STAR OF THE NORTH. It. W. WCAVKR, EDITOR, liloonftbnrg, Wednesday, July 20, IBST. C- ■*" 1 1 ■ -J Democratic Nominations. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM F. PACKER, of Lycoming County. FOB JI'DGKS or THE SUPREME COURT, WILLIAM STRONG, Of Berks County. JAMES THOMPSON, Of Erie County. FOR CANAI. COMMISSIONER, NIMROt) STRICKLAND, of Chester Comity. JOHN G. FREEZE, Esq., HAS resumed the practice of the Law in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'a.; snd will give his prompt and careful attention to all bustnees entrusted lo him in this and ad joining counties. He can be found constantly in his office, in Robinson's Row, near the Court House. Abolitionism in Old England and New England. We publish to day a very significant arti cle from the London lima, which reflects the prevalent sentiment of British states men on the question of restoring slavery in j ilie British colonies of the tropics. For years the British aristocracy have instigated nil | manner of mischief in the United States by I violent appeals to the mock philanthropy of ( the abolitionists; and have used every means I to inflame a spirit of disunion. Now they are compelled to defend slavery, J not as a necessity but as a choice. In this country the prevalent feeling is to deviso n j roraedy for the evil—in England the ques tion is how to open anew the traffic with j some semblance of decency, and without | giving too blunt an offence to the moral | sense of the world. It is therefore proposed | that some sort of free contract shall exist between the negro and his master, but it would very evidently be such a froe con tract as the wolf makes with the lamb—such ' as the French Emperor makes with his peo p)e~-or such as England herself makes with her degraded serfs of India. It is very late in the day for British states- ' men to manifest conscientious scruples on j' this or any other subject. She stocked the | Western World with slaves, and the infa mous opium trade which she lorccs upon j China at the mouth of the cannon is not jot j 1 less nefarious than the slave traffic. But we have adverted to this subject to point out the fact that the hypocritical cant of Aine England is just like that of Old Eng- | land. In the olden time it was the men of j New England who grew rich upon the trade > in human flesh and blood; and it was their representatives who, in the iormaaoa ot'the national constitution, voted to .WJUW -: ? slave trade 21 years lo igsr thaa sin wish and vote of such tstauw w "i --ma and Virginia Son ji* itKrumraiu -tune of New England corr. among ia vih !ne price their fathers m.rde o . ' ". a r.uttn •' traffic rattling in the : poci.r.' v.: .it v tii eanctimonious'cant they try to Peun svlvunia and Virginia w. : tile and humanity. Some of the facts in the ar.l'.'.e fro." ' London Times are too true, and it toraisibea matter for serious reflection. Nchool hxhtbltion. The public exhibition of Mr. Eaton's Se lect School took place at the Court house on last Thursday and Friday evenings. The scholars conducted themselves well, and there were ctowded and interested audiences on both evenings. Oo Thursday evening Sloes' Cornet Band enlivened the exercises with good music. On Friday evening Caleb K- Wngbt, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, delivered u finely fio*bed address to the gratification of tbe entire audience. ty We notice that some of our cotempo ranee steal oor items by the halt dozen with out credit. Well, where brains are scarce nothing belter rould be expected. These \ offenders stand much in need of aeo ven-1 uoo of eome sort to absolve iherr. from the | penalties ol their transgressions. LEGAL DECISION —Tne Supreme Conrt of tbi* State recently decided that a division fence c f more than twenty-one years stand- i ing. though crooked, constitutes the line be tween land owners, even though the deeds of both parties call a straight line ll ween acknowledged land marks. tST A new Postoffiee has been establish- { ed in she southern end of Locust township, called Rhoadstown, ar.d Mr. Isaac Rhoads appointed postmaster. This ia u good ap pointment. KW It ia not true, as was published in many papers, that notice of the meeting of road viewers must be given by advertise ment is a newspaper. The law is not changed in ibis respeot. lySince the opening of navigation in February, there are said to have been at least two hundred persons drowned in the Ohio liver between Wheeling and Pittsburg. It ia stated that out of fifty of the largest manufacturing establishments in New Eng land, Ihe stock of only e>x companies will at the present time sell above par. fW Dr. Eider's life of Dr. Kne, which is now in preaa promises to prove as popular M tbe narrative of the Expedition. Herr Dreiebaeb is BOW traveling in Illi nois ivitb bis menagerie conuecled to Stick ney's Circus. Cjr y| A title papers were to be delivered to the Perresyfrknm Railroad Company, fer the Maio Lioe, la* week. „■ (ST Tb<ye are only 5 cases on the trial list el Montour countylor September term. mm* Proposed National Disunion Convention. The Committee orthe Massachusetts State Disgmon Convention, which was hold at Worcester, having circulated Tor signatures n call for a National Disunion Convention, to be held at some place not yet named, in Oc tober, "to consider the practicability, proba bility and expediency of a separation be tween the free and the slave Stales, and to take such other measures as the condition of the times may require." In theircircular lei ter accompanying the call, the committee, consisting of Thomas Wentworlb Higeiason, Wendell Phillips, F. W. Bird, Daniel Maun, and Wm. I.loyd Garrison, say : " From mere politics there is little to bo ex peeled. The slave power has always com manded just votes enough to carry its meas ures, and, under our present organization, always will. If the Republican party told truth, last November, the Presidential elec tion transferred the balance of power, more tban ever, to the side of slavery. It has four years of corruption, conquest and annexation before it, and it remains to be proved that any purely political combination can defeat it. On the other hand, the altitude ol Repub lican leaders is now, as always, one of timid ity and compromise. They deprecate, with profuse caution, the charge of any disposition to interfere with slavery, as it is, and claim the support of Southern men, for their nomi nations, as a (lording undiminished security to the slave propetly. It is evident that the mass of Republican voters, in many States, I are becoming more radically anti-slavery.— | And rolhing will do so much to promote that desirable chaoge, as the fearless discussion we propose. Undoubtedly the first object is lo created an united and determined North But it there is even a chance that the ulti mate result of that effoit is to be Dtsuuion, every one must admit the necessity of being I prepared for it." . | SLANDER ON JUDGE THOMPSON.—The editor : of the Clinton Democrat repels the low abuse of the Bellefonte Know Nothing organ, which denounced Judge Thompson as a drunkard, and says had it charged the Judge with hav ing been the companion of Cain in the mur der of Abel, it would not have been farther from the truth. Now hear the Erie Dispatch, published at Judge Thompson's resilience: ''Judge Thompson is a Democrat— we are a Republican. In his political conduct we have not always approved of his cuurse, but as a man and a jurist he has ever had our admiration and shall have our support for the office to which be has been nominated. We know the mail and do not know his oppo nents—hence we are not grappling in the dark. The legal ability of Judge Thompson is of high order—socially ha commands the respect of all, and as a friend to the oppress ed, lie has hos's ol friends who are politically opposed to him who will give him their sup port, because they know that he, as a jurist, will know no party, and that he has no friends to reward or no enemies :o punish." iy 7't S M::ci LI.TXM&J goes ir. o bys iirue :ecuaiLi -k i> cc raaes oc . .tat "rt uiiißi is Imm itva- t- Miawy, ;.r tuaee ct Wiiitlmti. wrmt- til. M: M l>"i: 'te fSre uiiiui !:. unn.uiHirm nu u ?.msiiiet'. rA mil v.-ui i !.-;mJnut tint utfatp.nn* -i Vie rnnn*"ii lil-f*> tr ;; }'*•/-> .ws lit n -I'mrti..itn "/ Gee ?as •* ltd )h 7 r i • ni'lt vie aspjc.ll:M >';• ;-.e fable* ft ipt • t. - .: catch :M* sB-x.te.if hsmrmtuy : ruts o orrec !y, V.c; the re-pp*si<iwtn- of man who was rrr.ose.i o .lj becasse he was a DemocraL The op position never did relish the displacement of tbeir friends and the appointment ot Demo crats to fill their places. Mr. Miehtel.i* a hard working and industrious mechanic, an honest, man, and a faithful and efficient of ficer. ATTEMPTED ESCAPE—David S. M'Kim re cently convicted of the murder of Samuel T. Norcross at AUoona, and now in jail at Hoi lidaysburg under sentence of death, came near making hi* escape on Monday or Tues day night of last week. Although closely watched since his confinement, yet he man aged to got possession ol a case knile with which lie sawed through the manacles upon his feel and had it not boen lor its timely discovery by the jailor, he would doubtless have escaped. SURVIVING GOVERNORS —Pennsylvania has only lour surviving Ex-Governors, Ritner, Porter, Johnston, and Bia'er, while there are eight of New York, viz.: Van Buren, Throop, Seward, Bouck, Hunt, Fish, Seymour and Clark, and Massachusetts has six, viz.: Ev erett, Morton, Briggs, Boutwell, Clifford and Washburn. The difference in the number ia : owing to the duration of the term of office in | a great measure. ELECTIONS IN AUGUST.—General elections are held next mouth, as follows :—Oil the Ist Monday, in Alabama and Texas, (or State Officers and Members of Congress: in Ken tuckey, for Members of Congress; in Mis sour, for Governor and Judge of the Supreme Court; in lowa, for the new Constitution and County Officers. On the first Thursday, in Tennessee, for Governor and Members of Congress. SUSPECTED MURDER —Last Saturday night the lightning train, bound West, ran over the body of a man oo the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Altoona, Pa., cutting off the bead and one arm, and mangling the body. The re mains were recognized as those of a man named Cooley Rush, and from his being known to have some money on his person, tl is believed he was muidered, and the body placed on the track. i EF" The mob spirit seems rampart in lows, ) and appears to have taken authority entirely ' from the legal officers. A few days ago, at Powesfthieck, a man suspected of murder was taken from jail by a mob and hung upon the limb of a tree. The mob then, being dissat isfied with the conduct of the prosecuting at torney in the oase, resolved to hang biiu al so, bnt were induced to defer action for a few day*. The Attorney General no doobt appse- Crated ibu clemency. What kind of legal autboritiee do they have in lowa, where tbeae thing* cat occur with impunity f Thomas Jefleisoa on Massachusetts. In 1815, Thomas Jefferson, the great apos tle of American Democracy, wrote a letter to General Dearborn,of Massachusetts in which occurs the following paragraph : •'Oh, Massachusetts ! how J lament the degredution of your spostacy ! Let us look forward, then, lo the act of repentance, which, by diminishing her venal traitors, shall be the signal of return to the bosom and to the prin ciples of her brethren ; and if her late humil iation can just give her modesty enough to suppose that her Southern brethren are some what on a par with her wisdom, in informa tion, in bravery, and even in honesty, altho' not in Pi-alm singing, she will more justly es timate her own relative momentum in the Union. With her ancient principles she would really be great if she did not think herself the whole." Tristram Burgess,in a speech in Congress, once declared that he thanked God that "the father of lies could never become the father of liars," and it is to be regretted that be could not thank the same authority for a par allel blessing: that the mother of humbugs eould never become the mother of humbug gers! Were such the fact, ere this Massa chusetts and all her humbugs, her fanaticism, her bigotry, her unrelenting malevolence, her facetiousness, Iter tyranny and frauds, her blind bale and insane raving against the South, against the Union, against liberal in stitutions and popular righle—all her folly and all her wickedness—her vices and her sensu ality, her base pandering to wealth and wor ship of self, her arrogauce and stupidity—all these would be gone—Massachusetts would no longer be hersell—the Union would be rid of a devil—and then, indeed, she might be "really great." Great Jefferson knew her well, watched her closely—always persecuted by her because he detested her bigotry, her illiberalily, and her proclivity to tyranny and to the vain things of monarchy—he knew the evil of her heart, and, in the fitting language we quote at the head of this article, he warns his countrymen against fier principles.— Clin ton Democi it. su*qnebnnnn River, N. noil W. Branch Telegraph Company. At an election held on last Tuesday, for officers of this Company for the ensuing year, the following gentlemen were duly chosen, viz: President —Dr. A. G. Goell. Treasurer and General Superintendent.—M. C. Grier. Secretary —R M. Cathcart. Directors —W.Jennison, E. W. Conkling and A. F. Russet, of Montour—H. A. Funds ol Incoming—E. C. Humes of Centre—L. A. Mackey and Geo. Fursl of Clinton—Thomas Hays, ol Union—H. W. Shuman, of Ferry— JG. Shindel, of Snyder—L. B. Rupert of Colombia—J. E. Barnes of Schuylkill—M. B. Prestleyand S. R. Wood of Northumber land. A dividend of 2 percent, for the last year, payable on the Ist September, was declared by the Board of Directors. Vote oo the Purchase of the ftlain Line. PBiuttt fan, JCLT 23—The balloting of ;.ia t yeke.alters or 100 Pennsylvania Rail road Company on the question of confirming pcrchase of tbe Main Line by the Presi ded and Directors, closed at 3 o'clock this a' ernoon. The vote stood 144,151 shares in favor of the porchate, to 605 againat it. A largo majority of ail the stock having voted i'r r-oafirmmg tbe purchase, the question is enow settled, and the transfer of the line will soon be made. EW " Dr. Darwin informs us that the rea son why tbe bosom of u beautiful woman is an object of such peculiar delight arisea Irom hence—that all our first pleasurable sensa tions o! warmth, sustenance and repose are derived from this interesting source."— Boston Foil. Dr. Darwin's theory was considered very satisfactory till a tough, hard-brained, practi cal Scotch metaphysician suggested whether the same sensations of delight would he pro buced In one who in his infancy had been "nursed with a bottle." This coulounded the doctor, and upset his theory. ARRIVAL OV BLOODBD CATTI.K. —The ship Georgia arrived at Philadelphia on Sanday, from Liverpool, having on board 32 head of cattle, two horses, three ponies, 23 pigs, and 25 sheep. Lost during the passage one horse and some of the smaller stock. The stock consists of the best samples which could be purctissed in the British markets, and are in tended (or breeding purposes—having been selected by an association of farmers. r® r One of the greatest novelties of this "progressive age" was (he celebration of the anniversary of Independence within the walls of (he Indiana State prison at Jeffersonville, on the 4th. Speeches, toasts, dances, foot race*, and singing were enjoyed under proper restraints, and the orator of the day confined himself to his subject and the prison wails. DON'T WANT THEM NEAR NEIGHBORS.—THE Imaum of Muscat and Zanzibar lias remon strated against the English having taken pos session of the Island of Perim, at the en trance of the Red Sea. The property of this island has long been claimed by both the Imaum and the Shah of Persia, and these two sovereigns had, in a certain manner, di vided the nominal possession. The "appro priation" by the British government will set tle all disputes about possession, for England never gives up voluntarily an inch of ground that she once sets her foot upon. COMING ALONG. —M. Vernet has calculated the orbit of the comet recently discovered by a Berlin astronomer. He appears to be ap proaching the earth so rafidly that it will soon present a fine object to the naked eye. At present it i* belioved that it is not Charles the Fifth's comet, of which there has been so much talk, and deatinad to come into collis ion with the earth on the 13tb of last mouth. Ita position is in tbe constellation Perseus.— The comet wondeiers can now start a fresh excitement. CP" The borough of DanVlHe pays ntar thirty thousand dollars annually in Taxes. Geographical Phenomenon, Russia and Persia present us with a geo graphical phenomenon truly extraordinary. There is in these countries a vast region, covered with populous towns, great com mercial establishments, and fertile lands, which is nevertheless much below the level of the ocean.. The extent of thi3 low region is said to be some one hundred thousand square miles. In illustration of this depres sion is the fa£ that, the level of the Caspian Sea, and that at' the city of Astracan, is more than three hflndrrtl feet below the level ol the Black Sea' or of the Ocean. The enor mous sinking of a whole country —a phe nomenon which is believed, to be unexam | pled—being very difficult to explain by the operaiion of koown causes, has led some persons to attribute it to the notion of a com et. In ricochet firing it is evident that the spot struck-by tho bail is somewhat depress ed. Thus, according to some, the Caspian Sea and th surrounding country has been indented by the stroke of an immense ball— that is, a comet. But, in ihe present state of geological scSetice, such an idea cannot be favorably received. No one doubts now that isolated peaks as well as the longest and highest range of mountains liavo been gradually heaved up from the besom of the earth. LIOHTNINO. — The peculiarities of that ter rible but agent, lightning, arc made the subjeafrof an interesting paper in a recent number of the British Quarterly Re view. Two clouds are not necessary for the production of lightning, which isdischarged from a solitary clump of vapor, when the connection can be cstadlished with the earth. A French academician, named Mar colle, describes a case where a mere cloud let, about a foot and a half in diameter, kill ed a poor woman by dropping a thunder bolt upon her head. It has been shown by Faraday that the electric fluid contained in a single flash might be supplied by the de composition of one grain of water alone. FRKI LOVCISM IN OHlO.—Free love-ism lias broken out in Ohio, which, next to Massa chusetts, exhibits the largest amount of men tal derangement in the population. At a re cent convention in Ravenna, one lady dele gate said, "although the had one husband in Cleveland, she considered herself married to the whole human race. All men were her husbands, and she had an undying love for them." She said also, "what business is it to the world whether one is the father of my children or ten men are? I have the right to say who shall be the father of my off spring." The universal affection creed is crossed with spiritualism and a very strong trace of religious infidelity. Whether the three will become incorporated into a new religion is yet a subject of doubt, though there are strong leanings that way. Corn Trade between F'once and Egypt. —The Courier des Estate Unis informs us that an association has been formed in France, with a capital of 2.000.000 francs, having for its object '.ha direct importation from Egypt of wheat, corn, cereals, alimentary pastes, &c. Since the reduction of duties on these arti cles, Urge srfjrpWer tißro been derived from the United States, chiefly in American bot toms. What may be the effect of this new movement on our grain trade with France remains to be seen, though hut little good has ever been accomplished by monied mo nopolies. CUTNKSE Suoan CANK— Mr. E. S. Baker, of Rochester Mills, Wabash county, has planted twenty-five acres with Chinese sugar cane the present season. "I am convinced," he says,' That the state of Illinois will, in five years, make her own sugar, ar.d if I havo luck 1 shall make enough sugar, and certain ly with molasses, lo supply my little town. At all events I shall try." SPLENDID PANORAMIC VIEW.—A Boston pa por Bays: "Mr. B. A. Farnum, of Philadel phia, is erecting a residence on a lofiy em inence In North Audover, Mass., from which no less than 25 towns and cities—including Lowell, Newbury port and Lexington—can be seen. PROGRESS or iMPaovKMKNT.-The City Coun cils of Rochester have passed an ordinance requiring (be hotel-keepers to banish the use of the gong in their hotels. The nerves of the Rochesterians could not Bland the din. BP"The French spoliation scheme is up again, with a view of bringing influences to to bear on the next Congress. A convention of the claimants has been proposed at Phila delphia, foe the pnrpese of taking measures to secure the passage of the bill, which it is said Mr. Buchanan will sign. Mr. Folk wouldn't. VW The two municipal authorities in New York will probably add $150,000 (o (he taxes for this year. -Jolitjral experiments for par tisan purpapbs ere always cosily, but the money cosMts nothing to the loss of reputation from the misgovernment of the city between the rival end the contending powers. CF" The editor of the new Bedford Mer cury has' been shown a chicken with four legs, four wings and two heads. Tne Fusion *lßlß here have caught some such an animal in Wilraot, who has two heads, one woolly, the other Hiodoo. His feet, wings, and oth er propulsive members have not sprouted yet- tw The Municipal troubles in New York will probably add 8150.000 to the taxes for this year. Political experiments for patisan purposes are always costly, bat the money cost is nothing to the lose of reputation from the misgoveinment of the city between the riral and contending powers. tW In Paris,ih*.e*ted, tha male sex are too polite or fastidUlN In speak of women by their true name. Travelers have made frequent note of it. latdy Shiei informs us that the Persian Prison Minister alluded to hie wife as "the daughter of hie uncle." iy Mr. Morau, tbn President of the New York and Erie Railroad, i to receive $25,- 000 a year salary—as much as Ibn President of the United States receives for hil services jo (be nation. | EPIDEMICS. Every one knows or thinks he knows some thing about epidemics. When choleia or yellow fever comes sweeping through a city, if it does nothing else it sets everybody con jecturing causes for its having come this par ticular year and not another. Each one brings up facts in support of his theory, and though the theories may die, the facts remain. In Ihe present age, news flies by lightning; facts a f e compared and sifted. Thus old theories are rapidly exploded, and broader generaliza tions take their place. Are not epidemics all the effects of passion! Of this there seems very little doubt. Thus scarlet fever is lound to be beyi treated, when I regarded as an irritating substance perhaps inhaled through the lungs the blood, but chiefly to be expelled Irom Ihe system thro' the surface, iht is the skin, where its poison is destroyed. The chief efTorl of medicine should, therefore, be to stimulate the system so as to enable il to expel the poison, instead of allowing the vital powers to be depressed by if. If a person is bitten by a rattlesnake, every physician knows that the best treat ment is a stimulant. Brandy, whiskey, or ' ammonia must be kept at work upon the ! system, and ihe vital forces can hardly be rallied. This seems now to be considered the best method of treating fevers. They must be considered as poisons which have got in be slowly worked out of the system. ,But how do they work their way in f Tiijp is the next question. Is it in what we eat or what we drink, by the touch or through in halation ! There seems to be no reason to doubt that it may be by arfy of these means. The effect of poisons oil the skin, ar.d their different results at different times are well known. If * painter gets handling his while lead paints before breakfast, he will be lar more likely so to imbibe the poison as to lake the painter's cholic, because his stomach is empty, and the absorbents are active. But after breakfast, with a vigorous system, he may labor with far greater hope of impunity. So we have no doubt il would be found among those attending yellow fever and cholera pa tier.ts. They may handle them even when dying or dead, and so long as the system is rigorous, feel no evil efTects. But if after be ing fatigued with the watches of the night, the depressed system ie brought in contact with disease, and copious ablutions be neglected, it will often absorb the virus. It is on this account that some hard drinkers have thought the practice contributed to their safely. But as all such stimulants must be succeeded by acorresponding re-action aitimes,(lie habitual use of such things kills twenty where it saves one. So it was lound by Walker's army in Nicaragua. But the poison usually takes a more subtle form. It is chiefly through the air that it is propagated. In cholera seasons, there is no liceble an almost total absence ol nzone from Ihe atmosphere where the epidemic prevails, j an ingredient in some way connected with the presence of electricity, while influenza is probably owing in part to its excess. Wheth er these are direct causes,or whether only the means are letting loose other causss upon the system, through the fermentation of certain minute bodies, none can say. Carbonic acid gas wilt often seem to product typhus fever But sometimes there will be malaria in an atmosphere in which no chemistry has been able to detect so far as the presence or the absence of any unusual element. In the neighborhood of Charleston, S. C., a malaria will prevail so marked as in be certain death to any stranger sleeping on a plantation lor a single night, end yet those who live there all the year round enjoy health. All these are most certain to be injurious for a few hours after sundown and a few hours before sunrise. A hearty meal, by preventing the action of the absorbents, is one of the best preventives, and warm woollen clothing next to the skin is almost equally necessary. Hence it would seem that cither Ihe lungs or the skin may imbibe death through a virus so subtle that no analysis can delect its presence. Of course whatever poisons may be float ing in the air will be almost certain to im pregnate mere or less the water exposed to it. Often water will become roost obviously the means of conveying the poison into the sys tem. In London, the impure water of the Thames taken from ceriain localities, intro duced cholera and death into many bouses, while families supplied with water drawn by another company Iront a different spot were scarcely in any case affected by the disease. Do poisonous miasmas always act on the same organs primarily, or on different ones? That is a very important question. In some cases, such as scarlet fever, it would seem as if the virus was absorbed through the lungs into the circulatory system, producing all its effects thus. Bat, in many cases, the first impression would seem to be made upon the nervous system. Hence those pains in the back, and that lassitude and mental languor which so commonly precede ordinary lever attacks. But, in cases of cboleta, it may be regarded as uncertain which organs are first affected—indeed, different organs may be in different cases. Thus, where the poison is imbibed through water, it may primarily at tack the stomach and intestines; where in haled or absorbed through the skin, it may first affect the blood or the nervous system. That it does destroy the vitality of the blood with a surprising suddenness, in some cases, has been clearly shown. One truth of the first importance is clearly demonstrable—that we alt pass through infec tions and miasmas hundreds of times, where we are attacked seriously by them once; that usually more is dependent subjectively on the state of the system than objectively on that of the presence of miasma, and that when, by temperance, cleanliness and activi ty, the nervous and digestive systems and absorbents are kept in a perfectly regular and healthy state, little is usually to be appre hended from epidemioa. But by the general neglect of any of tbsae in a community, a miasma may be generated with such violence that it may force an entrance into the most robust and healthy constitution —Lddger. OP" The pries of a passage to Europe in the Vanderbilt has been reduced to 8100 tn the first class cabin, and SSO in second cabin, a very considerable reduction, owing to the competition among the rival lines of Europe an steamships. A NEGRO APPOII. TKDTOOFFICE. —Governor Bachford, of Wisconsin, of course a Black Republican, on Ihe 9th inst., issued a com mission, as Notary Public to H. Nolan, a person of nut-brown complexion and negrd extraction, whd has resided at Wisconsin, many years as barber, ice cream saloon keeper, and leader of a cotil ion band. He also invented the "capitalu vium" and "tricopherous," two varieties of "dog waters" in general use and circulation for the hair. The commission is issued with all the proper formalities, and the bond re quired by law is signed by Wm. H. Nolan and Wm. B. Jarvis as bondsmen. Bilt the Secretary ot State, Col. Jones, refuses to file the bond, and on it has put the following endorsement: "This appointment is in vi olation of the constitution, and therefore void." (Special Notices. HoUoway's Tills and Ointment —Avoid Im posture!—As there may be counterfeits in the market, it is well to know that there is a sure protection to the purchaser in the water mark that exists in every leaf of the genuine book of directions, viz., the words "Hollouay, New York and London ," which can be seen in the paper itself on being held to the light. In the external inflammation there is an un natural ruth of blood to the part affected.— The effect of the ointment is to disperse the local lever. The pills reliev# the system through the bowols of all mcrbid and iirita ling influences. WHITE TEETH, PERFUMED. BRESTK AND BEAUTITUL COMPLEXION —can be ac quired by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or genileraau would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using the " Balm of a Tliou sand Flowers" as a d 'ntrifice, would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth as white as alabaster 1 Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so deli cate their friends will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. Be sure each bottle is signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Feb. 18, !867-6m. On the 26th inst. by the Hav. William J. Eyer, Mr. WILLIAM SNYDER, to Miss SARAH MOSER, both of Locust township, Col. Co. On the same day by the same, Mr. DANIEL LINDKNMUTH, to Miss LOUISA CANTNEK, both of Brushvalley, Conyngham towaship, Co lumbia county, Pa. In Berwick, on Tuesday, July 21st, by the Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr. ROBERT W. GILROY, and Miss FANNIE J., daughter of H. Owen, all ol Berwick, Pa. AMS&LFRA On the 24th inst., in Briarcresk twonship, from eating fly-poison, THOMAS F., snu of Thomas Adams, aged 2 years and 14 days. ~~ HARPER'S MAGAZINE^ WANTED at ih:s office copies of Harper's Magazine for August 1852, September 1853, and from June 1854 to May 1855, both inclusive, (nr which a lair price will be paid. July 28, 1857. GRAND JURORS FOR SGFTK9IBER TERM, 1857. Bloom—Charles Kahler, Hiram W. Brown. Briercreek—Samuel Fowler, Wm. Stahl, William Laman, Samuel Henry, Jacob Mar z. Benton—John C. Doty, John O. Dildine, Abraham Young. Beaver—lsaiah Longenbe/ger. Centre —William Hoffman, Geo. 11. Ketch ner. P'ranklin—Joshua Mendenhall. Fishingcreek—Nathan Fleckenstein, John Creveling, Thomas Pealer. Greenwood—Samuel Evans, Isaac Evans. Jackson—Peter Hodge, Daniel Ponst. Locust—William Yeager. Madison—James Kisner. Orange—Samuel Acbenbach. Traverse Jurors for Sept. Term, '57: Bloom—E. P. Luiz, William H. Jacoby, Henry G. Phillips, L. S. Steinman. Briercreek—Wrn. Herrin, Josiah Thomas. Beaver—Charles F. Minn, Daniel Singley. Benton—lsaac K. Krickbaum, John Ikelfr. Centre—lsaac Hess. Catawissa—Daniel Helwig. Franklin—Christian Artley. Fisbingcreek—Peter P. Pealer. Greenwood—Rohert Robbfna, Isaac Patton, Isaac Lyon. Hemlock—Franklin M'Bride, John Nevi us, John Brngler. Locust—Daniel Reinbold, Mark Williams. Ml. Pleasant—Samuel Johnson, William Howell, George Cavene. Montour—John G. Quick, James Barton, George B lee her. Mifflin—Peter Longaberger. Orange—David Herring. Pine—John Leggit. Roaringcreek—Michael Movrry, Elijah C. Horn. Sugarloaf— Samuel Parks, Joahua Brink. Public bale of Real Estate. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' I Court of Columbia connfy, on Saturday, the 29th day of August next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Michael Federoff and Maty Mowry administrator of Michael Mowry late of Roaringcreek township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by public ven due upon the premises a certain PIECE, PARCEL AND TRACT OF LAND situate in the township of Catawissa, in the said county, adjoining lauds of Jacob Drum- \ heller, Philip Gotaholl, widow Davis, and others, containing FORTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, whereon are erected a log house and barn. Late the estate of said deceased situate in the twp. of Catawissa and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY. Roaringcreek, July 29, '67. Clerk. TrfYl List for Sept. Term 1857. 1 Wi/liam Koons vs. George L. Kline, el. al. 2 William Koons vs. George L. Kline. 3 Joseph Siackhouse vs. Gilbert Fowler. 4 Adam Slroop jr. et al vs. L. B. Rupert el al. 6 Adam Slroupjr. et al vs. L. B. Rupert et al. 6 Thomas Parker vs. John H.Parker. 7 George L. Kline vs. Moses Coflman. 8 Isaac Brown vs. Robert J Lyon. 9 William Robison vs. Wilson Ager. 10 Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Ager. 11 Fletcher Bowman vs. William Long. 12 Catharine Tanner vs. John D. Weaver. 13 Adam Gable vs. Engle Fox adm'r. 14 Jonathan Mosteller es. Stephen Baldy. 15 Christian Heist vs. Daniel Gieger. 16 Wm, Hopper vs. Edmond Crawford et al. 17 George Fetterman vs. Solomon Fetlermao. 18 Marten Mowry vs. Thomas Siackhouse. 19 Gilbert Fowler vs. Daniel Fowler's Ex. 20 Daniel Kostenbader et al vs. David Hantz. 21 Wm. Rittenbouae vs. Samuel F. Headley. 22 Jas. Ralston vs. James Ralston jr.'sadmr. 23 David Hildebranl vs. Benjamin Faux. 24 D.L. Wintersteenelal vs.ChristisnShumsn. 25 William Bobison vs. Wm. Edgar. 26 Jas. S. Woods, adm'r of John Lazarus vs. Catharine Lazarus. 27 Reuben W. Weaver vs. Willara Melz. 28 Thomas Marks vs. Clark B Steward 29 William Conrad vs Daniel L Smith. ELISHA KENT KANE. A BIOGRAPHY—BY WM. E^bER. IN announcing the Life of Dr. Kane, we are but anticipating the wishes of thotlsandi and tens of thousands of the admirers of that great man. Having been a personal friend of the de ceased, and enjoying a large share of his confidence, Dr Elder i* well qualified to do jus ice to the subject. This Work will be issued in one handsottt# oclavo volume, and will equal in every re spect the superb volumes of "Arctic Explo ration," recently published. It will contsiti a new full-face porirait, executed on steel, * well as engravings of bis residenoe, tombs, medals, ten. In order to give this work a large stiserf. lion it will be sold at Ihe low price of 51.50. More than $300,000 sold wiihin S month*. MI. KANE'S GREAT WORK, - ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS, Is now being read by more than two hun dred thousand persons, old and young, learn ed and unlearned. It is just the book which should be owned and read by every Ameri can. Five hundred newspapers have each pro nounced it the most remarkable and marvel ous work ever published. The Foreigh Jour nals and the most distinguished savans of Europe are extravagant In its praise, it i* more interesting than ROBINSON CRUSOE; Being a faithful account of privations and hardships, the narrative of whtcb cannnt be read without a shudder. Our most eminent men have vied with each other in extolling its merits. Two vols., oclavo, Superbly illus trated. Three hundred engravings.— Si 50. DR. KANE'S FIRST NARRATIVE! THE U.S. GRINNEL EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, During the year* 1850—51. A personal narrative, by Klistia Kent Kane, M. D., U. S. N. One vol. Bvp,, upwards of 550 pages, containing 200 Steel Plates and Wood Engravings, including a fine Sieel Portrait ol Sir John Franklin, being the only one ever engraved in America.— Also, a Biography of Franklin, by S. Aus tin Allibone, Esq. $3.00. This work is totally distinct from the aec ond Arctic Flxpedition, and embraces mnch valuable and interesting matter nevei before published. It should by all who have pur chased the last Expedition, as it makes Dr. Kane'* works complete. A PHOTOGRAPH OF DR. KANE, Taken from Life by Brady of New York.— Price $5.00. IN PRESS, COL. J. C. FREMONT'S EX PLORATIONS. Prepared by ihe Author, ar.d embracing all his expedition*. Superb ly illustrated with steel plates and wood'cula, engraved under the immediate superintend ence of Col. Fremont, mostly from Daguer reotypes taken on the spot, and will be is sued in a style to match Dr. Kane's works. It will also contain a new steel Portrait, be ing the only correct likeness of the. author ever published. Two vols., Octavo—ss 00. AND THE BRAZILIANS. By Rev. I). P. KmnF.H,of the Methodist Epis copal Chorch. By Rev. J. C. FLKTCHEK, of the Presbyterian Church. This new ami splendidly llnstrated work (one largo vol. octavo, in Uniterm style with the superb vol umes of Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations,) is the joint effort of the above named gentle men, who, as travelers and as missionaries, (and one in an official position as Aoting Secretary of the United States Legation at Rio,) have had a long and varied experience ill a land full of interest, whether we regard it in a natural, commercial, political or mor al point of view. Price 83.000. i Any of the above works will be sent by mail Iree of postage by remitting the pub | lished price. Agents Wanted. CHILDS 8c PETERSON, Publishers, 602. ArehSl., Philadelphia J. B. Lippincott & Co , 20 N. Fourth St., Philadelphia; Phillips, Sampson te Co., 13, Winter street. Boston ; Sheldon, Blakeman & Co , Jls, Nassau St., New York ; <>. P. Put nam & Co., 321, Broadway, New York ; Ap plegate & Co., 48, Main Street Cinainnali; S. G. Griggs & Co., 111, Lake St. Chicago. July 29, 1857. T. KIIVIiSFORD & SOX'S ' PURE 5877330 STAE.OS, (FOlt THE LAUNDRY.) IIAS established a greater oelebrily than has ever been obtained by any other Starch. This has been the resnlt of its marked su periority in quality, and its invariable uni formity. Tho public may be assured of the continu ance of the h gh standard now established. The production is over Twenty Tone daily, and the demand has extended throughout the whole ot the United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and under a rigid system, they are able to secure a perfect end uniformity in the quality torough out the year. This is the great Desideratum in Starch-making, and is realized now for the first time. The very best starch that can be made, and no other, is always wanted by consumers, and while this will be supplied to them by the grocers, as soon as their customers have learned which is the best, and ask for it— otherwise they would be likely to gel that article on which the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford has been engaged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the whole of the period, the starch made under his supervis ion has been, lev and any question, the he* l in the market. Fortha first 17 years, hehgd the charge of the works ol Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period he invented the procesa of the manufacture of corn starch. tar Ask Jor Kingsford's Starch, as the name Oswego has recently been taken by another fac tory. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO* CORN STARCH, (For Puddings, Ifc.,) Has obtained an equal celebrity with these Starch for the Laundry. This article is per fectly pure, and is, in every respect, equal to the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, besides hav ing additional qualities which render it inval uable for the deseert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold as Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits of our Com Starch. From its great delicacy end purity, it ja coming ali.o into extensive use as a diet Ipr infants and invalids. E.N. KELLOGG & CO., 196 Fulton S;reei v >N. Y, ALLEN & NEEDLES, Agents, J 23 South Wharves, Phijfad'a. July 28, 1857—3 m. J An nnn JofNT AND LAP SHINGLES j or |g[g 8 | ij,e A rcatle by May 87, '57. A. C. jVJKNSCH. MORTICED POSTS on hand and for sale at the Arcade by May 27, '57. A. C. M KNSCH. P|OTTON and Wool Carpet for sale cheap at the A trade by May 27.'57. A C. MENSCkJ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers