The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 15, 1857, Image 3
AYER S PILLS. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF HIE AGE, IS AVERS CATHARTIC I'II.LS. Tltey don't help compluints, but lltey cure tbcrn. fine box lias cured dyspepsia. Three Boxes have cured the worst cases of Scrofula. Two boxes hnvc cured Krysipolas. One box always cures the Jaundice. Tltee boxes arc sure to cleanse ihc system from boils—often less than one does it. Tyro boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the legs Smtdl doses seldom fail to cure the Files. One dose cures the headache arising ftotn a foul stomach. Strono doses often repeated expel every worm (torn the body. The should be given to ehildren, who arc (tlwtiys mors or less afllicted with this scourge. As a gett'le Physic ll.ey have no equal. One box elites derangement ol the Liver. Hull a box cures u cold. ) hey purity the blood, and thus strike at the foundation ol every .disease. As u .dinner Fill theie is not their equal in the world. Tliey are purely vegetable, and can do no barrrrpbnt do accomplish an unaccountable umount of good. Prepared by Dr. JAS. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—and sold by K. P. I.u'z ami till Druggists in Rlonmsbnrg, and by Dealers in Medicine everywhere. July 11, 1857 -2m. MTU E TO TIIKIiEIRS & DEVISEES Of Joint Allen, lott of Modison tvicmhip, Columbia County dee eased. You and jurh of you are heieby notified llial at the last term of the Orphan's Conn of Columbia comity the pepition of David Al len one of the sons and devisees of the said John Allen deceased was presented to the said court praying for the sain of the follow ing real estate of the said decedent In wit: A lot.ui ground inJerseytown in Madison township, situate on the Main mad or street of said town adjoining lot of Joint Swisher, lot or lots belonging to Dr. 11 usee I Parks aid others, containing one acre ol land on which is erpcled a two story frame dwelling house and frame stable: Also one other lot of laud in said town sit uate ou said Mailt road or street, adjoining land of John Swisher and James Stout, be/itg a town lot. Also two other contiguous town lots situ ate in said town on said Main Street and ad joining lot ol John Kunmoti and oiliers ; And one onllol of land situate on the road leading from Jersey-town to Millville conlain mg atom three nnd one hall seres adjoining hind of John Swisher, Abraham Hrodt and others:— which said property was 011 the 'J Ist day ol November, A. P., 18-lfi, aeeept ed by Robert Templelon Allen and awarded to It nil at the valuation and appraisement ol an inquisition held thereon, and the Orphan's Court ol Columbia county on the 2l>t of August, A . D, 1817, vacated the decree so awarding the said teal estate; so that the •ante remains unaccepted by any of devisees and unsold. And it is prayed in the said petition that the said real estate may be or ilered by the Court to le sold at public sale on the premises on a day certain on the fol low ing terms and conditions: twenty per cent, at ilte striking down of the property, or.e hall of the remainder on the first day of April, 1858, and lite oilier half iheteof on the lirsl day of April, 1859, with interest from the fitst day of April next; —and a rule I as been grained by the said Court upon the l.pirs and dpvisees of John Allen deceased to show cause, if any they have, by the first day of next term whv the onler of sale should not he granted, of which you will hereby take noticp. STEPHEN H. MILLER, SIIMUFF'S OFFICE, J Sheriff. Blonmsbnrg, July C, 1857. j MAP OF BLMMSBITRG. (MESSRS. HURLEY & LI.OYD, Civil En " gineers, Suivi-yttrs Map I'ublydi'r-, tire now in this place (or tin' pnrpo-e ol ma king a thoroughly correct Property Map, iho wing the (itoutul Plan ol every Building, the size and shape ol each Lot, with owners' names, or initials, printed thereon, Colored, Varnished and mounted on Canvas, and Ro'- lers, all complete. Price per copy, 5-5 pay* ablo on delivery of the Map. They ate also prepared to make Surveys and loruisli Skeleton Alans of partus, with i (intents calculated and inserted thereon, ol any farm within a reasonable distance hum town. ~ AIiMTOR'S NOTICKs NOTICE t. hereby given that the under signed Auditor to whom was relerred the ac count ol J. Sanderson Woods admini-lralor ol Iho estate ol John Lazarus lateol Fishing crock township, Columbia county, deceased, and the exceptions thereto, wilt proceed to heat all putties interested in the said estate at his (mice in Jilooiusbitrg on Saturday the -bill day of July inst. at 10 o'clnck A. M. ROB P. F. CLARK, Atulttor. Blootnsburp, July 6, 1857. School Teacher Wonted. A competent teacher, is wanted to take charge of a common school in Conyngham district. Employment could bo given for 8 months in the year, and to a GOOD female teacher £2O per months would be paid. To secure iho situation eatlv application suould bo made to F. R. WOHLFARTH, President of the Point of Directors. Conlreville, July 1, 1857. COVPERINtI. THE subscriber announces that he will carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at his brewety in Hopkinsville, where he will make BARRELS, TliBS, KEGS, and everything 111 that lute ol business. lie will also repair work of al! kinds, and will do it skillfully and at lair prices. CHARLES W. HASSERT, Bloomsburg, June 2, 1857. (K lILNRY ZITPINGER, oZ gjl li LOO MS BURG. • DIFFICULT repairing u attained; spec. lacles and glasses for specialties ; glasses lor hunting cased watches, aud other watch material lor sale. ~ r'nifmi rn ißCirsTlittt. ami kind of Hard " 01 KaIe McKF.I.VY, NKAL k Co M'oRTICF.I) POSTS "of IH > altlie Arcade by y ~,w u May 27. '57. JA. C. MENSCH. If a RUE assortment 'lrou, Steel aud Nails \j for sale al the Jfcade by May 27, '57. A - C. MENSCH. "m,l OsLTNs a lor 8 cents, and T>V A~tJUSUE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re- A. reived ant'Tof B"'® b y an- v c MENSCH ( Ml I TO THOSE WHO W ANT FARMS. A Farm teithin the reach of every Man. ffHE PIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has has made arrangements by which all who desire to settle ot purchase a home can do so. The Ftums consist of the lest soil of the most 'superior quality for fnrntin in a rapidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouting. The pionerty is located in Elk Comity, Pennsyl vania, iii the midst of a thriving population of some 10,000. The climsto is perfectly healthv, and the tenitile plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an uliund.tnee of the best quality cl Coal end Iron. The price to buy it out is front $3 to S2O p?r acre, payable by it stul lnter.U, to In leonc.l ot the timo of purchasing, or a share of twon'y-live entitling to locate the same for £3OO, payable f.ti |er month or 12J acres payable .VI per month. Pi- count for every aum o" SIOO and unc< i, rsirl in ouvanre, and for over SIOO a die -ount oi 10 per cent. In conxidei'mg the aiivntages of .emigrating to this locally the .diets'eg ore presented : 1 iitsT —The soil sat It limedone.caaanle of iat-ing tile It i. vest ciops, ow eg o wli 0 this <■ tieuHiit has obtained i.s p.r ent prosperity. Srcum—H is the eettl.e of ,he great North West Coal Bit it", and .s destined soon to be come one of lite giraie-t business | laces in rlie Stn'.c. It will supply the great Lake mar ket,.(according to the population smllrivcf ll'.o greatest ill tlto Union.) It hnlive wmk. able veins of die Inst Bituminouseoal,amount ing in the*.aggirgoe o over 22 fee l , which makes 22 OtlO tons ol coal under each acre, l itis will innhe the land of inestimable value. The eminent goologiat Dr. dies. T. Jackson of Boston.hue made n sutvey ol the land, and analysctl lite coal, tlio iron ore and limestone. This report together with maps will be lutnU'ted to inquirers. • I'OVHTH—'I brce Railroads are laid out tliro' The tsunbmv a..d 1..t0 I'utlroad gives us a maikei for our co t to the lakes—it runs front Eiio to Phiindoipbin. A large pa t of the Road has been lioi-ited, uttd is now in tunning order. A heavy force is now working front Eric towards our land in ilte western di rection. the menus for ihe cqtnplct'.oii ol which Ints been titt-eJ, it will soon be tliiisliod. The Allegheny Valley , Railroad connects os with New Voik. Boston n d I'll slung. The Ve nango lload connects us with lite West. There arc oltcnov good Turnpiko Roads running through this propetly, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emrgration and settlement which has altcady taken pi are. There is no opportunity equal to it now of fered to the iiinn who wan.s to provide Ititnscif a home tit an easy way. and ntskea settlement where lie can live in prospeiitv and independ nice in a climate Perfectly Healthy. No case of lever ever having Leon known to occur in this ceitlrment. It is not like going to tire backwoods ol" the West, among pe.ltaps i 'tolerant people, wltcte there is no soe.civ, churches, or sehoo's, wltete the price of land is high, and wlicie tint emigrant, after being used to il'ie healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and perhnpr ruins his health and thai of his familv. But here is a thriving settlement having three towns, con taining churches, schools, hotels, stores saw mill", grist mills,and everything desired. There is a rush market.sit baud, 'tire lumber trado lust year amcunlcd toovoi 'wo hundred million (eel of limber. In a .short time, owing to the will bccrme still mote valuttblo as a number of iron works and manufactories wilt soon he stinted: thev are at present starting them extensively at Wntren. Flven for those who do not wi-h to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy a fatm to save their rising families horn want tit the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will lake place in the value ol lands. By an outlay scarcely ntiesed, a substantial piovir-ion can be irirtde. Persons should make early application,'np ptv or write hi K. Jeffries, Secretary, No. 135 Walnut Street; below Fifth, Philadelphia.— Letters carefully answered giving full inlor mm ion. ! Shares or tracts of land can be bought or j secured by letter enclosing iho first inslall ' tnenl of five dollars, when the subscriber will | be furnished with books, maps, &e. War j rar.tee Deeds given. Persons eatl also pur chase (rout our Agents. Route Itom Philadelphia to Tyrone on ilia j Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence 1 by shtge to iho land. This is a delightful I season to visit St. Mary's—iho best hotpl nc | comrnodation is afforded. Enquire lor E. C. ! Sliultz, Esq, Iho Agent for the property at St. Mary's. JOIIN A. MOORE. JOHN W. WII.I.IAMS MOORE 8c WILLIAMS, Geueral ('tan mission Merc hauls, and dealers in 2CIETE-B.S 9 SUPPLIES, A'o. 54 South ll'atcr St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers having been associaled I with lite coal trade aud mining operations ! generally, for several years, are prepared to I supply orders lor ail articles contingent 10 - milling purposes at lite lowest rates, with j care and dispatch. | Ottr stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephnut, Bleached, ! Racked. Lard, Rosin. Greasing, Linseed. Safety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chains, Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, Wickiug, Wire Rope, Tar and Pilch Thornley's Celebrated Gum Belting, Washers, Peeking, Hose. Blasting and other Powders. Soap, Candles, &.C. ' REFERENCES: Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. J. B. A.&S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " S. Rothertnel, Esq., John Thornley, Esq., " Witt. De Haven, Esq., Minersvillc, Pa. Hon. W. Donaldson, Poltsville, Pa. Hon. C. W. Pitman, " Geo. W. Snyder, Esq., " D. P. Brown, Fsq., " L. P. Brook, Esq., " J. J. Connor, Ashland, Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1857.-ly. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate ol Sarah McClure, late of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, de ceased, have boen granted lo the undersign ed residing also in Bloomsburg. All persons indebted lo lite said estule arc requested 10 make payment williout delay, and those hav ing accounts against the estate to present them for payment to H. C. HARTMAN, Executor. Bloomsburg, June 17, 1857. RIMMINGS AND N OTI ON S\Ta nc y n rTT cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of the beat quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., lo be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857* BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfF.NAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of porper &. desirable forms, fo- sale at the office of the "Star ofthe North-" (10TT0N und Wool Carpet for sale cheap J al the Arcade by May 27. '57. A. C. MENSCH. IALOUR AND FEED Depot at the Arcade, by A. C. MENSCH, DRHO,PAIKTAIVr.LASS WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, Comer of Tenth and Market Streets, Office in Second Story, PHILADELPHIA. WE invite attention to our enlarged stock ot Drugs, Paints, Oil,, Varnishes, &0., select ed expressly for our sales, and comprising one of the finest assortments in the United Stales, which we ofTer at low prices, lor cash or approved credit. WE MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Pure While l.ead, best, Kensington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow White Lead, "Vielle Montague" French Zinc, best, Pure Snow White American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow White Zino, Silver's Plastic Fire & Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, & colors generally, AGENTS FOR: Porter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, warranted, The New Jersey Z'nc Company's products, Tildett and Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes. Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, kc. &c. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate Glass, Fremiti and English Cylinder Glass, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, Daguerteotype Glass, Hammered PluieTor Floors and Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, &c. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN: Druggists' Articles generally. Painters' Tools of all descriptions, llydtaulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, While, kc &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Store N. W. cor. of Tenth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. April 8, 1857 .-3rn. Farmers' Depot and Plaster Mills, At tlic Janet inn of York Aventte, Crown and Callowhill Streets, I'll I LA D F L P 11 1 A. WF, ofTer a large Hock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be Genuine : among which will be foil nd: 1.000 tons No. 1. Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 inns Do Berg's No. 1 Super-Phos phate ol Lime. The above standard atlirles are, each ol their kind, the best in the world! Our Land Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout the Union for its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR— De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup- Phosphate of Lime. French's Philadelphia Poortrelle. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano. (A ) Extra Land Plaster. Ordinary Land Plaster. Chemical Bone. Pure Hone Dual. Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 10,000 Barrels I.and Plaster. 5,000 " Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic ( 'emcnt. 3.000 " True Roman Cement. 1,000 " Portland [Ens.) Cement* ABaKO, DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE PLASTER, GLASS MAKERS' PLASTER, GROUND SOAP STONE, . GROUND WHITE MARBLE, GROUND BLUE MARBLE. Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barreU.) Powdered Bituminous Coal, do. Ground Browu Stone, do. White Sand, do. Ground Bricks, for Painters. Powdered Bone Black. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Milts nnd Powers' Depot, A 1 junction ol York Avenue, Crown and Callow'till Streets, Philadelphia. April 8, '57, 2tn BSN'T BT SO i I Use ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Sell-Scaling Cans and FRESH FRUtrj.lars, aud you will have fresh jl'rtiu all the year al summer prices. j Full directions for pulling nip all kinds of fruit aud To matoes, accompany these cans and jars. ] They are made of Tin, Glass, Qiteensware, aud Fire •titil Acid proof Stone \Var.e. I IN WINTER fhe sizes are Irotn pii.ts to gallons. These cans k jars arc entirely open at the tops, and nest, to secure transput iahon. For sale by Sjorekccpers throughout the U. S ales. Descriptive circulars sent ! BETTER on application, t'if* Orders Irom the trade solicited. Be sure 10 ask lor " Ar thur's." It has stood the test ol two season-', having been used by hundreds ol i THAN' thousands of families, hotel and boarding-hnuse keep j We are now making them for the million. ARTHUR. BURNHAM Si GILROY, Sweetmeats. Manufacturers under the Patent. Nos. 117 St 119, S.Tenth St., (cor. George.) PHILADELPHIA. June 17, 1857.-3tn. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his farm in Orange township, Columbia 00., containing 536 ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sejs of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houses, two barns snd other buildings, two apple orchard" and a variety of other fruit trees.'— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lays along Fishingcreek, 1 mile above Orattgeville, and only 7 miles from the coumy seat. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direct to Orangeville, Columbia connlv 1° JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, May stlt, 1857. BLOOMSBURG rjtllE undersigned would in this way (tall the attention of Iho public 10 the Hook Store at the old stand, next tloor to the "Ex change Hotel," where at all limes can be found a good assortment of books, including Bibles, llymu Books, Prayer Books, Histories, Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds of stationary ol the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the price ol School Books and Stationary to those who by to sell again. Just received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all lo call and examiue before puchasing elsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Blnpmsburg, May 25, !857.-lyr. St'fFFtt NOT, WHEN A PUR muiient cure is guaranteed in all biages ol SECJJF.T d.isea a es, Self Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrolnla. Paini in the Ankles anil Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, anil all o'her improper discharges, no matter ol how long standing, or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter i time than a pcrminenl cure could be pllent ed by any other treatment,..even after the skill ol the most eminent .physicians had failed, and the disease resisted all other means of cute. The remedied are free from odor causing neither sickness bor iaccnve nienco, and without, ninrouey or balsam.— During twenty years' practice, I. bnVo re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa tients, who were suffering bnder lite worst lorms of all of the above dis eases, which guaran cot me'in promising it perfect and most speedy cure. Secret dis eases arethe greatest enemies to health ami happiness, as they are the first Cause of con sumption, scrofula, &e., and should be a ter ror to all nations on the earlhl; for the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, that impermanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the 1 cases tall into the hands of incompetent per sons, who not only fail to cure the malady, but ruin the constitution with corrosive sub limate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of dis ease in lfie system, produces many of the above named affections. ixdiich finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the disease is than conveyed Irom the patient W the chil dren, causing (hem to come fnto Vlte world wiih srrnlula, affections of llie sfiq, eyes, throat, &c., and again terrnieiuc* in con sumption, and consigns his victim to an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-five years. Self abends another formidable enemy to health; U-destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the energies of life, causing mental derange ment, preventing a proper development ot the system, and disqualifying its vieioin for j marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness. Female Irregularities and oil er direases of females treated in the most slb'U lul and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part ot the (hiileu Slates and Canada*, by patients communica ting their symptoms by letter. J. SUiVIMERVILLK, M. I)., Box 53. Post Office ; Filbert Street, below Tenth, Phila delphia, Pa. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OK, TIIE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR Who has hint 10 years' experience us a Hanker and Publisher, ami author of 'jt A Series oj Lectures ut the liroadwny Tuber■ j m nncle, g) when for 10 successive nights, over i 0,000 Peop'e jt i greeted him with rounds ol applause, | while he exhibited the manner in which i execute their Irauds. and i 222 the surest and ehoitesl means of detecting | > them ! The Bank Note Engravers all say ! y that He is the Greatest Judge of i Bayer Money Living. ® Greatest discovery ol the present centnrv I 2 For Detecting Counterfeit Bank Noles. 5 Describing every Genuine Kill in exis'- t ® noce, and exhibiting at a glance every j Counterfeit in Circulation!! s Arranged so admirably, that Relerence is i S easy and detection InslatilaneoUS. \ > ViP' No index to examine! No (Htge-l to ;22 hunt op! Rut so simplified ayt ar- I © ranged, 'hat lite Merchant, Rink | or and Ihisrnpss Man cft see * I JJd all at a (fiance. English, Erertch and German, in Thus each nwy reuil the nmne in his own No , tiee Tongue I J MOST PERFECT HANK NOTE •3 I,IST PUBLISHED, i q Also a List of Z AI.I. TUB I'IUVATE BANKERS IN Z AMERICA. i y A Complete Summary of the ti nonce of I Europe and America will be published in ( .each edition, together with all ihe Import s'uni news of the day. Also, Z A SERIES OF TALKS •A From an oli) manuscript found in the Fast. I S ll furnishes the most complete history of Oriental fjilr, In describing the most perplexing posi j, liens in which the Ladies and Gentlemen j sof dial con in ry have been so ofien lound. | h" whole year, and will prove the Most En-1 fraa tortaining ever oflered to ibe I'ublic. j 15** Furnished Weekly io subscribers | fiorily, at SI a year. All tellers must be ad- j dressed lo H JOHN S". DYE. Broker, f Published and Proprietor, TO Wall Street, j 3 April 27, 1857. New York. THIS WAY TOR BA KUAIXS J A. J . EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF ; SPRING & SUMMER GOODS 4 T liia old stand on Ihe upper end ol Main I | Sireel which he will sell cheaper lhan the cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al- : I pacea-, lustres. barages, de laines, ducal I eloltis, poplins, brilliants, eliallies, de bages, 1 j lawns, skirting, Irench andseoieh ginghams prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, liandkerchieK . Ste. Shaw Is and Mantillas ol every sly le and i quality. j STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, I [ Cloths cassimeres, vesting*, flannels, rims- > line, lickings, siri|>es, oheeks, calicoes, cot- . 1 tonades, linens, sheetings, nanfceens, drills, Marseilles quills, colored and wlme carpel ' chain, parasols, umbrellas, u large and splen-1 did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND | SHOES. A SUPERIOR EOT OF FRESH Tons, Coffee, Su#ar,l?lolasßt's Rice, Spice*, &c. Also, Hardware, Uueens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected my entire Block with the greatest care aud at die lowest casli prices, I, can assure my friends and the public gener ally, that I will do all in my power to make establishment known as the " Haiti quarter#-* fur bargains." Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and ex i amine my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest market price for BUTTER, EGGS, RAGS, SOAP AND Dried Frtiii, and country produce in general. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. Vxccutor's lYolicc. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon Ihe estate of I'etgf Hfltlocher, late of Mifllin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted '0 lha under signed residing in the township of Mitliin. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested lo make payment without delay, and those having accounts lor payment lo present them to JOHN 11. HF.Tf.ER, Executor. Mifllin township, June 21, 1857-6t* FULL ASSORTMENT of Uuiea' Dry- Goods at tlie Arcade by May 27. '57 A C. MENSCH. DRUGS JIJVD JUEDICIJYES. .tbt ann-n J-rso/t a->, M IXTOULD call the attention of all those who wish to buy good goads in his line, that he has just replenished his (already) large and well, selected assortment of the following arti cles, viz.-—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyostuffs, Confectionaries, Per fumery, fancy soups and toilet articles generally; Cigars utn! Tobacco of everv variety and brand, Harrison'A Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, I'UltE WINES AND VRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AM) DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys, and an endless variety ni useful and fancy notions not here enumerated. Physi cian's ! reseripiious and Family Medicines put up curelully and at short notice. Glass Cutting dune to order at the old stand E. P. LUTZ. Bloomsbmg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of llie "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execute all kinds ol JOU ritlNTlNf* in the best CITY STYLE., and at short notice. Certificates of Stock ami Heposite, Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissnri/ .Notre, Hail Iload anil other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Hnol.s, Hill-Heads, Check Eolls, PJain and Fancy Cards, Jhisincss and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AITD FHINTIITG CP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Jab Office, AS Pltonrn-Y VM) NEATLY PIE IA 'l'll II AS IN TIIC PITY. The pnhlie are invited to call and see specimeus, as we ore determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. T.IAVK just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales. ** which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assnrtmei t now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection ol their entire e;ock as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest. and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants ol the People. A very large lot of EADIES DISESS GOODS, French merinoes. wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parameita cloths mohair lustres,muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE HOODS OT ALL KINDS, sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bauds and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in targe variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, anil lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds ot SHAWLS, broehe, Bay State, Waterville, black #ilk, cashmere. Einbroder ed, &e. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, saltnietls, veeliiigs, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &e. BOOTS AND SHOES. OF ALL KINDS (j- SIZES FOII MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol llats and Caps of latest fashions. Wo have also Hard ware, Qtieensware, Cedarvvare, &o. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, lloor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweliims drillings. &0., in abundance. We invito our Iriernls and the public generally to give us a call before purcliasiii" else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Price# and w ill not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Blnomshurg, April 15, 1857. | _ _ New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DAVID LO7fSFEELG , INVITES attention to bis stock of cheap and fashinnale vlothing at his slornou Mark?! I street, two doors above the •'American House," where he has a full assortment of men arid boy's wearing apparel, including EfASisrirsnASLis OQATOS* }|o.v, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors,shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, cellars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders aiui fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in ! the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most ol it is of home matitifac j ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. G. MENSCH AT TllE ARCADE STAND OAS just received and opened a full and large assortment OF SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, which lie will sell at the lowest living profit. Ilis slock embraces siella, tliihet and crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &e BILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which ho intends to sell at very reduced prices. BMBROIBHSEIEiIS. An immense slock ol emliroideiics, sneli as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers. sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and inserting*, linens, cotton and thread laces, iloniiciiigs and embroidered curtains. DOM EST ICS—Muslins, drillings, tickings, checks,osnabnrgs, baggings.ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made nags. .13 cut a lid Roys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, jeans, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaid* &e. GARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry. Brussels three ply. in grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Children*' Shoes, which he will sell very cheap. GKUt EKIIX. A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, J! TEAS, COFFEE, FISH.SI'ICES [gjlorl &c. Also Hardware (Jueensware,E&fce!g=—- Crockeiy and Woodetiware. £3*" Flour and Feed always lor sale al the lowest market prices for cash. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. WILLIAM G. PERRY, S. \V. Corner ol Faurih and Race Sts. H'ill Supply on Lore Terms, Bill Heads*, Cards, Clliec-I**, Bill of'ing, Promissory Notes, Drafts, Sfc,. AGGIOWT BOOKS, Made iii a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound lo any Pattern. LcUrr, Nolo & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PATER, ALL SIZES, SJ© SPAffBIBo OM> BDDKM IS 1.-1101. A I>, In a handsome and durable style. TV Y our orders respectfully solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. TOR RENT. A store building on Main slreol, Blooms burg, lor rent on reasonable terms. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 21, 18511 A N ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew elry, Perfnmery soaps, hair oils, &c., Pomades, to be bad at C. CLARK'S Book Store. LARGE lot of No. l. 2, & 3 Maekrel, also, White Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just received and for sale by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. HATS AND CAPS Oil hand and for saia at the Arcade by May 27. 57 A. C. MENSCH (OLtiMBISMALE AM) FILM ALL Liixrnir 4'Oinily. Pn, riiHK Trustees of this Institution respectfully •I- announce, 'hat it will be opened' for the reception of Pupils, of liotli sexes, on Monil.iy, October 20111 next, under the immediate rare of I'rof. .IAMBS ANDERSON, n Principal. Mr. A. is n gentleman of extensive arq'if;'.. mcnts. and enlarged experience as an educator and lias been connected with the most popular "High School" of llui'ks (Jo. for several years, lie is also well and favorably known as a eon tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. TIJR COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Prliniiions, Head ing, Penmnnship, Klymology. Oeography. Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra Geometry. Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Tngonoio, try, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, <Vc. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the, French, Spanish Latin Languages will lie formed as early its piactiea l>ie, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will he given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES an the Natural Sciences, illustrated by apptepriate apparatus will also be SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Ccnllcmut designing to qual ity themselves as Teachers, TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollars per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, paj uhle one hall in advance and the balance atlhc close of the Quarter. IIOOU HOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price. Ctff Mr. A. will deliver an address on Fhysi. I'd, Intellectual and Moral education, on the ■lay of cnmmciiccmenl, when his method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, and the discipline nd management of the chool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the friends of cduca tiutl generally, arc cordially invited to bo pres ent. I). 1,. UHAPIN, I IL M. STEVENS, .IOHNKOONS. N. D. STILES, SILAS DtiDSON, I JOHN VAPLE, I HUM AS PEA I,BR, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856, Trustees. NOTM-E TOMERCHANTS. HAZES i HAZES i i f IMIF. undersigned take pleasure inaiitiounc -A ing to Merchants that they are manufac turing a superior article of 1 A K K S at their New Factory on Ftshingcreek above Orange ville, Col. eo. Merchants wishing to pur chase good Pares can have them at tho Fac tory, or if desired we can forward them to lltoonisburg to 8. C. Shive where they can gel litem, or we can forward them to those Stores that aro not too much out of onr way. All orilets should bo addressed to Samuel Shive, Pealers P. 0., Columbia county, Pa. SHIVES & UETvf April 15, 1857.-m. THE NEW PEG-BILL Ij'Oß Justices and Constable* Copies in lieat lorm far sale at the ",'' office I The Medicine orthefflllMtf** rn/iosvpiwjiiw FACT. ISiDUc]laffiWAVß The Kxciting Cause H MekueSi. . The blood is the life sustaining agent. tt furnishes ibe components ol flesh, boar, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, lire veins ils distributors, and the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circula tion and the bowels, these l'dls art simtiJ'a' ! ncon-ly, relieving indigestion, purifying the jsllnids, and regulaiiig the excretions. THE MTIO.\4L€ONPMIIIIf. ' Dyspepsia is the most common disease among nil classes in this country. I (assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary ourca of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symptoms, however ob | slniate its resistance to ordinary preparations, i it yields icadily and rapidly totliia searching and interring remedy I!IMOI M AFPFCITIONS. j The tpiamily and qnulity or tlie bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver,' die gland which secretes this fluid, Iheae Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing Jaun dice, lli I ions fiemiltarils, and all (he varieties i of disease generated by an unnatural cotwfi j lion ol the organ. liovriil, (OUPLIIXTS Unless die bowels perlurm iheir functions properly, the whole body sutler*. Ten* ut thousands die annually of Dysentery, Diar rhea, Chronic consumption, and other die | eases ol these waste pipes ol the syatem.— The efleel ot the Pills upon till intestinal die i orders, whether casual or epidemic, is a i phenomenon in medicine. By following Uui printed direclions, ihe "most alarming cases, til bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A WORD (O FCMNLCM. The local debility and trtegnlarities whicll I are the especial annoyances ol the weaker j sex, and which, when neglected, always ! shorten life, are relieved for the time being and prevented lor the time to come, by a : course of this mild hut thorough alterativo. nor-Lowjirs PILLS Are ll.e best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: Asthma, lliarrhri-a, Howe! Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever and Ague, Citest Diseases, Female Complaints, • Costiveness, Headaches, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward weakness Worms of all kinds Diver complaints Lowness of spirits files. Sold ill the manufactories of Prof. if.din way, 80 Maiden Dane, New York, and 211 Sirand London, by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the U. S. and the civilized world, in boxes at 2b cents, flj els. and St each. ft? There i< a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. It. Directions fir the guidance of pa tients in every disorder pre ulTixed to each ctox- [Aug. 13, 1856. ftf CAUTION !--Nene are genuine unless :he words "lloltoxeoy. k'tw York mot ion/Am," 1 are discernible as a tenter mark in every leaf ot lite book ol directions around each pot or box: the same mny be plainly seen by hold • '■£ tht ten/Io tlu light. A handsome reward will be given IO any one rendering such in humation as may lead totne detection of any parly or parties counierlening the medicines or vending the same, knowing them la be spurious. • r.wxs sV w.vrsorvs IKpSAI^ANDfiR No.2b South Fourth SStreot PHILADELPHIA. TRUTH IS MIGHTY J MUST PREVAIL; Heport of the. Committee appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Reading, Feb. ifth, 1857. KKADIMJ, March 4ih. The undersigned, members of die Commit tee. do respectfully report, that we saw the I .vo Safes originally agreed upon by Parrel* k llerrina ami Evans & Waison, placed Bide by side ir. a I urn ace, viz: The Sale in use by the Paymaster ol the Philadelphia and Head ing Company, in his office at Head ing. mar ■> niacin red by parrels k Herring, ami the Sale in use by II A. Daiiiz, in his store, manufactured by Kvans k Waison, ami put in book* ami papers precisely alike. The (ire was sinned at 8 J o'clock, A M, ami kepi up until lour cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut top wornl were entirely consumed, the wlioks under tlio superintendence ol the subscribers, mem bers ol the Committee. The Safes were then cooled oil wiilt water, after winch they were opened, agd die books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Laniz's < store for public examination, aher they weta first examined and marked by the Coinoiit- I le. The books arid papers taken Irom tha Safe manufactured by Kvans & Watson were but slighily alTected by tho intense heat, while ihose taken from the Sate manufac tured by Kurrelsk Herring were, in out judg ment, damaged fully filteen per cent, more iban those taken troin Kvans & Watson'* t Safe. i JACOB H. DYSHKR, DANIEL S. HUNIKK Having been absent tluriug the boroiag, we fully coincule with tho above statement ol the condition of the papers and books tak en out ot Hie respective Safes. G. A. NICOLLS, If. 11. MUHLENBERG. JAMES Ml [.HOLLAND The following named gentlemen, resident# of Beading and na vicinity, who aaw the above tire, have purchased Safes Irom Kvans k Watson since the burning up io May Ist, 1867. G. A. Xicolls, I Soliimon Khoacis, ! K. 11. Company, 2 W. B. Verger, I. H. A. l.antz; 2 Geo. K. Levure, I Kirk k Heisler. 1 Samuel Fating, *J W. Bhoails & Son, I J M kG.W.Haiu*cb,t H W. Missuncr, 2 James Jameson, f Dr. Win. Moore, 1 J. B.kA. B. Wanner 1 Levi J Smith, I Jacob Scbraucker, 1 High k Crutg, I VVm. King, f Win. Krick, 1 V. 11. Sholtenberger, 1 Kaulman k Uaum, 1 Leopold Hirsfe, 1 Win. McFailitl, 1 Ezra Mdler, I. Geo. J. Kekerl, 1 W('kP.MKrnih*l- Isaac Kutti, 1 trout, *1 Biiltneyer, Follmer Wan. Donahower, I k Co. 1 Bullit k Milton, t EVANS It WATSoN Juno 17, 1557. FRI2SII ARRIVAL ANEW lot of choap muslins and pant* iubl recetvet! by railroadand for by A € MkJxSCH.