The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 17, 1857, Image 1

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I, W. Wearer, PriyriMer.]
OFFlCE— Upstairs, in the new brick build
ing, on the south side oj Main Street, third
eguare below Market.
ISIBl:—Two Dollars per annum, if
paid within six months from lie lime of sub
scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if net
paid within the year. No anbscriptioo re
ceived for a lose period than eia months; no
dwoontinaanee permitted until ell arrearages
ere paid, unleee at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
will be insetted three limes for One Dollar,
and twenty-five cents for each additional in
eeition. A liberal discount will bo made to
Ihoae who advertise by the year.
At mignight hoar, when silence reigna
Through all the woodland spaces,
Reign the boshes and the trees
To wave and whisper in the breeze,
All talking in their places.
The roeebosb flamed with look of joy,
And perfume breathes in glowing ;
"A Rose's fife is quickly past!
Thee let me, while my lime shsll last, ]
Be richly, gaily blowing !"
The Avpen whispers, "sunken day!
Not me thy glare deceived)!
Thy sunbeam is a deadly dart,
That qnivers in the rose's hesrl—
My shuddering soul it grieveih 1"
The slender Poplar speaks, and seems
To stretch her green hands blgner;
"Up yonder life's pore liver flows,
So sweetly murmurs, brightly glows,
To that 1 Mill aspire 1"
The Willow looks to earth and speaks:
"My arm to fold tbee yarneth ;
I let my hair float down to thee !
Entwine therein thy flowers for me,
At mother her child adorneth I"
And next the wealthy Plum-tree sighs:
"Alas! my treasures crush me !
This load with which my shoulders groan,
Take off—-it is not mine alone :
By lobbiug you refresh me!"
The Fir-tree speaks in cheerful mood: ,
"A blossom bore I never;
Rut steadfastness is all my store;
In summer's heat, in winter's roar,
I keep my green forever!"
The proud and lofty Oak-tree speaks:
"God's thunderbolt confounds me I
And yet no storm can blow me down,
Strength is my stem and strength my crown;
>' Ye weak ones gatber round>rne p <
The Ivy vine kept close to him,
Her tendrils round him flinging ;
"He who no strength has of his own,
Or loves not well to stßnd alone,
May to a friend be clinging."
Much else, now half forget, they said :
And still to me came creeping,
I.ow whispered words, upon '.he air,
While by the grave alone stood there
The Cypress mutely weeping.
O! might they reach one human heart,
These tender accents creeping !
What wonder if they do not reach 1
'i he trees by starlight only preach,
When we must needs be sleeping.
cipal writer of our national music is said to
be Stephen C. Foster, the gntbor of "Uncle
Ned," ,l O Susannah," &c. Mr. Foster re
eides near Pittsburg, where be occupies a
moderate clerkabip, upon which, aud a pre
centage on the rate of hie songs, he depends
for a Using, lis writes tbe poetry as well as
the moeie of his songs. These are sung
wherever the English language is spoken,
white the music is heard wherever men sing.
In tbe cotton fields of Ihe South, among the
minee of California and Australia, in the sea
cost cities of China, in Pari*, in the London
Prison, everywhere, in fact, hia melodies are
heard. "Uncle Ned," was tbs first. This
was published in 1845, and reached a sale
unknown till then in the music publishing
business. Of "Tbe Old Folks at Home,"
100,000 copies have been ao'd in ibis coun
try, and aa many more in England. My
"Kentucky Home," and "Old Dog Tray,"
oaoh had a sale of about 70,000. All bis
other songs have bad great run. All his
com positions are simple, but tbay ate natur
al, and find their way to tbe popular heart
and link themselvea iudissolubly with its best
THE LAW OF TRCER.—It ia now a well Mi
lled law, by several jndioial decisions, Ibat if
e tree growing npon my land, overhangs tbe
ground of my neigboor, the fruit belongs to
me, and I may enter upon his land foe the
purpose of gathering it, provided I do no
damage beyond what may be necessary in
carefully gathering (he frail. At tbe same
lime, it it equally good law that my neighbor
may cat off all overhanging limbs, and all
foots that grow on his ground; bat while he
permits tbem to grow, I am to enjoy the ben-,
efit.— BeUJbute WJsig.
Cf" The streets are kepi cleaner in Enrnpe
than in the United Stataa, and st tesa expense.
In some European lowna there is no expense
incurred for street claaning, and in others tbe
system produces a revenue. Paris is oleaned
every night, and tbe city it paid a bonus for
lha privilege of sweeping. In American cit
ies, iba cost of cleaning lbs streets is a vary
considerable item of municipal expenditure,
and the duty is not perfoimed as il ought to
be for the cost, Or for tbe publio health, which
ia of much greater importance.
IF Simpson says the ladies do not set their
cape for the gentlemen any more; they spread
their hoops.
From the Student and Schoolmate.
BY a. a. POPS.
June, the pleaaanteat mouth in lha year, in
the Northern Stalee, forma s part of the aea
son for thunder-storms. It Was in Jane, on the
fifteenth dny of tbe month, 1752, Ihnl Benja
min Franklin tried his famous experiment
with a kite, and drew lightning harmlessly
from the cloud, and so proved that Ihe elec
tricity of the cloud is tbe same as the elec
tricity of sn electrical machine.
Many persons, learned as well as unlearn
ed, disbelieved what Franklin asserted, at
first. So bis experiment was repeated in this
country, and"in different parts of Europe, to
test the correctnees of his opinion. And,
thongh the result to science was always Ihe
same, the same safety wst not always enjoy
ed by Ihe operators. Several persona were
more or less injured by tbe lightning which
passed down the kije-strings; and one, at
least, was killed. Superstitions people said
that such injuries came from God's vengeance
against men who meddled with things which
they should not examine. But science now
(ells us, that the disasters happened because
tbe experimenters did not know, or would
not observe, the great lawa which govern
Bui, ae great as Franklin was, he could not
understand the production of electricity in tbe
clouds so well as ronch humbler persons can
understand it now. It was necessary to know
that lightning and eleetricily were alike, be
fore any Ibing else could be teamed <hi
subject. Since Franklin made his grand dis
covery, the whole theory ooocerniog tbe for
mation of clonds, winds, and rain, has be
come mcoh better known thin it was in bis
time. Anil we begiu to see bow those ele
ments may form, as it were, • huge electrical
machine in the atmosphere 1
An electrical machine has only three es
sential parla: 1. a non-conductor, usually
glass ; 2. a conducting robber, usually leath
er coated with an amalgam of zinc and mer
cury; 3. a prime conductor (metallic), to col
lect and ho!d the electricity, which is pro-1
duced by the'rubber against the glass; one
of these two being moved upon tbe other.
It must be remembered that beat causes,
first, an upward movement of air; second, a
lateral movement of air toward the upward
volume ; and, third, an evaporation of water,
which is carried up by the air, until it is con
densed into one mist or cloud. It has been
alstf provSU, tblt vaplr, upflis rushing nut of
the escape-valve of a steam-boiler, by its
friction produces electricity which can be
collected in a Leyden jar; and, besides, it is
known that air will answer as well as steam,
to produce electricity in this way, if the air
have enough moisture in it to make it a con
ductor, like the rubber of a machine.
Dry air tud condensed vapor are both non
conductors. These will answer for the glass
of an electrical machine. But as the column
of air ascends, a part of the vapor becomes
condensed, and thus forms itself into the rob
ber of such a machine. Tbe wind drives the
forming cloud throngh the air, or into contscl
with another cloud of a different temperature;
aud the friction of the clouds together, or
against tbe air, produces electricity. This
electricity is collected and held by the cloud,
which is the prime condnetor, till it can con
tain no more, or ia surcharged, as it is called;
then it leaps from the cloud to tbe earth, can
sing both lightning and thunder.
Thus, as it seems, tbe formation of electricity
may be traced back to beat, which creates,
in tbe atmosphere, all these parts of an elec
trical maobine, and alio operates them. The
influence of one clond upon another, most
persons may have observed; beoanse it is
common to say, that a thunder-storm is more
violent wben clouds from a different direotion
meet over our heads. But clouds Irom dif-'
(erect directions oan very seldom be at the
same height; and tbe lower, which is always
less moist than tbe npper, pass noder that.—
By the friction, which Ihoir nearness to each
other,or their nctnal contact will occasion, the
violence and frequency of tbe eleetric dis
charges are produced.
As soon M it wo* known IhM lightning was
caused by eleetricily passing through tbe air,
i it was also known that thnnder was the noise
[ which the lightoing makes on its way. A
spark of eleetricily passes from a machine to
a good conducting substance, with a sharp,
snapping sound; and tbe sound is always
proportioned to Ihe distance between tbe two
object*, and to the quantity of electricity ao
When it is remembered, that the discharge
of tbe electricity of a common Leyden bat
tery, through a space less than an inch, will
make a noise like the report of a gun, it is.
plain how the noise is produced, when there
is a discharge from such a large quantity of
eleotiioily from a cloud to the earth, through
a space of half a mile, or more. This would
sufficiently account for a sudden sound, ss
violent and startling as any wbioh eves at
tends a flash of lightning.
This is sometime* the character of tho
round when the cloud U small, and the ex
plosion near. The rolling or rumbling noiM
ia tbe echo of the first erasb, sent back and
fortb, it may be, from the earth and olond".
Those wbo have visited any remarkable
echo-ground, can readily understand the re
verberation, as it is called, of thunder.—
Among the White Mountains, in New Hamp
shire, there is a place where, if a tin born be
blown with a single blast, the listener will
hear prolonged, melodious sounds, like the
notes of s bogle, M the echo. A cannon,
fired st the same place, will awake eohoes so
closely ressmbling thunder, (bat the sounds
are called "home-made thunder." Of oourae,
any one may see that there is danger to be
apprehended .trom thunder. The danger is
over, when we bear the noise of the electri
The ancients were much afraid of thunder
bolts, a* they called electrical discharge*.—
Their wsys of protecting themselves were
the results of superstition and ignoranoe, and
were very foolish. The Romaos believed
that seal-skins were a sure defence against
lightning. Augustus always kept one by
him I The emperors of Japan were, until
quite recently, accustomed to enter a cave,
for safely, on the approach of a tempest; and
a reservoir was kept filled with water before
the mouth ol the cave, to extinguish the fir*
•f lb* tighiuiag. 1* Aswis, it was formerly
the custom to close the doors and windows,
and to fill up the key-holes, to prevent the
evil spirits, whom God was supposed to be
pursuing in the storm, from entering. In
many countries, there are tbunder-etones, so
called, which are supposed, by ignorant peo
ple, to have the power to keep out lightning,
if the door-posts of the house are struck three
times with one of them.
But, now that the nature of lightning is
known, we are enabled to understand the
proper method of protecting ourselves and
our property against its violence. As we
know bow eaeily electricity can be conducted
by metals, we are taught to put up metallic
rods, with the expectation that lightning will
obey its own laws, and follow such rods on
its way to the earth, if it oome upon a build
ing provided with them. And this it uni
formly does, unless the discharge is so great
that the rods will not hold it. Tt* coma of
the fluid may branoh off, and do some dam
age on its track, while atill the larger part
goes harmlessly into the ground, on the con
As it is very important that lightning-rods
should be perfect, they should always be put
up in the beet manner, and by a practiced
hand. A'lew dollars' saving may cost many
lives and much property. There are many
persons employed to do this work who do
not understand their business, and know
nothing of the science upon which it depends.
Dr. King, formerly of Boston, made the sub
ject a careful study, and invented a method
which has since been improved upon by Mr.
Orcutt, so that nothing seems desired in this
direction. There are probably other plans
quite as effectual, which are followed in oth
er neighborhoods, and, like Mr. Orcutt's, pro
vide all posßibfe seourity and permanence,
with %}xxp economy.
Most persons are now aware that it is not
safe to seek shelter from tbe-ain, which usu
ally accompanies a thunder-storm, under a
tree. It may be well to know the reason for
this danger. The pointed leaves ot trees
were arranged by the Creator to be earth's
lightning-conductors. A metal point will not
discharge electricity so fast as a blade of
grass! But the trunks and roots of trees are
not very good conductors. So tbe lightning,
which the leaves attract, will be most certain
to leave the tree on ita way to the ground,
for the hu.uan body, which ia a much belter
Moiitare is • good conductor of electricity.
Therefore, every lightning-rod sbonld termi
nate in moist ground; or, when convenient,
in a sink-drain or well. It is owing to this
conducting power of moisture, that lightning
is leas likely to do injury when it raius vio
lently, than when the air is dry. When it
begins to rain before Ihe tbnnder-storm has
become violent, we may be always sure that
the storm will be less severe than it otherwise
would have been. A thunder-storm withont
rain ia usually very disastrous. Such storm*
are most common in the tropical regions.
Soot is a good conductor. Therefore, when
the discharge of electricity falls upon a honse
which has no metallic conductor, the fluid it
quite likely to follow the chimney floe ; and
it is not very safe to occupy a seat Ic such a
house near the fireplace.
The danger from lightning ia not so great
aa many suppose. It ia said that twenty per
sons are annually killed by drowning for one
injured by lightning. It it not well,therefore,
to be always timid at the approach of a thun
der-storm, to as to adopt any needless or ri
diculous method of protection, such as dress
ing in a silk robe, biding in a cave, rushing
down a cellar, lying upon a feather-bed, or
silting in a ohair in tbe middle of tbe room
with the feet upon the randies.
It is bast to keep tbe mind free from unne
cessary anxiety at all times; and quits as
much so in a thunder-storm as atothsrtimes.
If a person be uneasy, and feel desirous of
doing all that is possibls to prevent tbe dan
ger of injury from lightning, aome things may
be attended to. But, io ordinary showers
which do not pass immediately over us, no
precaution is needed. When Ihe storm is
more threatening, it may be well to remem
ber some of tbe laws which govern the dis
charges, or determine their direotion.
Therefore, avoid a position near a tree, in
a draft of air, near a fireplace, or close by a
large surfaoe of metal which is not connected
with the ground. And, besides, every one
should cnltivste such a sense of dependence
upon tbe Cras'or, as to know that he will
care for us, as well wben tbe forked light
nings play around onr homes, and the bsary
(bonder rolls terrifically over our heads, as
whan we sit in the quiet of a calm summer
17* Not long since, a yontb, older in wit
than in years after being catechised coooern
ing the power of Nature, replied—"Ma, I
think there is one thing Nature can't do.''—
" What iv it ?" eagerly inquired tbe Mton
isbed mother. " She can't make Bill Jonee 1
month any bigger without setting his ear*
Truth aud Right
Bayard Taylor's Oyiaton of Femtytne Vlr. 1
ine la Ihe Frigid Zone*
Bayard Taylor, writing Irom, in
the Frigid Zone, on the Bth of Jantury, tells
of a nurse named Fredrica, who alfnded to
his case when suffering tbe horrors if tooth
ache, makes some remarks of wopankind
in general, in fhe paragraph annexed)
This good-hearted girl was s genui£ speci
men of the Northern Swedish ferahle. Of
medium height, plump, but not stouj with a
rather slender waist and expansive Mps, and
a foot which stepped firmiy and nimbly at
the same time, sho was aa cheerful a body
as one could wish to see. Her hairj was of
that silky so com ret®" In Sweden; her eyee a
claar, pate hlua, her nose straight
formed, her cheeks of the delicate pink of a
wild rose leaf, aid her teeth so white, regular
and perfeol that lam sure they would make
her fortune in Ameries. Always cheerful,
kind and active, she had, nevertheless, a
hard life of it; she was alike cook, chamber
maid end hostler, and had a cross miatreas to
boot. She made our fires in the morning
darkness and brought us our early coffee
while we yet lay in our bed, in accordance
with the luxurious habits of Ihe Arctic zone.
Then, until Ihe last drunken guest was silent,
toward midnight, there was no respite from
labor. Although suffering from a distressing
oougb, she bad the out-door aa well aa Ihe
in-door duties to discharge, and we saw her
in a sheepskin jacket, harnessing horses, in
a temperature of 30 deg. below zero. The
reward of such a service was possibly about
eight American dollars a year. When, on
leaving, I gave her about as much aa one of
our hotel servants would expect fßr answer
ing a question, ihe poor girl was overwhelm
ed with gratitude, and even the stern land
lady waa so impressed by my generosity that
rhe insisted on lending ns a sheepskin for
our feet, saying we were "good men."
There is something exceedingly primitive
and unsophistooated in tbe manners of these
Northern people—a straightforward honesty,
which takes the honesty of others for grant
ed—a latent kindness and good-will which
may at first be overlooked; because it is oot
demonstrative, and a total unconsciousness
of what is called, in high cultivated circles,
"propriety." Tbe very freedom of manners
whiob, in some countries, might denote laxi
ty of morals, is here the evident stamp of
their purity. The thought has often recur
red to me—which is tbe most trnly pure and
virginal nature, the fastidious American girl,
wfatf bIdIDGI the Sittbtigs pel
outside of a gentleman's fl&s>'roo:n door, and
who requires that certain unoffending parts
ol the body and articles of clothing should
be designated by delicately circnmlocuiious
terms, or the simple-minded Swedish wo
man, who come into our bed rooms with
coffee, and makes our files while wc gel up
and dress, coming and going during all tbe
various stages of the toilet, with the frankest
unconsciousness of impropriety ? This is
modesty in its healthy and natural develop
ment, not in those morbid forms which sug
gest an imagination ever on tbe alert for pru
rient images. Nothing has confirmed my
jmpretsion of the virtue of Northern Sweden
more than this fact, and I have already felt
more respect for woman or more faith in tbe
inherent parity of her nature.
Curiosities of Sleep-
In Turkey, if a person falls asleep in the
neighborhood of a poppy field, and tbe wind
blows over towards him, he becomes gradu
ally narcotized, and would die il the country
people, who are well acqnainted with tbe cir
cumstance, did not bring him to tbe next wsll
or stream, and empty pitcher after pitcher of
water on hia face and body. Dr. Appenbeim,
during hia residence in Turkey, owed his life
to thie simple and efficacoua treatment. Dr.
Graves, trom whom this anecdote ia quoted,
also reports the case of a gentleman thirty
years of age, who, from long continued sleep
iness, Waa reduced to t complete living skel
eton, finable to stand on hia lege. It was
partly owing to diaeaie, hot chiefly to the
abase of mercury and opium; nntil at last,
unable to pursue his holiness, he sank into
abject poverty and woe. Dr. Reid mentions
a friend of bis, who, whenever anything oc
curred to distress him, soon became drowsy
and fell asleep. A fellow student also at Ed
iuborg, npon hearing suddenly of the unex
pected death of a near relative, threw him
self on bia bed hnd almost instantaneously,
amid the glare of noonday, annk into a pro
found slumber. Another person, reading
aloud to one of hia deaiest friends, stretched
on his death-bed, fell asleep, and, with tbe
book still In hia hand, went on readingutterly
unconscious of what he was doing. A wom
an at Hsmadt slept seventeen or eighteen
honra a day for fifteen yeara. Another is re
corded to have slept once for font dafe. Dr. j
Macnish mentions a woman who spelt three
fourths of her life in sleep, and Dr. Eilittson
quotes the oase of a young lady who slept for
six weeks and recovered. The venerable
St. Augustine of Hippo prudently divided his
hours into three parts, eight to bo devoted to
sleep, eight to recitstions, end eight to con
verse with tbe world. Maniace are reported
particular in Ihe easts-a hemisphere, to be
come furioai vigilant daring the foil of the
moon, mare especially when the deterioreting
raye of its polarised light ia permitted to fall
into their apartment, henoe tbe name luna
tics. There certainly is greater pioneneaa to
disease during sleep Ibau in tbe wakieg Mate,
for those who pass tbe night in the Cempagae
du Route inevitably become affected with
its noxious air; while travelers who go tbro'
without Mopping escape the miasma. In
tense cold produces sleep, and thorn who
perish in tho snow aleep on till they sleep the
sleep of death.
Comical Report ot a Fish Convention-
It is to be understood that all the marine
monsters, "big fish," and "small fry" of the
great deep are assembled in conclave—(be
Whale "in the chair."
He opened the convention by staling that
he did not wish to make e speech; he would
take up aa little room, and be no longer than
possible. (Hera the Shark whispered to the
Sword Fish that it was not possible for tbe
Whale to bo much longer, aa he was over 80
feet now. In hia opinion, be only wanted a
ohance to spont; In faet, he considered him a
regnlar blower.)
The Whale oontinned, and contended that
he bad been grossly insulted by man—be
might say lampooned, not loot he wonld pun
npon the nse made of his fat, as he did not
wish to make light of anch a matter. He
bad been harpooned, at least. Men were
sarcastic toward him, and their shafts were
sharp and pointed. Some of hia fellow
whales had been much out up, and exceed-
I ingiy tried. He had latterly learned that a
substitute for oil had been invented, which
might lessen tbe persecution of whales—but
be feared it was all ga*. The Whale allu
ded to a harpoon which had lataly hit him,
and, he feared, had afflicted bim deeply.—
Here hie feelings overpowered him, and he
sat down (on the Shark) amidst a general
The Shark rose with some difficulty, and
remarked that the tale of the Whale bad
moved him; i/i fact, it waa yeix Mxii-o
own siinxton was Tar from pleasant. He
was by profession a lawyer, and, be flattered
one of the deep kind. Bnt business
waa bad, and he had been obliged to take in
i a few pnptla. He had lately presented a fine
opening for a young man who had fell over
board, but was sooa afterwards obliged to
reject bis seat, as indigestible. Unless he
bad mora cases, he would leave law and
open aa a dentist.
Tbe Sea-Serpent did not wish tojutrnde
upon the Convention; he did not know
whetner he properly belonged to the fish
tribe or not. All he asked was, not to be
classed with the Eel, whom he considered
to be a very slippery character. (Hero tbe
Eel was obsetved to wriggle violently.)—
Lately he was passing a certain species of
tbe Eel, when, jnst happening to touch him,
he bad been so shocked that be hardly re
The Eel hastily arose, and said he was
shocked, he might say electrified, at these
-jit was evi-jent to mm mat tne
Serpent most get himself into a coil. As for
his being a "slippery chaiacter," he thank
ed Neptune be didn't belong to such a scaly
set as tbe Serpent.
The Whale called the Eel to order, and the
Eel called the Whale an "old swell-head,"
and was then summarily put out of the con
The Turtle said he was suffering from in
disposition. He was walking on shore, he
said, a short time since, when he met a par
ty of jolly young Bailors. The resnlt was,
that he waa laid on hia back, and was nnable
to move for some time, and sinoe then ho
had not felt so lively aa usual. There was
one thing to which he would call the atten
tion of the Convention; he prided himself
upon the purity of his political principles.—
The Shark had lately insulted bim by calling
him a "regular old Hard Shell."
Here the Shark intarrnpted him by saying,
"Is not that yonr easel"
I The Turtle replied, that be should say
nothing more at present, but should have
something to lay belore the next meeting.
Yes, replied the Shark, contemptuously,
j "a few eggs probably."
Tbe Porpoise undertook to speak, bnt waa
speedily silenced. The expression of the
Convention was, (bat be waa "a blower."
The Small Fry, were next called upon,—
Oysters, Lobsters, and others. Tbs OyMer
opensd bis case, whioh waa a hard one—
He was always in trouble—a perpetual atew
or boiL His half-brother, Clam, waa a dis
grace to the family: always in liquor, and
generally considered a "squirt." Some of
hie famdy wer* indolent, and spent most of
their time in "beds." There bar! been some
raxes among them, who had created great
There was one of bis neighbors, he said—
he would not call any names, for he scorned
scandal—who was very surly aud crabbed.
He was a one-sided individual, and aobody
approved of hia motion.
The Crab protested against this abuse, and
said that the reel took advantage of him be
cause he was "soil." He respectfully retired
The Codfish, who had been visiting a
"school/' tbe Shad, much net-tied at what
be had heard; the aristocratic Salmon, who
got into a row with a York State Trout, wbo
called him a Northern Fish with Southern
principles; and the Flying Fish, who flew
into a tremendous passion—all took part In
the proceedings of the Convention.
But so it was, at last, as the erudite Dog
berry has it, that the whole dissembly dis
appeared, in good order, notwithstanding an
attempt at disturbance made by a jolly old
Sole, and "a lot of Suckers."
HAD HIR THKRX.—Two little girl*, one a
daughter of a clergyman, and Ihe other of a
parishioner, fell Into tngry dispute. To mor
tify and spite her antagonist, the layman's
little girl saw fit to remind her of her father's
poverty, and intimated rather tartly that had
it not been for her fatber'i benevolent inter
ference, the poor minister would have been
in the workbouM. " Well, I don't care,"
replied the other, "if it bad not been for my
father, your* would hav* been in bell long
• UI.IT. .ft' ' *
We yesterday heard a practical fete per
petrated, which in the dullness of tbe times,
if not for its intrlnsio excellence, is worthy
of being recorded. Tho parties to this trans
action we shall designate aa Ben and Tom.
It is proper for a belter understanding of
'.he joke to intimMe that the former specu
lates to a modest degree in bivalves—and
right good bivalve* they are too—and it ia
not necessary to say what the latter does,
father than he is as fast as tho locomotive
and pel train which he swears by, withal, a
great wag.
The story runs that Ben had taken a three
dollar counterfeit bill, and not relishing aueh
d—J .spiral,Me otnuvlrvd ttia Idea Of gIVIKB
it to Tom, who was a Iroliekiog fellow, and
conld make it go if anybody oould. Accord
ingly be approached the contemplated dis
pensing medium one day, when the follow
ing conversation ensued:
"I say, Tom, here's a pretty good counter
feit three, if you pass it I'll divide."
"Let's MO the plaster," Mid Tom; and af
ter examining it carefully, pot II in bis vest
pocket remarking, "It's an equal division—*
dollar and s half a piece 1"
"Yes," said Ben.
"AH right," said Tom, and be senntered.
A few minutee afterwards be quietly Map
ped into the office of bis friend Ben, pur
chased a can of Oysters for one dollar and a
half, snd laid down the three dollar b.u ; (•' tmtn. xn clerk looked at the
bill rather doubtingly, when bis suspicions
were immediately calmed by Tom, wbo told
him there "wasoo use of looking, for be had
received that bill from Ben, hituMlf, oot ten
rainotea since." Of coarse, ihe elerk, with
thie assurance, immediately forked over the
dollar and a half change, and with thie de
posit and tbe can of oyMers Tom left.
Shortly afterwards he met Ben, who asked
bim if be bad passed tbe bill.
"Oh, yes," said Tom, "here's your share,"
at tbe same time passing over the dollar and
a half to Ben.
That night wben Ben made
acconnt he waa surprised to find the same
old counterfeit three in the drawer. Tarniog
(a bis locum tenens he asked:
"Where did yon gel this cursed bill?—
Didn't you know it was a counterfeit?"
"Why, Tom gave it to me, and f suspect
ed it was fishy, but he said he had just re
ceived it from yon, and I therefore took il?"
The whole thing bad penetrated the wool
ff with a yg4r* *?• nwvrr ■
ed, "Sold," and chargecf the can of oysters
to profit and lossaeconnt.
A Spring Morning.
To walk abroad among rural scenery on a
fine sonny morning, is to ramble on the tem
ple of Deity, and witness the creative process.
Every day, almoM every honr, witnesses
some change; buds, blossoms, leaves and
flowers are woven by unseen hands, painted
by invisible artists,and perfumed from 'vials
full of odors sweet,' —we look npon tbem io
the morning with surprise and pleasure, while
the first dew and sunbeam are visiting them.
What an admirable and perfect taste must
He have, wbo performs all this. There is no
noise,no useless display. The Creator therein
leacbee modesty to hia creatures. His good
ness is also visible—tbe blossoms soon per
ish, bnt their hue and fragrance are the brea
thing of a benevolent mind. Look at the
multitude of little heapa of sand that lie in
the paths and snffer your eye to rest for a
moment npon the bnsy and apparently happy
in.eot (bat brings out bis gram of sand.—
Nothing seems too minute and Inaignifleant
for tbe Almighty to put bis hand upon and
inveM with laculties of intelligence and hap
OUR HOUSES.—We always look npon our
houses as mere temporary lodgings. We are
always hoping to got larger and finer ooee,
or are forced some way or other to live where
we do not in continual expecta
tion of changing our places of abode. In tbe
present state of society, this is in a great
measure unavoidable; but let us remember
it ia an evil,and that so far M it ia avoidable,
it becomes our dcty to check the impulse.—
It is surely a subject for serions thought,
whether il might not be better for many of
us, if, in attaining a certain position in life,
we determined, with God's permission, to
choose a bouse in which ws would live and
die—a home not to be incresMd by adding
none to atone and field to field, bnt whioh,
being enongh for all our wishes at one peri
od, we should be resolved to be satisfied with
forever. Consider Ibis, and alio, whether
we not to ba more in Ihe habit of seek
ing hpoor for our descendants than onr an
cestors; thinking it better to be nobly re
membered than nobly born ; and, striving to
live that onr son's sons for ages to oome
might still lead their ohildren reverentially to
the doore out of whioh we have been carried
to the grave, aaying, " Look, this waa bia
house; this was bis chamber."
17* A story is told of a grave divine on
Cape Cod, not long aince, who awoke
from a comfortable nap in his ohair, and
discovered his amiabla helpmate in the per
formance of an act for whioh Gov. Moray
once made a charge ol fifty cents to the
Slate—in other words mending his panta
loons. Inspired with a love of fun which
seldom affected him, he enquired, "Why are
you, my dear, like the evil adversary spoken
of in Scriptural" Of ooune she was unable
to discover any usemblance. "Because,"
said he, "while the husbandman slept, you
sowed the tares I"
[Tw Dollars per loua.
Promise to love! why, woman think*
To love a privilege, not a task ;
If thou wilt truly take my heart,
And keep it, this la all 1 aak.
Honor thee ! yea, if yon wilt live
A life of truth and purity;
When 1 have seen thy worthinesr,
1 cannot choose .but honor thee.
Obsy! wlten I have fully learned
Each want and wish to understand,
I'll learn the wisdom to obey,
If thou hast wisdom to command.
' So if I fail to live with lhaa
In duty, love, and lowliness,
i 'Tis nature's fanit-orthina, prhwih-
The greater must control the leas.
tyaa" Giving "Sambo" Particular Jessie!
The Juniata Sentinel, published in Mifflin
town contained on Wednesday last, the fare
well speech and eonfeasion of its retiring ed
itor, A. J. Uncus, who after being trepan
ned into the support of Fremont hat fall, has
no idea that by it*he a "boond himself to the
ultra car of Blaok Republicanism for all com
ing time." If a living picture, a tableaux
vivant or a gtand family groupe, worthy of
Ibo Keller troupe can be enjoyed by our
readers, they will take epecial pleasure in
the striking pen and ink eketebea of Repub
lican principles Which Mr. Qaggft gives in
his valsdietir- We gtTe a portion of it for
their amusement:
"Tired of begging a living, and with sup
reme contempt for ultra Blaek Republican
ism and Black Republican devils, with this
number we close our connection with (hie
paper. Hating tyranny over the mind of man
in every form, and longing to become a free
man, with a free coneeieuee and a free pen
we surrender the editorial chair of the Juniata
Sentinel into other hands whose organic mu
sic we trait shall be more acceptable to the
party and persons before listed. Wo have tak
en this step after mature deliberation, not that
we are afraid to avow and maintain true
American dootrinee in the face of ultra Black
Republicans, hermaphrodite Americana and
political Summer-saoltera generally, but that
we may avoid an unpleasant, undesirable
and bitter conflict ia the present canvass.—
Our chief object in exposing tbe hoilowness
of Republicanism in profession, and its an
tagonism to American principles was for the
good of party, and we tell those who took
such great offence at ns for so doing that
merwiU find they are not tot quite the
whole people, for there are Others who havo
opinions as well as themselves, and before
this campaign is over they will find "Jordan
a hard road to travel." We tell them, too,
that there are from two to three hundred
vote* in this county that they caonot influ
ence by tbe means they have employed
againat ua.
This is the only time, in our editorial ca
reer, in which we have taken leave of a
people under a political difficulty, bat we are
happy to know that that diffionlty ia confined
to a few political Bleeding Kaneee Mood
suckers. They weep, they groan over the
wrongs heaped upon the ur.fortnnate people
of thst territory, in the locs of free suffrage,
free thought and a free press, through tbe in
strameoiality of Border Rnffianicm, and yet
wben the troth of their own iciqoitiee is
brought home to their door, Ihey become ae
ruffianly and oppressive at their prototype#
from the border conntiee of Miaaouri. We
need oot go to Kansas for ruffianism, but we
can find it even in little Juniata. It wonld
be well for gentlemen to deserve • little con
sistency. We bold the Liberty of speech
and tbe freedom of the press sacred, and he
who would take away these (hinge strikes at
the very foundation of Oor Republican Insti
tutions; he carries with him a heart aa treach
erous and a hand as villainous aa him who
received tbe thirty piecee of ailver. Those
to whom we apply these remarks can under
stand them.
The Repnblioan party, under i*e present
constituted leaders, is the meanest party with
which we have ever hail anything to do.
Without prudence or discretion it ruibea
madly into extremes, end renders itielf so
obnoxious to all liberal minded people, that
I anion of the opposition elements beoomes
an otter impossibility. It will not waive a
single point of its radicalism for tbe sake of
union with men who are as hostile to the ex
tension of slavery as there is any necessity
for. Its whole history proves this, and it only
uses the American party as a tool to enkbls
ultra Republicanism lo gain place and pow
er, that, at length, it msy stab the principles
of Americanism in tbe high pieces of the
country. This it has already doae, and we
have no guarantee that any better fate can
be expected from it in the future. Then why
should Americans lend themselves to tks
schemes and designs of a party, possessed
of so mnch bitterness, antagonism end mock
sincerity 1 Others may do as they please,
bat we cannot remain silent and permit our
selves to be transferred, by mere platforms
and ipse dtzile, to enemies, without a voice
in the matter. There never can be bnt two
great and successful parties in this country,
one of wbiob, must of necessity, be the
Demooratio party, on account of its radical
tendencies. The other must be composed
of tbe conservative elements outside of that
parly. Tbe old Whig parly was the best
cheek that Democracy has aver bad, or ever
will have (or some time to come, as ia the
present condition of things we look for (ac
cession of Democratic victories in
vanis, until contending factions learo wis
dom. This may be regarded at bad proph
eey; but wait and see."
BTBisuty, devoid of gtace, is a mere
hook without the bait.