THE STAR OF! THE NORTH. B. W, Weaver, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF TIIE NORTH IB PUBLISHED EVTRY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY R. W. WEAVER, OFFICE —Upstairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south side oj Main Street, third square below Market. TEH BIS:— 1 'wo Dollars per annum, if paid w:lhin six months from the lime of sub ecribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paitl within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no disconiiittianee permitted until all arrearages lire paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square Will be inserted three limes for One Dollar, and twenty.five cents for each additional in seition. A liberal disconnt will be made to those who advertise by the year. Clioite trg. THE CONQUEROR WORM. BY EDGAR A. POE. Lo! 'tis a gala night Within the lonesome latter years! An angel throng, bewinged, bedight In veil*, and drown'd in tears, Sit in a theatre, 10 see A play of hopes and fears, While the orchestra breathes fitfully The music of the spheres. Mimes in the form of God on high, Mutter and mumble low, And hither and thither fly- Mere puppets they who come and go At bidding ol vast formless things That shift Ike scenery to and tro, Flapping from out their Condor wings Invisible Wo! That Motley drama! —oh, be sure It shall not be lorgot! With its Phantom chased for evermore, By a crowd that seize it not, Through a circle that ever returnetb in To theself same spot, , And muck of Madness, and more of Sin, And Horror the soul of the plot. But see, amid the mimic rout, A crawling shape intrude! A blood-red thing that writhes from out The scenic solitude! It writhes!-it writhes'.-wilh mortal pangs. The mimes become its fond, And the angels sob at vermin fangs In human gore imbued. Out—out are the lights—out all 1 And, over each quivering form, The curtain a funeral pall, Comesdown with the rush of a storm, And the angels, all pallid and wan, Uprising, unveiling, affirm That the play i* the tragedy, "Man," Its hero the Conqueror Worm. A New Hrrjfcljle. Every person has read of Jules Gerard, the ' lion-killer, and bis wonderful encounters in ! the jungles of Africa. When Gerard came back lo Paris the last lime from his favorite amusement in Africa, he suggesteJ to Dev isme, the well known gunmnker of the Bou levard des Il&liens, the idea of inventing a ; ball that would explode when it arrived in ! the animal's body. The new projectile is l about the size of the Minie ball; its penetra ting force is equal to the common ball. Ar rived at the animal's body, it explodes like a bomb, and, of course, causes the sudden death of the animal. U shot into the lungs -of en elephant, for example, the ball in explo ding disengages carbonic acid gas, and the animal, which from its size might otherwise survive for a short time, will suddenly tail • asphyxiated. A few days ago a parly of | gentlemen accompanied M. Deviame to a horse-slaughter house in the environs of the city. Thare the new projectile was tried on five horsee which were standing tied lo a fence wailing to be shot. They were each ebot in the lungs, the ball exploded, and the animal fell dead. The experiment was com pletely satisfactory. Since then, M. Devis roe, to demonstrate the practicability of bis new projectile as a substitute for the harpoon in the destruction of whales, has gone to Havre, with the hope that a whale would present itself to be killed, but lo try the ex periment on an artificial whale that would respond in its resistance to a real one. The xperiment was entirely successful, and those who witnessed it assert positively that the substitute for the harpoon is fouud. TO TIIE GIRLS. Ladles, you caged birds of beautiful plum age, but sickly look; you pals pets of the parlor, vegetating in unhealthy shades of a greenish complexion, like that of a potato in a dark cellar—why don't you go out in the open air and add lustre to your eyes, and vig or to your irames I Take early morning ex orcist—let loose your corset strings aod run up the bill for a wager and down again for fnn. Liberty thus exercised and enjoyed, <*vill render you healthy, blooming and beau tiful—as lovely as the Graces; prolific as Devara. The buxom, bright-eyed, rosy cheeked, full-breasted, bouncing lass—who can dam a stocking, mend trousers, make her own frocks, command a regiment of pots and kettles, feed the pigs, milk the cows,sod be • lady withal in company, is just the sort ot a girl for me or any other young man to marry. But vou, ye pining, lolling, screwed up, wasp-waistod, doll dressed, putty-faced, consumption-mortgaged, novel-devouring daughters of fashion or idleness—are no more fit for matrimony than a pullet is to look afler a family of fourteen chickens. The truth is, my dear girl*, you want, generally speaking, more leg exercise, and less sofa; more pud ding and lets piano; more frankness aod leu mock modesty; more corned beef steak and lets bishop. Looaen yourselves s little; en joy more liberty and lesa restraint of fashion; breathe the pure atmosphere of freedom; become something nearly as lovely as tbe God of nature designed.—£>otc ; Jr. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.FWEBNESDAY, JULY 29, 1857. From the London limes, July 7. | THE AFRICAN LAUOR QUESTION. I The extraordinary position of our tropical colonies was forcibly illustrated In the dis cussion which occurred in the House of Com mons on Friday evening respecting the in troduction of labor into British Guiana. At the very moment that the high price of su gar is making itself felt most keenly, and a failure is apprehended in the supply of that material which furnishes the very life blood of British trade, Mr. Thomas Baring re minds the Legislature that our Colony of Guiana contains 50,000,000 acres of the most fertile land in the world, that it has ev ery advantage of internal communication, with an extensive leaboard for the resort of shipping;')* within .a monthit six weeks' sail of our shores, and could produce cotton and sugar in all the abundance- that consu mers or manufacturers could desire. One element only is wanting to the reali zation of these natural bounties, and that is the labor of man. The soil, the climate, the capacities of *ll ktods are favorable in tbe extreme; the territory is our own, and it lies within easy reach; but there are no laborers forthcoming to turn these advantages to ac count. Even those peculiar elements which are said to be wanting to the agriculture of India—energy and capital—are not lacking in Guiana, for British planters are establish ed in the Colony, and are prepared with all other requisites, if they could obtain the hands to do the work Btgood wages. Noth ing beyond tbi* is needed to bring plenty in to our markets, and relieve the anxieties which, as our readers saw, have been again expressed on behall of our staple manufac ture. In this world it is usually found that em barrassments of this description admit of re moval by proceeding* fraaghT wKtx.s double benefit. The abundaaae of on* district is made to ease the necessities of another, and both gain alike by die establishment of an equilibrium. Our colonies want labor; other countries are overstocked with it. In China, for instance, the population has so far out grown the territory that the Chinese go off in swarms, like bees, to any quarter of the world which wilt receive them. In India, again, though the redundance is not quite so striking, the country teems with life, and la bor is so cheap that it barely admits of be ing bartered for subsistence. From India, therefore, and from China, labor bas found its way to the colonies in question, but so great is the distance and so serious the im pediments iiilerposeiF that, eScept In the case of the Mauritius, the supply bas been very insufficient. That island, however, fur nishes an excellent illustration ot the state of things which might be brought about. — Within the last ter. years, as Mr. Labouchere informed tbeasllouse, it has received from India no fewer than 100,000 Coolies. This reinforcement of workmen has enabled the planters to cultivate sugar not only at a profit but ' at a greater profit than by slave labor," while the high prosperity of the colony tbos induced, "so far from being purchased at the expense of inhumanity towards these laborers, enabled them to accumulate prop erly and settle on the island, or, if they re turned to their native country, they carried the fruits of their industry with them. All this while, it must be remombered, that the slave trade itself undergoes heavy discour agement from such successful competition, and that our own markets experience tbe benefit of most seasonable importation*; so that all parties together—tbe colonial propri etor, the British consumer, and the actual laborer—derive advantage from the system, winch injures nobody except the slavehold er. We do not see how a stronger case coold possibly be made oni. By the simple agency of labor, one of our colonies is able to amast wealth, to slock our markets with its exports, to benefit tbe population of an other land, and to act like a thorn ih the eide of the slaveholder. For tha want of this sarqe agency, others of onr colonies are run ning lo ruin, are exporting but little produce, are doing no good to anybody, and are per mitting the slave merchants to thrive in the absence of the competition they might es tablish. If these facts do not make a case for supplying not only Guiana but onr other settlements too with free labor in propel abundance, we are *t a loss to see bow any proposition can be proved at *ll. What is the obstacle i t tbe way ? The distance. If the West Indies, said Mr. La bouchere, had not enjoyed the same advan tages as the Mauritius, it was "owing to their geographical position in relation to the soorce of the supply of labor not being so iavorable." But is there only one such soured? Is not Africa aa populous in many parts as India? Is it not as conveniently situa'ed in regard to the West Indies, as India is with regard to the Mauritius? Aod above all, are not tbe Africans pre-eminently fitted by nature for tropical labor? Every one of these-questions must be answered in the affirmative. It is easier lo bring negroes from Africa than Coolies from India or Chi namen from Hong Kong, and when brought they would make the best of laborers. We are driven, therefore, to seek elsewhere for reaeona against the proceeding, and such arguments were produoed by Mr. Labou ohare in tbe debate, and will be found em bodied in a letter from Mi. M. Porster, which we publish lo day. According to these views the condition of the native Af ricans is each that to go to the coast with a demand for their service* would infallibly generals a system of kidnapping in tht inte rior of the country, and, iu foot, as far as Af rica is concerned, would revive the slave trade, and destroy tb* tnoro legitimate pnr- • Truth and Bight God aud ourf Country. I mils which the partial repression of thi I trade has Buffered to apring up. j In conaidering theae argument, we find ! the compass of the controversy eery conve niently narrowed. It ie not alleged 'hat the position of the nogro.once landed in Guiana or Jamaica, would be otherwise than good, or that his rights aa a tree laborer on British territory could not be effectually secured.— All that is said is that he could not be pro cured on the shores of his birth without giv ing occasion to fearful wrong. As to his freedom, regarded in the abstract, there i hardly room for discussion about it. With few exceptions, the tribes about the coast live in a state of slavery naturally and con stantly in so far as concerns subordination to the Will of a master. They may not be ill used or overworked, but they %re at the command and disposal of a lord. At present they are engaged in the manufacture and exportation of palm oil and other such pro ducts, but if a demand were made for them, their kings, or masters, would instantly sell them, and then resort to war to procure oth ers, who would be sold in the same way.— The necessary consequence of such a sys tem would be the revival of the slave trade atrocities in the first stage. The horrors of the middle passage would, of course, have no existence, nor would the negro have any thing to fear when he was landed at his des tination; but the effect on Africa itself would be deplorable. Negroes, in short there, are natural slaves, born so, and kept so. If no slave market If opened, their masters are content with reasonable service; but if they can make a better thing of it by selling theft) outright they will infallibly do so, and steal others to keep up the supply. Such, as we understand it, i 9 the case of those who, like our correspondent, are averse to the proposed system of supplying our colonies with free labor from Africa. Upon this reasoning we can only observe tbat whereas the anticipated advantages are, as we have shown, enormously great, the ap prehended evils are certainly somewhat oir cumscribed. As regards the Negro himself, it is hardly possible to deny that under prop er supervision he would be far bnter off in a British colony than he is at home under the rule of a master, who, as our correspondent admits, could and would, if thwarted or of fended, whip him or starve him into sub mission, or even murder bim outright.— Suoh conditions of service would certainly be well exchanged for those nnder which the Coolies of the Mauritius realize freedom and independence. AM tbat ia dreaded i* R>| these petty kings, if once they get an oppor tunity of shipping their subjects in any ca pacity whatsoever, will take to this trade so kindly as to forsake other occupations for tha: of manstealing. We will not here inquire whether such propensities could be encountered by "any checks,but will accept the argument on its own ground. Granted that a demand for ne groes will generate intestine wars in Africa, does not such demand exist now? Whence come the thousands ot slaves yearly landed in Cuba, and the thousands who die on the passage ? And what is the effect of such an exportation? Clearly, this intestine war must be prevailing as it is, but all the other hor rors of the slave trade too. This war, in short, is but part and parcel of the very slave trade which free labor would put down, and thequestion is not whether we should or should not run the risk of creating a demand for negroes on the ooast of Africa, but whether, as we have never yet been able to extinguish such a demand, we should not attempt to take it in hand our selves, with a certainty of suppressing all its abominations in every stige of the pro ceeding but one, and with it at least a chance of mitigating them in that stage also. The Dead Babe. Do not bend over that li ttle cradle so hope lessly, with such passionate gnef. See a tear has fallen on the marble cheek, and dimmed it* whiteness ; think thee, bereaved mother, no stain of ain shall ever wring a drop like that from those gentle eyes. Belter the pallor on the velvet cheek of tbat dead, innocent cA, than the blush of shame tbat might. God knows bast, paint it a ladeless red, hereaf ter. Better tbe chill of tbat fair brow, be cause in heaven, the sister brow, (the spirit) wears a crown of glory, :ban the manly fore head, stamped with cares, crossed with toil ing thought, or mayhaps, branded with dis honor. Better the helpless, passive folding of those little bands, than the uplifted arm that might smite a brother to the earth ; for think, mother, every Cain has once been pure, as lovely perhaps, as thst dead.babe of thine. God takes in mercy; he gave thee sn an gel, and be has called it home a little before. Around thee, tbere will henceforth be a spirit babe, folding it* little wings by thy side, and comforting thee when thou art in affliction. How sweet, thy soul it loosed from the band* of earth, to feel the soft arm* of a little child wafting thee to the eternal mansion*. A FITTTING REBUKE.— Having in my youth notions of severe piety, says a celebrated Persian writer, I used to rise in the night to watch, pray and read the Koran. One night, as I was engaged in these exercises,'my father, a man of practical virtue, awoke while I was reading. "Behold," said Ito him, "thy other children are lost in irre ligious slumber, while I alone wake to praise God." "Son of my soul," he an swered, "it is better to sleep than to wake to remark the faults of my brethren." THE STAR OF LO^E. There is a moment, in every man's exist ence, on which turn* his future destiny.—• There* are many such moments; lor often times life bangs upon a thread, andrif the thread is not cut, it requires but a tiuch to change tbe whole direction of tha futtye. But in every man's life there is at least ope, and in that of young Sheik Houasein it Recurred thus: It was not often in those days that travel ers crossed tbe great desert. Few Europeans came to Egypt, and fewer still wentjto Sinai. But there was a time when Houstein was called to Cairo to meet a noble party of west ern traveler*, a gentleman and to ladie*, wbo were making a pilgrimage lamina! and Ih* Holy I*aq|L and wbo in crossing the desert. He sas^H^ tbe gen tleman, and readily engaged lo Inform the deaired service. It was not until tbe party bad left tbe Birk et-el-Haj that be met them, wlfere they were encamped, by moonlight, on the sand that stretches away to Sotz. As be sprang from his mars, before the tsnl-dooi, he was startled by such a vision as he had never before seen, but thought be had dreamed of in his waking dreams. She was slight, fair, and, in (lie moonlight, pale as a creature of dreamt. Was this one of the honris of his fabled paradise ? No; he rejected the thought, if it rose. There wa* no spot in all the heaven of Mahommed fit for an angel like this. Away, like the aarids on the whirlwind, like the clouds before the sun, like tbe stars at daybreak : away swept alkhis faith in Islam, and, in an instant the Shiek Houmoio was an idoljjo/, worshipping as thousanas greater than done, the beauty of woman I Perhaps he might have quenohed his thirst for the unknown at some other fountain, but this was erlcugh now. He had found that wherewith to fill the void, and he was content. Love was a new emotion, a sensation he had never before experienced, and it satisfied him. Did she love him ? That was a ques tion which never occurred