The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 12, 1857, Image 2

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Illeomabunr, Wednesday, Aafost 13, 1857.
Democratic IW milt at iOnsT
>■— Mesl^vsK.s
of Lycoming County.
•rttitf Jeboei or th r w frwu r cob'rx.
Of Berks County.
Of Erie County.
of Chester County.
J !_. -X —■
Every Plug Ugly would delight in any
kind of a fight. He is full of the animal
instincts which ally man with the lower or
der of creation. Not only may you take
Baltimore or Washington City
for an example ; but the rowdy spirit can
be seen in any town, eager for "a muss,"
and full of blood and muscle—sometimes l
of bad whiskey. In less refined ages
this instinct delighted in gladiatorial dis
plays of personal prowess; and in coun
tries where the animal nature is stronger
than the spiritual it still takes pleasure in
bull-fights and performances of that kind.
Even among hot-bloods of our own the du
ello is yet-well known. Therefore we say,
the restless, hot-blood which is so eager for |
a gladiatorial Iruy between Gen. Packer and j
Judge Wilmot does not ask it for the men- j
tal or moral enlightening of the public, but
simply to have a "row"—to excite passions
and to inflame the prejudices of fanatics
and bigots. The history of the Crusades, of
Popish gun-jtowder, meal-tub and Titus-
Dales' plots, and of witch-burning in this
country illustrate how this game is played
by hypocrites and demagogues upon the
passionate and the simple.
Ho they want cool and candid discussion? |
Why then did these same men only three
years ago lead their dupes into dens of mid
nlglit darkness to take horrid oaths oi secrecy
and of eternal hostility against their human
brethren ? A pretty set truly are these to
ask for public discussion now. But there has
been, and there will be the olection,
enough discussion to gratify them, and to
enlighten the public on all (lie issues truly
ill controversy.
True, there was three years ago an epi
sode from the main performance to which
we have alluded. We mean the prostitu
tion of a great moral principle to the gain
of political gamesters. But it is quite cer
tain that the Opposition candidate will not
now discuss that pint, unless in the lager
beer saloons in a practical way to catch
The old respectable Federal and Whig
parties prided themselves on possessing
"all the decency and intelligence'' of the
country : but their degenerate successors
prefer the drunken vulgarity of Tom Ford
to the arguments of any other speaker.—
Surely it would be wasting the pearls of
reason to discuss principles before those
men, and he who could gain their applause
would have cause lor everlasting self-re
proach. Take for instance a tnan who
thinks that to contrast Henry Clay with
■Seward and Johnson as "Hyperion to a
Satyr" is abusing Clay, and is it a wonder
that lie prefers Tom Ford to every body
else. From such an auditor a foul apecdole
woukl gain loud applause, and reasoning
fall still born.
I bc West and South.
The recent elections have gone Democratic
in every State. Kentucky Fends a Demo
rratic mjotity 'o the' legislature, on joint
ballot which will secure the election of Dem
ocratic United Slates Senator in the place of
Hon. John B. Thompson, who claims to be
a Whig. Kight of the ten Congressmen
elected arc Democrats, and among them is
James B. Clay who is Olected in the Ash
land district.
IN ALABAMA the whole Congressional dele
gation is Democratic.
MISSOURI elects Stewart, Democrat, Gov
ernor by some 5,000 majority over the com
bined torces of the Republicans and Knnw-
NotliHigs. Clark, Democrat, is elected to
Congress from the Third District in the plate
nf Hon. James I'. Grier, who has been elect
ed United Slates Senator.
IN TEXAS the relume indicate tint 11. R.
Kennels. Democrat, has been elected by
above 12.000 majority over Gen. Sain Hous
ton.- So (ar as heard, the opposition had not
yal elected any candidate to the Legislature.
IN NORTH CAROLINA the reiurtiß so far in
dicate that the Democrats have carried the
IN TENNESSEE the Democrats have elect
ed seven or eight Congressmen, and the
Know-Nothings two or three. The Legis
lature is Democratic, and Harris, Democrat,
is elected by 10.000 majority.
SULLIVAN COUNTV. —The Democratic coun
ty Convention met at Laporte on the 4th.
Col. James Deegan was appointed Presi
dent, Hon. Wm. A. Mason, and Rev. Rich
ard Redford, Vice President, C. C. Finch and
Win. Evans', Secretaries. For Representa
tive, George D. Jackson was declared the
the unanimous choice of Sullivan county,
subject to a conference with Columbia.—
Waller Spencer was nominated for Treas
urer, John Dtiffonbach for Commissioner,
and C. C. Finch and G. W. Morse, Auditors.
OP* Gen. William H. Miller, the Protliono
lary of the Supreme Coort at Harrisburg, and j
scut of the late Jesse Miller, has been appoiul- <
ud Consul to Trinidad do Cuba at a salary ol
tsT We have wily room to say that every
body scented pleased with the Editorial
Convention at Danville last week, and we
hope it will bring much good fruit.
CPA lot ioTamaqua 50 feet in front by
150 foci deep recently sold at public sale for
or In New York oew potatoes are plen
ty. and are selling at 60 cents per bushel
Bules of the Democratic Curly.
The following rules of organization wore
adopted by (he Democratic County Conven
tion of 1851, and will regelate the action of
I the next Convention.
The Standing Committee for the ennent
year includes C. R. Buckalew, John Kieler,
Emanuel Lazarus, John A. Funstou, and
Stephen H. Swank.
I Kuls I. The annual County Convention
shall be held at Ihe Court House, in Blooms
burg, on the last Monday ol August at 1, P.
M., and llie Delegare Election shall be held
on Ihe Saturday previous, a', the places ol
holding tho general elections in the several
election districts, between the hours of 3 and
7 o'clock, V. M.
11. The Delegate Election shall be by bal
lot and each general election district shall be
entitled to two delegates.
111. The Delegate Elections shall be held
and conducted by a Judge and Clerk, to be
selected by the Democrats in attendance, and
the said officers shall keep a list of voters and
tally of the votes counted, to be sent by them
to the convention with their certificate ol the
result of the election.
IV. All cases of disputed seats in conven
tions shall be disposed of opetily by vote after
hearing the respective claimants and their
V. All delegates must reside in the districts
they represent. In case ol an absent dele
gate he may depute another, if he fail lo do
so, his colleague in attendance may substitute
for him. In other cases Ihe convention may
fill up the representation from citizens of the
District in attendance.
VI. The voting in Conventions shall be
open, and any two members may require the
yeas and nays in any question pending.
VII. Special conventions may he called
when necessary by the S'andiug Committee,
the proceedings of which shall conform to
these rules.
VIII. All county nominations, and nil ap
poinjmeis of conlerees and of delegates to
State conventions, shall be made in county
IX. The Standing Committee shall be live
in number, one of whom shall reside at the
county scat, and shall be chosen annually in
convention. In case of vacancy the commit
i tee may fill up their number.
X. No member of legislature shall be cho
sen by this county as a delegate to a Slate
convention during his term of office.
XI. In Convention a majority of all the
votes given shall be necessaiy to a nomina
tion, und 110 person named shall be peremp
torily stricken Irom the list of candidates un
j til alter the sixth vote, when the lowest name
I shall be struck off and so on at each success
vole until a nomination is offectod.
XII. None of these rules shall be altered,
or rescinded, unless by a vote of two-thirds,
at a regular annual Convention.
An Artful Dodge.
A Chestnut street jeweler was swindled
out of a set of jewels 1 amounting to two
hundred and lifty dollars, a few day6sitice, in
a maimer so common in these times that we
wonder the net could not have been loreseen.
A flashy looking youth hailing from St. F.ouis,
who was stopping at (he St. I.awrence, com
mitted the fraud. He called at the store, ex
amined jewelry atnl requested that a clerk
might go with him to his room at the hotel
and bring Ilia goods with him. The swindler
politely invited the clerk to be seated, while
he look the goods to liie ladies' parlor to
show to his wile. The clerk complied and
delivered the gooJs to the stranger, when the
latter dissappeared in the direction of the la
dies' parlor. The clerk wailed (or a hour, and
ihen went to hunt up the stranger, but neither
goods nor purchaser have been seen subse
quently. The search of the police for the
young St. Louisian proves totally unavailing.
—Easton Argus.
Wilinot bs resigned his Judgeship. We
hope this is so—but why didn't lie resign
sootier, so as to give the people of his dis
trict ail opportunity, at the ensuing October
election, of filling the office for the period
oftenyeafs! The answer is easilly given,
fie has very little, if any, hope ol an election
to the Gubernatorial chair—consequently
r.ext year, when the people are constitution
ally authorized to act, (which can only be
done when the resignation lakes place three
calendar months before a general election,)
VVilmot will again step forward and be elec
ted to the Judicial office ! Had he resigned
sooner an election would have been held
this year, and his successor commissioned
for the full term. As it is, Governor Pollock
will now appoint, which appointment holds
good onlil after the election of 1858. A
pretty shrewd trick on the part of the Black
Republican candidate lor Governor, and alto
gether characteristic of the foul parly which
he represent. — Lmcatler Ltlelligcncer. '
tures of Tennessee, Virginia, Texas, Ken
tucky and Alabama are to elect United
States Senators at their next sessions. Ten
nessee has to choose two. Hunter and Wise
are prominent candidates in Virginia. F.x-
Governor Powell, Ex-Secretary Guthrie,
Hon. Geo. W. Johnson, Hon. Win. Preston,
and Hon. John W. Stevenson are spoken of
in Kentucky by the Democrats. Gen. Mc-
Culioitgh, the Toxan Ranger, will probably
be Gen. Rusk's successor from Texas.
Cy The Patent Office of the United States
has received three thousand applications
and issued fifteen hundred patents within
the last 6ix months. The income of the of
fice for the same lime has been over one
hundred and sixteen thousand dollars; and
the expenses of the office, including somo
improvements in the building, one hundred
and eight thousand dollars.
ty A man by the namu ol Joint Stewart,
who deserted his son when a child, attempt
ed lh other day to sue out a writ ol Habeas
Corpus before one of the Associate Judges
of Soy der county, with the view of taking
the lad, now 16 years old, from bis master,
to whom lie had been apprenticed at Beaver
Furnace. The Judge decided that the father
had uo light to the'boy.
The Bravest Man Found ut Latt.
General Jackson left a gold sndfl box to the
city authorities to bo awarded to the individ
ual, a eon of New York, who Should most
distinguish himself in the neat war which
occurred. Kvar since the Mexican war, the
discussion has been lively in reference to the
person who deserved this special mark of
merit. Various claimants have been put for
ward, and a joint committee of Councils have
had Ihe mailer under consideration. They
have at last reported that the box should be
awarded to' Major Gtrfe it W. Dyckman, of
j the First Regiment of New York Volunteers.
The Committee stated that they would not
| presume to make the announcement that
j Major Dyckman was the bravest man in the
'New York Regiment, but that lie possessed
every other essential requisite of a soldier and
an officer; and besides performed many acts
of remarkable bravery, which distinguished
him particularly from his fellow officers.—
The gold box is now in the possession of
Andrew Jackson, Jr., Ihe adopted sou of Ihe
old General, to whom it bad been committed
for safe keeping, and who intends to bring it
to New York in person. The prcsenlatien
will lake place on the 11th of September, and
as much dignity as possible will be commu
nicated to the occasion, by a turn out of tho
military, speeches, dinners, etc.— Ledger.
I Another I.oofholk fob Mrs. Cunningham.
i Law ia one of the exact sciences,and requires
mathematical certitude in each of the steps
of a proceeding before it imposes ft disquali
fication or a penalty. Mrs. Cunningham, by
the hasty proceeding of the District Attorney,
has not only the advantage which is supposed
to arise from not having fully consummated
the crime which she had intended, but she
has also a chance of escape through another
loophole left open by the premature proceed
ing. It is contended by the legal profession
that Mrs. Cunningham would not cume with
in Ihe statute against palming off a supposi
titious heir to the properly, unless it is deci
ded in the Surrogate's Court that she is actu
ally Ihe wife of Dr. Burdell. In the words of
the statute it is essential to the crime that the
child fraudulently produced should be pro
duced "as Ihe child of parents whose child
would be entitled to inherit." If Mrs. Cun
uingharn was not married lo Dr. Burdell, Ihe
child produced, supposing it to have been Iter
own, could not legitimately be the heir of
the deceased, and therefore the personation
does not full within the terms of the statute,
which calls for Ihe personation of an infant
born of parents whose child would be entitled
to inherit.
CP" The matvels of Chemistry are among
the wonders ol modern limes, threatening to
alfr the course of commerce and to reverse
tlie tide of liunißn industry. She had discov
ered, it is said, a substitute for the cochineal
insect in a beautiful dye producible from gu
ano. She has shown tlisfa supply ol animal
food may Lc obtained at a.cheaper rate, by
simply boiling down the juices of the flesh of
cattle now wasted and thrown aside in some
regions, and imparting the extract in aßtale
of concentration. And she has pointed out
that one of the earths which constitute the
principal material of onr globe contains a
metal as light as glass, as malleable and duc
tile as copper, and as little liable to rust as
silver; thus possessing properties so valuable,
that wlion means have been lound of separa
ting Vt economically from its ore, it will be
capable of superceding the metals in common
use, and thus of rendering metallurgy an
employment, not of certain districts only, but
of every part of the earth to which science
and civilization have penetrated. And these
are but fragments in the history of chemical
COUNSEL.—But few of (he reading public
are aware how continually an editor-is called
upon to advise his patrons on every subject,
Irom politics to the breed of cattle. Through
the whole range of our duties none has per
plexed us more than to tell our readers what
to take lor a core when thejr are sick. Hith
erto this has been a severe trial to all our skill
but it will not be hereafter. We have been
taking, and have seen the evidence from
others that have taken Doct. Ayer'e Cherry-
Pectoral and Cathartic Pills. They need but
a slight trial to convince the most sceptical
how far they are superior to the other medi
cines we have had in use. They have one
single property of great importance to the
sick and thai is they cu>e. — Uoslon Herald.
rr A newly married couplo look up their
residence in Poplar street. At breakfast
next morning the gentleman said to the
lady: "My dear, this is Poplar street, and
by putting u (you) in it becomes popular."
"And by putting ous (lis) in it," promptly
replied his better half, "will very naturally
become populous."
rr The bar-rooms in New York are clo
sing on Sundays. No cock-tails, bitters, or
eye-openers! Kven the German lager-beer
dealers have to succumb. One fellow put
over his shop—"No admittance on Holy
Sabbath, except on Private Matters," and
in Herman, "Hintere Tliuer Often lor Meine
CF" A frightful explosion of fire damp took
place on Thursday mornir.g at Brown's col
liery, Mount I.affy, near Minersville, Pa. Six
men and one boy wore severely, but not
dangerously burned.
HIDDEN TREASURE. —It is stated by the Alia
California, on the authority of miners, that
more than fifteen millions of dollars in gold
now lie buried beneath the earth in that
State, secreted solely for safe keeping.
ty Thomas McElrath, of the New York
Tribune, has met with a reverse of fortune
in consequence of lending his credit to
western railroad speculators.
A HANDSOME ARTICLE. —Stoves made of
slate and beautifully enamelled, are now
made in England for parlor use. They are
lined with fire-brick.
A Thriving I'lace. —Trovorton, Ta., is now
a village of 1,800 inhabitants, with a church,
stores, post-office, &e. Three years ago it
had but one house.
EF" At St. Pauls, Minnesota, boaid is 814
per Week, washing 81 25 a 31 75 per dozen.
An informal meeiing of ibe Convention of
Editors met Cox's Hal}, Danville, to day,
at 11 o'clock. The following members of the
corps editor ikwere present:—J. Henry Pa
lesion, of the Pittston Gazette; \V. I'. Miner.
Record of the Times, Wilkesbarre ; E. H.
Ranch, Msucji Chuuk Gazette; F. A. Baker,
Jersey O. N. Worden, of
tho]sbuiJ<'hronicl(". Thomas G. Price,
Working Man I *-Advocate, Minersville; Clias.
('o9k, Danvi|Jo Democrat: I). H. B. Broker,
Montour American, Dauville; 11. \V. Wea
ver, Star of the Ifrtth, Plooinsbarg; Palcnian
John, Columbia Co. Republican, Blooms
bnrg ; L. H. Davit, Montgomery Ledger, of
Pottslown ; James. Jones, Vedette, Jersey
Shore; Valentine Best, Danville Intelligen
cer; H. B. Master, Kunbury American; John
Youngman, Sunbuiy Gazette; Levi L. Tate,
Columbia Democijn, Bloomsburg; L. F. lr-
win, Berwick tiazete: G. L. I. Painter, Mun
cy Luminary; Jacolj Prick, Miltonian , Rich
ard Edwards, "Western Star" (Welsh Month
ly,) Poltsville. I
C. E. of the Pennsyl
vania Enquirer, Philadelphia, was, on mo
tion, admitted to participate in the proceed
ings of the Coqveruon.
On motion, W. IjMINER, Esq., was call
ed to the Chair anl L- H. DAVIS appointed
Tho following committees were then ap
pointed:—On<Orgtinizaiion, E. H. Raucb, D.
H. B. Brower; Thos. G. Price. Oil Business,
It. W. Weave!, J. Henry'Puleston, Valentine
Beet, O. N. Worden, F. A. Baker.
On motion it was agreed, that (he Conven
tion be held in Cox's Hall thia afternoon at
2 o'clock.
In pursuance Willi the above, lire Conven
tion met at Cox's Hall, at two o'clock. The
Committee on organization reported (he fol
lowing list of permanent officers:
President —LEVl L TATE.
Vice Presidents —Valentine Best, Geo. L. I
I'ainler, O. N. Worden and L. H. Davis.
Secretaries —J. Henry Puleston. and John
Youngman. An
Mr. Rauch stated that Ihe editor ol the
Carbon Democrat was unable to be present,
but had signified bis determination to acqui
esce in the proceedings of the Convention.—
James Jones of Ihe Jersey Shore Vedette
made similar statements 011 behalf of Editors
of (he Wellsboro' Agitator and the Lycom
ing Gazette. Mr. Davis exoused the Editor
of the Weekly Phoenix, —Several other Edi
tors sent ill excuses for non-attendance, and
expressed their readiness to carry out the
Resolutions of the Convention.
The Secretary read the call for Ihe Con
vention, and the Committee on business re
ported a series of Resolutions which wero
acted upon separately.
licsolved, That we organize tho KEYSTONE
EDITORIAL UNION, which shall meet an
nually at such time and place as this Con
vention may decide.
litsolvcd, That re earnestly recommend all
publishers of newspapers in ..the State, that
from and after'lhe ftrsv llaja<>f January next,
they send nb paper (Hit on credit.
Various subjects of importance were then
discussed. The Chair appointed Rauch, Cook
and Jones a Committee on Resolutions, and
it was Resolved that Mossrs. Miner and l)a
vis bo added to the Business Committee and
report further business for the consideration
of the Convention.
The Convention then adjourned to meet at
7j o'clock, P. M.
The Convention assembled in pursuance
of adjournment—the President in the Choir.
The Committee on business submitted a
variety of important subjects for the action
of the Convention, which were received and
duly considered. It was
Resolved, That members of this Association
will have no dealings with any advertising
agent who will not promptly settle in full
his accounts at the end of every quarter, for
all advertisements sent within thai time, and
that any advertising agent failing to com
ply with these terms shall be published as
being no longer our agent.
Resolved, That we derm it impracticable
for editors in different localities, distant from
each otheq to lorm a ur.iform scale of prices,
and that we, therefore, recommend that it
be made a matter of local arrangement
amongst editors, governing themselves, ac
cording to circumstances, and in no case de
viating from the terms of advertising as set
forth in their respective journals.
The Committee on Ilssolutions reported
the following, which were unanimously
adopted by the Convention.
Rssolved, That believing mutual confidence
and co-operation necessary to secure any
practical benefit to the editorial profession,
we pledge ourselves to use our best efforts,
both individually and collectively, to
va'.e that ypirit.
Resolved, That the publication of personali
ties reflecting upon the private character of
a brother editor or any other individual, is
derogatory to the editorial profession, and
should not be countenanced.
Resolved, That it is a violation of that cour
tesy, which should ever characterize the ed
itorial fraternity, to employ apprentices who
have not served out their full term with their
employer, unieea by mutual agreement, and
we pledge ourselves to discourage its contin
Resolved, That we will not take apprentices
hereafter for a shorter period than four years.
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to ex
clude all advertising matter of an indelicate
Resolveit, That all general Laws passed by
the Legislature, stpould, in the opinion of the
Convention, be pubfidbed and laid before the
people as fully aa'Jtoesible, immediately af
ter the close of the sessions during which
they were enacted, and that the cheapest
and only successful mode of accomplishing
this would be by the passage ol an act pro
viding for the publication of all such laws in
every newspaper published in tbo State, at
a cost ol one hall the regular rates oi adver
Resolved, That a eopy of the above Reso
lution bo forwarded to tbe Speakers of both
| Houses, properly authenticated by*lbe offi
cers of this Ateocia'ion.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings
be forwarded to every newspaper published
in the interiar of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That Ibe thanks of this Conven
tion be hereby tendered to oar brethren, and
the citizens' of Danville generally, for the
use of this Hall, and their courtesy aud kind
ness during the sessions of this Convention.
O. N. Worden, Eq., of ibe Lewisbug
Chronicle then delivered and üble address
on "the oldest Printer on record," after which
it was
Rciolvcd, That Mr. Wordon be requested
to furnish a copy of his address for publica
tion with the proceedings of this Coveution.
On motion, Dr. J. Henry Puleston of Ihe
riilslon Gazelle was appointed cottesponditig
' [Here it was urged that every member ol
J tho Convention ar.d Editors generally be re
quested to communicate with the Correspond
ing Secretary on all matters relating to the
interest of the Association, or of any member
The firm of Lambert & Co., advertising
Agents of Philadelphia, was recommended
to the favoruble consideration of the Union
by several members present.
Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting
be tendered to Col. Tate, the President of
this Convention, lor the gentlemanly and
courteous manner in which he has presided,
and also, to Dr. J. Henry Puleston for the
careful and accurate manner in which he
has performed the duties of Secretary.
The President and Secretary replied in ap
propriate terms, end expressed their feelings
of gratitude for the honor conferred upon
them, and their readiness to do all in their
power to facilitate the carrying out of the ob
ject of this Union. It was then
Resolved, That the Convention now adjourn
to meet in Pottsville, the first Tuesday ol
May, A. D., 1858, at two o'clock, P. M.
(Signed by the officers.)
The venerable Col. Best, on account of in
disposition, was unable to take his seat in
the Convention, but to manifest his interest
in the matter he hoisted the American Flag
from his window, anu during the latter pari
of the evening session he presented himself
much to the satisfaction of all present, and
cordially invited all to repair to his residence,
where a sumptuous repast was prepared for
the occasion. The Silver Cornet Rand was
in attendance.
t3T Artesian wells have become very gen
eral throughut the West, within a few years
past, especially in Wisconsin. They are usu
ally abont four inches in diameter. In boring
them it is very seldom that rock is encoun
tered. The soil, for the most part, is clay.
In excavating the clny a hollow iron cylinder
is employed, about three feet in length, the
ower end of which is steel, and is kept sharp.
In the cylinder, near the bottom, is a valve,
which allows the cluy, as the instrument is
driven downward, to press up into the cylin
der. When this cylinder is full, it is drawn
up by a windlass—the vnlve closing as the
clay presses downward,and so retaining its
load—and emptied. Attached to the top of
the cylinder is an iron rod, with the thread of
a screw on the lop, by means of which anoth
er rod, longer or shorter, according Ihe depth
of the well, is made to connect with the cyl
j inder. When a rock is struck, a heavy drill
is used, operated by a machine made for lite
purpose.— Ledger.
NBAI. TOW IN DUBLIN. —NcaI Dow, the au
tlior of the Maine Law, has been entertained
at a public banquet in the llotumlo, Dublin,
by Mr. James Haughton and othecs. This
Haughton is a notorious friend of ' civiliza
tion" and Abolitionism. He is a corn mer
chant by profession, but philanthropy is his
trade. There is scarcely a subject on which
he has not written letters to the newspapers.
He is exhaustless in his public efforts to do
good for humanity—for the slaves of the
Southern States, -foR instance; but wheu
the famine was in Ireland, this good soul
Haughton stored his com, kept up the priee,
daily speechified on the necessities of the
Umes, and by night had to throw his corn,
which had grown musty, into the Liffey.—
Such is the chief welcomer of Neal Dow, to
Holloway's Ointment and Pills. —lt is dan
gerous to suppress ail abscess with the as
tringent ointments in common use. Hollo
way's famous unguent operates on a different
principle, it does not close the issue super
ficially, while
"Foul corruption mining all within,
Infects unseen;
but purges the cavity of all acrid and inflam
matory matter, and expels every particle ol
the poisonous virus which generates the pus.
Consequently, there is no danger of the dis
ease breaking out in another place. Toe
same principle applies in all eruptive and
glandular affections. The Pills, which are a
certain remedy for all complaints of thestftm •
urh, liver, and bowels, may be beneficially
used as an aperient medicine, while the oint
ment is removing any external disorder.
In Mauclt Chunk on last Thursday morn
ing of apoplexy, WILLIAM E. MONAIR, aged
about 24 years.
The deceased was for some years con
nected with this office, first as apprentice,
and then as foreman; and gained the re
spect and confidence of all who truly
him. He was faithful to every duty, and
had a clear, quick mind and a just and gen
erous disposition. He left the printingbusi
j ness for a more lucrative employment; and
in the active business of mercanlile life dis
played the same earnestness and energy of
character which marked him when a boy.
The world was bright before him for hope
and heart to tbo full; and his aim was a"
manly one—"upward and onward." The
Destroyer came suddenly—a thief in the
night—and the friends of the just and gen
erous young hero in the battle of life mourn
for a younger brother fallen.
In Scott township, on last Saturday, Mr.
ALEXANDER CRIVELINU, aged about 65 years.
In Benton, Jane 25, of Scarlet Fever, HUTU
ALICE, aged 8 years, 5 months and 25 days ;
and on the 30th of June, MARY JANE, aged
6 years, 1 month and 17 days, daughters of
Johu O and Margaret Dildiue.
THE REV. C. S. BURNETT, while laboring as
a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a
simple and certain Cure lor Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nervous
Debility, and all imparities of the blood; also,
an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the
remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit bis
suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the
Recipe (free) losuob us ddsire it, with full
and explicit directions for preparing and suc
cessfully using the Medicine.
Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT,
831 Broadway, New York City.
ITEJTin Hfl o 6B3aallcfe
THE subscriber will offer at Public
Sale ct Bloomsburg, on TUESDAY, the
Bth day of SEPTEMBER next, at 1 o'-
clock, P. M., his HOUSE AND LOT at
the East end of Hopkinsville. The lot is
00 feet in front and 108 feet deep: and
the house a convenient new Brick dwell
ing, Thorn is a good pump close to the
house, and desirable fruit trees on the lot,
wbich is well improved,
Bloomsbtirg, Aug. 11, 1857,
Register's Notice-
NOTICE is hereby given to all lega
tcea,creditors and other persons interested
in the estatos of the respective decedents
and minora, that the following adminis
tration accounts have been filed in the of
fice of the Register of Columbia county,
nnd will be .presented for confirmation and
allowance 10 the Or) hane* Court, to bo
held at Bloorn3burg, in the county afore
said, on Wednesday, the 9tlt day of Sep
tember next, at 2 o'clock, P. M :
1. The final account of George Appleman,
Guardian of Abraham Patterson, a minor
child of Aaron Patterson, lato of Greenwood
township, deceased.
2. The uccount of John Freas, Guardian of
Klislia Knorr, a minor child of Peter Knurr,
late of Briarcreek township, deceased.
3. The account of John Freas, Guardian of
Caroline Knorr, a minor child of Jacob Knorr,
lato of Briarcreek township, deceased.
4. The final acnour.t of VVra. Miller, Adm'r
of Frederick Miller, late of Mountpldasaut
township, deceased.
5. The account of Anna M'Bride, Execu
trix of Thomas M'Bride, Lie of Madison
township, deceased.
6. The final account of Solomon Neybud,
Guardian of George W. Zeigler,a minor child
of Benjamin Zeigler, and late grand child of
Felix Linn, deceased.
7. The account ol John Staley, Adm'r of
Frederick Kuouse, late ol Jackson township,
8. The account of Samuel Molick, Guar
dian of Parmelia Hagenbuch, daughter ot
Wm. Hagenbuch, and grand child of John
Bittenbender, deceased.
9. The account of Levi Aikman and Frank
lin Mcßride, Admr's. of John Obi, late of
Hemlock township, deceased.
10. The account of Miohael Philips, Adm'r
of Wm. J. Jones, late of Locust township, de
21, The account of Samuel Eisner, Adm'r
of Elizabeth Wollirer, late ot Madison twp.,
12. The account of Jonathan J. Hogeland
anil Wm. M. Hogeland, Admr's ol John
Hogeland, late of Locust township, dee'd. !
13 The account of Samuel Wears, Adm'r
of Ellen Wilier, late of Roariogcreek town
ship, dee'd.
14. The acconnt of Samuel Creasy and S.
B. Bowinan, Admr's of Samuel A. Bowrnau,
laic of Mifflin township, dee'd.
REO!STER'S OFFICE, j Register.!
Hlooomstiiirg, Aug. 11, 1857.)
T>ROI'OSAI>S will be received at Diemer's i
■■ Furnace on Wednesday, the lfiih nfSep- J
tember next, until 2 o'clock, P. M., of said
day; for building an open trnss bridge over
Roarinucreek near Yoder's Mill, in Locust
township. The bridge to be 65 feet long
between the abutments, 16 feel wide from
out to out, end 9 feel above low water mark.
Proposals will also bo received at the house
of John Hess in Fisliingcreek township on
Friday, the 18th of September next, until 2
o'clock, P. M., of said day, for (jnilding an
open truss bridge over Huntingdon Creek,
near the house of John Hess in Fisliingcreek
township. This bridge is to be 108 feet long,
with a pier in the middle, 16 fpet wide from
out to out, and 9 leet above low water mark.
Plans and specifications of both bridges
can be seen on the days of the letting.
By order of the County Commissioners.
Bkmmsbure, Ansmsi 5. 1857: )
American Safety-Paper Manufactur
ing Company of New York.
CAPITAL $300,000.
A. NICHOLAS, President.
Office, 70 Wall Street.
Jl Perfect Security against all manner
of Fraud or counterfeiting on paper.
To prevent Photographs and Anas
tatic Counterfeits, Erasures, Trans
fers or Alterations.
i TXAVING purchased the Patent for the ex
: elusive right to manufacture and sell the
new Chemical Paper in America, invented
and patented in England by Henry Glynn, a
celebrated chemist and officer in the British
army, it is hardly necessary to say that the
j Paper is recommended by Mr. Kent, Assayer
I of the United States Mint, Mr. Lyman ol the
j New York Clearing House, and Meade
Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers,
233 Broadway, New York. The latter say
that no imitation caa bv made on a check or
bank note printed oa the Safety Paper. Be
low is our list of prices
Dunk Chnokfr—M pei lb.
Bunk Bills—Slß for 1000 sheets.
Bills ol Exchange— 825 for 1000 sheets.
Promissory Notes—4o cts. per lb.
Sight & Time Drafts—§2s lor 1000 sheets.
Insurance Policies—4o cts per lb.
Railroad Stocks & Bonds—4o cts. per lb.
Bank and Stale Slocks—4o cts. per lb.
Bonds and Mortgages—4o cts. per lb.
Wills and Deeds—4o cts. per lb.
For wrapping Silica and other fine articles
it is excellent, as it prevents motns. 40 cts.
a lb.
For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cents
per lb.
All State and County Records should al
ways be printed or written on this paper, us
the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only
prevent erasure or transfer, but make it last
ing us time.
For Southern Climates it is excellent, and
much suj erior to auy other; as the moisiness
of the climate does not destroy it, —the prop
erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive.
In all the southern stales, Cuba, the West In
dies and the Central American Slates, no
pdblic records can be kept over 20 years,
written on the ordinary paper, while the oils
and chemicals inserted in this paper makes
it indestructible by the ravages of lime. It
is also proof against moths, rate aud other ver
min, which (east on and destroy alt other pa
per now in use.
The Company hove now in operation Mills
in Morris County, N. },, ol about 300 horse
; power, aud are able to till all .orders for pa
: per at the shortest notice.
All orders for the paper must be addresser!
to A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company,
"No 70 Wall Street, New York.
August 5, 1857.—3 m.
fcoi,l,KCTaa"* OITtCK, ) •
Diode Haven, Aug s *f, '57. j
MR. EDITOR The amnunl of tolls recuiv
ed at this office are as follows:
Previously teiioited, . . . SfiOfilß 13
July, • . . . . 27158 71
Total, . 487974 8
Respect ft. II v submitted,
JOHN S. FOLL&IELL. Collector.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
several Courts of'Cammont Pleas, Gen
ernl Quarter Sessions ef ho Peace, atxf
Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer ami
Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and Tor
1 the County of Columbia, to commence at
Monday the Ttli Day of September next,
The Coroner, Justices of the Penco ds
Constables, in and for the county of Co
lumbia,are requested to be then and there
in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, and o'fltur remem
brances, to do those thing's 10' their sev
eral offices appertaining to bo done,
And till witnesses prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any prts
oner, are also requested and commanded
to be then and there attending in their pro'
per persons to prosecute ngainst him, as
shall be just—and not to depart without
leave at their peril. Jurors are requcsU
\ ed to be punctual in tbetr attendance, n
the time appointed agreeable to their lit),
Given under my hand at Bloomsburg (ho
Ist Jay of August, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eignt hundred and
fifty-seven, and the Independence of the
United Statue of America the 81et.
(God save the Commonwealth.)
811 liRIUFSAIi;
r>Y virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
" me directed there will be exposed to
public sale at the Court-house in Blooms
bursz, o.\ MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OR
SEPTEMBER next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the
following real estate, to wit :
Three tracts of hand with the water power
appurtenant, the first tract situate in Scott
township, Columbia county, containing
SO Acres and 89 Pcrclictr
I be the some more or less, aud all of wbich
is improved land, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: On the north by land of Pe
ter Schng and John Ktil; on the south by land
of Samuel Melick; on the east by the road
leading from Light Street to Orangeville; on
the west by land of John White and others,
whereon are erected a
a two story frame dwelling house, a frame
barn, five one Mory dwelling house* and a
s'able with the appurtenances.
The second tract situate in Scott township,
in said county, containing
17 Acres and 4 Perclics
strict measure, be the same more or less,
bounded aud described BR follows to wit:—
On the north by land of John Whits; on the
south by land of John While and other land*
of Samuel L Kettle; on the east by lands of
John White, John Kut and other land of
Samuel L. Kettle with the appurtooances.
'The third tract situate in Mt. Pleasant town
ship, and county aforesaid containing
4 Acres and 6G Perches
be the same more or less, all of which is im
proved, bounded on thu nnrth bv laud of
John While; on the south by the same; no
the west by the same, and on Ibe cast by
Peter Schng and John Ent; alsn, on all, that
two story frame store and store house and
lot of ground, situate in Light Street, Scott
townsnip, in said county, bounded on the
past by a road leading from Light Street to
Orangeville, on the west by other lauds of
Samuel 1.. Bettle, on the north by an alley,
on the south by lots of Charles & William
Shannon, containing sixty feet front and one
hundred and fifty feet in depth, and number
ed nn the plan of said town No. 3. Also,
alt that certain lot ol ground situate in Light
Street, Scott township, in said county, con
taining sixty feet front and one hundred and
fifty leet in depth, and numbered in plan of
said town No. 4, bounded on the east hy a
road leading from Light Street to Orangeville,
nn lite west by other lands of Samuel L. Ket
tle, on the south by an alley, and on the
north by Jehneon, whereon arc erected
a two story Irame dwelling house, a Iramu
stable with the appurtenances.
Seized and tskei: in execution as the prop
erty of Samuel L. Battle.
Kloomshurg. August 1, 1857. j
fIAS established a greater celebrity than
lias ever been obtained by any other
This has been the Jesuit of its marked su
periority in quality, and its invariable uni
The public may be assured of the coniintf
ance of the high standard now established.
The production is over Twenty Tons daily,
and the demand has extended throughout the
whole of the United States, and to foreign
Working thus on a very large scale, and
under a rigid system, they are able to secure
a perfect and uniformity in the quality tarough
out the year. This is the great Desideratum
in Starch-making, and is realized now for
the first time.
The very best starch that can be mad 9, mot
no of/ter, is always wanted by consumers,
and while this will be supplied to thetn by
the grocers, as soon as their customers have
learned which is the best, und ask for it
otherwise they would be likely to gel that
article on which the largest piofit can be
Mr. Kingsford has been engaged in the
manufacture of starch continuously for the
last 27 years, and during the whole of the
period, the starch made under his supervis
ion has been, bevond any question, the beat
in the market. For the first Yl years, he had
the charge ot the works ol Wm. Colgate &
Co., at which period he invented the process
of the manufacture of corn starch.
Ask jor Kingaford's Stnrck, as Ike name
Oswego has recently been taken by another fat
(For Puddings, l[c ,)
Has obtained an equal celebrity with their
Starch for the Laundry. This article is per
fectly pure, and is, in every tpspect, equal to
the best Bermuda Arrow-Runt, besides hav
ing additional qualities which feeder it inval
uable for the dessert.
Potato Starch lias been extensively packew
and told as Corn Staroh, and has given falsa
impressions to many, as to the real merits of
our Com Starch.
From its great delicacy anJ purity, it is
coming al-o into extensive use as a diet lot
infants and invalids.
E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agents.
196 Fulton Street, N. Y.
23 South Wharves, Pbilad'a.
July 28, 1857—3 th.