The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 15, 1857, Image 2

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ll.'oumatHinri. Wednesday, July 15, 157-
ffh-mocrntic Roiniiiativnt*.
ol Lycoming County.
Of Berks County.
Of Erie County.
MM 110 1) ST R1 UK LANI),
ol Chester County.
HAS rrsunied the pracnce of itic Law in
Bloorosburg, Columbia comity, l'a.; and
will givn his prompt and careful aueniion lo
all lusineas entrusted to him in this and aJ counties.
He (onnd constantly io bis office, in
Robinson's Row, near the Court House.
It is a beneficent tale that even in the sort
of treadmill lifeof an editor calls us out now
nnd then among the hardy yeomanry and
pure air of the bills. Doubly grateful to our
wearied brain and body is such a trip when
in town the mercury teaches close lo the
100 degrees, and the brick walls and pave
ments soem a huge oven. And not only is 1
itie air more genial out here, redolent with j
the odors of the new-mo\#l hay, but there t
is a like refreshing spirit of kindness and j
hospitality in the hearts of the people.
The farmer holds closer communion
with nature and nature's God than the nar
row mind pent up in Ihe narrow walls of
the town. He may not be able to read the
city daily in the 'morning before the dew
gems have ceased to sparkle on bis meadow;
but the hearty friendship of his neighbors
and the smiles of his honest family awaken
and exercise in him a far belter nature than
the detstls of murders and conspiracies move
in bis less modest town cousin. The rise
and fall of stocks do not distract nor drive to
suicide the husbandman, but his heart and
brawny frame seem to widen out as if in
sympathy with the expanse of his broad
Out here among these hillsides and val
leys of Orange we fnrget the selfish jealousy
of small men seeming great—of candidates
for Congress each envious o' the other—ol
politicians each one afraid lest some oilier
may grow greater than lie, and therefore
poisoning minds against such rivals as are
in his way, like in the days of the Borgias
the vainly and wickedly ambitious were
worit to poison food.
Aye, human nature is ever the same; and
its frailties only take new forms and new
names with succeeding ages. The politics
of Maohiaveli come round again with the
same unerring certainly as the planets of the
physical world. But the Fame which spring
from the diseased mind of city fanatics find
I:H lodgment in the clear healthy minds ol
our yeomanry. No wonder that in the Wil
mot district there was lately an application
for incorporating a borough one mile and
three fourth square, where less than 100 per
sons lived, and where two ol the proposed
borough lines ran through an unbroken wil
derness. No wonder that Wilmot incorpo
rated the borough, and the Supreme Court
reversed his decision. There wete no doubt
many grfaf men there a fit to rule a borough
as we have now in our district fit to go to
Congress; that is—in their own estimation.
No wonder these people of the Isms hanker
lor the fieshpols and corruptions of the towns,
fbey have become "too smart," and ought
to sweat out their spiritualism in such ram
bles as ours among the sweet realities of the
Orange hillsides and valleys.
Your political Cataliues only fallen in the
great sores of the city, and their degenerate
imitators in some town. We mean the reck
less men who have neither character, merit
nor means, and who yet by brazen impu
dence play upon and rheat the good nature
ol lite public unti' repeated rebuffs ai d dis
appointments make them desperate adven
turers for any enterprize. When a man lias
110 public spirit, and no interest at stake in
the society around him, you have no bond
for his good behavior, and you do liim a
great unkiudness by leading him into tempt
All hail to the true hearts and the stout
Itarids ol the thrifty farmers—the only true
masters of the earth—and alter each of whom
it can he truly said that the world is better for
liia having lived in il.
mil complaining after Providence has given
llicm bonniiful giftb which grew into wealth
while the husbandmen slept. Much betmr
is Ihe spirit of our freind Mr. GKO. KREAMKR
of Mt. Pleasant township, who rejoices in
his luxuriant yield of hay, and has led at our
office a few sample stalks of timothy meas
uring five feet and a huff inch in height, and
on* o( the heads being 10} inches in length.
Mt. Pleasant has some farmers who under-
Nand the business of making the earth pro
ductive as well as any in the county. Oth
ers may have land which is or has been
good—our Mounlpleasaul neighbors make
theirs good.
BOOK-BINDERY.—A very desirable estab
lishment of this kind has been opened in
this place by an industrious gentleman who
desires to make an honest livelihood at a
useful business among our people. Those
wBo have magazines or books to bind can
now have them done in town.
tT Messrs Hurley & Lloyd have com
menced their survey of Bloomsburg, and
the tamp of the town is therefore a "fixed
tact." TtyT obtained subscribers
warrant tbem in going on, but
iheirfooitfjira villi Ofie ) for "a few more
Of the same aort."
111 l Ilim Again.
\ ■- *
The U'tlkcsliaric Hecord very justly immo
lates Mr. Albert G. Richardson, a modest New
York Advertising Agent, who lias receotly
endeavored to get hold of newspaper columns
for quack advertisements at $2 00 per square,
while oilier advertisers pay ul from S5 to fHO
a year per square. We received one of his
circulars some time ago, another recently,
both of which we filed away—in the stove.
If publishers are silly enough lo be caught
by sueh impositions there is not much use
for them lo hold editor's conventions alter
wards for their protection.
Very Sinill Husincss.
A great part of Judge Kelley's speech at
Lewisbnrg on the Fourth ol July was an ill
natured scolding of the nesv cent coin latply
issued by the mint. It don't look well to j
him, bnt lie ought lo quiel bis nerves by IIIP
reflection that tie gtistihus non disjnilnndum csl.
He is old enough lo act liko a cenf-sible man
ami not like the spunky boy who consoled
himself that if he could not flog his more
vigorour playfellow lie could at least make
mouths at his sister. Judge Kelley could not
flog Mr. Buchanan last fall, so ho puts a
spark to his penny craker on the Fourth ol
July, and fizzles out by making months al
the new cent, because it came ou! under Mr.
Buchanan's Democratic administration, True
! tie ought to have his plaything, but this is
' ralher small business for an Ex-Judge. Be
sides, his fizzle wan only a few grains of j
powder which Theodore Darker a month ago
exploded in one sentence, without thinking !
it very smart, l'oor Kelley must feel very j
sore since the last election to come from j
Philadelphia to Lewisburg lo spit his gall. \
(look Motlces.
The London Quarterly Review for April lias
been received Irom Messrs. Leonard Scot I &
Co., 70 Fulton Street, Mew York. The (ol
lowing is the table of contents:—Pedestrian
isrn in Switzerland; Dred—American Sla
very; Lunatic Asylums; Knglisli Political Sa
tires; Photography; Roving Lite in England;
Persia; The New Parliament and its Work.
Blackwood's Edinhurg Magazine for Juno
has been received from the same publishers,
containing articles on the following subjects:
What will he do with it—by Pisisiratus Cax
ton—Bonk 1, chapters 1 to 8 ; New Seasides
Studies—No. 1; Scenes of Clerical Life— No.
2—Mr. Gilfil's Love Story, Part 4; American
Explorations—China and Japan; The Athe
lingr—or, The Three Gills—Part the Last; Sir
Francis I'algravo and his books; Stuart's
Practical Angler; Manchester Exhibition of
Art 'J'reusutes; Maga's Birthday.
For any one of the lour Reviews $3 per ann.
For any two " 5 " "
For any three " 7 " "
For all four of the Reviews, 8 " " j
For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 " " j
For Blackwood aud three Reviews, 9 " " j
For do ami the four Reviews, 10 " " '
Address LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 79
Fulton street, New York.
IT Col. John W. Forney has issued a!
prospectus for the publication of a two penny 1
cash daily newspoper in that city, to be call- j
ed "The Press." The political basis of the |
paper, as every one may suppose who knows 1
Col. Forney, will he democratic; in all otherj
respects, he designs making it u thorough ;
newspaper, somewhat resembling the two
cent cash papers i:r New York and else
where. Col. F. has talent and experience in j
editing and publishing newspapers, and with
means and a host of Iriends, which ho is j
known to command,can scarcely fail to make i
a paper worthy of large support. Wecordially '
welcome him back to the editorial oar, and
wish him all the success which his talent and
worth so justly entitle him.
York Mirror, whose editor has known Gov.
Walker "intimately and thoroughly, for ten
years," says of him :
Alter handling some hundreds ol millions
ol Ihe public money, he left the office as poor
as a primitive Christian. Since then ho may j
have bought slocks and lands and mines that !
have made him rich. But when was it
counted a crime for fortune to reward the sa- ]
gaoity ever, of n speculator? In 1543, Mr.
Walker invested $1,750 in Ihe purchase of
land on what is now the city of Fond du,
for which he has been offered within a few
months, more than 5200,000 ; and he also
bought, years ago,coal and quicksilver mines
which ate.making hirn a millionaire.
has taught one term of a select school at
F.spytown to lite entire galislaction of his pa-
Irons: and had so large a number ol scholars
(sometimes 55) that he employed an assis
tant. He will commence another session
next Monday, ef which the terms may be
found in another column. He taught in this
town last summer, and sustained here un ex
cellent moral character.
FURNACE BURSTER. —On Friday week, a
blast furnace at l'Lcrtiixville belonging to
Reeves, Buck & Co., was blown to pieces,
causing a good deal of consternation in the
Die neighborhood. Luckily no persons were
about at the time, or some serious iujtuies
might have been inflicted. Some of the good
people of VhtEuixville thought the Comet
had come, but they soon recovered from
their fright.
The Washington Union says, the majority of
the Supreme Court are not owners of slaves,
as has been repeatedly asserted. Four of the
Justices re.-io'e in free States, and the Chief
Justice has not owned a slave for 30 years.—
They came'tp him by inheritance, but he
voluntarily gave thetn iheir freedom, and
two, who were too old to take care of them
selves, he provided for during their lives.
VALUE or THE HAY CROPS —The hay crop
of the free Slates in 1856, is estimated by
Mr. Helper, of Nortti Cuiolina, to exceed in
value /our times (he cotton crop of the South.
It also exceeded Value of all Ihe cotton,
rice, bay and hemp produced in the fifteen
slave states.
The Late \Vm % L. Marcy.
1 The following extract from a teller of a fa
' iber lo hig toil, contains a brief summary ol
- the striking characteristics of the great mah
whose loss now nflicts the Republic:
i " Yesterday the 'Departments were closed
{ —a token of respect to the memory of Mr.
i Marcy, Secretary of War during the admin
( isiralion of Mr. Polk, and Seoretary of State
i during that of Mr. Pierce. He has also been
i a Governo* of the Stale of New York, a Judge
jof one of the Superior Courts of I Hat State, a
; Senator of the United-Slates, Sot. I remom
( bpr liim (I was a printer's boy than) wheh
I he was a student in a law office at Troy, N.
|Y. lie was a plodding and slow young man
| —never making any pretensions, and attract
j ing no attention till he began to feel an inter
! est and take a part in the movements of po
{ !itical parties. lie then espoused the princi
! pies and joined himself lo the Democratic
j party ; and, when the first opportunity called
I his pen and mind into exercise, it was found
; by the discriminating that he was a strong
| man. He was never brilliant as a speaker;
! yet few men in the Union could build up a
I stronger argument than Mr. lvlarcy. He was
] always ready to meet an opponent, and, in
1 all his contests With political antagonists
j through the press, he came off with victory.
I In his correspondence with British diplomats
; the same success attended him ; and he
showed himself as much the superior to Lord
Clarendon, as he provetl himself lo be of the
1 heretofore Gov. Tallmadge, of Wisconsin,
1 and General Scott. His great strength lay ill
I liis determination to keep the right hack —to
| stand still and examine, until lie found ou'
i the true direction,and then goon. He would
| undertake nothing without being possessed
I of a good reason for acting—and it fared ill
I with the wight who ventured lo question or
i condemn his course in a manner'lhat requir
led of him a reply. From his youth to his
i old age he was industrious—laborious— andj
I believe, his chief aim was the public good
in all that he did. Ido not remember any
act of his life that would lead me to think tic
had any of that selfish ambition which 100
often urges men to seek office merely to grat
ify a pride of place. Guided by strong com
mon sense, honesty of purpose, and a patri
otic heart, ho was at all times invulnerable to
the assaults of his opponents, whethsr found
in the ranks of party, or among the diplomats
of foreign courts. Truly, 'a strong man hath
fallen /'"
A Ileovv Firm.
The following notice of the business of J
Frick, Shfer & Co., boat builders of Lewis- j
burg, we lake from the Home Gazette :
" The boats built by them have all been 1
built for lite Pennsylvania Coal Company, j
and the Delaware and Hudson Canal Compa- !
ny. They are generally 90 feel in length, j
14 feet 2 incites beam, and 6i feel hold.— j
Weight, about 40 tons, and will carry 120 ]
tons. Their average value we judge to be ;
about $1,400. From 7b to 140 hands are
constantly employed by them, and the wages j
paidThein are from SI 12 to Si 50 per Jay.
They occupy about 400 feet river front, and
their yard and buildings cover about 5 acres (
of ground. From 50 to 100 rahs ol square j
timber are puroltased by litem each year;
and besides these, from 4 to 6 teams ore con
stantly employed during the winter in haul
ing timber to their mill, from timber lands
which they purchase as convenient to llio
in ill as they can be procured. During the J
summer these teams are employed on the j
canal ; they keep boats running to carry lum
ber, coal, flour, teed, Sat.
One hundred boats at $1,400 each, amount
to sllO 000, and their sales of toal, lumber,
&e., would make their business sum up j
something over one hundred and filly tlious- j
and dollars a year. One hundred and Forty j
bands at an average of $1 25 per day, would I
be $175 a day, or $54,775 a year, paid out |
by them to mechanics and laborers in our ;
town ; and this they have done. We are !
just giving att estimate based on the largest j
; amount ol business done by them in any one >
year, as shown by their books, and furnished ;
to us-by Mr. Graham."
cy In regard to the impression attempted
I to be made by the opposition press, thai
William F. Packer is a prohibitionist, we
give the words of a Democratic cotempora
ry :
"An effort has been made by the opposi
tion to create the impression ihelGen. Paeker,
when in the State Senate, was a Maine Law
man, and advocated (he passage of the some
what celebrated Jug Law,socallod —although
this enactment was made two years after lie
1 retired from the Semite! The same parly tfial
j now attacks Gen. Packer is the party that
was loudest in advancing prohibitory and re
strictive laws, then denounced in unmeasur
ed terms Gen. Packer aud the whole Demo
' cratic party because Ihey would not go into
I its rei-trictive measures.
Tne truth is, that Gen. Packer during his
I entire senatorial cateer, did nothing more
i than to vote for leaving the whole question
I of prohibition to Ihe decision ol the sover
t etgn people. His acts are part of the I.egis
! lative history of the Slate, and an examination
> of the Journals of the Senate, during the time
1 he was a member of Ihe body, will show that
I this is his only offence—nothing more. And
! this is doubtless the reason why these politi
co-temperance writers and orators are now
| attacking In in.
Wilmington Herald, a staunch Republican
paper in Illinois, which has swallowed all the
isms of the party without a bone sticking in
its throat, has not the anaconda-like property
of gulping down "negro equality," though
covered with the saliva of "brudderly" feel
ing and mock philanthropy, previous to de
glutition. The editor says:
" Whenever negto suffrage becomes one of
the planks of the Republican plstlorm, we
shall feel free to seek some other political or
ganization, and we think we should find most
of our Republican brethren in Ihe same way."
tW The railroad accidents in the United
States during the first six months of the year
caused the death of 49 persons, and 99 were
wounded. By ihe steamboat accidents, 61
were killed and twenty wounded.
i Judge Cunningham.
Hon. Xhomgs Cunningham,of Beaver, has
! written an able letter to Wm. H. Magill,Kq.,
editor of the Patriot, published at New Lia
| bon, Ohio, in Velaliott to abolition lies abont
himself and affairs in Ktnsas, The following
extract will be read with interest. Judge
Cunningham cays:
" I resigned the office of Judge of the Sn
I pronto Court of Kansas voluntarily, because
my personal and private affairs rendered it
inconvenient for m to hold it longer. The
southern judicial district of the Territory, to
which 1 was assigned by the Territorial Leg
islature, did not suit me. The population is
rather sparse and the legal business small.—
The district is difficult of access, and when
reached, not desirable or comfortable to live
in. I could not, with any degree of proprie
ty, move my family to that remote and se
cluded portion of the territory, and to remain
there mysolf in voluntary exile, and neglect
the welfare, comtort ami happines of my
family resident here, would not only have
been improper with, and without any inade
quate counte-vailigg inducement or reward
would have rendered ma culpably amenable
al the domestic furum. In view of these
mailers, I resigned on tny own judgment,
uninfluenced by any one, or by other facts
and circumstances'than those mentioned.
So far from being "murdered" or in "dan
ger of being .miydiired" in Kansas by pro
slavery men, or by any body else, I most
cheerfully and truthfully slate, in justice to
the people of the Territory, that I never have
been treated wilb tuore kindness and respect
anywhere, than I was bv men of all parties
during the lime I remained there. 1 never
travel in disguise, nor 'slope' Iroin responsi
bility. I returned from, as 1 went to, the
Territory, openly and publicly, having noth
ing to fear on account of my own, or from
conduct of others.
Tna miserable and baseless fabrication in
relation to myself, I regard as a parcel and a
part of that long, but now threadbare wolf of
political misrepresentations with which the
people were entertained and miserably de
ceived by the black republican presses and
stump —and Bchool-bouse orators during the
last Presidential campaign. •
In my view of llie condition of things in
Kansas, the conduct of the abolitionists, or
so called free Stkte men there is fractious
and flatly absurd. Instead of recognizing the
law authorizing and providing for a constitu
tional convention which manifests fairness in
its provisions and most stringent and potent
safeguards, they refuse to be registered and
refuse to vote, although boasting of a majori
ty, and consequent power to control and
mould the ptocttedings of that convention.—
For private purposes to aid them in rnatteis
of speculation in paper towns and the like,
these same men repeatedly acknowledged
the legitimate existence and the power of the
Territorial Legislature, last winter, while I
was at Lecntnplon, by invoking special legis
lation in bestow upon them valuable corpo
rate privi leges and rights ; yet when legisla
ting generully lor the, Territory, this same leg
islature is denominated bogus, and its author
ity denied ami otontemned. Or in other words,
these lovers f freedom ratify end repudiate
legislative authority anil action, with the same
breath !
What construction or just interpretation can
be given to such n course of conduct? Out
side of the Kansas excitement what bud lite
abolitionists and 'shriekers' to rest on during
lire last campaign, and what have they now?
Emphatically nothing. Let that go, and the
lust note of their one-stringed harp is forever
silenced. Ho.v then can their conflicting
professions and anions be understood, but
that they hope slavery may be established on
that much abused soil, the democratic party
injured, and their own sinister, selfish, and
anti-Union party gain place and power.
Let Kansas be admitted as a tree Slate, as
1 doubt not she will be, under a democratic
administration, then will the shriekers and
their decomposed party of political scraps
and remnants, be beard from the lulls and
valleys to ..exelaiie, with, the man of old,
"they have taken away our gcxh, and what
have we more ?"
The Funeral of lion. Win. L. Mercy
Took place of Albany on Wednesday. Dur
ing the morning a great number of people
visited the Capitol, intending to toke a fare
well look at the body. Tney expressed as
tonishment and regret at the request of his
relatives that the cofiln should r.ot be open
ed. The buildings in Broadway and Stato
streets, were draped in morning for three
miles. Owing the Inrge number of arrivals
of visitors from other cities, the luneral cere
monies were not commonced till 3 o'clock.
The ceremonies commenced at the Capi
tol, amid the tolling of beols and firing of
minute gups. The venerable Dr. Nott open
ed the exercises with an eloquent prayer;
Rev. Dr. Spragpe read portions of the scrip
ture, and Rev.y>r. Hague delivered a beau
tiful discourse. - The exercises closed with
prayer and a benedictiou from the Rev. Dr.
Gen. Wool was Ihc Grand Marshal of ihe
day. Ex-Presidents Van Buren, Pierce, Gov.
King nnd Ex-Govciiors llunl, Fish, Seward,
Bauck, Hon. N. P. Banks, and other distin
guished persons were present. The funeral
cortage was the laTgest ever 6een ir. Albany.
FACT. — Three ol ilia Republican candidates
in Paris have been elected to the Legislative
Assembly. This shows a strength in the Re
publican party which once evinced may here
after be the cause of some trouble to the
present autocrat, in spile of his suppression
of the freedom of tile ballot-box and of the
press, it shows eqme boldness to come for
ward in opposition to the government when
every voter would be 11 marked man, and the
fact proves that Ihe Republicans have more
confidence in themselves and in their objects
than previous events would seem to justify.
The Emperor is, however, shrewd and un
scrupulous, and,if occasion calls for it,he will
not hesitate to use his power to silence op
A; Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, Pa.,
Geo. A. Chase is appointed Postmaaler, vice
James Kelly, resigned.
€ curling the I-fqnor Influence.
The Republicans are making a desperate
efTorl to secure the liquor influence fqr Mr.
VVilmot. Two years ago they pretended eym
palhy with the prohibitionists, and advocated
the election of Bollock on the ground that
he ft-as a 'better temperance man' tban Gov.
Bigler. Finding that that ruse will not work
in the present campaign, they are now quite
as industriously engaged in propitiating the
liquor influence as the were the temperance
influence then. Kvon their candidate, Mr.
VVilmot, has been pressed into-tlie service.—
Whilst in Philadelphia recently, he visited
all the groggeties in the city, with a view
of catching volts in that quarter. Just think
of it! Two years ago their candidate stood
upon the prohibition platform; now he is
flourishing in the g;og shops and among the
whiskey barrels ! "Can such things be,
and overcome us like a summer cloud, with
out our special wonder!" A parly which
sloops to such meanness can never prosper.
—llollidaysburg Standard.
letter from Bucharest of the 9th ull., in the
Eloile du Danube, says:
"Mr.Spence, Minister of .the United Stales
at Constantinople, arrived at our rapitol a
short time ago. He, ol course, immediately
paid a visit to the Caimacan, but ten days
passed away, and without the latter returning
it. The American was offended, especially
as be knew the Cuimacan was accustomed
to pay frequent visits to the East Austrian
Colonel, and sent one of his legation to de
mand explanations; but that gentleman pre
sented himself several limes at the palace
without being received. Two evenings
back, at Sir 11. Bulwer's weekly reception,
the Caimacan, finding himaelt near Mr-
Spence,extended liim (he had,but Mr. Sper.ce
declined to receive it. The Caimacan then
said that ho had excuses to make to Mr.
Spence, and the latter replied, "You have in
deed, sir,"- and turned his back on him. The
day after, the Caimacan paid a visit to the
American Minister."
last Sunday week, the daughter of Squire
Scudder, of Liberty township, while reading
a piece ol poetry entitled "Do they miss me
at home," was so much affected that she
fainted. Her mother immediately sprang to
her assistance, and together with Mr. Scud
der, her father, did all in their power to re
vive her. It was fifteen minutes before she
became fully sensible. Her mother had lost
oil hopes of her recovery again to life, and
ran-to the door, claiming she was very un
well, at the same time throwing up a quan
tity of (roth and blood. Scuilder assisted his
wife to bed, and in less lhan one hour she
was a corpse. She was in perfect health
previous to this. Her death, no doubt was
from the rupture of a blood vessel, caused by
the sudden death, as sho thought of her
daughter.— Hamilton t Ohio) Td., 2bth.
CyTlie best Sculptors in Paris are said to
receive, on an average, four thousand dollars
for statues ten feet high. But the ablest
sculptors in Italy receive much less than this
sum. The statues recently erected in Flor
ence to the memory of the illustrious men
of Tuscany, sixteen or eighteen in number,
cost something over one thousand dollars
each—most of them executed by men who
rank higher in this department than Mr.
Powers. It is not pretended that this sum
adequately rewards their talents, but they
accept such commissions to further the pa
triotic objects of their government. Mr. Pow
ers himself gives a guide by which to es
timate the price of a single 6tutue, in his
several copies of the Greek Slave, which he
has sold at S3OOO each.
CF* An intelligent Southern gentleman,
who has recently been traveling in the bor
der counties of Missouri, says the pro
slavery men have abandoned all idea of sue
cess, in the contest with the Free Stale men
in Kaunas, lie says that every boat that has
gone up fiom St. Louis since the opening of
navigation, lias been literally loaded down
with emigrants, nine-leiiihs of whom are
from the Eastern, Western end Middle States,
who will vole against a slave constitution.—
Our informant says the "border ruffiar.s"
good hu moredly admit that 'the jig is up,' and
declare their determination to attend to their
own affairs, and let Kansas take care of her
DISOUSTIKC IF THUB.—The following para- j
graph is going the rounds:
"The Troy (N. Y.) ladies have introduced
a new feature at their fairs, which makes
them draw like steam engines. All the most
bewitching girls wear placards labelled
"kisses one shilling each," and in some
cases where dealers possess extraordinary
beauty, as high as twenty-five cents is ob
tained. Gentlemen who are fond of gather
ing this kind of fruit, "melting from trees,"
go in for it according to the weight of their
purses, and one of the newspapers stales
that one rosy lipped bright eyed gall realized
$62 in one evening. One gentleman actually
purchased sl4 worth of this honey.
TUB CROPS.— The crops of wheat through
out Berks county is considered the best that
has been raised for many years. The wheat
stands very even on the ground, the heads
aro large, and the grain bids fair to be of
superior quality. The harves will be about
ten days later tbati usual. Bye and oats also
promise a good crop; but the coru, generally
well set, and healthy looking, owing to Ihe
late planting, and too much wet weather, in
some localities is small.
EH*" The Fusionists are like Winchell's
dog that tried to jump across a well in two
jumps, first over Abolitionism and then Hin
doo ism. There are a great many people
just like" that dog—folks that think they can
jump across a well in two jumps. They that
undertake the experiment usually "bring
up" down iu the water.
Ncwspojms in Minnesota. —There are 33
papers now existing in Miunesota, whereof
lf> are Republican, 11 Democratic, and 7
Neutral. Tbroe dailies, published in St.
Woman's OeVottoh.
One of the tgiost striking Incidents in the
fearful tragedy near Quebec, was the con
duct ol Mrs. Rloomfield, iu saving lUo chil
dren. She held to a rope with one hand)
keeping the head of one child abov# ths wa
ter with the other, and holding the other up
by fastening her teeth in its dress. So heavy
was the load that two of her teeth gave way
and were lost, yet she still retained her hold.
At la £ t a boat came towards her, and men
were screaming all around her lo be taken
on board. She could not screnm, but a man
seeing her situation broright a boat to her,
telling them she needed help most. Then
her strength gave way at the prospect of re
lief and safety, nndsho came near drowning
before she could be lifted into the boat. She
wast light, delicate woman in appearanoe,
and one wonders how she was ever able lo
endure so much. Our readers will exclaim,
what will not a mother do ! But these chil
dren were not her own. One of them, aged
eighteen months, is named Jennie, as Mrs.
Bloomfield heard it called on board by its
parents, who were from Glasgow, and wore
both lost.
riillndelplifn Alurkets.
Flour and meal. —The market is dull, and
good brands ol flour are offered at $7 12 per
bbl., and brands for home consumption a 47
257.50, and extra and fancy brands at S8 00
a 9.25. There is very little demand for ex
ports and little stock to operate in. Uye
flour is held at $4.75 per barrel,and Pennsyl
vania corn meal at $1 per bbl.
Grain —There is Utile demand for wheat.
Sales of prime Pennsylvania red were made
at 81 85al 86, and 81 90a1.93 forgcod while.
Rye is dull. Pennsylvania is held at 81.05 a
1.10. Corn is unsettled. Petin'a. yellow is
held at 87c., afloat mid in store, and buyers
oiler but S6c. Oats are steady; sales of
Pennsylvania and Delaware at 65j0. per
Seeds —Clover-eed is scarce and higher.—
Sales of prime range at 87.25 per 64 bis.—
Last sales of Timothy at 83.50a375, and
Flaxseed at 81.86 a 1.90. Sales of lied Top
at 83 50. Herd Grass, 83.75.
Whiskey is dull at 32c. ill bbls.ond 31c
in tihds.
chester (Eng.) Unity of OJJ Fellows report
that the society had expended during the
year in sick-pay to members £130,000, £30,-
000 in funeral gifts, and £40,000 for the re
lief of widows and orphans. The capital of
the society is £1,755,000, and during the
last twelve months fifty new lodges hod been
opened in various parts of the world. In
1852 10.613 new members wero initiated; in
1853 16,616; ill 1851 18,836; in 1855 21,319;
and in 1856 38,546, of whom 11,585 were
under 26 years of age.
An JNVENTION has been brought forward
which promises something of importance in
enabling the compass to work with certainly
on iron vessels. It ronsists solely in covering
Jhe ordinary box with cork, or the pith of
elder wood, with several coats of resinous
varnish or sealing wax. The bowl in which
the compass is suspended is also lined with
the same, -and the result is not a complete
annihilation, but a very great diminution of
the effect of all looal attraction.
THE SABBATH. —It is very remarkable that
the heathen nations, who can be supposed
to have no knowledge of the law or history
of Moses, account one day of the seven
mote sacred than the rest. Hesiod styles
the seventh day, "the illustrious of lire Son:'
and Homer says, 'Then came the seventh
day, which is sacred or holy.' Almost all
nations, 100, who have any notion ol relig
ion, have appropriated one day In seven to
the purpose of public devotion.
ty The Southern Journal of Medical Sci
ence slates "that a boy in the vicinity of
eight years of age, has his lower extremitie"
turned completely around. The heels are
in front and the toes behind." We have
in these parts a political lusvs naturae of the
same kind in the Republican party. Its ne
gro heels are always in front, and its toes are
pointed behind, indicating its 'advance back
TIN PLATES— that is, thin plates of iron
dipped into molten tin, which covers the iron
completely—are manufactured in South Wales
and Stalfordshire, to the extent now of about
90U,000 boxes annually, equal to 65,000
toua, and valued at £1,500,000. In England,
almost every article ol tin ware is formed
Irotn theso plates. Nearly two-thirds of the
total manufacture are exported, principally
from Liverpool to the United States.
ty Eggs, it is said, can be better preser
ved in corn meal than in any other prepara
tion yet known. Lay thern with the small
end down, anil if undisturbed they will be
as good at the end of a year as when packed.
Another very good method is to grease them
well. In this way they may be kept through
out the winter.
three weeks ago forgeries were committed
upon the Uaston (I'a.) Bank, and other banks
in its vicinity, to the amount of about 810,-
000. On Friday last man named Howell,
charged with being the author of the said
forgeries, was arrested on board a ship about
to sail from Boston to Europe.
ty Tito Coal Tiade of Pittsburg lias been
unusually active this season, the shipments
for the last five months having reached 18,-
477,519 bushels. This includes only what
passed through the locks of (ho Mononga
hclj, so that the total shipments may be set
down at about 2J,000,000 bushels.
ry it is is said that huudreda of green
horns who bought slock iu the Chester county
Copper Mines, on the strength ol being told
that they smelt great amounts of copper there,
will never get a scent for their money. The
labors of miners tliero are said to be in win!
bpting chickens can be bouglil in (tie Phil
adelphia market* at 20 cents a dozen Bui
they are in 'be unhatched
A SOLEMN SCENE. —At a,private residence,
corner of Twelfth and Green Street*, a mel
ancholy affairoeewrred on Sunday night. Tire
family consists of a (battier and several chil
dren, of which two are young man grown.—
The latter had been out tie ting the afternoon
and bad indulged in drink. They quarreled
while at cupper table, when a younger broth
er interfered, but without avail, to bring about
a reconciliation. The mother nPxt essayed
to still the turmoil, and, it is said, received
harsh replies from the sons. She fell in a
swoon upon the floor during the ahercalion,
and was dead befote the strife ceased. Who
cen envy those rash lads the remorse to
which hencelorth tlicy will forever be a prey
j —rkila. North American.
BP* The crops all over the country, says'
a (iermantown paper, are, beyond question,,
as sbnudant us they have been within twenty
years, and yet the amount of croaking kept
up to within a couple of weeks, has been par
ticularly loud and impertinent.
They are substituting mules for the more
aristocratic horse in the omnibus lilies and
for express wagons in Cincinnati.
Special Notices.
Holloway't Ointment and PHls. —Possessed
of these remedies, every man is his owit
lamily physician. If his wife and children
are troubled with e'- "ins, sores, tumors,
white swellings, sorts ...ioat, asthma, or any
affection of the skin, glands or musvles,
persevering use of the Ointment is all that
is necessary to produce a radical cure. 11,
on the other hand, the eternal organs are as
sailed by disease—whether it be located in
the liver, the stomach or the intestines—he
can eradicate it by administering the pills to
the sufferer, under the guidance of the clear
directions which accompany every box.
quired by using the "Balm of a Thousand
Flowers." What lady or gentleman would
remain under the curse of a disagreeable
breath, when by using'the "Balm of a Thou
sand Flowers" as a d -Mrifiee, would not only
render it sweet, but leave the teeth as white
as alabaster 1 Many persons do not know
their breath is bad, and the subject is so deli
cate their friends will never mention it. Be
ware of counterfeits. Be sure each bottle is
signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists.
Feb. 18, 18G7-6m.
ON the 28th ult., by G. P. Lore, E-q., Mr-
CYRUS Moiia, or Montour county, and Miss
ELIZABETH BITLER, of Moreland tp., Lycom
ing county.
.On the 11th inst., by the Rev. William J.
Eyer, Mr. L. E. PoiiTEn, and Miss SARAH
MILLER, both of Catawtisa, Pa.
" -
In Fairmnont, July Ist inst., HBMHRTTA,
dan elder of George Guizer,' Esq., aged 13
The subject of this notice, attended the
silect school at New Columbus, for a consid
erable length ol time, under the superintend
enee of Mr. Wirt, and also the New Colum
bus Male and Female Academy under the
charge of Mr. Anderson, from its commence
ment until the last term, from which sho was
prevented by sickness.
She was all life and activity. .Gentle and
aflectiortate in disposition, she won lite love
ol Iter preceptress, and schoolmates ; and her
early death is mourned by a large circle of
On Friday, July 3d, at his late residence
near the Wyoming Monument, Flatten GAY,
Esq., aged 79 years.
Mr. Gay was one of the few remaining
"old settlers" of our Valley—he resided at
the place where he died, for the last half cen
tury, where he reared a large family—exer
cised a cordial and friendly hospitality—en
joyed life, and was ever ready to promote the
enjoyment of others. He was eminently so
cial, a good citizen, a good neighbor, a true
friend and an honest man. A large concourse
o( friends and neighbors attended bis re
mains to the old Forty Fort grave} ard, where
they were interred with Masonio honors by
his brothers of lhat Order which in life he
loved so well — lVilkesbarre Record.
Beach Haven, July Ist, '57. )
MR. EDITOR: —The amount of tolls receiv
ed at this office are as lollows:
Previously lenorted, . . . 831270 13
June, 29536 02
Fines, 10 JO
Total, 860816 15
JOHN S. FOLLMER. Collector.
Joshua K. Fans
WILL open a term of school in Eaprtnwry
upon the fullowing terms:—
For Orthography, Reading, Writing
and Oral Arithmetic, per term of 12
weeks, $2 25
For Geography, Grammar and Writ
ten Arithmetic, 3 00
For Philosophy, Astronomy and His
tory 4 00
Kspjrtown, July 13, 1857. It.
BOOK. BINDER, has located in Blooms
burg, where be will bind books, period
icals and pamphlets in any desirable style
and manner: and at reasonable prices. He
will bind newspapers and magazines, plain,
in library style or in morocco ornamented.
He has bis p|aco of business in Hopkins
ville with Mr. F. Isler.
Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857.
List of Letters,
T> KM AIN ING in the Post Office at Blooms
burg, Pa., for tltc quarter eudiug Juue
30th 1857.
Bird Efmira Mitchell Rev T
Bom boy Walton Moneypenny Thomae
Barueit C A Potter Amelia A
Bteece John Rice Cbancey
Baylor John Rhodes Matilda
Cramer A W Sloikley Chailes C, 1
Unify James Steel Hannah M
Ellis Thomas Salmon J M
Freeland Thaddeus BStauton E W 4
Freeze J L Teter John
Fisher David Tittle Adaline
■ Geiger Sarah Ann TolhertJoho
. Gdlaspy William Treasurer Lack & B Rlt
I Gause John Wails Samuel
Half Isaac WoodlockJohn
i Haver John ' Cieem Cornelias, Ship
I Herring George A C Silvester Abednogo do
Hull John Spiers William do
Leachiholten Coorad Wolfeuten Pickles do,
Mills H C
Persons calling for the above letters wil
' please say they re advertised.