The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 29, 1857, Image 4

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rropoeino Jmendmtnli to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
■ RESOLVCD by ihe Senate and House of Rep
rssentativea of the Commonwealth of Penn
ey I vanla in General Assembly met: That the
following amendments are proposed to Ihe
constitution of Ihe commonwealth, in acccr
dauco w.ta ibe provision, of the lenth article
There shall be an additional article to said
constitution to be designated as article elev
en, as follows:
Vrx 1. The state may contract debts, to
ruppty casual deficit, or failurosin revenues,
or '.o i. fcl expense, not otherwise provided
for: but the aggregate amount of such debts
uircrl ami contingent, whether con'raoted by
virtue of one or more acts of the general as
sembly, or at different periods ol lime, shall
l ev.'( exceed seven hundred and lilty lliou
puiul doll'irs, end the money arising from the
creation of such debts, shall be applied to
the purpose for which it was obtained, or to
repay the debts so contracted, and to no other
j hrpnso whatever.
SIC. 2. In addition to the above limited
power the slate may contract debts to repel
invar ton, suppress insurrection, defend lite
slate in war, or 10 redeem the present oui
landing indebtedness of Ihe stale; but the
money 'arising from the contracting of such
debts, shall be applied to the purpose for
which tt was raised, or to repay such debts,
end to no o'het purpose whatever.
SEC 3. Except the d.-bts above specified
In sections one and two of this article, no
debt whatever,bsll be created by, or on be
fit,lf of the State.
SJC I. To provide for the payment of
tin t.resent debt, ar.d any additional debt (
onrd-icled a* aforesaid, lite legislature shall, I
,q it, fir ; sseaion, alter the adoption of this J
ment, create a sinking lund, which .
,j , 1 ; !'m Mifffcient to pay the accruing intrr
. on sncl: debt.tinil annually to reduce the
r t' 'pal ihnreol by a sum not lean iliuti two
hut- 1 -ed and filty thousand dollars: which
vinkintj fund shall consist of the net annual in
come ol th'* public wotka, from linto to lime
1 weed by thu atn'e, or the proceeds of the
ifthi same, or any part ibereof, and
i t 'he incline or proceeds of sale oralock*
owned by thu state, together with other
'mi i, iu jesourres, that may be designated
by >w. Thu said sinking fund may bo in
.no we,l. fr im time to time, by assigning to
tt st V pari of lit* taxes, or other revenues ol
the ' .it ', not required lor the ordinary and
1 or -1- . xpunnet of government, and unless
in d vi *r, invadon or insurrection, no
in iof Kind siokinit fund rhnll be used or
t iod i thurxvlMlban in extinguidinrcni of
it*i' -übla* debt, until Ilia amount of such
i'i-i - reduced below the sum of iivo mil-
I, of ".'llnra.
Therredit of iho commonwealth
iii em in any manner, or event, be pleilg
el 1 ad to, any individual, company,
. 1 ,tt i, or aaaociHtinti; nor aliall lite
1 1 . m ealth berealter become a joint I
storkltolder. in any company, as- 1
r • .it cc. or corporation.
Tne cunnnonwealih shall not **•
rit. ■ Jdl't, or *••> part tliereo 1 . ot any
, V, borough, or tnw i ship; or ol an*
11 or association; unless snohib ht |
► i-i i t!\ ' l>eeit contracted to enable the ,
I'pel invasion, suppress domestic
u\. defend ilsell 111 lime ol war. ot j
te state in tho discharge cl any
pi rt-.'.i cl it* present indebtedness
Br, i. Thu legislature shall not autlto-izo I
r v i-ctntttr, city, borough, township, or in -
• rpc>.< 11 district, by virtue ol a vote ot u*
1 -ctv. or otherwise, to become a stock
f older . any roeipary, ssfOCiation. or cor
p.iration: or to obtain money lor. or loan n*
1 t to. any corporation, association, insti
■ od, or party.
There s lall be an additional article to *>.!
.-onstr.t'iioir, to be liesignated as article Ml,
ssTrct r \n.
Nc tv shall be divided by a line ent
. 1 vr one tenth ot us population, (aith
ot re nr. 1 a new count*- ot ottirrwise.j with
ipresa assent ol such county, by a
1 i> m >e electors ibemot; nor shall any
v . ty be established, containing less
ha - tort hundred square mile*.
i',v . -ivtion two ol ihe first article of the
t, strike out the word*, "ot the city
0 phia, and of each county reaper
i,<i * i-vm section five, same artn-te.
1 e word*, "of Philadelphia and ot
titofcic: counties:'' trom section a^vrit.
. . .-. a rike out the words, 4 neither
": , 1 tfyilarielphia nor any," and insert
, . . reel the words, "and net" and
- k< * eeiron font, same aitictr," and in
! , --C" inoerithe Inflowing:
• tn the yer ru.eihousamf eight hnr
•mi- ■ x-.y-fonr, ai d in every seventh
-er. representatives to the tntn
' nndred, shall he apportioned and
v rqnally, throoghou* the state, by
, . - t p'opo on to the number ot tax
,lv, tart* in the several part* thereof.
i Vi'i, , ar \ county containing at leas:
• . " 1 -ard 'five tondrud •avab.'cs. max
s -* .- - - *ara:e represcn'atron: but no
tno-* ' -• eoor 'tea shall be joined, and
y;c oc xhaii he divided, in ihe t.irmation
vii a . t. Artycit' containing a scflioi
,r. r ol taxable* to erp-.le it to a:
>'■ f.rcseniattrc*. shall havrasrpa
rs f enlation assigned it. and shall be
.i o convunieni d/atricis ol comigo
out v,of cqoki taxahle pope.a .on as
r nay be. each 0: which cis ricts
ehr c one representative ''
-,i s : Aof aec ton seven, same ar icie.
v.-.--1 • words. "ile city ci Fltiiaoelpft.a
, ided into single senaior'ai cts
niignrxns rerritnry as nearly equal
vn t; population a* posstb'f fwt no
■an- roe iitvided in the formation thure-
T'r ic siatn-e. a 1 it* fins: session a'ter
r! s Si.i-.p n 01 ttiis amendment, slta'l di-
y M Ti,tladrlpr ia into nena'ortai
rls tu >. ir. the n-ai.ner
deo: such cisiric's to remain on
<: if ihe apportionment ir the sear
, d eieht hnnftreri and s.x'y-Itu.r.
por RTH AXtpsnMF.xT
aii be ai. Miti'.itioi k necion to tlie
i. ot sax! curs'itotior, w t.ich atiaii
bf t- r<! and read as inbrw*
Kv. The lecistatr.'e ul-al! havr thr
■ppup- '. 'e*T. revoke n-arnn! ar y cnar'ur
•oi ,ju<o;,v atron herealier coiterrud by. or
. t. special, or penerai law. whenev
#t t •ir opinion 11 mav f*e iitjorinir* to Ihe
-d the enrnmnr. wealth insnch mar;
:.p; ' er that no trtustioe abat. be otme
r 'Mcot oratora.
Jk Stitali, Aiarct. 87, 1857.
ic.sui , That ib reaolonon pass On Ihe (
T-f. c.m: tmn\, yeas 24, nays 7, on itie .
ssr-r- '•< sndment. yruu- 2S nays 8 cit the
Th:-.- ■r. dmera. yeas 24 nays 4: on the
jo. -! an ndnrent yeas 23. nays 4
' Rxrrac. irnm the Jauiual 3
G£o. W. HAMEKSLY, Curi
In th* Souk 0: Heprtwl.tlaie*.
April 28, 1857
Stat tins ratoliuinn pass. Or:
jy.a ftstr . taamtlHisi, yeas 78, naw- 12; or
'be -cop ' ainundwerit.. vpas 57, navS4
.:r ■■lliifl—in, V" 72, nays 22:
dPffie im* HHimit, mm 88 iwjrs 7. |
jiat lam the Jonma.
1 JACOB ZrßttT.F.fc, Cirri. J
Filed in Secretary's office, May 2. 1857.
Secr'etaiy of the Commonwealth.
Ilarrisburg, June 22, 1857.
■ Pennsylvania si:
> 1 do certify that the above and foregoing i 9
i a true and correct copy of the original "Res
olution proposing amendments to the Con
i solution of ihe Commonwealth," with the
vole in each branch of the legislature upon
the final passage thereof, as appears from
I the originals on file in this office.
( I In testimony whereof I have
< L. S. > hereunto set my linrxl Hint caused
(— ~ )to be affixed ihe seal of lite Secre
tary's Office, the day and year above written.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
IN SENATK, March 27, 1857.
The resolution proposing amendments to
the Constitution of the Commonwealth being
under consideration,
On lite question,
Will the Senate agree to the first amend
ment 1
The yeas and nays were taken agreea
bly to the provisions of the Constitution, and
Were as lollow, viz :
YKAS —Messrs. lire we r, Rrowne, Coffey,
Ely. Evans, Fitter, Flenniken, Frazer, lu
crum, Jordan, Ktllingar, Knox, l.auhuch,
Lewi*, Myer, Seofield, Selleta, Shuman,
Steele, Slrunt), Welsh, Wilkius, Wright and
Taggart, Spenker— 24.
NAVS —Messrs. C'rubb, Cresswell, Finney,
Gregg, Harris, Penrose, and Mouther—7.
Mo the question was determined in the af
On the question,
Writ the Meriule agree to tho second amend
ment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably
to the provisions of the Constitution, utul I
I were as follow* :
YKAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell,
J Ely Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, lu
crum, Jordan, Knox, Lanbnch, Lewis, Myer,
Sellers, Shttmaii, Mmt.her, Steele, Strati!',
Welsh, Will*litis, Wright and Taggart, Speaker
NAVS —Messrs. Coffey, Crahb, Frazer,
Gregg, Harris, Killirtger, Penrose uml Sco
| field-8.
I So Ihe question was tie term ined in the af
On the question,
Will the Senate agree in ihe third amend- '
Tho yens nm! nuys were taken agreeably I
to flto provisions of tltu Constitution, and
were as follow, viz :
YKAS —Messrs. Brewer, Brnwno, Crabb, I
Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, |
Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Latihach, J
Lewis, Mver, Seofield, Sellers, Shuman, i
Souther, S'eele, Slratib, Welsh, Wilkius and
NAVS —Messrs. Cofley, Gtrgg, Harris and
So tho question was determined in the at- ,
On the question.
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend- ,
meal 1
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably
to the provisions ol tho Constitution, and
wen' as follow, viz :
\ Ms—Messrs. Brewer, Browne. Coll'ey,
Cmssweli. I'.ly, I.vans, Klenoikeii, Frazer,
Ingram, Kilneger, Knov, l.aobach, Lewis,
Myer. Seofield, Selleie. Shuman Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, \\ ilknts and Wright
NAVS —Messrs Crabb, Finney, Jordan and
Penrose— t
So the question was determined in the al-
In tiik Hot-si; or Kh'kvsvxtxtivks J
April 89. IS.X 7. \
The resolution proposing amendments to
tho Constitution ot the Commonw aalih being
under consideration,
On the question.
Will the House agree to the first amend
ment *
The yeas and nay s were taken agreeably
i to the provtstens 01 the Constitution, ami were
as follow, v' 7 '
I Yio—Mes-rs Anderson, Arthur. Rack
| house. Ball, Berk. Bishop, Bower, Brown,
j Calhoun. Campbell. C**ase. Cleaver, Craw
ford, Picket. K-t. Fy ste- Kausotd, K,*s er.
I Gtbboney, tiildea. Humei. Harper. Hems.
Hiesland. Httl. Hn.e_s. Hofim* , Berks co .
I Imbue. 1 ma. Jacoba. Jenkins, Joint*. John
! son, Kantliran. Kerr, Knight, Reiser,nt g.
l engaker. Lovep. Menear, Margie. M't'al
moid, M'llvain, Moothead. Momma. Muss
alirtar. Nichois. Nicholson, Nytnem acher,
IVarson, Peievs. Petrtkin Pownall. Pureed,
RamsSv. Philadelphia; Ramsey. York . Kra
mer, Reed, Robert*. Unpp. Sxbaw, S nun.
Smith. Cambn* co.: Smith Centre 00 . Ste
venson, Tolaiy, Vail, Vanvoorhls. Vickers,
Yoeghley, Waitei. \Yestbrook. Wharton,
\\ illis'ivo, Witl.erow, Wrijlu, Zitnmctman,
and Geiz Speoivo—7S
Nvvs—Messrs Rsckps, Renso-*. Pork.
Hamilton, Hancock. Ilinr. Hoflman. I.efva
non co ; lebo. S.rulhers, Thorn, Warner at.d
W inirodc— lß.
So the qoeatinn was determined in the af
Or. the question,
Will the House agree to the second amend
ment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeabN
to t!e provision* 01 he Cons, nation, and were
as inflow , * .7 :
1 cas —Messrs Ardes-on. Rrkhone. Rail.
Reek, Bower, Calhoun, iWmpbelt. Carv. Cut,
Fauaoiu. Foster, Gi.'doa, Hamot, Ha-per.
Hems. Tlienand, H iiegas, IB flmar,. Retks
co; Housekeeper, fmhrir, frrps. ,'er kirts.
Johns, Johnson, Kai flrnan. K ight. lciseti
ring. lyongaker. Lovett, Menear, Mangle.
M livaio, Moorf-ead. Mnsveimat . Nichols.
N icholsor,, Nenrrr at her Pears.'. Pries !'i
nh.n. Pownall, PuK-eil. Ramsey, rhiia.iej
phia : Ramsey A ork co ; Reamer. Roberts,
Rr.pp, Si.**. S/oan, Tntar. \ a Voegl.lei .
Wal ■ T , W-eathrnok, \k hartou. ZiUinteriUiU.,
arm. Gstz, Sjpei kri—
Nave—Messrs. Arthur. Accna'ioe. Backus.
Rerisor , Bishop. Brown, Chase ( envor.
Cruwto*. . Riser. Gibbnney Hum nr. Hai -
c,xk. 11.fl 1! tie. Hoffman, lelnnor en.. Jt
cob*. Ke , I et*o MX a uio ii. Munitna.
Reed brr. h Cambria r.*> . Rn.tili, Centre co..
S evrrison. R-nthers, 7'l-orrt. V*i
A ickers, U agnnsetler, War. rr, \\ .rnrmle.
\\ there* ami Vf rigt.!—S4
b *.e qiiestion vas octerniiued ir. the a.- ,
On .lie ,"inptinn.
Wil, iiic Hoiw agree K) ibe ihrrJ amend
mem ?
T;ie yen? aw 1 rev* mere isken agreeably
ip ihp j>Fpf ol t!ie Const,! eere
ap tolio* eij:
Ysaj—Anderson. Raokboose. Fail
Fsci Kofipoii, Rower, Rrt *n, Calhoun.
Canmbel..Cfcase, CiekVi't, C.ran mrd. Dirker,
Eni, TaMCT. Fvimuu;. Fernet Gihbotiei, Ha
mcL HarpPT Hern*. Hieptarto. Hil. Hiliegav
Hoffman. Berk* ro.: Huffman. Lebanon co..
Hooaekeermr. imiitie. inner, Jacob*. Join,a,
Jnbnaor, ken. la-bo, Lnncakei.
XaOTett Mnneat. Mangle. M l Himoni. Moor-
Med Momma. Mu*telnian Ktebots, MtoUoi
m. Sn lenactae- Pearson Peters. Petriktn,
Powria l ., Purpeh.iiamst }. York en., Learner,
liftedj Ikopf. Shaw, Rinar. Smith. Cambria
PP.: Smift. Centre ci : Stevenson, Tolan,
Tail, Vatieeirrtus Ticket* Voeghtey, W'ag
oimelle: Weslbrook, Willtsion. Wutternsr,
Wright. 7. mnierniar, unc Geia. Sfteuker —72
—MtftiTA. Arthur Augitniittt Backus.
B'ntinp. Curt;-, Duck. GiUipa. Han.ihnr. Hun
ctwfc. fine, Jenkins Lmgtn, Ltttseimne,
M'Una it. kanupy J'atielwhej ilnberts.
Snather* Thorn. Waliet. Wharton, W atom
j and Wuisroiie—ZZ
So the question was detetmiaed in Ihe af
On ilia question,
i Will the House agree to the fourth amend
ment ?
The yeas and nay were taken agreeably
to the provisions of the Constitution, and were
as tollow, viz:
YKAS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back
house, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop,
Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carly,
Chase, Cleaver, Cruwfotd, Dickey, Er.t, Eys
ter, Fausold. Foster, Gibhonev, Gildea, Ha
mel, Harper, Heine, Heistand, Hill, Hillegas,
Hoffman, Berks co.; Hoflman, Lebanon co.;
Housekeeper, Inituie, Innes, Jacubs, JenkinJ,
Johns, Jntinson, KanfTinaun, Kerr, Lebo, Lei
seining, Longukur, Lovetl, Menear, Maugle,
M'Calmonl, M'llvain, Mnmtna, Mns-elman,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nttnemacher, Pearson,
I'eters, Petrikin, Pownull, Pureed, Ramsey,
Philadelphia; Ramsey, Yoik co.; Reamer,
Reed, Rubens, Rttpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith
Cambria co.; Smith, Centre co; Stevenson,
Tolsn, Vail, Vanvoorhis. Vickers, Voeghley,
Wagonseller, Walter, Warner, Westhrook
Wharton, Wilhston, Wilberow, Zimmerman
and Getz, Speaker—B3.
NAVS—Messrs. Dock, Humillon, Hancock,
Slruihers, Thorn, Winlrode and Wright—7.
So the question was determined in the af
flAßßtsßi'Hu, June 22, 1857. }
Pennsylvania, is:
I do certify that the above sr.d foregoing is
a true and correct copy ol Ihe "Yoas" and
"Nuys" taken on the resolution proposing
amendments to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth, as the same appears on the Jour
nals ol tlis* two Houses of the General As
semhly of this Common wealth for the session
ol 1807.
r . , Witness my hand and flto seal of the
* " 'J said office, this twenty-second day
ol June, A. D. 1857.
Sihetmy of the Commonwealth.
And am. _ hskasks ok tiik lun(jk|
aid THROAT an* positively 011 r.l*l by i
inlinlnlioii, which convey* llio 1011101111** 10 j
the cat iiie* in iha lungs through iht* air pu
sages, ami coming in diroct coniaci wiiii On* 1
I disease, neuiraliste* tin* lubercalar matter. '
| allays llll* cough, causes a licit ami easy ox ;
| pecuuntiem, heals ihe liiiib*, pur fie* iho blood. I
j imparl* renewml vitality 10 iho nervous > ]
. 10m. giving ihat lone anil one-ay so inil:* .
I ponsablo lor iho restorative of hcidih. I'o ho '
able to state confidently that Co tt 1 i-t J
I ciirahlo by inhalation, i* to mo a somoo f J
j anallovoil ploastiro it i* a* mnoli mulct 111 I
j control ol medical treatment as any other |
\ formidable disease; ninety out ol ovmy httn
, ilrod eao* can ho cured in the lirsi stages, j
! am! fifty pet cent, in the second; but in the !
third stage it is impossible to save morn than |
' five per cent., lor the lutig* are so cut tip by |
I lite disease as to bid defiance to medical I
I skill Keen, however, in the last stapes, in
halation allords extraordinary icliot to the
Mitiering anendil gilds teatlul scourge, winch
! alimislly destroys ninety live thottsand per- )
sons in the Foiled Btates alone; ami a correct 1
calculation shows that out of the present pop
ulation ol the earth, eighty million* are dee- j
lined to till the consumptive's grave.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so j
fatal as Consumption, In all ages it has been
the great enemy ol lite, for it spares neither j
age nor sex. but sweeps off alike the brave. |
the beautiful, the graceful, ami the gifted ;
Pv the he p of that Supreme being, Irom |
w horn oometli every good ami perfect gilt. I
am enabled to oiler to the a dieted a perma
nent at.d speedy cure in Consumption. The
first eao'se ol tubercles is Iroin impure 1
Mood, am' the immediate ellect, produced j
hv iheir disposition in the lungs, ,sio prevent
the tree admission ol sir into ihe air cells, i
xvluch causes a weakened vitality through
the entire svsicm. Then surely it is more
lationsl to expect gtester pood from rrediji
cities entering the cavities ol the lungs ihsti
Irom those administered through the atom- |
ach. the patient will always find the lungs !
, free a d the breathing easv after inhaling
remedies True, inhalation is a local 1
remedy, reverihrles* it acts constitutionally,
and with more power and certainly than rem- i
rtdiex administered by the s-omach. To prove ■
ihe powerful and direct influence ot this |
mode ot administration, chlorotorm inhaled i
vrtll entirely destroy sensibility in a tew mm
-11 es. paralyzing the emus nervous *>*, em, *0
that a hitib may be amputated without the
shgh rM pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning
gas w ill dosnov h'e in a tew hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the
sx-tern when taming or apparently dead. —
The odor ot many ot the medicines ia per- |
cepnble in the skin a few minutes at er being
inhaled, and mav be immediately detected ;
in the blood A convincing prom of the
constiiuurvnai efloets ol inhalation, is (he lac 1
1 that sickness is always produced hy breaiti
ing foul air. Is noi itiis posrive evidence -
tt a- propet remedies, care! till j prepared and j
jr.d.eiously administered through ihe 1. gs.
shon',l produce the most happy resells' l)a
--nng eigh cen years' praence. n-.a-tv tlious
ai ds suffering tro.n niseases oi ilio lung
and throat, hue been nn.ier mv rare, at d 1
have aliened many remarkable cures, eve-i ;
<, er the sufferers had been prot on need m
ihe last s ages, which tuliy aaustirs rr.e tba
cnn-annp'ion is no longer a tatal d -ease
Mi treatment of consumption is or-g;
lonmled on long experienoe a. d a * oroc_h
investigation. Mv petted acquaintance anh
the ot ti berries, hie . r. ■ . . - -r.e to
distinguish readily the canons --• ot dr*
ea-e iha; simulate const-, m, or. a , spe* '
the proper remedies rare 1 he ro - .k
--even 111 a single ease tin r v ~ |
oonnecttor. w 1 h certain pa fining'. 111 !
crnscnpic discoveries, enables m ,s ,
tie lur g- trorri the effect* ot o-ori'rscte . hr-tv
tret large the chcs , parity the Mood. 1
in 1 renewed k aim . giving energy aim lot/r ,
to 1 tie or. 1 ire syswwu
Jinx i-S. Tost Office.
G. W.tifiAHAM.M P
Office 109 Fiiber; btreci. beinw "iwe.fih.
PhilaOeiphia, Pa
March 10 1857.
%S*^t£>ZE'liS.!22. a
.Yo. bb .frrh St. hi. Second 4" Third.
(Opposite bread b reet )
W ire 0; ad meshes and w id.ns. an
kinds ot plain awd tarcv wire work. Heavy
Tw illed Wire far -spark Catchers; Coal. Sand
and Gravel Screens: Pane* Maker's Wire
Cylinder and Candy Koits. covered in the
best manner; Wire and Wire Fencing. A
very superior artieie of Heavy Founders
Sieves. JUi kinds 01 iron Ore Wire and
August SO. 556 —3ni.
So 7 Snuto kqir tk Street.
TAJanuiacturer of strong Tinware, Copjiei,
■*■** Tm and Zinc Laming Tuba, Laming
Pans, and every kind o' burning apparatus.
Atao need mil. papeT boxes.
Frump: a'rent tor g vet; to ordered work,
and goods carefully Inawpjued eti orders.
Pdiiiideipbia, August l7th, 1854-
4 NEW fat of cneap musiins end prints
"-*■ jw, received try raiiroadand tor safe toy
Business Directory.
Blocinigbnrg. flu
fiLOTHING STOKE, on Main sireet.lwo
doors above the 'American House."
TM'ERCHANT.—Store on the upper part
* * of Main street, nearly opposite the
Episcopal Church.
8. c. SMYE7
in Shive's Block, on Main Street.
L Shop on South side of Main street, be
-1 low Market.
lirst floor of the "Star" Building, on
Main street.
ings on the alley between the "Exchange
and "American House."
' I BAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Alain
-L Street, first square below Market.
|l I KRCHANT—Store Nortli West corner
i'l of Main and Market S'reets.
Academy on Third Street.
M kl l.n, REAL Al <U„
i* | ERCHAN I S.— Noriheasi corner ol Mam
irx and Market streets.
pru i)o ' i>iRstT
A NV Justice ol ihe Peace >> i<
e*ohae a copy ol Purdm - C
lu'coininodated by aip>w
A, rxe x k' • V * v ' :x,
w WSU . ■— a'. K. . •- U
iin-: iccKi r "i. mi 4:
OH. Kk K'.V M. Nt ■ • \
' I ' ' ' ' 1 ' '' "
f -k Kuinon Willi One
li u ii ,1 i i d Kngiavings.
•how tug Pis, nscs ai d Mal
fn I 111 alio lis ol l Its' human
System in every shape anil
form. 'To which i added
a Treatise on lite Diseases
of Females, being of the
h iglie-t impedance to mar.
rifd people, or ihot con.
(cmplnting niAmnfio. Uy
II 11.L1.1M YOUXG, fit I).
Let r.o lather be ashamed ihe present a copy
of the Aeseutepiua to his child. It may *ac
him from an early grave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret obligations o.' mar*
lied lite without reading the Porke Aesculapius
Let no one suffer from e hacknied Cough Pain
in the Side,restleae nights, nervous feelings,
and the whole tr*i„ of Pespeptie *ensaiion*,'
and given up by their another
moment without consulting the ANSCf L.A
pll'S. Have ihe married.or those about to be
married any this truly uaeful
book, as it has been Ihe mean* of saving thou
sand* of unfoitunale. creatuies from the very
jaws of death.
Any person sending twenty five cents, en.
closed to a letter, w-,11 receive one copy of this
book, by mail, or five copies will be aeni for one
dollar. Address. Pr W. Young.No. ,'6B Spruce
etrect,Philadelphia.' Post paid.
No 168 Spruce Bt., Philadelphia.
8ep 4 Ist. 1864*1 y.
Cabinet Ware Rooms,
S. C. Mil IVI?
KF.BPECTKTI.LY invitee the attention of
ol the Pub ic to his extensive assort
ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which
he will warrant made of goo,! materials and
in a wotkmanlike manner. At his Establish
ment, can always be tound a good assort
mem of
Fashionable Knrnitiie.
Which is equal in stj le and lintslt to that of
Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as
lov prices. .He bas Sofas ol different sty le
and price*, from 8:25 to Bfto. Divans, I.oun
ces. Wa'nul ar.d Mahogany Tailor chairs.
Hocking and east chairs. Piano stools, ami
a variety ol apfto.- ered work, with Dressing
ami parlor bureaus, sola, card, centre and
pier tables, detashus. ehefieniers. whatnots
and rear odes and a kir.ts ot fashionable
work. H.s stock oi bureaus, enclosed and
common washsta .. dre-s-taMe- comet
Clipboards, solas. 0 im> ar.d bteak at ta
bes. bedsteads • . e seat and
chairs, is the large* 1 r se; ■ i < ii.i
CCUHIrv He win aoo kei > a £ u
n •nt ol cok '.g-i 'a-.e- . •
common irariies He >
n tired lav
are supeTi - tor ...
ativ hen i -e
Blooms r„ A 3" ■"
rf NSLOW & CO.,
31 Stviiilb Froiil Slrrrl,
I'Hil.A DEi PHI A.
rMnw>R Hrrtli.nnls.
(I'holtsmr iieeJct t in oil kit! tie llf
Lf af Tokacfo. Manufacinnd Tobac
co, aid (iears.
HAVE constantly on band and for sale low
i kinds of American and Spanish Leaf To
bneros. selected with special reiereoce to
Manafaewi*!*' use.
All nrjicies sold, warranted to be as rep
ipsented and every opportunity afforded lor
ex am manor..
Purchasers at a distance can send their op i
t ers. ai.d rely upon being a> :aitiitu!ly served |
as f the goods were seieoieii la person.
October 15. 185 ft
Ti* arr 4 Slot* nsukliskseßt.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfcly in.
forme lit old friends rod curiomcn.. thel
bt kt> wrMfh<'i kisktotlici't i n ktcM in rbe
establishment, ndtbr concern will bcc
itif'.r >• cowducvod -fay himself eioiusively. H
A has jnsl received snd offers for sale Ibe
.?t[ largest and moat fiiwww assori mam
•BJ merrt of FANCY STOVES' mire
dure J into ibis •arioai.
CMovcoihCwaa Tinware constantly on fa ami
and manutuctamd to order. All hinds of re
pairing dnne, as usual, on short notice.,
Tbr patroaofcawf old fneocs and new cos
turners b- TesnuurfnUy aottcaiad.
BloomsboTg, Jan. IE, ISS3. if.
a* beset xtptiscei, a*
KX uooMytmc Jtk
■ NIFFICOIX wfainng warmmed ; spoo
unties and |faiiw ion apecutciaa , Classes
for hunting emmd watches., and oitnu watch
malaria i tor sale.
March 27, fUf
Fliilad'a. and Reading R* R
Great Northern unil Western U. S. Mil
Speed increased and fare reduced.
Little Schuylkill, Callawissa, Sunbttrv and
Erie. Williamaport and Elmira Railroad.
Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours.
<l Niagara Falls, 1 16 "
" Detroit, ' 24 "
" Chicago, ' 34 "
" St. Louis. ' 43 "
TV Ticket Office—N. \V. corner Sixth and
Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read
ing li. K. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth
On and alter Monday, May 7th, Three Pas
senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia ar.d
Reading Railroad Depot, corner ol Broad and
Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as
Stopping at Phirnixville and Reading only.
Connecting with the Caltawissa, Williams
port, and Erie, and Williamsport and Elmira
Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P.
M., connecting with New York attd Erie
ami BuHalo ; and from thence, via. Steamers
on Lukn Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to
Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and
Detroit. Also, with Elmira, Canandaigna
with New York Central Railroad, East and
Wen, and at Suspension Bridge with the
Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad
for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points
in Canada and Western Slates.
Only one change ol Baggage between Phil
aileloliin and Canada or the Lakes.
PAY KXPRKSS—Breakfast at Port Clin
lon and Pinner al Williamporl.
NICIIT EXPRESS—Tea at l'orl Clinton.
Passengers purchasing Tickets by this l.ino >
have the privilege of stopping at any of lite
above points, and resuming their seats ai i
Fare from Philadelphia to
Tamnp. ,
Can . t-sa,
K i
"fc '
.1. ~ 7 86
Na; ■ ■-I " 1- ; i
I ; 1 hOO j
8 (It)
t lenoa vla Ctmhntri, 800
SteamerJ. AruJt 8 00
Catiattdaigna, • 8 00
llotieoye Palls, 8 60
Caledonia, 8 gf
l.e Hoy, 8
. Uaiavia, • 9 00
i Rochester. 8 00
j HutValo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo
and N'. Y. City, 10
Bnffalo, via Tonawanda, . 10
Niagara Falls, via Klmira. Canandai
gua & Niagara Falls K. R. 10
14 44 via. Buffalo, 10 00
Suspension Bridge, 11 00
Cleveland, 10 70
Toledo, 14 76
I Cincinnati, 10 no
i Detroit.via Hail, 10 00
" Buff. & Lake, 10 00
' Chicago. ''feat Western & Mich'
I igatt Central R. K. 20 00
I Chicago, via. Bnffalo and I.ake Shore
Mich. Southern R R., - 20 00
Chicago, via. Buff., I.ake and Mich.
Central 11. R. 20 00
i Rock island, 26 00
Ticke.i and Freight Agent,
N. W. coruei Sixth and Chestnut sis.
' fi A Nicoi i s.Superintendent Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad.
T. KcKtsskVX, Superintendent Cauavrissa,
, Williamsporl and F.rie Railroad.
Hkmiv Corritt. Superintcndeot WiUiamt
-1 pori and Klmiia Railroad.
Jnty 19. 1866. —if.
, A systematic course ol insiruciien is given
; in all the English branches usually taught.
The Principal will be assisted during ihe
preseni year by T. M. POTTS, an experi
enced leacher. uvenlly Irom ihe Lancaster
! Co. Normal School.
A vac a i ion ol seven weeks will commence
July Ist.
! Tcirto*, for day pupils S-3.60, to 54.60 per
j quarter.
Boarding. Tuiiion. Washing, Lights, &c.,
f3O per quarter of eleven weeks one-half in
For circular, catalogue or orthe r parlicu
lars address
Mill 4 ill*, April I. 1857. F'tnnpn
~thk won immiva of
Jvft ftiMrvW G utii. Iht 15* A Ihouf ml.
A tr ot - o 'oi no r-" -
/- - r - aa • m . t <
.aL :■* n „ F*rrf.* I >V
\i K N
. , ess Ij leiiu.ved
!■>'! .uratrwt: .n this small tract. rlearlv
i.*.oii; and the entirely new and
hijMy surcesstnl treatment, af adopted hr
the An;; or. fuliy explained. by mean* ol
which every one is enabled to core himself
perfectly ami at the least possiMe cost, there"
by avoiding ail .he advertised nostrums oi
itie day.
Sent to any address, grails and post free
in a sealed envelope, by reirtitiinc. postpaid,
two postage stamps, to Dr. B DE LANEY,
1". Lispenard Street, New York City.
May ft, ! -. *
1% r*vught & Cast Iron Bed
steads. railing.setters, tree Box
es, Stands, Verandas, fcc., Cemetery Lots En
closed with either east or Wrought iron Rail
ing, No. 3 So Market. Street,
(2 doors below Ninth.)
March 27. ISS.
' ' TRE. Mck Street , above SsrtA, Pkil'a.
The Star Cobut, Composed of the first
An IBIS in the world, and exceeding in
i Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina
tion heretofore offered to the Theatrics! Pub
lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy,
Tragedy, Seno-Cemie Drama, Vaudevilles,
Musical Burlettas Ac... fcc.
BT When visiting hectic. go there.
**.'OOD fit COAL lor sate at the Arcade by
Hi JOINT JJ * b singles
W,Ww i( sale ml the Arcade by
May rT, '57. A C MENBCH
mHE undersigned hnvingjustrecaived(he
A latex) l'aiix and New York Fashiona
would again beg leave to inform his numer
ous Iriends and all the world about Blooms
buig.that he is now better prepared titan ev
er to accommodate any one with the neatest
easiest and best fitting suits ot Clothes that
have been turned out lately; and not only
that, but he willalso do them up in the best
order, upon the lowest terms.
His shop is at the old stand, (too wel
known o need Intther notice) where ha mat"
at all found, seated upon the btnck
of repentance steadily drawing out thefArwe
of alllietion.hopeing it may in the and provi
advantageous to him and his customer a. He
would also advise his fiends to bear in mine
that poor, atilictcd tailors must live, or they
can't be expected to work. Theretore Wheat,
liyo Corn. Oats, Potatoes, ami with all now
ami then a little CASH will come mighty
handy from those who are back-standing on
the books.
Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases
"the laborer is worthy of his hire."
Bloomsbttrg, April 14th, 1853.
ggffifma HERRING'S
1 MIH S3 Lff 3 LEa 8
ill THK acknowi ' ki)okl>
Hiniillll*''' IgfT THE recenl trials al llead-
Qpnjiiiig have endorsed Ihe cur-
of public opinion, anil
oontirmeit ihn verdict of more than 20(1 acci
dental fires, proving conclusively thai "Her
ring's" is the only sale that will not burn.
Extract frotn the Committee's Report on
the Trial of Iron Sato* at Reading:
"On the Stiih of February all the members
of the Committee met to witness the Stiles
and books and papers, (placed in them) and
were perlectly satisfied that all was right.—
the.! <v tallowing, the burning took place,
i i endenee of the Committee.
' ,• ill burning tor five
Evans K- Watson
Sc.- on tiie in
a'.lv consumed,
.u the Site of Messrs.
\ t . were in good condition,
iv. wdi!.g. Match 3, 1857.
(Signed) P.N COI.EMAN, J Com
And endorsed by over 60 of the best men
of Reading.
The above Safe* can be inspected at 31
Walnut Street, w here the public can satisfy
themselves of the great superiority of the
j "Herring's Patent Champion,' 1 over the da*
leaied and tiMi-Hp "inside Iron Doot Sala
34 Walnut Si.. Philad'a.
Only maker* in this Stale of Herring\t
Patent Champion Safes.
Tne attempt made by other panic* to bol
ster up the reputation of a Sato which has
tailed signally in accidental tires in Philadel
phia. (Ranstvad Place,) by taking one out
ol an agent's store, fH. A. Lantz ] made don
ble thickness, (different from those they sell)
to "burn U|v'oi.eol Herring's, (half as rbiclr)
has met with its true reward. He i ring's Sato
could not be burnt, proving conclusively that
the only reliable Safe now made is Herring's,
ol which over 15,000 am now in actuel use,
and mote than 200 have been triixl by lire
without ii single loss.
Philadelphia, May 8. 1857—1y.
THK well-known Maryland Consolidated
i Potteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are
the managers. are chur'ered by the stale of
Maryland, and a commissioner elected by
| the people, who is sworn to superintend and
certify that everything connected with them
is dene in a strieily honorable manner, and
thai the inierists of parties who reside at a
, distance are as well protected as if they
themselves were present at the drawing.—
Another tact which the managers call atten
tion to, is, that a'l persons hsve a legH right
to send orders for tickets to Maryland, at
lotteries are legalized hy special law in that
state. A lottery is drawn every day of the
month. If no particular class is named, or
ders are filled in the first drawine to take
place after the communication comes to
hand. The prices ol tickets vary from St
to *2O. No tickets are, however, senj unless
the money lor the same is received with the
order. Ihe drawings are upon the principle
of one number on each ticket (after the Ha
vana plan.) and Ternary combination. Prizes
vary in amount from S2O to SIOO,OOO. All
orders lor tickeis or packages will receive
prompt attention, and the draw ing mailed to
ah purchasers immediately alter it is over.
T H Hl'filUßD & CO.,
No. SP Payette St., or Box No. 40,
Feb. 8,1, 1857 -ly. Baltimore. Md.
it 1 ' The Drawn Numbers ol the Mary-and
1.0 at* pun ished by the State Com
m-i ner it. the todoeing papers, via: Sun
Clipper. Ptttio; J m tkn, Argue. ot Bslti-
Itmrr; eio. 1 tie SatHulJ IriltliigCltUr and
fitea. ■' Wash vijpon. D. C.
: Mi 'rirt. l&loomsbiirs
. > No iin ware.
- . roc e.l a large now !
M >i hr.e S iop, in place i
. - prepared 10 make ail kinds I
Plow s corn-tarty on hand. The subscribe j
has removed his Tin Shop from Main j
Street w the Foundry Lot, where he has i
erected a building altogether for Stoves and
The Cook ing Stores consist of the WM,
all kinds, the Egg Cyliodet Store,
All kinds of Spouting made to order. I
Bloomsbnrg, 16, ISS7.
Lrathrr, Lrather! Leather!
HK®¥ W. ©VEfcMAH, !
imroarcß op
and(earral Leather Dealer,
No. 6Souih Third Streeu Fhile.
ET A general assortment of all kinds cf
Leather. Morocco, kr kc. RED AND OAK ■
February 28, 1857,—1y.
YA 7 ILL tarnish boarding and lodging to all
* * (>etenna at the Brick booae near the
Passengers by Railroad or Packet-boai, trav
elera and all others can be accommodated
They also keep a RESTAURANT adjoining
ine Station, for the convenience of the public.
May 26, 1557. [cy.a v.ffiitsoi.
lIZWLD respectfully iafortn the cm zees
* * of Bioomsberg and raetuy.hal he
has commenced the practice of Mtdirmt oad
Srtir-er* Ihesaaml * oiaorts aahare of pa bl ic pa
tronage. He can always be found at the Ex
change Hotel opposite the Court House.
UUromsbarg. March lei, '55.
They don't kdp complaints, but thty cute
One box hat cured dyspepsia.
Three Boxes have cured the worn cases of
Two boxes have cored Erysipelas.
One box always cures ihe Jaundice.
Ttiso boxes are sure to cleanse the system
from boils—often less than one does it.
Two boxes have completely cured the
worst of ulcers on the leg*.
Small doses seldom tail to cure the Piles.
One dose cores the headache arising from
a I'nul stomach.
Strong doses often repeated expel every
worm Irom the body.
The should be Riven to children, who are
always more or less allliotcd with this
As a gen'le Physic they have no equal.
Ono box cures derangement ol the Liver.
Hall a box cures a cold.
Thcv purity the blood, end thus sltike at
the foundation ol every disease.
As a dinner Pill theie is not their equal in
the world.
They are purely vegetable, and can do no
harm, hot do accomplish an unaccountable
amount ol good.
Ptvpareo by Dr. JAS. C. AVER, Practical
and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—and
sold by E. P. i.utx and all Diuggists in
Blooinsburg, and by Dealers in Medicine
July 11, 1857-2 m.
toutral Commission Merchants.
and dealers in
An. 51 South Hitler St, l'kiludtlfkut.
THE subscribers having been associated
with Ihe coal trade and mining operation*
gtutrally. for several years, are prepared in
supply orders lot all articles contingent In
mining purposes at Ihe lowest tales, with
cre and dispatch.
Our slock comprises ihe following articles:
0115 —Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached,
Racked, l,td. Rosin, Greasing, Linseed
Satety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope
Chains. Ropes, all Sixes, Pulleys, Wickiug,
Wire Rope, Tsr and Pitch Thorn ley'a
Celebrated Gum Belting, Washers, Packing,
Hose. Blasting and other Powders.
i Soap, Candles, &c.
j ukvkkkncks;
i Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia.
) J. B. A. &S, Allen, "
! Charles Miller &. Co., "
! S. Roihermel, Esq.,
j John Thornley, Esq., "
I Wm. IV Haven, R*q., Minersville, Pa.
| Hon. VV. Donaldson, Poitsville, Pa.
Hon. C. W. Pitman, "
Geo. W.Snyder. Esq., "
I). P. Brown, Fsq., "
1.. P. Brook, F.stp, *•
.1. J. Connor, Asltland, Pa.
Philadelphia, Jan. lti, 1857.—ty.
I Dse AIU'HL'U'S Celebra
ted Sell Sealing Cans and
FBF.SII FRUI I'iJara, and yon w ill have fresh
turn all the year at summer
Full directions for pulling
up all kinds of fruit and To
matoes, accompany these
cans and jars.
Thev ere made of Tin,
Glass, Qneensware, and Fire
and Acid proof Stone Ware.
IN WINTER The are from to
gallons. These cans fcjars
are entirely open at the tops,
and nest, fo secure transpor
For sale by Storekeepers
throughout the U. States.
Descriptive circulars sent
BETTER on application. IV Orders
from the trade solicited.
Be sure to ask lor " Ar
thur's." It lias stood the
lest ol two season luving
tern used by hundreds of
THAN ihonsands of tamilies, hotel
and boarding-house keep]
We are now making tbem
for the million.
SWfftmeMs. Manufacturers under the
Nos 117 A li<>, B. Tenth St., tcor. George.)
ioua 17. 18a7.-3m.
riXHK would in this way call
-k ihe attention
Store at the old siand, nextdoot to
change Hotel," where at all times can be
found a good assortment of books, including
Bibles, 111 nu Books, Prayer Books,
Histories, Boots of Poetry, Novels, and
School Boohs : also all kiuds of stationary of
the best quality.
A considerable deduction made upon the
price ol School Books and Stationary lo those
w ho by to sell again.
Jnsi received, a good assortment of WALL
PAPER; which I would ask all to call and
examine belore pocbasingelsewhere.
Successor to Jesse G. Chirk.
Bloomsburg. May 25, 1857.—1yr.
E. a ECwsiii,
mi _ ■ _ TJ ESPECTFLI.LY offers his
ftfZf' T, ** professional services to
Ladies and Gentlemeu of
Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to
attend to all the various operations in Den
tistry, and is provided with the latest im
: proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will
|be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to loos aa
| well as natural.
A superior article of Tooth Powders, a'-
ways on band. AU operations on the teeth
i warranted. /
I tyoffice, 3d building above Wilson'w y
riage Manufactory—Maio St., West suX f
Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1856. if
COTTON sod Wool Carpet for
at the Arcade by /
May 27 '57. A. C. MIENSCH.
IRON STEEL, aotf every,*ind of Hard
wars orsaJe by i
T|f OKTICED POSTS on tfnad and for sale
at the Arcade by
May 27, '57. A. f. MEXSCH
Ef LOUR AND EEEO Depot *1 the Arcade
br S C. VX&SCH.