The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 24, 1857, Image 1

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K. W. Weaver, Proprietor.]
OFFICE—Up stairs, in Ihe netc brick build
ing, on the south side oj Muin Street, third
•yuare below Market.
TER MS:—Two Dollars per annum, if
paid within aix montha from the lime of sub
scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
reived for a leaa period than six months; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearages
•re paid, uuless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
will be inserted three times for One Dollar,
and twenty-five cents for each additional in
seition. A liberal discount will be made to
those who advertise by the year.
€t)oi(e Jpoetvg.
The willing mind will ever
Deem heavy burdens light,
The noble spirit will never
Cease struggling for Ihe right.
Though Ihe conflict may inorease,
And might should brave the strife,
Right's Champions shall release
The prison bars of life.
On, on the Banner sneedeth,
The battle ory of Right,
No blood-stained-fields it ueedeih,
No cannon's thundering might.
(Whence red eyed fury dashea
Hia atorm of deadly rain,)
No cities laid in ashes ;
No mangled heaps of slain.
But dauntless minds that fail not
To strive in fadeless youth,
That fatesehood may prevail not
Against the Cause of Truth.
Lead on, Ihe darkness breaking,
Their beacon light to spread,
Unnumbered hearts awaking,
From mingling with the dead.
On, on, the war-cry speadeth,
"Soldiers of truth arise!"
The simple peasant heedctlt,
And error'a ranks defies.
The veteran, gray and hoary,
•a The beardless, nobis youth, *
Swell bark that shout of glory,
And arm, and strike lor Truth.
Fiercely the conflict rages,
For soul is majched with soul,
The "battle-fields" are "pages,"
And "thoughts" tho "artillery's roll."
Oppression, crime, and terror,
Marshall'd in added might,
Strike on, yet shrink with terror,
When by Truth and Right.
Still is the conflict raging,
lint yet shall victory grace
Those arms ol Rood are waging
For Justice to the race.
Slriko, then, thou voterun hoary,
Strike, then, thou beardless youth,
Strike, true mon, all for glory,
For Justice, Right, and Truth !
Ulve lltui n Trade.
If education is the great buckler of human
liberty, well developed industry is equally
the buckler end shield of individual inde
pendence. As an unfailing resotftce through
life, give your eon, equal with a good edu
cation, a good, honest trade. Better any
trade than none, though thore is ample field
for the adoption of every inclination in this
respect. Learned professions, and specula
tive employments may fail a man, but an
honest handicraft trade, seldom or never—
if its possessor chooses to exercise it. Let
him feel, too, that honest labor-crafts are
honorable and noble. The men of trades—
the real creators of whatever is most essen
tial to the necessities and welfare of man
kind—cannot be dispensed with; tlioy above
nil others, in whatever repute they may be
held by their more fastidious fellows, must
work at the oar of human progress or all is
lost. But few brown handed trade workers
think of this, or appreciate the real position
and power they compass.
Give your sou a trade, no matter what
fortune he may have or seem likely to in
herit. Give him a trade and an education
—at any rate a trade. With this he can al
ways battle with temporal want, can always
be independent and better is independence
with a moderate education, than all the
learning of the colleges and wretched tem
poral dependence. But in this free land
there can be ordinarily no difficulty in se
curing both the education and trade, for
every youth thereby fitting each and all to
enter the ranks of manhood defiant of those
obstacles which intimidate so many trade
less, professionless young men. Such are
the peculiarities of fortune, that no mere
outward possession can be counted so ab
eolutely secure or protective to man.—
Hoarded thousands may be swept away in
a day, and their once possessors left with
neither the means of independence or of
He was a wise Scandinavian King who
decreed that his sons must learn useful
trades or be cut off from their expected
princely fortunes. They demurred, but
obeyed the decree. The eldest, as the eas
iest trade to learn applied himself to bas
ket making. In time ho reigned in his
father's stead. In time, also, revolution
\ came upon, and overthrew him, and lie
\ lied disguised, wandering and companion
less save his wife and children, his sole re
source for livelihood a recurrence to his
humble, but honest and useful trade.
The sons of the rich as well as the poor,
should bo strengthened by this possession.
If never used beyond the learning, no harm
is done—while possibly it may be of in
calculable good. It is a weapon of assault,
of defence, which once fairly seized, can
never be taken from a man's grasp. Think
of it, parents; examine your boy's 'bumps,'
or rather study the 'bent of their minds,'
and tastes,—and as of the best and most
lasting services you can do for them, apply
rtiwm l the learning nf linnet tredox.
Despite the success of Lord Palmeriton at
the polls, it is highly probable that he will
encounter a severe, if not a formal opposition
on the assembling of the new Parliament.—
Already several of (he leading Journals are
preparing the way for a demonstration. One
of them, the London Morning Star, intimates
that a resolntion will be offered at the earliest
moment, for a thorough investigation of the
Opium Trade—a trade that is carried on in
defiance of the Chinese Government, and
which yield an annual revenue to the East
India Company of something like fifteen
millioos of dollars. This trade now amounts
to 87,000 chests ■ year, equal in value to
something like 830.000,000. This is paid
principally in hard cash, and thus the Empire
is drained of specie. A correspondent of the
Morning Star says that a traffic in opium is
carried on in China, by nearly all the British
merchants looatsd there. The system is thus
managed. Eighteen well covered vessels,
called receiving ships, of from 200 to 500
tons, snd stationed along the coast of China,
just outside the limits of Ihe five ports chief
ly; and these receiving ships are kept well
supplied with the drug—(in order to get it
smuggled into China)-by fast sailhtg schoon
ers, called clippers and steamers, which ply
regularly along the coast, all heavily armed
and efficiently manned by English officers,
I.ascsr and Malay crews chiefly, well-train
ed to arms for defensive operations—these
receiving ships have stout netting, which
they cover over them in timos of danger or
threatened attack from Mandarin junks or
private boats. The opium is conveyed to the
merchants' hongs within the ports, from those
receiving storeships, chiefly by night, or the
dusk of eveoing, in fast sailing and row
boats, well armed. Sometimes Chinese boats
go to these receiving ships and purchase for
themselves, und convoy it away into the in
The writer says that he has seen large
supplies of tho drug landed by tho boats of
the receiving ships in the dusk of the even
ing, at the English tlong, and lias known the
s:canters of tho Peninsular and Oriental
Steam Navigation Company go into port and
discharge large supplies at an English agen
cy. It is well known that the Chinese rulers,
the late Emperor, Tou Kwang, in particular,
exerted every means and used all his ener
gies to exclude this pernicious drug from
China, finding it highly detrimental and in
jurious lo his subject. He pul forth repeated
edicts for stopping its ingress, and severe
penalties were enacted against those who in
troduced it and encouraged it. At length,
finding its evils appalling, he despatched the
late official, Lin, of Canion notoriely, to that
port effectually to stop tho contraband traffic
in the drug—the measures which he took
were such as led to the war with China about
the year 1843—the particulars and results of
which are matters of history. Suffice it lo
say, that that war was overruled, to the open
ing un of the present live polls of China to
foreign commerce. High funeral honors and
Imperial distinctions, during life were awai
ded to Lin, who had used such extreme
measures lor suppressing this traffic at Can
ton, as a testimony of a country's gratitude
for suoh services.
The victims of opium smoking and chew
ing often apply for foreign medical aid at the
different ports, in order to secure a remedy
for tho habit—a habit which is full of peril,
and will unvariably, if persisted in, destroy
its victim. The writer, (rom wboso detailed
statement we gather these facts, says fur
"All missionaries in China are agreed that
the evils of this system are one of the great
est obstacles to the reception of their mes
sage by the Chinese, and of a closer and
more iriendly intercourse with that people.
At the close of the last war with China, our
merchants and manufacturers were rejoiced
at the prospect of an increasing commerce
with three hundred or four hundred millions
of Chinese customers; yet, by statistical re
turns, we learn how grievously disappointed
they have been, for a3 the illicit traffic in
opium has increased, so legitimate commerce
has diminished. The British people will
doubtless inquire the reason of this. The
solution of it is easy—for this illicit traffic in
opium carries with it, like every other wrong
course of action, its own punishment and
consequences —and in this instance the dis
grace of it is reflected *upon the nation at
large. The Chinese, it must be admitted )
are the best jadges of what is noxious snd
injurious to them, if they declare by their
rulers and literati (as they have most promi
nently done in Ibis instance) that any cause
of proceeding is injurious to them, we are
bound, I apprehend, to accept their testi
mony, and are bound, as right minded per
sons, more especially as professed Christiana,
to respect their wishes; as moral agents we
violate the first principles of Christianity, to
endeavor to force a noxious and prohibited
drug, like opium, upon them for the sake of
He states further, Ibst be has for the last
seven years witnessed this sad trsffio in
China, and seen tho effeols of it upon the
Chinese people. The great majority of opi
um-eaters of the commoner claes resorted to
publio places callad Quangs, or opium-dena,
who are provided with every convenience
for the indulgence of the fearful praotic#.—
The effect* of the drug, when taken in small
quantities, are fascinating, exhilarating and
exciting. But the repetition aoon begins to
tell upon tha moral energise and powers, as
well as upon the physical conformation.
"The Chinese generally, as it well known,
live in lions, those of iho same blood nod
kindred have a common home end establlsh
menl, mutually support, and are dependent
on ot:e another. The males, of oourie, are
the chief props and mainatay of the whole
clan or community, just aa we read of the
patriarchal system in the Old Teiument Scrip
ture,—they feel, act, and aympathize with
each other, and are often very numerous;
each member is bound to contribute hia aid
towards the welfare of the whole. The old
men of elders are the governors, and respon
sible heads of the communities or clans, and
are held accountable to society and to the
authorities for the welfare and conduct of
every memberof the olan. This system thus
supplies the of a poor law in China,
and in this way China is governed in its
easiness the more easily and effectually.—
Now, it is a fact, so far as has yet been as
certained, that opium smoking in China is
coufined, almost exclusively, to the male
population, the sinews, the strength, labor,
and capital of the people on whom the fe
males, children, and aged men are dependent
for sustenance; hence we cannot fail to per
ceive that if the moral and physical energies
of the males be undermined, how much mis
ery mdst be directly entailed on their de
pendents, and how much the material and
social welfare of the Chinese is involved in
the practice of opium smoking. I have my
self had to discharge an excellent Chinese
servant simply because he smoked opium;
and 1 have known the British consul do the
very same thing, because they could no
longer bo trusted. An agent of one of the
principal English firms in China told me
that he had discharged an old Chinese ser
vant because he was an opium smoker-—re
marking to me that servants become rpnle
useless when they use opium.
"Ii is a fuel well known to modical men in
China how great an evil is this opium smok
ing to the Chinese, and their record may be
soen in Iho published works on China, in
pamphlets and periodicals, especially in the
"Chinese Repository." The medical faculty
in England know well that the use of this
narcotic habitually destroys the procreativo
powers of the male. The Chinose them
selves designate the drug a "black dirt,"
"black poison," "foreign poison," &o. All
missionaries in China are agreed that the
opium (radio in China is the chief obstacle
to the introduction of Christianity into that
empire, and a mora friendly intercourse and
commerce with that people. When they
present Christianity to the Chinese they are
olten met with euoh rebuffs as the following:
'How is it that you profess to give us a good
religion while your countrymon are deluging
us with a poisonous drug?' A literary man
once was asked what proportion of persons
he supposed smoked opium. He replied
about eight-tenths. This may be true in cit
ies and towns perhaps, not so in tho country.
On the whole the more this system is inves
tigated the more it is apparent that to the
Chinese, politically, morally, socially, and
religiously, it is an immense evil, and reflects
most seriously on the British nation and our
Those terms are 100 ofien considered syn
onymous, and used indifferently the one for
the other. But they really represent two dis
tinct and widely diverse things. As a gen
eral rule poverty is iho result of misfortune,
while pauperism is a crime. The one is
produced by various causes beyond the con
trol of the individual—the other, by a disin
clination to live by labor; the one is the ina
bility to procure the necessaries of life by
any means within the individual's control,
however earnestly and honestly be may
strive. The other is a determination never
to work so long as a living can be obtained
by begging, lying or stealing. The one is
generally retiring, and has to be sought out.
The other impudently thrusts itself into our
bouses and places of business, appealing,
with all manner of falsehood, to our sympa
thies. Poverty suffers uncomplainingly in
its cold, desolate home. Pauperism pushes
itself into our notice at every turn. To re
lieve the poor man or woman, who has been
struck down by some misfortune, or who
cannot find remuneration for willing labor,
is a sacred privilege—a true act of charily,
blessing the giver and receiver—lightening
the sad heart—encouraging and lifting up—
saving from despai', perhaps from crime, the
honest poor one;—while on the other hand,
yielding to the importunate demands of pau
perism, is but encouraging idleness and vice.
We have been led to make these remarks
by looking over "The Eighth Report of the
Ministry at Large, in Roxbury, Mass." The
able and indefatigable man who fills the po
sition of minister at large in that city, Mr.
James Ritchie, gives in this report a some
what extended summing up of his eight
years' experience with poverty and pauper
ism. We should be glad to present to our
readers the whole of his reasottiug upou the
subject, if we bad space; but must conteut
ourselves with giving the conclusions to
which he arrives, and which be sums up
under eleven heads, as follow*:
1. That pauperism in our community is
voluntary and necessary.
2. That it ia very much increased and fos
tered by alroagiving, end the multiplicity of
aid eocieuee having aeparate and independ
ent action.
S. That it need* to ba dealt with ootuid
eralaly, but sternly and unconoptomiatngly.
4. That the regularly constituted munici
pal authorities are the proper ones to have
control of it. The Mayor ot our city his
proposed the appointment of an agent, and I
understand the Board of Overseers concur
tliot'in, whose duty it shall ho to keep an
Truth and Right Cod 3w Country.
office and attend to all th applications for
the city's aid. No doubt a .ompotent agent
will be selected, who will krep a record of
all eases, and to him apploants should be
5. lit our community all "stances of want
of food, fuel; and clothing vhicb are repre
sented to the benevolent ai extreme, are
elective, being the choice of such extremity
rather than to lake the prodsion offered by
the constituted authorities.
6. That iu eaoh and al these instances
the public provision is beter, both for the
applicant and for the conmumty, and the
interference of private cbaity is only evil,
and that continually.
7. Thai aid, oiihaa pob' cor private, af
forded from year lo year to the time indi
viduals, ji destructive of individual inde
pendence and happiness.
8. That all assistance should be tempo
rary, and only bestowed where sickness cr
other casualties have cut off ordinary means
of support.
9. That any assistance is better than that
which dirsctly affords supplies.
10. That the support in winter of those
who caa only be employed in summer, per
petuates a dependent class, and onures only
to the benefit of those who in favorable sea
sons procure their labor at lesa than living
11. That the refusal of aid to such, would
support ibsm independently, and would en
sure to those who remained a sufficient de
mand fot their labor, and an adequate sup
port for their families.
Recognizing most fully the distinction wo
have made between poverty and pauperiam,
Mr. Ritchie says tho first is to be relieved,
the other to be cured. What is best in these
matters in Roxbury, is best elsewhere, and
it would be wall if our cilizene should, in all
cases shut their hearts, Imnda and purses to
beggers of all descriptions. Let them re
member that honest poverty never systemat
ically begs. A strict adherence to this rule
would result in one of two things—partly,
perhaps, in each—it would compel the lazy
pauper to work, or to seek a living in some
othor locality. There is no possibility of
harm or wrong in this action. Send the ap
plicant to tho Directors of the Poor, an Jho
will surely be properly cared for. Or, better
siill, contribute to tho funds and procure the
right to rend an upplicant for charity to somo
charitable society, where his wants will be
investigated. There is no fear tbat the beg
gars will starve, for, as a last resort, the
Almshouse la always opon 19 mil ud
in it the destitute are amply provided with
all tho necessaries of life not only, but with
many other things which the street beggar
cannot find without its wall. Its inmates
are instructed as well as fed, worked (if able
to work) as well as clothed—better cored for
in every respect than the unfortunate poor
who had rather suffer and starve than beg or
steal. Refuse to give, and the really desti
tute will find a reluge, while the lazy but
able-bodied beggar will emigrate. We may
thus free ourselves from a nuisance while we
really perform an act of charity. The cases
of poverty remaining would be very lew,
and the dollars and cents now thrown away
upon bold-faced pnuperism would be amply
sufficient for their relief.
Occasionally some millionaire builds a
mansion, which is the admiration of the
town, or erects a country hcuse, which, with
its grounds, is the pride ind boast of the
neighborhood. In time the great man dies,
becomes insolvent, goes abroad, or retires to
his hobby ; and then the property is put up
for sale. Everybody crowdslo see the dwelling
or drives out to the country house. The pic
tares, the furniture, the bat-house, or the
grounds, are by turns the tfeme of admira
tion. The night of the sale arrives. The
auction room is crowded. To judge from the
sea of faces looking up at the crier, one might
think that the competition would be enor
mous. But the fact is the reverse. The auc
tioneer expiates long before be can obtain a
single oiler; the property, at first, seems
about to be knocked down t> the first bidder;
and when, at last, other offers are made, they
come almost reluctantly, and though the
hammer falls amid a general cry 'how cheap,'
the purchaser looks as if be already half re
pented of his bargain.
And why? Simply because it is one thing
to buy a costly house, but quite another thing
to live in it. .Men, before they purchase a
stately mansion,ehould ask themselves wheth
er they can afford to keep it in appropriate
style. A hundred thousand dollars for a
dwelling makes necessary thousands of dol
lars for furniture, thousands for dtess and
equipage, and thousands more for servants,
parties, Newport and Saratoga. There ia a
fitness in tbiDgs, demanded by public opin
ion, wfaich requires these expenses, aud to
this opinion, nine men out of ten sooner or
later practically yiekl, even if they, or their
wives, do not embark in the extravagance at
onoe. But usually there is no backwardness
in this respect. Fitaooodle purchases a new
house, with rosewood daors, walnut stair
oases, stained-glass windows, and, before ha
bas fairly recorded hie deed, Mis. Fiirnoodle
wants the walls frescoed nd paneled with
•alio, and ten thousand alter superfluities.
The estimated cost of the uew movement is
soon trebled; the annual outlay grown in
proportion ; and M. Fitauoodie ie either ru
ined, or condemned to groan, forever efter,
over hia increasing expenses.
What is true of the would-be-lash iooable
ia just aa true, however, of persons with more
limited mesne. If men, worth only e hund
red tbouaand dollar j or two, ape the million
aire'* nyle of living, <0 4c merchants,
professional men, even clerks and mechanics,
ape those richer than themselves. The weak
ness of wishing to live in a fine house ia al
most universal. The fine house, too, is rela
tive, for that which a millionaire scorns, the
young merchant thinks superb,and that which
the merchant looks down on, the clerk pinch
es himself to obtain. It is amazing how many |
families live in dwellings beyond their means!
The miserable shift* to which such families
are driven in order to keep up appearances,
are melancholy to think upon. In the end,
100, the head ol the family dies, hiving laid
by nothing, and the widow and children sink
into a hopeless poverty, the more poignant to
them, because of the mortification attending
it. It would be well If the question was
oftener asked, when moving Into a hotter
bouse is proposed, "can we afford to live in
ill"— Ledger.
Important I,aw Decision*
Tha following extracts wsolip from an opin
ion reconily made by the Supreme Court in
Bano at Harrisburg. At the decision involves
important principles of commercial law, par
ticularly whsn applied to partnerships, and
the individual acis of partners. We publish
it as a matter of general interest:
vs. [ Pleas ol
PSTEK HALDEMAN and K. B. I caster co. Ver*
Gituun. j diet for Pl'ff.
Writ ol Error to the Supreme Court, May
Term, 1857.
KNOX, Justice:— l'eter Huldeman and Ed
ward Grubb wero partners in manufacturing
iron at the Henry Clay Furnace in Lancaster
County, from June, 1853, to November, 1851.
On the 21st of October, 1855, Peter ilalde
man in his own name and that of his partner,
E. B. Grubb, made a draft for six thousand
dollars, for sixty days, directed to Haldeman
Brothers, Philadelphia, payable to the order
of Peter Haldeman, and by him endorsed.—
The draft ytaa discounted by the Bank ofl
Middletown, and the proceeds paid to Peter
Haldeman. It was protested lor non-pay
ment, and this suit was brought by the Bank
against Haldeman & Grubb, to recover the
amount due and unpaid upon the draft.
Edward B. Grubb defeuds upon the ground
that the draft, although in the name of Peter
Haldeman and himself, was really made by
Haldeman for his own use, and that the pro*
ceeds were not used in the business of Hal
deman & Grubb, but were appropriated by
J llsMemir. to hie individual perpoaea. Tha
| case depends upon the question, whether the
Bank was bound to enquire as to the author
ity of Haldeman, to draw the draft in the
firm's name. It is not pretended that the
Bank had actual notice'that the discount was
for Halderman's separate use; bat it is alleg
ed that the form of the draft was sufficient to
put the bank upon inquiry. The draft was
made payable to Peter Haldeman's order.—
Was this an indication that it was not drawn
by the firm in the usual course of its busi
ness f Certainly it was not; for, although it
may not be the ordinary form in which bills
are drawn, it is by no means an unusual
transaction where the object of drawing a
draft is to raise money for a firm, that it
should be made payable to the order and en
dorsed by one of the members of the firm.—
The law merchant, founded as it is upon the
usage and custom of merchants, should con
form to the business habits ol the people
where it is to be applied, rather than to com
pel the business coromnniiy to follow arbitra
ry rules not in conformity with the common
understanding of business men. Where a
draft or bill is drawn in the name of a firm
by one of the partners, is offered for discount,
the presumption is, that drawing the draft
was a partnership transaction, even although
it was made payable to the order of one of
tha members ol the firm.
Actual knowledge that a bill or note pur
porting to be drawn or made by a firm was
given wirhout the consent of some of the
partners, but the presumption that the
paper ia what it puiports to be, cannot be
overthrown by a mere mailer ol form, in ia
seriing the name of one of the members of
a partnership as psyee. Where a firm note
is given for au individual debt, the person to
whom tbe debt was due is effected with no
tice that tbe note was not given in a partner
ship transaction, and therefore bis right to re
cover from the firm will depend upon the as
sent of the partner or partner*, other than the
original debtor. But such • note would clearly
be good against tbe firm in the hands of a
bona fide bolder.
The free circulation of mercantile paper is
esaeotislly necessary to ihe prosperity of the
business public,and all defence made against
it, which is not cleatly founded npoo princi
ples of substantial justice should be disre
garded. If the paper is fraudulently rut iato
circulation, let him who has actual knowl
edge of the fraud, or who has been grossly
negligent in obtaining such knowledge be
atfected by the frawd. But if notice ato be
implied from the name of thepsyeeof the
bill or note, other implications of e*;ual of
greater weight will be made irons other cau
ses, and the rule would be that no octe wouU
dire take a note or bill without first akin*
the ad*ice ol counsel learned in ihw iaw
OT Mr. Mills the writer of a practical
treatise on horse-shoeing, puts a gutsa pee
cha protection across the sole of the K*>t.
and secures the shoes on the Kweteet by
only three nail* on each. He has Mfcawed
this practice iu his operation* ol horsw-ahon
tug tor severs I years and fin .S it a err eb
Kctivw ettn
It isn't all in " bringing up," tolks say what they will-
To silver-scour a pewtet cup,
It will be pewter still;
Even he of old, wise Solomon,
Who said, "train up • child,"
II I mistake not had a son
l'rosed rattle-brained and wild.
A man of mark who fain would pasa
For lord of sea and land,
May have ihe training of a son
And bring lura up full grand—
May gis htm all the wealth of lore,
Of college and of sohool,
Yet, alter all, may make no mora
Than just a decent fool.
Another, raited br penury,
Upon her bitter bread,
Whose road to knowledge it like that
The good to hoaven must tread,
Has got a spark of Nature's light;
He'll tan it to a flame,
Till iu its burning letter's bright
'The world may read his tiara#.
If it were all in Übringing op,"
In counsel and restraint,
Some rascals had been lionest men—
I'd been myself a saint,
Oh! 'tisn't all in "bringing up," folks say what they will;
Neglect may dim a silver cup,
It will be silver Mill.
■ . . ■ !- -L
Porter's Spirit of the Times publishes an
excellent story by "H. P. L.," under the cap
tion of " Bringing a Railroad Company to
Terms." The story goes that a railroad train
was thrown off the track by running over a
cow, on one of the roads leading West; and
while the engineers were repairing damages,
one of the passengers, who knew the owner
of the cow—an old dutch woman named Sal
ly Uaunuhfuss—regaled the company with a
story, going to show how the old lady on a
previous occasion bad a pig killed by the
train, and how she brought the company to
"Old Sally Rannehfuss always carries her
point by sticking to it, therein differing from
post office stamps, which my old friend,"
nodding to old Comfortable, "says are disre
putable because they stick at nothing, and
never hold on." Old Sally had, a few years
ago, a pig which she juslly esteemed the
pride of her pen ; so fat that he conld hardly
grunt; in fact he was so well taken care of
that none of these powers were called tnlo
play, or, more properly speaking, work. His
overcare caused his death ; for, getting out of
the pen one day, he rolled dowuto the rail
road track. The iron horse, coming along
was unheeded by the pig who thought (per
haps so!) that it would get out of his way—
but it didn't. The lean earth wag liiterally
larded at his death, and the iron horse fairly
snotted at the pig's last grunt.
Old Sally, on learning her loss, raged like
a south-wesier. "Mine big, oh, mine big."
"Town mit ter railroads I" was the cry
From morning till night she poured out ber
Borrow to her neighbors; she pouted out ber
wrath on the unlucky agent of '.be road who
was stationed at H It's only a mile
or two from where she lives to this town— we
passed it coming out this morning. Well,
this agent bad the life bothered out of him by
old Sally. In the midst of the busiest calcu
lations regarding the sale of tickets and ma
king change he would see a sun bonnet walk
ing up till it filled the little roond bole of the
office window, and then a voice;'
" You bays me for mine big ? Yaw ! I not
coes 'ray dill you hays me for mine big. 1
sbiays yuste strata in dit room dill you bays
" Now g'way from dare !' shouted the
j " Come, good woman, stp wide, I want
j to get a ticket,' rays a man in • great harry.
Site looked a: him indignantly, never moved.
t and commenced again:
| "I coes 'viy ven you bays me for mine
big. Mine Dig vol veigh dree hooodret
bounds, and vas smasht to beecet by de:
stimgine. I rsnt mine money.''
The agent is raving, the man who wants a
ticket thrusts bis hand throegb a pigeoa hole
nearly dislocating his elbow as old Satiy
crowJed h>ra to ooe side. The agent gtvee
the ticket and the wrong change, the man
wants to haTe it rectified, old Sally shoots
about-'mine big and, jost as the locomotive
comes snorting op to use depot, the agent
manages to bare old Sally dtawn aside, who
at once turns the tide of battle treat the agent
' to the locomotive, tender, baggage and pas
senger care, and all the inhabitants thence:
standing oo the depot platrotm. and
\ at one of the engineers in part-cc-ar ahaitag
1 her fist at htm.
j " I tnakt* jroa br tor m>et bts !" look*;
direciljr at :ae *bo drowiw btt ct
• wiib an ttcaft of Keam. wid iookt iaMMtiy
d! .?hid at btt and says:
•• HETIO. OLD ;*I Hitnt tbty paid ix :bai
pi yet? Pat it > , thty'tt r*3 u
I blase*!'' And tbia ini ua'rt t£ttt.3g
with Sally'i dtltrmatatian, s3t at cost
launches oct uj a lirada c: ab*> vhxa <
i only aoppai b* tha "*V aboard ' at' At etc
doctor, and the iltil a lev- <>. or sat fc
i parting traia.
j Pay tfttt d o'd Sfcir At arms,
bat !M MOad kv ftatd amtd M oat M
Md ta\ aad acatbar. atd oi St *
I to appear. patt •** tba ty bte tr
j ** tbal ba aa AtntMd Iwm bat apM
v\st tcoitay. ratty a%bt, tba at*i tarn
dtiboA at taHtpttd ►* Ajtaiy rtaeatMss
xoodttiS. Saw'abu! Rtatd aao At
due** tbtaV al Aa tc.aMit c* U< m
m ttaU am <a- h wat AtacvA *
•bl Sa#jb beam Aat At tbMt m fM*
A'tr at nj Mar 'it rasteK
[Two Dollars per Annua.
The brakemen and engineer, fireman and
conductor, had to get out, stirring around in
mud up to their knees. " What's to pay V
"Grease I" sung ont the fireman, and all
hands, after working with sand and giasel
on the rails, found that the wheels at last
would take hold, and, tearing mad, got under
way again, hearing, as they started, old Sally
crying out at the top of her voice :
" Vou bays me for my big now, ehl"—
What answers were made must remain un
When the conductor of the train reached
II , he told the agent that he must pay
for that pig, or there would be an old woman
charged to the company a* a "dead loee" the
I next time the cars were stopped in that spot.
The next day the agent paid old Sally the
full value of her pig, on condition that she
| wuuld never bring the compmy to lerme
Geographical Distribution of Disease.
Considerable aitemioD has been paid, with
in ilia last thirty years, to the origin and cau
ses of diseases. The statistics collected on
this subject bare established a fact long sus
pected by the mcdioal profession, which is,
that climate and temperature give a perma
nent and unchangeable location lo various
epidemics. Mr. Keith Johnson, in a late
vrorlr, has gathered together many curious
facts pertinent to this problem. The plague,
for example has never appeared in the New
World, nor in the Southern hemisphere, and
is confined, in the Old World, principally be
tween the purallele of latitude 29 and 42 de
grees north, in some places it returns, with
great v iolence at fixed periods. It rages, in
this manner, at Conttaitinople, every nine
years, in Egypt every five, at Aleppo every
ten, at Andoch every fifteen, aud at Cadis
every lorly-'bree. It formerly devastated
much higher latitude than it doe* at present,
England snd Scotland having been decimated
by it more than once. Rut it bas not appear
ed in Scotland since the reign of Charles the
Second, nor in Eugland since the accession
of the House of Hanover. It chiefly hirbora
in fiat localities, rarely ascending to the high
er grounds. A low, wet, clayiah soil ap
pears to be the most favorable to its develop
The yellow fever ia believed to have beet*
unknown to the civilized world till lb dis
covery in America. It is a tropical disease,
but often invades the temperate zone, when
favored by tropical identity of (Annate, though
it dissppears again the moment the mercury
; falls halow 55,0 Faliraoheit. The highest
! limits which it bee reached ia Europe am
Gibraltar and Cadiz; but sporadic casea of
it have appeared in England, imported there
by West India ships. In the last century, it
raged at Boston, New York and Philadelphia.
Elevated localities, even in the torrid zone,
are free from it. Tha, it has oever appeared
at Maroon Town, Jamaica, nor at the Poo
nix Park. The island of Grenada, Mount
Card.gas, five hundred feet above the tea,w from it. In the mountainous parts of
St. Domingo the disease is unknown. The
lofneet point at wbicb it baa ever been found
uas a; an elevation of twenty-five hand red
feet. It is about thirty per eeoi. mere fatal
in America than in Europe. Hygienic rage*
lanoos, in temperaie latitude*, are a certain
prevention of it, and do much, even in the
tropic zone, to m.tlgate ita ferocity. Pereooe
of pare Aincaa blood axe comparatively ex
empt from it.
As yellow fever is Ibe scourge of tr fMcal,
so typhus is lite: of temperate taxnodee. fa
North America it prevails between the petal
lei# of 32 and 49 degree*, and ia Europe be
tween those of 44 and 60 degrees; tor toe
climate of Western Europe is warmer by tt
degrees than that of Eastern America, ia tha
same latitude. Where the mean aaaaal tem
perature rises above 62 decrees, or falk be
low 40 degrees, it is rareiy found. It done
not ji grounds fc; its devsfoff r.i t
but aei.het is a focnd ;a c>vasd regioan—
Thus, it has sever appeared ai Maii.J. >Kh
is two thousand iee abcvethe sea. I: rages,
who the greatest violence, ia croaded. .d
--ventilaied hospitals or jails, ia camps, aad
among badly ted or haru-wcched pops aim*.
1; is a canons fact ;aat A eeess LO be coaan
ed to the mma gcogiepa<cai and cu metal at
its as the g'cuoone cteew-e ami the potato.
See nary pceeaaueae axe parucsiatiy nfii ises
in pnever eg tyyhas. and thaa it bas ksst
re cob of its vruleace, a: bens. in Weaan
Europe a 3d America.
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