The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 17, 1857, Image 2

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■ ',' i
JMleemsbaffr, Wednesday, June IT, 1857.
Democratic Nomination*!.
of Lycoming County.
Of IWm county.
Of Erie County.
of Chester County.
Ao application was made for a preliminary
injunction to the Supreme Court to restrain
the sale of the Main Line and to prevent the
Pennaylrania Railroad from becoming a pur
chaser. The application is made by Henry
S. Moll aa an individual stockholder of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and not as
Cmfmi C.M*,..1.i,. a . TSi --"Til In. 11..
application arc William Meredith, William
L. Hirst, C. R. Burkalew and James H. Wal
ton} and the matfer will be argued at Phila
delphia to-day (Tuesday.)
One ground of the application is that the
I'eona. Railroad Co. cannot by such a pur
chase be permitted to change the character,
nature, business and limits of the corporation
frem what ilacharler contemplated. Its bu
einesa and limits wets defined by oharter
wben the present stockholders became mem
bers, and they may object to any attempt to
make it a different Company. It waa upon
u ground like ibis that the property of the
Franklin Canal Company waa a few years
ago declared confiscated to the Stale by the
violation bTKi coarm, a Railroad
instead of a Canal.
Trouble upon this point waa apprehended
by tbe attorneys of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company before the bdl to sell the Main
Line waa passed, and there is therefore a pro
vision in it that if any sux-kholder shall object
to this purchase be shall be compelled to
surrender bis stock to the Company upon be
ing paid its highest market value. As well
might an envious neighbor attempt by law to
oust a man and family from homo and home
by paying the owner tho full value of bis
properly. Stock ie private property which
tbe constitution will protect as inviolable by
private hands. There is here no such public
use and purpeso for wbich it is claimed aa
the opening of highways and construction of
The attempt to exempt the Pennsylvania
R. R. Co. Jbievcr from taxation ia in such der
ogation of the power of subsequent legisla
tures as to be aa illusory consideration in the
contract which it ie proposed tho Stale shall
make, in Russia itself there could only bo
e temporary farming out of tbe revenue, and 1
Mfa rate ofiWtrlvitlenaVta itpKi of toarafon \
without which ibere can truly be 110 govern
There are many points equally strong upon
which this application can rely.
The Nominations.
By the proceedings of the State Convention
it will be seen that Berks county has received
tbe honor ole nomination for one of hgt most
meritorious men. The Reading Gazette says
she will respond to the oompliment with 7,-
000 majority for tbe Democratic ticket. Will
iam Strong ia certainly one of the beet law
yers in tbe State, and has the ripe experience
of twenty-five years heavy practice. He for
several years represented Berks connly in
Coagrers, and is very popular in that region.
Judge Thompson of Erie, hat also been in
Congress and .in the State Legislature ; and
has ail the rich scholarship and fine manners
to give dignity to the Supreme Bench. His
nomination will give great strength to oar
ficket in Ihe West.
1" Gnu* Hnd Previsions.
Terbsps it ia not generally known that llu*
place is the head of market, and that grain is
now selling at a hither price here than in the
Philadelphia and New York markets. A
short time since wheat waa quoted at $1 ho
per bushel. It is now selling at 82, or from
ten to twenty cents mora than in New York
or Philadelphia. Corn is up to 87 cents; po
tatoes to 81. The latter are, however, bring
ing high prfoes ln.the city. If crops were in
failing condition this stale of things might be
endured; but from all directions we receive
the most flattering accounts of ,the prospect
for sn abundant supply.
The CaUwltn Railroad.
We are pleated io obserro thai, ihe earn
ings of Ihe Catawisaa, Williumcport and Erie
Railroad, daring the mouth of May lax,
•ere $39,679 60
Due connecting roads • • 7.932 95
Net receipts for May, 157, - $31,746 66
do do 1856, - 22 857 31
Increase 40 per cent. • • $ 8,879 44
This is a gratifying Xale of things. The
Road is now well stocked and the machinery
in good running order. The travel is daily
increasing, and we predict will show a still
Jfgtt increase duting the remainder of the
day the Reading Gazelle will be changed
from a weekly to a daily paper. Mr. Getz
feels confident that the enterprise will be
sneeeasfnl, and we soo no reason why it
should" not be. Reading is now the third
city in thd Stai6 in point of population and
enterprise, and should certainly be able to
maiuthlo a good sized daily paper.
WT The absence of the editor, In ihetf.S.
District Court, at Williamspon, must szcuse
for any short comings in this number of the
STAI. ' :
By Col. John W. Forney, is ie said, has
heon formerly tendered tbe lucrative appoint
ment of Consul to Liverpool.
The Soalhera New School Presbyterians.
The Newßobool Presbyterian! having split
opbn the question of slavery, tbe Southern
division have pot forth aa addraas declaring
that tbe action of the Assembly in declaring
slavery a sin against God, and an offence in
ihe sense in wbich the tetm ie used in tbe
constitution of the church, is a palpable vio
lation of its spirit. Tho principle involved in
it, if carried into practice, would convert the
highest judicatory oC the church into an eo
elesiuMioat despotism ae tyrannical aa that
wbich has distinguished the cliyrch of Kome.
It makes the Hie interpre
ter gf Jaw Irregular way, bat also tho
enpreme legislature of the Church—a position
which ha# been always repudiated by the'
Presbyterian ohuroh. Adherence to the As
sembly they declare ia undesirable and im
poasible, and having protested in vain against
agitation in tbe churob of the slavery ques
tion, the good of the churob, of the oountry,
requires separation. They invito all Coneli
tutional Presbyterians in the land, Northern
or Southern, who arc opposed to tbe agitation
of Slavery in the General Assembly, to unite
in an organization in which this subject shall
be entirely eschewed. Tho Convention ao
called la to be held in the city of Washington
on the twenty-seventh of August next.— Pub.
Comfort for Tea Drinkers.
The export of Tea from China to the Uni
ted States for the nine months ending with
March last, shows a decline of over twelve
millions of pounds. The advance in the
price has been ftfien cents per pounJ on black
less since December, end of lower grades a
hundred per cent, over last year's closing pri
ces. Teas bought in New York at auction
for four cents, have bena resold at twenty
five cents per pound, the Post of (bat city
says, and a dealer has already cleared be
tween 8100,000 and 8200,000 by bis opera
tions in tea daring the present season. Ae
soon as the war gels in full operation, the
blockade would stop all exports, and prices,
• u k.lia Vei ] t vjiigo higher. Tea drinkers,
therefore run the risk oriosmg IM, —•—
beverage, if the war should last long. The
civilized world is engaged in the philanthro
pic work of carrying "Christianity and civil
ixttion" into China, and they must be prepar
ed to make some sacrifices for so great an
objeot. A cup of lea more or lesa is a trifle,
compared with tbe success of this great work.
Betides, if tbey drink less tea, (bey would
not require so much sugar, and diminished
consumption will reduce the price of the latter
article.— Ledger.
IV The manufacture of Candles from stea
rins has become a very extensive business in
this country and elsewhere, being obtained
in great quantities from fat pork, resembling
spermaceti both in appearance and composi
tion, and existing in all tbe fats, particularly
in mutton. The stearine maybe separated
from extraneous matters by boiling the fat
with lime or some alkali, a salt being formed,
and then decomposed by a stronger acid, or
if the tallow is pressed between hot plates
.anil than dissolved ia hot ether, end nnnlo.l.
tbe stearine wilt be deposited. In manufac
turing candles, the fatty matter is exposed at
a high temperature to Ihe action of sulphuric
acid, which changes it into a mixture of fat
acids of a very dark color, with a high melt
ing point. This then is distilled in an atmos
phere of aloam. The distilled material ia
used for making the cheaper description of
composite candles, or is subject to hydraulic
pressure, tbe result being tho material used
for making what aro called stoario candles.
THE COMET —We learn from our exchanges
that a good deal of alarm is felt throughout
tbe country, on locomit of the prediction of
a Dutch astronomer that the Comet would
strike the Earth in June. Beunelt, of the
New York Herald, is unquestionably scared,
for he showß strong signs ot repentance. He
is actually praising -Buchanan. In his paper
of the 4th be saya we have "A Boa! Live
President at Last." May tbe Ccmet have
mercy on tbe miserable old sinner.— Valley
ly tbe question bas arisen befoie the Postmas
ter General, whether a deputy poxmaster can
be compelled to oboy a summons to appear
in court with a valuable or other letter that
rests in his office, addressed to another par
ty. Tbe Postmaster General, under a decis
ion of the Attorney General's office, has de
cided that he CM not legally do so.
ty "A retired Physician, whoso sands of
life aro almost run," and whose atrocious
humbugeousnots is only partially atoned for
by tbo ingenuity and extent of his advertis
ing, is admirably hit off in ihe following:
To SUFFERERS.—A decayed gentleman, who
has for many years been snbjsol to sn attack
of creditors, is desirous of making known
tbo means by which ho was cured. Loiters
enclosing a postage stamp can be left under
the door during the night.
KANSAS A FREE STATE.—A letter receired
yesterday from a source in Kansas entitled to
the most implicit confidence states that three
fourths at least of the present settlers are in
favor of making Kansas a free Slate, inclu
ding nearly one half of the emigrant<|from
slavebolding States.—/our. oj Commerce.
Republican says: la (he Connecticut valley
a larger surface will be detjptod to tobacco
this year, we bejiera, than ever before. The
article maintains sc?bfgh a price that a.good
orop is, beyond doubt, moih profitable than
any other.
liament having passed an act requiring all
Government accounts, from the lx of Janua
ry, to be in dollars and cents, tbe banking in
stitutions bave resolved lo adopt tbo same
syatom and recommend it for all mercantile
purposes ia the Province.
A CRUEL PARIENT."—On Friday last, Miss
Mcßride swots out a warrant, in Albany, N-
T., against her father for stealing her ear
rings to bet on a dog fight!
HARRISBURO, Jane 9,1807.—11 M Detnecrat.
Ie Stale Conveflio* re-awembted, in aeford
once with the oall of the Chairman, at o'-
clock this morkiag, in the Chamber of the
House of Representatives.
Philip Johnson, of Notlharqpton county,
President of the late Convention, look the
Chair, oalleil the Conve^g^a—s*w, and
of the late Convention to take their seats.
Wben (be Convention was organized, the
Pneident presented a communication from
the State Committee, transmitting the lettor
from Judge Ellis Lewis, resigning tbe nomi
nation for Supreme Judge. The communi
cation was read and accepted, and ordered to
be incorporated with the proceedings.
Tbe list of Delegates to the Convention
was than read, and a large number of sub
stitutes from the Second Senatorial District of
Philadelphia, were contested.
Wm. A. Porter, Esq , contested the seat of
Charles W orrell, and a lengthy discussion en
sued. It appeared from tbe discussion, that
Mr. Porter was oleoted an original delegate
by (he people, bnt did not appear at Ihe
March Convention, and Mr. Worrell waa
substituted by the Delegation. On the ro
■ ml lU
Porter appeared and claimed hiß seat.
The delegation having decided in favor of
Mr. Worrell, Mr. Porter protested, and a
motion was made that the contestants oe
A long and exciting discussion again en
A motion was made that Mr. Porter be ad
Tbe motion was amended to admit Mr.
Worrell, which was not agreed to by a vote
of—yeas 40, nays 81.
Mr. Portor was then admitted to his seat
as a delegate.
The following candidates for Judges of the
Jupreme Court were then nominated ; viz:—
Messrs. George Sharswood and Joel Jones of
Philadelphio ; Wm. Strong, of Berks county;
James Trm|—E r ; e counl y; William
A. Stokes and P. C. Shannon, or Allegheny
county; Thomrs S. Bell, of Chester county,
Chsrles W. Higgins, of Schuylkill counly ; J.
W. Moynard.of Lycoming county ; Samuel
Hepburn, of Cumberland county; Hopewell
Hepburn, Abraham S. Wilson, Joshua How
ell, and James Campbell.
A motion to proceed to a vote, was post
poned till afternoon.
On motion, a committee of 13, on Resolu
tions was ordered to be appointed. The com
mitte will consist of the committee appointed
at the March Convention, and six additional
members, not yet dec'ared.
The Convention then adjourned till 2 1 2
o'clock, P. M.
Tho President announced tho following
Committee on Resolutions: Messrs. John
Cessna, Charles R. Buckslew, H. W. Bonsall,
Uobt. Irwin, Wm. Patlon, Hamilton A!ricks,
Jacob Dillinger, J. Porter Brawley, F. B. Sea
fight. lotui Watlnnan, M tl | M
Cooper, Wm. A. Porter.
On motion the Convention proceeded to
vote for candidates for Supreme Judges, each
delegate voting for two candidates.
Mr. John W. Maynard withdrew his name
from the nomination.
The name of John S. McCalmont was also
The following ballots wore then taken :
Geo. Sharswood, Philadelphia, 47
Wm. Strong, Berks, 63
James Thompson, Erie, 28
Wm. A. Stokes, Allegheny county, 28
Hopewell Hepburn, do. 20
Samuel Hepburn, Cumberland county, 12
I'. C. Shannon, Allegheny do. 14
Thomas S. Bell, Chester county, 18
Abraham S. Wilson, 10
Mr. Church, 6
Joshua Howell, • 7
Charles W. Higgins, Schuylkill, 3
Joel Joues, Philadelphia, 2
The whole number of votes cast ware 131;
necessary for a choice 66, There was no
Tbe names of Messrs. Samuel Hepburn,
Howell, and Jones wero withdrawn.
Strong, 75 Hepburn, 26
Sharswood, 66 Sbannoo, 17
Thompson, 32 Bell, 10
Stokes, 19 Wilson, 9
Chureh, 4.
Necessary to a choice 63.
. Hon. Wm- Strong,of Berks counly, having
received 75 votes, was then declared nomina
ted unanimously.
Tho name of Mr. Church was withdrawn.
Sharswood, 33 Hepburn, 23
Thompson, - 32 Shannon, 6
Stokes, 23 Bell, 5
Witaon, 6.
necessary to a choice 6—no nomination.
The name of Mr. Shannon was withdrawn.
Sharswood, 20 Hepburn, 81
Thompson, 39 Bell, 8
Stokes, 25 Wilson, 4
Necessary to a choice 65. No nomination.
The name of Mr. ball was withdrawn.
Sharswood, 24 Hepburn, 39
Thompson, 48 Stokes, 17
Neoessary to a choice 65. No nomina
tion. The name of Mr. Stokes was with
Sharswood, 31 Thompson, 65
Hepburn, 42.
Tecesaary to a choice 65; no nomination.
Sharswood, 37 Thompson, 68
Hepburn, 34.
Neoessary to a choice 66 ; no Domination.
Sharswood, 37 Thompson, 76
Hepburn, 15.
Whole nnmber ol votes east 128; nccesta
aary to a choice 65.
Hon. James Thompson, of Erie connty, was
then declared nominated.
The nomination was declared unanimous,
amid much applause.
On motion, the Convention adjourned till
74 o'clock, P. M.
The Committee reported a series of reso
The following ere lb i resolution!, a adopt
ed unanimously—thai M (brae amid the moet
Rttolvti, That t|ie Judicial oharacler of
Pennsylvsrtia boa detlred additional lustre
from the eminent sbilies and learning of
J edges Le wfcand Blah, whose successors
we MeedjMKlay nomiiWed. Tit at jJj,o*e
who him
the the profession
wtrfc which and of
the people bw,served, and while we
did regret to lota I he,other from tiro Bench,
we expresaout gratificition dial hie emitted
abilities bave been brought ioto requisition
in the Nrtional Cabinet.
Rohfef w That we fully approve of the pol
icy of l|te National Administration,as thus far
exhibited, and have undiminished confidence
in its (istinguiahed head, and in those asso
ciated kith him in the conduct of pnblio af
Resokcd, That the prompt and decisive no
tion ofjihe President of the United States In
defend ot the elective franchise in the city
ol Wafeington, at the recent oharter election
in Ihatltity, merits and receives the sanction
of all cider-loving and law-abiding oitizens.
Rooked, That in the eminent pnblio ser
vices, fee high moral'worth, and the sonnd
legal Irhrning of William Strong and James
Thompson, the nominees of ihi Convention,
for judges'i (he Bapierhe Court, tne oeti ev
idences ere famished of their fitness to dis
charge the responsible dnjies to which they
are about to be called by the people.
Resolved, That the prinfeple contained in ,
lb# recent decision Of lhe6opreme Court ol
the United Stales, in the case of Dred Scott
vs. John F. A. Sen ford, irf regard to the po
litical rights of the negro race, meets the hear
ty acquiescence of the judgment of tho Dem
ocratic citizens of Pennsylvania, and is as
much commended to the whole people of tho
United States, by th 4 force of truth and patri
otism, as it is equally binding on all by tho
highest sanctions of law.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this Con
vention, the last Legislature whose general
course was so repugnant to the feelings, poli
cy and principles of the Demorratio party,
that it eacnot be held responsible for any of
its acts, derao'nstraleiMn an especial manner,
Siw Uolml Jfcsapl of WW Cn IbU ri # bl trf tllC
people to domandffrom its government a safe
and sound currency, by the enormous, indis
criminate and unnecessary increase of the
banking capital of the State.
Resolved, That the passage of the Aol by
the lato Legislatore, entitled "An Act to pro
vide for a sale of the Main Line of (ho Public
Works, was a wan'on disregard of the best
interests of this Commonwealth, and of the
principles of sound legislation. That whilat
in name it purports to be a sale of works I
which cost the State nearly twenty millions
ol dollars, it is intended to be, in reality, a gift
of those works to a corporation. That in per
mitting the abandonment of a large portion of
said works, there is a great sacrifice of the
interests of the people, especially of those in
the Western part of the State. That the bill
contains none of those safeguards for the fu
ture managcmeatjif ih be
euiiswyuaieu'wj££ are (fequieed for the~pi9-
lection of the trade and commerce of the
State, and that in the entire exemption and
release of (he Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny from all taxation upon its capital stock,
business and property forever, is established
a dangerous precedent, of doubtful constitu
tionality, and an odious distinction between
a powerful corporation and the tax paying
oitizens of the State.
Mr. Scott, of Huntingdon county, offered a
resolution, declaring that the resolution ap
proving of the sale of the Main Line, in the
terms of the law, shall not be construed into
an expression ot the Convention against the
policy of the sale upon other terms.
The resolution was discossed at some length
by Messrs. Weidmsn, Wright, Poner, and
Schnabel, in opposition, and Mr. Soott, in fa
Mr. Schnabel wa severe on tho Ptnneyl
vanian, from which paper he read several
paragraphs. Hedeoounced the article in the
Penmyhaman of Monday, in favOr of the biff
for the sale of the Mtin Line. His remarks
were much applauded, and the resolution was
finally postponed indefinitely.
A resolution of thanks to the officers was
adopted, wben the Convention adjourned sins
Naw SCHOOL LAW.—Among the recent acts
of the Legislature is 'he follow ing importanr
one which goes into operation immediately :
SECTION 2. Tbatheioafiei (be Tsxlmpos
ed by section 30 of Iho Act, approved May
Bth, 1854, for the regulation and continuance
of asyeiem of education by Common Bchools,
on trades, professions and occupations or on
single freemen, shall in no ease be less than
one dollar. Approved, May 21, 1857.
COROUEB'S Joaics.—By an sot of the last
Legislature, only elx jurors ar required to
hold a Coroner's inquest, instead of twelve,
as heretofore. This was the law in Phila
delphia for some year* past, and the Act
lately passed has made it general, so ua to
apply to all tbecountie* of tho Suie.
CF" A report Comes from Washington, tbsl
in consequence of lbs declining state of his
health, Gen. CASS will soon withdraw from
iht head of the Slate Department, and lhat
Governor Walker will bo recalled from Kan
sas to fill bis place.
Ef It js the iDteulioL of the town Council
of towisfcorg to grade aod gravel about 6000
feet of their sheen, amounting to nearly a
nailo ic length; about 8000 cubic yards of
earth will have to be removed, the whole
expense amounting to about 81200.
Ef la a Bouwn court a public borer re
cently recovered judgment for his services
in tbs legislative lobby. In no state out of
New England or Maryland could such a claim
bave bean recovered. Those of like nature
have even been decided against in New York
as being rounded on an immoral and illegal
DROWNED.—Last Sunday morning, Mr.
Charles Htne was drowned in Packer'* dam,
near Mauch Chunk, Pa., while endeavoring
to get out some logs.
From the Carbon Democrat.
Ftsimn WUNT UE, WK ";M'
BeloW We publish an autlMMio statement
kindly furnished us by a friend, Of the costs
If d revenues of oar pnblio works. The fig
tltres are from the Auditor General's Offioe,
and can be relied upon. It will there be seen
what an immense sacrifice the Stain of Penn
sylvania, through her treacherous legislators
has made in selling the*e great iutfcrnal im
Cost of construction of the Main
Liue from Philadelphia to
l'ittsbrlrg, Big, 130,981 40
Receipts ol Main Line from its
first origin np to the Ist of
December, 1857, 23456,290 58
Expenditures during same time 17j 125,749 24
Net revenues over expenditures 6,230,549 44
Receipts of Main Line for '66, 1,222,976 45
Expenditures, 827,426 44
$395,550 01
Tolls received by the North and
West Branch division,due the
Main Line Irom Clark's Ferry
loColumbia, under the maxi
mum rates, , 60,000 00
•Tonnage lax paid by Peonna.
Railroad, 225,000 00
Tax on stock, 96,000 00
Tax on real and personal estate, 72,000 00
•Tonnage lax paid by Harris
burg, Mt. Joy and Lancaster
Railroad, 23,000 00
Tax on stocks, 12,000 00
Tor, real and personal estate, ft,ouo uu
$863,555 00
• This tax will double in less than lour
years. , ,
Above you have a statement taken from
Ibe Auditor General's Books, and handed to
me by the chief clerk, and is reliable as the
canal accouola all coma from that office, and
cannot be denied.
These statements were tried to be ased
when the bill for the sale of the Main Line
was under discussion, but half a million of
dollars had more ooavincing arguments in a
corrupt legislature than the Auditor General's
books, but thank fortune there is yet one
medium left through which the people can
get information, viz: an independent press.
1 hero show you that the Main Line haa
cost eighteen million three hundred and fifty
six thousand dollars, which is giving it away
for aavan nj • halt mniioiti; Now where
are the bona fide bond holders to get their
pay for the remaining ten and three fourth
millions due them. Why the question is
easily answered—direct taxation on the real
and personal property of the States.
This also shows that the revenues proper
ly belonging to Ibe Main Line lest year with
a still greater increase on the tonnage tax
amounts to $863,550, haa been given away
to the Central Company for nine millions of
their bonds at five per cent., making $450,-
000 per annum, and clears them from all tax
ation, leaving a deficiency of $413,555 of
revenues to be raised by increased taxation,
or in other woids relieving a mammoth com
pany with three-fourths of their stock owned
in England, and avoiding 8 per cent, free
from taxation, while the honest citizens of
the Slate have to pay all the taxes, besides
heavy mortgages entered for money in ad-
Mmpauy, weKU* W+ 6*O'O
only security for her works and this tax
alone is the honds of the Central Railroad
Company, payable from 30 to 40 years at
5 per eenl. A long time, truly, on tho cred
it of a corporation who may repudiato or get
legislation to release them from the entire
amount long before the day of payment.
The iniquities of the bill are too glaring
in every respect, but the one most fatal in
eastern Pennsylvania is the abandoning of
that portion from Hollidaysburg west, leaving
us, alter paying our proportion to build the
works and still taxing them to keep clear, to
bo forced upon the hands of a soulless cor
poration, where winter rates will be eternal
ly assessed upon ue for all articlos brought
or sent from tbe west.
Nxw YORK, June 10*—' Tim steamship Er
icsson, from Liverpool, with dates to the
27th, four dsys later than those furnishod by
the America, arrived at her wharf at 5}
o'clock this afternoon.
The Mexican and Spanish negotiations
had been temporarily suspended.
Tbe Neufchatel protocol had been signed.
The relations between Sardinia and Aus
triaand between Naples and the Western
Powers, was unchanged. ■
In Parliament an annuity of £BOOO to Ihcr
Princess Royal was passed without division.
Thomas G. Baring had been appointed a
Lord of the Admiralty.
Attention has been called to tbe increased
importation of slavea into Cuba, and the in
adequate British force on that coast.
Lord Palmer.lon said that the Earl of
Clarendon had renewed his representations
to the Spanish Government, and that no effort
would be wanting, as far as diplomatic ne
gotiation would go, to induce the Govern
ment at Madrid to take effectual steps to put
down the trade. . ... ,
The East India Company had taken pos
session of the Island of Perim, in the Straits
of Babelmandel, and completely command
ing an entrance to the Red Sea. Tbe osten
sible cause was, that two yean since, an
English ship, which bad been wracked on
the oeaat of Berbers, was pillaged by the na
Preparations were making at Portsmouth
for the reception of the Grand- Duke Con
Tho steamer Khereoneee, in going out to
Liverpool on her last trip, lost ber screw and
bad to use her aaila tbe rest of the distaoce.
Lord Overton baa presented a paper in Par
liament against tbe decimal aystem of coin
age for England. He says the divisions of
halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths are
indispensable, and that the Americans and
Canadians adhere lo (hem. They are not
so Indispensable ae his Lordship tbiuks, lor
tbe American commercial cities have got rid
of them, and Canada has just adopted the
decimal system.
Tbe negotiations of tbe Mexican Envoy
with Spain are nnderslood lo be impeded by
tome faiiuro in diplomatic form, which will
have 10 be referred to Mexico to be rectified.
The Premier of England Mi called upon
the people of England, fttreugb their newly
chosen representatives, to' giant a sum of
£40,000 dbwr., and £BOOO a year for liie, to
her Majesty's eldest daughter, the Princess
Royal of England. This is to ber marriage
portion. The Liverpool Nadirs says, "taking
a rough estimate of the income of the Queen
and Prince Consort at £450,000 per annum,
we ask should they not have acted ea other
people do, and laid aside a portion of that
sum, say £IO,OOO a year lor their daughters.
"TWISTS or COTTON."—The Frenchman
who said that the friendship between the
United Stales and England was "not a ohain
of flowers, bat rimple Mists of cotton," was
not fsr from the mark. Out of 900,000,000
of pounds of cotton imported into Great Brit
ain last year, no leas than 700,000,000 lbs.
were from the United States. A rise of ono
penny in Iho pound in the price of cotton in
volves a national k)S9 to England of $30,-
000,000 to $30,000,000. The dependance of
England on the United Stales for the eupply
has increased from 45 per cent, of their con
sumption of cotton in 1810 to 80 per cent, at
tbo present time. "Twists of cotton" whiob
bind such extenstvo interests sa these, make
a chain of iron whioh cannot be easily bro
Special Notice*.
Hoi.t.ow*v'e OIHTMKMT AND PlLLS.—Provi
ded with these remediee, a person of the
most delicalo physique may brave any cli
mate. They comprohond within the cirolo
of their curative influence all internal dis
ease not organic, and all the varieties of out
ward inflammation. 'Bo careful no* to be
imposed upon by a spurious article palmed
upon you lor genuine. The latter are known
by a Water-mark in every loaf of the book
of dimctions accompanying each pot and
box. This water-mark consists of tho words,
"Holloway, Now York and London," whioh
ought to be seen in semi transparent letters
in the paper. Hold it up to the light.
" WOODLAND CREAM" — A Pomade for
beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed,
superior to any French article imported, and
for half the price. For dressing Ladies Hair
it has no equal, giving it R bright glossy ap
pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to
**! in mot natural manner, it removes
dandruff, always giving the hair the appear
ance of being fresh shampooed. Price only
fifty conte. None genuine unless signed
Proprietors of the
" Balm of a thousand Flowers.''
For ssle by all Druggists. New York.
Bearh Haven, June Bth, '57. )
Ma. EDITOR The amount of tolls receiv
ed at this office are as follows:
March $ 91 04
April, 10585 79
May, ........ 30953 30
Total, . . . $31630 13
JOHN S. FOLLMER, Collector.
In Blnnrnsbnrs, June 9th inst., by Thomas
Painter, Esq., Mr. WM. O'BHIAM, and Miss
(Horiirr .Slopp
THE Cornei Stone of the Evang. Lutheran
Church in Centre township, Columbia en.,
Pa., will be laid, God willing, on Thursday,
the 25th of June, with appropriate religious
services in English and German. Services
lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Ministers
of all denominations, and the public general
ly aro invited to sttend.
E. A. SHARRETTS, Pastor.
June 17, 1857 -2w,
Executor * Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby given that letters testa
rnentary upon the estate of Sarah McCiure,
late of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, de
ceased, have been granted lo tho undersign
ed residing also in Bloomsburg. All persons
indebted to the said estate are requested to
make payment without delay, and those hav
ing accounts against the estate to present
them for payment to
Bloomsburg, Juno 17, 1857.
Extraordinary Volume.
Quinletcence of Knowledge.
Tho title of this wonderful book is "IN
WANT TO KNOW; or over 3700 facts fot
the people.—Cloth Gilt, 435 pages. Price,
"Inquire Within" is ono of tho most val
uable and extraordinary volumes evor pre
sented to the Amorican public, and embodies
nearly 4000 facts, in the roost of which any
person living wilt fiud instruction, aid and
"Inquire Within" is sold at the low price
of One Dollar, and yet ft contains 486 pages
of closely printed matter, and is handsomely
and strongly bound. It is a Doctor, a Gar
dener, a Schoolmaster, a Dancing Master, an
Artist, a Naturalist, a Modeller, a Cook, a
Lawyer, a Surgeon, a Chess Player, a Cos
metician, a Brower, an Aocour.tant, an Ar
chitect, a Letter writer, "Hoyle" and a Gen
eral Guide to all kinds of Useful and Fancy
Employment, Amusement and Money Mak
ing. Besides all this information—and we
have not room to give a hundredth part of it
—it contains so many useful and valuable
recipes, that an enumeration of them re
quires 72 columns of fmo type for the Index.
"Inquire Within" is DO colleetion of'an
cient sayings and recipes, but the whole i
fresh and new, and suited to the present
times. As a bonk lo keep ia the family for
reference it is unequalled, comprising, as it
does, all kinds of books information in a sin
gle volume. Published by
18 Ann Street, N. Y.
ttr Copies of the book sent by mail, on
receipt of sl, to any addraas, free ol postage.
Reliable Agents wanted to canvass for "fn
are Within."—Send Cash orders to the
*,♦ Editors of Country Newspapers giving
the above advertisement three prominent in
sertions. oalling atttn'ion to the same in their
editorial columns and sending a marked copy
to the publishers will receive "Inquire Witb
in" per return of mail, free of postage.
vr Also just published, THE ARTIST'S
BRIDE, by Emerson Bonnet. Price 81.00.
June 17, 1857.
IVjUUU fo, , a | 0 at the Arcade by
May 27, 'ST. A. C. MRNSCH.
A LARUE LOT of Thibet Shawls just te
ceived and for sale by
T ARGE assortment of Iron, Steel and Nails
*-t for ssle at tbe Arcade by
May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH.
WOOD A COAL for sale at tbo Arcade by
86 South Fourth Sired
Report of the Committee appointed to
superintend tin burning of the Jrori
Safee at Reading, /V&. nth. \ W7,
READING, March 4tb.
The undersigned, members of the Commit
tee, do respectfojly report, that we saw the
two Safes originally agreed upon by Fsrra) A
A Herring aud Evans & Watson, placed lid a
by stdo lit a furnace, viz: The Sale In use by
the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read
ing Railroad Company, in his office at Bead
ing, manufactured by Ferrets & Herring, and
tba Safe in use by H. A. Lahlz, in bis store,
manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put
in books and papers precisely alike.
The fire was started at 8| o'clock, A. M ,
and kept up until four oords of grain hickory,
two oords dry oak and half chestnut top wood
were entirely consumed, the whole under
the superintendence of the subscribers, mem
bers of the Committee. The Safe# were then
cooled oil with water, after whioh they wets
opened, agd die beaks and papers taken ont
by the Committee and sent to H. A. Larttx's
store Cor publie examination, after they were
first examined and marked by the Commit,
tee. The books and papers taken from the
Safe manufactured by Evans A Watson were
but slightly affected by the intense heat,
while those taken from the Safe manufac
tured bv Farrels & Herring were, io our judg
ment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more
than those taken from Evaoe & Watson's
Having been absent during tbe burning,
we folly coinoide with the above statement
of the Qtmdiiion of the papers sod books tak
en out of tho tespeotive Safes.
Tito following named gentleman, residents
of Reading and its vicinity, who saw the
above fire, hsvq purchased Safes Irons Evans
& Watson since the burning up to May Ist,
:G. A. Nicolls, J Solomon Rhoads, t
R. 11. Company, 8 W. B. Yerger, |
H. A. Ltniz; 2 Geo. K. Levure, I
Kirk &Ho inter, l Samuel Fasing, $
W. Rhosds & Son, 1 J.M AG.W.Hantsch.l
H. W.Mtssimer, 3 James Jameson, I
| Dr. Win. Mooro, | J. B.&A. ft, Wanner I
Lev J. Smith, l Jacob Schraacker, I
l j!3 h 1 Wm.King, I
Wm. Kriok, 1 V. B.Shollenberger,F
Kaufman & Baum, I Leopold Hirab, 1
Wm. Mckailin, I Ezra Miller, l
Geo. J. Eckert, 1 W.CAP.M.Ermen-
Isaao Ruth, 1 t rou t, I
Btlliueyer, Folbner Wm. Donsfiower, 1
&Co. 1 Bullit A Milton, t
Jooe 17, 1857.
Use ARTHUR'S Celebra
ted Self-Sealing Cans and
FRESH FRUIT Jara, and you will have fresh
fruit all the year al summer
Full directions for putting
up all kinds of fruit and To
matoes, accompany these
cans and jars.
They are made of Tin,
Glass, Queenswtre, and Fire
and Acid proof Stooe Ware.
IN WINTER The sizes ere from pints to
s ■ Y" Ttrove cana A jara
ire entirely open at the tops,
and neat, to secure transpor
For sale by Storekeepers
throughout the U. States.
Descriptive circulars sent
BETTER on application. t3F Orders
from tbe trade solicited.
Be sure to ask for " Ar
thur's ." It has stood lha
tsst of two seasons, having
botn used by hundredl of
THAN thousands ef families, hotel'
and boardiug-bouse keep
We are now making them
for the million. v
0 4 , GILUOY,
nWCOtmOatS. Manufacturers under tho
No*. 117 A 119. S. Tenth St., (oor. George.)
June 17, 1857,-3 m.
The undersigned proposa issuing about tho
first of October, 1857, a Book under the above
title, to onnlain about
Fifteen Hundred Puses,
Size ol page 15 by 30 Inches.
Tbe object ot the United Stale# Directory
will be:
Ist. To give tho name and post offloe ad
dress of evary msle person (ef lha aga of IS
years and upwards) in the United States.
2nd. To give the name of every post of
fioo and post master in the United States.
3nd. To give the name and'place of pub
lication of every Daily, Weekly, Monthly
and Quarterly Papsr and Magazine publish
ed in the United States.
J£aoh State, city, town, village and post of
fie# will be alphabetically arranged.
Tbe nsiee of eaoh person will be alpha
betically arranged under tbe bead of their
rospeolive post offico address.
As the United States Directory will be a
matter of interest to every resident in Amer
ica, we respectfully eolioit the aid to Post
Masters and others, ia all parts of tbe eoon
try, in obtaining names and sending them on
as soon as possible.
In making up lists, write the natns of post
office, County and State, at the head of the
sheet, then fill the remainder with distinctly
written names, of mala persons only, of the
age of fifteen years and upwards, and ae
soon as you have saffloient to fill eu envel
ope forward tbam on immediately.
A pioepactoe wIU be sent post paid to any
person who shay order it.
To.prevent mistakes—Write distinctly tho
namo. post office, county and State.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
N. B.—Publishers inserting the above pros
ductus, including the notice three times ia
their weekly paper, and call attention to the
same in their editorial column, will receive
a copy ol tbe U. S. Directory delivered al
their office free of charge- Direct all ex
change papers to the United States Directory.
Jnne 17, 1857. *
ALL persons interested will take notice
that the undersigned appointed Auditor by
the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, to
settle and adjust the rates and proportions of
the assets of tbo estate of Elizabeth Lunger,
dctmamd, ia the hands of Edmund Craw
ford bar administrator, to and among the re
spective creditors, according to the order
established by law, will attend al hit office,
in Bfoemsburg, on Saturday the 11th day of
July next, for the purpose aforesaid, when
and where all persons interested will attend
if they think piopcr.
Bloomsburg, June 8, '57 -4u<Wor.