock, but il wni adopted by a vote of 65 to 35. The whole series was then adopted by a largo majority. These resolutions are ol more than usnal importance, and the principles they enunciate deserve the serious attention of the party.— There is a growing disposition manifested by the Democracy of this Stato to limit legisla tive action to its propor and constitutional sphere, and not to allow the State to be made a pack-horse, upon whose back can be pla ced the responsibili 7 " Poil de Cbevres, New Goods. British and American Dark Prints. Satinet is, Cassimeres, Cloths-fit Veslings. Muslins. Linaus, Flannels, Blankets, ka. N. B.—Auction Bargains from New York and thia City daily received. Particular t. tention given to Country orders for desirable Goodg— Terms Nell Cask. Sept. 1, 1857—3m05. Farmers' liepot and Master Mills, At the Junction of Fork Avenue ami Callowhill Streets, rniL4DGiiPiia. WE offer a large stock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be genuine: among which will be found— tons No. l Government rernvlau Guano. < 1,000 tons Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphate of Lirre. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best in tha world ! Our Lend Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout the Uuion for its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR De Berg's No. 1 Suner Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 (iovernment Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup-nhosphale of Lime. French's I'hiladelnlpa Poudrette. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phiia. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano (A.; Extra Land Plaster, Ordinary Land Plaster, Chemical Bone Pure bone dust. Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10.000 Barrels Land Plaster, 6,000 • Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3,000 •• 'lYue Roman ('emcnt, 1,000 •• Portland (Eng.) Cement. ALSO, DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE •' GLASS MAKERS' '• GROUND STONE, WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) do Uiiuminoua Coal, do Ground Browa Stone, do White Sand do Ground Bricka for Painters Chemical Bone dust. FRENCH. RICHARDS, & CO. Strom Mills and Farmers' Depot, At Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Street*, Philadelphia. September 2, 1857. SHERIFF SALE" BY virtue of a writ of fieri fncias there will be exposed to public sale el the Court lioute in Bloomsbnrg on Saturday the 6th day of September next at 1 o'clock, P. M., all the interest and ealate of Ma) berry Bv Bell held by him under a IOBRO Irom the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company for the term of eleven years Irom the first day of January A. D., 1851, for nil the vein* ol coal above water level East and West not exceeding one and a half mile in length which ia cut by a tunnel driven by the said Bell and Walbrldge on Red Ridge east ol Mount Cermet situate in Conyngham town ship, Columbia county, on the lands of tha Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company and being the same property leased by the said Bell from the Locust Monutain Coal and Iron Company by n written lease dated tha Bth day of June 1854. Seized taken ill execution mid to be (old as the properly of Mayberry B. Bell. STEPHEN H. MILLER, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, | Sheriff. • Bloornsburg, Aug. 21, '57.) GIFTS GUTS I A. KAWKY, Publisher, 393 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OFFERS roe SALE 500,000 HOOKS & MAPS, OF all kinds, at Publishers' prices, to be accompanied with 600,000 GIFTS, worth from 25 cents to 8200 each : consisting of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Lockets, Gold Chains, Cameo Pins and Drops, Gold Bracelets, Gold Pencils, Sewing Birds, in short Jewelry of every description; Reticules, Ladies Purses, Portmonaies, &c. $l5O worth of GIFTS DISTRIBUTED wiih every 60fr Books. A Gift wilt be delivered with every book sold for one dollar or more. Although no book or article will be sold for more than the usual retail price, many will be sold for less. Persons wishing eny particular book, can order at once and it will be forwarded with a Gift. Persons ordering Books with Gifts, should forward the amount of postage, as it must invariably be paid in edvanoe.— The average postage for $1,25 books is 18 els., and for $1,50 and $2,00 books, 21 cents. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS & AGENTS: A BOOK AND GIFT WITHOUT MONEY. Any person, by forwarding an order for Books, (with money enclosed,) will receive an extra Book and Gift with every Tent Books to be sent to one address. This method of forming Clubs save* poet age, as the Package goes by Express. Full information respecting this great gift enterprise, together with a complete List of Books, and gifts will be furnished in our Catalogue, which is sent post paid to any ad dress on applioation. Address, A. RANNEY, No. 293 Broadway, New York. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration npon the estate of John Welliver late of Madison township, Columbia comity, deceased, have heen'granted to the under signed residing also in the said township of Madison. All persona indebted to the estate are requested to make payment without de lay, and those hiving accounts for settlement to present them to JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator. Jerseytown, Aug. 14, 18b7. WHITE TEETH, PERFUMED BREATH AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION— can be ac quired by using the " Balm of a Thousand I'htotrs." What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeable, breath, when by using the "Balm of a Tkalo sand Flovers" as a dentrifice, would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth as white as alabaster ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad,and the subject is so deli cate their friends will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. Bo sure each bottle ia signed FETIUDUE & CO., N V • For sale by all Druggists. Fob. 18, 1867-6 m.